HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-22-19 YPC Packet111011119 M DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Joan Davenport, AICP, Director 11 %Xk� uu:�; Dui k wi PlOTY I° YAKIIMA anning Joseph Calhoun, Manager 129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning�yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning City of Yakima Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING City Hall Council Chambers Wednesday May 22, 2019 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. YPC MPmhPrc- Chairwoman Patricia Byers, Vice -Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Al Rose, Bill Cook, Robert McCormick, Leanne Hughes -Mickel, and Philip Ostriem Council Liaison: Kathy Coffey (District 5) City Planning Staff: Joan Davenport (Community Development Director), Rosalinda Ibarra (Community Development Administrative Assistant), Joseph Calhoun (Planning Manager), Eric Crowell (Associate Planner), Trevor Martin (Associate Planner), Colleda Monick (Community Development Specialist), and Lisa Maxey (Planning Technician) AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Staff Announcements IV. Audience Participation V. Approval of Meeting Minutes of May 8, 2019 VI. Public Hearing - Preliminary Plat of "Vista Ridge Phase 2" Applicant: KH Properties LLC File Numbers: PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 Site Address: Vicinity of S 72nd Ave & Coolidge Rd Request: Proposal to subdivide an approximately 8.7 -acre parcel into 32 single- family residential lots in the R-1 zoning district. VII. Discussion on Potential Text Amendments Affordable Housing VIII. Other Business IX. Adjourn Next Meeting: June 12, 2019 MIS 094 Meeting Date: 05/22/19 City of Yakima YAKIMA PLANNING COMMISSION (YPC) Audience Participation Slip (PLEASE PRINT) Please complete this form for the record and submit it to the Clerk of the board prior to addressing the Commission. Name: '" Subject/ Agenda Item Number(s): m'. E-mail: Mailing Address*: `Please provide your mailing address on this form. When addressing the Commission, state your name and whether you live inside or outside the City limits. The Commission welcomes input from the public both during "Audience Participation" and during discussion of regular agenda items. Please note that the Commission meeting is being televised on Y -PAC, cable channel 194. Profanity, personal attacks, derogatory remarks or other inappropriate language or behavior are not be permitted. Thank you for your comments. City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes City Hall Council Chambers May 8, 2019 Call to Order Chairwoman Patricia Byers called the meeting to order at approximately 3:00 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present: Chairwoman Patricia Byers, Al Rose, Bill Cook, Leanne Hughes - Mickel YPC Members Absent: Philip Ostriem (excused); Vice -Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Robert McCormick (unexcused) Staff Present: Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager; Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician Council Liaison: Kathy Coffey, District 5 (absent) Others: Sign -in sheet in file Staff Announcements — Planning Manager Joseph Calhoun announced that the Commission has a hearing on May 2211 regarding a preliminary plat in the vicinity of 72nd Ave. and Coolidge Rd. Calhoun provided building permit statistics from the month of April, showing year-to-date permits from this year in comparison to last year. The report is available on the city's website on the Code Administration page. Audience Participation — None noted. Approval of Meeting Minutes of April 24, 2019 — It was motioned by Commissioner Rose and seconded by Commissioner Hughes -Mickel to approve the meeting minutes of April 24, 2019. The motion carried unanimously. Submitted 2019 Comprehensive Plan Amendment/Rezone Aaalication Docketina — Calhoun stated that the Planning Division received 6 Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) applications for this year's cycle. He provided the project descriptions and locations of these amendment requests and noted that study sessions and public hearings will be scheduled. Calhoun added that he anticipates issuing the public notices for these projects at the end of next week to start the comment period. The public hearings are estimated to be held in July, after the SEPA determinations are issued. Commissioner Rose drew attention to a strip of land currently zoned M-1 that may have inadvertently been left out of the Planning Division's CPA and rezone proposal in the area of N 16th Ave. and Hathaway St. Calhoun responded that he will look into this and add it to the request if needed. Discussion on Potential Text Amendments Wireless Communications Facilities (YMC Ch. 15.29) Greggory Busch of Wireless Policy Group, representing AT&T, provided additional suggestions for changes to this code chapter. After discussion, Calhoun indicated that the draft will be finalized and will go out for public comment. Affordable Housing Calhoun presented draft changes to YMC Ch. 6.88 Environmental Policy, proposing to modify the flexible thresholds to increase the number of dwelling units that can be created without undergoing SEPA review. -1- Calhoun informed the Commission that he and Community Development Director Joan Davenport will be meeting with Bob Schroeter of Central WA Home Builders Association to establish potential topics of discussion for the meeting with the home builders. The Commission requested that Vaughn Bay Construction and the Downtown Association of Yakima be invited to the meeting. Discussion took place on the City Council agenda item from May 7, 2019, relating to a potential housing action plan for the city. The Commission had consensus to continue working on text amendments related to affordable housing issues until City Council makes a decision on whether a housing action plan should be created. Other Business — Commissioner Cook stated he will be absent for the May 22nd Planning Commission meeting. The Commission requested that staff verify if there will be a quorum for the public hearing scheduled that day. Adjourn - A motion to adjourn to May 22, 2019 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting adjourned at approximately 4:20 p.m. Chairwoman Byers Date This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Planning Technician. -2- KH PROPERTIES LLC — "VISTA RIDGE PHASE 2" PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 Yakima Planning Commission Open Record Public bearing May 22, 2019 EXHIBIT LIST Applicant: KH Properties LLC File Numbers: PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 Site Address: S72 d Ave & Coolidge Rd Staff Contact: Trevor Martin, Associate Planner Table of Contents CHAPTER A Staff Report CHAPTER B Maps CHAPTER C Site Plan CHAPTER D DST Review & Agency Comments CHAPTER E SEPA Checklist CHAPTER F Application CHAPTER G Public Comments CHAPTER H Public Notices CHAPTER I Supplemental Information KH PROPERTIES LLC —"VISTA RIDGE PHASE 2" PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER A Staff Report `%L DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning Division. ,loan Davenport, A1CP, Director Craw Of i n g 129 North Second Street, 2°d Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.pla,nning(�iyakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING DIVISION'S FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING COMMISSION for REQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY LONG PLAT File Number(s): PLP#0101-19 & SEPA#004-19 APPLICANT: APPLICANT ADDRESS: PROJECT LOCATION: NAME OF PLAT: TAX PARCEL NUMBERS: DATE OF REQUEST: DATE OF RECOMMENDATION: STAFF CONTACT: KH Properties LLC. 1601 W Washington Ave., Yakima, WA 98903 Vicinity of S. 72"d Ave. & Coollidge Rd. Vista Ridge Phase 2 181332-34002 February 7, 2019 May 22, 2019 Trevor Martin, Associate Planner I. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: On February 7, 2019, the City of Yakima Department of Community Development received an application to subdivide 8.7 acres of Single -Family (R-1) zoned property into 32 -single-family lots. II. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATION: The Administrative Official recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat, subject to conditions. Ill. FACTS: A. Statement of Cause: Pursuant to YMC Ch. 14.20, the applicant's statement in the Preliminary Long Plat application dated February 7, 2019 — This proposed plat will subdivide approximately 8.7 acres into 32 Single -Family lots. Lot sizes will range from approximately 8,300 s.f. to 10,200 s.f. The lots will have a frontage on a public roadway which will be improved as part of this project. B. Comprehensive Plan. The 2040 Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map designate the subject property as suitable for Low Density Residential development. Single-family detached dwellings are the predominant dwelling type. Other dwelling types may be allowed under certain circumstances, such as accessory dwellings and cottage housing. The permitted density is up to seven net dwelling units per acre for infill development. On larger sites (over two Yakima D000 INDEX 11111F 2015 1994 acres), more flexibility in lot sizes and layout are envisioned, provided overall density standards are met. Permitted maximum densities on large sites is up to seven gross dwelling units per acre. Density bonuses allowing up to six gross dwelling units may be allowed subject to conformance with traditional neighborhood design concepts. Generally, the proposed preliminary plat is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's other provisions which encourage infill, recognize the need for public water and sewer, encourage disposal of surface drainage on-site, and encourage development consistent with the general land use pattern in the area. The Goals and Policies that apply to this designation and proposed land use are as follows: Goal 2.3. Residential uses. Preserve and enhance the quality, character and Function of Yakima's residential neighborhoods. Policy 2.3.1.B. Standard single family. Continue to allow for detached single family dwellings in residential districts. Policy 2.3.3 Create walkable residential neighborhoods with safe streets and good connections to schools, parks, transit, and commercial services. Policy 2.3.3.A Construct sidewalks along all new residential streets Policy Promote small block sizes to ensure good connectivity and reduced walking distances between residences and schools, parks, and services. Specifically: • Low density residential: Blocks between 400- 800 feet long are appropriate. • Mixed residential: Blocks between 300-660 feet long are appropriate. Provide for through public through block connections for large residential blocks. Commercial and mixed-use designations: Configure development to provide pedestrian connections at 300 to 660 feet intervals. Configure development to provide vehicular connections at 600 to 1,320 feet intervals. Allow flexibility for private internal streets to meet connectivity objectives. Goal 5.2. Preserve and improve existing residential neighborhoods. Policy 5.2.1. Invest in and improve quality of life in existing neighborhoods. Goal 5.4. Encourage design, construction, and maintenance of high quality housing. Policy 5.4.3. Encourage development of well-designed new housing in coordination with population growth employment growth, and transportation goals. C. Urban Area Zoning Ordinance. The main purpose of the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance Yakima Municipal Code (YMC) Title 15 (UAZO) is to implement the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan and promote the general health, safety and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of the Yakima Urban Area. YMC § 15.01.030 describes the purpose and intent to promote the purpose of the UAZO. Subsection 15.03.020(6) of the UAZO indicates that the intent of the Single -Family Residential (R-1) zoning district is to: 1. Establish new residential neighborhoods for detached single-family dwellings free from other uses except those which are compatible with, and serve the residents of this district, which may include duplexes and zero lot lines if established during the subdivision process; 2. Preserve existing residential neighborhoods for detached single-family dwellings free from other uses to ensure the preservation of the existing residential character, and serve the residents of this district; and 3. Locate moderate -density residential development, up to seven dwelling units per net residential acre, in areas served by public water and sewer system. Detached single-family dwellings are the primary use in this district. The district is characterized by up to sixty percent lot coverage; access to individual lots by local access streets; required front, rear and side yard setbacks; and one and two-story structures. The density in the district is generally seven dwelling units per net residential acre or less. This zone is intended to afford single-family neighborhoods the highest level of protection from encroachment by potentially incompatible nonresidential land uses or impacts. Nonresidential uses within these zones are not allowed; except for public or quasi -public uses, which will be required to undergo extensive public review and will have all necessary performance or design standards assigned to them as necessary to mitigate potential impacts to adjacent residences. Development exceeding seven dwelling units per net residential acre may be allowed in accordance with Table 4-1. D. Environmental Review. This project (SEPA#004-19) underwent a State Environmental Policy Act review and a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) was issued on April 25, 2019. No appeals have been files with the City of Yakima. E. Processing. 1. The application for a Preliminary Long Plat was received on February 7, 2019.. 2. A SEPA DNS was issued for this plat on April 25, 2019, no appeals have been filed. 3. The proposed plat is larger than nine lots, and is therefore being processed under the provisions of YMC Ch. 14.20 & 6.88. 4. The applications were deemed complete for processing on March 11, 2019. INDEX 1 3 1 5. Pursuant to RCW Ch. 58.17, YMC § 1.42.030 and YMC § 14.20.100, the City of Yakima Planning Commission (Planning Commission) is authorized to make a recommendation for approval or disapproval, with written findings of fact and conclusions to support the recommendation to the City Council on preliminary plats. Within ten working days of the conclusion of a hearing, unless a longer period is agreed to in writing by the applicant, the Planning Commission shall render a written recommendation which shall include findings and conclusions based on the record. 6. Public Notice: Public notice for this application and hearing was provided in accordance with: YMC Title 14, Subdivision Ordinance; YMC Title 15, Urban Area Zoning Ordinance and YMC Title 16, Development Permit Regulations and include the following actions and dates: a. Date of Application: February 7, 2019 b. Date of Developer's Notice of Complete Application: March 8, 2019 c. Date of Notice of Application: April 1, 2019 d. Date of Posting of Land Use Action Sign on the Property: March 27, 2019 e. Date of Mailing of Notice of DNS: April 25, 2019 f. Notice of Public Hearing April 1, 2019 7. Public Comment: Three written public comments were received during the 20 -day public comment period. The first comment was received from Deborah Johnson at the Washington State Department of Health. The comment states "The application materials do not identify any critical areas (Q. 5.C, prelim. plat supplemental application; Q. B.8.h, SEPA checklist). The entire property lies within a wellhead protection area associated with a Group A public water supply (see below). As such, it is classified as a critical aquifer recharge area, specifically Wellhead Protection Zone 3 (YMC 15.27.820.1.c) & is subject to review under Ch. 15.27 YCC (generally)." Staff Response — The City of Yakima's GIS mapping system does not illustrate this area as a protected zone. However, the applicant has not proposed any of the prohibited uses outline in YMC 15.2 7.820. B, and the proposed single family subdivision will not exceed the performance standards of 15.27.820. C. The City issued a DNS on April 25, 2019 for the subject site, the notification that this area is within a wellhead protection area would not change the outcome of the City issuing a DNS. The applicant will still have to comply will of the development and permitting criteria set forth by the City, and as mentioned above, the application does not exceed the thresholds of YMC § 15.27.820. The second comment was from the Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District and states "Parcel 181332-34002 is within the Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Boundary and has 12.10 shares of Yakima-Tieton water, so the developer will need to show "Irrigation Approval" on the face of the Plat. The developer will need to follow the Districts Resolution 97-5 regarding property segregation. Staff Response — The City of Yakima requires Irrigation District approval prior to the approval of the final plat. The final comment was receive from Andrew Zuber — concerns in the letter received by the City primarily addressed the high amount traffic at the intersection of 72nd and Washington Avenues. Staff Response — A TCO for the proposed subdivision was submitted to City staff for review. Staff has determined the new subdivision will not generate enough traffic to require the developer to install traffic intersection improvements at 72nd and Washington. The intersection of 72nd and Washington is currently on the six year Transportation Improvement Program. 7. Development Services Team (DST) Review: The proposal was reviewed by the DST team on February 19, 2019. Final comments of the DST members are summarized below. a. Codes: i. Preliminary addressing for the Plat can be found in Exhibit "A". b. Engineering: i. This development is subject to Title 12 development standards which include, but is not limited to the following sections of the Yakima Municipal Code (YMC), (see the applicable code portion of this staff report for specific code language or City of Yakima Website for the complete code):YMC § 8.64, 12.01, 12.02, 12.03, 12.04, 12.05, and 12.06. ii. Crestfields Rd., S. 74th Ave, and Vista Ridge Ave. are classified as Residential Access streets, requiring a total of 50 feet of right-of-way to be dedicated. iii. Curb, gutter, and sidewalk shall be installed in accordance with YMC § 8.67, 12.05, and 12.06.070. iv. Sidewalk on Coolidge to be 7 ft wide per standard detail R5. Access to lot 32 to be expanded to allow two lanes (24 ft min per traffic engineer). v. All driveways will be required to be constructed in accordance with YMC Ch. 8.64. vi. Per YMC Ch. 8.72 An excavation and street break permit shall be obtained for all work within the public right of way. vii. Per § 12.06.080 Street lighting - A street light shall be installed at each street intersection and at mid -block if the block exceeds five hundred feet in length. Street lights shall meet the design and placement standards of the City Engineer. Lighting improvements shall become the property of the City of Yakima upon installation and will thereafter be maintained by the City. c. Planning i. Per Map 5A of the West Valley Neighborhood Plan, South 72"d Ave is classified as a Minor Arterial Street. ii. Per table 5-1 of the Yakima Urban Area Transportation Plan — South 72nd Ave. will require a 30 foot half street improvement complete with curb, gutter, and sidewalk. iii. Per YMC § 15.06. 100 — Lighting: Lighting shall be provided to illuminate any off- street parking or loading space used at night. When provided, lighting shall be directed to reflect away from adjacent and abutting properties. Parking lots adjacent to residential districts or uses shall be designed with down -shielding and luminaries creating no lighting pollution upon those properties... d. Nob Hill Water i. Nob hill water can serve this potential development. Design is in progress. Nob hill water will be supplying domestic and irrigation water for development. Developer will need to discuss project with nob hill water when engineering plans are complete and sent over. DOC-, INDEX #_A-1�,__ 5 e. Surface Water i. Any new curb, gutter, sidewalk, and/or streets will require drainage facilities be constructed to handle the stormwater runoff. f. Streets and Traffic i. 72nd Ave to north of Vista Ridge must be paved to 24 feet minimum to allow two way traffic. Sidewalk/curb on Coolidge to align with sidewalk curb of subdivision to the west to allow for future turn lane on Coolidge. g. Wastewater i. Sewer is available. Wastewater will review proposed sewer extensions with ENG permit. IV. APPLICABLE LAW: A. YMC § 15.05.020 (H): Site design requirements and standards: Access Required: All new development shall have a minimum of twenty -feet of lot frontage upon a public road or be served by an access easement at least twenty feet in width. The purpose of this standards is to provide for vehicular access to all new development; provided, the construction of single-family on existing legally established lots is exempt from the requirements of this section. B. YMC § 15.05.030 (A): Creation of new lots — Subdivision Requirements: Table of Subdivision Requirements: • Establishes basic development criteria for lot size and width that must be met when reviewing an application for a new subdivision. For single family dwelling construction in the R-1 zoning district, the required minimum lot size is 6000 square feet. C. YMC § 15.05.055(1) New Development Improvement Standards Fire apparatus access roads for multiple -family residential developments and one- or two-family residential developments shall be subject to the provisions of Sections D106 and D107, respectively, of Appendix D of the International Fire Code (2009 Edition). Additionally, such residential developments shall be subject to the requirements of Section D105 of Appendix D, International Fire Code (2009 Edition), pertaining to aerial fire apparatus roads, as applicable. All provisions of the International Fire Code referenced above are hereby adopted and incorporated herein by this reference, as now existing or as hereafter amended and adopted by the city. Minimum requirements for the primary and secondary access will be at least twenty feet wide, unobstructed, paved lanes. D. YMC § 12.02.010 Establishment of Easements: Public utility easements shall be established for the location of new and proposed public utility lines serving new land divisions and land development. Public utility easements shall also be established across the front of new lots and redeveloped lots to provide for future utility access as determined necessary by the city engineer. Public utility easements shall be dedicated (granted) at the time that subdivision and/or land use approval is granted. E. YMC § 12.02.020 Easement location and width: Eight -foot -wide utility easements shall be dedicated along the front of each lot in subdivisions and short subdivisions. Easements for new and/or future utility lines shall be a minimum of eight feet in width, or twice the buried depth of the utility, whichever is greater. F. YMC § 12.03.010 Sewer service required: All new lots and development shall be served by a sanitary sewer line located adjacent to the lot or development site. G. YMC § 12.03.040 Minimum sewer line size: The minimum size for public sewer lines is eight inches in diameter. H. YMC § 12.03.070 Side sewer service: Each building containing sanitary facilities shall be served by a separate private side sewer line from a public main. Branched side sewers serving multiple buildings and properties shall not be permitted. Single side sewers serving multi -unit buildings are permitted. I. YMC § 12.04.010 Water service required: All new lots and development shall be served by a public water supply line maintained by the city of Yakima, Nob Hill Water Company, or other water purveyor, and located adjacent to the lot or development site. The water line shall be capable of providing sufficient flow and pressure to satisfy the fire flow and domestic service requirements of the proposed lots and development as approved by the city Engineer in cooperation with the code administration manager and water irrigation division manager. J. YMC § 12.04.020 Water line extension required: Water lines shall be extended to the point where the adjoining property owner's responsibility for further extension begins. This typically requires extension across the street or easement frontage of the developing property. In some cases it will require dedication of on easement and a line extension across the property or extension along two or more sides of the developing property. Extensions will be consistent with and implement the City's adopted water comprehensive plan. K. YMC § 12.04.040 Minimum size and material standards: New water lines in the city of Yakima water system shall be constructed of Class 52 ductile iron and shall be a minimum of eight inches in diameter. Improvements and additions to the Nob Hill Water Company system shall conform to the requirements of Nob Hill Water Company. L. YMC § 12.05.010 Sidewalk installation required: "Sidewalks shall be installed along both sides of all new, improved, and reconstructed streets..." M. YMC § 12.06.020 Right-of-way and pavement width standards: Right-of-way shall be dedicated and street surfacing provided in accordance with West Valley Neighborhood plan and Table 5-1 of the Yakima urban Area Transportation Plan, N. RCW 58.17.280 and YMC Ch 14.15.090 - Naming and numbering of short subdivisions, subdivisions, streets, lots and blocks: Any city, town or county shall, by ordinance, regulate the procedure whereby short subdivisions, subdivisions, streets, lots and blocks are named and numbered. A lot numbering system and a house address system, however, shall be provided by the municipality for short subdivisions and subdivisions and must be clearly shown on the short plat or final plat at the time of approval. O. RCW 58.17.110 and YMC 14.20.120: The city, town, or county legislative body shall inquire into the public use and interest proposed to be served by the establishment of the subdivision and dedication. It shall determine: (a) If appropriate provisions are made for, but not limited to, the public health, safety, and general welfare, for open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds, and shall consider all other relevant facts, including sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school; and (b) whether the public interest will be served by the subdivision and dedication. V. FINDINGS: 1. The subject property is currently vacant. 2. This proposed preliminary plat is approximately 4.96 acres in size and designed for primarily single family residences 3. The Preliminary Long Plat is occurring as a single action and thus the density calculation is based upon a single action of dividing 4.96 acres in to 18 residential lots. 4. The density calculations are listed below: Density for the proposed development as a whole: X = 32 dwelling units / 8.75 acres 4X = 3.65 dwelling units per net residential acre Density with streets factored out calculation Square footage for total lots = -381,150 square feet --> -290,661 square feet / 43,560 square feet per acre 4= 6.67 acres 4= 32 dwelling units / 6.67 acres ->= 4.8 Dwelling Units Per Net Residential Acre DOC. X -fDE • mss' • 5. The preliminarily platted right-of-way of Crestfields Rd., S. 74th Ave, and Vista Ridge Ave. are classified as residential access streets, requiring a total of 50 feet of right-of- way. 6. Full street improvements will be required for the proposed extensions of Crestfields Rd., S. 7411 Ave, and Vista Ridge Ave. A complete 30 -foot half street improvement will be required for South 72nd Ave. 7. Environmental Review was completed for this development, and a DNS was issued on April 25, 2019. 8. URBAN AREA ZONING ORDINANCE UAZO Zoning: The subject property is zoned R-1. A) Lot Coverage: The maximum lot coverage permitted in the R-1 zoning district is 60% and all lots will comply with that limitation. B) Lot Size: The preliminary plat indicates lot sizes that range from 8,300 to 10,200 square feet. Table 5-2 of Chapter 15.05 of the UAZO provides that the minimum lot size for single family construction is 6,000 square feet. C) Lot Width: Table 5-2 of Chapter 15.05 of the UAZO prescribes a minimum lot width of 50 feet for detached single family dwelling units. All proposed lots meet or exceed the minimum requirement. D) Density: With a density of about 3.65 dwelling units per net residential acre (4.8 dw/nra with streets calculated out), the proposed preliminary plat complies with YMC § 15.05.030(B) and Table 4-1 of Chapter 15.04 of the UAZO which prescribe a maximum of seven (7) dwelling units per net residential acre in the R-1 zone. 9. SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE: As proposed, and with the recommended conditions, this preliminary plat meets all the design requirements of YMC Ch. 14.30 of the City's subdivision ordinance and the development standards of YMC Title 12. The recommended conditions are intended to ensure consistency with the provisions of the City's subdivision ordinance and that appropriate provisions are provided for the following: 1. The proposed subdivision must be consistent with the provisions of the urban area zoning ordinance; 2. The proposed subdivision must be consistent with the city of Yakima's comprehensive plan; 3. The proposed subdivision must be consistent with the provisions of this title; 4. As required by RCW Chapter 58.17, the proposed subdivision must make appropriate provisions for: A) Public health, safety, welfare: The construction of new single-family dwellings will complement adjacent uses will promote the public health, safety and general welfare insofar as there is a need in this community for additional housing and insofar as this proposed preliminary plat would be required to comply with all applicable City SOC. INDEX 9 development standards, and all conditions of approval specified by the City of Yakima Planning Commission. B) Open spaces: The proposed lots are larger than minimum sizes required in the R-1 zoning district. Lot coverage of 60% or less in the R-1 zoning district will provide adequate light and air for future residents in accordance with the standards in the zoning ordinance without additional open spaces. C) Drainage systems: Drainage system facilities will be provided in accordance with state and local regulations including the City of Yakima Municipal Code and the eastern Washington Storm Water Manual. D) Streets, alleys, and other public ways: The subject property has frontage upon South 72nd Ave., designated as a Minor Arterial street which requires 60 -feet of right-of- way. In accordance with YMC Title 12 development standards, the developer is to dedicate and construct the 30 -foot right-of-way portion of South 72nd Ave. abutting the subject property in accordance with the City's development standards. The subject property also has frontage upon Crestfields Rd., S. 74th Ave, and Vista Ridge Ave., which are designated as a Residential Access streets, requiring a total of 50 feet of right- of-way. E) Transit Stops: Transit Routes Number 3 and 5 have stops along Washington Ave., Approximately 1,500 feet to the north of the site. F) Water supplies: Public water is required to be used for domestic and fire flow purposes. An adequate water supply for this development is available from Nob Hill Water Company. G) Sanitary waste disposal: Public sewer is required to service all lots. A City of Yakima sewer main lies within Vista Ridge Ave.., east of the proposed development, and is capable of being extended to handle the demands of this development. H, 1) Parks and playgrounds: The nearest park is located 1.45 miles to the northwest of the proposed preliminary plat. The proposed preliminary plat is not located in a planned parks and recreation area. Provisions for parks and recreation areas are not necessary within the proposed preliminary plat due to the size, number and location of the proposed lots and provisions for playgrounds exist at the schools which children within the proposed preliminary plat would be attending, and could also be individually provided on the lots themselves which are of a size which would allow for playground areas as needed or desired. J) Sites for schools: West Valley Middle and Jr. High Schools are located approximately within one mile to the north of the proposed preliminary plat. No comments were received from the School District suggesting the need for an additional school at this location. K) Sidewalks: Sidewalks are required and will be provided along this developments frontage. L) Other planning Features that Assure Safe Walking Conditions for Students Who INDEX , 10 1 Walk to and From School: Sidewalks will be installed along the frontages of Coolidge Rd., tying into existing neighboring subdivisions. As part of the subject project, S 72nd Ave. will be partially built out. This street will eventually serve as a north to south street for residential traffic in the area, alleviating traffic from Coolidge Rd. 5. Based upon standards in subsections (A)(1) through (A)(4) of this section, a finding that the public use and interest will be served by the approval of this subdivision: This proposed 32 -lot residential subdivision is consistent with neighboring land uses and better serves the needs of the City of Yakima than the undeveloped status of the property. 10. TRANSPORTATION CONCURRENCY: This application was reviewed and approved for consistency with YMC 12.08 Transportation Capacity Management Ordinance on March 27, 2019. The proposed development will not exceed the PM peak hour capacity of the City Arterial street system and reserve capacity exists on all impacted streets. This review does not include any site development or safety issues which may be discussed at the project level or SEPA review. The review does not address intersection level of service. 11. TIME LIMITATION: Upon preliminary plat approval the applicant has five years from the date of preliminary approval to submit the final plat. Thereafter, 30 days prior to the expiration of preliminary approval the applicant must submit to the City Council a written request asking to extend the approval period for a maximum period of one year (YMC § 14.20.160 YMC). Before the final plat can be recorded all required infrastructure must be engineered, completed and inspected or engineered and financially secured and receive final plat approval from the City Council. VI. CONCLUSIONS: 1. This Preliminary Plat complies with the general requirements for subdivision approval as specified by YMC Ch. 14.20 and Ch. 15.05. 2. The proposed subdivision meets the density standards of the R-1 zoning district having 3.65 dwelling units per net residential acre (4.8 du/nra with streets calculated out). 3. The proposed Preliminary Long Plat has primary access through Vista Ridge Ave. and Coolidge Ave. 4. Affected streets have sufficient capacity for this proposal. 5. This proposed plat serves the public use and interest and provides for the possibility of creating new additional housing within the City of Yakima. 6. The Planning Commission has jurisdiction to review a recommendation to City Council. (RCW Ch. 58.17, YMC § 1.42.030, and YMC § 14.20.100) 7. This recommendation is based upon a project narrative and site plan received February 7, 2019, and additional materials that have been secured from the applicant, their consultants, and other agencies. 8. A Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) was issued on April 25, 2019. 9. This preliminary subdivision complies with the goals and objectives of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, the intent and purpose of the R-1 zoning district, the provisions of the Urban Area Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, Title 12's Development Standards and Chapter 12.08 the Traffic Concurrency Ordinance. 10. During project review it has been found that this request is in compliance with YMC §16.06.020 (B) for making a Determination of Consistency as follows: a. The proposed use is permitted within the R-1 zoning district. b. The proposed development is consistent with densities deem appropriate for the R-1 zoning district by the Yakima Municipal Code, and is similar to densities of surrounding subdivisions. c. This proposal is consistent with existing development regulations for this location. 11. The proposed plat complies with the provisions of RCW 58.17.110 and YMC 14.20.100, providing appropriately for: the public health, safety, and general welfare, open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds, sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for citizen of the neighborhood. VII. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Division recommends that the 32 -lot subdivision known as "Vista Ridge Phase 2" be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall submit and gain approval of civil engineered plans which provide for design of all Title 12 development standards, including but not limited to curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lighting, stormwater, and street design. 2. South 72nd Ave. is designated as a Minor Arterial street, and shall require a half street improvement, for the entire length of the western portion of the subject property, with 30 - feet of right-of-way complete with curb, gutter, and sidewalk. Construction shall be in accordance with YMC Title 8 and 12 development standards. 3. Prior to approval of the final plat, all approved improvements shall be constructed or financially secured according to the standards and requirements of the City Engineer and YMC Title 12. 4. All lots shall be served with public water from the Nob Hill Water Company. No individual domestic or irrigation wells shall be permitted for any of the lots. Prior to final plat approval, written verification from Nob Hill Water must be submitted to the Planning Division indicating that all construction required to provide each lot with domestic water has been completed and the fees paid. 5. All lots shall be provided with public sewer service according to YMC Title 12 standards. Prior to final plat approval, written verification from the City of Yakima Engineering 12 Department must be provided to the Planning Division indicating that all sewer extensions have been completed and inspected or financially secured. 6. A minimum 8 -foot wide public utility easement must be provided adjacent to all public road rights-of-way. 7. Easements for new and/or future utilities shall be a minimum of 16 -feet in width, provided that the width of easements for buried utilities will be twice the depth of the planned excavation. 8. All public and private utilities shall be located underground, with the exception of telephone boxes and such similar structures. 9. All public and private utilities to be located within public road rights-of-way must be constructed prior to the start of road construction. 10. Fire hydrants shall be placed at the locations specified by the Building Codes and Planning Division and the Yakima Fire Department. All lots must be provided with adequate fire flow. 11. All permits required by the Yakima Regional Clean Air Authority shall be obtained and a copy provided to the City of Yakima Code Administration prior to commencement of site preparation. The developer shall designate during working hours a responsible party to serve as contact for suspected air quality violations. 12. The developer shall contact the Washington State Department of Ecology, Water Resources Program to ensure legal right to water, and obtain a water rights permit if necessary. (RCW §§ 90.03.380 & 90.44. 10) A copy of any permit or approval shall be provided to the City of Yakima prior to the commencement of site preparation. 13. A NPDES Construction Stormwater General Permit from the Washington State Department of Ecology is required. The permit requires that a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (Erosion Sediment Control Plan) is prepared and implemented for all permitted construction sites. Permit coverage and erosion control measures must be made at least 30 days prior to construction. These Plans and control measures must be reviewed and approved by the City of Yakima's engineering Division prior to construction. 14. A final binding stormwater and drainage control plan for the entire property shall be submitted and approved by the City's Engineering Division prior to construction of improvements for any area of the development. 15. All addresses shall be as specified in Exhibit "A" of this report. All addresses must be clearly shown on the face of the final plat as required by RCW 58.17.280. 16. This plat shall be subject to the following notes, which must be placed on the face of the plat: a. The addresses shown on this plat are accurate as of the date of recording, but may be subject to change. The City of Yakima Building Codes Division is responsible for the confirmation or reassignment of addresses at the time of building permit issuance. IND X 13 b. The owners shown hereon, their grantees and assignees in interest hereby covenant and agree to retain all surface water generated within the plat on-site. 17. Irrigation approval, if any is required, shall be shown on the face of the final plat 18. Lighting shall be provided to illuminate any off street parking or loading spaces used at night. When provided, lighting shall be directed to reflect away from adjacent properties, 19. During project construction, all contractors shall adhere to the City of Yakima noise regulations regarding hours of construction. 20. All other requirements of the zoning and subdivision ordinance, although not specifically set forth herein, shall be complied with in their entirety. 21. Upon preliminary plat approval, the applicant has five years to submit the final plat. Thereafter, 30 days prior to the expiration of said approval the applicant must submit to the City Council a written request asking to extend the approval period for a maximum period of one year. INDEX �. 1 14 Exhibit "A" Addressing is suggested as the following, but is subject to change: LOT 1 2110 S 72nd Ave LOT 2 7200 Vista Ridge Ave LOT 3 7202 Vista Ridge Ave LOT 4 7204 Vista Ridge Ave LOT 5 7300 Vista Ridge Ave LOT 6 7302 Vista Ridge Ave LOT 7 7304 Vista Ridge Ave LOT 8 7306 Vista Ridge Ave LOT 9 7400 Vista Ridge Ave LOT 10 2110 S 74th Ave LOT 11 2108 S 74th Ave LOT 12 2106 S 74th Ave LOT 13 2104 S 74th Ave LOT 14 2102 S 74th Ave LOT 15 2100 S 74th Ave LOT 16 2103 S 74th Ave / 7304 Crestfields Rd LOT 17 2105 S 74th Ave LOT 18 2107 S 74th Ave LOT 19 2109 S 74th Ave / 7303 Vista Ridge Ave LOT 20 2110 S 73rd Ave / 7301 Vista Ridge Ave LOT 21 2108 S 73rd Ave LOT 22 2106 S 73rd Ave LOT 23 2104 S 73rd Ave / 7302 Crestfields Rd LOT 24 2101 S 74th Ave / 7305 Crestfields Rd LOT 25 7303 Crestfields Rd LOT 26 7301 Crestfields Rd LOT 27 2101 S 73rd Ave LOT 28 2103 S 73rd Ave LOT 29 2105 S 73rd Ave LOT 30 2107 S 73rd Ave / 7203 Vista Ridge Ave LOT 31 7201 Vista Ridge Ave LOT 32 2104 S 72nd Ave 00C. INDEX I , --- 15 KL- PROPERTIES LLC — "VISTA RIDGE PHASE 2" PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER B Maps lei I &WOU File Number: PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 Project Name: KH PROPERTIES LLC — "VISTA RIDGE PHASE 2" Site Address: VIC. OF S 72ND AVE & COOLIDGE RD Proposal: Proposal to subdivide an approximately 8.7 -acre parcel into 32 single-family residential lots in the R-1 zoning district. Contact the City of Yakima Planning Division at (509) 575-6183 Map Disclaimer: Information shown on this map is for planning and illustration purposes only. The City of Yakima assumes no liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided or for any action taken, ) or action not taken by the user in reliance upon any maps or information provided herein. Date Created: 2/8/2019 ,t y 1 •' File Number: PLP#001-19 & S -1 Project Name: KH PROPERTIES LLC — "VISTA RIDGE PHASE 2" Site Address: VC. OF S 72ND AVE & COOLIDGE RD i Yakima Urban Area Zoning SR Suburban Residential R-1 Single Family R-2 Two Family a R-3 Multi-Famity B-1 Professional Business B-2 Local Business HB Historical Business SCC Small Conveneice Center LCC Large Convenience Center CBD Central Business District GC General Commercial M-1 Light industrial M-2 Heavy Industrial RD Regional Development AS Airport Support Map Disclaimer: Information shown on this map is for planning and illustration purposes only The City of Yakima assumes no liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided or for any action taken, or action not taken by the user in reliance upon any maps or information provided herein. FUTURE LA D USE MAP File Number: 1-SEPA#004-19 Project Name: KH PROPERTIES LLC — "VISTA RIDGE PHASE 211 Site Address: VIC. OF S 72ND AVE W Yakima Future Land Use Designations Low Density Residential Mixed Residential Central Business Core Commercial Commercial Mixed Use Regional Commercial Community Mixed Use Industrial Map Disclaimer: Information shown on this map is for planning and illustration purposes only. The City of Yakima assumes no liability for any errors, omissions, or - } inaccuracies in the information provided or for any action taken, or action not taken by the user in reliance upon any maps or information provided herein. Date Created: 4/1/2019 f File Number: PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 Project Name: KH PROPERTIES LLC — "VISTA RIDGE PHASE 2" Site Address: VC. OF S 72ND AVE & COOLIDGE RD Map Disclaimer: Information shown on this map is for planning and illustration purposes only. The City of Yakima assumes no liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided or for any action taken, or action not taken by the user in reliance upon any maps or information provided herein. Date Created: 4/1/2019 KH PROPERTIES LLC — "VISTA RIDGE PHASE 2" PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER C Site Plan LEGAL DESCPAnK PRELIMINARY PLAT OF VISTA RIDGE - PHASE z IN THE SW 1/4, SE 1/4, SEC. 32, T-13 N, R-18 E,WM -----• � `-. � �� �\ �\e - ';a4µ — =,"mem• � _,��— V AOT 26 �R Ls4Tu wEx x' Y W WASHINGTON AYE SITE e. v AHTANUM RD s VICINITY ASAP (NO SCALE) n 8 r1 \:.O.Te 28.1 ,fi \ �,.�. \ ✓I \ III INTERIOR STREETS OF PLAT. ROADWAY SECTION F e.s' (c11— A a�I ry oily of- PlAfyAKjk SO, 72ND AVE. 6 COOLIDGE AVE ROADWAY SECTM7 NOTES Al IE V IE 11 PLSA OWNER/ MOPERS SURVEYOR/ENGNMR spp pyyY oesOs xxua� xN,s ................._. PRELABdAflY PLAT o�/ie/xw rN�mx, wnvaxmw emax "" �+N ax. sm-eu-uu KH PROPERTIES LLC. KH PROPERTIES LLC —"VISTA RIDGE PHASE 2" PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER D HST Review == D-1 N so= Comments from Carolyn Belles, Permit Project Coordinator 02/11/2019 .. D-2 _ __ ...... a..._._..... _....... ............._ .._................. w DST Request for Comments ................. 02/15/2019 D-3 Comments from Tyler Witthuhn, Design Engineer 02/19/2019 D-4 Comments from Kirsten McPherson, Nob Hill Water Assoc. 02/20/2019 D-5 .... Comments from Dana Kallevi.g, Utility Project Manager er 02/20/2019 D-6 . .. ...... ............. I Comments from Joe Rosenlund Streeis & Traffic Operations 1 02/25/2019 w Manager .._. _ ��� D-7 Comments from Randy�Melo ace Wat er Engineer y, Surf 03/07/2019 D-8 ...�.....m_�a .........�� p � ............... Email Comments from Deborah Johnson, WA Stt ate De t of 04/03/2019 _ Health D-9..... Comment Letter from Sandra Hull, Yakima-Tieton Irrigation 04/09/20 19 District TELEPHONE COWICHE (509)678-4101 - , " G 7ON bkSYRI:LLQT OFFICE, TIETON HEADQUARTERS 470 CAMP 4 ROAD YAKIMA, WA 98908 April 5, 2019 JOAN DAVENPORT, AICP COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR CITY OF YAKIMA 129 N SECOND STREET YAKIMA, WA 98901 RE: PLP#001-19 and SEPA#004-19, KH Properties (owner) Dear Joan Davenport, FAX COWICHE (509)678-5730 APR 0 9 2019 MATY OF VAKWA Y OEM~ Parcel 181332-34002 is within the Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District boundary and has 12.10 shares of Yakima-Tieton water so the developer will need to show "Irrigation Approval" on the face of the Plat. The developer will need to follow the Districts Resolution 97-5 regarding property segregations. Thank You Sandra Hull, Assistant Treasurer Maxe , Lisa From: Martin, Trevor Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2019 11:18 AM To: Maxey, Lisa Cc: Calhoun, Joseph Subject: FW: Comments- PLP#001-19 SEPA#004-19, Vista Ridge Ph. 2 (SEPA #201901766) For the file From: Johnson, Deborah L (DOH) [mailto:deborah.johnson@doh.wa.gov] Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2019 11:10 AM To: Martin, Trevor <Trevor.Martin@YAKIMAWA.GOV> Cc: dave@nobhillwater.org; Cervantes, Andres (DOH) <Andres.Cervantes@DOH.WA.GOV>; Gardipe, Jamie C (DOH) <jamie.gardipe@doh.wa.gov> Subject: Comments- PLP#001-19 SEPA#004-19, Vista Ridge Ph. 2 (SEPA #201901766) Hello, Thank you for the opportunity to review & comment on the NOA/ODNS for the proposed Vista Ridge Ph. 2 subdivision project. We have the following comments: Critical Areas. The application materials do not identify any critical areas (Q. S.C, prelim. plat supplemental application; Q. B.B.h, SEPA checklist). The entire property lies within a wellhead protection area associated with a Group A public water supply (see below). As such, it is classified as a critical aquifer recharge area, specifically Wellhead Protection Zone 3 (YMC 15.27.820.1.c) & is subject to review under Ch. 15.27 YCC (generally). Nob Hill Water Association, 5 -year time of travel, Source #7. Well #7 APT155 INDEX X • 1 Name: NOB HILL WATER ASSOCIATION ID: 59700 Group: A Type: Comm Status: Active Contact Name: DAVE ENGLAND Contact Day Phone: (509) 966-0272 Total Connections: 11874 FT Res Pop: 29685 Source Number: 07 Name: Well #7 - APT155 Type: Ground Water - Well Use: Permanent i Status: Active Well Depth: 700 Well Tag: 155 Protection Area Type: CFR SAS TOT 6mo: 570 SAS TOT 1yr: 800 SAS TOT Syr: 1800 SAS TOT 10yr: 2540 SAS Design Capacity: 1300 Susceptibility: Low - Map source. fre: fortress.rr''ra.p cicLh/swaIre .tntr l This concludes our comments. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. For distribution of future SEPA notices, please note that our new email is SEPA rviewt pLn @Aoh.wa.&pv Deborah Johnson Wellhead Protection Specialist Office of Drinking Water Environmental Public Health Division Washington State Department of Health de.. r b Irr�s,on@d h.w _q 360-236-3133 1 www.doh.wg.gov e�� File Number: PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 DST COMMENTS Any new curb, gutter, sidewalk, nwrundfor streets rnnundty,rneloy@"yok 107t1 w ifl require drainage iunage fadlitbmmstwucted to Jrun w handle the storffroater runoff, File Number: PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 'f COMMENTS 12nd Ave tonorlhof'Vistai Ridge most be fa wtA joe,roienlund@y 02125119 to 24 feet minknum to aaflow two way trraf ic, akimawa.9ov Sidewalkkuib on Coolidge to, ra1l gn with slidtmwafk ouch of subdAskon to the west to allow,future turn Baas on Coolidge, INDEX #—J) r File Number: PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 NOW Ty" Nott Code Taxt Cmated Sy I" DST COMMENTS NwN"N" Wirer is avail ble,a st water will review d'ana,kaiN Ig@ya 02J20/19 proposed sewer extensions wild ENG permilk. klmaw.gov File Number: PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 � 111111110111 11�111 joil m Li I j 1, i pt & DST COMMENT'S NOB H'ILL WATE-R CAN SERVE THIS, POT��TIAL DEVELOPMENT. DESIGN IS: IN PROGRESS, NOB HILL WATER WILL BE SUPPLYING DOMESTIC AND IRRIGATION WATER FOR DEVELOPMENT- DEVELOPER WILL NEED TO DISCUSS PROJECT WITH NOB HILL WATER WHEN ENG PLANS ARE COMPLETE-, AND SENT OVER. M,177r-gr FTTVMM�N KIRSTEN-FORD 02)20119 @YAKIMAWA.G OV DOC. INDEX File Number: PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 NQS T'COMMENTS SWewak on Coolidge to be 7 ft wide per TYLEP-WIITTHU 02119119 standard delaH R5, Access to Ilea 32 to be HN@YAKIlMiAWA expanded to allow two lanes (24 ft min per traffic -GOV enqineer), DOC. INDEX City of Yakima Development Services Team Request For Comments CilY OF YAKlNuA February 15, 2019 lanning To: City of Yakima Development Services Team From: Trevor Martin, Associate Planner Subject: Re uest for Comments Applicant: Kushdip Sin2h File Number: PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 Location: S 72nd Ave & Coolidge Rd, Parcel Number(s): 181332-34002 DST MEETING DATE: 2,11T201 9 Proposal to subdivide an approximately 8.7 acre parcel into 32 single family residential lots in the R-1 zoning district Please review the attached application and site plan and prepare any written comments you might have regarding this proposal. This project will come up for discussion at the weekly DST meeting to be held Februa 1 21019 at 2:00 As always, should you have comments, but find you are unable to attend, please submit your comments prior to the meeting. My email address is trevor.martin@yakimawa.gov and the Planning Department's fax number is (509) 575-6105. Should you have any questions, or require additional information, please call me at (509) 575-6162. Comments: Contact Person Department/Agency File Number: PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 Note Typo Moft C Tod Cato9y In on M INDEXokifnawagov February 11, 2019 To: From: COMMUNITY DEVELOPHEWTDEPARTMEWT Office of Code Administration 129 Nortle Second Street, 2"d Floor Yakima, Washington 98901 (509) 575-6126 Fax (509) 576-6576 codes(ir akl awry„ ov www.builtlingyakima.com Trevor Martin, Associate Planner Carolyn Belles, Permit Project Coordinator 151332-34002 (Parent Parcel No,) LOT 1 2110 S 72nd Ave LOT 2 7200 Vista Ridge Ave LOT 3 7202 Vista Ridge Ave LOT 4 7204 Vista Ridge Ave LOT 5 7300 Vista Ridge Ave LOT 6 7302 Vista Ridge Ave LOT 7 7304 Vista Ridge Ave LOT 8 7306 Vista Ridge Ave LOT 9 7400 Vista Ridge Ave LOT 10 2110 S 74th Ave LOT 11 2108 S 74th Ave LOT 12 2106 S 74th Ave LOT 13 2104 S 74th Ave LOT 14 2102 S 74th Ave LOT 15 2100 S 74th Ave LOT 16 2103 S 74th Ave / 7304 Crestfields Rd LOT 17 2105 S 74th Ave LOT 18 2107 S 74th Ave LOT 19 2109 S 74th Ave / 7303 Vista Ridge Ave LOT 20 2110 S 73rd Ave / 7301 Vista Ridge Ave LOT 21 2108 S 73rd Ave LOT 22 2106 S 73rd Ave LOT 23 2104 S 73rd Ave / 7302 Crestfields Rd LOT 24 2101 S 74th Ave / 7305 Crestfields Rd LOT 25 7303 Crestfields Rd LOT 26 7301 Crestfields Rd LOT 27 21015 73rd Ave LOT 28 2103 S 73rd Ave LOT 29 2105 S 73rd Ave LOT 30 2107 S 73rd Ave / 7203 Vista Ridge Ave LOT 31 7201 Vista Ridge Ave LOT 32 2104 S 72nd Ave PRELIMINARY PLAT OF RIDGEVISTA IN THE SW 1/4, SE 1/4, SEC 32, T-13 N. R-16 E,WM m �wW�� tia Y� h d 1M " SII �w�� �»"d��� �m+ry � �•J �. 6' P r mi o�"a ..e. '�MpfX'�V 1 MyV '+fwd. P�,� ;�.uy " j ,• vrc[wrr Ler (Nn ececw F bkmti, 4 w" rv@ c d �i� d rcwm ry rvry w„ �F� 9G ""' a o W N' n[w x n ,. a M'•'r»uxrou OriMIMfRp NIfK ONtr1YQn �""""•� � ,�.m�p µ t2oC. INDEX "��a If r � d vrc[wrr Ler (Nn ececw F bkmti, 4 w" rv@ c d �i� d rcwm ry rvry w„ �F� 9G ""' a o W N' n[w x n ,. a M'•'r»uxrou OriMIMfRp NIfK ONtr1YQn �""""•� � ,�.m�p µ t2oC. INDEX KH PROPERTIES LLC — "VISTA RIDGE PHASE 2" PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER E SEPA Checklist Af� STA% ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST XMIL STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) VP6 CSFYAKIMA (AS TAKEN FROM WAC 197-11-960) n i n g YAKIMA MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 6.88 Governmental agencies use this checklist to help determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant. This information is also helpful to determine if available avoidance, minimization or compensatory mitigation measures will address the probable significant impacts or if an environmental impact statement will be prepared to further analyze the proposal. This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Please answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. You may need to consult with an agency specialist or private consultant for some questions. Yoiim__ay use "not ar i cae9r *does not apply" only when rrcan explain h it not a ,1 not Aligntheiniwerisjulkiioav:i,, You may also attach or incorporate by reference additional studies reports. Complete and accurate answers to these questions often avoid delays with the SEPA process as well as later in the decision-making process. The checklist questions apply to Lill, < "t ° [ your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help you describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there rnavbe significant adverse impact. For non -project proposals (such as ordinances, regulations, plans and programs), complete the applicable parts of sections A and B plus the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). Please completely answer all questions that apply and note that the words "project", "applicant", and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proponent," and "affected geographic area," respectively. The lead agency may exclude (for non -projects) questions in Part B — Environmental Elements — that do not contribute meaninefully to the analvsis of the nronosal. 1. Name Of Proposed Project (If Applicable): Vista Ridge, Phase 2 2. Applicant's Name & Phone: PLSA Engineering & Surveying as agent for KH Properties, LLC Applicant's Address: 521 North 20th Avenue, Suite 8, Yakima, VSA 98902 4. Contact Person & Phone: Thomas R Durant (509) 5756990 5. Agency Requesting Checklist: City of Yakima 6. Proposed Timing Or Schedule (Including Phasing, If Applicable): Project completion by EOY 2019 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain: No. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal: RECEWED Not aware of any. FEB 0 7 2019 CITY OF YAKWA Revised 01/2017 Page 14 r / filr rr// to Mi 77 7 ,, , r' 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain: No. 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known: Preliminary and final plat approval Utility extension and connections NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit may be required 11. Give a brief, but complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.): Subdivide a nine acre parcel into 32 residential lots ranging in size from 8,240 to 10,129 square feet, served by new public residential streets. Extension of and connection to sanitary sewer, domestic water and other utilities. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist: South side of Coolidge Avenue and west side of S. 72nd Avenue in the City of Yakima. The site is in the SW quarter of Section 32, T. 13 N., R. 18 E.W.M. Yakima County Parcel number is 18133234002. Legal description is shown on the preliminary plat. RECEIVED FEB 0 7 2019 CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING DIV. Revised 01/2017 Page 15 / % / - / / / / /// / % / / // /� (�I 11j<E1�1TAL 11J1VI /'T ( fi lfl cf%niXetyd b�(��%/ l 1 7'9// /„ i.,.: I, t „u 1. Earth a. General description of the site (✓ one): flat rolling ✓ hilly steep slopes 0 mountainous other b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? Up to 12% slopes for short distances on parts of the site. Most of the site slopes are 5% or less. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any agricultural land of long-term commercial significance and whether the proposal results in removing any of these soils. MRCS soil classification is Harwood loam, considered to be prime farmland. The site is not designated agricultural land of long-term commercial significance due to its location in the City limits and urban growth area. No substantial removal of soil is expected. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. No. e. Describe the purpose, type, total area, and approximate quantities and total affected area of any filling, excavation, and grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Grading and excavation as necessary to construct streets and building sites. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. Some erosion potential during construction that can be addressed through commonly used construction practices. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Streets cover less than 25% of the total site. City standard for maximum lot coverage is 60% of individual lots in the R-1 zone. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: Hest management practices used during site development to control erosion. Landscaping and drainage control of impervious surfaces for completed project. 2. Air a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal during construction, operation, and maintenance when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Some dust emissions during construction. Minimal vehicle exhaust emissions from the completed development. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: Dust control measures as specified by dust control plan such as application of water and RECEIVED controlling vehicle track -out. Vehicle emissions controlled at the source by the State. 3. Water FEB 0 G 2019 a. Surface Water UTY OF YAKOWA— PLANNING DIV. Revised 01/2017 Page 16 Revised 01/2017 Page 17 INDEX I . Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. No. 2. Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. N/A. 3. Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. N/A. 4. Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No. Irrigation water may be available from Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District and if not from Nob Hill Water. 5, Does the proposal lie within a 100 -year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. No. 6. Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No. b. Ground Water 1. Will groundwater be withdrawn from a well for drinking water or other purposes? If so, give a general description of the well, proposed uses and approximate quantities withdrawn from the well. Will water be discharged to groundwater? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No. Domestic and water is available to the site from Nob Hill Water Association. 2. Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals...; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. None. City sewer service is available. "° VEID f"° 7 �j c. Water Runoff (including stormwater) ;""'V'UF I RAIVNING DIV Revised 01/2017 Page 17 INDEX / ✓,,,, r r /r vi rI /i i// r:» 1/�/ `� J„i�Gr ,,,/% ��/il ,.,,,,,.,ii, ,: ........ ... .... . 1. Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. Impervious surfaces including hard -surfaced streets, parking and roofs are sources of runoff. Retention of storm water generated by new impervious surfaces on-site. 2. Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. No. 3. Does the proposal alter or otherwise affect drainage patterns in the vicinity of the site? If so, describe. No. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water, and drainage pattern impacts, if any: Measures taken to retain stormwater onsite. 4. Plants a. Check (✓) types of vegetation found on the site: Deciduous Tree: Alder Maple Aspen Other Evergreen Green: Fir _ Cedar Pine Other Shrubs ✓ Grass Pasture Crop Or Grain 70rchards, vineyards, or other permanent cro s Wet Soil Plants: Cattail Buttercup Bullrush Skunk Cabbage Other Water Plants: Milfoil Eelgrass Water Lily Other El Other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Site to be cleared of vegetation for development c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: Typical residential landscaping installed as the subdivision is built out. e. List all noxious weeds and invasive species known to be on or near the site. Not aware of any. 5. Animals a. List any birds or other animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site. Examples include: birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other: manintals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other: fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other Song birds, small mammals.' FEU 0i b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. Q0w ymilw4 None. RANNINC„ Revised 01/2017 Page 18 Vic 'A c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. No. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: None. e. List any invasive animal species known to be on or near the site. None. 6. Energy and Natural Resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Electricity for residential lighting and heating and for street lights. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: None. 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. No. 1. Describe any known or possible contamination at the site from present or past uses. None known. 2. Describe existing hazardous chemicals/conditions that might affect project development and design. This includes underground hazardous liquid and gas transmission pipelines located within the project area and in the vicinity. None. 3. Describe any toxic or hazardous chemicals that might be stored, used, or produced during the project's development or construction, or at any time during the operating life of the project. Chemicals used for cleaning, maintenance and landscaping but nothing out of the ordinary for a typical residential land use. 4. Describe special emergency services that might be required. None. 5. Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: None. b. Noise L What types of noise exist in the area, which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? None AE UV FEB 0 7 2M Revised 01/2017 Page 19 k " INDEX ..� I %// /!/ r I // i //;, �,� f 2. What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Short term equipment noise during construction and traffic noise from development. Construction is typically during day time hours. 3. Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: None proposed. 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Will the proposal affect current land uses on nearby or adjacent properties? If so, describe. Site is vacant. Surrounding land uses include orchards, vacant land, large -lot single-family residential and residential subdivisions similar to that proposed by this action. h. Has the project site been used as working farmlands or working forest lands? If so, describe. How much agricultural or forest land of long-term commercial significance will be converted to other uses as a result of the proposal, if any? If resource lands have not been designated, how many acres in farmland or forest land tax status will be converted to nonfarm or nonforest use? The site was in orchard until recently. It is not designated agricultural land of long-term commercial significance due to its location in the City limits and urban growth area so none would be converted by this proposal. It is not in current use tax status. 1. Will the proposal affect or be affected by surrounding working farm or forest land normal business operations, such as oversize equipment access, the application of pesticides, tilling, and harvesting? If so, how: Residential development of the area may encourage the conversion of nearby agriculture, but in a manner that is consistent with planning policy and the land use designation of the site. c. Describe any structures on the site. None. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? N/A. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? R-1, Single -Family Residential f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Low Density Residential g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? N/A. h. Has any part of the site been classified as a critical area by the city or county? If so, specify. No. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? Approximately 80 residents j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None. 1�83 0 7 2019 CITY IM RANNING MV Revised 01/2017 Page 1 10 ' " " INDEX ®I 1),. � '"%� ��/Jlg. /""ii //i/1,111/1/51,11s k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any, N/A. 1. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: The proposal is consistent with the land use designation and addresses a need for more housing m. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with nearby agricultural and forest lands of long-term commercial significance, if any: No agricultural or forest lands of longterm commercial significance in the immediate vicinity. 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. 32 middle income b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: None. 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? Wood frame homes. The maximum building height standard in the R-1 zone is 35 feet. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? No significant view obstruction. The view of the site from surrounding areas will change from that of open land to developed residential similar to neighboring subdivisions to the north and west. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: No specific measures proposed. The development will be consistent in type and style with surrounding areas. 11. Light and Glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Street lights, residential security lighting. During hours of darkness. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any.-RFF None proposed. F CITYA 12. Recreation MANN1 011/ Revised 01/2017 Page 111 UUP". INDEX a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? West Valley Community Park. Apple Tree Golf Course. �v �i r b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: None. 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any buildings, structures, or sites, located on or near the site that are over 45 years old listed in or eligible for listing in national, state, or local preservation registers located on or near the site? If so, specifically describe. A residence that as identified, "might" be eligible for listing, is located about 650 feet north of the site. It is outside of the subdivision and not affected by it. b. Are there any landmarks, features, or other evidence of Indian or historic use or occupation? This may include human burials or old cemeteries. Are there any material evidence, artifacts, or areas of cultural importance on or near the site? Please list any professional studies conducted at the site to identify such resources. Not aware of any. c. Proposed measures to avoid, minimize, or compensate for loss, changes to, and disturbance to resources. Please include plans for the above and any permits that may be required. None. 14. Transportation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site or affected geographic area and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. Access is from Coolidge Avenue on the north boundary and the extension of Vista Ridge Ave. into the site to connect with Occidental and S. 64th Ave. S. 72nd Ave also serves the site. b. Is the site or affected geographic area currently served by public transit? If so, generally describe. If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? Yes. The nearest transit stop at 72nd & Washington Avenue is about 1,450 feet north of the site. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project or non -project proposal have? How many would the project or proposal eliminate? Off-street parking for 2 or more vehicles as typical for each dwelling. None eliminated, d. Will the proposal require any new or improvements to existing roads, streets, pedestrian bicycle or state transportation facilities, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). Construction of interior streets with sidewalks in the subdivision and frontage improvements of Coolidge and S. 72nd Avenues where they front on the site. All are, or will be public City streets. M Imm°° _ D e. Will the projector proposal use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air FIT transportation? If so, generally describe. No. C'Ty OF YAKWA, PLANNING [JIV, Revised 01/2017 Page 12 // / � ✓ ,, ..:a „/, ,. /.�r//�I %/� i . ,i///�//%, �r% ;,.%%,rLr✓L/, i/e , ,r „rer,,,% Y , r//l �/�y.rrir X2,0 � i'-; ��� . r r,G f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project or proposal? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur and what percentage of the volume would be trucks (such as commercial and non -passenger vehicles). What data or transportation models were used to make these estimates? 320 trips per day based on commonly used estimate of 10 vehicle trips per day per unit for single family residential. Peak volumes are assumed to coincide with morning and late afternoon peak hours typical of the City. The percentage of trucks, commercial and non -passenger vehicles not determined but expected to be as typical in single-family residential areas. g. Will the proposal interfere with, affect or be affected by the movement of agricultural and forest products on roads or streets in the area? If so, generally describe: No. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: The street improvements described in B.14.d. above provide for circulation, connectivity and pedestrian use. Access to corner lots at 72nd & Vista Ridge Avenues limited to Vista Ridge. 15. Public Service' a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, public transit, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe: An incremental increase in the need for these public services, b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. No direct measures proposed. Proposal is consistent with single family residential and population growth planned for this area and the City. It will provide housing for population growth reducing impacts on public services that result from lack of or substandard housing. 16. Utilities a tNe uti ittur ai gatla fie lable1"tc telephone anita y ,ev+ septic system, le b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. ® 7 2019 City of Yakima provides sewer service. Nob Hill Water provides water service for domestic use. Electric power from Pacific Power. Irrigation by Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District. Construction activities would primarily be the installation of utility lines during street construction. N' YAIi)��," r�// , c ; rnr, //ri p 4/r ' >!1rr r / N ✓ r ;ri ANNIFin /irl r/ l �i /� l The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Agent Signature Date Submitted Name o Signee Position and Agency/Organization �/141 ij 01"/1111"1""'1"'0", e , Revised 01/2017 Page 113 Doe. KH PROPERTIES LLC — "VISTA RIDGE PHASE 2" PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER F Applications P City of Yaldma,Washington TRANSPORTATION CAPACITY''' ANALYSIS The Washington State Growth Management Act (RCW 36,70A.070) requires all new development to be consistent with the existing or planned street system capacities. The City of Yakima adopted Yakima Municipal Code Section 12..03 to implement this local requirement. The information you provide with this application will be used to estimate the impact of your development upon the PM Peak Hour traffic on the City of Yakima arterial streets. APPLICATION INFORMATION Applicant Name ....KIA Contact Person; Mailing Address:, Project Address: Parcel Number: FEE: $250 (Receipt #-(A -A- 0�� S Zl9 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Number of Units 3 `), Describe ,,, Type: HO(single family, Apartment, ��doyM�������� GTOSS Floor Area: HP) Special Population:-_ (Assisted Living, Nursing Home, etc) Other: (Day ... w Care, Church, .�.�.... ur etc) Project Description:. Parking Spaces (Required/Provided) INDUSTRIAL Describe Gross Floor Area: Parking Spaces:.. (Required/Provided) Number of Employees Number of Employees *****PLEASE ATTACH A SITE PLAN***** Submit this form , attachments and fee to the City Permit Center, -Yakima City Hall, 129North Secon— .. e -cn —o _ d Street, Yakima, Washington, 98901. You will receive a Notice of Decision explaining the Findings of this analysis. Please review the Decision when it is sent to you, as there is a limited time period for Request for Reconsideration or Appeal. (Iuestions? Contact the City of Yakima Public Works Traffic Division 2301 Fruitvale Boulevard, Yakima, WA 98902 Phone: 509/575-6005 M A' ■ lk'&a LAND USE APPLICATION "aa1k1k%X Am 1%W CITY OF YAKIMA, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PCITY OF YAKIMA 129 NORTH SECOND STREET, 2ND FLOOR, YAKIMA, WA 98901 l a n n i n g PHONE: (509) 575-6183 EMAIL: ask.planning@yakimawa.gov INSTRUCTIONS —PLEASE READ FIRST Please tyge or print your answers clearly. Answer all questions completely. If you have any questions about this form or the application process, please ask a Planner. Remember to bring all necessary attachments and the required filing fee when the application is submitted. The Planning Division cannot accept an application unless it is complete and the filing fee paid. Filing fees are not refundable. This application consists of four parts. PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION AND PART IV — CERTIFICATION are on this page. PART I1 and III contain additional informationspecific toour ro osal and MUST be attached to this page to com Tete thea lication. PART I — GENERAL INFORMATIO _. _ _. .� N 1. Applicant's lgama _KH Properties, LLC..... _ Mailing Address: 1601 W. Washington Ave 9890 Information: city: Yakima St: WA zip: 3 Phone: ) 834-1424 E -Mail: 2. Applicant's Check One: ❑ Owner Interest in Property: ❑Agent El Purchaser ( Other D@VelOper kaane: Khushdi Sin h 3. Property Owner's Information (If other Mailing Address: same as above than Applicant): City: 'St: I ,lily. Phone: ) -Mail: 4. Subject Property's Assessor's Parcel Number(s): 181332-34002 5. Legal Description of Property. (if lengthy, please attach it on a separate document) See Preliminary Plat 6. Property Address: Coolidge Avenue 7. Property's Existing Zoning: ❑ SR ® R-1 ❑ R-2 ❑ R-3 ❑ B-1 ❑ B-2 ❑ HB ❑ SCC ❑ LCC ❑ CBD ❑ GC ❑ AS ❑ RD ❑ M-1 ❑ M-2 8. Type Of Application: (Check All That Apply) ® Preliminary Long Plat ® Environmental Checklist (SEPA Review) ❑ Planned Development ❑ Transportation Concurrency ❑ Other: �._❑ Other: PART II SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION & PART III — REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS 9. SEE ATTACHED SHEETS PART IV — CERTIFICATION 10,1 we i y that the in rniat" an on this application and the required attachments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. _440119 ...... .......m_ ....�.................... Property Owner's Signature Date Applicant's ..._ . m................ , w .... .., ._..... a Signature Date FILE/APPLICATION(S)# r 1 1 RCi+ IyETj E>LsT'NQ„ i ».✓ i RECEIVED Revised 01/2017 FEB 0 7 2019 CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING DIV. 066, 3 INDEX Supplemental Application For: AIR 9 It 1kX PRELIMINARY LONG PLAT c�r�^ or ruaA CITY OF YAKIMA, SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE, TITLE 14 a n nin g PART II - APPLICATION INFORMATION 1. PROPERTY OWNERS (attach if long): List all parties and financial institutions having an interest in the property„ Khushdip Singh & Ramandeep Hans 2. SURVEYOR AND/OR CONTACT PERSON WITH THEIR CONTACT INFORMATION: PLSA Engineering & Surveying Contact: Thomas R. Durant 575-6990 521 N. 20th Ave, Suite 3, Yakima, 98902 Surveyor: Rick Wehr 3. NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Vista Ridge, Phase 2 4. NUMBER OF LOTS AND THE RANGE OF LOT SIZES: 32 lots from 8,240 to 10,129 square feet 5. SITE FEATURES: A. General Description: ❑ Flat ® Gentle Slopes ❑ Steepened Slopes B. Describe any indication of hazards associated with unstable soils in the area, i.e. slides or slipping? None C. Is the property in a 100 -Year Floodplain or other critical area as mapped by any local, state, or national maps or as defined by the Washington State Growth Management Act or the Yakima Municipal Code? No. 6, UTILITY AND SERVICES: (Check all that are available) ® ElectricityNatural Gas ® ® b H ® Sewer Cable TV Water Nob Irrigation Yakima Tieton ® Tele phone❑ 7. OTHER INFORMATION: A. Distance to Closest Fire Hydrant: 580' B. Distance to Nearest School (and name of school):West Valley Jr High -- approx. 3/4 mile C. Distance to Nearest Park (and name of park): West Valley Community Park -- approx. 1 mile D. Method of HandlingStormwater Drainage. -All storm water generated by new impervious surfaces managed on- site. E. Type of Potential Uses: (check all that apply) ® Single -Family Dwellings ❑ Two -Family Dwellings ❑ Multi -Family Dwellings ❑ Commercial ❑ Industrial PART III - REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS 8. PRELIMINARY PLAT REQUIRED: (Please use the attached City of Yakima Preliminary Plat Checklist) 9. TRAFFIC CONCURRENCY: (if required, see YMC Ch. 12.08, Traffic Capacity Test) 10. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST (required): I hereby authorize the submittal of the preliminary plat application to the City of Yakima for review. I understand that conditions of approval such as dedication of right-of-way, easements, restrictions on the type of buildings that may be constructed, and access restrictions from public roads may be imposed as a part of preliminary plat approval and that failure to meet these conditions may result in denial of the final plat. r #rt,Owner natureg requird)DatePropSi Note: if you have any questions about this process, please contact us . JIE ; nning Division, 129 N. 2nd St., Yakima, WA or 509-575-6183 Revised 01/2017 M , d.OF YAKIMA PLAT PLAN CHECKLIST & INSTRUCTIONS In Order For Application To Be Determined Complete, A Plat Plan Must Be Completed And Returned. A Detailed Plat Plan Is Required: On August 8, 1996, the City Council passed a resolution (No. R-96-91) adopting a requirement that all site plans submitted in conjunction with any building permit application, land use application, and environmental application shall contain certain information and be approved by the appropriate Division Manager. All information that is applicable to your proposal shall be checked off and clearly displayed on the plat plan. It is in the applicant's best interest to provide a carefully drawn and scaled plat plan with all required information. The decision on whether or not to grant approval of your development proposal is largely based on the information you provide. An application cannot be processed until an adequate plat plan is submitted. Please complete this checklist and include it with your plat plan. The plat plan must contain all pertinent information. Items not applicable to the proposed project shall be noted. 1) Use Ink: Use blue or black permanent ink. It may be helpful to draft the plat plan in pencil then trace over in ink. Ink is necessary for adequate duplication. 2) Use A Straight Edge: All lines must be straight and done with the aid of a ruler or other straight edge. Use a compass when delineating circular drawings such as cul-de-sacs. Computer drafted plat plans are acceptable and preferred. 3) Draw To Scale: Plat plans shall be drawn to scale. The plat plan template has a suggested map scale of one inch equaling twenty feet (1"=20'). Distances on the map must be as representative of reality as possible. For example, if the distance from a structure to a property line is 20 feet, the distance on the plat plan will be 1 inch. 4) Use Plat Plan Checklist: Use the plat plan checklist and provide all applicable information on the plat plan. 5) Fill In The Following Information On A Plat Plan: Note: You may benefit from the aid of a professional in the preparation of a plat plan. Check all boxes as: 4 Included or - Not Applicable licable 0 The plat plan shall be legibly drawn in ink on paper of sufficient size to contain the required information, but not less than 8.5" X 11" for Class (1) prcjects and 11" X 17" for Class (2) and Class 3) pr2jects. 0 All plat plans shall be drawn to a standard engineering scale and indicated on the plat plan. The scale selected shall best fit the PaDer. Planning staff recommends 1 "=20'. 0 Site address, parcel number(s) and zoning designation of subject property, 0 Prope!:!y Propertyand lot boundaries and dimensions. 0 Names and dimensions of all existing streets bounding the site. 0 Structure setbacks.. 0 North Arrow. ❑ Location and size of re uired site drainage facilities including on-site retention. ❑ Location and size of existing or proposed public sidewalks that are within 200 -feet of the subject propSiLty, ❑ Location and size of existing and proposed side sewer and water service lines. 0, Location and size of an easements. ❑ Name, address, pliotienumblar, and si91ial:ure of the owner or versoo, res :onsibl�e for the ro ert ❑' Location and size of proposed or existing signs, ❑ Location and size of all parking spaces shown on the plat plan. ❑ Location and dimensions of proposed or existing drivewa a roaches. 0 Vision clearance triangles at street intersections and where driveways and curb cuts intersect with streets. ❑ Proposed improvements located within the public right-of-way, ❑ Location and type of existing and proposed landscaping including landsca in within the ublic right-of-way, ❑ Adjacent land uses and zoning designations. ❑ Location, type, and descri tion of required sitescreem . ❑ Dimensions, location and use of proposed and existin structures includin loadin docks. ❑ Lot coverage with calculations shown on Rlat 21an, Note: Planning Division or reviewing official may require additional information to clarify the proposal, assess its impacts, or determine compliance with the YMC and other laws and regulations. RECEIVED Revised 01/2017 FEB 0 7 2019 CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING DIV. Page 116 KH PROPERTIES LLC — "VISTA RIDGE PHASE 2" PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER G Public Comments Joan Davenport, AICP, Director of Community Development City of Yakima, Dept. of Community Development 129 N 2nd St Yakima, WA 98901 April 7th, 2019 RE: PLP#001-19 & SEPA #004-19, KH Properties, Vista Ridge Development I am writing to express concern regarding the above development. My concern is not with the development itself necessarily, but with the increased traffic as a result of the development at the intersection of S 72nd Ave and W Washington Ave. This new development, along with the continued developments further out Coolidge are increasing the traffic flow through this already poorly managed intersection. Concerns have previously been raised with the city engineers, the traffic division, public works, and city council. Everyone has a different excuse as to why nothing has been or is being done. The intersection of 72nd/Washington is already a busy dangerous intersection with poor traffic control. I realize this is not a large development that is proposed, but at this point any increase in traffic will make an already bad intersection even worse. Safety should be a priority of everyone involved. There are school bus stops within a couple hundred feet of this intersection on multiple sides. School kids and others are walking the sidewalks of this intersection trying to cross busy streets with confused drivers. There is heavy traffic flow through this intersection before and after school, and during the typical commute hours, creating long queues and impatient drivers — especially in the turn lanes and for eastbound traffic. With no stoplight, only stop signs for east/west traffic, there is a lot of risk for motoring and pedestrian traffic. Visibility is very poor for westbound traffic, causing most drivers to pull out past the crosswalk to see oncoming traffic. Countless near misses and multiple collisions have occurred here over the last several years. There has not been a traffic count or study conducted since the addition of multiple developments in the area and the extension of Coolidge Rd off of 80th Avenue several years ago. The increase in traffic is quite significant since the last study was completed. With the addition of this development, and what I am sure will be several more along Coolidge, the time is now for the developers and city to install a stop light at this intersection. For these reasons I am strongly opposed to this development unless the city and developer agree to the installation of a stop light at the intersection of 72nd and Washington. TIik y u for yo r time, Andre Zuber 2009 S 73rd Ave KI- PROPERTIES LLC — "VISTA RIDGE PHASE 2" PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 EXH:IBIT LIST CHAPTER H Public Notices H-1 Determination of Application Completeness 03/08/2019 H-2 Request for Additional Informa��������� Information .......��__a 03/11/2019 3 __�.. Land Use Action Installation Certificate 03/27/2..........._.._ . 019 H-4 ..................w�,��..m.._.�.._._. � �� � ..........Anal Notice of Decision for Transportation Concurrency Analysis ....................����.....� 03/28/2019 ...�....... H-5 w _... ._... Y _..... ��. ..... ........ . �w_r Notice of Application, SEPA & Public Hearing m,,, ............. 04/01/2019 H -5a: Legal Ad H -5b: Press Release and Distribution Email H -5c: Parties and Agencies Notified H -5d: Affidavit of Mailing H-6 Notice of Determination of Non -Significance (DNS) 04/25/2019 H -6a: Parties and Agencies Notified — � H -6b: Affidavit of Mailing _ H-7 YPC Agenda and Packet Distribution List 05/15/2019 H-8 ��..... ....... ... YPC Agend............ a ��......m................................................. w_ __��.�_ �.�...�......... .�. ........... 05/22/2019 _ ®®® DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Joan Davenport, AICP, Director ro� Planning Division MA anning Joseph Calhoun, Manager 129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning City of Yakima Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING City Hall Council Chambers Wednesday May 22, 2019 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. YPC Members: Chairwoman Patricia Byers, Vice -Chair Jacob Liddicoat, Al Rose, Bill Cook, Robert McCormick, Leanne Hughes -Mickel, and Philip Ostriem Council Liaison: Kathy Coffey (District 5) City PlanningStaff: Joan Davenport (Community Development Director), Rosalinda Ibarra (Community Development Administrative Assistant), Joseph Calhoun (Planning Manager), Eric Crowell (Associate Planner), Trevor Martin (Associate Planner), Colleda Monick (Community Development Specialist), and Lisa Maxey (Planning Technician) AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Staff Announcements IV. Audience Participation V. Approval of Meeting Minutes of May 8, 2019 VI. Public Hearing - Preliminary Plat of "Vista Ridge Phase 2" Applicant: KH Properties LLC File Numbers: PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 Site Address: Vicinity of S 72nd Ave & Coolidge Rd Request: Proposal to subdivide an approximately 8.7 -acre parcel into 32 single- family residential lots in the R-1 zoning district. VII. Discussion on Potential Text Amendments • Affordable Housing VIII. Other Business IX. Adjourn Next Meeting: June 12, 2019 YPC Staff Report & Packet Distribution List KH Properties LLC — "Vista Ridge Phase 2" PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 YPC PACKET: Patricia Byers Patbyers907@rpsn,cc?nq Rob McCormick rob@mccormickaircenter.com Philip Ostriem Philirctrierrtmail.com AGENDA & STAFF REPORT ONLY: KH Properties LLC 1601 W Washington Ave Yakima, WA 98903 Al Rose Silvrfx40,@bmi.net aar7040@Rrnail.corn Jake Liddicoat . akeft3dvakiimaxom, PLSA Engineering & Surveying Attn: Tom Durant 521 N 20th Ave #3 Yakima, WA 98902 td, .Lura nt@,p rq_ _114. Khushdip Singh & Ramandeep Hans 7602 Whitman St Yakima, WA 98903 Date Distributed: 5,1,15/ Iq Bill Cook Cook.w@charter.net Leanne Hughes -Mickel leanne.mickel@ ITmewcom DOC. INDEX # AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON CITY OF YAKIMA RE: PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 KH Properties - "Vista Ridge wPhase 2" Vic. of S 72nd Ave & Coolidge Rd I, Lisa Maxey, as an employee of the City of Yakima Planning Division, have dispatched through the United States Mails, a Notice of Determination of Non - Significance (DNS). A true and correct copy of which is enclosed herewith; that said notice was addressed to the applicant, parties of record, listed SEPA agencies and all property owners of record within a radius of 300 feet of subject property, that said property owners are individually listed on the mailing list retained by the Planning Division, and that said notices were mailed by me on this 25th day of April 2019. That I mailed said notices in the manner herein set forth and that all of the statements made herein are just and true. Lisa Maxey Planning Technician 18133242001 BALL RE LLC 8304 WIDE HOLLOW RD YAKIMA, WA 98908 18133243449_ ........_ DRT CONSTRUCTION LLC 11601 ZIER RD YAKIMA, WA 98908 ......_.... .... 18133234022 JWA INVESTMENTS LLC PO BOX 8085 YAKIMA, WA 98908 18133243457 _................. KH PR ERTI I.. 7602 W N ST Y A, WA 98 18133231477 AARON & GRETCHEN EICKMEYER 7308 WHITMAN AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 18133234439................... _.� .___..........m� BRADLEY D & BRITTANY D TEW 2201 S 75TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 18133234426 CLARK & MARY ANN MYERS 7502 LYONS LN YAKIMA, WA 98903 18133231478 EVELYN J PAULSEN 7306 WHITMAN AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 _.... ...w 18133234425 JAMES L & JENIFER M MULVANEY 7504 LYONS LN YAKIMA, WA 98903 18133234431 KA CHAN 7601 SPOKANE ST YAKIMA, WA 98908 18133243447 DH CONSTRUCTION & ASSOCIATES LLC 1611 PERRY ST YAKIMA, WA 98902 18133243450 JRC INC 209 S 93RD AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 18133243446 KH PROPERTIES LLC 7602 WHITMAN ST YAKIMA, WA 98903 18133231481 NEWPORT EQUITY CAPITAL CORPORATION 216 AVENIDA FABRICANTE UNIT 111 SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92672 18133231483 ANDREW ZUBER 2009 S 73RD AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 18133234436 BRIAN DAVID & KATHLEEN MARIE BRUNING 2107 S 75TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 18133231480 DAVID RAGLIN 7302 W WHITMAN AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 18133234401 GREG L & GLENDA L WHITEHEAD 2205 S 73RD AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 18133234429 JAMI L CAMPBELL 2114 S 75TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 18133231476 KATRINA M & TORREY HILL 7310 W WHITMAN AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 18133243456 DH CO a CT ASSOCIATES LLC 1611 P YAKIMA, WA 98902 1813 81 ...243451____ ............................w_ JRC IN 209 S E Y IMA, L WA 98-- ................ 18133243448 KHKWA 76 YA 18133243458 SUMMIT CREST CONSTRUCTION LLC 2115S72NDAVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 18133231482 ANGELA WENTZ 2011 S 73RD AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 _ ............ ....... .......................................w ........... 18133231474 CHRIS T & ARLA R DUNLOP 7404 WHITMAN AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 18133234440 ERIC R & JULIEANNE L SIWECK 2203 S 75TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 18133243003 HOWARD W & JANE HARTINGER 2205 S 72ND AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 181332 ..... _ ........................m 31509 JEFFREY A & JERRI K ABPLANALP 7401 W WHITMAN AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 18133234437mmm KELLY & KELSEY E STM �mmmmmmmm ARY A 2109 S 75TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 _...._ -18133234001 ................................ --- ....... ........_____.._W 18133231475 _ 18133234002 KENNETH J & VALERIE SVEINSSON KHUSHDIP SINGH & RAMANDEEP HANS KRISTINA SOFIA BALLASIOTES 7202 COOLIDGE RD 7602 W WHITMAN ST 7402 W WHITMAN AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 18133.......... 243004 ....... __ 18133234428 _ .---___...._ 18133234008 LERAY E & MARY K STREAM LESTER R & SHERRI L WILLIAMS LONNIE N & LORIE A BENNETT 6914 EASY ST 728 S FAIR AVE 2201 S 73RD AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98901 YAKIMA, WA 98903 18133231519 18133234438 18133231479 LUCAS & NICOLE MALSAM MARK R & PATRICIA M POWERS MARY ANN PARKINSON 7307 WHITMAN AVE 2111 S 75TH AVE 7304 W WHITMAN AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98908 YAKIMA, WA 98903 �-- 181332344351813 �-___-3231517 18133234 020 MEERA SINGH MICHAEL S D & STACY L MCKAY MICHAEL T & KATHY A HOVENKOTTER 7502 CRESTFIELDS RD 7303 WHITMAN AVE 7509 OCCIDENTAL RD YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 18133234441 .�..._.. .._....6- � 18133234.................._.�w.... 402 -�- �m 18133231472 PHILLIP C SCOTT RAYMOND L OSLIN III ROBERT A & KATHIE F THOMPSON 1275 RED RANCH RD 2203 S 73RD AVE 7500 W WHITMAN AVE DRIPPING SPRINGS, TX 78620 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 ._ ..... ww ....... _ w a-.�....... 18133231473 . _ ...... m .. ...- . 18133231502 _..............� � -- 18133234442 ROBERT J & BEVERLY J KOCH ROY E LEWIS RYAN DAVIS 7406 WHITMAN AVE 2007 S 75TH AVE 2014 S 59TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 ...........m. 18133234430 18133234412� 18133243001 -� SCOTT C & KIMBERLEE A DRAY SCOTT E & SHIRLEY A PRYSE SHARON E HANNON 2112 S 75TH AVE 7501 CRESTFIELDS RD 2103 S 72ND AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98908 YAKIMA, WA 98903 ...... �� .. . 18 33243009 ..__ ��._..._ --__ ......... 18133234413 ...... 1813 3231518 SHA NON SON HOANG STEPHEN J PEARSON 2 7 AVE 7503 CRESTFIELDS RD 7305 WHITMAN AVE YAKIMA, WA 3 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 .. m..._..__ 18133231484 ..... 18133231516 _ m-ws..-------------- ......_ �.. 18133234434 STEVEN & REESA ZUBER TERESA L MAYR WARREN D & SUE E TERRELL 2007 S 73RD AVE 7301 WHITMAN AVE 7504 CRESTFIELDS RD YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, A 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 W. ..... .....� ........ 18133234021 m,_......... _ 58 e........................ WWW_ WILLIAM L & ROSLI A SCROGGINS Total Parcels - KH Properties LLC - Khushdip Singh ► *' 2204 S 72ND AVE "Vista Ridge Phase 2" - PLP#001-19 & 1601 W Washington Ave YAKIMA, WA 98903 SEPA#004-19 Yakima, WA 98903 MM0 oil Ahtanum Irrigation District Beth Ann Brulotte, Executive Assistant Cascade Natural Gas Century Link 10705-B Gilbert Road 8113 W Grandridge Blvd Manager Yakima, WA 98903-9203 Kennewick, WA 99336 8 South 2nd Ave, Rm#304Yakima, tbib ghtanum net WA 98902 Charter Communications City of Union Gap Chamber of Commerce Kevin Chilcote Dennis Henne, Development Director 10 North 9th Street 1005 North 16th Ave P.O. Box 3008 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Union Gap, WA 98903 charnber@vakima or DenP3d511e@'�ne�q�i'GIC�r,�a w�...u�y .....:... Department of Agriculture Dept of Archaeology & Historic Preservation Department of Commerce Kelly McLain 1063 S Capitol Way, Ste 106 Review Team PO Box 42560 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 1011 Plum St SE Olympia, WA 98504 h#�.wa.Ptay Olympia, WA 98504-3172 kmcialin@agL.wa.gov i'ev+ewe r�� cartrrrmet Awa. y Department of Ecology Department ofYEcology. .... a _ Department Fish anf .... r _..... f Fid Wildlife Annie Szvetecz, SEPA PolicyLead o Gwen Clear, Regional Coordinator Eric d P.O. Box 477031701 1250 West Alder Street South 24th Ave Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Union Gap, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98902 5e are psteu ec wa. ov � ...y cros„ u. atoordinat�r ec �a. ov �_W , u° ru �r�L_____ _ se aaur it ��_cy,w gau itsrd whrte pec .w. uawa _ ..... _ .. .g ScotEric-BaDr ..._...._.._ownes@ W wa. thy, g... Department of Fish and Wildlife Department of Health Department of Natural Resources SEPA Desk Kelly Cooper SEPA Center PO Box 43200 PO Box 47820 PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504 Olympia, WA 98504 Olympia, WA 98504 5EPA ism_ d w.wa.Po,m_v r@ olt.w, ily r.pP a.:g„c% P�aac nt' r�dnr u a g9 Department of Social & Health Services Robert Hubenthal Environmental Protection Agency Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council -EFSEC Office of Capital Programs NEPA Review Unit Stephen Posner, SEPA Officer P.O. Box 45848 1200 6th Ave #900 PO Box 43172 Olympia, WA 98504 Seattle, WA 98101 Olympia, WA 98504 3172 Robert.H 14b ntha9r ds&rs w!gcuv 5AmkQ C@...uta ^tn a— gy Engineering Division Federal Aviation Administration, Bob Desgrosellier Federal Aviation Administration Seattle Airports District Office 129 N 2nd Street 2200 W. Washington Ave Cayla Morgan, Environmental Specialist Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98903 2200 5 216th St bob.desro5 e'INt"y lk rn, Vic? Des Moines, WA 98198 Nob Hill Water Association Office of Rural and Farm Worker Housing Governor's Office of Indian Affairs Bob Irving, Engineering Technician Marty Miller PO Box 40909 6111 Tieton Drive 1400 Summitview Ave, Ste# 203 Olympia, WA 98504 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98902 cbnobh,%Bwter�ar Martym2@orfh.org Pacific Power Parks & Recreation Commission Soil Conservation District Mike Paulson Jessica Logan Ray Wondercheck 500 North Keys Rd Y PO Box 42560 OlympiaWA 98504 1606 Perry Street, Ste. F Yakima, WA 98901 , J sslomma,!q&5jjj , arks' vacaa Yakima, WA 98902 Trolleys United States Postal Service US Army Corps of Engineers Paul Edmondson Maintenance Department Seattle District, Regulatory Branch 1 (per 313 North 3rd Street 205 W Washington Ave P.O. Box 3755 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98903 Seattle, WA 98124-3755 �mooue ajAagg aaETy nrii'd. WA State Dept of Health, Wastewater Division WA State Attorney General's Office Office of Drinking Water Marc Cawley or Dana Kallevig 1433 Lakeside Court, Ste# 102 Jamie Gardipe 2220 East Viola Ave Yakima, WA 98902 16201 E Indiana Ave, Ste# 1500 Yakima, WA 98901 Spokane Valley, WA 99216 SEPAnevi ewtearn@Aq1i,Wa.,Z0.v. 4a—nq-.kqL1emig@ya-,k¢Liaw-a-.gq-v West Valley School District WSDOT Angela Watts, Asst. Supt. Of Business & Operations Paul Gonseth, Planning Engineer WSDOT 8902 Zier Road 2809 Rudkin Road South Central Regionl Planning Office Yakima, WA 98908-9299 Union Gap, WA 98903 LCpLgn!).ipg@.w.sdot-wa.gov WAUR @Ay5dZQj WSDOT, Aviation Division Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs Yakama Nation Environmental Mgmt Program Patrick Wright Rocco Clark, Environmental Coordinator Elizabeth Sanchey, Environmental Review 7702 Terminal St SW P.O. Box 632 Coordinator Turnwater, WA 98501 Toppenish, WA 98948 P.O. Box 151 8Loccq.cL rkLe).! Lia..Zov Toppenish, WA 98948 ewchey2y Layi Yakama-Klickitat Fisheries Project Yakima Air Terminal Yakima County Building Department John Marvin Robert Peterson, Airport Asst Manager Harold Maclean 760 Pence Road 2400 West Washington Ave 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor Yakima, WA 98909 Yakima, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98901 imarvin yA_Kq11iacqTna"k�atlaIla rold.Mactea n0co.vakirnawa us ... . ... .. ... Yakima County Health District Yakima County Flood Control District Ryan lbach, Director of Environmental Health Terry Keenhan & Dianna Woods Yakima County Commissioners 1210 Ahtanum Ridge Dr Ste#200 128 North 2nd Street, 41h Floor co.t,llmissoners.%P�e�b�,9,,,y,! �Mma, Yakima, WA 98901 L�_ Union Gap, WA 98903 yhdC5aco,1LdXtM.wa.us igLr C t2 yakia wa.wa.ua Dianina.Woo @g.(hy ds AKtma.wa.qs . . ........ Yakima County Planning Yakima County Public Services Y 'ma County Water Res e�s-Divisjon Lynn Deitrick & Jason Earles Lisa Freund, Public Services Director Brian en rot <h 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor 12 8 North 2 eet, 4th Floor Yakima, WA 98901 Yi9890 !yp1LQeitrick a g a.WAqs Yakima, WA 98901 Yaki A 9890 or �n , 'Ott So P menrofti coma, al.wa.us J ason I a r IgsL5�Eq,,yjKf Mawa. u� V-- .......... - - - — — ---- - Yakima Greenway Foundation Yakama Indian Nation Yakama Indian Nation Kellie Connaughton, Executive Director Johnson Meninick, Cultural Resources Ruth Jim, Yakima Tribal Council 111 South 18th Street Program P.O. Box 151 Yakima, WA 98901 P.O. Box 151 Kellie Jma r9q1-11W--ay..&tg Toppenish, WA 98948 Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakama Indian Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency Hasan Tahat, Compliance, Engineering & Yakima School District Yakima School District Planning Division Supervisor Dr. Jack Irion, Superintendent Scott Izutsu , Associate Superintendent 186 Iron Horse Ct # 101 104 North 4th Ave 104 IN 4th Ave Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98902 L, am A 9 L@ xr -ca-,4-. o- -r g z u t s u.sco tt &Lk i 9 Li ............... Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Yakima Valley Canal Co Yakima Valley Conference of Governments Sandra Hull Robert Smoot Mike Shuttleworth, Planning Manager 470 Camp 4 Rd 1640 Garretson Lane 311 North 4th Street, Ste# 202 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98901 Mike,shuttlewo ft@yy _qo r 7 Yakima Valley Museum Yakima waste Systems Peter Arnold, Executive Director Keith Kovalenko, District Manager 2105 Tieton Drive 2812 1/2 Terrace Heights Dr. Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98901 keit1*2tiji�oqn W5 1 ctipn�.&qL INDEX -m -- Ahtanum Irrigation District Century Link Beth Ann Brulotte, Executive Assistant Cascade Natural Gas Manager 10705-B Gilbert Road 8113 W Gran Blvd 8 South 2nd Ave, Rm#304 Yakima, WA 98903 KennewickWA 99 99 , 336 Yakima, WA 98902 Charter Communications City of Union Gap Department of Agriculture Kevin Chilcote Dennis Henne, Development Director Kelly McLain 1005 North 16th Ave P.O. Box 3008 P.O. Box 42560 Yakima, WA 98902 Union Gap, WA 98903 Olympia, WA 98504 Environmental Protection Agency Federal Aviation Administration, Seattle NEPA Review Unit Federal Aviation Administration Airports District Office 1200 6th Ave #900 2200 W. Washington Ave Cayla Morgan, Airport Planner Seattle, WA 98101 Yakima, WA 98903 1601 Lind Ave SW Renton, WA 98055-4056 Governor's Office of Indian Affairs Pacific Power Soil Conservation District Box 409 Mike Paulson Ra Wondercheck Y Olympia, Olympia, WAA 98504 500 North Keys Rd 1606 Perry Street, Ste. F Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Trolleys United States Postal Service US Army Corps of Engineers Paul Edmondson Maintenance Deptartment Seattle District 313 North 3rd Street 205 W Washington Ave Regulatory Branch Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98903 P.O. Box 3755 Seattle, WA 98124-3755 WA State Dept of Health, WA State Attorney General's Office Office of Drinking Water Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs 1433 Lakeside Court, Ste# 102 Jamie Gardipe Superintendent Yakima, WA 98902 16201 E Indiana Ave, Ste# 1500 P.O. Box 632 Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakama Indian Nation Johnson Meninick, Cultural Resources Yakama Indian Nation Yakima School District Program Ruth Jim, Yakima Tribal Council Dr. Jack Irion, Superintendent P.O. Box 151 P.O. Box 151 104 North 4th Ave Toppenish, WA 98948 Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Yakima Valley Canal Co Sandra Hull Robert Smoot 470 Camp 4 Rd 1640 Garretson Lane Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98908 15 \\Apollo\Shared\Planning\Assignments-Planning\LABELS and FORMS\SEPA REVIEWING AGENCIES _updated 04.6.19 - Form List.docx Type of Notice:Ib1 115 File Number: 2 Vt' Date of Mailing: t l bc, 1 Parties of Record —Ki. .1roperties LLC —Vista Ridge Phase 2 — PLP�,„o1-19 & SEPA#004-19 KH Properties LLC Khushdip Singh PLSA Engineering & Surveying 1601 W Washington Ave 1601 W Washington Ave Attn: Tom Durant Yakima, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98903 521 N 20" Ave #3 Yakima, WA 98902 ................. �Kh.....w..m tdurant&Isaof akima.com �----.... Eileen Nehl ushdip Sing & Ramandeep Hans Heidi Anderson 115 E Shamrock Dr 7602 Whitman St 7602 Coolidge Rd Yakima, WA 98908 w Yakima, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98903 Ryan Davis ,.�...��.. Amber Amber Zuber Yakima Tieton-Irrigation District 2014 S 59th Ave S 73�d Ave Attn: Sandra Hull, Assistant Treasurer surer Yakima, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98903 470 Camp 4 Rd Vno 19734. . , ,_ �� ..__����...�...... Yakima, WA 98908 ......... �,�.......... ..-............ ._..,�,�,�...,.•.�........................... _.. �...�......"... In -House Distribution E-mail List Revised 02/2019 Name Division E-mail Address _........__, m Carolyn Belles _ ............... ._ .............�..._ Code Administration .. �n�a;Nnn 1� 9ti MVkiwalaaa� n geav Glenn Denman _ w Code Administration ..... ttlaaau;"IJc¢uaar�1ilarkl��rell��u rn, Joe Caruso Co de Administration _ ._ ..... _.. loos n a�,o ra a�l,�ta� twl�t pry John Zabell .. _ Code Administration n far}rrt_Yalst,,IlPtt' tknaaartil;in 1�n.1"�"_ Kelli Horton Co. de Administration Kelli.110on�"�r-yaa Linda Rossignol ... Code Administration l nndai zos gpi trl �?yakini, t a rov Pedro Contreras �.,_...���. ���........� Code Administration , C ontn�naa��,�w�ai�ina n�w�.8dav 1 aalna�„ ._ Suzanne DeBusschere Code Administration �.�...�_ Saa,�nennnu llalarr�sa,laarai�at saW,glaa�w�ylmga�v�������� V ick DeOchoa �vv Code Administration Joan Davenport Communit� ty Development �� lo<nn C;���nvanrl,�tl;l�r;y�krc�.e�w � gov RosalindaIbarra � ..Bob Community Ito�,alnna�l�a Nb�un a ladtl _ s _� _. y Des rosellier g .�... .... �.........m_ EngDevelopmentineering gineering � � m . �...-_. .......... lion nit w ,)�rcaval„pian ee!yas�nmayw ep�ov _ Dan Riddle ....� ___..w ��.... ...._ .... Engineering ..... .._._...... _W..� yarn",IaNI&atryta& Haar rw�.g1a r Tyler Witthuhn �..... Engineering [' r ''lVuRtha�la�nt+ rrkiraa a vnn gtav .......... Pat Reid ... ........ Fire V�ul_m��.gicK ly,akunrnr�-.. V,. agy Jeff Cutter �............... Legal Nall t pttar���; p � yauk-- I Sara Watkins Legal S,,ira.'Aralki ns4i) nkpu�Jad ma, day Archie MattheWS.�.�.�� ONDS. � t�rclan�„ M�n�tl�aaav�r�� na�inaa�^��a �tlav Joseph Calhoun Planning 6oaP6a� <lllarcla�n�ny�ct akp,gr34ywaay, Lisa MaxeyW.....�.mm. �......_pw��.�..�_� P anning Lisa, a Cti �lwknaaaazkv,��.�er�N Scott Sch ..- ....... afer �.... .... � ----........._.a Public Works I-.,"-1 ialla�clCrr,y, & ngnnatl ;e. arov ....� Loretta Zammarchi ...w.._. µRefuse � I ona�tta -1,01-C,a Z�rnnara3min,alan��koaantn�t«a,katy; . _ _. �.......w�...�......._.. Randy Layman , �.........._. Refusell;w03,„I _ �......... iL nnalrQr)YAir'I�1�aAwk ew!v G._ regorY Story ....... ... Transit � Naeem Kara Transit N tecin, !�arRtt�tly akinia vi,g +mv J...._W.... aures Dean Utilities �--��......�� .. Mamas Da utt"cetytakgtluarw itll,w — Dana Kallevig ...Randy _...................... .....__ .. Wastewater I) nna W.tr1lvoany"uta lJaa ter w gca Mel.....,,_ oy ....� _ � �...� ....._.� Wastewater ltanaalvl N�av ncN alwnnt nwv ncnv, Dave Brow gn Water/Irri ���� - Water/Irrigation h%�q� ncl l3nuswnt Mike Sh ane Water/Im ation g — stn nrma;ra �sknarnnta�a v Type of Notice: - D1�V3 File Number: / Date of Mailing." Maxey, Lisa From: Maxey, Lisa Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 3:33 PM To: Belles, Carolyn; Brown, David; Calhoun, Joseph; Caruso, Joe; Contreras, Pedro; Cutter, Jeff; Davenport, Joan; Dean, James; DeBusschere, Suzanne; Denman, Glenn; DeOchoa, Vick; Desgrosellier, Bob; Horton, Kelli; Ibarra, Rosalinda; Kallevig, Dana; Layman, Randy; Matthews, Archie; Maxey, Lisa; Meloy, Randy; Reid, Patrick; Riddle, Dan; Rossignol, Linda; Schafer, Scott; Shane, Mike; Story, Gregory; Watkins, Sara; Witthuhn, Tyler; Zabell, John; Zammarchi, Loretta; Ahtanum Irrigation District - Beth Ann Brulotte; Cawley, Marc; Chamber of Commerce; Department of Agriculture; Department of Commerce (CTED) - Review Team; Department of Ecology; Department of Ecology - Lori White; Department of Ecology - SEPA Register; Department of Ecology -CRO Coordinator; Department of Fish and Wildlife; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Eric Bartrand; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Scott Downes; Department of Natural Resources; Dept of Social & Health Svcs - Robert Hubenthal; Dept. Archaeology & Historic Preservation - SEPA Review; Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council - Stephen Posner; Henne, Dennis; Nob Hill Water - Bob Irving; Office of Rural & Farmworker Housing - Marty Miller; Peterson, Robert; Scott Izutsu - Yakima School District; US Army Corps of Engineers - David Moore; WA State Dept of Health, Office of Drinking Water; WA State Parks & Recreation Commission; West Valley School District - Angela Watts; WSDOT - Paul Gonseth; WSDOT - South Central Regional Planning Office; WSDOT Aviation - Patrick Wright; Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs - Rocco Clark; Yakama Nation Environmental Management Program - Elizabeth Sanchey; Yakama-Klickitat Fisheries - John Marvin; Yakima County Building Official - Harold Maclean; Yakima County Commissioners; Yakima County Flood Control District - Dianna Woods; Yakima County Flood Control District - Terry Keenhan; Yakima County Health District; Yakima County Health District - Ryan Ibach; Yakima County Planning - Zoning/Sub - Jason Earles; Yakima County Planning Director - Lynn Deitrick; Yakima County Public Svcs Director, Lisa Freund; Yakima Greenway Foundation - Kellie Connaughton; Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency - Hasan Tahat; Yakima Valley Conference of Governments - Mike Shuttleworth; Yakima Valley Museum - Peter Arnold; Yakima Waste Systems - Keith Kovalenko; Al Rose; Alfred A. Rose (silvrfx40@bmi.net); Coffey, Kathy; Jacob Liddicoat; Leanne Hughes -Mickel; Patricia Byers; Philip Ostriem; Rob McCormick; William Cook (cook.w@charter.net) Cc: Martin, Trevor Subject: Notice of DNS - Vista Ridge Phase 2 - PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 Attachments: NOTICE OF DNS -Vista Ridge Ph2 - PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19.pdf Attached is a Notice of Determination of Non -Significance (DNS) regarding the above -entitled project. If you have any questions about this proposal, please contact assigned planner Trevor Martin at (509) 575-6162 or email to: trev r.m,artin akmrnau a p .Thank you! Lisa Maxey Planning Technician City of Yakima Planning Division p: 509.576.6669 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, Washington, 98901 DEP. ' 'TMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELf "'AENT I Joan Davenport, AICP, Director Planning Division 49 Joseph Calhoun, Manager 129 North Second Street, 2"d Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning WASHINGTON STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE CITY OF YAKIMA, WASHINGTON April 25, 2019 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant has proposed to subdivide an 8.7 acre parcel into 32 single family residential lots in the single Family (R-1) zoning district. LOCATION: Vicinity of S. 72nd Ave and Coolidge Rd. PARCEL NUMBER: 181332-34002 PROPONENT: KH Properties LLC PROPERTY OWNER: Kushdip Singh LEAD AGENCY: City of Yakima FILE NUMBERS: SEPA#004-19 and PLP#001-19 DETERMINATION: The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. ® This DNS is issued after using the optional DNS process in WAC 197-11-355, There is no further comment period on the DNS. Responsible Official Position/Title: Phone Address.- Date: ddress: Date: April 25,2019 Joan Davenport SEPA Responsible Official (509) 575-6183 ® You may appeal this determination teJoan Davenport, AICP, Director of Community Development, at 129 N. 2nd Street, Yakima, WA 98901. No later than: May 9, 2019. By method: Complete appeal appfication form and payment of $580,00 appeal fee. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact the City of Yakima Planning Division to read or ask about the procedures for SEPA appeals. AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON CITY OF YAKIMA RE: PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 KH Properties LLC mmm-mm"Vista Ridge Phase 2" Vic. of S 72nd Ave & Coolidge Rd I, Lisa Maxey, as an employee of the City of Yakima Planning Division, have dispatched through the United States Mails, a Notice of Application, Environmental Review, and Public Hearing. A true and correct copy of which is enclosed herewith; that said notice was addressed to the property owner and applicant, SEPA reviewing agencies, and all property owners of record within a radius of 300 feet of the subject property; that said are individually listed on the mailing list retained by the Planning Division, and that said notices were mailed by me on the 1St day of April, 2019. That I mailed said notices in the manner herein set forth and that all of the statements made herein are just and true. Lisa Maxey Planning Technician 18133242001 18133243447 18 3243456 BALL RE LLC DH CONSTRUCTION & ASSOCIATES LLC DHC TRUCTI S'SOCIATES LLC 8304 WIDE HOLLOW RD 1611 PERRY ST 1611 P YAKIMA, WA 98908 YAKIMA, WA 98902 IMA, WA 9890 18133243449 DRT CONSTRUCTION LLC 11601 ZIER RD YAKIMA, WA 98908 18133243450 18133243451 JRC INC JR C' 209 S 93RD AVE 209 S 9 YAKIMA, WA 98908 IMA, WA' ..W _ _._..... 234022 ...�...�����............... 18133._.�� � 18133243446 1813324.... �r. .�............ 3448 JWA INVESTMENTS LLC KH PROPERTIES LLC KH O IES LLC PO BOX 8085 7602 WHITMAN ST AN ST YAKIMA, WA 98908 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 3 mmm 18133 3457 _. 18133231481 .. ...w. 18133243458 KH PROPE S LLC NEWPORT EQUITY CAPITAL SUMMIT CREST CONSTRUCTION LLC 7602 WHIT T CORPORATION 2115 S 72ND AVE Y '�A 98903' 216 AVENIDA FABRICANTE UNIT 111 YAKIMA, WA 98903 SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92672 18133231477 _... 18133231483 18133231482 AARON & GRETCHEN EICKMEYER ANDREW ZUBER ANGELA WENTZ 7308 WHITMAN AVE 2009 S 73RD AVE 2011 S 73RD AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 .... 18133234439 18133234436 ....18133231474 .... �����.....w�_.��..._...��.. BRADLEY D & BRITTANY D TEW BRIAN DAVID & KATHLEEN MARIE CHRIS T & ARLA R DUNLOP 2201 S 75TH AVE BRUNING 7404 WHITMAN AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 2107 S 75TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 18133234426 181332314 _..�....., v �...... �. - _._ 80 ,,.,. -_� 34440 181332 .�. ........� ....m CLARK & MARY ANN MYERS DAVID RAGLIN ERIC R & JULIEANNE L SIWECK 7502 LYONS LN 7302 W WHITMAN AVE 2203 S 75TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 _- ..... 181332._...-........ _..._......,......................................_...... 31478 18133234401 18133243003 EVELYN J PAULSEN GREG L & GLENDA L WHITEHEAD HOWARD W & JANE HARTINGER 7306 WHITMAN AVE 2205 S 73RD AVE 2205 S 72ND AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 1813........ ....... � ..____.. ._��..�.....� ..._.. �__Y �_... _ .�...w��m�.���.�.�....� � �. ...... 3234425 18133234429 18133231509 JAMES L & JENIFER M MULVANEY JAMI L CAMPBELL JEFFREY A & JERRI K ABPLANALP 7504 LYONS LN 2114 S 75TH AVE 7401 W WHITMAN AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 18133234431 ..... �....... .� .._ 18133231476 18133234437 KA CHAN KATRINA M & TORREY HILL KELLY & KELSEY E STMARY 7601 SPOKANE ST 7310 W WHITMAN AVE 2109 S 75TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98908 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA .... _ . ... ._-. _....... ...._ .. ... .. -s � ....... .... _.... ._.. _ 18133234001 �... .. ................... 18133234002 �....�_ 18133231475 KENNETH J & VALERIE SVEINSSON KHUSHDIP SINGH & RAMANDEEP HANS KRISTINA SOFIA BALLASIOTES 7202 COOLIDGE RD 7602 W WHITMAN ST 7402 W WHITMAN AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 1813 3243004 _...... 18133234428 ..... �.....w 18133234008 LERAY E & MARY K STREAM LESTER R & SHERRI L WILLIAMS LONNIE N & LORIE A BENNETT 6914 EASY ST 728 S FAIR AVE 2201 S 73RD AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98901 YAKIMA, WA 98903 . -..v ....... 18133231519 1813323 ._.. 44.....--------- 38 .......... ..... ......... ............ . ... 18133231479 LUCAS & NICOLE MALSAM MARK R & PATRICIA M POWERS MARY ANN PARKINSON 7307 WHITMAN AVE 2111 S 75TH AVE 7304 W WHITMAN AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98908 YAKIMA, WA 98903 ... ... _ _ 18133234435 ....... ......................._ 18133231517 ..... _ _._.._.... 18133234020 MEERA SINGH MICHAEL S D & STACY L MCKAY MICHAEL T & KATHY A HOVENKOTTER 7502 CRESTFIELDS RD 7303 WHITMAN AVE 7509 OCCIDENTAL RD YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 ww18133234441 18133234402 1813323 72 1472 PHILLIP C SCOTT RAYMOND L OSLIN III ROBERT A & KATHIE F THOMPSON 1275 RED RANCH RD 2203 S 73RD AVE 7500 W WHITMAN AVE DRIPPING SPRINGS, TX 78620 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 –- --— --------- �Y____ 18133231473 _ .._w- ...................... 18133231502 .... ..... 18133234442 ROBERT & BEVERLY KOCH ROY E LEWIS RYAN DAVIS 7406 WHITMAN AVE 2007 S 75TH AVE 2014 S 59TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 - - ._��.w 18133234430 181332 34434412 .............. . ...... 181332.....- 43001 SCOTT C & KIMBERLEE A DRAY SCOTT E & SHIRLEY A PRYSE SHARON E HANNON 2112 S 75TH AVE 7501 CRESTFIELDS RD 2103 S 72ND AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98908 YAKIMA, WA 98903 .... 1181332 4300099 - ._...� ..��18133223441334413 � ... _ .,�.... _...ww.....� 18133231518 E SON H G STEPHEN JPEARSON 2103S 11E 7503 CRESTFIELDS RD 7305 WHITMAN AVE Y MA, WA 03 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 18133231484 18133231516 18133234434 STEVEN & REESA ZUBER TERESA L MAYR WARREN D & SUE E TERRELL 2007 S 73RD AVE 7301 WHITMAN AVE 7504 CRESTFIELDS RD YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 18133234021...... ��...,,,, � ..............�..— .. � ... _._ ...-_ .. ... ........ 58 . w WILLIAM L & ROSLI A SCROGGINS Total Parcels - KH Properties LLC - Khushdip Singh 2204 S 72ND AVE "Vista Ridge Phase 2" - PLP#001-19 & 1601 W Washington Ave YAKIMA, WA 98903 SEPA#004-19 Yakima, WA 9 13Cr= NC okpff►,5fPA+I4eati5 A. ki ma, *02 Ahtanum Irrigation District Beth Ann Brulotte, Executive Assistant Cascade Natural Gas Century Link 10705-B Gilbert Road 8113 W Grandridge Blvd Manager Yakima, WA 98903-9203 Kennewick, WA 99336 8 South 2nd Ave, Rm#304 B�et�ib ahtaraum.oret Yakima, WA 98902 Charter Communications City of Union Gap Chamber of Commerce Kevin Chilcote Dennis Henne, Development Director 10 North 9th Street 1005 North 16th Ave P.O. Box 3008 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Union Gap, WA 98903 chamkaerayakima ark enn(s.hpnrkp.@ur�r,io apWgegg'v Department of Agriculture Dept of Archaeology & Historic Preservation Department of Commerce Kelly McLain Greg Griffith or Gretchen Kaehler, Deputy Growth Management Services PO Box 42560 State Historic Preservation Officer P.O. Box 42525 Olympia, WA 98504 P.O. Box 48343OlympiaWA 98504-8343 Olympia, WA 98504-2525 Yore &alrti�a A;. va p r , Se,pa d .hp,.wa,j&qv CrvvieM1i' 7R09� 7�ii7erC . x4 ; Department of Ecology Department of Ecology Department of Fish and Wildlife Annie Szvetecz, SEPA Policy Lead Gwen Clear, Regional Coordinator Eric Bartrand P.O. Box 47703 West Alder Street 1701 South 24th Ave Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Yakima, WA 98902 ap rp !sC r�r wv—r-y Union Union Gap, WA 98903 Eric Bartiand df v via g au se auni't as ec , a oy lc rm w mAg@.?.r .wa, oar Cr�cr;g ggor�linata2r eay p p coot aawn s@) ffw,waj. c v Department of Fish and Wildlife Department of Health Department of Natural Resources SEPA Desk Kelly Cooper SEPA Center PO Box 43200 PO Box 47820 PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504 Olympia, WA 98504 Olympia, WA 98504 EPAd q@4,fwwa::,8 V Netl 0ppr do m. a .8Qy �ppaaemptgn@A r-mo—&Qv Department of Social & Health Services Robert Hubenthal Environmental Protection Agency Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council -EFSEC Stephen Posner, SEPA Officer Operations Support and Services Division NEPA Review Unit PO Box 43172 P.O. Box 45848 1200 6th Ave #900 Olympia, WA 98504-3172 Olympia, WA 98504 Seattle, WA 98101 Raakra r_t_itlaabrnth rg, dsl�s„v a av s,posn r utc ytiam Engineering Division BoN Bob Degrosellier and Brett Sheffield Federal Aviation Administration, 129 2nd Street reef Federal Aviation Administration Seattle Airports District Office Yakima, WA A 9890 2200 W. Washington Ave Cayla Morgan, Environmental Specialist bolo des r -g �.�@Yakbrr�awa�oW Yakima, WA 98903 2200 S 216th St brett s , ffi ld c akdrr�aMq.g y Des Moines, WA 98198 Nob Hill Water Association Office of Rural and Farm Worker Housing Governor's Office of Indian Affairs Bob Irving, Engineering Technician Marty Miller PO Box 40909 6111 Tieton Drive 1400 Sum mitview Ave, Ste# 203 Olympia, WA 98504 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98902 k? b-DN pht:id w4ie-�.p Martym2@orfh.org Pacific Power Parks & Recreation Commission Soil Conservation District Mike Paulson Jessica Logan Ray Wondercheck 500 North Keys Rd PO Box 42560 OI Olympia, WA 98504 1606 Perry Street, Ste. F Yakima, WA 98901 �ca.l�a�ri.@ pay ks,.yaa Jp:!� Yakima, WA 98902 ' Trolleys United States Postal Service US Army Corps of Engineers Paul Edmondson Maintenance Department Seattle District, Regulatory Branch 1 , 313 North 3rd Street 205 W Washington Ave P.O. Box 3755 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98903 Seattle, WA 98124-3755 davYd.Linoore wase aer ,.y rrlu,V, WA State Dept of Health, Wastewater Division WA State Attorney General's Office Office of Drinking Water Marc Cawley or Dana Kallevig 1433 Lakeside Court, Ste# 102 Christine Collins 2220 East Viola Ave Yakima, WA 98902 16201 E Indiana Ave, Ste# 1500 Yakima, WA 98901 Spokane Valley, WA 99216 °rroar'avrVk!�,wt�t_r±a"" ..... 11 v i0yak kna—w—agcy _ . ................. West Valley School District Angela Watts, Asst. Supt. Of Business & WSDOT Opera Operations do Paul Gonseth, Planning Engineer WSDOT 8902 Road 2809 Rudkin Road South Central Regionl Planning Office Yakima, WA 98908-9299 Union Gap, WA 98903 (, anninw dot.wa.go wa:ttsa wvsd208.or t�r�smet � s�otgcar WSDOT, Aviation Division Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs Yakama Nation Environmental Mgmt Program Patrick Wright Rocco Clark, Environmental Coordinator Elizabeth Sanchey, Environmental Review 7702 Terminal St SW P.O. Box 632 Coordinator Tumwater, WA 98501 Toppenish, WA 98948 P.O. Box 151 Toppenish, WA 98948 W.rightP@ �rsdO- ,.y�8. sw o ' o,claa k L ,gpy saneh Y.d yak urn .,, o , Yakama-Klickitat Fisheries Project Yakima Air Terminal Yakima County Building Department John Marvin Robert Peterson, Airport Asst Manager Harold Maclean 760 Pence Road 2400 West Washington Ave 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor Yakima, WA 98909 Yakima, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98901 iLggrvin akama�com uoWbw,r@yak,ltrua?sra„gray, H roldm :alleanyAmkBmaw ww�w� Yakima County Health District Yakima County Flood Control District���� Ryan Ibach, Director of Environmental Health Terry Keenhan & Dianna Woods Yakima County Commissioners 1210 Ahtanum Ridge Dr Ste#200 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor gp 01rriisss rs r b 00,y kima.wa.q Union Gap, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98901 yd C y �irgp .u� Terry.Keenhan 6 ��kft v: Ms ryan.Ibac (LoyaktMA.uw wwtty Manna Woodscomyakirn wa q;s Yakima County Planning Lynn Deitrick &Jason Earles ma ty Public County Resources Division Water Res h 2 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor� Services DServices Lisa Freund, Public rector BrianYakima . Morgenr rgenroth Yakima, 98901 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor 128 North 2nd Street, 41h Floor Lynn,Deitrick�+z g. ay ktmq,. va tjws Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima WA 98901 J,suna�rls s � ,yakba s a wva.u,,, Vis . r'eur1 JW o. rkirr'ta ra «� tts .,. im Bryan �r�ot o r ro't�t�cca ypkinma.wa tis Bria _...m... Yakima Greenway Foundation Yakama Indian Nation Kellie Connaughton, Executive Director Johnson Meninick, Cultural Resources Yakama Indian Nation 111 South 18th Street Program Ruth Jim, Yakima Tribal Council Yakima, WA 98901 P.O. Box 151 P.O. Box 151 elNwrc akema reenwa, mire Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakama Indian Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency Tahat, Compliance, nEngineering & Yakima School District Yakima School DistrictHasan Planning Division Supervisor Dr. Jack Irion, Superintendent Scott Izutsu , Associate Superintendent 186 Iron Horse Ct # 101 104 North 4th Ave 104 N 4th Ave Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98902 h s r y caamg ¢atirsta st�otC�yak'rnaaschoo#s,org Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Yakima Valley Canal Co Yakima Valley Conference of Governments Sandra Hull Robert Smoot Mike Shuttleworth, Planning Manager 470 Camp 4 Rd 1640 Garretson Lane 311 North 4th Street, Ste# 202 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98901 Berke sliWuttlewgt-tl v�.qg-Q Yakima Valley Museum Yakima Waste Systems John A. Baule, Director Keith Kovalenko, District Manager DOC 2105 Tieton Drive 2812 1/2 Terrace Heights Dr. Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98901 INDEX joht1@_y1ksaxaaval,1' yrnLja gtrrn.or k�a tecr nnectrons coo 5 c. Ahtanum Irrigation District Century Link Beth Ann Brulotte, Executive Assistant Cascade Natural Gas Manager 10705-B Gilbert Road 8113 W Gran Blvd 8 South 2nd Ave, Rm#304 Yakima, WA 98903 KennewickWA99 , 99 336 Yakima, WA 98902 Charter Communications City of Union Gap Department of Agriculture Kevin Chilcote Dennis Henne, Development Director Kelly McLain 1005 North 16th Ave P.O. Box 3008 P.O. Box 42560 Yakima, WA 98902 Union Gap, WA 98903 Olympia, WA 98504 Environmental Protection Agency Federal Aviation Administration, Seattle Federal Aviation Administration Airports District Office NEPA Review Unit 2200 W. Washington Ave Cayla Morgan, Airport Planner 1200 6th Ave #900 Seattle, WA 98101 Yakima, WA 98903 1601 Lind Ave SW Renton, WA 98055-4056 Governor's Office of Indian Affairs Pacific Power Soil Conservation District PO Box 40909 Mike Paulson Ray Wondercheck Olympia, WA 98504 500 North Keys Rd 1606 Perry Street, Ste. F Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Trolleys United States Postal Service US Army Corps of Engineers Paul Edmondson Maintenance Deptartment Seattle District 313 North 3rd Street 205 W Washington Ave Regulatory Branch Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98903 P.O. Box 3755 Seattle, WA 98124-3755 WA State Dept of Health, WA State Attorney General's Office Office of Drinking Water Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs 1433 Lakeside Court, Ste# 102 Christine Collins Superintendent Yakima, WA 98902 16201 E Indiana Ave, Ste# 1500 P.O. Box 632 Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakama Indian Nation Johnson Meninick, Cultural Resources Yakama Indian Nation Yakima School District Program Ruth Jim, Yakima Tribal Council Dr. Jack Irion, Superintendent P.O. Box 151 P.O. Box 151 104 North 4th Ave Toppenish, WA 98948 Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Yakima Valley Canal Co Sandra Hull Robert Smoot 470 Camp 4 Rd 1640 Garretson Lane Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98908 \\Apollo\Shared\Planning\Assignments-Planning\LABELS and FORMS\SEPA REVIEWING AGENCIES updated 03.04.19 -Form List.docx Type of Notice: W ofPv2] Qf File Number: Date of Mailing: Parties of Record – Kh eroperties LLC – Vista Ridge Phase 2 – PLPhvOI-19 & SEPA#004-19 KH Properties LLC Khushdip Singh Eileen Nehl 1601 W Washington Ave 1601 W Washington Ave 115 E Shamrock Dr Yakima, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98908 .www......... � Khushdip Sing & Ramandeep Hans ........................—w Heidi Anderson ........�.... Ryan Davis 7602 Whitman St 7602 Coolidge Rd 2014 S 59th Ave Yakima, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98903 Kelli Horton Code Administration n LO-ol9 3 rrgpnulnl corn — --------- In -House Distribution E-mailISt...............................................................................Rev i s ed.02 /20......._19 __....... List Name Division E-mail Address Carolyn Belles Code Administration taro"byrrBrsil, "aa rrtwr�ltlgJus, Glenn Denman C ode Administration .........._.................. (,1,clu"rr,f ��;lr,luate�it�ry��re���Wr,v lq�rowp Joe Caruso ---------- � --Code Administration J oc. i 1r i0q'e y419t rruu ur axl. ' X54 John Zabell Code Administrationk2huu.;�,�q�oa�JJdrr ... ...... ....... W........ _ w �-,Lk rr m kl.goy Kelli Horton Code Administration n 1^:Illi,l_'Ja"arla>lr/tr<tJ.rrlBa�el!�.gaa Linda Rossignol Code Administration 1 rrvt�9r�r_lrrt <yrrp���lravr grey, Pedro Contreras ........ ..._ Code Ad — _ ministration — Pedro. orrtr,a:r�a�i��„�iakt�I�pt�w t,guaw .....r.e`.... .... Suzanne DeBusschere ....Coal...... dm Code Administration � .....�.......�.............. �tt� I�lI1r�_1m3�hlg�,��a�r?����A,yralwrrpJ,rJ'r;+rITt gtx�Q Vick DeOchoa Code Administration Wick, h;le_Jlcho��ru�����u��t„lA�v�. ........p���".� _������..._. Joan Daven ort Communi Develo ment ty P Joan Dav ru urur”""""""""""""". t tt���uwJCalt:�yvrr,gapv RosalindaIbarra..._W ..... .. Community Development .. .....................m_. Ros Jm,l,grda lir 1r�c Q� y 46.lr,.Jr rwv 9 gaJ�.v ............�.. ........ .......ww_� Bob Desgrosellier _.—.�...._._.� ........ .._ Engineering — �..... I%rol,l h rta c;llr r!r�gyakugrp+rNVA gruY Dan Riddle..._...... .... .... _____........ Engineering17 urr J,ecicJlw trr'yiukrruu rr_ gttl Tyler Witthuhn Engineering JIcmh rJtltrFrJror,)l,tl rag2�e riJJw ��_W.... _ ____. Pat Reid .,.. ��..�.............. m m m m..........m Fire fly -11-1J ciid�j(jygtir,Jimv�r.l�rav �m.... Jeff Cutter L.."" egal Qel1,i;tJilr�rtcJ„yta,�.rJrtJl"w�i,ga�:�r: Sara Watkins ...._... g �- Legal 'kJU�rrkrrr+,�r�i �r&�rrru,�„W,�aur �cr Archie Matthews .�.m.�....... ONDS Archi �w'Vis?lthr.,lysWtt„�±ulk%rut<trvagrt Joseph Calhoun Jose h Ca mm ._.�_ Planning .. �.m m—�w -—.�—�--------- JyJcpit..Cralhr.rir?c�yrrkurlt�rvvrJv�lyr Lisa Maxey Planning �............................................. Lisa. axey,!�r�,tiyktnusuvvKg:�croy Scott Schafer Public Worcs --S-'-- �alr rlc;r°,iriy<ul �<l. - Loretta Zammarchi R..�........................_..._ w use Zru�utie�y ...�. _iNlUA% -tI '<, L�'Q , m _.........�...._._ Ray ...... .. ----___________- se ��......._. .._�.w Randy1 11 frrvl—.ringgry Gregory Story Transit C,ragita,±"lrfw✓ctry il*aGrtmaawvrJ_ruv Naeem Kara ........................... Transit Csac ru,l err�rl'yevJwtrtl,;tvvur g�o,v James Dean Utilities 9vurJrc 1)a rlu��x,�yakr Ja% ;l wOV ...�._...� ___.. g.. w wW ----- Dana Kallevi _._..._ Wastewater 1)ana._I IL r r r`rN � rkrru'�gww r, Tom. Randy Meloy Wastewater Itsrr'rriy° It1Vtuytrr )<I ,rrt�ryv u,gatt Dave Brown ....._._.—.... Waiter/Irrigation_ .-.......-.........�� l)avid.itrowti(e�)yakol"ri"ty ar"testy Mike Shane Water/Irrigation %1uurhttrrc rrt„ttmantzruv rrl;y _........ Outside Distribution Revised 02/2019 �._._�..... �__.........��_..�.�..��............_.......... Name Address Inel ded In Mailing? c er..A P stimating Department 500 N K�.W ��������������������,������..........�������......................... .�_ Y (Preliminary Keys Rd, Yakima, A 9890101 -le Yes E] No ( P/PLP) nodccs NL Type of Notice: ' Q T �/t-f• ` � r File Number: Date of Mailing: 1 RA D Maxey, Lisa From: Maxey, Lisa Sent: Monday, April 01, 2019 9:40 AM To: Belles, Carolyn; Brown, David; Calhoun, Joseph; Caruso, Joe; Contreras, Pedro; Cutter, Jeff; Davenport, Joan; Dean, James; DeBusschere, Suzanne; Denman, Glenn; DeOchoa, Vick; Desgrosellier, Bob; Horton, Kelli; Ibarra, Rosalinda; Kallevig, Dana; Kara, Naeem; Layman, Randy; Matthews, Archie; Maxey, Lisa; Meloy, Randy; Reid, Patrick; Riddle, Dan; Rossignol, Linda; Schafer, Scott; Shane, Mike; Story, Gregory; Watkins, Sara; Witthuhn, Tyler; Zabell, John; Zammarchi, Loretta; Ahtanum Irrigation District - Beth Ann Brulotte; Cawley, Marc; Chamber of Commerce; Department of Agriculture; Department of Commerce (CTED) - Review Team; Department of Ecology; Department of Ecology - Lori White; Department of Ecology - SEPA Register; Department of Ecology -CRO Coordinator; Department of Fish and Wildlife; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Eric Bartrand; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Scott Downes; Department of Natural Resources; Dept of Social & Health Svcs - Robert Hubenthal; Dept. Archaeology & Historic Preservation - SEPA Review; Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council - Stephen Posner; Henne, Dennis; Nob Hill Water - Bob Irving; Office of Rural & Farmworker Housing - Marty Miller; Peterson, Robert; Scott Izutsu - Yakima School District; US Army Corps of Engineers - David Moore; WA State Parks & Recreation Commission; West Valley School District - Angela Watts; WSDOT - Paul Gonseth; WSDOT - South Central Regional Planning Office; WSDOT Aviation - Patrick Wright; Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs - Rocco Clark; Yakama Nation Environmental Management Program - Elizabeth Sanchey; Yakama-Klickitat Fisheries - John Marvin; Yakima County Building Official - Harold Maclean; Yakima County Commissioners; Yakima County Flood Control District - Dianna Woods; Yakima County Flood Control District - Terry Keenhan; Yakima County Health District; Yakima County Health District - Ryan Ibach; Yakima County Planning - Zoning/Sub - Jason Earles; Yakima County Planning Director - Lynn Deitrick; Yakima County Public Svcs Director, Lisa Freund; Yakima County Water Resources Division - Brian Morgenroth; Yakima Greenway Foundation - Kellie Connaughton; Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency - Hasan Tahat; Yakima Valley Conference of Governments - Mike Shuttleworth; Yakima Valley Museum - John A. Baule; Yakima Waste Systems - Keith Kovalenko; Associated Press; Brown, Michael; Davido, Sean; EI Mundo; EI Sol de Yakima; Fannin, John; Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; KAPP TV News; KBBO-KRSE Radio - manager; KDNA Noticias; KDNA Radio - Francisco Rios; KEPR TV News; KIMA TV News; KIT News; KIT/KATS/DMVW/KFFM - Lance Tormey; KNDO TV News; KNDU TV News; KUNW-TV Univision; KVEW TV News; La Casa Hogar; La Voz; Lozano, Bonnie; NWCN News; NWPR - Anna King; Randy Luvaas - Yakima Business Times; RCDR - Maria DJ Rodriguez; Reed C. Pell; Tu Decides; Tu Decides - Albert Torres; Yakima Herald Republic - Mai Hoang; Yakima Herald Republic Newspaper; Yakima School District - Jack Irion; Yakima Valley Business Times; Beehler, Randy; Al Rose; Alfred A. Rose (silvrfx40 @bmi.net); Jacob Liddicoat; Leanne Hughes -Mickel; Patricia Byers; Philip Ostriem; Rob McCormick; White, Jason; William Cook (cook.w@charter.net) Cc: Martin, Trevor Subject: Notice of Application, SEPA & Public Hearing - KH Properties - "Vista Ridge Phase 2" - PLP#001-19/SEPA#004-19 Attachments: NOTICE OF APPLICATION, SEPA & HEARING -KH Properties - Vista Ridge Ph 2-....pdf Attached is a Notice of Application, SEPA Environmental Review, and Public Hearing regarding the above - entitled project. If you have any questions about this proposal, please contact assigned planner Trevor Martin at (509) 575-6162 or email to: trevor.martinaya imawa. oy. Thank you! 00C. Lisa Maxey Planning Technician l; P City of Yakima Planning Division p: 509.576.6669 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, Washington, 98901 This is the proof of your ad scheduled to run on the dates indicated below. Please proof read notice carefully to check spelling and run dates, if you need to make changes Account #: 110358 Company Name: CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING Contact: ROSALINDA IBARRA,AP Address: 129 N 2ND STREET Email: YAKIMA, WA 98901-2720 Telephone: (509) 575-6164 Fax: 04/01/19 Account Rep: Simon Sizer Phone # (509) 577-7740 Email: ssizer@yakimaherald.com Ad ID: 876554 Start: 04/01/19 Stop: 04/01/19 Total Cost: $306.60 Lines: 168.0 # of Inserts: 1 Ad Class: 6021 CITY OF YAKIMA NOTICE OF APPLICATION, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW, & PUBLIC HEARING DATE: 04/01/19; FROM: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director; APPLICANT: KH Properties LLC (1601 W Washington Ave, Yakima, WA 98903); FILE NUM- BER: PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19; LOCATION: Vic. of S 72nd Ave. and Coolidge Rd; TAX PARCEL NUMBER(S): 181332-34002; DATE OF APPLICATION: 02/07/19; DATE OF COMPLETENESS: 03/11/19; P.y)_C IR - TION: Proposal to subdivide an approximately 8.7 acre par- cel into 32 single-family residential lots in the Single Family (R-1) zoning district. DE115MMINATIONV . CONSISTENCY; Pursuant to YMC § 16.06.020(A), the project considerations are determined to be consistent with applicable development regulations, as follows: 1) Level of Development: Public Hear- ing for 32 single family residential lots; 2) Infrastructure and public facilities: Will be installed within the proposed public right-of-way dedicated through the plat; and 3) Characteris- tics of development: 32 single-family homes on lots ranging from approximately 8,000 to 10,000 square feet; Pursuant to YMC § 16.06.020(B), the development regulations and com- prehensive plan considerations are found to be consistent, as follows: 1) The type of land use: Preliminary Long Plat and SEPA Environmental Review; 2) Density of Development: Approximately 3.7 dwelling units per acre; and 3) Availability and adequacy of infrastructure and public utilities: Infrastruc- ture and utilities are available in the adjacent right-of-way and will need to be installed and extended as part of the plat development requirements. NOTICE-OF,,9NMIRO, , TAIL REVIEW: This is to notify agencies with jurisdiction and envi- ronmental expertise and the public that the City of Yakima, Planning Division, has been established as the lead agency, under WAC § 197-11-928 forthis project. The City of Yakima has reviewed the proposed project for probable adverse envi- ronmental impacts and expects to issue a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) per WAC § 197-11-355. The proposal may include mitigation measures under applicable codes and the project review process may incorporate or require mitiga- tion measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared. A copy of the subsequent SEPA threshold determination will be mailed to parties of record and entities who were provided this notice and may be appealed pursuant to YMC § 6.88.170. Required Permits: The following local, state, and federal permits/approvals may or will be needed for this project: Building Permit, Grading Permit, Traffic Concurrency Review. Required Studies: N/A. Existing Environmental Docu- ments: None. Development Regulations for Project Miti- gation and Consistency Include: the State Environmental Policy Act, the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance, YMC Title 12—Development Standards, and the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan F_QR WRI7T4CCp PN I T_ ._,.UQQQ HgAffjNrp Agencies, tribes, and the public are encouraged to review and comment on the proposed project and its probable environmental impacts. There is a 20 -day comment period for this review. This may be your only opportunity to comment. All written comments received by 5:00 p.m. on April 22, 2019, will be considered prior to issuing the final SEPA determination. This request requires that the Planning Commission hold an open record public hearing, which is scheduled for May 22, 2019 at 3:00 p.m., in the City of Yakima Council Chambers, City Hall, 129 N. 2nd St., Yakima, WA. Any person desiring to express their views on the matter is invited to attend the hearing to provide testimony. Please reference file numbers (PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19) and applicant's name (KH Properties) in any correspondence you submit, You can mail your comments to: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director, City of Yakima, Department of Community Development, 129 N. 2nd St.; Yakima, WA 98901. NOTICE RAE R9C . N.QAT( ; Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission will issue its recommendation within ten (10) business days. When available, a copy of the recommendation will be mailed to parties of record once it is rendered. A separate public hearing notice will be sent for the City Council meeting. The file containing the complete application is available for public review at the City of Yakima Planning Division, City Hall – 2nd Floor, 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, Washington. If you have questions regarding this proposal, please call Trevor Martin, Associate Planner, at (509) 575-6162, or e-mail to trevor.martin @yakimawa.gov, (876554) April 1, 2019 Courtesy of Yakima Herald -Republic INDEX -5 a. CITY OF YAKIMA NOTICE OF APPLICATION, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW, 4 PLIC NEARING CRATE: 04/0I/19; FROM: Joan Davenport, AICD, Community tpvolopnont Cllredtora APILICANT; til t Propertied LLC C 1011 l Nashungton Ava„I€Irrr;/A I„ FILE III�II' BER: PLPi#t5ti1 1t EPAtffItl�I-1ga LOCATION: Vic, of 72nd Ave; end Coolidge Ind; TALC PARCEL Nl�lM R(S); 1813 2-34 - inti ; ISI TE OF APPLICATION. 0 /t17 19, DATE OFC LETEIUE R 0 /11/1 g; n : . T tit Proposal to arlbdivide an approximately 7 erre par9 cel into singl"a lly residential lots in tho Einglrt Farnlly R11) zoning district. UO Itrrsuantto YIu1C 1C.q,tttlfAl.'tl e rrolct �rrr;icl�amx&rtrwrw ions are found to be consistent, id use.: Preliminary Long flat and )tensity of Development: units per acre„ and ) Availability are and public utilities: InfrastrU0- Ie in the adjacent right-ofm way and extended ps part of the plat iWurvwsion, Inas been established as the lead agency!, k AC§ 197-11-928 for this project, The City of Yakima viewed ilia proposed'project f'arprobable adverse envi- mtal Impacts <and expects to Issue a Determination of nificance (CINE) per+AC ig7-11-355, The proposal clu¢te rnitlgatiorN rnearres Ander applicable codes: and act revievw process may incorporate or require mitigd- aasros regardless of wvhether an EIS is propared, A f tl e ubse rterrt CEPA 11 ra l old determination will ilod t partle of record and o� as who were provided tics rind W ray be appealed prwrsuant to YMC § k88.1701. rad Piarrrrltsi Tlie lolloing lo 1, Mate„ and federal s/approvals roay or uv111 be needed for this project: ig Permit, Grading Permit„ Traffic Concurrency Review, red Studios: Existing Environmental Doc+u,- DEPF -T'-,TMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELO-MENT Joan i—venport, AICP, Director Aft A 1, TAXX Planning Division g T Y OF A q Joseph Calhoun, Manager 129 North Second Street, 2"d Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning NOTICE OF APPLICATION, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW, & PUBLIC HEARING DATE: April 1, 2019 TO: SEPA Reviewing Agencies, Applicant, and Adjoining Property Owners FROM: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director APPLICANT: KH Properties LLC (1601 W Washington Ave, Yakima, WA 98903) FILE NUMBER: PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 LOCATION: Vicinity of S 72nd Ave. and Coolidge Rd. TAX PARCEL NUMBER(S): 181332-34002 DATE OF APPLICATION: February 7, 2019 DATE OF COMPLETENESS: March 11, 2019 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Proposal to subdivide an approximately 8.7 acre parcel into 32 single-family residential lots in the Single Family (R-1) zoning district. DETERMINATION OF CONSISTENCY Pursuant to YMC § 16.06.020(A), the project considerations are determined to be consistent with applicable development regulations, as follows: 1. The type of land use: Preliminary Long Plat & SEPA Environmental Review 2. Level of Development: Public Hearing for 32 single family residential lots 3. Infrastructure and public facilities: Will be installed within the proposed public right-of-way dedicated through the plat. 4. Characteristics of development: 32 single-family homes on lots ranging from approximately 8,000 to 10,000 square feet. Pursuant to YMC § 16.06.020(B), the development regulations and comprehensive plan considerations are found to be consistent, as follows: 1. The type of land use: Preliminary Long Plat and SEPA Environmental Review. 2. Density of Development: Approximately 3.7 dwelling units per acre. 3. Availability and adequacy of infrastructure and public utilities: Infrastructure and utilities are available in the adjacent right-of-way and will need to be installed and extended as part of the plat development requirements. NOTICE OF (ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This is to notify agencies with jurisdiction and environmental expertise and the public that the City of Yakima, Planning Division, has been established as the lead agency, under WAC § 197-11-928 for this project. The City of Yakima has reviewed the proposed project for probable adverse environmental impacts and expects to issue a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) per WAC § 197-11-355. The proposal may include mitigation measures under applicable codes and the project review process may incorporate or require mitigation measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared. A copy of the subsequent SEPA threshold determination will be mailed to parties of record and entities who were provided this notice and may be appealed pursuant to YMC § 6.88.170. Required Permits: The following local, state, and federal permits/approvals may or will be needed for this project: Building Permit, Grading Permit, Traffic Concurrency Review Required Studies: N/A Existing Environmental Documents: None Development Regulations for Project Mitigation and Consistency Include: the State Environmental Policy Act, the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance, YMC Title 12—Development Standards, and the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan. REQUEST FOR WRITTENCOMMENT AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Agencies, tribes, and the public are encouraged to review and comment on the proposed project and its probable environmental Does Yakima INDE K- 7111 2015 1994 impacts. There is a 20 -day comment period for this review. This may be your only opportunity to comment. All written comments received by 5:00 p.m. on April 22, 2019, will be considered prior to issuing the final SEPA determination. This request requires that the Planning Commission hold an open record public hearing, which is scheduled for May 22, 2019 at 3:00 p.m., in the City of Yakima Council Chambers, City Hall, 129 N. 2nd St., Yakima, WA. Any person desiring to express their views on the matter is invited to attend the hearing to provide testimony. Please reference file numbers (PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19) and applicant's name (KH Properties) in any correspondence you submit. You can mail your comments to: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director City of Yakima, Department of Community Development 129 N. 2nd St.; Yakima, WA 98901 NOTICE OF RECOMMENDATION Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission will issue its recommendation within ten (10) business days. When available, a copy of the recommendation will be mailed to parties of record and entities who were provided this notice once it is rendered. A separate public hearing notice will be sent for the City Council meeting. The file containing the complete application is available for public review at the City of Yakima Planning Division, City Hall — 2nd Floor, 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, Washington. If you have questions regarding this proposal, please call Trevor Martin, Associate Planner, at (509) 575-6162, or e-mail to trevor.martin@yakimawa.gov. Enclosed: Narratives, Project Descriptions, SEPA Checklist, Site Plan, and Vicinity Map DOC. INDEX�G/) DEPP `TMENTO DE DESARROLLO COMT� UARIO Joan L,avenport, AICP, Directora Division de Planificaci6n Joseph Calhoun, Gerente spry °e'F YAKWA 129 Norte Calle 2a, 20 Piso, Yakima, WA 98901 ningask.planning@yakimawa.govww y,,,tCt lm a rvic ,s/ kil i�►1,1 AVISO DE APLICACION, REVISION AMBIENTAL, Y AUDIENCIA PUBLICA EI Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario de la Ciudad de Yakima ha recibido una aplicaci6n por parte de un propietario/solicitante y este es un aviso sobre esa solicitud. Informaci6n sobre la ubicaci6n de la propiedad en cuesti6n y la solicitud es la siguiente: FECHA OTORGADA: PARA: DE: SOLICITANTE: No. DE ARCHIVO: UBICACION: No. DE PARCELA(S): FECHA DE APLICACION: FECHA DE APLICACION COMPLETA: 1 de abril, 2019 Agencias de Revisi6n Ambiental, Solicitante y Propietarios Adyacentes Joan Davenport, AICP, Directora de Desarrollo Comunitario KH Properties LLC (1601 W Washington Ave, Yakima, WA 98903) PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 Vicinity of S 72nd Ave. And Coolidge Rd. 181332-34002 7 de febrero, 2019 11 de marzo, 2019 DESCRIPCION DEL PROYECTO: Propuesta para subdividir una parcela de aproximadamente 8.7 acres en 32 lotes residenciales unifamiliares en el distrito de zonificaci6n R-1. DETERMINACION DE LA CONSISTENCIA: Conforme al C6digo Municipal YMC §16.06.020(A), las consideraciones del proyecto se determinan consistentes con las siguientes normas aplicables: 1. EI tipo de use terrenal: Larga Subdivisi6n Preliminar y Revisi6n Ambiental 2. Nivel de desarrollo: Audiencia publica para 32 lotes residenciales unifamiliares 3. Infraestructura a instalaciones publicas: se instalaran dentro de la via publica propuesta y dedicada a traves de la subdivisi6n 4. Caracteristicas del desarrollo: 32 viviendas unifamiliares en lotes que van desde aproximadamente 8,000 a 10,000 pies cuadrados. Conforme al C6digo Municipal YMC §16.06.020(B), los reglamentos de desarrollo y las consideraciones del plan comprehensivo son coherentes, de la siguiente manera: 1. EI tipo del use terrenal: Larga Subdivisi6n Preliminar y Revisi6n Ambiental. 2. Densidad del desarrollo: Aproximadamente 3.7 viviendas por acre residencial. 3. Disponibilidad y adecuaci6n de infraestructura y servicios publicos: La infraestructura y los servicios publicos estan disponibles dentro de la via publica adyacente y deberan ser instalados y extendidos como parte de los requisitos de desarrollo de la subdivisi6n. AVISO DE REVISION AMBIENTAL: Esto es para notificar a las agencias con jurisdicci6n y experiencia ambiental y al publico que la Ciudad de Yakima, Division de Planificaci6n, se establece como la agencia principal, de acuerdo con la Ley Estatal de Politica Ambiental de Washington (SEPA) bajo WAC §197-11-928 para la revisi6n de este proyecto. La Ciudad de Yakima ha revisado el proyecto propuesto para posibles impactos ambientales adversos y espera emitir una Determinaci6n de No-Significancia (DNS) para este proyecto conforme al proceso DNS opcional en WAC § 197-11-355. La propuesta puede incluir medidas de mitigaci6n bajo los c6digos aplicables y el proceso de revisi6n del proyecto puede incorporar o requerir medidas de mitigaci6n in depend ientemente de si se prepara un EIS (Declaraci6n de Impacto Ambiental). Una copia de la determinaci6n de umbral posterior se enviara a las personas y agencias que comentaron y que recibieron este aviso, y se puede apelar de acuerdo con el C6digo Municipal de Yakima YMC § 6.88.170. Permisos Requeridos: Los siguientes permisos/aprobaciones locales, estatales, y federales pueden o seran necesarios para este proyecto: Permiso de Construcci6n, Permiso de Nivelaci6n Terrenal, Revisi6n de Concurrencia de Trafico Estudios Requeridos: N/A Documentos Ambientales Existentes: Ninguno. Yakima INDEX w Los Reglamentos de Desarrollo para la Mitigaci6n y Consistencia de Proyectos Incluyen: La Ley Estatal de Politica Ambiental de Washington, La Ordenanza de Zonificaci6n del Area Urbana de Yakima, Los Estandares de Desarrollo del Titulo 12, y el Plan Integral del Area Urbana de Yakima. SOLICITUD DE. COMENTARIOS ESCRITOS Y AVISO DE AUDIENCIA POBLICA: Se anima a las agencias, tribus, y el publico a revisar y comentar sobre el proyecto y sobre sus probables impactos ambientales. Habra un periodo de veinte dias para hacer sus comentarios. Este podria ser su unica oportunidad para comentar. Todos los comentarios recibidos por escrito antes de las 5:00 p.m. el 22 de abril, 2019 seran considerados antes de emitir la decisi6n final sobre esta solicitud. Esta propuesta requiere una audiencia publica con registro abierto con la Comisi6n de Planificaci6n de Yakima. Por to tanto, una audiencia publica se Ilevara a cabo el 22 de mayo, 2019 comenzando a las 3:00 p.m. en el Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad de Yakima ubicado en el 129 N 2nd Street, Yakima, WA. Se le invita a cualquier persona que desee expresar sus opiniones sobre este caso a asistir a la audiencia publica o a presentar comentarios por escrito. Por favor de hacer referencia al numero de archivo (PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19) o al nombre del solicitante (KH Properties LLC) en cualquier correspondencia que envie. Por favor de enviar sus comentarios sobre esta propuesta a: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director City of Yakima, Department of Community Development 129 N. 2nd St., Yakima, WA 98901 "ISO DE LA RECOMENDACON: Despues de la audiencia publica, la Comisi6n de Planificaci6n de Yakima emitird su recomendaci6n dentro de diez (10) dias habiles. Cuando la recomendaci6n sea emitida, una Copia sera enviada a las personas que mandaron comentarios o que recibieron este aviso. Un aviso por separado sera enviado cuando se programe la audiencia publica frente al Concejo Municipal. EI archivo que contiene la aplicaci6n completa est6 disponible para inspecci6n publica en la Oficina de Planificaci6n de la Ciudad de Yakima en el 129 al Norte la Calle 2da, Yakima, WA. Si tiene cualquier pregunta sobre esta propuesta, puede contactar a la Oficina de Planificaci6n al (509) 575- 6183 o por correo electr6nico al: ask p% anon a�Cirroe�v� fav Adjuntes: Narrativo, Descripci6n del Proyecto, Lista de SEPA, Plan de Sitio, Mapa DB,_ ARTMENT OF PUBLIC WOi,. X Scott Schafer, Director Engineering Division 129 North Second Street Yakima, Washington 98901 (509) 575-6111 1 Fax (509) 576-6305 March 27, 2019 KH Properties LLC Attn: Kush Hans 1601 W Washington Ave Yakima, WA 98903 Subject: Notice of Decision for Transportation Concurrency 210 — Single Family Detached Housing Dear AppCjft, °c r . 1�0 t', S Enclosed is the Decision for the Transportation Concurrency Analysis of the construction of 32 single-family detached houses at S 72°a Ave and Coolidge Ave.,., within the City of Yakima, Washington. This development has been APPROVED for Concurrency Analysis. Concurrency review determined that reserve capacity is available on all impacted arterial streets. Concurrency review does not evaluate impact to local access streets or street intersections. This review does not include safety or site design issues which will be addressed at the project review level of zoning and SEPA. This review concluded that the proposed development will not exceed the capacity of the arterial street system and reserve capacity exists on all impacted arterial streets. Please review the enclosed report. You may appeal the Findings of this report or request Administrative Reconsideration within fifteen (15) days from the date of mailing of this Notice. Appeal forms and procedures are available at the Department of Community Development. If you have any questions, please call me at (509) 576-6797. Sincerely, Robert Desgrosellier Chief Engineer (Acting) Enclosure cc: Lisa Maxey TC File INDEX�► «�wnnmxmw�r. +w'MeW�4Mrtmmam,uo4w City of Yakima, Washington Engineering Division Transportation Concurrency Analysis Date of Review: March 27, 2019 -'b Review Prepared by: Robert Desgrosellier, Chief Engineer, (Acting) (509) 575-6228 Proposed Development: Vista Ridge Phase 2 Subject Address: S 72ND AVE & COOLIDGE RD ITE Land Use: 210 — Single Family Detached Housing Expected Net PM Peak Hour Trip Generation: 32 PM Peak Hour Trips Average Weekday Trips = 305 Summary of Impact: The applicant, 1:)igital Design and Development, proposes to construct 32 single family detached houses at S 72nd Ave & Coolidge Rd, within the city of Yakima, Washington. Traffic from this new development will enter the Arterial Street system on Coolidge Rd. City of Yakima Administrative procedures for Concurrency Analysis use the PM Peak hour trip of the adjacent street for the selected land use category, Based upon local data, City of Yakima Traffic Volumes for PM Peak Hour is assessed as 8.7% of total Average Daily Traffic (ADT). Peak hour reserve capacity includes any vehicle trips previously assigned under the Concurrency Ordinance. City of Yakima Transportation Concurrency assesses arterial street segrnent capacity only and does not address intersection capacity. .Yakinia Arterial _Strets:lni tl1f This application has been reviewed and approved for consistency with YMC 12.08 Transportation Capacity Management Ordinance. This development will not exceed the PM peak hour capacity of the City Arterial street system and reserve capacity exists on all impacted streets. This review does not include any site development or safety issues which may be discussed at the project level or SEPA review. The review does not address intersection level of service. RECEI /p - M MAR 2 8 2019 CITY , .. K11WA PLANNING DIV. Transportation Capacity AnalysisDoe ° Page 1 of 1 E�lr New ......... p� Fk Hr ��'C 1,05. Section Road Segment Pdvi Pk ADT Pk � Capacity o� Reserve 2419 C�city .with ,with impact m (a.7 r. Ca �' Add°i After TCO TCO TCO ADT) Tri ps 234 Coo Reed ITmmITITIT 72nd to 80th Ave — 32 2408 1600 709 1391 142 1249-7-0.22 A 238 � Road �w 80th Ave. to 88th Ave. 5 1500 1600 l3] 1470 12 1448 4.10m� kv, Wash on to Cooli a ....... 27 2081 18 1 _w181 80 _ 1739 21) 1 7 nd Aire --d- Zxr Rd to Wash' toa t Rd 10 , BOBr 3200 03 2497 165 161 , .33 �} 2! A 214 72 n Asm ... Nob Hill lvd to _..... IT 15 W. 8710 3 756 1432 ..., ..... 211 7ser Rd Both Ave. to 72nd Ave 5 logo 1600 92 1508 57 1451 009 A 207 Nab Hi11 Blvd 80th A4e 72nd Aw 5 6564 1.000 573 1427 186 114! 0 38 k 7 OB Nob Heil Blvd _..�...... 72nd Ave - 64th Ave ITIT 5 ...... 3600 1078 , 252. 5., 8 1944 . 4.46 A Z09 Washi to. Avenue 64th to 72nd Ave 5 6171 2000 720 .._..... 1280 7Bb _ _.. 944 0.54 A .Yakinia Arterial _Strets:lni tl1f This application has been reviewed and approved for consistency with YMC 12.08 Transportation Capacity Management Ordinance. This development will not exceed the PM peak hour capacity of the City Arterial street system and reserve capacity exists on all impacted streets. This review does not include any site development or safety issues which may be discussed at the project level or SEPA review. The review does not address intersection level of service. RECEI /p - M MAR 2 8 2019 CITY , .. K11WA PLANNING DIV. Transportation Capacity AnalysisDoe ° Page 1 of 1 E�lr iii aWVNI, CITY OF YAKIMA Tnni Of YAKW LAND USE ACTION INSTALLATION ng CERTIFICATE .. _ Number:OoGm p � p ao _ I `l S� P/� r - 11 .. d *ess: . _� —4 We of Posting: 4 2,77, F � s C- 2-. i9 Location of Installation (Check One): Land Use Action Sign is installed per standards described in YMC § 15.11.080(C). Land Use Action Sign is installed in an alternate location on the site. Note: this alternate location (if not pre -approved by the Planning Manager) may not be acceptable by the Planning Division and is subject to relocation (at the owner's expense) to a more visible site on the properly. The alternative location is: The required notice of application will be sent to the applicant and property owners within a 300 -foot radius after the Planning Division has received this Land Use Action Installation Certification. Failure to post a Land Use Action sign and return this form signed in a timely manner may cause a delay in the application review process. I hereby testify that the installed sign fully complies with the Land Use Action sign installation standards (see pg. 2), that the sign will be maintained until a decision has been rendered, and that the sign will be returned within 30 days from the date the final decision is issued. Applicant''s Signature Applicant's Name (Please Print) .314 - Date qIb Applicant's Phone Number Please remit the above certification and deliver to the City of Yakima Planning Division via email to ask.planning@yakimawa.gov or in persontby mail to: City of Yakima, Planning Division, 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, WA 98901. Page - 1 Revised " INDEX �t March 11, 2019 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Joan Davenport, AICP, Director Planning Division Joseph Calhoun, Manager 129 North Second Street, 2°d Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov - www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning FILE NUMBERS: APPLICANT: APPLICANT ADDRESS: PROJECT LOCATION: TAX PARCEL NO: DATE OF REQUEST: SUBJECT: To Whom It May Concern: PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 KH Properties 1601 W Washington Ave. Vicinity of S. Coolidge Rd. & S 72nd Ave. 181332-34002 February 7, 2019 Request for Additional Information Your Preliminary Long Plat Application for the parcel in the vicinity of S. Coolidge Rd. and S 72nd Ave. was received on February 7, 2019. As of March 7, 2019, your application is considered complete as required by the City of Yakima's Municipal Code (YMC) and site plan checklist, as referenced in YMC § 15.11.040. However, A Traffic Concurrency Application is required to be submitted before the City can continue processing of the application Previous outlined continued processing of your request will be placed on hold until the City receives a Traffic Concurrency Application (enclosed) accompanied by a fee of $250.00 The City asks that you please respond by March 25, 2019, two weeks from today's date. If you have any questions regarding this matter please call me at (509) 575-6162. Sincerely, Trevor Martin Associate Planner I Yakima Y 2015 a 11<l4 March 8, 2019 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Joan Davenport, AICP, Director Planning Division Joseph Calhoun, Manager 129 North Second Street, 2°d Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov - www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning FILE NUMBERS: APPLICANT: APPLICANT ADDRESS: PROJECT LOCATION: TAX PARCEL NO: DATE OF REQUEST: SUBJECT: To Whom It May Concern: PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 KH Properties 1601 W Washington Ave. Vicinity of S. Coolidge Rd. & S 72nd Ave. 181332-34002 February 7, 2019 Notice of Complete Application Your Preliminary Long Plat Application for the parcel in the vicinity of S. Coolidge Rd. and S 72nd Ave. was received on February 7, 2019. As of March 7, 2019, your application is considered complete as required by the City of Yakima's Municipal Code (YMC) and site plan checklist, as referenced in YMC § 15.11.040. Continued processing of your request will include, but is not limited to the following actions: 1. A Notice of Application will be sent to all property owners within a 300 -foot radius of your site on March 14, 2019. This notice will include a request for public comments during a 20 -day comment period as is required by the City of Yakima. 2. A public hearing with the City of Yakima Planning Commission has been scheduled for May 8, 2019. If you have any questions regarding this matter please call me at (509) 575-6162. Sincerely, Trevor Martin Associate Planner Yakima a 2015 1"4 KH PROPERTIES LLC — "VISTA RIDwGE PHASE 2" PLP#001-19 & SEPA#004-19 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER I Supplemental Information DEPi,..TMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELL, HENT Joan Davenport, AICP, Director AWN 11 R ik%X Planning Division CITY OF YAKIMA Joseph Calhoun, Manager AT n n i n g 129 North Second Street, 2°d Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning Memo to File Re: Parties of Record File No. PLP#001-19 (KH Properties — Vista Ridge Phase 2) Property Owner Heidi Anderson contacted the City of Yakima Planning Division by phone on March 29, 2019 and requested to receive future notices related to this project. Heidi Anderson 7602 Coolidge Rd Yakima, WA 98903 Property Owner Ryan Davis also contacted the Planning Division regarding this proposal and provided his email address for future correspondence: bo1973 rnail.com Lisa Maxey Planning Technician Yakima INDEX ..,� zy' 2015 �, 1994 From: kaththomC�comcast.net To: Ask Planning Subject: 72nd Ave and Washington. Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2019 12:04:13 PM A new housing development is being built soon. This will exasperate a bad situation where many cars, tricks and buses already have to wait and worry about how to get from Washington onto 72nd Ave. Right turns, straight across and left turns are dangerous already. I am wondering if consideration has been given to rectify this situation. Either a round about or lights. Please. Kathie Thompson. 7500 W Whitman Ave, Yakima, WA 98903 425 249 8337 Sent fi^on2 my T -Mobile 4G LTE device City of Yakima Planning Commission May 22, 2019 Affordable Housing ....... ........ ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ ......... ......... ......... ........ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 1. Background On March 12, 2019, the City Council held a study session where it was moved and seconded to send the following items to the Planning Commission for further review and discussion: a. Review options for zoning of additional land for multi -family construction b. Analyze the Zoning Ordinance (YMC 15) & Subdivision Ordinance (YMC 14) for regulatory strategies c. Analyze the R-1 Zoning District to determine if more density should be allowed in the R-1 zone d. Review techniques used in other cities, especially in the state of Washington, to encourage new housing of all types e. Review the concept of Inclusionary Housing Ordinances that require set -asides for affordable housing or payment into a fund for affordable housing. Seattle and Portland have similar ordinances with mixed results f. Review short term rental zoning and licensing regulations (AirBNB or VRBO) 2. Short Term Rentals Short Term Rental (STR) uses are typically secured through an online platform such as AirBNB and VRBO for a room or rooms in a residential setting, similar to a Bed and Breakfast. However, some short term rentals are for an entire home which effectively removes that residence from the local market. Currently, when customers inquire about doing this type of business, there are directed to go through a review for Home Occupation — Bed and Breakfast: 15.02.020 Definitions. "Bed and breakfast" means a residential structure providing individuals with lodging and meals for not more than thirty days. For home occupations, such uses are limited to having not more than five lodging units or guest rooms. Table 4-1. Permitted Land Uses Table 4-2. Table of Permitted Home Occupations SR R-1 R-2 R-3 B-1 B-2 HB SCC LCC AS GC CBD RD M-1 M-2 Bed and breakfast Inn* 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 Table 4-2. Table of Permitted Home Occupations 15.09.080 Special requirements for bed and breakfast inns. Bed and breakfast inns shall meet all applicable health, fire, safety, and building codes. Any reception hall or meeting room shall be restricted to serve no more than the total number of tenants, unless otherwise specifically authorized. In addition, bed and breakfast inns shall be subject to the following requirements, except in those zoning districts where motels and hotels are Class (1), (2), or (3) uses: A. Home occupation bed and breakfast inns shall be operated so as not to give the appearance of being a business and the inn shall not infringe upon the rights of neighboring residents to peaceful occupancy of their homes. Minimal outward modifications of the structure or grounds may be made only if such changes are compatible with the character of the neighborhood. B. Meals shall only be served to guests, even if required to be licensed as a restaurant under state regulations, except as otherwise permitted in this title. C. The number of guest rooms shall not be increased through any exterior modifications or additions to the home occupation bed and breakfast. D. The front yard area shall not be used for off-street parking for bed and breakfast guests unless the parking area is screened and found to be compatible with the neighborhood or unless waived by the reviewing official. E. One nonilluminated or externally illuminated sign not exceeding the maximum size allowed within the applicable zoning district, and bearing only the name of the inn and/or operator, shall be permitted. F. The administrative official may authorize use of the bed and breakfast inn for receptions, group meetings and special gatherings based upon the size of the inn, availability of adequate off-street parking spaces, public health considerations, and compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood. G. No more than five lodging or guest rooms shall be allowed for home occupations. 3. Jurisdiction Examples Cities and counties across the state and country have implemented new Ordinances over the last several years to define and regulate STIR uses in their communities. Most cities, such as Spokane, Leavenworth, and Bellingham differentiate between owner occupied and non -owner occupied to determine the level of review. Zoning District FsR R-1 R-2 R-3 B-1 Bed and breakfast* 1 2 1 1 15.09.080 Special requirements for bed and breakfast inns. Bed and breakfast inns shall meet all applicable health, fire, safety, and building codes. Any reception hall or meeting room shall be restricted to serve no more than the total number of tenants, unless otherwise specifically authorized. In addition, bed and breakfast inns shall be subject to the following requirements, except in those zoning districts where motels and hotels are Class (1), (2), or (3) uses: A. Home occupation bed and breakfast inns shall be operated so as not to give the appearance of being a business and the inn shall not infringe upon the rights of neighboring residents to peaceful occupancy of their homes. Minimal outward modifications of the structure or grounds may be made only if such changes are compatible with the character of the neighborhood. B. Meals shall only be served to guests, even if required to be licensed as a restaurant under state regulations, except as otherwise permitted in this title. C. The number of guest rooms shall not be increased through any exterior modifications or additions to the home occupation bed and breakfast. D. The front yard area shall not be used for off-street parking for bed and breakfast guests unless the parking area is screened and found to be compatible with the neighborhood or unless waived by the reviewing official. E. One nonilluminated or externally illuminated sign not exceeding the maximum size allowed within the applicable zoning district, and bearing only the name of the inn and/or operator, shall be permitted. F. The administrative official may authorize use of the bed and breakfast inn for receptions, group meetings and special gatherings based upon the size of the inn, availability of adequate off-street parking spaces, public health considerations, and compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood. G. No more than five lodging or guest rooms shall be allowed for home occupations. 3. Jurisdiction Examples Cities and counties across the state and country have implemented new Ordinances over the last several years to define and regulate STIR uses in their communities. Most cities, such as Spokane, Leavenworth, and Bellingham differentiate between owner occupied and non -owner occupied to determine the level of review. Bellingham: 1, The fell,olwing t;„ble appHes, Iou llll dweflong unit sl ........ ... .. ­ - .. ............................. . . ...... .. . .. . . ...... . ... ... . .. ....... . .. Review Process, Review Process Type, for Type, for Commercial and Rosidlenflal Urban Village General Use General Use - Short -ter Rental Type` � Types: Ty 111p . .............. Prima q Rosidlento. No More than 2 Ibeldroonis in fype n I'YlDe I a dweffinq unit., inclu6ngi art accessory, dwellIng unit (when pertnittod), may be rented to overnight guests. Thesu0jact dwellings unit uxist serve as the priniary residenceof the applicant (the, owner or lang-term tenaint) for no less than 270 days per year, The whole dwelling unit may be rented for no more, than ................... ........... .................. ............. . . .. ........ . ........ . R�rjm ary est den, q e. No more than 5 bedroDrns liu i Type IN I yp,e a dwelling Unit, inctudi,ng an accessory dwelling unil (whIen penrnitted), may be rented to overnight guests, The subject. dwelifing Unit must serve as the pnni,airy iresidence of the appillicanj: (the owner or long-term tenanit),for no less thm"i 270 days per year The whoW dwelfing urW jmay be reqted for no more thian 95 days, per year, (1) Nlon-EiLrnary Restdiance No, niGre than 5 Not aflowed (2) rype, i bedroorns in a dwelling unit, inClUdinrg an accessory dwelling upit (vvhe,n pemnttlIed),, may be rented to overnigllvt guests, The subject dWelfing vnit is not the primary residence of the, applicant Theire is no firnit on the number off days per, year the ftelling orid, niay be rentedllewe. s, for tIte, .... e-, table,' Spokane: Standards and Operating CandtiOirls,, Comr[ele v�w,.Wxfionslo,c�ofed lin Definitions • Short Term Rental is Miere, a residential dwelling unit coir bedroorns in a residendal unit are rented to overniglit quesiss for fewer than 30 dlays. Short term rentals are, a permitted Use In residential zones. • Type A ShortTerirn Rental is where bedroomis or an entire du elfing unit are rented to, over6ght quests, and no commercial rneetings are held. The Type A short terirn rental is an adrnirnistrative peirmit. • Type B Sli,ort Terrn Rental is where bedirooms or an entire, dwelling unit are irented to Overiniglit quests and cornmercial meetings are held- 'Tlie Type B short term, rental requires a Type I'll condtional use permit pursuaint to Chapter 176.60 Land Use Application ProcedUres. • COITIrnerdalMee �is inducte luincheoins, banquets, parties, weddings, rneedinc -le fund ra�`siinq, js, charitab cornmercial or adlverlising activities, cir otheir gatherings for direct or indirect compensation. Leavenworth: 18. 2.12 Conditional use permit — Bed and breakfast. ha granting is condifional i1se pefinit for a bed and breakfast in addition to the criteria iii 18.5 .05 an.d.060 where applicable,, the hearing ex,aininer shall 1impose the fallo),ving minimuni conditions to allow a. Bed. and Breakfast as is conditional itse:� A- Tile bed and breakfast facility shall be the principal residence of the property oivntr. A property owner mu,,st live on-site throughout the visitor's stay. B. Detached units)�vith roanis are: allowed. Accessot-y dwelling iinits may be alli wed. to be: a part of the bed and breakfast. C. A bed andbreakfast nlay only be offered in a space interided for himian habitation. For exaniple,, is prope:rty mvner inay not rent is space in an accessory stmcmre that is is storage stied or garage. D. The maximuni munber of occupants perniftled to stay overn, ight shall be two people for each bedroom, excluding children inider the age of six. E. Bed,and breakfast facilities shall meet all applicable health,, fire safety,, and building codes. New, converted, cvr annexed bed and breakfast facilities sh all be inspected by.the City of Leavenworth prior to operations. Thereafter with renewal of annual perniits7, inspections shall be condixted by the Property 0WIler via the"Annual Bifilding, Fire & Life Safety Occupancy Permit Application" provided by the City with the, annua I permit rene-wal process. All bed wid breakfast's shall receive an annual permit from January 1 st 4. Exploring Options A. Revise current code for "Bed and Breakfast Inn" and "Home Occupation: Bed and Breakfast" with updated definition(s), additional standards in 15.09.080, and revised land use review options. B. Create new code section, land use, and definition for "Short Term Rentals." Rev.20160316 Ilpllpllliii °III°iii iii"i I111:1l cess 1. Complete Short Term Rental permit application. 2. Submit application and required items to City of Spokane Planning and Development a. Application Fee - $1S0 initial , $100 for renewals (required every December) b. Proof of liability insurance for the rental property c. Proof of Spokane Business License (obtainable at the City of Spokane Tax and License Department) d. Copy of required notice and a list with the names and addresses of all property owners and organizations that will receive a letter of notification of short term use (see details below) e. Site plan showing parking location(s) f. Floor plan (Type B applications only — to be reviewed by Fire Department or Plan Reviewer) g. Copies of health permits (if serving food/spa/sauna/pool/smoking areas) h. Proof of lodging tax and retail sales tax (upon renewal, contact Department of Revenue) S111"alridalrds alridIll; iii °III°i11 iii" iii" iii°III111 ii1"I Coirnlpllete r gt.slla iioins Ilocated in Spokane Municipal Code 170.316 Definitions • Short Term Rental is where a residential dwelling unit or bedrooms in a residential unit are rented to overnight guests for fewer than 30 days. Short term rentals are a permitted use in residential zones. • Type A Short Term Rental is where bedrooms or an entire dwelling unit are rented to overnight guests, and no commercial meetings are held. The Type A short term rental is an administrative permit. • Type B Short Term Rental is where bedrooms or an entire dwelling unit are rented to overnight guests and commercial meetings are held. The Type B short term rental requires a Type III conditional use permit pursuant to Chapter 17G.60 Land Use Application Procedures. • Commercial Meetings include luncheons, banquets, parties, weddings, meetings, charitable fund raising, commercial or advertising activities, or other gatherings for direct or indirect compensation. Standards • On sites with an accessory dwelling unit, the resident can live in the primary or accessory dwelling unit and rent bedrooms in either dwelling unit. • Bedrooms to be rented to overnight guests must meet the building code requirements for a sleeping room at the time it was created or converted, and must meet fire code requirements. • The total number of adults occupying a dwelling unit with a Type A short term rental may not exceed two (2) adults per bedroom. • Nonresident employees are prohibited. Hired service for normal maintenance, repair and care of the resident or site, such as yard maintenance or house cleaning, is allowed. • Serving alcohol and food to overnight guests and visitors is allowed, subject to other county and/or state requirements. • All advertisements for the short term rental must list short term rental permit number. • All short term rentals must maintain a guest log book. It must include the names and home addresses of guests, guest's license plate numbers if traveling by car, dates of stay, and the room assigned to each guest. The log must be available for inspection by the city staff upon request. • For additional standards and conditions for Type B short term rentals contact the City of Spokane Planning staff at 509-625-6188. Planning & E)evelopnient 303 West Spokane 1Falls (Boulevard, Spokane, WA 00201-3336 :.y-..p2kanedt L(Drc � (Phone: 509,625.6188 � Fax: 509.625.6822 Notification • The owner must prepare a notification letter that: o Describes the operation and the number of bedrooms that will be rented to overnight guests; and o Includes information on how to contact the owner or operator by phone. • Mail or deliver the notification letter to all recognized organizations and owners of property abutting and directly across the street from the short term rental upon issuance of short term rental permit. Renewal • Short term rental permits are required to be renewed by the end of December every year. • Renewal fee is $100 • Taxes must be reported to the Department of Revenue 800-647-7706 Revoking • A short term rental permit can be revoked if: o The owner fails to comply with the regulations listed above and in the Land Use Code o Activities on site cause a nuisance or public disruption as defined in the Spokane Municipal Code • When a short term rental permit has been revoked, a new short term rental permit will not be issued to the owner at that site for 2 years. Planning & E)eveloprnent 808 West Spokane 1Falls Boulevard, Spokane, WA 00201-3.3.36 :.y,..:..p2kanedt L(Drc � IPhone: ! 09,625,61.88 � 1Fax: 509.625.6822 5/20/2019 I�U,I0(y of , elfi=Lain Short -Term Rental Regulations The STR regulations, BMC 20.10.037, took effect on May 5, 2019. The new regulations regluiir+e an STR permit for all Short-term Rentals in the City. I, d 6 ^ �I���.���I�I�.Iw fl�I'��..,Yi .��., +m.o�1. I,S�., s The City Council adopted regulations for short-term rentals (STRs), a booked stay of 29 consecutive nights or fewer, on November 5, 2018 (Ord 2018-11-024). These program goals guided the development of the STR regulations: 1) balance the economic opportunity created by STRs with the need to maintain the City's housing supply and 2) protect the rights and safety of owners, guests and neighbors. I�1..��h.i.t:i � ei�i . al i o `(C�tii�i.i As of February 9, 2019, the number of unique STR units in the City of Bellingham was 308, most of which were operating illegally. The new STR regulations allow for many of these units to become legal with the proper permit. Please talk with City Staff in the Permit Center (City Hall - 210 Lottie St., 360-778-8300) to obtain guidance on your proposal prior to submitting an application for an STR permit. If the application is a Type i STIR, a courtesynotice must be mailed or delivered to residents and property owners adjacent to the STIR prior to submittal of the application. See the application for a sample courtesy notice and additional information. • STR Application (also available on the City's Land Use Application webpage). An application fee and business license number for your STR are required to be submitted with the application. Fee structure is as follows: • Type 1: $370.00 • Type II: $550.00 • Type III -A: $847.00 • Renewal before January 1 of every even -numbered year): $250.00 o STR Renewal Affidavit �I,ti'm9Iat;tId YI;Idet YLL: The regulations help to further the goal of retaining the City's housing supply for owners and long-term renters by limiting the number of STRs an operator may have in residential zones to one. Also, in residential zones, the dwelling unit, including accessory dwelling units, hosting the STR must serve as the primary residence of the owner or long-term renter (with at least a 270 -day lease) for at least 270 days/year and the whole unit may be rented no more than 95 days/year. In single-family zones, STRs are not permitted in detached accessory dwelling units. In commercial and urban village zones, the primary residency requirement does not apply, and there is no limit on the number of STRs a host may operate. Please see Bellingham Municipal Code Section 20.10.037 for exceptions and additional information. https://www.cob.org/services/planning/developmentIPageslshort-term-rentals.aspx 1/2 5/20/2019 Short -Term Rental Regulations To reduce potential impacts on surrounding property owners and residents, the regulations include a number of safety and courtesy provisions, including: • One off-street parking space during guest stay in residential zones • Operations must prevent unreasonable disturbances to nearby residents • No change in outside appearance of building or premise that indicates the site is hosting a commercial use • Local contact person must be available 24 hours/day • Good neighbor guidelines that must be posted in the unit and rental agreement • No events for compensation in residential zones • Basic safety inspection of the unit • Proof of valid City of Bellingham business license • Liability insurance Permit Center - 360-778-8300 https://www.cob.org/services/planning/developmentIPageslshort-term-rentals.aspx 2/2 SPOKANE Agenda Sheet for City Council Meeting of: 04/27/2015 ` Date Recd 4/14/2015 Clerk's File # ORD 035252 Renews # Submitting Dept NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES & CODE Cross Ref # Contact Name/Phone HEATHER 6854 Project # Contact E -Mail HTRAUTMAN@SPOKANECITY.ORG Bid # Agenda Item Type First Reading Ordinance Requisition # Agenda Item Name 0550 ORDINANCE REGARDING SHORT TERM RENTALS Agenda Wording AN ORDINANCE REGULATING SHORT TERM RENTALS; AMENDING SMC 1.05.160,17C.110, 17C.190, 17C.315, SECTION 10. ADOPTING NEW CHAPTER 17C.316 SMC Summary (Background) Establishing an ordinance to regulate rental of homes, rooms, apartments, condominium, manufactured homes, and Accessory Dwelling Units for less then 30 days in duration. This ordinance applies to such facilities when located in the Residential Single Family (RSF), Residential Two Family (RTF), Residential Multifamily (RMF), Residential High Density (RHD), Residential Agriculture (RA) and Residential Single Family Compact (RSFC) zones. Fiscal Impact Bud et Account Select $ # Select $ # Select $ # Select $ # Approvals Council Notifications Dept Head TRAUTMAN, HEATHER Study Session 4/16/15 Division Director MALLAHAN, JONATHAN Other I PCED 3/30/15 Finance SALSTROM, JOHN Distribution List Legal RICHMAN, JAMES htrautman@spokanecity.org For the Mayor SANDERS, THERESA kbecker@spokanecity.org Additional Approvals jrichman@spokanecity.org Purchasing FIRST READING OF THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WA HELD ON AN FURTHER ACTI 1 AS DEFE RED CITY CICERi PASSED BY SPOKANE. CITY COUNCIL: 4 CITY CLERK/ Short Term Rentals Alternative A ORDINANCE NO. C35252 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE RELATING TO REGULATION OF SHORT TERM RENTALS; AMENDING SMC 1.05.160, 17C.110, 17C.190, AND ADOPTING NEW CHAPTERS 10.52 SMC AND 17C.316 SMC. WHEREAS, short term rentals (rentals of less than 30 days in duration) have occurred in residential zones, such a use is not currently permitted in the City of Spokane Municipal Code. WHEREAS, The City of Spokane received zoning complaints associated with short term rentals in residential zones. WHEREAS, the emergence of the "shared economy" and the access for such business is facilitated by the internet and such access is generating an increasing demand for this type of use, short term rental use is likely to increase. WHEREAS, The proposed regulations are intended to allow for more efficient use of certain types of residential structures and provides an alternative form of lodging for visitors that prefer a residential setting. WHEREAS, in order to create a balanced system of permitting and taxation for the providers of such services. WHEREAS, the City Council hereby adopts the foregoing as its findings of fact justifying its adoption of this ordinance; NOW THEREFORE, the proposed short term rental ordinance reads as follows: The City of Spokane does ordain: Section 1. That SMC Table 17C.110-2 is amended as follows: Section 17C.110T.002 Table 17C.110-2 Residential Zone Housing Types Allowed TABLE 17C.110-2 RESIDENTIAL ZONE HOUSING TYPES ALLOWED (Click here to view PDF) 1 As Amended _F Single-family Residence (detached) P P P P P Attached Single-family Residence [1] P P P , F P P , Cottage Housing [1 ] CU CU N Fjr N Transitional Housing [1] Zero Lot Line [1 ] � P F _P Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) [2] F_P_ FP P P P Detached ADU [2] __7F _P P P F P F P Duplexes FP Manufactured Home [3] � P F P_F _PF _P Mobile Home Parks [3] F -c U F_&_u_F FN Single Room Occupancy (SRO) N �_F N P P Group Living Multidwelling Structure Short Term Rentals [41 FF/CU � - ­­ .............. - ......................... ... .. . . See SMC 17C.330.100 N N FP FP P/CU FL_Jgk_[P�/cu IL-ILu- Notes: [1 ] See SMC 17C.110.300, Alternative Residential Development Standards. [2] See chapter 17C.300 SMC, Accessory Dwelling Units. [3] See chapter 17C.345 SMC, Manufactured Homes and Mobile Home Parks. [41 See chapter 17C.316 SMC, Short Term Rentals Section 2. That SMC 17C.110.120 is amended as follows: Section 17C.110.120 Accessory Uses Accessory uses to a primary use are allowed if they comply with specific standards for the accessory uses and all development standards. See chapter 17C.190 SMC, Use Category Descriptions. Accessory buildings such as garages are included in SMC 17C.110.225. Accessory dwelling units, bed and breakfast facilities, short-term rentals, and home occupations have specific standards in chapter 17C.300 SMC, chapter 17C.315 SMC, chapter 17C.316 SMC, and chapter 17C.340 SMC, respectively. Section 3. That SMC 17C.190.110 is amended as follows: 2 As Amended Section 17C.190.110 Residential Household Living A. Characteristics. Residential Household Living is characterized by the residential occupancy of a dwelling unit by a household. Tenancy is arranged on a month-to-month basis, or for a longer period. Uses where tenancy may be arranged for a shorter period are not considered residential. They are considered to be a form of transient lodging (see the Retail Sales and Service and Community Service categories). Apartment complexes that have accessory services such as food service, dining rooms, and housekeeping are included as Residential Household Living. Single room occupancy housing (SROs) that does not have totally self-contained dwelling units is also included if at least two thirds of the units are rented on a monthly basis. SROs may have a common food preparation area, but meals are prepared individually by the residents. Residential structures occupied by persons with disabilities requiring reasonable accommodations pursuant to the federal or state law are included in the Residential Household Living category. B. Accessory Uses. Accessory uses commonly found are recreational activities, raising of pets, hobbies, and parking of the occupants' vehicles. Home occupations, accessory dwelling units, short-term rentals, and bed and breakfast facilities are accessory uses that are subject to additional development standards of the zoning code. C. Examples. Uses include single-family residences, duplexes, apartments, condominiums, retirement center apartments, manufactured housing and other structures with self-contained dwelling units. Examples also include living in SROs if the provisions are met regarding length of stay and separate meal preparation. D. Exceptions. 1. Lodging in a dwelling unit or SRO where less than two-thirds of the units are rented on a monthly basis is considered a hotel or motel use and is classified in the Retail Sales and Service category. 2. SROs that contain programs that include common dining are classified as Group Living. 3. Guest houses that contain kitchen facilities are prohibited as accessory to Residential Household Living uses. 4. In certain situations, lodging where tenancy may be arranged for periods less than one month may be classified as a Community Service use, such as short-term housing or mass shelter. Section 4. That there is adopted a new Chapter 17C.316 to read as follows: 3 As Amended Section 17C.316.010 Purpose This chapter provides the requirements and standards under which residential dwelling units may be used for short-term rental use in residential zones. The regulations are intended to allow for a more efficient use of certain types of residential structures in a manner which keeps them primarily in residential use, and without detracting from neighborhood character. The regulations also provide an alternative form of lodging for visitors who prefer a residential setting. Section 17C.316.020 Description and Definitions A. Description. A short-term rental is where a residential dwelling unit or bedrooms in a residential unit are rented to overnight guests for fewer than 30 days. There are two types of short-term rentals: 1. Type A. A Type A short term rental is where bedrooms or an entire dwelling unit are rented to overnight guests, and no commercial meetings are held. The Type A short term rental is an administrative permit. 2. Type B. A Type B short-term rental is where bedrooms or an entire dwelling unit are rented to overnight guests and commercial meetings are held. The Type B short term rental requires a type III conditional use permit according to Chapter 17G.060 Land Use Application Procedures. B. Definitions. For purposes of this chapter, the following words have the following meanings: 1. Commercial meetings. Commercial meetings include luncheons, banquets, parties, weddings, meetings, charitable fund raising, commercial or advertising activities, or other gatherings for direct or indirect compensation. Commercial meetings are prohibited with a Type A short-term rental. A historic landmark that receives special assessment from the State may be open to the public for 4 hours one day each year; this is not considered a commercial meeting. 2. Resident. An individual or family who resides in the dwelling unit. The resident can be the owner or operator of the short-term rental. 3. Operator. The owner or a person or entity that is designated by the owner to manage the short-term rental. Section 17C.316.030 Where These Regulations Apply The regulations of this chapter apply to short-term rental in the following zones: RA, RSF, RSF-C, RTF, RMF, and RHD zones. In zones where Retail Sales and Service 4 As Amended uses are allowed, limited or conditional uses, short-term rentals may be regulated either as a Retail Sales and Service use or as hotel motel. Section 17C.316.040 Type A Short -Term Rentals A. Use -related regulations. Permit required. A Type A short-term rental requires a Type A short-term rental permit per .040 C below. 2. Allowed structure type. A Type A short-term rental is allowed only in the following residential structure types: a. Single -Family Residence; b. Attached house; c. Duplex; d. Apartments; e. Condominiums; and f. Accessory dwelling unit. g. Manufactured Homes B. Standards. The following standards apply to Type A short-term rentals. Adjustments are prohibited. 1. Accessory dwelling units. On sites with an accessory dwelling unit, the resident can live in the primary or accessory dwelling unit and rent bedrooms in either dwelling unit. 2. Bedroom requirements. The City's Building Official must verify that each bedroom to be rented to overnight guests: a. Met the building code requirements for a sleeping room at the time it was created or converted; b. Meets fire code requirements. 3. Number of overnight guests. The total number of adults occupying a dwelling unit with a Type A short-term rental may not exceed two (2) adults per bedroom. 4. Employees. Nonresident employees are prohibited. Hired service for normal maintenance, repair and care of the resident or site, such as yard maintenance or house cleaning, is allowed. As Amended 5. Services to overnight guests and visitors. Serving alcohol and food to overnight guests and visitors is allowed, subject to other county and/or state requirements. 6. Parking. See Spokane Municipal Code Chapter 17C.230 Parking and Loading 7. Advertising. All advertisements for the short-term rental must list short- term rental permit number. C. Type A Short Term Rental Permit. The owner of a Type A short-term rental must obtain a permit from the Planning and Development Services Department. The permit requires the owner to agree to abide by the requirements of this section, and document that the required notification requirements have been met: 1. Notification. The owner must: a. Prepare a notification letter that: i. Describes the operation and the number of bedrooms that will be rented to overnight guests; and ii. Includes information on how to contact the owner or operator by phone. b. Mail or deliver the notification letter to all recognized organizations and owners of property abutting and directly across the street from the short-term rental upon issuance of short term rental permit 2. Required information for permit. In order to apply for a Type A short-term rental permit, the owner or operator must submit to the Planning and Development Services Department: a. Completed application form bearing the address of the property, the name, signature, address, and telephone number of the owner and operator if operator is not also an owner and emergency contact. b. A short-term rental application and permit fee established by [separate ordinance]. c. Proof of property insurance covering the property. d. A copy of the owner's current City of Spokane business license. e. A copy of the notification letter and a list with the names and addresses of all property owners and organizations that received the letter. 6 As Amended f. A site plan. D. Renewal of and Revoking a Type A Short -Term Rental Permit. A Type A short-term rental permit must be renewed per the procedures in chapter 4.04 SMC and can be revoked according to the procedures in chapter 4.04 SMC for failure to comply with the regulations of this chapter. In addition a permit may be revoked for activities on site including nuisance under Chapter 10.08 Offences Against Public Health Chronic or public disturbance in Section 10.08D.090 Public Disturbance Noise. For revocation of permit the owner or operator receives one warning of violation. In the case of non-compliance or a repeat of non- compliance in a 12 month period shall result in revocation of permit per a type two civil infraction as referenced in 1.05.160. When a Type A short-term rental permit has been revoked, a new Type A short-term rental permit will not be issued to the owner at that site for 2 years. Section 17C.316.050 Type B Short -Term Rentals A. Use -related regulations. 1. Conditional use permit. A Type B short-term rental requires a Type III conditional use permit according to Chapter 17G.060 Land Use Application Procedures. The approval criteria are stated in SMC 17C.320.080 F, Institutional and Other Uses in Residential Zones. 2. Allowed structure type. A Type B short-term rental is allowed only in the following residential structure types: a. Single Family Residence; b. Attached house; c. Duplex; d. Apartments; e. Condominiums; and f. Accessory dwelling unit. g. Manufactured Homes B. Standards. 1. Maximum size. Maximum set through conditional use review. 2. Bedroom requirements. The City's Building Official must verify that each bedroom to be rented to overnight guests: a. Met the building code requirements for a sleeping room at the time it was created or converted; As Amended b. Meets fire code requirements. 3. Number of residents and overnight guests. The total number of residents and overnight guests occupying a dwelling unit with a Type B short-term rental may be limited as part of a conditional use approval. 4. Employees. Nonresident employees for activities such as booking rooms and food preparation may be approved as part of the conditional use review. Hired service for normal maintenance, repair and care of the residence or site, such as yard maintenance or house cleaning, is allowed. The number of employees and the frequency of employee auto trips to the facility may be limited or monitored as part of a conditional use approval. 5. Services to guests and visitors. Serving alcohol and food to guests and visitors is allowed, subject to other county and/or state requirements. 6. Commercial meetings. a. Commercial meetings. Commercial meetings, as defined above, are regulated as follows: In all other zones, the number of commercial meetings per year shall be determined as part of a conditional use review. The maximum number of visitors or guests per event will be determined through the conditional use review. Adjustments to the maximum number of meetings per year are prohibited. b. Historic landmarks. A historic landmark that receives special assessment from the State may be open to the public for 4 hours one day each year. This does not count as a commercial meeting. c. Meeting log. The operator must log the dates of all commercial meetings held, and the number of visitors or guests at each event. The log must be available for inspection by city staff upon request. 7. Appearance. Residential structures may be remodeled for the development of a short-term rental, subject to required approvals and permits. Structural alterations may not be made that prevent the structure from being used as a residence in the future. Internal or external changes that will make the dwelling appear less residential in nature or function are not allowed. Examples of such alterations include installation of more than paving or required setbacks, and commercial -type exterior lighting. 8. Parking. See Spokane Municipal Code Chapter 17C.230 Parking and Loading. s As Amended 9. Advertising. All advertising for the short-term rental must include short- term rental permit number and is subject to sign requirements of Chapter 17C.240 Signs. Section 17C.316.060 Monitoring All short-term rentals must maintain a guest log book. It must include the names and home addresses of guests, guest's license plate numbers if traveling by car, dates of stay, and the room assigned to each guest. The log must be available for inspection by city staff upon request. Section 17C.316.070 Pre -Established Bed and Breakfast Facilities A. Nonconforming Use. Bed and breakfast facilities that were operating before June 14, 2006, which have not obtained a conditional use permit under Chapter 17C.315 SMC, may continue to operate subject to the requirements and limitations in SMC 17C.315.160.A. B. Bed and Breakfasts with a Conditional Use Permit. Bed and breakfast facilities operating under an approved conditional use permit may chose to operate under Chapter 17C.315 SMC or this Chapter. Section 5. That there is adopted a new Chapter 10.52 SMC to read as follows: Chapter 10.52 Short Term Rentals Section 10.52.010 Permit Required No person may operate a short- term rental within the City of Spokane that is subject to the requirements of Chapter 17C.316 SMC without first obtaining a short-term rental permit under Chapter 17C.316 SMC. Section 10.52.020 License Officer For purposes of chapter 4.04 SMC, the Director of Planning Services shall be the license officer. Section 10.52.030 Violation A. This chapter is subject to the administrative provisions of chapter 4.04 SMC. In the event of an appeal, the hearing officer shall be the City of Spokane hearing examiner. B. Short-term rental owners and operators must comply with all state and local laws. 9 As Amended C. A violation of this chapter is a class 2 civil infraction. Each day upon which a violation occurs or is permitted to continue constitutes a separate violation. Section 6. That SMC 1.05.160, Penalty Schedule — Land Use Violation, is amended as follows: Section 01.05.160 Land Use Violation A. For each subsequent violation, excluding continuing violations, by a person the classification of infraction advances by one class. B. Infraction/Violation Class — General. SMC 1.05.160 Penalty Schedule — Land Use Violation Infraction iolation Vlass General IFC 105.3.3 MC 17G.010.100(B) Occupy Land or Building Without Certificate of Occupancy SMC 10.48.050 Alarm Installation or Monitoring Company Failure to Provide Customer List 1 MC 10.48.130 larm Installation or Monitoring Company Failure to Report New rustomers 1 Boiler Code MC 10.29.020 Operating Boiler Without License 1 SMC 10.29.021 Failure to Report Hazard 1 SMC 10.29.022 Leaving Boiler Room MC 17F.030.110 Failure to Cause Required Inspections of Boiler, Pressure Vessel MC 17F.030.130 Improper Operation of Boiler, Pressure Vessel 1 MC 17F.060.050 Pperate Without Elevator Operating Permit 1 Fire Code — International Fire Code (IFC) Cha ter 22 IFC Improper Aboveground Storage Tank for Motor Fuel Dispensing 1 Chapter 28 IFC Improper Storage, Display of Aerosols Chapter 33 IFC IFC 105.6.14 Chapter 10.33A SMC MC 17F.080.060 Unauthorized Manufacture, Storage, Sale, Use, Handling of Explosives 1 IFC 107 IFC 109 IFC 110 Continuance of Hazard 1 IFC 109.2.2 Noncompliance with Condemnation Tag 1 IFC 109.2.4 Removal, Destruction of Tag, Sin 1 IFC 304 Improper Storage/Accumulation of Rubbish, Vegetation IFC 304 Storage, Use, Handling of Miscellaneous Combustible Material IFC 308 Improper Use of Candles, Open Flame IFC 311 Failure to Properly Maintain Vacant Building, Property 10 As Amended IFC 503.4 Obstruction of Fire Access Road IFC 703.1 Failure to Maintain Fire -resistive Construction IFC 703.2 IFC 704 Failure to Maintain Fire Assemblies for Openings IFC 805 I FC 806 Failure to Flameproof Decorative Material IFC 901.4 Failure to Install Protection for Kitchen Hoods, Ducts IFC 901.4 Failure to Install Sprinkler System IFC 901.4 SMC 17F.080.100 MC 17F.080.150 Failure to Install Alarm System 1 IFC 901.6 Failure to Maintain Automatic Extinguishing System IFC 901.6 Failure to Maintain Kitchen Ran ehood Extinguishing System IFC 901.6 Failure to Maintain Sprinkler System IFC 901.6 Failure to Maintain Standpipe System IFC 903.4 IFC 907.15 Failure to Provide Approved Electronic Monitoring for Sprinkler and Fire Alarm Systems IFC 904.11.6.3 Failure to Clean Kitchen Hoods, Ducts IFC 905.3 lFailure to Install Standpipe System 12 IFC IFC 1003.6 Obstruction of Exit 1 IFC 1011 Failure to Provide Exit Signs 1 IFC 2703.3 Release of Hazardous Material 1 IFC 3404. Failure to Remove Abandoned Underground Stora a Tank 1 Spokane Municipal Code SMC 10.08.040 Fire Hazard from Vegetation and Debris 1 MC 10.20.020 Abatement of Nuisance 1 SMC 12.01.0804 Failure to Maintain Pedestrian Strip MC 12.02.010 Sidewalk Not Clear of Snow, Ice SMC 12.02.0210 Vegetation Nuisance Obstruction 1 MC 12.02.0737 Obstruction of Public Right -of -Way 1 MC 12.02.0760 Disposal of Leaves and Yard Debris MC 13.05.010 Tree, etc., Interfering With City Sewer MC 13.05.020 Poplar, Cottonwood Tree Near Utility Line SMC 170.110.100 Use Not Permitted in Residential Zone MC 17C.110.110 Limited Use Standards (Residential) SMC 17C.110.120 Accessory Uses — Residential MC 170.110.200 — SMC 17C.110.220 Violation of Development Standards — Residential MC 170.110.225 Accessory Structures — Residential MC 170.110.230 Residential Fence MC 17C.110.270 Exterior Storage MC 17C.110.300 — MC 17C.110.350 Alternative Residential Development 1 MC 170.110.400 — MC 17C.110.465 Multi -family Design Standards 1 11 As Amended SMC 17C.110.500 — MC 17C.110.575 Institutional Design Standards 1 MC 17C.120.100 Use Not Permitted in Commercial Zone 1 SMC 17C.120.110 Limited Use Standards — Commercial 1 SMC 17C.120.210 — SMC 17C.120.300 Development Standards - Commercial 1 MC 170.120.310 Commercial Fence 1 SMC 170.120.500 — SMC 17C.120.580 Commercial Design Standards 1 SMC 170.122.070 Use Not Permitted in Center and Corridor Zone 1 SMC 170.122.080 — MC 17C.122.150 Development Standards — Center and Corridor Zone 1 MC 170.124.100 Use Not Permitted in Downtown Zone 1 MC 170.124.110 Limited Use Standards — Downtown 1 MC 17C.124.210 — MC 17C.124.300 Development Standards - Downtown 1 MC 170.124.310 Fences — Downtown Zone 1 MC 170.124.340 Parking and Loading - Downtown 1 MC 17C.124.500 — MC 17C.124-590 Design Standards — Downtown 1 SMC 170.130.100 — MC 17C.130.110 Use Not Permitted in Industrial Zone 1 SMC 170.130.210 — MC 17C.130.250 Violation of Development Standards 1 MC 170.130.270 Outdoor Activities Not Permitted 1 MC 17C.130.300 Detached Accessory Structures 1 MC 17C.130.310 Industrial Fence 1 MC 170.160.020 — MC 17C.160.030 North River Overlay District 1 MC 17C.170.110 Special Height Overlay Zone 1 MC 17C.180.050 — SMC 17C.180.100 Airfield Overlay Zone 1 SMC 170.200.040 — SMC 17C.200.110 Landscaping and Screening Requirements 1 MC 170.210.040 — SMC 17C.210.070 Non -conforming Rights 1 SMC 17C.220.080 —Off SMC 17C.220.090 -Site Impacts 1 MC 170.230.140 — MC 17C.230.300 Development Standards — Parking and Loading MC 17C.230.310 Design Standards - Parking Structures 1 MC 170.240.070 — MC 17C.240.270 Sign in Violation of the Sign Code 1 MC 170.300.100 Accessory Dwelling Units General Regulations SMC 170.300.110 Accessory Dwelling Units Criteria 12 As Amended MC 170.300.130 ADU Development Standards 1 MC 17C.305.020 Adult Business Use Standards 1 MC 170.310.100 — MC 17C.310.160 Animal Keeping — Permitted/Prohibited Practices MC 17C.315.120 Bed and Breakfast Use -related Regulations MC 170.315.130 Bed and Breakfast Site -related Standards MC 17C.315.150 Bed and Breakfast Monitoring MC 17C.315.160 Pre -established Bed and Breakfast Facilities MC 17C.316 Short -Term Rentals MC 17C.319.100 Commercial Use of Residential Streets MC 17C.319.200 Recreational Camping MC 17C.320.080 Conditional Uses 1 MC 170.325.030 — MC 17C.325.060 Drive-through Facilities 1 MC 170.330.120 Group Living Development Standards 1 MC 170.335.110 Historical Structures — Change Of Use Development Standards 1 MC 17C.340.100 — MC 17C.340.110 Home Occupations MC 170.345.100 — MC 17C.345.120 Manufactured Homes and Mobile Home Parks 1 MC 170.350.030 Development Standards — Mini Storage Facilities 1 MC 170.350.040 Design Considerations — Mini Storage Facilities 1 MC 17C.355.030 — MC 17C.355.040 Wireless Communication Facilities 1 MC 170.390.030.6 Mobile Food Vending Located Entirely on Private Property 1 Chapter 17D.060 MC Stormwater Facility Standards 1 MC 17E.010.080 Aquifer Pollution Nuisance Declared by Critical Review Officer MC 17E.010.160(B) MC 17E.010.350(F) MC 17E.010.540(F) Failure to Comply With Order, Decision of Critical Review Officer 1 MC 17E.010.160(C) Failure to Abide by Terms, Conditions of Permit, License, Approval 1 MC 17E.010.210(A) Maintain Underground Storage Tank Without Permit MC 17E.010.230 MC 17E.010.440 Use of Underground/Aboveground Storage Tank Without Permit 1 MC 17E.010.350(A) MC 17E.010.350(E) MC 17E.010.540(A) MC 17E.010.540(E) Supply False, Inaccurate, Incomplete Information Concerning an UST or AST MC 17E.010.350(B) MC 17E.010.540(B) Approval Permit Violation MC 17E.010.350(C) MC 17E.010.540(C) Fill Unpermitted Underground/Aboveground Storage Tank 13 As Amended MC 17E.010.350(D) MC 17E.010.540(D) Tamper with, Fail to Maintain Inventory, Other Records hapter 17E.020 MC Prohibited Activities in Fish and Wildlife Areas and Buffers 1 Chapter 17E.040 MC Prohibited Activities in Geological Hazard Areas and Buffers 1 MC 17E.060.120 Use, Alter Land, Erect, Alter, Occupy Structure Within Shoreline Without Compliance With Shoreline Management Regulations 1 Chapter 17E.070 MC Prohibited Activities in Wetlands and Buffers 1 MC 17F.070.380 Failure to Discharge Responsibilities of Owner MC 17F.070.390 Failure to Discharge Responsibilities of Occupant MC 17F.080.250 Failure to Maintain Fire Alarm System 1 MC 17F.080.260(B) Failure to Provide Fire Protection System Verification Fees MC 17F.080.280 Failure to Secure Fire -damaged Building MC 17F.080.390 Failure to Provide Semi-annual Inspection of Private Hydrant MC 17F.080.420 Failure to Maintain Private Hydrant MC 17F.080.440 Lack of Basement Sprinkler System in Existing Building MC 176.010.100 (C)(2) Testing Underground Storage Tank Without Spokane Fire Department Registration 1 Section Review. City Council requests information from staff on the implementation of this ordinance one year after the effective date. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON Attest: City Clerk Mayor v Council President Approved as to form: 14a - W -d e� � Assistant City Attorney Vnia- /? I '� 0 / (�'r Date ff tive Date As Amended (WAC 197-11-970) SPOKANE ENVIRONMENTAL ORDINANCE NONPROJECT DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Proposed Amendments to the Spokane Municipal Code, Short Term Rental Project PROPONENT: City of Spokane, Neighborhood Services and Code Enforcement 5 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The short term rental ordinance proposes the allowance of short term rental use in residential zones. A short term rental is considered the use of a single family home, room(s) in a home, multifamily unit attached or detached dwelling unit, duplex or other legal dwelling unit for rental for duration of less than 30 days. The amendments apply to the Unified Development Code in the Spokane Municipal Code Section 17C.110T.002 Table 17C.110-2 Residential Zone Housing Types, Section 17C.190.110 Residential Household Living, 17C.315 and the addition of Section I7C.316. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL, INCLUDING STREET ADDRESS, IF ANY: The affected geographic area is residential zones including, zones RA, RSF, RSF-C, RTF, RMF, and RHD within the boundaries of the City of Spokane. A map of the City of Spokane and residential zones can be viewed at http://maDs.sDokanecity.orgtl LEAD AGENCY: City of Spokane, Neighborhood Services and Code Enforcement The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. [ ] There is no comment period for this DNS. [ ] This DNS is issued after using the optional DNS process in section 197-11-355 WAC. There is no further comment period on the DNS. [x] This DNS is issued under 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for at least 14 days from the date of issuance (below). Comments must be submitted no later than 5:0013M January 30. 2015. if they are intended to alter the DNS. rrrrw+++#ar:#rfw##+##rfrrffr##arse#:r++fa#rrwt+ttrtttwr+r Responsible Official: Heather Trautman Position/Title: Director of Neighborhood Services and Code Enforcement Phone: (509) 625-6083 Address: 808 West Spokane Falls Boulevard, Spoka e, WA 99201-3329 Date Issued: January 15, 2015 Sign a: +trrasarfrrwww+:raaffr#frwwataaffratatw•fr+eta##frw.atwf# APPEAL OF THIS DETERMINATION, after it becomes final, may be made to the City of Spokane Hearing Examiner, 808 West Spokane Falls Blvd., Spokane, WA 99201. The appeal deadline is fourteen (14) calendar days after the signing of the DNS. This appeal must be on forms provided by the Responsible Official, make specific factual objections and be accompanied by the appeal fee. Contact the Responsible Official for assistance with the specifics of a SEPA appeal. w#wwww aRf aaaf rff tw+aaafttff♦fwwrflf##r#af atf tt+wrwffr+elf Spokane City Plan Commission Findings of Fact, Conclusions, and Recommendations Proposed Amendment to Spokane Municipal Code Section SMC 2.05.160 17C.110, 17C.190,17C.315, Section 10 and the addition of 17C.316. The proposal adds language to the code allowing the use of short term rentals in residential zones. A recommendation from the City Plan Commission to the City of Spokane to approve an amendment to the Spokane Municipal Code Title 17C Land Use Standards. Findings of Fact: A. The proposal provides the requirements and standards under which residential dwelling units may be used for short-term rental use in residential zones. B. It has been observed that short term rentals occur in residential zones and it is evident that the emergence of the "shared -economy" and short term rental use is likely to continue to increase. C. The proposed regulations are intended to allow for a more efficient use of certain types of residential structures in a manner which keeps them primarily in residential use, and without detracting from neighborhood character. The regulations also provide an alternative form of lodging for visitors who prefer a residential setting. D. The current Spokane Municipal Code classifies short term rental use as a Retail Sales and Service in SMC 17C.190.270(C)(1)). E. The current Spokane Municipal Code Chapter 17C.110 and Residential Zones TABLE 17C.110-1 Residential Zones Primary Uses does not permit the use of retail sales and services in residential zones. F. The City of Spokane Comprehensive Plan contains sixteen goals the proposed legislation seeks to address in the chapters of Land Use, Housing, Economic Development, Urban Design and Historic Preservation, Natural Environment, Social Health, and Neighborhoods: LU 1.1 Neighborhoods Utilize the neighborhood concept as a unit of design for planning housing, transportation, services, and amenities. 2.1 Distribution of Housing Options Policies Promote a wide range of housing types and housing diversity to meet the needs of the diverse population and ensure that this housing is available throughout the community for people of all income levels and special needs. H 2.3 Accessory Dwelling Units Allow one accessory dwelling unit as an ancillary use to singlefamily owner -occupied homes in all designated residential areas as an affordable housing option. H 3.2 Property Responsibility and Maintenance Assist in and promote improved and increased public and private property maintenance and property responsibility throughout the city. ED 3.1 Economic Growth Policies Stimulate economic growth by supporting the formation, retention, expansion, and recruitment of businesses. ED 3.5 Locally -Owned Businesses Support opportunities to expand and increase the number of locally -owned businesses in Spokane. ED 3.6 Small Businesses Recognize the significant contributions of small businesses to the City of Spokane's economy and seek to enhance small business opportunities. ED 3.7 Home Businesses Encourage opportunities for teleworking and home businesses that are compatible with residential neighborhoods. ED 3.8 Technology -Based Industries Encourage the development of advanced and emerging technology based industries. ED 7.2 Revenue Sources Ensure that tax revenue sources are stable, allocate costs equitably within the community, do not penalize certain types of businesses, attract and retain businesses, and maintain the City of Spokane's high quality of life. ED 7.3 State Tax Changes Lobby the state legislature for changes in state tax laws to allow more options or mechanisms to be available as incentives to business investment. ED 8.3 Recreation and Tourism Promotion Promote the region's outdoor amenities as recreational and tourism business opportunities. NE 10.3 Economic Activity Incentives Identify and provide incentives for economic activities that combine the goals and principles of economy, ecology, and social equity. SH 2.2 Special Needs Temporary Housing Disperse special needs temporary housing evenly throughout all neighborhoods. SH 4.1 Socioeconomic Mix Policies Ensure that all neighborhoods contain a mixture of housing types in order to provide an environment that allows for socioeconomic diversity. N 6.2 Code Enforcement Enforce the city codes for public nuisances impacting neighborhood properties. G. The Community Assembly was briefed on this proposal on November 7, 2014, December 5, 2014, January 9 2015, and February 6, 2015. H. Notice of the proposed amendment to section Spokane Municipal Code Section 17C.110, 17C.190, 17C.315 and the addition of 17C.316 and announcement of the Plan Commission's February 11, 2015 Plan Commission Hearing was published in the Spokesman review on January 28, 2015 and February 4, 2015. I. A State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and Determination of Non -Significance was released on January 15, 2015 for the proposed short term rental ordinance. The public comment period for the SEPA determination ended on January 30, 2015. J. On December 11, 2014, the Washington State Department of Commerce was given the required 60 - day notice of before adoption of proposed changes to the Spokane Municipal Code. An acknowledgement letter was received by the City on December 11, 2014. K. The City Plan Commission held a public Hearing on February 11, 2015 to obtain public comments on the proposed amendments; deliberations followed. Conclusions: Conclusions: A. The Plan Commission has reviewed all public testimony received during the public hearings and has made changes to the draft documents during deliberations to address the testimony as considered appropriate. B. The Plan Commission has found that the proposed amendments meet the approval criteria for text amendments to the Unified Development Code: SMC 17G.025.010 (F) Approval Criteria: 1. The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the comprehensive plan; and 2. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relation to economic benefit, public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment. C. The proposed amendments have been reviewed by the City Plan Commission and found to be in conformance with the goals and policies of the City's 2001 Comprehensive Plan. Recommendations: By a vote of _ to Q, the Plan Commission recommends to the City Council the approval of the proposed amendment to the Unified Development Code, with changes as deliberated. t Dennis Dellwo, President Spokane Plan Commission February zx 2015 M MUNICIPAL CODE. WHEREAS, for many years short-term rentals (a lodging use, other than a hotel or motel,, if a fee for fewer than 30 consecutive inilghts) have been a popular lodging choice for travellers a • WHEREAS, with the advent of websites that facilitate the marketing and booking for short -tern - rentals,, this market has rapidlly expanded across the globe; and' WHEREAS, the ;proposed amendments seek to balance the economic opportunity created b� short-term rentals with the need to maintain the City's housing supply by including short -terror rental permit caps in Residential' General Use Type areas; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments seek to protect the rights and safety of owners, guests and neighbors by including requirements related to issues such as parking„ noise, and safety; and issuedWHEREAS, the of the State, Environmental Policy Act, and a nonl-project Determination of Non -Significance on . M2018; and WHEREAS, as required by i•, notice of intent amendments was sent to the Department of Commerce on February 15, 2018; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission hield'work sessions on August 17, 2017; September 21, 2017; January 4, 2018; and January 18, 201�8, all of which incl�uded opportunities for publ'ic t�estimoniy,, and WHEREAS, after mailed • published • _• • by / the Planning 01 Commission held a public hearing on the proposed amendments on March 1, 2018; and 1"NEREAS, the Planning, Commission held a follow-up work session on March 22, 2018; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission determined that the proposed amendments comply with and will implement the goals and policies of the 2016 Bellingham Comprehensive Plan; and Ihe Planning • •considered -•• • •comments eceived w,•e Findings of • • and Recommendations f• ;)pproval of the proposed amendments by a 5-2 voteland VHEREAS, after mailed • published notice-• • '• C" City Council ield a publlic hearing on proposed on • hoart-term Rental ordinance City of Bellingham City Attorney 210 Lottie Street Bellingham, Washington 08226 360-778-8270 f, essfuns on jui ,September 10, and October 8, 2018; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission, the :staff report�, other meeting materials, and all public comments and hereby ,adopts the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendations of the Planning Commission;; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the proposed amendments are consistent with the Growth Management Act, the Biellingham, Municipal Code, and the 20:16 Bellingham Comprehensive Plan. Section I., BMC 20.00,045�. Cordata Neighborhood Table of Zoning Regulations, Appendix A is amended as follows: Uses in Cordata must be consistent with the uses specified and allowed in the planned unit development approval. Additionally, in no case may the uses exceed those listed below, L-71 I opdMF,LWjAfl ,VMjrjM 1. through 33, [NO ("'HANGE] 34. Bed [n a FeGkJerlGr ort-tenn, rentaGsp!��p 0 7 �NO CHANGES BEYOND 11-flS POINI] Section 2. BMC 201.00.110, Meridian Neighborhood Table of Zoning Regulations, Attachment 5 to Meridian Zoning Code —.gees 3 and , is amended as follows: PLANNED COMMERUAL. (1) For all land designated commercial, the following standards shall apply: Mai ani-ITTFurill 1111be shall not be permlitted where prohibited within the applicable neighborhood plans. Certain uses may also be excluded from a particular planned area by the commission if such use(s) are found to be incompatible with the surrounding area or unsuitable to the particular site. The final decision shall set forth the uses permitted' for the subject property. 1] through (19) [NO, CHANGEf (20) Ded a4A­breakfmt fa.6414i66, (StIt eGt 4ri, &%4G r` 04,0 S terrn 20A 0 3 7, Short-term Rental Ordinance 2 City of Bellingham City Attorney 210 Labe Street Bellingham, Washington 98225 3610-778-8270 [NO CFIANGES BE)(ON D T Hi S F'O I N1 Tj Section 3. BMC 20.00.210, York Neighborhood Table of Zoning Regulations, Attachment X Area 91 Special Regulations, is amended as follows: *1. Allowed'mixed uses are limited to the following: a. through, e. �NO CFIANGEJ f, Bed and gj.-BMC-20.,11-01-037, NO 0-i lf' t BEYOND TKS PUNIJ Section 4. The followings definitions in BMC 20,08.020, Specific definitions, are repealed, added, or amended as follows,: '-'Bed -and-breaMast faciJ4ies'-n-4-t,,,an6 a -&wnqlet arnily resideiue-Mth-n<A more #,+an4wo,-roc)n.ie, let as,t ra nsie"It hqt&ii ng- , Pa; the, -pufpose, of -this a-tra.rsient stia 11, be defirled as a -faer&G.n yvi-rG- May4,; 10f, a P(,-.n,rkmJ rlot,to excel ed two -we" -s, A�:xx,,rrn-m- oda4omr may in(;4ade- lirnJted- foad sµ,rvrsasr fres - q t: *) s t s "Boarding and roomling house" means a structure used for the purpose of providing lodging or lodging and meals, for persons other than those under the "family" definition, This term includes I dormitories, cooperative housing and similar establishments but does not include hotels, motels, mmedicall care facilities or bed arid-bif,eakfa.st faGWtiPr,, short-term irentals. "Hotel"' means a buildins c,-,Pther4ran,a rw)tel�oul s coi, t ? mrsrwgf_t�qi d,i rpp!D,.,and where PFGVk,JJRq- trai isient lodging,.,with, or w4hout meals for the q�qq)!j "-' ' . ....... public and especially for temporary guests, tut wh,Jclr� ifidk6dual,rec)m� &JS_p(ovided. Hotel roorns gj�,;jyjnciLjc,je individuall cooking.,feic0ifies Thrs terni n,wotel,.,h1c)ste1,,jnr ..... . . . . . ..... ......... . . ...... .. . . ........... . . .. ...... -", - I and sinii�ai� naine�.,;but doles riot �ncltjde shorl-term �eritai. ........ "Motel" means a building: or group of bulidings containing rooms where transient lodging, with or without meals fo,r_the plic , rooms -fG g2L Ey__g.�LfL s provided r 3(NW)e1'F �,sation..Molel indMdtml qook4l facAfties,, I'Ns tenn indixies hotei, rwtor nn, i resort and sirni�ar -,,i ,s,_ -teirrn �It I suersrar ails Li�, me _,�gt does riot include short re as . . ..... ... vided nay mere tfian 1-0 f)f4Gent of x�mf)lete- Goe44riq, fa,64tres., - and Gook4ng fai,,44t-JP,&, 41 tine -rernaiRIN 4j4-i4s-afe, 4Fn4e(:1- U4. a Go-untertiap range" be one srq x *r -n k Cl, afly, nw i aid -&erv,rces4a tl4-be r*uvk�,fed rand pa rlrtaty f acillifle-& fn ust be provided 3Gnverlient- k,,) ea 0,-), g ueGt r(x)fm Pi -i ni a r j�, resida' rice" Uwe ar,Bs_a pgrsor Se of return f hOUS b y 110t0i- driver's liCense,, voter offier such evidence as . . . ........ . ... Jetenywined_b,yj�le director, A fLpj§gi2 Qj. y jj Y1g LD! ,y -ptnM ,gry r'nearis, a p0nc,4 pyj ss,, "i11. i11'1qUdj!- ut_rwgt . ...... jq rnitecl to,, LLC inember,hriana ei,_, e "[p t p ............ . . . ........ _pEps turf ckjr,. stodikhoW,e it in le 'hort-term Renta�l Ordnance 3 City of Bellingham City Attorney 210 Lottie Street Bellingham, Washington 98225 360-778-8270 "R,edna der"O" ns..,:the indMch.,�ai E!H, jesides in the dweHiing grflt '11'te resident can be 111E fpr p rj q,r,! y, "Shoirt-teiril,T) renta�111' rn(�ans, a W than a hote� or,rno ) �n a 9r,pp4rflon thereofis pMyidedto qy2e§j§.�yq.short -terrn rentai,o)eratoifor fee or fewertfm ... �ImPing'�LnAp! Porl."Jon thereof thatjs_used by_ff�p indhJdUal or . .... ........... .. .... . indM&Ws for 30 or rnore .f on ve rjgh.ts is not a s,hort termi rental, 'Short-tenri renta� opc�EgLor".pE,,"op ,!ator" qieans' an v i i�or the owner ol a dy 6 in�; L,�rirt establish nder BMC I'Me 20,,or,j . .... .. ��j,-jior ...thereof who offersp�py Ldg,§ dweH`e o — i - 1 D9 jjher c j r s� tort.- te rm rer'Aal use or, p I s the tenant of a &�eN'n ­­­_ , ­'.. .111-1- ­­­ i, -111-1 --- ­ ­­­ .11 ig �Ajt, or.j.')g0,jc,n_jhere wh1-111-1 offt-�r(.',,d m , �ded a short-terni, rer'Aal as !set f—orth i_n_"B"'_M"_C _p 20,1 0,037. 'ii means an e r tt �, grovides a mealls thr ug �) ........ ........... . . .... ... �t@L y _!, 0., which a i,o r o may..gffer a dweRing_g�j�L,or pqojon thereofjor shorlAerm rer)W use ,_aod (rent... whi&r the� §trg"!-term rental adver-fisernent . .. . .............. for accorprnodations does not re the 1.;.-t rm rental _j" [ALL 07HER DERNMONS IN PRIS SECTION REMAINUNCHANGED] Section 5. BI VIC Chapter 20. 10, Land Development, is amended to create BMC 20.1 OM7, Short -termor rentalls, as shown in Exhibit A. Section 6. BIVIC M 16.020, ConditionalI uses, is amended as follows: R 1 Bed,and Breakfaf;1 FaiG44es, Short-teirnr Rentals a. Definition. A soigte kiii.iUy resden(If9 m� o-re.tk�an two-4voaisk.�A,as bans,464'4' h<-.ws4ig, Ffar flrre purp()&e Of-filiS b4� defined ­a6 -a PeP60,11 Mrra,stay &ft,)r ji, perk-)f'1;wt-1ep,,d two weeks, A Wgin fj.f e,(theiflhan a hot or I gllilote�,.. �n whIch a dwe[fing r,Jn ill PT99[js. rpyided to: short' -ferry) rental Qpp[ator for, a free for ftnver than 30 cionsecuUve . ......... . . .. ........... . dwehin unit oit' rat �s used b the sarne in6vid pprjion thereof P ua� or incfrr Mtrrduqh�,, for, 30 or, irnor(,� cons"ecutive uiurfhis isniot a short-terrin rertaF"­ . ........... b,Conditiona� in arid_ Cki n qfi lli4�,dmT 1�.gje�jg ire rri(-,m ts, qptHned �n 20, 1 0,037,.Short-leirrn &ysteirriv. may W E1Uth04Z(9d Ff,apprr,)ve'd by Whatc"Gm 'Gounty 1%,ieaKh ce�.')artrnent,- j4('+vvqv(-,Hr'j '&epfio systell"II& f"'4ra.Vriet'be parmRted i-R_fln�e Lake or 'Pi,ere shall b& -no op�IaAlgE) H14 146 PfeR11618,137; 1-4 Vi'FA[Ae 'e'A(JPn'C'e of tf""�e 4'ie bed and --b eW.r fast chert-term ,ental Ordinance City of Belfinghann City Attorney 210 Lottie Street Bellingham, Washington 98225 360-778-8270 e&tatAistirrien,tl ofl,�eir thwi- one #al� unfightecJ &�gr)�: r:iot ex(.;ee(Aing NY,, .0 isq, uaf e niet.+rAed-fIu&h ag,ai,n.F.444e b.&jk#N: iik -T-he -applk�r4zhaH oornj)Iy Mth loc'atfi% and qt.6d*AijRis_ by the �wuNNifig -fire h&aA.hfor iv, A be,av,.)J4aIAe4(x,(,) (�o_4pa.nt,use,. e Vxaddresf,; shall b6l Glead y, 44,.')C4ed., v, 'T'he, Ghaii, non oaLWe­delr�n,'�ent,W &ffectsi 40, the R6gl"A'K.)rhood i:,ieeds spe6fiea4y -fi,:)und,to bifi no,e(.-)&&ary R, ib,, feview See BMC 20 10,037'fo� reqUirements fg aH s[y�)rtjerj'n renta�s, a. Definition. A structure used for the purpose of providing lodging or lodging and miea�s, for persons other than those permitted under the "fami'ly" definition. This term includes dormitories, cooperative housing and similar establishments but does not include hotels, motels, medical care facilities, or bi��dan(.'I laiA, k st faGilifies short -terry) renta�s, [NO CHANG'�ES BEYCMID THIS PG11"41] Section 7. BMC 20.30.030, permitted uses for Residential Single Development, is amended as follows� A. Uses Perm!itted Outright. No building or land shall be used within an area designat residential single,, exceptas follows-, i 1, through 10. [V"q() C 1,,IANGE] 1, Shoirt te� �'n ?O, 10,037 Lip [*I*] tj&-IgIjI# PIMA foil 1149015 11 IIQ I fr.] @I vol [01MLOJIM119111MAIMAKI x. 1. through 13, [NO CF.IA]',JGE] 14 &A artd bf(e,,akfasAl fia6litk,)s, (f."ubjeGt te, RNIG" a QMQ 20, 1 M37 15,. through 18, �P40 CFIAr,,J( E Short-term RenitM Ordinance 5 CRY of Bellingham City Attorney 210 Lottie Street Beffingham, Washington 98225 360-778-8270 Section 8. BIVIC 20.32.030, permitted uses for Residentiai Multi Dievelopiment, is amended as fol'lows: A. Uses Permitted Outright, No building or land shalill be used within areas designated RM except as enumerated below corresponding to the applicable use qualifier� Duplex 11 . through 11. [NO CI iANGE) 12, Short-tensn mnWs BMC 2010,03T w. Multiple [NO CHANGE) Planned �NO C�IANGE] B. Conditional Uses. The following uses may be allowed if approval can be obtained, based upon standards and requirements for conditional uses as specified in Chapter 2g °'I BMC: 1. through 13. [NO CI IAN("E] 14. F4e(.1 a-n.d_h.reakia.st to the found 44 BMC 20344)4()(F)(3,)) Short.ten'n rentais, . 7' 15. through 22, [N(,) CHANGE] Section 9. BIVIC 20.33, Commercial Development, is amended as follows: 0 76 0- -C M P = Permitted -o — 2 t- — o 2 C = Conditionall a)C E c- E 0 N = Not Permitted c E u) z E _T CL 0 0 U Commercial lodging, including hotels, motels, hostels, P P P l P and bed,a-rrd 4reakfast a icfls, j 20,'iO,,317(T�.��ie���e,,-i6i,,ir�o�lexpi,-4,,, k-1as feir-bed n('J breakfa&l [NO, ADDFTUNAL CFIANGES: TO "IflS I'Ahat E) . . ........ . . ......... Short-term Rental Ordinance 6 City of Bellingharn City Attorney 210 Lottie Street Bellingham, Washington 98225 360-778-8270 Section 10. BMC 20.35,,065.A, perm,itted uses for Old town overlay district, is amended as follows: 1. through 23, [l'140 CHAIslGEJ 24. the-atx-we� Shortje'rn renWs j? 25, Uses simflaf to the above B. [NO Cl­IANGE) Section 11. BMC 20 .37,120, permitted uses for Samish Way urban vftge, is amended as follows: P = Permitted # = Permitted with limitations C Conditional Use N = Not allowed Area Commercial �Residential Residential Land UseCommerciall Classification Commercial Transition I Transition Transition Core Approach and 2 1 2 1. through 7. �[O I CHAN(�PEJ 8. E�Hd arid bfeaakfau,t P P P G F, G Sho....f .1 ....... .... BlVC 20111.03 [N(Di CHANGIEIZ Il TFIlS TABLE BEYOM[.) Short-term Rental Ordinance 7 City of Bellingham City Afforney 210 Loftie Street Bellingham, Washington 98225 360-778-8270 Section 12. BMC 20,37.2,20�, permitted uses for Fountain district urban village, is amendEN as follows: P = Permitted # Permitted with limitations C = Conditional Use N = INot allowed Area Residential Land Use Class ificat�ion Commercial Commercial Residential Transition Core Transition Transition I 2 1, through 8. (NO CHANGE] 9Bed-a4d breakfiast P P Short-terrn reritais,jj BMQ.2.0,11.0011137 '[NO CHANGES TO, I H I Ai ti._ E B E YON D F I IIIIS P 0 il NTJ Section 13. BMC 20,37,320, permitted uses for Fairhaven urban village, is amended followsI P:= Table 20.37„ 320 — Permitted Uses Permitted 11. through 2. I[NO 0-iM,4GE) (#) = See C = Conditional N = Not Notes Use allowed R®1-1 CC(2) and RT -3 RT -4 1-1(1) 1-2(1) 1-3(1) and P-2 RT -21 P-3 8 City of Bellingham City Aftorney 210 Lottie, Street Bellingham, Washington 98225 360-778-8270 Table 20.37.320 — Permitted Uses P = (#) = See C = Conditional N = Not Permitted Notes Use allowed LAND USE CLASSIFICATION RT -1 P-1 CC(2)i and RT -3 RT -4 1-1(1) 1-2(1) 1-3(1) and P-2 RT -2 P-3._ F7 3.Bedand,Eifeak s4Sh()n't-4errp P, P P P N N' N N' N, Rentals 0. 10 037 [No CHANGES TO"F1 1E I'ABL.E BEYOND'TI flS POl N I' Table 20.37.420-A Permitted Uses A. RESIDENTIAL USES 1 Be(i a'�Idb'Fe'akfiasl Shgtjeriin B MC 2() 10, 037 [Y I0 C1 W"4GES "1"0 Yl ­IE 'FAKE BEY01,4D T F] Y S I N T] Area Industrial Commercial Institutional Mixed -Use Mixed -Use Mixed -Use T N II'J! Short-term Rental Ordinance 9 City of Bellingham City Attorney 210 Lottie Street Bellingham, Washington 98225 360-778-8270 Table 20. 37.520 — Permitted Uses P = Permitted C = Conditional Use N = Not allowed (#) = See Notes When multiple symbols and notes appear in a box such as P(2) or (4), C, they are interpreted as (P) Permitted (2) when located in a main buildinig(s) on a site existing as o� September 23, 2014 OR (4) on corner lots; (C) conditional elsewhere. AREA LAND USE CLASSIFICATION cc ( (1) 1) RT -1 RT -2 IT CT (1) A. Residential 1, through 2. INO CHANGE] r-iury,,iber of t),edreorns iet as, transient bi�Aisjng) tenn10 037 [NO Cl­iANGES 1-0 11-iE TABE IBEYOND F)OK]"I A, gN() (Il­[ANGE1 2. Range of Uses Possible. Any of the following uses may be permitted 'in a planned proposal within a residential general use type designation; provided, that any of such uses shall not be w,. .N prohiblted within the applicable neighborhood plan, Certain uses may also be excluded from a particular planned residential area if such use(s) are found by the planning director to, be incompatiWe with the surrounding area or unsultable to the particul'iar site. The final decis�onsha[l set forth the uses permi�tted for the qubject property. Short-term Rental Ordinance 10 City of Bellingham City Attorney 2'10 Lottie Street Bellingham, Washington 98225 360-778-8270 a. through d. (No CHANGE) e. Bed a�nd­bfeakfas't Pd �._Q4 rentals, p�-,I%C, 20 10 03T f. through o. INO C1atANGE1 3. through 15, [NOCF­1ANGEj G. - D. [NO CHANGE] Section 17. BMC 2 1: 10.040, Types of land use decisions, is amended as follows� A. Land use decisions are classified into seven review process types based on who makes the decision, the amou�nt of discretion exercised by the! decision, maker and the amount and type of public input sought, B,. Type I, A Type I review process is an administrative review and decision by the director, It is exempt from notice requirements. If a Type I decision is not categorically exempt from SEPA and the SEPA review has not been completed with a prior permit, the Type 11 process sihal�l be used. Appeals of Type I decisions are decided by the hearing examiner unless the rul�es for a specific permit or decision specify that no administrative appeal is available. The following are Type I decisions when the application does not require a SEP,A threshoW decisiom 1. through 20, [NO CH/V4GE) 21. Wireless communication facility that does not require either a planned development approval or conditional use permit; and 22. Certificates of alteration under BMC 17.90.060(C)(2)(a), 21AHothei�' 4&G64c');)E; P1,34­6peGjl')� Typ,s, f pro-cesF,: pg�_PMQ 20,10,03" _q!jo 24, AH ofl')er dpcjsoon,s twat spgt y,gag_ ;e'_j?t _ )p .,.�,Cess, _E� C. Type Il. A Type 11 review process is an administrative review and decision by the director. Public Inotice is required. Appeals of Type 11 decisions are decided by the hearing exam,in,er. The following are Type 11 decisions: 1. through 12, 13. infill housing projects, under Chapter 20.28 BMC; ar-n(J, 14. 'Fype f and aUo#"ief Sf'lolrl.jlelruln ii,.eliii,tl,a..Is.,,ppE,,RMQ,,2Q,,,,I( and 111 Short-term Rental Ordinance City of Bellingham City Attorney 210 Lottie Street Beflingham, Washington 98225 360-778-8270 MLL'�f'os�or�s H'iat regtji e a SEFIA threshrfld decision and aH other .... . ... . ...... decisiois,sf e(:Afess !B_piroc D. through J. [NO CHANGE) Section 18. The City Council a�grees with and adoe Findgs of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendations of the Planning Commission attached as, Exhibit B and incorporated by reference. PASSED by the Council this 5 1h day of No4mber ')D18 I en Council President APPROVED by me this day of &J'Athzl , 2018 Kelli UrMlle, Mayor ATTEST And r e Interim Finance Director APPIR VED AS TO FORM!:, Office of the City Attorney Short-term Rental t rdinainice 12 City of Bellingham City Attorney 210 Loffie Street Bellingham, Washington '98225 360-778-8270 I OAT 0 113 20.,10.037 Short-term rentals. A. Purpose. This section provides standards for the establishment of short-term rentals. The regulations are intended to balance the economic opportunity created by short-term rentals with the need to maintain the City's housing supply and protect the rights and safety of owners, guests and neighbors. 902� • r� 1. The regulations and standards in this section apply to short-term rentals Citywide, unless otherwise noted, 2. Subsections D.1.a — c, D.2, D.5, and D,9,a - b in this section do not apply to short-term rentals in Commercial and Urban Village General Use Type areas. 3. Short-term rentals are permitted in Residential, Commercial and Urban Village General Use Type areas per this ordinance. 4. Short-term rentals are not permitted in Industrial, Institutional or Public General Use Type areas, including these designaflons within Urban Village General Use Type areas, 5. Short-term rentals are permitted in legally -established accessory dwelling units in accordance with this ordinance as follows: a. Short-term rentals are permitted in legally -established attached accessory dwelling units Citywide, b. Short-term rentals are permitted in legaIly-establiished detached accessory dwelling units in Commercial, Residential Multi and Urban Village General Use Type areas, c. Short-term rentals are not permitted in detached accessory dwelling units in Residential Single General Use Type areas. If the Citywide housing vacancy rate reaches four percent or higher, the City Council shall review whether short-term rentals should be allowed in detached accessory dwelling units in Residential Single General Use Type areas. d. On sites where a short-term rental is permitted in a legally -established accessory dwelling unit, a short-term rental permit may be obtained for either the primary dwelling unit or accessory dwelling unit, but not both. e. All other Bellingham Municipal Code sections related to accessory dwelling units apply to short-term rentals, including owner occupancy requirements. 6. Short-term rentals are not permitted on properties in the Lake Whatcom Watershed that drain to Basin One of Lake Whatcom as identified on BMC map, 16.80.040, or shoreline areas regulated per BMC Title 22, Shoreline Master Program. 7. Short-term rentals are not permitted in any dwelling unit or building that has received approval under the City's multi -family tax exemption program (BMC 17.62). This standard does not apply after the exemption period has ended. 8. Short-term rentals are not permitted in housing units subsidized through City programs. 9. Specific terms in this section are defined in BMC Chapter 20.08, Definitions. 10, Short-term rentals do not include Ihotels or motels. See BMIC Chapter 20,08, Definitions, for definitions of "hotel" and "motel." C. Process. Upon the effective date of this ordinance, all short-term rental operators will be required to obtain a short-term rental permit. Short-term rental permit applications will be processed per the table below as a Type I or Type 11 permit in accordance with B,MC 21'.10, Procedures and Administration. 1, The following table applies to all dwelling units.- ................ ... . ....... Review Process Review Process Type for Type for Commercial and Residential Urban Villlagie General Use General Use Short-term Rental Type: Types: - Primary Residence. No more than 2 bedrooms in Type I Type I a dwelling unit, including an accessory dwelling unit (when permitted), may be rented to overnight guests. The subject dwelling unit must serve as the primary residence of the applicant (the owner or long-term tenant) for no less than 270 days per year. The whole dwelling unit may be rented for no more than 95 days per year, (1) - Primary Residence. No more than 5 bedrooms in Type III .. . . . ............... Type I a dwelling unit, including an accessory dwelling unit (when permitted), may be rented to overnight guests. The subject dwelling unit must serve as the primary residence of the applicant (the owner or long-term tenant) for no less than 270 days per year. The whole dwelling unit may be rented for no more than 95 days per year. (1) ............... ........... .. .... . .. . ............. - .. . - Non -primary Residence. No more than 5 Not allowed (2) ......... ... . . . . ........ ..........._........__.m................ .. Type I bedrooms in a dwelling unit, including an accessory dwelling unit (when permitted), may be rented to overnight guests. The subject dwelling unit is not the primary residence of the applicant, There is no limit on the number of days per year the dwelling unit may be rented. Notes for the process type table: (1) In Commercial and Urban Village General Use Type areas, the requirements for the minimum number of days per year the dwelling unit must serve as the primary residence of the applicant and the maximum number of days per year the dwelling unit may be rented do not apply. (2) If the Citywide housing vacancy reaches four percent or higher, the City Council shall review whether short-term rentals should be allowed in non -primary residences in Residential General Use Type areas. D. Standards. 1. Number of Short-term Rental Permits per Operator. It is the intent of these regulations to limit the ownership and operation of short-term rentals located in Residential General Use Type areas to no more than one per individual, family living together, domestic partnership, those living as a family unit and/or acting as a principal in any business entity that has ownership of a residential unit. Assigning ownership and/or application for short-term rental use to separate individuals that are living together as a family, in a domestic partnership, or living as a family unit as a means of exceeding this limitation is not permitted. a. An operator may be a principal, spouse or registered domestic partner of a principal in no more than one short-term rental permit issued pursuant to this section. b. A maximum of one Type I or Type 11 short-term rental' permit is permitted per operator. c. A long-term tenant who has signed at least a 270 -day lease may serve as a short- term rental operator. The property owner must serve as a co -applicant on the tenant's application. A tenant's short-term rental permit counts toward the permit cap of one short-term rental permit for both the tenant and property owner. 2. Number of Short-term Rentals in Condominiums. No more than 1 unit or 25 percent of the total units, whichever is greater, in a condominium building may include a short-term rental. If a condominium association approves, more than 25 percent of the dwelling units in the building may include short-term rentals if approved through a Type Ill -A conditional use permit process, 3. Proof of Primary Residency. An affidavit must be submitted to the Planning and Community Development Department on or before January 1 of every even -numbered year attesting to primary residency when the short-term rental is identified as such in the original application. . Number of Guests. No more than two guests, excluding children five years old and under, per bedroom are permitted per guest stay. 5. Parking. At least one off-street parking space must be provided for guests on site during guest stay. The Planning Director may determine, through a simple parking analysis provided by the applicant, that on -street parking or nearby parking may be substituted for off-street parking. 6. Appearance and Behavior. a. The short-term rental must be operated in a way that will prevent unreasonable disturbances to nearby residents, b. There must be no change in the outside appearance of the building or premises that indicates the site is hosting a commercial use, other than one flat, unlighted sign not exceeding two square feet in area and mounted flush against the building. 7. Local Contact Person. a. The name, address and telephone number(s) of a l'ocaI contact person who is responsible for the short-term rental and lives within an hour's drive of Bellingham must be submitted with the short-term rental application. This person can be the operator or a designee of the operator, b. Any changes to the name, address or telephone number(s) of the local contact person must be submitted to the Planning and Community Development Department within one month of the chainge(s). c. The local contact person shall be available 24 hours a day to ensure that the short- term rental is maintained and operated per the requirements of this ordinance, 8. Notifications. a. For Type I short-term rental permits: i. A courtesy notice with information regarding the short-term rental (e.g. description of the rental and number of bedrooms to be rented) and the local contact person's information must be mailed or delivered to residents and property owners of property abutting and across the street from the short-term rental. ii. If the Type I short-term rental is located in a multi-farnHy building, the notification letter must be mailed or delivered to all recognized organizations whose boundaries, include the short-term rental, the property manager if there is one, and all residents and owners of dwelling units abutting, across the hall from, above, and below the short-term rental. iii. A copy of the notification letter and a list of the names and addresses of all the residents and property owners that received the notification must be submitted with the short-term rental application. b. For Type H and Type Ill -A short-term rental permits, notice must be provided per the noticing procedures in BMC Chapter 21. 10, Procedures and Administration, c. The Planning Director shall prepare a set of "good neighbor guidelines" that must be included in the rental agreement and posted in the short-term rental unit, which includes at least the following: i, A copy of the short-term rental permit; ii. Contact information for the operator or designated local contact person; iii. The location of the designated parking space(s), if required; iv. The location of fire extinguisher(s), fire exits and escape routes; v. The location of trash, compost and recycling containers; and vi. Noise considerations and other rules of conduct. 0 d. The City -issued short-term rental permit number must be clearly displayed on the platform(s) advertising or offering the short-term rental, 9. Events. a. Type I or Type 11 short-term rentals must not include weddings, banquets, parties, charitable fund raising, or other gatherings for direct or indirect compensation. The intent of short-term rentals is to provide transient accommodations and allow for limited accessory uses. These limited accessory uses must be consistent with typical residential uses that are allowed, b. Small, informal non-commercial gatherings of family and friends of short-term rental guests are permitted, provided the gathering is not a disturbance to the surrounding neighborhood, 10. Food. If a short-term rental operator provides breakfast, light snacks, or both to guests, the facility and operator must meet applicable health and safety regulations including, but not limited to, regulations of the Whatcom County Health Department and the Washington State Department of Health, 11. Safety. The Planning and Community Development Department must verify, through a City inspection, that each dwelling unit to be rented to overnight guests meets the following requirements: a. Each bedroom must comply with building code requirements for a sleeping room that were in place, when the bedroom was legally established; b. Each bedroom must have a smoke alarm that is interconnected with a smoke detector in an adjacent hallway that is in the dwelling unit-, and c. Each bedroom must be located on the floor of adwelling unit that is equipped with a functioning carbon monoxide alarm. If the dwelling unit does not have fuel burning equipment or an attached garage, a carbon monoxide alarm is not required, 12. Age Requirement, The person booking the short-term rental shall be over the age of 25 years old. 13. Licenses and Taxes. a. Short-term rental operators shall meet all local, state and federal requirements regarding licenses and taxes, b. Proof of a valid business license is required with the short-term rental permit application. 14. Insurance, Short-term rental operators shall maintain liability insurance appropriate to cover the short-term rental use in the aggregate of not less than $1,000,000 or conduct each short-term rental transaction through a platform that provides equal or greater insurance coverage. 15. Renewal. Short-term rental permits must be renewed on or before January 1 of every even -numbered year, 16. Non -transferability. Short-term rental permits are not transferrable to another operator or (location, 17. Permit Revocation. a. If an operator fails to comply with the regulations of this section and conditions of approval, the Planning Director shall work with the applicant to achieve voluntary compliance. If voluntary compliance cannot Ibe achieved, the Planning Director may revoke a short-term rental permit for failure to comply with the iregulations of this section. Any such decision may be appealed to the Hearing Examiner in accordance with BMC 21.10.250. b. A legally -established, previously -approved bed and breakfast use is abandoned if the use ceases for at least one year. An operator seeking to reestablish the bed and breakfast use shall obtain a short-term rental permit to operate a bed and breakfast facility. c. A new short-term rental permit will not be issued to the operator of a revoked bed and breakfast facility or short-term rental until two years from the time of revocation have passed. 18. Nonconforming Status. No use that constitutes or purports to be a short-term rental, which was engaged in that activity prior to the adoption of this section, will be deemed to have been a legally -established use under the provisions of the Bellingham Municipal Code and that use will not be entitled to claim legal nonconforming status. 19. Alterations and Expansions, If construction, including expansion of building area or alterations that increase the intensity of the facility, accompanies the short-term rental use, the project will be reviewed for conformance with all applicable building and construction codes. 20. Relationship to Other Sections of the Code. The provisions of this section apply in addition to the provisions of any other code provision or ordinance. Where there is a conflict, the more restrictive provision applies. 21. Effective Date. The provisions of this section and other sections of the Bellingham Municipal Code related to short-term rent4ls will not take effect until six months after the date of adoption. 22. Evaluation of Ordinance. This section will be reviewed two years from the effective date of the ordinance to assess the impact of short-term rentals on the City's neighborhoods and housing market, N mmmt PLANNING COMMISSION'SOF FACT, CONCLUSIONS +► V RECOMMENDATIONS BELLINGHAM PLANNING COMMISSION FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS SHORT-TERM RENTAL REGULATIONS MARCH 22, 2018 SUMMARY Following (tie pubiic hearing an(] de4iberation on the Bellingham Municipal Code (BMC) amendments for short-term rental (31 R) regulations, the Bellingham Planning Commission liar, determined that the changes are consistent with and will implement the, goals acid policies of the Bellingharn Corriprehensive Plan and ShOUld be rc.,cornmended for appioval. The Commission further finds that the proposed an'rendments seek to achieve the fallowing STR program goals: 1. Balance the economic opporkillity created by short -terra rentals with the need to maintain the City's housing SUJ)ply dr)d 2, Protect the rights and safety of owners, guests and neighhors, I. FINMNGS OF FACT 1. Proposal Description: The subject proposal includes the City's first regUlations pertaining to short -terra rentals (SI -Rs) offered thrOLIgh websites sud-i as Airbnb and VRBO. An S'f"R is a lodging Use, other than a hotel or motel, in which a dwelling unit or portion thereof is provide(] to guests by a short-term rental operator for a fee for fewer than 30 consecutive nights, On February 9, Host Compliance, a company that monitors short -terra rental listings for communities, identified 214 unique rental listings in Rellinghan), The modian nightly rata for all listings, the majority of which were whole houses, was $95. To date, the City hasn't estaMshed "vacation rental" or "short-term rental" as a defined term in the BMC. W&IOLlt regulation, this practice could continue to rapidly expand, impacting the City's long-term housing stock and qUality of life. On the other hand, STR hans have beer) found to be ineffective and car) deprive the community of possible benefits, including expansion of the tourism economy. The Planning Commission's recommeridation includes a tiered approa0i of three permit types for STRs, in Residential General Use Type areas and requires a conditional use permit for STRs that are rented for more than 90 days per year. An operator may be a principal, spouse or° registered domestic partner of a principal in no more than two total STIR permits - one in a primary residence and one in a non -primary residence; howover, only one of those can be a Type 111-A STR, Standards, including those related to noise and safety, apply to all STRs. The permit structure for STRs in residential areas is SlUrnmarized as follows: Type i permit: * Primary residence * Maximurn of 2 bedrooms c, Maximum of 90 rental days/yew Type 11 permit: * Dwelling unit (primary residence or non -primary residence) * Maximum of 5 bedrooms * Maximum of 90 rental days/year Type Ill -A permit: • Dwelling unit (primary residence or non -primary residence), • Maximum of 5 bedrooms o No limit on rental days/year • No more than 125 Type 111-A STR permits will be issued in Single-family Residential Single General Use Type, areas Regarding Commercial and Urban Village General Use Type areas, a Type I permit would be required for each of the three STR types. Several standards, including those related to operator permit maximums, Type 111-A permit maximums, multi -family building maximums, and parking would not apply to STRs in these zones, As hotels, motels, and bed and breakfast facilities are currently permitted with limited standards in most commercial and urban village areas, requiring a Type I STR permit with a basic set of standards is in line with current requirements, 2. Background Information: The Planning Commission met in five work sessions and one public hearing to develop the draft short-term rental ordinance. Public comment was taken at each of these meetings. Meeting materials can be found at The work sessions and public hearing included the following topics: August 17, 2017: Planning Commission work session regarding the local status of STRs, example regulations from other communities and preliminary regulatory options. September 21, 2017: Planning Commission work session regarding Planning Commission questions form August 17 and draft regulatory approach, January 4, 2018: Planning Commission work session regarding options for the new STR code section. January 18, 2018: Planning Commission work session continuing the discussion from the January 4 work session to develop a recommended approach for the draft ordinance. March 1, 2018: Public hearing on the draft ordinance for the new STR regulations, March 22, 2018: Planning Commission work session to finalize a recommendation on the draft ordinance, 9 Notice of the Planning Commission public hearing was mailed to neighborhood association representatives and other parties with an interest in this topic. Notice was also published in the Bellingham Herald at least 30 days prior to the hearing. Staff held focus group meetings with the Chamber of Commerce and representatives of the hotel and motel industry, Staff also met with City advisory groups, including the Mayor's Neighborhood Advisory Group, Lake'VVhatcom Watershed Advisory Board, Lake Whatcom Policy Group, and Tourism Commission. Several public comments were Submitted prior to the public hearing. All public comments are posted on the STIR vw �bac g and were distributed to the Planning Commission. Concerns included the impacts of STRs on housing stock and neighborhood character, guest behavior (e.g. noise and parking), health and safety, and collection of fees and taxes. Supportive comments included bringing additional tourists to Bellingham who dine, shop and recreate locally; the additional income provided by STRs for homeowners and renters that helps them to afford to live in Bellingham; and the unique lodging options STRs provide for visitors, including parents of Western Washington University students and family and friends of local residents, 4. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Determination-, A non -project SEPA Determination of Non -Significance (DNS) was issued on (February 15, 2018, Notice was mailed to the appropriate agencies and published in the Bellingham Herald and on the City's website. No public comment was submitted on the DNS prior to publication of the meeting packet, 5. Consistency with the Bellingham Comprehensive Plan: The Bellingham Comprehensive Plan identifies the guiding principles and goals for decisions regarding changes to the City's land use and development code. The proposed amendments are consistent with and implement the goals and policies of the comprehensive plan, particularly those related to balancing the protection of neighborhoods with economic opportunities. Relevant goals and policies include the following: GOAL LU -1 Support sense of place in neighborhoods, Policy LU -4 Protect the unique character and qualities of existing neighborhoods, while identifying opportunities for improved livability, safety, and housing affordability and diversity. Policy H-113 Consider the impacts on Citywide housing capacity, affordability and diversity when making land use policy decisions and code amendments. Policy ED -16 Support startup efforts to make it easier for businesses to get started in Bellingham, Policy ED -19 Support the retention and growth of Bellingham's small businesses II. CONCLUSIONS Based on the staff report and information presented at the public hearing, the Planning Commission concludes: 1. The proposed amendments define the term "'short-term rentals" in the BIVIC and permit this use in certain circumstances if requirements and standards are met, 2. The proposed amendments seek to balance the economic opportunity created by short- term rentals with the need to maintain the City's housing supply and protect the rights and safety of owners, guests and neighbors. 3. The proposed amendments comply with and will implement the goals and policies of the Bellingham Comprehensive Plan, After careful consideration of all public comments, the staff report, other meeting materials, and the Findings and Conclusions, the Planning Commission recommends, with a 5-2 vote, the following,: 1. The City Council approve the proposed amendments, to the BMC as shown in the draft ordinance; and 2. The ordinance should be reviewed for effectiveness two years from the date of adoption. ADOPTED this 22nd day of March,208. Secretary City Attorney Z I ORDINANCE NO. 1542 CITY OF LEAVENWORTH, WASHINGTON AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LEAVENWORTH, WASHINGTON ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO THE LEAVENWORTH MUNICIPAL CODE TO SECTION 18.52.120 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT — BED AND BREAKFAST. WHEREAS, the Leavenworth City Council desires to amend the Leavenworth Municipal Code to clarify and update the Bed and Breakfast (short-term / vacation / overnight rentals in residential neighborhoods) regulations, criteria, and standards within LMC Chapter 18.52 (specifically Section 18.52.120) as a part of the Planning Commission 2016 Amendment Docket; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Leavenworth Municipal Code (LMC), early in January of each year, the City Council and Planning Commission sponsor a joint public workshop during which a list of city -initiated proposals are formalized, based primarily on the items docketed throughout the previous year. In January 2016, the Leavenworth City Council accepted the 2015 Planning Commission Docket and tasked the Planning Commission to proceed with the amendment process. The Docket included identified potential comprehensive plan amendments, substantive zoning / development code updates, and other LMC amendments; and WHEREAS, within the Planning Commission 2016 Amendment Docket, the Planning Commission has been asked to review and study "1. LMC - Residential uses review and update. A. Review and study Overnight / Vacation Rentals in the residential neighborhoods. Vacation / overnight rentals are not allowed in residential districts except by CUP. The "black market / underground" conversions exist, and the Council desires to address this topic."; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the amendment on February 3, 2016, March 2, 2016, April 6, 2016, May 4, 2016, July 6, 2016, August 3, 2016, September 7, 2016, October 5, 2016, and October 19, 2016; and WHEREAS, on October 28, 2016, the City of Leavenworth submitted the draft amendment to State agencies for review pursuant the requirements of RCW 36.70A.106; and WHEREAS, the agency review began on October 28, 2016 and ended on December 28, 2016; and WHEREAS, on November 2, 2016, a "Notice of Public Hearing" for the hearing on the amendment was published in the Leavenworth Echo and posted in three locations in City Hall; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 43.21C and WAC 197-11, the City issued a "Determination of Non -significance" (DNS) on October 21, 2016; and WHEREAS, a staff report was prepared and given to the Planning Commission on October 20, 2016; and 1 WHEREAS, on November 2, 2016, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive public testimony on the amendment and voted unanimously to recommend adoption of the amendment to the City Council; and WHEREAS, on January 10, 2017 the City Council conducted a Study Session to consider the recommendations from the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, on January 24, 2017, the City Council held an open public meeting to consider the recommendations from the Planning Commission and this Ordinance. WHEREAS, this amendment is necessary to clarify and strengthen the current code language for ease of understanding and for ease of enforcement; and WHEREAS, according to the Leavenworth Municipal Code purpose statement for residential districts Section 18.20.010, this is a restricted residential district of low density in which the principal use of land is for single-family dwellings, together with recreational, religious, and educational facilities required to serve the community. The regulations for this district are designed and intended to establish, maintain and protect the essential characteristics of the district, to develop and sustain a suitable environment for family life where children are members of most families, and to prohibit all activities of a commercial nature and those which would tend to be inharmonious with or injurious to the preservation of a residential environment. The "commercial nature" in this instance is residences functioning similar to hotels or other lodging establishments; and WHEREAS, the amendment is consistent with the City of Leavenworth Comprehensive Plan. Specifically: Housing Element Goal 1: Encourage the availability of affordable housing to all economic segments of the population, promote a variety of residential densities, and housing types, and encourage preservation of existing housing stock. Encourage a more efficient use of existing housing inventories in order to assist in providing affordable housing is necessary. The low and moderate -income segments of the population need additional help in acquiring affordable housing. Reducing such stock is contrary to the housing goals. The intent of the GMA is to encourage population growth in urban areas, reduce urban sprawl and thereby lessen the burden on counties to provide urban type infrastructure and services to large population centers. Policy 9: Evaluate existing land use designations and regulations which may be presenting barriers to the development of an adequate supply of affordable housing for all economic segments of the population. Policy 10: Reassess and amend as necessary the locations, densities and ratio of distribution of the residential land use designations to more proactively promote the 2 development of affordable housing within the City and the UGA. Land Use Element — General - Goal 8: Maintain development regulations to promote compatibility between uses; retain desired neighborhood character; ensure adequate light, air and open space; protect and improve environmental quality; and manage potential impacts on public facilities and services. Through these regulations address features including, but not limited to: impervious surface area and lot coverage; building height, bulk, placement and separation; development intensity; access and connections; and landscaping/ open space. Zoning ordinances are a valid exercise of the police power of the City, and provide for the public health, safety, morals, or general welfare of a community. Residential - Goal 2: Provide for a variety of residential opportunities that meet the needs of a full range of lifestyles and income levels. Designate allowed residential densities and housing types to provide for a housing stock that includes a range of choices to meet all economic segments and household types, including those with special needs related to age, health or disability. Goal3:Allow some compatible nonresidential uses in Residential zones, such as appropriately scaled schools, religious facilities, home occupations, parks, open spaces, senior centers and day care centers. Maintain standards in the Leavenworth Municipal Code for locating and designing these uses in a manner that respects the character and scale of the neighborhood. Many residents treasure their neighborhoods. Each neighborhood has characteristics that are unique and make it special. There are also qualities that are valued, including safety, quiet enjoyment, friendliness, and attractiveness. Goal 6: Promote attractive, friendly, safe, quiet and diverse residential neighborhoods throughout the city, including low- and moderate -density single-family to high-density residential neighborhoods. The supply of long-term community based residential housing would be reduced without the amendment and/or allowance of short-term rentals in residential zones. Such is contrary and inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the amendment is consistent in addressing state mandates to review and update the Comprehensive Plan (RCW 36.70A.130) and development regulations. The update of the criteria and standards are a part of the development regulation review process per the RCW. This update has been developed in accordance and compliance with RCW 36.70A.130 (WAC 365-196-610 and RCW 36.70A.130) which states "On or before June 30, 2017, and every eight years thereafter, for Benton, Chelan, Cowlitz, Douglas, Kittitas, Lewis, Skamania, Spokane, and Yakima counties and the cities within those counties" shall update their respective Comprehensive Plans and development regulations; and WHEREAS, the amendment does not alter population, employment, land use, housing, 3 transportation, capital facilities, economic conditions, etc., contained in the comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the amendment strikes a necessary balance between the benefits and burdens associated with short-term rentals in residential zones; and WHEREAS, the record shows that short-term rentals in residential zones can increase the cost of housing. Other communities have experienced a contraction in the availability of homes for long-term rental due to the greater profit available from short-term rental. With fewer available long-term rentals, the cost of long-term rentals increases. In addition, the profitability of short-term rentals increases the demand for potential rental properties, increasing the cost of buying a home; and WHEREAS, the supply of long-term community based residential housing would be reduced without the amendment and/or allowance of short-term rentals in residential zones. Unrestricted short-term rentals in residential zones is contrary and inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the record shows that short-term rentals in residential zones can have a negative effect on residents and neighborhoods. Many residents testified about noise and parking problems from short-term rentals. Residents also testified about loss of community when neighbors are a stream of transient guests rather than a member of the community. Among specific concerns raised was the safety of children when the neighbors are transient guests who no one knows; and WHEREAS, the high cost of housing in the City is well documented. The record shows that short-term rentals have the potential to exacerbate that problem, but they can also provide a means for some property owners to afford to buy or rent a home in the City. Renting out a room as a short-term rental can provide additional, needed income to pay a mortgage or rent; and WHEREAS, the amendment is consistent with Planning goals of RCW 36.70A.020: (4) Housing. Encourage the availability of affordable housing to all economic segments of the population of this state, promote a variety of residential densities and housing types, and encourage preservation of existing housing stock; and WHEREAS, the amendment has been developed in accordance with the Growth Management Act (see above) and do not conflict with the City's Comprehensive Plan. The amendment process followed for this adoption process is compliant with specific Leavenworth Municipal Code and State regulatory requirements for notification and circulation; and WHEREAS, there has been tremendous growth in the number and usage of online platforms (such as Airbnb, HomeAway, VRBO, etc.) that make it easy to offer and easy to find homes or rooms for short-term rental; and WHEREAS, the City has allowed short-term rentals in residential zones with a conditional use permit. These conditionally permitted uses were classified as "bed and breakfast" uses and required the property owner to live on the property and to be present when short-term M rental guests were present; and WHEREAS, the City received comments to relax the restrictions on short-term rentals in residential zones. The City Council and Planning Commission considered testimony of numerous individuals and groups and reviewed and considered a large amount of written material, including individual opinions, economic studies and reports, news articles, professional journal articles, and other documents; and WHEREAS, the record shows that short-term rentals can provide greater income to property owners than long-term rentals. Because short-term rentals are subject to lodging taxes, and long-term rentals are not, short-term rentals can also provide revenue for the City; and WHEREAS, although one study determined that HomeAway properties had no impact on the sales price of homes in Seattle. It is not clear if the same factors that apply to Seattle apply in the City of Leavenworth. There are significant differences in overall size of the residential areas and in the distribution of housing stock within the different areas; and WHEREAS, the record shows that the transient lodging and short-term rentals are typically defined as stays of 30 days or less. The International Building Code mandates additional safety features in buildings used for stays of 30 days or less. For health and safety reasons, it is appropriate that the City follow the 30 -day timeframe adopted in the International Building Code; and WHEREAS, the existing code language related to bed and breakfast uses may be subject to confusion and may be inconsistent. Amendments are necessary to clarify and strengthen the current code language for ease of understanding and for ease of enforcement; and WHEREAS, short-term rentals can provide significant private benefits in the form of rental profits and, in some cases, financial assistance with buying or renting a home. However, these private benefits come with public costs borne by the entire community in the form of increased housing costs, noise and parking conflicts, and the loss of community that results when residences are occupied by a series of transients rather than by long-term neighbors. Requiring the property owner, or their representative, to be present on the property when short-term rental guests are visiting will mitigate some of the public costs; and WHEREAS, the Council recognizes that this national trend and growth in short-term rentals will likely continue. There may be industry innovation and the development of new regulatory strategies to minimize community impacts. Therefore, it is imperative that the City monitors the evolution of short-term rental issues, including successes and failures in other jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, the amendment will not modify the supply of land. The proposed amendment does not modify the urban growth boundary in any way. As such, no adverse effect to land supply is expected; and WHEREAS, the amendment does not negatively impact public facilities, utilities and infrastructure, including transportation systems, and any adopted levels of service; and E WHEREAS, the amendment does not adversely affect lands designated resource lands of long term commercial significance or critical areas. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LEAVENWORTH, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The amendment to clarify and update the Bed and Breakfast (short-term / vacation / overnight rentals in residential neighborhoods) regulations, criteria, and standards within LMC Chapter 18.52 is hereby amended to read as set out in Attachment A. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in effect five (5) days after its passage and publication in accordance with law. Passed by the City Council of the City of Leavenworth, Washington and approved by the Mayor at an open public meeting on the 24th day of January, 2017. Approved as to form: Thom H. Graafstra, City Attorney CITY OF LEAVENWORTH By: Cheryl K. Farivar, Mayor Attest: Chantell Steiner City Clerk/Finance Director 0 Attachment A Chapter 18.52 CONDITIONAL USES Sections: 18.52.010 Application — Requirements. 18.52.030 Hearing — Recess — Decision — Final action notice. 18.52.040 Application — Postponement or withdrawal. 18.52.050 Approval or denial — Authority. 18.52.060 Additional requirements and conditions. 18.52.070 Use change — Conformance required. 18.52.080 Bond — Authority to require. 18.52.090 Approval — Term — Permanent. 18.52.100 Notice of violation — Hearing. 18.52.110 Conditional use permit — Mini -day care or day care center. 18.52.120 Conditional use permit — Bed and breakfast. 18.52.125 Reserved. 18.52.130 Conditional use permit — Two-family dwelling units (duplexes). 18.52.135 Conditional use permit — Underground parking facility in the multifamily zone district to provide parking for a commercial zone district. 18.52.140 Conditional use permit — Coffee roasting. 18.52.150 Conditional use permit — Pet care centers. 18.52.120 Conditional use permit — Bed and breakfast. In granting a conditional use permit for a bed and breakfast in addition to the criteria in 18.52.050 and .060 where applicable, the hearing examiner shall impose the following minimum conditions to allow a Bed and Breakfast as a conditional use: A. The bed and breakfast facility shall be the principal residence of the property owner. A property owner must live on-site throughout the visitor's stay. B. Detached units with rooms are allowed. Accessory dwelling units may be allowed to be a part of the bed and breakfast. C. A bed and breakfast may only be offered in a space intended for human habitation. For example, a property owner may not rent a space in an accessory structure that is a storage shed or garage. D. The maximum number of occupants permitted to stay overnight shall be two people for each bedroom, excluding children under the age of six. E. Bed and breakfast facilities shall meet all applicable health, fire safety, and building codes. New, converted, or annexed bed and breakfast facilities shall be inspected by the City of Leavenworth prior to operations. Thereafter with renewal of annual permits, inspections shall be conducted by the property owner via the "Annual Building, Fire & Life Safety Occupancy Permit Application" provided by the City with the annual permit renewal process. All bed and breakfasts shall receive an annual permit from January 1 st 7 to December 31 st, under limited administrative review, documenting conformance with City code and agreement to conform to all permits, licenses and permits. The International Fire, Residential, and Building Codes shall be applied at the time of permit for use. F. Bed and breakfasts shall be residential in appearance. G. Bed and breakfast facilities in or adjacent to residential districts shall not infringe upon the right of neighboring residents to reasonable peaceful occupancy of their homes. Bed and breakfasts shall obtain a City business license and separate annual permits provided by the City. In any advertisement of the bed and breakfast, the property owner must include the Business License number issued by the City H. A written management plan shall be submitted for approval as a part of the conditional use permit process. It shall include, at a minimum, the proposed management structure, providing guests with information related to emergency exit routes, twenty-four hours a day seven days a week contact information, required guest rules and regulations, including for litter control, quiet hours, parking and proposed methods to enforce occupancy limitations and other requirements. In addition to providing the plan to the City of Leavenworth, contact information shall be provided to the adjacent properties, District 3 fire chief, and Chelan County Sheriff. A legible sign shall be placed adjacent to the front door (outside), clearly visible to the general public listing the maximum number of occupants permitted to stay overnight, the maximum number of vehicles allowed to be parked on site, and the name and contact information of the contact person. Quiet hours shall, at a minimum, be from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., or as otherwise provided by City or State regulations, whichever is more stringent. The management plan may be modified with amendment to the conditional use permit. L One non -illuminated sign, not to exceed four square feet, on the exterior of the Bed and breakfast shall be permitted subject to the review process appropriate to the zoning district. J. The property owner must clearly advertise the bed and breakfast as property owner occupied. This applies even in cases in which the bed and breakfast takes place in an accessory dwelling unit. K. Driveways accessing a bed and breakfast which are more than 100 feet in length shall have an improved width of at least 12 feet with appropriately spaced cutouts to facilitate the passage of two vehicles traveling in opposite directions L. One off-street patron / visitor parking space, not located within a required yard area, shall be provided for each room rented. All parking must be accommodated on site. M. The Hearing Examiner may impose other conditions, such as additional parking, improved access, landscaping, or screening, if found necessary to protect the best interests of the surrounding properties of the neighborhood due to the nature of the site or the facility. N. An affidavit certifying that the property owner will comply with all of the provisions of the bed and breakfast regulations, Conditional Use Permit, Business License Conditions for operating a bed and breakfast, and all relevant laws shall be required. O. Violation of the conditions of approval, as determined by the City, shall result in revocation of the bed and breakfast and a potential monetary penalty of $2,000 enforced in accordance with Chapter 21.13 LMC. Re-establishment shall be allowed administratively with compliance and remittance of the monetary penalty, and any other fees necessary for permit issuance. P. Within the annual permits provided by the City, the property owner shall report to the City, the following minimum information: a. The address of the bed and breakfast; and the contact name(s) of the property owner. b. The total number of nights that the bed and breakfast was occupied for transient accommodation or lodging. c. The property owner shall both have legal responsibility for the collection of all applicable taxes and remittance of the collected tax. d. The property owner must provide its clients or potential clients the following disclosure: "On January 24, 2017, the Leavenworth City Council adopted the new Bed and Breakfast Ordinance reiterating its existing prohibition on the rental of entire dwellings as vacation rentals. The new Bed and Breakfast Ordinance also legalized the short-term rental of a portion of a person's home when the property owner lives on-site throughout the visitor's stay and when the property owner obtains appropriate permits, including a business license. The property owner is also required to collect and remit necessary taxes." Q. The City of Leavenworth hereby adopts a fire and life safety self -inspection program for bed and breakfast facilities operating within the city limits of Leavenworth. After the initial inspections with permitting, the property owner from that time forward, shall conduct a self -inspection of their property annually and submit a self -inspection form to the city no later than 30 days after receipt from the city. The inspection is to be conducted by the property owner, or their designee. R. A standard letter from the city will be mailed to the property owner requiring the self - inspection. A partial list of fire and building inspection review elements will be included with the inspection form. The City supplied self -inspection form shall be completed and signed by the property owner and returned to the city. A copy of the Certificate of Occupancy or Change of Use permit application must accompany the self -inspection form together with the applicable application fee as established by resolution of the city of Leavenworth. S. In the event a property owner fails to timely file the self -inspection form with the city of Leavenworth, the city may order an on-site inspection by the city building and/or fire official or designee and the property owner shall be billed the applicable fee for said on- site inspection. Random inspections may be conducted by the City at the City's discretion. Within a three (3) year cycle, all properties shall be inspected by the City. The inspection fee shall be established by resolution of the city council. T. Any person, partnership, association, firm or corporation who violates or fails to comply with this chapter is guilty of a civil infraction and is subject to the civil penalties and remedies and corrective actions as set forth in LMC Chapter 21.13. 9 10