HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-12-18 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes
City Hall Council Chambers
December 12, 2018
Call to Order
Chairwoman Patricia Byers called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
Roll Call
YPC Members Present: Chairwoman Patricia Byers, Vice -Chair Al Rose, Bill Cook,
Leanne Hughes -Mickel
YPC Members Absent: Robert McCormick, Philip Ostriem, Jacob Liddicoat (all excused)
Staff Present: Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager; Lisa Maxey, Planning
Council Liaison: Jason White, District 2 (absent)
Others: Sign -in sheet in file
Staff Announcements — None noted.
Audience Participation - None noted..
Approval of Meeting Minutes of November 14 2018 — Vice -Chair Rose asked if the survey
was done for the land by the Wastewater Treatment Plant site as required for the
Comprehensive Plan Amendment and concurrent Rezone. Calhoun confirmed the survey was
completed. It was motioned by Vice -Chair Rose and seconded by Commissioner Hughes -Mickel
to approve the meeting minutes of November 14, 2018. The motion carried unanimously.
Recap of Planinina Commission Items for 2018 — Calhoun announced that the Commission
held 19 meetings in 2018, 7 of which included public hearings. He reminded the Commission
that a non -project rezone is scheduled for their January 9th meeting and that the rezone will not
be affected by the recently approved text amendment pertaining to new requirements for
rezones. He briefly touched on the text amendments, rezones, and Comprehensive Plan
Amendments the Commission reviewed this year and reported when ordinances for those
requests will become effective. Vice -Chair Rose requested to see the new map showing the
land affected by the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and concurrent Rezone near the
Wastewater Treatment Plant site. Calhoun indicated he can provide the map.
Calhoun passed around a printout of an Affordable Housing Report PowerPoint which
Community Development Director Joan Davenport prepared to present to City Council. Calhoun
explained that in the upcoming year the Commission may review alternative housing options,
including townhouses and small -lot single-family houses, and how those would correspond to
the Subdivision Ordinance. He made it known that City Council budget sessions proposed a
new analysis of zoning and subdivision fees to capture 100% of the cost to process those
applications. He explained that the Planning Commission would need to be involved in this
regard as the fee schedule is dictated by the Zoning Ordinance.
Calhoun added that the topic of codifying a definition for "congregant living facility" may
resurface during affordable housing discussions. He explained that the text amendment initiated
in 2017 for revising the "multi -family dwelling" definition accommodates development of tiny
homes, which may return as a topic of discussion as proposals are made for that type of
housing. Discussion ensued on the definition of tiny homes and how they are distinguished from
other housing types. Calhoun further clarified that with the revision of the multi -family definition,
multiple residences can be put on a large lot in a "clustered" fashion with common amenities.
Commissioner Cook stated his interest in seeing the 2018 statistics for housing permits.
Calhoun retrieved a building permit statistics report from the Code Administration webpage and
read aloud the number of single-family, duplexes, and multi -family structures permitted this year
(up to November) in comparison to last year, highlighting that many more permits have been
issued this year.
Other Business — Vice -Chair Rose asked if there are any Comprehensive Plan Amendment
requests anticipated for next year, to which Calhoun replied that he's not aware of any at this
point in time. Vice -Chair Rose then asked what outreach process is performed. Calhoun
answered that formal notice is only provided once the process is officially open, but that he can
inquire those who frequently submit requests on behalf of property owners around the city.
Commissioner Cook brought up the County's plan to divert Shaw Creek to alleviate flooding
problems and asked if someone from Yakima County can report to the Commission on that topic.
Calhoun replied that he is meeting with Yakima County next week to discuss having joint meetings
and can bring up this issue.
Commissioner Cook asked if there are any potential annexations that staff is aware of to which
Calhoun replied no.
Adm - A motion to adjourn to January 9, 2019 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting
adjourned at 3:24 p.m.
Chairwman Byers Date
This meeting was filmed by YPAC.,. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Planning Specialist.