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HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-26-19 YPC Packet111011119 M DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Joan Davenport, AICP, Director 11 %Xk� uu:�; Dui k wi PlOTY I° YAKIIMA anning Joseph Calhoun, Manager 129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning� • City of Yakima Planning Commission PUBLIC MEETING City Hall Council Chambers Wednesday June 26, 2019 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. YPC MPmhPrc- Chairwoman Patricia Byers, Vice -Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Al Rose, Bill Cook, Robert McCormick, Leanne Hughes -Mickel, and Philip Ostriem Council Liaison: Dulce Gutierrez (District 1) City Planning Staff: Joan Davenport (Community Development Director), Rosalinda Ibarra (Community Development Administrative Assistant), Joseph Calhoun (Planning Manager), Eric Crowell (Associate Planner), Trevor Martin (Associate Planner), Colleda Monick (Community Development Specialist), and Lisa Maxey (Planning Technician) AGFNDA I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Staff Announcements IV. Audience Participation (for items not listed on the agenda) V. Approval of Meeting Minutes of June 12, 2019 VI. Study Session: 2019 Comprehensive Plan Amendments • CPA#001-19 - UPI Property II LLC (14 & 16 E Washington Ave; 2308 S 1St St) • CPA#002-19 - John I Haas Inc. (1900 N Vit St) • CPA#004-19 - City of Yakima Planning Division (Vic. of N 16th Ave & Hathaway St) • CPA#005-19 -Forrest Emmons (618, 622, 702, 706, 710 & 714 W J St) • CPA#006-19 - River 16 LLC (1601,1607,1611,1703 & 1725 River Rd) VII. Discussion on Potential Text Amendments • Affordable Housing VIII. Other Business IX. Adjourn Next Meeting: July 10, 2019 MIS 094 AMR Ai idAxw A17 W (ATY OF nein SIGN-INSHEET in City of Yakima Planning Commission City Hall Council Chambers Wednesday June 26, 2019 Beginning at 3:00 p.m. Public Meeting Meeting Date: 06/26/19 City of Yakima YAKIMA PLANNING COMMISSION (YPC)' Audience Participation Slip (PLEASE PRINT) Please complete this form for the record and submit it to the Clerk of the board prior to addressing the Commission. Name; OV V , HCle" C ky Subject/ Agenda Item Number(s): 1/',— E -mail: , E-mail: Mailing Address*: _0 M *Please provide your mailing address on this form. When addressing the Commission, state your name and whether you live inside or outside the City limits. The Commission welcomes input from the public both during "Audience Participation" and during discussion of regular agenda items. Please note that the Commission meeting is being televised on Y -PAC, cable channel 194. Profanity, personal attacks, derogatory remarks or other inappropriate language or behavior are not be permitted. Thank you for your comments. City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes City Hall Council Chambers June 12, 2019 Call to Order Chairwoman Patricia Byers called the meeting to order at approximately 3:00 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present: Chairwoman Patricia Byers, Vice -Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Al Rose, Robert McCormick, Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Philip Ostriem YPC Members Absent: Bill Cook (excused) Staff Present: Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager; Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician Council Liaison: Dulce Gutierrez, District 1 Others: Sign -in sheet in file Staff Announcements — Planning Manager Joseph Calhoun announced that one of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) applications has been withdrawn. The public notices advertising the Planning Commission public hearings for the other 5 CPAs, as well as the notices for the SEPA determinations, will be issued on June 14th. The Commission will have study sessions on the CPAs on June 26th and hold the public hearings on July 10th. The estimated date for the City Council hearings is September 3,d Regarding the proposed amendments to Yakima Municipal Code (YMC) Ch. 15.29 Wireless Communications Facilities, Calhoun reported that the draft language has been finalized and the public notice process is forthcoming. The Planning Commission public hearing is estimated to be held in August. Audience Participation — None noted. Approval of Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2019 — It was motioned by Commissioner Rose and seconded by Commissioner Hughes -Mickel to approve the meeting minutes of May 22, 2019. The motion carried unanimously. Discussion on Potential Text Amendments: Affordable Housing — Calhoun provided a draft definition of "short-term rental' and draft changes to YMC Ch. 15.04 to Table 4-1 Table of Permitted Land Uses and Table 4-2 Table of Permitted Home Occupations. After discussion, the Commission had consensus on the following: 1. Remove the word "units" from the proposed definition of "short-term rental;" 2. Carry over the relevant conditions from the home occupation section to the proposed provisions in YMC Ch. 15.09 Special Development Standards for short-term rentals; 3. Strike YMC 15.09.080 (C) from the draft; and 4. Remove duplicative language found in YMC 15.09.080 (F) and the introduction to YMC § 15.09.080. At a future meeting, staff will provide a summary of all proposed text amendment changes resulting from the items City Council asked the Planning Commission to review pertaining to affordable housing. Calhoun briefly introduced a house bill in regards to jurisdictions implementing provisions to assist in increasing their residential building capacity. Staff will provide more information pursuant to this bill at a later date. -1- Discussion took place on a potential housing action plan for Yakima. Calhoun explained that funding will be applied for once available. Other Business — None noted. Adjourn — A motion to adjourn to June 26, 2019 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting adjourned at approximately 3:41 p.m. Chairwoman Byers Date This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician. -2- 111011119 M DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Joan Davenport, AICP, Director 11 %Xk� �uuuu� a kwi PlOTY I° YAKIIMA anning Joseph Calhoun, Manager 129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning� • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS SUMMARY OF REQUESTS The Department of Community Development received six requests for amendments to the Future Land Use Map for the 2019 amendment review process. (CPA#003-19 was withdrawn) These include: APPLICANT: AHBL Inc for UPI Property II LLC FILE NUMBERS: CPA#001-19, RZ#002-19, SEPA#011-19 LOCATION: 14 & 16 E Washington Ave; 2308 S 1St St PARCEL NO: 191331-414017 -414027 -41405 & -41406 AMENDMENT Change the Future Land Use map designation for four REQUEST: parcels (5.84 ac) from Commercial Mixed -Use to Industrial and rezone four parcels from General Commercial (GC) to Light Industrial (M-1) for the purpose of changing the status of the existing auto wrecking and dismantling business at this site from legal nonconforming to conforming. YaWnia, m'mi'I°I 20115 094 Site Plan E WASHINGTON AVE Existing ices) FIECEIVED MAR2 1 2019 1`Y OF YAKIMA PLANNING DIV. Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, C'NE.,'S A dews DS, USDA, USGS, Av¢.+ORO€;z, 0M, and the GIS User Community r�°���✓/i j;� 0 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Feet Site Addresses: 14 & 16 E. Washington Ave. and 2308 S. 1st St. Parcel Numbers: 191331-41401, 191331-41402, 191331-41405, and 191331-41406 Current Zoning: GC Lot coverage: N/A Owner: Mark Forcum 802 South Oregon Ave. Pasco, WA 99301 (503) 866-0141 Signature: (01 Ingress / Egress (Driveway) Zoning - blue text Future Land Use - red text N W E s FUTURE LAND USE MAP File Number: CPA9001-19,RZ9002-19&SEPA9011-19 Project Name: UPI PROPERTY 11 LLC Site Address: 14 & 16 E WASHINGTON AVE "Aff, am a% IL%, "I A, M L'%%. A411I lilmk, PCl�YCF ; MA d T n1h Y A �,i g Yakima Future Land Use Designations Low IDens t,,, Rest I N4ixc2 Resident al Centi,all Busines-. Care C,--rnrnerciEl Ccjrnmercipl Nllixe,d Use R e g, on.a1 Cc m rn e 1-6 a I Ccrnmunit�d PJ xed I 11 n d Lwst r a I Yakima City Limits 0 I I � I ) It,u I a I Ille I I I] fo I 111a Uo I I sl I o \A/ 11 o I I 1 I I Ih 111a I' Ih fo I I ] I all 11111 g and III JAI aUo 11 1 )U I I o I I I Y t I w( I (y of Ya kI 111a IsSU III ('S 1] 0 1 a I )I I I (y foo ally ('I 1 0 1 S, 0 111 .,SIO I] �,, 0 1 I I] auw I ades I I I I1 EP I I I fo I 111,AIo I I I ) I ovIded o I fo I any aWo I I `,flke I I, o I aWo I I I] CA `,flke I I I )y , I w uh,(, I I I I I ehanue J I )o I I any Ilvlph, o I I I] fo I 111,AIo I I I: I ovIded I w I ('I I I I 1 a l(, ( I ea Led� b/,l 8/2 011) �01 ZONING MAP File Number: CPA9001-19,RZ9002-19&SEPA9011-19 Project Name: UPI PROPERTY 11 LLC Site Address: 14 & 16 E WASHINGTON AVE; 2308 S JIT ST Plum a% IL%, "JAMIXX AdIll a 1W PCl�YCF ; MA d T n1h Y A �'i g Yakima Urban Area Zoning SIR Suburban Residential R-1 Single Family R-2 Two Family R-3 Multi -Family B-1 Professional Business B-2 Local Business HB Historical Business SCC Small Conveneice Center LCC Large Convenience Center CBD Central Business District GC General Commercial M-1 Light Industrial VIII M-2 Heavy industrial RD Regional Development AS Airport Support MJp Dldo oIlllor linforilwtion sIhowln Oil tills llwp lsfO1­ IfldlIllillt, dlld 1IIU4 rdtbll gWI­JI�0s0s OlIIY III0 Cltl( Of YdkIll1d 110 ldbllltl( for =Dill( 01-1101-S, 01111��IOM, 01- WCCUI-dClO� In the linforilwtion I Or for rwy =oCtloln trflkoln, 01- dCti011 110t td1<011 IDl( tll(' _1�01­ Ill 1-01ldlIC0 UJI�011 dll�( WJI6 01- IfOl-11 I dt!011 heirelin APPLICANT: John I Haas Inc FILE NUMBERS: CPA#002-19, RZ#003-19, SEPA#014-19 LOCATION: 1900 N 1St St PARCEL NO: 181312-44026 AMENDMENT Change the Future Land Use map designation for one REQUEST: parcel (2.83 ac) from Commercial Mixed -Use to Industrial and rezone one parcel from General Commercial (GC) to Light Industrial (M-1) in anticipation of future expansion of Haas' hop storage and processing facilities. MAR 2 7 2019 MAY 16 2019 OITY eF YAftIMA PLANNING DIV. -------------- *,-,-----g",-IP2"1�11----.------- ------ 7 " d77- I A V, R Iwtil . . . . . . . ................ . . . ...... ........... . - ------ ................... AWSYSTEMS WEST CONSTRUCTION EjPN 4="mn Sl tF PLAN FUTURE LAND USE MAP File Number: CPA9002-19, RZ9003-19 & SEPA9014-19 Project Name: JOHN I HAAS INC / VALOM LLC Site Address: 1900 N I" ST . ........ ........ — - ---- V, U7... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - - - - - - - - - - .. . ... . . . . . . . . r"."�fl ," uo N . . . . . . . . . .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- El I -r moo mo�oAn - F IT -1 FFFFI T Tft=1 , 'Aff I a IS a % I, % I "Aff A' M 'l X11 11110 a lmk, PCl�YCF ; MA d T n1h Y A �'i g Yakima Future Land Use Designations Derrs tri IFrsi(Jenl al N,Iixeid Re5id- ntall Central BusinpGs Core Cornmerciel Co rn rn e I -c i 2 1 M i we d U s F- Reg(,--jral Carrmerc aI Community NIdxed Use lair mal l p I1 Ula l 11u I 11fol 111a Uoil shown hill 1171 111a p lfol plaminer( and l I I uAl aUo 11 Irui nilly 717x.. ( l ly of Ya kl 111a asSUIM'S 110 1 a hl I l ly fol ally ('I 1 01 S, 01 Inauwl aule,sir Ilea sums 111,Aloil pi ovlded ol fol ally aWoil t,Iken, ol aWoil irerl l,flken by lhrex u.,('I sir re upoll ally lvllp., ol linen 111,Aloil pi ovlded 17rxiieti11 ZONING MAP File Number: CPA9002-19, RZ9003-19 & SEPA9014-19 Project Name: JOHN I HAAS INC / VALOM LLC Site Address: 1900 N I" ST nen . . . . . . ................ , ... . . . .... ------------------------ lon . .... . .... . ........ . III - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- 114 E:E 111TJ =1 rE Elfi r HHIHL MUM A2.011 a A a S 1L%1 "A' A, M V%%. � A141r/l/II PCl�Y C F ; MA d T n1h Y A �'i g Yakima Urban Area Zoning SR SUII Re�yiI21�znt al IF,-', Sin Ie �arn ly I Twa IFennlly R-3 It ­arr ly I Pr anal EUsinees 12-2, L EUsiniIe�s Hkal ?,USil1IP,;5 C_ I-na -orvenpice _enter ILCC _,ircle Conivar, en Certer I Cenival BUSin­G Dr tnct 13C I Corrme,,ial K,M L ght Indausrriel MI -2 Heavy IndustriFfl RDReE:liolnFI Devell.,loment A'S A p(.urt5ippctt. Map Dlsdallller: lin(orillation sIhowln Oil tllls illap is fO1­ IfldIIIII11t, dlld ILMI-dti011 IWI­JIa0s0s OIIIY 1110 CltY Of YdIkIlIld 110 ldbllltYfOl- dll( 01-1101-S) 0111!�MOIM) 01- WCCUI-dClO� III the linforlination I Or for ally action takell) Or dU1011 IlOt td1<011 ID ( HIO III ITIldlIC0 LIJI�011 dll�( WII6 01- IfOl-11 I dt!011 heirelin APPLICANT: City of Yakima Planning Division FILE NUMBERS: CPA#004-19, RZ#004-19, SEPA#017-19 LOCATION: Vicinity of N 16th Ave & Hathaway St PARCEL NO: 181314-14433, 41406, -41407, -41408, -41519, -41520 & - 41521 AMENDMENT Change the Future Land Use map designation for seven REQUEST: parcels (3.08 ac) from Industrial to Commercial Mixed -Use and a portion of one parcel from Industrial and Commercial Mixed -Use to Commercial Mixed -Use only, and rezone six parcels from Industrial (M-1) to General Commercial (GC) and one split -zoned parcel from M-1 and GC to GC only. This change will correct a mapping error that occurred during the 2006 Comprehensive Plan update. 3 FUTURE LAND USE MAP File Number: CPA9004-19, RZ9004-19 & SEPA9017-19 Project Name: CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING DIVISION Site Address: VIC. OF N 16TH AVE & HATHAWAY ST "Aff, am a% IL%, "I A, M L'%%. A411I lilmk, P Cl YC1F ; MA �d T nh Y A �,i g Yakima Future Land Use Designations Lc Ders ty Resi(Jenl a-1 Vlixeid Re5id-'gall Central BusinpGs Core Cornmerciel I rn rn e I -c i 2 1 M I w�e d U s Reg(,--jral Carrmerc a� Community Nldxed Use ndu7mai I I � I ) It,u I a I1 Iw I I I] fo I 111a Uo I I sl I o \A/ 11 o I I 1 I I Ih 111a I' Ih fo I I ] 1 1111111117 and III JAI aUo 11 1 )U I I o I I I Y t I w( I (y of Ya kI 111a IsSU III ('S 1] 0 1 a I )I I I (y foo ally ('I 1 0 1 S, C, I 111.61011�,, 01 Inauuwauk's III lIw 11fol 111,AIoil plovIded ol fol ally IuUoil `,Iken, ol IuUoil ]CA `,flken by he uh,(,I III why upoll ally Ivlph, ol Idol 111,AIoil plovIded wi ,, I D,Ae (:I 3/1 6/,101 1) ZONING MAP File Number: CPA9004-19, RZ9004-19 & SEPA9017-19 Project Name: CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING DIVISION Site Address: VIC. OF N 16TH AVE & HATHAWAY ST AW&A Rww%, Aws A mix%. ANNE 1110MIS, J)J MY an OF YAUMA h i NE 9 Yakima Man Area Zoning SR SAwban Rmhem al v! Mgt %M ly RQ%ahwly R-3 "Al, It -,ar-n ly 11 %BMWs Pits mi 12 02 34w�s A HAwAd BnAws SCC SmaH Canwnew Center ILCCLainge Ccjnvence Certer CBD Ce=1 3wrem D anct, 13C --,en-ral Coimn-e,,ial Md L gQ Indmtrirsl V1-2 Heavy IndustriFfl RD Regent Qvebpment A'S A p(.-urt5ippctt. Nlap 1)1sdahnor: InforinaWn Mmwn on Unk my: Is for pUnNng and Il mvauml puqmws ordy W OW of Akkna assumes no AWHLy for any orrors, o"YO, or kwawadm In aw or for any allhn Lakn, or allbn noL Won by aw mor In WHOMO Qon any awes or Informakin woOdod howlin APPLICANT: Forrest Emmons FILE NUMBERS: CPA#005-19, RZ#007-19, SEPA#021-19 LOCATION: 618, 622, 702, 706, 710, & 714 W J St PARCEL NO: 181313-24435, -24436, -24437, -24438, -24439 & -24440 AMENDMENT Change the Future Land Use map designation for six REQUEST: parcels (1.01 ac) from Industrial to Commercial Mixed - Use and rezone six parcels from Light Industrial (M-1) to General Commercial (GC). 4 FUTURE LAND USE MAP File Number: CPA#005-19, RZ#007-19 & SEPA#021-19 Project Name: FORREST EMMONS /HARLOW ADAMS Site Address: 618, 622, 702, 706, 710 & 714 W J ST Yrff, am a I, ' A, 1 . >���� �ClY gar x �; MA hYA�,i Yakima Future Land Use Designations Lc 11e;rrs ty IResi(_9enlual Vliixeid Re—ntiell ��t1ti1111�� Central B,usinpGs Core Cornmere,iel Cornlrner-ciia.l G Iwi ed UsF- ������� Feg�r_irnal (ar^�rrre;rr� a� Community Ildxed Use; ndu mai II:) It,uI a I Ille l"': II]foI 111aUoII 5lIo\A/I"1 oI I 1I11h 111a I' Ih foI all 11111I anf,',i III JAI aUo11 1)UI I]e]hla'"! o I I I Y t Iw ( I(Y of Ya tIIi1,1 ,IsSUIII ('S 1101 Ila?I)III(Y foo ally ('I 101 S, 01111.,SIOI] ,, C, 1 II]auw1"s des I Iw IIIfoI I11,AIoII I ) I ovIf,', ed o foI any al.oII1 ,IkeY, o ?7l oII I]CA 1`,flkeII I)y 1`Iw uh,(,I I I ehanue L1I:)oII anyIlvlj) , o II]fe, 1111,AIoII I: I ovIded I w I ('III I1,Ae (I 3/1)/,1011) 0 � 0- tl ZONING MAP File Number: CPA#005-19, RZ#007-19 & SEPA#021-19 Project Name: FORREST EMMONS /HARLOW ADAMS Site Address: 618, 622, 702, 706, 710 & 714 W J ST . ........... ........... ET ITTIFF117] AW&A Kww%, Aws A lkix%. ANNE 1110110, J)j MY an OF YAUMA h i NE 9 Yakima Urban Area Zoning SR SAwban Rmhem al I was %M l RQ%ahwly R-3 "Al, It -,ar-n ly 11 PrMWs swm�s 12 L. 34w�s A HAwAd BnAws SCCSmail Canwnew Ce ILCC i Ccjnv�r, ence Certer CBD Ceiml Minns D anct, 13C Cen-ral Coimn-e,,ial Md L gk Indmthal V1-2 Heavy Industrial RD Regent Avebioment A'S A p(.-urt5jppctt. Map 1)1sdahncr: InforinaLion Mmwn on Nis my: K for pUnNng and miuvauml puqmws ONY W OW of Yakkna assumes no AWHLy for any orrors, o"YK, or kwaxadm in aw ink"aim"irovided or for any allhn Laiwn, or allbn noL labs Q to mor in Viance pon any mqm or infornMion wo0ded howin SITE PLAN Address: 618 W J Steet City, State, ZIP: Yakima wa Country: USA Scale 1 ":30' N w� E S W J Steet 1 8f gated entry aft fence 4ft retaining block+ 4ft chain link fence Vicinity map RECEIVED MAY 17 2019 10 . Wy (IF Y,A PLANNING 9 . q W J Steet 16ft gated 16ft gated entry entry si ewalk U' �atD 7 sidewalk ouil AljedOJd ca Covered parking 1 Pawn d - Shop with, Shop with a ��, Shop with o b Shop with Shop with off!Ce "' office va-.`�'., office "^ "°� 'fn office ,,........., a _So .m.m_3ff,....._..r... 30, b U EL . .... ....., equipment �Storage .p q equipment equipment equipment menequipmentstorage storage storage storage gProperty fine 320 IiIF- 24435 24436 24437 24438 24439 Parcel No. (APN) Parcel No. (APN) Parcel No, (APN) Parcel No. (APN) Parcel No. (APN) 181313-24435 181313-24436 181313-24437 181313-24438 181313-24439 I Town W House Q) 6 Units lawn 24440 Parcel No. (APN) 181313-24440 APPLICANT: Digital Design & Development c/o Leanne Liddicoat for River 16 LLC FILE NUMBERS: CPA#006-19, RZ#006-19, SEPA#022-19 LOCATION: 1601, 1607, 1611, 1703 & 1725 River Rd PARCEL NO: 181314-11411, -11412, -11413, -11414 & -11553 AMENDMENT Change the Future Land Use map designation for five REQUEST: parcels (2.08 ac) from Mixed Residential to Community Mixed Use and change the zoning from Multi -Family Residential (R-3) to Local Business (B-2). 5 18131411413 v � — STOR. B-2 RASI I LNCLOSURE/ PARCEL INDEX FOR SITE 12FTRECT NOT TO SCALE zoNE R-3 3FT BUFFER ZONE mamomommom Ili I i ly IU Ia Im h YARD STORAGE ZONE R-3 nl�� ,I RIVER ROAD 12FTXI5FT fR6RnE6i✓0"@S, DIGITAL DESIGN CL MC i, LLC. 6��N uYi ©?din . t ZONE LLC PLANNINIR aftE OWNER: RIVER 16 DRAWING: SITE PLAN DATE: JANUARY$, 2019 FILL# RIVER 1612111 SiEVL PROJECT NUMBER: ISSUED FOR DESIGN DEVELOPMENT SHEET: C.1.0 FUTURE LAND USE MAP File Number: CPA#006-19, RZ#006-19 & SEPA#022-19 Project Name: RIVER 16 LLC Site Address: 1601, 1607,1611, 1703 & 1725 RIVER RD SII a...... .. -------------- L-------------- -- ------------ WV---- - ------- J1, .. . . ..... ... ........... "Aff"NERSIL%, "JAMW%%. IIA11111=111111, a lmk, P C I Y C1F ; MA �d T nh Y A �'i g Yakima Future Land Use Designations Derrs tri IResi(Jenl al Vlixeid Regio -nt all Central BusinpGs Core Cornmerciel CornrnerciEl `vfiwed UsF- Reg (arrmerc a� jrnrnurity Nll�xed Use rdu7mal Map I ) ,Ula l 111el : I 11fol 111a Uoil shown oll 111 l., 111a p l,, fol plan 11l Ig and l I I uAi aUo 11 IrUi o illy C'i lauuwaules sir llw iirfen 111,Aloi7 piovlded ol fol ally aWoil t,Iken, err aWoil IIC11 t,Iken by tlw u.,('i sir ellanue upoll allylvllp,oi 11folilllUoll piovlded ll(,I(,l D,Ae ( 3/2/2011) ZONING MAP File Number: CPA#006-19, RZ#006-19 & SEPA#022-19 Project Name: RIVER 16 LLC Site Address: 1601, 1607,1611, 1703 & 1725 RIVER RD w f Gr Jj _______.______ :E::t AW&A K w l . ANNE 1110110, MY OF YAMMA nan Yakima Urban Area Zoning R S wban fffayhem al R!6n f-%rnld R-3It ,arnily 2f-,2 00 Eualnus HID HI wd B u n e s SCC Smail Canwnew Cenwr L_'ti,C Age Q n4 w eme ✓ mter SC Cen-ral Conime ,ial uMd L gk naso thpr K1-2 Heavy Industrial RD Rr,groma Grill; els pment A;3 A rp-r urt�Si ppct.. Map f: Ii daiunor Inforvrrns'llon Mmwn on 'Nis viral,: Is for lalarnNng and llluslrauml purlaows ordy I In�:: OW of Alkkna assumes no llalsllhllr'for any orrors, orovicl clsl7aoir lrwaxadm in aw Irnk"a'llmr7 larovicfa:d or for any allhn Lala n, or �allbn no't labs IQ to mor in roliance ulaon any iira:as or infonirn'llon I i � in i Parcel Acres Current Current FLU Proposed Proposed FLU Zon 19133141401 0.34 GC Commercial Mixed Use M-1 Industrial CPA#001-19/ Residential Use Loss -4.09 -5.84 -2.08 RZ4002-18 19133141402 0.36 GC Commercial Mixed Use M-1 Industrial 2.64 19133141405 0.38 GC Commercial Mixed Use M-1 Industrial -2.08 19133141406 4.76 GC Commercial Mixed Use M-1 Industrial CPA#002-19/ RZ#003-19 18131244026 2.83 GC Commercial Mixed Use M-1 Industrial 18131441407 0.2 M-1 Industrial GC Commercial Mixed Use 18131414433 (part) 1.3 M-1 Industrial GC Commercial Mixed Use CPA#004-19/ 18131441406 0.73 M-1 Industrial GC Commercial Mixed Use RZ4004-19 18131441521 0.5 M-1 Industrial GC Commercial Mixed Use 18131441519 0.06 M-1 Industrial GC Commercial Mixed Use 18131441520 0.1 M-1 Industrial GC Commercial Mixed Use 18131441408 0.19 M-1 Industrial GC Commercial Mixed Use 18131324435 0.16 M-1 Industrial GC Commercial Mixed Use 18131324436 0.16 M-1 Industrial GC Commercial Mixed Use CPA#005-19/ 18131324437 0.16 M-1 Industrial GC Commercial Mixed Use RZ4007-19 18131324438 0.16 M-1 Industrial GC Commercial Mixed Use 18131324439 0.14 M-1 Industrial GC Commercial Mixed Use 18131324440 0.23 M-1 Industrial GC Commercial Mixed Use 18131411414 0.31 R-3 Mixed Residential B-2 Community Mixed Use 18131411413 0.81 R-3 Mixed Residential B-2 Community Mixed Use CPA#006-18/ RZ#007-18 18131411412 0.31 R-3 Mixed Residential B-2 Community Mixed Use 18131411411 0.37 R-3 Mixed Residential B-2 Community Mixed Use 18131411553 0.28 R-3 Mixed Residential B-2 Community Mixed Use M-1/Industrial GC/Commercial Mixed R-3/Mixed B-2/Community Mixed Use Residential Use Loss -4.09 -5.84 -2.08 0 Gain 8.67 4.09 0 2.08 2018 2.64 8.43 0 0 2019 4.58 -1.75 -2.08 2.08 Total Change 7.22 6.68 -2.08 2.08 City of Yakima Planning Commission April 24, 2019 Affordable Housinq and Title 15 Chan 1. Background On March 12, 2019, the City Council held a study session where it was moved and seconded to send the following items to the Planning Commission for further review and discussion: a. Review options for zoning of additional land for multi -family construction b. Analyze the Zoning Ordinance (YMC 15) & Subdivision Ordinance (YMC 14) for regulatory strategies c. Analyze the R-1 Zoning District to determine if more density should be allowed in the R-1 zone d. Review techniques used in other cities, especially in the state of Washington, to encourage new housing of all types e. Review the concept of Inclusionary Housing Ordinances that require set -asides for affordable housing or payment into a fund for affordable housing. Seattle and Portland have similar ordinances with mixed results f. Review short term rental zoning and licensing regulations (AirBNB or VRBO) 2. Action Items a, b, and c. Review options for zoning of additional land for multi- family housing, analyze Title 14 and 15 for regulatory strategies, analyze the R-1 district to determine if more density should be allowed. 15.02.020 — Definitions: "Accessory dwelling unit (ADU)" means a structure meeting the purpose and requirements of YMC 15.09.045 which is attached to a single-family home, or detached garage,,,,-a2.r,-a,,,-sig,n,d„-gIl,aan,e„-S,ru-ctu,re., with living facilities for one individual or family separate from the primary single-family. "De,vc,N.a2jp..M2.0.!w liii , multiy e -family means a structure or structures, or portion thereof, designed for occupancy by three or more families living independently of each other and containing three or more attacheda2. r..det.gched.. dwelling units on a lot..An.. c.. 12rmlka,p_n,afi..12n.. and detached single-family dwellings that a -re 4u..; . LL... -are.. - ....GG -m Baan fa 4i6ie.. or --r~ mai . � Rdhavea common driveway access on a single lot of record, are al -s -considered multiple -family development. 15.04.030. Table 4-1 — Permitted Land Uses: SR R-1 R-2 R3 B-1 B-2 HB SCC LCC AS GC CBD RD M-1 M-2 RESIDENTIAL Accessory Uses (*) See YMC 15.04.060 Detached Single -Family Dwelling (*) 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 Accessory Dwelling Unit (*) (See YMC 15.09.045) 2 2 1 1 .1. :1. :1. .1. :1. --1. --1. :1. Existing or New Detached Single -Family Dwelling on Existing Lots of 8,000 Square Feet or Less 1 1 1 Detached Single -Family Dwelling (zero lot line) (*) (See YMC 15.09.040) 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 Attached Single -Family Dwelling, Common Wall (*) 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 Two -Family Dwelling (Duplex) (*) 3 ;>2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 al. 2 .L..Ga r l anile. -U Ga�llin_:..{).rl rlcr; *).. couici 7 its ina ncGa Adrdtvr,aon Converted Dwelling (*) 3 ;+2 al. al. ay. ... a.l A.. 2 2 2-1.. 1 Multifamily Dey.el-, ) i -i t E41iig (*): 0-7 DU/NRA 2. al. 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 812 DU/NRA 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 13+ DU/NRA C+2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mixed -Use Building 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Planned Development (*) See YMC 15.28 Mobile Home Parks (*) 2 2 2 Mobile Home (*) or Manufactured Homes (*) See YMC 15.04.160 Retirement Homes (*) 2 3 1 3 1 1 Temporary Hardship Units (See YMC 15.04.140) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 R-1 Zoning District 15.03.020(B) — R-1 District Intent Statement B. Single -Family Residential District (R-1). The single-family residential district is intended to: 1. Establish new residential neighborhoods for detached single-family dwellings free from other uses except those which are compatible with, and serve the residents of, this district, which may include duplexes and zero lot lines if established during the subdivision process corner corner lots in a new subdivision can be designated for duplex constructlon,l L Commented [CJ1]: Consistent with HB1923 — Section 1.j 2. Preserve existing residential neighborhoods for detached single-family dwellings free from other uses to ensure the preservation of the existing residential character, and serve the residents of this district; and 3. Locate moderate -density residential development, up to seven dwelling units per net residential acre, in areas served by public water and sewer system. Detached single-family dwellings are the primary use in this district. The district is characterized by up to sixty percent lot coverage; access to individual lots by local access streets; required front, rear and side yard setbacks; and one- and two-story structures. The density in the district is generally seven dwelling units per net residential acre or less. This zone is intended to afford single-family neighborhoods the highest level of protection from encroachment by potentially incompatible nonresidential land uses or impacts. Nonresidential uses within these zones are not allowed; except for public or quasi -public uses, which will be required to undergo extensive public review and will have all necessary performance or design standards assigned to them as necessary to mitigate potential impacts to adjacent residences. 17,u•21, x••_g,n, ••_ ,u•V,j•u„fg,rn...... Development e ng--,u••a,_�a2•••, seven dwelling units per net residential acre may be allowed in accordance with Table 4-1. 115.09.045 ACC2SSOCj/ dWellingUI11tS Commented [CJ2]: The changes below are consistent A. Purpose. The purpose of the accessory dwelling unit (ADU) provisions are to: with H B1923 - Section 1.e. 1. Provide .2x92.2 ..Y._h wners with an opportunity for extra income, companionship, and security; 2. Better utilize existing infrastructure and community resources (sewer, water, roads, etc.); 3. Provide a housing type that allows flexibility to respond to changing needs and lifestyles; 4. Add to the supply of affordable dwelling units; and 5. Protect neighborhood character and stability by ensuring that ADUs are compatible with surrounding land uses. B. Requirements. An accessory dwelling unit is a permitted use rii re --&-k-, k-4;--1="� zompke.e....YML a.....::Table ....ry......:]...):_a2.n....all,ll.....2g..rub,Il....ua2n, g•ii,n,]....g.....].II .:::::fg,rn•II..Y.. dwetilliin: e>ee YI�C 15.(34.(33(3 1 stalls 4 1 for I....eveti of fRevlew Ie Ih r....... .............%......(..............................................................................................................x............................................................................................................................................................), y a-detaGhed s4,gIIe-•f wellkRIq subject to all of the following conditions: 1. The c .. e . , nilAI)U may be attached to the primary residence or attached to or above a detached garage, or be its own stand-alone structure. 2. The front entrance to the ADU shall not be visible from a right-of-way or access easement. ,.. _qtr e.e:t....y. .µ.a .......� ri ... ;>-c.......µ.H.................. . _ :..�..... e: . - [o. 4,3; The ADU's floor area shall n,]ua.r..e ::f.e..e rmy jaerc~ - f,6d f .. ref..a ell& re.... l.e.a.•.s aa..r..-ex .- -......prii d.e.:la "R NO 11dr , q fee. e..... - rod ....r y rirnafy r�r re...e..r-0.e....:t , qfeet , i.F.ewu.. I„ c -- *1. s, a- .: The ADU's exterior walls shall be designed so as to be similar in style, color, and building materials to the primary detached dwelling. 45; An ADU attached to the primary structure shall have the same building setbacks as the primary structure. An ADU that is attached to, or built above, a detached garage or a stand-alone structure shall have the same building setbacks as an accessory structure. � . A parcel/lot shall contain no more than one single -family residence and one ADU. 7.. ADUs shall not be allowed on parcels containing a duplex or multifamily dwelling, or a commercial or industrial structure/use. ADUs shall only be permitted on parcels/lots sized a - t [I�ie" r YdV9-Zj....:1.... a^�^ u:: mar ra uaa64r...:l.h w.ra.w.rm e e..., r....u.nd. .. x...:1'.2. l,aa,ws.:. e..:.....n...., g,c,h, .....1::7.....!i.....2� ,s...3..?.,f30.... a:1.U.p..r�....:fg�.�..:. b. An attached or detached AI::)U its igermitted on a Ilot at Ileast 4 35f sa�uare feed. ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-0,9,. The primary residence and the ADU shall both be connected to public sewer and water. a. If the ADU is attached to the primary dwelling unit, the two dwelling units shall share a single sewer and water connection. b. If the ADU is attached to, or located above, a detached garage, or is a stand- alone structure, each unit shall have its own sewer and water connection, with required meters. 1--1-10... A lot containing an ADU shall not be subdivided, or otherwise segregated in ownership, in a way that separates the ADU and the primary dwelling unit on different lots. 1-211.... A home occupation maybe allowed, subject to YMC 15.04.120, in either the ADU or the primary unit, but not both. 1-3,1.2,, The site plan for the construction or conversion of an ADU shall indicate the ADU. 1.413... Any exterior stairs shall be placed in the rear or side yard. 1.5................ ,q,...d e4+ee-ARPAie..ra..,...r LL - . � 4e Gii ty.,rA41 be re aafded avid:# rra dii , e....:te....pot L...buyoerr . U re..r . a' C. Enforcement. The city retains the right with reasonable notice to inspect the ADU for compliance with the provisions of this section. D. Elimination. The city retains the right with reasonable notice to withdraw occupancy approval if any of the requirements under subsection B of this section are violated. In the event the city withdraws occupancy, the property owner may: 1. If attached, merge the existing ADU to the single-family dwelling; or 2. If detached, use the building for storage only or remove the structure from the premises. 15.19.050 Continuation of nonconforming uses. A. Generally. Any legal nonconforming use may continue as longus it remains otherwise lawful. Any change or expansion of the nonconforming use shall be made in accordance with the provisions of YMC 15.19.070 or 15.19.080. B. Continuation When a Nonconforming Use is Damaged or Destroyed. When a nonconforming use and associated structure are damaged, the nonconforming use may be replaced as it was prior to the damage. If the structure was also nonconforming, the structure may be rebuilt as it was immediately prior to the damage or in a manner that is more conforming in accordance with YMC 15.19.080. C. Cuantunuatuuan uaf N+enc+Dnfrarmiin� e>xn� Ile Farmik I::)wetilliin� s. Existun� e>iin� Ile Farmik I::)wetilliin� s iin ......................1...........................................Y............................................1................................................1......................1........................................................................................1.................. the Commercial) and Industrial) Zuan!In � f.:)istricts ma tae ex ended recuanstructed uar retauillt iin .............. ...................................................Y................................Ir?..................................,...........................................................................,.............................................................. accordancewIthth2, .._................:.,fcatuon ...........v,as:.h..:....... ,,,,..)..:. 15.17.020 Modification to permitted development and uses regulated. Minor changes to existing or approved Class (1), (2) or (3) uses or development may qualify for abbreviated review under the provisions in this chapter, if they meet the criteria listed below. Overlay districts shall not increase the level of review for the provisions of this chapter. Modifications not meeting the criteria below must apply directly for review as a Class (1), (2) or (3) use or development. A. The modification will not increase residential density that would require an additional level of review; B. The modification will not increase the amount of parking by more than ten percent or twenty spaces (whichever is least), except that the amount of parking for controlled atmosphere and cold storage warehouses may be increased by up to twenty spaces. This limit shall be calculated cumulatively for all previous modifications since the last normal review; C. Any expansion of use area or structure will not exceed fifty percent of the gross floor area,. Fh.e ex ansion o an existing sing Ile famill harms ma exceed the Fft ercent Iliimit when allll n.....................................................................................................1............................................................Y.......................................................Y...............................................................................Y....l r?....................................................................................................... a.2.2a.ii,ca,kalle,,,.ac,tlkaack,,.a,nd,,,.11,ua.,,,.c+Dvc,.rac e sta.nda,.rds,,,,,,rme,t. This limit shall be calculated cumulatively for all previous modifications since the last normal review; D. The modification will not increase the height of any structure; E. This limit shall be calculated cumulatively for all previous modifications since the last normal review; F. The modification will not add a drive-thru facility; and G. The modification does not include hazardous materials. 14.25.040 Lot design. Each lot within a subdivision shall comply with the following design standards and requirements A. Double frontage lots, as defined in YMC 14.10.020, are permitted only where determined by the city council, or the administrator in the case of short subdivisions, to be essential to provide separation of residential lots from major and secondary arterial streets or high-intensity land uses or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography or parcel configuration. When double frontage lots are used, access shall be limited to only one of the fronting streets. B. All lots within a subdivision shall have direct access to and frontage upon a dedicated public street or be accessed by an easement. Access easements cannot serve more than one lot. Minimum street frontage and/or access easement width shall be at least twenty feet. Lots intended for residential use should not access a principal or minor arterial. C. Private streets conforming to YMC 12.06.090 may be allowed within a master planned development pursuant to YMC Chapter 15.28,,,_ orgsrdnwehsreua Subdivision ,_,,,,,„_,, ,,_, e>u[adiiYisuuan. ............................................................ D. All lots not located in a master planned development subdivision shall have a minimum lot width at the building setback line consistent with Table 5-2 (YMC Chapter 15.05). 3. Action Item d. Review techniques to encourage more housing types. 16.88.070 Flexible thresholds for categorical exemptions.) commented [CJ3]: consistent With H819z3-section 1.n. 1. For residential dwelling units in WAC 197-11-800(1)(b)(i): a.'. §ixt I dwelling units Wrd -` )-; R4 Commented [CJ4]: Maximum Threshold under WAC 197- s;frar 17utallex and I�ulltuformully,,,re idcn,fuall dcve,) anent; 11-800 b. W4494Thirty dwelling units 11n1id WCfGJr e linglle„Fa fiklly Ie,sidentua,ll....l7evctiva..ra.rmenj,; Commented [CJS]: Maximum Threshold under WAC 197- 2. For office, school commercial, recreational, service or storage buildings in WAC 197- 11-800 11-800(1)(b)(iii): a.—Neither more than e& hirt housand square feet nor more than ” nune ,y . Commented [CJ -6 Maximum Threshold under WAC 197 - parking spaces in toe I' 1 1. -2C,4�-A n Gill::` C Ni; I -and M-2 11800 Ze..a.i.a....d.11� . b..,a..:.....................................apt.e.#.h.e..r r...t , ...,,d s"-aFe..:fe ..... - -...r an....tNer4y rrki--spa,%&4 r -all other- zoning districts; 3. Fear 11nf].11 devcie anent consistent with the Ciit uaf Yakima Cem rehensivc Phan and 2...............................................................................................................................................y...................................................................................2.................................................................................................... f.RCW 43.2.1 C.229: .............................................................................................. a. Residentiall IDeveie Ment u to 100 dwelllliin: unfits fin the GC and CBI::) zeniin: .................... ............................ ............................ ....................................... .Ir?.....................................2........................................................................... 9............................................................................................................................................ .......................1. districts and hand fin the zeNnq...d,ii,s1r,c��.n.� .............................................................................................................. ..................... Arterial). ........................................ a &a.l�ixed �Isc I::)eYcie anent u to 100 dweilliin: unfits on u er fBeors fin the CaC and 2....................................Ir?.............................................................................1.......................................................2.Ir?...................................................................................................................... CBI..) zonii,n:.�....�Jstrl,nts..:. 4. Action Item e. Review the concept of inclusionary zoning This concept is on hold until a joint meeting can be setup with the CWHBA and other interested parties. 5. Action Item f. Short Term Rentals 15.02.020 Definitions. "B et -a ireakfaAShomt "Temmn f.en121" means a residential structure providing individuals with lodging and .................................................................................. for not more than thirty days. For home occupations, such uses are limited to having not more than five lodging -iva 4s or guest rooms. Table 4-1. Permitted Land Uses SIR R-1 I R-21 R-31 B-1 B-21 HB I SCC LCC I AS I GC I CBD RD I M-1 I M-2 4;9-akfa4- 2 .2. .2. 2 2 2 2 2 1 Table 4-2. Table of Permitted Home Occupations 15.09.080 Special requirements for lied- a*d4afeilldast444n-sshoirt teirm irentals. r ria Term :Renta�s shall meet all applicable health, fire, safety, and building codes. Any ....................................................................................... reception hall or meeting room shall be restricted to serve no more than the total number of tenants, unless otherwise specifically authorized. In addition, h o r..1 t..e r..H.i r..e n.12J.s. shall be subject to the following requirements, 4i t44& W4 mqk� af4:,' G4b,�, Q -F43) Ube,-,: A. Home occupation bed-aPA-b;9a4a44A;;Gshor1 term rentas shall meet t J fP.q D ..... ... nq 2p..5.5PL .............................................................................. ......................... 22aftuons fisted Vn YMC.'..5:.04:..'.2 (.g.) operated so as not "ive ........................................................................................ . i ...... ............ .1 2 . and-t4*4444aa4-RGt infringe upon the rights of neighboring residents to peaceful occupancy of their homes. Minimal outward modifications of the structure or grounds may be made only if such changes are compatible with the character of the neighborhood. B. lf.p�2y�ded m9eals shall only be served to guests, even if required to be licensed as a restaurant under ... ................... ........ state regulations, except as otherwise permitted in this title. UR ­ . C.7 .............. T4.4,CI , n 4�' r shaH nG4 be,4rureasr,e..hfqugh anyex-Wa49ir 4he heme ..).Q. The front yard area shall not be used for off-street parking for Ibed-a4YJ-brcAakfa&t guests unless the parking area is screened and found to be compatible with the neighborhood or unless waived by the reviewing official. F -D. One nonilluminated or externally illuminated sign not exceeding the maximum size allowed within the applicable zoning district, and bearing only the name of the urm i,5horl term rentaV and/or operator, shall be permitted. F -I::::. The administrative official may authorize use of the term renWrA4 be4-areakfa&t 4�n for receptions, .M... ........................................................................ group meetings and special gatherings based upon the size of the .re.sudencek4p, availability of adequate off- street parking spaces, public health considerations, and compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood. No more than five lodging or guest rooms shall be allowed for home occupations. C. .............➢T h..e r..e s h.21J k..)..e no e x I..e r na..J gll.e r..a tio. n S to tine k..)..uJJ..d.J.n.g_2dch woWd chance u1.s ch g[.a c.l.e. r from . . a d w..e.J.jin...g. 7 Zoning District SIR R-1 R-2 R-3 B-1 SVuort -d-and-4r4:,,akfast 1 2 Pe 1 29 1 1 15.09.080 Special requirements for lied- a*d4afeilldast444n-sshoirt teirm irentals. r ria Term :Renta�s shall meet all applicable health, fire, safety, and building codes. Any ....................................................................................... reception hall or meeting room shall be restricted to serve no more than the total number of tenants, unless otherwise specifically authorized. In addition, h o r..1 t..e r..H.i r..e n.12J.s. shall be subject to the following requirements, 4i t44& W4 mqk� af4:,' G4b,�, Q -F43) Ube,-,: A. Home occupation bed-aPA-b;9a4a44A;;Gshor1 term rentas shall meet t J fP.q D ..... ... nq 2p..5.5PL .............................................................................. ......................... 22aftuons fisted Vn YMC.'..5:.04:..'.2 (.g.) operated so as not "ive ........................................................................................ . i ...... ............ .1 2 . and-t4*4444aa4-RGt infringe upon the rights of neighboring residents to peaceful occupancy of their homes. Minimal outward modifications of the structure or grounds may be made only if such changes are compatible with the character of the neighborhood. B. lf.p�2y�ded m9eals shall only be served to guests, even if required to be licensed as a restaurant under ... ................... ........ state regulations, except as otherwise permitted in this title. UR ­ . C.7 .............. T4.4,CI , n 4�' r shaH nG4 be,4rureasr,e..hfqugh anyex-Wa49ir 4he heme ..).Q. The front yard area shall not be used for off-street parking for Ibed-a4YJ-brcAakfa&t guests unless the parking area is screened and found to be compatible with the neighborhood or unless waived by the reviewing official. F -D. One nonilluminated or externally illuminated sign not exceeding the maximum size allowed within the applicable zoning district, and bearing only the name of the urm i,5horl term rentaV and/or operator, shall be permitted. F -I::::. The administrative official may authorize use of the term renWrA4 be4-areakfa&t 4�n for receptions, .M... ........................................................................ group meetings and special gatherings based upon the size of the .re.sudencek4p, availability of adequate off- street parking spaces, public health considerations, and compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood. No more than five lodging or guest rooms shall be allowed for home occupations. C. .............➢T h..e r..e s h.21J k..)..e no e x I..e r na..J gll.e r..a tio. n S to tine k..)..uJJ..d.J.n.g_2dch woWd chance u1.s ch g[.a c.l.e. r from . . a d w..e.J.jin...g. 7 t. "➢ The ip.orfuon of fuue resudenfuaV structure use for a short fermn renfaV suuaVV be desuci ed torso of rria be readii ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... v..........................................v.. converted fo serve resuden fuaV uses. .............................................................................................................................................................. II .Th.e sh.2rf termn rentaV suuaVV icae conduucted un a rnanner 2 aI wu.V not; aVfer fine normnaV resudentuaV cuuaracter of tuue ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ emnuses b tine use coVor rnateda. Vs Vuc uufunc and suc ns or fine e riussuon of House vucarauuon d sV c Vaire uueaU 2.............................................Y..........................................................................................................,.............................9................................9..........................................................................................................................,...........................................,.......................,......9.......................................... . smoke or odors. ........................................................................ J. The short termn rentaV suuaH noU ceneraUe r iaUeruaVV creauer firaftuc voV ries than wo Vd normnaVV tae ex acted .............................................................................Y.......................................................................................................................................................................................... Y............................ e......................... n fuue resude,nv t a ucuVu,�rc?m,Vuc?,c?c�..:. ................................................................................... K. The short terra rentaV shall not re.2he the use of eVectirucaV or mnechaNcaV e.0 a rnenf torso wo Vd cuuance fore 1..............................................................................................................................................................................................I P..................................................................................................9....................... ru,mg....mx1u .G...2j.jV e....resucheace...�?.f...gxcee,c�....1::.:.�.�....sufsuydards..f�?.f...resuc�enfifs.t...use. I:::..:......A,,,busU.dess..,V,ice,ns....s:r^s.V.9...k�e....fe..ry....gumec?..:. 6. Congregate Living/Boardinghouse 2018 YPC Recommendation: In early 2018, the YPC held study sessions and issued a recommendation on a new definition for Congregate Living Facility, which was "Congregate Living Facility" means an establishment providing both lodging and meals, or the ability for residents of the facility to cook their own meals, for persons residing in the facility on a permanent or semi-permanent basis. This definition includes facilities commonly known as boardinghouse or dormitories, along with Temporary Worker Housing as defined by RCW 70.114A.020(10) and WAC 246-358-010(26). Maximum occupancy of the facility shall be determined by the Building Official. Existing YMC Code Provisions: 15.02.020 Definition: "Boardinghouse" means an establishment providing both lodging and meals for not more than ten persons residing in the facility on a permanent or semi-permanent basis. 15.04.030 Table of Permitted Land Uses: Proposed definition for consideration: "Congregate Living Facility" means an establishment providing both lodging and meals, or the ability for residents of the facility to cook their own meals, for persons residing in the facility on a permanent or semi-permanent basis. This definition includes facilities commonly known as boardinghouse or dormitories, except that dormitories provided in conjunction with a proposed or existing educational facility shall be an accessory use to that facility. Maximum occupancy of the facility shall be determined by the Building Official. Future considerations — Level of review in zoning districts, parking standard SR R-1 R-2 R-3 B-1 B-2 HB SCC LCC AS GC CBD RD M-1 M-2 Boardinghouse (") 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 Proposed definition for consideration: "Congregate Living Facility" means an establishment providing both lodging and meals, or the ability for residents of the facility to cook their own meals, for persons residing in the facility on a permanent or semi-permanent basis. This definition includes facilities commonly known as boardinghouse or dormitories, except that dormitories provided in conjunction with a proposed or existing educational facility shall be an accessory use to that facility. Maximum occupancy of the facility shall be determined by the Building Official. Future considerations — Level of review in zoning districts, parking standard