HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-08-20 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes
City Hall Council Chambers
January 8, 2020
Call to Order
Commissioner Liddicoat called the meeting to order at approximately 3:00 p.m.
Roll Call
YPC Members Present: Jacob Liddicoat, Al Rose, Robert McCormick, Leanne Hughes -
Mickel, Bill Cook, Philip Ostriem
YPC Members Absent:
Staff Present: Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager; Sara Watkins, Senior
Assistant City Attorney; Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician
Others: Sign -in sheet in file
Staff Announcements — Planning Manager Joseph Calhoun made the following
• City Council adopted text amendments to Yakima Municipal Code (YMC) Title 14 Subdivisions
and YMC Ch. 6.88 Environmental Policy which are now effective; changes to YMC Title 15
Urban Area Zoning Ordinance will be effective at the beginning of February.
• The contract is being finalized for the grant awarded to the City for the purpose of developing
a Housing Action Plan.
• The YPC has a public hearing scheduled for February 12th regarding the preliminary plat of
Rainier Court (Phases 2 — 4).
• In February, a resolution will be presented to City Council to open the annual Comprehensive
Plan Amendment process. If Council decides to open the process, the YPC will hold a public
meeting to formally open the process.
• Commissioner Cook and Commissioner Liddicoat have terms expiring on June 30th; it is
Commissioner Cook's last term.
• The seat held by Patricia Byers is now vacant.
Election of Chair and Vice -Chair of the Yakima Planning Commission — It was motioned by
Commissioner Rose and seconded by Commissioner Cook to nominate Commissioner Liddicoat
as Chair; the motion carried unanimously.
It was motioned by Commissioner Cook and seconded by Commissioner McCormick to nominate
Commissioner Hughes -Mickel as Vice -Chair; the motion carried unanimously.
Audience Participation — None noted.
Approval of Meeting Minutes — It was motioned by Commissioner Rose and seconded by
Commissioner Cook to approve the meeting minutes of October 23, 2019 and December 11,
2019; the motion carried unanimously.
Discussion on Development of a Permitting Process for Tem ora Homeless
Encampments Pursuant to RCW 35.21.915 — Senior Assistant City Attorney Sara Watkins
explained that City Council held a study session on November 12, 2019, which resulted in them
directing the YPC to consider development and implementation a permitting process in the zoning
code for temporary homeless encampments hosted by religious organizations per RCW
35.21.915. Watkins provided examples of code sections and applications from other jurisdictions
on this matter. Discussion took place between staff and the Commission on the health and safety
issues the City could regulate, what submittals the City could require for such applications, and
consideration of an application process for temporary homeless encampments hosted by non-
religious organizations.
It was motioned by Commissioner Cook and seconded by Commissioner Rose that the YPC make
a recommendation to City Council that regulations for temporary homeless encampments not be
located in YMC Title 15, but rather in Title 8 or another title that is appropriate in keeping with the
temporary nature of this use; the motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Hughes -Mickel moved that the YPC make a recommendation to City Council that
the City consider non -religious organizations in the development of a temporary homeless
encampment ordinance. Watkins explained that the legislators crafted the language for RCW
35.21.915 based on situations that were happening at the time. On the west side of Washington
State, concerns were raised over religious organizations hosting temporary homeless
encampments while there were no statutes in place to regulate this. Lawsuits occurred and case
law dictated that the State could not impede on the first amendment rights of religious
organizations to carry out their mission of caring for the homeless in this capacity as part of their
belief system. After further discussion, Commissioner Hughes -Mickel withdrew her motion and
the Commission had consensus that the City should revisit this issue if non -religious organizations
approach the City with the intent of hosting a temporary homeless encampment.
Other Business — None noted.
Adjourn — A motion to adjourn to January 22, 2020 was passed with unanimous vote. This
meeting adjourned at approximately 3:51 p.m.
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air Liddicoat Date
This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician.