HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-24-19 YPC Packet111011119 M DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Joan Davenport, AICP, Director 11 %Xk�Ilwmhig Dk,kwi PlOTY I° YAKIIMA anning Joseph Calhoun, Manager 129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning�yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning City of Yakima Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING City Hall Council Chambers Wednesday July 24, 2019 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. YPC Members: Chairwoman Patricia Byers, Vice -Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Al Rose, Bill Cook, Robert McCormick, Leanne Hughes -Mickel, and Philip Ostriem Council Liaison: Dulce Gutierrez (District 1) City Planning Staff: Joan Davenport (Community Development Director), Rosalinda Ibarra (Community Development Administrative Assistant), Joseph Calhoun (Planning Manager), Eric Crowell (Associate Planner), Trevor Martin (Associate Planner), Colleda Monick (Community Development Specialist), and Lisa Maxey (Planning Technician) AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Staff Announcements IV. Audience Participation (for items not listed on the agenda) V. Approval of Meeting Minutes of July 10, 2019 VI. Public Hearing - Rezone Applicant: Gary Delaney File Numbers: RZ#005-19 & SEPA#018-19 Site Address: 1414 S 2nd Ave Request: Proposal to rezone a 0.11 -acre parcel from Two -Family Residential (R-2) to Small Convenience Center (SCC). VII. Public Hearing - Text Amendments Applicant: City of Yakima Planning Division File Numbers: TXT#002-19 & SEPA#026-19 Request: Amendments to the City of Yakima's Municipal Code Title 15 Chapter 15.29 Wireless Communications Facilities to update definitions for consistency with FCC regulations, include process and procedure for small wireless facilities, and remove outdated and non -existing processes. (packet available online n..!.tw: wwvw.va iiru�a a.,;aye/�cttvir�.�,�/17114lruil:'urrllu,f�tl�:➢.�-acll.11-Ra�wctt°- �:'411:7'p.4•: II:'4d11:7'p.4•: II:'4�4z� . VIII. Discussion on Potential Text Amendments • Affordable Housing IX. Other Business X. Adjourn Next Meeting: July 24, 2019 MIS 094 AWA 2 US nn Mp � (,,, j r Y (A,�,�� I M WA C��'y )f YAKIMA anning SIU"'4N-I,N SHEET Armanining City of Yakima Planning Commission City Hall Council Chambers Wednesday July 24, 2019 Beginning at 3:00 p.m. Public Hearing Meeting Date: 07/24/19 City of Yakima YAKIMA PLANNING COMMISSION (YPC) Audience Participation Slip (PLEASE PRINT) Please complete this form for the record and submit it to the Clerk of the board prior to addressing the Committee. Name; Subject/ Agenda Item Number(s): Mailing Address*, 0 *Please provide your mailing address on this form. When addressing the Commission, state your name and whether you live inside or outside the City limits. The Commission welcomes input from the public both during "Audience Participation" and during discussion of regular agenda items. Please note that the Commission meeting is being televised on Y -PAC, cable channel 194. Profanity, personal attacks, derogatory remarks or other inappropriate language or behavior are not be permitted. Thank you for your comments. Meeting Date: 07/24/19 City of Yakima YAKIMA PLANNING COMMISSION (YPC) Audience Participation Please complete this form for the record and submit it to the Clerk of the board prior to addressing the Commission. Name: 20� e ✓-i �Ck V 0 cf C/Q_, Subject / Agenda Item Number(s): _. . E-mail; VSC� V,0 Mailing Address*: // 1-1 V r 441 C1,6YO *Please provide your mailing address on this form. When addressing the Commission, state your name and whether you live inside or outside the City limits. The Commission welcomes input from the public both during "Audience Participation" and during discussion of regular agenda items. Please note that the Commission meeting is being televised on Y -PAC, cable channel 194. Profanity, personal attacks, derogatory remarks or other inappropriate language or behavior are not be permitted. Thank you for your comments Meeting Date: 07/24/19 City of Yakima YAKIMA PLANNING COMMISSION (YPC) Audience Participation Slip (PLEASE PRINT) Please complete this form for the record and submit it to the Clerk of the board prior to addressing the Commission. Name: C Q cj,p d r J k �4S. Subject/ Agenda Item Number(s): E-mail:- F L' q `j . h A. i ( k �c) � a g, � )a _ � C c, Mailing Address*: *Please provide your mailing address on this form. When addressing the Commission, state your name and whether you live inside or outside the City limits. The Commission welcomes input from the public both during "Audience Participation" and during discussion of regular agenda items. Please note that the Commission meeting is being televised on Y -PAC, cable channel 194. Profanity, personal attacks, derogatory remarks or other inappropriate language or behavior are not be permitted. Thank you for your comments. Meeting Date: 07/24/19 City of Yakima YAKIMA PLANNING COMMISSION (YPC) Audience Participation Slip (PLEASE PRINT) Please complete this form for the record and submit it to the Clerk of the board prior to addressing the Commission. I Name:�° � N Subject / Agenda Item Number(s). u� � , �� s" Mailing Address*°° ° -1,76 *Please provide your mailing address on this form. When addressing the Commission, state your name and whether you live inside or outside the City limits. The Commission welcomes input from the public both during "Audience Participation" and during discussion of regular agenda items. Please note that the Commission meeting is being televised on Y -PAC, cable channel 194. Profanity, personal attacks, derogatory remarks or other inappropriate language or behavior are not be permitted.. Thank you for your comments. ffi City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes City Hall Council Chambers July 10, 2019 Call to Order Chairwoman Patricia Byers called the meeting to order at approximately 3:00 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present: Chairwoman Patricia Byers, Vice -Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Al Rose, Robert McCormick, Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Philip Ostriem YPC Members Absent: Bill Cook (excused) Staff Present: Trevor Martin, Associate Planner; Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician Council Liaison: Dulce Gutierrez, District 1 (absent) Others: Sign -in sheet in file Staff Announcements — None noted. Approval of Meeting Minutes of June 26, 2019 —It was motioned by Commissioner Rose and seconded by Vice -Chair Liddicoat to approve the meeting minutes of June 26, 2019; the motion carried unanimously. Audience Participation — None noted. 2019 Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA#001-19 & RZ#002-19 — UPI Property II LLC—Associate Planner Trevor Martin summarized staff's findings of fact, conclusions and recommendation regarding the proposal to change the future land use map designation for four parcels at 14 and 16 E Washington Ave. and 2308 S 1 St St. from Commercial Mixed -Use to Industrial and concurrently rezone from General Commercial to Light Industrial. Nicole Stickney of AHBL Inc. (applicant's representative) and Mark Forcum of UPI Property II LLC (property owner) spoke in favor of the proposal. After brief discussion, the Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) voted unanimously by roll call to forward a recommendation of approval to the Yakima City Council of the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) and concurrent rezone. CPA#002-19 & RZ#003-19 — John I Haas Inc. — Martin summarized staff's findings of fact, conclusions and recommendation regarding the proposal to change the future land use map designation for one parcel at 1900 N 1St St. from Commercial Mixed -Use to Industrial and concurrently rezone from General Commercial to Light Industrial. Mark Fickes of Halverson Northwest Law Group (applicant's representative) and Amy Johnson of John I Haas Inc. (company under contract to purchase the property) spoke in favor of the proposal. After brief discussion, it was motioned by Commissioner McCormick and seconded by Commissioner Rose to forward a recommendation of approval to the Yakima City Council on the proposed CPA and concurrent rezone; the motion carried unanimously. CPA#004-19 & RZ#004-19 — City Planning Division — Martin summarized staff's findings of fact, conclusions and recommendation regarding the proposal to change the future land use map designation for seven parcels in the vicinity of N 16th Ave. and Hathaway St. from Industrial to Commercial Mixed -Use and concurrently rezone from Light Industrial to General Commercial. -1- Audience member Tony Courcy spoke on the zoning designation of his property and other issues pertaining to his property located near the subject site. After brief discussion, it was motioned by Commissioner Rose and seconded by Vice -Chair Liddicoat to forward a recommendation of approval to the Yakima City Council on the proposed CPA and concurrent rezone; the motion carried unanimously. CPA#005-19 & RZ#007-19 — Forrest Emmons — Martin summarized staff's findings of fact, conclusions and recommendation regarding the proposal to change the future land use map designation for six parcels at 618, 622, 702, 706, 710 & 714 W J St. from Industrial to Commercial Mixed -Use and concurrently rezone from Light Industrial to General Commercial. Sandra Brigham (applicant's representative) answered questions from the Commission on the current state of the site and surrounding neighborhood. After brief discussion, it was motioned by Vice -Chair Liddicoat and seconded by Commissioner McCormick to forward a recommendation of approval to the Yakima City Council on the proposed CPA and concurrent rezone; the motion carried unanimously. CPA#006-19 & RZ#006-19 — River 16 LLC — Vice -Chair Liddicoat announced that he would recuse himself from voting on this proposal. Martin summarized staff's findings of fact, conclusions and recommendation regarding the proposal to change the future land use map designation for five parcels at 1601, 1607, 1611, 1703 and 1725 River Rd. from Mixed Residential to Community Mixed -Use and concurrently rezone from Multi -Family Residential to Local Business. Leanne Liddicoat (applicant's representative) spoke in favor of this request. After brief discussion, it was motioned by Commissioner Rose and seconded by Commissioner McCormick to forward a recommendation of approval to the Yakima City Council on the proposed CPA and concurrent rezone; the motion carried unanimously with Vice -Chair Liddicoat abstaining. Other Business — Commissioner Hughes -Mickel asked whether City Council has decided if a Housing Action Plan will be created for the city. Martin replied that Planning Manager Joseph Calhoun can report on this at the next YPC meeting. Vice -Chair Liddicoat reiterated that he would like the Commission to review landscaping requirements at a future meeting. He added that he will be absent for the July 24th YPC meeting. Adjourn — A motion to adjourn to July 24, 2019 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting adjourned at approximately 4:01 p.m. Chairwoman Byers Date This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician. -2- GARY BELANEY RZ#005-19 & SEPA#018-19 Yakima Planning Commission Open Record Public 1 -Learing July 24, 2019 EXHIBIT LIST Applicant: Gary Delaney File Numbers: RZ#005-19 & SEPA#018-19 Site Address: 1414S2 d Ave Staff Contact: Eric Crowell, Associate Planner Table of Contents CHAPTER A Staff Report CHAPTER B Maps CHAPTER C Conceptual Site Plan CHAPTER D DST Review & Agency Comments CHAPTER E SEPA Checklist CHAPTER F Application CHAPTER G Public Comments CHAPTER H Public Notices GARY DELANEY RZ#005-19 & SEPA#018-19 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER A Staff Report Iwo Al us vkl%DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Joan Davenport, AICP, Director rC II Y [� F 'YAK Planning Division i' Joseph Calhoun, Manager 129 North Second Street, 2"d Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning CITY OF YAKIMA FINDINGS of FACT, CONCLUSIONS, & RECOMMENDATION for REQUEST FOR REZONE File Numbers: RZ#005-19 & SEPA#018-19 APPLICANT: APPLICANT ADDRESS: PROJECT LOCATION: TAX PARCEL NUMBER: DATE OF REQUEST: DATE OF COMPLETE: DATE OF RECOMMENDATION: STAFF CONTACT: Gary Delaney 404 N. 1 st St., Yakima, WA 98901 1414 S. 2nd Ave. 191330-33022 April 23, 2019 May 31, 2019 July 24, 2019 Eric Crowell, Associate Planner I. DESCRIPTION I OF REQUEST: On April 23, 2019, the City of Yakima Planning Division received an application from Gary Delaney for a proposal to rezone a 0.11 -acre parcel from Two -Family Residential (R-2) to Small Convenience Center (SCC). II, SUMMARY OF DECISION: The Administrative Official recommends approval of the Rezone, subject to conditions. VIII, FACTS: A. Processing 1. The applications for a Rezone and Environmental Review were received on April 23, 2019. 2. The applications were deemed complete for processing on May 31, 2019. 3. The applications are being processed under YMC Ch. 15.23 for Rezone Review and YMC Ch. 6.88 for Environmental Review. 4. Pursuant to YMC Ch. 1.42 and YMC § 15.23.030, the Planning Commission has the authority to hold a public hearing and provide a recommendation to the City Council on a Rezone request. 5. Public Notice: In accordance with YMC § 15.11.080 and YMC § 16.05.010, notice was provided for this application as follows: a. The subject property was posted with a land use action sign on May 21, 2019. Yakima 2015 INDEX 1994 b. A Notice of Application, Environmental Review, and Public Hearing was sent to the applicant, SEPA agencies, and adjoining property owners within 300 feet of the subject property on June 7, 2019. c. The 20 -day public comment period for this application ended on June 27, 2019, and one comment was received. B. Environmental Review. A Notice of Application and SEPA Environmental Review was mailed to SEPA agencies, the applicant, and adjoining property owners within 300 feet of the subject property on June 7, 2019. One comment was received during the comment period that ended June 27, 2019. A SEPA Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) was issued on July 2, 2019. No appeals have been filed with the City of Yakima Planning Division. C. Current Zoning and Land Use. 1. The subject property is approximately 0. 11 acres in size and is zoned Two - Family Residential (R-2). The parcel is currently vacant. 3. Existing Infrastructure a. The property is landlocked, but is most closely accessed by S. 3rd Ave., which is a Minor Arterial. b. The property is served by City of Yakima water and Nob Hill Water Association water. D. Statement of Cause — Rezone: Pursuant to YMC Ch. 15.23, the applicant provided the following paraphrased statements explaining their reasons for the proposed Rezone: How is the subject property suitable for uses permitted under the proposed zoning? Subject property is landlocked 35.7 foot strip that limits the development of adjoining SCC lots. What is the status of the existing land use? Vacant lot. Gary Delaney RZ#005-19, SEPA#018-19 INDEX 2 2. How is the rezone request in compliance with and/or how does the request deviate from the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan? Aids in the development of adjoining SCC lots creating retail space for the neighborhood. 3. Are there adequate public facilities, such as traffic capacity, sewer services, potable water, stormwater drainage, schools, fire and police services, and other public services and infrastructure existing on and around the subject property? Yes Are the existing public facilities capable of supporting the most intensive use of the new (requested) zone? If not, what mitigating measures are going to be implemented to address any short falls in public services that may exist? Yes 4. How is the proposed zone change compatible with the existing neighboring uses? Retail exists on one side and across 3rd Ave What mitigating measures are planned to address incompatibility, such as sitescreening, buffering building design, open space, traffic flow alteration, etc.? 6 foot sitescreening installed between adjoining R-2 lots and new construction buffered. 5. What is the public need for the proposed change? Additional retail (laundromat) services created. IV. FINDINGS A. Rezone Approval Criteria: In accordance with the provisions of YMC § 15.23.030 (D) (1-7), recommendations to approve or deny proposed rezones shall include the following consideration: 1. The testimony at the public hearing: A Notice of Application was mailed to SEPA agencies and all property owners within 300 feet of the subject properties on June 7, 2019, wherein the public was invited to submit written and/or oral comments at the public hearing on this proposed rezone. One comment was received and can be found in subsection C.3 of the Findings section. Any testimony at the hearing can be considered by the Planning Commission, 2. The suitability of the property in question for uses permitted under the proposed zoning: The subject property is suitable for uses permitted in the SCC zoning district. Gary Delaney RZ#005-19, SEPA#018-19INDE) y 3 3. The recommendation from interested agencies and departments: No agencies or departments have registered any opposition to this rezone. 4. The extent to which the proposed amendments are in compliance with and/or deviate from the goals and policies as adopted in the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan and the intent of this title: The proposed SCC zoning district is an implementing zone of the Comprehensive Plan 2040 designation of Community Mixed -Use and is compatible with the following goals and policies: • Goal 2.1: Establish a development pattern consistent with the community's vision. o Policy 2.1.1: Designate the general distribution, location, and extent of the uses of land for housing commerce, recreation, open spaces, public utilities, and facilities and other uses. o Policy 2.1.4: Manage and maintain the City's Official Zoning Map to ensure continued consistency with the Future Land Use Map. • Goal 2.5: Enhance the character, function, and economic vitality of Yakima's arterial corridors and mixed-use centers. o Policy 2.5.1: Allow for a mixture of compatible land uses along corridors and within mixed-use designated areas. This includes the integration of multi -family residential and office uses with retail service and commercial uses. Provide zoning and design standards to maintain compatibility between different uses and zones. o Policy 2.5.3: Utilize strict access management standards to enhance safety and maintain the arterial traffic functions of the corridor. 5. The adequacy of public facilities, such as roads, sewer, water and other required public services: Along S. 3rd Ave. there are various utilities which are available to serve the property, including City of Yakima sewer, City of Yakima water, Pacific Power electricity, Cascade natural gas, CenturyLink telephone, Charter cable TV, and City of Yakima garbage collection services. City of Yakima Fire and Police departments also serve this area. This property is served by all public utilities necessary to support future development. As a landlocked parcel, there are no frontages in need of improvement. ®0c. Gary Delaney RZ#005-19, SEPA#018-19 ! 4 6. The compatibility of the proposed zone change and associated uses with neighboring land uses: The rezone proposal to SCC will allow the subject property to be redeveloped to allow for commercial uses similar to those located to the west of it. 7. The public need for the proposed change: The public need for this proposed change will bring the property into conformance with its future land use category of Community Mixed Use and will allow it to be developed similar to other nearby commercial properties. B. Development Services Team (DST) Review On May 7, 2019, a DST meeting was held to discuss the possible impacts of this rezone. No comments were received. C. Public Comments One comment was received in opposition to the rezone, opposing the development of a new laundromat in the neighborhood, questioning the need for it along with concerns for increased traffic and other negative impacts to the area. Staff Response: This is a non -project rezone to rezone a landlocked lot from R-2 to SCC. A separate Type (1) Review for a laundromat was previously approved, but it was not part of this rezone request. V. CONCLUSIONS A. The Planning Commission has jurisdiction to issue a recommendation on this application to the City Council. B. The proposed Rezone is consistent with the goals and policies of the Yakima Comprehensive Plan 2040. C. SEPA review resulted in the issuance of a DNS on July 2, 2019. The appeal period for this determination ended on July 16, 2019. No appeal was filed. D. No adverse impacts have been identified from granting this approval that cannot be mitigated at the time of future development. E. Public notice for this hearing was provided in accordance with zoning ordinance requirements. VI.. RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of this non -project Rezone request from Two -Family Residential (R-2) to Small Convenience Center (SCC),. Gary Delaney ®OC. RZ#005-19, SEPA#018-19 INDEX 5 GARY BELANEY RZ#005-19 & SEPA#018-19 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER B Maps VICINITY MAP File Number: RZ#005-19 & SEPA#018-19 Project Name: GARY DELANEY Site Address: 1414 S 2N1 AVE Proposal: Proposal to rezone a 0.11 -acre parcel from Two -Family Residential (R-2) to Small Convenience Center (SCC). Contact the City of Yakima Planning Division at (509) 575-6183 Map Disclaimer: Information shown on this map is for planning and illustration purposes only. The City of Yakima assumes no liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided or for any action taken or action not taken by the user in reliance upon any maps or information provided herein. Date Created: 4/24/2019 ZONING MAP File Number: -SEPA#018-19 Project Name: GARY DELANEY Site Address: 1414 S 2ND AVE OF AMMA lanning Yakima Urban Area Zoning SR Suburban Residential R-1 Single Family R-2 Two Fami:y R-3 MuIt--Fam-'y B-1 ProTessional Business B-2 Local Business H3 Historical Business SCC ;mall Conveneice Center LCC Large Convenience Center CBD Central Business District CC General Commercial Al -1 ght Industrial I'A-2 Heavff Industrial RD Regional +Develoomerc: ASArpor Suppor Map Disclaimer: Information shown on this map is for planning and illustration purposes only. The City of Yakima assumes no liability for any errors, - omissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided or for any action taken, or action not taken by the user in reliance upon any maps or information provided herein. F-UTURE LAND USE MA Project Name: GARY DELANEY Site Address: 1414 S 2 Nn V Yakima Future Land Use Designations Las; Dere=,Y Res-ident=.al Mixed Resident al Cercral B�-�siness Core Commercial Commercial `:Mixed Use Ren one; C.ommercia Community Mixed Use Industrial Map Disclaimer: Information shown on this map is for planning and illustration purposes only. The City of Yakima assumes no liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided or for any action taken, or action not taken by the user in reliance upon any maps or information provided herein. Date Created: 4/24/2019 File Number: -SEPA#018-19 Project Name: GARY DELANEY Site Address: 1414 S 2 ND AVE Map Disclaimer: Information shown on this map is for planning and illustration purposes only. The City of Yakima assumes no liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided or for any action taken, or action not taken by the user in reliance upon any maps or information provided herein. Date Created: 4/24/2019 GARY DELANEY RZ#005-19 & SEPA#018-19 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER C Conceptual Site Plan I X39 4"17- —� 4MP- pf (2712.b 'e'e v� 137 ' �L AIA14C1AC 4"mq APR S 8 2019 CITY OF YAKIMA 20 --7 V-17.7.f—f PLANNIODIV PXALLsL Mlek. Ae ;a \ Ilk r 3Z / t 6� 7z5 \ ZD x- ONE WAY /q' �t ! 3.5 7.75 PARKS -L #s /9/33031 ) /9/33033005 e 1 133b3 o .. IN x # T I GARY DELANEY RZ#005-19 & SEPA#018-19 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER D DST Review & Agency Comments AW a " City of Yakima Development Services Team Request For Comments 1 c I a May 3, 2019 JIpann To: City of Yakima Development Services Team From: Eric Crowell, Associate Planner Sub'ect: Request for Comments Applicant: GaryDelaney File Numbers: RZ#005-19, SEPA#018-19 Location: 1414 S. 2nd Ave. Parcel Number(s): 191330-33022 DST MEETING DATE: 517/2019 Proposal to rezone a 0.11 -acre parcel from Two -Family Residential (R-2) to Small Convenience Center (SCC). Please review the attached application and site plan and prepare any written comments you might have regarding this proposal. This project will come up for discussion at the weekly DST meeting to be held May 7,Alat „m(I .J M.. As always, should you have comments, but find you are unable to attend, please submit your comments prior to the meeting. My email address is eric.crowell@yakimawa.gov and the Planning Division's fax number is (509) 575-6105. Should you have any questions, or require additional information, please call me at (509) 576-6736. Comments: Contact Person Department/Agency 00C. INDEX GARY DELANEY RZ#005-19 & SEPA#018-19 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER E SEPA Checklist ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Arm� � Y Al IAKL'� UAAA L STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) APR 2019 anninIg (AS TAKEN FROM WAC 197-11-960) G"Fy OF I AK,4 IIWDIV, YAKIMA MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 6.88 PtAftive 7 77-, ­ Governmental agencies use this checklist to help determine whether the environmental impacts or your proposal are signincant, This intormation is also helpful to determine if available avoidance, minimization or cornpertsatory mitigation nicasures will address thc probable significant inipacts or if an environmental impact staternerit will be prepared to further anal yze'the progosal., JINSTRUCTI "7 S' Oit, 0 1CANT$"" ON x, L This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Please answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. You may need to consult with an agency specialist or private consultant for some questions. You may use "not apR1_iLablc" or "does rand apply nly h "n in ex lain lav it does Lp _ _V_ _q11SL_ not %)ply and not when (lie answer is Unknown, You may also attach or incorporate by reference additional studies reports. Complete and accurate answers to these questions often avoid delays with the SEPA process as well as later in the decision- making process. The checklist questions apply to ,ill arts of your jrQposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help you describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there ma X be significant adverse imgact. N PROJE IF, , $T F0R,!:I J, 1� ... � ?c 'VSE QF:CI- CKU 't, I", 1* 4 For non -project proposals (such as ordinances, regulations, plans and programs), complete the applicable parts of sections A and B plus the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). Please completely answer all questions that apply and note that the words "project", "applicant", and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proponent," and "affected geographic area," respectively. The lead agency may exclude (for non -projects) questions in Part B — Environmental Elements — that do not contribute meaninzful!y to the ysis of the xrogosal. ,anal 8 VO NIMPON' 664 -BACKPROONI) IN A 't, 4to' 1. Name Of Proposed Project (If Applicable): DEL 7 3S,7 ro6 rl Z A) 0 0) C tt 57-9�P 2. Applicant's Name & Phone: .... . ...... . ....... 1) �o 3. Applicant's Address: . . . .. . .. .. . ..... . . ...................... .... 4. Contact Person & Phone: 11 . . . ..... ...... SAMA 1111____-'_-__- ---- ­­ ....... . .... ....... ----------- _m... 5. Agency Requesting Checklist: City of Yakima -- -- ------ . . .. .... . . . ... .......................... . . .. ... . . ...... . ... . ............ 6. Proposed Timing Or Schedule (Including Phasing, If Applicable): 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain: ) 41z— ........... 5 . ..... . . .. ...... . . .... ...... ........... 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal: Revised 08/2017 DQCwpe 16 INDEX # NOR' 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain: 0 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known: e1 T,1 d ,/A mA -T-,/pt / ,eF v1E v A N D 51loIL7- � 11. Give a brief, but complete description .your p the off __—_ _ .._......... proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.): ,j,EvbZ-.OMJ,AOr J)F Z50® rT�. - 4000 FTS OF ,Qe7�}BL 70 1A,16LUbf 04 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of yourm.................... proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist: 5�� xNlB/T �A Alb ATTAGI f' APP 2 3 2019 CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING DIV. Revised 08/2017 ge 7 INDEX e- I 1. Earth a. General description of the site (✓ one): X flat rolling El hilly steep slopes mountainous ❑ other b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? D c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any agricultural land of long-term commercial significance and whether the proposal results in removing any of these soils. 6;2+I1CL d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. //U e. Describe the purpose, type, total area, and approximate quantities and total affected area of any filling, excavation, and grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. i " i xCA vq T/vim 3Z X 8 v x �o t �. /, m/o . f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any.LANTJSCrflrr" GN 2. Air a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal during construction, operation, and maintenance when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. 7 YA61IL A, *:)Or -iota V&i./7_?A b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. NO c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: LAvDr_OA4Ait aR\&R Z-,AvT \57CREkAll,4/6 3. Water a. Surface Water Revised 08/2017 APR 2 3 20 PLANNINGCITY OF YAKIM, [xv, 18 be rtG:M(t,Iad ))te rNttt; a;��etvdt 1. Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or RECEIVED river it flows into. APP 2 8 2019 2. Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the CITY OF YAKIMA described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. PLANNING Oil . Nd 3. Estimate the amount of till and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of till material. O 4. Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. /V o 5. Does the proposal lie within a 100 -year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. /1/0 6. Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. N0 b. Ground Water 1, Will groundwater be withdrawn from a well for drinking water or other purposes? If so, give a general description of the well, proposed uses and approximate quantities withdrawn from the well. Will water be discharged to groundwater? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. �1 U 2. Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals...; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. Iva Aft c. Water Runoff (including stormwater) Revised 08/2017 i' e 9 INDEX G� fl NVIRONNITI1 TA �yy W ,y %9'taAt lk+ttt I .. Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? RECEIVE Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. APP q 20 2, Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. UTY OF YAKI PLANNING Oil 1 Does the proposal alter or otherwise affect drainage patterns in the vicinity of the site? If so, describe. /yo d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, round and runolf e g water, a d drainage pattern impacts, if any: wW'A117 %l%kK,//°41 4. Plants a. Check (✓) types of vegetation found on the site: Deciduous Tree. ❑ Alder ❑ Maple ❑ Aspen ,o/tf Other Evergreen Green: FirCedar ❑ Pine ldAle C Other Shrubs El Grass D Pastur EjCrop Or Grain Dorchards, vineyards, or'. other pemianent crops Wet Soil Plants: ❑ Cattail ❑Buttercup ❑ Bullrush Skunk Cabbag Other Water Plants: Milfoil El Eelgrass F1 Water Lily Other Other types of vegetation Wr—� S b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? \AEE S c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. /AjU/.� d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: L,4old ' ,-SLAAIA16 n /IV(tub,IVII71tie-��f/.�� f� e. Liis�tt all noxious weeds and invasive species known to be on or near the site. 5. Animals a. List any birds or other animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site. Examples include: birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other: mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other: fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shel fish, other //O/Vr b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. #0,A1[ - Revised 08/2017 e 110 INDEX C- I 101 " i � N ,i "�1 � l N cotttpNeieli y it e' plic t a pace, �e yw d b" / / I �yY•ryil4y,M A'A✓ Wtp4'Arl+�Ile��tM'0 c. Is the sitepartof a migration route? If so, explain." HO APR 9 8 1 d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any; IT - YAKINI e. List any invasive animal species known to be on or near the site. I NG 1 6. Energy and Natural Resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. . 6A5 b. Would your project affect the po ential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. L) c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: 4161.1 90/U)#/9 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. 1. Describe any known or possible contamination at the site from present or past uses. 2. Describe existing hazardous chemicals/conditions that might affect project development and design. This includes underground hazardous liquid and gas transmission pipelines located within the project area and in the vicinity. ,M) AM 3. Describe any toxic or hazardous chemicals that might be stored, used, or produced during the project's development or construction, or at any time during the operating life of the project. ,—VAI 6 GLM I(Ak . ' 4. Describe special emergency services that might be required. �)d , 5. Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: /lol - b. Noise L What types of noise exist in the area, which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? T1R14F, L Revised 08/2017 d ' 11 NTAC l` ' "fl S NNA� � I IkPM'nk (� yup /F.^'iW9M&I d�T.a' M1+A' iM'y wAwi wq1, � A MowF9R 'NM'1XW tii l'M1?y '4��µPMrr ,� p�wWy ryA"yy�MyJ'd , 2. What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the ',CE feel project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, 1�1 operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. "v SSE S APR 2 8 201 ') �;I I OF YAKINI 1 Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: PLANNING DIV. 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Will the proposal affect current land uses on nearby or adjacent properties? If so,, describe. m 0002-6 -r USe /S b. Has the project site been used as working farmlands or working forest lands? If so, describe. How much agricultural or forest land of long-term commercial significance will be converted to other uses as a result of the proposal, if any? If resource lands have not been designated, how many acres in farmland or forest land tax status will be converted to nonfarm or nonforest use? /Y 1. Will the proposal affect or be affected by surrounding working farm or forest land normal business operations, such as oversize equipment access, the application of pesticides, tilling, and harvesting? If so, how: /xzU c. Describe any structures on the site. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? /VOA/C e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? f. What is the c. irrent comprehensive plan designation of the site? CoM1-JVAJJ r d6e— g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? h. Has any part of the site been classified as a critical area by the city or county? If so, specify. /V v i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? woCV_ _ 6 j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? Revised 08/2017 * 12 W'r 4"' IF'Aw"44'74 �'�� Ai 1Nu m w ii / 1� qw y�y,y �y ,may v„ i k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any. 1. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected �P� ��'� land uses and plans, if any: F & � � �S (014PA_"JBLE" D t- VE - t O PM 6N 7_ UC 966 4405, KATY OF YAKIMA m. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with nearby agricultural PANNING DIV. and forest lands of long-term commercial significance, if any: ,A///4 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. 0 b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. 0 c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? 10.5 r_7f b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? 0() rl ie� c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: 11. Light and Glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? 7_'/ ;CA4 kE%giL1LAviv, 9d14A7_ 1-10 !P. A, b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? /(/o/tar c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? tela ar d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: 12. Recreation Revised 08/2017 Dote 113 �"� �" HkS'!N dl�r�q �,.�1�`,��� (� n,F7v' 'A%�#kM�✓�AY�'MA7i,4 � �F�F�#M WII.M��)./ / / G r / / a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? NDllf- b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. IUv c, Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a, Are there any buildings, structures, or sites, located on or near the site that are over 45 years old listed in or eligible for listing in national, state, or local preservation registers located on or near the site? If so, specifically describe. ,A)OPC b. Are there any landmarks, features, or other evidence of Indian or historic use or occupation? This may include human burials or old cemeteries. Are there any material evidence, artifacts, or areas of cultural importance on or near the site? Please list any professional studies conducted at the site to identify such resources. c. Proposed measures to avoid, minimize, or compensate for loss, changes to, and disturbance to resources. Please include plans for the above and any permits that may be required. 14. Transportation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site or affected geographic area and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. : . 6 , b. Is the site or affected geographic area currently served by public transit? If so, generally describe. If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop. �C_>l G720 /j`/ f 90/0— CO RAk c. How many parking spaces would the completed project or non -project proposal have? How many would the project or proposal eliminate? /(0 L c>1Aw,477 : L d. Will the proposal require any new or improvements to existing roads, streets, pedestrian bicycle or state transportation facilities, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). PLj$L l G SIDEwAt-45 od 3RD Ave', e. Will the project or proposal use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. �0 Revised 08/2017 E APR 2 8 CITY OF Yi TANNING Page 114 lewsntae�e: £ How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project or proposal? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur and what percentage of the volume would be trucks (such as commercial and non -passenger vehicles). What data or transportation models were used to make these estimates? APR 2 8 Zola Up&�aW CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING DIV g, Will the proposal interfere with, affect or be affected by the movement of agricultural and forest products on roads or streets in the area? If so, generally describe: /J 0 h. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: MIA 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, public transit, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe: )d U b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. 16. Utilities a.irae tit ilitterarre l iI a lie Arte .� ; cls ctrreu natural gas orate • refuse service telephone, sanitary sew„' septic b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. I/',470RAG 6 IN btp461� b'lltoilnj ) The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Property Owner or Agent s, ignature Date Sub`nittetl aA�_ I lD�Z4A)E-/ QPzvPC12�/ DWA),.z Name of Signee Position and Agency/Organization Revised 08/2017 DOW1 15 Revised 08/2017 Mage 116 t ;'No�� wb Ncw i C► 'i� ""t Yi M , i q' eQ I N S 9gq r Mak 1 t ; U; tit N "li = -' Because these questions are very general, it may be helpful to read them in conjunction with the list of the elements of the environment. When answering these questions, be aware of the extent RECEIVE) the proposal, or the types of activities that would likely result from the proposal, would affect the item at a greater intensity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not implemented. Respond briefly and in general terms. APS 2 a 20 i 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; emissions to air; production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or production of noise? CITY OF Y K v PICA60SE S�04C1 PLANNING Off. .�... . .......... �.....� ... . ... _ ........—_.. Proposed measures p es to avoid or reduce such increases are: NEIA-) ,DECRLA 5 t VS A G t ��._�...._._._a . � � 2. How would the proposal be likely to affect plants, animal s, fish, or marine life? Pro osed measures to .......e i ... .w..... p protect or conserve plants, animals, fish, or marine life� ������� ��������� are: �)/A .......-- - ..._ 3. How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources? _.. _... ............. � ....... ..... ..... ........................... �w _ _ � ........ � �..... Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: �IlTU 2� SoLAC fI;WZ 4. How would the proposal be like) to or affect environmental) sensitive areas or P P Y Y areas designated (or eligible or under study) for governmental protection; such as parks, wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, threatened or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites, wetlands, floodplains, or prime farmlands? Pi oposednmeasures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are: �� ....����� ...... 5. How would the proposal be likely to affect land and shoreline including�� whee ther i t use, t would allow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with existing plans? Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land use impacts are: . . .......... ��. /- --- 11-- ............... . . ...... . . . ..................... 6. How would the proposal be likely to increase demands on transportation or public services and utilities? .... Proposed measures to reduce or respond to such _ ..... _ ........ ch demands) are. / ..d .......... ........ _.................... ...._. 7. Identify, if possible, whether the proposal may conflict with local, state, or federal laws or requirements for the protection of the environment. /VO P Revised 08/2017 Mage 116 GARY DELANEY RZ#005-19 & SEPA#018-19 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER F Application �A7 5GA-77 a LAND USE APPLICATION 6iJ APR 1.9 9 CITY OF YAKIMA, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT UJ r i w a h i 129 NORTH SECOND STREET, 2ND FLOOR, YAKIMA, WA 98901 YUMA PHONE: (509) 575-6183 EMAIL: ask.planning@yakiniawa.gov INSTRUCTIONS — PLEASE READ FIRST Please tjec or print Lour answers clearly, Answer all questions completely. If you have any questions about this form or the application process, please ask a Planner. Remember to bring all necessary attachments and the required filing fee when the application is submitted. The Planning Division cannot accept an application unless it is complete and the filing fee paid. Filing fees are not refundable. This application consists of four parts. PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION AND PART IV — CERTIFICATION are on this page. PART II and III contain additional informations ecifrc to our proeosal and MUST be attached to this 2age to com tete thea lication. PART I — GENERAL INFORMATION Name�p�,� 1. Applicant's ..-...-...----- ...—.. m _... Information: Mailing Address City �� at) _.... --,.u� �_........... _.�. m E—Mail::�� Interest _._.e p ltcant's Check One: El Owner E] Agent E] Purchaser ❑Other t in Property: � ���--����� �� Phone: 1( ) 6. Property Address: ®4-/4'- �', 2/"9 4 Nrr _ .. is -tin -g- ......... 7. Property's Existing Zoning: ❑ SR ❑ R-1 ® R-2 ❑ R-3 ❑ B-1 ❑ B-2 ❑ HB ❑ SCC ❑ LCC ❑ CBD ❑ GC [—]AS ❑ RD ❑ M-1 ❑ M-2 8. Type Of Application: (Check All That A PP1Y) _. ® Rezone ❑ Comprehensive Plan Text or Map ❑i Environmental Checklist (SEPA Amendment Review) ❑ Transportation Concurrency ❑ Other:...... E] Other: .... Master Application ❑ (select if submitting two or more a lications under Title 15 PART II — SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION, PART III — REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS, & PART IV — NARRATIVE 9. SEE ATTACHED SHEETS PART V — CERTIFICATION 10. I certify thatthe irt�rattativaa on this application and the required attachments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Property Owner's Signatrgre Date - Applicant's Signature Date FILE/APPLICATION(S)# ` ft -#O I g _ 1 q k Revise 08 2017"W Zi -Pau .� lj�— "1- For: F? Supplemental Application REZONES ECEIVE 1 l y 6 I twt YAKIMA MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 15.23 APR 2 8 20 CITY OF YI PART II - APPLICATION INFORMATION PLANJUllug 1. EXISTING ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: ❑ SR ❑ R-1 ® R-2 ❑ R-3 ❑ B-1 ❑ B-2 ❑ HB ❑ SCC ❑ LCC ❑ CBD ❑ GC ❑ AS ❑ RD ❑ M-1 ❑ M-2 2. DESIRED ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: ❑ SR ❑ R -I ❑ R-2 ❑ R-3 ❑ B-1 ❑ B-2 ❑ HB ® SCC ❑ LCC ❑ CBD ❑ GC ❑ AS ❑ RD ❑ M-1 ❑ M-2 3. ZONING OF ADJOINING PROPERTY (check all that apply): ❑ SR ❑ R-1 C4 R-2 ❑ R-3 ❑ B-1 ❑ B-2 ❑ HB ® SCC ❑ LCC ❑ CBD ❑ GC ❑ AS ❑ RD ❑ M-1 ❑ M-2 4. EXISTING FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION: ❑ Low Density Residential ❑ Mixed Residential 19 Community Mixed -Use ❑ Commercial Mixed -Use ❑ CBD Commercial Core ❑ Regional Commercial ❑ Industrial 5. PROPOSED FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION: Is there a proposed change to the Future Land Use Map? If so what is the proposed future land use designation? ❑ Low Density Residential ❑ Mixed Residential Community Mixed -Use ❑ Commercial Mixed -Use ❑ CBD Commercial Core ❑ Regional Commercial ❑ Industrial 6. PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES AVAILABLE: Transportation ®. Rights -Of -Way N Police And Fire Protection X Parks And Trails N Schools 5Q Water 4 Sewer t@ Storm Drainage t1 Electricity 0 Natural Gas m Telephone PK Cable TV PART III - REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS 7. WRITTEN NARRATIVE (required): (stating the reason for the request for the rezone, explaining how the proposed amendment meets the pro2osed rezone request) 8. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST (required): ..... �..._. ....� .. 9. TRAFFIC CONCURRENCY (may be required): 10. SITE PLAN (required if the rezone is associated with land use development): 11. AUTHORIZATION: I hereby authorize the submittal of this Rezone or Text Amendment Application to the City of Yakima for review. (;, _ZE � Property Owner Sign ure required) Date Note: if you have any qu ions about this process, please contact us City of Yakima, Planning Division, 129 N. 2nd St., Yakima, WA or 509-575-6183 Revised 08/2017 Supplemental Application For: REZ NES APR E 3 CIT fYAKIM YAKIMA MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 15.23 OT � �Y � anning PART IV - NARRATIVE A. How is the subject property suitable for uses permitted under the proposed zoning? .5069-ECT�rJPWTV /S 444610Cea 35.1 Poor STRAP -rIMT 1135' -NE bE C. PA4&A T nl= Al -01046 SCC What is the status of existing land use? \1A CA/JT LOT moi,. MA B. How is the rezone request in compliance with and/or how does the request deviate from the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan? AIDS /4 -Mr 7-A-r76oP'14 N! Or A1��®�/�/l,' "' W s'C C Z07!; Re.7AiL SPACE rdR 7�r 1416#B69N04Z. C. Are there adequate public facilities, such as traffic capacity, sewer services, potable water, stormwater drainage, schools, fire and police services, and other public services and infrastructure existing on and around the subject property? Y� Are the existing public facilities capable of supporting the most intensive use of the new (requested) zone? If not, what mitigating measures are going to be implemented to address any short falls in public services that may exist? yEs D. How is the proposed zone change compatible with the existing neighboring uses? RcMIL ryiS75 DA/ oAlc si,E AA/-) A uaz 3' Avr What mitigating measures are planned to address incompatibility, such as sitescreening, buffering building design, open space traffic flow alteration, etc.? 9-2 t CSS 41.4 NEkAl CoM57RvcT10A ,3L)FrcLrJe6D . E. What is the public need for the proposed change? Aol-rluA/AG RE-T4/G 44,x/bkom4o S&P- '/CES (RECD. Note: if you have any questions about this process, please contact us City of Yakima, Planning Division, 129 N, 2nd St., Yakima, WA or 509-575-6183 Revised 08/2017 DOC@ 15 INDEX Non -Project Rezone or Comprehensive Plan Amendment (map) SITE PLAN CHECKLIST & INSTRUCTIONS In Order For Application To Be Determined Complete, A Site Plan Must Be Completed And Returned. A Detailed Site Plan Is Required: On August 8, 1996, the City Council passed a resolution (No. R-96-91) adopting a requirement that all site plans submitted in conjunction with my building permit application, land use application, and environmental application shall contain certain information and be approved by the appropriate Division Manager, All information that is applicable to your proposal shall be checked off and clearly displayed on the site plan, It is in the applicant's best interest to provide a carefully drawn and scaled site plan with all required information. The decision on whether or not to grant approval of your development proposal is largely based on the information you provide. An application cannot be processed until an adequate site plan is submitted. Please complete this checklist and include it with your site plan. The site plan must contain all pertinent information. Items not applicable to the proposed project shall be noted. 1) Use Ink: Use blue or black permanent ink. It may be helpful to draft the site plan in pencil then trace over in ink. Ink is necessary for adequate duplication. 2) Use A Straight Edge: All lines must be straight and done with the aid of a ruler or other straight edge. Use a compass when delineating circular drawings such as cul-de-sacs. Computer drafted site plans are acceptable. 3) Draw To Scale: Site plans shall be drawn to scale. The site plan template has a suggested map scale of one inch equaling twenty feet (1"=20'). Distances on the map must be as representative of reality as possible. For example, if the distance from a structure to a property line is 20 feet, the distance on the site plan will be 1 inch. 4) Use Site Plan Checklist: Use the site plan checklist and provide all applicable information on the site plan. 5) Fill In Information On The Site Plan Template Available At The City Of Yakima Or Attach The Information Below To Your Site Plan: Complete all information requested on the bottom of the site plan template. If you use a different medium, provide the requested information on the alternative paper. Note: You may benefit from the aid of a professional in the preparation of a site plan. Check all boxes as: 4 Included or - Not Applicable ®I The site plan shall be legibly drawn in ink on paper of sufficient size to contain the required information, but not less than 8.5" X 11" . . .......................... .._..... W_. All site plans shall be drawn to a standard engineering scale and indicated on the site plan. The scale selected shall best fit the pVer. Planning staff recommends 1"=20'. Site address, parcel number(s) and zoning designation of subject ro er , ❑ Propert�booundaries and dimensions, ❑ Names and dimensions of all existin ,streets boundin the site. .___._........ ❑' ...................... Dimensions, location, and use of existing structures mcludin loadin docks. g �WWW__WW__W � ._. _..._. ................... North Arrow. Lot coverage with calculations shown on site lan. Location and size of existin andro osed side sewer and water service lines. ® Adjacent land uses and zoninjLdesi nations. Location and dimensions of proposed or existing driveway approaches. ❑ LLocation and size of existing or proposed public sidewalks that are within 200 -feet of the sub'ec�erty. ❑ Name, address, phonenumber, and signature of the owner or 2erson res onsible for the property, Note: Planning Division or reviewing official may require additional information to clarif the proposal, assess its impacts, or determine compliance with the YMC and other laws and regulations. Ec 11 1 IT WYAKIMA p���yyy pp� IN A , Revised 08/2017 e I 17 Yakima County GIS http://yakimap.com/ .-,let/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?name=YakGI,,, Yakima County GIS - Washington !Print Mapl pir �.. Land Information mortal [CloseYMapl " 14401 44402 2 33418 LL 33411 2 9 334 8 4403 44404 3 33417 33412 3 s 334 CD 4406 4 7 33416 33413 4 C 44405 7 334 ° �- 4493 2 44494 (5) s 33415 33414 92-92 �� s 334 X U 6 33024 33541 330" 917740553 �> ----------------------------------- � 33542 330 217740553'"- --------------------- _ w . _ __.._w__ry_____mmmm____ __ 33005 -0 CF 44408 8 33543 "")3300 � !,��- ___..__�...--._-_.......____.._-__-----...--___ � "� (� 'N-7�3�7740553 � � 9 � � � 3012 4- O Co O o O O a� ;, ------------._____------------ 33007 co M M �- � m E� 10 0� 4- o v v ivi ea I It v Nwo Imo-- fY 10 11 2 11550 114038 .....___-- �2-545.. _,,..,.122419 225601 Map Center Bange:19 Township:13 Section:30 RECEIVE OCityLimits Yakima County GIS Sections 128 N 2nd Street ui APR 2Q1� Yakima, WA 98901 ,r (509)574-2992 CITY OF YAKIMA One Inch =100 Feet PLANNING DIV. Feet 50 100 150 IVAP AND PARCEL DATA ARE BELIEVED TO BE XCURATE, BUT ACCURACY IS NGT GUARANTEED; THIS )S NOTALE d. Copyright (C) Yakima County GIS DOCUNENT AND SHOULD NOT BE SUBSTITUTED FOR ATITLE SEARCH, APPRAISAL, SURVEY, FLOODPLAIN OR ZONING VERIFICATION Printed On: 8!42016 11:38:53 AM 1 of 1 INDEX 8/4/2016 11:38 AM EXHIBIT Legal Description- t of the South 1 of the Southwest 1/4 � f the Southwest 1 Township 1 North, Range g, E The Nosh 1 of the West feet of the Southwest 114 of Section 30, EXCEPT the North 72 feet', AND EXCEPT the South. 70 feet, AND EXCEPT the West t feet for road E.t 1 l� , A corner of the South �1 of the Southwest 114 of the Southwest AND beginning at the Southwest West w thereof 1 .( feet to the true point of beginning; 11 of the Southtest 1 of Section � Township 1 North, Inge , thence loch ' East slung the W thence North 8 1 East a i feet; parallel with the South line of aai subdivision, 132-00 feet, thence South g East being l thence South ° 01'W est feet, thence forth 8g° gg' West feet to the point of beginning,eet of the South 11 of the EXCEPT the Test feet othe Township 1 North, AND the West 35.70 feet of the East the 32 bout e of Section , Southwest % of the Southwest 1 Of Range i9t E-W.M.; EXCEPT the South feet; rth 7 feet thereof. AND EXCEPT the No Situate in Yakima County, Washington. END OF EXHIBIT A GARY DELANEY RZ#005-19 & SEPA#018-19 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER G Public Comments I t �ilPd,k�"!"1.2W.7Afi�'pk11Mu!%T5!' TrGfMOMbI'iinIMIiY1fiIdW�'J�WIHINI'Y' dCilYuRiiMiNd tlPYV7gV�flAYm4lplpiNdlCt4tlhMIpIMPPIVipXV4ffo 1H1'�Y'Ittll@INriAiMNNRIkI NY PbWJr�GX�NOfi kNA6fMtlAlf1f1f1fIYYlYlAY5Y9;H"N'.'ipl#�iUfNM tlITr9�IflY1@YdMlgl»WRNN@NCM161VN1111NAAYA111' RIRIPdlAYM�!#flR�V�I9NNA!@kltlB18AIWSCi`U2ip, VU1111NIW"oIMNINIlN 15 �.MIMI81GP�2 hYlgv"18iUkuWd181MOARO'CU. mfluIYwo June 12, 2019 In reference to proposal: Gary Delaney RZ#005-19 SEPA#018-19 Joan Davenport Community Development Director, City of Yakima Director Davenport, We have received the notice of application, environmental review & public hearing papers and are taking this opportunity to respond. As a resident of the area and property owner for over 3 decades I have a strong interest and concern for the area. I own the property at 1404 so. 2nd ave. As I am familiar with many of the local property owners I am puzzled at how the addition of a laundromat to the area benefits the neighborhood. I know of no homes which lack laundry facilities and witnessed very limited activity at the laundromat located across from the proposed site consequently most of the traffic would be from outside the neighborhood. Yakima does not need another laundromat and certainly not in this area. As well as being unneeded it would increase traffic in an area with many children, possibly become a site for loitering and drug transactions, negatively affect the residential makeup and overall be more of a detriment than an asset to the area. For these reasons we object to this proposal and request it be denied. Sincerely yours, Mr and Mrs Thomas L. Prather GARY DELANEY RZ#005-19 & SEPA#018-19 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER H Public Notices M H-1 EM Ems= Land Use Action Installation Certificate 05/21/2019 ..........H-2 ._.........w_ Determination of Application Completeness 05/31/2019 H-3 �„e,,... Notice of Application, SEPA & Public Hea......wmg.m�.....___ pp ring 06/07/2019 H -3a: Legal Ad H -3b: Press Release and Distribution Email H -3c: Parties and Agencies Notified _ H -3d: Affidavit of Mailing H-4 Notice of Determination of Non -Significance (DNS) 07/02/2019 H -4a: Parties and Agencies Notified H -4b: Affidavit of Mailing _ _ H-5 ....... www�w YPC A ..._... _.�...... .... Agenda da and Packet Distribution List ....... �____ 07/17/2019 H-6 YPC Agenda 2019 07/24/. N a a A " DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Joan Davenport, AICP, Director o�,s Planning Division CITYi'I Joseph Calhoun, Manager 129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning City of Yakima Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING City Hall Council Chambers Wednesday July 24, 2019 3:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m. YPC Members: Chairwoman Patricia Byers, Vice -Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Al Rose, Bill Cook, Robert McCormick, Leanne Hughes -Mickel, and Philip Ostriem Council Liaison: Dulce Gutierrez (District 1) City Planning Staff:. Joan Davenport (Community Development Director), Rosalinda Ibarra (Community Development Administrative Assistant), Joseph Calhoun (Planning Manager), Eric Crowell (Associate Planner), Trevor Martin (Associate Planner), Colleda Monick (Community Development Specialist), and Lisa Maxey (Planning Technician) AGENDA I. Call to Order Il. Roll Call III. Staff Announcements IV. Audience Participation (for items not listed on the agenda) V. Approval of Meeting Minutes of July 10, 2019 VI. Public Hearing - Rezone Applicant: Gary Delaney File Numbers: RZ#005-19 & SEPA#018-19 Site Address: 1414 S 2^d Ave Request: Proposal to rezone a 0.11 -acre parcel from Two -Family Residential (R-2) to Small Convenience Center (SCC). VII. Public Hearing - Text Amendments Applicant: City of Yakima Planning Division File Numbers: TXT#002-19 & SEPA#026-19 Request: Amendments to the City of Yakima's Municipal Code Title 15 Chapter 15.29 Wireless Communications Facilities to update definitions for consistency with FCC regulations, include process and procedure for small wireless facilities, and remove outdated and non -existing processes. (Packet available online 1i WS y/pr_vi f / 9<rJ� lj: ,g/:Z�j+ a l�' �xrWcr- amend ent, VIII. Discussion on Potential Text Amendments • Affordable Housing IX. Other Business X. Adjourn Next Meeting: July 24, 2019 YPC Staff Report & Packet Distribution List Gary Delaney RZ#005-19 & SEPA#018-19 YPC PACKET: Patricia Byers ,Path y . 9Q7Lrqsq...com Rob McCormick rob mccq�rmickq ircenter.com Philip Ostriem AGENDA & STAFF REPORT ONLY: Al Rose Silvrfx40@§pjj,g!gt a.a.r.7.0.4.QC@gglail.com Jake Liddicoat jake@3dyakirna.coqi Delaney's Lost Sock Laundromat LLC Attn: Gary Delaney 404 N ls' St Yakima, WA 98901 Celan n kc� i ail,com I Date Distributed::h t/ Bill Cook Co k. rter.net Leanne Hughes -Mickel leanne.mickel@Me.cQM 00C. INDEX AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON CITY OF YAKIMA RE: RZ#005-19 & SEPA#018-19 GearDelane�y_...........................................................N......_ ��_.....m 1414 S 2nd Ave I, Lisa Maxey, as an employee of the City of Yakima Planning Division, have dispatched through the United States Mails, a Notice of Determination of Non - Significance (DNS); a true and correct copy of which is enclosed herewith; that said notice was addressed to the applicant, parties of record, listed SEPA agencies and all property owners of record within a radius of 300 feet of subject property; that said property owners are individually listed on the mailing list retained by the Planning Division; and that said notices were mailed by me on this 2nd day ofuJ Iy, 2019. That I mailed said notices in the manner herein set forth and that all of the statements made herein are just and true. Lisa Maxey Planning Technician 19133033006 19133033022 19133033005 DELANEYS LOST SOCK LAUNDROMAT LLC DELANE OST SOCK LA MATT LLC DELA>1ST SOCK L ROMAT LLC 404 N 1ST ST 404 N 1ST S 404 YAKIMA, WA 98901 YAKIM 98901 YAKI89 19133033007 19133122560 18132544408 HJSR LLC IGLESIA DE LOS HERMANOS DE YAKIMA MEAD PLAZA LLC 1419 S 3RD AVE PO BOX 209 1210 S 33RD AVE YAKIMA, WA 98902 YAKIMA, WA 98901 YAKIMA, WA 98902 3.3._... ...3.8 ............... .......... w 18133611438 614 mm._________................................ 19133033416 . ...................m _..................................................................._.... 19133033415 R H SMITH DISTRIBUTING COMPANY INC VICKI L CORBIN SOLE BENEFIT TRUST WILSON REAL ESTATE VIII LLC PO BOX 6 1307 S 42ND AVE 222 S IST ST GRANDVIEW, WA 98930 YAKIMA, WA 98908 YAKIMA, WA 98901 19133033013 �19133033009 18132544404 ALMA D PADILLA FLORES ANN I LERVOLD ARTURO & ANGELICA URIBE AVILA 109 W MEAD AVE 8804 MIDVALE RD 908 ROSE PLACE YAKIMA, WA 98902 YAKIMA, WA 98908 YAKIMA, WA 98902 18132544405 19133122419 19133033414 BRANDON & TARA TRUHLER EMMA SANCHEZ FRANK R. ALLEN 110 LUPINE DR 1616 S 13TH AVE 1410 S 2ND AVE YAKIMA, WA 98901 YAKIMA, WA 98902 YAKIMA, WA 98902 _............ .. — — 19133122547 19133033543 ........... 19133033020 FRED & LYNN MEARS GABRIEL CAMACHO VARGAS GUADALUPE & VERONICA GOMEZ 108 W MEAD AVE 1416 S 2ND AVE 1415 S 2ND AVE YAKIMA, WA 98902 YAKIMA, WA 98902 YAKIMA, WA 98902 19133033412 19133033413 19133033010 JACK ODELL JEANNETTE S MARTIN JUAN VALENCIA 1406 S 2ND AVE 61 HIEBERT DR 3306 S 3RD ST YAKIMA, WA 98902 MOXEE, WA 98936 UNION GAP, WA 98903 ........19133033406 ........................ � 9133033011 191 _.........................................�............... �.........mw �wmwmwmawmwmwWm�W�..rWm.�w �w�............. _ ..�. 19133033542 KORINA R PEREZ LARRY L & DIXIE L NORWOOD MARIA & RAMONE ABUNDIZ 1407 S 2ND AVE PO BOX 10953 1414 S 2ND AVE YAKIMA, WA 98902 YAKIMA, WA 98909 YAKIMA, WA 98902 19133033541 07 OJ ��� 18132544494 MARTHA DUARTE GONZALEZ MARY&4 ILBERTO M SANCHE G Z MATTHEW PHIPPS 1412S2ND AVE 1405S2ND AVE 1304S33RDAVE YAKIMA, WA 98902 YAKIMA, WA 98902 YAKIMA, WA 98902 _m..... 19133033417 —---- —______ 19133033019 �. � ........ 19133033405 NICOLAS JERONIMO TELLEZ REGINA M TRUDEAU REYNALDO & OLIVIA PEREZ 1405S3RD AVE 1413S2ND AVE 1409S2ND AVE YAKIMA, WA 98902 YAKIMA, WA 98902 YAKIMA, WA 98 19133122545 __�......w_..... __....................... . .... 33012.............._.. _._........._........_____----. RICK HARGRAVES RUBEN LUNA 210 W MEAD AVE 111 W MEAD AVE YAKIMA, WA 98902 YAKIMA, WA 98902 4 19133033411 _.... 191330330 _.. 24 THOMAS L JR PRATHER WILLIAM & CHERYL MARQUIS 7520 YAHLEY MILL RD 1411 S 3RD AVE HENRICO, VA 23231 YAKIMA, WA 98902 Gary Delaney Nk of 404 NIst S 018 -1 R 'Yakima,►W 991 A,Z "s` dent 7�a�t q .......................................................... � . .......... 19133033418 SANDRA CONTRERAS 1403 S 3RD AVE YAKIMA, WA 98902 . ...�.�..... -----------.,.... _�... � ._.._._. _�.........� 35 Total Parcels - Gary Delaney - RZ#005- 19 & SEPA#018-19 Ahtanum Irrigation District Beth Ann Brulotte, Executive Assistant Cascade Natural Gas Century Link 10705-B Gilbert Road 8113 W Grandridge Blvd Manager Yakima, WA 98903-9203 Kennewick, WA 99336 8 South 2nd Ave, Rm#304 bpj k htanuyi.net . . . ....................................... . Yakima, WA 98902 . . ........ . Charter Communications City of Union Gap Chamber of Commerce Kevin Chilcote Dennis Henne, Development Director 10 North 9th Street 1005 North 16th Ave P.O. Box 3008 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Union Gap, WA 98903 cham,bp yAki Deninis.lipjlQe@tti2ktoagqpWp,.ggy Department of Agriculture Dept of Archaeology & Historic Preservation Department of Commerce Kelly McLain 1063 S Capitol Way, Ste 106 Review Team PO Box 42560 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 1011 Plum St SE Olympia, WA 98504 Sepa@ Ja!T,%4Aoy Olympia, WA 98504-3172 .,ggy Department of Ecology . . . . . .......... Department of Ecology Department of Fish and Wildlife Annie Szvetecz, SEPA Policy Lead Gwen Clear, Regional Coordinator Eric Bartrand P.O. Box 47703 1250 West Alder Street 1701 South 24th Ave Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Yakima, WA 98902 §e p1mgi Ste Union Gap, W98903 Eric,Bartrand(MdfAwa.pcLy in 0A 0 I. Scott. Do w n eseittm.m1grov — — --------- Department of Fish and Wildlife Department of Health Department of Natural Resources SEPA Desk Kelly Cooper SEPA Center PO Box 43200 PO Box 47820 PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504 Olympia, WA 98504 Olympia, WA 98504 SDPAdeskCi�dfwwa..gov _ ._ — --- ----------------- - KeL1y,.qqqpff@d �waov Department of Social & Health Services Robert Hubenthal Environmental Protection Agency ............... Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council -EFSEC Stephen Posner, SEPA Officer Office of Capital Programs P.O. Box 45848 NEPA Review Unit PO Box 43172 Olympia, WA 98504 1200 6th Ave #9MI Seattle, WA 98101 Olympia, WA 98504-3172 Robert,Hubentha @4h&ks sp ner@UtC.W,3,g0y Engineering Division Fed ral Aviation Administration, Administration, Bob Desgrosellier Federal Aviation Administration Seattl - 'rports Distric 'ic t: 129 N 2nd Street 2200 W. Washington Ave Cayla Mor ronmental Specialist Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98903 2200S �o Ldt%Eo�s s e!i,e r @yp niaAgyg9v ------- . ...... D oines, WA 9 ............ Nob Hill Water Association ........... ............ Office of Rural and Farm Worker Housing Governor's Office of Indian Affairs Bob Irving, Engineering Technician Marty Miller PO Box 40909 6111 Tieton Drive 1400 Summitview Ave, Ste# 203 Olympia, WA 98504 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98902 Martym2@orfh.org Pacific Power Parks & Recreation Commission Soil Conservation District Mike Paulson Jessica Logan Ray Wondercheck 500 North Keys Rd PO Box 42560 WA 98504 1606 Perry Street, Ste. F Yakima, WA 98901Olympia, J essic@-, Lqga-QRP-imks omlg(2—v Yakima, WA 98902 Trolleys United States Postal Service US Army Corps of Engineers Paul Edmondson Maintenance Department Seattle District, Regulatory Branch I P.O. Box 3755 k 313 North 3rd Street 205 W Washington Ave Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98903 Seattle, WA 98124-3755 I d!avid�i�moo.rp.@Itsace,4!my.mil WA State Dept of Health, Wastewater Division WA State Attorney General's Office Office of Drinking Water Marc Cawley or Dana Kallevig 1433 Lakeside Court, Ste# 102 Jamie Gardipee 16201 E Indiana Ave, Ste# 1500 1 2220 East Viola Ave Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 e. Spokane Valley, WA 99216 marc.cawlqyy @a na 0 ...... .......... — SEPA.reviewtep.fnf�qph,,2A� .o v. 'o - ---- . .... ........ . . . .......... dan,akaIlevJg,@ iLir1qM _yja 12qM2& West Valley School District Angela Watts, Asst. Supt. Of Business & WSDOT Operations Paul Gonseth, Planning Engineer WSDOT 8902 Zier Road 2809 Rudkin Road South Central Region) Planning Office Yakima, WA 98908-9299 Union Gap, WA 98903 Scp�lannlng@Ag wo-Mt wvs008,org gqmeoh,. go—v - — --------- — .................. WSDOT, Aviation Division Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs Yakama Nation Environmental Mgmt Program Patrick Wright Rocco Clark, Environmental Coordinator Elizabeth Sanchey, Environmental Review 7702 Terminal St SW P.O. Box 632 Coordinator Turnwater, WA 98501 Toppenish, WA 98948 P.O. Box 151 Toppenish, WA 98948 Wr1g6t�>@yK5OgLt Aoy — — --------- Rocco.cla rk(ib bj&qy esanch - — ----- - - --------------------- - Yakama-Klickitat Fisheries Project Yakima Air Terminal Yakima County Building Department John Marvin Robert Peterson, Airport Asst Manager Harold Maclean 760 Pence Road 2400 West Washington Ave 128 North 2nd Street, 41h Floor Yakima, WA 98909 Yakima, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98901 yijkimqw poMlarqjl( Yakima County Health District Yakima County Flood Control District Ryan lbach, Director of Environmental Health Terry Keenhan & Dianna Woods Yakima County Commissioners 1210 Ahtanum Ridge Dr Ste#200 128 North 2"d Street, 4th Floor g o y4ki .- -,-w--a---S Union Gap, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98901 Y Te rrv. Keen hanPcpyiLkLn15 LY3. n 14 � LC It kima,wa,us .... )-y - Pkif.na �.wa,Allis - — Yakima County Planning - - - - ------------------------- - - - -- — — --------- . . . . ........... . Lynn Deitrick &Jason Earles Yakima County Public Services Yakima Greenway Foundation 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor Lisa Freund, Public Services Director Kellie Connaughton, Executive Director Yakima, WA 98901 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor 111 South 18th Street tams Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98901 JasomEarlesc yg.L!r1-�Y.wa.1Lj h5a,fi-ggndPco,yakirna.wa.us kelheC Yakama Indian Nation Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency Johnson Meninick, Cultural Resources Yakama Indian Nation Hasan Tahat, Compliance, Engineering & Program Ruth Jim, Yakima Tribal Council Planning Division Supervisor P.O. Box 151 P.O. Box 151 186 Iron Horse Ct # 101 Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakama Indian Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakima, WA 98901 t,Lsy-n-eyLoam-org Yakima School District Yakima School District Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Dr. Jack Irion, Superintendent Scott Izutsu , Associate Superintendent Sandra Hull 104 North 4th Ave 104 N 41h Ave 470 Camp 4 Rd Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98908 il fiools.or izutsu.sco WYA!SL Yakima Valley Canal Co ....... Yakima Valley Conference of Governments — — -------------------------- - - Yakima Valley Museum Peter Arnold, Executive Director Robert Smoot Mike Shuttleworth, Planning Manager 2105 Tieton Drive 1640 Garretson Lane 311 North 4th Street, Ste# 202 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98901 Mike.shqttle Yakima Waste Systems Keith Kovalenko, District Manager 2812 1/2 Terrace Heights Dr. Yakima, WA 98901 DOC. IN�DEX Ahtanum Irrigation District Cascade Natural Gas Century Link Beth Ann Brulotte, Executive Assistant 8113 W Grandridge Blvd Manager 10705-B Gilbert Road Kennewick, WA 99336 8 South 2nd Ave, Rm#304 Yakima, WA 98903 .. _._....� ...... -__.. e_ ..... Yakima, WA 98902 Charter Communications City of Union Gap Department of Agriculture Kevin Chilcote Dennis Henne, Development Director Kelly McLain 1005 North 16th Ave P.O. Box 3008 P.O. Box 42560 Yakima, WA 98902 Union Gap, WA 98903 Olympia, WA 98504 Environmental Protection Agency fe eral Aviation Administration, Seattle NEPA Review Unit Federal Aviation Administration Airpo Ddstrict Office 1200 6th Ave #909, 155 2200 W. Washington Ave Cayla Mor orPlanner Seattle, WA 98101 Yakima, WA 98903 1601 ve 5 nton, WA 98055-40 Governor's Office of Indian Affairs Pacific Power Soil Conservation District Mike Paulson Ray Wondercheck PO Box 40909 500 North Keys Rd 1606 Perry Street, Ste. F Olympia, WA 98504 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Trolleys United States Postal Service US Army Corps of Engineers Paul Edmondson Maintenance Deptartment Seattle District 313 North 3rd Street 205 W Washington Ave Regulatory Branch Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98903 P.O. Box 3755 Seattle, WA 98124-3755 WA State Dept of Health, WA State Attorney General's Office y Offic a inking W Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs 1433 Lakeside Court, Ste# 102 Jamie Garth a Superintendent Yakima, WA 98902 1620 liana Ave, Ste P.O. Box 632 ane Valley, WA 99216 Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakama Indian Nation Johnson Meninick, Cultural Resources Yakama Indian Nation Yakima School District Program Ruth Jim, Yakima Tribal Council Dr. Jack Irion, Superintendent P.O. Box 151 P.O. Box 151 104 North 4th Ave Toppenish, WA 98948 Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Yakima Valley Canal Co Sandra Hull Robert Smoot 470 Camp 4 Rd 1640 Garretson Lane Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98908 �a \\Apollo\Shared\Planning\Assignments-Planning\LABELS and FORMS\SEPA REVIEWING AGENCIES _updated G4.15 -1A1.- Form List.docx Type of Notice: N+c I File Number: AZ Date of Mailing: JJf -19 Parties L_ tZecord — Gary Delaney — RZ#005-19 & SEL 4018-19 Type of Notice: _VACA. N _S File Number: Z:# 005 sto # 0/9 ------ Date of Mailing: DOC. IND # Gary Delaney Delaney's Lost Sock Laundromat LLC Thomas Prather 404 N 1st St 404 N V St 7520 Yahley Mill Rd Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98901 Henrico, VA 23231 .......... ............ ........................... .......... In -House Distribution ........... ............ ....... -- — --- — ------- E-mail List Revised 04/2019 - - - ------------- Name Division E-mail Address Carolyn Belles Code Administration . .......... yvakknavLasoy Glenn Denman w Code Administration -i -s -t -r -a -ii -o Joe Caruso ariso_ n-- Code Admin __T0 _CC ................. ... i a V ­l 0 ............... . . . . .. . ...................................... � w)� W in v John Zabell Code Administration . 1,iJ tp,Zal i llcibmkiniiiw<tgeay Kelli Horton . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... . Code Administration Kel I i. IIqLoj4�)YA� iMANYA&M inda Rossignol Code Administration . ..... r.,)yA kol"IA4,spy Pedro Contreras Code Administration Pedro f nt �r,? akinim"i.gm) 2111111Mas ............... 4 1—— Suzanne De§"u'ss—chWe Code Administration Stizanne.Debtisschere kh -.gQy .. ...................... Vick DeOchoa Code Administration V Joan Davenport 'Yb—arra Community Development J4)tili,Dltivei)IL(aittil)yzitiLiqawtiLgqv . ............. Rosalinda Community Development . ....... . ..... Rosah .. i .. i .. da,lbarra(y�,iklinawaggy Bob Desgrosellier Engineering ggy Dan Riddle Engineering Dan, Ridd le(�eyllaki awa ov Tyler Witthuhn Engineering Tykr� Pat Reid . Fire ygin a ......... JeffCutter . ...... . ....... . Legal Ief.Ctitter �,yttkiiiiawa mov Sara Watkins Legal Sara, ki . . . Alat ---- ivsfb� Archie Matthews ONDS ........... Areee�chicMalthew @yAkj)jjgAq.gqy Joseph Calhoun Planning awa Lisa Maxey Planning ............ Scott Schafer Public Works Scott.Sch afe ,yakimaw,a.gov Loretta Zammarchi Refuse l,oretta.Zaniiiigrqlii�ti,)ytah,,ii a a. )y Randy Layman Refuse R p &,Ay,%�yijr�,lyahj regory Story Transit i t _TmoryAtoar@y A I TT, —aw James Dean Utilities - — - ------- Jarries.Dea yjtkjmqM 1 -1: J., Q y Dana Kallevig Wastewater Dan.a.,,K Randy Meloy Wastewater .......... ... .. .. - UIMr liiyitytiklwa y -1�14 """ Dave Brown Water/Irrigation Davidj3ro Mike Shane Water/Irrigation Njikc,Shane@�y 4nawa . Outside Distribution ...................... - Revised 02/2019 - - - - - - Name ........... Address Included In Mailing? Pacific Xttn:"E" s t im-ating Department . . . . . . . ............... 500 N Keys Rd, Yakima, ❑WA 98901 El Yes [P/No ._(,�'ubdivision notices P2yL_jr -1111111111 . ............... . Type of Notice: _VACA. N _S File Number: Z:# 005 sto # 0/9 ------ Date of Mailing: DOC. IND # Maxey, Lisa From: Maxey, Lisa Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2019 11:02 AM To: Belles, Carolyn; Brown, David; Calhoun, Joseph; Caruso, Joe; Contreras, Pedro; Cutter, Jeff; Davenport, Joan; Dean, James; DeBusschere, Suzanne; Denman, Glenn; DeOchoa, Vick; Desgrosellier, Bob; Horton, Kelli; Ibarra, Rosalinda; Kallevig, Dana; Layman, Randy; Matthews, Archie; Maxey, Lisa; Meloy, Randy; Reid, Patrick; Riddle, Dan; Rossignol, Linda; Schafer, Scott; Shane, Mike; Story, Gregory; Watkins, Sara; Witthuhn, Tyler; Zabell, John; Zammarchi, Loretta; Ahtanum Irrigation District - Beth Ann Brulotte; Cawley, Marc; Chamber of Commerce; Department of Agriculture; Department of Commerce (CTED) - Review Team; Department of Ecology; Department of Ecology - Lori White; Department of Ecology - SEPA Register; Department of Ecology -CRO Coordinator; Department of Fish and Wildlife; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Eric Bartrand; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Scott Downes; Department of Natural Resources; Dept of Social & Health Svcs - Robert Hubenthal; Dept. Archaeology & Historic Preservation - SEPA Review; Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council - Stephen Posner; Henne, Dennis; Nob Hill Water - Bob Irving; Office of Rural & Farmworker Housing - Marty Miller; Peterson, Robert; Scott Izutsu - Yakima School District; US Army Corps of Engineers - David Moore; WA State Dept of Health, Office of Drinking Water; WA State Dept of Health, Office of Drinking Water; WA State Parks & Recreation Commission; West Valley School District - Angela Watts; WSDOT - Paul Gonseth; WSDOT - South Central Regional Planning Office; WSDOT Aviation - Patrick Wright; Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs - Rocco Clark; Yakama Nation Environmental Management Program - Elizabeth Sanchey; Yakama- Klickitat Fisheries - John Marvin; Yakima County Building Official - Harold Maclean; Yakima County Commissioners; Yakima County Flood Control District - Dianna Woods; Yakima County Flood Control District - Terry Keenhan; Yakima County Health District; Yakima County Health District - Ryan Ibach; Yakima County Planning - Zoning/Sub - Jason Earles; Yakima County Planning Director - Lynn Deitrick; Yakima County Public Svcs Director, Lisa Freund; Yakima Greenway Foundation - Kellie Connaughton; Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency - Hasan Tahat; Yakima Valley Conference of Governments - Mike Shuttleworth; Yakima Valley Museum - Peter Arnold; Yakima Waste Systems - Keith Kovalenko Cc: Crowell, Eric Subject: Notice of DNS - Gary Delaney - RZ#005 & SEPA#018-19 Attachments: NOTICE OF DNS -Gary Delaney - RZ#005-19 & SEPA#018-19.pdf Attached is a Notice of Determination of Non -Significance (DNS) regarding the above -entitled project. If you have any questions about this proposal, please contact assigned planner Eric Crowell at (509) 576-6736 or email to: eric.cr well akimawa. oy. Thank you! Lisa Maxey Planning Technician City of Yakima Planning Division p: 509.576.6669 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, Washington, 98901 if M MMMUM AM'S M a IL111,1%, DEP,'-"" EP I'MENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEL( 'TIENT Joan Davenport, AICP, Director AIM I 1%W .�.,r Planning Division anning Joseph Calhoun, Manager 129 North Second Street, 2°d Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning WASHINGTON STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE CITY OF YAKIMA, WASHINGTON July 2, 2019 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Proposal to rezone a 0.11 -acre parcel from Two -Family Residential (R-2) to Small Convenience Center (SCC). LOCATION: 1414 S. 2nd Ave. PARCEL NUMBER: 191330-33022 PROPONENT: Gary Delaney PROPERTY OWNER: Gary Delaney LEAD AGENCY: City of Yakima FILE NUMBERS: RZ#005-19, SEPA #018-19 DETERMINATION: The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. ® This DNS is issued after using the optional DNS process in WAC 197-11-355. There is no further comment period on the DNS. Responsible Official: Joan Daven ort Position/Title, SEPA Responsible Official Phone (509) 575-6183 Address: 129 N. 2nd Street, Yakima. WA Date: Jud 2, 2019 Signature ® You may appeal this determiintion to: Joan Davenport, AICP, Director of Community Development, at 129 N. 2nd Street, Yakima, WA 98901. No later than: July 16, 2019. By method: Complete appeal application form and payment of $580.00 appeal fee. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact the City of Yakima Planning Division to read or ask about the procedures for SEPA appeals. INDEX 1994 #:1 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING CITY OF YAKIMA RE: RZ#005-19, SEPA#018-19 Gary 1414 South 2nd Avenue I, Rosalinda Ibarra, as an employee of the City of Yakima Planning Division, have dispatched through the United States Mails, a Notice of Application, Environmental Review, and Public Hearing. A true and correct copy of which is enclosed herewith; that said notice was addressed to the property owner and applicant, SEPA reviewing agencies, and all property owners of record within a radius of 300 feet of the subject property; that said are individually listed on the mailing list retained by the Planning Division, and that said notices were mailed by me on the Th day of Tune, 2019. That I mailed said notices in the manner herein set forth and that all of the statements made herein are just and true. Rosa.. -da Ibarra Administrative Assistant 19133033005 19133 , ,006 w.... _.. 19p4< DELANEYS LOST SOCK LAUNDROMAT LLC DELANEYS L T' K LAUNDROMAT LLC DEUNDROMAT LLC 404 N IST ST ' 404 N 1S 40YAKIMA, WA 98901YA A, WA 989 YA8901 19133033007 ......__...._��..._ 19......�_ __.......... ....�. _.w� 133122560 .�.... _ �..................... ............_._ ___.... 18132544408 HJSR LLC IGLESIA DE LOS HERMANOS DE YAKIMA MEAD PLAZA LLC 1419 S 3RD AVE PO BOX 209 1210 S 33RD AVE YAKIMA, WA 98902 YAKIMA, WA 98901 YAKIMA, WA 98902 _._.. __.... _ m ........... 18133611438 ._._ -- 19133033416 19133033415 R H SMITH DISTRIBUTING COMPANY INC VICKI L CORBIN SOLE BENEFIT TRUST WILSON REAL ESTATE VIII LLC PO BOX 6 1307 S 42ND AVE 222 S 1ST ST GRANDVIEW, WA 98930 YAKIMA, WA 98908 YAKIMA, WA 98901 19133033013 19133033009 _ 18132544404 ALMA D PADILLA FLORES ANN I LERVOLD ARTURO & ANGELICA URIBE AVILA 109 W MEAD AVE 8804 MIDVALE RD 908 ROSE PLACE YAKIMA, WA 98902 YAKIMA, WA 98908 YAKIMA, WA 98902 _.....18132544405... . . _.. � � 19133122419 ...... mm. 19133033414 BRANDON & TARA TRUHLER EMMA SANCHEZ FRANK R. ALLEN 110 LUPINE DR 1616 S 13TH AVE 1410 S 2ND AVE YAKIMA, WA 98901 YAKIMA, WA 98902 YAKIMA, WA 98902 19133122547 43 .�... ... ....�. 1913303354 1913303 ... __._� ... .... 302 0 FRED & LYNN MEARS GABRIEL CAMACHO VARGAS GUADALUPE & VERONICA GOMEZ 108 W MEAD AVE 1416 S 2ND AVE 1415 S 2ND AVE YAKIMA, WA 98902 YAKIMA, WA 98902 YAKIMA, WA 98902 19133033412 � �19133033413� 19133033010 JACK ODELL JEANNETTE S MARTIN JUAN VALENCIA 1406 S 2ND AVE 61 HIEBERT DR 3306 S 3RD ST YAKIMA, WA 98902 MOXEE, WA 98936 UNION GAP, WA 98903 19133033406 � 19133033011 m... ... 133033542 _ 19 ........... ��� ���� KORINA R PEREZ LARRY L & DIXIE L NORWOOD MARIA & RAMONE ABUNDIZ 1407 S 2ND AVE PO BOX 10953 1414 S 2ND AVE YAKIMA, WA 98902 YAKIMA, WA 98909 YAKIMA, WA 98902 19133033541.... __.,�....m 191330 _a.._..aY_ 33407 m .......... ............mw 18132544494 MARTHA DUARTE GONZALEZ MARY J & GILBERTO M SANCHEZ MATTHEW PHIPPS 1412 S 2ND AVE 1405 S 2ND AVE 1304 S 33RD AVE YAKIMA, WA 98902 YAKIMA, WA 98902 YAKIMA, WA 98902 19133033417 _.. ..... _,.. 191.... _..� 33033019 __n___ m...... .......n_ 19133033405 NICOLAS JERONIMO TELLEZ REGINA M TRUDEAU REYNALDO & OLIVIA PEREZ 1405S3RD AVE 1413S2ND AVE 1409S2ND AVE YAKIMA, WA 98902 YAKIMA, WA 98902 YAKIMA, WA 9800(,. 19133122545 19133033012 19133033418 RICK HARGRAVES RUBEN LUNA SANDRA CONTRERAS 210 W MEAD AVE 111 W MEAD AVE 1403 S 3RD AVE YAKIMA, WA 98902 YAKIMA, WA 98902 YAKIMA, WA 98902 19133033411 THOMAS L JR PRATHER 7520 YAHLEY MILL RD HENRICO, VA 23231 Gary, Delaney 404 N 1st S ; Ya irna; WA 9 991 19133033024 WILLIAM & CHERYL MARQUIS 1411 S 3RD AVE YAKIMA, WA 98902 •"" 11 ,;j0 " s' F'3 tel-111� 35 Total Parcels - Gary Delaney - RZ#005- 19 & SEPA#018-19 Ahtanum Irrigation District Beth Ann Brulotte, Executive Assistant Cascade Natural Gas Century Link 10705-B Gilbert Road 8113 W Grandridge Blvd Manager Yakima, WA 98903-9203 Kennewick, WA 99336 8 South 2nd Ave, Rm#304 thb ahtanum.net Yakima, WA 98902 Charter Communications City of Union Gap Chamber of Commerce Kevin Chilcote Dennis Henne, Development Director 10 North 9th Street 1005 North 16th Ave P.O. Box 3008 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Union Gap, WA 98903 fPiamber0vakima,org gp_q, heaineunion. atww gcav Department of Agriculture Dept of Archaeology & Historic Preservation Department of Commerce Kelly McLain 1063 S Capitol Way, Ste 106 Review Team PO Box 42560 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 1011 Plum St SE Olympia, WA 98504 S� dah IT IT 'v, Olympia, WA 98504-3172 kimc4Linra a r.wv . w r' viewt rA attar tirr� erc v v .............................................................._ Department of Ecology Department of Fish and Wildlife Annie Szvetecz, SEPA Policy Lead Department of Ecology Eric Bartrand P.O. Box 47703 Gwen Clear, Regional Coordinator 1701 South 24th Ave Olympia, WA 98504-7703 West Alder Street Yakima, WA 98902 s are i8gr g wa.,g„ov Union Union Gap, WA 98903 Eri'c.8artrand@dfw.wa,Rov se unot enc ,wa. ov Rni;wh,tt..Lwv F�o�Arr�a°'r�ir�qtur° ��+�v�r�'a� Sr;tt.DowNs fy.wkra.Lo v Department of Fish and Wildlife Department of Health Department of Natural Resources SEPA Desk Kelly Cooper SEPA Center PO Box 43200 PO Box 47820 PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504 Olympia, WA 98504 Olympia, WA 98504 S'E Ad sk@ dfw wa.,go� e Jy. cogREi dds .:m a.yoy" mAgP nt rL0dnr.wA.g0 y Department of Social & Health Services Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council -EFSEC Robert Hubenthal Environmental Protection Agency Stephen Posner, SEPA Officer Office of Capital Programs NEPA Review Unit Box 431 72 P.O. Box 45848 1200 6th Ave #155 Olympia, 98504 3172 Olympia, WAA Olympia, WA 98504 Seattle, WA 98101 Robert Hubenthalr"dsh�ov etc w _&Qy Engineering Division Bob Desgrosellier Federal Aviation Administration Governor's Office of Indian Affairs 129 N 2nd Street 2200 W. Washington Ave PO Box 40909 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98903 Olympia, WA 98504 bob.des �rosseli r klrnawLa.gov Nob Hill Water Association Office of Rural and Farm Worker Housing Bob Irving, Engineering Technician Marty Miller Pacific Power Mike Paulson 6111 Tieton Drive 1400 Sum mitview Ave, Ste# 203 500 North Keys Rd Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98902 Eq @nqbh llwater.orR Martym2@orfh.org Yakima, WA 98901 Parks & Recreation Commission Jessica Jessica Logan Soil Conservation District Trolleys Ray Wondercheck Paul Edmondson 42560 PO Olympia, 56 98504 1606 Perry Street, Ste. F 313 North 3rd Street Jess'rra.Nogan@parks.wva.gay Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98901 .................... ...-.-. _........_......... ......................... United States Postal Service US Army Corps of Engineers Seattle District, Regulatory Branch WA State Attorney General's Office Maintenance Department P.O. Box 3755 1433 Lakeside Court, Ste# 102 205 W Washington Ave Seattle, WA 98124-3755 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98903 clavi d, mooretiibusace.armlLmil C : _...._ .. . __................. ............. ._........ - ....-....... ....... . WA State Dept of Health, Wastewater Division West Valley School District Office of Drinking Water Marc Cawley or Dana Kallevig Angela Watts, Asst. Supt. Of Business & Jamie Gardipe 2220 East Viola Ave Operations 16201 E Indiana Ave, Ste# 1500 Yakima, WA 98901 8902 Zier Road Spokane Valley, WA 99216 rr�arc„ca �vpe ykniraaa���mmJe2y Yakima, WA 98908-9299 gEA,reviewteam doh"wa.g,. dana,kailevtg aktmawva g_ v wattsa wvsq 08 org WSDOT WSDOT, Aviation Division Paul Gonseth, Planning Engineer WSDOT Patrick Wright 2809 Rudkin Road South Central Regionl Planning Office 7702 Terminal St SW Union Gap, WA 98903 SC ann—iw.5 ;otRpv, Tumwater, WA 98501 gonsetpd' wvsdot, ov 'uMLhjP wsdot wagov, Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs Yakama Nation Environmental Mgmt Program Yakama-Klickitat Fisheries Project Rocco Clark, Environmental Coordinator Elizabeth Sanchey, Environmental Review John Marvin P.O. Box 632 Coordinator 760 Pence Road Toppenish, WA 98948 P.O. Box 151 Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakima, WA 98909 8r c mrl rwMt�b a %t?, e$an fIe uta Ya!La-ma ,,w�ur91.r CIKift@yil�Anna. Q(n Yakima Air Terminal Yakima County Building Department Robert Peterson, Airport Asst Manager Harold Maclean Yakima County Commissioners 2400 West Washington Ave 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor a mmp�'gL°'114""'ns Yakima, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98901 LobertAgesgn@yL�Jm4. ammjgov RHaratd.Maclean@_c.,g.Yakioiia"wa.t,is Yakima County Health District Yakima County Flood Control District Yakima County Planning Ryan Ibach, Director of Environmental Health Terry Keenhan & Dianna Woods Lynn Deitrick & Jason Earles 1210 Ahtanum Ridge Dr Ste#200 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor Union Gap, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98901 eco, a dma,wa.uas 1"r rr r Kggc r4n�c . rst�irrw ITrr°' a �a , L nn.Deltrick co, akinia,wa,us an ibachh co,XLkjna,wa,ru Dianna Wood, co. akioiia.wa.tas Jason,Earles gg. akima.wi tts Yakima County Public Services Yakima Greenway Foundation Yakama Indian Nation Lisa Freund, Public Services Director Kellie Connaughton, Executive Director Johnson Meninick, Cultural Resources 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor 111 South 18th Street Program Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98901 P.O. Box 151 ]is .freun0 o cq.y kdrni,w+� tas, kelHeOvakimagreenwa &rg Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakama Indian Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency Yakama Indian Nation Hasan Tahat, Compliance, Engineering & Yakima School District Ruth Jim, Yakima Tribal Council Planning Division Supervisor Dr. Jack Irion, Superintendent P.O. Box 151 186 Iron Horse Ct # 101 104 North 4th Ave Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 L14--s1102yrcaa"or Yakima School District Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Yakima Valley Canal Co Scott Izutsu , Associate Superintendent Sandra Hull Robert Smoot 104 N 4th Ave 470 Camp 4 Rd 1640 Garretson Lane Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98908 ti;Mutsu.s��tQ°�k�ir��asco�tts.ou° Yakima Valley Conference of Governments Yakima Valley Museum Yakima Waste Systems Mike Shuttleworth, Planning Manager Peter Arnold, Executive Director Keith Kovalenko, District Manager 311 North 4th Street, Ste# 202 2105 Tieton DriveYakima 2812 1/2 Terrace Heights Dr. Yakima, WA 98901 , WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98901 M1ke.sshuutflewortt1 vcW rang' Ja L' akirnavalle museum,ore u,n kik r st r tura ttoals rprn Ahtanum Irrigation District Cascade Natural Gas Century Link Beth Ann Brulotte, Executive Assistant 8113 W Grandridge Blvd Manager 10705-B Gilbert Road Kennewick, WA 99336 8 South 2nd Ave, Rm#304 Yakima, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98902 Charter Communications City of Union Gap Department of Agriculture Kevin Chilcote Dennis Henne, Development Director Kelly McLain 1005 North 16th Ave P.O. Box 3008 P.O. Box 42560 Yakima, WA 98902 Union Gap, WA 98903 Olympia, WA 98504 Environmental Protection Agency Federal Aviation Administration Governor's Office of Indian Affairs NEPA Review Unit 2200 W. Washington Ave PO Box 40909 1200 6th Ave #155 Yakima, WA 98903 Olympia, WA 98504 Seattle, WA 98101 Pacific Power Soil Conservation District Trolleys Mike Paulson Ray Wondercheck Paul Edmondson 500 North Keys Rd 1606 Perry Street, Ste. F 313 North 3rd Street Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98901 United States Postal Service US Army Corps of Engineers Seattle District WA State Attorney General's Office Maintenance Deptartment Regulatory Branch 1433 Lakeside Court, Ste# 102 205 W Washington Ave Yakima, WA 98903 P.O. Box 3755 Yakima, WA 98902 Seattle, WA 98124-3755 WA State Dept of Health, Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs Yakama Indian Nation Office of Drinking Water Johnson Meninick, Cultural Resources Jamie Gardipe Superintendent 16201 E Indiana Ave, Ste# 1500 P.OProgram Box 632 P.O. Box 151 Spokane Valley, WA 99216 p y Toppenish, WA 98948 op To ppenish, WA 98948 Yakama Indian Nation Yakima School District Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Ruth Jim, Yakima Tribal Council Dr. Jack Irion, Superintendent Sandra Hull P.O. Box 151 104 North 4th Ave 470 Camp 4 Rd Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima Valley Canal Co Robert Smoot 1640 Garretson Lane Yakima, WA 98908 \\Apollo\Shared\Planning\Assignments-Planning\LABELS and FORMS\SEPA REVIEWING AGENCIES _updated 06.03.19 - Form List.docx Type of Notice: I File Number: Date of Mailing: .ITITITIT_ In -House Distribution E-mail List Revised 04/2019 _....._ _... Name .. Division _ .. ....... E-mail Address Carolyn Belles Code Administration o L1 1Ng,ilr'yahilpawa"gqy Glenn Denman ..................................... Code Administration ._ Glenn.De� nia , g1ki��i wa,gcL ,._.. Joe Caruso Code Administration Joe,Cas"l .5q C1 " a 14 ? John Zabell .......................... Code Administration Ja?h i2 abell �1ka1r a�Ja,;v, _.._______________ Kelli Horton ___....._............ Code Administration KellJwi waalaa t yal u r a sa. to .................................. Linda Rossignol ----------------------- Code Administration Linda..bo l a,1,Qb ypAwa.ggy Pedro Contreras Code Administration Peclro, onfterajW i,mmm i'Lay Suzanne DeBusschere . ITIT .. Code Administration la 1.1_� 1�.....--- it�e¢w��t� <�Ncaawa�aw�a. ��av _� Vick DeOchoa �����.............._ Code Administration _. w -wy _. _.... ...... V�c1caD�(�7claoa +n�� al�lnlawa ov Joan Davenport Community Development loaf 1J 1vel art ray m nawrra �gav � �� �� � .................. Rosalinda Ibarra .......... ..�.....................................................-- Community Development Icaai4��1 a INimm_y:axlaxwtuwa gnaw Bob Desgrosellier Engineering Bob.Qgsgi.i.a�KljierQ.) a ki nawa,gg_y Dan Riddle Engineering Dan,lrµdd4{1yal nava gav Tyler Witthuhn Engineering Ili.,,a"t4lail,ac�yltra.g ....... Pat Reid _.................................... Fire 1'at...a wwd' c lall�r4ava .................. Jeff Cutter _.......................................... Legal J f f l��yj�ajj� vaaa .......... Sara Watkins Legal _............. Sara."w atkinrs y`il�rrn wva g(ay. Archie Matthews ONDS .�........_. __.......... Ari,h%e.lVNadtkrv�4ya,k4m�wlvmm.aw Joseph Calhoun _... Planning _. 6iayJl 1all�cilldt ymrra�?a,,,,,rmv Lisa Maxey Planning 1 xsa MLpXgy ai), gjkIimawa.0v Scott Schafer Public Works Scottcjlafe 1) kin wa goy Loretta Zammarchi Refuse Lorett Z an�4itt J@ alJr yaN�ini as w gcay ......_.............. Randy Layman Refuse _ ....... ................. 1�q)1, yw ya�4 �wJt c y a iJ1 v a q v Gregory Story ... ._ ... ......................... Transit Q4ka,g )ry_ lc�iy i yad i�� vvs .g,aav James Dean Utilities Jam cs. DeanLibyclkm4m4igmPRA g a ^ Dana Kallevig .Wastewater 1 aaaq,K, llevrg@yajclla1aAa_ ,v Randy Meloy ........ ....... ..... WastewaterwawlCVNe 1— qv Dave Brown Water/Irrigation ..._.� _. Davi 1 L()jtij yakiniawa gov Mike Shane Water/Irrigation Iwo e. S 1r � tr+y�lknn;�A Ly _.............. ' Outside Distribution Revised 02/2019 Name Address Included In Mailing? Attn: E ........ _._.�.............. Pacific Power A Estimating Department 500 N Keys Rd, Yakima, WA 98901 ❑ Yes No : auwaa: ninli e s a:������� ,y' �rwawaa ._.. ............... ....................................................................................................................__ Type of Notice: File Number(s): Date of Mailing: �. ITIT0.1.k�.......... Ibarra, Rosalinda From: Ibarra, Rosalinda Sent: Friday, June 07,2019 12:19 PM To: Ahtanum Irrigation District - Beth Ann Brulotte; Cawley, Marc; Chamber of Commerce; Department of Agriculture; Department of Commerce (CTED) - Review Team; Department of Ecology; Department of Ecology - Lori White; Department of Ecology - SEPA Register; Department of Ecology -CRO Coordinator; Department of Fish and Wildlife; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Eric Bartrand; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Scott Downes; Department of Natural Resources; Dept of Social & Health Svcs - Robert Hubenthal; Dept. Archaeology & Historic Preservation - SEPA Review; Desgrosellier, Bob; Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council - Stephen Posner; Henne, Dennis; Ibarra, Rosalinda; Kallevig, Dana; Nob Hill Water - Bob Irving; Office of Rural & Farmworker Housing - Marty Miller; Peterson, Robert; Riddle, Dan; Scott Izutsu - Yakima School District; US Army Corps of Engineers - David Moore; WA State Dept of Health, Office of Drinking Water; WA State Parks & Recreation Commission; West Valley School District - Angela Watts; WSDOT - Paul Gonseth; WSDOT - South Central Regional Planning Office; WSDOT Aviation - Patrick Wright, Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs - Rocco Clark; Yakama Nation Environmental Management Program - Elizabeth Sanchey; Yakama-Klickitat Fisheries - John Marvin; Yakima County Building Official - Harold Maclean; Yakima County Commissioners; Yakima County Flood Control District - Dianna Woods; Yakima County Flood Control District - Terry Keenhan; Yakima County Health District; Yakima County Health District - Ryan Ibach; Yakima County Planning - Zoning/ Sub - Jason Earles; Yakima County Planning Director - Lynn Deitrick; Yakima County Public Svcs Director, Lisa Freund; Yakima Greenway Foundation - Kellie Connaughton; Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency - Hasan Tahat; Yakima Valley Conference of Governments - Mike Shuttleworth; Yakima Valley Museum - Peter Arnold; Yakima Waste Systems - Keith Kovalenko; Associated Press; Brown, Michael; Davido, Sean; El Mundo; El Sol de Yakima; Fannin, John; Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; KAPP TV News; KBBO-KRSE Radio - manager; KDNA Noticias; KDNA Radio - Francisco Rios; KEPR TV News; KIMA TV News; KIT News; KIT/KATS/DMVW/KFFM - Lance Tormey; KNDO TV News; KNDU TV News; KUNW-TV Univision; KVEW TV News; La Casa Hogar; La Voz; Lozano, Bonnie; NWCN News; NWPR - Anna King; Randy Luvaas - Yakima Business Times; RCDR - Maria DJ Rodriguez; Reed C. Pell; Tu Decides; Tu Decides - Albert Torres; Yakima Herald Republic - Mai Hoang; Yakima Herald Republic Newspaper; Yakima School District - Jack Irion; Yakima Valley Business Times; Beehler, Randy; Belles, Carolyn; Brown, David; Calhoun, Joseph; Caruso, Joe; Contreras, Pedro; Cutter, Jeff, Davenport, Joan; Dean, James; DeBusschere, Suzanne; Denman, Glenn; DeOchoa, Vick; Horton, Kelli; Layman, Randy; Matthews, Archie; Maxey, Lisa; Meloy, Randy; Reid, Patrick; Rossignol, Linda; Schafer, Scott; Shane, Mike; Story, Gregory; Watkins, Sara; Witthuhn, Tyler; Zabell, John; Zammarchi, Loretta; Al Rose; Alfred A. Rose; Coffey, Kathy; Jacob Liddicoat; Leanne Hughes -Mickel; Patricia Byers; Philip Ostriem; Rob McCormick; William Cook Cc: Crowell, Eric Subject: Notice of Application, SEPA, & Public Hearing - Gary Delaney - RZ#005-19, SEPA#018-19 Attachments: NTC OF APP, SEPA, HEARING_GaryDelaney_RZ#005-19 SEPA#018-19.pdf Attached is a Notice of Application, Environmental Review, and Public Hearing regarding the above -entitled project. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please contact assigned planner Eric Crowell at (509) 576-6736 or by e-mail at: eri crowIN,yakimiiwa.L- cly. Thank you. Rosalinda Ibarra Community Development Administrative Assistant City of Yakima I Phi Division 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima WA 98901 p: (509) 575-6183 0 f: (509) 575-6105 .40A 1i IM ,m�1� ": ann Act. This email is subject to the State Retention Schedule. m0C. # °Ei-I 3b WE TIMStoL YOUR STORIES . This is the proof of your ad scheduled to run on the dates indicated below. Please proof read notice carefully to check spelling and run dates, if you need to make changes Account #: 110358 Company Name: CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING Contact: ROSALINDA IBARRA,AP Address: 129 N 2ND STREET YAKIMA, WA 98901-2720 Telephone: (509) 575-6164 Fax: Account Rep: Simon Sizer Phone # (509) 577-7740 Email: ssizergyakimaherald.com Ad ID: 889969 Start: 06/07/19 Stop: 06/07/19 Total Cost: $299.30 Lines: 164.0 # of Inserts: 1 Ad Class: 6021 Yakima Herald -Republic 06/07/19 CITY OF YAKIMA NOTICE OF APPLICATION, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW, & PUBLIC HEARING DATE: 6/7/2019; FROM: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director; APPLICANT: Gary Delaney (404 N. 1st St., Yakima, WA 98901); FILE NUMBER: RZ#005-19, SEPA#018-19; LOCATION: 1414 S. 2nd Ave; TAX PARCEL NUMBER(S): 191330-33022; DATE OF APPLICATION: 4/23/2019; DATE OF COMPLETENESS: 5/31/2019. PROJ- ECT DESCRIPTION: Proposal to rezone a 0.11 -acre parcel from Two -Family Residential (R-2) to Small Convenience Center (SCC). CONSISTENCY: Pursuant to YMC § 16.06.020(A), the project considerations are determined to be consistent with applicable development regulations, as follows: 1)The type of land use: Non -project Rezone and SEPA Environmental Review; 2) Level of Devel- opment: No development proposed as part of the rezone; 3) Infrastructure and public facilities: The subject property is able to be served by public streets, water, sewer, garbage collection, etc.; and 4) Characteristics of development: The proposal shall adhere to all Title 12 and Title 15 development standards. Pursuant to YMC § 16.06.020(B), the develop- ment regulations and comprehensive plan considerations are found to be consistent, as follows: 1) The type of land use: Non -project Rezone and SEPA Environmental Review; 2) Density of Development: No development proposed as part of the rezone; and 3) Availability and adequacy of infrastruc- ture and public utilities: The subject property is able to be served by public facilities. [ - REVIEW: This is to notify agencies with jurisdiction and envi- ronmental expertise and the public that the City of Yakima, Planning Division, has been established as the lead agency, under WAC § 197-11-928 for this project. The City of Yakima has reviewed the proposed project for probable adverse envi- ronmental impacts and expects to issue a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) per WAC § 197-11-355. The proposal may include mitigation measures under applicable codes and the project review process may incorporate or require mitiga- tion measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared. A copy of the subsequent SEPA threshold determination will be mailed to parties of record and entities who were provided this notice and may be appealed pursuant to YMC § 6.88.170. Required Permits: The following local, state, and federal permits/approvals may or will be needed for this project: None; Required Studies: N/A; Existing Environmental Documents: None; Development Regulations for Project Mitigation and Consistency Include: the State Environ- mental Policy Act, the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance, YMC Title 12—Development Standards, and the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan. REQUEST FOR WRIT- Agencies, tribes, and the public are encouraged to review and comment on the proposed project and its probable envi- ronmental impacts. There is a 20 -day comment period for this review. This may be your only opportunity to comment. All written comments received by 5:00 p.m. on June 27, 2019, will be considered priorto issuing the final SEPA determina- tion. This request requires that the Planning Commission hold an open record public hearing, which is scheduled for July 24, 2019 at 3:00 p.m., in the City of Yakima Council Chambers, City Hall, 129 N. 2nd St., Yakima, WA. Any person desiring to express their views on the matter is invited to attend the hearing to provide testimony. Please reference file numbers (RZ#005-19, SEPA#018-19) and applicant's name (Delaney) in any correspondence you submit. You can mail your comments to: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director, City of Yakima, Department of Community Development, 129 N. 2nd St.; Yakima, WA 98901. m Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission will issue its recom- mendation within ten (10) business days. When available, a copy of the recommendation will be mailed to parties of record once it is rendered. The file containing the complete application is available for public review at the City of Yakima Planning Division, City Hall -2nd Floor, 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, Washington. If you have questions regarding this proposal, please call Eric Crowell, Associate Planner, at (509) 576-6736, or e-mail to eric.crowell@yakimawa.gov. (889969) June 7, 2019 Courtesy of Yakima Herald -Republic INDEX H -3 OL. CITY OF YAKIMA NOTICE OF APPLICATION, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW, & PUBLIC HEARING DATE: 6/7/2019; FROM: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director; APPLICANT: Gary Delaney (404 N. tat St., Yakima, WA 98901); FILE NUMBER: R#005.19, SEPA#018-19; LOCATION: 1414 S. 2nd Ave; TAX PARCEL NUMBER(S): 191330-33022 DATE OF APPLICATION: 4/23/2019; DATE OF COMPLETENESS: PLETENESS: 5/31/2019. PROJ- IIQW Proposal to rezone a 0.11 -acre parcel from Two -Family Residential (R-2) to Small Coh/�nuence Center (SCC). Pursuant to`YNC § 16"06.020(A), the pro"ect considerations are determined to be consistent with a.. taboo development regulations, as follows: 1)The type of land use:; Non -project Rezone and SEPA Environmental Review; 2) Level of Devel- opment: No development proposed as part of the rezone; 3) infrastructure and public facilities; The subject property Is able to be served by public streets, water, sewer„ garbage collection, etc.; and 4) Characteristics of development: The proposal shall adhere to all Title 12 and Title 15 developpment standards. Pursuant to YMC § 16.06.020(9), the-devetap- meat regulations and oomprehenslve plan considerations are found to be consistent, as follows: 1) The type of,land use; Non -project Rezone and SEPA Environmental (Review; 2) Density of Devolopment: No development proposed as part of the rezone; and ) Availability and adequacy of iinfrastruo- ture and public utilities The subject property is able to be served by public facilities,NOTICUf_EN.YIflQ.NM6_tJTAL Rgy1F.W; This is to notify agencies with jurisdiction and envi- ronmental expertise and the public that the City of Yakima, Planning Division, has been established as the lead agency, under WAC § 197-11-928 for this project. The City of Yakima has reviewed the proposed project for probable adverse envi- rommental impacts and expects to issue a Determiulation of Nonsignificance (DNS) per iuwPAC § 197-11.355, The proposal may Include unitigation measures underapplicable codes and the project review process may Incorporate or require mitiga• lion measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared, A copy of the subsequent SEPA threshold determinationwill be mailed to parties of record and entities who were provided this notice and may be appealed pursuant to YMC § 6,88.170® Required Permits: The following local, state, and federal ppermits/approvals may or will be needed for this project. Mone; Reuulred Studies: N/Ap. Existing Environmental Documents: None; Development Regulations for Project Mitigation and Consistency Include: the State Environ- mental Policy Act, the "Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance, YMC Title 124mm-Development Standards, and the Yakima n T..E.. ..� 1T_-, Urbarr0Ar�aa Comprehensiveve Pian. ILfC.M-, Agencies, tribes„ and the public are encouraged to review and comment on the proposed project and its probable envi- ronrmental impacts. There is a 20 -day comment period forihis review„ This may be your only opportunity to comment, All written comments received) by 5:00 p.m; on June 27, 201^9, will be considered prior to issuing the final SEPA determina- tion. This request requires that the Planning Commission hold an open record pubtic hearing„ which is scheduled for July 24, 2019 at 3:00 p.m,, in the City of Yakima Council Chambers, City Niall„ 129 N 2nd St"„ "Yakima, WA. Any person desiring to express their views on the matter is invited to attend the hearing to provide testimony. (Tease reference file numbers (R #005-19;"S :PA#018.19);and applicant's name (Delaney) in any correspondence you submit. You can mail your comments to: Joan Davenport, AlCP, Community DevelopmentDirector, City of Yakima, Department of Community levelopuvuent, l29 N. 2nd St.; Yakfmua„ ti/ilA 9ti9t?t. I_TIfl l .wl Tt� Following tlip public hearing, the Planning Commission will Issue Its recom- mendation within ten (10) business days. Whenavallable, a copy of the recommendation will be nialled to parties of record once it is rendered The file containing the complete application is avallable for public review at the City of Yakima Planning Division, City Niall — 2nd Floor,129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, Washington, it: you have questions regarding this proigsalp please calf brio Crowell, Associate Planner, at (509) 57 ! 736,�r,p�mailto,drjcticrowMi yaklmawa, ov. (889969) June 7, 2019 DEPF'-TMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELO—AENT as VM Joan Luvenport, AICP, Director ZON J1 1k IkkX Ad= Jilk'W Planning Division lc TY Of YAMMA Joseph Calhoun, Manager anning 129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning NOTICE OF APPLICATION, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW, $ PUBLIC HEARING DATE: June 7, 2019 TO: SEPA Reviewing Agencies, Applicant, and Adjoining Property Owners FROM: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director APPLICANT: Gary Delaney (404 N. 1st St., Yakima, WA 98901) FILE NUMBER: RZ#005-19, SEPA#018-19 LOCATION: 1414 S. 2nd Ave. TAX PARCEL NUMBER(S): 191330-33022 DATE OF APPLICATION: April 23, 2019 DATE OF COMPLETENESS: May 31, 2019 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Proposal to rezone a 0.11 -acre parcel from Two -Family Residential (R-2) to Small Convenience Center (SCC). DETERMINATION OF CONSISTENCY Pursuant to YMC § 16.06.020(A), the project considerations are determined to be consistent with applicable development regulations, as follows: 1. The type of land use: Non -project Rezone and SEPA Environmental Review 2. Level of Development: No development proposed as part of the rezone 3. Infrastructure and public facilities: The subject property is able to be served by public streets, water, sewer, garbage collection, etc. 4. Characteristics of development: The proposal shall adhere to all Title 12 and Title 15 development standards. Pursuant to YMC § 16.06.020(8), the development regulations and comprehensive plan considerations are found to be consistent, as follows: 1. The type of land use: Non -project Rezone and SEPA Environmental Review 2. Density of Development: No development proposed as part of the rezone 3. Availability and adequacy of infrastructure and public utilities: The subject property is able to be served by public facilities. NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This is to notify agencies with jurisdiction and environmental expertise and the public that the City of Yakima, Planning Division, has been established as the lead agency, under WAC § 197-11-928 for this project. The City of Yakima has reviewed the proposed project for probable adverse environmental impacts and expects to issue a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) per WAC § 197-11-355. The proposal may include mitigation measures under applicable codes and the project review process may incorporate or require mitigation measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared. A copy of the subsequent SEPA threshold determination will be mailed to parties of record and entities who were provided this notice and may be appealed pursuant to YMC § 6.88.170. Required Permits: The following local, state, and federal permits/approvals may or will be needed for this project: None Required Studies: N/A Existing Environmental Documents: None Development Regulations for Project Mitigation and Consistency Include: the State Environmental Policy Act, the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance, YMC Title 12—Development Standards, and the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan. REQUEST FOR WRITTENCOMMENT AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Agencies, tribes, and the public are encouraged to review and comment on the proposed project and its probable environmental impacts. There is a 20 -day comment period for this review. This may be your only opportunity to comment. DOC. INDEX,.,.�; All written comments received by 5:00 p.m. on June 27, 2019, will be considered prior to issuing the final SEPA determination. This request requires that the Planning Commission hold an open record public hearing, which is scheduled for July 24, 2019 at 3:00 p.m., in the City of Yakima Council Chambers, City Hall, 129 N. 2nd St., Yakima, WA. Any person desiring to express their views on the matter is invited to attend the hearing to provide testimony. Please reference file numbers (RZ#005-19, SEPA#018-19) and applicant's name (Delaney) in any correspondence you submit. You can mail your comments to: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director City of Yakima, Department of Community Development 129 N. 2nd St.; Yakima, WA 98901 NOTICE OF RECOMMENDATION Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission will issue its recommendation within ten (10) business days. When available, a copy of the recommendation will be mailed to parties of record and entities who were provided this notice once it is rendered. The file containing the complete application is available for public review at the City of Yakima Planning Division, City Hall — 2nd Floor, 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, Washington. If you have questions regarding this proposal, please call Eric Crowell, Associate Planner, at (509) 576-6736, or e-mail to eric.crowell@yakimawa.gov. Enclosed: Narratives, Project Descriptions, SEPA Checklist, Site Plan, and Vicinity Map DEPA' '.MENTO DE DESARROLLO COMU 7ARID Joan Davenport, AICP, Directora Division ale Pl: nifica66n i Joseph Calhoun, Gerente YA & 129 Norte Calle 2a, 2° Piso, Yakima, WA 98901 i ask.planning@yakimawa.gov p awa AVISO DE APLICACION, REVISION AMBIENTAL, Y AUDIENCIA POBLICA EI Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario de la Ciudad de Yakima ha recibido una aplicaci6n por parte de un pro pietario/sol icitante y este es un aviso sobre esa solicitud. Informacidin sobre la ubicaci6n de la propiedad en cuesti6n y la solicitud es la siguiente: FECHA OTORGADA: 7 de junio, 2019 PARA: Agencias de Revisi6n Ambiental, Solicitante y Propietarios Adyacentes DE: Joan Davenport, AICP, Directora de Desarrollo Comunitario SOLICITANTE: Gary Delaney (404 N. 1st St., Yakima, WA 98901) No. DE ARCHIVO: RZ#005-19, SEPA#018-19 UBICACION: 1414 S. 2nd Ave. No. DE PARCELA(S): 191330-33022. FECHA DE APLICACION: 23 de abril, 2019 FECHA DE APLICACION COMPLETA:31 de mayo, 2019 DESCRIPCION DEL PROYEC'TO: Propuesta para cambiar la zonificacidin de una parcela de 0.11 acres de Residencial Duplex (R-2) a Centro de Comercio Pequeno (SCC). DETERMINACION DE LA CONSISTENCIA Conforme al C6digo Municipal YMC §16.06.020(A), las consideraciones del proyecto se determinan consistentes con las siguientes normas aplicables: 1. EI tipo de use terrenal: Cambio a la Zonificacidin sin Proyecto Relacionado y Revisi6n Ambiental 2. Nivel de desarrollo: Ningun desarrollo esta propuesto como parte del cambio de zonificaci6n. 3. Infraestructura a instalaciones publicas: La propiedad puede ser servida por calles publicas, agua, drenaje, recolecci6n de basura, etc. 4. Caracteristicas del desarrollo: La propuesta se adherir6 a todas las normas de desarrollo del titulo 12 y del titulo 15. Conforme al C6digo Municipal YMC §16.06.020(6), los reglamentos de desarrollo y las consideraciones del plan comprehensivo son coherentes, de la siguiente manera: 1. EI tipo del use terrenal: Cambio a la Zonificacidin sin Proyecto Relacionado y Revisi6n Ambiental 2. Densidad del desarrollo: Ningun desarrollo esta propuesto como parte del cambio de zonificaci6n. 3. Disponibilidad y adecuaci6n de infraestructura y servicios publicos: La propiedad puede ser servida por instalaciones publicas. AVISO DE REVISION AMBIEINTAL: Esto es para notificar a las agencias con jurisdicci6n y experiencia ambiental y al publico que la Ciudad de Yakima, Division de Planificaci6n, se establece como la agencia principal, de acuerdo con la Ley Estatal de Politica Ambiental de Washington (SEPA) bajo WAC §197-11-928 para la revisi6n de este proyecto. La Ciudad de Yakima ha revisado el proyecto propuesto para posibles impactos ambientales adversos y espera emitir una Determinacidin de No-Significancia (DNS) para este proyecto conforme al proceso DNS opcional en WAC § 197-11-355. La propuesta puede incluir medidas de mitigaci6n bajo los c6digos aplicables y el proceso de revisi6n del proyecto puede incorporar o requerir medidas de mitigaci6n independientemente de si se prepara un EIS (Declaracidin de Impacto Ambiental). Una copia de la determinaci6n de umbral posterior se enviara a las personas y agencias que comentaron y que recibieron este aviso, y se puede apelar de acuerdo con el C6digo Municipal de Yakima YMC § 6.88.170. Permisos Requeridos: Los siguientes permisos/aprobaciones locales, estatales, y federales pueden o seran necesarios para este proyecto: ninguno Estudios Requeridos: N/A Documentos Ambientales Existentes: Ninguno TINA Yakima INDEX "0 .�i 2015 1994 Los Reglamentos de Desarrollo para la Mitigacion y Consistencia de Proyectos Incluyen: La Ley Estatal de Politica Ambiental de Washington, La Ordenanza de Zonificacibn del Area Urbana de Yakima, Los Estandares de Desarrollo del Titulo 12, y el Plan Integral del Area Urbana de Yakima. SOLICITUD DE COMENTARIOS ESCRITOS Y AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA: Se anima a las agencias, tribus, y al publico a revisar y comentar sobre el proyecto y sobre sus probables impactos ambientales. Habra un periodo de veinte dias para hacer sus comentarios. Este podria ser su unica oportunidad para comentar. Todos los comentarios recibidos por escrito antes de las 5:00 p.m. el 27 de junio, 2019 seran considerados antes de emitir la decision final de SEPA sobre esta solicitud. Esta propuesta requiere una audiencia publica con registro abierto con la Comision de Planificacion. Por to tanto, una audiencia publica se Ilevara a cabo el miercoles, 24 de julio, 2019 comenzando a las 3:00 p.m. en el Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad de Yakima ubicado en el 129 N 2nd Street, Yakima, WA. Se le invita a cualquier persona que desee expresar sus opiniones sobre este caso a asistir a la audiencia publica o a presentar comentarios por escrito. Por favor de hacer referencia al numero de archivo (RZ#005-19, SEPA#018-19) o al nombre del solicitante (Delaney) en cualquier correspondencia que envi6. Por favor de enviar sus comentarios sobre esta propuesta a: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director City of Yakima, Department of Community Development 129 N. 2nd St., Yakima, WA 98901 AVISO DE LA RECOMENDACON FINAL: Despu6s de la audiencia publica, la Comision de Planificacion emitira su recomendacibn dentro de diez (10) dias h6biles. Cuando la recomendacion este disponible, una copia sera enviada a las personas que mandaron comentarios o que recibieron este aviso. EI archivo que contiene la aplicacibn completa est6 disponible para inspeccion publica en la Oficina de Planificacion de la Ciudad de Yakima en el 129 al Norte la Calle 2da, Yakima, WA. Si tiene cualquier pregunta sobre esta propuesta, puede contactar a la Oficina de Planificacion al (509) 575-6183 o por correo electronico al: ai PnauTuinyal�ur0r Adjuntes: Narrativo, Descripcion del Proyecto, Lista de SEPA, Plan de Sitio, Mapa J IVj U rl I May 31, 2019 DEM _7MENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOT FENT Joan Davenport, AICP, Director Planning Division Joseph Calhoun, Manager 129 North Second Street, 2" Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning FILE NUMBERS: APPLICANT: APPLICANT ADDRESS: PROJECT LOCATION: TAX PARCEL NO: DATE OF REQUEST: SUBJECT: Mr. Delaney: RZ#005-19, SEPA#018-19 Gary Delaney 404 N. 1st St., Yakima, WA 98901 1414 S. 2nd Ave. 191330-33022 April 23, 2019 Notice of Complete Application The application for your Rezone and Environmental Review for 1414 S. 2nd St. was received on April 23, 2019. As of May 31, 2019, your application is considered complete as required by the City of Yakima's Municipal Code (YMC) and site plan checklist, as referenced in YMC § 15.23.030. Your application is now considered to be complete. The Development Services Team (DST) held a meeting on May 7, 2019 to review your project. Continued processing of your request will include, but is not limited to, the following actions: 1. A Notice of Application will be sent to all property owners within a 300 -foot radius of your site. This notice will include a request for public comments during a 20 -day comment period as is required by the City of Yakima. Notice of Application is scheduled to be issued on June 4, 2019 and the comment period will end on June 24, 2019. 2. A public hearing for your project is scheduled with the City of Yakima Hearing Examiner to take place in the City of Yakima Council Chambers on August 8, 2019. 3. The Hearing Examiner's recommendation is tentatively scheduled for final consideration by the City Council at its October 1, 2019 business meeting. If you have any questions regarding this matter please call me at (509) 576-6736. Sincerely, Eric Crowell Associate Planner Yakima uF�ary -5 INDEWIX 1994 11MV CITY OF YAKIMA C it y �'DkAXIMALAND USE ACTION INSTALLATION anni CERTIFICATE File Number: 005 --19 Applicant/Project Name: J arl,��,r Lc..v.•U'lo � Site Address: /<}-/S 5. '3 Date of Posting: Land Use Sign Location of Installation (Check One): Land Use Action Sign is installed per standards described in YMC § 15.11.080(C). Land Use Action Sign is installed in an alternate location on the site. Note: this alternate location (if not pre -approved by the Planning Manager) may not be acceptable by the Planning Division and is subject to relocation (at the owner's expense) to a more visible site on the property. The alternative location is: The required notice of application will be sent to the applicant and property owners within a 300 -foot radius after the Planning Division has received this Land Use Action Installation Certification. Failure to post a Land Use Action sign and return this form signed in a timely manner may cause a delay in the application review process. I hereby testify that the installed sign fully complies with the Land Use Action sign installation standards (see pg. 2), that the sign will be maintained until a decision has been rendered, and that the si n will beeturt�ccl within 30 da s from the date the final decision is issued. App Applicant's _47— Za � ......... Date Applicant's Phone Number Please fill out and sign the above certification after posting and deliver to the City of Yakima Planning Division via email to ask.planning@yakimawa.gov or in person/by mail to: City of Yakima, Planning Division, 129 North 2"d Street, Yakima, WA 98901. RECEIVED MAY 2 1 2019 Page - 1 [fie' 19 CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING DIV. �� RT TREMENTS FOR POSTING OF PRI' —E PROPERTY FOR LAND USE ACTION rOFYAKb City of Yakima Community Development Department, Planning Division 129 N 2°d St, Yakima, WA 98901 ,anning (509) 575-6183 as kpt4tlrflpg(j(�y ilnawa.g l GENERAL INFORMATION The Land Use Action posted signage shall serve as a method of notification to the public that a land use application has been submitted to the City for a proposed change to the property. The Land Use Action sign shall be known in this section as the "sign" referred to in YMC §15.11.080(C) as the official signage for application of the following land use matters: o Class 3 Public Hearings; o Preliminary Long Subdivisions; o Rezones; o Right -of -Way Vacations; o Appeals; o Interpretation (if required) o Comprehensive Plan Amendments as indicated in YMC Ch. 16.10; o Environmental Review, except for a categorically exempt application; and, o Annexation of property by the City. For the above land use matters it is required to post one sign and in some cases more than one sign on the site or in a location immediately adjacent to the site that provides visibility to motorists using adjacent streets. The Planning Manager has established standards for size, color, layout, design, and wording of the signs which the Planning Division will supply to the applicant. The Planning Division sends a reminder to the applicant and/or property owner via an insert in the notice of decision mailing to remove the land use action sign(s) and return them to the Planning Division after the appeal period has lapsed. SIGNAGE INS°i"ALLATiON The applicant shall install the Land Use Action sign(s) in accordance with these provisions: o Signs shall be located at the midpoint on the street frontage from which the site is addressed or as otherwise directed by the Planning staff; o Signs shall be located 10 feet back from the property line; o Signs structurally attached to an existing building shall be exempt from the setback requirement, provided that no sign is located further than 10 feet from the property line without written approval from Planning staff, o The top of the signs shall be positioned between 5 and 6 feet above grade; o Signs shall be posted on the subject property so as to be clearly seen from each right-of-way providing primary vehicular access to the subject property as stated in YMC §I5.11.080(C); and o The sign can be easily read from the adjacent street and/or sidewalk. Page — 2 Re 1019k 19 CITY PLANNING — WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES (YMC CH. 15.29) TXT#002-19 & SEPA#026-19 Yakima Planning Commission Open Record Public Hearing July 24, 2019 EXHIBIT LIST Applicant: City of Yakima Planning Division File Numbers: TXT#002-19 & SEPA#026-19 Site Address: N/A Staff Contact: Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager Table of Contents CHAPTER A Staff Report CHAPTER B SEPA Checklist CHAPTER C Applications CHAPTER D Public Comments CHAPTER E Public Notices CHAPTER F Supplemental Information CITY PLANNING — WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES (YMC CH. 15.29) TXT#002-19 & SEPA#026-19 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER A Staff Report DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Joan Davenport, AICP, Director CITY ��F wAKa A Planning Division i Joseph Calhoun, Manager 129 North Second Street, 2°d Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning Recommendation Regarding Amendments to the City's Zoning Ordinance TO: City of Yakima Planning Commission FROM: Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager SUBJECT: Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments — File TXT#002-19 FOR MEETING OF: July 24, 2019 I. PURPOSE AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS: The City of Yakima Planning Division is proposing non -project minor amendments to the City of Yakima's Municipal Code Title 15. The proposed amendments will modify YMC Chapter 15.29 — Wireless Facilities. The Planning Commission held study sessions on these proposed amendments on March 13, 2019; April 10, 2019; and May 8, 2019. Proposed Amendments: The complete track changes text can be found in Exhibit "A" and is incorporated herein by reference. A summary of the amendments is as follows: 1. New, revised, and deleted definitions for consistency with FCC regulations and to minimize redundancy. 2. New process and procedure for Small Wireless Facilities on private property and in the public Right -of -Way. 3. Clarification of wireless height variance process and procedure. 4. Clarification of the visual impact assessment language and removal of balloon tests. II. YAKIMA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 2040 The proposed text amendments are consistent with the following goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan 2040 Goal 2.1: Establish a development pattern consistent with the community's vision. Policy 2.1.6; Adopt coordinated development regulations that facilitate Yakima's preferred land use pattern (e.g. allowed density, uses, and site provisions) • Refine the land use code on an ongoing basis to make it user-friendly by employing simple language, easy to read charts, and illustrative graphics. • Monitor and refine the land use code as needed to facilitate the preferred land use pattern and development character. • Integrate an appropriate balance of predictability and flexibility when updating development regulations that allow ease of administration and interpretation and offer optional ways of meeting requirements when possible. Yakima I MR DOC. 11111F INDEX 2015 A- 1994 This project was processed for review under the State Environmental Policy Act as a procedural action per WAC 197-11-800(19), and a Preliminary Determination of Nonsignificance was issued on June 28, 2019 (SEPA#026-19). The DNS was retained on July 19, 2019. IV. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing Legal Ad Publication June 28, 2019 June 28, 2019 One written comment was submitted from WSDOT, which requested that new facilities or colloaction within 500 -feet of 1-82, US Hwy 12, and SR 24 complete cooperative testing with WSDOT. The following language will be added to the final draft: 15.29.060(H). Facilities within 500 -feet of Interstate 82, US Highway 12, and State Route 24. Any new facilities proposed in these areas shall complete cooperative testing with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to identify any problems that may be corrected though the installation of specific protective or interference devices. A copy of the completed testing, including any required WSDOT conditions, shall be provided to the Planning Division. V. CONCLUSIONS 1. No adverse impacts have been identified by the approval of these amendments. 2. The proposed text amendments are supported by the Yakima Comprehensive Plan 2040. VI. RECOMMENDATION The Department of Community Development recommends APPROVAL of these text amendments. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Approval: Based on the testimony and evidence presented during this afternoon's public hearing, I move that the Planning Commission draft findings of fact and forward a recommendation of approval to the Yakima City Council. Approval with modifications: Based on the testimony and evidence presented during this afternoon's public hearing, I move that the City of Yakima Planning staff modify the draft language to include the changes noted in the minutes of this afternoon's public hearing, and with these changes move that the Planning Commission draft findings of fact and forward a recommendation of approval to the Yakima City Council. Denial: Based on the testimony and evidence presented during this afternoon's public hearing, I move that the Planning Commission reject the proposal to include findings of fact documenting the reasons for denial, and order the proposal be forwarded to the Yakima City Council with a recommendation for denial. 3 Chapter 15 29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Chapter 15.29 EXHIBIT A WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES Sections: 15,29 010 Purpose. 15,29,020 Definitions, 15,29,030 Exemptions 15,29,040 Permits required, 1529050 Application submittal/fees. 15 29,060 Development standards, 15,29„070 Design criteria, 15,29,080 Site selection standards, 15.29,090 Safety and industry standards 15.29 100 Wireless conditional use permit criteria, 1529 110 Wireless height variance. 15,29 120 Application review process, 15,29 130 &6ralkiciw-ta: tw-----Visual impact assessments 1529 140 Third -party review, 15.29,150 Nonuse/abandonment, 1529 160 Transfer of ownership, 1529 170 Vacation of permits. 1529 180 Violation—Penalty. 15,29,190 Relief, waiver, exemption, 15,29.200 Severability Page 275/315 15.29.010 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to establish general guidelines for the siting of wireless- & E aprvrnr umrn,vfak6o-sca-_facilities, including towers, antennas and support structures. A Goals The goals ofthis chapter are to: 1 Enhance the ability of 1;w i r,,ww)imt, wireless service providers to provide such services throughout the city quickly, effectively, and efficiently, 2. Encourage pce wwmi9-wvireless service providers to locate towers and antennas in nonresidential areas; 3 Encourage Pe"sonaei-wireless service providers to co -locate on new and existing tower sites, 4. Encourage pn gsawnA wireless service providers to locate towers and antennas, to the extent possible, in areas where the adverse impact on city residents is minimal; 5, Encourage perswutl-wireless service providers to configure towers and antennas in a way that minimizes any significant adverse visual impact; and 6. Provide for the wireless communications needs of governmental entities Accordingly, the city council finds that the promulgation of this chapter is warranted and necessary: I To manage the location of towers and antennas in the city; 1 To protect residential areas and land uses from potential adverse impacts of towers; 3, To minimize adverse visual impacts oftowers through careful design, siting, landscape, screening, and innovative camouflaging techniques; 1)0r. 1160. IN . Chapter 15 29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Page 276/315 4. To accommodate an increased need for towers to serve the wireless e;a,am�innr7aunia,alk ws needs of city residents, 5, To promote and encourage col -location on existing and new towers as an option rather than construction of additional single -use towers, and to reduce the number of such structures needed in the future; 6, To consider the public health and safety of towers to the extent permitted by the Telecommunications Act of 1996; and 7 To avoid potential damage to adjacent properties through sound engineering practices and the proper siting of antenna support structures B New Uses- All new towers, ,nW1 iw;uir is ,„�oal�„1 r� ulttl antennas and support structures shall comply with this chapter Ain 6itrshanrtMu�lr�-abFChr„ tra iu¢e timet m s�d6a6iaNuwrc-�Ipd rctpl ultEur. C, Existing Uses.. All-fle s srmitt w irssMfira a towers and antennas existing on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter that are not in compliance with this chapter shall be allowed to continue as they presently exist, but will be considered nonconforming uses Routine maintenance shall be permitted on existing towers and antennas- However, new construction other than 111101fic ui m), mildr puw.q,anet aKa, z l,rgrla sx.lC ur,i1 rrW,uhG° la?P (le ( iris', II at , k0 w"i"tguwwl ,Iswii a.`pw<,auoni l6u i of:'0 " And I I i k~'ec we�uon 1.6100 and routine maintenance on xu,, 6ng- a+r ua°vo-o- , hei 0°iii7xs< r aulluee Pdr.�ullauu _shall comply with the requirements of this chapter D, Facilitation of Wireless Service These standards were designed to comply with the Telecommunications Act of 1996 wd °,uflsscqua na Besk�M saMafl sET,w�l,atn6r , The provisions of this chapter are not intended to and shall not be interpreted to prohibit or to have the effect of prohibiting pev.,*w a0 --wireless services, This chapter shall not be applied in such a manner as to unreasonably discriminate between providers of functionally equivalent pefr >or g - wireless services, E, Conflict with Other Standards To the extent that any provision of this chapter is inconsistent or conflicts with any other city ordinance this chapter shall control. Otherwise, this chapter shall be construed consistently with the other provisions and regulations of the city, (Ord, 2016-029 § i (Exh, A) (part), 2016: Ord 2013-051 § 2 (Exh A) (part), 2013)- 15.29.020 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them below, Additional definitions pertaining to the Yakima urban area zoning ordinance can be found in Chapter 15 02 YMC "Abandonment" means to cease operation for a period of three hundred sixty-five or more consecutive days, "Administrator” means the director ofthe city's department ofcommunity development and his or her designees. "Antenna” means ,isospypdta ltii„�l ,p�rr�ul 9irr i8ae`l'rdulreo,�,. eu1 �q,!initttatia, oa)uwV1utgauu.iA ,_yl 1, 4 c a,h,wroir?Aw sne �rti �r1r � AA�c&,��c_ p.°rsl,n�gafaae0iu_7lmw,e,wlEoetu0.nuisrulMusl6pt,tar6,6'4 .3utluurla�rHigrlt..for the yfmr wsuwolvaualwtabMnsaua,lNwp�, as4crldrq• aprgrtwt-dtkrrow aleayu ,nuad 9twa t Nu gwww quw„ uaualgta: Ntt¢rei, ht& rfiu p, aw Codew^a mdflp t�ttattaarntwc�ua9a +nes &lawwraag,th dh nrolo-hw rat+uuwautt r+6 uwl+ueadxeau+tµp."ne�tia tiiweltwwwM�antatrod mthahw�gawrr•a�wllhaltauvsatm�raMYffts�gaaasl-�w�ir paamwu„a��+stttsa.�ttaa� eat Nwurapa$sartg Nyer tkmu. puawlnvswy4up�lxran-wwu;lomdmK���tirarwVi., rr�Aw�tea^s,moor~8ttuluor6areeuf3a�,^+at;t�&�euaNal�sta8a.a�+�rwotromrsara+aatwoua�,^wsw�wia.e~T~�w�tasa�b�u,«s.. d4.�I4kG,@9WVgNN4A69Xitlgt Xt0W'ry^ htl:IPo O ^k iNtN��✓R6'� "{'l i'hl-0.1 w^bk4°8b✓'$ 19i1M19(Y0 i'A,S.W.I W%V" 86a Ix, xa;'Mi4'1 rti�C'i'kR1NYGAkk{@n'a"fi4�tl�YWt rt iP9Ba qk'M N;'r�r/P9tlR for, tl.r:�BBftluuu m;`u4Vtl�Mk4F a, 1 �laa�}s&slk�cad-aa lo;P9�sf, rawdtla,tlt:-awroM+1 h'wW'taCNXVkYl+r4WBMRkkt^ktWbiu°WtV1Y�11 r�"n&*,k4 dY„s"+� �Vnr°�+t°v,�kk7R66bppa6ti9a`ihltlllaNfl"o._ MvPrw.^ukJ+ , dwhf ksx,waenda ni iris w strktton e"ssoia@uoo r. 1Sg4u isi,.Nui �ei��nier.',° trusgauuia•.aws 9 use 1u�� x snsrm a;,¢Lltiar, gatwaa cre Fifa@ra a�, )r, �tb b ti rfr a }Irpwya 1,4, i�,rra;d grutct,, �u l e ,, aaha a col.�ret'mcd roup al ^ wt huu, s, �nomsted p6tld agr4 4eatsxsntt,_�rna�aha±.°rl ask ks r, tuaua fiddI, V4b. rsrtu+.agll v q1w� ctanuust ns.�, .. ,.,,.., or installed at the same time as such antenna "Antenna height" means the vertical distance measured from the base of the antenna support structure at natural grade to the highest point of the structure even if said highest point is an antenna Measurement of tower height shall include antenna, base pad, and other appurtenances, mw hidnt, burn iiwapchsussteyd qga psui .rsu a ,gl,w,gs,+ir}a;spls. and shall be DOC. INDEX Chapter 15,29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Page 277/315 measured from the natural grade ofthe parcel at the lowest elevation point of the support structure's perimeter "Antenna support structure" means any pole, telescoping mast, tower, tripod, or other structure which supports a device used in the transmitting or receiving of radio frequency signals "Applicant" means any provider or any person, partnership, company, or government agency that files an application for any permit necessary to install, maintain, or remove a ps ie iii -wireless service facility within the city, 40MI0'm0o WAA +Hm o-iuu,-, oh WSFI'oa ua 1,spuasroomlul J)0 "AI "v nmorv,w ly aup I mss augpwl n -t mupqtpmeareatomaM- iaatllrrpymr, Ihru0. u n, r, ce u9181ti �� IP9 sr v o0lwae 464-iatl-&mIof3Nlo arrmmw uma lmud) tgp,au9N 'dt¢tmtr'IWoBNmr,-umk blv09tauiNd"rw.om heigh9 mgrf ¢doe-1prop:po' ced-&owe^,c: w m ase station is la kuattirtcarlaalmur}vuGppuu,it,fu�-,ya duaktuflml4C61t u,9pa�Vp,u„'.kmy_�,gn,��alunapiNYiumlmg.dtiy;oq�.l�z�,ti r,aIMIE)YY$➢gWtl4,"�Ol atl,4'v,�Aa„1M1"�4�`{"IN,WVti,l C, vl41apb6rektmV(YWkfl eq I[7tlAdlfl{i,ltl'yll',,�,lNYIYf�Ngr;EM1?.q,l ,l,ll�`6.',CIK)k142a.x luge C IIIIW9�"d �.al^;Ma99 kl,�n lmtgtman,�,rm�r9rs.�Yrt„vtu9b�,im41tn vw[iuogruuryl,4,tt,w�tiea�mu¢,;^ml�ralt,,lrat; (al c'jqummmbuu t,Itpti,,�lroquiIsm)CI a"fi:l(ttu,rapwmganiiru4 t tinm;,(�mtyJN'�III X_ Ir0cm �sw4¢u'^Www,, isch„"p((ugli?.Gsrrirm9t,g�5. mld]rthh[L ,akcly ! orawe31, %t�dl „un Ill ' cd �,+yiw(v 9y,i,? such ,u, uumw uFmmw:aa fii_ h�ckhTu„I, faiil Y Ie wrutt uiia;,Ntd l b ul is noel p""flr ttt, raahw'r to wrr t i.lvgf, rpmrdw ino,aa, wrHa iorl far (I?� r i i))na t rfr¢y ”,",). trap as uirq,l lapid.t�[a rpgauptepmpefu[q,,,,iusal_,irnalr,�ttllyl Q%puuapntr,pvti dapttrm9(g amlryu,lprrnafgr t ewl,a iuu&ga¢lu.wiatiwJJefuywr°[IIIfp,"I' Distributed "nieumiS3,4Qru,sondsmr ll_Cwditie Field Code Changed Field Code Changed Field Code Changed Field Code Changed wu.) p p„ wa uamu anw earl iptlymm,M a.huopp� 4d��atltpptgg_ ppput u1tlaJ�n, a,,d,,„wa�r I Field Code Changed thm o,,,,o ennenuui,u sututxrrstites w, prmprtltil d b daia�phs 0)throueh takk!n R , rntr _wawad umj tIIu` �1pIabl9rvmvoguaField Code Changedaa5t - �tflarvr Sh,gl paa pack sl,ca areprrto u e przt o -w r, pr�srou. wM aEv uaeN Ilam^,rirtsgragwit, ,uutaq @pymra9 1[lHyult^ uu gl osaw,lay Ipmurp ose of Field Code Changed t mu6ppm_^ �.sue'Gm ,oeliyrupup, aaraa ,. Field Code Changed qir) p°agt, la ualruirr•g_tiai g.�i otg Opgya a,hxaif;ltis )adaW,(r; t p ;,s'V',ol Jia,110' uip;al Joh Croakon, V of ^0I mid II (,p k ou [ +ellud} lW Ua uaum rNaeu; ttsut inc"Ilgy,plti reuey sr gr tuu alto&sm slut toqure �gpot 4ti9uuytuat �aptprolir stlmtsn r irl M@ ttall ,gtu. Cil% nsNcr Ght da oo !ar ua gt woml,wArG�tg4 ar,lls n,,a, wsquyLlpaau iro de, ruNgd R” p+ar i watflh, l p f J1 rlrpdiusst,mlrn,-res fmutpdirs��te1 �mspappaamq�^,tntgc^tl�a,ara�as�naw,hauagaid•r�rdi�wtruo-ma�atnuwvem.',, aura8ruuua�tu-Pa-: a.ewr~ralml•w^solalr� mr u'�pe,arohaw'camtm9-. hnc, ii pp poweii supply, rm¢l oflia a "a s"06'r ed ela;t;4romc4, wclu(ficpl^, a 9Erudaui e thrfl',trrreFifly.,pullplf+o)nis of�wi,r es air m,irtaWutppt.Y •ntrura�ta^f �>e.i, ers' oarl'prrm w.. aaa!,it+4m:u;d ¢tg[ttl'aa»'aKt�aatl 8potk4•tAawt4sYu9rpfla.�� prCr.mP trt oc 9apu�ao;wpaatw+uat.,ultaet saaitl' , k"quq,III'Ietat-tmt lauaw=.at.@ttwrtlaa)u-u�ra0 r:waawligm�uaaml uruar. puppltmdnat n.lpr,8xrhlmtctl nrtlaelsrekt.m4vrn ainth:,tMrrtld oelka, "Camouflage" means to minimize adverse aesthetic and visual impacts on the land, property, buildings, and other facilities adjacent to, surrounding, and in generally the same area as the requested location of such wireless telecommunications facilities, which shall mean using the least visually and physically intrusive facility that is not technologically impracticable under the facts and circumstances The term includes, without limitation: (a) the use of structures, design, colors, landscaping and location to disguise, hide, blend, or integrate with an existing structure that is not a monopole or tower, (b) placement ofa. wireless facility or component thereof within an existing or new structure, (c) "stealth structures" in which the antenna or other wireless facility component is disguised or concealed within a structure designed to appear as another structure (such as a church steeple or flagpole) or another natural form (such as a tree, rock or other natural feature); and (d) placement of a wireless facility or component thereof upon a site where the topography and existing trees, landscaping, evergreen trees, design, and colors of the facility so that such facility is significantly screened from view or designed to resemble or blend with surrounding natural features. "Cell site” or "site" means a tract or parcel of land that contains wireless service facilities including any antenna, support structure, accessory buildings, and parking, and may include other uses associated with, and ancillary to, rpe,esmsr+rmp -wireless services "City” means the city of Yakima Field Code Changed DOC. INDEX Chapter 15 29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION Page 278/315 FACILITIES "City property" means all real property owned by the city whether in fee ownership or other interest "Co -]location" means the mounting or installation of an antenna rrt tuuurr&eM1tlYYo4 rho[I'v,t_on atorhe-existing structure, woldtirr,un�wsi!dxuPt,vi Hnri°�ni]nk�iPb8h+,gry,ldl rtia yl_r,ufl,uirruus9,wuu+raruoWl,gwY,E�ti rrreµpat^pr�ceal,4rt,iia#tw_aw�JVRt VIC�,kOr Mraaw€ rr- aaur i �mgasauNugyd'rar-ttlueTurrtswaaW'oarbnsiniuingrmlloi ren6vwg-rttdkr tlm g9atta��.r,i itlu8r. c� yannolnur�wsc-�tNauwaaw,u fmuN=fltat "Conditional use permit" or "CUP" means a process and approval as described in this chapter and in YMC Title 15, Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance "COW" means "cell on wheels" or other temporary wireless-erntinmrwt anrii anEnrwR facility, "Design" means the appearance of wireless service facilities, including such features as their materials, colors, and shape, Di�couiiwe l area niears �Nithin thice hundiCd Icct of a residential use of protected Rica in the R-2 and SCC ..,,, , "tuntay,! I wrrq y, - "ETA" means the Electronics Industry Association "Equipment enclosure" means a structure, shelter, cabinet, or vault used to house and to protect the electronic equipment necessary for processing wireless communication signals. Associated equipment may include air conditioning, backup power supplies and emergency generators. e,uyu,WR`t0, aINOW, thw a,kuta"Q-area=rutNNM�•IFI u;Y"^4P*•�,tir-titWi,� hH,Iw""),4R"JI7aHalaiINol�1t4wodIlwld«Rof110- g rw�itiouso Xquvl t,u.„hv ati=uwaaryr-Ihme,raq.tire�yfpNn�mpwatidwlkuGR,kat]lviAr-T'ror-arNa]i�RGrowedIsV ttuutonoaunutntiavrr laa.wlitirp� krtsidt;y^-Yua�uhty , "Facilities” means all of the plant, equipment, fixtures, appurtenances, antennas, and other facilities necessary to furnish and deliver iLu�uai e0blla -4t dtw+�iwtrx,trto c , including but not limited to poles with cross -arms, poles without cross -arms, wires, lines, conduits, cables, communications and signal lines and equipment, braces, guys, anchors, vaults, and all attachments, appurtenances, and appliances necessary or incidental to the distribution and use satu,vts outwire less services "FCC" or "Federal Communications Commission' means the federal administrative agency, or lawful successor, authorized to regulate and oversee telecommunications carriers, services and providers on a national level. tare^waat+arwigaYaaPobtvuruk,o� xta,;auu+,lova•trah^a:a,kwglawa^oPoat-0�Brx tst�rat�Murfugrrua� "Governmental entity" means the state of Washington, Yakima County, the city, municipally owned utilities, and special purpose districts including the school, fire and library districts "Hearing examiner" means the duly appointed hearing examiner of the city "Major modification" means a co -location or other modification that constitutes a substantial change to an existing wireless facility or base station as set forth in YMC 15, 29,060(A)(2), "Minor modification' ars I h tl�tla° i .�M; iiiuu h„ stasis t means acol,-location or other modification that does not constitute a substantial change to an existing wireless facility or base station as set forth in YMC 15,29.060(A)(1) "Modification" or "modify" means the addition, removal or change of any of the physical and visually discernible components or aspects o a wireless facility, such as antennas, ltnanau} tly �rarg'rinurNt ^+oualtir,rtY', y cabling, equipment shelters, landscaping, fencing, utility feeds, changing the color or materials of any visually discernible components, vehicular access, parking and/or an upgrade or change -out of equipment for better or more modem equipment. Adding a new vait�atia. , ca mei or seirykxe provider to a lower or 6a;Icarnuriuurauuuo-caePi�rrowtat-site as a co -location is a modification. A modification shall not include repair and maintenance as defined by this chapter.. Formatted: Not Highlight Formatted: Not Highlight Formatted: Not Highlight Chapter 15,29 WHZELESS COMMUNICATION Page 279/315 FACILITIES "Mount" means the structure or surface upon which taersonad wireless service facilities are mounted There are three types of mounts: I Building Mounted, A persarir ut wireless service facility mount fixed to the roof or side of a building, 2 Ground Mounted A V wrrauweauµ-wireless service facility mount fixed to the ground, such as a tower, 3. Structure Mounted, A ae rmam6 aweless service facility fixed to a structure other than a building, such as light standards, utility poles, and bridges "Natural grade" means the topographic condition and level of ground in place for the past five years or more, or the approved finished grade of land platted through the subdivision process, "Occupy" means to construct, install, maintain, own, or operate ,tie uau9��y qe@ wre���rnudrrsadatliigta-facilities located within city rights-of-way The mere passage of electronic signals over, under, or through rights-of-way via teNnta �ammana aan a4io m ; , uo 0%*� faculutacm o wncd by ¢n othti~rdoes not cam „titot occupying the rights-of-way, a�a,r~elw,°ratl Cama^aBamaa w rar �tiraw« aaaalaare Iawatw4Hw� maiaaV-w«�l vo«o-raamua�aara,ttta«sae^. Puna >Raar+°. It�a^a&ts�fas9rrrv��wRrs-raruBimw;c�hrJ•tlar«a t,aanaakai;aamabhuduat slaraatr<leary,;geaauaral aalagaH°,-uaaadi'4aaaimu@a+tlmervars�OrRu ua;0ahm�rlwta.� "Person" means corporations, companies, associations, joint stock companies, firms, partnerships, limited liability companies, other entities and individuals. I^�»i riHaadrxNm�m,, .,err :.�... inN rm=,�.vma alt'>a�:�reYwaa Kvrom lc laMa;�rldl+a. a[ouaiF 1wrWBati��rordav,Mu in�.tilto-�-rtkly-:phte�w doe eMet�Saaua,l rar Ilu�taamitte• auawtranr a au"d i n .@-�y I Imo- �rwt^raar¢nmm � �F�q�o91 J 3tt i rt�yRInea�-�naz�N, auanaaueivte9-wiaMw��a�w irt-�tlae q tot+.nb�,.r dwsusJiatrlP�i�ualas�;�tynt.uVddaa..� Iarod.aNuaa Xt+artr¢attrnsu+aaa iudrab r�t�twulsBWawn-wtfW.t�w¢taoa vri^• rta�M1aw'aaw�w,ta��,+�d��utl � way aa9-Isar warread�l�rRr�rra�rdtuattt,.. ars^�ludut�lrltarr�e°.p�wzas.<pnaV a,aat�ltrruaeaaratnifl;wrt, �war�^rr�e9w�uatte�r+�a!�d�atas��Maala�vaU arawslaslc� Irai+tlram-uuo¢¢d anaati, tw4daanr w°ud<�l�+rzt� sn~aw-1+5e� ha.e°aa�s�*rk�dro^u�kVa,a-9 t'fi"+Hamel-rtrmliaMo-�um.+uraaarumta&n�^���stidrric�°y�LL l'osEa_Irrr apo: Chapter 15,29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Page 280/315 "Rights-of-way" means land acquired or dedicated for public roads and streets, as further defined in YMC 15.02.020, but does not include (a) structures, including poles and conduits, located within the right-of-way; or (b) federally granted railroad rights-of-way acquired under 43 USC Section 912, and related provisions of federal law, that are not open for motor vehicle use. "Screening" means an opaque fence and/or evergreen landscaping that fully conceals the property it encloses. "Secondary use" means a use subordinate to the principal use of the property, such as commercial, residential, utilities, etc. e�uw tyre+aaet �t^uq7^, axFormatted: Not Highlight from uuww uthori ?J entry oi[ 4resptct xs "Service provider" means every corporation, company, association, joint stock association, firm, partnership, person, city, or town owning, operating or managing any facilities used to provide and providing telecommunications or cable television services for hire, sale, or resale to the general public "Service provider" includes the legal successor to any such corporation, company, association, joint stock association, firm, partnership, person, city or town lagi,wuirtl a'A v mrw Aiu 1pa ^sIat;oo" int cpaajq ,gf��sxae,utsew, so¢.,d&carr G w4�, ! iu,ut�Vr r r„ and ¢•w, huasea ILNVij19u@4 wia�f v,goaa�r*, I h,,,,c r c z prie V8q aafg t uav wn waf�w�fwfuur ,aaa_¢ ��grl r4,fsvgtinf9i, tirr irw ae o0lw ,fir o ltcp strkic r i m Il¢: Chapter 15 29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION Page 281/315 FACILITIES piill<e. "Tower" also includes any structure built for the sole or primary purpose of supporting FCC -licensed antennas and their associated facilities. Ihwtt¢awdwww�rgGl lits ilww„" snt^tww, wwlidm, km d 4a kV coinn wwurrHam, fiwflMklg, 1suH4 v^ oF- ke �uiaiiTiu), Formatted: Not Highlight o xOwlwnpr of-wQqtmv, 8aww3m esa "Unlicensed wireless services" means tto mvrciM wwtatbdea , rs 1,ew services that operate on public frequencies and do not need an FCC license, #il Mlwrk '' xat as+rr w8or,^•uu wcwb wAww4hnwmx tw t'" eyes flh,^ trttatrti;.o-a tw%i#+a-w gwwri wrwNiG 010,.lcmtw m lrttsmlwle ra; aphng oa 1p poila6 Formatted: Not Highlight IputV•lorcwntral¢�°v�llwu-uwuwwwaiuwwwwsnllta,twpwk'"daw�st.udwttad.t+t+ntuwtwr7+�m ww.�+al>,ruts�4rt�tfi nit -why aaa�wlnwo,.wtwwal w^wu�ro9atRwslww<�-rml94we•"v�wuwlrcwwtgtwsw�w- ---- __. —_ — -' R140li¢ ebcan€tl'Iwansxlrtortstutw-Q o rriniCasioir,, w IrwtiWPo twat �lww+rstn- atr�.Mearr�t�at gtlotwwt ~ugnAwlrrrt�cwwl-t2rwtl trawvg�v,wsw�wwwu tueRtwwiy;:�lawtt°tatwt lrttrttns9 tmw,,wl'we BppnNr.,�„ ltcp�.r,silaawm:t.,.. oat uluil,v du t rc41bk,, a,, u., ryu4wwthata�urd•u�alwttgmiiuturavrs-ga ut til-nod4n, rria�www atHwerowm-tnawtn>twwtuwtarasl'k@tre .,wtwtwsc6 ms gNrorws- rtyequp;s-rwl sous-trotwddp.�m�mlan�Rw,wB"A'nta,,.kal l�i;rvw qla� ltuwrinw7t+uPtwt'.tdy�.wwlwn,~mtrtslt�t�a'na�au�tl�.Pk�rwnnrttrwrocr+witwtwv.�^,�tw=tc«, "Utility pole" means any pole used primarily for the support and provision of lighting and/or transmission of power, telecommunications services, telephone, cable television, and other similar utilities and related fixtures, whether located within or outside the public right-of-way Utility poles may beaus, subject to rights of ownership, applicable franchise provisions, applicable regulation by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC), and statutes goveming location and relocation, tla. Vw,; iuu t iwu ioi „swv It. �,� n a�appouww �Po hoi,',I,wrr v ,welt+.~ii,wor Rgguu�l�kwse.;nvuvi� ivv.rr „at l� „ I ir_gi. ant ywts,�lnun,yill; rw Baa°aM eswu dc­,,,I!$~y!itoviwl,wdpa„,�,u Ih,t; it¢t>gs,r,o D lu c v 3. aevN�, w�r9lily ,1 u�irWdywy��� wak'uiuwvgivUo,t@w6wR,. c o a o,r. ;ori3 in""M rww 0w, w pnq, kw14;VP 1w 1 ,JPn,,d lir the , ww oMIWI uw 4r 1 "N i /ySy,�4, •J� v1 wry;t,ur iri,� ,w�i7 pw6C d wwwnt 01, , In tr,,,,,wgrwal yuva Iwrai i�ihwtluw�o., Yuri IVwr n,wsw�wwnw^ ,wrori ;iww+V,, �a.,d,auipy wrvu wit tNui Iqy rs'F� n(gdA0,Lwi,9vc, tolgwwc'uwayg,ts wr,wwaY, uu,+,Y,r?y,t;awwmwirrwusiar„Nutwa„taffifla ph”i'lraYa,,9wr,tiyli�¢I„c,rrnir7wwiiwk°;ueyouu ;eiNtrar z,tY .gn.`wtwP rvWwwpur w,t rrogliay, uwp,wwowt w�itiop,:orir„(c+hlsua, tlps°ewwu tllwr Ifrct „V,d V ,wudit¢nGwtv,av^fwi u'wtoa^gy, °e'W_r,;Ywu,,,iry,w,,,,,Vtpw4hwr sal,, watt kR XVl ,,.dq,rayywlre 1"vulg„yl[�,,g14�wnVOn,t9to tllwvtpwrtypts,@ic,ugwv,pB,wN�4.6'tl,w? ",gle^�,(t«iYlt>,?..pp&ho... "Visual impact assessment” means visual impact assessment with photo -simulation of the proposed facility (Ord, 2016-029 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord. 2013-051 § 2 (Exh A) (part), 2013), 15.29.030 Exemptions. The following are exempt from the provisions of this chapter and shall be permitted in all zones: A. Industrial processing equipment and scientific or medical equipment using frequencies regulated by the FCC. B, Antennas and related equipment no more than ten feet in height that are being stored, shipped, or displayed for sale C Radar systems for military and civilian communication and navigation D, Wireless radio utilized for temporary emergency communications in the event of a disaster E Licensed amateur (ham) radio stations. F. Satellite dish antennas less than two meters in diameter, including direct -to -home or site satellite services, when used as a secondary use of the property. G. Routine maintenance, replacement or repair of a peirkKma ll wireless Karyce facility and related equipment that does not constitute a modification, provided, that compliance with the standards of this chapter is maintained Structural work or changes in height, type or dimensions of antennas, towers, or buildings are subject to the provisions of YMC 15 29.060(A), Chapter 15 29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Page 282/315 H. Subject to compliance with all other applicable standards ofthis chapter, a building permit application need not be filed for emergency repair or maintenance of a 1,3eF,,omd wireless eras vice facility until thirty days after the completion of such emergency activity 1. A COW or other temporary tx-, sQmmd wireless -laacszoi :¢ cean¢ rautoi:r, facility shall be permitted for a maximum of ninety days mtk'tc, q -lo II (rc iIm 0uT ow, or during an emergency declared by the city J. Wireless '¢,la;ol l svaiia o:r rr,,--facilities ofthe city located upon city property and city utility poles and fixtures. (Ord. 2016-029 § 1 (Exh, A) (part), 2016: Ord 2013-051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013). 15.29.040 Permits required. The following table summarizes the permits required for the various types ofpeersonifl wireless stri,,4ee facilities that meet the standards ofthis chapter: Table 29-1 Permit Table" Type of Use Permit Type Approval Type Co-location/minor modification (no Modification Administrative (if minor substantial change) modification) Co-location/major modification Same as New Towers (depending on Same as New Towers (depending on (subslantial change in height) location) location) New antenna (existing noncellular Standard Wireless Administrative structures, m a4tt'v' 4-a'J ro,iicw,' fall zoning districts) New lower (public or city -owned Standard Wireless Admimstrahve/Leme property) _.._- ..... .. New tower (commercial or industrial ..................... Standard Wireless ...........�,�,�,�,....... Administrative zoning district, more than 300 feet from residential or protected area) New tower(� in or within 300 feetmm......._ of Standard Wireless—ifcamouFlaged ._.............�_ Administrative residential zoning district) by stealth or Wireless CUP" if not camounaged Hearing Examiner by stealth New tower (in or within 300 feet of Wireless CUP Hearing Examiner protected area) Any t___.. ower, antennas or modification ����......... ........ Wireless Variance �.�.���_ Hearing Examiner not meeting standards ofthis chapter • Applicable permits include building permits and other permits required for installation " Wireless conditional use permit y_..................................m.....,....W Table 29-I 5 '�waanlC YW'nua°da ax gsnauutu l.etal¢� T�Pe o...... _......-.-....,. .......... f Use Prrmi[Tvnr. 'v,+ + Ig) 3d d,(r „). racihly in Use YN Ch- g 20) Adminisnpnk_e pg04' 0 V i s' xw�� of rui zr.tiva.ti or replaco,,,,ll aulYalYtl. fs g"dt" other structure Newu sdl fu,4r, e. V tsllo, � oiuss S Hall Al unless Admin,stmuue Pale out 9, v.I flu yJ�lu9. i; 44aY- (Ord 2016-029 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord 2013-051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013), Formatted: Not Highlight Formatted: Not Highlight Formatted: Not Highlight Chapter 15,29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION Page 283/315 FACILITIES 15.29.050 Application submittal/fees. A, Standard Wireless Application A complete application shall consist ofthe following: 1, A complete application form as provided by the community development department, 2, The name, address, signature and contact information ofthe applicant: a, If the applicant is not the landowner, applicant shall provide written authorization signed by the landowner authorizing the applicant to submit for permits on the landowner's behalf. The written authorization signed by the landowner shall contain a statement and acknowledgement by the landowner that the landowner shall be deemed a co -applicant by virtue of such authorization.. g I nnb } wRlti9are ui wgai aggi�, aadba ,ggr��uCe Rsk sui;lru�uul yca w I�a�.';�91aN1ati:$ b, If any applicant or co -applicant is a corporation, trust, association, or other organized group or legal entity, it shall provide the date of such creation, and, if a foreign corporation, a copy ofthe certificate of authority filed with the state of Washington, Secretary of State's Office. 3 Evidence that the applicant is an FCC -licensed ceoNuk Kanlrltuari' t;, s cra wu provider or that it has �am�tuoues +asr agreements with an FCC -licensed « Nti sy ri rcc,, provider for use or lease ofthe support structure 4 Legal description ofthe parcel, ifapplicable, 5. Site plan, drawn to scale, clearly indicatinlprar u13,; y itr gylgp,),pltiirl ; the location, type and height of the current or proposed wireless facility, accessory buildings, fencing, trees, landscaping, topographic contours of the site at two -foot intervals, location of utility easements, on-site land uses and zoning, adjacent land uses and zoning, adjacent roadways, proposed means of access, setbacks from property lines, and all other items required in this chapter. 6 Elevation drawings ofthe proposed wireless facility, drawn to scale and showing dimensions ofthe height and width ofthe facility, 7, Proposed colors and materials of all components ofthe proposed wireless facility and of any fencing materials associated with the wireless facility. 8 State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) checklist, if required, i4,.... e °rtti,wa ad �koutarutwt 1lrsat alt y,.hhraapsri uxx 4aml@aattiarerr v l9 ra�at cauuro lahroi ad tua R1-uwua�tVaumau•vilgp otiaea�- B�„�t�,gYIti4M'Xkfl.4ni1..dlV.&A'Vkti°4�W8�'49s`ur 109, A copy of the FCC license for the intended use ofthe wireless telecommunications facilities H, N Ct, Method of proposed illumination, including alighting plan showing the location of all proposed outdoor lighting fixtures, including direction and intensity of light, and including manufacturer's "cut -sheets" of all outdoor luminairies. 4,21 I The location of existing or proposed structures, trees, and other significant site features intended to camouflage the facility. 4-313, A letter signed by the applicant stating the wireless facility will comply with all FAA regulations and EIA standards and all other applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations 113 Signed documentation such as the "Checklist to Determine Whether a Facility is Categorically Excluded" to verify that the wireless facility with the proposed installation will be in full compliance with the current FCC RF emissions guidelines (non -ionizing electromagnetic radiation—NIER) If not categorically excluded, a complete RF emissions study is required to provide verification Chapter 15 29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES 0 VJ Applicable fees. Page 284/315 $6 P, "^,,, Other information for each permit and structure type as specified in subsection B of this section, B, Application by Permit Type, Structure Type and Location In addition to the information required for a standard permit in subsection A of this section, the following infonnation shall be provided for each specified permit type or structure type: I New Towers and Base Stations. a A current map and aerial showing the location of the proposed tower and/or base station, a map showing the locations and service areas of othem-{pe personal wireless service facilities operated by the applicant in the city. b The approximate distance between the proposed tower and the nearest residential unit, residentially zoned properties, and protected areas,. C, A statement by the applicant that the design ofthe tower will accommodate co -location of additional antennas for future users, d, An affidavit stating that (1) the applicant and landowner agree they will allow co -location of additional p+eum,om l wireless ^ 4;mvice facilities by other providers on the applicant's structure or within the same site location, subject to good faith negotiation ofcompensation according to market rates, and (2) the applicant and/or landlord agree to remove the facility within ninety days after abandonment e. An affidavit signed by the applicant, landowner (co -applicant), and the antenna support structure owners, if different, indicating that: i, They, together with their heirs, successors and assigns, agree to be jointly and severally responsible to dismantle and remove the WCF/antenna support structure and restore the site to its approximate original prestructure condition within the applicable time limits set forth in YMC 15,29,150 following receipt of a letter from the city indicating thatthe facility is deemed abandoned or in violation ofthis chapter; and it In the event a permit is issued pursuant to this chapter, they authorize the city to record such affidavit or a memorandum thereof'with the Yakima County auditor against title to the property for which the permit was issued. f. A landscape and irrigation plan showing all methods to landscape, irrigate, and screen the base of new facilities. g. An explanation of proposed methods of camouflaging (including stealth if applicable) and how the proposed camouflaging reflects conditions of the surrounding site and area. 2, Facilities in Residential Zoning Districts and Protected Areas a, A statement describing the applicant's effort to first locate the proposed a�¢oawmanquwtt gal&tamp'+da a pus�tla^, facilities on a government facility, a private institutional structure (such as a hospital or school), or other appropriate existing structures outside the residential zone or protected area and within a half -mile radius of the proposed site, and explaining why, based upon valid considerations including physical, technological, leasing, or other valid constraints, no more appropriate location is available. b. A description of any existing buildings taller than thirty-five feet within one-half mile of the proposed tower or antenna which from a location standpoint could provide part of a network to provide transmission of signals. Chapter 15 29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Page 285/315 c. A statement describing the applicant's effort to first contact the owners of structures in excess of thirty-five feet within a one -quarter -mile radius ofthe site proposed and which from a location standpoint could meet the strew r aatpd9truNwtG w iurriarnp objectives ofthe facility in the applicant's network The statement shall, if applicable, confirm whether the applicant asked for permission to install the antenna on those structures and whether he or she was denied permission o£use for reasons other than the ability or refusal ofthe applicant to pay a market rate for use ofthe alternative structures 3 Modification Permit, a, Elevation drawings ofthe existing wireless facility, drawn to scale and showing dimensions ofthe height and width ofthe facility (this drawing is required in addition to elevation drawing of proposed facility described under subsection A of this section); ]mA, Wqlkwalw ta ul mmRRI I40 tcrn 011 rarrrl SvN,ar:n-the Nmi—v9 IW nNothfied 4t"lei, K9N4Rtl&1Y,)117�u&iiBwGrl'4 lrc,k�'Ir�IVqW'";' . Orb, A computation and description o£proposed modification establishing whether or not such modification constitutes a substantial change in the physical dimensions ofthe existing facility (ifthe application is for modification of an existing facility); and & Written authorization signed by the owner of said facility authorizing its modification (Required if the applicant is not the owner of the existing wireless facility,) 4, Wireless CUP (Conditional Use Permit). a. An explanation of proposed methods of camouflaging and how the proposed camouflaging reflects conditions ofthe surrounding site and area, b. A statement from the applicant describing how he/she believes the proposal addresses the criteria for a wireless conditional use permit prescribed in YMC 15,29, 100 rm •�-ireR wnhamww�u-�F+�r'w-twP lnrrrgnn3:dd+r �.�iggswrti&urae�9Htrsrtld-eai 9¢��:1 �:u&-.tgAc-agate �4�rt•gNx��rr a�a.d�rwrR�aN�atY� grtis�i-Niuuh.. Adilfesses 5. Wireless Height Variance, a A statement from the applicant describing how he/she believes the proposal addresses the criteria for a wireless height variance prescribed in YMC 15,29,110, b A statement describing the requested variance and why it is needed, c A -[NJ avrtkuin-lhrt , hon Bred 6 1 of VBw, sile and Gita �� uf� w $�a� ostia.+luowl, WkJcanwn,,t r, C Applicant to Provide Notice For wireless conditional uses or variances, the city may require applicant to post notice at a location or locations deemed appropriate by the city, and will provide notice to the governing body of any affected historic district association or organization Applicant shall provide an affidavit that all required notices have been posted and published as required, Additionally, and without limitation, the city may use any other means deemed advisable to provide advance notice to the public. D Fees The application for a permit listed above shall be accompanied by a filing fee in the amount set forth in Table 29-2. Chapter 15 29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Table 29-2 Application Fees* Permit Type Fee .......... Modification (if minor) S30000 Modification (ifmajor) $50000 Standard Wireless S50000 Small 'Ageless 500 pMy ilt4INR tlr as*v.°�q(7f fia i u, k,a9,x yYetri �I ,�„w„;¢ trsuVlut. beyond f, t51 Wireless Variance $1,500.00 ................_...._........................................ Wireless Conditional Use Permit $3,500.00 .a_ .......... • Separate fee required for each permit type associated with application. For an application requiring a wireless variance and a wireless conditional use permit, both the variance Fee and the conditional use permit fee are required. (Ord 2016-029 § 1 (Exh A) (part), 2016: Ord.. 2013-051 § 2 (Exh A) (part), 2013).. 15.29.060 Development standards. A. Modifications to an Existing Wireless Facility or Base Station Page 286/315 I Minor Modification p 4urk1u) acilitw@ n,ypokti°,4,ulaAale r 4 i �,h )�„ w, hia�kt D dv6¢tt;� Any modification ofor co - location on an existing wireless facility that does not substantially change the physical dimensions of such tower or base station (as defined in subsection (A)(2) of this section), even if it exceeds the underlying standards of the zoning district, shall be deemed a "minor modification” and shall be administratively approved under a modification permit 2, Major Modification. Any modification of or co -location on an existing wireless facility that substantially changes the physical dimensions of an existing wireless tower or base station shall be deemed a "major modification,” A substantial change occurs if. (r) Plum,,,tq}wg),,1rI hp�a t �{�)t(o tri N�(: tit=w��lw, ry Dort ,u.�+ llir� 11eie11re cal IR�a„ie dp„y-r Pv� tl�urp��. Rhoti pk(° of }b I h 71 IItl )I dk' lPV p6plltle�PUNp rtYk Gr1,Y P pgrgg p {�pH h pJ3V', p(k(rPa I,B 1fI IM f�G 594 !05 exist In,pntenna not tai c' cet,:d Ott 'rbYy Ig. tl hpwVt at I I I iI NHU For other eligible ble support s�t [ructures fret kk t_o REb�° Ir,°� �p� bol �W,ua, Wra,r,h grl(u�° tlrM �pinduG°,KNar(rb) tl ",� rag ltk rr° kWo m tlr°ti. lu,"I ao hr6n.hIA q, ( him ,Yt wpr,a r„uir pito Ir l)4.11prrauulsp Io ..iita, il, vtxt 6'it'om uhc ur(frn�N wtrklk¢„c ani a ow; ie(rt.°d,M �lirOpa�ynlslumr��,biu° wbb tr�o�,).lyr. st,ra,ur,^t1 Vtouurrrrbl upB sgpwlm fii� crsr ptuplYu,grrerrm� r�avkllrpa., ora arlp,;,o„„ur. (rt,tkgml"2,(Iilps I� ,s Ir rru� a„y, uIv 9ra•tt,ubt ^;+Brlsnp19 pw.,llaa s^+tbrc,d trrwua Ipau atrsrowr.rr^,pial„, rsf tYi ,�Ii� Yrs, ar¢ )v'i�Ie; kibluanl uula`9„q, bem uN sal�mhgrraSbVpz_, �ikroga¢drep;sl ,rpspztiiauo uasoaer r arnY out iptalspslirv; bciatrrfi, d9u.11 ra��,a=,a wrrawti�a,. rlwta q,aelC�l°t)us uu t oI )lyy�`6j"eclnirll Act ptl si�tvutl In a,2, 2012). (4)Ve tar hipa totrolh tpu bn ltuw),. abr &� irirlroha ora prml rsl rw to wit uur, k6e, AKSura arn_Iryblaoui tr,nn(ak par plrs; aq w+rt1R,1),gri pNlids@, d(arlat rtiy,t iG,ga rra ahs; tiay+ u,pr�so-av 0i2,ne 6rw+up(e Ca°r.r rug u_it)w diti a l],w, .,,. „Jr INC d1h cgV aJic Iq i uuua 9anattul iprr p,.0 ^M3i uga,r,opipyrbkM°rre;irn. wvtpudw,%e° r c rx iu I,, kiu rrlhrr,a.I support rt bbr° wips s ,rticflsnwt .iwk a)rotyrrsl n;Yirs s. qr_v the bods ani rGp�r sil nt,,Wf¢,,)punu tirtaru9;G_prolrude «taw' la+ tarotna .p,Nr Ira I5 I,^,t c; dlastwu k6� � Ipa n oil r;Plr aabal{�, (iiup IIs1rw II;^,41�k raagrtrsrll, a.dsrrrc lnrsr.al tntaiY� A.v lit t.krk;tlryanra@ gpilaip9„J,li uireunuk 1,uue?�w�al lrruoirPrti i oil ui,+gip. k!q"II MlC,iY_ Ptt)IY,CI, %tr0",Il h'S pIII 01h u4 IIIN u7p4Gd, IAU IItAI(Sb,..X; a,k.rJU I1`I:.IlSp4Yl'rr 0 ILL4i N.fA'Cv1 reg o, to _.. e..., , „ e, m I+aklul,�c„acv,lbu „Grt d+.zss aio-til?1�ra .glllus,tr^..,e,k art^. crop+, a.,;-lhr,Isrlfl,u¢rtir„o_I tbV aua� ?arra„ a(auuprlau:,tlG � r9uptlwrts,arrrv,ikt�. aaapod,ltl OWN!, uoaa„atoi pita •e°w_i; 9pnL � atuikped s„r,9),rroua°�M r ani,n)rtg`�I ywnhlfr aEua: �,Ieuiiakarrr� In a;E,i.° urrba�ilhLcs:... w," ,. , tel;glaq(,p�uatrw r,i irpaauana& I ufruili,)t, ypr,ll ,towrarrsbuz. ah rlr_p I'a [,rut r:,p_ m ptau;;hr+rr rrcar,l91 h;rrquwiaaa r9¢;trs .tri�a aatflua^r, ;ti9 edlCarncl ;r ,wlx urV+ulw,qu&u tlrs� ^.pi;k,Ic stale„ Field Code Changed Field Code Changed Field Code Changed Field Code Changed Field Code Changed Field Code Changed Field Code Changed Field Code Changed Field Code Changed Field Code Changed Field Code Changed Field Code Changed Field Code Chanced DOC. INDEX Chapter 15 29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION Page 287/315 FACILITIES (6,p ii,ow1 4iG„J3 %, iluyrpW,yri,eC'lAlury 11,k °uvk OgV^,�d( llrr a dwMrw",.ExG ,oYa„k s,p Ot aootI IJ (Je 1C4& Ib col t;;I4IMOII c P,oi ;il ,oIA, l ,a li ,rgSNa, ,;uwlroluadr1 s&kgKI,tpia•w 0i. 'dr q9„i wty�i,�,irlsul+➢n areuBgJrearrwlktgwr�rc�a',usr4rruley�maa�Vkbglu�^�aVuwb; Urir�st,.... ✓�. �iiwip(u9nc rtugurw u1 1�ar,r In w&rI, 41pgwrrt w uC—(Uh1.1 r'W-'a« t ti& itudruA �cagyigr,iJW�rut,�suMc� aagagdgriiawa, s:r Wl;);wt tqus quruuuiuwlHyruw du re's sirgl slrlpq�, tya ugrir, rriwrd119irgg4 nuVA rNre�tk ,y. uraur wacwl„gr,prYi,irul nniia sut ww irtirustl irlal uaiW e s ¢ 111ipw aurn--..., „,+@; ,riaa.kteJlaCw a I,.wtuw6„i,u,9 o-ru yid tktrtrtatlr lro I, Field Code Changed flq ritarreruarTrufq�avd'ttlmrpaa�lwr e l stei arwwai oil tl�tw�.10%% yr xvwwm�9 watw.reV d�tBlur�exr i ur IaV�gltatrlkkrr�•rcpaMn ru�.lr Yvi Ra'Nr°e•t194wwW 9N,"NA IAt"Cal"a lYi 0i law^°tli Iva u1 ht-,oh1itN addiljoo Or 1 filoel10 ia-at ioNyw v*fi 1Hit roiq wrr frour.0W iwi"wA.... e mting;, waoAfeniuru iiow was exceed ts^✓elw, 6,,01 w hi(,,l ever is, Vi :i'lwc m qr ®9sarlwraWatiitawalwshwgw laryacrulwiittairnswasaa6Vwrmvca6•dir�sirrvatwgl�l�uw6d�srres4srowasi,w0iwiwwtlra,sierwwcl+www9 iuwiro l -ser od`eraw w a�lgiugaaiaewwt rswuhruiast @irr.61s b lrruw41¢ t� rurh gwa�rlw•iat�r9 6rs-wwa+wcsl 166 I Of roaiariw,+-ffilin crwis„ num, e¢isoipHlIeW rBoe;Rtasr i; I he iln(nmtmg,.-o6'the Ilarollras,wd nnwtenrn,t dwowulifairwwtlwr+-ru It@o1yt,•rwn-wulwgsiriO wuLLt cc -%ea Ulse 8arwal�y ca9"1Yrc^ lruww�wye- 9hwei onwaadd gria�iCvaA�d4+l r.+rud NIatM w t9r, aroP tlmsu twr weir•n�twiie lhFunh ntw Iwo t:-mur wurrmrm=ggagVua glr w c hq'w ui9 18ua te'ww wss�aua,tuu�a wkwtluarW Geww b•tr&�g1ae.uwpNwiw ieriune�, cvlAao9Ar5wa r iv�ecitadi , �„ �uc�lrt-t�lrrat �i Nt�wumouaurqu,oa; awW'�.ilAo pu w=cpueir,t*r;l•� n wwlL'N4dRa iv illy tlwS iWC°to 0%4t or taw hBiPtk'nmi IBttlm iuvi�6,116it- 'aweallivi" or, 10G,xoijwAA Blie dunItffm d ioA he,lAePoB%&w'viawV Alrla , W d{ the inn upoing or I m kKdd,-uwpwtiNecimsaausqiWwasn ouu, (1 Hie cziir warw Vmversuu.<• aGvrB&uruul.ay(lir!,d„unraatt guuu,App«riy-,Ani�ounihnf-ifie Wrrw+,wwWwwl-iwrs is c9r wad� waduruty nwa eruwnptWW.eu r wwRl .roWi9uad toWBW mle- 3 Major Modification—Required Permits. A major modification shall be processed under the same permit types as new towers located in the same zone and area. (See Table 29-1, Permit Table oq p ,1Ks 19 B Col l -Location Capable—New Structures. To reduce the number of antenna support structures needed in the city in the future, the following standards apply to new towersorbast+ matlonr: 1, Requirement and Waiver, New proposed support structures shall be designed to accommodate at least two additional antenna arrays equal to those of the applicant, and located as close to the applicant's antenna as possible without causing interference, This requirement may be waived if such design is not feasible for aesthetic reasons, or necessary to preserve camouflaging or stealth structures in residential or protected areas; or provided, that the applicant, in writing, demonstrates that the provisions of future shared usage of the tower is not technologically feasible or creates an unnecessary and unreasonable burden, based upon: a. The kind of wireless iv4ea nrrtia4uuiuirtsaik rrr facilities site and structure proposed; or b, The number of existing and potential licenses without wireless telecommunications facilities spaces/sites; or c Available space on existing and approved towers or other appropriate structures. 2. Owner Certification The owner of a proposed tower, and his/her successors in interest, shall either: a Provide a written statement affirming that a master license agreement with another wireless provider or providers exists stating mutually acceptable terms and conditions for co -location for wireless facilities on the tower and site; or b, Provide a written statement affirming that the owner and owner's successors will negotiate in good faith for the co -location and shared use of the proposed tower by other wireless service providers in the future, and shall allow shared use ofthe tower if another w" a aa_sr_provider agrees in writing to pay reasonable charges. The charges may include, but are not limited to, a pro rata Doc. INDEX Chapter 15,29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Page 288/315 share of the cost of site selection, planning, project administration, land costs, site design, construction and maintenance financing, return on equity, less depreciation, and all of the costs of adapting the tower or equipment to accommodate a shared user without causing electromagnetic interference, C, Col I -Location Encouraged—Existing Structures. To minimize adverse visual impacts associated with the proliferation oftowers, col -location of Iwm, sinmuG-wireless„ w=sia,R, facilities on existing towers and structures is encouraged as follows: 1. Co -I location is permitted by right under a modification permit, unless the modification constitutes a substantial change to the tower and/or base station pursuant to Section 6409(a) of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 t 19e11Vt„ " v aopwu 1 6100, Changes to tower height that constitute a "substantial change" as defined by subsection (A)(2) of this section are subject to all provisions applicable to new towers and base stations described in this chapter. 2, The city may deny an application to construct new facilities ifthe applicant has not shown by substantial evidence that it has made a diligent effort to mount the facilities on a suitable existing structure or tower within one-wVmw hu6 mile ofthe proposed facility_ 3 All wireless service providers or lessees or agents thereof shall cooperate in good faith to accommodate co - location with competitors D Required Parking Adequate parking shall be required for maintenance workers E sTidllooin'llaik A bailoontest �, rrptluao-swt Ww,rt�.,tdaro nV�ibNaai�utdr>wh wr coIWNYiaSurhlrw^w tkcilHmk d"- ru'oiwe.AdaThttomr+61w.pVp etslw»ruxtsraGisawryliNY, eequiws!wWllounresI",IWINIuv,osMAN't1,AkrS�1n6W,k')NwhRkihi, itNt., aN111riwr,k11,utt+r4iA NJ -,4 I KI I wrwwl w lestvow11asnotyk, IW, •(IRV�me,Ppeilet-iILteramiiitwiiplawratanknuinenun's,rw4iranonsaaiInP„aX-trove 0 arer:. li E. Facilities in or within Three Hundred Feet of Residential Zone or Protected Area The following standards apply to wireless facilities within residential zoning districts, and within three hundred feet of residential zoning districts: 1, Due Diligence Requirements Applications to place antennas and towers in residential zoning districts or within three hundred feet of residential zoned districts shall demonstrate that the requirements of YMC 15.29,050(B)(2) have been met, 2 NEPA Requirements. Antennas and tower facilities proposed to be located in or within three hundred feet of an established or pending federal, state or local historic district or historic district overlay are facilities that may affect districts, sites, buildings, structures or objects significant in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering or culture, that are listed, or are eligible for listing, in the National Register of Historic Places, (See 16 U.S,C, 470w-5, 36 CFR Parts 60 and 800) Applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), including but not limited to the environment assessment provisions of 47 CFR 1.1307 et seq. and comply with any mitigations imposed therein 3 Certificate of Appropriateness Required, New wireless facilities, and any modification to existing wireless facilities that constitutes a "substantial change” pursuant to subsection (A)(2) of this section, proposed to be located in a local historic district, historic district overlay, or other protected historic site, listed in the city of Yakima registry of historic places, require a certificate of appropriateness from the Yakima historic preservation commission in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 11,62 YMC prior to the issuance of any permit for the construction, installation or major modification of wireless facilities in such areas. GIP, Building Permits Required Issuance of wireless facility permits under this chapter shall authorize issuance of any necessary and appropriate building permits to accomplish such modification, subject to compliance with applicable permit requirements and fees, Applicant shall submit complete applications for all other construction permits necessary to accomplish the construction Chapter 15,29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Page 289/315 H- V IIko "' oI"S,e'suaaty-bta p-uaramd 1611� wrppIIa Ifw ^dIidI 6a+ovldle 4lNo kn tel *114:: mmd ams awghor ,I name;{ao-I a arsutRoaetatwwetm abbe, Nkol e 61y-101-mt•tolwutnl ,u96e4eot,+N raaltttletow ialt-mo % kwat°elaty rematm+aA 04ra1111-11Ard ateaeSsnry- 1G UufitvN,4ehan ollatmi+an Idestitvvd al�i�p9B i lei°_tr-le��we q ar,lEY6f ^y,.. H„_n,,,�rio�wlR tarp,of,�,mr�9d_�stdlrat+,°tgt4y9,lria s1svl,ylap,ueGrr:}a„dS21ae91at�uud.taGt^rag tlOt� gryudaUre tn�&a@.=wrl at�w, �natit=�,iervaahla4�r^ lune, �,hwtNW lwm,qutw�:a,� 7vd„pm„aa a9a+trotiqural awFe„1�e imy,;,a�aausaaaatrmiayaadiatslw� Waiwwcw agar„„� ,h,uffh t-anarGararru kru akra; 4a„lka;u,_ aawwlicra14~akV 1129070tAH1 _ small twm csvakl fw0fll HNn I,llh„Ity1111,41mlre0, a^imam<raetaatetk,Q�lhea>aloaet( fio:mgtdy eek alhipskgtraeuap,,,,,IlatRl,,, Nv,a,blywtoarlawmlE�alww,rp�a9ia„taa4�u01 bow flk9tthr ,;maVltr,jlelly 9twdl6)mul,9aen attaruptt„trihallei.§.I�K,uaawVtl)VtU� ¢cr a96r_vueV'9, dPY BryFV",-6M1VwIY9" VXIo, Ro '� ff !., � �, l �e "5 ., b,M a wtruoturlg;^un rima tar,:. wa ah ra,eu `.,��.9�iri mawrparru�tkmnF 1e41�i�'a4yh,reatjlrae 0N," uda'ffp. ih aA [h "I wItgejl y it 4 a 1io-v t,6oea w gwir,ro,p�rowraw' lata te'aaa'.. rf+Wal arvq t(rr,: autkwtea^ ewtl„14 otff ,ayyu , wrVp alt, u_awte t+l ^° . Rprarq arI hto eo4: aoa r,n 4.. ,..,,,rowrttq+,"y,..e6eurfla ktiaarffilRwu°�0iug� 1 p�;, b fi a•er.rvpiltpCautu^.^,ffrdetl,l,.woorwmlrfl+,,.miltlr4t� Iao�lageo,wrol at jecopo"'i Ib�itta6tkdtt"h'w. a 'int„a_pff rotaa)a?^,Naa tdu� „ 01 4&,ullrppVt,.Krer4rao-tl labmtte �a rI<Ilq o1 r as use pg ly IJg tql ugtra _t k''rff( �,°ar Pnor 465 cm1 t1ff'll[ crY1C1111 01 ,cow laaarutlionb 4" "ulY w�tl,�, deli N6lfo ff4 4 tC I�V41 �;°� Ip�.t4 a"off Vtl 6, 111 ° krll6p1ff t{�,; 4a ffHl fNa %O ftW ;DIY x4pl C➢oa oh,owf4t"ff. tbgaKf 41 „p72y1$ IVV tlll 4�WIP e, ,l a patcaKla ntta` e: a da�ut. s a a errasr,ppala agwta apu t utut lta tC ttwe ro.a of o gaupa,mr a u,9 ce ratio „q w l ac,,rRrd,ata tp9 tytil loy 9,1w 1gaaNaNt rr 4wr rgVm ar ,rreazk tp,g'_ows peatfftGta flfmlWk yiaakl a 1,wffu},wwy Gua aqua , ,w a1,a;,wrao,tat, rwwOr AUA, Gaa Vat=Fsw+t t.�ls arta t trrVuur I,a9,,t1,9,+ Vrr4ua tua .+,.tetutr,lc} 1Yethe°s 1ty,tiG .apn appropriate. p ao;mu,Mhlld ysrrr,aN4,4mN� vwr;„�c, 1,4athta rr„utq 21Y1. iaug t) arblw;ks rraa Varff rm 1psoigaui .,.°;lwg, O,Nowv,ltq, ,a11tiR rmtudtwti4, aarnwi Sa, lati4ht^,,a6cRu^owrnl'iSzVh ihcdl.l,G^s°tleer,l4p?p;lbbcworms_. 4 Sryq:ulk auGV,�atn�Jr , kap.wlryw.�,uryyW,G y apulgiNwfl .a8 Ilatpgl^i_lh ^ rriueelld,atia unr lateKgeduiv, ol_Y ",, I ,rho �"u t(, raw utlIc",'vlo altl, if0,kxn amp 6ry,tatatale, K"; Chapter 15 29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Page 290/315 c Residential Zoned Districts In residential zoned districts or where a proposed tower is on property abutting a residential zoned district, towers shall be set back a minimum of one-half the tower height, d, Minor Modifications, Any expansion of abase station or extension of height of an existing wireless facility that constitutes a minor modification shall be considered in compliance with the setback requirements previously approved for the existing wireless facility e. Existing Wireless Facility on Established Lot—Exception, The setback requirement is not applicable if the antenna and antenna support structure were constructed, or application for such construction vested, on a parcel created pursuant to RCW 58,17.040(8) prior to the effective date of this code, Wireless facilities constructed on and after the effective date of this code on parcels created pursuant to RCW 58 17,040(8) are subject to the setback requirements, 22 Tower and Antenna Height. The maximum height of a wireless facility is as follows: a, In or within three hundred feet of a residential zoning district or protected area, no wireless facility shall exceed the height allowed by the underlying height limitation for the zoning district in which the facility is located, except that if the facility is camouflaged by stealth pursuant to subsection 8 of this section, the maximum height is sixty feet, b. In CBD and B-1 zoning districts, the maximum height is sixty feet, C, In all other zones, the maximum height is one hundred ten feet, uV � drew�rpuw�^aurrialg-rh�Aalm°8;-kltu^ aalap«NPcaarnt;�4�kulq-htwva tlwu N,�tispai�Pr-axd°�gvareurw�l��kri�9dbtNlvuq tRw pa�ww�H-H� ruuurlcuaawuuu lacuhlo-1 m41mced to•uuta § #dra�laaa'eawt.au «rruiuu+otawiruu uulrruaws it I, ed, Structures that exceed the above height limits may be permitted by variance pursuant to the car,, kikt@ "fireless height variance provisions of YMC 15 29,110 23 Color, Towers shall have a dark color such as forest green, charcoal or dark brown, depending on the surroundings or background, tb a0.-fi tltuct, minimizes their visibility, unless a different color is required by the FAA Colors shall be maintained and repainted as necessary to maintain original color, to repair fading through weathering, and to prevent flaking. 4 Lights, Signals and Signs, No signals, lights, or signs shall be permitted on towers unless required or allowed by the FCC or the FAA Should lighting be required, in cases where there are residents located within a distance that is three hundred percent ofthe height of the tower, then dual mode lighting shall be requested from the FAA, 5, Fencing and Security, The antenna support structure shall be secured against unauthorized entry A well - constructed wall or wooden fence not less than six feet in height from the finished grade shall be provided around each porsr»nmol-wireless service facility, Access to the tower shall be through a locked gate, The use of chain link, plastic, vinyl, or wire fencing is prohibited unless it is fully screened from public view by dense vegetative screen at least eight feet in depth along all visible portions of the fence 6, Anti -Climbing Device, All support structures shall be fitted with anti -climbing devices, as approved by the manufacturers, 7, Camouflage Requirements All new towers and base stations, and major modifications to towers and base stations, must be camouflaged as defined by this chapter, Appropriate camouflaging is determined on a site- specific basis, taking into account existing structures and natural features both on and surrounding the site When considering surrounding features that the facility is designed to reflect, nonconforming structures shall not be considered iwr-Juud k,,trutm ne..n .4 Ma aswBt ira,, m4„ ,re,ue sitto&µe „ttarh A- oroiu•tFhatrarargd Irl wagroirkvnt: rAtulit: �. q'ubsl01t iobrr'itdu>ayrau"III lust ef' cul 'u urrmwro Inu»,ras,w4 io deteouum uwuu gr etq'utatltd aruuiuu,lra&iurr, -grw Ranuagiao In all zones, towers shall be camouflaged using the least Chapter 15 29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Page 291/315 visually and physically intrusive facility that is not technologically impracticable under the facts and circumstances Camouflaging for new towers and base stations shall include the following: a. Landscaping Landscaping is an element of camouflage. Landscaping, as described herein, shall be required to buffeE Ire n ,eei and _wireless-s,evoi a facilities to soften the appearance of the cell site The city may permit any combination of existing vegetation, topography, walls, decorative fences or other on-site features instead of landscaping, if they achieve the same degree of screening as the required landscaping, If the antenna is mounted flush on an existing building, and other equipment is housed inside an existing structure, landscaping shall not be required. b Buffers The visual impacts of a lxt pia mifl.l wireless -,erviarie facility shall be mitigated through landscaping or other screening materials at the base of the tower and ancillary structures Further, existing vegetation shall be preserved to the maximum extent practicable and may be used as a substitute for or as a supplement to landscaping requirements. The following landscaping and buffering shall be required around the perimeter of the tower and accessory structures: i, A row of e,,, erg„ it eeen4rees a minimum of six feet tall at planting a maximum of six feet apart shall be planted around the perimeter of the fence ii, A continuous hedge at least thirty-six inches high at planting capable of growing to at least forty- eight inches in height within eighteen months shall be planted in front of the tree line referenced above iii To the extent feasible, the tower or mount shall be placed amongst and adjacent to the drip line of three or more eeveemfpeerr-trees at least seventy-five percent of the height of the facility, iv An automatic irrigation system providing irrigation as needed according to plant type, season and maturity of plantings, c, Continued Maintenance Applicant shall have a continuing obligation to maintain the landscaping improvements, In the event that landscaping is not maintained at the required level, the city after giving thirty days' advance written notice may maintain or establish the landscaping and bill both the owner and lessee for such costs until such costs are paid in full, or may seek enforcement through any available remedy, d Trees—Recording of Conditions To ensure that trees associated with camouflaging and screening are preserved, the following note shall be recorded on the property title: All trees within 50 feet ofthe-uel,ee;ro-u aceeieet rail wireless facility located on this property, which serve to screen the facility, shall be retained for the life of the u facility, Screening trees may only be removed if deemed diseased or dangerous by a certified arborist, Before any trees can be removed a report from the certified arborist shall be submitted to the City for review and approval Unless approved by the City, only that portion of the tree required to remove the hazard can be removed The City may require the trees to be replaced by the telecommunication provider, 8. Stealth Requirements. Any facility in or within three hundred feet of residential zoning district or protected area must be concealed within a stealth structure unless otherwise approved through a wireless conditional use permit Stealth structures shall be designed as follows: a, The stealth camouflage structure or facility must be compatible with surrounding development by being either similar in height to surrounding structures or a sufficient distance from surrounding structures to create a significant visual separation b. Stealth designs shall reflect features that are indigenous to the area .+or txr mfr k,, c Ttowers designed to look like trees shallr.nu;t be tree types that naturally or commonly occur in the surrounding neighborhood or district ,JiidtI 0ww;gi�e9��itlhou,ywbirehuni,df'edb v, �A.0�e.�r trn-„dtr wrgl,kttl„�„ anti yea^,fza plgi ev yr,g .e ,ti a 09,1 cv8'oua reehw, ". i's 9ny uer@rhea tVw.ln iggee fn rt�awt�re�s,upluee0w_ Nwetas•heu4"wrce.e�ao,;. 00C. INDEX y Chapter 15,29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Page 292/315 ai�fucg._9utiaawaa� IVllrl ti«ry8a ,uald�� ;allii"ukuul hs auua lak IIIIrNv kar r0l � , a ,.. Ifuk^rulgdJa uinwuum qac w Ip��rq,lgo�rGwyyky owy_luratl bua4avlMKl,iwFq 6ka.11pN atio i,gpU� d. Towers designed to look like buildings or structures must be of a design that reflects local architecture or structure types„ l'trwkvr" kll,.Nu uu_ d to h)o Vai i. vaXa aluY9, rtfl'Juovb "I1MI b orl A hvi dhI_ toad ,,i;n&kl,,, ppuilarua�tuavaliifwlar alai•aalRih4iuroq,,@a�.u�auafuol,�;t,r^i a6a�uic6uiq;� wuw,glp au�;ww ulr Irlasniald k�„tAuroh�. uiO,t�Fe i)t stuiiq_ inlurlfli.N1„Awbtlh, �oaVwaC YY BBR wv of gV9k li�uga9 ni l glr4, Try sr$ Ih€ +Indr It 1)u Oklnvmn._i; co, ' tAetdtgu ai y , n Ncaa,wA� r aoMpsaNnls. auuuwlnr la •tlh a&e nmr eNuo tualcurk@-lo uummunw ioar ewomlAok I'lwiwers designed to look like flag poles (etgVW IN{„ t ipuktu'k d s„Iae� have the common dimensions of flag poles, both in height and girth -and shall ll ti at, lowt on} Rq'u on -o :foot r q deslipw'tk loo logo 41"V, l s IaNe.��u d tm duuuiK,him, Im. ifil-W gglul guru &.1oletarawporotiuurul to,llanwlrauel+gwau y dei rfra •q rolla r whsum� lu , irl OW w n•at"n, p mvada, w #umga9r rl %w' n Olt, "tee awp-fl6a 'w8a gik outgiWa; wua.a,,q+E 0.grei i krwnw9h • buuiWlinrgs� i F'd After completion of construction, the antennas, towers and related facilities will be maintained within the stealth structure so as to be concealed from view or be viewed as the camouflaging stealth structure; and ge The administrator may impose other conditions or mitigations reasonably related to such structures as warranted by special conditions ofthe subject property and the type of camouflaging structure, including but not limited to additional or supplemental setback requirements, maintenance requirements, and other measures intended to accomplish the purposes of this chapter and section, 9. Antenna Criteria Antennas ,rlrhprlaiuyy�w,goatallwclC 8jl ululra �ut,V,ku,mwotdagl r-ilPaay+k,Nb ¢trvt�ug,�slmkvaN q urm au was polo5, on or above a structure shall be subject to the following: a, The antenna shall be architecturally compatible with the building and wall on which it is mounted, and shall be designed and located so as to minimize any adverse aesthetic impact. b The antenna shall be mounted on a wall of an existing building in a configuration as flush to the wall as technically possible and shall not project above the wall on which it is mounted unless it must for technical reasons, In no event shall an antenna project more than sixteen feet above the roofline, including parapets IYgu larl oI ht^„. hl ul Ilrw ug, f N 07; I �"uh [. Nd la rrueru •�Vnl;d,l ka tW 1 Y-1, iW, 9pu;ir�dd! X4,6 ui.Y,ui(atl aul v"a�. Zvi The antenna, h ru,W° ,..maN w l4ul?.rl g shall be constructed, painted, or fully screened to match as closely as possible the color and texture ofthe building and wall on which it is mounted gla1'1,ikuwa• sus nrlll9�rlk uuuecsgVlst,nlyour ynlwprlr,,?air K�,,,lalul(,r irsoary tr,r1,9g9i.0 ;gaval n,sAriouui;niW kwi6a,wn gal�lggrii., u oKI Illo� q, p4h(A ulrg; IrnilrEuua �., _ �Ikla�¢gtrrluil u�rlwNun, . ..,e, e, � leg. The antenna maybe attached to an existing mechanical equipment enclosure which projects above the roof of the building, but may not project any higher than the enclosure, OR I tuiGaliluq�;l°rr htuo- #eek aur W'5"du0m 0w" -t ,he antenna maybe mounted on the roof if the following additional criteria are satisfied: i The city finds that it is not technically possible or aesthetically desirable to mount the antenna on a wall ii. Roof mounted antenna and related base stations are screened from view by materials that are consistent and compatible with the design, color, and materials of the building. iii No portion ofthe antenna may exceed sixteen feet above the height ofthe existing building, DOC. INDEX Chapter 15 29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Page 293/315 iv If the antenna is placed on the roof or above the top of a building, it shall provide a minimum setback equal to the height of the panel antenna from the rooftop edge, v, Antenna, antenna arrays, and support structures shall not extend more than sixteen feet above the highest point of the structure on which they are mounted The antenna, antenna array, and their support structure shall be mounted so as to blend with the structure to which the antenna is attached The antenna and its support structure shall be designed to comply with applicable building code standards. The antenna, antenna array, and their support structure shall be a color that matches the field or trim color of the structure on which they are mounted. 10, Guy Wires Restricted No guy or other support wires shall be used in connection with such antenna, antenna array, or its support structure except when used to anchor the antenna, antenna array, or support structure to an existing building to which such antenna, antenna array, or support structure is attached, 11, Equipment Structures The standards for equipment structures (base stations) are as follows: a Ground Structure, i, The maximum floor area is five hundred square feet and the maximum height is twelve feet, unless the applicant demonstrates that a larger area and/or increased height is necessary to accommodate the proposed facility and possible co -location.. ii. Ground level buildings shall be screened from view by landscape plantings, fencing, or other appropriate means, as specified herein or in other city ordinances iii, In instances where equipment buildings are located in residential zones, equipment buildings shall comply with setback requirements and shall be designed so as to conform in appearance with nearby residential structures, including building form, materials and color. b Roof Mounted Structure, i, Equipment buildings mounted on a roof shall be designed to match and be integrated into the exterior design and materials of the building Equipment for roof mounted antenna may also be located within the building on which the antenna is mounted ii, Equipment buildings, antenna, and related equipment shall occupy no more than twenty-five percent of the total roof area of the building the facility is mounted on, which may vary if co -location and adequate camouflage are used, (Ord, 2016-029 § 1 (Exh, A) (part), 2016: Ord, 2013-051 § 2 (Exh A) (part), 2013), li 00 e"alb sir Yt his J)u�t, y Niy��,wlt m r9gildq tlBtc 1p�ulrelrr us„a;hd arl” w y"r Ilf uour uataYe9;y 1 e9 �, sfiu�u�Y , onlplle rti itls tfitis, 9ir11reel�Ilst°, »t;ruuu liuq'q"r;. fillw :. _pl�req lire 1•,kgl•arefudaky lylr,�a}ge,�, inial r lluanw I� V leu➢rur;w wYrtrvpl e-��¢iuwuur drr l,luc leat+lgurIw oa^Vt4 A,gre9u1,�0iiuuu..Xv 11aaCl reutt@ auu rrefN. :9 0 d rkwqbl,pal w c, r rat io }4rr, rexrelb pllwrewtlreegrt qt N,6itlwi, zlolnolu ,di areri & rt m" hw ape 1, it ac wuue(arw,g,N9" )" a7 " hs .q tk Q P! tit res....`i,°,uanGiisuu¢«a]abra�U4tulurrwr�tul�°rcwauRr.°�.�rer,vluruw�hcrewpt:Viiw,@uun ruug,aaera^�,,.t?v; &� _kin? ruu,wurr ed oq r;iruclurtw "kti nrowr Own p9;; pro uc a eql taller thanother adjacent structures, or q:, wNaw uuiw9 ti'vkti"ltw wlslk v" to eoctunrl, M, 'qr mAlw9r_EVbM m rer , Cytp;P.lsc GO, ttiw h„1Llaw rl euy„€wi , k&m,u� d,M p ^it9 udr , , uas�uv? refhreriVr N47 pg:u�cn�re rwtl�w Gq�a,yl, rti„tpipreWwsr,. �_ @:_ 14 b 1tP r alvdua u.w^ivrt ru a d,ror t W un�wrecBprur'„ av M w gv,xrredtd r�a�lq, ara�eltdv-�,hwl) rn.,,lsra ilsawl rrr surer rur Irv,uwuw-ruaut,u uw„ iaw i"v ” �"rer)ii hugi euhiasRuipBa u7,Y Y n ivarlai«a;.-tur e areeraw.rd,^tur �nrah,�;;tl�cquli, main rp"r "� �+reret S§11rr4i'su0.�h'�b�±,+9�lrrtgNr9g4retli99t';l- dtnwpiggrwuVreriva-Ldaµx,�„ u uru�u,IHuL h wyRa�u tlr�e,luratrre"p�Jaare�B-uG>:�funPoww a w����1.4rereai,,19turrwalAharrS wluiirptztetuq ynanv :, ugedu Chapter 15 29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION Page 294/315 FACILITIES V. a60ro�vJlll�;,itl�t�^SrkMmplR1,�9Ad,fk,'w'�i4GW;1„��Wt g�t�,�9dW�l,t�^BRUk��'7I•hh',I!'kiPV9�`tt�W�rIN�'P�nh.I�H4 k�9k�9IA;@F &Yd�:,i, 4�lYj d�tl 4JI�,YYQd�dn;,4�°�U4�mh"y,I IPoN �,W,q��l,.9�"i 0.M 61�yl fr,�iS91,,. h;� NLka "twit „rw Et tktarr, 2u� lgs or-eggXyl "shalp^he loeme(t insid4,-an�'ktii?Ir4{'�)N"i17,'iI'fN&11'a�p'p,l^pdk'!k^MPURY&Rjp, flWN9tlRtl �IYtl�"�"1:�, GPlryd�.� ��'ptilMt;: tirv7,'k1NCI'NY�N;- �6 �d%#�tt'4�?V°k. htl nN� kppl°i WNh„k kl Yfi4 �hN NA,k tk#tkd Id41'r�,"'dpY�,�i�',�'�I�reYAt �'Mbc;ttlilMn"dRdp;,@k IlakdO^N�YIdVtp9 Gbl,,,tl,,. �,Y9ti;�j�tl �"ki"�;�M.°itlidP4B,+"��1i9��..q;44_�,e. 9600,'k1NH 4li'Yk1d,'196QI4FpHWpl�oil 6B WlA'tl!BINknN�'I4(tkd t.'Nd'hn"t°4k1;tl1�.^k^,k"�;N^:�7dS0�I li..:4�h NP w�4,"wr@.1,4', OiflP 4i,, anWj I.1 a w'0 I IIk"..641mN I nu, size limitations: N AVir k ¢ 4bi rtwa Muth 11.10 Jv,p kka kV„il)„k9l" 01wh1r?lI9, a�� w:aproka wag, f gear aatl , u•h kaq,t,ttlkk+a' glo,uk;p Formatted: Strikethrough h nl�ha 06q JIt PI 61 NH tlV d „ hz.... Ad o0ivn, tiff IIlele"d»k'INGkl11nA IYfl„!�dYa,k'cE Od ttisltl llrr�btI VlS;ryllk Inch4dumd 4"w'Ptl"u lh'�'x,<NIX�YI�F,pbY4"NGt,. w9;S' Ra10'l will the PI lllo2o,k SIod p _e { 1m! d4�._.,tde@mcdl q;{1ogl1l'w n1 look lli 4Hk11 Ct6It`i." IM Gg4k k'h$4ne Ih,ns _�8 cubic feet in volume fl ,„ 59 aroN hQ 0`ohn"ot 11 e VN, dw, nkI ptk lu �mh npipt e'kkl, Aoki a^alypa tt pkt� Vt,�)�6"�rla kkal Igr as kglll pfiqs° :Aker.&Yruc sk:G. ex �dpa;lu,,sk rp fa rse , �9q uglvx al q�;y d•d� gyr¢u�I�l ol,�„t,a� willl,,,gdr gPr�, +, tr Iicu,r. ^t hnsuulb+ ga:p,�klrr!u,,, I Formatted: Not Highlight k, ,, 891 rtuot";,pa�7Yab1J. ,1 ,�,:ul9al r" G01Jku1,`,,,du�aNC �kgawl II, ttk Ire 1.diprrp kklYa9s eyi!@v uflkw.t drfn�t vr6,&�uv. p?dC9ylabp,lrtl , Formatted: Strikethrough j h'alVAu�1D n1Md9�� 9BpBilal➢ ria Iry,� u;;tnEkpgrah19a1+"....?� rlls l)ta g'nnCtrl tll G1hro4.�116ttit$IIk 9ryJs,Gr6s6¢Vd, Iktl,ka�;Vt�ai ➢ra.,„ge MitkMb�) a5_ 9 ul,istllnl, yrI? olm 4,"dl rWk➢r.IM> I4k;'l0uklro , +hkfllt nolo l,,c k1W,pultun fed l wt•Iwaau. , AoItk %ri1u N loll wp k191�`��.. i6 9111 ubl ��fvn}� k�„tky� lrt,9l, k_ derail rr., , i?t4V1 not generate noise to a desrree t�a;Iil tlllr.p..a Ioiaic YM6 ().0 180 q p,,;ylw ,.a,Ipdx6kdk:p Kk,p`.ltke°wlulla°` q+..Ikl a'Itlw'xttt�..u.�,. M uul klka aagttkp�Irkd^utk kkt_ lulupr,^gk,kll?�.0 Formatted: Not Highlight meet/ khua� rly�urlr:kyt ^a pkI ukuu,patioskwa�ilNu at+uulrallinrk5 5111n tllka rw.@ukla�k4v,t,xiroutinsr,lrirpk6� I Y. R 111o,ddrNINI4glllrn - - standards: Auer �1rCus;,ury r�g,L d nsz t a.Sl,polp77a,9urtq in 9p, t1Pdff,t, oltndetl ffea shall hr, nncld x4 rntinrled _ h Gronnci,hased egrnpple9t Pot Iracah=d In an under rounded area shordd he underttrounded if a is,_ t: &°QtI l4 p o Yn1d d4 `vttl�4 1pY„fPI,I �S„kt, rgyV4914S ON: JJtl 9)I,Ilgf1 7If k`Q,i t6.10.I�, NNV4y,EA k,9ki Podl ,��{h�a;-kptIbtl„%,I P1 l 14' w4�, 6d,1f1B?4tt,tl 81 tlUq u'%dYNBX71L 10 d46"e 'M1101 li'g'r: IgkSW In1BkW svv ^.k 9ng;irl al4 apl, 0181, ,pt;y Ck�l l)n SlY ,4 �ktl 9441-i7vilr l6,S ctgUPP9igtleltp 099:)p ke nih;:W okt 1 klpk IppY j)'10k Q % IM1Md 64 . f 9FI a VQ 4A?r, .. ., FO p6k. 'ii Bq, -?��, 3 Itdl p,�,o tlo-aatl.�.q,l,p9gl"erk;Y�Nttne arl kMf Fhk.klMd1.1P�V Sr, k6,�C[gp tlllq"Ik GPBe RNp ap9 lkVd „pg, roB UlRral tfll, YYuYt rou. r'e,¢i 9. PDNtp ln'Itl0N0 V 1 ,u 40k1Add Ge"a:l„��„plp lits. td t9'bl;d,Ybd INa^.a f�_c'°il npi Y0rB4ykNiw',nl ku411 bo 61Nc1's 1kn"ho) l.o. C'✓Il nlN kYp10�4_; v doh B lwt kipC Yrad'M 4E4911 dx.*e p„ r„nK,�11rokP^a�". geba,4 hlky II� ut�p"kINYNl�blO, r;,l,a` Y klk?ul t/1 �i 14Pn Ole°11 aa"agiakkt +,vTfRl",,a3a 4, v? t P]Mnra jin.NN,,,;t&Vr.� dY�rf qGO�„! gt+k4lR04b mini XhAl¢,11df fW.Sk ii9�e1, Al1Yh,NR0.,j_,Vk%, flo YI�Lirp ✓��m'Vv�k"Mi apSSY,�. r"dktllt tltk, i , blt a f tfk rl 104 th h Y .l mik l n,usr.,, E)�PvtV wuYl1;..al tl41 +lUnllb �y;tl pgkkl9�% , Y49�1 t�l �Ct"4I bl IV'�li9VW h, lla6l .;ti_ k Nlkuro+{In4IpI¢lu?rt=.tl8i,ru�suutrt.,�aktMrkp�wYDlk�hu0klta•.r,�,all �a�rkuul;grcl*�,urga6kc°rtkrlwkiriaus 0llgla .rod^varuuf,Idaekkl,;M,iNnllrrk�r"rvi.. _ kpwff_Wp�k Yful CIUl'Y LIkBd tl tl'd& (tl lYl hlk4 SXO°„h!,!,.k�lh,.n p(� h. C.i4 k5 tiY YAIS kNi.lk 114,.'GQVI(vlNtl�� "r klt,'l°g d �2�, Igpv,rsv�Pn'.� ,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,�. .,,,_ a°e,aa,, s fIo9N"..'+pgv•rwr,htgp,,. only to the rtlwnkkrtgknl ll.Ixttkd , ^vaa,an ., ,re,l4vold ru 11flation. A 4mnrov "j it!4dhLOI jime:Ajit"n" tkgrud kkkdtg,akl laktuula,1. ttrgrrrkar Pdg ,&alt kveli. � Ntir fa415v }911:: he'c'"kph �tuflaut,utc itsmdelkkuipwpJ y" ihis tlhakhpi g laltkc3p�kkkte ,a lkraa ir9�}wttVIon tk01e gyve_ gtl8cpeaa,- gktgtti wu",I w „;wRkkkcvfitl,;p''ar^n-aprrd Ikuuk,purdrJ Ga, xtgrkta a'4my,Al Atli "qku,@"",nr"gynjgldi"t'-Aw sIt-t1,ht, u,^kq,pF q�tl'#IIS lilv4hy;;;r ro�Nupgtlkrcpta ltkbllu apnp,k krelrtN MRINI a utkntakup ttk,; �'Jwfl bl'nd nl wroultla lRp� Mku'ea tup; ukp ww�lar !Jqk Poa luug plkkclr atl qu;I,� aid kppl p!taptk^w� a>!rk A Pa-- 9'�°Akw9 onaum I)Vkd au,w asrudaytly apt nhsgVhryNpINRPoa1p4tteut,41",rutl-lIDaswkgakk{tuw'wpy,w Nuur+bgsk,wpVNtwuµkgt�wlalyaPeliauuasfm Nh1m�,0upp trapsr,lN",kw 11,tiupppts upgtlaa,¢,4p+wl� Nuuwsa;�� are1�,a��t±�w��Mrtulat,,, Chapter 15,29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION Page 295/315 FACILITIES 15.29.080 Site selection standards. The followin" site selection wk idxxN ui 9w,� h6all,axlalxNl, xra trill aa¢ox;H�„ Itis xl"I , OUq,l& 01 O axr,lug aid•ma x s° c4it 60V �.xnulV h�xia Ix , Erxt„wUxNn s g'irR,1Br,�;ak arpw ggi�il °Mh»lnxwrm� aB� a iskBsx+�palrtal4arx; v��, ..,N�M�xtk��atMHa9 Aa�awis 9aoaaiaacuv 1 axeuas are {u) 1htluffrx to>irorerxaxoxly B�xx[wawnax lx� lkte� Ilntgc �-lrn+!tltxcem9hd+�r+;VHln�rxgxe�wul° �,aquu�,ar�,R wr^arlaaxatlNocaacnBraxtaxaaluaalawah•tlw+aa+�«ur,t kay(�.ts9Nx-A��w.9xt�wr�,�zr1-td'xo-��nrkh•kwy�-��.�w Saiunoxxail��n+xr,�,wd�vr�,atxtia.�mnrtl'uew� eoselro {4aW4ahw�enrxxn�:-raxxal o�x-a#re^,arµxliu-Ir koetaax'a�4teove,tltiI°at�wtxwl+ll:wllarcRlct4ereoB,rarexxenxq�a4ruVlaxataeaxrh.a4hslrexxasasu-. 4rzr�tx�rrisialwo4r7rt-a�,r�wcago-a,arr�+ta� dclgxwa'wpaws�a9Nm�aNcre�Nalntcr�r-lMss;txNlgt�rRottirax@x,tratxiM�xir•4xxs¢rrrv'it,�rlxMearx°t-ar�xlrbw�roxrxreca gkRaal fssr xa.�aarol�,wuhaw tNra. l�ueclrarrrol, ,taPzr aax 4aawxaq �};Ba�xatrw--�raxlr �xwra"raG 4r a«rouadlru i,=wst. a::grpxaMla�..-l°xa>h�xara ,4rx�4wx� taoa xmva x kn o �"wrna ,4 (Al 6w,bxxrtalxraV' -¢,trrsetimed it 010-dixtimu (xB.f"rgIi, n-o14,li"Ilbanric, 46-slaale- x,Ino oclml wikHf4e,-ww YauB,aa� -wxcrl l twxrnx'xaauklB B i oto xe�i ,ualae�daleB xx� rl �x4aaa rxmrd-4 4•al sx ;i�xahrua@ xrceu�, �,axka�a t pn - haeNwrvaoHv1i rxw ptole hxtan thrn "gh rx.csaa �au4 a rt¢xeara xr9tmaxa carn�n e-awk^ I1 Dit,a°mureas,o-^d Area,; in BI 2 uania4 W e'C' /a,ww+ B:' is owN fffi WilIM caull)pNMI SAi;ia,WRx 'j s,laarxaJc 4e- vuxalla- I ux alae t rilaowwrlaBB Bocrnx xxMF-wwi�luau dw, l3.2'_BauauW iaax k m. auxai i"% wxaraalP taxaw�cni err ara5a°ngeo �arewar�, �llsxgxv. d,... �41wh1n.wWanA ixaaxoaBaed ie .4 mx&`.a sxaloxx8xaal wuaeas 1� BCagburalfixraaahaxndrud fixi,aA'J"'.m0cw;9•aareww A. An applicant m 7x,yaoq tt lac d uolhb, A tq t oox ill vl,ta Citi, a x+o0i( m the l,dOA1, that wishes to locate in 4hoese ur.aa II"d, rtw a 4a"�l 1,a,x tai ti 0 axe,, ynB:,x ,al rB ,,.0 shall demonstrate that a diligent effort has been made to locate the proposed co-naxxxwnar rxrio sx>s 1 pm °ly facilities on a site, private institutional structure, or other appropriate existing structures more than three hundred feet from residential zoned districts or more than three hundred feet from a protected area, and that, due to valid considerations including physical constraints, ,rylw° ayaatkllAsiBo„I_};,Y,l.v and technological feasibility, no more appropriate location is available, Such antennas, xrik tris x u^ irougpxaxaagx.,towers and related facilities may be approved by the administrator, subject to the administrator's approval of camouflage or disguise by stealth, Such proposed structures nha,B me also be subject to the I,aBlloa c C su coos Bfa a=photo-simulation requirements of YMC 15,29 130 in order to assist the administrator in determining appropriate camouflage and/or stealth requirements. CB, Priority of Locations, The order of priorities for locating new peirsoi nal -wireless service facilities shall be as follows: I Col -location (see YMC 15,29.060(B) and (C)). 2, Industrial zoning districts, 3, Public property (see subsection E of this section), 4 Existing structures—industrial and commercial zoning districts (e g , buildings, towers, and water towers), 5 Local business district (B-2) and small convenience center (SCC) zoning districts 6, Residential zoned districts, 7, Protected areas DK Site Selection Criteria, 1. Any applicant proposing to construct an antenna support structure, or mount an antenna on an existing structure, shall evaluate different sites within a one -quarter -mile radius to determine which site will provide the best screening and camouflaging while providing adequate service to satisfy its function in the applicant's system If the applicant proposes a site that does not provide the best opportunities for screening and camouflaging then the applicant must demonstrate why the facility cannot be located at the site where it can be best screened and camouflaged and why the antenna must be located at the proposed site, Chapter 1529 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Page 296/315 2, Wireless facility instal lations,•tl of whIuVfww IfW%V,Ikiull it�fiam�, 4W 60 Iw«curletiN dtwrll'- kkamgpi, l-1 tshall be placed in locations where the existing topography, vegetation, buildings, or other structures provide the greatest amount of camouflage, ^D Siting Priority on Public Property, 1. Order of Preference Where public property is sought to be utilized by an applicant, priority for the use of government-owned land for wireless antennas and towers will be given to the following entities in descending order: a City of Yakima, except that any facilities proposed for location within the airport safety overlay (ASO) are further subject to the limitations and requirements of Chapter 15,30 YMC; b Public safety agencies, including law enforcement, fire and ambulance services, which are not part of the city of Yakima and private entities with a public safety agreement with the city of Yakima; c. Other governmental entities, for uses that are not related to public safety; and d Entities providing licensed commercial wireless 4e4aua otti ao uurua,aati awrservices including cellular, personal communication services (PCS), specialized mobilized radio (SMR), enhanced specialized mobilized radio (ESMR), data, Internet, paging, and similar services that are marketed to the general public. 1 Subject to City Discretion The placement of wireless service facilities on city -owned property is subject to the discretion of the city and approval of lease terms that are acceptable to the city, and must comply with the following requirements: a, The facilities will not interfere with the purpose for which the city -owned property is intended b The facilities will have no significant adverse impact on surrounding private property, or any significant adverse impact is mitigated by screening, camouflage or other condition required by city; c, The applicant shall obtain adequate liability insurance naming the city as loss payee and commit to a lease agreement that includes equitable compensation for the use of public land and other necessary provisions and safeguards The city shall establish fees after considering comparable rates in other cities, potential expenses, risks to the city, and other appropriate factors; d The applicant will submit a letter of credit, performance bond, or other security acceptable to the city to cover the costs of removing the facilities, e, The lease shall provide that the applicant must agree that in the case of a declared emergency or documented threat to public health, safety or welfare and following reasonable notice the city may require the applicant to remove the facilities at the applicant's expense I'e8wwcw cnnoananc utuoyr iwr 1 , «:facilities serving essential government services and other government agencies shall have priority over other users; F. The applicant must reimburse the city for any related costs that the city incurs because of the presence of the applicant's facilities, g, The applicant must obtain all necessary land use approvals, and h. The applicant must cooperate with the city's objective to encourage co -locations and thus limit the number of cell sites requested. F, Special Requirements for Parks, The use of city -owned parks for glre seureadl-wireless sei «lee -facilities brings with it special concerns due to the unique nature of these sites, The placement of pwtusunkd _wireless ga r a 4c -facilities in a park will be allowed only when the following additional requirements are met: DOC. INDEX Chapter 15 29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Page 297/315 1, The city parks commission has reviewed and made a recommendation regarding proposed pars,*inal-- wireless s *r',iie;es--facilities to be located in the park and this recommendation has been forwarded to the city council for consideration and approval, 2 In no case shall l: er,aaraall--wireless rseus wxl facilities be allowed in designated critical areas (except aquifer recharge areas) unless they are col -located on existing facilities; and 3. Before p eu,a r yl -wireless saes-vkm, facilities may be located in public parks, visual impacts and disruption of normal public use shall be mitigated (Ord 2016-029 § 1 (Exh, A) (part), 2016: Ord 2013-051 § 2 (Exh A) (part), 2013), 15.29.090 Safety and industry standards. A, Federal Requirements All towers must meet or exceed current standards and regulations of the FAA, the FCC and any other agency of the federal government with the authority to regulate towers and antennas. If those standards and regulations are changed, then wireless service providers governed by this chapter shall bring their towers and antennas into compliance with the revised standards and regulations within six months of their effective date or the timelines provided by the revised standards and regulations, whichever time period is longer Failure to bring towers and antennas into compliance with the revised standards and regulations shall constitute grounds for revocation of permit. B, Building Codes—Safety Standards, To ensure the structural integrity of towers, the owner of a tower shall ensure that it is maintained in compliance with standards contained in applicable city building codes and the applicable standards for towers that are published by the Electronic Industries Association ("EIA"), as amended from time to time If, upon inspection, the city concludes that a tower fails to comply with such codes and standards and constitutes a danger to persons or property, then upon notice being provided to the owner of the tower, the owner shall have thirty days to bring the tower into compliance with such standards. If the owner fails to bring its tower into compliance within thirty days, the city may remove the lower at the owner's expense C. l��lanua laainms�uro,ueroe a;yrtt,ylrojltVtt4v iyppla RtY .Standards Rulaew� y6uu11.,,R',o u,natwwtuutoaawhtia•aspap!tPi�nr1�4�M'I .�tra4rrA Rotluu�wm,w=v-a aau eu8duart lRNl� , g>unauaqurutlt . wv4uuspr xuHstyBmatbmeu�rfi-ax@ 6ruanw It ne-to tmumt441oda l" adra Mwtagtservvmeltt . Or uMdituavurs taa,ewx,Amt laaawu�ts.w,huull s p,uia xabr au�sarala ttk at tywptatp-�raau-autl- sl by ar It'rr i�.��,mw,t'+sd-�aaltaaa wm hhod'- lciinoar 8t�atie Qainnrgllotunce vvah the 9A mandaid,and ail othea l;ood kidwAlly liI I'h�e plon', 011a N be >uulrma&Ced mhl m'w ie-uw I sum gar purtpb IIDamRlriang q awu�nutoua -rs rgt, Rew1- No-pe>rsao+anal wireless service provider or lessee shall fail to assure that its antenna complies at all times with the current applicable Federal Communications Commission (FCC) radio frequency (RF) emission standards, R1—Vuury o- grtuu1 I i. p aiw qv luitmpy; #¢it'u'uartydan-¢tsusmavrdGkutt wiwavfiuRro141A, b1FwtRuawa.yswta ule�xt�ip��aaaa'x •rvtm��aauww �9aidep, uuual4 '4� wpuauu9uudv Ilse Pao0v,ouefati lutitll *51-fluerapot't- w1Ntt-ltiiYtv, Ixuswruu�uu�amup.teyrat4ttutretl Wluirliaiiatwwpauuid'au �,luil6 ftka ��gtdutlrew-egyaq w,a�rlty� ap rof for tpaa, proliot yeha� fronOffh (Ord, 2016-029 § 1 (Exh, A) (part), 2016: Ord, 2013-051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013), 15.29.100 Wireless conditional use permit criteria. A, Uses Requiring Cell uuhu-- ldJ re less Conditional Use Permit, Any wireless facility listed in Table 29-1 as a wireless conditional use permit (wireless CUP) requires submittal of a wireless CUP application as described in YMC 15 29,050, Wireless CUPS require a public hearing before the hearing examiner and final approval by the hearing examiner B Criteria for Granting Ce l�ular-W i reless Conditional Use Permit. Before any conditional use may be granted, the hearing examiner must find that: I The proposed use will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity of the proposed use or in the district in which the subject property is located, 2 The proposed use shall meet or exceed the performance standards that are required in the zoning district the proposed use will occupy; Chapter 15 29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION Page 298/315 FACILITIES 3, The proposed development shall be compatible generally with the surrounding land uses in terns oftraffic and pedestrian circulation, building and site design; 4. The proposed use shall be in keeping with the goals and policies of the comprehensive land use policy plan; and 5 All reasonable and practicable measures have been taken to minimize the possible adverse impacts which the proposed use may have on the area in which it is located C Authority to Impose Conditions, The hearing examiner may impose any conditions necessary to address identified impacts associated with the proposed wireless facility and ensure that the facility is compatible with surrounding development, The hearing examiner may: 1 Increase requirements in the standards, criteria or policies established by this title; 2, Stipulate the exact location as a means of minimizing hazards to life, limb, property damage, erosion, landslides or traffic; 3. Require structural features or equipment essential to serve the same purpose set forth above, 4, Impose conditions similar to those set forth in subsections (C)(2) and (3) of this section as deemed necessary to establish parity with uses permitted in the same zone in their freedom from nuisance generating features in matters of noise, odors, air pollution, wastes, vibration, traffic, physical hazards, and similar matters; provided, the hearing examiner may not, in connection with action on a conditional use permit, reduce the requirements specified by this title as pertaining to any use or otherwise reduce the requirements of this title in matters for which a variance is the remedy provided, 5. Assure that the degree of compatibility with the purpose of this title shall be maintained with respect to the particular use on the particular site and in consideration ofother existing and potential uses within the general area in which the use is proposed to be located; 6 Recognize and compensate for variations and degree of technological processes and equipment as related to the factors of noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors, and hazard or public need, and :� R1d.alt�Pp dlae lffParl+a'9, �u �„om�r, il`Mdaiq`NdMvre duwpk-Ra68ma+u4�"ahmi ung 9 11miu:+i-¢BB °.u'�W regtl�t, Pi�A1�th�u 9Hi� 44 5d, n;rklp V 1w NlAy'oPpo.. hxairtlwd fifly and/or ins ralllkoia lr and OiPSF erl peg Aseli t..+vactvi Wilimrrro.. a4 ara,u a it d irnpatio,welame ts, 84 acagaaart�ld,,"�unaYasavict arq'.t.�,lal°brM�UnWEfir-1 ]pe .praa,aid�aa-+aiaiwpp ia8rrad�al� crp-tmalrlreauaa a�lahat�krualr;laaup y;M�wrrred9^� Baal d;w a°sai+;d. anali-0..pirr�t�tmrvxalla�anmusty u.pai�,vitletbprtrus:urmraarp�.a'r'°rv4q:"I+'w�Nha'r1,Y4,V pp I€td,ti,rvalawrtrawnr�rRmlprlro8aes�alr�tprar-+,grr^t'^ihietlplar_ ^taakaal •raa aRa«. r,6�a, ars Ia,waa ut arq,4 ED, Conditional Use Permits—Effect of Hearing Examiner Decision. The decision of the hearing examiner on a conditional use permit shall be final and conclusive with right of appeal to the city council in accordance with YMC 16 08.030. (Ord, 2016-029 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord 2013-051 § 2 (Exh, A) (part), 2013). 15.29.110 Wireless height variance. A, Applicability, A eeNuler wireless height variance is required for any major modification to an existing tower, antenna, or base station or construction of a new tower, antenna, or base station that requires a height in excess of height limits defined in YMC 15,29 070(2), tl4 uArlary.a i yai17 anlhtrsai„paCsar+l r „lagpyai i¢lon6,i,1iat�tihu�u typ..4uu �o taeaau ouhcri darn ,m!t9 pry kn4iunl,N.ayt'.,. ut9i'lth.fltaul of as tniaactrrnwhAsra,nlwa Parva ,�I it %t 11 0, tg rbrgraau ,.slrurunra° Cyzunre tCw a,t,nu auuR pltry ugb N'” N, tl 9 q ud (a 41a�tCawanl+uNip+Glsoiplrlllgiestliw:mandairdv"w.MrrD.;a,9aAlpt,tirt.parl'r^aiia4`(a,1,.I,aNl6.;I��er,ht.li141r,a.144am r;pq,4„add Chapter 1529 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Page 299/315 NIC. Criteria for Granting Wireless Height Variance, The hearing examiner shall have the authority to grant a variance from the maximum height allowed for a tower, antenna or base station when, in his/her opinion, the conditions as set forth herein have been found to exist, A wireless height variance is subject to: 1. Compliance with standard wireless permit standards of YMC 15,29 120(D); 2, Standard variance procedures in Chapter 15 21 YMC (not including review criteria); and 3, All ofthe following criteria must be met- a The additional height is necessary to provide adequate service to the re rvaabems on tlros.¢;o y and no other alternative is available; b A significant portion ofthe tower and related facilities are screened by existing evergreen trees or existing structures; c. Strict application of current height limits would deprive a tower or antenna operator from achieving the minimum height required to meet the proven etroliNBa6W19v4IX Wt�ttataM �w prrkK,:ait need; d The structure for which the variance is requested is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this chapter; e [heiesaa wCspki racnira�u.iawr+ac oltamlla^tl+giun-t9tr•�rolalectlaraa�arxawwuua.6reaG hatnv..hauhant^u fRagaIa,a„Mwrgreattwa ora =�uuarntuurahnt=w tlrlrq iron v enp 6wr l rcuu l Il 'aumt-araokwaa.rrtathea arrrnwwumulw:hruaolp4ts-a< lanrea l tna sru a t pla finmm�ave,n BNh14186"Nkkflt&+ tttA 4J 1M'�•nd''CPo:i„° f'g That the granting of such variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity; tF Any visual impacts will be mitigated to the greatest extent possible using camouflage, stealth or screening as defined by this chapter; lq_, The location ofthe tower and antenna has been chosen so as to minimize the visibility of the facility from residentially zoned land and to minimize the obstruction of scenic views from public properties; and f ih The variance is the minimum necessary to grant relief to the applicant. 0 ED, Decision, Based upon the information provided by the applicant, the results ofthe Earl l )on tom afid-visual impact analysis, and findings of compliance or noncompliance with the criteria set forth herein, the examiner may: 1. Approve an application for a variance, which may include additional requirements above those specified in this title or require modification ofthe proposal to comply with specified requirements or local conditions; or 2 Deny a variance if the proposal does not meet or cannot be conditioned or modified to meet subsection B of this section. M af'„ Burden of Proof. The applicant has the burden of proving that the proposed wireless height variance meets all ofthe necessary criternaiwu,,NA eelioro•,14eoi thio,^ ra tortu. (Ord. 2016-029 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord, 2013-051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013), 15.29.120 Application review process. A. Preapplication Meeting. To expedite review of applications, a preapplication meeting with the administrator is strongly encouraged, The preapplication meeting will help the applicant determine what permits may be required for his or her proposed wireless facility, what additional information or studies may help in the review ofthe application, and what stealth and/or camouflaging techniques might be appropriate for the site The administrator may help to identify protected areas and may also suggest vantage points from which a visual impact assessment should be based. B. Review for Completeness The administrator shall review each application for completeness as specified in YMC 15 ,29,050 iaoor ,4 1 CFIm eSo o uoii , (H ir_ After review ofthe application, the administrator shall issue a determination ofcompleteness or incompleteness in accordance with Chapter 16,04 YMC In addition to information required for a complete application, the administrator may request additional information from the applicant to review the proposal and determine compliance with the provisions of this chapter Except for the timelines specified in subsection C of this section for applications to modify an existing wireless facility or base Chapter 15 29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Page 300/315 station, oy um ulr,IrxV,ryrculriau,Iis Min,w"lII or f f wiIiIIpav w, altc 10 )W. such administrative review, processing and issuance of administrative permits shall comply with the city's timelines and procedures governing review and issuance of administrative permits in Chapter 16,04 YMC C. Modification Permit Review Applications for modifications to existing wireless facilities or base stations shall be reviewed as follows: 1, Determination of Major or Minor Modification. Within forty-five days of receipt of a complete application for Formatted: Indent: Left: 0" modification, the administrator shall review and issue a written determination as to whether the requested modification is deemed a major or minor modification under the provisions of YMC 15 29 060(A) The administrator may request additional information from the applicant or any other entity to assist in this determination. 2. Finding of No Substantial Change—Minor Modification, If the modification is deemed by the administrator to be a minor modification under the provisions YMC 15 29 krJm,oaautf�r°hhs�, shall issue a modification Formatted Not Highlight r permit, which may Include conditions necessaryto achieve compliance with the provisions of this section, Issuance ofthe modification permit shall occur within forty-five days after receipt and approval ora complete application for Formatted Not Highlight a modification permit, 3. Finding of Substantial Change—Major Modification Ifthe administrator determines that such application constitutes a substantial change to the physical dimensions of an existing wireless tower or base station, Aube;, administrator shall issue a written determination that the change is a major modification and direct the applicant to submit the appropriate application(s) as specified in Table 29-1 and YMC 15,29,050, D, Standard Wireless Permit Review, Standard wireless applications apply to all new wireless facilities and base stations and to major modification of all existing wireless facilities and base stations, Standard wireless applications shall be reviewed as follows: 1, Administrative Decision. All standard cell uiiam wireless applications shall be subject to administrative review and decision unless they require an associated wireless conditional use permit or variance as specified in Table 29-1 or fable 29-1 5, 2. Camouflaging/Stealth Review I, ^wgyVI -k)r Oudl w i k M k uwi,Vrgw�,t jThe administrator shall review the proposed method of camouflaging or stealth against conditions on or surrounding the site as follows: a, The administrator shall consider how proposed design of the tower, placement on the site, topography of and surrounding the site, color, structures on and surrounding the site, and natural features on and surrounding the site help to blend the wireless facility into its setting. b The administrator may require a visual impact assessment as described in YMC 15 29,130 based upon lines ofsight or vantage points identified by the administrator, c, The administrator shall determine if the proposed camouflaging or stealth reasonably integrates the wireless facility into its setting. The administrator may impose conditions to ensure that the facility achieves this objective. 3, Compliance with Standards, The administrator shall review the proposal against all other standards of this chapter including, but not limited to, height, setbacks, color, design, lighting, landscaping, screening, and co - location capacity. If any items are found to be not in compliance, the administrator shall notify the applicant and direct him or her to either submit within two weeks, or other period of time deemed reasonable by the administrator considering the scope and complexity ofthe required revision, revised plans to address the compliance issue, or direct the administrator to render a decision on the application as submitted. 4. Written Decision, The administrator shall issue a written decision on the application within the time frame specified in Chapter 16,07 YMC, identifying any items not in compliance with this chapter, and including any conditions necessary to achieve compliance. I Itiw doar auwa ifiall,uil iwjo d coo 011,1oaa tlxrl IPiatddd e lua flmta xw wR-Gn - wvwa tlasniti lilrfrfutsrul art+slrresy� t •ptarW ualat4 pease witaplltk Y -M d.' :94kt+rlg M, Formatted: Not Highlight ®,®,.,.....,�_.....,_.................... Formatted: Not Highlight Chapter 15 29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Page 301/315 5 Appeals. The determination or decision of the administrator on any application under this chapter shall constitute an administrative decision subject to appeal pursuant to Chapter 16,08 YMC, E, Wireless Conditional Use Permit Review Wireless conditional use permit applications shall be reviewed as follows: 1, Submittal of Application An application for a conditional use permit under this chapter shall be submitted to the administrator, who shall review such application for completeness and compliance with filing requirements under this chapter and applicable codes of the city, in accordance with the provisions and procedures of YMC 1,43 090 and YMC Title 16 2, Ba 11eooun - II esty awl Visual Impact Assessment, The administrator shall instruct the applicant on the requirements for IvIli It visual impact assessment. I Imt ytpr�roiaty ntreurkM>r vw�Inw larrMvedu t�nlaaMa r�rout.,i, tt# 1hd ming t4%1lna 6ww11raa'�nat qa Rp�ntI)iII•Pubu awIuiIge gEroRnt", 6oIImt-w hiolI,Ih 1. V�wiI unpi l: erswHw�mwgwt WIII I4w ha ,ed IBroth-1 I'he ImIlloimi 1c,trou and -visual impact assessment shall be completed prior to the scheduled public hearing, 3, Additional Reports and Third -Party Review The administrator shall have authority to request additional infonnation and reports from the applicant necessary to facilitate analysis of the proposal, including but not limited to third -party review in accordance with YMC 15 29,140 and reports, surveys and tests as provided in this chapter, when the administrator, in his or her sole discretion, deems such additional information necessary or appropriate to fully assess the impact of the proposal and any reasonable alternatives, to address mitigation measures identified in SEPA, NEPA or other environmental reviews, to address issues of site screening or other measures to mitigate impacts upon the surrounding neighborhood, or to address any other impact to the life, health, safety of persons, or quiet enjoyment of property, identified by the administrator as likely, with reasonable probability, to result from the proposed project. 4 Scheduling for Hearing Upon the administrator's determination that the application is complete and in compliance with filing requirements of this chapter, and that required -Vaai400wo esfl,, visual impact assessments and other required reports have been finalized, the administrator in coordination with the hearing examiner shall be responsible for assigning a date for and assuring due notice ofpublic hearing for each application, which date and notice shall be in accordance with the provisions of YMC Title 16 5, Hearing Examiner—Procedures—Factors. When considering an application for a conditional use permit, the hearing examiner shall consider the applicable standards, criteria and policies established by this title as they pertain to the proposed use and may impose specific conditions precedent to establishing this use, F, Wireless Height Variance Review A wireless height variance shall be processed as follows: 1, Procedures and Applicable Criteria A wireless height variance shall be reviewed under the procedures described in Chapter 15,21, except that the hearing examiner shall apply the criteria for review and approval defined in this chapter 2, 11naIlBannann:p ;w r:omst-t"usual Impact Assessment. The administrator shall instruct the applicant on the requirements for bosh -a bi lhPonn-tml WO -visual impact on bI the tommm# ol'I111ulanllrrm n ac^n1 ON ihn I,om it, vd0l be bn1+r p lkai &1w1Inl kmnmllaoan m�E wW anra9 wIMaeul uint aro �s w�aa'ptilatk �aJlttlli shall be completed prior to the scheduled public hearing, 3 Third -Party Review. Applications for variance may also require third -party review as described in YMC 1529 140, 4 Hearing Examiner Decision The hearing examiner shall determine whether the proposed variance complies with the criteria for a variance in YMC 15 29] ] ] 0, and that the proposed wireless facility complies with all other standards of this chapter, If the examiner finds that the proposal does not comply with the criteria for a variance he shall deny the variance and associated wireless facility Ifthe examiner finds that the proposal complies with the criteria for a variance and with all other development standards of this chapter, he shall Chapter 15 29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Page 302/315 approve the variance and the associated wireless facility. The examiner may impose any conditions necessary to ensure compliance with all standards (Ord. 2016-029 § 1 (Exh A) (part), 2016: Ord, 2013-051 § 2 (Exh, A) (part), 2013), 15.29.130 fdaalGllkrvruma-ta:a6s---Visual impact assessments. A4wre.a rtagNosa¢au I t La,'o.mmukA idae•aappl iauattl- hand-,rpfirr9 Ihei-hew 4erwppNfitaan ""I,PI, darakc6 r-lroaablorankm^ d—Nheayl'apNrrasarB alaar8hwaaramaat;a,•adb 6 ,aac aorsw aapaurnar01w iwrm°9^ard eiutnlrvkr1gi-sieaa IN.,aauiraaadaavi'leaawaarr fnachatluwap(ndl grrru%I"s ',d.. aoavera'�d dta r6argerkgaoiaqaaalaaro6r-ar �wt�oata9�a)ta#a su c rara«4^+a1� Emaataa w�twabalsay ara�a-� �aaaappaad-a%[a4a l,� taaraawp-,uua4.9 Gorrnar6�ras tial"Maar„- Ndkkmm [esl slaudi-br, aaakarittu± 9 lw flie41gg)k euanl, awven owl tkmlkwwoa aloy”"Iaa idsW o 6it pra,a adNro-an-dlr om ia( ,aull aft ii --i�pt 1flta; rag Hie uagolaiuwwiwa ndtsalq aw1k)inR,1 Q w4, ana skpiwrpv, O'Nlie t mea waoO aaaaaa�w�•od adwwh.�ala��wa-daasa»,n aM,aaaa��a�»r+aaa�roy�w.,uaaaaalkaaraaGaka ggwaAlaruddai�aar�nda,alB I,+au klsww�raa.l�'t:+e-oat Ekra�a�a;�va nas�-awaa�+arcram�m�a+aaai�ww, houirs on 0w gt"niove d- ta, i-r�aodkrn:t�tkae tlaaafiiwoaraa t�ba_•A a ahwaru: wr,rid9a quyx'Aua�nsrwI'ua�a�r-�wuaai�r+n i�o�darn-arrtdoa'a�� rwl al ic�r•d'aloClmwauirr yEaau Efl�Bai«�p�rkaa�ai;Be^kC��wa41t qhw. anttada ceriraaaaaa , a lotos oak aqa, laargdraraaa to i @irauua adore Er eatwk a^+ E r at9vyd aaprdprekx aaattaaa Gy.84+a k 9aaaruags .a9-@ �k lf+ura alurd paws of 6w prcJX+sail em:r wkN aauar6 a�1��� r l a�aaaai aaw to a as raaaa@a aa.raatw-trraraawa4 a -lea wnryroe�arpaa d daawwr wraaed tlra rk^�lokaau�ioaaav d raoatkrvad, aa6ri�ror'k'asara>awta�kwHkrrtkr apaaaartwr_raaw8u^ Raaawa fl�ha dwu�,kw+rt�Mkur grrrW6ara�aaJ aaarwa:r 9k�aaadk la+��a�faa�w�ashc4 wufaa awa¢a��ow�pd, �•udkrvo adacw. wraaaaauwnn�^cuuwraq ,ed' RNaaa Wfloon tvsl- I'M Visual Impact Assessment A visual impact assessment with photo -simulation ofthe proposed facility is required for all applications that require a conditional use permit or variance, and may be required by the administrator for any other application deemed necessary by the administrator to assess visual impacts associated with such application As part of such application, the applicant shall furnish a visual impact assessment, which shall include: 1, Zone of Visibility Map Ifa. new tower or substantial modification increasing the height of an existing structure is proposed, a computer generated "zone of visibility map" at a minimum of ane -mile radius from the proposed structure; with be provided to illustrate locations from which the proposed installation may be seen. 2 Photo -Simulations Pictorial representations of "before and after" (photo -simulations) views from key viewpoints within the zone of visibility. Guidance will be provided, concerning the appropriate key sites at the preapplication meeting, as required. Provide a map showing the locations of where the pictures were taken and distance from the proposed structure 3, Description of Visual Impact, A written description ofthe visual impact ofthe proposed facility including, and as applicable, the tower base, guy wires, fencing and accessory buildings from abutting and adjacent properties and streets as relates to the need or appropriateness of camouflaging (Ord 2016-029 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord, 2013-051 § 2 (Exh, A) (part), 2013).. 15.29.140 Third -party review. iAelH..,'014 eB-aur_rrtlireless service providers use various methodologies and analyses, including geographically based computer software, to determine the specific technical parameters of their wireless services and darant-liaewer-knob4e- radie sefk,iee.-facilities, such as expected coverage area, antenna configuration, topographic constraints that affect signal paths, etc In certain instances, a third -party expert may need to review the technical data submitted by a provider. The city may require a technical review as part of a permitting process for a variance or conditional use permit The costs ofthe technical review shall be bome by the provider, The selection ofthe third -party expert may be by mutual agreement between the provider and the city, or, at the discretion ofthe city, with a provision for the provider and interested parties to comment on the proposed expert and review its qualifications, The expert review is intended to address interference and public safety issues and be a site- specific review of technical aspects of the facilities or a review of the providers' methodology and equipment used and not a subjective review ofthe site that was selected by a provider. Based on the results ofthe expert review, the city may require changes to the provider's application, The expert review shall address the following: I The accuracy and completeness of submissions; Chapter 15 29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION Page 303/315 FACILITIES 2, The applicability of analysis techniques and methodologies; 3 The validity ofconclusions reached; and 4 Any specific technical issues designated by the city, (Ord 2016-029 § 1 (Exh A) (part), 2016: Ord, 2013- 051 § 2 (Exh, A) (part), 2013), 15.29.150 Nonuse/abandonment. A, Notice of Abandonment. No less than thirty days prior to the date that a aefwliO dr64e seivice; provider plans to abandon or discontinue operation of a facility, the provider must notify the city of Yakima by certified U,S mail of the proposed date of abandonment or discontinuation of operation, In the event that a Iieirr,» 4- vaG t airfrva ra oady,;l� fails to give notice, the facility shall be considered abandoned upon the city's discovery of discontinuation of operation, Upon such abandonment, the provider shall have sixty days or additional period of time determined in the reasonable discretion of the city within which to: I. Reactivate the use ofthe facility or transfer the facility to another provider who makes actual use ofthe facility, or 2 In the event that abandonment as defined in this chapter occurs due to relocation of an antenna at a lower point on the antenna support structure, reduction in the effective radiated power ofthe antenna or reduction in the number of transmissions from the antennas, the operator ofthe tower shall have six months from the date of effective abandonment to co -locate another service on the tower, If another service provider is not added to the tower, then the operator shall promptly dismantle and remove the portion ofthe tower that exceeds the minimum height required to function satisfactorily Notwithstanding the foregoing, changes which are made to per»eaa»aed-wireless facilities which do not diminish their essential role in providing a total system shall not constitute abandonment, However, in the event that there is a physical reduction in height of substantially all of the provider's towers in the city or surrounding area then all of the towers within the city shall similarly be reduced in height: or - 3 Dismantle and Remove Facility, If the tower, antenna, foundation, and facility are not removed within the sixty-day time period or additional period oftime allowed by the city, the city may remove such tower, antenna, foundation, and related facility at the provider's expense If there are two or more providers co - locating on a facility, except as provided for in subsection (A)(2) ofthis section, this provision shall not become effective until all providers cease using the facility: or 1:.4Nk Clm r h,t„il ”!."r6k9fN �t.� taa+cpadyt IaS+.ia)kl.trrw�r,t#�l sislr.rv4wrdu kht��-a9t.kHw..ipiE(ti 0_VwtlWw l IHiudd,;R�aw�rr+dttee�"*. li'ttieremwl9u +;aolaBrla q tMuM �@_yWur�iaati pu n�uuaea@ ¢ n� day btI,v µD,;; rl g sgaNg,wx4 glaa,a,4tiyu 1aH�r'lmrr;rre�acra�wxi aq"g9wa »xuemtrvNR :gill 9qa ni){q,v,,-ilpa piwu r U;a I1ra1N 4r ..t nuali,p mlyd 9prr, yYl taw;,p pf rep+rand-aatat.fr+a a ;lalout naarpl•,n+I?1gr aaaalo-tw I»i,rt . - em 9 t uther,it=la',iuuamntta»-a.),' � � ,,, quiiu 1ta tiaa m�at�iaa asp rowigw a� rt iwawul;,)t•auVae4su�rpyaaruvaa6 trl oiaarea all of%mtGgt111d 9n4µ!�aWw.ai-��r6iaalp-r,,,. &s1w tax ipY ptG;-awagm,,,tfaerywaal+�ae l�ul)l;ee rrwtKyttaia�i(grVrs-&�h;aald:�fp,l..%ile!yrlfkuar,trraxfaarra�ladaaaeaaapirk rrt liuu aa�luq-rv9 ay»a,,y� nfoak 4uI liJ a Rlma spry . , lUa Glebur�CS_sda all 4a4° �pparsun mn tid gtiw,i„irt,latal?u,ti p i�@s°� l gai^,ke,_a,irt tar tlnu. apki 'i a!fe?� 1 kt°a; Pw� l on.l.4,, YNIC 5.L0 _ixt,l ,% en the provider and the CItN_ B, Expiration of Approval, At the earlier of sixty days from the date of abandonment without reactivating or upon completion of dismantling and removal, city approval for the facility shall automatically expire, (Ord. 2016-029 § 1 (Exh, A) (part), 2016: Ord 2013-051 § 2 (Exh A) (part), 2013) 15.29.160 Transfer of ownership. A conditional use permit runs with the land; compliance with the conditions ofany such permit is the responsibility ofthe current owner ofthe property, whether that is the applicant or a successor No permit for which a financial security is required shall be considered valid during any time in which the required financial security is not posted, (Ord, 2016-029 § l (Exh, A) (part), 2016: Ord 2013-051 § 2 (Exh, A) (part), 2013), 15.29.170 Vacation of permits. A, Any permit issued pursuant to this chapter may be vacated upon approval by the current landowner; provided, that: I The use authorized by the permit does not exist and is not actively being pursued; or 1�5 *115 4 Chapter 15 29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION Page 304/315 FACILITIES 2 The use has been tenninated and no violation of terms and conditions of the permit exists. B Requests to vacate a permit shall be made in writing to the zoning code administrator who shall determine if the above conditions are present prior to authorizing the vacation Vacation of any permit shall be documented by the filing of a notice of land use permit vacation on a form provided by the community development department with the city (Ord 2016-029 § 1 (Exh, A) (part), 2016: Ord, 2013-051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013), 15.29.180 Violation—Penalty. Compliance with the requirements of this code shall be mandatory Any violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be a misdemeanor subject to the penalties and remedies established in YMC 6,02,050, Additionally, any violation of the provisions of this chapter, and any installation and/or operation of any structure in violation of the provisions of this chapter, shall be deemed a public nuisance and violation subject to penalties and remedies available under state law and city codes The enforcement actions authorized under this code shall be supplemental to those general penalties and remedies of Chapter 6,02 YMC and the public nuisance penalties and remedies available under state law and city codes (Ord 2016-029 § 1 (Exh A) (part), 2016: Ord 2013-051 § 2 (Exh A) (part), 2013). 15.29.190 Relief, waiver, exemption. Any applicant desiring relief, waiver or exemption from any aspect or requirement of this chapter may request such, pursuant to and in compliance with the applicable provision on general variances as contained in Chapter 15,21 YMC; provided, that the relief or exemption is contained in the submitted application for permit or, in the case of an existing or previously granted permit, a request for modification of its tower and/or facilities Such relief may be temporary or permanent, partial or complete. No such relief or exemption shall be approved unless the applicant demonstrates by clear and convincing evidence that, if granted, the relief, waiver or exemption will have no significant effect on the health, safety and welfare of the city, its residents and other service providers (Ord 2016- 029 § 1 (Exh, A) (part), 2016: Ord, 2013-051 § 2 (Exh A) (part), 2013), 15.29.200 Severability. a If any word, phrase, sentence, part, section, subsection, or other portion o£this chapter or any application thereof to any person or circumstance is declared void, unconstitutional, or invalid for any reason, then such word, phrase, sentence, part, section, subsection, or other portion, or the proscribed application thereof, shall be severable, and the remaining provisions of this chapter, and all applications thereof, not having been declared void, unconstitutional, or invalid shall remain in full force and effect. b, Any permit issued under this chapter shall be comprehensive and not severable. If part of a permit is deemed or ruled to be invalid or unenforceable in any material respect by a competent authority, or is overturned by a competent authority, the permit shall be void in total, upon determination by the city. (Ord 2016-029 § 1 (Exh A) (part), 2016: Ord 2013-051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013, CITY PLANNING — WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES (YMC CB. 15.29) TXT#002-19 & SEPA#026-19 EX1-IBIT LIST C HAPTE:R B SEPA Checklist ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) u� Y r,° (AS TAKEN FROM WAC 197-11-960) "CF ) YAKIMA MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 6.88 PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST Governmental agencies use this checklist to help determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant. This information is also helpful to determine if available avoidance, minimization or compensatory mitigation measures will address the probable significant impacts or if an environmental impact statement will be prepared to further analyze the proRosal. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Please answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. You may need to consult with an agency specialist or private consultant for some questions. You.ma use "not ani li able" or "does p I "' only wheat cart Npm��an wlly,,it doe not annivng riot vwltert the answer is unknown. You may also attach or incorporate by reference additional studies reports. Complete and accurate answers to these questions often avoid delays with the SEPA process as well as later in the decision- making process. The checklist questions apply to allPtars oycattr p�`pptls�xj, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help you describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determinina if there ma be significant adverse im act. USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NONPROJECT PROPOSALS For non -project proposals (such as ordinances, regulations, plans and programs), complete the applicable parts of sections A and B plus the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). Please completely answer all questions that apply and note that the words "project", "applicant", and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proponent," and "affected geographic area," respectively. The lead agency may exclude (for non -projects) questions in Part B — Environmental Elements — that do not contribute meaningfully to the anal sis of the eroposal. A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION (To be completed by the applicant.) 1. Name Of Proposed Project (If Applicable): City of Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance Amendments — YMC Ch. 15.29 2. Applicant's Name & Phone: City of 11 Yakima P 11 lanning Division, (509) 11 575-6183 3. Applicant's Address: 129 North Second Street, Yakima, WA 98901 _.. ................... ....... 4. Contact Person & Phone. Joseph Calhoun, 509-575-6042 ........ 5. Agency Requesting Checklist: City of Yakima �m................. 6. Proposed Timing Or Schedule (Including Phasing, If Applicable): N/A—Non Project Action .. _._ ..... . ,, 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain: None at this time _..,. ............................ ........... 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal: None known. Per WAC 197-11-315(1)(e), as a non -project proposal, section B ofthe Environmental Checklist will not be filled out. ................. _. ...... __ ........ 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain: None Pending needed 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be ,nr p d for your proposal, if known: SEPA determination, City of Yakima Planning Commission Public Hearing, and City Council Approval. Revised 07/2015 Page 14 w 11. Give a brief, but complete denicription of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.): The City of Yakima Planning Division is proposing non -project minor amendments to the City of Yakima's Municipal Code Chapter 15.29. These amendments include proposed changes consistent with FCC regulations; standards and process for small wireless facilities, and the removal of outdated and non -existing 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist: City Limits C. SIGNATURE (To be completed by the applicant.) The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Pr ) rty Owner or Agent Signature Date Submitted Name of ignee Position and Agency/Organization D. SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (To be completed by the Space Reserved For applicant.) T IS NOT NECESSARY to use this sheet forproject actions -Agency Comments Because these questions are very general, it may be helpful to read them in conjunction with the list of the elements of the environment. When answering these questions, be aware of the extent the proposal, or the types of activities that would likely result from the proposal, would affect the item at a greater intensity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not implemented. Respond briefly and in general terms. 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; emissions to air; production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or production of noise? The proposed changes will not affect how land uses discharge to water, emissions to the air, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances, or theproduction of noise. e _... Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: None proposed. Any future measures to avoid such increases will be dealt with at the project level. 2. How would the proposal be likely to affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life? The proposed changes will not affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life, as they are regulatory in nature. -------------------- Proposed measures to protect or conserve plants, animals, fish, or marine life are: None proposed. Any future measures to avoid such increases will be dealt with at the project level. 3. How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources? The proposed changes do not involve regulations dealing with energy or natural resources. Revised 07/2015 Page 15 D. SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (To be completed by the Space Reserved For appileant.1 (ITIS NOT NECESSARYto use this sheet for gtoject action Agency Comments Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: None Proposed. Any future measures to avoid such increases will be dealt with at the project level. , m 4. How would the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas designated (or eligible or under study) for governmental protection; such as parks, wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, threatened or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites, wetlands, floodplains, or prime farmlands? The proposed changes will not change or affect any environmental sensitive areas or regulations. ee. ���ee . Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are: None Proposed. Any future measures to avoid such increases will be dealt with at the project level. 5. How would the proposal be likely to affect land an t d shoreline use, including whether it would allow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with existing plans? No change to shoreline uses are proposed. Depending on future proposals, the level of review will be dependent on the type of use and zoning district. _. _... �.m.. . Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land use impacts are: None Proposed. Any future measures to avoid such increases will be dealt with at the project level. ......... . 6. How would the proposal be likely to increase demands on transportation or public services and utilities? Not likely. The traffic impacts will be examined at the project level. ...,, ®... _....,._ .......m Proposed measures to reduce or respond to such demand(s) are: None Proposed. Any future measures to avoid such increases will be dealt with at the project level. ... ,,,..m ..... __ ............ 7. 7. Identify, if possible, whether the proposal may conflict with local, state, or federal laws or requirements for the protection of the environment. The proposed changes will not conflict with any local, state, or federal laws, or requirements for the protection of the environment. Revised 07/2015 Page 16 CITY PLANNING — WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES (YMC CH. 15.29) TXT#002-19 & SEPA#026-19 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER C Applications AWN M! a valkI& LAND USE APPLICATION CITY OF YAKIMA, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT L1 Y Of YAKIMA 129 NORTH SECOND STREET, 2ND FLOOR, YAKIMA, WA 98901 an,ninI PHONE: (509) 575-6183 FAX: (509) 575-6105 INSTRUCTIONS — PLEASE READ FIRST AND ANSWER ALL UESTIONS COMPLETELY. If you have any questions about this form or the application process, please ask to speak with a planner. All necessary attachments and the filing fee are required upon submittal. Filing fees are not refundable. This application consists of several parts. PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION, PART II — SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION, and PART III — CERTIFICATION are on this page. PART II, III, and IV contain additional information s eci0c to your ro )nasal and MUST be attached to this )21to coni lete the ai ]icafion. PART I — GEN ERA L INFORMATION Name I City of Yakima Planning Division 1. Applicant's Information: Mailin Address: 12 9 g North Second Street City: Yakima St: WA ] Z1l 98 901 � Phone d(509)575-6183 E -Mail: ask.P Tanning@ yakimawa.gov 2. Applicant's in Check One: E] Owner ❑ Agent ❑ Purchaser Property: Government pP Other Local Name: �...........®_ ,,,, _ ......,.�,,,,, ..... a,,, ..... _. 3. Property Owners .r-_,_.... _ than Applicant): ( Mailing Addre InformationnIf other j Ci �St: ,zip: Phone ; ( ) E -Mail- .. _ .,., .. A...... ®............................. ... 4. Subject Property's Assessor's Parcel Number(s): N/A — Non Project Action 5. Legal Description of Property. (if lengthy, please attach it on a separate document) N/A — Non Project Action _ .. _111-111111-1.....m ................ �................ 6. Property Address: N/A — Non Project Action .. �................................. ...................... ..... 7. Property's Existing Zoning: ESR ®R-1 OR -2 ®R-3 OB -1 013-2 ®HB ®SCC N LCC ®CBD ®GC HAS ®RD ®M -I ®M-2 m.. ,... �, W _ . 8. Type Of Application: (Check All That Apply) ❑ Administrative Adjustment ® Environmental Checklist (SEPA Review) ❑ Easement Release ❑ Type (1) Review ❑ Right -of -Way Vacation ❑ Rezone ❑ Type (2) Review ❑ Transportation Concurrency ❑ Shoreline ❑ Type (3) Review ❑ Non -Conforming Use/Structure ❑ Critical Areas Review ❑ Preliminary Short Plat ❑ Appeal to HE / City Council ❑ Variance ❑ Final Short Plat ❑ Interpretation by Hearing Examiner ❑ Temporary Use Permit ❑ Short Plat Amendment ❑ Modification ❑ Overlay District ❑ Preliminary Long Plat ❑ Home Occupation ❑ Binding Site Plan ❑ Final Long Plat ❑ Comprehensive Plan Text or Map Amendment ❑ Planned Development ❑ Plat Alteration —Long Plat ElShort Plat Exemption:a1eeeeeee ® Other: Text Amendment PART II — SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION — SERA CHECKLIST 9. Environmental Checklist see attached forms PART III — CERTIFICATION 10. I certify that the information on this application and the required attachments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. .,--------------- ... ------------------ ......... Property Owner's Signature Date _..... ...........m Applicant's Signature Date FILE/APPLICATION(S)# DATE FEE PAID: RECEIVED BY: AMOUNT PAID: RECEIPT NO: L 11� Ll Revised 07/2015 Page 13 INDEX Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS CG.-MUNICATION FACILITIES Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES Sections: 15.29.010 Purpose. 15.29.020 Definitions. 15.29.030 Exemptions. 15.29.040 Permits required. 15.29.050 Application submittal/fees. 15.29.060 Development standards. 15.29.070 Design criteria. 15.29.080 Site selection standards. 15.29.090 Safety and industry standards. 15.29.100 Wireless conditional use permit criteria. 15.29.110 Wireless height variance. 15.29.120 Application review process. 15.29.130 Bailoorf tests -Visual impact assessments. 15.29.140 Third -party review. 15.29.150 Nonuse/abandonment. 15.29.160 Transfer of ownership. 15.29.170 Vacation of permits. 15.29.180 Violation—Penalty. 15.29.190 Relief, waiver, exemption. 15.29.200 Severability. Page 275/315 15.29.010 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to establish general guidelines for the siting of wireless unit ` facilities, including towers, antennas and support structures. A. Goals. The goals of this chapter are to: 1. Enhance the ability of pwrs nal -wireless service providers to provide such services throughout the city quickly, effectively, and efficiently; 2. Encourage persomil wireless service providers to locate towers and antennas in nonresidential areas; 3. Encourage personal -wireless service providers to co -locate on new and existing tower sites; 4. Encourage pefs iia -wireless service providers to locate towers and antennas, to the extent possible, in areas where the adverse impact on city residents is minimal; 5. Encourage pei--sonal-wireless service providers to configure towers and antennas in away that minimizes any significant adverse visual impact; and 6. Provide for the wireless communications needs of governmental entities. Accordingly, the city council finds that the promulgation of this chapter is warranted and necessary: 1. To manage the location of towers and antennas in the city; 2. To protect residential areas and land uses from potential adverse impacts of towers; 3. To minimize adverse visual impacts of towers through careful design, siting, landscape, screening, and innovative camouflaging techniques; Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS Ct MMUNICATION FACILITIES Page 276/315 4. To accommodate an increased need for towers to serve the wireless earnffHmic;al-ions-needs of city residents; 5. To promote and encourage col -location on existing and new towers as an option rather than construction of additional single -use towers, and to reduce the number of such structures needed in the future; 6. To consider the public health and safety of towers to the extent permitted by the Telecommunications Act of 1996; and 7. To avoid potential damage to adjacent properties through sound engineering practices and the proper siting of antenna support structures. B. New Uses. All new-tlet,aarn�tntnik,,ition towers, sniplll wir less ell jli ifiti ,s, antennas and support structures shall comply with this chapte# , I't�## ht� cl'fe��lwe dale hdra� v�r�llr#ad#ac"���'�ulA[�acli��� C. Existing Uses. All-teL,eommu cation towers and antennas existing on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter that are not in compliance with this chapter shall be allowed to continue as they presently exist, but will be considered nonconforming uses. Routine maintenance shall be permitted on existing towers and antennas. However, new construction other than rnaa#dn"hut al.##gal pa�llallc llua, a#s#aat,4ll„Sectno,n640ct(a) o1"theMiddle Class Tax__Relief and Job_ Creation...Ac�t„of2012 and 47Cflt Section 1 6100 and routine maintenance-on-ex-isting- tcawe#s, aartaatsaaa„bt#illi#ags caaaatlae# laci lit ies shall comply with the requirements of this chapter. D. Facilitation of Wireless Service. These standards were designed to comply with the Telecommunications Act of 1996, nand s�#l�se,tlL eni 1vdcral tct�,a;1„Nulions. The provisions of this chapter are not intended to and shall not be interpreted to prohibit or to have the effect of prohibiting personal wireless services. This chapter shall not be applied in such a manner as to unreasonably discriminate between providers of functionally equivalent personal- wireless services. E. Conflict with Other Standards. To the extent that any provision of this chapter is inconsistent or conflicts with any other city ordinance this chapter shall control. Otherwise, this chapter shall be construed consistently with the other provisions and regulations of the city. (Ord. 2016-029 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord. 2013-051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013). 15.29.020 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them below. Additional definitions pertaining to the Yakima urban area zoning ordinance can be found in Chapter 15.02 YMC. "Abandonment” means to cease operation for a period of tlrr;b .artiurldred_sixty.:::f.ve. or more consecutive days. "Administrator” means the director of the city's department of community development and his or her designees. "Antenna" means g1t1 arplraa<atats+ des#,g#lq [lbtjaa pia#rpose ofenailt lagr rtl'rc_#i#cclaa n cy1,1 1F., N iat,on to .e ola�ema;�ccl„A��n` aalaea at.n,.nlg.:(n.'4#c#t rt...ls. tacl„l a tlas #t_ptt'sq�i,nt to FCC a uthori;�anionu, ll�,t the prat#uasnl�r#1.�#l, � #r� (c S selv11 C. ## meroc rgcmn�. aappa# t#nsdesigttedlia#`m���lelahcaa�ae�,aa#d#carda�tro�,littenn# ;��a�ta*levia�io#a��Nt��t�#t#raiaat#o##�,t'las�ougl#�tl�t+ �,ea#clita a##cl/as#u� tv'eeiving or building fear -the. purpose, of” wl',r4lero'r 4#"W#q 4 #Vail&#diV"A�?y",a#nln4V a#��&l wA#'?'l� ros �elV i#aB#4#�a#n Ne$t'VY.tin� �ea�4 k*�ir V�#R-'��1 #„ tele W §aV#!8##adBRle #tN�Dd94 "rdu! wtl4#'r n�ql# :#nV tV" 't�N6e#1V gk cw r#a#tl#4)B"#°%e4l b r th r l" 115 e#1 i#6#'R#p#a#Na8'G)z#iVd.D##" Con iviiss'ion 1'4' ” 11a#laau;” ..,e#al#aaaa°tci s accir1#ped..,.#gin#aal tic;.,.#adncr"" aand `,)ersongl t'tananaunV�. � ay a w l � • ,a � a l ra1V4b#i"i-Se# yi4es�. t0e&:7oaalana3nk-mlio##ui._ :servic"e's,, an°#d #ts attenda#n base sla-t#o#t,; "A lltctlnaa cllaaita# aetat aare_l_tga .lganlla#aa n#ti s,;wit4lwl,."aA "aspl*illg,,t4!'at,pllg,.,Ilr?wv ^l saak�#cgesW, shelters or cabinets associated, wilh an as#t.; .. �,, is mounted_ e nan�a# � 1 atcd.aat,..,tlae same fixed location as the,.,u#al at#ail xatacl wvltm ## ce#l,toaa#tu°ci cwaa ,'n structure, r, or installed at the same time as such antenna. "Antenna height" means the vertical distance measured from the base of the antenna support structure at natural grade to the highest point of the structure even if said highest point is an antenna. Measurement of tower height shall include antenna, base pad, and other appurtenances,,inci,nding but not lunjted tal antclni am�citlulalpent., and shall be SOC. INDEX Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS Cu„otMUNICATION FACILITIES Page 277/315 measured from the natural grade of the parcel at the lowest elevation point of the support structure's perimeter. "Antenna support structure" means any pole, telescoping mast, tower, tripod, or other structure which supports a device used in the transmitting or receiving of radio frequency signals. "Applicant" means any provider or any person, partnership, company, or government agency that files an application for any permit necessary to install, maintain, or remove a personal, wireless service facility within the city. "lta taaart ust wne uus �a � g lar �,rt �a ttl ��lal� Fl e °tl of time to - fly„ a�tl�u�nuse �u outt�; t����tg�e�r^�tlydurt��s�. e br �Ittl� c��htaw�a�.. balleaoat; t6aaI is u't t ntat wt utt sal a arl �I�u tt�u�tlstl...a•uut tlwr "atra lug r�4u ltlrtg til sdr ltd1 al -the of, the, .pa a yoseed tcawe rz "Base station" is astruc„ture or equipment at a,fixed location that ..enables _FCC -licensed _or authorized wireless communications bdWeeua aasea eeluailtaaaa u,a,t;,raratl t c,taraamunic at,ions network The term does not cu;t,aaartpaa.ss;,a geravc.tl:...ats defined in this chapter aar any equipment associated with a tower._ (r),The term„ancltides, but is not limited aa,g,od,puuh.I,ta sKa1i ty sea vase to, egatapma.aAi I'llted with wireless sueha5prvatebroadca;st.,<r„si, „ ,, as �uv0l as unlicensed w, ireless,services and fixed wireless, services such as microwave backhaul. tai )..a lie, Sed°tta includes, but._A,s uaraB irhnited to rradalaeta �aaseeivc_a � taut,tt ttuius ,.ro axl a.l...or fi,bea ..aslrtuu...caulal�..,.da guu9�up. �taa.i'�. la�,aciitrl itatrwea saip�11lues tuaad caraaal auaalt8c rq,gq. meet, regardless ea.('_technolooical con [igati.at( a.ua.(itic ludin Ctisl.ribudc Antenna 5y5lcms and stmdl w,itleless isne_ai.itues). (til4,l he wnl u_tic litrlcs,ally...sts,umic,q o .aratl e a .lit imtu as ipyer dial,at the time the relevan (_altlltocatik n JS Iiled..wuph.. er„Ih,is seckon s�"nppearts._aar a laaaausts �tiaiipattciatt escl,9� tl,taa Itsai t �uaplas...(i through dfitduar' local ""pveattnactltt„tarael,m„ (tu)..ra.l...t&tas seetaoaa tJawat_It�as„hecua tcvaea!a�y el, tatatj alala@<averi under (lie.. aappineanl l�_.zo iilag or silailg ltrcaecsms aw�pe,unde yam t1w State oi- le�q�cal. re °ui.i�tatiau ..tt,vuc �” lar�:taeess, evear a1`the structure was not built fur the scale nu lataun tly. paPllapsa ol;” Im-py eking such sit p;Pa! :k.:. (av)_,labi laurlaosa.s 9 scclu,s q to tQt� q) of the Middle Class...T ax Relief and„„Job„C.reation Act of 2012„and„4,7 CFH Section 1..6.100, the term does not include any structure thaat, at the time the relevant apfliicatann. is filed with the city underttrrittsscctuaai.?. rlaae� not syug�peni,'u aipt1sq a aluipuata rat,rl�su aahcai uut tato°tg,u�alalas..4 u'1 (1i,1 u�l"this_scetieauu,. tltafiaaetl a ...1a ili�oa° st�alal atlt wlr�a�ac.lurea ara��uslin sal aaae ua Imu�wnrsc uva antennas, ceo��s�'tai eaalale,..a a taal��u �atael.. lave"kta1� �ltc�a�wea• �aupl�tl�r.. araal..a�rtluea aa�a,eaeuattad tNlu�a�tu�;aanaea�, .im�tel�ue°liint;...a straactaat e� tlaaat-�aarrart'lay sutapoads eaaItoatl�eas-an� einte aBaaa+ If'i'Mi BWeaa" �1=CStlaiR a ^i4?er at441 la'M,el r6llrad P'at tlaa$t'a C N *+ttltiYt:M � pa8i tial z l)i embt tNabaam wr86e1 e9gMN 8°hntlNtsM Stith, equ putetntin ally teelinol JeGal�e ttlhaguaaaicara„ iue�ltae4ins dastrihautt�alawrrtauaaaaa�sys,tetln ura�d�tlaaall ¢te�l'ls:" "Camouflage” means to minimize adverse aesthetic and visual impacts on the land, property, buildings, and other facilities adjacent to, surrounding, and in generally the same area as the requested location of such wireless telecommunications facilities, which shall mean using the least visually and physically intrusive facility that is not technologically impracticable under the facts and circumstances. The term includes, without limitation: (a) the use of structures, design, colors, landscaping and location to disguise, hide, blend, or integrate with an existing structure that is not a monopole or tower; (b) placement of a wireless facility or component thereof within an existing or new structure; (c) "stealth structures” in which the antenna or other wireless facility component is disguised or concealed within a structure designed to appear as another structure (such as a church steeple or flagpole) or another natural form (such as a tree, rock or other natural feature); and (d) placement of a wireless facility or component thereof upon a site where the topography and existing trees, landscaping, evergreen trees, design, and colors of the facility so that such facility is significantly screened from view or designed to resemble or blend with surrounding natural features. "Cell site” or "site” means a tract or parcel of land that contains wireless service facilities including any antenna, support structure, accessory buildings, and parking, and may include other uses associated with, and ancillary to, Iter maal wireless services. "City" means the city of Yakima. Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS C(,,,/tMUNICATION Page 278/315 FACILITIES "City property" means all real property owned by the city whether in fee ownership or other interest. "Co -i location" means the mounting or installation of an antenna oranteniias-faci I ity on an pre-existing s and/or mod Ni a sirtictilre (iorliquilli'l r i isuil anictare, toweror J iillo al'l antegila fbellit oil di id st "Conditional use permit" or "CUP" means a process and approval as described in this chapter and in YMC Title 15, Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance. "COW" means "cell on wheels" or other temporary wireless-conffnunioatiens, facility. "Design" means the appearance of wireless service facilities, including such features as their materials, colors, and shape. 'Jis,taallagl....area°„" means within three hundred feet of a residential use or Protected Area in the B-2 and SQQ .. .. .. ........ .. --- -------- . .... ............... .......... residential .. . . ........ . ..................... . . ............ ----------------- - "EIA" means the Electronics Industry Association. "Equipment enclosure" means a structure, shelter, cabinet, or vault used to house and to protect the electronic equipment necessary for processing wireless communication signals. Associated equipment may include air conditioning, backup power supplies and emergency generators. out)(her, iiii li ty-raci lily witlalga is,or-sy4b"vai labit- 1,1ele0011111111 Ilicatiol I's, I'deiti tia : "Facilities" means all of the plant, equipment, fixtures, appurtenances, antennas, and other facilities necessary to furnish and deliveri " r ' eI ' " e ' ss ' services -and including but not limited to poles with cross -arms, poles without cross -arms, wires, lines, conduits, cables, communications and signal lines and equipment, braces, guys, anchors, vaults, and all attachments, appurtenances, and appliances necessary or incidental to the distribution and use of services. "FCC" or "Federal Communications Commission" means the federal administrative agency, or lawful successor, authorized to regulate and oversee telecommunications carriers, services and providers on a national level. city-co(Incil Of the -city .o f Yakiina, "Governmental entity" means the state of Washington, Yakima County, the city, municipally owned utilities, and special purpose districts including the school, fire and library districts. "Hearing examiner" means the duly appointed hearing examiner of the city. "Major modification" means a co -location or other modification that constitutes a substantial change to an existing wireless facility or base station as set forth in YMC 15.29.060(A)(2). "Minor modification" or "F',floible Facilities Rqqqemeans a col -location or other modification that does not constitute a substantial change to an existing wireless facility or base station as set forth in YMC 15.29.060(A)(1). "Modification" or "modify" means the addition, removal or change of any of the physical and visually discernible components or aspects of a wireless facility, such as antennas, anMnm cabling, equipment shelters, landscaping, fencing, utility feeds, changing the color or materials of any visually discernible components, vehicular access, parking and/or an upgrade or change -out of equipment for better or more modem equipment. Adding a new provider to a t+�ieLo�,iiiiitin-icatif,)tis,tower or tL-tee-E)nmTiariic-at-k)n-,-site as a co -location is a modification. A modification shall not include repair and maintenance as defined by this chapter. DOC. INDEX # Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS CuMMUNICATION Page 279/315 FACILITIES "Mount" means the structure or surface upon which pens wireless service facilities are mounted. There are three types of mounts: 1. Building Mounted. Apersonal-wireless service facility mount fixed to the roof or side of a building. 2. Ground Mounted. A ona-l-wireless service facility mount fixed to the ground, such as a tower. 3. Structure Mounted. A -wireless service facility fixed to a structure other than a building, such as light standards, utility poles, and bridges. "Natural grade" means the topographic condition and level of ground in place for the past five years or more, or the approved finished grade of land platted through the subdivision process. "Occupy" means to construct, install, maintain, own, or operate wrgire Iessteleci nirmniettkions-facilities located within city rights-of-way. The mere passage of electronic signals over, under, or through rights-of-way via wnrire,les,s_facilities owned by another t l�kea,rr� �t�s��t ,a4�o�t ,r�a,u la s„provider does not constitute occupying the rights-of-way. `4'l�wrcal w cul l c i@iti �� � M o:s ���ilitry la-ulia:rc: s���.hmt le ami � w�wric �6ga ��s ltmali�we l aged lave Al�� s a t�i� ^�a °al the- r�r�orsrrd,�ro lmrelArrt tao rind rgroconal sorlal carts rrcl.traorrroclaticorrs liar,such lal�cflities', "Person” means corporations, companies, associations, joint stock companies, firms, partnerships, limited liability companies, other entities and individuals. 1)erkinal Nvireless service, > wused-in fltis title-4roai&. hodel nLxtrem Blra As rare rrt rrrrr i wirr T 1a t:..Secti on3,12,(v)(7)(C)- a t4ta rm 1����waw�ra�rral�rrl mtrrw gar lr lr�tlrrttrt�e„ caro(Hricludes fimillties, a iid,recelntion,(,)f radl s rra rnicr(° wave si nials used ta.)r"Vornro unication,m. l . +... n w° r It 'r;°,.tlrco�.,,e,weloss- cc,u�rr..o•rorra,, ���r��rarotr �:;a�ornroarrro��r�Gotuooso�ws�r�rr�a,*�,�caro-locearrt.ctl�s�r:,�a�aliz�cl�,.roroW1e.Wrarlro,-ancN�.arr ser=vices dia^c�ras�wl l��..tlrc I"t:f haratl.rourllc�TMooscrl �wir°nlcs�scMr-vrc ks, "Pole." for the -ureases. ¢„ siting small wireless facilities,eansa type,o f ,structure that is or may be used in whole corw_yuo to rra n's ctr Ivl sfrrcN,url ,+ corurrorrartrct�ti Craw, r leuMrrc dist ;Gulorr,gc a;t,.lt otrtl,gtnal`fic conn°ail„ sig q,r ,dor �prlor�agr. rrroarrconao�a,m j _ s ,cop l,lities Pl f, rvi 9cd,, stralt te,rin does nol iiia ludetr.Rt'te .wr....loa t""._�i�rk�or,r.::: n r icor cro Vocmr�rolr aol urrrottll wlrclem s, rl�llolrr,r, ren°::c IM tr,r, rraonsrgusrra�ro ,torr rrrrt, "Protected areas" are: (a) the area commonly known as the Barge -Chestnut Neighborhood situated within the area bounded on the west by 36th Avenue, on the north by Summitview Avenue, on the east by 16th Avenue, and on the south by Tieton Drive; (b) established federal, state or local historic districts or historic district overlay zones; (c) proposed federal, state or local historic districts or historic district overlay zones filed for record with the federal, state or local agency with jurisdiction (hereafter "pending" historic district or overlay zones); (d) sites, buildings, structures or objects listed in the National Register of Historic Places; (e) state and local wildlife refuges, and permanently protected archeological sites; and (f) designated areas subject to preservation or protection through recorded conservation easement. "Provider" dor "wi... .� satjvr�a ltl,aovrcicra" means every corporation, company, association, joint stock company, firm, partnership, limited liability company, other entity and/or individual that provides personal -wireless service over wireless serv4ce-facilities. "Repairs and maintenance" means the replacement of any components of a wireless facility where the replacement is identical- s b lrtpttrallsirnilar in size and wcl ltlto the component being replaced or for any matters that involve the normal repair and maintenance of a wireless facility without the addition, removal or change of any of the physical or visually discernible components or aspects of a wireless facility that will add to the visible appearance of the facility as originally permitted. "Right-of-way use permit" means the authorization by which the city grants permission to a service provider to enter and use the right-of-way at a specific location for the purpose of installing, maintaining, repairing, or removing identified facilities. Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS C(nv1MUNICATION FACILITIES Page 280/315 "Rights-of-way" means land acquired or dedicated for public roads and streets, as further defined in YMC 15.02.020, but does not include (a) structures, including poles and conduits, located within the right-of-way; or (b) federally granted railroad rights-of-way acquired under 43 USC Section 912, and related provisions of federal law, that are not open for motor vehicle use. "Screening" means an opaque fence and/or evergreen landscaping that fully conceals the property it encloses. "Secondary use" means a use subordinate to the principal use of the property, such as commercial, residential, utilities, etc. ecaaA hy..l�lratll ier'"" uraeauaurua� waq@..1, uuuce, or twrnu [l"uaat ,a, lraaula nnautholIze(l-entry or taesphas "Service provider" means every corporation, company, association, joint stock association, firm, partnership, person, city, or town owning, operating or managing any facilities used to provide and providing telecommunications or cable television services for hire, sale, or resale to the general public. "Service provider" includes the legal successor to any such corporation, company, association, joint stock association, firm, partnership, person, city or town. ",u'uy tlVli wire,lessct44 �IciMv 1-11c,"II)s slm ll,�r° ahan uu oJy�vc� or_base_station.in�t �fl�,ied to au gin -e mt'; atdaal;-eflfi anis C',, ist iih�i,>µ� Svil"e1ess tV;�"i'4' "d"M� l ltla„y �", ;�I., ,dell' ]Hv VW, �aItC.�Id��� lcY ex s, tin lr�a .„auutlr tura°i. atls th plu l he r+.,l�ti.�fl, htl,� �inJatl Ir h�� ,�°t�tl r8l yells, wvaa�. ess laticalptuo �,�i�i�, ®.___.,. ,LICK �a. a� iu FOr�CH'S rnirri dkiril�itlau�riwll�iiii (DAS.1., "State” means the state of Washington. ,`Stl;uu¢lUN .IIMIxtlut..tu_l)a 1C 10NVCr.,.n a$_S 1,1 n or other lata ldhilo, wrahcthea'_tat tltc�t �g,.hats t>Arl_exi%l ngaiatu,.tgwlnn, thn11.R:s.. uSsend'upolrta to lb� aaa tes'.e.rare�brnJa,tcl'at� vision wireless service, ---------------------- portion-4 . portion- ... trom. aatla'eu pc,tlle.r�rsa�rs,���reagttltlr°�rd ley—tl��aaadetl�s.ancld`er:�„rrgGatic�ra'sart"tl��wtdw'�^a�9airr�q.catlr tat�prttle�tana9 luatn�pa�tltaatlt�'ta. ( Orn, a issio'n, to aahlo v la atau lay..a..tele otr�:�rtlrrtlrtlaaeat.uaan 'oarttletl Cor. 1pc'��cu� ttacltta'wentt. a •gym. Ilea°�sor 4ha�t.���dua�ct'ly,�ala �rac9iu�eea�ly�r�avtlas; cal'altra�lsw c'a't�eta�tetr.a�a tlaaaaaa es. cutlauua�alaatl�ucaaahaaaa,- r rrre�q.. uflwlu cs every lala�a�at„ ccludyatlllouuu.ulr la°ollea'�ty with ill the eity, uised'o ti,) -be --used °trr tlr � laaaut on,c� pl l ra vi l�tlr trle�enarrtras�aaaretatic rat„,.. saarvaeu+r� thh��lcuctatie'aaps «aut�iele the caty��. l=eleCcaaal'a''a�aaan& ata as r eb"6aeeva a't'le'atlts tua;nwiahtl keaaa�a 4ll�arN 4laipl %t�aa'!aal; k-veept.C;alille le4evasion servaee, bvy:aysire, tlaad'ihhc chl�.at�ical cal'llez electa aauna aletaa,, unr.. atBaetl it tla4aar tlne ans, li!nu� hrtl c ,lama „ (-Yr M11,400 to public, ]nor the, purposes, o4"t.9�tua, aiet`ialataora; �niuu�tlauurtu'a� l<unt"u�auask�w��tuu�apad,ewurtl irrot�oBliu�quueo rc��luu���etltNr�cl�l�y�auty l°�urrru aro"w.u'itruug, u����,uus. s+g'au¢tluu„� ptleatwei sotuncls; o'r any° of, latl'auaalcaaa,t t:caleva��B"a"laa aaa i°hN4'taaMlBdwntl'�t„fi�$tiBG;rl �ri;nAa&�!w„ narNd 14��uiA9tPti°�an aS��:",a'���a"y l{Ntl d,A�r''��G„$1B"@9ea9tw'�l pllal�4an�'ili�'vr i� i'Ri3.C,aty''�lfltntll "rhea.,. aln claa dahllll' atar.arr wutbuuaa aur a`c�a oaap �laga lu 'iu�acl ubt"titluue, to i�un lauRcr-taco ou lllt..the nuuta�are' auud sopu of-4he applioation'; Any -decision -to deny, Shall ino ritten... rectload, h1rea etty- shall whpprh'uM aplirove, Willi coild it iorls,;, or -deny the apiflicatiomin accordance %vithAie-t iiie ihanle sel-l`aatl tll if) Spec ilie' sea ior1S ,o F thisa,C—harmer„ YMC, fifle 16, 'and, ilia.,.;tccaarulat�nc�rwtltan-,watlaetl� a�l�pl%ca'k�i'a�a,rcliah'a'ahaa�t;. �� 1'of�otlaa naafi atia as serviee provider„, aanclaaa ras..evu person tl'h'aataltlreofly..cra analarea..t..JY- aawua ,meuutlaill rrtlls�,­o Perales,or. naa'aas lul'a�aaat; ecahillraaeuu.t.,.aur llr«1'lerrty within tllcoity,-aaseal otl°to..ha� ueaau�tlae latltlgaosaaaat alfi�ang.. leleer,ronhnataruticaRi¢aaas ertl°vices, es .Ill esabWielevis'ihrau se'rwi"cv�„ eu resuah�ratau„ l tia in a* ua'r thaam locatioauu �rvitlaitlt tlnur_ "Tower" means any structure that is designed and constructed primarily for the purpose of supporting one or more antennas, including self-supporting lattice towers, guy towers, or monopole towers. 11he wrtlltl ell Coll uPtlwµaear 1"u("Nonaal war°aNle 9 tlm4haCe lacoilRt�'C C i 10 Udill -rads warid- tIIiCIfo %,vw" V4.4-10; V't-O"llh'tOilacmr4"ier- toavea a a cwllu6l a6 telaal rlaeane taawc as alb POW,` ` nal �;cat't'aallurnic,a�tuaans ser�viceS'ta�a,mrwufu s�' a+hcl! aatti�wu tauava��tl «ttl aucta'ua'°a^ *, aaal'al the Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS C(n� MLNICATION Page 281/315 FACILITIES like -"Tower" also includes any structure built for the sole or primary purpose of supporting FCC -licensed antennas and their associated facilities. ""l�ndler'gm'daanrad ladailatres nraaearas rr�drhd.y. arad dd�l�cu.r����re���A�d�ti�aa� .1����V��u��-p���«µ�ta�tl�r4�l��r•-t,l��s � M��1���+"��� ��l°.h���er�u�u����1.,.. cxclardlsa Ilad.daradaaa rdar�rdl fmraaardt'admdaaas dar..Supports kwoverfivad-t-a m'litie ; "Unlicensed wireless services" means cara'nraacalclaal rardalal-���w,>reless services that operate on public frequencies and do not need an FCC license. between 1he�1<,Yp-('q'a-atl� ty paile and-fhe- lowest ..l w4si ble-aitachine lit oilit.._ that larovides the-minnaauaia salla waahle ver iicaal °Rettra e as specifiedl lat a tl(Jp rego41,110TVs -of I] "a atsliingH"Int l�ll-u�maa�wam�mdl laanasl�aurta�tid�rm�r t"��mdmml.ala«s�damm�. I-Alal equipment aandl property inelaliaag�, but •not Nla�aatddl-tda �l�d� laaales, l�alad�sv ro�Iawm.Ls.. com duits, and, equilli arwc«lit locat�edl Trader, on cas aladaaae-tlad aalaee od dlte oma aaN l wvlillim .. r g ds aaf� away. aaadf rasedl Or -101. e u edl-(".)r t e ptH Dose-ail'-provm(ling-otmli y" om toleemrrimaattiVic-atwaaams�se vices "Utility pole" means any pole used primarily for the support and provision of lighting and/or transmission of power, telecommunications services, telephone, cable television, and other similar utilities and related fixtures, whether located within or outside the public right-of-way. Utility poles may -1 Barre subject to rights of ownership, applicable franchise provisions, applicable regulation by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC), and statutes governing location and relocation. scavicc,. anadl "Nvjra"less„Ncmlhics raised n i)mrs,�laaal�tem° la�all Nov de iraedl..in die :,arae mariner ars .in 7 I)SC WNwdldss_ flydrn _33w 2(c. )(l ,7 afs_Jt ..,fra«ly la ,,mnaud°t�ald:al flow or in 41md. folure, and includes facilities for the transmission and . rec°_elatidaar a.i`raadi.r.ca.,Or lllicr(Mlave, wt marls ped for conamltun icatidarl�.c lltilar pljoru, ,. dwsd rI,ral caarrlu araaic:aat�,cdns set°_w, c,e ,.. crahancedl sp c rahsa:dl nar,ro.ila.la, ,i,«ld9go.,...«andV xrlr. ”odlaer, wbmdless services been sed lry die l t. C and aw ilicensedl wireless services " Wirclo's service" rtiftlie w«artof- mwnalicd�nsed spe drums, ill&Kfiflp4ae uS�e cml''. .i.i'.I wlieflierat as„fixed locaatnorr or mobile lardavadd.df to_dl e pullii ;, "Visual impact assessment” means visual impact assessment with photo -simulation of the proposed facility. (Ord. 2016-029 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord. 2013-051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013). 15.29.030 Exemptions. The following are exempt from the provisions of this chapter and shall be permitted in all zones: A. Industrial processing equipment and scientific or medical equipment using frequencies regulated by the FCC. B. Antennas and related equipment no more than ten feet in height that are being stored, shipped, or displayed for sale. C. Radar systems for military and civilian communication and navigation. D. Wireless radio utilized for temporary emergency communications in the event of a disaster. E. Licensed amateur (ham) radio stations.. F. Satellite dish antennas less than two meters in diameter, including direct -to -home or site satellite services, when used as a secondary use of the property. G. Routine maintenance, replacement or repair of a pers(maal wireless wrwice facility and related equipment that does not constitute a modification; provided, that compliance with the standards of this chapter is maintained. Structural work or changes in height, type or dimensions of antennas, towers, or buildings are subject to the provisions of YMC 15.29.060(A). INDEX «' 1 Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS CCmrMUNICATION FACILITIES Page 282/315 H. Subject to compliance with all other applicable standards of this chapter, a building permit application need not be filed for emergency repair or maintenance of a- •:l wireless service facility until thirty days after the completion of such emergency activity. L A COW or other temporary pa iiiial wireless-tt-teeetniffmnications facility shall be permitted for a maximum of ninety daysill;;Att � llir e 11 �Nmt llaa;� n ly-8.�� + ty l� e� uta &,wa, ab � M l,a .11 w41�s by the city, , or during an emergency declared by the city. J. Wireless of the city located upon city property and city utility poles and fixtures. (Ord. 2016-029 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord. 2013-051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013). 15.29.040 Permits required. The following table summarizes the permits required for the various types of -per otlal wireless- winvice facilities that meet the standards of this chapter: Table 29-1 Permit Table* Type of Use Permit Type Approval Type Co-location/minor modification (no Modification Administrative (if minor substantial change) modification) Co-location/major modification Same as New Towers (depending on Same as New Towers (depending on (substantial change in height) location) location) New antenna (existing noncellular Standard Wireless Administrative structures, in hwfiaad cand- coww niicr 6alll zoning districts) New tower (public or city -owned Standard Wireless Administrative/Lease property) New tower (commercial or industrial Standard Wireless Administrative zoning district, more than 300 feet from residential or protected area) New tower (in or within 300 feet of Standard Wireless—if camouflaged Administrative residential zoning district) by stealth or Wireless CUP**—if not camouflaged Hearing Examiner by stealth New tower (in or within 300 feet of Wireless CUP Hearing Examiner protected area) Any tower, antennas or modification Wireless Variance Hearing Examiner not meeting standards of this chapter * Applicable permits include building permits and other permits required for installation„ ** Wireless conditional use permit "1'aabk 2ct .5 samaNN'wl"ireie�sw i"'M11111, .p"atalcr su uua: 4ull i ar p'o a uu'uuN iprir wwruawit ua �Cw ;,sropprlQ ��iaaia layaility..uau u 1,�4-tap,,,1 , a�, ),Ctiu,(, a igp1t,_ lb l tN;l, Administrative itcutaVru a°uyltt arl ra,tll aaw awru C' sil lrrgf rar wa gpfauf rarwmrt ttt:aNpty p ola �,rw,c her strauc hilre Yca^ swtppulG aviuwslcss lau ilntw.cpru AW .., Small Wireless Administrative p0'e o't'gs'de of ly upljnu (Jd awY_ (Ord. 2016-029 § i (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord. 2013-051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013). Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS CO3-MUNICATION Page 283/315 FACILITIES 15.29.050 Application submittal/fees. A. Standard Wireless Application. A complete application shall consist of the following: 1. A complete application form as provided by the community development department. 2. The name, address, signature and contact information of the applicant: a. If the applicant is not the landowner, applicant shall provide written authorization signed by the landowner authorizing the applicant to submit for permits on the landowner's behalf. The written authorization signed by the landowner shall contain a statement and acknowledgement by the landowner that the landowner shall be deemed a co -applicant by virtue of such authorization _(Tlb ,� n ccingi,l eip, lg clow n tc �t �p�l�9y tQM, Heol`u1, �sl����ny Ic�cKuti�_a���.�h b. If any applicant or co -applicant is a corporation, trust, association, or other organized group or legal entity, it shall provide the date of such creation, and, if a foreign corporation, a copy of the certificate of authority filed with the state of Washington, Secretary of State's Office. 3. Evidence that the applicant is an FCC -licensed tel rranunaa mons rili� n n ypivircprovider or that it has agreements with an FCC -licensed wireless set,vice; provider for use or lease of the support structure. 4. Legal description of the parcel, ifapp icablcc. 5. Site plan, drawn to scale, clearly indicating, ­we jhtTM extent"appicab]e: the location, type and height of the current or proposed wireless facility, accessory buildings, fencing, trees, landscaping, topographic contours of the site at two -foot intervals, location of utility easements, on-site land uses and zoning, adjacent land uses and zoning, adjacent roadways, proposed means of access, setbacks from property lines, and all other items required in this chapter. 6. Elevation drawings of the proposed wireless facility, drawn to scale and showing dimensions of the height and width of the facility. 7. Proposed colors and materials of all components of the proposed wireless facility and of any fencing materials associated with the wireless facility. 8. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) checklist, if required. dulf4h e not C,,f ise..phys -a-1 or ice witliother telect tntrtn.nnm'w�itnt:ns-d(-vices-. -1 09.. A copy of the FCC license for the intended use of the wireless telecommunications facilities. 4410. Method of proposed illumination, including alighting plan showing the location of all proposed outdoor lighting fixtures, including direction and intensity of light, and including manufacturer's "cut -sheets" of all outdoor luminairies. 1-2.1.._1. The location of existing or proposed structures, trees, and other significant site features intended to camouflage the facility. ll :i-1.-1 A letter signed by the applicant stating the wireless facility will comply with all FAA regulations and EIA standards and all other applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. 14-1...1 Signed documentation such as the "Checklist to Determine Whether a Facility is Categorically Excluded" to verify that the wireless with the proposed installation will be in full compliance with the current FCC RF emissions guidelines (non -ionizing electromagnetic radiation—NIER). If not categorically excluded, a complete RF emissions study is required to provide verification. INDEX C -1 Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS CO,�.MUNICATION FACILITIES Page 284/315 i-5,1.4. Applicable fees. -l61_5_. Other information for each permit and structure type as specified in subsection B of this section. B. Application by Permit Type, Structure Type and Location. In addition to the information required for a standard permit in subsection A of this section, the following information shall be provided for each specified permit type or structure type: 1. New Towers and Base Stations. a. A current map and aerial showing the location of the proposed tower and/or base station; a map showing the locations and service areas of other-pwrsenal wireless service facilities operated by the applicant in the city. b. The approximate distance between the proposed tower and the nearest residential unit, residentially zoned properties, and protected areas. c. A statement by the applicant that the design of the tower will accommodate co -location of additional antennas for future users. d. An affidavit stating that (1) the applicant and landowner agree they will allow co -location of additional personal -wireless ice -facilities by other providers on the applicant's structure or within the same site location, subject to good faith negotiation of compensation according to market rates, and (2) the applicant and/or landlord agree to remove the facility within ninety days after abandonment. e. An affidavit signed by the applicant, landowner (co -applicant), and the antenna support structure owners, if different, indicating that: i. They, together with their heirs, successors and assigns, agree to be jointly and severally responsible to dismantle and remove the WCF/antenna support structure and restore the site to its approximate original prestructure condition within the applicable time limits set forth in YMC 15.29.150 following receipt of a letter from the city indicating that the facility is deemed abandoned or in violation of this chapter; and ii. In the event a permit is issued pursuant to this chapter, they authorize the city to record such affidavit or a memorandum thereof with the Yakima County auditor against title to the property for which the permit was issued. f. A landscape and irrigation plan showing all methods to landscape, irrigate, and screen the base of new facilities. g. An explanation of proposed methods of camouflaging (including stealth if applicable) and how the proposed camouflaging reflects conditions of the surrounding site and area. 2. Facilities in Residential Zoning Districts and Protected Areas. a. A statement describing the applicant's effort to first locate the proposed it less facilities on a government facility, a private institutional structure (such as a hospital or school), or other appropriate existing structures outside the residential zone or protected area and within a half -mile radius of the proposed site, and explaining why, based upon valid considerations including physical, technological, leasing, or other valid constraints, no more appropriate location is available. b. A description of any existing buildings taller than thirty-five feet within one-half mile of the proposed tower or antenna which from a location standpoint could provide part of a network to provide transmission of signals. Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS COroavIUNICATION FACILITIES Page 285/315 c. A statement describing the applicant's effort to first contact the owners of structures in excess of thirty-five feet within a one -quarter -mile radius of the site proposed and which from a location standpoint could meet the avu ale/ µ�pacifiytNa7 ii,:a objectives of the facility in the applicant's network. The statement shall, if applicable, confirm whether the applicant asked for permission to install the antenna on those structures and whether he or she was denied permission of use for reasons other than the ability or refusal of the applicant to pay a market rate for use of the alternative structures. 3. Modification Permit. a. Elevation drawings of the existing wireless facility, drawn to scale and showing dimensions of the height and width of the facility (this drawing is required in addition to elevation drawing of proposed facility described under subsection A of this section); b� A latidscape..and ia-ri atrk)n plaaii�lt��w�N�g�4��e�t��d��oti� awls. A computation and description of proposed modification establishing whether or not such modification constitutes a substantial change in the physical dimensions of the existing facility (if the application is for modification of an existing facility); and dc. Written authorization signed by the owner of said facility authorizing its modification. (Required if the applicant is not the owner of the existing wireless facility.) 4. Wireless CUP (Conditional Use Permit). a. An explanation of proposed methods of camouflaging and how the proposed camouflaging reflects conditions of the surrounding site and area. b. A statement from the applicant describing how he/she believes the proposal addresses the criteria for a wireless conditional use permit prescribed in YMC 15.29.100. c. A list of owners of property within three hundred feet of the site and their associated mailing addresses. 5. Wireless Variance. a. A statement from the applicant describing how he/she believes the proposal addresses the criteria for a wireless height variance prescribed in YMC 15.29.110. b. A statement describing the requested variance and why it is needed. c. A list of owners of property within three hundred feet of the site and their associated mailing addresses. C. Applicant to Provide Notice. For wireless conditional uses or variances, the city may require applicant to post notice at a location or locations deemed appropriate by the city, and will provide notice to the governing body of any affected historic district association or organization. Applicant shall provide an affidavit that all required notices have been posted and published as required. Additionally, and without limitation, the city may use any other means deemed advisable to provide advance notice to the public. D. Fees. The application for a permit listed above shall be accompanied by a filing fee in the amount set forth in Table 29-2. Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS CGS 1MUNICATION FACILITIES Table 29-2 Application Fees* Permit Type Fee Modification (if minor) $300.00 Modification (if major) $50000 Standard Wireless $500.00 'inia l wnir0l,ess roCYtt Ilan alac,OoM' g' tlsw ^ B..) l���ilV,a�°r�',.la ti) a,GtYu°i1 5..Gp�l.. the'same at lel« wtiq�g7,.piuu ,i_t} )Q'flot Vadl 1W����l�t.Y boyond ;fivc 5) Wireless Variance $1,500.00 Wireless Conditional Use Permit $3,500.00 * Separate fee required for each permit type associated with application. For an application requiring a wireless variance and a wireless conditional use permit, both the variance fee and the conditional use permit fee are required. (Ord. 2016-029 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord. 2013-051 § 2 (Exh, A) (part), 2013). 15.29.060 Development standards. A. Modifications to an Existing Wireless Facility or Base Station. Page 286/315 1. Minor Modification l,N°� u.°hl'pf d illatde (lalal l tll'aoey 47 (N_R Sect ioil 1.6 1,010. Any modification of or co - location on an existing wireless facility that does not substantially change the physical dimensions of such tower or base station (as defined in subsection (A)(2) of this section), even if it exceeds the underlying standards of the zoning district, shall be deemed a "minor modification" and shall be administratively approved under a modification permit. 2. Major Modification. Any modification of or co -location on an existing wireless facility that substantially changes the physical dimensions of an existing wireless tower or base station shall be deemed a "major modification." A substantial change occurs if: (a).l or towers, ot,B,1em.tBulo1towers µ°in 19te PL4)lat, i,°i�gGt9 tr��,�_ �t��it, increases file,Nta�°ight oft,he tower Rai more... IN111101"I'a or In' -.0 i l e.i ht of ease attddiiional 1.atntenua arra s�"a.l.l _st p4j,,a on frpM the nearest. e: istaalg tla 11oaa.not to eseced twenty 1`ecst, wh,icltc t° is gr <,. gr; for tl)gI, eliible si. pport strutw�ttat"es3_al_. incre ses.,the ,h,etg t of the structure by more thq l 0% m car more than ten feet, `whichever rs gre ter, (� �..Q `ht�troga s ota tt,ep,°gllt°s�)a aulal ipe t au stag etj Ii"t911 tips � � at�tinal sttppgtt°s(ru t,Lire, ili cases where.. detljoyrka ts are Or 111- wil1­1l laa°°se}�aa°art°� d i�t�a �; oaatanl , �aa�it wlw� m�lat,i�tadm&,tlaaa�ts." 1„ool1ops.; ill otl ler circumstanees,.changes in.height should.be measured from the dimensions of the tower or base sl,gioip°, luelaus°ove,o trtagaip aN}y ,a apprtvl cY,apllttrtw a,paua,ees az1'atl alrty_atpuaclgttu° p;ta ptls llatlt aq ,dal t brrwti td.... prior to tile...possage of the _` t eclt ap„Ira et....(l Chr uary 2, a, 20 Q). t For towers p„ ter tlan towers IjpeIt�ti)lspflaa aadiapg bop.�lpttatmrtt°t°t91miE�:o.s� bodv of.the tcswer that would protrude_fronl_the edge of.the tower more than _twenty feet or more than the.. width f the tower structure at the l.eve,i of the<l,plygrt rlwptrce, whichever_is greater,. for other eligible st.NP1. Q0 s„la uctu vs, it invot o <W4,i pg atn atl�Ipaiaatr lawttace tat tR..w.. hu_lI _,_.tpl the structure tune tli twwoaa,ld.l�rapll,ricdc,. 11ont 181e edge od'thu._stpu hula fips:...rpppwoe thalu six. fiwel (fat), l apt,rpy a.Cig'il l� satt l oo l aattettlae, it° involves installation u_pl inore than the„standard number of new etdtttlpa,ttl; al sari irtels lrrr Ole tcBtrptwltlgy°tatvca,Is,wMc;,l,:, brut not to e scttutl fapttl I atl alts:};s,.a s,,.to1 towers ill 11w t..m ti aw,pltc o°_i 8ut�-atl"-rw�ut atglai. l ass tmatta¢atls s,i ill.v lv.. �, y_' � m es iIostall otat°ul.t. ta,t a11av At,ew �,(llttlltttetl.tsp:.<tl-oap'oels.ettt ttte.. ground if there are no pre eNisting,grpgj)O,cabinets associated „with the „structure ,or „else involves iptpastarl,lytllataa,aad ga�tpuud ca binclsdiatt are ..more °than 101,10„N<urger iatNleo�ltle,o.a ,over-all voltl,arne tj, wi a ny,atllp°t"r ground wabirttels.associatted wt,tlt.the struclgre =1141,11111,11” 101=� Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS CG-. MUNICATION Page 287/315 FACILITIES (:w,v� qt t,¢tda�uise��Ify e's� �ard��ttuerut uau"'..1gu l�gtrytlreult r�tri��ala�n,aq,��,��u�ra�sw�;.sul��g ( i qt wweatuicq' aled ut tha,..t cwuuu tlrrlr rutcq ...... yuueruts rr,i tli . l.0 uq, smtrywpawut sir°uuetauua:''.;_or (rtl.IC,aits, ,at tt, ,,twuualwly .with conditions associ led1. w^�ritir 11 e shin �ajN,� y�tl_ryG tile,conwtriuctuour.or.. modification of the eligible support,stunueture or base station e,quipmentprovided however that Immilnl,taation does 1,10,41)0y trr aau:xtlaodirleautiawuu tg_uaut is uuart,a caawgalabfl�ttmt �a,6w int Ga � lanuaer t,N;a�t wvora�al a�toI exceed the thresholds„ identified,,in i throu h i aw: °l h.e•nuawuuawt!hrg.�ewl�tlaw�laatwpo�eal tar�teaaa:�� �mn-tlae taawrt�t awa�utld..trMcrc�tasa� tU���r,���xresti�t�..heugat�.�l=�tl�e tiwwet by ni are,thaau tcn peFc011t, or by than lae�g6rt,.,aat ta:e a lalutiawaa M adtto+aaaa �aaai.a :..w�tka aepxaa4wt�m a�a i�outt t�' a aaeaw�rwst... e+austt�aaf..ka�ateuwmtta...uat�twra aesln,�t�weKatyf+�t,wvgaicgtw�vwrir'�sdtw.or lw.q ......glaawwwuuutuuuthmg ol`tlae lwuolwawtae¢l auwteuuauaa wawugal s��volvw t9w itt llwatroa sig ol-aiaaaretiaataw the standard otinaber(-)gone, ,,egtip-otrieI�at cabinets -1 rut . �xa,carcf(U."Al0h,.. eeieuagwaauenq rquelteu°; or c 1�que-nuounth'tg-ofthe, pro posed �anteiilawwatuldinvd'eve-addi ttg;an-apl)uatenanceto-&l-e-boely.-oi"die .wwwer that -wou t'd l'-uraattnmde ii•otn of-lhe.-t:owver- sturu to a aat tRutelevel wuftluc tugwrwu�ut�apu�uraee, wwluu�chawvcr usahe-m*,)uuttingofthe prcposed, fflntel"rbGa°rt`ION eNCOM 010,.6sd/e hinit"i--sel laauth`N@r t qaW at;t N eetNebCu�a1 nee' saga tet t'helit4r tide ant utr'tna lie"watt iuu,lement ague auwtenuau:u to..t&ueatw�t�aw �a vutw c�a�iwl��ewr tf,-- .,fhe iewuntin g ol`the puogarmuM�eu aaut auto waru�tleM iuuvrwly na+ecauwxwtwuuu�w w�uut iclwa�the curretil lower siteT (Je, unewd ae the". NItl9 '9bt M4���GR�i4la&9'N w4. elle �h e eC�..e,,A�' 4 �m�0.�'N 4l lel"4 1 &t eat �i''Dk�ftUY G�� ..tht;' tower alnd..-ally HC"U1155<,,)r- uatility cat e unwnats ruur uwtly .uelwteal tws t6aa tu: 3. Major Modification—Required Permits. A major modification shall be processed under the same permit types as new towers located in the same zone and area. (See Table 29-1, Permit Table or Table 29 1-,-5,-.) B. Colla --t ,ocation Capable—New Structures. To reduce the number of antenna support structures needed in the city in the future, the following standards apply to new towers -or bdaw, - sta ioua s: 1. Requirement and Waiver. New proposed support structures shall be designed to accommodate at least two additional antenna arrays equal to those of the applicant, and located as close to the applicant's antenna as possible without causing interference. This requirement may be waived if such design is not feasible for aesthetic reasons, or necessary to preserve camouflaging or stealth structures in residential or protected areas; or provided, that the applicant, in writing, demonstrates that the provisions of future shared usage of the tower is not technologically feasible or creates an unnecessary and unreasonable burden, based upon: a. The kind of wireless telecrrnrniaations-facilities site and structure proposed; or b. The number of existing and potential licenses without wireless telecommunications facilities spaces/sites; or c. Available space on existing and approved towers or other appropriate structures. 2. Owner Certification. The owner of a proposed tower, and his/her successors in interest, shall either: a. Provide a written statement affirming that a master license agreement with another wireless provider or providers exists stating mutually acceptable terms and conditions for co -location for wireless facilities on the tower and site; or b. Provide a written statement affirming that the owner and owner's successors will negotiate in good faith for the co -location and shared use of the proposed tower by other wireless service providers in the future, and shall allow shared use of the tower if anotherlequ�cawawauwtuuuueotuaauwwire less se'" war"et provider agrees in writing to pay reasonable charges. The charges may include, but are not limited to, a pro rata Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS C(,,,,MLINICATION FACILITIES Page 288/315 share of the cost of site selection, planning, project administration, land costs, site design, construction and maintenance financing, return on equity, less depreciation, and all of the costs of adapting the tower or equipment to accommodate a shared user without causing electromagnetic interference. C. Cosa location Encouraged—Existing Structures. To minimize adverse visual impacts associated with the proliferation of towers, co➢ -location of p4Li�-,ssinal wireless service facilities on existing towers and structures is encouraged as follows: 1. Co-Zlocation is permitted by right under a modification permit, unless the modification constitutes a substantial change to the tower and/or base station pursuant to Section 6409(a) of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012/47 C;F Rectioirn L16.a.001. Changes to tower height that constitute a "substantial change" as defined by subsection (A)(2) of this section are subject to all provisions applicable to new towers and base stations described in this chapter. 2. The city may deny an application to construct new facilities if the applicant has not shown by substantial evidence that it has made a diligent effort to mount the facilities on a suitable existing structure or tower within one (lt,lky ter liall" smile of the proposed facility. 3. All wireless service providers or lessees or agents thereof shall cooperate in good faith to accommodate co - location with competitors. D. Required Parking. Adequate parking shall be required for maintenance workers. 1,,... _ Bd dloon'[est, ,A lxilloon test is rt-quiired ����r.i��as�:�.�.� A�l�lStiebt�talNy tNtrw,.t�a�Vrnduti�stN��att,R'�rr�ay oeq�t�Ac ..��b�alloon.t�t ���u��y��a��,w...rN�cN��+s�lµ�cA�dl�;y. ��r-�vJtl�l� tq�c�m fnilsistrato lin&,...khat sssc6i te�t till ut a e tyre =,�hy..t �. ttu � letea�a p��a .. hag rr 1. i�` tt to- elr� T f r=t tr�aarn911 r1 ap ��� tlt a �� cord itio FE. Facilities in or within Three Hundred Feet of Residential Zone or Protected Area. The following standards apply to wireless facilities within residential zoning districts, and within three hundred feet of residential zoning districts: 1. Due Diligence Requirements. Applications to place antennas and towers in residential zoning districts or within three hundred feet of residential zoned districts shall demonstrate that the requirements of YMC 15.29.050(B)(2) have been met. 2. NEPA Requirements. Antennas and tower facilities proposed to be located in or within three hundred feet of an established or pending federal, state or local historic district or historic district overlay are facilities that may affect districts, sites, buildings, structures or objects significant in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering or culture, that are listed, or are eligible for listing, in the National Register of Historic Places. (See 16 U.S.C. 470w-5; 36 CFR Parts 60 and 800.) Applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), including but not limited to the environment assessment provisions of 47 CFR 1.1307 et seq. and comply with any mitigations imposed therein. 3. Certificate of Appropriateness Required. New wireless facilities, and any modification to existing wireless facilities that constitutes a "substantial change" pursuant to subsection (A)(2) of this section, proposed to be located in a local historic district, historic district overlay, or other protected historic site, listed in the city of Yakima registry of historic places, require a certificate of appropriateness from the Yakima historic preservation commission in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 11.62 YMC prior to the issuance of any permit for the construction, installation or major modification of wireless facilities in such areas. GF. Building Permits Required. Issuance of wireless facility permits under this chapter shall authorize issuance of any necessary and appropriate building permits to accomplish such modification, subject to compliance with applicable permit requirements and fees. Applicant shall submit complete applications for all other construction permits necessary to accomplish the construction. Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS C(, .MUNICATION FACILITIES Page 289/315 iia -_ l`om,,olc ial ya°cudty'Require&ATle drolaplwcsaum& aslaalll l nraww lwro.a firallwclal "wanillace, nnw 11'r'.M lawnnww t d a borid,orother. l llaa��ww�;w -0 wr ibw"@0.q 9' �Q urod;�:a pL w1714" G(a°tho c it y" illi im a111 w oslls rcro '.ro4`w� fl d ""al wwtlro 6sa�;Ill Ory rvwnrow�wvwrol �latawhl�l��i�rolwe-wroea,�wswaw°^��,� Mi. N W4) I of Sm,­wll 4Wirelcs5 @ �cJIilJc p 'SiliaH wl.rp)esseell locAlla d_ „Qty �.n,ew pole +Ltoutswdrr;, of I lln�, l;�uwlrllua, , I_�,lay-�,f �-�ry�, n ._'_, n-u&i�Ry_ 1 a� . f e , * �IYVlliLtrwwai:lro a,(ansr,lower-a%trod �ro16„M; colIlorlI) to i11r, til ` f ,Ij ��„)�.� slrot�ll lroa� rowaacas±�d aros nro l�rowr�rortl awtw�1��.�a:f, - - - .ry la - 6 ,irs � ww�eas�sc�;w ll�illlie ; Il1��t,1,1_I�zr.l rI' la�1��:s �:�lb,Il ll,�, �a:��t����w�.l�rlm"1��.wfi cal dy Ib i!, snwalN-eel N deplgyinefwA-0a,u[1_ l_I Ira p',w wlcincl%_wb 10lic i'rprNua �wrw,w;o.°.k%K, k6ia o that the S111,111 wireless sell �,,,,, wyr,,li Iw 01II_ illi oD `VV"w,Umc, wNitheFDll fll+ plV hl�c riLf Ilt (ll� 1111 11)�il llicw .lmrll cell„wireless fs,r I ll , is xsa ,c n” 1, Si°d7 lH 14wiredess 1,lcl hll ,, Imrr flcd i1i1 �hc plbluc a n Jl. c0............... u ,w m ,-lIl l:.:N�rwi11��: wihl, �palar or old O", 14 mb�wr1G,:,Mall("omp�ilc lbllowiwi--gs�le��elecl�w�rt�,taww�da�d��r'I�l�y��{.�_N5.��1aIgOl�,el.�. g. ,. Small wireless facilities shall appyq! fidoblwe , to C 20l l '.. _._ ... ll�.�arocepicl..._. c ,st�nuctiws,rw, arnor Iwa arra l rob taw waver la,_ `�'lllzill_���ll�w�p;°�1�,<rs P��wcill[Ir,; ��I�lr a�Mi ii�7 llla� l�lll;rl Iaw� l i�ahll �s(-r�1im�,, �,lanll lraal t,la�,'[��II� i I)i,.� rarz I,l°�1,,•,[i'ittii, rli. cm,rti w 1 Xists (I. jsj)r(l�l(14i (J, l � ° � f ;,1 1I1 r. '°,)la,,llllwurde.,S� 1';ia,11 111�ir.r,allr1 lir.l,lil;>Ilrlia1u �rl'��.aa ;Hall,rl°o))1�11111a •al°11f'11nr'• ,11�,11Ir°rll.Iile r;. ltt s�cti�aa,twta°wu4,_�1w�url�:w k+� �. h�,.»a ra,_iw . ni CIt oa oWl t t il°'dlw ","CMA, dV'rrlr ihillg 51ilim H ce4wireless 1,uw.Ho iJics ovmlc { Illhr�,,91.n.ldm �li��l ,,tl�°a 11 -[lt, alaai ti;affis, �l. Jmk htH (filcrnI lllcd hy tllc disc.,.. trot ps lt,lic l.fd. '�w1� 111 asa°l vvllli(llu ss llav N" IIIIw+.uallilucd 01c p to a(lllllus Dnp VNrlw, I . ")Q,9 )0 (01 (Ord. 2016-029 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord. 2013-051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013). 15.29.070 Design criteria. _All ^adm;,+ Icss facilities,„�.r rrg�b saemisell carNlvuwel ss b2w,;G# qm� y sw,ul(II l„.tri"”. "9t ,. 15,291.0701(B) hjo , loro.aled, wits' n blroe pwwlrolwro wro lglrt �.wf-wwro orTrow otili�y poles. shall comply with the following standards: 1. Setback. A tower's setback shall be measured from the base of the tower to the property line of the parcel on which it is located. Except as otherwise set forth below, setbacks for facilities shall comply with the setback requirements of Chapter 15.05 YMC and Table 5-1. a. Right -of -Way Setback Exception. The setback requirement is not applicable if the antenna and antenna support structure are located in the city right-of-way, providexl tl c rtewwrwdro ws tit& as=lwe�l taa rororo xwstiwrog 61y 1~ 01 firo ilia . b. Protected Areas. In protected areas or where a proposed tower is on property abutting a protected area, towers shall be set back from all property lines a distance equal to one hundred ten percent of tower height as measured from ground level. c. Residential Zoned Districts. In residential zoned districts or where a proposed tower is on property abutting a residential zoned district, towers shall be set back a minimum of one-half the tower height. d. Minor Modifications. Any expansion of a base station or extension of height of an existing wireless facility that constitutes a minor modification shall be considered in compliance with the setback requirements previously approved for the existing wireless facility. Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS CU- MUNICATION FACILITIES Page 290/315 e. Existing Wireless Facility on Established Lot—Exception. The setback requirement is not applicable if the antenna and antenna support structure were constructed, or application for such construction vested, on a parcel created pursuant to RCW 58.17.040(8) prior to the effective date of this code. Wireless facilities constructed on and after the effective date of this code on parcels created pursuant to RCW 58.17.040(8) are subject to the setback requirements. Tower and Antenna Height. The maximum height of a wireless facility is as follows: a. In or within three hundred feet of a residential zoning district or protected area, no wireless facility shall exceed the height allowed by the underlying height limitation for the zoning district in which the facility is located, except that if the facility is camouflaged by stealth pursuant to subsection 8 of this section, the maximum height is sixty feet. b. In CBD and B-1 zoning districts, the maximum height is sixty feet. c. In all other zones, the maximum height is one hundred ten feet. d In a ny aq �i���'r alp hd�ict, tlu�r al p.hu a�att sl�a8h..ltt va lit @a�arc9e�+ ao-1"d rtttt t� 1 'ating, that I fie tow rAs th( r��saw�Ma�t�a„ur�� la��i�B�'Lsc�tl�Mpro'edta� a�at�dtl�e ttr�a�rcr�rrw��t�����i�,�tti�'��ts..g�ec:�'1,. ed. Structures that exceed the above height limits may be permitted by variance pursuant to the a e4ulai Zvi a.l s1 ss height variance provisions of YMC 15.29.110. 23. Color. Towers shall have a dark color such as forest green, charcoal or dark brown, depending on the surroundings or background, that -which minimizes their visibility, unless a different color is required by the FAA. Colors shall be maintained and repainted as necessary to maintain original color, to repair fading through weathering, and to prevent flaking. 4. Lights, Signals and Signs. No signals, lights, or signs shall be permitted on towers unless required or allowed by the FCC or the FAA. Should lighting be required, in cases where there are residents located within a distance that is three hundred percent of the height of the tower, then dual mode lighting shall be requested from the FAA. 5. Fencing and Security. The antenna support structure shall be secured against unauthorized entry. A well - constructed wall or wooden fence not less than six feet in height from the finished grade shall be provided around each person -wireless service facility. Access to the tower shall be through a locked gate. The use of chain link, plastic, vinyl, or wire fencing is prohibited unless it is fully screened from public view by dense vegetative screen at least eight feet in depth along all visible portions of the fence. 6. Anti -Climbing Device. All support structures shall be fitted with anti -climbing devices, as approved by the manufacturers. 7. Camouflage Requirements. All new towers and base stations, and major modifications to towers and base stations, must be camouflaged as defined by this chapter. Appropriate camouflaging is determined on a site- specific basis, taking into account existing structures and natural features both on and surrounding the site. When considering surrounding features that the facility is designed to reflect, nonconforming structures shall not be considereduiII as uOjlity Y44i41,a�.,r�aM",P6°re. " 'Ok9�� ta�� 1 wr'l fi4 4.� ei &w ' l equiimu. if", a ViVPdduH'dd781 ru M�' �"p 'w' ire,44 v"n••base I °r"ttl`u t6tlNes or to '4Pk(tla l vl%tltma o °a4o ar9 "'"aP be Ivied goro a,l,:It^s�:��u�s^a��a� d°t,°a ptal���t����y8ltt 1c gr�uu�pue. In all zones, towers shall be camouflaged using the least visually and physically intrusive facility that is not technologically impracticable under the facts and circumstances. Camouflaging for new towers and base stations shall include the following: a. Landscaping. Landscaping is an element of camouflage. Landscaping, as described herein, shall be required to buffer icors(- rat1-.wireless sffvice facilities to soften the appearance of the cell site. The city may permit any combination of existing vegetation, topography, walls, decorative fences or other on-site features instead of landscaping, if they achieve the same degree of screening as the required landscaping. DOC. INDEX Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS Cu,,,iMUNICATION FACILITIES Page 291/315 If the antenna is mounted flush on an existing building, and other equipment is housed inside an existing structure, landscaping shall not be required. b. Buffers. The visual impacts of a-per�,s nal wireless-Ew.wice facility shall be mitigated through landscaping or other screening materials at the base of the tower and ancillary structures. Further, existing vegetation shall be preserved to the maximum extent practicable and may be used as a substitute for or as a supplement to landscaping requirements. The following landscaping and buffering shall be required around the perimeter of the tower and accessory structures: i. A row of evugreeirw-trees a minimum of six feet tall at planting a maximum of six feet apart shall be planted around the perimeter of the fence. ii. A continuous hedge at least thirty-six inches high at planting capable of growing to at least forty- eight inches in height within eighteen months shall be planted in front of the tree line referenced above. iii. To the extent feasible, the tower or mount shall be placed amongst and adjacent to the drip line of three or more evergreen trees at least seventy-five percent of the height of the facility. iv. An automatic irrigation system providing irrigation as needed according to plant type, season and maturity of plantings. c. Continued Maintenance. Applicant shall have a continuing obligation to maintain the landscaping improvements. In the event that landscaping is not maintained at the required level, the city after giving thirty days' advance written notice may maintain or establish the landscaping and bill both the owner and lessee for such costs until such costs are paid in full, or may seek enforcement through any available remedy. d. Trees—Recording of Conditions. To ensure that trees associated with camouflaging and screening are preserved, the following note shall be recorded on the property title: All trees within 50 feet of the -1 let��mmnai+rocaliotis„ it less facility located on this property, which serve to screen theto °or �utttwt��catlt��ts lrc9 .-ss facility, shall be retained for the life of the toie� ���� rd�ut��c t� a� s �Nirreless_ facility. Screening trees may only be removed if deemed diseased or dangerous by a certified arborist. Before any trees can be removed a report from the certified arborist shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. Unless approved by the City, only that portion of the tree required to remove the hazard can be removed. The City may require the trees to be replaced by the telecommunication provider. 8. Stealth Requirements. Any facility in or within three hundred feet of residential zoning district or protected area must be concealed within a stealth structure unless otherwise approved through a wireless conditional use permit. Stealth structures shall be designed as follows: a. The stealth camouflage structure or facility must be compatible with surrounding development by being either similar in height to surrounding structures or a sufficient distance from surrounding structures to create a significant visual separation.;; b. Stealth designs VI_reflect features that are indigenous to the area. I'm �rIc�; a:._ I towers designed to look like trees su,siIIrriw�l be tree types that naturally or commonly occur in the surrounding neighborhood or district, ,ha1-�c fo Pass. rl +rijl ruuv a nil 1pd�ro 11 ud f`r;rt or 'a' <<tt�Ea, � [�w. ;�, l7od �Jsa�lI earl a „E cc(i lags llo i rale, h, ro. Pas �r& ��.°en N.��,_ U ce ; Ia.vlarge, 01rol i bi l rt ^��l �i ticwlr l root r 8 �r, btrc-V�� �vayr� l II_m, vcrs u�ls o add sAr6fid q uN tl,�w�Aaw�� @rr�r, �Hu�u��,, or o0ler v,. r.eIal ivc ii ;tt fires ilk rf[Yai,"o'Ltir�1Vt:": 4f�G k ,4r,68Yt1%ik"Rl N✓o'°e"u+.9 &few Q7 rt$ �`lYtlkrof�;M+."4 '�, ��.4.'?f�[V 6l6 3�',f�°�_ d. Towers designed to look like buildings or structures must be of a design that reflects local architecture or structure types l cro a°r +C.. ,i ii!,a d [rr �«. ok oil chlrcl< sf�MaPl E,r ref` r Gras sNr'g�isb�l k rula� G:rs�.rl�q�9;iaPaahaf Car sua,, hrrur�r0_isq,�p oYo j��ts� iasuiia,�,u ch,sJn,'hi fw iia Chc gas ,'3 UUur rri errid,c 01 a� ua:ldi�lu6. propor(ioils ircN,('r.a 111c afl _16u' 'rld [bt, .or 10o"a.htoidA Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS Cl,..iMUNICATION FACILITIES Page 292/315 Cc. i�cml lo '_I`towers designed to look like flag poles_su l l�cc_ mpei ed �ciid have the common dimensions of flag poles, both in height and girth„_,md ,hell k1, �rr_ow 1 f �� peg �r� a qaa� 4 arov� �a.„ �iF�arc �� c� i,> 49 h lil�yIc epi crs oll circ: of a lgvf ghs lilicl 'a, c rn 'nrlio, m1 I,r illi, dt"si!pl_ (Odic i :n Ilic,�+�c°�k -�+ rih � ;,:ci7c rlsr rr#' oto }'f ill prof' )+'! clw; dc alld Hic the c h urcll Id. After completion of construction, the antennas, towers and related facilities will be maintained within the stealth structure so as to be concealed from view or be viewed as the camouflaging stealth structure; and (2C. The administrator may impose other conditions or mitigations reasonably related to such structures as warranted by special conditions of the subject property and the type of camouflaging structure, including but not limited to additional or supplemental setback requirements, maintenance requirements, and other measures intended to accomplish the purposes of this chapter and section. 9. Antenna Criteria. Antennas, -cell fac-Hitivs �tas� Npc t � �t� �c 1� s td ;awl„ day i a � wu6l4y:: on or above a structure shall be subject to the following: a. The antenna shall be architecturally compatible with the building and wall on which it is mounted, and shall be designed and located so as to minimize any adverse aesthetic impact. b. The antenna shall be mounted on a wall of an existing building in a configuration as flush to the wall as technically possible and shall not project above the wall on which it is mounted unless it must for technical reasons. In no event shall an antenna project more than sixteen feet above the roofline, including parapets. c. The antenna= lei �, I ciiui cc�jlWiiiP, shall be constructed, painted, or fully screened to match as closely as possible the color and texture of the building and wall on which it is mounted. d, V ijl�m�oc r71i.„11ipc^ 11��,milalions of . kaH crb�lma k'dU i 'c' r!Ild'o')lii�nctrt wlx,c� 4il,�c;rrir,, craciiC�rc�M�! ,�rcuc.�er:,t^Acus F���; 4,„c.ti,ic rcf' ilcc- l���cl,lir:c..�. _ _ cc;cf. The antenna maybe attached to an existing mechanical equipment enclosure which projects above the roof of the building, but may not project any higher than the enclosure. I3waluilal9npg. , t°ler pa:.laealalt";:C,'he antenna may be mounted on the roof if the following additional criteria are satisfied: i. The city finds that it is not technically possible or aesthetically desirable to mount the antenna on a wall. ii. Roof mounted antenna and related base stations are screened from view by materials that are consistent and compatible with the design, color, and materials of the building. iii. No portion of the antenna may exceed sixteen feet above the height of the existing building. iv. If the antenna is placed on the roof or above the top of a building, it shall provide a minimum setback equal to the height of the panel antenna from the rooftop edge. v. Antenna, antenna arrays, and support structures shall not extend more than sixteen feet above the highest point of the structure on which they are mounted. The antenna, antenna array, and their support structure shall be mounted so as to blend with the structure to which the antenna is attached. The antenna and its support structure shall be designed to comply with applicable building code standards. The antenna, antenna array, and their support structure shall be a color that matches the field or trim color of the structure on which they are mounted. Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS CU-tMUNICATION FACILITIES Page 293/315 10. Guy Wires Restricted. No guy or other support wires shall be used in connection with such antenna, antenna array, or its support structure except when used to anchor the antenna, antenna array, or support structure to an existing building to which such antenna, antenna array, or support structure is attached. 11. Equipment Structures. The standards for equipment structures (base stations) are as follows: a. Ground Structure. i. The maximum floor area is five hundred square feet and the maximum height is twelve feet, unless the applicant demonstrates that a larger area and/or increased height is necessary to accommodate the proposed facility and possible co -location. ii. Ground level buildings shall be screened from view by landscape plantings, fencing, or other appropriate means, as specified herein or in other city ordinances. iii. In instances where equipment buildings are located in residential zones, equipment buildings shall comply with setback requirements and shall be designed so as to conform in appearance with nearby residential structures, including building form, materials and color. b. Roof Mounted Structure. i. Equipment buildings mounted on a roof shall be designed to match and be integrated into the exterior design and materials of the building. Equipment for roof mounted antenna may also be located within the building on which the antenna is mounted. ii. Equipment buildings, antenna, and related equipment shall occupy no more than twenty-five percent of the total roof area of the building the facility is mounted on, which may vary if co -location and adequate camouflage are used. (Ord. 2016-029 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord. 2013-051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013). 1 n _... ` a�a�ill_ct-llwireless ["Icilltic itwc�nataalywP 9�Nu t11 gawtlalNtx w h� ts.(+ a y� o�� tt NN_dl N u Na rGuwiNf �_4��i7N�lm ,illi �ht; llPa.i Vit Orl uftlit lwtalc , tlla �F�.�,fll_cclllwin-cicss favi ides s,1aa_ll coailOr,enl to th foliowm4g, P',p�p��ltt'hi, iut'wNls:N'y shall ntrat inuaneasts tl!mt h t „11a afi,t)t wvf N hw4. tt p'a wf4l �t � % ket, u�1 �3�taN�nl,l te c qtl the, raaw��m dbsfd,:act it -is ioctatedjrt-aveoldartgf 2) .... s 5, " ,. g �. ......�.ua iatc?alt���tz.oul�t.u�ucttu,.l `Q __�:�t:or �.,s sn.a..a��l� itt„fu,aa,��Atlbwt, ���'�fcut�t�t�a�w�l. ,ore tha�q:,..10 N�c.t.ccnit t ally gM►,t Baal lnrnta a�„lt,wtru,a tua°¢ s stagy atw , uln,l.. wltlnca nad"<aa w nat slraac f aaae wall c. do riot e°llatd.existing s�lellctures, n.wvhil y.. g l � ...lcet r�nu_by.. w� la,tltc ._lunc,lllctllcaN tl�,�_Nt�e +int e,l nna�t,e �,,ln�n,al �1�, inwsba;m.tNtrllt..1..0, 1?vcr is scwlcp.:.. "� �°�N���;. l ��wcla��ata�nd���� ftacilit��wlnallhwe laacat�ed n�ttimta-earcltasua aaaat �•ea�ea'tlwaaoa-sey+�natcwcTMap c�:nhncf'i;tst, tat-voNtwirn�.�. s ac atatcd�-a aaaNaant.r R1001i ifigl a'tte ot; OF stenskni �aMiu,; lectric renel n„ elmnn llthen t.„t @.caatra anaaa �a.atic it n dc�a�sa atta�tl�r l�a�s,�a�ur�d�-l��asu.:tltb�w�b��stt����'i, hm�wttwN�°y-lta�cr�-etgro l�aw�va�� s lwwnl�pw�r�����rtru,�l1,����„��)uwtlao-n�wl�t�prowar �w���tc�r�. Sana ,otif ma it wt_a nr�losalre{s,� tt�.ltl ae ,.ut rl � rcGut a tll �t� tNo- �etlNcaA tttion 04"equipnaa lrt voh.itw'ne -inside ata: �� �t_� nt� t ww�t�laa to -r _ol halt 1wto e-thar dire cubic -f eth - vol anc�„ a.wt gilt the case a�l� ���t�tl�¢�1�a�tkreut� Pay �r� �ttsa�aE ��I �w�a�eltt , tl$me trutte�wi[tu ttrt+ �aiN atN`�iit ��ca �N�at�a^al elements w�9ta,,ll Nil svitwaat un in'ltud„itnat Ntclaw aaw+ aal=rtaat mttora thaaa three-a`wtbie feet sril all %vi„gala ,s fticiliitia5Shall i-liect the Nlowillo size lnnnntatiaaats: a...... Each. antenna associated with ti<Nep��> Atnl,�w¢�;�i��tr lt��tlirl�g�A�1N a�xfraascal�o�eaneait ; ns a.n.tl,.l for q,Il4ln tltrce.laalaac l"eet ill you,lunlc. Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS CL.—OUNICATION FACILITIES Page 294/315 b. All other_wireles e urty mggtass,ocxate�dwith the „structure, including e wireless equ ent. associated with the antenna and pre eNistmg,.asspcuau.ted equipment on the structure,.. is no -_more than 2 „ cubic feet in volume. ou o11 l Ilii. a_walrwii oi,i,lluc, iinc aundimu Iboilu iiuo9.n;�nwa ; ,ind nNpuurp ii�le ni, sllnurll hkla ul iiun �,wiUh the �� nuichiiic 111 which it is -h ent technically Feasible.- tt eivasr attached to oa� inte�ratew_r�,�ii �i to tie ext,,, a: Antennas, brackets, and cabling rima ch op- be eo i itaaiiible awuuh, the color of the etputipuatent - - - g --- which shall inatch oir be coria .ratubloAi the color of the structure it is beial;pw aatachctt to as closely as possible_ i_ N wt.°loim,, Sww ffl • _wirelless Giiiitics dw„ellli-iws Liu _ii&nnni¢¢m cd 65 J o c, SnuOl c-e4wireles5 Cliu iliIu, e �x�+�u � , ith thjr associated equipment cabinets and ether structures. shall 6.04. 180. lla.,sive aoolinW of°Icacihties isei�couraueci. h. Allegnip}ment �ta_a.ast be..prole mrattntecd If,it,is tet,ld:.nicatlyinfeasible to.Pode m,ourit all of_ —e equ pment.tq,, nicel,t the Criteria lerciuw,, thes_ni etpFtanilpniealt orr awr �a.e.. �r;otind basc„d uvnjItc tu,��ltt-of- va t pruuwuaQaal tct C��c i"o1Ba�w in . standards: ryt,. Ao neeessaey....qaatnd...l?ase d pggijjniletu in an unider..apr�Un-dect_area shall be atrrtter t�tuuncteut_ ll... tmiuwr�ntuna -base d,eatt,uupYrt _pt,ptu t,lo tt ti u.itd,..�tuI tuaualC11, -pa tp,td,�,cd oars:^uu should l" e urti derorouuup,a9c,tt...n.l :it 4.s,,. teetuautcaljl nl'easible to upnder roun¢l"O'l , gtattwutwa9 µlb tsv ua c,ag.utultttuaut,tuawwmtl�„pc))e-jnO�,cunt 1htw-_.tttwid uureurt ill esaurudtdlarIee_... wvith the rnaximurnsurestandards „old this sectiol.h.flq,gRn pfd ba,,$ctd gqc ,lippwent rnay batect furIlyt ?j° p art aIIy.. abaa;lt to aad.r ..dtscuvucltd..iiu td...tu} tBoc^:.vtlhp@.Kir 'a t,ppuyti 1p�tsud equuipincrut thin is located abovep�p�ureNsWrShall not exceed a in,axituuuua of.28 c,tlhie.l,eeti(rli I e sk oubaltl f -qo cquip pent shall be aestheticallypopardllui.ibl9w..with offiereal"aove-gl9a^4q,� uti-pities (ems _signal„boxe5,..electracal equipment,,etc,)_t�iagare located within 600 feet...olfthe paale, an iii utoapraul la .ase,tl,ecpuu,upauaaeru,t s:l'aulN not iriptu a,toy. upa is ori uecppii-ed sidewalk, 7. ,ntenna.(s),;,egtlrpanent sh )1 not constitute an obstruction and shall co�rnp„py with 4tl gppl[iggl�le..�t?cieq, laws (41c.l� litiy,.the, Aallo,,ric ans 1_11with Nsabilities Act), st pt.r-ad uu¢d _uurrt3'..ao uu.l�rtuaaCas In the event ofa a u,t?nflict between... pltt,s�e, tlesign stapiic iB� aaiai'l ra alpple health and sAlely tradia"sstatai dlt�aNt.lu..rap;act. sal`oy.g�.sjjrijl. tdkaa,u.u.J,la�l.t. on y ttr.t;k uaanirrtuanld extent a cco,spuuy Ao w;a, qid a violation. 5_ Capaautattage p ctpauia�eualeuts:_All"iiew small fell tRaeilities, auad uaa;nta platretdllcattrou tta,sotttual;l tell I be on-a—,ate--specific,d'asis - into tiacoawtaartxtstipugstutwetGurtsand uarrtras�atlhrataa�n#arthraua�ualpu+uttatuustippgtpues�ut d"dtnotrau`a`od"tladutcilpty`.;- uacludin- both-awttepapuaawaauap a epaaupuuaeuat,mstlw dP lrN a�u�al xut rvpt_du thio tupaat tware� in ll icpp is tt lanlutt, rtttaacpaoud to ata rutte tatot�N itch -- i, �iataiuuiaiwdaurmcts, iriu euilalaiut shirldup?uiatt;drtdrax'aadur';ad'the ea�prryparttr�oltvwvduicla�sduadd-a�tttuth-tlp�wauleurrtr.p the 81 uetailttachod tp-a s,closa,ly tis prwssw lcp 15.29.080 Site selection standards. The, following site selection stanoiar(ls shall wapap,d tca all wr,reless facilities cltrtsicic of the right of way, except fne small .,wi eless acil-itoes p)ralp"rtasooi alit aua e p tauig baa„ uplflocuactccl pole, A. d'r-ottat;ecd Atu u . lir°cuteteti aro�as ar°c:.tut tluarrrcrutunouidy.'lar¢r+ra Cts tht pt'aaut?a t !dttaytraa.ut uleuglsbe hrautrtlm sitturaVaNl Withluu the atreai hounded taut the west -by -360) ;§60) Avenueat (-,)n the -north -by we�st �rurr�tr�aitvie � Aveturme, twos 4ttt�.. esist ➢wy. d. at,h Awoiaaae, and on they south }ay Tieten Drive, (t,w)-establisht°lhtmstiau is dimti ,ts t«r. liista�ai ae, tlustu act awcrlaay saiaes (ct t roptasctt ltista.au ita.tlistricts aai histaiaic ddstrr�ct oveu'lii ,aaraais. Idletd liar-rec r•d witl�i the fixieral> state air local- agp,011e Witla ydturilet'd-etit'rn-(he oath.air "t)oitlitag hastoaie-district tri- aiverlay..,,taaat �l. (tlt Sita lat;ulcdiiatti stitiettirts tii.,.tilrpee,tt listtWtd iii tlbt l aititaruual 1 tittusten^ ai'I Bpistaarit I laisua�„ (al state . attr.p and-paerri to nelIt-ly protectle d�rnv4ua oI(,,igiea, ksit Gx„ A1n d tt)-de,,,ie at+ d �ii�taas saulaio�ct tei„ pares�etvadon Or 1,111ot'ecdo i -through ret.airtttMd otrrisarv�itit�aruneniseiaaewrrt; INDEX 1 �l Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS CO—MUNICATION FACILITIES Page 295/315 1.,.----- wrp..N1-2 and SCC �onln<;1'�ast�aa.t �,�� ew�ara9c�t�nas and antenna avoided, In the, fbilowilag locationswithin, the -B-2 loal business imdl St:,Osnnall c+ mve�iience center zooes whew s&gjle 1 .... atlaNt tl�a�e t hunched 4"M 40'residentiafawea 2; _'`M-itlt��r thra�e l�t�d���lrec8 a����a�6`laro'tectea� a��a!s. pp wireless ,._u -V , c���a,er than,ta sniaH wireless la�acllit laa tluw;�,� ROW, that wishes to locate in these 1�.,......_An applicant, lcaa �a wa¢„�,1_N_a ws 1a ., arena '1.,+ 1a d a, as aaa q )isee ) irae,ed Area shall demonstrate that a diligent effort has been made to locate the proposedc�M�naanlactd�aaas wv'aa,lary facilities on a site, private institutional structure, or other appropriate existing structures more than three hundred feet from residential zoned districts or more than three hundred feet from a protected area, and that, due to valid considerations including physical constraints, site iava laba,l ly, and technological feasibility, no more appropriate location is available. Such antennas, aallt�al,n ec,lqullagtcptnCowers and related facilities may be approved by the administrator, subject to the administrator's approval of camouflage or disguise by stealth. Such proposed structures !.T.D...ayare also lbs_subject to the haahoi,,)n aiauaNy'u��,�a=photo-simulation requirements of YMC 15.29.130 in order to assist the administrator in determining appropriate camouflage and/or stealth requirements. C.I. Priority of Locations. The order of priorities for locating new Pers • -wireless service facilities shall be as follows: 1. Col -location (see YMC 15.29.060(B) and (C)). 2. Industrial zoning districts. 3. 'Public property (see subsection E of this section). 4. Existing structures—industrial and commercial zoning districts (e.g., buildings, towers, and water towers). 5. Local business district (B-2) and small convenience center (SCC) zoning districts. 6. Residential zoned districts. 7. Protected areas. DC. Site Selection Criteria. 1. Any applicant proposing to construct an antenna support structure, or mount an antenna on an existing structure, shall evaluate different sites within a one -quarter -mile radius to determine which site will provide the best screening and camouflaging while providing adequate service to satisfy its function in the applicant's system. If the applicant proposes a site that does not provide the best opportunities for screening and camouflaging then the applicant must demonstrate why the facility cannot be located at the site where it can be best screened and camouflaged and why the antenna must be located at the proposed site. 2. Wireless facility installations; l-aa;a�vvr u'�ar,al°allrM t'Htadua,w sas ieae b �a , �14C.paW ,,�. la l9 ke oc atod mann, designed tan, bw1ral'Xa�c°.t..cM prcmg ate waaILlt� ml �� adit.it n shall be placed in locations where the existing topography, vegetation, buildings, or other structures provide the greatest amount of camouflage. E.D. Siting Priority on Public Property,. 1. Order of Preference. Where public property is sought to be utilized by an applicant, priority for the use of government-owned land for wireless antennas and towers will be given to the following entities in descending order: D Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS IX.. MUNICATION Page 296/315 FACILITIES a. City of Yakima, except that any facilities proposed for location within the airport safety overlay (ASO) are further subject to the limitations and requirements of Chapter 15.30 YMC; b. Public safety agencies, including law enforcement, fire and ambulance services, which are not part of the city of Yakima and private entities with a public safety agreement with the city of Yakima; c. Other governmental entities, for uses that are not related to public safety; and d. Entities providing licensed commercial wireless 1�eleconumn citflon services including cellular, personal communication services (PCS), specialized mobilized radio (SMR), enhanced specialized mobilized radio (ESMR), data, Internet, paging, and similar services that are marketed to the general public. 2. Subject to City Discretion. The placement of wireless service facilities on city -owned property is subject to the discretion of the city and approval of lease terms that are acceptable to the city, and must comply with the following requirements: a. The facilities will not interfere with the purpose for which the city -owned property is intended; b. The facilities will have no significant adverse impact on surrounding private property, or any significant adverse impact is mitigated by screening, camouflage or other condition required by city; c. The applicant shall obtain adequate liability insurance naming the city as loss payee and commit to a lease agreement that includes equitable compensation for the use of public land and other necessary provisions and safeguards. The city shall establish fees after considering comparable rates in other cities, potential expenses, risks to the city, and other appropriate factors; d. The applicant will submit a letter of credit, performance bond, or other security acceptable to the city to cover the costs of removing the facilities; e. The lease shall provide that the applicant must agree that in the case of a declared emergency or documented threat to public health, safety or welfare and following reasonable notice the city may require the applicant to remove the facilities at the applicant's expense.Telec-ornnuinioalnon-Wii -les, _facilities serving essential government services and other government agencies shall have priority over other users; f. The applicant must reimburse the city for any related costs that the city incurs because of the presence of the applicant's facilities; g. The applicant must obtain all necessary land use approvals; and h. The applicant must cooperate with the city's objective to encourage co locations and thus limit the number of cell sites requested. F. Special Requirements for Parks. The use of city -owned parks for pe oira -wireless s irvi facilities brings with it special concerns due to the unique nature of these sites. The placement of persomd _wireless bervicv-facilities in a park will be allowed only when the following additional requirements are met: 1. The city parks commission has reviewed and made a recommendation regarding proposed per -somal wireless seri facilities to be located in the park and this recommendation has been forwarded to the city council for consideration and approval; 2. In no case shall persorra-0 wireless servi facilities be allowed in designated critical areas (except aquifer recharge areas) unless they are col -located on existing facilities; and 3. Before pt4rsonal,wireless ice -facilities maybe located in public parks, visual impacts and disruption of normal public use shall be mitigated. (Ord. 2016-029 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord. 2013-051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013). 13®C. INDEX # Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS C(— MUNICATION Page 297/315 FACILITIES 15.29.090 Safety and industry standards. A. Federal Requirements. All towers must meet or exceed current standards and regulations of the FAA, the FCC, and any other agency of the federal government with the authority to regulate towers and antennas. If those standards and regulations are changed, then wireless service providers governed by this chapter shall bring their towers and antennas into compliance with the revised standards and regulations within six months of their effective date or the timelines provided by the revised standards and regulations, whichever time period is longer. Failure to bring towers and antennas into compliance with the revised standards and regulations shall constitute grounds for revocation of permit. B. Building Codes—Safety Standards. To ensure the structural integrity of towers, the owner of a tower shall ensure that it is maintained in compliance with standards contained in applicable city building codes and the applicable standards for towers that are published by the Electronic Industries Association ("EIA"), as amended from time to time. If, upon inspection, the city concludes that a tower fails to comply with such codes and standards and constitutes a danger to persons or property, then upon notice being provided to the owner of the tower, the owner shall have thirty days to bring the tower into compliance with such standards. If the owner fails to bring its tower into compliance within thirty days, the city may remove the tower at the owner's expense. C.vll...Rl" Standards. "o nes; l'nali le.a :nwt ^ � tutl Ra al laJi � 1� Pe L��iec'tr o-�iG . hich.ist:y Association (1 i i wta��nda�ncls, wl lcin rnrty''b� ��atne� let! i�rn��� tl���e to tNaa : 1 �u ine�, ��ty-itri �'tw ort � Is '� �w additl�a��s� Bra e:wist%nng t�.awatt^� �,l�all,,,,��+�cq�p�.r..,sa����mmtiiss'st�a� ��1 sat�.� l�la��:s������al�eal Nay r� lsaa �al�*��AottaW e�tgii�tt�e�` titttt,.. rlerrot �Ct tr r c�n� �i lel mnce-with t1t TM ld.lstandards S-halHv- sulmit�ittett nn�nl °eview�e�l at the ti��ne ltm:l�lµ�ng p�!ne:�t�it an e realue%te& No perm& wireless service provider or lessee shall fail to assure that its antenna complies at all times with the current applicable Federal Communications Commission (FCC) radio frequency (RF) emission standards. and, rile 'duo ,elty, Fachyearafer-flie.fiacillty.. i ecce t l e� ttl at wti ilte 4'icility openoor shall Me will reports rm' llte Prior -twelve, i north;.. (Ord. 2016-029 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord. 2013-051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013). 15.29.100 Wireless conditional use permit criteria. A. Uses Requiring GdMar-WirOess....Conditional Use Permit. Any wireless facility listed in Table 29-1 as a wireless conditional use permit (wireless CUP) requires submittal of a wireless CUP application as described in YMC 15.29.050. Wireless CUPs require a public hearing before the hearing examiner and final approval by the hearing examiner. B. Criteria for Granting t ell J,*r- nu-k,1ess Conditional Use Permit. Before any conditional use may be granted, the hearing examiner must find that: 1. The proposed use will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity of the proposed use or in the district in which the subject property is located; 2. The proposed use shall meet or exceed the performance standards that are required in the zoning district the proposed use will occupy; 3. The proposed development shall be compatible generally with the surrounding land uses in terms of traffic and pedestrian circulation, building and site design; 4. The proposed use shall be in keeping with the goals and policies of the comprehensive land use policy plan; and 5. All reasonable and practicable measures have been taken to minimize the possible adverse impacts which the proposed use may have on the area in which it is located. Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS CU- MUNICATION FACILITIES Page 298/315 C. Authority to Impose Conditions. The hearing examiner may impose any conditions necessary to address identified impacts associated with the proposed wireless facility and ensure that the facility is compatible with surrounding development. The hearing examiner may: 1. Increase requirements in the standards, criteria or policies established by this title; 2. Stipulate the exact location as a means of minimizing hazards to life, limb, property damage, erosion, landslides or traffic; 3. Require structural features or equipment essential to serve the same purpose set forth above; 4. Impose conditions similar to those set forth in subsections (C)(2) and (3) of this section as deemed necessary to establish parity with uses permitted in the same zone in their freedom from nuisance generating features in matters of noise, odors, air pollution, wastes, vibration, traffic, physical hazards, and similar matters; provided, the hearing examiner may not, in connection with action on a conditional use permit, reduce the requirements specified by this title as pertaining to any use or otherwise reduce the requirements of this title in matters for which a variance is the remedy provided; 5. Assure that the degree of compatibility with the purpose of this title shall be maintained with respect to the particular use on the particular site and in consideration of other existing and potential uses within the general area in which the use is proposed to be located; 6. Recognize and compensate for variations and degree of technological processes and equipment as related to the factors of noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors, and hazard or public need; and z.m..Requirethe, One. liunclreil 9111ty..:pe-cent-o r tliee.. uwid,:l.to YKIC 15.24,06 0(l1). CIiAs.�egtiii�eiie�ibiapplies whelherspecil valwly._ stale-� tl in the sli i-� ieimi of iiot;; Eli. Conditional Use Permits—Effect of Hearing Examiner Decision. The decision of the hearing examiner on a conditional use permit shall be final and conclusive with right of appeal to the city council in accordance with YMC 16.08.030. (Ord. 2016-029 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord. 2013-051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013). 15.29.110 Wireless height variance. A. Applicability. A i~e4hAlaa m iral)r�s height variance is required for any major modification to an existing tower, antenna, or base station or construction of a new tower, antenna, or base station that requires a height in excess of height limits defined in YMC 15.29.070(2). B. Criteria for Granting Wireless Height Variance. The hearing examiner shall have the authority to grant a variance from the maximum height allowed for a tower, antenna or base station when, in his/her opinion, the conditions as set forth herein have been found to exist. A wireless height variance is subject to: 1. Compliance with standard wireless permit standards of YMC 15.29.120(D); 2. Standard variance procedures in Chapter 15.21 YMC (not including review criteria); and 3. All of the following criteria must be met: a. The additional height is necessary to provide adequate service to,the i{esidents of -the city- and no other alternative is available; b. A significant portion of the tower and related facilities are screened by existing evergreen trees or existing structures; Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS CG—MUNICATION FACILITIES Page 299/315 c. Strict application of current height limits would deprive a tower or antenna operator from achieving the minimum height required to meet the provennnn�:inieali':nn wbi°„@ ss zteed; d. The structure for which the variance is requested is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this chapter; �� ,mt�'inmt��ualbrb lli l l�i°mwc��d Hie acrias%vil w 1he (he proven, fe. That the granting of such variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity; gf. Any visual impacts will be mitigated to the greatest extent possible using camouflage, stealth or screening as defined by this chapter; hg. The location of the tower and antenna has been chosen so as to minimize the visibility of the facility from residentially zoned land and to minimize the obstruction of scenic views from public properties; and ili. The variance is the minimum necessary to grant relief to the applicant. C. Decision. Based upon the information provided by the applicant, the results of the balloon -test and visual impact analysis, and findings of compliance or noncompliance with the criteria set forth herein, the examiner may: 1. Approve an application for a variance, which may include additional requirements above those specified in this title or require modification of the proposal to comply with specified requirements or local conditions; or 2. Deny a variance if the proposal does not meet or cannot be conditioned or modified to meet subsection B of this section. D. Burden of Proof. The applicant has the burden of proving that the proposed wireless height variance meets all of the ulcce�s,s��fy criteria art s�bl ec4��� r � it l'ligg section. (Ord. 2016-029 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord. 2013-051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013). 15.29.120 Application review process. A. Preapplication Meeting. To expedite review of applications, a preapplication meeting with the administrator is strongly encouraged. The preapplication meeting will help the applicant determine what permits may be required for his or her proposed wireless facility, what additional information or studies may help in the review of the application, and what stealth and/or camouflaging techniques might be appropriate for the site. The administrator may help to identify protected areas and may also suggest vantage points from which a visual impact assessment should be based. B. Review for Completeness. The administrator shall review each application for completeness as specified in YMC 5. 9.050 a1nrld, 47 t;FR Scc0�n 11-.609-3.. After review of the application, the administrator shall issue a ,.�n determination of completeness or incompleteness in accordance with Chapter 16.04 YMC. In addition to information required for a complete application, the administrator may request additional information from the applicant to review the proposal and determine compliance with the provisions of this chapter. Except for the timelines specified in subsection C of this section for applications to modify an existing wireless facility or base station or Gln a �rl i�;e�l ion F 1 s f Int t w"'�Fsuch administrative review, processing and lel :na rll ll9 ....,!,� Ic,s 9�tub1'l�cs rn lig issuance of administrative permits shall comply with the city's timelines and procedures governing review and issuance of administrative permits in Chapter 16.04 YMC. C. Modification Permit Review. Applications for modifications to existing wireless facilities or base stations shall be reviewed as follows: 1. Determination of Major or Minor Modification. Within forty-five days of receipt of a complete application for modification, the administrator shall review and issue a written determination as to whether the requested modification is deemed a major or minor modification under the provisions of YMC 15.29.060(A). The administrator may request additional information from the applicant or any other entity to assist in this determination. Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS CC,—MUNICATION Page 300/315 FACILITIES 2. Finding of No Substantial Change—Minor Modification. If the modification is deemed by the administrator to be a minor modification under the provisions of YMC 15.29.060(A), the ..administrator shall issue a modification permit, which may include conditions necessary to achieve compliance with the provisions of this section. Issuance of the modification permit shall occur within forty-five days after receipt and approval of a complete application for a modification permit. 3. Finding of Substantial Change—Major Modification. If the administrator determines that such application constitutes a substantial change to the physical dimensions of an existing wireless tower or base station, the whniiadsfeator shall issue a written determination that the change is a major modification and direct the applicant to submit the appropriate application(s) as specified in Table 29-1 and YMC 15.29.050. D. Standard Wireless Permit Review. Standard wireless applications apply to all new wireless facilities and base stations and to major modification of all existing wireless facilities and base stations. Standard wireless applications shall be reviewed as follows: 1. Administrative Decision. All standard ce4l4ar-wire fla.s,s...applications shall be subject to administrative review and decision unless they require an associated wireless conditional use permit or variance as specified in Table 29-1 or Table 29- l .5. 2. Camouflaging/Stealth Review. laxcep � forq)ro' flI "Jr.less t'acjh0m eq'Vhe administrator shall review the proposed method of camouflaging or stealth against conditions on or surrounding the site as follows: a. The administrator shall consider how proposed design of the tower, placement on the site, topography of and surrounding the site, color, structures on and surrounding the site, and natural features on and surrounding the site help to blend the wireless facility into its setting. b. The administrator may require a visual impact assessment as described in YMC 15.29.130 based upon lines of sight or vantage points identified by the administrator. c. The administrator shall determine if the proposed camouflaging or stealth reasonably integrates the wireless facility into its setting. The administrator may impose conditions to ensure that the facility achieves this objective. 3. Compliance with Standards. The administrator shall review the proposal against all other standards of this chapter including, but not limited to, height, setbacks, color, design, lighting, landscaping, screening, and co - location capacity. If any items are found to be not in compliance, the administrator shall notify the applicant and direct him or her to either submit within two weeks, or other period of time deemed reasonable by the administrator considering the scope and complexity of the required revision, revised plans to address the compliance issue, or direct the administrator to render a decision on the application as submitted. 4. Written Decision. The administrator shall issue a written decision on the application within the time frame specified in Chapter 16.07 YMC, identifying any items not in compliance with this chapter, and including any conditions necessary to achieve compliance. wl flac"'llecis ion slIall iaacl�,�cl��.t:!maxtit���['la �l btalt9�A�t� lte t�afwwra'm� flt i�;sue�l,uo�4al� IiF�aa�acixal se���a it.i� q��o^�r.i.alc��l laa.wat�;a�at ��:b.y MF�,,,1,.5.�?9.f"�d�i(•�tl�l�, 5. Appeals. The determination or decision of the administrator on any application under this chapter shall constitute an administrative decision subject to appeal pursuant to Chapter 16.08 YMC. E. Wireless Conditional Use Permit Review. Wireless conditional use permit applications shall be reviewed as follows: 1. Submittal of Application. An application for a conditional use permit under this chapter shall be submitted to the administrator, who shall review such application for completeness and compliance with filing requirements under this chapter and applicable codes of the city, in accordance with the provisions and procedures of YMC 1.43.090 and YMC Title 16. INDEX w "" V Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS CG—MUNICATION Page 301/315 FACILITIES 2 Bafloon.44,4s and Visual Impact Assessment. The administrator shall instruct the applicant on the requirements for bosh a l It :an tai;+t and visual impact assessment. the I n iii atl" 110 balloon vs,tan(l Crola'w "4ich tlle i11.4w� bated. Both tThe balloon -vest and -visual impact assessment shall be completed prior to the scheduled public hearing. 3. Additional Reports and Third -Party Review. The administrator shall have authority to request additional information and reports from the applicant necessary to facilitate analysis of the proposal, including but not limited to third -party review in accordance with YMC 15.29.140 and reports, surveys and tests as provided in this chapter, when the administrator, in his or her sole discretion, deems such additional information necessary or appropriate to fully assess the impact of the proposal and any reasonable alternatives, to address mitigation measures identified in SEPA, NEPA or other environmental reviews, to address issues of site screening or other measures to mitigate impacts upon the surrounding neighborhood, or to address any other impact to the life, health, safety of persons, or quiet enjoyment of property, identified by the administrator as likely, with reasonable probability, to result from the proposed project. 4. Scheduling for Hearing. Upon the administrator's determination that the application is complete and in compliance with filing requirements of this chapter, and that required balloon tests, visual impact assessments and other required reports have been finalized, the administrator in coordination with the hearing examiner shall be responsible for assigning a date for and assuring due notice of public hearing for each application, which date and notice shall be in accordance with the provisions of YMC Title 16. 5. Hearing Examiner—Procedures—Factors. When considering an application for a conditional use permit, the hearing examiner shall consider the applicable standards, criteria and policies established by this title as they pertain to the proposed use and may impose specific conditions precedent to establishing this use. F. Wireless Height Variance Review. A wireless height variance shall be processed as follows: 1. Procedures and Applicable Criteria. A wireless height variance shall be reviewed under the procedures described in Chapter 15.2 1, except that the hearing examiner shall apply the criteria for review and approval defined in this chapter. 2. B loor+-Tes4s_dmd-Visual Impact Assessment. The administrator shall instruct the applicant on the requirements for both -a ba'l o in &vast and visual impact assessment, may provide inpUt-rtn bt;)tli tlae ti�t�tun�g t l the lt� Nltroaa test-and-6.tte-(ler;ired.vaniabuilnpact..a�* Osonent will,be­ barsed;-,Both the balloon test -and nd N)Y-Oic�h shall be completed prior to the scheduled public hearing. 3. Third -Party Review. Applications for variance may also require third -party review as described in YMC 15.29.140. 4. Hearing Examiner Decision. The hearing examiner shall determine whether the proposed variance complies with the criteria for a variance in YMC 15.29.110, and that the proposed wireless facility complies with all other standards of this chapter. If the examiner finds that the proposal does not comply with the criteria for a variance he shall deny the variance and associated wireless facility. If the examiner finds that the proposal complies with the criteria for a variance and with all other development standards of this chapter, he shall approve the variance and the associated wireless facility. The examiner may impose any conditions necessary to ensure compliance with all standards. (Ord. 2016-029 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord. 2013-051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013). 15.29.130 "loon -tests ----Visual impact assessments. A. ilaalloon "1 est: �laea�e a laallas mrt te�t.ms..a°a�rgaxire¢1, the atl l is a� q s6���16 ..1 rorod tan I.I� a gaaal h�ic NAeat°lath opt the � gal iica�aa��t hola'la-baallo�t lhe all�iaeaattslr�all �tatm°aargett!y..1ly,nttt'aesa,atita raa #nraaaaa�y, masd;a..lrNpy cmal�trnelltalioowlitat is mpr esenta Ci in �ize in l�taa`1ing atl8 t;t� t�aalt�lhs, GN�9t trt�a,ai�r�attat Ita^ig�Nlt attl'tat � 1tM'u l osecl.. towct...lnite laata s (incla�d� a rc�eoaad alate pr t �tsc.a l paa� ar-vus�l illty aaaN tha wanitiatlm la4e1, :i�artrs ¢ oacl la. ation ol"-this.. balloo to t�s6'aa ll e a�aly �tti ,uai Cryti way lrl!rla «tate. a nat-tna aP lataaatea�aaa lays its aaNvaaa e atlat;hte f iw°st teadt a6attc_.iaw at.. Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS CO—MUNICATION Page 302/315 FACILITIES anew,l aapeaP ratl�w amg,eaatta� l up�ctrl �flit��� ars tlaa a y . The applicant shall io9brni the t its, qat tuanes days an -advance, The balk9"Irt- mall-be..hlown 8`iirpit htnars on tlae dateset osen,..At l�TMw��tat�,twa����(�y la�w�� ltt'tts�'�a�sal" td��i� ti tile, sh.allbe on a weeheptd No to condoet.the-balloontea ,t, ­A report with l,�ac,ture fontvaarioosIocatioaas-of the -balloon ihatl-be..p a ited wwth-th applicatioat 111: atos 'o f the" baI(Xan-Its t,fto in"thaee-1oeati(atas lcwa�ate�l �wg�lta�a ua�re�ately tlrtee.t� tctae�.faet lio�aa ttaa laaw of -telae proposed -tower, and' three toettions i) at a;l4.. aapl raasaaaaatety caaa-gtaaatea taaate� li`t',nay...tlte baawa arft�'he propose<] ttawea��haallhre sgahwaa�ottec$ �w�t8t��a two wa�nek atl�° ttmt eoa�w�n�eaac���ateaat aal;.the�-lattllcaaaaa RA. Visual Impact Assessment. A visual impact assessment with photo -simulation of the proposed facility is required for all applications that require a conditional use permit or variance, and may be required by the administrator for any other application deemed necessary by the administrator to assess visual impacts associated with such application. As part of such application, the applicant shall furnish a visual impact assessment, which shall include: 1. Zone of Visibility Map. If a new tower or substantial modification increasing the height of an existing structure is proposed, a computer generated "zone of visibility map" at a minimum of one -mile radius from the proposed structure, wiitti-ari t wilhout lcaH age shall rllityr, be provided to illustrate locations from which the proposed installation may be seen. 2. Photo -Simulations. Pictorial representations of "before and after" (photo -simulations) views from key viewpoints within the zone of visibility. Guidance will be provided, concerning the appropriate key sites at the preapplication meeting, as required. Provide a map showing the locations of where the pictures were taken and distance from the proposed structure. 3. Description of Visual Impact. A written description of the visual impact of the proposed facility including, and as applicable, the tower base, guy wires, fencing and accessory buildings from abutting and adjacent properties and streets as relates to the need or appropriateness of camouflaging. (Ord. 2016-029 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord. 2013-051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013). 15.29.140 Third -party review. Pwsonaat wireless service providers use various methodologies and analyses, including geographically based computer software, to determine the specific technical parameters of their wire less ._services and la�wv l,ar vc�� taaol�tlt� radio"erv-iee-facilities, such as expected coverage area, antenna configuration, topographic constraints that affect signal paths, etc. In certain instances, a third -party expert may need to review the technical data submitted by a provider. The city may require a technical review as part of a permitting process for a variance or conditional use permit. The costs of the technical review shall be borne by the provider. The selection of the third -party expert may be by mutual agreement between the provider and the city, or, at the discretion of the city, with a provision for the provider and interested parties to comment on the proposed expert and review its qualifications. The expert review is intended to address interference and public safety issues and be a site- specific review of technical aspects of the facilities or a review of the providers' methodology and equipment used and not a subjective review of the site that was selected by a provider. Based on the results of the expert review, the city may require changes to the provider's application. The expert review shall address the following: 1. The accuracy and completeness of submissions; 2. The applicability of analysis techniques and methodologies; 3. The validity of conclusions reached; and 4. Any specific technical issues designated by the city. (Ord. 2016-029 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord. 2013- 051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013). 15.29.150 Nonuse/abandonment. A. Notice of Abandonment. No less than thirty days prior to the date that a ural v is les^r service -provider plans to abandon or discontinue operation of a facility, the provider must notify the city of Yakima by certified U.S. mail of the proposed date of abandonment or discontinuation of operation. In the event that a lic-ensed earrierl1rov d..e.r fails to give notice, the facility shall be considered abandoned upon the city's discovery of DOC. IMD� Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS IX.—MUNICATION FACILITIES Page 303/315 discontinuation of operation. Upon such abandonment, the provider shall have sixty days or additional period of time determined in the reasonable discretion of the city within which to: 1. Reactivate the use of the facility or transfer the facility to another provider who makes actual use of the facility; or 2. In the event that abandonment as defined in this chapter occurs due to relocation of an antenna at a lower point on the antenna support structure, reduction in the effective radiated power of the antenna or reduction in the number of transmissions from the antennas, the operator of the tower shall have six months from the date of effective abandonment to co -locate another service on the tower. If another service provider is not added to the tower, then the operator shall promptly dismantle and remove the portion of the tower that exceeds the minimum height required to function satisfactorily. Notwithstanding the foregoing, changes which are made to pew, f.wireless facilities which do not diminish their essential role in providing a total system shall not constitute abandonment. However, in the event that there is a physical reduction in height of substantially all of the provider's towers in the city or surrounding area then all of the towers within the city shall similarly be reduced in heightL- 3. Dismantle and Remove Facility. If the tower, antenna, foundation, and facility are not removed within the sixty-day time period or additional period of time allowed by the city, the city may remove such tower, antenna, foundation, and related facility at the provider's expense. If there are two or more providers co - locating on a facility, except as provided for in subsection (A)(2) of this section, this provision shall not become effective until all providers cease using the facility, 1., l..... ae r,a�wal,.N.,tell &r� .�,.. .sw�n.�ial.l..; cell, ta,mi tww_ �t �wnal/w�� p �w�rm�wval a•�t"�V celN racilwty, tlie pwaavtzlgw (rt11 be-responsiblew;1<aw all ,osts ��l`„rewi - al4h.q lul lller�l � 4w r t13 aluNNly l wrt,t(aa a, wl... l��u_www�wgtN iSA40wwt tai„1„l, a w � 1w9- a4 vwa' �ws .a awl 111;kwa berwwa_aval w9wty N,aww ail al witl!a�irw 1;; area timaIN cell ws la.l,e.ss ..pptes swil be wwmovad1�w01t ofli„a.m,Pv��y uSe l�rq�gi ,,��.. YMC_ 2Q <arrd/ora rrgrecment.���.lavw.wulw,lh l�awovlde �awmad,01a 6,tty;: B. Expiration of Approval. At the earlier of sixty days from the date of abandonment without reactivating or upon completion of dismantling and removal, city approval for the facility shall automatically expire. (Ord. 2016-029 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord. 2013-051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013). 15.29.160 Transfer of ownership. A conditional use permit runs with the land; compliance with the conditions of any such permit is the responsibility of the current owner of the property, whether that is the applicant or a successor. No permit for which a financial security is required shall be considered valid during any time in which the required financial security is not posted. (Ord. 2016-029 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord. 2013-051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013). 15.29.170 Vacation of permits. A. Any permit issued pursuant to this chapter may be vacated upon approval by the current landowner; provided, that: 1. The use authorized by the permit does not exist and is not actively being pursued; or 2. The use has been terminated and no violation of terms and conditions of the permit exists. B. Requests to vacate a permit shall be made in writing to the zoning code administrator who shall determine if the above conditions are present prior to authorizing the vacation. Vacation of any permit shall be documented by the filing of a notice of land use permit vacation on a form provided by the community development department with the city. (Ord. 2016-029 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord. 2013-051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013). 15.29.180 Violation—Penalty. Compliance with the requirements of this code shall be mandatory. Any violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be a misdemeanor subject to the penalties and remedies established in YMC 6.02.050. Additionally, any Chapter 15.29 WIRELESS CU- MUNICATION FACILITIES Page 304/315 violation of the provisions of this chapter, and any installation and/or operation of any structure in violation of the provisions of this chapter, shall be deemed a public nuisance and violation subject to penalties and remedies available under state law and city codes. The enforcement actions authorized under this code shall be supplemental to those general penalties and remedies of Chapter 6.02 YMC and the public nuisance penalties and remedies available under state law and city codes. (Ord. 2016-029 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord. 2013-051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013). 15.29.190 Relief, waiver, exemption. Any applicant desiring relief, waiver or exemption from any aspect or requirement of this chapter may request such, pursuant to and in compliance with the applicable provision on general variances as contained in Chapter 15.21 YMC; provided, that the relief or exemption is contained in the submitted application for permit or, in the case of an existing or previously granted permit, a request for modification of its tower and/or facilities. Such relief may be temporary or permanent, partial or complete. No such relief or exemption shall be approved unless the applicant demonstrates by clear and convincing evidence that, if granted, the relief, waiver or exemption will have no significant effect on the health, safety and welfare of the city, its residents and other service providers. (Ord. 2016- 029 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord. 2013-051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013). 15.29.200 Severability. a. If any word, phrase, sentence, part, section, subsection, or other portion of this chapter or any application thereof to any person or circumstance is declared void, unconstitutional, or invalid for any reason, then such word, phrase, sentence, part, section, subsection, or other portion, or the proscribed application thereof, shall be severable, and the remaining provisions of this chapter, and all applications thereof, not having been declared void, unconstitutional, or invalid shall remain in full force and effect. b. Any permit issued under this chapter shall be comprehensive and not severable. If part of a permit is deemed or ruled to be invalid or unenforceable in any material respect by a competent authority, or is overturned by a competent authority, the permit shall be void in total, upon determination by the city. (Ord. 2016-029 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2016: Ord. 2013-051 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2013. DOC. INDEX CITY PLANNING — WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES (YMC CH. 15.29) TXT#002-19 & SEPA#026-19 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER D Public Comments A/IL, Washington CA# Department of Transportation July 11, 2019 City of Yakima Planning Department 129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor Yakima, WA 98901 Attention: Subject: Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager South Central Region 2809 Raaidl4 nIRo-ad Union Gap, WA 988908-1646 BB9 fl BT68 D 5 T7 11600 X1 FA58$5ffi4 Rr87.11603 IC wvvar.wsdo vua g ov^ Amend Yakima Municipal Code, Text#002-19 and SEPA#026-19, YMC Chapter 15.29 Wireless Communication Facilities RECEIVED JUL 15 2019 CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING DIV We have reviewed the proposed municipal code changes regarding wireless communication facilities and have the following comments. As a public safety agency, WSDOT assists with the response to emergencies in which life and property are threatened. Some communications facilities operate at frequencies that interfere with our radio system. Because of this, there is the potential for reception problems for our mobiles operating in those areas. To prevent potential interference between the two systems, we suggest adding development standards to require subsequent proponents of new facilities or co -location near (within 500 feet) the Interstate 82, US Highway 12 and State Route 24 corridors to complete cooperative testing with the WSDOT to identify any problems that may be corrected through the installation of specific protective or interference devices. The applicants should contact Walt Hoffman of the WSDOT - South Central Region Office at (509) 577-1980 to discuss any potential interference and coordinate any testing. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this proposal. If you have any questions regarding our comments, please contact John Gruber at (509) 577-1636. Sincerely, i1 Gonseth, P.E. Planning Engineer PG: jg/df cc: Kara Shute, WSDOT Area 3 Maintenance Superintendent Walt Hoffman, WSDOT Senior Telecommunications Specialist P:\459005\Comp Plans\Yakima County\YakCity wirelessCode.docx CITY PLANNING — WIIELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES (YMC CSI. 15.29) TXT#002-19 & SEPA#026-19 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER E Public Notices DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Joan Davenport, AICP, Director H Y � � � Planning Division Joseph Calhoun, Manager 129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning City of Yakima Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING City Hall Council Chambers Wednesday July 24, 2019 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. YPC Members: Chairwoman Patricia Byers, Vice -Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Al Rose, Bill Cook, Robert McCormick, Leanne Hughes -Mickel, and Philip Ostriem Council Liaison: Dulce Gutierrez (District 1) C"ity'Planning Smtaff: Joan Davenport (Community Development Director), Rosalinda Ibarra (Community Development Administrative Assistant), Joseph Calhoun (Planning Manager), Eric Crowell (Associate Planner), Trevor Martin (Associate Planner), Colleda Monick (Community Development Specialist), and Lisa Maxey (Planning Technician) AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Staff Announcements IV. Audience Participation (for items not listed on the agenda) V. Approval of Meeting Minutes of July 10, 2019 VI. Public Hearing - Rezone Applicant: Gary Delaney File Numbers: RZ#005-19 & SEPA#018-19 Site Address: 1414 S 2nd Ave Request: Proposal to rezone a 0.11 -acre parcel from Two -Family Residential (R-2) to Small Convenience Center (SCC). VII. Public Hearing - Text Amendments Applicant: City of Yakima Planning Division File Numbers: TXT#002-19 & SEPA#026-19 Request: Amendments to the City of Yakima's Municipal Code Title 15 Chapter 15.29 Wireless Communications Facilities to update definitions for consistency with FCC regulations, include process and procedure for small wireless facilities, and remove outdated and non -existing processes. lamr acketavailable online lilt wnrWW.y�m �ar al i�r tit,mr a lati)lilal�l) m11 -tower - J2 P amend entsD VIII. Discussion on Potential Text Amendments • Affordable Housing IX. Other Business X. Adjourn Next Meeting: July 24, 2019 YPC Staff Report & Packet Distribution List City Planning — Wireless Communications Facilities (YMC Ch. 15.29) TXT#002-19 & SEPA#026-19 YPC PACKET: Patricia Byers atbyers07(ftisn.cN Rob McCormick rob@ mccormickaircenter.cowm Philip Ostriem Philipo:q.q�mail.com AGENDA & STAFF REPORT ONLY: Al Rose SiIKEf 0 bmi.net aar7040 mail.com Jake Liddicoat jsiw �.1dy inia.coryi Date Distributed: Bill Cook C ok.,N r cf art r.n Leanne Hughes -Mickel lea nn,c wniicke me.com AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON CITY OF YAKIMA RE: TXT#002-19 & SEPA#026-19 Planning Wireless Communications om.. munications Facilities YMC Ch 15.29 N/A I, Lisa Maxey, as an employee of the City of Yakima Planning Division, have dispatched through the United States Mails, a Notice of Application, Environmental Review, Public Hearing, and Preliminary Determination of Non -Significance (DNS); a true and correct copy of which is enclosed herewith; that said notice was addressed to SEPA reviewing agencies; that said parties are individually listed on the mailing list retained by the Planning Division, and that said notices were mailed by me on the 28th day of June, 2019. That I mailed said notices in the manner herein set forth and that all of the statements made herein are just and true. Lisa Maxey Planning Technician Ahtanum Irrigation District Beth Ann Brulotte, Executive Assistant 10705-B Gilbert Road Yakima, WA 98903-9203 btl�h�lahtanaar��.r�c�t, Charter Communications Kevin Chilcote 1005 North 16th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 Department of Agriculture Kelly McLain PO Box 42560 Olympia, WA 98504 kmclaig)@apf,.wa.gov Department of Ecology Annie Szvetecz, SEPA Policy Lead P.O. Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 sepAr litgrn eco wa ggy s atainit icy wy rru lir."a yR61itt@-t Department of Fish and Wildlife SEPA Desk PO Box 43200 Olympia, WA 98504 SFP dei as LfW.i 4A. Department of Social & Health Services Robert Hubenthal Office of Capital Programs P.O. Box 45848 Olympia, WA 98504 Robert,Hubc nthaN adshs yr „pkv Engineering Division Bob Desgrosellier 129 N 2nd Street Yakima, WA 98901 obwrl�;gross� �isf�?vla�iro��rw.cav Nob Hill Water Association Bob Irving, Engineering Technician 6111 Tieton Drive Yakima, WA 98908 I§ob" q§hi Iww� trn rg Parks & Recreation Commission Jessica Logan PO Box 42560 Olympia, WA 98504 J.ssaca,Imn �". l2 rks Wv United States Postal Service Maintenance Department 205 W Washington Ave Yakima, WA 98903 Cascade Natural Gas 8113 W Grandridge Blvd Kennewick, WA 99336 City of Union Gap Dennis Henne, Development Director P.O. Box 3008 Union Gap, WA 98903 'Dennis,h wr.m. @� jniongyp Dept of Archaeology & Historic Preservation 1063 S Capitol Way, Ste 106 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 Se A@dais . .gqv Department of Ecology Gwen Clear, Regional Coordinator 1250 West Alder Street Union Gap, WA 98903 eras c�aor�d— t f@�t��: Department of Health Kelly Cooper PO Box 47820 Olympia, WA 98504 Kell c oomn@dp;l"a.yr v Environmental Protection Agency NEPA Review Unit 1200 6th Ave #155 Seattle, WA 98101 Federal Aviation Administration 2200 W. Washington Ave Yakima, WA 98903 Office of Rural and Farm Worker Housing Marty Miller 1400 Summitview Ave, Ste# 203 Yakima, WA 98902 Martym2@orfh.org Soil Conservation District Ray Wondercheck 1606 Perry Street, Ste. F Yakima, WA 98902 US Army Corps of Engineers Seattle District, Regulatory Branch P.O. Box 3755 Seattle, WA 98124-3755 day dj,rnoor ausac, arr ry,,,M Century Link Manager 8 South 2nd Ave, Rm#304 Yakima, WA 98902 Chamber of Commerce 10 North 9th Street Yakima, WA 98901 charnb!.r:� ya ka a mr:.:prg Department of Commerce Review Team 1011 Plum St SE Olympia, WA 98504-3172 reviewteaM coLnrne(Kpwa. qy Department of Fish and Wildlife Eric Bartrand 1701 South 24th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 k: ric.�i'rr�r.aa-l��r��av wa:t+2y: Scott.Deruvn�s�w wv�m�rs,v Department of Natural Resources SEPA Center PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504 se pacen'C'erdn€:,,vu�ac),y Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council -EFSEC Stephen Posner, SEPA Officer PO Box 43172 Olympia, WA 98504-3172 vosinoprwatt wa.go.y: Governor's Office of Indian Affairs PO Box 40909 Olympia, WA 98504 Pacific Power Mike Paulson 500 North Keys Rd Yakima, WA 98901 Trolleys Paul Edmondson 313 North 3rd Street Yakima, WA 98901 WA State Attorney General's Office 1433 Lakeside Court, 'Ste# 102 Yakima, WA 98902 WA State Dept of Health, Office of Drinking Water Wastewater Division West Valley School District Jamie Gardipe Marc Cawley or Dana Kallevig Angela Watts, Asst. Supt. Of Business & 16201 E Indiana Ave, Ste# 1500 2220 East Viola Ave Operations Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Yakima, WA 98901 8902 Zier Road SE,P&reviewkeanq (N wol..x9y marc.caw le @ygkinjawa.gov Yakima, WA 98908-9299 lqmi a d pg,@ ..........9a --fty 11 vi klrna gNY ........... WSDOT WSDOT, Aviation Division Paul Gonseth, Planning Engineer WSDOT Patrick Wright 2809 Rudkin Road South Central Regionl Planning Office 7702 Terminal St SW Union Gap, WA 98903 SCRlag @A4qt,.WgM Turnwater, WA 98501 4P htPCo)wsdot,wa,p-ov Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs Yakama Nation Environmental Mgmt Program . . . . . ............ Yakama-Klickitat Fisheries Project Rocco Clark, Environmental Coordinator Elizabeth Sanchey, Environmental Review John Marvin P.O. Box 632 Coordinator 760 Pence Road Toppenish, WA 98948 P.O. Box 151 Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakima, WA 98909 RoccmcIaLK@f11a.,,g, -- --------- - - - e ancls y - - — ---------- r vin@yakam, iLim acorn Yakima Air Terminal Yakima County Building Department Robert Peterson, Airport Asst Manager Harold Maclean 2400 West Washington Ave 128 North 2nd Street, 41h Floor Yakima County Commissioners Yakima, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98901 (,ommissioneri.vveb c,o.yakirvia.w.a...us, Eqbgr!,lqgt,erson@y jfflAWggqv Harold,Maclean�co,Vakima.wa.us . ......... Yakima County Health District . . . ........................... - - — Yakima County Flood Control District - - - -------------------- - Yakima County Planning Ryan lbach, Director of Environmental Health Terry Keenhan & Dianna Woods Lynn Deitrick & Jason Earles 1210 Ahtanum Ridge Dr Ste#200 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor Union Gap, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98901 y1Ldj2cq.y_akirna.wq.uA Ter Keenh g2Spj.�Iki,qlaa)g,2 q§ LyAq.PgNt(iqkC ,y4m ima,wa,us [yiMJii1"C1ij2cojy@k Lmi wa.us Dianna,Wc (L M �Lkjrnj.w@�us ..PL (M -Y ............ _@k0m.W8AIS - ------------------ Yakima County Public Services Yakima Greenway Foundation Yakama Indian Nation Lisa Freund, Public Services Director Kellie Connaughton, Executive Director Johnson Meninick, Cultural Resources 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor 111 South 18th Street Program Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98901 P.O. Box 151 lisa.freund@p1lie Soyqi Y58i PgLP-nA'-1y-,0-rg Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakama Indian ......... Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency ... Yakama Indian Nation Hasan Tahat, Compliance, Engineering & Yakima School District Ruth Jim, Yakima Tribal Council Planning Division Supervisor Dr. Jack Irion, Superintendent P.O. Box 151 186 Iron Horse Ct # 101 104 North 4th Ave Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 ba—san yrcaa.org Yakima School District Yakima-Tieton irrigation District Yakima Valley Canal Co Scott Izutsu , Associate Superintendent Sandra Hull Robert Smoot 104 N 4th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 470 Camp 4 Rd 1640 Garretson Lane n:L )Qjs:M Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima Valley Conference of Governments .......... Yakima Valley Museum Yakima Waste Systems Mike Shuttleworth, Planning Manager Peter Arnold, Executive Director Keith Kovalenko, District Manager 311 North 4th Street, Ste# 202 2105 Tieto n Drive 2812 1/2 Terrace Heights Dr. Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98901 M9ke.shujfleyuLet 0"dt1 5'g-U'1).tQ'rP. keithk wasteconnections,com 00C. I N D EX Ahtanum Irrigation District Cascade Natural Gas Century Link Beth Ann Brulotte, Executive Assistant Manager 10705-B Gilbert Road 8113 W Grandridge Blvd 8 South 2nd Ave, Rm#304 Yakima, WA 98903 Kennewick, WA 99336 Yakima, WA 98902 Charter Communications City of Union Gap Department of Agriculture Kevin Chilcote Dennis Henne, Development Director Kelly McLain 1005 North 16th Ave P.O. Box 3008 P.O. Box 42560 Yakima, WA 98902 Union Gap, WA 98903 Olympia, WA 98504 Environmental Protection Agency NEPA Review Unit Federal Aviation Administration Governor's Office of Indian Affairs 1200 6th Ave #155 2200 W. Washington Ave PO Box 40909 Seattle, WA 98101 Yakima, WA 98903 Olympia, WA 98504 Pacific Power Soil Conservation District Trolleys Mike Paulson Ray Wondercheck Paul Edmondson 500 North Keys Rd 1606 Perry Street, Ste. F 313 North 3rd Street Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98901 United States Postal Service US Army Corps of Engineers Maintenance Deptartment Seattle District WA State Attorney General's Office 205 W Washington Ave Regulatory Branch 1433 Lakeside Court, Ste# 102 Yakima, WA 98903 P.O. Box 3755 Yakima, WA 98902 Seattle, WA 98124-3755 Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs Yakama Indian Nation Yakama Indian Nation Superintendent Johnson Meninick, Cultural Resources Ruth Jim, Yakima Tribal Council P.O. Box 632 Program P.O. Box 151 Toppenish, WA 98948 P.O. Box 151 P.O. Box1 Toppenish, WA 98948 98948 TopYakima School District Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Yakima Valley Canal Co Dr. Jack Irion, Superintendent Sandra Hull Robert Smoot 104 North 4th Ave 470 Camp 4 Rd 1640 Garretson Lane Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98908 \\Apollo\Shared\Planning\Assignments-Planning\LABELS and FORMS\SEPA REVIEWING AGENCIES _updated 06.12.19 -Form List.docx Type of Notice: W OfAiWj.WA , File Number: ZSCM *026-& Date of Mailing: Parties of Record - City Planning - Wireless Communications Facilities - i XT#002-19 & SEPA#026-19 . ................ ....................... Greggory Busch Monique Sanchez Chris Baidenmann ljcggg, bwla Iry reJ, -cs v Ocysm Mc)Ikjt ei'm atin -'sN) _Hq_ jnqtreA0%t[�,, gdj�ater. clyis.baid i @wirel es - - --­­­------------ - --- cQm- Jason Verduzco Meridee Pabst Kim Allen <,t atlrA l+ JlzC I Meridee.pa Q.,NyineLs.5MIL _ ii'e1,qsspolky&call, . .......... . ......... . ...... In -House Distribution E-mail List Revised 04/2019 Division E-mail Address Carolyn Belles _,' Code Administration Caroly. C . .......... Glenn Denman Code Administrationary ........... ....... Joe Caruso Code Administration Jac .CMp�ig(,abygkiTnawa,Vtty 'joll I Z 11,YL V John Zabell Code Administration abell i� IWILI V111 Kelli Horton Code AdministrationPPmmmmm Kelle .11ortoliyi h a a -n- �y 00y . ........... -Linda Rossignol .......... Code Administration lAida.Rossigil a)y,1k41lawa.&qv - — ._--------------------------------- Pedro Contreras Code AdministrationPedro.(Qn Lie Suzanne DeBusschere Code Administration Vick DeOchoa Code Administration Vlark . Qe,(),g,!jpa i i ii a Wa go v .............. Joan Davenport Community Development I Rosalinda lbarra Community Development Gi4l �in 4 1 )arra a)ygk y Bob Des, grosellier Engineering - . . .... ...... Danm RiddleEn..._.. ngi ne eri ng _15i;n.,R, . ... . ....... m. T yler Witthuhn Eng in eering Tv I e r.Wildiuli ii , mt qvomy Pat Reid Fire Pat,Re. Jeff Cutter Legal ---------- -- __§a_r_a W"',-a"'t—kins -E-e- g--a--i .................. . . . ...... . .. Vigra ttrJLL " ] Archie Matthews I ONDS Arclfle.Mattlm� ikinlammgy ..... ..... . ...... . ..... Joseph Calhoun Planning 110.40(tv, yAtaumazov . ........... '_�_Ianni_ng _y Lisa Maxey Lisa.Maxe @ykiki!RgWa�.,q --y -S—cottSchafer Public Woi�k_s'­ coit S c 11aI`cQbyA1j',j 1PA%ya &)v Loretta Zan�archi . . —Refuse ­ - - - -------- . . . . ........... Lor it ow andy Layman Refuse aWagoy Gregory Story Transit tLrcwry,$�Lory(RYAU!na)y ",my James —Utilities . . . ... .................... Jasnes.Deaj W ­­­­­­­­­ ------- ilia a ga .. . . . . . ......... Dana Kallevig Wastewater j)ana.KallcVjg@,y,q�i 1111W ""Ov __kan_dyMeio­y . . . . .... .......... Wastewater Dave Brown Water/Irrigation I Mike Shane Water/Irrigation Mik ,S iai c - — ------- — . ........ ...... Outside Distribution Revised 02/2019 .............................ww� Name Address Included In Mailing? _Pa�ihc`Power—Estimatg-De"par"t-ment . . . . . . .. . . ................. _500 N —Keys Rd ­,Y_ a­kim_a,­WA_9 89,0"1 . ............ [A�Vubdivlsion notices ONLYinE] Yes VNo . ..... ............................. --------------------- Type of Notice: of f w4f IbMm � 06///�v D/V13 File Number: Date of Mailing: Doc INDEX # E-1 Maxey, Lisa From: Maxey, Lisa Sent: Friday, June 28, 2019 8:21 AM To: Belles, Carolyn; Brown, David; Calhoun, Joseph; Caruso, Joe; Contreras, Pedro; Cutter, Jeff; Davenport, Joan; Dean, James; DeBusschere, Suzanne; Denman, Glenn; DeOchoa, Vick; Desgrosellier, Bob; Horton, Kelli; Ibarra, Rosalinda; Kallevig, Dana; Layman, Randy; Matthews, Archie; Maxey, Lisa; Meloy, Randy; Reid, Patrick; Riddle, Dan; Rossignol, Linda; Schafer, Scott; Shane, Mike; Story, Gregory; Watkins, Sara; Witthuhn, Tyler; Zabell, John; Zammarchi, Loretta; Ahtanum Irrigation District - Beth Ann Brulotte; Cawley, Marc; Chamber of Commerce; Department of Agriculture; Department of Commerce (CTED) - Review Team; Department of Ecology; Department of Ecology - Lori White; Department of Ecology - SEPA Register; Department of Ecology -CRO Coordinator; Department of Fish and Wildlife; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Eric Bartrand; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Scott Downes; Department of Natural Resources; Dept of Social & Health Svcs - Robert Hubenthal; Dept. Archaeology & Historic Preservation - SEPA Review; Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council - Stephen Posner; Henne, Dennis; Nob Hill Water - Bob Irving; Office of Rural & Farmworker Housing - Marty Miller; Peterson, Robert; Scott Izutsu - Yakima School District; US Army Corps of Engineers - David Moore; WA State Dept of Health, Office of Drinking Water; WA State Dept of Health, Office of Drinking Water; WA State Parks & Recreation Commission; West Valley School District - Angela Watts; WSDOT - Paul Gonseth; WSDOT - South Central Regional Planning Office; WSDOT Aviation - Patrick Wright; Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs - Rocco Clark; Yakama Nation Environmental Management Program - Elizabeth Sanchey; Yakama- Klickitat Fisheries - John Marvin; Yakima County Building Official - Harold Maclean; Yakima County Commissioners; Yakima County Flood Control District - Dianna Woods; Yakima County Flood Control District - Terry Keenhan; Yakima County Health District; Yakima County Health District - Ryan Ibach; Yakima County Planning - Zoning/Sub - Jason Earles; Yakima County Planning Director - Lynn Deitrick; Yakima County Public Svcs Director, Lisa Freund; Yakima Greenway Foundation - Kellie Connaughton; Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency - Hasan Tahat; Yakima Valley Conference of Governments - Mike Shuttleworth; Yakima Valley Museum - Peter Arnold; Yakima Waste Systems - Keith Kovalenko; Associated Press; Brown, Michael; Davido, Sean; EI Mundo; EI Sol de Yakima; Fannin, John; Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; KAPP TV News; KBBO-KRSE Radio - manager; KDNA Noticias; KDNA Radio - Francisco Rios; KEPR TV News; KIMA TV News; KIT News; KIT/KATS/DMVW/KFFM - Lance Tormey; KNDO TV News; KNDU TV News; KUNW-TV Univision; KVEW TV News; La Casa Hogar; La Voz; Lozano, Bonnie; NWCN News; NWPR - Anna King; Randy Luvaas - Yakima Business Times; RCDR - Maria DJ Rodriguez; Reed C. Pell; Tu Decides; Tu Decides - Albert Torres; Yakima Herald Republic - Mai Hoang; Yakima Herald Republic Newspaper; Yakima Valley Business Times; YPAC - Randy Beehler; Al Rose; Alfred A. Rose (silvrfx40@bmi.net); Gutierrez, Dulce; Jacob Liddicoat; Leanne Hughes -Mickel; Patricia Byers; Philip Ostriem; Rob McCormick; William Cook (cook.w@charter.net) Cc: Calhoun, Joseph Subject: Notice of Application, SEPA, Public Hearing & Preliminary DNS - Wireless Communications Facilities - TXT#002-19 SEPA#026-19 Attachments: NOTICE OF APP, SEPA, HEARING & PRELIMINARY DNS -Wireless Comm Facilitie.... pdf Attached is a Notice of Application, SEPA Environmental Review, Public Hearing, and Preliminary Determination of Non -Significance (DNS) regarding the above -entitled project. If you have any questions about ®0C. iINDEX this proposal, please contact assigned planner ioseoh.calhounOwakimawa.00v. Thank you! Joseph Calhoun at (509) 5io-6042 or email to: Lisa Maxey Planning Technician City of Yakima Planning Division p: 509.576.6669 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, Washington, 98901 INDEX ZKLh ll" WE TELL YOUR STORIES - ■ • • • • This is the proof of your ad scheduled to run on the dates indicated below. Please proof read notice carefully to check spelling and run dates, if you need to make changes Account #: 110358 Company Name: CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING Contact: ROSALINDA IBARRA,AP Address: 129 N 2ND STREET YAKIMA, WA 98901-2720 Telephone: (509)575-6164 Fax: Account Rep: Simon Sizer Phone # (509) 577-7740 Email: ssizer@yakimaherald.com Ad ID: 893533 Start: 06/28/19 Stop: 06/28/19 Total Cost: $219.00 Lines: 120.0 # of Inserts: 1 Ad Class: 6021 Yakima Herald -Republic 06/28/19 CITY OF YAKIMA NOTICE OF APPLICATION, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW, AND PUBLIC HEARING DATE: 6/26/19; FROM: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director; APPLICANT: City of Yakima Plan- ning Division (129 N 2nd St, Yakima, WA 98901); FILE: TXT#002-19, SEPA#026-19; LOCATION: City -Wide; TAX PARCEL NUMBER(S): N/A; PROJECT DESCRIPTION Text Changes to YMC Ch. 15.29 — Wireless Communication Facilities; NTI E OF ENVIRONMENTAL REVIIc''N This is to notify all the public and private agencies with jurisdiction and environmental expertise that the City of Yakima Planning Division has been established as the lead agency, pursuant to the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the above stated project. The City of Yakima is issuing a Preliminary Determination of Non- Significance (DNS) on this project. WAC 197-11-340 is being used. The fol- lowing conditions have been identified that may be used to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts of the proposal: No impacts identified. Required Permits—The following local, state and federal permits/approvals are needed for the proposed project: None. Required Studies: None Exist- ing Environmental Documents: Comprehensive Plan 2040 - Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (6/13/17). Preliminary determination of the development regulations that will be used for project mitigation and consistency: Future projects will require compliance with the International Building Code, City of Yakima Urban Area Zon- ing Ordinance, City of Yakima Comprehensive Plan and City of Yakima Title 12 Development Standards. REQUEST FOR WRITTEN QMMENT%AND NOTICE OF PU1_3LIC HEAR- ING The public is encouraged to review and comment on the proposed application. Written comments may be submitted prior to or at the public hearing. The public hearing before the City of Yakima Planning Commission has been scheduled for 7/24/19, beginning at 3:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 129 N 2nd St. Yakima, WA. Any person desiring to express their views on this matter is invited to attend the public hearing or to submit their written comments to: City of Yakima, Planning Division, 129 N 2nd St., Yakima, WA 98901. A separate public notice will be provided for the public hearing before the Yakima City Council. You can mail your comments to: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Devel- opment Director, City of Yakima, Department of Com- munity Development, 129 N. 2nd St; Yakima, WA 98901. N DQE OF R�Er MMENDATION Following the public hear- ing, the YPC will issue its recommendation within 10 business days. When available, a copy of the recommendation will be mailed to parties of record once it is rendered. The file con- taining the complete application is available for public review at the City of Yakima Planning Division, 2nd floor City Hall, 129 N 2nd St, Yakima, WA, and online at https://www.vaki- mawa gpvfservices/ I nningL2019-cell-tower- mendments/ If you have any question on this proposal, please call Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager, at (509) 575-6042 or e-mail to: jgseph.a9ha_an ykimawa.g ay. (893533) June 28, 2019 Courtesy of Yakima Herald -Republic INDEX CITY OF YAKIMA NOTICE OF APPLICATION, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW, AND PUBLIC HEARING DATE: 6/26119; FROM: Joan Davenport, AICA', Community Development Director; APPLICANT: City of Yakima Plan- ning Division (129 N 2nd St, Yakima, WA 98901); FILE: TXT##002-19, SEP0026.19„ LOCATION: City -Wide; TAX PARCEL NUMBERISI! N/As Pnn,.t r T ri=QrmiDTm^hi munit De el+opment, f 29 N. ndSf, ya Irna, WA 9890t I OfO O _ Following the public hear- ing, the YPC will Issue Its recommendation within 10 business days. When available, a copy of the recommendation will be mailed to parties of record once it is rendered. The file con- taining the complete application Is available for public review at the City of Yklma Planning Division, 2nd floor City Hall, 129 N 2nd St, Yakima, WA, and online at t]Ltps. Iry. dl you have any question on this proposal, please call Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager, at (509) 575-6042 or e-mail to. (893533) June 28, 2019 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELuPMENT N a a ILJoan Davenport, AICP, Director Planning Division Y OF YAKWAJoseph Calhoun, Manager anning 129 North Second Street, 2"1 Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning NOTICE OF APPLICATION, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW, AND PUBLIC HEARING DATE: June 28, 2019 TO: SEPA Reviewing Agencies, Applicant, and Adjoining Property Owners FROM: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director APPLICANT: City of Yakima Planning Division (129 N 2nd St, Yakima, WA 98901) FILE NUMBER: TXT#002-19 and SEPA#026-19 LOCATION: City -Wide TAX PARCEL NUMBER(S): N/A DATE OF APPLICATION: June 24, 2019 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Text Changes to YMC Ch. 15.29 — Wireless Communication Facilities. NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This is to notify all the public and private agencies with jurisdiction and environmental expertise that the City of Yakima Planning Division has been established as the lead agency, pursuant to the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for the above stated project. The City of Yakima is issuing a Preliminary Determination of Non- Significance (DNS) on this project. WAC 197-11-340 is being used. The following conditions have been identified that may be used to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts of the proposal: No impacts identified. Required Permits — The following local, state and federal permits/approvals are needed for the proposed project: None. Required Studies: None Existing Environmental Documents: Comprehensive Plan 2040 - Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (June 13, 2017) Preliminary determination of the development regulations that will be used for project mitigation and consistency: Future projects will require compliance with the International Building Code, City of Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance, City of Yakima Comprehensive Plan and City of Yakima Title 12 Development Standards. REQUEST FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The public is encouraged to review and comment on the proposed application. Written comments may be submitted prior to or at the public hearing. The public hearing before the City of Yakima Planning Commission has been scheduled for Wednesday July 24, 2019, beginning at 3:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 129 N 2nd Street, Yakima, WA. Any person desiring to express their views on this matter is invited to attend the public hearing or to submit their written comments to: City of Yakima, Planning Division, 129 N 2nd St., Yakima, WA 98901. A separate public notice will be provided for the public hearing before the Yakima City Council. You can mail your comments to: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director City of Yakima, Department of Community Development 129 N. 2nd St; Yakima, WA 98901 NOTICE OF RECOMMENDATION Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission will issue its recommendation within ten (10) business days. When available, a copy of the recommendation will be mailed to parties of record and entities who were provided this notice once it is rendered. The file containing the complete application is available for public review at the City of Yakima Planning Division, 2nd floor City Hall, 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, Washington, and online at htt s //w v ql rraar a, ovJservoceslpi anrlin /2019 -cell -tower -amendments/ If you have any question on this proposal, please call Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager, at (509) 575- 6042 or email to: ligs�:. calhouna-akimawa. g . Yakima (I 210 INDEX 1994 DEP/' �TMENTO DE DESARROLLO COMT "TITARIO Joan i- venport, AICP, Directora Division de Planificacion Joseph Calhoun, Gerente "F YAKWA 129 Norte Calle 2a, 2° Piso, Yakima, WA 98901 P an�ning ask.planning@yakimawa.gov rs° Yyah�rrl��vawg, vls;rvic s/ lan�un AVISO DE APLICACION, REVISION AMBIENTAL, Y AUDIENCIA PUBLICA EI Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario de la Ciudad de Yakima ha recibido una aplicacion por parte de un propietario/solicitante y este es un aviso sobre esa solicitud. Informacion sobre la ubicacion de la propiedad en cuestibn y la solicitud es la siguiente: FECHA OTORGADA: 28 de junio, 2019 PARA: Agencias de Revision Ambiental, Solicitante y Propietarios Adyacentes DE: Joan Davenport, AICP, Directora de Desarrollo Comunitario SOLICITANTE: Ciudad de Yakima, Division de Planificacion (129 N 2nd St, Yakima, WA 98901) No. DE ARCHIVO: TXT#002-19 y SEPA#026-19 UBICACION: Cubre toda la ciudad. No. DE PARCELA(S): N/A FECHA DE APLICACION: 24 de junio, 2019 DESCRIPCION DEL PROYECTO: Modificaciones de texto al C6digo Municipal, Capitulo 15.29 - Instalaciones de Comunicacion Inalambrica. AVISO DE REVISION AMBIEINTAL: Esto es para notificar a las agencias publicas y privadas con jurisdiccion y conocimiento ambiental que la Ciudad de Yakima, Division de Planificacion, se establece como la agencia principal, de acuerdo con la Ley Estatal de Politica Ambiental de Washington (SEPA) para el proyecto mencionado anteriormente. La Ciudad de Yakima esta emitiendo una Determinacion Preliminar de No-Significancia (DNS) para este proyecto. La ley bajo WAC §197-11-340 se esta utilizando. Se han identificado las siguientes condiciones que pueden utilizarse para mitigar los impactos ambientales adversos de la propuesta: no se identificaron impactos. Permisos Requeridos: Los siguientes permisos/aprobaciones locales, estatales, y federales pueden o seran necesarios para este proyecto: ninguno Estudios Requeridos: ninguno Documentos Ambientales Existentes: Plan Integral 2040 - Declaracion Final de Impacto Ambiental Suplementario (13 de junio, 2017) Determinacion preliminar de las regulaciones de desarrollo que se utilizaran para la mitigacion y la consistencia del proyecto: Los proyectos futuros requerir6n el cumplimiento del C6digo Internacional de Construccion, La Ordenanza de Zonificacion del Area Urbana de la Ciudad de Yakima, el Plan Integral de la Ciudad de Yakima y los Estandares de Desarrollo del Titulo 12 de la Ciudad de Yakima. SOLICITUD DE COMENTARIOS ESCRITOS Y AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA: Se anima al publico a revisar la solicitud y comentar sobre la propuesta. Los comentarios escritos pueden presentarse antes de o en la audiencia publica. La audiencia publica frente a la Comision de Planificacion de la Ciudad de Yakima ha sido programada para el mi6rcoles 24 de julio, 2019 comenzando a las 3:00 p.m. en el Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad de Yakima ubicado en el 129 N 2nd Street, Yakima, WA. Se le invita a cualquier persona que desee expresar sus opiniones sobre este proyecto a asistir a la audiencia publica o a presentar comentarios por escrito. Se proporcionara un aviso publico por separado para la audiencia publica ante el Concejo Municipal de Yakima. Por favor de enviar sus comentarios sobre esta propuesta a: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director City of Yakima, Department of Community Development 129 N. 2nd St., Yakima, WA 98901 DOC., Yakima INDEX 1 2015 544A "ISO DE LA RECOMENDACON: Despu6s de hyaudienmia pbb|ica. |aComisi6n de P|anifioaobn de Yak/maomitir;J eu doo|o|6n dentrodadiaz(1O) dlao h;�bi|ea. Cuando |a reoomendacibnsea mmitido. una E|arohivoqueconUenm |oapicooi6n complebamot6disponible para inop000bn pOb|icamn |aOficinade P|anifi000i6n de |o Ciudad da Yakima en a| 129 a| Node ha CmUm 2do, Yakima. WA y on Knaa en: Si oono ouaulu/erpnagunta ooUnaanta ppmpuoeta, puede oontactmra |a Oficino de P|anificacbn a| (508) DEP, fMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELI ✓LENT AWN a R Joan Davenport, AICP, Director Planning Division o o Joseph Calhoun, Manager anning 129 North Second Street, 2°d Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning WASHINGTON STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE CITY OF YAKIMA, WASHINGTON June 28, 2019 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Text Changes to YMC Ch. 15.29 —Wireless Communication Facilities. LOCATION: City Limits PARCEL NUMBERS: N/A PROPONENT: City of Yakima Planning Division PROPERTY OWNERS: N/A LEAD AGENCY: City of Yakima FILE NUMBERS: TXT #002-19 & SEPA #026-19 DETERMINATION: The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. M This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340; the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 20 days from the date of this preliminary threshold determination. All comments must be submitted by 5:00 pm on July 18, 2019. Responsible Official: Joan Davenport Position/Title: SET A Responsible Official Phone (509) 575-6183 Address: 129 N. 2nd Street Yakima WA 98901 Date June 28, 2019 Signature CITY PLANNING — WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES (YMC CH. 15.29) TXT#002-19 & SEPA#026-19 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER F Supplemental Information City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes City Hall Council Chambers May 8, 2019 Call to Order Chairwoman Patricia Byers called the meeting to order at approximately 3:00 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present: Chairwoman Patricia Byers, Al Rose, Bill Cook, Leanne Hughes - Mickel YPC Members Absent: Philip Ostriem (excused); Vice -Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Robert McCormick (unexcused) Staff Present: Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager; Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician Council Liaison: Kathy Coffey, District 5 (absent) Others: Sign -in sheet in file Staff Announcements — Planning Manager Joseph Calhoun announced that the Commission has a hearing on May 22nd regarding a preliminary plat in the vicinity of 72nd Ave. and Coolidge Rd. Calhoun provided building permit statistics from the month of April, showing year-to-date permits from this year in comparison to last year. The report is available on the city's website on the Code Administration page. Audience Partici ation — None noted. royal of Meeti� lir Utes of April 24, 2019 . It was motioned by Commissioner Rose and seconded by Commissioner Hughes -Mickel to approve the meeting minutes of April 24, 2019. The motion carried unanimously. Submitted 2019 Com rehensive l�?lan Amendment/Rezone Application Docketin — Calhoun stated that the Planning Division received 6 Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) applications for this year's cycle. He provided the project descriptions and locations of these amendment requests and noted that study sessions and public hearings will be scheduled. Calhoun added that he anticipates issuing the public notices for these projects at the end of next week to start the comment period. The public hearings are estimated to be held in July, after the SEPA determinations are issued. Commissioner Rose drew attention to a strip of land currently zoned M-1 that may have inadvertently been left out of the Planning Division's CPA and rezone proposal in the area of N 16th Ave. and Hathaway St. Calhoun responded that he will look into this and add it to the request if needed. Discussion on potential Text Amendments Wireless Communications, Facilities (YMC Ch.15.29) Greggory Busch of Wireless Policy Group, representing AT&T, provided additional suggestions for changes to this code chapter. After discussion, Calhoun indicated that the draft will be finalized and will go out for public comment. Affordable Housing Calhoun presented draft changes to YMC Ch. 6.88 Environmental Policy, proposing to modify the flexible thresholds to increase the number of dwelling units that can be created without undergoing SEPA review. -ia Calhoun informed the Commission that he and Community Development Director Joan Davenport will be meeting with Bob Schroeter of Central WA Home Builders Association to establish potential topics of discussion for the meeting with the home builders. The Commission requested that Vaughn Bay Construction and the Downtown Association of Yakima be invited to the meeting. Discussion took place on the City Council agenda item from May 7, 2019, relating to a potential housing action plan for the city. The Commission had consensus to continue working on text amendments related to affordable housing issues until City Council makes a decision on whether a housing action plan should be created. Other' Business — Commissioner Cook stated he will be absent for the May 22nd Planning Commission meeting. The Commission requested that staff verify if there will be a quorum for the public hearing scheduled that day. Adiourn - A motion to adjourn to May 22, 2019 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting adjourned at approximately 4:20 p.m. Chairw"urian Dyes°"" Date This rr ee�'rg was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician -2- City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes City Hall Council Chambers April 10, 2019 Call to Order Vice -Chair Jacob Liddicoat called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present: Vice -Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Al Rose, Bill Cook, Robert McCormick, Leanne Hughes -Mickel YPC Members Absent: Chairwoman Patricia Byers, Philip Ostriem (both excused) Staff Present: Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager; Sara Watkins, Senior Assistant City Attorney; Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician Council Liaison: Kathy Coffey, District 5 Others: Sign -in sheet in file Staff Announcements — Planning Manager Joseph Calhoun announced that three Comprehensive Plan Amendment applications have been received thus far, and that more are expected to be received before the April 30th deadline. After the deadline, the docket will be brought to the Planning Commission and processing will begin. Audience Participation - None noted. Aporoval oMeetin Minutes of Mac27 he — It was motioned by Commissioner Rose and seconded by ove Commissioner Cook to a meeting minutes of March 27, 2019. The motion carried unanimously. Small Cell Wireless Facilities Audienc�rti ation: Greggory Busch of Wireless Policy Group, representing AT&T, verbally provided additional suggestions on the proposed code and assured that written comments will be provided. In response to receiving various questions from the Commission, Gregg replied that he will research and report back on the following: 1) The feasibility of extending stealth towers after they are built in the instance that code requirements change to allow a greater height; 2) How other jurisdictions regulate height of stealth towers in relation to the surrounding trees; and 3) What happens in the instance that the surrounding trees grow past the height of the stealth tower. Commission had consensus regarding the following items: 1) have staff update the draft code to strike "personal' from the term "personal wireless service facility" throughout the chapter; 2) direct staff to create a report of cell tower applications received since the implementation of the Wireless Communications Facilities ordinance in 2013 (YMC Ch. 15.29); and 3) have staff research the stealth tower height limits of nearby jurisdictions. Affordable Housing Audience Partici ation: Bob Schroeter of Central Washington Home Builders Association spoke on several points relating to this topic. Calhoun provided a report with updated draft code language in response to discussion at previous Commission meetings. The Commission had consensus on the following items: 1) have staff update the draft language to change the term "dwelling, multiple -family" as defined in YMC Ch. 15.02 Definitions to "multi- -1- family development;" 2) have staff schedule a study session with the Central Washington Home Builders Association (and potentially other interested parties) on affordable housing; and 3) have staff update the draft to change YMC Ch. 15.19 Nonconforming Uses, Structures and Critical Areas to include language allowing nonconforming single-family dwellings and duplexes to expand beyond 50% of the existing building area if lot coverage and setback standards are met. Additional items on the topic of affordable housing will be brought forth and discussed at future Planning Commission meetings. Other Business — Brief discussion ensued regarding the Greenway Master Plan. Calhoun clarified that the Greenway Master Plan is adopted by reference in the Yakima Municipal Code and specified that parcels within the Greenway Overlay District are flagged in the permitting system the Planning Division uses to ensure that land use proposals within the overlay go through the appropriate level of review in accordance with .the Yakima Municipal Code and Greenway Master Plan. Ad'ourn - A motion to adjourn to April 24, 2019 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting adjourned at 4�� p.m. w Chairw rrhan Byers Date This meet h' g was filmed by YPAC. KnoItes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician. City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes City Hall Council Chambers March 13, 2019 Call to Order Chairwoman Patricia Byers called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present: Chairwoman Patricia Byers, Vice -Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Al Rose, Bill Cook YPC Members Absent: Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Philip Ostriem (both excused); Robert McCormick (unexcused) Staff Present: Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager; Sara Watkins, Senior Assistant City Attorney; Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician Council Liaison: Jason White, District 2 (absent) Others: Sign -in sheet in file Staff Announcements - Planning Manager Joseph Calhoun announced that the rezone at 5231 Powerhouse Rd. which was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission was approved at the last City Council meeting and will be effective in April. Calhoun introduced a document entitled "City of Yakima Department of Community Development Affordable Housing White Paper" from the City Council study session on March 12, 2019. He pointed the Commission to the action steps described therein related to zoning and regulatory innovation which City Council referred to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation. The action steps will be discussed at future Planning Commission meetings. Audience Participation - None noted. Apnroval of Meeting Minutes of Februa 27 2th1 - It was motioned by Commissioner Cook and seconded by Vice -Chair Liddicoat to approve the meeting minutes of February 27, 2019. The motion carried unanimously. Discussion on Potential Text Amendments: Small Cell Wireless Facilities - Calhoun introduced proposed changes to Yakima Municipal Code (YMC) Chapter 15.29 Wireless Communication Facilities for the inclusion of language on small cell wireless facilities. Discussion took place on the levels of review proposed for small cell wireless facilities and design standards imposed in YMC 15.29.070. The Commission requested that staff seek a possible alternative to requiring Hearing Examiner review for new small cell wireless facilities on new utility poles within 300 feet of a protected area (as defined by Ch. 15.29) to help reduce cost and processing time. Suggested changes to Ch. 15.29 received in writing from industry representatives were distributed. Gregory Bush of Wireless Policy Group and Jason Verduzco of Verizon Wireless summarized their proposed changes to the chapter. Verduzco distributed copies of a Verizon Wireless pamphlet containing information on small cell facilities. The Commission requested the following from staff: photos of small cell wireless facilities, time to review the industry representatives' suggested changes to the code, and for staff to review and provide feedback at a future meeting on the industry representatives' suggestions. The Commission invited the industry representatives to return for future study sessions and requested staff to invite the representatives to the public hearing that will be scheduled at a later -1- time. The possibility of holding separate text amendment public hearings for separate topics/areas of the code was discussed and will be determined down the line. Senior Assistant City Attorney Sara Watkins stated that she will review the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) order so it can be clarified what bearing the shot clocks established therein will have on the city's permitting and appeal procedures. Other Business, — None noted. Ad'ourn - A motion to adjourn to March 27, 2019 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting adjourned at �36 p.m. Chairwod^nan Byers Date This meetingi was filmed by YPA(I Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician. Maxey, Lisa From: Calhoun, Joseph Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2019 8:20 AM To: Maxey, Lisa Subject: FW: City of Yakima Wireless For the YPC packet. From: Freudenthal, Debra [mailto:FreudeD@wsdot.wa.gov] Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 11:12 AM To: Calhoun, Joseph <Joseph.CaIhoun@YAKIMAWA.GOV> Cc: Gruber, John <GruberJ@wsdot.wa.gov>; Gonseth, Paul <GonsetP@wsdot.wa.gov>; Hoffman, Walt <HoffmaW@wsdot.wa.gov> Subject: RE: City of Yakima Wireless Joseph, Since WSDOT submitted our comments on the proposed wireless facility code which were generally based on past interference issues experienced with companies operating on the same band as public safety, we have re -reviewed and revised our practices and policies and want to revise our initial comments. Below is the recommended language to incorporate into the proposed code update as WSDOT believes that generally, additional coordination with state/city/county communications is sufficient regardless of location and proximity to a state highway. Any new facilities proposed shell provide to WSDOT and local public safety agencies contact information including their local field engineer/technicians, proposed operating frequencies and tura® on date. Proponents agree to cooperative testing and reasonable efforts to mitigate interference as required such as the addition of protective devices andlor filters, as needed. A copy of the completed testing, including any required WSDOT conditions, shell be provided to the Planning Division. Thank you for your outreach and consideration. Please let us know if you have any questions. MIN Transportation Planning Specialist WSDOT South Central Region Planning Office 2809 Rudkin Road, Union Gap, WA 98903 509-577-1633 From: Gonseth, Paul <�"oinse lP..C@ Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 11:05 AM To: Gruber, John <G.r .Ira i!r.J...& . ..p:::.:. .g..:.pHpy> Subject: FW: City of Yakima Wireless From: Calhoun, Joseph <J„ a plrn, Illrpp uirJ KII .G0 > Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 10:55 AM To: Gonseth, Paul <........................................... .... .:... ?: > Subject: City of Yakima Wireless I received your comment on our proposed changes to i'MC Ch. 15.29. Please see the draft language below which would be put into our development standards, and let me know if that is satisfactory: H. Facilities within 500 -feet of Interstate 82, US Highway 12, and State Route 24. Any new facilities proposed in these areas shall complete cooperative testing with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to identify any problems that may be corrected though the installation of specific protective or interference devices. A copy of the completed testing, including any required WSDOT conditions, shall be provided to the Planning Division. G Ly of Yakima 509-575-6042 Am am Kure "'a M W'IM. "Al �x na V MJF hi ng umim WIRELESS POLICY July 24, 2019 Via email to Joe Calhoun, Staff Liaison mailto. oseph.calhoun yakimawa.gov Yakima Planning Commission Patricia Byers (Chair) Jacob Liddicoat (Vice -Chair) Bill Cook Al Rose Leanne Hughes -Mickel Philip Ostriem Robert McCormick Re: Yakima Wireless Code Update -Planning Commission Meeting 7-24-2019 Dear Chair Byers and Commissioners - On behalf of Verizon Wireless, thank you for the opportunity to comment. We appreciate the work that the city is now doing to comply with the recent FCC Order, "Accelerating Wireless Broadband Deployment by Removing Barriers to Infrastructure Investment, Declaratory Ruling and Third Report and Order (September 26, 2018)" which contains extensive new requirements for regulating small wireless facilities in the right of way. Staff has been very responsive in addressing other technical and logistical issues during the planning commission process, especially in the area of small wireless technology. Verizon supports the direction of the draft code, as presented, with a few remaining issues: • Section 15.29.060(H) requires cooperative testing with the Washington Department of Transportation for potential interference and to submit proof of such testing to the Planning Department. Both the city and the state lack the kim.allen@wirelesspolicy.com t 425.628.2666 www.wirelesspolicy.com f 206.219.6717 July 24, 2019 Page 2 authority to regulate radio frequency interference. The Federal Communications Commission ("FCC') has the exclusive authority to regulate radio frequency interference ("RFI"), and local regulations that require a wireless applicant to demonstrate that its facilities will not cause RFI are preempted by federal law, as are conditions of project approval requiring remediation of any resulting RFI. New York SMSA Limited Partnership v. Town of Clarkstown. 612 F.3d 97. 105 (2nd Cir. 2010). • The definition of "tower" could arguably be applied to new poles constructed to support small wireless facilities. Verizon requests that language be added to clarify that new support structures for small wireless facilities are not considered towers. • Section 15.29.130A(1) states that a computer generated "zone of visibility" map for new towers may be required to show within a one mile radius where the tower can be seen. To date, there is no software available to create such a map and no recognized consultants that can assist. Verizon requests that this section be deleted. Thank you for the chance to comment and we appreciate the opportunity to work with the City to develop a FCC compliant code that preserves the look and feel of your community, while providing an efficient and workable process to deliver the quality service your residents, visitors and businesses have come to expect. Sincerely, Kim Allen, Senior Vice President Wireless Policy Group, LLC on behalf of Verizon Wireless AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON CITY OF YAKIMA RE: TXT#002-19 & SEPA#026-19 W......_ ............. ...�..�...___.� Facilities YMC C Cites Planning -Wireless Communications iiih. 15.29 N/A I, Lisa Maxey, as an employee of the City of Yakima Planning Division, have dispatched through the United States Mails, a Notice of Retention of DNS. A true and correct copy of which is enclosed herewith; that said notice was addressed to SEPA agencies and all parties of record that are individually listed on the mailing list retained by the Planning Division, and that said notices were mailed by me on this 19th day of June, 2019. That I mailed said notices in the manner herein set forth and that all of the statements made herein are just and true. Lisa Maxey Planning Technician Ahtanum Irrigation District Beth Ann Brulotte, Executive Assistant Cascade Natural Gas Century Link 10705-B Gilbert Road 8113 W Grandridge Blvd Manager Yakima, WA 98903-9203 Kennewick, WA 99336 8 South 2nd Ave, Rm#304 t th.la: ?.ah1;�K�i��arri.net Yakima, WA 98902 Charter Communications City of Union Gap Chamber of Commerce Kevin Chilcote Dennis Henne, Development Director 10 North 9th Street 1005 North 16th Ave P.O.. x 3008 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Union Gap, WA 98903 charn,beteyakirn-a org D not s.hen ne unioq&a r Wgqw Department of Agriculture Dept of Archaeology & Historic Preservation Department of Commerce Kelly McLain 1063 S Capitol Way, Ste 106 Review Team PO Box 42560 Olympia, WA 98504 8343 1011 Plum St SE Olympia, WA 98504 S zi h ,w8�ov Olympia, WA 98504-3172 krnc,BaL aBr w ..l v r viewteam ealtr?rtbrrk rrC IT!wv 'Zoy Department of Ecology Department of Ecology Department of Fish and Wildlife Annie Szvetecz, SEPA Policy Lead Gwen Clear, Regional Coordinator Eric Bartrand P.O. Box 47703 1250 West Alder Street 1701 South 24th Ave Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Yakima, WA 98902 seJ aar gaster eay wa goy Union Gap WA 98903 Fric.Bartrand(@dfw wa QM s 4unMt{ c y..aPra gav loci.whit ec .gov t �75mF Cr f iilG� to � �yw fk Scott Downes, 1L wwig€ .v Department of Fish and Wildlife Department of Health Department of Natural Resources SEPA Desk Kelly Cooper SEPA Center PO Box 43200 PO Box 47820 PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504 Olympia, WA 98504 Olympia, WA 98504 SL I Im sr ra v Ke I o �j2 r@Aq .W .�t?v, pa p to p tlq r. 4m cY Department of Social & Health Services Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council -EFSEC Robert Hubenthal Environmental Protection Agency Stephen Posner, SEPA Officer Office of Capital Programs NEPA Review Unit PO Box 43172 P.O. Box 45848 1200 6th Ave #155 Olympia, WA 98504-3172 Olympia, WA 98504 Seattle, WA 98101 Roar r! _H_pbenthal dshs r r,, w S- op snerr 'tc,W--a y Engineering Division Bob Desgrosellier Federal Aviation Administration Governor's Office of Indian Affairs 129 N 2nd Street 2200 W. Washington Ave PO Box 40909 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98903 Olympia, WA 98504 kcsa,d,SgroSsV'iry l¢irrawa,grr'v Nob Hill Water Association Office of Rural and Farm Worker Housing Bob Irving, Engineering Technician Marty Miller Pacific Power 6111 Tieton Drive 1400 Summitview Ave, Ste# 203 Mike Paulson Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98902 500 North Keys Rd SPL Agbl1rliWoLer.or„g Martvm2 2?p fh.org Yakima, WA 98901 Parks & Recreation Commission Jessica Logan Soil Conservation District Trolleys PO Box 42560 Ray Wondercheck Paul Edmondson Olympia, WA 98504 1606 Perry Street, Ste. F 313 North 3rd Street JeSsat,a.t,ga.rv.�,�k+» vv<;�gt�^v. Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98901 United States Postal Service US Army Corps of Engineers Maintenance Department Seattle District, Regulatory Branch WA State Attorney General's Office 205 W Washington Ave P.O. Box 3755 1433 Lakeside Court, Ste# 102 Yakima, WA 98903 Seattle, WA 98124-3755 Yakima, WA 98902 a Aa ld.p,mooretw esace;;Am-by mi WA State Dept of Health, Office of Drinking Water Jamie Gardipe 16201 E Indiana Ave, Ste# 1500 Spokane Valley, WA 99216 SEPA ev_'iewtr am a doh wwa& Je'2ue,.,gardi.t:Lt&oh a pv WSDOT Paul Gonseth, Planning Engineer 2809 Rudkin Road Union Gap, WA 98903 gpra�'k wsdot.v Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs Rocco Clark, Environmental Coordinator P.O. Box 632 Toppenish, WA 98948 Rocco.clar��v Yakima Air Terminal Robert Peterson, Airport Asst Manager 2400 West Washington Ave Yakima, WA 98903 Eqk ert.petersorr aklft amv�a oy Yakima County Health District Ryan Ibach, Director of Environmental Health 1210 Ahtanum Ridge Dr Ste#200 Union Gap, WA 98903 d jg4y. kti a.vy has. cyan.lba,ch fig. x rjkin v° tLs Yakima County Public Services Lisa Freund, Public Services Director 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor Yakima, WA 98901 8�sa frenaan.d.l.( py&ma.; M: Yakama Indian Nation Ruth Jim, Yakima Tribal Council P.O. Box 151 Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakima School District Scott Izutsu , Associate Superintendent 104 N 4th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 szut aa.seott @ a �maschools.q(y Yakima Valley Conference of Governments Mike Shuttleworth, Planning Manager 311 North 4th Street, Ste# 202 Yakima, WA 98901 ike.shtuttlelg±p t!1 ca Yvcog oorg, Wastewater Division Marc Cawley or Dana Kallevig 2220 East Viola Ave Yakima, WA 98901 nJar &a w I ey-@ y akimawq.gpv Marra kaMmley dg yakfimawa,goy WSDOT South Central Regionl Planning Office Cplanging�„�yw+L(tgtww a,& v'. Yakama Nation Environmental Mgmt Program Elizabeth Sanchey, Environmental Review Coordinator P.O. Box 151 Toppenish, WA 98948 esan s �E :yak MLi nj Yakima County Building Department Harold Maclean 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor Yakima, WA 98901 Harold MaL�eA c0. kmma. q.qS Yakima County Flood Control District Terry Keenhan & Dianna Woods 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor Yakima, WA 98901 Terry Ke mn r lt�c a ,ylitima.wa-us iaraFra Wo cca. &sira7�.w�a,�us Yakima Greenway Foundation Kellie Connaughton, Executive Director 111 South 18th Street Yakima, WA 98901 kellie f�my�akarrn<�gr�,rrwy_- Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency Hasan Tahat, Compliance, Engineering & Planning Division Supervisor 186 Iron Horse Ct # 101 Yakima, WA 98901 hasaa Ryre<ma@,p , Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Sandra Hull 470 Camp 4 Rd Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima Valley Museum Peter Arnold, Executive Director 2105 Tieton Drive Yakima, WA 98902 pf"� .rLY kiq valicy ttJseum,PTg West Valley School District Angela Watts, Asst. Supt. Of Business & Operations 8902 Zier Road Yakima, WA 98908-9299 yM,5ttsawvsd208.org WSDOT, Aviation Division Patrick Wright 7702 Terminal St SW Tumwater, WA 98501 'w�1,q_gjJtP � w,y�dr�i .wv� .ori Yakama-Klickitat Fisheries Project John Marvin 760 Pence Road Yakima, WA 98909 jrq�acvir�ya karo�w�.c�ar11 Yakima County Commissioners Cornmissuoners.wEe , aakiras wq.0 Yakima County Planning Lynn Deitrick & Jason Earles 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor Yakima, WA 98901 l�.,yl'uft.De�trrck r,:�a.9'Lk�r�uBw�rra, Jasoft. Ea i,ies ct co.vaki r-na.wa,us Yakama Indian Nation Johnson Meninick, Cultural Resources Program P.O. Box 151 Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakama Indian Yakima School District Trevor Greene, Superintendent 104 North 4th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima Valley Canal Co Robert Smoot 1640 Garretson Lane Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima Waste Systems Keith Kovalenko, District Manager 2812 1/2 Terrace Heights Dr. Yakima, WA 98901 keithk@wasteconnections,.co u Ahtanum Irrigation District Cascade Natural Gas Century Link Beth Ann Brulotte, Executive Assistant 8113 W Grandridge Blvd Manager 10705-B Gilbert Road Kennewick, WA 99336 8 South 2nd Ave, Rm#304 Yakima, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98902 Charter Communications City of Union Gap Department of Agriculture Kevin Chilcote Dennis Henne, Development Director Kelly McLain 1005 North 16th Ave P.O. Box 3008 P.O. Box 42560 Yakima, WA 98902 Union Gap, WA 98903 Olympia, WA 98504 Environmental Protection Agency NEPA Review Unit Federal Aviation Administration Governor's Office of Indian Affairs 1200 6th Ave #155 2200 W. Washington Ave PO Box 40909 Seattle, WA 98101 Yakima, WA 98903 Olympia, WA 98504 Pacific Power Soil Conservation District Trolleys Mike Paulson Ray Wondercheck Paul Edmondson 500 North Keys Rd 1606 Perry Street, Ste. F 313 North 3rd Street Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98901 United States Postal Service US Army Corps of Engineers Maintenance Deptartment Seattle District WA State Attorney General's Office 205 W Washington Ave Regulatory Branch 1433 Lakeside Court, Ste# 102 Yakima, WA 98903 P.O. Box 3755 Yakima, WA 98902 Seattle, WA 98124-3755 Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs Yakama Indian Nation Yakama Indian Nation Superintendent Johnson Meninick, Cultural Resources Ruth Jim, Yakima Tribal Council P.O. Box 632 Program P.O. Box 151 Toppenish, WA 98948 P.O. Box 151 Toppenish, WA 98948 Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakima School District Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Yakima Valley Canal Co Trevor Greene, Superintendent Sandra Hull Robert Smoot 104 North 4th Ave 470 Camp 4 Rd 1640 Garretson Lane Yakima, WA 98902 _... .. ._.... �.. Yakima, WA 98908 -- ___ . . ... ..�. Yakima, WA 98908 .�. \\Apollo\Shared\Planning\Assignments-Planning\LABELS and FORMS\SEPA REVIEWING AGENCIES _updated 07.03.19 - Form Ust.docx Type of Notice: File Number: 7y—��0'—� Date of Mailing: Parties of Record — City Plaiaanng — Wireless Communications Facilities — ►..T#002-19 & SEPA#026-19 --- .._______-......... Greggory Busch Monique Sanchez Chris Baidenmann xa p�y corn 1�. cJpplt�l.w�twnrplwcwiw�)u paolia. �........om txl ...Naww, t, tai Saari li z al,tp• alrtth� c w(catww wrt o ac a rtw Jason Verduzco Meridee Pabst Kim Allen 1 w „Iiwiµy i t�rao wveltrca,ll vwpµw•tl s co i Mcridgej?Aj@wirelesspoficy_co Kini.Allewip wirclessMia.coin m .. .... . .... . ..........In -House ......._ ........._ w Distribution .........._...... . E-mail List Revised 04/2019 Name .....� Division .... _ ' E-mail Address ........... � � �_..�....... . .�.................................... .w Carolyn Belles ,,,,,,,_..........._.—m— Code Administration ti.iaro wrWBell��,, c yalilwiaa � v Glenn Denman .. Code Administration Qte.li n.lJewtrirati rr) a k)triarvtl y Joe Caruso Code Administration JCiC C. tw nus•wyiluln vvafoy, John Zabell Code Administration J tial bele , q im Awa )Pv Kelli Horton Code Administration ---lr_C__•lortosrcily:akpnLa_yr Qy -- _ ................. Linda Rossignol _._...... ._ . Code Administration _ ... ......... ..... ww.. l wllda FtossI rl wj@),.yaktn1g i.• t v, Pedro Contreras Code Administration _ i a da am(,Ptitret t crpy ik aarawa , ___ .......... ..... *oy Suzanne DeBusschere — ........... ... -- Code Administration ._..... _ —.ode Suzanne.Debusschere,ayakkawa goy �. Vick DeOchoa �._..."is..r_..t"_ on ................ w Code Administration .._..� Vw�k C1aM��aEicaa�{caly�akittiawrya..gtry �ee�.. Joan Davenport _..,.,..... �e Community Development )o�wi, aveilport rrDya�kaln€�eva gt,;,y RosalindaIbaDevelopment—..... rra Community — _ l!tosalgtAylqrra��l+�l�wnawa,.�'���cst�, Bob Desgrosellier Engineering g g �Il�_C���,gigws��Iw�.r(c�d�rwlkwnra�ta��t g,a�v Dan Riddle En ... _._..........�.� ____—_ �.. gineering _ ... �....... 1)issw ;,flydpcyalp,laawvag9.; Tyler Witthuhn � Engineering ,yl,t r tih°pt Ilnhq_6ii�y t%ciralawa _av Pat Reid Fire p "it Re wd cap r��uwiri'�vai„�C)�V _ Jeff t utter CuerLegal �..�.�.�� ������...._.... Le al Jv.19 C iatttw c'u �rtkanaaw� gaa�v _ Sara Watkins L.........�__w .... egal ... m� Sara Watkiri5! rygkip)gwaw &jy. Archie Matthews ONDS Areltie iattli W���wyMxtl�wwr�:�w�a, ly Joseph Calhoun — Planning ime C Gill kali 7y kini-a aa. raw+ Lisa Maxey Planning U54M—amy(caiyaklwlluaw J;„k:ay Scott Schafer Public Works h Scott, eaile @),yaki�i aw a,g y Loretta Zammarc hi �..�emm.�....m �....... Refuse _ ............ IcaraltL%alniunawl7ow':s.ylhwwnaw„gtwv Randy Layman Refuse . l0lldy.,t �aytli�iaµrtcr)yTill l,taawV i,Pv Gregory Story �.._____�.... _ Transit �.... QMp gPmy t ny Pyaakil� tiiwaz�)y James Dean .. .............. Utilities lapria;;,I}t awltyil aayiarywt ;car Dana Kallevig ....m.......... Wastewater irrwa ,talmp+ ylg�yakttllata gt7.. Randy Meloy. Wastewater ini) Milo cry akar��na!aa�tM.��i�y Dave Brown Water/Irrigation DaavidBrow cr ya ltllty v i r%y Mike Shane Water/Irrigatiigati..,., on Iii "�ptwlrl��cw`iyakl•aitiww�a a��a, Outside Distribution Revised 02/2019 Name Address Included In Mailing? ❑.. Yes.... No.., krrbcfeviseon notices ONLY g...... y ..............901 Pacific Power Attn: Estimating Department 500 N Keys Rd Yakima, WA 98 Type of Notice: v d 1 VU i3 yWA D�/o File Number: I XT # coo St T d#049LO Date of Mailing: _ qjq Maxey, Lisa From: Maxey, Lisa Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 3:23 PM To: Belles, Carolyn; Brown, David; Calhoun, Joseph; Caruso, Joe; Contreras, Pedro; Cutter, Jeff, Davenport, Joan; Dean, James; DeBusschere, Suzanne; Denman, Glenn; DeOchoa, Vick; Desgrosellier, Bob; Horton, Kelli; Ibarra, Rosalinda; Kallevig, Dana; Layman, Randy; Matthews, Archie; Maxey, Lisa; Meloy, Randy; Reid, Patrick; Riddle, Dan; Rossignol, Linda; Schafer, Scott; Shane, Mike; Story, Gregory; Watkins, Sara; Witthuhn, Tyler; Zabell, John; Zammarchi, Loretta; Ahtanum Irrigation District - Beth Ann Brulotte; Cawley, Marc; Chamber of Commerce; Department of Agriculture; Department of Commerce (CTED) - Review Team; Department of Ecology; Department of Ecology - Lori White; Department of Ecology - SEPA Register; Department of Ecology -CRO Coordinator; Department of Fish and Wildlife; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Eric Bartrand; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Scott Downes; Department of Natural Resources; Dept of Social & Health Svcs - Robert Hubenthal; Dept. Archaeology & Historic Preservation - SEPA Review; Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council - Stephen Posner; Henne, Dennis; Nob Hill Water - Bob Irving; Office of Rural & Farmworker Housing - Marty Miller; Peterson, Robert; Scott Izutsu - Yakima School District; Trevor Greene - Yakima School District; US Army Corps of Engineers - David Moore; WA State Dept of Health, Office of Drinking Water; WA State Dept of Health, Office of Drinking Water; WA State Parks & Recreation Commission; West Valley School District - Angela Watts; WSDOT - Paul Gonseth; WSDOT - South Central Regional Planning Office; WSDOT Aviation - Patrick Wright; Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs - Rocco Clark; Yakama Nation Environmental Management Program - Elizabeth Sanchey; Yakama-Klickitat Fisheries - John Marvin; Yakima County Building Official - Harold Maclean; Yakima County Commissioners; Yakima County Flood Control District - Dianna Woods; Yakima County Flood Control District - Terry Keenhan; Yakima County Health District; Yakima County Health District - Ryan Ibach; Yakima County Planning - Zoning/Sub - Jason Earles; Yakima County Planning Director - Lynn Deitrick; Yakima County Public Svcs Director, Lisa Freund; Yakima Greenway Foundation - Kellie Connaughton; Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency - Hasan Tahat; Yakima Valley Conference of Governments - Mike Shuttleworth; Yakima Valley Museum - Peter Arnold; Yakima Waste Systems - Keith Kovalenko; Al Rose; Alfred A. Rose (silvrfx40@bmi.net); Gutierrez, Dulce; Jacob Liddicoat; Leanne Hughes -Mickel; Patricia Byers; Philip Ostriem; Rob McCormick; William Cook (cook.w@charter.net) Cc: Calhoun, Joseph Subject: Notice of Retained DNS - City Planning - Wireless Communications Facilities YMC Ch. 15.29 Attachments: NOTICE OF RETAINED DNS -City Planning Wireless Comm Facilities - TXT SEPA .... pdf Attached is a Notice of Retention of Determination of Non -Significance (DNS) regarding the above -entitled project. If you have any questions about this proposal, please contact assigned planner Joseph Calhoun at (509) 575-6042 or email to: jpleph.cg@Ii un aKiMaw ov. Thank you! Lisa Maxey 'Planning Technician City of Yakima Planning Division "p: 509.576.6669 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, Washington, 98901 DEP, \FMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELI _TIENT Joan Davenport, AICP, Director Planning Division Pr n Joseph Calhoun, Manager 129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning WASHINGTON STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT DETERMINATION OF NON -SIGNIFICANCE NOTICE OF RETENTION CITY OF YAKIMA, WASHINGTON July 19, 2019 File Numbers: SEPA#026-19 The City of Yakima Department of Community Development issued a: [X] Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS), [ ] Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (MDNS), [ ] Modified DNS/MDNS, on June 28, 2019, for this proposal under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and WAC 197-11-340. This retention concerns a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Review of text changes to YMC Ch. 15.29 — Wireless Communication Facilities. This threshold determination is hereby: [X] Retained [ ] Modified. Modifications to this threshold determination include the following: [ ] Withdrawn. This threshold determination has been withdrawn due to the following: [ ] Delayed. A final threshold determination has been delayed due to the following: Summary of Comments and Responses (if applicable): N/A Responsible official: Joan Davenport, ACCP Position/Title: Community Development Director/SEPA Responsible Official Phone: (509) 575-6183 Address: 129 N 21d Street. Yakima. WA 9R201 Date: July 19, 2019 You may appeal this determination to J- n ayenport, City of Yakima Community Development Director, at 129 N 2nd St., Yakima, WA 01, no later than August 2, 2019. You must submit a completed appeal application form with the $580 application fee. Be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact the City of Yakima, Planning Division, for information on appeal procedures. City of Yakima Planning Commission July 24, 2019 Accessory Dwelling Units House Bill 1923 "A city planning pursuant to RCW 36.70A.040 is encouraged to take the following actions in order to increase its residential building capacity:" e. Authorize attached accessory dwelling units on all parcels containing single-family homes where the lot is at least 3,200 square -feet in size, and permit both attached and detached units on all parcels containing single family homes, provided the lots are at least 4,356 square -feet in size. Qualifyinq,city, ordinances or, regulations may not provide for: • On-site parking requirements • Owner occupancy requirements • Or square footage limitations below one thousand square feet for the ADU • Must not prohibit the separate rental orsale of ADU and primary residence Cities must set applicable impact feet at no more than the projected impact of the ADU. To allow local flexibility, other than these factors, ADU's ma be subject to such regulations, conditions, procedures, and limitations as determined by the local legislative authority, and must follow all applicable state and federal laws and local ordinances. 5.09.045 Accessory dwelling units. A. Purpose. The purpose of the accessorydwelling unit (ADU) provisions are to: 1. Provide t rcraopty homeowners with an opportunity for extra income, companionship, and security; 2. Better utilize existing infrastructure and community resources (sewer, water, roads, etc.); 3. Provide a housing type that allows flexibility to respond to changing needs and lifestyles; 4. Add to the supply of affordable dwelling units; and 5. Protect neighborhood character and stability by ensuring that ADUs are compatible with surrounding land uses. B. Requirements. An accessory dwelling unit is a permitted use da the �R, R �y..,a R-2,,an d R-3 caning distrj ts.(Se a YMC § ILL6:g g30„ T'a& 1e..4 1) on all parcels c nt inin.0asingl ,...ese-f 41 for Level a(ew.)., senarg to tyre reyse of %_Wien Ni�..1s 0 i 00 r. a detarhe t siragfe-fatuity--dweddrrig„-,,subject to all of the following conditions: 1. The may be attached to the primary residence or attached to or above a detached garage, or be its own stand-alone structure. 2. The front entrance to the ADU shall not be visible from a right-of-way or access easement. SR I R-1 I R-2 I R-3 I B-1 I B-2 HB I SCC I LCC I AS GCI CBD RD M-1 M-2 RESIDENTIAL Accessory Uses (*) See YMC 15.04.060 Detached Single -Family Dwelling (*) 1 1 FTT 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 Accessory Dwelling Unit (*) (See YMC 2 2 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 I 1 1 15.09.045) Existing or New Detached Single -Family 1 1 1 Dwelling on Existing Lots of 8,000 Square Feet or Less Detached Single -Family Dwelling (zero lot 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 line) (*) (See YMC 15.09.040) Attached Single -Family Dwelling, Common 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 Wall (*) Two -Family Dwelling (Duplex) (*) 3 32 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 21 2 I'wM y,-1 pn�ily lrka,°llura,lC,lualrofl' .p.1;m "I raw^¢ 1 I corner lots in a new Subdivision Converted Dwelling (*) 3 32 21 21 21 21 21 2 2 21 1 Multifamily Do,a°lPlrnggnn wkalWg (*): 0-7 2 x,",-1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 DU/NRA 8-12 DUINRA 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 13+DU/NRA 32 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mixed -Use Building 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Planned Development (*) _ See YMC 15,28 Mobile Home Parks (*) 2 2 2 Mobile Home (*) or Manufactured Homes See YMC 1504.160 (*) 'Retirement Homes (*) 2 3 1' 3 1 1 Temporary Hardship Units (See YMC 2 2 2 W 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 15.04 140)