HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-26-20 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes
City Hall Council Chambers
February 26, 2020
Call to Order
Chair Liddicoat called the meeting to order at approximately 3:00 p.m.
Roll Call
YPC Members Present: Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Vice -Chair Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Al
Rose, Bill Cook, Robert McCormick, Mary Place
YPC Members Absent: Philip Ostriem (excused)
Staff Present: Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager; Colleda Monick, Community
Development Specialist; Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician
Council Liaison: Kay Funk, District 4 (absent)
Others: Sign -in sheet in file
Introduction of New YPC Member — Ma Place — The Commission welcomed new Planning
Commission member Mary Place.
Staff Announcements — Planning Manager Joseph Calhoun announced the following:
The Housing Action Plan public participation plan is still being worked on by the City's
The City was awarded a $28,000 grant from the Department of Ecology (DOE) to review and
update the City's Shoreline Master Program. The Planning Commission will review the
proposed changes and make a recommendation to City Council.
The Yakima County Flood Control Zone District (FCZD) will make another presentation to the
Planning Commission at their March 11th meeting.
Audience Participation — None noted.
Approval' of Meeting Minutes — It was motioned by Commissioner Rose and seconded by
Commissioner McCormick to approve the meeting minutes of February 12, 2020. The motion
carried 5-0; Commissioner Ostriem absent, Commissioner Place recused herself from voting.
Opening of the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Process — Calhoun stated that City
Council adopted a resolution on February 4, 2020 to open the Comprehensive Plan Amendment
process for the year 2020. The Commission will now formally open the process. Applications will
be accepted through April 30th. It was motioned by Commissioner Rose and seconded by
Commissioner Place to open the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Amendment process; motion carried
Continued Public Hearin — "Rainier Court — Phases 2 3 & 4" PLP#003-19 & SEPA#041-
19) — Community Development Specialist Colleda Monick presented staff's conclusions and
recommendation pertaining to a preliminary long plat in the vicinity of N 92nd Ave and Summitview
Ave proposed by Columbia Ridge Homes LLC.
Tom Durant of PLSA Engineering & Surveying Inc. (applicant's representative/surveyor), clarified
that the vacation of the northern most portion of N. 92nd Ave cannot be applied for until Phase 4
of the plat. Durant wanted to state on the record that he disagreed with City staff's application of
RCW 36.70B.040 Determination of Consistency for individual project review. He indicated
Columbia Ridge Homes' objection to requiring sampling of the soil and notifying potential buyers
of contaminants if above the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) cleanup levels. He provided to
staff and the Commission a publication from DOE entitled "Soil Sampling and Safety Guidance
for People Concerned about Arsenic and Lead." Durant clarified that while they do not currently
intend to have the soil tested, if the soil is tested and contaminants are above the MTCA cleanup
levels, they would notify potential buyers. However, if contaminants are below the MTCA cleanup
levels, they may not notify potential buyers.
Justin Hellem, Columbia Ridge Homes LLC, stated that they will comply with dust control
regulations of the Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency and that someone will be on-call 24/7.
Hellem clarified that the properties will have irrigation shares, that their typical construction hours
are from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., and that they will work with the Engineering Division to determine an
appropriate traffic calming measure.
Wayne Morrison, 205 N 93rd Ave, spoke in opposition to two-story housing in this neighborhood
and the small lot sizes.
Neil Hauff, 420 N 92nd Ave, shared his concerns about lack of communication from the developer,
the narrow width of 92nd Ave, the location of the swales, the development's impact on the
aesthetics of the neighborhood, the change in mailing addresses for current residents, and the lot
size and density of the proposed development. He spoke in opposition to the City adopting DOE's
language which recommends soil testing and notification to potential buyers but does not require
Michele Hauff, 420 N 92nd Ave, expressed her concern about the allowed construction hours. She
indicated that she spoke with the Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency and was told there is no
after-hours emergency contact; the developer would need to be contacted. Hauff stated her
opposition to the developer not being required to sample the soil and notify potential buyers.
Jamie Evans of Evans & Son Inc. stated that their business mails letters to surrounding property
owners that provides an after-hours contact. He explained their process of watering down the soil
before leaving the site for the day.
Chair Liddicoat closed the public testimony at approximately 4:06 p.m.
Further discussion took place amongst the Commission members regarding the details of this
plat. Calhoun indicated that the next meeting for the regional workgroup that will address soil
sampling for new residential developments is on March 17th, which is the 2nd of the 3 workshops
that are planned. The next meeting is in late April or early May. Planning Commissions will not
have a role in this unless the workgroup makes a recommendation that would require a change
to the zoning ordinance.
In relation to the timing of this plat and the associated permits, Calhoun stated that once the
preliminary plat is approved, a construction stormwater water permit from DOE would be required
30 days prior to any grading on the site. He added that while minor changes can be made to the
plat as the developer continues to work out the details, the code dictates that the final plat must
be substantially the same as what was preliminarily approved. He added that once this hearing is
closed, no new evidence can be submitted when City Council makes their decision on the
Planning Commission's recommendation.
In response to a letter received from neighbors objecting to the vacation of a portion of N 92nd
Ave, Calhoun specified that the RCW cited in the letter (RCW 35.79.020) that would prohibit the
vacation from moving forward is not relevant at this time as this is not the hearing for the right-of-
way vacation. This plat would not vacate that right-of-way; a right-of-way vacation petition would
need to be filed by the developer to begin the application process.
Discussion took place regarding the retention of stormwater on site and the idea of connecting
Rainier Dr and Lincoln Ave as an intersection.
Discussion took place on the request from some of the neighbors that the height of this proposed
development be further restricted beyond the zoning ordinance standard of 35 feet. It was noted
that this would need to be addressed by City Council or the legislature rather than at the Planning
Commission level. Per the Commission's request, Justin Hellem explained that Columbia Ridge
Homes mostly builds single-story homes.
Calhoun reiterated that the City would not have authority to enforce that the developer sample
the soil for lead, arsenic, and organochlorine pesticides and notify potential buyers of any
contaminants above the MTCA cleanup levels. It was a recommendation by DOE that the
developer do this but not a requirement; therefore, it would be in DOE's jurisdiction to enforce.
The Commission had consensus for staff to clarify in the Planning Commission findings document
that the site plan submitted on February 12th is the one being recommended for approval.
It was motioned by Vice-Chair Hughes-Mickel and seconded by Commissioner Rose to direct
staff to draft findings of fact and forward a recommendation of approval to the Yakima City Council.
The motion carried 5-0; Commissioner Ostriem absent, Commissioner Place recused herself from
Other Business — None noted.
Adjourn — A motion to adjourn to March 11, 2020 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting
adjourned at approximately 4:34 p.m.
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This meeting was filmed by YPAC, Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician,