HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-22-17 YPC PacketFOR THE OWN a S „% DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 4 JoanDavenport, €� � ��osioi p �. . r: ort, AICP, Director ` PA129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning City of Yakima Planning Commission PUBLIC MEETING City Hall Council Chambers Wednesday March 22, 2017 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. YPC Members: Chairman Scott Clark, Vice -Chair Patricia Byers, Al Rose, Bill Cook, Peter Marinace, Gavin Keefe Council Liaison: Avina Gutierrez City Planning Staff: Joan Davenport (Community Development Director/Planning Manager); Jeff Peters (Senior Planner); Joseph Calhoun (Senior Planner); Eric Crowell (Assistant Planner); Rosalinda Ibarra (Administrative Assistant); and Lisa Maxey (Planning Specialist) Agenda I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Staff Announcements IV. Audience Participation V. Approval of Meeting Minutes of February 22, 2017 and March 8, 2017 VI. Comprehensive Plan 2040 Update Process « Critical Area/Shoreline Regulations Update: Best Available Science Recommendations • Proposed Development Regulations VII. Other Business VIII. Adjourn Next Meeting: April 12, 2017 Yak „ma ��m�uuuu� AWN Al IIIA vk%,\ " "I Al PlariniAnMA �`"""'"A ng City of Yakima Planning Commission City Hall Council Chambers Wednesday March 22, 2017 Beginning at 3:00 p.m. Public Meeting *PLEASE WRITE LEGIBLY' Y I.._ �... Page .....1.........._W...... _.. ...... 03/22/2017 YPC M_________e_..___'. ..... Mee... 2017 Development Regulations Update City of Yakima 2017 GMA Updates Page 1/69 YMC Chapter 14.20.160 SUBDIVISION.......................................................................................................... 2 YMC Chapter 15.06 OFF STREET PARKING AND LOADING ............. „,..,.,,,..,.,,..,....,....,. ....... ,,.,,,.... ,. 2 YMC Chapter 15.27 CRITICAL AREAS----- ......... .... ... ............... ......... 2 YMC Title 17 SHORELINES ........ ..................... ......... ........... ........ ............ ....,..,,,.. „ . ........... ......44 The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 2/69 YNIC Chapter 14.20.160 SUBDIVISION 14.20.160 Preliminary Plat -Expiration of approval -Extension -Conditions. A. Approval of preliminary plats of proposed subdivisions shall expire flye­yem.szn ffic tinlefines Wow from the date of city council approval thereof. The council shall, upon written application of the subdivision applicant at least 30 days prior to such expiration, grant an extension for a maximum period of one year upon a showing that the applicant has attempted in good faith to submit the final plat within the fin"AA thnefin e..1"he a 1, 1 S- I q N -n j C-7 y g �yKr j f t I i ,dal , o (1n,1 i � i i Tjpt N,oval is on or rWffic(__.c_0_f1 U'91014 IARL�J)J' �N'jjjjs oil or aner janua dal - Ra _J'_M 3. i -A yg�pis I ocatcd whh�n c4yj,njis jnotspb eg, to ffie shorell' W L and .. ... ..... ------ "j9- Or— YMC Chapter 15.06 OFF STREET PARKING AND LOADING 15,06,035 Llectric k1chicle Char A: [Jeetric VCHCIC as defined'jq&�9J, als fbr on resogree lands or in c.ritical areas: pjincip5jl_g�g nnffic B- 1,J3_2 L C j7R') _j tk3_ M _1_' ---- ..1' atla4_\, I dkiricN. 2. u, As, a )f�,,�ygy _pD. !� J x),01tic on -sir tj),qL�jjc Id gjlr Ti i _i� 03 A�t YMC Chapter 15.27 CRITICAL AREAS Part Five. Fish and Wildlife Habitat and -X41'041 ream iscrva tit rii A reas Article IV. Wale�r rind, Buffer Requirements 15 27 5 n.I ata,ir dependent uses i527Jp2 15,27,513- 15.27.5140 Vegetative buffers. Article V. Land Modification Development Standards 15.27.515 Ir Roads, railroads, and parking. 15.27.5162 Utility transmission lines and facilities. 15.27.51731 81*)re plasm stabilization. 15.27.5184r Dredging and excavation. 15.27.5195, Filling. 15.27.520116 Commercial mining of gravel. 15.27.52117 Reclamation. 15.27.120 Purpose of chapter. The purpose of this chapter is to establish a single, uniform system of procedures and standards for development within designated critical areas outside of St'1c90 -j0j1 cjpA15jigion within the incorporated city of Yakima, aw­ti K,4jrbaii - (Ord. 2008-46 § I (part), 2008). The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015, 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 3/69 15.27.130 Intent of chapter. A. This chapter establishes policies, standards, and other provisions pertaining to development within designated critical areas regulated under the provisions of the Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A) and development regulated under the National Flood Insurance Program. flood ha/ and aata d�l,� fish and vvild.irla9 habitat conservation a.�'r"as, V"JC.`��.� atl6i.l,�n� Flo a9f I i4; MllAv,faaa.r' r l .raa ; aiv as. wi,d f ti�a#�PdafM„ ".;rl-�aW'r'rr�ww�, '�rtr r rla awa;ara`iakwh , d1fnd-fiyo"<m'...areas with a critical recharging effect on aquifers used for potable water; @r4�ir aaah iidgrbw Imbilaat awum st rvarti+. n areas, -e,quinitly 1lootied- constitute the city of Yakima's critical areas pursuant to WAC 365- 190-030. These areas are of special concern to the people of the city of Yakima and the state of Washington because they are environmentally sensitive lands, or hazardous areas, which comprise an important part of the state's natural resource base. The policies, standards, and procedures of this chapter are intended to: 1. Preserve development options within designated critical areas where such development will result in the level of "no net loss" of the functions and values of the critical areas; 2. Where appropriate, avoid uses and development which are incompatible with critical areas; 3. Prevent further degradation of critical areas unless the degradation has occurred beyond feasible protection; 4. Conserve and protect essential or important natural resources; 5. Protect the public health, safety, and general welfare; 6. Further the goals and policies of the 1,47•Compi a hepsivc i'hatl 20,4 0 Ya.is,J-ve Plan; 7. Implement the goals and requirements of the Washington Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A), and the National Flood Insurance Program (CFR Title 42); 8. Recognize and protect private property rights; and 9. Provide development options for landowners of all existing lots to the greatest extent possible, through the establishment of adjustment, reasonable use, and nonconforming use and facility provisions. B. The policies, standards and procedures of this chapter are not intended to: 1. Regulate the operation and maintenance of existing, legally established uses and structures, including but not limited to vegetative buffers on existing uses that have been reduced in width prior to the effective date of this chapter; 2. Result in an unconstitutional regulatory taking of private property; 3. Require the restoration of degraded critical areas for properties in a degraded condition prior to the effective date of this chapter, unless improvement of the buffer is needed for new development proposed on the property; 4. Presume that regulatory tools are the only mechanism for protection; or 5. Prohibit the use of valid water rights. (Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008).. 15.27.140 Applicability. A. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to any new development, construction, or use within the incorporated portion of the city of Yakima,outside utside of _.sh rel l n prwr isdir paaarf� designated as a critical area and upon any land mapped and designated as a special flood hazard area under the National Flood Insurance Program. However, this chapter does not apply to the situations below, except that the flood hazard protection provisions of Part Four of this chapter will continue to apply as determined by YMC 15.27.400 through 15.27.406: The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 4/69 1. Within designated critical areas, there may exist lots, structures, and/or uses which were lawfully established prior to the adoption of this chapter, as provided below, but which would be subsequently prohibited, regulated, or restricted under this chapter. Such existing lots, structures, and/or uses shall be classified as legally nonconforming uses. 2. It is the intent of this chapter to permit these pre-existing legally nonconforming uses and structures to continue until such time as conformity is possible: a. Critical areas on federally owned lands are not subject to the provisions of this chapter; b. Minor, temporary, or transient activities (including those of a recreational nature) that do not alter the environment or require a dedicated staging area, use area, or route (including temporary signs) are not subject to this chapter; c. Mining, as defined in YMC 15.27.200, which is carried out under a Washington Department of Natural Resources reclamation permit is not subject to the geologically hazardous areas provisions of this chapter for erosion hazard areas, oversteepened slope hazard areas, landslide hazard areas and suspected geologic hazard areas. Other critical areas provisions continue to apply. B. The adoption and amendment dates of the relevant regulations are provided below: 1. Critical areas ordinance adopted 1998; 2. Flood hazard ordinance adopted 1981; and 3. Other rules and regulations, including the city of Yakima subdivision ordinance (YMC Title 14), the city of Yakima urban area zoning ordinance (YMC Title 15), and the buildings ordinance (YMC Title 11), shall remain in full force and effect as they apply to a designated critical area. Wherever the requirements of this chapter conflict with the requirements of the Yakima urban area zoning ordinance, the subdivision ordinance or any other lawfully adopted municipal rules or regulations, the most restrictive standards shall apply. (Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008). 15.27.200 Definitions generally. Definitions listed in Part Two of this chapter shall be applied to the regulation, review, and administration of all critical areas, including flood hazard areas, unless the definition itself identifies the term as applying to flood hazard administration, in which case the definition only applies to that situation. "Bank stabilization" ineans the construction or modification of bulkheads, ret<wh6n .�Jt.allr;,.�lnl�� , levees, a-apaa 4,re,: brcrakwatei:, .ta,tiur , �ii��lni :,. .c,�g �..ltad offs r staulw lur s,"tVwlw,yi M, �i G� utr& . Nawo t9q , �auxal iisp cid �ciui.,iicasil�wnt ,gbaKu�ll aindeae lmit'p�y cru b ank c,;arosion. "Breakwater" means a fixed or floating ca&li' F iic,'iium �wditc,;r, structure that protects the shore ban -k. from the forces of waves or currents. "Bulkhead" means a vertical or nearly vertical erosion protection structure placed parallel to the sheie-bank consisting of concrete, timber, steel, rock, or other permanent material not readily subject to erosion. "Fill" means the addition of any material, such as (by way of illustration) earth, clay, sand, rock, gravel, concrete rubble, rubble, wood chips, bark, or waste of any kind, which is placed, stored or dumped upon the surface of the ground resulting in an increase in the natural surface elevation. The physical structure of a Zan ksisere stabilization structure shall not be considered fill. However, fill placed behind the structure is considered fill. Stream bed manipulation for irrigation diversions shall not be considered fill. "Fish and andwiliitl.l..(t� i,i ni atal aairsc rywn;(,aaaar...nl,i, ,iiia ....i rat annarratgtihtc,r,t,t;(t,;a ilk airitnaalliln l a; pailat,t tis,atV sptc nes in suitable I,uRu(routit sws¢Ittrl,their it imam lr a+glwtl lout aim ,�tslazt m+rlr, so that.th %��t,�;itat avaawa�,�zbIc i suri;eaeur.l.tc? sial�,p2g a,�,(almt- 1a .q,�uiataoals a a r t_(t. ltnn tpaiai anti. usnalniwted sui)lnu�.l) i atictns�ara not. re<ated. i lots Mlles matt mean na lintaininie all 41(h0dui ils ollrail feu aes_.�ll', lffl thill.sv but it does nleannjiol, devr.adin vl of ��u);�a�rtit�.t�a�niu��a aait�ls its habil ats so Qual_t9try The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 5/69 d'rIT tans &,a�arut c viat#,ul,e, ovr7..,,tpac ,laluag tennnr (' cbttaamtles and r ntil s a°baunaQaimr.an,gaaae uu�„a�ool, t�utum����,P� !Lqj,�¢..��nd Coordination lra las dlro . uaua laruWau , ilcu nae pmea111jattio n viantbrlrly.;, "Fish and v...i.ld..ute habitat�lnsrvatio ar.................................as” reas that sc.rufie a crd�ad r �jn,,� ata �,yl ..1........................ 1pt"'Cies,Rau the Velma ti0nua,l,_uuntegyrtl a11,..tlnw e,cu systc;;-Q,,tnrral abrl.lu, ;q t�kt.,re dry. may red uc tit lik lih,ourtl ti�4tG:.thpsl�umcies ^ul@ l rum,a;l,�_tw n. hs, 1a�u"ain I u nn.lm.., t II SC.3reas,uau�.ly..iwlcClnrgt� ut tru_c l our �gaabiied to, ram w,o vuhierable yY t utr .,_ cbutuaiat�pn;lu,4ut ,, and haliat,a or l abital t la,unerlrs kuttNta hq; lst�ttq tpt ggs,,Jlr �tlulI" lgtilulaal" tt,intet uru 1gP � ! �. x laacros"tu7ltu_utt u,eaua°odaur s luid areas with, l.gh twalaie*,iwdanraac l atµa�ly..?.taaaa..ot,nyy,lja.a..lWor s�cs tah ess Counties and itis miIwC ort�aala��azattspggusFIsha d wull�nlabttonervaio areas i of include .i,, 5rnla aaMllll'elaal Icawires, or e4aaayallntcta, as"„a;a,a,k atna7R Clel9etl}� i g6�5....9� latl°W6%ni gl'tlkN4tggbiNiR... r p,.Ya,}at�Rb�R a ;p9'l _.. 10 rauna uractcNh,tgundarea ,�....tict tl,an in i u tt�k�u.u4.l or ln�w ...i.�­1111111-111 ..., paaalira"aa'ay.- „I''dalnuwis on lea afl iva ort aunr e ” are deli arrratrd ats llsjr and vuldff'�abital cnmrvad(mi calnsed on af1(lur .lyo, ntlw� a i�w_.a.�rat tiap::..aara lana„ally ataalllnittanraa.., l�ys•luuuiuuc,�tlly..,ulattt�-Jrutual-u�r�.ut�l�•lt a"«�g-".•ltut.•ltual..il tlts~;a-steer,�tlrttil�a�t"l...nus-"t�uyal4il• ly.���.�u0�,�dtia�-aur i�aaalae�rtuuun!l�aa l tleeuvitn t-a'ti lsutbl tstit.uuwla�l.uaatutua t;ul=tNut "uuluue i tt1 e im auluubu aB l nlrarntiu pttuutuY inu YM(,' -15-;17J04,, "Ordinary high water mark" means a mark on lakes and streams which can be found by examining the bed and banks and ascertaining where the presence and action of waters are so, common and usual, and so long continued in ordinary years as to aar uu l<ITuul on flic wil or ve t talkie ryu a t:u, ruga ut character mark. uuupott the oil distinct from tlntut unt the abutting upland. , utrvuti ,„ .... n y area where the ordiunaau X hlnnrl7 rvwu eu lndna � aaaracnt lea laYuuuacV flee run tlauuaa v 0nna lit t rad ir..... .., .,.. . water iine is the eRevation of the unean annuual flood. �. _ m u m. "Perennial stream" means a stream that flows year-round in normal water years. t'(uuurut luaal LuL . unu wis at haabulat t ac wr atlu aauaue t o oa sr lraulaeautat w®<ulruc ten one or rrutuuw )ecj s An area w iassifie q' tyaal wnaxl4 llcul at it halwrr...abIle. or.rnaone_al� the faafNalwipg 4nctraVntu,tar�... c anr1allaln" aha+ aarrl,rlln e a enartlru n,c,wnfly w,� a da ;I1..¢nc w...i. n l.i.,1a, slut,n,ry di e,yat�.,_.du��u sinaalrurllu 6arlIua,ldrtjrtni, rtat” y Hdfife ?lrulnntrar ,raaapeautauar'l mala or wvuldVulelseausonaua,l a"lgS.4%jmlaawalru,n,rt �us,lu lr,r,wvnlalh1 rnov grentugnj(uuuttlr ag—trrnld,pyruwl Benin til.n Nadutant relaugy iirannt cl arw rugallrul�rs„ l!aig vuuluncurubulutw W h bi arra trite ationa„ turlurluaw pu l�r uc y, a u 9heIi fi'.It Int.—A, lariork hal i at nalay leer alpseObe.r�._by a uurti,alrua, vc°gr taticuar.._ty is ana_ban a doru_ntunkauntjfl. nt slncau.es that_ -u_" rrd' ]wu"uup.t:"rny ulaal-Irtun,uwu" e to ru_w�b sand n; ldl ife —A lagutna e la abnl �t nl4y, Ga��at � a rNw Sc alinrol�_.l1y "a successional essia nal stageu t tltwwrr�artuyclwa, ,a llr,la,url b ql iit akarnurw uxgnayq,sl ofat y��Pa a ufyw h abitwat elraauen suaa h aas talus siwalnvs�,c�ayewm� or snasagj) ark ;p ,y�,8auctau fish and wwrj1dHfq.._ .l2uwlwluit ,lr�rlrrt<alana.ry..gcnlat�uttu paint��aty..an�tc aap..uaraallaugrrm� ..�A�ln �nn,ll�„nrwaia,IN�,�r: " ruaruata lncu tr y' aaavasl lnc p.rrrwmr rlratunngg pKn,I rc rtiyq n icas urg man /or,n,a.asrranrei yaamaaral gnniaky6rarqs�tra auusau7ie r�rea:.a': ll n su ul l,ac,c la,u, ablepraganaiaattawua Mevrn� _ leu te,.a' ky_�spe, to aare,those thart._laueu t nauawr ofthe e ct heria-r,_listc_d Mom, X�.....' aashin Lpri_ v,taute. tante 1 p tcul ea.r:.. ,taare P,a,ralpga ge l,," lu , acs..Boats „listed ySpecie eau,uµ„those..q,na lva...6,a,sh au,nat wy,d$r ulv wlne G uc lyga l�ya�a,abnganaatcal a u tarltiaun waacl 9_ yt a ....1'...tbl .i.w..plaala,alrnaal (WAL DLI ' to l.U: err scnlAtuva, t ;rw&_,” .':.-.i_" ttl `'fir atc°.ingcapgt eB ",gnc_wycs_arp those Fish arid 1paran ue.s that will bu: ri vuetwed law "� 0Fnay (POL-lvt_r6utltl t'au gacbsaa-ibis listuna,g *rs eulal'auaals°u amtl:, thucaa r^unw q , o,r..S011sa6va aW Orrl_iGlg,tar kt puauaa and criteria defined in AC" 232- 12� 297, B, Vuln„e alllc . yl ,u± g ;(ions, uhielabi ,ant��rl s �atrtau1w L,Lo hlw�,u tlaca�uy wllra lu � uulugnnwa!JLS of kpflalartaI _susa�s.lntibl to nt gll, re.11nl lagulawn�aaancna,l d ,.a..lpnaes, With a ra.,llaycifi tiwaareaa Dnp Styaaaldw,ratc �� vHura rub their hiclunaeation tar,wsaala cq ntra ,. ..$vpw Tics all to rcautiaa;au d C,rrd,;uwnfal�ural, atsad/o f r ib al p.uailscaµu l,aWnc e. _Native and an,u tin ave fish, ylaa., lffis r, and ewilrHa9a 5ptpaes all_..r_ c aeadoa nl or a,ranatuauerhial uonallala tataaaym aaaali ru�CpypizeeI.lacies used Cor tribal cerernaanauaa.l....aand yaubsistcraaaa._puuuings w.tlaaaB anavuullea rralala tel a iaunalt...Vtr s ann...t guaara ra eau„ ..."n.pecics fisted tuuaelu r..the federal ul l irdamwil uG 'Slavic des ,'act at, l~l.l, he llrcapwbaaew�.a.,tj, cats napmalz 1l The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 6/69 4 lave-IRM141-4)64- EIF 4,,) r,,i G o n,, d ees - � 10 1,41'I'll') I y a mquirimwnl Ro abcwi 143 i ti 4") rt„g--b FRI 11 e V, tint! rVION1444W 11 stray nti"_ttiF,ecologicaJ,r tora 0iryapvsthecestabn1 or uperadigg ofinill4r I, runefions, sp such as d qpse listed in YN4C 1. x.27,504 that have been lom cw destroyed, through, galural events or human n0vh, J]ds ria a " be acc�,Lq�I�Ijs,hedI'l te e, cu, do , removal (�ir hiLrusive qd i � t J�y !� gpL,�t� i d to, - r �qEkjgqygA,arid rentuval or tr a cwof wxjc niiaterials, Rcstorafion does pot hl)jgy,,xu rctur tjn , �hq site: lo abod rpre - F", )yL(L,,!n ,ip grij, c o n d i t i o s "Revetment" means a facing placed on a bank or bluff to protect a slope, embankment, or shore, structure against erosion by wave action or currents. "Scour" means the removal of underwater material by waves and currents, especially at the base or toe of a sliorv, bank stabilization or other in•- waler structure. "Shoreline," as used in this chapter, means those water areas, the associated features, and the land areas that are subject to the State Shoreline Management Act, as defined in RCW 90.58.030 and the city of Yakima's current shoreline master program (duf-InifiensY')! CI_ 17.01 090). Lit KJOI vti t t i ng,,-Nt rew n, "'ISN ie&of I kscalJmj�pr!.,gtI -�i due �tq_t[ se S "s that are (,41oleil cmuxu to theiui r!giofl status or their v whbittltration tli ataic 11qIJq5,, ,(Raaffl -vo 4 r1i '11,14s -i-,Iulpi vf; +11M Is, I sted-a 1"11 bed'! J n Y lC, 15 -2-745 0 2 "Vegetative buffer" or "buffer" means an area extending landward from the ordinary high water mark of a lake or stream and/or from the edge of a wetland which is maintained or otherwise allowed to provide support for the performance of the basic functional properties of a fish and wflkfldhabilat conservationarea andstrearn ....... . .... . -- wetland and other hydrologically related critical areas as set forth in YMC 15.27.504 and 15.27.603. "W,aWrs of Ihe sime"'arvall hakes,rIvel's, ply1d& �L�Le. gl�,, irfland wate un(er un %,v rs a � w t s,�LpAAlj . .......... ...... otherother surface walers and wateircourses within the j,qHSdhnksn of ffiestaie,pflWash t ........... . ...... .. ....... .................... ....... - ....... . ............ .. I'll — , '-, - -- 11 -0411101oli. 15.27.301 Critical area identification form and critical area report requirements. inist'rative"o ffiw,iat or, baie wetlanil ions stwei (ImdAri Slatt&-WOOands klentificatk,)ri, and [)elineation klaIlLu'd tilifigafion: deterfi6nalioii, by be pons -1 as I d, I (11A a rei 1-20()( ), 0 r (pftrt)�-2008). 15.27.303 Minor activities allowed without a permit or exemption. D. Creation of private trails that are less thain two fiect wWe that do not cross streams or wetlands that are Rees than two Rot wide and do not involve placement of fill or grubbing of vegetation; G. Noxious weed control outside vegetative buffers identified in YMC 15.27.514 G; and 15.27.304 Documented exemption—Procedural requirements. F. The proponent of an exempt activity shall submit a written request for a documented exemption which states the following: 1. Why the exemption is being sought. The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015„ 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 7/69 2. A project description that demonstrates the following: a. The sequence of activities to be conducted; b. The equipment to be used (hand or mechanical); c. The best management practices to be used; d. The efforts employed to minimize adverse impacts; and I Restoration for disturbed areas anal„ra«ulagw«q.d,i�«�,Ib losi CHI ical areas finciIions following the activity5 wircla«aiiama.�««rwlafm;«,,ntraurwa• l«;a«� V«�«4 anal«�rarl lsarnuliaar«�«. 15.27.305 Documented exemptions for and wfldfife habitat conseii-vatioin areas and wetlands. E. Construction of a dock lin a°a,non sllprr l,wwia wale ba4Qy�. for the use of a single-family or multiple -family residence; K. A public or private project to improve fish or wildlife habitat or fish passage_uraat n«q�w, slw«ruu�nitnc avuu&cl°BnMad,w�; if: 15.27.307 Mitigation requirements. D. If an alteration to a critical area is unavoidable, all adverse impacts to that critical area and its buffers shall be mitigated for in accordance with an approved mitigation pla«� an«u al ««itaatitara Haarekln«aad ire«laaaca ««ltaall-be rnitlg«tt«i in aaeci-lil l:w««acs: Witlu the •' ” la«1a� l�epa«regia«ne«ul «�l"1.;«�al��l � r"a�lia«uaal �4iiugatia«M« 4o.;%sail«innl''tamiin Sl««le, lI aaaal 2-gts�l««ia,la 2.4;at1� aar aas„up�wtl«atecl)� ar�a� E. l ,�a•a., lnt spec«Pia°nl iva Y std” i5,2 7 tills N4 mitigation shall be in-kind and on-site, whenever possible, and may be out -of -kind and/or off-site when deemed appropriate by the administrative official or designee. (Ord. 2008-46 § 1 Article V. Critical Areas Reports 15.27.314 Critical areas report requirements. M. Compensatory Mitigation Plans. When compensatory mitigation, as described in YMC 15.27.307, is proposed for wetlands or fish and willdln ffb haabataat. cNiservationn areas c at ° sir ��Pr��, the applicant shall submit a mitigation plan as part of the critical area report, which includes: 15.27.315 Supplemental report requirements for specific critical areas. A. Fist and Wildlife, Habitat Conservation Areaslstreaana 1 ,)«°rid s. When a critical areas report is required for a fish ....and vwildl,iffta...halbitat conservation Ii asaare�a«+aa a««r«al«�«-tea ia�µ«it°aalaaf„a« «mgly «aaltat «I gait «al ««r «a, it shall include the following: tl'. A discussion an,f amr,y la.ala,�r lm, sla«le nn« local an«gyp a�.°,a,Inswat, re rn««a,lnls;,ndautions, which have bt,,,en dev �::a,nlned for l�awn_sanwgi s or habitats in the aaw0„ apd liow t.�aak, nim w�l 9a�c fla��aaa a«�aalerl wwr�.wa tla"lnaaa�u ��.,. B. Wetlands. When a critical areas report is required for wetlands, it shall include the following: 1. The exact location of a wetland's boundary and wetland rating as determined through the performance of a field investigation by a qualified wetland professional applying the a„pi roved fW r_uj„swolalnd «la liwaaaftion raiRatii, ai and aappHeaabna gi(��l_w:w9 aaainial �nn�illw. aaknl=mnP;tarnn t«at�«n uwwa Vaaanai 1�Ne«atalwanati«eaan «an«iha Rfi«� «atioan �laaun«w«aP ti�,canl«ra, ailydacati¢mno` ; 96-04) as required by RCW 36.70A.175 and the most recent version of the Washington State Wetland Rating System for Eastern Washington; A;q«na16mm-R,aalaawuata... revs..:..tihe anaafnroaaa6amanfdi �.ai,s".r�andcaa'I dan,w wt«,1aaLg1ion­11-s, a to ra�al lir au.teve,l_o st.airis ,array usr l suusw aawanlwna oa anwl ark v«,il _$E tanghflwa rsks E,o waf«� 1h as (pircnn darn zinics atstatpa�aaged.wa i0 p tai awwlanw illi quail,.laartra,ndaraaat°twfaaasaalw..._,. a anfinhilurn,all �i.caaws�av,_a aa'wisita.�andcatlaluc as:a.rfhee!_3111a�aawla!. ip,r anawnants Qara a.....'ll,law..lnnawlrarsw„ua oma iaria aaq,..rlaurtiw l:.lwaliQaua,f, ar a1m,aada«awl, is o a valuaata ltna �fa�awa�9 a,a a��alra a,c,f«,r•cuulwar•raaus nasal alcaarquwwna site's proxiirnitrs,IIo oil location, wuglniva «a,vwa il�laaaarl aagreiacc,tiowi �owna, a aaaaquaats Ilia alats aari«al, �fl l �....... .. a gni aal,arrsa «l ,a+ !kfitigs _a nd ra �rrrallan�wnd awl pr - law aa.ta conslrlsaw lion..�IaP <as ices',, rnrariialtal„l riga rga �wa,a�a,lrus, and a aria na iqa a rl ss aa..... w The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Pago 8/69 trttrtay utntt atr(rua rrl gasarra ,..t°tadiarrca.,tca„ trsanrt aaa➢ "uevarriat�tt,arl tlu.t glydgqnrn,va agatd lgttcrt4,.aa,t tN�utl«stlM;..re platio w,sm The ailfiorIuNit, i nrl aertttrrcd dnY..tNl,is uallortmsNntmId plc a oor dinaaled1. staj,t.h-( ac sttjd °aulaI as gasq,uu;i gra aNlbgagnen t_111, R)u slut q¢!'Itmu crific ad areas located on _tlat^_site. `'t..:9 r uti a ll� mvtiicr t..etl Nt Nl.x�t:��u,tat,re aunt �gwtaatn Lit gh��l�r�t� .�l�:.at d.tr,ar,tifie � pjie ��s,iora.�.i_ v d c) rs as dryalrtaualda)tat,q., yra a,Haa asa, tru l v,ineer Who us Nc VYsed in the ,Statcmtat t , zsN,q,urn tal,r,t„�,rsid ,ll�t�.?.&tats y^,Npgia nc ru rl.getlau.r,raa a al'riat aaN s , assess us,uentS.... lr,_._. LaWsra �_turll drc. Yc a rpt to ,ad w sa,cSsmalent: At sites Ntlxg,wsu,d withwkWellhead Prots�wcdasnµZOnes q ffir .tl.@ 1, 3, ud�rN,utaa�d,rrtSs,etlflorngr_27Et,MI a acrilscaglattt(ifiet,tlgchar tr<ami.! .lmoSh",rdlcouauttll,awev,rkj'0sNe, ty,Lr ,l,(WpC,�d t sas*.tarena,t as a cl'n ttzllsl� t�ulm;NdygV,¢,s lu,ulk tlCa tlaq rotl,ppo sal -re �aIated ink`;).rnNit ioiI al aum,lillmmiirn uln r'r_ Nu�ticwltlnaatraaal tr aau,t,uwuu t.Ncaalpgd ad ll duiau a agll nua c;N un cgls tar .9 C se NC ..q�LtlNacinu t z sign aa_c local rmiat_w i aagd t�,uGm� r9 aaNirl.�:a.9..Na ��a a���w.asua.auM q��tal�tid lan-s&� lsr utlutmediaatel��Ngattcp1t 4 t l sats. auit gat,t°rnue adloWii of'Ou.eutl minuat;aatattn one bused On existrpaa daatllm tl,,. qua lulyau wal s:p.attl.?ft.p.a.8tuaw dnmrwtaatn.a.aNyd ggki� qpA q,alllL,lN! qn atvtgiHalfNewNtl,sNata r�taab,v�ual., c, („Etq,r iilgd a4!m+ffl,alfle data aria welds umd5j-ru.tNt,i's %,,yJnCts, ,,30tt Nl ll of.t ~e Nasclgta � walk, lw tit._ _.?....au,u.<u,tq,on o tgldta r ci tl;t,nr aad ,luNew",,Nalg..ttdrrar;,. aru laws LaF�tcrs s dlurwa t, t0() f of of' the elect swuta W acvailMfl trsae ,la„en p,!the ar atn _ f4tl,u .. tNrsr iNu,l palvrNu,ut�l tltl ea ,kVwrrd�r F. FIMPllurrtlal q -___�. N, unyc 't�s?wan tva,t^an,�at...~re �as�rr�tsarae�ant.,� a:,. amwNs.ya V two ,klla,sjuasa, integre” aassesanauera shalN be rtl fired&tpu„an alr� NcaNlll. wtuu�r .tpt�,r�upsq activities at. sites docaated within Wed. heaall...Prot,ection Zones N tNar,r�w?��qu_3. .3. i, leiOv ties titanr su,uft in ,rotl�Nt":atalastl_ at atm lltwlar.t...tg1 IJ 2 ea tlluala tltt a. A,, H.......,Act ivitics thaat dilerl aalier_crl, redtacUu.the flow o satn,,[4 aat'.:..1".r iaaai�,asrc;tter,s,rrticdrua,dutlIt a& a kli wrrg rtn_ atbticr r; tl ra,� ace the al ;;duaaa r,ri ,offl a atllttiier. q.l;satyrcatt._dnaarrdgallu tarairtasatt Dasawas�t9xtuas.r..u,lalNud uroa utaar,N alNwaGuitNuaacaury sugbstanoos or hazardous, Ntult� uuaa� uaiAtutl i�ratr� �,ualat ��tap;dc c�au ala als,glsed aaccordi tut..the direcdons spas dtateN rran.t la taxa d a_a ,urn daft°. duailnes .d <agltlfications... iy. ..,. The „at~ti Qf a�ntKctrq"llt_a ^eNNs aaaeNaaaNrrnit,euira vcl_tlmm:�vNti.g� tskca,sa��s ���N,d�1ow cilrrvesti ,i)O , lrstgutus to caa ury dµa s, tVralar t,t (Et �aalda7mu a ta& tdlawue.r'at.gner ,agtay.yatlwgK titan tlnre Hnpiita d rad a n r�aprq;lata� at�rla,�t tsEwarotla;ma,y a��ut�l,der uut�u�t.N�y,. t,t :..lat,Nacc, aNl q, n, ,at r tit tl ti7 gr a;ll Nab tNa _k.taa ..---- ca..aaatiarrmngrvgN�'„� a, Nuataunaa anC Na'itwi r tta 9uau ,an,gl aacl'~tiatsase ad�tdaaat.tl aara ,�µt�taaarntiwv ad;e r adugwaal'gts mut �Eutunga�u�ala, usa,trtu t�iuw aa�ednaaaat asE td�iazcdru�Nat' it ltrsa d mora &l aE�tar e�all[.aa. ai asls s rala_rtt,,ihaall hicdurdw�...th EtltlI0wikj&Sata. guard qll_ lags ut_t” N, atewtNuwiinflorraration aut.mma rslmrinirlitauala i n,,, d dttallra„tag t�bl�,.q.a:apoir wane nts for de ve ctn by d�ua errYr,Ilcanl aassi ssanat uut:.i. w,_... Hktoric walerugNratjrgy aataud )Ry atollnn,.d al a ,Cam r lthe mbll.al;tlw yb aai�i,et�t�..�.� .ul�e l�ataal r l�_al� N,tlpr� l Mnl q)He,iJ Ibr atleastthe.,prev'ig eS fg�s �aaur glTLriod,,. VO,;,,�p,tl,�,Y;4ttla�N”wNa4,t,��r„C1l�Yd�pt4alkikVl"�.,gllia�tY.,glll_4�`uM1'flNCaNN:s� iii . Qjsc ua,sNon of the ef'rec t,s, all thelgr_ua�lgnsatN,�nr° rlcfa a algl.arae aaltttactwarltuvl llquatmlgdl' aarnsN a�u,gdE,lrp,q,t�.:,. [n C I U..d irrg.: (at.),,, Pra aNat,tavc,evaNlgaltu^tlnn a'af"da arra taayat ;u ss,u,ehdraawal awffct;,tlrga.rwawrb :wellts and sur°Niac water, features. tial d'rld-----------------------------unualuattu�f'oitatnirauat Iauslcit basecbs lttelial releases to t_p_ utrcaer The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 9/69 iv l_danartuf c ation ol:..l1av lys,!�,,imgg tiCS,,r''If,a gy Slg;,t iousp;M,ubstancc.s,or .hyo?,araCa���.�._niviter ""d Lhzdf_wiH be stored _Vrarrdled �l�ffuccp',�aa�catl. fy�a af�i�ycjrnra a�q 9yq(,prY'sq�'r )L,EfraucGuq;fugrr„ nn�a,al not hra itod teaai alerhug etch as elevator lift/11 ,cif ��a4oa �Vagaa� a �� ar apr(�a�u yaisat riab, rued dmur'RW clflts„ia a ctiori m aleri;als kine _froeF tlrv„ stray Ua.a. it'..t s q.a.&r�la,ai�. fya,e pa,w a l) ,l� a r awwn�r'dmua wziirltm a�, hsp uua � �N �u v.� _�a m rv, Pro ivasa,rRwluia alnaat �lQ sto all tau a�aG� ld�a...�ll�ov «ubst�aa�u„�u s tp�a ltutlalaa�tr�aC�ia�a7a�ur� ce�'�tt6aaaaBs lo, be used ,duri,irg auwraavtatiga m andfo pass oftlpt llyra�laaavc cJ �`rlr tgt�v:. Vi,...... l ruullc s alla, aa,uu..faur, rtmrl l to ,rutrub ..f 6t .Gari 1820 ( 1 rzpn tur�ran,m�'ufnd a'�mri"r, 3a�rmtmttg f"Onstruuction vii, �`a,,.S1pH1 J..1W.,1 t1mt ide ir,u,fags" ealaai�;a iDja _�ulolo structures uctaures that a raafirl�fwl'�arl t,u ��vllryua�.paw_a n rl,aulaa� �'... vini-U_Qa ass shAjj hickide frara, a ra au ,for.aa.. ati:ta riaw f)a la aa, a, ra�r, ured N,lad, av,ur a inl„ l) ,taU tL1res and arra altraa uut That could f aH. viii, a 4,tl7albltftf t6,mvu4a ..p.4ata d 1, ro,a"w,t,era,au,akaaa,ar rat l,.OnaWa a aa u4aa,nis s,llp 6„tad ro.s� ,E 4n.._dr ,alc4m� atl ,�,laa t,t Qti..la.a Tr r wuadf a( rrcr,l or co nt?ribu ted fal_l.aulvt ranaaa ntvai.,,saaaa n�_ aol�gv a uvtuaa rniu data ,tr,a, rylpwv�alla�,swaa;1, all y.his ori,ca ( and curtu art_ra,l;i�ut �wlra�) �alauulr�ufa� ra 15.27.317 Adjustment. A. Classification Criteria. For projects not required to be processed under RCW Chapter 90.58 (Shoreline Management Act) „�uwl "1`oQ f...Z._ alt t In paa,Earal C1i�asb r 8 r�l rara7l� a artrlgugt t), the administrative official or designee is authorized to administratively adjust the development standards. Existing structures, parcel size, property boundaries, and other constraints may preclude conformance with building setbacks and vegetative buffers. Given such constraints, administrative adjustments may be authorized where the site plan and project design include measures to ensure the protection and performance of the functional properties identified in YMC 15.27.504. AdJuustaa e nts a f vVegetative buffer standards listed in Ta ala Jaz 27 -4 and 27,5 -2 may be reduced to the minimum buffer width Ristllaruuwi¢faaQ roe YNf C l.w�2” Q and r w l k 5,27.604. Reductions below the minimum may be considered but require stricter criteria be met in subsection (C)(4) of this section. Adjustments to prohibited use limits are not allowed. C. Decision Criteria. Decisions on adjustment permits shall be based on the general decision criteria found in YMC 15.27.311 together with the criteria below. f. The use of buffer averaging or buffer enhancement plans by the applicant using native vegetation or other measures to enhance the functions and values of the @aylra;alaaivaglyalaatea�9cr�atuauh�auuuaaQGIp at6wls,Bv and wildlife habitat conservation area or wetland. 3. When granting an adjustment, the administrative official or designee may require, but is not limited to, the following alternative measures to protect the functions and values of the fish. an(] wildlife habitat conservafion area or wetllaund1-4 a. Restoration of impaired channels and banks to conditions which support natural stream flows, fish habitat, and other values; b. Restoration, enhancement, and preservation of soil characteristics and the quantity and variety of native vegetation; c. Provisions for erosion control and the reduction and filtration of stormwater runoff on into the kish and �vildlifhaarlaconwarvationar aaa�&da;acbuffer; .. ,,,t,,,a, d. Removal or alteration of existing manmade facilities associated with stream channels or drainage ways which improve stream flow or exchange of surface waters; area aaiind.... tl l fuunnetluoiins and e. Replacement of lost asl�. aan, wale n..f habitat caunsel"irataon ° wa°tlauaa„ yva1 ues4A!eaam eon kdaan '1.a"aat4ufes on accordance with in-tinas.W aas6aill gton -Slaa ,, -D epa N i ntmric of' .1 0aalaag s, many nraskulaal��>tanun tu�aty, Pnaud l 9 aaaal ;�x Qa laaaa lu. ilo.iQh uar a a ual7alaaa al lnu,Qa available sciellce; The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Dcvclopmcnt Rcgulations Updatc Page 10/69 f. Conservation easements for keyportrons of (i�l,lt uatic� ayu,laflalai 1;l,,tliitrtq ��l,rutsct�valluiroti �tu•w^ic�, �r,fllall,irf, or b of f6rs �I;r�,� o-eoiT-klor ji-ngwi2ly-and/or their inclusion within public or private conservation programs; or g. Vegetative buffer averaging may be modified by averaging buffer widths. Buffer averaging is preferred in the use of mitigation sequencing (YMC 15.27.307) over a reduction in the buffer standards. 4. The following additional criteria must be met to reduce the critical areas stream and wetland buffers &H*d iri 1"tiihrfr*� as-. and 27.5-2 dx2 belowthe minimum list idcndfied in YMC; 15.27.5 10 and 15.2'7.6114 in the ...... ...................... .......,........ .... tables: 15.27.401 Principles. Part Four recognizes the right and meed oltt ie river and _strum 'It channels, to periodically carry more. than the norwxaal. flow of water and establishes regulations to minimize loss of life and property, restrict uses and regulate structures consistent with the degree of flood hazard. In advancing the above principles, the intent of Part Four is: Article III. Floodway Fringe.Uses[Asi][CJ2] 15.27.409 Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted in the floodway fringe areas: A. lertaaillraaNf Any use permitted in the zoning district in accordance with this title, unless prohibited by YMC 15.27 410 .taaiiyl(1(td,,tliat,asaid Use k in caililaafu me wkli d wWllood hazard1,1terLgc,O n standards o1a,Y G'�4,C 1 , f . l,07 at l 1 5, " - 08 am bl aillle. i,.ii171il]aabE plll .try tc in alf IlatSma6lwll a l al, )m rwpuNl„la viw. ,N¢irl lu mala a;dl l u@1 td,tlat 2f.,! lcl� l�Pyaa accordance ith tlia.,.��alaai�wgy � r1grLdaa ]tina,ttlalt,a�t�kiorrs oaf µit” 1527 1.1ZJ1 ?)m.... AH rima w ncroayclvina.flllµs, tuuwawlacewa)l,gat litlll taa w , as tymttaai dyarol,l iyutrl_catlia m d fglamlaaiat lal it ea,iy9'a atrtiaq:l.. by a...t Wel_ed 1lraa�a �rtaiyywala7u tuawa,agSjlrovklgdidevriogistrattllglW(txatuawl[jyyy)faiLggic,an tia ny r5eirr9rrltp;r�adat�u.la�a.ourlrytl q, Nvilh y_(nlal l.ud i...uwalaatcy airouwf l a uw eta , 0im the ef"fe a c4'thi�,yiyl2llco olcro�uu.(taa e W1 lai��i ]Ntt�a_ WI Ille cutaqutl ttiv effocts or till luiaaul uu...-p ad tuttsufl�.a ua u f: -stun iury, la�aliU p ail aIjg t �;ta11 a phi e w�rate to lid° a�4"y�ta itacf ai rid! a�( the st abliislied &24' oy i'l""llikw c.il vi:� act>scllca„ irLni away the-natuira( flow of 'water' reduce the w��trly puag a yp�,nwmlty,ai� flnta,,llo�rw[v��u��..1w.f as l,.ult tt.l..il:lly uuaic,c$;lya tui f'1.(.,ald gcve f durlatfy clay aaattwaiai of the base....flood rltsCli<ll`"; Utility Transmission Lines. Utility transmission lines shall be permitted when consistent with this title and where not otherwise inconsistent with Part Four of this chapter; except that when the primary purpose of such a transmission line is to transfer bulk products or energy through a floodway fringe or special flood hazard area, such transmission line shall conform to the following: 1. Electric transmission lines shall cross floodway fringe and special flood hazard areas by the most direct route feasible. When support towers must be located within floodway fringe or special flood hazard areas, they shall be placed to avoid high floodwater velocity and/or depth areas, and shall be adequately floodproofed. 2. Buried utility transmission lines transporting hazardous materials, including but not limited to crude and refined petroleum products and natural gas, shall be buried a minimum of four feet. Such burial depth shall be maintained within the floodway fringe or special flood hazard area to the maximum extent of potential channel migration as determined by hydrologic analyses. All such hydrologic analyses shall conform to requirements of YMC 15.27.411((:l ))(3). 3. Beyond the maximum extent of potential channel migration, utility transmission lines transporting hazardous and nonhazardous materials shall be buried below existing natural and artificial drainage features. 4. Aboveground utility transmission lines, not including electric transmission lines, shall only be allowed for the transportation of nonhazardous materials. In such cases, applicants must demonstrate that line placement will have no appreciable effect upon flood depth, velocity or passage. Such lines shall be adequately protected from flood damage. The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015, 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 11/69 5. Aboveground utility transmission line appurtenant structures, including valves, pumping stations or other control facilities, shall not be permitted in floodway fringe or special flood hazard areas except where no other alternative is available, or in the event a floodway fringe or special flood hazard location is environmentally preferable. This does not apply to domestic water and regional wastewater transmission pipes. In such instances, aboveground structures shall be located so that no appreciable effect upon flood depth, velocity or passage is created, and shall be adequately floodproofed. (Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008). 15.27.410 Prohibited uses. im"(ta tcfflluuw, nruty uuw s bl, tl q.��l ibit�aw in the fl rcr l Gyula �....^ uuer,taraa lupe �nta V,tu,c6ltli .r rwtlgro�atlpa� t�u� tVi, hourt•e's...anij the ..Mtansion j i0jattuucutl V�����7��'l��ir �p d��s u� �V for or i:o be used for human lu ibilut,fi oau ut6..a...lttu uttuca,,u ur•t• ruaut•u1u..l... Including dw�eViVut�s turt�.lut.u'n��s(_(�sa_ "u�N,��"_tl_� ti�l.11_M) Mud a1y°u_k.'E ut�wa•uuuutua�re.uirt��tuuu°et�ltouute�..ttws-u�utai�ttlutu-eru-l�uuu��r�,�t�ol=u�roc�t�•uw�c-t�t��e�d up��une�°l�utu�l-#ur••l�rar'hs"but�,�d•Hitt-t��:rau�wra�_t'rVuwge tuvea (t rd,,2 tt'18Aul .,t..t..lmaurtt. mlt-ttt8;t (t(..�mxkrk r maurfc,Lop uuu 4u�ajtluu;�M fit new a onst;ruedon Cuutal_1ather Cie toluGt��u��.n,,.stat@��� aTuutuVua �utuu�ru l�u.;� �a u�� ��mu1 ltu_titict as guMtV„w xu zdu s ur -is Vtu rwt t l cd ,wttotr to ¢uuu ttl:uuutu_lt p:_ ,q tlutmtc.bt pt _4s_uml a <luaiyaGlix uta w a tl t � Vc rutt tt in accordance yyi> �u t ruut'uuuwc� utu to a oirova� laa tice that the c 'lecl "of tV%e_�aa�agc � � ��m�ntt t.tl�p��u Ott aka utroa ii°_r�itlu tBt� c uLLlpLdalt V M ,gffi� iS of all wnur,uu autwl of lututuB,uptu rsa-ta ftuauu tut; 1 �t V„utamt„t t, utca u,a,uVnV auu;�a ul .m tui bt ,.diverts ..tatmq utci.:of ttuu est ab �1����� 6(ualw w lr iru,wuu .n..t uaca,u ,utw uutul...0 (t,,trtuuA� t o u1 ut11uyuti tVrurrt,crt wy_, uu, ucuGuruuwtl!vty aanai lulus„ a ap,r .!t r ut.t..tV a l Lndl'vtyxk..1?pi utr, urlt_tru ur�yr u_uu lAu us in Il,00d P 0, ctlusr au ,_&c atueLLsgJI tLtt ulisc umm Ca Construction reconstruction of residential structures )vithin thed CS �wu tlu cl,_ IQituu�cltvaty: fth'Wi,...�N c.a ra;tiu`m (_....NRMfus asuturvstumutc wutua,.cs� igjpuuu a arit nts_to a sttuuu.•U y hi(,_h 410 auurt iuuwu,ra°alyt µt111 ,gu uliVua flap ua ug+ at; ' V utqrus,,recruuustru,awtVotafurualltu@¢lv tuueluls,tam,u_ trii�uto{m 5, 1 curoytmuttl_twklkh�loe,r_rutta C urvultu(b�...puaa�Vncrui( the assessed valaae ofthe structure either. &u'.... Before the repgir, reconstruction d)u...u'tuttauutvu,luucuat us...:wtdautu�.x,.tuu ., Iftlttw�,tn,uctuure,has be been, da a c.u�,aluW•s,•Jx.ta.u8ua t�caucri,tl�c•da'ru�•Nkac rtwuutgc tuc•�uuuuuu��... 3. Work one on structures corregl c wustir& �uut,_.0 Xustuuug .. ,r o ,s,t Y u s. Qf...tsr ,trt'letua,ude ul,lruw4t.sJgc�lelin the ff..�...”,',U„-ucwl.,.fluuclt.. 4 ..,...ntfsaubsectuort B oftiuiis•,sectuoi,i u.._sgttus,l' ue ( ru(( tia c rptus¢a,luetion and sUb tandal iumtlu,tu�,t,a utueatuw Miall, ccun,uluiY: wiffi at1_MMficabtq ()..acrd hazard a r••�•uuu tuauru..6�.t.quwxu.s.yaurwit oi...6•la rt Vow,. Article IV. Floodway Uses 15.27.411 Permitted uses. The is bit v�uug lash, a ' t gn'Ti tted in titin flductel_���auy. nnu..iy"+ any use permitted in the zoning district in accordance with this title; provided, that said use is in compliance with the flood hazard protection standards of YMC 15.27.407 and 15.27.408 and other applicable provisions of this chapter and will have a negligible effect upon the floodway in accordance with the floodway encroachment provisions of YMC 15.27.412(B). P+eu Rt4ed ut,+0tp i1101 d0 g p ii,,il'certiflcation by a �. All Il�.�w�w...encroachments, including fill, new construction and other develo meta-unle,u, registered professional engineer is provided demonstrating through hydrologic and hydraulic analysis performed in accordance with standard engineering practice that the effect of the subject encroachment together with the cumulative effects of all similar potential encroachments shall not materially cause water to be diverted from the The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 12/69 established floodway, cause erosion, obstruct the natural flow of water, reduce the carrying capacity of the floodway, or result in any increase in flood levels during the occurrence of the base flood discharge; 4C. Surface mining; provided, that the applicant can provide clear evidence that such uses will not divert flood flows causing channel -shift or erosion, accelerate or amplify the flooding of downstream flood hazard areas, increase the flooding threat to upstream flood hazard areas, or in any other way threaten public or private properties. When allowed, such removal shall comply with the provisions of this title; ED. Utility transmission lines, unless otherwise prohibited by this chapter; except that when the primary purpose of such a transmission line is to transfer bulk products or energy through a floodway en route to another destination, as opposed to serving customers within a floodway, such transmission lines shall conform to the following: 1. All utility transmission lines shall cross floodways by the most direct route feasible, as opposed to paralleling floodways; 2. Electric transmission lines shall span the floodway with support towers located in flood fringe areas or beyond. Where floodway areas cannot be spanned due to excessive width, support towers shall be located to avoid high floodwater velocity and/or depth areas, and shall be adequately floodproofed; 3. Buried utility transmission lines transporting hazardous and nonhazardous materials, including but not limited to crude and refined petroleum products and natural gas, shall be buried a minimum of four feet below the maximum established scour of the waterway, as calculated on the basis of hydrologic analyses. Such burial depth shall be maintained horizontally within the hydraulic floodway to the maximum extent of potential channel migration as determined by hydrologic analyses. In the event potential channel migration extends beyond the hydraulic floodway, conditions imposed upon floodway fringe and special flood hazard areas shall also govern placement. All hydrologic analyses are subject to acceptance by the city of Yakima, which shall assume the conditions of a one -hundred -year frequency flood as verified by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and shall include on-site investigations and consideration of historical meander characteristics in addition to other pertinent facts and data. The, tisa Within the, hydriluli idatiorms; 4. Beyond the maximum extent of potential channel migration, utility transmission lines transporting hazardous and nonhazardous materials shall be buried below existing natural and artificial drainage features; and 5. Aboveground utility transmission lines, not including electric transmission lines, shall only be allowed for the transportation of nonhazardous materials where an existing or new bridge or other structure is available and capable of supporting the line. When located on existing or new bridges or other structures with elevations below the one -hundred -year flood level, the transmission line shall be placed on the downstream side and protected from flood debris. In such instances, site-specific conditions and flood damage potential shall dictate placement, design and protection throughout the floodway. Applicants must demonstrate that such aboveground lines will have no appreciable effect upon flood depth, velocity or passage, and shall be adequately protected from flood damage. If the transmission line is to be buried except at the waterway crossing, burial specifications shall be determined as in subsection (C)(3) of this section; DE. Construction or reconstruction of residential structures only as authorized in YMC 15.27.412(E); EF. Improvements to existing residential structures that are not substantial improvements per YMC 15.27.200, provided the improvement complies with the requirement set forth in YMC 15.27.412(B); EG. Water -dependent utilities and other installations which by their very nature must be in the floodway. Examples of such uses are: dams for domestic/industrial water supply; wastewater treatment and collection systems; stream crossings or wetlands; flood control and/or hydroelectric production; water diversion structures and facilities for water supply; irrigation and/or fisheries enhancement; floodwater and drainage pumping plants and facilities; hydroelectric generating facilities and appurtenant structures; and structures and nonstructural uses and practices; provided, that the applicant shall provide evidence that a floodway location is necessary in view of the objectives of the proposal; and provided further, that the proposal is consistent with other provisions of this chapter an(r.1 th ei+y1 The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 13/69 ShotoGiile n n"ter progmm. In all instances of locating utilities and other installations in floodway locations, project design must incorporate floodproofing and otherwise comply with subsection t: t:: of this section;_,arnal tma•. 1�.�71�0*��, l��m�vi��9oa.N,•�-lu�.,.��lap����� �a�u��l�w-c�����o�ov�ale��o,.tl��t�; L Uvsmfse,efTect:s,.�ul � :� '�i� a�o� l°�ur� 1. wlio.n � gill uta:�wt e a V•t ra 9 ti < � ., � 0�9 II a el r �a r:. lol� l�rh d ,,.�.'latass�t.1-.drssiGursag�t��ysw,tragi,��m���ti�r����hl�;�s�l"Iatedmrou�w•tlaot-tl�� ��l�i�it;�t��•���lq��otoi�_�a����t�.�...li���<�cl�nr��wa������8f�-r� 3i • - he -proposal has-b,ee—Gaw(J4r t d thf-oug that l�a�t����u•�ta� i asa�hva„��•s�ail`at��utsstss sstl•�er-l6o�t�ruTds�sr•ds�ts�s.t.-l�awsewl�s�t1c�n�sst�st�fs�s� H. Roads and bridges, subject to the regulations of subsections (C)(1) through (5) of this section. (Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008). 15.27.412 Prohibited uses. The following uses/developments are prohibited in the floodway: A. Any structure, including manufactured homes, designed for or to be used for human habitation of a permanent nature (including temporary dwellings authorized by YMC 15.04.130 and 15.04.140); B. Any encroachments, including fill, new construction and other development,iauii��uss�rlasga5, certification by a registered professional engineer is provided demonstrating through hydrologic and hydraulic analysis performed in accordance with standard engineering practice that the effect of the subject encroachment together with the cumulative effects of all similar potential encroachments shall not materially cause water to be diverted from the established floodway, cause erosion, obstruct the natural flow of water, reduce the carrying capacity of the floodway, or result in any increase in flood levels during the occurrence of the base flood discharge; C. Aboveground utility transmission line appurtenant structures, including valves, pumping stations, or other control facilities, shall not be permitted in the floodway, except for domestic water and regional wastewater facilities where necessary; D. Where a floodway has not been determined by preliminary Corps of Engineers' investigations or official designation, a floodway shall be defined by qualified engineering work by the applicant on the basis of a verified one -hundred -year flood event; E. Construction or reconstruction of residential structures within designated floodways, except for: 1. Repairs, reconstruction, or improvements to a structure which do not increase the ground floor area; and 2. Repairs, reconstruction or improvements to a structure, the cost of which does not exceed fifty percent of the assessed value of the structure either: a. Before the repair, reconstruction or improvement is started; or b. If the structure has been damaged and is being restored, before the damage occurred. 3. Work done on structures to correct existing violations of existing health, sanitary or safety codes, or to structures identified as historic places, shall not be included in the fifty percent. 4. If subsection B of this section is satisfied, all new construction and substantial improvements shall comply with all applicable flood hazard reduction provisions of Part Four. F. The construction or storage of any object subject to flotation or movement during flood level periods; The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 14/69 G. The following uses, due to their high degree of incompatibility with the purpose of establishing and maintaining a functional floodway, are specifically prohibited: 1. The filling of wetlands, except as authorized under Part Five, Fish and Wildlife Habitat and the Stream Corridor, and Part Six, Wetlands; 2. Solid waste landfills, dumps, junkyards, outdoor storage of vehicles, and/or materials; and 3. Damming or relocation of any watercourse that will result in any downstream increase in flood levels during the occurrence of the base flood discharge (see YMC 15.27.509). H. d The construction of te iwwdikes. The listing of prohibited uses in this section shall not be construed to alter the general rule of statutory construction that any use not permitted is prohibited. (Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008). 15.27.413 Nonconforming uses and facilities. A. Within the special flood hazard areas established by this chapter or amendments thereto, there may exist structures and uses of land and structures which were lawful before these sections were adopted or amended, but which would be prohibited or restricted under the terms of Part Four of this chapter or future amendment. B. It is the intent of YMC Chapter 15.19 to permit these lawful preexisting nonconformities to continue until they are removed by economic forces or otherwise, but not to encourage their survival except in cases where continuance thereof would not be contrary to the public health, safety or welfare, or the spirit of this chapter. (Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008). Part Five. Fish and Wildlife Habitat and-theSta taarta Areas Article I. Introduction 15.27.500 Purpose and intent. =t 6aastn°c�raaun;.a�"tan�a'-admen sya�ta�a•aaua�laaaN hyni�ma�laa� 6nyal-ly_naaUanctl-�a aN aa� wnl. naa�.�, slr��narsa�;µ.�ntl�a,,-pa�a�nala�, •anaaa;#..r�etlnnnl'�aaatwl as troar a.al"aa ti°ufaau aunat iaag#alis.. +a uatl #es �a lantma n� # aia aal i aanu# gy; xwwaiis„ wetter, v iaal+tnn a ndNviW11, e,, -Policies and standards to help conserve and protecRm11S1p_atnd �vsga)Qulc, haabit ut,conserya ion areas are designed to accomplish the following: A. Meet the requirements of the Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A.172) regarding best available science; 1 0 w•tfi'e re( -'l cure rn eaWipuna uant tai-flooda"esi twitca�anstna�ch#taaasunt8ne��au.laal�tnadknana#alhig-ix)alo,„. ("7'..,....Pacrovtdo were,oeR la.ans.wwh mnuataif (41wotlnauI(J Auunr4kla nw,and vo1:aa at & i . 1 raavial pnusa;il`w#a � ltuu c'tinsidawuatMon (rod alternatives for necessary development„ construction, and uses within ,fuwla....aand_wuld afe,_haabitat ccauusuw,c ada4.aaa.ra guutwu� anal a aauntnad�uaa*anann nrria9�an annual o-atlnuu° ltyalra�la� ia�ut9#� aelnuta;,al anma°itic�aul wnu�aa�a; i. Prevent decline in the quantity and quality of surface and subsurface waters; FD. Conserve, restore, and protect fish and wildlife habitats, vegetation, and ecological relationships; GE. Protect fish and „wr ldalu.ta iaab att consery atutraru ww.0 as from the potential negative effects of development tau,gu;atn�u#u,trarua9uaamalaa#, lauuua uMau p0_waaalaprpg daau:, ll➢,,. ➢naala¢9 fish and a --u.._.. g c uu gut a atuu�m. m �w�ni, on pare as, t iTyhrough voluntary agreements or government incentives, l�vuni'o pw��attd�awura��ul-uautaas�'tivweaA�anal taaaaaatiabu���arv�n'lmw��alaae� anneal,. #..........# �.,o rai e ilr##u&aa nu°eaana,ounwervatua u-haiu#taats,.nwiC#uiau-hei raupatuartr# aMca.�gr auhuc laaw�atuw uz tlaauaau is uwaaaaaalanaad�al lun�nai nay-la#aa~uuuaiuug atau:al•:-�t.tltlt °lti~.l.w{puwra-i, 2t�118 The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015, 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 15/69 15.27.501 Protection approach. A-.--,ro maintain fish and wildlife habitat, there must be adequate environmental conditions for reproduction, foraging, resting, 0.0N'LN*;, and dispersal of animals. Factors affecting both habitat and its quality include the presence of essential resources such as food, water, cover nem and lack ofdi.qurbai and diseases. The city of Yakima protects fish and wildlife habitat through: I [)vskmaflon oftish and wildhl'� habitm conservatioti, ofhabitat and �4� . . ... . .............. . .......... ... .... ....... .... ... - 2. MmeMonflhalli lm-ftta�- Speci hc-waleFA )p�ktit on o I deve I o pjy c i ii 1 m and a rd s base G () 11 bes I awffla' Ig scierice wi pyac)p 1��' A�� L and wildlife, habitat conservation areas. -L y--LmW'A'yP!Qnn' -ip or plear he. F flx'a Pn.')teL40VI-approaLh 'stxliow"Or this-cllapter,(part+w-2008y Article 11. Designation and Mapping 15.27.502 Hyt I ro I ogim I I y- r, e I ft I Od V fit -1410, I - OVIM, 404It t I FVS)IL% 1! Zkl i o MI . X tanfli la: ry- h i#h-'Wwef as a&a ' "e6'aituotie iwand l� pands AnN,AAN)d-f.wone- arerft- ffie,edge J'Land "IkIlife h aiaitat conservation areas are those habitat areas outside of shoreline thal Tyleet ma ofthe c---rkcrki --ifsacd below. - — ------------- ------- 1, Areas with w1fleh state and rcde"W c"Ida 'm i " thre ntw ai -arid ary as sockation. 1-11-1-1-11- 11 2. 1 _batats, and s ecio �.')f kwal area a-oa taawaa aa -------------- 3. Nu,alurnb ','icres ancl fl,wir_s ni r_uqt�qjkqqi Rad ovi hrb dab i e, C de fish or wild . . . .... .... ------ 4, Waters (.')T0w i1y buffers and associated Federal F'IL ellic [ al 1& 1 1 I-------.-'-- - - L - R-MIJ-9 -q- _p 'jjdrex�) - ----- -- ------------- 5. q iarLd rs th i Habitat and habitats of local importance. X '1° i nclude- a-seasofla 1" range or-hab i4a -ele rviont-Avit'k Wh k4l as P, Mml speeio* lacy-a-praaatiiian;and -Ns,liieh , 4 f alwledT oloy-F elkicia, 4* -1 ih, 04 i'ho('xl-0'tdt -anki- repmdaee- ever -the- tong, term All , sits -' The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 16/69 and hab4ats,klerpa,t,diea�„b "Arf (..��, � P Granrip ��/a;l��rr1. o �ldnrI ��"�'�ies d��i h�tiwd_td��d(,.nMa n .d e 1bunnd in the_tn1y ifakiin'a are dcsigkpj, .,�p dlJj,asd vjlahfie haitaG_co conservation areas afforded �rotedo�under lti chajjtp,dmc '4 . Species and habitats of local importance may be identified for protection under this chapter. State or local agencies, individuals or organizations may identify and nominate for consideration specific species and habitats, or a general habitat type, including streams, ponds or other features. Proponents shall have the burden of presenting evidence concerning the criteria set forth below. The nomination shall be processed once a year through the annual comprehensive plan amendment cycle. The decision for changes to species and habitats of local importance shall consider: ai. Concern due to population status; hiL Sensitivity to habitat manipulation; ,„p.L Importance to the local community; and d;i.y.. Criteria used to identify state priority species, which include; ,(i;i„'l.)�, State candidate species that are defined by WDFW Policy M-6001 to include fish and wildlife species that WDFW will review for possible listing as state endangered, threatened, or sensitive; 4b d b) Vulnerable aggregations, which includes those species or groups of animals susceptible to significant population declines, within a specific area, by virtue of their inclination to aggregate; (add;d Species of recreational, commercial, and/or tribal importance that are vulnerable; and (ivd.) The economic impact both positive and negative to the applicant's property or surrounding property. Economic impact is to be determined by a properly qualified individual or firm using industry standards. Rb— Nominated habitats and habitats for species of local importance shall consider the following and must include maps to illustrate the proposal: gag. A seasonal range or habitat element which, if altered, may reduce the likelihood that the species will maintain or reproduce over the long term; 1ru.u. Areas of high relative density or species richness, breeding habitat, winter range, and movement corridors; ed i. Habitat with limited availability or high vulnerability to alteration; and div. Whether these habitats are already identified and protected under the provisions of this or other local ordinances or state or federal law. �,;(A. Habitat management recommendations shall be included for use in the administration of this section. t:'. ,. Development Standards. Projects located within habitats of local importance. or w.d bin ?0,(d �� d,t wig ,�f�,�a� wtipf locat i nipgr(anc , as designated in subsectionII,),_e___aund tf this section, shall no-t��nee the- -------------------�t�aa ht��lsd�eltwrev„-rntl�aen tdnatun n clugd�y ldd,,;l'he� wdfl1s development standards in YMC 15.27.508 through 15.27.521,aundnn nwvie� ia�m aaio nce eadead d m� ,a � drw kuga t9ly anaata i.nni�i :al�anenr. Inn_'sidwdotawno;l_, Rprojects shall be designated using management recommendations established for the species or habitat by federal and state agencies, or those adopted for species and habitats of local importance by the city of Yakima. The department shall consider the extent such recommendations are used in its decision on the proposal, and may consider recommendations and advice from agencies with expertise. (Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008). The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 17/69 15.27.504 Functional properties. A.aata c�aua� " luak � , p� pub iA ouul -� ��NuuruuV ,iLluK1.x.+n...Hsh and Zvilfflifi":.luabitat„i;uu Nerv,z6on , are as require a sufficient riparian area to support one or more of the following functional properties: 1. e'tnaa^4afn bS abflizi ngjanks sand shore fata'alakia�aRatl�i�a�; 2. Providing a sufficient shade canopy to maintain water temperatures that support fish and their habitat; 3. Moderating the impact of stormwater runoff; 4. Filtering solids, nutrients and harmful substances; 5. tareven fin g S',surface erosion prevention; 6. Providing and maintaining migratory corridors for wildlife; 7. Supporting a diversity of wildlife habitats; or 8. Allowing for the natural occurrence of woody debris and organic matter to collect in the aquatic environment. 15.27.505typing system. For purposes of this chapter, the city of Yakima hereby adopts . -I Itce_ W A (_'i? � a 3 6-03 N haeu waau„water typing system, for those features designated as critical areas in YMC 15.27.502, as follows: A. Type 1 w alae°esti amas are those waters, within their ordinary high water mark (OHWM), meeting the criteria as "shorelines of the state” and "shorelines of statewide significance" under RCW Chapter 90.58. (,;&, N,a,,p-W waterst associated with Type 1 rt%mas wvtater nay c riaaa e to l n' is l t� �� 9th g Prue u;,ut.i �unl� l n i� are not.wco nsklercd...(Yi�., � waters. ...l.,�l��...i..��q u,�,Lk ...u,� uu,(�utw �i ,�,�,lua�n�� by a, N,nnuira...l,;gtl 1 �"...fth "V akin is M,p,Nni n.l�uad (."odq; B. Type 2wateNs-st° nowiar»:aa,eaTISwpaz,uaua�t�„QtLjural Waters .%V11,ash� are W�up�t,adKu��'@uu,clm�, �i.Pa.�, Rd�ta°r�uMutihave su...lvu.t".il n . "raW N,lq,..or h uurnrttuuWyse Tjun s are, se mentw�adp rattd teareastheir ...n_grial1 d associated avu.timids,�ww'8aak,h:. L __.A e (flv.uBnWai ,(uut,tia wnesfic uas�_iw�F_u ore than Ili"�i� ���auleg i.a➢a_au_ a.��Nunlvul�a�_pl;spkpi.�w� Na al painiaka� nen z �ru�,auaanron�a�t,��»Na 5104iy lu;gnu.sed to scrye 1110ua 'thmai�u 10lau r�a�ni� rNLLwLq uua Cn_diversu�.au_u_.us determined b ttkagul�plauurRwuientt to be ;1; waled aia rwa.N�:u..naatacwrt ww;;tl %waty anad a pit a�wuaside ed ? v� ?.. n_pt�x_aapM�tl a �uptu_fi'o sti the pp�pout a�_N stNa 1'u tlnva°,a�uuaawy 6panu' tl,500 fou,to auuwtul the tNuatllt',a � apnaaw_l, rn attp�, ph l�wr.. (w'.,Itart�wwt;. �arajas ��r.i'.s..l�.�a.a a _A re cNuvn rt c _ aap tqsc k _dcafi lall„_st atla , trappaal ruu..lur:.pvaut fish hatp heti s. Su, h waters shall be considere n. i lig, "nater apla tr'eaaaaa'usrn the ta.aalt auuciuwerwp„cta 8awavlLL,ItC fla_wt,vliuelppptpu;na tralsautdw,uw ai i1gNly vNuatauau4._lra': pl_uuta t�uuaw._u.9).�urwvwu�u°cun�a.ww.t«a�.l.utNt.. N Neitutamw.oeatutta agilow�+G�dtfituatmdhuuvestN�v�„ann7,jadlr�aLt��rttur�tM ulaa,tuiatuN,.lui pnww u ' a(l lea 4 w jpA,jk u,tM ient of fish widnidMl I, &cp wt„t>rlua tut �a,i,a �u,pi,c5�t� � tdtp att)wcted tribes and nuitn to �a c6:..la awtop w ll7 a4.. to N 1i, .,au1 gtt a taa irob groitiuw tea a aarepn au< lw�r 4dt_ ._3_a"doww ner avulN ';ala nlnu utiapNl °..Purutaa t v tiCa;rgpgjpty� k,)r gmhiu...fis a_data Ntu.�aw.�tattal b. iwh �addhio daC harvest—n iceis the a;uw',wliahvnrie. i ol*tl;nC W alert°.,tvlle,alc agnmi,rapp di"nm,wwN,aNridd,, llw,1l;wa hp the absenceo tluc hatc,tler,y� c Are wwptlaunu,wl.fWe 111atale,,jogalcor.p.t)Hvaate,�daaaup��ry,cwg_poaniNuave;l,a�a,.panwsu Ntla�an �GtcaadMirau;t&a lzaplta.w t�a¢w�tci�a�. Thatpthe water�,haalII not be copsider d tori.entera..calallwlllc�cuaau.l pppita,i_at an z xpu � u1n.�. M�arunuuadG�i y ca,t tlpa..l� uuicy �app�a3a dlvaaulapai flaaa_,I tkamNuc auva_ayalp6 cawaua, within y100 (�ctwo aw,ef, iuplwlulg,plll!!,. (L t up ua atN, N vmtGsl?w C<at: slaawwlpuaaaua apc In Hasa, wpdw_npcypp rafioqWaters..Npaaw na.al...tNpw mdbHoww..a.l.lg, cha aau wristics are presi p'ned tcu hay _Nip, luNy__sn�.�ii le;haat di N'w_pacupu,d at_acuaa i. .._Stew anal_ uvp g>l t lt,<aOnc, p an defined n hahap_n_pria�ll '0 0' � rlm.��tu;<atu aw,wwpt9aiga,LLfllpa: baankfi N,l,ww kith and haavin _u gi%adient of less ffi,�:an wt percent,. The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 18/69 1 .:_..... N .. N..:........ " ....... Il N.z!.Nff. l �� le"�O,Grd m �%� Un7i J(nnirnc�iluannC� l4awrllr an renrff ne�',al,le n �nN .t. acre _o'N"-i m 9t.Ud"-Masti�,naN-�Vkw will or e. Ark, used -by f ps i Nair ort, rd.uru l.lrul Nareas ip critical uN a„ul taw t1� urr uru�C uu, Nu c tl” �a aatl �qC ..T is Ilaal�itat shall be ude n'P_t .fie d h ase d earn the NciNNa�nea�i�u a w torr„t: wa.t.. uwraui urN fish.NII',... ..,----------....µ i. The site ....must ..�N.N'...N;,aau netted to a ffn,sh beaua.n, wtsmearn, a�"tl��.b'e:�uca.essible durwtl l ,,,GNNN� Nr�u,scacN �N� tNN�µ. ycaarx_4lrud a a Crn Bnsh thrraua lw_ du_tulua ;e nffyNhl ss tluaanw au wa'ab,d,uauabicllt.. H. N'.fac �rff'ff:.t.Wauatu4„yw,Nub.u..gNu,aust he, a.ctr re,iN�mga...... ��..wm. tN�nrl�9t4'r stuafft�at;a a�aalaaa'-Naaiuut”t^a�Nau�Na..a,�a�uaN�tl.Ntuauttg�Nut aNa.uafi�Nasro��Ntlµs aiC�uur'e�ruN t'N�am�Nu�caauuataaNN��wtlliauraatl.�a�CNaa�9G�"auaa�taa�oN N rauNuua �N�w NN N aN Nue.- N4 9- 2 R14-astltla9 uu a auuaa NaNea aN is ataaur , NttNaa nauaaN aturNunawu N au Nae N auuapua uutt ru< .'- Na t uN C. Type 3 ..aili aruuan__ag wauoas of niatural Walers wlluicIr arenot clucessi iic 1, a, k Blau N w u ') \V atelll an Niaawie as uiiuaae ttwNNj 1wt...fi,sh w�HdVN��.z.or Nanuuaa�trN wr.sc 1.h si aaw,v„sc„N�NN�ents oui uwautwrrt,N,-------- utww�.9N��naa,�tlwauN,lty inundated aireas of their associated wetlands which: N...,.:Are lDuwua.moed fuaimt,N,cli nn stic wuse _fww mwu ore thmi 110 rest dentiawG 7u c unpiwwrwa wur�.uN�,�au buy:..�NaIGyNNI;aw..: aw NaNa�muatwN�N.u,Nyw Na,,,icj it Hili,,oisgid to scN„ u. more fliauwi , i rsowws.a.. where suw Ni diversion ups_ -d ternnee juym��No� a�a.N'..Natujjgwq[ tri be N 4an�0,i� a;N:Nu.Drs iy w tsarwN, q? ,aa;wtter and the or) l' 1 niloical %vateir source fila such uusersmSuwc�n„waters shall Nae,conswr�ered to Nkt i,.N.",ltd _a, auAu t_anN ti ccndru_d' tirau Nft ;mN raimnt, (A"Such if wrcl_rntNin N'a r lI y Nr a t_o uuuttl die d uNNa_tNtr wig _�� ra aNNNced tluy �t�.lww�ur.w...?.r.N�_�rvQNroNa�,�us.�^wu t� kru�y,,N I Ar,„ uas :tf..f sNi...f<Nff s uau yNN,aNu r Nriat; u,uri,zgN ulli T 10,_ar cNLOri nil wwtlts fauna tatwNNuwNwtla fish use are described in the board manual sectutnuu 'l3. Nfffish use has not been determined: .. i drtww a Nnau lwurot,tlgroy ant' NNnn m11)lN INauacewisicsttN ucuaeto ta�usicwwtu,,,.. L, . trc tlaa wa , aunernt , NiviMn ,_qt Jc,fmtwgcf eliaarmel rnN, ,f n r�w, wu ;tnl o- wvatf�naat tl�W, fillt wi(Iffi....wvl.We_. el;rl 'aNwrrtNaaA_ NwG=..a.n�twr u,ub uNuNtNrNaNr,ar. rtm,ic^nm ur.......Nny tan „ wwff,c qNG.".fnatphrwNta .aNtNcw at atf a NNa NaaN R afl rt..waatt tl_..s. NasatWwN6a rNuPaaNN f wfl ,mjihjt ", % w t Wi &1 w,a f 80.Tw t r riB 3 five or geater within thewIp, VbN4�ltlN� 4y id. dl—im � Aga ��g0 w�Cr��i�gaN t4rFN m RV94� Ni �i CYY, ly;ffw;,rcilff w,i�fft,U rfwi,ffh q fa ffura,cult„atut..la.s.aa..N.lran,lu lel uN�nN hasff,.e ucuutma..wwrc f PaNyiiiuu_aatitN tgzarNttN ad,N; iwn "st?.Ni.N.p ibI,iIin �y basi urI sii ie i u i W extern VV ash itielzuwu Nri &Liata m tj qpo j...75 acres a,o nuibuatirrl.. asansuu_a_�,iz in . ..... N.... lwnuaidauri,ps� N `sstowrn Wash u0 tcriw Naaased wane h, rNuaa tai nhic Ni„ Hi. Ponds tni°.,nnua 7aruliudrnit„itt ,!lavuunt mNrsauu lace atea,w f Bess, than N acre at seaasaauuaal lloey:..waateir arw l Amb,lg arnn ttnukt tree i dish stnw,_itnqa kpPlionick 61f; wg9a1&lalRldNf ffVr i,i,toy NaB �,aa ,d� ,0.r9 .w.t;: i as alt h Abtl,m 0.5 cicre at "sca"orli l low %vatick t._ NCi.t..tftNroantuu.ua,,riit sNa..t..�.. aauw....utt nniiidiff..the ...t..hat,acte istbcr inn trcf_o tliis-,snih;c^cflonn esCftcrNr�;�w r.....Wkilers h a,vc VOrlffi-mcdx...Yawunu„ t.ul�na ui art un of q abs..t..NtN,irlra walflwi w,liva N,Nfw Naani ffN beh a_w u�ttanNuawNNfu.;..c7 ff. wto � awNutuina„ drt'fff_i ui ,...ft,nnoww,uunelt s,ircarn s haa,vn�?N.fnenri110 wP cy,alew„itnttt,alrr Nncai µrvunN.�p!q �rt�cc �NeNI gtfc hlkttk�M'�..i9l nsww;�,crN �wlN, I I ae,Screams ,flo", in the w? inptr l z oritNrawand discontinue tftauww byyLtklae...N..at•.d.N Hii Su fii ermu,t it) ,iiffr lntattiuu,ur ,aafNawut� al.e,omllgft tijc _a.t jcL is t,vaiia ble to rutNjMt,.0 dc. aawN,Nusa from the cof iranai z f nnl latunn, ., a�s„d to innined. in co nstilhaatuomu with dr tNyp�r,tuaNw ruf itl ,Nt�.sh and �twn nwti,��m ini.e n..rif..tllni� s4Nan www,lafq, mNlTya_ltll ltnuliquatwupt <uN`d.ytiNtw y .aut,fa tcci, tribes, and tnyi_teresled ➢"aurks,,: iaaaiNaauNw el I'l-kemil"n n a 4. ,Fea naffs-With'iui Clea-city-Taf Nwahairnunu-rucat w Nra�si&"i�N ran N'� pum N arorw N, wnt y N " �5- ? ".�ttlN a�,ei danurrN$_autw curainua':N,a D. Type 4 wale stueracri,s in ains,.utH u» y_qguiral vwrmers,.,.within _the fnaankfuuH width of defined channels the t .lr ru rriaNaU n o nNfsh Nuanlwi:ttat stti ulu WPerminiawl stne,:uai,rvs,a c ff,ab yivaw;wwaute-d� Nnal rn:..utaaN, rryNl aw.N a....tdNiac uN9 wu,y n...NN.N norrrW raInfaH and include the intN,rr iicnfft,.uNry Nlm.tacunn ..a.uf..i.1u. rcliwn it c1Nan na R bw.lo wa the_uupguyil,urtit�Caurrtlut..Of The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update l i,ai�uuaaaglalw •aa1- algauttr�:�bCMail�lrwaMntaallt�ut�lita.ot'�..t�3i�ta aflct.�.�grbCe�l� F y1 i,'.� � � 21lq;lp �.data;�-••mnatteaat.w�,taar�aiaa-�l„y Page 19/69 E. Type 5 %vate•rs pians ..#..Cq. rvb at0. of nallur l•l �vatc.rs witlfln..th.e..bi•�n•kfullll width of the ....defined .channells that arab 1WI 1d 1 L .I.m „"w"G all,a„1?•„.1.1.dode .�,d,t*'v"L%idl•i dI.r,.nonfismm14 habilat sirk,wns idli %"whi,Vwh SL11j',1CC flOM is 11dMK least s,osq,la 11rwrtAiaalll rq t•q w.. dad rad.a„r id.l...not locatw.dn.dow¢?st,n,vinr••fgoni, a p tip ��ri...��,i�l� gA1,q iii ,u.. F.i..)�1 figtp1_ I'yp_ Walters nrli q.�.b hwgrlrsl�),l_iy �a3rw���a�tcll la4 :;,lir ��ra���:aR..rwaui��l_�1iu�grla�l s��wp�au� �w� � �l�n. qs �.>...�.�...o 1 "eaters,,streantl,,ar a•H el l erwa ew, W- ttietiit •w 1 nit (Ilew t...0 € °alalulwti Niait.w.%bwa „il l-�w� T- -y e ki, .3 wwe � `1 �6pw �wtra�iuiwr s tttw� iuw.wt...r��t7111�ttotl.,yt eat-leiddlaaro- l viae "ll l �a.23:�llltl, `aagaldewiw�rl-trl �wtd°alai^da t„ dddwal F. Lakes and Ponds. 1. Lakes and ponds not designated as a shoreline that receive water from the OHWM of a Type 2, 3, or 4 stream shall have the same surface water type as the highest stream type from which the lake or pond receives water. 2. Natural lakes and ponds, not designated as a shoreline, that do not receive water from the OHWM of a Type 1, 2, 3, or 4 stream shall be Type 3 ponds. �, _...m,gm�al�es d1r grr�arals-:war�it aiu�slN�iwaatd*d-at�i-�kr�wieluura�-tl�itl"uiie a;a�rr�uakw~t•earl..tai-�i�l:.yq��i..ltieuruii u�br�rll-kie�'-@'��l�a� l graritwl�'�: t-lu=al...uiltlt'�.�tt"i 1 ig:rrl�lt, 21��11�g 1,5 tWSllfl Wawtlraaad vatrnl-systetaa, ;fin .._,�att�uial+�mww�lul�aruw tlwa�.a rty�r.l'.�`t�tlwmi�ls.a�ual+�lrta��l 1wr�..,:�!�t 1•;��. �iltt..arural wria��•slwuiw�rrr-ouimt•lie dritta ltrulrrt-r��laira�ria��l ida 3 lilt” 15,17. ail'„ �'a�+rt; 11a�iwaa,k'�ailq. arl-tlla� wwawtlai�als wvltlt,lrl-#-0ie�awi4��aul �alalntwiu-�ra,,aiur iia�iaa str�^iui-las. �l lra�•ll:aira;�laivaurl' I,mw°°r11o1 tiers iuw ria tli reals au -e de11444"l+awl...aa,.Y:;N4 l 5,-27; 504,tt rdl -5 --X, .t l3 4 ...4'or.regiigawfY�l) a+o-ial strwsOIiassi ti eal•i11to-fi.iurl•-on te� ai e�s•-aeeordlung-tfrotlue... k4fland. rantin 4'-air.aiaal lar,,.a"l 1.55�1:3t11;rtl, 3t:lilll.,, ll i..g:.gi rats. 24llll; 15.27.507 Maps. Certain fish and wildlife habitat and layr9ra 9a��ald. aBil uehitod u6ldcaalconservatuolli areas have been inventoried and are depicted on a series of paper and electronic maps. The maps do not officially define the extent or characteristics of specific critical areas, but rather the potential physical boundaries and characteristics. Maps may be both regulatory and nonregulatory in nature as described below: Article IV. Water DependencyBuffer Requirements �I-1�w'.5•l�ll� ltse.a,�lamssifi,eutiaa�mai� l"`a�h' l�%1p'11'�"ar•a�41"l�rs'��'".4��9Rti tq�%�..�,a71�1�r4;'ia1�"r11�"n �k�=11•tlPo"�-d���'�'�",11a1Ra1G"11-ti�k1;�tR"�&�tit�y-�Pr ai'"rr� 1*�fl';lima"liw�4°�,�fiirN1"�t11-1�r�.R deVeldaPfl1erat �duitlaaada atia a1 ,peal.t.¢�iaa lawss;ull al-as..1,ruaaw"ialeal• �lrww ,-aagaal sllallq m �rll is tie t01ea%ev la�apmcalt4a11a1rr�als w"iq; plda*ail-40to•the-c'lassa%laaatiaril lrl-wrw ided 4w -Y NIG...:1 U764 - lrrouglr l5.2:l-„ �1. „�na.,..'°ata-•ardaaalt��el d.msaa��,;���r aaale..a�ltlla�raagiwwwsaia,t�wvaa at'e�ddadaaal 1W:°a4�TM, q.., _._...77rat� tluaq�a�ra�t aasa�s-l•d��a� gmade-tktaaa�; Kat w.lu��r�iaa�r-laarliat�aas.-ira�iarai�as„...k�lawiat-latuit� laln..l�au. a I � 1���;-wviataaa`. �rtaaJ��aaal ia6�bialla�� aiyiaa�ai�ltaaraa,�laa-liataairrh�„ stieaaa�a-�awaas+atlaira o•ut���M�iiigs loi raa���isaairaisaaals,,,_wtr�iata� isa�aili'...vwaatw4aia�aa-s�awa,uaaail�s lupi...earl;lutloaa„-sw+amaaam�uagmbeaaalaas„ l�i�lo-int�sut�s�1a*-ww�aitnl-ear.a�rummliaala�lrai,raa�stail�liiat-iaaat rot11:a tiiiai�valh °&lwtib wk� b@d'1 6�h� ...fiaild-,Ddl S that Gartn0ttixlSl41^c°ition1 ,',md-rire,degievidera-do;n tgia.w�ited..11y.. pdaaa al tgle ra'r�tdddasic•aaa aaaua ..tVa urd+p roi�at�ains...11aasl -a w�resioa��,w��rpial� only -k*- Bier llaw p¢9udoa1 as1 w;a,..ladilgaat..'dd,•as aleatsasiustraalllydlal�a�saal��m1t�.aagioal�th_avatnod-hraui�ew 2 ....,3 wvatadr rd�laat�uad.u:�dr 11� w,aiae•r�ia�t~-liatN aasraailliy� aDara•�a�i�adlaait•a�iaa•-a•�wwaata�ir-l`tdrrrtw-li;,aa1¢aari-11:x1-1t. Flaaaaaa•��d:+ladaaaald� vk,4liihtl rs twrapq aiia.a d.,lll.ua wwwttea lidgitt loa wtlsiiay..e-ltladl-..1u1� ii.i a it• imaaliuoaa lin t alaiaiiatltia�rs ari"waster daa l -a awtaaise mt taru;dv�ld sa�via.ei� lu.ya�.mwate�-•l�bl�eaaaaea�at iu-,u���sial-tlaa�-garww�iatultytdr��uts-ewi�t�aua�s��i�i�irr�ildea-siui"�u- eri•wa�d�e�-l�tit �il1g11r1"'x^u1ladrr^Cid°9a'1Q1iJu�r4.iN�°dP"�d1M�4at,�,'"z�ibr3l:a;�'wM1��frR9�dh•0�4i+1i1�41'-tll�ga116iN��11d.4�w'i��4�kc.luka9taa„.ands'i�4”re11���t'N'���u1tG1'llq✓hpt'-q"N1uikEr��ard w�aataa� g1a�r¢:sawair� a11d taxa•t�iadait...pla�nt�,suilll�oetw;�aa-vhses 1d�1--l'la�lrwhaat�rl'a�rgesaaraagaaaru•l•hdaau�,-l�y�,"gaail��-c.aaadli�d�at rapist as p...sllaalnsw, The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 20/69 ll ..... drra ws�aat r�._trairtdrtecl aa,�u��"V�mtl away u� soh ah���m4�V A t�� Ottrl� h�..� of dor s�� h.root,i.t loth'b fir l...(par h kv 14Dd1 g=b", 1,5,d' 51.1 AN4,_ eptw rtlent use*k l"""brrlirr-w��n5 brrut�wb;�r¢"hrr� b��ll �tr�l��tf� h+� w��rr��hu-l�dralarurtu�s�p-�� A ..... Thr"rrhhts,.rolrrfb ba �1¢.rhal att"•b'� r�lirsr rr� h$�r�e"lr"�, ealftt brrrurl tbM 9th mirth hrfro ,��bf� watarrra'�l shoire, if l ise" areas regoipae.di om..rahtrrw l0,*Jodrtr sl'rxdfl lae"locatewl arndl­o,'erstrotwd toadrlinahn-/e br"ralaac'ts to the shc"le aar"ea arad tlrc V 1.x.2 ,.°Si l.. C _'UXrrmmar��orer arrrfshuar htr�r�h realsrlr�irrllrNlrotttoltor:elrr o�knis slm4u4nirwrizoof rrtrre°�a l lrudlrlrrd aaatvigatrota trftIris ur µice + !*ter " b()yd, 20,0846 ++ (part h l()lA),. 4-51744-2 --rater—r-Anted rrae i l,.hr lrrllrawirr rrsrr+l �rorr rrlmtirll- rl iwv hrr r r,1 d rr drrtr al usey;, ,.....- tr'aaotnrr es� sB r.rse aroy l" ll�lre lrrw ahorl gr liar^ Jsruab errl toso,r..tbt ,.a rr"91r'mura �rl lowater�-ri-mi',k-r':r sotIan -edge, as ia�la��srblrerrtltill-pr�re��Aa tla�tara»etrtaeb aat�oue�e�rwr raPau.�loda�batha,..t�w�rtlr daesturl"atr-water: b,l..... ..• Struwtares arrt�l..ru.�e rared� slarbl aatrt laws id�tah d.wb.tfarialaw voietratiwat brrh'ler speall��rerl ria 1,.1d.�7.11...esrlat� w lr�ee, rsh uali doa.raiol�rraorrt rrr hlwa r�erl�trrrr �r��orrl � rr ra �rtorl� rdr tl�rur� rrsrr cnakv­suof:� .ar locxiti r rrrrarwrrrcd alrl+ .�.,"fh�rarl. l 5aa2�7a 51 al......Sirarr-wrrtr�r-"rrr��r�rfr�rl-aasr "�l"lae faarllowiadr fT-prtavirmrarrirs arlrrull rrlal�ly tri aarvx avaatea.:.a;rtsr:�trtaal�aasr�ri ,,.... swtr°eertraes•rrr�rr�ust��rr�ea�lr�r1'B..l.µerg•lir"��l�srr�rrrrh•hra...lr�-loeotrrl rw�(lr�ur��tlae v��+tr...'�R1ou s!lr��wreal..lar �'Mf�° .15:-2, yr.544, ll,.rtrtshrrra.katrartalrtwltrr.rg,..t� voµµgaatarhlw olrarller wlrec rlrea,llar "r" lt;;"...1 7.S,14slrall-br -Jesinerl aiuJ,sc,lreduled-tar era rrretbrere willr cid lrta bror�rrrtr aµ,nh tlaarrrpge or1oss,cW tbre.. egelrrtrvo"lysyl@lyre ltlrltb. 2008-46 §-T1p rrtl, lfhl8b: 15.27.5-1-1'(U Vegetative buffers. The establishment of a vegetative buffer system is necessary to protect the functions and values of certain lryrlddalaagiarab"l„ recta a �il nl adreahr: rcldata9 tram..aaarrrirnradrolatrrea ins, lakes , Ind ponds, arrrl" trotdtural pare listed in -(Tables 27.5 1r� m 7� 2,). l9ffi.rs as>da"pgawith vetl,,.a.�n..ds are usted u.n �MC, 1 5 it ¢.�4�................ A. Vegetative buffers shall be measured from the ordinary high water mark for streams, lakes, and pondsvroo(A lrerar (l -edge AlA, thew dthaaat . The width of the buffer shall be determined according to the sts��rrrr t r votlt'ardl w wdtr �° type. Buffer width may be reduced through an adjustment permit process (YMC 15.27.317) ushig one ofthe i'ir9l'ar�hi��rNF rirstnwdrul�::. I. here at..tii;:,t .V�a established klah4 p"ta rhf,aa,p ud[wahl c,raaswd.s as criiic;ral rarea.Rhmifk< , the .dprir,,i,igr p,fiv crffh r.al,or tlr"wrgaimia rciwry.,"arlalruarw ,�a rwuhwhjh r atairorrm,ipl (J,rt_,mrplmlr,idaarrrra, a.dfriircd,.buMrt_width w..th wnidtlrowJµitt)."cc. z,E.t h , r,tm,,!r,rw~agd rq§�L" f ac Sluaf.,t..S„idYrfhhrtlgd6 [ly .nN,c µtl lal'a,a rrrb, rrai� prd"gr.a;aa,cwcl by sr qgAlifiglA trLg(g rhygiµri" deinorw,ls les lga,wal tlhw irahr[ 0 Ilia'."..lau11er 0nr rlae 11pjrprLl µrkJe 0lhe"road .�dcaiall,rh"ti, llw �d�ptteed; rulhcrat„„n m laurh,y„hyla ayea6, (gct]ah.sy,l,ltiaa( t„lprrpl ofthe %vatd".'L6 oi( la,,, Proyides,uir rgrtrliw,rur'p,l lar<rlartiaµwG l�ataftb}fry i� cti la e9rih,Vialical,b�µbTwl Yuuap Cutaurw�..h'ilµuCur.�.....1<retlr tater acrd pqa 0on ofthe (rayrrei <rhdtaraa rut baa ilp„w wvarlc a il(a,iNh.. Cillos, rrrrprroved roaaiwa corddor ss wider _tha ll twaw<_^iaay flt,t;t x �luc�y..p.r trot ,,rerangy irgd. ..kle,rrlBv�r..�bw �r<ra�r,raaWa Rir rrhr,larlrt. lr_r ,rupi,pandrCa,Crcaur rrt2,y;.,lar pe.r°,p,r7ittrwal wwlra ri,µrl..l�.baf pbrw f lllwroywllh d,rad6"rtldwfis arra:, q"q`9d",t. The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 21/69 The h r tdi ,,..n . u614.4,titshalbitat, adlrn teas wn Mpat)ar�nli,t a9�lt1cna4es aua e^inau��u4;terusu4;s that a )uunn4;tronus e alna rea tl w i8116nI " nra^ a nal' ha i6 at rna'.1�u ore sl±,l,rsitnv,e.....ho on of Baal 4a' 1, su-- to li i--.. -u t41 �,l�w lun 4nlmr-1---- I . ��`I, y n t,.nL �n'�C6"Ct�'�� "NIVd '��.R,q�.e9°sc4��„.a�Ljr6M1.!�."�,;It�.�Yt1��` uN'4"V��B� %.tlSVi�tIk1V�1�,W�.$�,.,µ7I" �.,'�'�'�G,Bq"vN�,..... 4.811 �”w4.l;W,yd'1Nd:gf'V�itq"<�,�6Kw� '� r crilio l area is relmoa i"n°a811a. a 91ku jl(ic41_ f!).Al 1oi11i.u.6... g "° g, is .n l � area reg'idt'ed vJfllou1t aavcn'aginugu C. P� 94bt6V ^tu'�au 4a N n� a4al 4"1' ' I �u averaging, n Wnra u.,, w 4 1�uan fan die ¢^du'� a,I . "I''he ut01 �tY1tm . .nn, Y^1.,nm4,��Fe„tpamuunP_1s naver less � l'n� s a �gulNaa to l w �"i8tu ra,4liu.l..i gal^w�tuR�t6°z,, .... C�3alMe r^ae�Cra g^1�t�,t4ual��,w�^1��^u^�g�l�u���aatu���::2l�l�a.lu^K^ul,�a�1^uu1.����.lea,pgq:pitted y%pkt^en "III 4,l,l C@^au f^611a���1t1��..,iare nlaut: uu There ars no feasible alternatives to the sitt;.,.de vii,pin_tlhat cou Id be a4rc,outulphslliia d without buffer avera4�irnt;, b. The averatmid buffer will roar resuuit_iimu de ra ation o the stream's Uaurne1iorns_alund values as �.`e n oll'Ist�l_nb441 }_a,mF_ u_ntn .4I argism°mpqu d°rorp a 4 yt till .ml1a1a4fu,ssl,oiw�l(�_ neo The too buffer area after awJe a girig is equal to the bra°a recmLkjr0 � ifl11ouut ave nw,uulu;. 4l i_ iever less 9Nt,tnn,Pfi'. 9�..' �.� .l..K,..n .. _ dth. ._� tc. ruu u;ir_u„t its usmnu°g°4r��4sm_. tunlli.l�?.a..n.. �. tnu�� (rngnt4.ns ws t m4. ranu'uula�c a�^u._ti�� 1„ulu�wew�.,a_n•ua49r�^uuntavtu�a�vau^uwNlrwtnuu& a^1�ura,..uuaa��pu^�'uvea°u�6�u�ut•iurrrs..tnr••Rl�tanular�lluaa•1•k�w-wiulPl-Its-w+atl�ma��tls•�ltt sar4.rn�e une4lutural tsreuu4y 1i^tu?ou tht^wuastw i,giawluanautt i n,ur°�is glu menty-u^lute through -thirty si)points) -law^ we't1and lau�iadutt�'a:4n�uautr�a�-erael..w�en�it,�e.am�au�iva-n��n...ti°nrut au•l��u�trot�^l�r�wso�#dteslaeu.n��uut�eulw� sitatnur^tiu�u^i�r..unt t�unt. �;,ut Nu a s'ru�uua�u lour ^ btu i'I� n�' 11 l els l tletuatinsr l¢akes,KKurneiluouud�waw),��as4�n�ewur4�ta�°t�d.lu ..�li�t� Naarru�tlima4r�tumuasb.ermgtu^rn uuu�nren1�ndutrewu��n�t^lunrtrt^4�ttlti�t fide; GU. The minimum buffer widths listed in Tables 27.5 -1 -and --'27:5-21 are the lowest possible buffer widths allowed by means of the adjustment process. Adjustments below the minimum buffer width must meet additional approval criteria as provided in YMC 15.27.317(C)(4). D. The adequacy of these standard buffer widths presumes the existence of a relatively intact native vegetative community within the buffer zone that is deemed adequate to protect the identified critical area. 1. If the vegetation is degraded, then revegetation may be considered with any adjustment to the buffer width. 2. Where the use is being intensified, a degraded buffer may be revegetated to maintain the standard width. Table 27.5-1 ,,. 'Wmltuan° Type Buffer Width—standard/(minimum adjustment) itm Stream,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, Type 1 shoreline streams, lakes, 400 -")zee i_abl 09.030.1__ug� `u'1W ( 17._09 6&t0J)., and ponds Type 2st� c�n s�.,_limu4.ru, as ul 75'9q'.")li qtr"). l^^u4n idsomm-:3- glype3stmeuulmu'd'laruu^nruui)^ro 9 9� 4i y"a98k4 18Nnal'a;os 4 Type 4 and nswmiu"ua 264+-F4 J' (...n , T5') puut��n-wu'�ttt'n�t i, l�lt4t'�-„-utultl p�teua4l =1ypu� l +vvku uudau P cl Nuel uenlf)4n•l,w lit artau�udaa4lv.n@mrlunr� "r• tua�a1>ntu ne^u^nn^ut r fnliataaal.,�tt Sit re&a°rfB� bat- at"I'der” 410 ,B ,' lly lna 'nr,�n l6':pth The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015.. 2017 Development Regulations Update StrearwWater.,,,Type Buffer Width—standard/(minimum adjustment) parr!""�„ t14::nNkail�hNaBi6t� ayl�mp&•pmm�»��aVr,�r, Ari�'r9°.�taaau�tlrraa �"ma Rii�-Cbd' ��rtl4+r�6; rlau�e�ia`ufnsamrrasa �����r„t�dnlioirfl�, ��btrotl pt���lb�ptlrollf. Page 22/69 1'fle'- CuN nimmmstna i.ve ani"lmu:ru�m.m11ray C. reCh "Ii01 0't"I w NWil ditr• I-buf,' er "aW afuis d�"dt-set'sr ap ravnYaN�� � t'w��uAR t rw,�urg l� t ellly ox,iIx�44s'fbr Nv;INand habitat l rrr tramsr, uss�arn, -� n�hervr at can b si'mvrwta ra+tntads within Ow buflaw' v:ai) be mo..w`s K,4"�s mnra�ra llior--irrrt=iir:rm t°arllble -17-.-5-2 Type ...t....Wetla-nds (�t.a,rovl�mu:r�mh�rmrini�a4rimm)�� l ypin .2...WAIRM (�ta�rml�n�rnl�J����i�rl�iu��mr��m���)� :11 y1,W4 Wella :ts (,^�n�da�d/m�iaamE�lmaumrrrn�)� 'Vyp a lon4.tm (tmda't�wdnim�in�ttni�mG) tn~nr2• lRaro�-�i�� t-4t,7m�at,-7ama���. Article V. Land Modification Development Standards 15.27.515.51.1. Roads, railroads, and parking. The following provisions shall apply to the location and construction of roads, railroads, and parking within a designated In drmnNm mmwal a lat nlormIii lfMsh and %vjkiNa(s lrflabitat a".onseuvalion area: A. Roads and railroads shall not be located within a fli,h„and wildlife habil as caemnsc watrr'ntt_iaacc¢ aNe ,iginanted-,,trrmrau�rn rw orridor except where it is necessary to cross the mor gfptna.ai atrqIa, or where existing development, topography, and other conditions preclude locations outside the 4. r m-eer-rrdofc,rutical area; 1. Construction of roadways across stream corridors shall be by the most direct route possible having the least impact to the 91k[i and wrooin`liife habiwq ,t_trns rv-a-fion yurpla�tw�rarm�ra ���mmmnlmra�; 2. Roadways that must run parallel to streams or wetlands shall be along routes having the greatest possible distance from stream or wetland and the least impact; y and wikil4 laal,iw Consemvati uuffer. �irno cir r-shali not 3. Roadways within the lasian�ro agar or its b,, hydrologically obstruct, cut off or isolate stream corridor features, unless it is clearly unavoidable; B. Material excavated from the roadway area to achieve the design grade shall be used as fill where necessary to maintain grade or shall be transported outside the fishand w Hdf iN'e liu tbit,Kal consfrv«tdon areasta�rmin mummwrualcw; C. Necessary fill to elevate roadways shall not impede the normal flow of floodwaters or cause displacement that would increase the elevation of flood waters such that it would cause properties not in the floodplain to be flood - prone; D. Spoil, construction waste, and other debris shall not be used as road fill or buried within the Fi"lslh...anl wu� Niif habitat conservation area -A ani-eorrr ror; 15.27.516 Utility transmission lines and facilities. The following provisions shall apply to the location, construction, and installation of utility transmission lines (such as those for wastewater, water, communication, natural gas) within a designated Irydaarlarpicdl aeRatl�wrn4critia�"�rl lam&� and wi.idliife h,ainitaA conservation area: The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 23/69 15.27.51 73 Bang lh r=e stabilization. The followingprovisions p visions shall apply to shaaira, lroan„p<:_stabilization projects, ,.loa at4a al 0oudde, �,>i �B�w�u,c9ulua �wul u�€)ucira��l: A. Shi,,*P9lan_k stabilization projects shall be allowed only where there is evidence of erosion which clearly threatens existing property, structures, or facilities, and which stabilization will not jeopardize other upstream or downstream properties; B. Stabilization projects shall be developed under the supervision of, or in consultation with, agencies or professionals with appropriate expertise; C. Stabilization projects shall be confined to the minimum protective measures necessary to protect the threatened property; D. The use of fill to restore lost land may accompany stabilization work, provided the resultant Mi(iire-b_a_nk does not extend beyond the anew o IgN,w%aw,l,„ordinary high water mark, finished grades are consistent with abutting properties, a restoration plan is approved for the area, and the fill material is in compliance with YMC 15.27.519; E. Stabilization projects shall use design, material, and construction alternatives that do not require high or continuous maintenance, and which prevent or minimize the need for subsequent stabilization of the shore's other segments; F. Alternative Preferences. Vegetation, berms, bioengineering techniques, and other nonstructural alternatives which preserve the natural character of the shaarej)ankh shall be preferred over riprap, concrete revetments, bulkheads, breakwaters, and other structural stabilization, while riprap, rock or other natural materials shall be preferred over concrete revetments, bulkheads, breakwaters and other structural stabilization; G. Applications to construct or enlarge dikes or levees shall meet the requirements of YMC 15.27.411(G); H. Revetments and bulkheads shall be no higher than necessary to protect and stabilize the iore-b-a-rik; I. Breakwaters shall be constructed of floating or open -pile designs rather than fill, riprap, or other solid construction methods; and J. All new flood control projects shall define maintenance responsibilities and a funding source for operations, maintenance and repairs for the life of the project. (Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008). 15.27.5184 Dredging and excavation. The following provisions shall apply to dredging and excavation within a designated laitaultgaa aily uaalrat'ed erhuouhakwy,h,aHa fish and w�6ldhfe flwabital., conservation area o utMde of shoreline E. aWrotlandedge,%Acccss to accomplish dredging or excavation shall be confined to the minimum area necessary to gain entry and shall be confined to locations with the least potential for site disturbance and damage. G. Dredge spoils are also considered fill, and shall not be deposited within the strvuam Nv, ,%,ta,u l)c)cly°,except where such deposit is in accordance with approved procedures intended to preserve or enhance wildlife habitat, natural drainage, or other naturally occurring conditions. (Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008). 15.27.519,:5, Filling. The following provisions shall apply to filling activities within a designated hydrolt gie, 1, -f latiftl- utaL l• -lush and wildlife 'hah'tat conscrvafl� ivata wads u,,yalu� �laarl: _' _ u(�bn�_ area,a�autsztiww cul �iva�i°e, A. Fill within surface waters or wetlands shall be allowed only where necessary in conjunction with water - dependent uses or an approved .,t'brMr sloraliwyli„,plan under YMC 15 27307:1 15.27.521,,. or aulraral�coa�i�l�ocat�ttn°.uaitigatiana l�lia maad 15.27.604. B. Fill for the purpose of increasing elevation may be permitted if it can be accomplished in a manner consistent with this chapter's policies. The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 24/69 C. Fill shall be the minimum necessary to accomplish the use or purpose and shall be confined to areas having the least impact to the ( „. a�paaarwalvw�pla&hilt „ , , N lralmntntaaauwsnrwrau a s' don rei.sar am�ni-oorria or—. Other alternatives should be preferred over fill to elevate new homes in the floodplain, such as increasing foundation height or zero -rise methods such as piers, posts, columns, or other methods. G. Fill and finished surface material shall require low maintenance, provide high resistance to erosion, and prevent or control the migration of sediments and other material from the fill area to surrounding water, slvcoo, and wvetEaaanalaaywaa,Ca �lawulaapms, unless the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife indicates other options are preferred. I. Fill should not obstruct, cut off, or isolate sweaaamr w on"idor aoaa�r %aaai 11sh.and 0dliia habitat conservation , aar-as. (Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008). 15.27.524)I ' Commercial mining of gravel. The following provisions shall apply to the commercial mining of gravel within a designated lryvlrtr3aaclly.aelaterl erkiearl fish and wl l.a:(:a...habitat c ons u Ovation area aaa;al od r� �lua�a°cliazt �a,iri clga �u,�n� A. Prior to the authorization of a commercial gravel mining operation, the project proponent shall provide maps to scale which illustrate the following: 1. The extent to which gravel excavation and processing will affect or modify existing lisp and ,vvak1,hr habitat conservation area anatra .am--oor-ridoa �ii �rta�are�, including existing riparian vegetation; B. Wherever feasible, the operations and any subsequent use or uses shall not cause permanent impairment or loss of 1R'xarl^ M:or rtaaraa;,e, wetl ro-aal, arra tluea ts�ear¢ad.wanrriapraa leiaauaeacridc aI area, Papas and valapa . Mitigation shall a laarwa ¢a, . l .urt with tIVI N.- 27 )0fit",. l ` ... 7..,5 or 11 2 Cw.lAfi,)u �t��l�'a�e I� aaauur-replv'�r' an wn -art equal, .wal e-, ac,R rovide . I--asi,ta eeept•-wvet-buaalw which wlrau�ll 8�esraa�iaa u.vaal aovrarrvlaru aiaa ��uuo-wkruw� ea��t!lra�aaar�aai�arwnv,tawuam taatr� Il tepawrtanroaaartawt ki �rlrapy"a tv"avatlanurp lidapartaa°nam raa ae. una trrrt,..do te, P r w l atnal "Mara lw llllti; vur asupdated). D. Except where authorized by the city of Yakima in consultation with the State Department of Fish and Wildlife and Department of Ecology, the following shall apply: 1. The excavation zone for the removal of gravels shall be located a minimum of one hundred feet upland from the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) of dlar.nnta�a gran-@roaaa�auaua94u wvaata^a°lroanr,. 15.27.524-17" Restorationelamation. The following guidelines delines shall apply to the aurOaaanvr6tnar-u•r°stom4la,a.�ma,..,of disturbed sites resulting from development activities within a ¢le rm ra ted a,yalir+a awl taaopl�y a eiaatea�l a atie�("a oha and vvildHfwh...a....b.itat conservation. area: B. Large-scale projects that extend over several months shall be phased to allow aeelaania tion a esiaru artioaa of areas where work or operations have been completed; C. Reelatmmnaktmomn (la,4utanmaai ,aoon„shall be scheduled to address precipitation, meltwater runoff, the growing season, and other seasonal variables that influence restoration and recovery; E. Where existing development and construction prevent return of a site to its natural condition, sites may be finished to conditions comparable to surrounding properties provided suitable protective measures are used to p g ,.l ab` ervaatio areas prevent str rrr corrr amm de radation of lb ,rn and wildlife habitat plat corns __-; F. Cut -and -fill slopes shall be stabilized at, or at less than, the normal angle of repose for the materials involved; and G. For the replacement or enhancement of vegetation within f1sh acid wildlife; habitat coansr,mvaationa areas and their, wetlaands aan. required vegetative buffers natwal4y -e oaurrirrl„ native plant species shall be used-, and l,.p hi-rrdwr parrs of°tpae s�traswwanary era aarail .u��a a^aaaa ap, aaatiwrr.lalaraa�9m :r ,uaa, aapaarll lrta aa,„ad.r.. unless a showing of good cause acceptable to the administrative official or designee is provided. Should good cause be shown, then self - maintaining or low -maintenance plant species compatible with the native vegetation shall be used in place of non- native and high -maintenance species. (Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008). The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Part Six. Wetlands Page 25/69 15.27.601 Designating and mapping. A. sha I I bede[irwated used 01e in emion amnmd 'dlld, VhCablC P,Ali0j'121,SLI ICIIICITIS� [,ql-w.q,,tJ.aJ �d, del i t -K . . . . ........ . . . ...... . .... --------- - '1111 .. . . . . ......... 13. Wetlands are all areas a ih� the definition of'wetlands as defined in YNIC 15,27�200,at d ar fier b I ....... . .. -1- � 1111- - 111- 1 -1- -1- --1 'g -11-11111111--..... --- ..................... ... I ........ alga ated critical areas which are su lieu to diis chapLer, �Z gpt�kjje �h t gix 1 111-1 1-11 .111. .. - I- – which � .! .1. — . I -- _ L Lj_ 1. Irrigation systems that create an artificial wetland; and 2. Areas where changes in irrigation practices have caused wetland areas to dry up, tIC'. The approximate location and extent of wetlands are shown on maps maintained by the city of Yakima. These maps may include information from the National Wetlands Inventory produced by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and are to be used as a guide for the city of Yakima. (Ord. 2008-46 § I (part), 2008). 15.27.602 Protection approach. Wetlands will be protected using the protection approach for hydroktically relatefl ci,itiu��al areast"kh a ' nl c " �vi " I ' d ' j " fic habkat conservation areas found in YMC 15.27.501. Wetlands and their functions will be protected using the . .... . ................. I standards found in Part Four. (Ord. 2008-46 § I (part), 2008). 15.27.603 Wetland functions and rating. B. Wetlands shall be rated based on categories that reflect the functions and values of each wetland and shall be based on the criteria provided in the Washington Slate Welland Rating System for Eastern Washington, revised t01 it (Ecology Publication No. or,,a ......... j"re% ised) which are summarized .- below: 1. Category I wetlands are Up aw ery- slIl fill pe'rtw 114 aige-'o 1411 e, -we'd a"I'l d"', -Wi l 114 n4he e4 ly, of-Va k '(.')4 1C.) W ing types�' <tl4vlo 4and"." we (A W, is a's 1) Mkafi-wePandw; and d ---44oVsjj tly jjjeeprq"� L_qEqjj' ore sens i d ve to dicta rbance 0'ia n most we0all iran a')'pan rqlWJVc.y'm!1 I �dkturbcd and covi Lai ri,eco kDgi cal auribules ki a qr_4jprqyidC q,fan gh.jqyjj,aro Ruictions. Risk of any, dqgyq0#jjon to I hese wedapds tnusl be avoided because theur functions and values are too difficu h to j, -e e,,�,qmmon and n'iqke-qpp_5jajpH pgrpgp;4g qj . the ed ands„ in lee ra"V -4� 2. Category 11 wetlands are difficult, but not impossible, to replace and provide high levels of some functions. C'atvbuiiy 14--,wv4hwdF, inv,4ude . a, . . ........ e.; l` area lea°;Bwvetlntnaal ;VBA wet laoccur ccur nro0 re "arrr 110 �1 I ,jg6,bta sdH need a j . .. . . ........... ...... � Qtocci()�U- The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update 3. Category III wetlands are cwfie�ri Page 26/69 withamoder-ate level offunctions dnd can flen begdoggqjy� !g�cd .................... . .............. with a aq H becn dimurbed in Sorric M 'OUI�L�kEq c(i ador wetlandsSL , a 'ni-g—n I — - � — I— . U often less diverse or more isolated frorn other natura� resources in theJandscap qgqtyftjta g, �"qk�g ----------------------------------------------- . . ........ ...... ..... . - 4. Category IV wetlands have the lowest levels of functions,; -mid are often heavily disturbed. af%,I-mel able'*•be ave „saes 0luads that should be aHe to be rq'1gq �ar -al-�.A—ldi n-oved. Floweve 4,41 any"'aggifle case, These" ... . . ........... ... . . . Some, i and also need W be --- ---------- C. Wetlands shall be rated as they exist on the day of project application submission. Information regarding the original condition of illegally modified wetlands that ea* nolgmnot be discerned from aerial photographs or other reliable information sources shall use the highest appropriate points value within each missing data field of the Washi'.60cq) S.40 WOku!d H -----9 --y- -- - -, - Y-4- -, --", 1 11 11 I lin in .-S Stern el Easierri_1A,' higgq)g: 20 1,4 �Jl�dzi� qfM "w'V'RS rating sheet to complete the rating. (Ord. 2008-46 § I (part), 2008). 15.27.604 Wetland Buffers A Ws� J'he rolkiyvi ig,bpffer widths Kaye been established in accordance with the best available B u 6ET ... . . .. . ....... Thi ire based on the" ca C aenr (ofivedzyid and the i,rangnrmqa 'sr pa . gnined4 f ssiorufl ushqg guru bl,rrttlsraa aFrarr Wdaatr 11lteene) RadiaS1"astern N"ashin loo : 2014 _y„burr is assurned to baa high l aru wgaids �h t S --., -4� �; c 5 [I�Am or morc fbr Nah� a netion,,flic bulfer� in Table 27.6- 1 can be yl H'both sm.-I --t -------- -------- - ---- --- oNhe 661 c6tcria are m& a. A r-cladve[y 14iShA.1qd,,vq&gt I �;pr(i'dot at leasi 100, fZ_%Njde is, roteged betweeii elks, wethand cind . ..... ............... ...... ... .... ... ------ Habilats as deft, �y ing�qp_$;ate DqN,11qmqn1 of Fjsh ��,xnd Wildlife ..... .. . . ....... --- --- bplbrl ,JAN, W T'he vorrkjor thq,�, entire i'Jistance. tu.,,tween the wefland arid the Prk)rty - itat - ------ --------------------- --- .............. J”! In t; sonle,typq of Presence or absep:e ofa near A abilat mutbse confinned by q_q . . .... by, . . ........ igt[lj <� J) Table, 27�6-1 tUaV bC Until. wilh � i re uired nicasures in Tal, le 27,( -2 - - ------------ __q ........ J ........ .. . ....... . . ......................... alon b. The rne'astucs h[ 1',ible 27,6-2 are u,uigjln,lmpjq ble 1( h1lo S Al Ft')r %veflaWs that score 3-)In40'able 27A.2 are nl7cluired Pn fl -le use of '-Eqhbe 2-T.A.- I es, irsTa � 27-6-� ff g ppplj a choos s mikoWor, me, C— b e unalfle W provide a corridor a.27.6--3 shall be useA The buff'er wudths in'FaNe 27.6 1 and 27.6 3 assurne L!wt.#1 Jx11krJ" ggwed with a mativc [,1,J.Ljnt jq ted Vvi th itlyasi ve ci s 1 -tat do not 11 n, 0"tould qkhc,,r bep mage the . . . ...... . . . alalwr«pau ate the bufl"er ShOuNI be widened to crisure,11mt adeqygi!Jqqqtions offfie buffbr are pro y i d e d..... The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 27/69 it e The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2Vl5-047.passed December 8.2V|5. Buff'e Width feet' ased on habitat score Wetland 6-7 8-9 75 90 120 150 score Forested '75 90 120 150 MOM M-Alfl Pets and human ji Conservation Value 1: B,,Nqd on tokal 75 29 l, 150 .,,Vernal Pool 150 Forested 75 �)-Q� 120 99 ISO 40 The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2Vl5-047.passed December 8.2V|5. y, [t jq AqUand as certain c"a in dewatered Rulnoff MOM M-Alfl Pets and human ji The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2Vl5-047.passed December 8.2V|5. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 28/69 Table 27A-3-, "WVetivind Buffer Ref auk„ nients ll" "able 27.6-2 isd�� �" �a�w �l���� ����a� and gouwridor N1Q 1' jjCuNLLggtl ,_ Increased_VWet�lla�nd Buffer „Area. Width .; uffie �vidtfis shall lie uuu�,r;°u �����1„kwka k �M��� %� �,1��..lu a�G�as alateruaalaaed Yaa j,he adn. iquslradvc offs W when a hi���eii; 8uo�91l�ui u� i���� ����� ..�.�� lel„a�ta� t weda,nd finuw teams and values. This a�,au nuuataafl;Yaou shal'j be sgjjL)pg1 al...��y ajfjjjaaaLru m�� ��wwm uuuu��aul �arlu rl_�howingjtr au, �� as rCzNqu�lb�ty ralaaa,..4auau,ut taataawaatro,4Bua runclions andwal,aaw,auY„dlwlluu,..11uawauannlwiYflcprt sh,11thickide laau�....l,lm be Ya1uwutawcl,to..µtwluc lwQH,aWaacla wlata,r,l au u. 'rhe wo land is auvw d l wr Mu aaa,,ara f'bdu�Mt UjStc l_l U �u ,ak,uua, wg1.�l <_ .p akw litq : Baa ual,u�c"�tirl �jrk uv (arg,s-Res suuatla_a,"� Yuepa;ata rooked asa �����wgaw pa��6,lt,pa 1ba��� a�q elgoj ��a ; wua„cs u yu awd._a..rosion ontawlruaz,arewill �16��11"ej ,...s ..,. prevent adverse m, 0 snarl auwa alk �s u)r }....,_ . —. Y The aaaCtaa;aa„l,ararul has l,l, va,t a avalvaµ easyaaa aaa sWr.ul,;ua... rr assn �laaaa__l.aac.aa Ca Y as leu.. averaging .ay.Praa a � _ araw as t, .aa waa,G Baa aa,nt;' ?tLp�a�sun,aau��.¢1.��rlaen a ll orthe IbHcstuvins,b �,aaa�diflq� auk', rn et: at.. n.Yuw .arra d auyd, levans w,jW) INIcaant_diflbrenc s in cfiaaa seta-ram,auu vwklgcaC l,�a 9 ua�mml��a ua;aR Ga¢,u��,wGu �ak� wua_f� ,as t Nye0and w ith a Yurorest at a daxgadzc�c,d a.mea.llent aw,aa!tiMIL)pw uut ot':..a gluaap,-t atcd” . w daren wv�.�la «a 6 gpt�aaa'l'...l..uaua a aw]aa��rc„aat tar, A... mm, ...area. ._ b. The _ua,ol 'or as increased aacl,iwwrvual tar,��� gtra d�q -11, 11 t,aaaYaiawug, �aua a,<pk,ka4kY��� tt uoa_tt� rra sa nsitiv tak„wu°_luauua ar:6 the wetland and�leguaas,ea��,<a�lauw�ua� tan t awwla�waaa a Yllgua�rawa,rn�ut&,wig a�,,�vavKasoiuwaw..�a�u�,pa�ra yaw wlca�laaaaa���a e��_Y�,Y-.q cr .tss rCl aareaa- -re i r; ,f (ml a asuu !Hfl d w et quad l qac ssaaau al c, if lac acaulll area offfic, bu=n,ffe �� �� avauuu, auuk os cycaauau� ova tYau auw.au racauanuad avamtlaa)au:Y aawPc.u.a u.YY ... k' ...® Y be bu fl r da_,a� aauuaauw r t laujn_ as never less 01an cifli r 14 aul� Oie wwut[�[Nd width ger , 75 -feet kir (..ateas.uy_flp.N.aauul ......lu cY Yate a1'q��w - i%' en lar leu va:..Y:...a... u,uUatu�� u;. T Aver ag,jng �o aw,Noe i” reaasonedi d use” or a g!xana u B proagttr Yaaw..lu�u Yp;awat�al � ,qua ua kali_cul_taNa ,l`�a.�Ya� rtu�.au�r�,uaau t_. ....., aaaivawr_ffa a uR llaIt �un, �uya s b n Hutu ale, r "ua„l aG „a ua,auBal yak, qua a auuatal wYu fa a�. uvutYtcryuul bualt�,;p:. �a.. 'a I er <uyt a a u.t;,; Yg,... i IIra aavu r4.6' Viaut)a e will not resuut ina�v�ltwetland's functions values as ata paucuunstuaa,¢a aY Yav m,a tii,aua aal aa�rears ua^a�)ort li�aauar ua a�guuai,p.tuu luar �t;1 rue t luuaulvs,su,c�a.ga'GY,. vA -------- The total baul4'a,r area of the tauatf'eu° after acanlwivaa a,sai lwr .Na ar aa,wvug�Yaaoul aawra.t�. pvtg�lt,. aV,�. "I'litebuffer ..„a1,1,� m au,amaa waallari it is neve less than eith�a i %� ua.l.:�l��.mna�alueal, �vy,a;��,aYa tar.. 75-fu.! for rvagla aaaa.u.Wa.... uuual YS.,mia lv,ta waada caul C,1;, aaaalW... �.1 f,aar Y ata ancAar tvvtlua,Yaa wa.a is, The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 29/69 Ft To f1icillital hong- x�p.w} �.��ka"tinhi gshllm nu Cgryi �S ,����.�Ipjj wmu���,k�,d k do inisk°ativ. �'�Iliiaf ni i�%�retflu�� mtr��C;t 9e,. 2 vcs „iv td wgffadvW,ggsumigi ilh uarGirlsi, std uffu ua.uut d tiwmt,u isit mipirimgpl� iate wefland hul �ykfths lbr such y,w etland ritee,. Administrative 4ilcni6.uNl d saffww�tlrigvtrgl lmve beet! -assessed in this manner. „e..ne!,,ig .. Measurement of off' We larnd Bu fifers All buffers small be ,riicalslruc ..b•igipLigmu�a„cu lar fw„miiw,l,the %yefland prmil.:orr�i,u , s wtan vd + aC umu �haa i.iek l f c lroqu6 ce w_ ;ani_ Gm t r l�mguaV a ,dwt ,all p gm�r ,��y ro mw➢l m,la t 9 mq �u � i wl twmrm��,.�ti .dip p�mtav,lmu i tCawmil al,tdd itaarnff slranGl_1.r_c tlrr ,<diraad ;ts the flwrmlffcn_wt,rsnffin a ffsrn tliad, i l a„l�u;r mwl lnl:.iuq C .tw w pe- ,or eall aauiced wel„I'and, Buffers must be fuH,,) wrr:fftdtartd,dfl ilr_o dyer to b lm7icjudedp in bllllld r wne°reaul�.lnl lanaswrus:... l aawwts: wvanll� mmaaow clna lw vm�sw.�.,..aiid ua,,.�•r,ir ntuai _ area calculations,. i h`w csff swu`.g',natvq al aq°, uas will rucnff lwc crcuanagalcettffd lnunffffu--,a°s or nrna;linadcd guv,_br----- r,_,vd_s_-;-a�.__-__.. _.., � i u situ l's!lwlu ot'iduduAtes. AH wwetta rid nwnpiump smog sites shall hatre_bufla u„s„consistent with the buffer C,� lino d ;U ..w .,.�,. udiutmsiiwawm r7t wand this t C tiu uicu iltu ,"lq u_s shall be based dl mrum t u, ex d d oir,t rlye,lwwiR,e, m ii s�,d'.41tmc_alarsmp�ga '-wetland ru„i,utagaan uauru site. F.. Buffer tv�ITasuu;�w agiirciIT...l ,scwt„ni Aq slid!c..urv,wiSewsdffciffrcwd or anffHo wed in adccoi dffa n e wwrafiu 110% chail�t w ���yilw�rrwCjlui_,rµ saall. be retained in an undisturbed or enhanced condition, r.ondition,, In, Ole case .o.f. ,RuiSllwc�ltigglitll.su. lnov,d iw', � i _ hl,was[ve wuorl-nafivt,w-'weeds us,adgylir d for the duration oG!"th rnafatmficaaawbd,ind N1011'( 15.27-605(19 05(19 91, F. Yurlilguctam te...i�lu,6id u.�.. itdFng,urur uiucntta„fdld the, a,di„ffsglna.um:�,aadoil fior p,lrulwaacls dwsu bcudl'a rs old nitittlinnwed leu Y Ntc 1 `x.27,6.0. ff;b ttwe°hngilalml, f ri lg fl_✓ Area Bu rf rw If buffers loin lw o cannntga,„incnrirs �rq�i,ieal arcual anwrcnl'aull.t.v�rcln ns lnuliiwi rs ff�tn a. stream anis. a wveti,artnd he swidelrburtCcr al�,ignl'ges•. _.� .... �........ � �. 1:.,,• Mowed Bu ffi r Uses. � Emd fuullo wtru�r nIs -, X! I ' b alglowwad;,vwithin a wetiand,l��l;ffer_in accordance with the G rd vidwnr l"lir r& w a utas cgN tgpl mm lu nlatd ur lagduvng.a cl tlna „aui,t ffugut„palLl Ni ecl h any aluRrel u1 ulus w,N_19 _9awn alurcl tCr w ,uurt_il conduwc..'ted in a manner srl„m ldi„rninmrr�uaze 41, to to the ...... buffer and! m Ag!�t :Pwa 1.Conservation and Restoration Activities.Conservagkion,o restoration aali�uwritncsa ailuaud dwxt:.lumcut���muu�.lRuw vda,u 'twracld�l wwd,ibdtm�tugwui�m���u.wvul„c�Cmu�a,,, 1 ,Passive recreation. Passive recreation f'aaeilutie des„q„iin+»,d_and in accordance ,with pg9,u,mwultffirruvd u�wd amatlt ag9W.l9,l.. l regnc'll�t� ruucltd41ggpu ayi a atY„lawn udwMirrci tp,viaNw lvrdawud cl tow it..:l ra,v ..ltatiluwv,«iw,~>_rauc liniitcd to mirlo crow suns L l,w uua,,w ri�r<iwreu^ir: fil,9antCIO wvr�itd.r wltuan9..ffl�...1 �gci. sii,annt,lG�.%..lam ntn ccd,k�u lnaaulffl,ieR tcu,itis".mlueuruiui;teu of iiid wvctldyu.id&� Rrnd g¢d;cl oui,Cw,gli� twigs cualtd r flwvc,affty„dgwd llvrud,dr?t.t ,."< or he ww�tlagnd llgfflwi�rasnmumauawriwnglµR„auaxmiaal Asa awd�ril ocuiasaw ill as„�:s�, iau,lid,alli tgaes, tlg,ltaumar#cl,lrs C,uiianlddlCdaidrv,tdrw,rsugu„ffaid,wctrl„aituagct,�up191w.4.�1...Esc„t,uu�rra8gl�,idw�,gredl,dstesalu7,iisd: !imwl�.t pisw.cl board ailka lu iii ps�r _ivaar iaamatw,dl_l2�lwra, ...tiiis tg ,ait clriaa�i i;,, sv"tid_1Vulc w�u�iavwtt,t"at;itrtns�ltgres.: 3, Educational and ,scientiff'ic, research activities. annlnaroutine onar�crraca�ff repair caOw p,�Wtlwlrb is duffriv te fae Bies vvit lrudumnfl m.. tm _— �,@azdll,Mddff ew a .fflnegwacdai that the trudmenance _ar_gCC...usc,µt -Mniiu�nuty..lmt. u i�.�,Clt,-rt l..swalwa .�.,,,'�lle, �ngngwestCsvt�.i',ff.ff..yvijd pcllws wmi �rw4Mrluel- .C�uaut_u°w,mnot .igj,glwomwr,_.irr...natqural r,gluu..a�gam;. kxi li&_sycln crs viud,dealclnl nnla#a ywla,xcns, or enhe anion (if the _weflamn d, b~y_c9w,url lal� ��gst;;uan� latff�di railil'��..z.wwmut�i corldituuwri �cuuwdw�ild„i sorarrces„ 6 p,)OH,urig_icuu utll sc,tdutmdiicorri�'dmaunder Nilr� rw,auw ,t,,ls,cis di:N 8iid _wwad tlarulwff that the c�i�rrrntlh�"n)und wacwantledifon C0 Olei ,wffm. wgd,ti_ln�dl„tgaiml; nccffilwuanigan4 5 Qn,d c wwalter d b°wdlt iiwncnurwaiwtlt mA cclbiffar i gffqCls: viia&,,,;)m clrgwigiff,x.bt„aaq pc,4l m tga_da fern lne ,Olet,heu_ilna.• usa ulgr rafft u.s n nil ldaai to tlww? tlrurwdl o �'! rg it„gjOrl: of stir lace %vatell. doi,V i, W,.,S kw' tine soH colluntngr_a is dis.i_iunbecff. T ......Ennh anco nent...ofaa svel and.baffvg twin„ddul h 01nt .ra.liragwrai of unawun...ilative invasiviclLp�•ciynut saI rq,lg� rnuva'sivu tli yyd stgedweS shall be restricted to hand ..renrrffwv�aN....All uqulnoy d Lntggy atn lteria l shaln_ine. wki ng m anw Ci,alrni the site an�nd—pl?ffjrcufflrn„arte,iwr_alianilc waci_da9 lel lt�ri i@n r�..l.liliainy oil �;_C�nc �n d� 6nnnnpre Slate kanxucnans„'Weewl,("ontrof Board list ,lnf nox'Jcnurs wwecrtk n'llurst bds�_lnaagnc9i� nrraV_cinsffusnsedff_eul anecatg'nff wrt tni__aTnntrr iwntgs weed _'_uaA!ntrol,.ptgji anjntala_a)van waita tcll° The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 30/69 �hg_sjlcc ies , RCV,egPuj 1 a jjjrqpriL le Li;Aii C S" vq�cs at niatquA detlsi6es is aHowell i - 31 '"t C toll Wkh, Mithgl g_ p . . ........... .............. R,gA I Qj "In I ........ .. . . ... . ........ HII !i r I fb and mainlenance of'nc)n-c,,tm I C ur s w e lw"IHIN csuil"­ 211IN'LOW 11ii t vdfllhl the h Jfier [Innide, the do, nm increase their degee orrioncon1bripiq d x � --,I"—,,- :� .... ... .. qf,YLqLkq.j(!� and Buffiers. I 'Felllml amstnt a;jqqy to,cH al ter o I't) ie wet land bqffi.,,r and the c Ig,,A ritig I i m i ts... iden Vified ji ni 4 Ora Lit horizal i 0tQ Shal I tqjl lqrltc 2 lhniits" such a hqyjL%jo ensure that qoR '�i?,pcji­n._t._ruIs­i1_n ­v111-yfl1.11l­o11c1curTwh °rnarlauul _ustl,Iwq.cet_lc).Jns cc tk.1 .d..i..e.. Administrative 01flicial j1dor to the fl activHim 1"his temppyrtly, maintai ned tgaacaazraha,IptLavpstrucfioni and shall not fie removed, _qu'Ltjxj]s,, if Egg,gi r air j kwq. 2. Perinallent: I avl!Idifiqli of or awhorivalion iSsmq AI(Ilni,lo,tti,ust,o�Ialt'i've10,n,ulelt,ill-ii jv idrejhe,aapVrn:q'qlexq siIris -alql the ound r M_ 4 t tq- - -------uua9- ------- buffer. ­­_sh, a,H ­b—e -f-----id--e- "o.ran, enarne -cowed nicialfitee an(.,l auached to ajneWiLpf,)j_qr oth garp-trqatqd matediM 1it SIgqnjli er (.1.) xxr_IKA...KjN60it is less thati, 50- Pect Wi and must be mainjained by,�h�Lpfpj,,L ty�qALi in, Vgrj:� ....... --- --- !i i y, , I , h -i , .4a! , l, Alf.)Lq-1, yqrded as foHows or with afteii vq Iu _A(fininistradve Officiak Protected Wetland Area Do Not Disturlb Contactthe Ity andNa uaaa2 nuay tie fnodified as riccessa y r yotection ofsensi0ve ficauvres e to asstple qE wilfflifq. 3, F'cn urupa I'Lic Qlj�icmiit shafl be req1th.ed to unsuffla jjqfppnentfi ce wet around the laind or bffer whenu .......................... —11, ...... . . . . . . . . . . ................................... don t gAn 1 11111 re ar"1111­11, Z,ju hit sq ,p!5p - ---------- -- - ----- q,trq'Au,q,q'd,,prisitp., No.. Foleiqp, h,sNralletq lis auarit ( I ajjrcq mqd,tqii qty, jp..gj- tdred hi this N, as oNaattat urut,n rat, ,ityl shall be coinstructed in a margier that g)"pKies inifigadon it) kid it fis __rqq&jl rni -iin iz irt pact� to 1he Arqfland,�I,rld assocLal N bitat, 0 TI CS. I w- .......... 15.27.605 ompensatory itigation.qne(.iufireiquelitsa ""yqflyrid or demonsirate Ohat (he havc Iven tAcn. Actions are listed in the q� i r (, rMf !]qq� . ....... ... .... ­­ ..... . ........ ­ ­­_, ­T�­q 1" I Avoid thei", jng,waa,rrfl,taaun action orpqq5,,g,L q,Aqion. I by firniting the de 14'rutude ofthe actiort and"its"Jo __gt,pe.cir,,q ,or,by ,,!I i%,aflInTiafiye,.sLq y id i� duce 41,11, . .... ln �Lx o _o] _re _3., _,Ri_q.Mt i.'ry._j! h j2Agjb),,,[qpA,jrh -,r �abiljmw n gr,r t(, _. )j -1& g � ! : fi%_­.n.._..M -1-11.1.1-1- .... ................ ................. .. 'l_ oi- ethinhiate-th 4p d c)ygyji b jjjgs� tiqn and maintent �o 1 K aa� i o t l s., (,It strbsfitute resources or mvirilm-nellis. Nionitol the q( uired ck n p�aiijon and take reniediat or correelive nicasures whcn,nq�cpss ry, I_ 'I T_q, i_,__ � 1 II 4.qqkdrqlnenI% 1"(w C gftn&gfloq fi.,)r aga,M Iina• ijppLicisthat wannot be avoided or minfiniml and shall a I ieve ctaunvidgm, or 6,E Ii o I Ob, LI s. ",S) tsa "I, Oil a tgc� -­ q�ftylgLgp�_L wip _6 ___ j)j�,Iwssj!qftj?e consistoa With N"whIpIkIly IN 'ry �wt t in J"Vqxhi llcyy 2:j)vveIq S _Version I The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 31/69 t.tl Ccwq,cp,b"nl, lwuubluc Gnytscpn #06.,()16,- N l,la, t kyuurpnu p:,; w , hut,nu cNr Gbfi , auu cns..,rc wb caff. aauucl v 1c c rswrtt...:dl a P arrpn m 4lcrtlacmml`rrru wrrt^.I.�NE�rmra �.rr h, ltr r,s ncmr slal rrawas, a ;cuhmvs,rtrP lcv srwulttrbar ..l�ItLtIlu,c,ati'on 41 0 07, l�ryet iibe �l10 ,h. '_ . ,,.0 tnur lWl.N unq Wu luau , aipo k _all~ ,,) be ul!um r iiinuad using l„Nuq cru.dil/debbit tuuuf6 desc Hbum,in Oeb,/ a ,farm (.u>rurina,�yjr&ry ..tll uujart�Q �buu Gb.�.e�f a udu era s u�u�b b'urw�uauu �,urr a �...u�uadu� &g' 7 uyk_ q'r[ r�u":.n"uu �Guu ulu uru Nvl0iu Subsection li o1 llhtus a to xulaa r. I_ t':cnrnnuncntm_ aulurn for ua ic mtu Lost R�,ticc^; ed Furmnu_,ticwns wt�:°unnnrpnc ru 4utumwry}r_aP:„��«mtn Qu Ii uuc��lu� ,�.ti.�e, buuaufa;on qlh wwtcaN_lawr tfm lth,lpuhw�r .u_wr c t,mwilbh an asitention k),achieve buaneflua,nal =ru abc�.4.."rN uuuruuudpau a uuu enl of, hcwru t o is, [Il l tnt_l.�Na u,Vl,N�uu _��u tltu, �c�n#u�uuuu��uuc�a rurwitu „uutugr�t u�r uua�ncqu �«uuluu�Tan weal and hWuuuuuwl_ions _as thuu�wba�.w:l� a w,cp,mt whenaiffiur: tr , q,kn ,trmwrit,narutb wrnwt..luucpvurk.w v hu;ppuulurmwrt,1uuuuc,mtsams,quua9utJt _ u,u�wur emu c�mutapua ua uuu uwitw rut uaur u %,iara 1IT w;:N,.h. ur�cp rbc a cl,u da,h auw: a,au shoo a, fub11 'flcwa s ()awu!N� , lsrrr bu a ll4netucuns,s,hxu vn to be lnuuiu dna �. uOtdn a Nvatersh ed tlnr ca„rnlp mar ll hilaltma,"amb5,011 Qtia1 kk w,a4qr»1h Ch"xN, k 911 lh §pl&.a L7 1YN;. b „ l tnhi.umpb Nnd ry auk�bs�put ent W"wetha,uuu lnit� �,us...lbauunfuons ^� illw best uun,u y l �wtrtt nsh ml m�c�ya�uaH hwhmnitrlu ,cl hrn tla ,tatty,.sgghm,rs. e lacernent cnfhisNcwrreafly ulnfinl heal we..°llaii d typp .. t.,". , ...t pntrluu nelacu ttu t caplwpwenn,crtuwu,w ltflnlul uuoaurwM.. .flatnw wulnubuw for lost or.dlinuinisNved.wetland and buffer fiumptions shall auuG cnrm„t9hl� �pntwucunychncs �r~wtcaG Nma�,dwnmvw. 1 _._.__"Net ,uu_t hmaubirta r,pSw+m, aural rcd�.,ls ftarmaz �u wil- rIed_wvctlaroall_rn� li;u �buawnu_hannari� uuw.n knw drµ>final ica c,crarnluurusuntut �m.ar'. uunmp' L® qts ktnuattgli yittlhdrn lkhad ervicu rrc:n sp �,r�rq in the lalrtnl ntgtIn lroallvNc i nsuuuaauw,nt,..Use of credit, trolnt y; W taxa (J ulli it ution bank c rfifl tl orpad flilup)tcr l 73-700 WA.C' as allow dl iK- r The lip rwlvnuf uuutlaunruf claw nruaur u w uh°a a _h „w anngnrt uauPa uci .,uhr nagwunw u.atr � cpannb1�whn� atncrruvdcsn ldn la 9 hwe...upnab'u,,na ksit is joc ntuw.g�..atn the service area satCthe ILaank. u Th pnu,lcpaowse l ursu;..of, c rw,dit's, is consistent with the terms and conditions certified mmnwatt,,ntunysr lnahrrukvufanstulnumaa lit, ... y6 c,tablcanlure;u'tt a nNuuyswffaar_lacca. t ussWuu t batik credit ,s atyrtsi,st nlnt w tfw reuwN wu uac cu9,,n"rat_vn µ tncuuhNuunh rahwt,pnnt: tertuklech wnahquggionn bank qu,atshrauarrnmcunt. 2 _lrr l . quu.k c thml4mm nluort' ....t uw-clrt :.;fuanatu qua„<n aauo�mnscl ru, �uuua hua unµ.tm ,r snuti�a h�uaa,rwhmw; ansccf uvluu In an4hytuk �lnw;° t0]10 W WSu4nnh t .... l 1pv 1p lurwa,w rl anutfulwrh rl city tl r rnnrutww wtlnart_sl mancntlah lwmcma ncla....t rn uranrrrtinnurti ull�.tlwgnurnlwl a vt °anruuluuaunvutacaun.9kur„ bIll l�u,aupmcrse,uN.,hputnauwmts.: bu... The RWQ§gcj arse u21 r a+; clots, isconsimennt with Ole terms aarnw,�ccuunctiflwannvawf �lrvrc anpwaw,u;rmN,cdmin- hie uu few pnN ua u_n,ummuh_instru hien t, q. h!rawj+: ctw ca,v,rrlg hl h?u„ha ica. p,rgditw mshall have debits „nhµ,waueiu ,,. tcd rwiffi th tangy Ejr p irnmmG is cah nu,bsuteg3_bnt tNac a u uVNc unnq s nraa8rtrcal wa tlaarnal raunbcssucsuu l arsrusur thus c ra club aussesswnncrnt meth(114�51,jce sl'rcal oat tNne an pnyed hrnsthrrsttwrnt hanq...hhc in4i ua lac.�.lhmaw at aruL” ff ff acrrrsgwi.located within service actaNccl rb_thr,npnc�to mlrar ee istrala.ueut .uma v. ti"wrrlhut¢nu an uucuawssialr uww,t(igatiotr, In this Si,trwduV,ion'tkme,.Nn.nrorubtct.lwcrfcwu;ty,s. tBna.,,.tarnawu,.ub.� rm r1' c,a,hRrw.h.aa.rutbwt..l issued and d tta. aulllahmr�t Nva rc,spnahursn tl� bWaarmarnlff Stluc ess of the rnr�abr ;altion, lIgnni uec-rCSpnaarpgiblq runrh.h,go nthcu,uu awn ulcmlu atrlhhe wane (0 tlnc_Nnulrntltted ��c�brwartt c...a spuprmn r tl ,' plh.pgpts utit-site locationwithi hsame watershed. __e wflhCtqn �nUl, B Nor used pw�rly?..bt� the alppt�,apra�rNlwtlga%l �N r10,J11T)l6 1011 rii 0,pfmuonstiraat s to ulpw.._aatnplrcbmwu,d Wnnrutllcnp,tps" „sar,tr' lhgl,uY. n twla,lt Ih .lroraj!q,,w;wk argwbwlcn,uclr r� w uwp,lcwpwac lNwr tmmw hr u.atatic,,lla.lrs ofa ballrar„k„N l,pnuah��Kr<rurrmc+.unwrsrcrrt..,:with tate crileriat in this sea do n. 1 :: .Ja pgl cnb w wlruTuprul,tsltrms} fw,litu aatmrculu fs itn a tiO n Clur lost or_ufirnagrulshed wedalld quid buffer „fuahrma trcaurs Al rhll„rel qm a typs; istcc.N...fbelow in orderof 1,?1c�c3Vncc A fawwca Lref wvice Icarrnp._in,urr�k mrp„wyhyH be used urrly_thrnea ulutnNtc avrl. s crapNu9elrtVlraa prraat ssaanrrrN9pnmrrrasmr rtles ica tlwulaparalranfl rpgtlnaraut. autobwls trMbt_v_tVnpr4 aaN&tiNncr r,lt,kwrN ty_hpeas tfjnitig wtimw,rn arse treat wia L%L.,unrursistantvyith_the c°rileria inthis section. The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 32/69 d Vic°. lcror auu�rp,a p has caa r�rrlcualaitiaasrt c �.tl..ia ln.!.w `>ica� r: ;rrnr tion:,..r,d„� � Flu„,d�qa g eV i�c t r i�g;d;'ics o ,a,Sh Vilh.t6��, rol„raarlgrnrn rna uaa �l cry kars�arrae �' unet+aabrl„� �t� .i._� w�a���l �l.iia ���� , ��� raa;4V��t��� � a��ra.�,ha���a,ur��it��a aid �,r;���q,���� ��.��i«aiti [ru wwaaa.Vaawrai asu,r,a,,rctawraar,tlaaar csm wwiclaae0.hlrian; e....lt. e�Caha,tlasVrma,la.rrt ......aa ,raaaurnaana,nlaaatrn cnV tfr_irp� qa «�.Vo.rwgr'rlesiu l�aalc�r�uawaR �1arrit:r�plr_aa.. m..... _ . _ m.. .._.ate . .. dr.., . ___. __. ln'V.0 ,ivau,wa nt results Bruits au_�site wwit0l tins ��al�} ani rc Ir�r�nrrrs mmw��a�ltir x�R ¢�r histo rie B1incti ns to a foirinier wetllaaaai inti estal ent esus s pr!„ anion in wwet,l arld,acres taruaai arur �ga�rz ... Z1�jJv,lu,e s +soul€��.sr�r� ditelde..Pa.aarbrera0af didrain ,���Ve�a. -b,_ V qa wRaalitat jgn,; The nitutlgnr,w�<;au,raaa! aa,k t�wu aw1wasu,c «rV a,�aaµrrawa,arf !,aar lnirro,Vra�afaaat claril,uuctcrt�tu� o as site with alacsa ua rl, raf ralamacr?aayalrqnragA or historic ...m%caraefilo ns an! ar ale waded awed ostial_ l ,clraafaalaaarCoanrn nansraicq.V,:a wau�a nq,u w,ywaatland Vaa�a,iclrawlc faarfcdara„S,ucaaal ucsrc'll an again in aara tharnd acres, Activitaims„could irtwr;c�Va�� �r.a,qgProrrra ..u,da ,r to a ctarcarac a�_wawa l0drrwab; [r aa�ti,u odt.rl qin or return fidal hifluence to a wetland. .. ,1_niwias aa,aaa raaw f µaycatron, ;l hcMhaaararlwurl htaaarn 0 t�ac anlbwasV,cral,cOnernnq,aarlw tit;,fw}ragar r� rt c hail ac6eca«,aac wet a site to aJeyluaaa..wa ww tlaaaama awrw titin cranklarae& ,rru,a a„ ra«a t ite where a av0hii d, did rramt l�rla ^wu,aa,t sty r NNst..E strrkaITVr,»r�rma�r ent r tritaw rjq ail gaurrn tlrn wwr ttahhn aaa�n'aa Aa laa?lieaa 'w&Lane r ill Vaal,4 rCaa,waalalrrn as rcldVg41 ,a,9pr,4 to elevations that wilt q s rw arcw,al www,,lkinalmV,rydrojawl,gwlwl, l,rarlarw gaaalr..IrIT trrVw, aNuc@a alalrr t' tlrr ,a ;M wtl lrC tatt,rwlla,r, tra pgdrar;lq aan crap ., V V «w solo' a rtwrt mgw ar.V.raVwdc_ Iasi war i,q,aarnaf,,rc s;lrwh a,t,rc.... ar ea?aaalaa,Ir tithe :tr e aanccta LR wwtait0rn nra <nra cl ,cr tarcc cr rgaa al tw.w..l�a Valaralw awV EauaigaaaawF V.n..r..ttr. acrtVccal�rac arcnatiarwr !ala wedand and bidfca,yaaaanua..ala rnna rro�tuaalr�ara.fw l6wc�.4lnlalre rrwf'a aaararq��"iat wwr�ltsgllaJl attn��sra?rasa� u;�raats. a,I'.IlueVrtt°otog�ytgtl ill ,aondltr�,rrs«ag,th.p..iwraraa„lnar�.r.km.gtt aa�tlrrrru�"rtrrt�w��<�rt�r6rraawlI'"gat llsaa«rtaaara; tVaa_..1 par sad a ct6 aaa! salad rlaaak tiara atrabrr,a_rl <r_avca, Krlrcl «r�:aa, ^arta www_rgl r �al_ n r.� ..w aaa r rwdrolagic laroblagrin lsewwherg, In .. _. a?taceta Varrra9u uses and site a Mcarr,aR,lticrr,ls jcaa,aawt a4,1 aagjiza;..the viab..aaNur awqaljgv� � wwelIaawad ar Id knrr(fie I f ,a„., due to. line anra:seracc° 0 lrua°aawrwrc Ps1,�qts eau• aaalxiawrra, wva_cais S10rua.lw.aaa;h,r laarhaaf d, na0hs .a 9satVwCw aar lafllreu rgaaca�Ltsi, aacrs:4 a,.. .l Rna Iroarr taa t,a .tiw taatggc, trraC lrrp.G",far awrl9._evengaacaq v be t V� l,uwt,ar„il,nrr ralr V1ttVa_ara raaw I aa, _te raa Maainteanaanee, F"n1 nnca,aaacwr.t.. .lash:. r m,rtlrld4Siarli( cltla1aaaw,.� chaaactcmitcs. o a wvwllaaasite to ,tr, r«waa frr !aacnna rrritc,aa re6 or illyraaaru „wawa cr��, lar%u,a taaarrl�t,l am tar a Ir, rrwala,,lV,ra „rca_wwtkn ,gaga mal ��arnrlaan lt�cawrr Mrlwt�a wra ract atranrr anresernt h..,roaaraa,enlerlit is in,!cilrwr l<I„lw,a,I lana„sada IdreaR lam;raplanwt, Burr h as w ate �'Ralrt6ll _Iral !!_a�wcraa aaa,,. ffrstrtR' w,c,yaar tcfcrnaaawrm ._ar wwFllr6i,=a, 9nrawrta V„msErmagaa clrrenrl:...rr aalV in, rr eVlrtrra+a...raz aarnnc aactn rrra Igaaaayaerrr� aaaa�_a titay, lead tat,.An�daMt„l�rata. in o luny wellki nrq ��alawtRaawa,«_I�rrRmaacna � as t,rqgalwl in au„ wrier rra.Wawedarrud ac,Ws ,Ac� Vitie .typic a,kly aar rawa a tied laR rrl,alrn�awwayla paanuaatlW_a¢arrtwyarl9lbn I hi-rn a[awaa r rriva'stws 'ILce, iew q sada a in ,« site a 0ev 14.). lis or die, gnrtngaawaarrala aG as wwraw a;¢r r tan.r,1rlIwl101e tl,IrwwaJr_rsara,q,paac�w ra, wwauna arcaaarudwugraa�q�arr aar ahawaanctr;vclacAppicrataamms pLgJacaSlraaa,to enhance awa �0luwtra ..or associated ataMu,+w shall da,rrionstrwrte110wr ¢Wba�.NnncalraaNcl KnimpCeinent waltlV, __..-:..vi t �............ r CMISa t6tc.., w;a,tGauurr .mnl�"0nula0 g..e YeRruniefl n how l0urw,iner0,caawa aoi, )inction wwiIt anaNe%q tql .Wa aniipp? ga ate lana the era)jawac t. rrrrtltl,gaa e a,l*,;arrn wwc,atw,arroalrvdaanctwarrns at tile rule„ti,�«ution .kc will_ w anraro�r aetaraa,. a llt_astetraa.€aala�[irtcaaruunc°ca_�r�eaael_araCicatr.a...?�,�rnac�aaditaulYra�aatlta�tsr,patio��aratltr�tlaa_l��rlrrrc_ava.,e.waaalrllra9 carraaap fares lay„aarn aacanaanin or near as we daarndl. This Xaiclau¢ta,s the,abuurelluw�a ofland urn eaasemeunts:a._¢au rel�«a g°umn water „control �str kxtuires or fences This teramu,aallso inclluides, nefiwaaiar w a�rararanaurrly a sm.)cc ia!'t_ed ww�rtlr_dhe term l,,), tip raratrrnwl Preservation does not result in rl aauar ofw ellaarre� acv�a...k;�waalaraorc;l„rtylarcntec�tauarn ort°aa Cate i tiro ..P�. cwatlalata[ arrcV.a,lociated fwralV r, at r,l,s0a arl,cwLLaawarcfalrcnit call Ina eased otfl l,?,lm aa,:; The uaiagwmcwwA.arantla,caar.t .,c!Ahge ;ituaaae s that IVaa aauanaaaasccj�aalcsa r aducarr is dwa best„ rnilj �,rrtcQg angnji. rV. b .0_Vn,w µpwla<al as ma' ymua cmw+maatrrran site is armaa@mer ffireatt; awl uucysu csa rkthlr ecan9wwR�p aa;q a la,ulwraea9la� tics Inti ma�nmretl�c,l�, p Pcarnrrc.a.�.a..crr tr c9 ..aetaotis Ileat! will n(:q,la.c.vL(jggq��m.�t rarrta�c eat aarc cr a.�p�alaraa cguullaafaaaaa a.�.V..r aaucrt.lacawltr,r,v, Vcwr IrrLwcla q[ccwra baa and iap la_alr. a&star tel cdfi ,aaf,iarr the heafth of the wrwaaatc,a^a8aed o tnawsir” dthe to its .i=antiora.a.Saara e of,the 0anllcw^anerur.g.fuatjgg§rrnauaa t��,y,gI ra�swa,an,C,}nrghgta_r_Via J. ,Caatep.,wy1 or IB �e laanaf__u'aallch (q era, the :,Wedfli�al.t`?..gaatrru "i tcol R'wr vaw twarnR.arsrea°aa The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 33/69 H, Ra rC 0 own ') exanip , ot, , fcwesteci Nvefland, - -- ----- W .... . .. ... P Aejj gs,jnah,iire '11 Id. hafJ j kal that i s rare or c'"'itualine, welf, 5 a HT'nNed resource in th al .. ........ . .......... HE _ J I -W PXcrtmcawaatfya8yataut tj'i)JLC) j( --n tAikflife list Nas �'it (31' k q I j pkllq� Y -11 -0 -10 -X -19- 12a Rhoy�t[p�g i jg'iqad cor rwclLyjty� �v. 114, y hyy drqj( y • __ " t tes, ill n rigH y si a ""(I"l -r(Igj!ffliq wedand »and buffig will be provided thru'uaq h a consewmion easeinent or tni.tct heW taxa arl - app, and respurce n '1� --qL �. a ust- Rilyinte naturall 1, ----hrid tr------------- Th K-Pnimovi-k1ako" twdly miky-14n) r1lechankins hw fieu of.'i conservatk')n casement ffh deterniwnes I -fur 4ypte('A the site. Ratiosafion with, wher foryis q! [Lljjng� 'Al'jy"'Lq j'g.fro"I HrH to, 5gry;gi )n in conibin, qQ: iis deqervinined q a as b - aw b i in as wygtj, o,aj,s.L)vjn Iteserved. Ratios 1ou:.iireservition as thesole IFl"l., - o-c1-at1o1-1n -11-o1.1f11'-(o-t111'1cis "wry -I_-C-s )mw'�tt milit(i ationactionss[W VjjLrWL id uc ,bra,aa;suuha.-dn� a basin and wl the site of, 01C afterW ion exceL) 111 -omligyd "w'J"'INCent can - — ------ -cDcuiltnu vtnnmratc that The Co my-rmlhmWq�- jlfl Jo wia& giterha will be cyalumed whep de e nin whether the off, site ndfiw &n is C : to ic 11 10-Lz jy','j2E0u-!ah1c-' hen coir.'JiIgri tzO—ff-si—w I1li-j-jg?4!i0p'L-qEl-(q -i[lo LI 1 _11 L"jyqp V, alternative 111ifug 4] 1 , Heti dvan q! ,9" h a a ndfiggio han , n h - mifi6gqjon. m ... Dum'au M�QLA- -- 0 - I - 1, There are no reTisormble on site or within the sqb-drah ;wg )a in oLl"'!r'ifte )j')!' 'TIS wuki r qpire Ohnination of hip f'lltwgio!yulpg"A!j!jAq "j)L �!U,,,j qpppg1!gj!,ies on site or wilkin the sub-drai sin alsa tugrot da aw c u; Na f v Nina q,s9nwawr_aG atl t u enc w Nair tty sans t'6, tw a uuuui u, ticnai w f" law t,t ia&t o q. B' R'1a withA) 0111 aso wI Ew sat _fcjc the Nin a ict....._tofWdcraflons should inehida __aiaviacuaro 11,L _ggieniafi rgs R) � . . .was ............ 111-itigg i. adnNwwater to maintainanticiliq ge wedands ------ - - --- ------ I-- --------- ---- - ------------ I ---------- gj�� -iiyft, yogjarphi _q as s c when!sja_)Lgq: s apt -4(,' i y'[ 'Lgplial to nrnutlt gc.a. a rM n arei,fisIi and aaw°fi jjjqand habitg T-ske as q,l,ai t,ttiagt,u I,i«is aiiucawtaa likefilwod of' _ljrqyjjdin&qqMAR qF in-i'llroved wetland fungions Than the afte,,_[ed...wetJ.aiid., 4. Off-site loc,ations shtffl be in the carne sta)-drain c basin unless� as Estatflished watershedg9als fqrwatcrqwjwit gild stcrrta,r t can SaInyqgm e habital, or offier t another Frorn a state certified wetlat i ation bank are L ed as conjj2p j�q(qjm,_pq 1�q Credits -ML, i LWT, 1 A Lh��jj,, ,of oelld"its N consistent w."'ith the terms of the certil"icl-(I,,b,IE,ui.,i:k,ial.mi. (g poid to anj, pp?Kqyg�jj j �gj lb pyqu, j lmap o g fr tile i Inp 1 --.1. 1 B - -�� Q d,,, I I h e d c s, a, Lo K, 0 !a amaauariwt 1,,,QEgi ky Js Nra,c wuirarr (J&, position in fl -w la d',a ipp.). j'jjqL(Lyp,'w�Eylmcqg lii(ion' Should not result un the erqa!jqkk, qfmal IXgfl wedan. d 1 - y . - — -- F, "Firnin , or(mmat ins Mifiw!iqn is ly rnKat Q! , opgllsjquy, Tylid11ltm ?a --9B zqjgcLtw, gatiawraytiq tcaNmaauirunM to activitics ttw, wHI dkturb 'we,11aluk tNic 6ccnvt ccniugpacwny taan miligiat.fsW1 ShaH be com Lctqj inyl)pdjgqNy disturbance and lywr to use or uaa a,u ttwy Q[tIlg AK!i(in or devokipilyi 111, collstruclk'm jjiL(Jects shall be timed to mdue iittaaacis to exist I wjkffiEq�,,qjd flora. 2 r. "he Administrau awflicwim a qne-6n e lemppruyj h Con i ol, -Mz - ZS construction Or instanation or Who -P!�Lyjdcs i "�yg -o t Efied welland 1he Conlamls tm C app l t 0 "1 1 PH] a A A i t i 2 Ekc� a Ll ljh— -flca "I —i vr ten'W[L 1,ti 1"fi The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015, 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 34/69 lurcaNt°tsmnrolpfl as_tap...the rationale ,.,.fbt jNrq..s��g4ky....:r��,�,,�µwqu�cfiu�����c_rali �rna�,le:.. ouutd �,auc„V�ade do,HaNnc;ti;�lion �rHhe efivin•onn_n�en nal c��1��'uuNon r tN„n, �w~mCoull�i tau°��w�l�nc�e��, din �u q�a� l��uf�ri„I�itit o luu_s,N��uamo sign igis ant, consfi,ugfuarnu difficu lfiws tea d�,.1....' l � v p.5 l tw �whidoww, arm„ u1,tl lu .lrogKmrro[s �iraroantlu amlavu,„ad„tlumtn�,d;ron. ulsror°ra°a,umrtr n roua`n a al u:da�l,� N n �� ^�„ ro,usd � �lslaar i„ qta t sum,ro,tu'.N..auroarro..pr:l.a...danaalrc.isurvival ofinstalqu.,d„rnaterials'I 'he con dit,aaroar ,rmam ruwra,r umrl t'itrvN wNaaur%m ti ...u..rt ci a r, n attiop, ,�a�m3td aR a aluul v l Irl„Ltnut he...-Lm�l�n a,a c w t umlhpa ,lraaV„ilNn., ,gglei „rural, w6figre uaC,dlra_dlnrh,Vrwdura r„� ��u��l. l���u° alta mea win a�nxt�Y..aA�Nat�_rtnui:��.u,�rn l�nn u p uwu ryu�air jtw,..l.9..�na �luaaun...p,laat agrat,r,�nenn.tsraregnvfiw�rq,w�r�rugdt mr turuwr�G „ll al err lto a'._nutrpNprqurta�ut.p,arrro al�a;cogl n ons rab.ry..r,'u!,tdn <q.lu.aaN.P�l�n.up. I jj�...liuug.ff,icatign nuuuust br,yyed, twud sur d ya),gna�F�a� pry., ee.n 9 t } °tin nB.�,Rn�r��rgpr��nna�4 Cansrrrat�kr o9ap�"t4r,'lit'FysLr_iir�t�_"B1,�s,��uuyt��a �� �aarr '�nana,rarnrrorr rar Varr Bna�� C,rra �anrr � t��arm d ar cora .� d.t;.... .red tt ll ur dalquuua....t l 11 mm ft ll '�t. nmta,a a,��ulcmu ar ns and values, and a� an alt�r�ral � tun t�u�..utuu�q �ntaon rdmtio� Nurouuurad cus_the 1.ta�umm guidunamu.nr qp w �h r�rr� nt�tar„q�m�ar�mm„a„n 1,1 eft„ht1tr 1aIS. )r Inua l'Na mtnant7 #06 R16.. agmtul% llPmurdr�,wt l.m?balm ,tDtnq.,..tl!!maµpamgrr,uini uumatwm nm a m1Nru1urimtl w,ualrmluw ca uan7t,u....Nred rtAwaugmn.l....aulctlmumai'. u t,;'u lama a.. p tglu aroarlane-p„c ufdl, qLogy_juq `t..ul. t �a altaan y , n alttw,rrtncd l?u„gat cw rar„ rrraraaa amw°a`a aak AW u cn by nwhs l'l"a �un�na u, 1 .au r �tw aw, ban nn a .. ^_nannl nnAq__ , a9gau9ta,VmBn cati.ouu_u p„U 06 L ---.,_t amq,unl)gnsato -N, id �t,�rmrm „N"lMsmm�..�w When �m_gmu(u��umt i! vo„,ly s w,�au„llrand �,,ind,,Igr bumq'�a n_..q.w,uu duc q z.rwulrlu�uu rmsa� w . 1anuC,t mlAauulLLgn�,wngm a to us _ a aNlan ifle pygf ss! uuuu9° Naa1n@ uu r �uagaufr_ctd�mrpq fi!jg �Nrm.lrr�igrl��r{u1,�_u�muummrumuulammm �� umlal r�aN�4 1. v °a l pwlcN. rmau w1V r r flu mau au...0 u,au„taau,dw mr u u u Ilgr! dura wu ll,�urwu�s-_11 must acc mluul maav_ulLw a,�aa.luemded imam P _urwclagde time minnaulurua„py4 ,aamm lcrsw,rulu.a identified aaq...w,°�,}lt..: 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 35/69 nasc,a..n,ancf fuauaa twcauuwun.. Mo...r awl l.& e l,rgj,),a_qts in f tl,rt ti..�oraqrelflggjry .'. w verdin t lad ,tl.l.uc�A Nau�lq, and w rNand a ��q,r�.s"„,�tials,o d ��tl�.'� led ,nd l attltlnma, 1, �;,,�.M �,�. w"w. D a, u�nntl,nwaana�f i�a� �agrvr;unla a��wbt��tl r u��i���wtl�a i.� !s t stla��awalauI 'a of rafl�aww de t6l, .WaCalisaua�..hicl ud anana�ses,5nnna„wutuafa�n ntlwna�.�aawacfu�dn_1, acu_aaana ��au°_�u�G�w�ae L�aut�g�pof a elIanck and ?uwnA W& AgIgE qa.n' , na4.,..Sk.a,a,ka,n eS or n"w;atg ,y, ^fit aing, w,.soua �.Ia a dsc unnr l��bwwtakMRaS Nara:aa,Nn fltlItro land ad��"s functions. Estii,rnatechut�,unt,�,cnditaa�q�syint@iN�yI))� �dq�njfttlu.sa_r���l"Po�niStiMcauI re�tu�r_�g5,w�t_n 1�O.�:_'. aab.. ML VIIaahq!I_.0 ,....1!,nmaaanm yV±, n0ad tNaus site I~T(I)&IVmAkcwLw,dtl ru aanrwtG wan tl, :, Gfrnn'. °n..... nu! fiace aaalu<dw subsurface hy�gyN<wlaaga,c connditucrtlrsjlou,.l.ceabaa 4auu gagal �nS 0a exist au, 'aaaad._fn, trLast��� fayw',,fcsV.lw .w c',a,n n as „!esti w�fafa au aft s',u,:'a auc,a wn;l n icwac�d wa <raan amkua nb au7lu inagion areas. Include n nfl^aircllaoNps cu Ind Jeat, n,fon e7wPsiwaa l�,Pab puaC' 4,aD,n4, ataoaa"» were used to de1CeV"ara'tl](aS, the „euOtanllclte x o. fun naui....bnY m)Canaken,aannncjui,nnnuny vn. al,_n sednannarwa urs t%auW ianna aQIL actions incl � axw�af�c uas at�ca,wu aaf �tl w f:1 atl�ad uoan�, tln�ak�au�c�, are,,N ad'Cn �t� �ry� l'dnc ynaaa�w t .rn��aacic ,asynrwald, �aa�,ls arf fftc wa cu aaaxc�ci,n,naata uct,taaaau aaa,� � ^, ,.. gym_ � � y �,daaafarnwMa�cfascai'.taaaatN„l,,faw;u,. l„nrn nrvuati Cnnnna insanes>..?ycNurnyc rutuaatl fn nn,n c q a,, a ur wait anN...uwltic , ntq,L42 ies a':rorVicth IId's,, W,`qj-... : £",ti tl➢ 7E1_ ll'tl 1 dNk l'; %G} 7G3 1 UtlG ,%t;, C�a� C 41gtµail,itlM 14 p i, 1S rtii 1i84 eased lUpi,IIU °„k'ff a ,ia "tile's wfu.a.a. ..Pe loutfnvatic staaunclannaNsw .nun ry,nutlanfnfa_ l_ao-aa dta , da a reatl ,,_p s . ins llafig'in,._9a-u:_waphgn d and aaµad, utlntll an nnauaatlNunufnas aamlontl,toriu sdaa�le,aarnci an,ynnahnenanc schedule an Baa tllanatlw p�nanntlnna� nub rusaar. p,n .., , discussionnmµA"ninffnn waul,tln unatNa�ay s3a�nag: nra a�mtn as IV'am wi 9N,�u�waq��t �s�.9,�aata�s �afds r the 9c r Cas aural Ntf..f dna aawN kaon ,LgLgja ani,},lema,rnaN,.nl w to flnuaa fga.a, nnsu_n� iia awful tau_uAn calf minrenn�adw_r�wnu ce p.,Lgjjanngs ftroN cctaaaaaNfawwt%ataa9saaa.cd.acaangaatl;aswuuarn.annufn,a,ftiantla wwm�ll,nnfan� �a ti._ -_--A bond eslirnate f6l ffi s_tlatuu.:.:wrvmmaraaalaann,.�aawua .....nh��lan�x�unnl� lwtlfwnael: uotlaplatl �„fnn� �,d�w .�calllcn afaf� <ll watlwlmu, pd_dnnY,uggjpaha„,G Installation �f�11� �„B�adG� lY,�l, 4£' mice 11q, yn anf„,nnr uta inn uw nw,wuna ranaaarnMngmuaawu nnugwaa„u;au ,dNa nl avec a6w, aroacl nil nnn�.wan .zaan,w;NmaaasIlautaw„a at y a an,dnfaals,for at frum4nuannnuof ilea otauC r�ufnuluaaf_lauaawobe crf naaa5 ("or —onllorin xi, Proof of establishment of Notice on Title for 1. is wedanl,ncl,s and buff'"ers arra the.dnraafs a t elf. nuanall_aayfnny,.tlnl n on li,aas�atar��y�.uaautu akinaua areas. by The agwawafw:ci f.rlatltu suit is fila° the u c;caaau ,uasaatuary�-uuastwan_ cwau uuacust cc—at nauat. at da. oaa�aaananaaoan . u. waau,w nwyuaaf a adun .s cnf tint. aunytynn ,. au dq�no^ua _arucl N,nnCfcus mo --sed ureas Of...Wc.tlarid aaaa,d/or aua lulflnau is uac assn cn '.f a rlawasa:c-a�wr.�N�aw_O aaa7ef�'n�a__fruuflwWn°_c�uwuupom,�antugbuu_ou;sa�uis. un.W...... r.uwxlnun;c,uaan,aulnnFanmuauaa�.,foaauaudaul..suG ieyawannat a,rpN,trauau interviahs un llrauaunw .uV uCya frn,ranOnnnnl _t uanlnu bus al,aaan ac. tlaavn s pJ,�anay_grgtoif �a+�Lra lye ,w� nrar nns of rna au°u wtf �mYa a uannnf,nn;uws ptdu.an7; abbe ly _ rnn 5mwsluu mu rocs SecCncnns of,on xut� nwael an d_aare s that aarrupL)psqaa tar fra nNnu r aatnan anra�l a,ac�s,t w�� a lu,�ui 0 fc snP;aankatl wf an,u w... axcnl 'pnalen w ul d fcnu a u lnlicro w a c1 wwu nti;,ara a td„ m( caw° fa.uuffeu_coITamuwuaal'.a_waflz.,, HL.,,,.., dC Ond f on c ,fnaacaaN E;garuaabdna, fr n nansyaa ar,tncaaas arunynl u_aa dawn baud.. nu tau dnya tl°'a c an,ua,un'a,udr uuc..t ".faa s va,u a t afNauaa,a;awnunt, nnity t fnc,s fay cirruu hi am <tl ecieslbw atlanua�d uuwacf uditl and andfl�aorre wm�a.u.ruw nnuaans . iar, R m paared_ nwretl,wanacl—bgfl'bus frau°_a_^,xust,tua ..rwat9utac�;s aaauinnp°n;p��n�uaV wau~atNaw.nny�knanry�nau, _ ly�n,, nnfn ul'hfar �ytI zones nldanla, fawa,.�Pla as,�aa ,lruanfM,P wci tap �yt:.wca unu.. .�ta� nnrllrar ¢f nacau, ,raids tui"n a s� rriaa u; y Wenti,fwaatl imnn (his Q, h agn n% a ..... qrl� un uaany lutlafnn...fcua ,e ua� arnyuancw s�a�ucnun arca in ludin ask 5,11 +caejjy,fruaa wrssd c;nununnfi1tpegt ty syrnn,, wawanl _u,a uaan,n_, sapy Knnanl.tllr:..ayf faN uur,tluaaawatcu a q__iaa,luc ,uunw,sq n8a aq_sla aaluan>wtaf fni auat.*_�y9btl:dnk �aala,�ra. loaull,a rias, lnnrtM number caf a n, la xf�n a,na s gun a cfisrarnnsncearnn, l ane �.aaaad_¢uapnn,nag aa1 inn l;a1N ,tl�nnnan i.....n,Buaficq °�,�,wta atwnnnn, Rados, Nanana�war,>s,l�a...�9�`.l�.t.°n.ma as@Nfnu..uaaila �atn¢�..w%l�n,nnupu�u�aan�.I:I ra#uc� nwrrnafraaa gntu�n"°Cy �aauffanmwwau�aaa<;niauanaa �fa�nlf uynnlmda ffnan�a katu6fa�a...�:faaaw taannua«�:6anyt �a�ntinn cda.nrAnn�uaoarnt... 4. Protection ofofae kfit att onm` Site, '11w area where tBAaH,rnidaation occurred and an sscr6eatc.cf faau[16 Shalt b gocated in a critical area tract o a conservation easement consistent with YCw✓ C 15.27 Part six. The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 36/69 :5. k4onhoirit"ie, N,hOu djo r �i it r i afjqiod,nqcess 1 �yw em, I I.rV.. ------ PJLIQJ--��,Pi ", -, .- �,�V . #.��J-Shth 1-INT'Rymanep SIMIchards have been nlet bt i not a r )d less thair five 'a s --shrub or fivested vet, ajjpI cpq n-1lk Proposed, r1lo'nitm i g may I 'Mj�1',1y ---- I ror la as ars al, more, 11 hlClUde monitoring g�pInggl§ I�2A! ensure cerwhity of'sluccess f6r III prj�j Kj'� riesource vakies and L - ------------------ - - ------------ x A'. P ff ti ej jt a i( n gp�,j _qmj or obuiincd widijil Ole inkial fi e- q rjj KJ re -mains rqsp 10fle fbr resumation of the'natural resource values.and furmions unrd Ow I dw .. 2L-11-1-111-11 I'll- - - � ation 11-11, . . - --- --- . , j,", g� uarrtagaa0sarr 6, A d ya f i ,\P, )acts to wedwids i be c(mistrucled in -- ----- -------- - advanceofthe arrurr ast,Ill, tireejiliti,!,t,Ng a i i Il qjnentod accord i I �Iq qg . ......... . ......... ... . . . ........ tL16W11-tfi01%, -,Siat-e Mte,K (Jtgffliy re q 1�0(1 S q "wisistent w4h hm,2 0 .g -A -tr-, j`%,j ycpph December 201 122, '!" adirdnistradw official or desi j![!grnaflvq Hic, , --------------- ------ - --------- -- - --- ... .... .. aspKiori wm in the SN1P. Alternative r liti I I o level cif"ry, NgLtjpn of' yvoland tI(jgn WOU �jcl �%ppicalicrn of this official considev khe flqjjovying_fcaj ,UjVL(2ygj of an ahernafi,ve n6l ""Ition vaal w_atrora Kal,w-qsu-�,t °shqq, -aDlsistent with Solectiqj-,fN,. a H/eg rsh A (L) Q_(L:,As4qgy Publication 0 l 0, � 07, November 20 1 0j,' -0 _m�llt "1". 1-1 --, 1. � 1. 1. - I fl� -'. 1-111---, -1-1. 1. b. C'reatiorr or enhancenvent ot'a flar, -- - ---------- IN IS -12191 fAhk!q'Ahg preservation nirwr Ir 1gibital areas. dna efion kYMC .6(6 .........15,.. --27- - due lo Ov, c�L'instraints h, is. no! 1`easible . ....... - -------- pat eki VA rear j pemrodand 4q -,L L hazwrds. --d? tuy -cL 4qry,,or j 'I"fiere is clear of the m,opq�� Initi gq jL SUC. ­.,--.--­ --- ---- --- ­- -r- uw, 11-A ansa) C I e q� atri gse LAI s(4gdards fbr achileving anc. with tile Sligej lic c 1:11royWons ofthe,t han. A ynruea w wNgr,aaraakions in 8'e"'Joy-ANC 15�.27,6Q5(1)j ......... ........... . . ............. ..... . . . ....... revhLNyed and Pil Lngt1as-ail-ri, . ... .. .. - ---------- ----- Nye .d A-A e t ........... ....... sl, luA oN diffcu,ew tied based cm rggiorufl needs or functions and valu .... . . . ............. . . . ...... . . .... .......... . .. �y ratios yiJay Ii-ot bp re(tuepd or cNinimned' unless the redmfion results in environirnental akernative, shaIl nw the Incl ml tjjq auiramews as owlined hi Section VN,K' � 5,27, tGt t- — ---tl ------- IlII.......... DS, - q. areas add ss d shkAH jygjv'kr tj,,!g.jAan. araTawraa.,raf1d k[Nd iction over the critical fireas d qH rig � fie ------ ly jvview to assist with analysk and ff1CaSM'C,S,11at adC LWO Projects,41tat developed A, (70mpommlory, mitigafi(HI-plams musty Del) art alent- of 17,eolovy �, -U "'S Protoction Agency No,. -04-06-044B The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update F't, Washilljt,u-,na 'Sitat( ------- -Wetlood-1111 itigui -boa Iv'i web iumaa�l•s..wNaen 411--Tile, I....:1 he eo+npensation - fbr-the aotho,J ed iflipaoty, and Page 37/69 .. ........ . II -WW+ fivd -in -AI Its R)r-irnpaas- kwate4-wilit6a, -the ea -spiw4fkd- a+ -the- -sel-M,QW, Part Seven. Geologically Hazardous Areas 15.27.701 Mapping and designation. A. Geologically hazardous areas are areas that are susceptible to one or more of the following, based on WAC 365-190-080(4)(b) through (h): 1. Erosion hazards; 2. Landslide hazards, which include: a. Oversteepened slopes; b. Alluvial fan/flash flooding; c. Avalanche; and d.and Stream undercutting; ....... . . ............ ---- ............. ... ... ... ....... - - 3. Seismic hazards (referred to below as earthquake hazards); and 4. Volcanic hazards. C. The approximate location and extent of geologically hazardous areas are shown on the city's critical area map titled "Geologically Hazardous Areas of the City of Yakima." The following geologically hazardous areas have been mapped and classified using the criteria found in WAC 365-190-_12t )80(44b: -20 - ( gh, 15.27.702 Geologically hazardous areas protection approach. The geologically hazardous areas protection approach can be met by following the guidelines below and by implementing the appropriate sections of the Building Code as adopted in YMC Title 11. A. Erosion Hazard Areas. Protection measures for erosion hazard areas will be accomplished by implementing the regulatory standards for erosion and drainage control required under YMC Title 11, building code. YMC Title 11 requirements can be met by the application of the Best Management Practices (BMPs) in the Slo in - ---- Lawater Meynyribt, Eastcr n 14/ashington Stonnwaler Mknval col ogy publication number 04- 1 0-076,.or Inost recen equivalent manual adopted by the city of Yakima; or any other approved manual deemed appropriate by the administrative official. The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 38/69 D. Stream Undercutting Hazard Areas. Protection measures for stream undercutting hazard areas will be accomplished by critical areas review for flood hazards, aln,d streams aiidl iuhwel'snejit.r ,sdioiiaii. 15.27.703 Development review procedure for geologically hazardous areas. B. Developments that receive an affirmative determination of hazard by the administrative official under subsection A of this section must conduct a geologic hazard report as provided in YMC 15.27.315(C), which may be part of a geotechnical report required below. 1. If the geologic hazard report determines that no hazard exists or that the project area lies outside the hazard, then no geologic hazard review is needed. 2. The administrative official is authorized to waive further geologic hazard review for oversteepened slopes on the basis that the hazards identified by the geologic hazard report will be adequately mitigated through eeroutl� firms ap,piied to °AI*,4,ssutmee til=a grading or construction permit. Part Eight. Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas (CARA) 15.27.810 Maps. Lid lI °,fit t cmaa: , !L Itiuttg. A. Mapping Methodology. The CARA is depicted in the map titled "Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas of the City of Yakima", located within the city of Yakima's 2,006,'20 � �..:t,r� lruurr ,Pw retr Coanpi°elrensivc Ilan "'(l�t5;Z�l LQ. The CARA map was developed through a geographic information system (GIS) analysis using the methodology outlined in the ww .rr^,Va�urr rttrrlltururrt;ororeaat rwl'.l art'riuv rtrtsll _ Ct wrr' a Cw^^ war°,11. wr rlreLrw,Gtrrca'rancreu Drrt°trrrrdxw.,l ��° altt Ila blt: ltrro�ttrot t�tf° I'.ritututl ltolf r l rwl ttt * Ates fCral �tr�t es'4 (Pt i N tion ? u.�. -:Ctal ial tC 005). The approximate location and extent of critical aquifer recharge areas are depicted on the above-mentioned map, and are to be used solely as a guide for the city. The CARA map estimates areas of moderate, high, and extreme susceptibility to contamination, as well as wellhead protection areas. In characterizing the hydrogeologic susceptibility of these recharge areas with regard to contamination, the following physical characteristics were utilized: B,_Gua . r pp,rcl ee a ocus:rnenrs S'h u,l,l be consulted rprr rr rrlrel m�wr.l:� � a�l.�..�..�u�.� lM 1.F.,:..1,)cllGiutn,pn,ttl,l�a,irl�uaay�n!'�asu..r1'.-;. lridl� l w tll r�rIsmiooV,w, ..�w..rsWv ulwclan gcayr` ,Lli,bor ISwiirvcv asrpA ,,r�lrt11 1;rCrL 1 e1rottl;trrra.ott,wC;;l l4'.eafilr 4atirraap ; ,"nasi 11....r"w,lrlp , tlr41r1 ,fElrnclrr'.twµt glr,lVtmdwfjn;��pa��l 3trirll wuu w t..u1P tytlpwwy,asrLLht ty c'cd a t kU_u4g7eClaum_(rt ly�u aru 1°. latch: L,lrt ur clomp .trouwv flnp nrrw wyl:. ( 1"�t,"w:N(, S _R: W i / w iisi otl ton A,�_akhu�a'W� �d_�rclv8 gR�i;rmi,, f�wll985 l p 1. 4 Cit, of ,"u_lukuuuu.t..."uVell41ead ��uwrC a lklm�,l 111" c Ilt tpC h' 1u� oma+ < V aar��l�awli H " us ��6, (Jk1F„4��1 � 1u ,,1ipa W llp sad., llr otectitwrr ,J'➢a.rr ............................................................. 'Se 5. 1l1uiC of ia�lin Six towli,wd, ILIsins, ukrna River Basin, was tttrw: irl�p:/oi�ua _tr��� rawr'�r°�f ��p11iCr/� rfl�tl�%!�r,(u;.Ci�(C(r� 6 ,l �r 1� E, �rr.l C"urdtgr�aa lll�rrmin 1�14�,a;. lrwllll ��.atri�w«_yrwA,�w;� 1rwCwf^t�x a "wl)�ltl,rr« 1 l �l, lltl �u',rr �Ca,i)u'��� p i,�,lyl,Guttfl poll° 15.27.820 Protection approach. "u..,.l N,�C�"ulacm<1,lra>r��u,u1wU,_dC�uga,rwd.,.wtPt;isl�r,"�l ��allta�rr Rl",u��r�rul�„t �Aa.,"1, 1,aum.kru,aiptirrslw�,tcrrr�m���x�rml�lilglblr„Wu?.mrrµvr,iITrim�ml�lw; standardsanaew111giieuArc,tr tal lllis.scefio tji6cal;_Atltrola,r c� , 1wCu w,�wr t� .�wrrlurr�..d;P7� 4 zt ,�@u uVi,law c"ged_Or a 13 mi lo« a@ 1,w taruvciiti.para,tducAw' tka or�tula ro li , _dosu wwano aood...wraloorLwol.oal:fauo tR,lulu:.oma. isillwwIce, _(rriaccaq r clutmr,lto,i cclururlre...l lly l V rlrewC icrll t_.Cxil wri lrlwxula..sW ntt�lout a...rwo ui*Doom 111«l,wa areas wrr,u,l,1,a critic4.tl r„cw ll�rryt.9lo.g cc, k on <o.rllu lcr� luso wl, fruo..l lw���k�lc y"at.er° e fflic ----------- prwrtceI)lurr rll,w�wa(w ^w iiac.,I,rrul.gl.I euaricint art w ivpl.ne. lia uu__l_ra-----------e u:ll,rur,urt�trl_i . rBr gr^ "xt tine t ri. lit A,crl, l°oarrlrla" y wrt r l?raa alrrtaiwl_)s a�, aalClrl � a i . I ita.._(,str.. a , classified into, four wellhead. 1C.wwu�t�lL�l1_,r^rnes' l',lu al are based wlalnprrr wrr�ru,� r lat,�ru'nal rr�rw���ppwaryl� aari.C�lrsuiot¢�rw�' Ig 4 anarw u, A rrWba4 ,wuwAlall ; wtt lac w ulatw "Nlis withlarmilw..'(: ty..A,rsrrats, and are desv,rnw !t lW Kt iu�fw�puui, alorw� l,rwpwll...d'10 "w)!wr �l uu,?1,",tgi�j1 w i,.?:arLtLt�Lit of"_BU ariih We0hr dual lPro eawlr:on N,srg ran Z The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015, 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 39/69 an.. ........WeIIlheaad Protection �g�lule 1 ua,R�n ��� nrt�w_y`�1ua„ IItatga'J.ana�,�� rro ln.n 1�ntnal�q_nu;.a��_nalanaga1n tune otlmlaa v 1,za�q�tll. q[cyj �'auaruaii ..a�w^ant,ea,ld,paao+�„1...wcll Ga,uggllor land area oy��li llr 499 �au,�n�.gii�..i�,�+��1,� ���i����w� �,�u���wmarea,. Ct .-..._Welflliiead Protection Zone 2 as lesents.Rlnu land tlqult a, a glgt the Baay air tinn�ro�.,�,ro� �a nacll_a a�;ams,; lld alual fsu�rblla �_lv,ric_g._sga auunl aaa�1 .aa c u,laRuunn"u..t[w R naacl...area noontahiwd_aarithin Wellhead Protection Zone 1. Wellhead Protection n A/llne, a.,r r spa%is the R lnlal:,parea that overq, es thaw,five t �l,,,ra,rinC 1�_q� atw�rq...finle- trot Cuatvc,0 zones 0 aarY tnartnn a ~aw"aatu n g, to a wvu ll er LLLn lata , Ole la nl] area contained ned vwithinr Wellhead Protection Zones t or 20 d Wellhead Protection,:�oM1.1..R galllesQa cawnaa.111 1qt ,aa,laraaquaaaas laauxci alln�41 the rte" tlnlnt urachlaClMd in Vilefflwad Protection ZKb,q]cs 1a a..rna 3a� a ... .. ..... , �. .. .. .. ........ ..!.. a?ido lt�anurr %ssnullt�n x ..l tntaatutlron pan Oro�atOli Nnt c@a t� r nn'lnvti d in ;t�ccolnlwnrtw`w withn the t rat s Vw ef1�aead l�raaCt_utnutuu t`"''&lnt and q:llc Was hiiin llt� �taata l�cl�atntic'nrrWarzt�tl lea anrtlt Of"ri � zrol a�_u'¢o�l��rt nrw al�u t�roamia_� v,ntlanS o ,_'" l tl l R w sses,In lit C°.ga apt tffI Y..l tat ; gt � a ln, zawtiur qua..wwingclt (tesignates 1pgvrw or travO--arid wellhead aaabtwtlua�al Arrau tlasat c� nuna , carnal lnt , tAes,, ...tludmb 4, lmagta,,tl..t.l.1...wo'b�s" c.til,nronn l allaave. B. Prohibited Activities in "'Alread Protection n Zonnes, ...............M.M.M.M.M.M.......,...........,,.......................................................... ..............,M............................... M: _ Land uses or activifies fior uat at alw aw �atlasl��ai�,..wnl �ta3a w cgdrinttlrPuat,R�r aR_lnulsa � �r�4n i c ant haann d Car the qi t°q,4, n,glll k i;, p tb41k6 w 1 0.l ,igdq �n t V n ikY dlU e..,�taNq)4 �11 1� K9 tl41 4g AQ a Vtn � ltt y� g f �—Af d � alnPglan,,lli gnrha z audnl„us maateriaalsnPln” of yawl al�lutua lcnats substayalll�c sa lsaV_I lna..11a<Crwa aclt,rl in pr, Mieaad Pral,tu�aodo n ;Zones 1 and 2ivyh sl arnduses and activities incluid , , �„1-1uutarticr ct• ....1 ann_ ,«,aa ala rctMw ar a s�°�tatnt~a aa_,defialted i n WACC1ttl�lt�r l,�dr IZr ll:M...Hazard lroh , ln,clnaicl llulln fllat s., 'aAtl.e tmrp,a¢l...a..n RCV !4 Raat19%R .:.......,° trdicl nvtn to V�raa tntlla,walu taaann .kua..sagtl,n at manna Biaatanl Nrat aauc9�lw tir a: waieu vv ! a, nnaainlrc a �atl satfid ... Wat t0., ri'Ya a Va6l wwtdata , 1 �ta3a1?wa1sic end inert and Ola Molitio n wastk„„ a1�...�.1 ucdlaucG. a,laloan ln,la _pP Ynu,iliwt , la..p.al ua wtn a a amt a n,st.or,,'n'lwl t.....Isand,�,a,_, ial,na t._ffic p,u,llll:r. R.:. -...,l lard r,lramRa...aand san d aaPU,d„maraavel alammtmlla ,lamina w�lkt <ttl �., within. the mn��anm._m.:ll...resource desm, luanlgaral,, t C lna _ Ctxn_i1 ,way clrsiu lCaaginaria a�. Qaisarnulnl..treated raantRa the KldmRpfilmnIItat l_i;�udtata.�,1 uta I amt9lq.R,;,, la� .....� Vanw..p�Rw��s a�,�s¢u ttaanlw�ws�pt�,wa«laal ��� a�llt�, ��r,satrl�atG, NaaauNu��i�� c,�e,.�t,1.lt�tls�,a�¢.,1rgt�a�...qul�c�a.1..Rttrra�,.Ra r.nrR ....ltt irtaNar urmaaR waatst ;aP taR_tlla ntgw��w a Amar u s w l WAf'73.303... taw. wjltwl).l u.,...,,, '. ueInica I n umuultaetes°in-. rtau aaa..jng ntat.laant ji I'll t„I'd tat .Omluuc allldutatntaranu chip rstuagnsa..l9jausla s uannd nusrrts rivaaanaaaaca arinuarl a uic arta cnanau taaaq:ntals taannats atgrtl 1 uua att n s a"!% aag r icWtur<ap c ina nimne<n1s• _.__...,,,,,,.�.�.....nnn�_...:........�....,,..�n.�a.....n.�.le,,,.........��d.n...n....;.. l>e....�_.�.,..., .l ......�: n ala tl.trl,fnl; a twlaaRndrp llarlcglt, nimnmla i�la a. Pwala� c to 9n�a lraa, tka �suaa am ataan armly txr :ne a alnarR,ctturaeN ... .....l,ln I1kBg0q..aaPlGscaunra9gr._luAual industries that uli ferrous ya�caa nonferrous irnetak frv�annulten-rnttenal,- _i mL Wncatreatment ,latglntas that al los,nKur.. �a,tatimtnR tc�tr..ealinen lyoc"eas.toOccur av,, q�a;m an,l arq laauu,..4 c .....� wrgl e. d nana n n�a,nde); ....s Nac�tla aa�attnrmaal aatl uan• �«aPcllhV.c haat Cu..t�lust"a-��I�l:�raututtat�'a n. Class. 1�.a..a lass 1_�_l, t ka ss TV, and the t1nll�a llyint types ctl' ass N' .:""tills 5A7,5F 1, 511tY;1 �Q4, 5't1 aaw:5 ltl;�.� l d ..�a�11�_."�4 �, .@,::1a t�_:ta * t�_�i}b, ,s .:..nu c9 _a.4 n�,tya,lrVaadtal nlRaclar IC:a�_�_Anallat�,.1,s 90 l8 and, "a"uC" BtaaRi,l a,.s l 7.:...Cl larval Ui n 1a a..aas a alne.vlcRle.d.; The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 40/69 ww l werauauavw ewat,a,tus gff`lgaawifr for aa wv larawaaats„aurae„r, a1r sw�,�aalaraa nuti. lr f°;apHil,ue ,tlu�uA,�,tore lwu„wu ;,, , w+w, � �p(,a.w.$),f uaulVoactua�e s�d1�:,�,t�uu�u...sl.an »uavw id _I .4."rr uta i or ri i Vrtirn d wry aseir., va alrv.4��aurad,ausgs aaaaa ,ac.faaugra�=a.,th at the Cit sa detataaaines wsaaua,ln�agwwsw..aa.stg Vr,a4ru ara�t gruaraautij� yw gta r haaz and tar oraaaugn A,. alrgGr ua,l�ws r waroaa��a aVc r...`wuu�g�Cu� ww ifll ur 1Vae ( a�"t,..rug�gtu�...c� ww�awugN,c�_ gut glgHu antA t6ya ce, li qgglp aapua.V...w r ¢�aar_ ent� p wrrmlwwuae nti aV A( rrsaal a as aaantaalwlc ww�"eatwa swrouaira r. C, Wellhead Protection Zone Perff'cr narncea Standards. V..:..., taxauWaw,ct o,e �w Illay aauaVa:. wa aaa. a raaultcw"A ruu..wn:..a:l it,ra wr9 agugu a bar ,na w ks au aaG . gire a...if th qaalaq,as,wit can show .thmfile gsu,a,lbwgused gaaataa✓ y WHI not caaysu a auruiraaWuaraaatu�smto enter_lluw ,aaaaa,au�,wgy«wwi�aV_tthat aVuu uwugwu, t�!' <uu ru le avIilWztaua. advers,I, aa,ftbet Gle reula u.,dunau �wf klauc_aa,aauraiifbr. r .y .ses aa.a aadavulias l0d h involve ;��cwuuu� u,�._&gwauat�lgrn Vow uluua w..uz�rua w.4augrw�Nucuraat.,.u_atg 6Auugg, ago a ar lu.. �n..... rush uai 1,)fhmurwar(kiugw unateru,nk a�u...(:Aheu...d eteriobus s ubst«uugc sla�He�,�aauwa�aY ^...m with g9aa:.auaGlawurur��ita� �l�auau'�mauud� tlt,a� lr v Rmus Glow„ uaulllra,nua ;auuur a_aaagaa ar�a ,in yehdch- ahcy_,aa,a V Kate....... iResi.deuntnalwuases ofhaaruardou s materials or d lde irutus substances r.�a.l,tu14w1 Wutigtgg 9lau .,ltaC,�y�w�uu,u.,g� sl andards.. 3, 1ITaaagt_gp rry d4a_located urn more than one ywa.IIh arrl..iat'ga pgtion arcane the Director of Fiera nuarnut . -- - 1,buwwc,l¢aa_pipaad shall de.t rrninc vw+larwh stand ursis-_slpaaV� aajvjy_Wk< , aff srua atur.,aaws,a„ssnuawaatl wsrwtlaaaatewarr a.g�`Glta. amisa� laanwaaa; its platy .b Maly sm, saetrwa;v rhemasasgsffl�.�uat a wrra,d,;aa ranaaaw, haH nn ck,0e,.�nma.t n,ot be Nuinited to {?l.�.rltr U �wntia�aua.� laa,.w uwra�..ta.aa;uatirsty g,htYrw Nn...uardaraasrwaara..r$..u.l:; sou aha;l,rtuasraialtuaVrs�„araa,;aw waug tltiarVrw.u�t�'.w.tti.lw ..aaapaarudrwr,yaiK�u,c, aae,crlaau'uw a 6,aaau gaa lrri's .raas rro�_tlua. nit rgtaa� �w b tllrt° ; V?a wuaro_aV location era nrnfiltr�atua�n tpug.the site,, 4,, t Qaa,kawgauauent wsathlri..Wellhr�adflr(',tt cl;gaaauZgaauas gw..a,aa_'.aauur�,agg�r dwlKara pe;law+al�wami unl..as„Of apnl waafiGarvrup_this U ifle w,khin whI h ha? as daguas nuatcHu �s na�...other wVa�aleriolus_su bst an mlye ,_ untP , � a�u uaa,utal aa100, OW Uka g.Pa,.u� gavdwat tw rlmalauuawlal standards: aa„ Sa,C__eraaarauuae°gr B lea.. nwsaaw�a_a)r lour„Qatt r a�V para �_l a u6uttl. ua ataa tur 9uauVEwluu,au ual , wa�rl,u,u ;lt ,u,ontaluaua,lew Rv hazardous rnat ua,a,swwr wdeleterious substances, nt,rs2r�gaa�..than...20 .... ,aaaawaa. 1,,a4atl,klLn.m . rslmnr,wVaal."..wuu a da naisaAid :..,Iah.1arurua P'i...r_�e,��NI ”hgja_tfwuua.w�' is srataal[er. ardaauos inateflal,s stored in tara.k`.w..tauwt,t .wltestu#aaw ul-_taw to ualau�.km h�a ���r,wG�undpNwa� State 1 alw_gagaruw gat awl l,aealaaaa l V w,aw rwaw rp wr,uaa eu a rwdw :; t„laaulvl,w w...d 7.3-, g rura3u u` uwnuauad wsl7n.:.u, w Tank Baat;w,u,l,,wUauaaa ..auu eswrt,n„aa1 Vutrdra.,adaa secpuu .a _Cartaaso7rvuuuutnw-eaalua uud,adal rrV,tmaaa„ne antwauw.Vuwgvu a,cl_t1naat do uun rital.aaraa us.gauaawaauia l t�u,r eNa@quaggas uwarema,cranugg�ra aaz wg. wwrutla 1.h rSe...ue l laaa.ions l;a. _V laa�le �arwlin, ,N, iautu_aaauuw;p,.>..at_ sicraaauwmaNroa, 9sua,l, aGGak ag,ltwaaruca4aaa; euwaac:timt'wctrwa,ua,1beling gw"Og;am qat� uaaaa,nua.��aaaanaaa,aam uaw�,yu,at la a aasla au aar,rwas slu r have „a uouat,aarrurra ,a?t ,este as a, for argl a tlmtuaTM«aaa Kam alp,ung,augluuMOw4.G,1raaiva,Siauw6wwu.r aw.aaaaal,larcw,ww�g,ggmig',K jgljw p fuels,_oul'sty,luuauueall,l and ffit(Is _iruu4ul...soil ~�tuir�aa�r awarasra aaa �saraxaaaua�var�tvgm. _a l,u�araolauma�ta w,suaawre aeras ai �awanwwsv,aaluargameiIt ara,re� s H] kits mlaar,l9 baa, l a.lw�,arrr ,awtw,a8aua„aVar,.Gr ,arasCat;r hand h LP, lua_alurawpgaa,tgsw ..1."utwrura V,aaauu, a,"c,arg clltaaam auu° ulislauasaal rel: hazardous materials or other deleterious substances. �,Aro,ud,c,1! a,rael V tfloMaalraaat..,u us ... a.uauaraulm�a,u„,w w,u gpt ut�aaaau�V.,o e uus�udent, Best tw8atglwaggLrj at...l�uwa�aua,aa °lwl',..<nsalagauca'wrcraNagr�Naa laa,uwauaa9Publi.a.._W(,)r� slaaalUl�wa„a,atuanu,atl<al.daaaeltat8tatl St re ja,aoralle 1.a.q.kt,.u?..rt,.9auoduce, tgpy jg_aurg u1u qty, of maza does materials or other- wdeleterious.su substances ga�aaur ,q,a 4 .au,wau? uautgt,uas ralaxaab Gag (uu;...a"uw alta;r� �luau�.�a.�.. ar,lVaggas �,uapuaud r w�bkfi�raraaaralwaw �ea�uaN. sswrans.-esuarl and const onevy stortliwoari tr uwraseus , �G,_ uG,V Ist _addressITskq uagrqg4jcrrsks,ffrf e eaases,lrunsranyb 4 hazaauvlrousmate mals a aauwsitu�..�1_h s ausks.aa,,u,l..�g The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 41/69 r;•rnrtaa,.otetl b gaN;gwpsreraq ����upaa.u..lnnw rrn<„ lrl,laprdv rlent,lti~' IP's.,aai nar�cr:i,rdaalce uitfn run ajj,rarved H arurr�a ons,,, l raterram f,�� < r�re.w�¢.,.N„ q,rcro D r �P � crrau ,�,g Kr prW amC aw�a� »tGa �r ww t ?, ..iimr l�lA rm�gr rr v �arr� iir ll_ra,�w „b e! hi accordanop,. with Y fC 4 ltaaateq � �"_rrr�auA �fle.f.rllc est edition of.,t,gra taral,ua�a ay n� jarite.lari unt Manual wR"g l ursterra,alt" s"Ifl n,gqrg'j'1r 6 rd c....� a wq m w au, a"r.v,gwt, or aiioril,er teclufle�,rI storm water. rruanu irrq:rry��r,gw &, 11) Co ����.�� �rirn ,�,�� �. ��� recll...for w��r�..t��.6.r�iince, ."�:.rl�.�..dic re rttrmrr�r� rets of.this se(,outwit.���^�..�t�.�iril� ssionn trt "riaC % alr a Ir °rdtlhwkwtlbd^ rb4 Fb 9 Q 4 a c V {q 1U1 lud ik M1 rr q'Nin ion t._. , .. .. ' ......., e=, The rectwd �rr�d,.orurstrr,r��,gtroww dielaij ol'a r 3.ur 9.��.lr rid a�e,c� w�r��ty, u��„�_¢p.r1� r„ 13 _x,60 '��a' C” onsturacctrrurnand Maimeuauarruv¢;at a"el.q.y:...alle1,rlrpvsniell„a,aalaraleefpeerta`�a, 17-3---1 .6tltylt'k.f.ttlnatp; o nstrated or rt�nnisgiomc�n Zones I r.'ind,w��A btycd u�i1he�glj!hnr�ror onrn�irrt __�ioi t , , 11 jthinfi() days of”. ell cor"pl tionp:..�an r cc tlrrurrr q .nrq�q t w f lr otewetlor r Standards D HrC ppstr )ae trgn. ,'14w fW10iq�t pari„pu tls s�ilaf V �aln�alp....tai C anun�tp ui r bd,°t aativilles occurauri� where construction vehicIles, Mil, be ref u�lyed on-site gaud/og t.fra_alla,Flrptn„t� cnf,yGmalzaaaillar riatµrials ihak % ill tic stored alis pa.,_L9sed �or handled on d8,�,dV,onmrR9r Oon site is in urs c��ck�� <lrtla q,ate9lt; ;,epr�� a@ tta _stzr rt 9� a t9trr_n 20_ Idtat°p Ora atnah r u st.f.ira arw alv wrr6r q.�... r;t bur w, and V9r, agtlatr ttt _ t fr r dtrwa t ra, materials crarnt.airra p in fuel or fluid rese,uro o7i7rgb of,.,t caipr rw rac„ dtuur, VC1WC ._._"a. 'au'r O 0110 Ch gc rrrumt,u,rrt lauat c . gv ..:.r1 tmr«r m,n ,c urur� lr m O all auf ,tf e I ql ry n�ru rbw u G ?"a�..cley ftrl^rurtr q.A_q, u;g ruua rg'y. ri ,,,�De;t�lr,ler,f yaatu�ru,ttlr,luwlpw,,,i,unel,eauunvtleaet�a�rnr st��gacGatralyl; ttpaurI tt ,<w,SKrson p,ra,u„ Sutr„(1,tl;a,scar o u�r#t�ir aaasrr _vMrrttr a wa t wa w6v _ or w,a tr lvn bwir as as taaq a e, rrre@ � 1palliwl lu rpulllrars nista rr h, Is arr,d yadh lay s.�apn rlMu pa u�nte l'etlartrN of e �rncl,tp, ruurar tap t rka.. uarrtl tltl�,Gui �r tuuvuns lnu.r essury ul_l.,_th event of ,fire.or.pap16- rN t,gazar �,lcaamS. mate6a) slo,ra e, tlMs, aell gr k r Clr lrr �Mraaq rrrxll Nr a ,aural gr�lgr lraa I -vas shall lie: provided ,nAlh sa,a.elndal.a. conLairvinent,udUcyat�wt,arweapratawn 1eeesniaximarna_r,elllerse _roma the lraiggg�t ly olu_r>Cne container aaf_hazardous substances stored -at the _constu uaa�tt,aari s�tr..t VPry aroma f rpmeaa aat]r�re tQ gn-s. ire RUnaat Iia<ualzlalydlou.s materials lefit anra..site when the site is aurae alaae r, rr�,eal gygjap c 55jbIc tar,mt6ae paaulrola _j, (ra«lw t4..stanr to �,_.�,f r� �i �, lock �t�_fic 6rtp��.loc q�t.d puna l,tarr ks, anra_constrlwlcliout,reln;n les as arlf pel...t chraa_rlrr� 1114 'lle,, auseljl..i the ..yy!rlll lair�a faaala e �.�SS, yr TMtiaactl cs,idj;jrqg,, adurr_ ..ftra r suw„a tr«up tanamstaurc�n,wr�rt ffiataaaeam�r ai4.e..:f e luaac9..--- lna qe rfa.i.itt lru t _la elurlelf de 6f warlf, arucf Pfau tl$aa 1ndr rc ,aak ura4ta ruaulw will I�aM ua°rrucrva,a:f, lrrnrp;peelr�rer �gppiaj,raal call-speargrannanr elrrr l,l. ..f alt veln�rela,_.a"r elprartpa�pia�crat 1p�4� l,a, rtga,4rred 111 111ge�. pvgruv1Nel Willa. LoU&P its coal lL l' a„arrptnaruat�(li, sir yap; iat,iae;> <uil f pplaacealWrrwy ruwear a,rr,,e t a�G allrapa <rpaai alr l a ai sa1, gj' i1aryraggr,able and ,apr--nlrar url)le°liggids _f rorni� tulap,lt5,, conIlaaraers �4u�tl, trr,rrllt trucks nto the fuel and fluid neservorrs of o n velrae�.cs Or w wtpsu lu np :ctarenppl.nra wrl rani .t.:.he construction site are in as uaaru�,ance„wuth the ca rrtaetsret..-.1......... a ge,gwiuwn„f brae Co Mall t'm'�adapatarv�fD ll i ralL rTnr.r.....l"l�reti.t.a.S, araaf 11:1, orae � raa,lGr`cka-,on-s kc le�rru,c�rW _�ar�ctltrlltu to �aa_sguue the..4ni.i�a,t idr l aiavcmuuuurai a,lrt arpc@ a l :raaraap al;f;aaei r ra.�elusr as l...11,lm,wzslydous substances tored at the construction n ,luta,, (-)n ele no g,gaLILV, azuls uaawryr Suffice ptrer vl;n ally a„tapagifv sw grmel,•eaus a lg�rp,rutupa and`garr �� r' s�.ill�, raii4..aeepua.11.e�a; subcoaral aatw4h a.aprllfn a .r Il�yra.u.rlp..sauratorl Mtarr _.M Ba�tsas iha9l ivala-edi'u,ltt,lly�.lac aaawailed, clengled up aancf la.,arrrrte_aq. rf nerl firedmire state --- or 11 deral law. ...("ci nr am united sapil�a�+<aalr.ri.rriyul crtlN�l 1pn�paarlul�� s6l u.;G l e..a�a�analsu e ept pn raraattru tar.ap rta,_rrrva lxrawrnl rayrrapuke ................. b ....t ll M atedal.',r.....f' ull in ateri al vhaalf,q emrtpppp p ,a utga the sQruaf;a rds errY N )tp a '._:1� �, p'd lhe, f�llsavvu.lupr The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015, 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 42/69 L.Fill material shall not contain concentratudras or(Ilauw_ia_auuiwu,ur......0uu_o_1rul�rG .... ......... fi)psauHF slag c.ufi d in ,W -<<"at -173-34(-740 Modg 1, l duxp,cmsmCmt, nt rum r.t:.gaw flg5� <ad walr�,dlou u...4,�1 ttl piGut ate. the conal,a ndnlaaticm iswd due t uatianpral ln�aaldu�i aaatm�w_nt luac�l.�_aat the Rill source site heirc the dctectior�..I,I,imit tlawwa,i Ipn,?i�t agt;.. ftu<qu au chernnic.al c at,n.tac detected luar. a �,gacd utlp atl tdul��w,�t�w�aira_tf.a�fttuaE..�s�u_f�u w�auq rl. auol...cagtlatanpituruuaruY exceeds oln� cfd urraiti:.:�t urrid��anct.. Byrd '� O sde�a i �wd i � '�a°; s i 7.t- fd'llf 740.E ague c�a tw,io n Hlnit, sh aH be the ...skautul and for ill t�,f4�t'ria fl tltuakuuy.. ?.�.. 1, M rn ntcµu.raa�uta_in dggLknjLfi S a„fft aq,au..gglfuu q ti� ��am��a� -yqc�s frfaaa �c� atlwul_q6v,au�u. aua_url hGa�,gru�f,lfaal in excess def suuK,alouuah t fain utll meet the ....raallowimrgflg it ugruei ts.' I A. ll material source siaternent_shaltl.tri..fsutawa�at cl tiu ttrg.. q a,p�aat,tg�graatmtrk � auu�augu�attut , Qgyg0utaaip waa,tiapnd shad_ bet re0ewi d am,] «recatale .,.lam tl7c...t„4d_ts punitiLqad ganuain acawagcuc,kpitlu.g.pg.g'l!° gicljayua..urnw ran,tc,aI,..fill n.iraaa eri als ,it.alic siteThe ,source stgte� uten(s,'hflj lae� ssuucd b a prof ssionall t atl uuac t°,a alga d, i u%,,J l as ugl a..'c ,o t mr�,l; uur,mlr�c&g,aa?,w au�al� im licensed Ail di iaat ,o Waaslll.a..lggon clMuaauauustuauutlawal fled.; Source's waullro s uua ,lcelx standards of tlaammu Model l as ads Coatrol ct.....Th tauuld s wgwf gtd...rlu uut Shill lae..uc°, u�wa,�, tlo u,,lalu different source location fico a which H_will ,be talbtaaiuued. unultncnq resutts aft n.rufalastpautafailn2t .l.l.fll.pna aac u,pauts cldd..!tg.tla(�6cla a,i7rual wtsnracwtlgl* alut cified hi WAC tl p t 1 d1 Ill na n be ,used in lieu 01'a fill maale_rkil sant rce staterncuat�lau'tt ttic nc caaalaktu ul t u 'l_gni, ,....„ .... is ,?rwd 1aq 1)reetogti1. r t°duauam u,tnt,ty 1, p,igl aaapnucnnt l lua.aa,uuwl«ttdwt' Eau uIat..uaanust ttlra,wa_;ldll ere"tai t,fat.n'alafao„rrr� j_s mwalatuaul� Lflltign, and mtl9cainui'm ranVcflyticaal ddal a,da,n -site wid available ,..R,�yk�a�q�ad t,lon ftrr R�mdll,wtl,dnwia�ww8w cl� luvawi�i�l' lAw a a, flw date that ihuc fij ^uu us dgc��l�ad,ti .0 fg9 ,..The .f4clntiuti,;uncrnt if4..`.wt?uanunanip,nuta p,tcrr ttnanuuaalat nanaa P ,aa ccf?.f..,u ?alt nrtaatc,rn d sou cc stata,sruen 1, t, does nol include resuatts of_svuauua�lnnv-y�,und �uaa alysus dwf,unmt�utuaup,tcad_ta91a4 u� v_latcuaaa,h.lac� tlaQal_�ttd,dtdq�t� ........ Such uaaf°aaru 'Itn,cgnn puilnduwnttatunu,aadarcl pal.:atniu ayaa.rt flu wrdcc lnacatuanmu af�rcca cdaaatarrnauuatnaaaa., nen"ug'..?.tnd lmapctc,,.taunta�,luu�at 1puu,?umta�mh��g,nl 1 t gsadis of 44wldlac�;tglua,.d�(mc aatla niagtcri"as taa..twc ntiilulaatcct,uda,t�ud. sots aarptla �tl.�.t:u.:auouug art, utaata pgagc,n?,q agd tcct,�iin fi t�g.ucscttcc„c�tl a augyuuaunugtnautp9'sn.cua' L t n aa,t an. 1. rcw utacpia„aaranga tunta..unacq,,naa,tu' s,u ,cad' c nntla ni atd ri a_��._to b n..i;r<aporicdt...to ttae iv. ...,,A fill material source staff,^rne nt is irutdt ud dauuit d ... dlaau;;aaraad~utflti:.a,q fg,rryi tla g,t ugmagauug_td tl_ �i,1p waai'I� �a obtained _ SAL t4tp arts nept dal l r,an}a,taor attannn antulnrcavcui sduia,�u,u:da, v, The Director Mt cuauanna,aun°aaaif..[) veinigannao ill Shall have llac,aaau hol!,wty tli.dd.cpdruu.gw...tarPrecta,ve ituc awga �r nd a„taaalutu..aawtrc,P,ttuu,�auat tatlOOini atcrnaaJls� nuacirciunn nwnacgacuic�cWrit sat.pa,latfunaa tnnadd dap�nwBag.a.. g...p.pff gawuadtasA;ltt"..taw i c tai t rgldrr fitly to aecotiagadnnsh sdaa hu la;t,ti as ur. s..nwa_at twin qlN, art,dagt��u.... C Had..aardaiaG utlaNwia� uwt;t; ant uu .0 p.atu p w sltaal_1,itt,_p,r saaaita,plm le flit an _t_at t _ggaw u q at.aaa.,t�t 4w filar rutin the conamttgat t trt_autch activides li......,t Cut,puesiitc gauautc;cmlgµdronr, 4l p,l,w i lot lielau,dsCdatttruu,a^tq.js ,laaalh lie aonstrug,cted, suu,clwthat .the follaawddil g, do not occur. G... Ver da.gall,cross cdntiwnuaWµatuairu.rna,.aadgauutgf.s rua,rgiuffl se aa,r*rtcdl 6aar a,tpanttrn,t,un nutngg.. 11 4..9tup�a�daia.d.u:`.raupwl�npnp..lra"atctliailprizaac..a�uk¢u aa,diid.puuanani°;tarcnlu st�aptdl dwadl latanunra�dnnw..w:;usanun,tw.0 Hi. I_rutrgutlructgcmaitaf,etre;tpealeta,pari,n,rloud,Wlput:rftpM bitch„t�ua SUbsiwufhee atuua i ..... above ondifl us caused uargpa14.t��atimjdc,t�,�I -c mctio t waV,wdjatrdr__, enc Un A hggr uua um The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 43/69 L fl hn,ti „w � �q V k l � u a.�AVa�_ l.fl sgcur °rc k���r All n, pd,er rc�t�atirV_Vl, kar ulzc ele �ka�r,lro IS'su p a Vnrnai!nµn Waaflml_l be u wased in al 1: (ratter trC Ctiu frau, qrnstratgl�nl of Schedule 40 or thicker ..-wall a q r to "lcnnc nsu'-1.uacV w iml l kad C lslj.g,s�4,a¢Vti�l l�e�,le lu mhw a to a uull� Flu ulq kn } "1aed at_q��al'laolu)m _. ___. . rtaaa y"ailltaaarq udhnnkV..bc_s � c_ant_unu.laaut.alum.IdCd_WmCrISLlN VV 1-,d.is, :...The, nieckoftl� rratv,u fl mmnr rlra r ani Vu,n cetrrara trt,aatna,lnlcrnwtPre finde Baal fl�tl lucrta el,nas� �k�r��lu� a,a�nl.k�... � i�n��t �.l...anturnwat¢ rat..��r aa..lnn�,n�V� fl,i;�um;� Vi...tll �elnalanaa�n,yt nsr ne,c�a�,Bda�lrr:l�_araa rat ��arrll rarnl ptiura�arfl. l,,V," ltaa wwl atcq ll lel a� � leu V kgdllll@k �� a __��gp ul _� k 1 � Ud 9lire ,tor of 011111rn.unit)eV uua gaperlrl,lu-ation saatale� and use of ul lw4t r. Se,pauxtll_lrsz PA1�:_�� a rr��u �;Gaau,G�rvW cit"w�n.�nnalue,tnl, aanrc� "Eggnrnt,r...u�aur,c,a waaa�nr� �tra l�r�� �.,, V"la:^wfl:Vculraaaent, NvithVa_n Wellhead Protection Zone3.. sV^ptnVi,imVrjgrreart...anlaurrtllnr,.lanle 13NJIts atad,e in?lpjy �rra:th 1 r V a,a lr ul u l u�la� rad alp r a laug.N Vr� l.g.ud aalMinto r utce:,yivtl "� <1 " , ululu Al�alh "rlu,glaraaV�u We'll eatrwlruc6ctn and llpna tatanan,.lr.pl.aaa tt ells, Glk� r�u�cicl ku��aru�C G.uYrlk dal"li Clevatlaa e) llpa n6ea"s...4V ,Uyy aV.u.gabJIa i.nl"bse tno ns in CA" of lids see ltnn.. 1 ev I Itinuat.nt wlthi n Wel fic aal V°r±,,t"le tion Zoine"�l shal%_VavmIPLqurignt 13, MPS. PaluIT,��sztalm.alua lVk��..11ll�d .q ant.lW 7.u.,ua ;r7 _nn�aa ratruVmnnav,nlmwwt ikaana; aV"klauugtta a aatITla to _riG.. i1q,1kl trartA to <l� tl�,undw« dte,uw,sGW� not�.u�ter uan .nrr Ar'Agnsa, r aa,ra e to �lk;l"a .1.11,V�,"V creat ,uwrtllar l�tat, rtr�w ..l tl,l tcd w,a,l,l wrat �t llrl" t ...al,u,tw t l n, a 61t w lkl .....4Restrictions associated with ttoat��1 arta- AlwrlpAlal area buffs trwhit o th� l tf.a..a. ouaan, t ln,ran:..l?ar to n l,n n as .. a.nnlcertrl atria is l,ara inted w i llnaut the same crit.:cM Gaaty_,t.lrou buffer'.'and it Can 1 rler r uvu ltat wl.tV "tYa"at.1here Nvil,l llv no si�gnifua nl qdv' tse in Cps to flic critical area µand its ��ro��ule�ca t if ...n"'�n amndgl dr rrteo to �wlmgn� ail smolt,_ alai ttaruttrngnyOfy"ftle Ilaeflis tlrlNu� a� a inapinnl�zat_n� �n n, eVa_ualu_ al l;;ana�ena lalrr�t�al,al r lea kind use ..cNI » that, is glil gy�.f j,ww 1, tSIE .a,rl� �r.k ti!g,irnu ement_at a:alw^ka�rfuneaat alwinl ro vel "I nt to a� la r�u �arnaLqw trn e" alf_guraIata4w^d c. 411,jraaau..rl_nrurtat urnll_lwraawcbt_a aat laaVl,_aacrt l n.nlu .aa,.nnrewl, wNrVwn lrnrunaat �l�Gtt wfl naVcN aat r� n a... be lar rairn,flartt d V� .. "p1L 1 nw l JC. ...hNaclraV...a aa�a�-arrwkar�itllcraaaarrr8waraaalat w�rthlmtltlrasuatt�rmt�latmrat�ralai-ail y t� l ara atrtaetttra ..tort 1 V In f mol V ria" V r�tl arlarn... wt ..�.1"l ramlmAndic le that- areas arfh4t m..sosce tl� aVRy-tend tt�r.,h R °arl rvr " aalV wY..l crta rr"a 'd-Allow-akntgs,,.l A gr t sa ea�afAib li4 kxmtions 1c��,awt�raV lair"1�.atBanaa-1l�"aaraf��aau�, �raah�ltsar.t:ra�auai�as„-aaa�al a,�.laanac6,� 13 l.,taaaa'V' ar Mr,nt arkmaa rt mow aamrmrr e r tlaa l alerrr .t a ..,..lace r.p .a arr go V aal kaaawrw-ae aar bats tl'aw laarraa l„frr mol ar ttraacwr thkA Imayr ao-tcaFaroiraant t -a /t . 1paiwela.t crr' m w tlaac is rN l lra4��rarna wat�iarar traq crarralrarr tia�rrw l s r„Mtasa� a ° laa ia� ea�a �1,rza•n��riv aa�r..l�ar��ra at��rr ��wt�a�ar�lt#i��l�-tfr �atrrrr �ar�aera�ttwa ��m arw't!a:ari tku."��� 1>w"�u . �'v=wratr�r�tl� r t•h� aw"wt�r l`'.'� V�lar�ra!t"� a'w�taca li��a�r� atl tlaaa.r"al•�'t-��la�apd a�ea�arnatll��lreaV t�rr�aaaa�,lrtmaanaaah 1��lasa,t-p;o�rar�at r�e���u rar�ar Saar ia:rvcaa� "a �iea laaltaraia�ll�aal t.�malw„a,.�a.ewtt�raar�;,,,.aar���a rra11 tla•tac�aa� l°rr�a�tctacy.ra...,ttra�aaa�ala« aar tkrlr� �,lwaalrt�r l•lraau t°wrrro f�.latla�r�ral..."'wakalV•i-1 Haahiteat a nal tiaau, e rad tna rrnalarc w��,ta�auaa.l.„- kta"'Y°rtle�l lea loae�l°�r rwraladetailed w.ara ta�am�a.t4 ra„ adi��Sa ; atrral•�l"i�erlaN�� :a.l�,t�-~ttcla��uara flh� wk�roraaa,m�taarrc'Y��itr� �r�.a�aral�aaa���rr-lara�rrraaar-.tba.t�aaaaw tai c°r,�,laaaaurta�...a�trat..t�acaru rrtaa��; rcttl4 w s, �t=,- t"lra�•aatlr�aaariaa�t�cat-awaw�r�l�tw.au”gal-arla1V”a��rlaagaa,mard�aa�atcauam ia�t,.ltlaaa-��r6�raaat-hr�ruwrt�al �rar¢���:1�6ara�"Vit�ah�kV..,h, informational used• arraar aaa aatflama� rtka cf�eicaVaraanrt Vr a�r�aut a��•1 afta.�t„� gala l�r��a� a aara�laa�l” a�r�a�a8 taaa�. a�l�rtwrta�aMl ,�aa ar�»t�cwr �rcr�tl��r�aa�a�t ec.aaa�p�~Faef°r�i�^�a larwt-l�aaa�a,ah&a�-t�r raa"laaaaa�-ter~c.0"p�ual�lra�aaat"� c�"lt'tlta� n�aralaaaasraaaaat��.rl catlaaaa �a,a�aaa:Nar�,, The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 44/69 gg�.... •l qui,�atit"a�uutu.,��t•tt�t���•auql�u��tu� a��u�w�,�tJ��a�d�ar��gq.�..tuuu�.l�t�t�u���� ltu�ll�i ��q:.q,tu�l �r^��-�1gry C�9=u� l�ti•°akm�wu�l:�wl ��l ������s�u" stugo'�aacxt 1�����s�r�q�murt�gw�r;�-t�l���l�t���.����.�°q��,�ti�.a��a�iq��-�u�uu���i��tq•std-tt��tu�ul����tu�-ut����-tt�..uttli ^�tta�+u�R..uot-�(�'+�.° 4-5 l llt 1p:p gp; - I'll tie- iulnl i lt istrativ0 friv,kaqtuugOr°lmafw gew� sfuaNq- ,w.uurl•-q.mm�;l����1�;��rr�r^wmt��i��ri�a�r�t;��_w��gt�°�u a��s�uuq��°a�q�r�gva�.����ak�q���lr-ti�u�r����t��uu�ah�;r�, �tr�tea•tau�tg...gtrru�tqNwr�, metlaaaals within the kw st4vilau cei that' rauwa to..� u,urrta�at�qntt� �uu��ruutt��nL ter, ��"�7�� tlau tgum��t rp�w� ulu° uuuttrr��ri•tu.r��rr�rTM9'�g•G�uq�t�qq�,�tttw�rr��ir�utat rt,•r��iggtra arra�k^�uurtwptrrtr��rvrr�a�t�r.-rt�i�t�rti tsn �art�ku-x�trgr��tt�tri�-rr�•raiar�° pa,rtestaull o wv Itetp laattu,aaas, r�•Offlial-mid ut a/r ag,atta rt..rrramigg a Shofl�- any la p -t q tRUI I WWWA11Fta:; -lartd-ill i f+,Mt�00wt rrla I riW aqs u* nir?efing relevant eximin-N,deraL,� 'atate� arra@tip Weal l qra s•� latttaa �ta td �nR ��. �g�as�l:� ��aBta9� � 1��,:a�ggti��� a,�d. �i,981 -�qa� ,.l,�.�. artiv g�li� �. YMC Title 17 SHORELINES 17 011..090 Definitions. nus. ew.i 1, F umt w's the Agddutrtroquar,r .. �r�1 uul bt, ravel, ,gttaut int autlr+t_.lauauu0ru80.,taa' agu,mrr1c lwapttrw and of dw 01,JwNt in wwaa tgaagp is or on ho7rclaands uwa_au manner that rause s the le uaraa,ug,o c att,m _c�av quuoaa�mm 11,sm;, pa1gv_,tira aq stru uuire oll'_.a ,,htuue,ha A, starbdizataoua_ structure shall not lac asonsidemeai..,fiiq I l t a me.,"IUl 12Nypatj...�a 4irugaq,k`�� structure is coons" S ... l d ,e�.� ..�.or �.�.a shall considered �.lq.. ,.�taa�anru 1St. al rt!11a4uau iatipa�tquaur laau uuuu �..utataaua,uquneu�aanun^� awu ra ^�tsnraa4xioru. atnaatt urotbe considered "it],. k,...gla and gaalaaaa_u lgr-- ogtnra,rwat'loru"'irracals land man taauauat_flo urtaaro�7paauuatgg ggapwuagaattaprtsark,ggnarcrrasaaagtattauladg. haabil utsw aysg•.hin gfutlr.n aturaq.@...�t.u,rgTgptgiva, iju L�;ttt,ion so plg,ata tlad._ l`uabigat�a vailat_We is sums(dacuaM,rq taawgqpglattauk u„able pganpytgCaaam q�w lr tlaus,la,auap, it na and isolatedsumugrps<ugqummuGnaCaa u t gtau wn tp aWut ag,ta .➢ qui dc. s aia_aat utila,atrr uggr tuuwtwauitigg.0._A. iutd'viduaaak,) aaga iyvalaNw �s aat...aalq t,uaah ,.buup n, t,a,lusrms,ruac aun gnapp dtgj,.,. lrag cwt a t^ailua luau gagapnuuq agoaraty a r Vna gaatart sea int at tgaamtr ala°c uawa, Itarag a� vga bib over the Juan Win. C_gguraie s aod cilli,s six ,a,gzl,tuggaal tt..q,tt crurali2l.tauttvt..kp.�«tru,gl,qug aar�t� caaaum,°aduuaaaauaua.0 tau„lnladg,q.,tuc graru gcttrj.lapatgnaatuaata,w�agnulalg_a "Fish a aanad vwull0qufe habitat conservation areas” are arras lluaul_serve, a critical role qlg �aaa�auuuaur,,g,gi ruµgca gt pal aa�utauts an �lpgeagas fix ,.the [Iuaasmlturnal l ruttegawu,uggM agl t11amma uasgq�g�ttg ataaala awl,ttgalu� i q tau..l:lamp't.galgq q tqua qula.efihood lhaaU tlgg Spgu aua tw7iNn..p gr's.ilaag.tovtr flat, IlQp€tttuuug ...G.Gga a..val mama laa,aa inchyug e bw tire ptgg gitnj.gga: qg lqu ear ng,Vln uIble,ccolagield p,sle aa,us a tggvrarnndgppn l ,g,nd habitat or heel iUV a,la rpengv qn liuding,5x vaarganl taagat wsa, haag a tlrmuapt l�alnu�att gvarutr yar;rag>� .and uaa,oy4..tm gfit,cogHdors..wid areas with ffi� g std &,1.�{1�Ya,V,b ata��naU �lGku>ai'� �I q�� 1a � fllV �LU'B� S _� G'bartfiep_i1nd C.4ks ua.pta lU@u�la k _. �.�. gllq„q a6wM p.g rgate, lona a.Hy uunpagaataaarot hatlsimis,. acid spa Sj a Fish and ildlnc habitat conservation areas rotinclud¢e._; ;+a4 ,ala,r � tigryurua ..l catiGtr ."am!C9l + %a1"VW agtl Is a gtl.11 htt4ar'k 'k14,q 1” ...'ya, '48a 111° 1p,rti: ,u,a,p,ggn,' in fi al a q, 4N4 4au..' a..68 p 9, cl�rt ,YPq {.anVda q l.a .,a ..._..... __....._ _._ ,,..,, ......,m ..�............... , tp" `� .... .... ... .. clg,�agtaacac gl,gc6acsp,gm lot wv hitu tiac botauaulaptcs til, a lip aarc nu,,drtlatrttid la Baa roraut alis.:act �or,aa��g,s,rwagalganut district or cwitxufaawu.l..a. b..q,glaat qp ra{ lase, ,uG_gttrlgcallaaut:c ° _u a,St srtaa ggg,aq ass �..l.s adatl w�±il�ulggll_Ir.aalsqg kta ag¢ascu wwaapaantt aaut,4g based ggra Kn aeatl.ia q a al1i�;_r.uY� th;a_q'� llaw.l'. �y't, N¢ncal�_ruuulrasrtq'_q�ng� m t,lgaiaaalaagn,gutl..ug^6ag4almrnautgtada@µataaatagYl..ualtbaawagl#ulnaenquas,aa.::pt4,a,ntq,uquaawld; R7,tl,--"idig ---- nt�naua,a8uaa�rta�4ao-�' °uatuuuu4 utefi, gaua 41)'1uauaaM ll �uwaaavtta0.taraaattaglun+aml� laauaaua� rq� t$atgaa...�aal qa lgug tla 444aaclugmuaaG gau��pgaw;�ugaw aagtgacl lap ltp��a�blt ,:gqu�iur.ut. r lM� aw,gCau unupu6q.._gtY1?4 Iwblggx yuq,ra dwt mark on Ilaakc, and strearials..:which, willG k"yc,ftualwn d..lSl..exin!rroggnred l6a ,lro t;� aua y �r curl a ap,tud g as ut tatntuga gl�w u a qqu gwu q rvd auenwl, ¢efiouu o f,mwah r w aaraa,:.so a.aara�qunon aand uuaamd and so Ia'�oaa�ro w aguutiuugtw aC_.ixn arraiivaaurt vw aui s a, tan rttr�ulw annaara tquc ,astq or wr gggttuon a claarraoctar distuiact duaauaa tgaart rri ulnc asirtsttoro a aa,lauuarq l'uefwrusgw al lh ut. ........... ....... l.. l ._.,.,.k.a t.. rgawma�;nv area walntu.9...qu_ordirnnE l i 2h w a ter 11 i ne a a 4i i u f u l) I -b c .,lrngquurl, tluw; tsa;dsarag.l. hi l Iuharatlt r I�ne us t els waraturcnuu au1...Y.1a e rnn+a,an annual flood "Sc,our means_th.e reemovdl.aa9rargad�u:uga,l_pat,;grcr�r.u.l_.b!v.wa%, �asuwl wurru'erts...�.�alleciallg tpl,tlr 4Sauga am tarow:...ta,f ashoryunk, stabilization or otlner� in-a�water, stro.uctuirc The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 45/69 ::Slayus lo arrnowance are nnctts lral arloto al concernciaalat]wlu papNjntiuu stalus o .:their .,wwl,rmW" warn tt_twPglw, qtr 6uaaEnnlaat awltwml,dtrarnn or laaul alup„g,,arrriv epe, e uas �l~rnrvncara�awarun ntiaau�:.: ar�� aa�NtTMal ,wrn tllr r aa;G,ld„s� maaaxauta i@,yes at�,le�rtaaral;sµ.lrwilwal ttii�rai-mNa w�,iw��"imai dna "fid l��w�la� i3���:r: `Yraan rat,llilwic. datrl.?.tl. 9,n, lla ffer..r,awa:aans gnr,alrt — cs,tejidlua ,..lapaI dsw,urec9 G''l'warnn ltat,ytss ileo@ iu}wd_an�dq wefts r ,run ig,l ,¢nq as l,alwt„arc �unyu ral. Wawl"<rn fi"oll.r dh w;al re nnf amrven tiwd wylnni lu,mus qno ailva irfod or Other% a � ngNn�wwi al .......... .. �gitn9� p;.�al�r,asw,yrn9, aucanaq,q�mumtliilr. ,� tlwuiaiwut,ni�lmcondiaa�mili"iu"a�C.mnadvw wcigrltj ruwfo i,w dle,��i,nnarie ofdiebasi _dna,w,a,�tia,aar,�umi��uau �u,taamm,,., q 1'afish:artdevt,9ii,ii auu,ar, ..... .......,. r......11l,) conservation "ono nna �m'ianua���a Awa �l�na�._ran�rl aaa�Ta.l�..lknya�lga➢aa �ga�glly m�g ane a� a�a„u0aa ill au�,a�aw � wet lnrn°D➢u nam � 114 l P, d� d�l..�..... . l..E' arna,�satnn„ud lank a. fa��I.agr0-'~d iC 11_7 419 ,(�4l')(, )�w(,, "aaq_aftlai_a ualagtrarna.s,:, wt d R ldroi� � q� p ._drrrri�q,,p wr,rG tqa"aC�. xplktgi�r S wd,a' unarw,aalMMS „ ,ash aaana, a ,ala a as ai,lt raal tirwq,d t ' 1 aagav aplanfra r kit tiire r m ahshi�nua~nat ofthis Crfna or due laa,cotonizaakon by kws s0 ,...G K q C <Bt,lwtauaC9l..wa arup, tlaa,Melr6Q ra pga. q nra,arraoaautwe s avw.aw�,"srar hr a,aoitwluturrud� �urdl roanulrala., dtnnut¢urrrnal runtrirw,rucv�. tdaaranr lu wrp au gta,wea la,wr d drops rr�oatur°aaq conditions, "WaaWrs amthe state" are all lakar r ayers,.paara,aj,5” .`aft+ ppj,d, .onik��rta1 �n"�ud.r..r.s., uurwaa�r,a.rrr�agrora� other surface e wmrat uaa,and watercourses willnr,rn lda,lga.Jsalnulparnnmof'tl,w stat wrl ,"'�w"aasN irwegdlpin:. 17.09.020 IkIlood hazard areas. IFILlwl.lDWAY IIFRIN(E, USES ?,_ draraq;ullrcl llrK.-t Vit laadlnnwwiaga..ansaa.,.al[aa;�vwaururtitadoratCati....lwraral...: lrrrsgw:....uaasll..:i llw,.... l"tuupragaa al IL N". l_gry ad a gaa_o sandtica unr t4wc ralrarrr xa c trua,n_ n accordance with YNIt = ll utga 15 znrrei urrn6�g,�: tyia,*0r1twrT.0.n.r.l..a10is atttnaanij o Oca,ryrdfiadce with this fide:_.lugtf glna�Bs�kagta�l by subsection K rai thit s.µsa�g0,0ara_tlrr q US aS baa uotnl rlraanwru wwrtldn the flood hrrzwarl .ua�t uturrn� M,t,,,pjd rds of YN, ,I(" 1 7 i��Y dal�ial�a �a� l plrovisia�)ttw_asltdtts E;utle aand wwill_ha_ve a_rltpw'latgdndw �lpeit uuptrsan t.dna_[7aswnwlwwat -url_1 wlwlal�ltnw _vu�rtlo tdaw_-dlaaatrlWas Baan rcrantlaavrwwtt pyiapwwsuanrn aa;l "a Nw1t....1 0 0 020,(ld(l):, :r:,....w All wne” e na,a umeh miens s in eluaalini 111 yo;w w cons,ar auc ion mid other rlev lIL pl tj tl r~t.awnd fic alliowl,1) au" pr°l isterIgd..lauLplq ssataunanl it wis aa,i ,,g..,,war�aat„ealnlwsisi;wa pat:q°p.aur_rnra ttl_sln_ntocorda nw�,e with ma"ur1.aaa,s �l uaurr eryuu pnrrie60C that, t,lIL LAI"ia�t O rI�aw,aL ect_encrro achilaeammP:1:. C,ia eq;j)cr with trine e_uurnnuulaative r�lleats awl ndl Sin llaa p oteantial.ell ror w hl nllellt -_shall nol'. ntsapi aaw�q�� r raa i, wwrlpt dr be..:diverted LI9janpa,i,gj th tcstainlrshed floodw ay fiJil M Cause aMrw. slip n. nhst>rw tdw natural flow an�d"wy,atert red LIC w tlna t nor wan�a wan nanurt ral glrw lkwrwntl d r wru resuudl nra anuu nunr naso nrr flood levels ds djuruuru." writs uaw uruanuaunea ani, tlwa, l y� ...�.1 ...m....n.m.............n.............._..,...sW..a......m....._........................m �........__........�..m.......m.....................,.m.n...�........._.n........_.._....m._...................n.m._�.....,.._ _dn"uwt_l`Ioia.ill...d a.l.c.hall"petal at .:. I1ihd r ms is'skin l,d,ntt_ i 11t. ._._lkws ..ss :ufd. ..w,ta,dlravh !inar.n.sirotem wos YMC hile 15 aaaatl wvlal rcu no rrtdacnvhx tq,,aconrsnaaam wva01..0IN sar.lNSliln exce .gGnaat wtdr0rr tlro.�t.r�a,eau.�t ddt%r7rray� lsno�!in.d lr,rrwsrnlu rlaar Vuaue as alar to uar,X r bulk a,a�aroalou�q,wmawn wurr i l } tlllµrcwibs Aa <r 1�aasac6lw<al...fa oasga frim tpteu d flood Nn,neprd ,ur ..t .sumut". aFansmisr wiort hiss sh3 t trruaq lrm to --t- h­taullawwwTrig a n"rad.d to ua ,lra nsrnun^ smorn_�rn to ,dn"xlflaa,ross tlasulwlww ..lu nqu uwiiw.4. a i _1 l arvwl, baa pixel an w K; pkwa rrlap Mira ,lm ---------- route laµ�a plrle iw ps it aapvaansyl trawacwwrapyust dna, located yrldarmflooalaw sw,dfpr gLggiaal mNod ,dmuaa,",wamr,d areas [Ifs e s,lqflju dnitu wart 16d„Gl..glauu i�wvGtra,a, wreedas,a lw", ndFwnr is wtkn gaeasw. and �gw�a,l� lrw.ivd�appr�rty� l d wrtatltna armor d a llna h ....Burled ,tl,dludntlliudlls�rur�ta_ual:daarur..lc;<grws altigrrar laaq�sbittaao.._lauaup+su,tl_�.auualr,Mean t.q_ntattsaatllrarataad.taavuarall_..1s,1a�1 u°a°dsl� r1 do ritual unura dwaiawdarw d "aa°ud ra�wairr�al..g uw 1uzrkl kru q tar':iari au rru:ntliurrururu t���1four lcu h varuv:ll.'b uri, I f, c�rr[h shall he (Jriqg,ac or sp)a:6al (wa,rw',�rap,N;yaar'd area to Qte maxinlrslalau, ,ta�rnu rat" anpa:,r�utuan,i liaiuu,lr usuna„akaC,uwuua as tMd_nni ned tlm ,adr.r.ggauw hum u9y*� X16 ,trja_ltwlpaj, Lusa mnrnatdyses slr"r,dl co nfo,T'irr to u„tattwruvrrru m,q,w,marf t ,1„ d tis C,lytl4t dl�.pir 1.�. l wutaaYmila rnpauw nrypaarat,r, Ml rau dad paatkv_rlEpvrd:.t�dnarrr,rra_l..nlu,nttlt tltldtta urlr�m#m"a. ltruulsrtnuwsurin Hees rtyanwlwpl rrtdtlg lnazar,dnoarw atald nrwoul�laz.ap-doaaiw maatr riad s.,sha@l lrt.,.hnarattd b l,)w txistrrat,.cwaglrir rl ,octal„anal➢ty gxa,�l t1u ttnortrg 1t,arauurtwo-, rl rine wtalauaacared III HiC llrr_rua_ onnrssiorf.l�nraa no nraeduualing ite uric trntptwawaussliow lines. shall qnl� hti ngdrrlw�tl Grua dli� Urnn.rrllawun igrealy.,pl mass to as pwa” uraRrlwkaawaQs> lrn_aaie valscs tplwtrea nts nfug a q,�anao nstnat tqa n,line ptd,a aaanr uut_an iPq la,awt no—zipprg'l a[age t,r1,ea,a,adwwrrq„ gltrnpd alt;tr,nlr ,weclrru rtl” aaq , a"�"aarlar,,. Suchknaa s shall be . ut8s upaaaAa.pl.,.wuuaot a,t alwfroin 11trarad�tlauvuataa�v'..,y t ....' �...,l�rlvvaihu�r�uryrq,l�nlglan�ta,arrr,salrw,,sla,rrl tl„aunr artrpou@.rl,r uuaunnt wC,n`tua.tuu,n,waw_ ura,t,gtall;gaa„ v all�,a,,s raturtw:.puaaY,,1 rtataun^b ar¢ otlarM;s` Control drlt..tl,aagas ..dnmx,ulE, pts>C liaa ;w, wnytldM ulmrrnmllwaaaalwm frir%p ori s,pa u. ligl l,l ,,wd h uraar d rare.aisa w,wcc t µ%y at nemno Wier alte nkrafive aS �a in the .+event, r I`loauaxww?.sww:.lu err{la tla ,I!, w u,tN dltrultl Mari ts,t�,kxatfion i The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 46/69 c u ,wii �lirard�ul i .um . a. wic Mc i .,� 4.. .. ....'.wudoes ,.b.a..a ..' b �,t6e .. w Wa,i",0ii d Ra4 avtNteVd' aa4,a db N14 Gaat's`n4ci,.,, iaflipc ftr t�u liii u¢ uza ., lrw w uuuau ism traau 4uxres shalll be loca�wa8 so a�,u�uu w�u�, ug�i a�, wuG�l� �u1 ��„�4 u.��wa�A� l���cyI � 1 Shall Vw�.wia9w ltuiigaat5,taw<ia�,irepgyola �... a a`lwdit,. wa a'lo ifwr w;ss a uwa,aw r , a um:;;t,tc�N torr,.,. K. Prohibited Uses, yau hw`:..FoIow1rrr1 niso� c 1"1ro�wbilcd h'i k6�a._Iloo�gar� _ay fi..awn ai as Umm 1 rtrGl l,aurc �utr �4uc�u,x , l'u"u uuuuistu t.uu cb 11,a,"s,q u1,u1u __t9 y 1 auu as tut rtualrtul �1t...tturcd �ua�rnC/Viy- & <Nt arw or to he used for h urn an habitation o��,1wa uwn�w�durc undaalaalaure 1.including val[gy yelfiggs Li ujizelb °1,NIC l 5M, i 30 and lw� �� � ..i �.'�1 .��,a a1a4�aamu,lca iµuacd�111�uu1t 1a�a utulmu� t�t�u c� �uru�u uu;-n�� u�u� �t� wu tul aq, hu�ttlrl�l� t � � lnar�.�ldt,l�dt�+1a,� 1�t ��aw��a�pmtt�„d �aalalal, adw 2. A.stWr, anti^ ,r w irw awuw�u byurrcuat:,�.�n lu ��ug_ujq �iidV,..newwr c�1a�si uuctl,wsaa ,uuua�...offie de 11u1�uT pq,_j [ 5 �, gificgflofl but 1 eta _la uc,cl l rclic�,�taalta_ �ti,_atddradt gn,lnu rvia�oa llouvwuila tudaluaau; llpwo ail ]i clillU u;utw ai,pcl It ¢ r luu,lii tar dl sap pg.rtu�art �al,aty Waaeuaaa ace with slandard .tl bnatccrattl,..11u�tetil �..l,im the el" ect oftlre s ul��wa t cdua,°��lwaelruxlc�nt, i(i: ,her with the cuinutanfi"ae ffec say@ ra�,l S�a�ntlau 1�a� eiu�a�a1 a eroaati..i:.rilpi gttw Mi,n1l dtcil..:i,itautettrad,ll cause .....w,ala,i, to lac,c iMa a cd tilnVui„add two ffic established„,l auilaVWw;1 tui a":, rwnuuwu .t_rwarp a:1.�,1u�,wts,lc t Ri,1q natural flow gut watel" rcdue tlm alumu.l.l,.r<mlr a.atl,dw dl,r„ arawwru ..t.t.uu.0 t.mmala tawdawi ,ual 1,1x1 rraac a c...iaufldaodlei�ilsduuui!j&!!,nlw uraee,u cnee of tiae b ase,,ticGod uli wo fjmj 3....�. oinsta uac�tion or reconstr ucflon a rl"resk.lemtiat structures w�+mul,hin the c9c s1�si��_t a� k�ur�,w� �a �riit_ul��.0 uwu&.. dmcltauax uua.j I aaaw„e n igitw a a. s6,uctl, rc whiciu.�iiuuanot iitterea�,s�.�_turd°.ga�`u�ta ui i�eg�_��u' wuw.ag.1 and. q i c,ylulr.z iaelrua tutzr.t..aaumt and tmu;dil naalatmuu,iw rats tcar_1. ;lu, uc,tceura° the Cost of w hic l'l does riot exceed! 1,ffl...lacmam a:a the aassessed valm.e o('the struactuuie either: 4 I ,u fuaiw tlac ri aiuir rec,o rrAWnicttaln ata it1,d nrruYddai�muul aw akt1 oc7 �urc. l .... h.. ” ...Il,tfic,stmctture NISJwa PMa.ail,anuau,atuaut,is b,a ataua,sl tcwuta 6 9aura... iia uiunn ii a i a ua�u,uaa.,. ........h"uu(Vk duunramailt stu=tffos dos correct exi;~,Cuu� �cj,aiV�i�s�, n o exist,n 'tcw,iht d,�s�tx_u_u�i1r,1 �uu safLa �aaa�9_�s, out C_u1 1lritno,ktlira,^w_.ucletutalaccl, a� 1lialcu�ic.lwlkrcac s, � 1q,1 awclt.8ic 410tawload....1a) the ldtil n cfl .... R�mwukt cetuuuw a?',cil llp..t cdllt d,_l wtiuw l..sal� atlwa c,tauaau�rua luiin .olid s ubsiandaal',iu1�ruuwwanacGdts slrndg6 i,ttlaa�l...t ,1,ltmuaglrau l �ucau6 laE,.11asiraj..Nica�uu,u,al, u,caluuchcnuu.luiovisions of'Part ll oa r.. FLOODWAY USES 1 f'curiuAilcol Llses. lcruuu atwoal usesw1n`ucluaal_ rt1 Use pi usuuu Galircsu 1lieraituie 8,11i.ifl t in, 'ti%Jffi YMCJ10c, 15 and in flto apt}„sia'asGii,ieiA des,kneltion ill uc,CairdkIluu�aa„w wih this tiHe: auyaalad i�wutl aitEltirMu�is i,ncom p,,with ith the VQasasai haxi'uual Abid lG c ldlir a i dards o su ections It and t sxd'dlai �c'�,�;l,rortt b�ft�4 9 Jwtl 050 appaim,astlue 1pl!jsa �u�w6 :.tiiuma G,�ri�.go ,aid tl is_twtY�aa datoi wwuli �a ani yw auc,knigime _owi,�'ect ujjoLoije, ilowo dww y as _ca oifi d h u..Xmwwl ualG 1 iapGc i ?ar ulyaaxkgisac er.IJj.rAo 4,PJ..0@JLi.1 rNaat ? . ,G'�t, lu t�azaua,lgs atraiq ,1 tau„ 0sy'glG d in accordance Zvi i,standard i zi2aunal gron..aa �ac ..1..i1r �lpa�d 'sim rpui »t,Allo;rrmac�GmosmaiGo, dml' th .. _._. ”. I lh m.. ct _9 ruwooaaa.n.n9,uto ions shi i,?.l.,o.a»t: flat usl the,aa.Wl..aiaoioa,atW�'liareitt aitacdho a ww ttlt flaw oaaiaiial�taavc cltoa ds,t aaUl�ibaiitur u.waa ruflu�ii..ie. 1. l,tiurdadh ua,ai�e,.,tlatk,a to be tfuvep'ta,d kii kh estaabfistuod floauaRwax, �._._..:,ad1�,r�r,u aa,;oo 1 ......CObw ilrtwk the mu iatrnl uC, Manly, dui ww! itl r,, flr cwulwllmutu �a�„tl�'wt llawai111 u; w:Ga.. w ..,Ylhay�t dtr �uu_uudc_reasc 61,wlood ldw'e (iliuiipa the, cce' urr we aid fluc„Nwa'nc gl,srud,aiawroeliirac,a.. N4.... ,PudnliiGliwaN Uses, la?.c..tewl0oralduaa..pu o fa.icboapaicc,lwl` iaicratialtwiat9aaB,,..auu ttm,llw,trolwa u ; ...... lr�l.,,.nqul,ia dauua...ai11; Ilceaiuput.mrit pu�iiGsu N,,air aN fluoumi,aa , alo H,.hliaotl fc)?,_rrr io 9ar:.sused iarn tl,iuuun ua�i 2,1ubitatiori of a pr iu!iqapart iuphagi:d(.ip,ieIcudiu),u W'11'ilusaiWy...Lk Ilriag ...tiutliu,wrduetll� ,,um t* l l,l, i urial 1 ,. ; �lGl The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 47/69 2...•• Any aarw urd•aal�tamacrutw r..,.,....,. � w co llAuauu urrara and aaeduw a ulw w!clat�suaaent r�rsiK wv.ada unrwun�'irrwt• •N•&• tl� ; y rur, aua rue k.lq Wt• a uY^,N usrat # rabtlu urrpu l .Cilli cei t,N,Nt,x;�ugh,_hvv(I,aalloo,maw,and livda.attli �•u•alueh� cl��•N,:Iu,rn�a���...in ac g�aw��ynce Vv4h S��uuOti . d,auaaruuwar _w um urua �ur"y'Aigfuwe01ar.Iha.��„eflreo m tlzcer 9uaGdwlagtm�wraaahruoadutlwuawQdaaa avrt.Cr.t„ u ...loitiru al( cusof•aaHsinilar 'tuatu ruhu�rN uaucuacurchurrcurt lrtodl uu,rtcurarlllw � ara:;u, ww utw r tauylac aNdv+�ultud tuarar� �lu� wtwl�ab�irwdutwd ddyrsuualwvwu•� aaitiaww �raa^�rsouu,, trl_t."a ru t...flaa• nwwdvunow or reduce carra imu � •••�ddaai P.t _.rMd• tltr...(,�uu•rrr�vu. r ...�tlr• ua �•ad,le �ua••dd•tg�, urt�•f• ��� d•uu NVauga . lcvud alaiHn 9Vmc oc tuuuavaaweof edma base [loo d disc@u•ar ;.d 3..- .Adwapwvlifguuuna u,utrdrty taa_ugawuua� ramau drrux._uu uurtcrugauar trurwsfmwuct _utas lauuGu ra waadvcS mauwraamdrrm wtaut�u,rgr , ru!9:.drther w,(rRini I (raC,llrsuaw shh alI' 11 0 1 bcjlgiar..d,l:.dcud i I u [1W ghxitj%Vay. ._���vgzd_Imu,� di)m c Stec mp daa u•�,Arr�r% tw,, eq•anaI•Wast rvaauwda;;u, feu;ciduila Mwrc_croµevw.s !Ey; 4 ...,,a ha o a ilcauaadwway haus meat hvoru..9dctcrrrru iod hyj)re in b aQ t"orgrv..uad°i,ra ,wa'uwcr " rrt w� tr ardrpnsor od°lia:drub afa up�rr aOcql .a 6auuumalmw a% ~umWld t•mamwlr• lluuamal is ..r�dau ulumC••wwwd a ua„ rrl rrua .w.M..ddu, ••ka � mCkwd ;tl gmxwmaa,ui wauu •tlQumu pm [Sk ( a aw du•daw d (auaa huun dred u++ auumfl,00 d w.vggr , 5. Construction a airveconstru.uctiuon o9 vw vudonfdardstru�uctuures wad•thina•�fa w;dawuu�uta;;a�•.d..quuu�riw�ayw a•va•v�pd zu � �r�bavav�ud wdddt��, 6.nc aontrpita�mruto'hm tiaaba ny)ife t dwin ,dao Iwd�tvl ., u..•.iya 7.d_M1at lau'APuu�u¢ada.w�a � �u��Nt Nus 81a��u Nrt�r 1u �hf��:n�,� auf fur toflI ty �wratNr INa� fNuasauri�� �nl� a �9rbhulrvmlarsu�re,uf,Nb aua�urut�arruuaraNca dtuautiwrir,ul,. �"tlor_uadwwgy , amYa,pdal Nwrauu�uudrtcr ......a•dua...l.!.ddaarg wwN wv ;R,,V u,wu•b• _v uawroa as t_rwuGbaudq,rzc, un du�'.•Y kl(,...17 taua,03 , d kh •WWI wruu,d(i i,IC ,d,u,d,rRvut<al..�urld ehp, stream crarrr;do aggt mwu.�a,arc9 "l Mf, V 7 ()9 J4( t .S(,,)Hal w u uw wlmaural gld 9taumvau,, Naduuwdµ; aygal dm;tu➢, amd• aayu{a _mwwk uaPadt l a turalru.d:u:..gaazaC uma ,..rwumr9 a_ ....1 ur_rauuguure arov pcdava:,_tawwutu rmP_ ura wwsa crc(luuur�;e 0,11n wwadl_ru suult a1'1 an u��maw nr ,nac_duaap_niva umm e uu,o_�1umwwud l w � ; Gaya mu'.ptat ug,amwarrurawwau ar9 ldren,basc flaau u;l rdu iMyamr� l,a w ft , V Nwdytl Pi1N .'..«.......t„V4l.r„.STauf,_a.rr aiand d,utl.r.rtoum r.ao.cw ai. atua C taa�"0. ma�a 6punuYa raaa....t� wa.a�.ad.w�taot�.,..o,..� rwA,L, wa istraactrat,tu_dd1ai wLy. atwa, ru a'l.,lr rundiatat4 a aaut_rpupkaitced;. .None muouwdwrmrraamaaaN t.bw l...wuauC$y w4iCraaaluaaaw, lvvwN tam.%g..rtruaratmwuaaw <uurc�raSCS ww�khilb 01 ,fro w a hd dl uaa•Cr,u ac d,waautrt loadullu..pa l.dd ll'drw suction or a m.ua,usrlu•rua fat tdi uw,tgvwwhich were dwavwlaull dagmu�avaa �daa.`nu. wctliamlimamwww rwm awkuugrta<d awi•m.aurw rbadwaqlruu•� wwtlrµgh yawuwuGul Ima:,tl amr_aulrwd7ulcalmmOr_a wtc ru e dmurndc Oic la �rau•ww �r Ohas section...td•r filauavum <a+araaldnit uut ar•e g—' gw uurct.,..wwunwdwu . 09mFish W aara�Waamil udrpa� habitat IV uat&udattaau�,atau1�aa u2af witluwarou ,um„ V"u,uu,gaNbwa and luukw,urd... "he-mt� uu uupruuul+au �a fauut, rra�du�adaa�,du a uajp uauw�l�._� duuamm�„ffutuauad,ua� ar ,at�aat�ruu� dqudatu�, roaauHal�, Graaf ww�aolkeaaamd aagal u�u l nartwamlLa dua•14am wumaallma ,hlw aaaawdp9 "..a�all��rwaumv6ma•aa•uula ar WµtiaraaG vvu6a�lu� FloHOCSI '"01 wwtadar dw ear lrtk a aarra urwa ,ur�ad waatcct drwlw �ruuud wwri➢uddrdc du�ubaim, onsory rtruwrr 'are, auw true cdc,r aur of ttir auacwuuur ! sh mmmmmmmmmmm_ ..nmmn. dwnmmmmmmm _ .....n nd ... , e .. .......... _.. �.�.....----------- .................... -m �......------....�.... w......... � .. � d........... ----- the l'olll,o w1. I M C et th re r, uirr�rua�rr0.t�o� 'thku ltr. t .. Iee�..j p w da yup a a �uiu raa�7 a�aa��rwwaaa Rd� uwau'�tl�' vua uua dwawr0wwamamcrai a'e Q u _I ! adj `^M d' p .. lla aaam'aaarmra aauaurau�aw ,taus uaawa .a~wtp,ua^qtr aa�_atrta,mter.i fuvoaul' wuNd�aru•tpr�9uurrr ut,^�wtuHatmlrN cwut aVpul.lalrlu, acd.uvunr;r:, that is �gg,,hcabla to ehe issuucs umlyaawuraawutw a:.,.... lawl�arww tdawwa affasrwwauaaaum fa raou•waavaaat Cam.l-liod wp...rwt mut wartataa uuuclaamgu...uuvtb au ur aaduawual„Irwurgalrnteedt- "a...........aauor�uwlc ur �wurwtuwut Baru � atd-raµauo�rw�d waw».td�ma� drmrrustkaasaumarar wr��udurcwk I.,.. 1fi"rr y rw fowanardlalaVtatmw Ili aarsd,aNwr utuvmau•aaf at9duau,wmaeuwcw iau ••rtt awau &•ave„Gaaarrtua;!tatavuuafqua;luerurk aurawf•,ga a w. wvillaarw a_adwwC�dauraudatldaaauumrwturwbru uauuaCTM+dtlaru-few lrapaaa.uall}_rw+ rte wl arm&ru°ruinradmuCr ,dorwl wwrClrCNlda Gruuda�w<wi, aardq°,cra�aruiw:;rpu ura.�u_wa. 53m. Prevent ak nw rue the ma Ili •fy_arrcl rdulNal,�tw �wE• � u�c..�nrual �atlr�rul C�rcc wy�uf Gad 64,�• (,'o rw m4 wfor rwanl acral• µ�, •6u�lu rmumal vwrrkfl, 9ummhad"Gwta Nv+,atatlaruu, qrtc9 t trriaw ac�;al rel.tda.onslu99dvx ay Prot at san w0 flah kac nsewaaaion amfa.froila frw •w.,:.law.rlw uadlkrl rm gj%, ...a 7'g0S awl iJCy0aroparua.1hr°aroauL do ctrfy+lrurrrrggb .dared lesc:.'P.b amrriir°rnti;..ulna9 Vit td.p:u� '•p�lugdolra•werawVaru6drrrl wm,u0gtrraau�murai�u,,rt��a; rwwmmu•agauva;t�awriva.,ratl, rarat_rin�fsdacw_wt,...yr�riwaktl.a ,-,,"tgt fish and oolfe habitat conservation aras h adaasaw—wawlr µaaau V,v sruIt"Uf,wrautmrrwqu pu lxnI tt" W adlaaru•Ilu 04 F, Ixat aaa� 0l,w awu4aaltva dMav,wadaroa i'm1 4aurGauaen,t$ land n uwN�wda�mrua,a u•. The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015„ 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 48/69 N�:._..... I'raiaw;a9,ara7 �aarlaWgaumaa;nw I ....'d as a aaa}faataaar,fGy4yiapaal ul du g d-wre r,n uwa b,a, gad t1s irw aawaruraroaaraa,lgilud coy%fitkuis fo ranl'aoduuedaon, Nrua_Nf ua.Ng..gwwlreiiq; tlt.w .P...�uauayrd alive swaSal oaiawaaaawNw 1 air,at;yu tCN.t..a:aar,�g„ Naaata._dr i�nNlial Viand r s, w�lktw dgtjrgw,Nau<la i�aamlwras05n q fur,essc aiiia,l, re -s aa,rerees s uu h a."m9wa(x nx�,ru� g ..4rer�C;tr� �_�1G1�1,g1 �.�u�t��ruf� w.�rut�1_l c uri„gnlre�duurel��urerr c�..atmrd dise,asc ..�.L e aga, _fail s' i,a �,u ,a aauc�Gr as i} Cre and %wlWu1q Ih u[fii44t, NNwv p uly1c q reaata w lfti au f, ad t ret f ghGr� g u C ; sp as;�lirea;un of nsN� �fnd vy %d;1. ife h� l:ftal coy Nc va0oruj area, Bund dw r t Ida rer rF rmul f rf Rare..:1q u ,v a r bkN +ti ,r t rr a ro.{.G.zdretucbzr f rVa, ? 1�re� c,fNwm trrerdards..N riserd oil � m raarwt,, arN+N ,sa,pa aaa �_ta, N.graraaas aa_ a l�w xawu zmaw,d lu w link amaw au6 i lra aaa near lush and wwildlifie loaabita;t conservation aa,a,as, _l Vnwi uavarl awl gfroa�a wi alror an akN, f1 g rratren diITar l rt r a ra a_N ..cmy a lAan l r9 z k� tlr ati 1 a w ra w #aiwlr+sal is myi_iNill _._. ..._., DESIla.iuNXTII.QlN ANN) N) M. PJl ING .... N smireu tm ai ad. la laat 9µl ii6i t. r to a lmii w, 1f tiii re nwnuina'ltfa ,niwa N aalgtthdMli w rgiiNwal icallv„ir &tut c& giliwriaf �airtt_as itr 4i.4d areas :,a�a rw amens rowl 6 'rdlt _ai l M lau f 3 a,a i�9;flireayi d i Vu pis ail r a, a lmV ,l}klbif,�,ret s.qpi , wr atl )n pare as are tlas.wwa'i Naaal 4ai areas thig aaamriagt aa�aw dal: ��iw� w�ala¢,w�uaa Nrsg�a!d �a�NaysuJ_ G . .._Areas._with ~ 1"w di state and fele it wa,t a n �a ua �,1�sq� rt�:alvd ai,t�tl..mM lwislmla�� .°i1a a z � 6a � rc au,laa anti �.g..' ;aa�^�a�a al,�aai.11 2. .......w.N Nµalr9 aNw aro#_ocufwaaatdtwraa.0 3. m..�.r. Cura....4N a,a 1,a gdq,l , agaall,N w p��oaadlt,°1 _ ..ata8 o ` . 1 a; dl ttiw arad l,Naa it araaaawre �a id aac at�ag�w l�awlw t4:.ri,lla Na r,ai....wvatlail,iNy, �`l�aNia4aal:l. 4, Waters i rcrl fNaa tmlta elle l'ureaiyr�„wua..a ,rgta,uNa l� IryaNa;atac,associated Federal Filler r auc+ Iiirawma� NIIN wgaaawc�aLL9��aaaa�«c� 1N�rcmc�gwNtauala� �a�lv� �7arwra�wwal�wl aaaaw _r;N,inhN,u Nwa pfd igtl rd aa� !,a,g tj1t frill b aa_s�ajwri a tp:na.l,ItirN, or Nribl ad qrea,N,Nty,, agar 6—, ,S.u.it"i?4,°ro�,IP G:d9,i�"'N J�,bl ai .i„� 6 C'fa'kaaa,i„";r"gN,�Yi;aYl,siWu� ,: .andY4� h `W+tll�Ni..d ,„aVYP wVr.�w,a At llatrNtwt+,aanalwaaita tatdyaa.al wit Vit, watat1. Na:9 Utwatltiia t a atlreilaN kw aam F(Wa vel4�4aaat1"ta..'. ft— M, aaao-aa�tata v {.N...11t4 at_, ala riAtat gNg garwldttre1rro,aagaao,i µvrrut: a, s.nL atr , i lad aka iatNtlttl �a wMaa� lamaa�aiww mitaa4 a�ataal to u�a6-a� fat* �'aaai In, �r I N�aa,��wlaiNlt� �i�.�, 2a!tautgNtiP.1-itniiwattatTMgaa�tiswtaiaw- imlalra aiaNw,aitceial �ti^aaiaru o-talwailatla Ci,aa �nta rltiiitirawl.. iretaN till r to -N a as r , a;tcrara i, w tUarii �Mti enatN, i utt , la gg a Wale a-IilHt a _.._ .....� . t waap7araallNw tiwta sa aagir rarala !s laaarla�i la iirw w au aaaacN w wieuaaaa ai aaNrrna ,l aN cialaaa iyua Nwiiwls Ind 41 rta'a�i. N,tmita, a iw�tafia� �wNtata,�„� �ta.��aaaa_•�laiwiiii��� �N ...._, la•wwxwirl� aw•w�lrerarrwl•al- "�a."< �� � dw� a�l�Ni An l�_a a:atl_aawt�arr�ariar auytll�ireta�il aw�,f ���rN & aaaa>�n�tEuwaiG,ii�a� r�i� �rrzaa,� a�aa�t; �aaatl ar,_, Naava riretaaaamiataaiaawmxiiaaalkaaN ,rvara larrial aaa lreitgaal+tmaNiMmlaAN,wµraa,to-aa. la:....... Ilabiwwt and i�h�ibiw,s+,�1��I~i�a�aN&�aa,tlranrtiar�ace. u...,1iwrtaatwraaN Navaa,taaigxaaawaa_a aaa Naealaatiat^eta#wi9tnreaN,..ittittrtlaaitdwumlcra"itaaaaagaiana �tau1 itawrt,aigaltstNalttia Npawaa+ia�Nreaa aai auaata variNtt Naama lntiamitaaaamat•aiaura tale wa Nt�ad, 1awi ,l4rtatrkwN_�aai tN aaNaaaitiiria uaaiaTMr areae NaaNa g aa;,raama4� �amua aataa NatuVvutir wq4 f iwarga,wwia t � ar!S-q-ti alta_1pia av,wl Na ra raarpaiw a as saiitrara.ax. aiaal wNauul i,. � ti ai i uamii ala,oaa iNi G amlmlriwwmd tNmaittNa ,, l'vei rswill�retariNo-t�atareaa aa,� �:.t" 1�.�awl aarmaam_.a�se,�afrl� �t�a rear. N.� �laii,.i.�S.uaaatd p'reaml1�lul a,a�, ,g��i&i a...N Ilm k r".�+..�m�ara r N m a z am s rra m �iwa.m a.�li uallire tlata,tnalamt r qjarggdjn Ole r i(y 911(aki.a�.Nia are Nrw�r...�giaaN,wwildlife NN tbiw w �m)sea�� �iliarvi areas an �a,6faraa,lq.1 pauwalre,a,Vrwucr tinder this u:�laa.litpd:: 3, Nor r,aavwpuur�ntwaacawicn, t,yr"swta,ahaiw,gagrdj, w.......,,.m,�al�iairirce, orwm,uhn 20y0 ataaaN t kanated in wialNe dutdNa,Scl: aras -Wrau qaa� ¢raugGilw ww�alYi.,tl+ra, �r l watq,w,d,a i,� as aspagwwaui iaag�atlards in sagN secticni, i, a�la,rtag�,gia JI.Q 1 �laaw.. ��I'taaid war,re,��a ,lar�rwa y Nai�a�h uraatrR,a*wN l,irla as �ttGtrwGaw?aaalw ,w tuNriataek,araauaiw1 i-waa Nu.r ucNwtld�agror�rpauasga lvtapG,w wwiappdaafa1 tGwida, aaarebr mrt mprea au�fl. iwi,¢.r,anatucndaalions �csuilildpwdr.ed iwmr the S�aeciesmwlN�.Nr�aNaulaal dew daaflwa l and...w.u'atenla�ara��ie of awawe aalrmPga_Ll lw.l.l Pt...4.u�,a and ..l.aalau,ttamt,so locals..lawrararatnr�aa�Naw_ty�aawrYwaal ��i�,wrura lei,�cB.L%U'lWiii�,l+uld'..cgraa�igalarVhcrwtentslucV —11 c _�.._ _...�� _....�. am ar,,aaaaugra ial9aatrw,iurw ari used in rtw ade uw, on r�{r_ th la�arlata�r it and Nwmty� z;wartMd r recoruattuciiwi> 6cnis sand advice 6rmrur're, ,l ,aaf res with 1aw q aq�r. 1,, ,,rc„ N tears us'„aui�iC N'uawa�aauluw�; The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 49/69 ll,„swa eNaaa•aaa calx prc+aaeimmwearwal awrNl Ur als , nuadv 0ish ntl wH(Hifa habitat a.a,nservafl anM reis tuare a suilcnw ra w,i;asuux?uausa�s�,p,clMlrauu_k,aaruu,sul,rrarra wrol,iA �ia��arwuuw;a7ucl_cetarona_Ilmgrslr aroa..: u gwaaaagrnaakbrin,rurua,..Nruaud, iuwarrl,aan9..iacrra .nratwu,9uawutaauga, nw.... t:°uau ic�flsa wa tafd;lr,ua,m � jai .umm,,rpur a � ,a ,u, rt,ugt aru,a„s�� rel o Le la r arta�u, tggal.�m.. lG,a, wiaua �• Ifu �6'b,mauuar their ha,)r ua. , __.Cs aaet �t�tip!t.tlmrmuslrlwaurn�>1:... �aargqu mtau a n� ,,:�;';�, rd ... t` ultcaytlaat.a,ariaclt,wraurrr re_atg� �arrci @r uarrapuu �wal�st Vgri4rc��tiz. f'reve at,tkauu suu,1.faaceyorosicuua as iu anah �.. _.l[lrelwrcarttaa, as,tn•al_rrr•w;altrltaa•arrupusa uuasr�nmartmaaayw�a,�aiaua�,uru�,ia�� �wuig9ael�a ku')uraV._ill 01w form wrp ygriouus insects and other benthic rnaucroinvw utw,,,b urw*n., tz ...�S4!vlargraiuus_aalawarsrt rA..vutwtlu�ar_�r�i6�auauueau° i. AH dggr tf,ra laatuulaa,M_aro aagticyapwaM rG wvwaructw c9u kavas agro t ru a uar rrou.Autva a aa91a t in dVaa„��luu, de en.vircru.rnent:. .. I4°.y , ,tr.ssaa r as a tuaa d taelrrrl uta q a,gr�rksw wbwsl�rmmtaa i kl..talgatrca upN R1ai a zatatc.a_...d�7.r,'.a cty cptl_Y aukPuat<r lmrc uawgr alcla lalsjr aa�M�aimlg rw ttk- wa�aret panarcdtrwtatr s y,,ita etg akac... +sr r a s ll6 031 1ntesaaa, a;;rraea wlalgrt° s.a ur for 1111ra,e tcauta�aue a cle_��t,ayaacd as edticai areas in �su bsecdon <; ofthi�s section as Foflnws': L.?iYrc l stueqlrgs-% tateis are thoscwww eta Sa �rrutlu,uw)u,Ricirordin,t..-n€l,l'1._ ��i,aa waud apV'auCiµunawckivaUu.@u awrwr';l as 4, shorelines o the state” and 1a,eA,reli ues of statewide,iuyp,H c uaar�a.�”...u<uceiala.r•,� �� apia n« �4�w, ,R _VVU � tthr�. u..,, w iters rM; twcrtg0.caq__lw �aNg i.a,1?v b aasaters gVeW,da a,t caarlsaadagccl,.l...lar i yaaaiam:r.sw 2.:...,.,...1.y )p ' ria, qi9,�, _ s tg q'_IISVa�r NRti,.' 4 gak4 7 _a qY gBrltuptl �^daatm W�/hich'p uafl�'",not 0.�� issir_4e4� as], , ji � _ 4°TaiiCt s�VId N atitc, a iga tta_6rsiw, wwwlkcdkti"c, car' iaunitaaa use. 1-- arraµµ. �.,rrawwrrts aaA �a atatr uk wv'atcus pGtill ja �saac�V ag��a...wwwaaaiaa�d.tg.ii; asawaas cwi„t,iae ur gassociaatcd eu; l6arralls, which: a...wuwAre cfiverted Icardorrrestua ruse -b -mo re than: UQ"Id1..reii enti<al rag aWaattalatrtl� �glrtlsaaa�,laa aslraada;N.ut. <aea„earaargao daaircana t`aacalmts_tltcensed tose,gwra„rt, rus,r'e t%aawaa..l,lt iw�a ts.?arr°m wsY,u r ubra a,el,g rsiawa..a�als r e craagargrvai...t. t,iaa aVpp,s tq nt to be a valid aa�allus�wd riatgaaglaa�lr �^�sta_n a�rlai.only a cllaw;iater�ed ,1 sai�� ^ e arc � gpstial,�.alum"g,fr,om ilia~,laL)an! q!'such (five sgwan l'or m1,.5i"0fb et or, ty,101,the'daaargm,a , 4r�aa ia,aedarx �wa�,l�ytib��,�i,r ��gt,e�w�arg iaay��lw dw ---Are-- l�:w,truse to Vii' ado real jtggtc.,sr,rha� ag[,la,a,a,vate fish hatcheries, Stroh w,�aateirs shall b ctwuts'reticrtel, i alta g atrgya ,ri„trcacr tregaat u, gaarrrgt atd (trwversion R)r 1µ51a fcKv �.w..ralciudirr lirrldtgarrtes if” itia,gasy. si"nificaara( 9ar�.ar�t>tcetion aft"do wnsi.regtaa w�^�ag,�•u;•cagA t�ty,, @•1gs!•a urtraa ,tjtrarwa�w,dll,laa�v aa�a&•ria<ng5,,fl da_aaaaa:�t �a +aaraci It r eicratt rrrlgwrrtsrve+,drc,l rage... eiaaicl cia as nraadr,araa trw,ar retic d la .tRa eta rat,tsamaµrgt c•st,fish and, wai d1.1c,aiaatrll�l,tglp9 r�tragd erl.ca . g a_d15eccted I ilre,s,�agd inter stcct..lidgmitcstiaat'.. l_ The cML rig, iaaaa�i�e � s q�rc�a�s� � iwv t�a.�..dwarc�rrr gaa a mVl aac�a clrem�ti EDIT i�naat��t �� t ,a atr�awird�w...�cag,, tllrc ii,sly drtaatwktwg�ya and 2:. Such agdditkmatll harvest,rr wets, the ra�rrwweuiu�.nts ofth agaiar t ,i! t�ii,s'r�xrg�att uatng gt a a�•atgiaN baa ..��: -i Ow—absence bsenc.c wrl(e Nua4ei�ery' , d Aad vrtlaaaa as teclgaraaistaagc.w..leq wui caary rrwwart aargaatarraarurai taa)yarvat rtw atV..tURT 30 C1as,aai,'�r Mlits: provided That ---the water shall not he considered _fl.cb w ntetr_a c vgtagpkl nttit reaches •taa fl guguai char X cad tla �.ts gr9c die{g, s it ,alaal�ic dcaa,. arlwl�aenHusc aaarelw arrrrr ltiraug 1•00 ictWfaaecap,taisttr tuni:1.. '. Ar,c,minsed t r.,tiru�Pot„Ngalr„�lr,rrwwanit'.1 , meaug°,lirr�c�g rgu�, n�gg�i¢wnw..ww��a,��l ,..... �giawdgwa„t�rc� ��a9� asiga a aharaacterisdes�ar awrw. aiureal ti t,c•s alsM luuaaNtBs gglitn ae.aagaR Gish au ia.i,.r6atictras i btu g�pm st,a.;anergt' having as defined channel 20 1"c;et or gmutc°r wwruthin the baarrkfull_rawwhidii fusel ira vi 12r va li aaira rut rca.d'_ka. ss tigaaar at lxc 'Cent_. H. Lakes %barCka ,} gin boar idyna ngts Ir gwalltl cB wagq iaaae',a gV0. as wbt i rta+C egg rrc ani r rgi as al trtgrad g dtia! 1...�...............� _ ._.. "4rY'jaitY�":11"., as 5— ...Aru..lnrsc a�..�r ,.l Mda,daaa aakl,c draalarreC daaNlrt These atge.,aas are ay ers al to Qi,cv,�..tt ctbta;aati a sirvi al offish. This habitat shall be entifiedsed cm,,th 161L,�wr{ag taaq u The site must be connected to a fish lre.aaa rgs _sella rgra aaa l� �wc aau a,g sg fle dauruua�; Badu@,tc u a iaacd -0. ftda,a c-ar ..aaaald ua�__;i he off-channel_:.,r>�atear must be acccssgble to ItsRi tllar�caaa da �a aiw,wArs uluc �w_gtla less, _tdr grg a urao �wrad,l, cn rt.„. is ttsa-aw,a.-asatua wwa~rarcI.aa--to-rt-tan-w- --warrm'w �aaattraararacicraata�t9?�r�artrarwautl�la a�caauut�aiaratacr�astsag9acwnitan�ratutur tai eulwraa tactts�s al aat aatuWs,cae tawroar 1 _wtt maps sa trtauauaaaal...arru a uasra,ata al. _tus�ao-aaas,,taatww s aaallNdlma lraaaRaTuulan rein urarg�aauaanraaw..�.n �a^�awwtauuduta �"tlalbwwaualld�watwikurw grtlaw.: The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 50/69 'I ypq,3 j'S" Via; xw1):(s,gfjjatqraI waters which are not cla 0 '1 1ters anve d Itli - ---------- hunlan llsqNJwsc are Sq',',inq1t'q inundated areas oftheir associated wetlands which: 1-1111, . .. .................................. ...... ---- . ....... .................... aAre diva.aiqaC.. for, dorl'iesde use Nay rnore dian 10 re jdeNdo prea I liccused to serve III th n is deternijkled by q�,_ j Qjq aLtinenT lo be a valid (IlIrkidon of Avater andjbc,ordy ),yr&a� water source F(W SUCil-IIIS—ers"', -_gppL - -- - � - ----- -- ---- .. ........... . . lured .0`wabr r_ ,a"vli::rgl jjg..conskleredtr',) be ['�yjje�. -Qtn !��jjqinf oi'stich diversrOnjor N'5flq --- - - . .. .... ........ . . . ... ............. fi - - 11-11 ....... a ever iS lem dnfln, ge arcajs rc�dueed 1.) 1 V I ch b, Are used by,ftsl,r ranutpr0brg.in ­-ltq r quirmems ky are described in the board manual section 13, If fish use has not been. determined: 1. Nk,"ater , ay jtg ,p of the f'oHowin characteristics K w ed. q 111',ive fist"t use; 11L!!11111J al -- - -1-111, -1 1-1 -M--- --- g I LILL_ L _ a, St vi sq'ryktniNs hq\jtW.,,A,dqflj1 d.,qfqnnc1 of'3 fiet (N- gr te wid 1, and havhl - --------- --- xt gr4d'i n1l"of 16 - 11 fted charmel o0j"ect the bankfuh Nvidth L, -U-1tayin a def ---- --' ----- q, guj­gqaab i 'ri less, thall OTVUal "20 p-,- q g,LqiLtgr than 175 acresc0nt6bu1hmgLqjs4I size J)its cN, art lry clgg.t raa lilabf,,)t n i, dw-ics. . . .. . . .. ................................. . . . ......... . c� N t s or I n, )ound i rients I iqv in 6y jiAqrf%q area of less than I acre at seasOT a ow , , a d L -c I It Water I] to -a fiSh­strpgjiV 11, nds of itil undments h',vvin � urfit c area ateir tharl 0.5 acre at seasoru.0 logy wa wr. 11 A- - - I ill -A, � � 9 � -- -------------------- ..m . . ............................ . . .... .............. ­ .. ... . . ................ . . . 2. The d "p, i1ment shal� wa�l q..gLr s j1jodi Ole (,-Jwraoc3kfi it subsinction whcre�: ... . . ......... bL-- - m a. Wimers have egIfirmell lo je ir 1 1 m1fle th, ( i� not su ort successful H (m b. Snowmelt streanis have short flow c 1� Molltalgai i. l'q list., y 02 flQty'. in Ille W� ravy. n10 IIIIIN &Uld diSCOM I III UC fl() bi June I ij'y Sufficient rggion is, ayaHabje W sa,uir rtdq;I (tqp, rture froin tile el'Arkar tpyisdes hi,fj or.0 is,st I o -o is ..delcro.lhtcd in vonsuRation With the &J" ............. . . ........ fish al d Nvik if de nirtment of ecology alketed, Iribcs and intereste 4, 1 'y L) I H s,-%',�ateirs aleans qH waters wfth4i the bankfull width of'defined channels ---------- ........ . ..... - — ----- --- .......... nonfiih habiLat strearns. i"crennial swearns arra 11t rI waters that dio p (x­j-'4'Lu[!y g'l'pY­L� tile c4' gygar cirnonpyl nahifaH and err, cludq mm,the intermittent.vis o f I Nr m nei WOW tile 4111 fl lv� WE." *1t i&ll ler, nli+� vV414k dw'ij�,�LA y ............... ........ - - - - -- - ----------------- ---------------- 44MG! 4 7,41-000", N+1(dfl0iHV4,'l+ 1,AFaRF" ..................... - -1-1-1111 ... ............. . ... . 1JjRg"IiX�t�m'umelqua Ali ggnlgqs of nawral wwqs within the bankfull width ofthe deli. ed channels that 'Ir 'xl(.11"' -1,2 or 4 Waters. ,T fres %ca;m , nonfish habitat streams in wliich suirfiace flow is not �j� lip �s . i.aj ­­­ - — ------ ....... flow 1119g, 11t f6r m kr vast So A 1cach 5 Waters nitist 1i gvN7�si�<alN�..rs;uragrrct.�.11:..q��_.,trr aa�warvr ryairinamN vlaa;rirar 3 Is"aw alkeas rVairwtr;aaI Stman1swithill- the' ("k'�y '!r 5-IS"I i araa',"(004 Ot ViV4,4", a�fte 'wILL 6. Lakes arld Ponds, . ............. . q� notdesip I I T -S as, S;1o'cUric th�a� roceive %yatq firool, dw lit unn: fi'qm�l4dqh ffi jakc, q, I receives water, h, Nafund lqkc,q wd ,v� u.,dwroNne, that do nol receive, Water Frol'11 the Of FNIM W'a .. .............. .... . . ... ......... ... . ... . . . ....... . . ty 4 syckyri sh.'djI he) nelj),A) fli c'muw 8rrci -f �,t 4gq: v-1, 'y r 'yq' -'q 4hall- h 1,!g-2, mot The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update ��-...,.'a�a,�troa+aad C�aaro-rr�'Jst+�paao Page 51/69 I-. w atln,00a thdca 4,it„w�9 t krohlths.".1� liul aror t 4I...�9....&u �xluN b,lre aro�lro,a gi aulari�ti dew uaiw » i.ronare•.da...... a......a.... 2 roti'9�m:1•'r�'4R4 'bt," rv�- 'C ro�ti9"� '^r "ngi ldq i� 6,1�,M.;l 8.67'l,b �i7h,.tlro ktl9��1hf-�; "� Re R'IN% W Inzif,.4„8,;i4” Ro,unad in wd aalt 1 _ l q... wlapr 4 cd9aa,upt Kish and yvWhII*c ha bilalmarl tosdivardso ur d pla dtd a a t�a lcuwar eyawy turguu areas have been. inyenI¢ufl w conagd aaoa. �_ rrtu Rwa9spp,a scd.!:C.. olttaapna ��er4 _I a groc �,€ gjaps ahe inAm ,45 �jq! 94:17(roall defhic the extega Or �V� �u�z�tc,gw„,qw� of preerdre a,grotua d,eaq¢woa ,lwh4t.i.atltu r & .1raY ,iiCl.lflLLpCoz�icpV bourridarro+e,_a�und aP�algriu<� spmgw� _N1 rolrosyi a 1�e,� both p� te�,µgorw and]. jjr',groae q!gpr nn _di., nature as described belovy. U_,--_dt , pu�dweat auwuapx include airg.t..11 oarod gy p% -1 lain iiaV+,„gildi il,�l��._a �. .�ka�ma al flood ,kar,. �g�l_lrpw���,�� s�i�,.lyaa4arfia,l.� _... �ide dIed ro1 thil��rd isurane ro rocs .1 .(two cws Vim .... Itwrotlg ortaaadgttuaapV aft q.hw.. arae°@la�ro,0,r, p. �lrq ro im an4 epee tie cu�_a.,.,foa atroart w n 1A r.t.11roarr' p��,:li lbrwi uatro�ull a,rot uv l �ao-aar Vutdi�uwt �atuawptoon pntdps, u,rae„l,roule but we ,aaniq Wgr,np,tr d to. rhr:c..RaOt oroi� p. an, Wedaan dHs; h '�alau�roartu„ R; lntnggaraV._p�rrgua�do-croap +orae einra, cro...,_,Snw c u,d , and haaha:4.tgas 01 kwuhw,grr�T(, It_ I e, C"�n) ..h.'his .9.raauga ��rolh Nna..k"a.rra�u roYh aN at Stieti;h a fin'le } �rr ghto6 tag \,akh,na taroatpp_?�d r_ae wpawd, ww �p"pp,a ares or habitat t tr@,94p9ttartt�ptua t Y, ----._.m .,. m y art roraw..;:.rr,g a ws a" lccro ilea; ,. C tkrouc�r rtaoarere itndaatapo nn Ibrara ataaon surouru i s e Std. aouhar g cdffawtab so urce s .b ut aar� raapd_Iin)i e ucl,!en awv far¢rd hazard man rntevuwl. phaaau.�.i. ... aaull tpai a w rah dggoM, 66.._e f'Yauko,ua7 u �„`”yk4id�gC4..���4p144�aTro�..gp11!�ro"t,w as. N dis4,si pan..danuad aid n-viq nae p moll ffwronodar_scries: aura e __ raaR«iMa q-.turoiac ;tngc z _ ga_ca ha%ros aoi s inti%agar, slHo wurot iae1gif as un d ronfiatnrroa l:tdk". EIRA.1..,11JIN"," 'EID:.RCIPMENT d«:a"ll". NDARDS ;•w, _� rrauhaglyda.d lJtme N,9ae lawlll wweagae" ou c ,aaapL taadnw prod sare Ia¢wY0ilcd wAlrodp:a adaTummgw, ga9ln �dwaa6ar�n��a�� _rea6a�ta�akmm m,rtrow o�:p fig:. and wwlihddiffd, habitat conservation. area: ._..... _.alit!` „ N,.admoa:.p11 aorto, a uspaaw as tt. uan utcaaaaro or w ubst ail cet .sit ann an as d utap�i .r. ous or_ha hazardous s w it hu de�lpa ct dcr sw <tq,�o_ dpr�a�dad"o!wpgta;�,9t(�_~r„a� �t.d ._... 1.,11c Jp lir°wMaaaeata„aaR uaslntg_dt taaaduuw, ,gwAdHgLL raid I, aiioropp.,sada gtiyg als, ep egg Cww,p: ihat.,.wsso sated wgvinflt, dCuw;, rrrgag,nrrtp„ �wt...g'ce awa,ro, i ... drowc t6,aa.”, o -w- R trroi��..(I pugwj as,CdggFtn YM4__N w 07_MO(IIX. Jii roti„retnov al, aagmo�l.,gg aggtpiawo q,aad, arog,�pteu gapdm Raw?..i.q.h.l..tnAi�uaCu�yahfmn�°,gw...SI'l ogwt C,aorruuhm°gr, ... dtw, pAaraarVC trcoi a e.lmdwaucls ha alcwdouag t Igji� w4araci petaael ... nowdd � Cro�argvnau ur ww a 6;e a3u^adlosal .0 aciluauc s l ett,c 1 lJs 1"r 9yiso¢vut_does not hichwcie.temi�,aopw,<zl„� a lw,��Kt�crptrod,g@oV �„re��ttn�� aarR��e,V;,gtptt..6tapa �, wapqut �saaurts,kCttpwo°(IN'ed 12Y a roaw dada,. Car_n,rotila_tffie;ru�,. hnaea_crdlrapgeaudat8rcftu:uroatiuc�. lt,...Solid --vaus't t�d.a�,)wosaad wsaneF ; ... wootaor,tirtwr9,a,wwr,pcgoti.dugaC;w o, .... l uRroe ariyrolta Paola ffootp,ptCww aa� oiw kgyausrvrep �,N dwaal apeati,w udro�uaro WRrrd to agrre aopri doirw 9:.� .4 � dew ,lila aat� wd,��it,gror q,dre�..h9awsd 9pe a� d ro gnuC�u ,mddn wd atu;�„V„asdd ed, aro:u. � it�C w i ��.Cl�/ O.oa�.��. t�oa,ad W, Uws ,4wa tewa..within theMruodwyaotw (hatWaiv lisle C.in YNK, 1 7o).020 .�.�'1.9: J. General Poducies and Standards, The Vo lowwh nhalicies and st aoaalaorads shad au w al d¢a auaw cicvc lit ouatic out a ar¢a ro[aacRratta or ..- _�,. �,� e.e,a e.. -._ ..ro .........._ ..m,_ .........._...m............__........_.._.....d l_ Y � .... w ....... �.�1... � .., .._..�.. �.........a._.. arse ro aaotacdfl out as^lgi,orua xt c'lc as ru air a1' u c rsnhapwryaa Walde rre:°; �d aR_a u_gdu waf opua : dupla wwlgge , tna rk o as stream arp,hrtroae aInd Clge.aaC�a,�tt` ro ��cCd�ra�.dai ski„o.�R_Car, auace rkud aorto. C�u.e�. rag gt�rk� hnw l';toaa,arrrlt;.dia rraiAaop'awadeyuiC, erawuusdtAag�tc„dwap� aril uuw,¢;.py. rorro,otro a'd,aaa�:, 2. xist...,..LtIbllery t the critical area fortifed gae uv1atp,a,awde.� etc wwgkhdaa hororo llad...e �p Hie streai,n ctorfidor wRra drogrly fte_tli It ulro ad to roBu�,wgiu n rr7wym ext std n�a�wgflw.l.V m �s ...n ..... ..:........ r "a t_. a_,^ twut,;�; aura sus _regaaro..dogher sellsrrtgv� lr alaa�adt raicrauriaeaN ww 4hu.ira. a stream corridor hall b disturbed to t�hcaau.inn rrs.ra.d.., ext;eill tae)spealalaa,. The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December S, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 52/69 II l",raigw its l ttltlua_ltu, d + .d.umil;,a rquiab:au'm,lt rld_gy gi dmqu6 i Via, a u wit n� tilw;MGw gwgrr6wa�ttlrnri b �easaaatl lr uaViCgf& ,q,q ,.� _.tl..n.a aatllwniytCa nwsiu�r�wuhawsiuistr,qroffw_'soIsittivewildfih,.acluvi0 Se'lwd;uAgarga�wlwutriuwtaoc��tuxtlww from al.~~: alau iEsalwui aRratluta niiad/or rw d a th �qp aiwvrvw rvit tl qac: trot id ^q_1 d� S. I�rrnGmntntaauurw�>,aartwnu uw�uu°,wunrutuwqt,lkiw�«Rr.uu°unwalctl11; leA,44�iuni~apauuiacl m 1Au sttur9Grlr��tl.�.ww rraJ Parekh, llmann��awa$lwlatlwlwu9antugaagw,101 flhe-slol anflcr Man ,llkera,wnt mww,allalg,dru torsi Wlvdrirattwirl, qkyrlawla�,;w.usalellr�t iwl,iut�t tucair.< at(',rrkkV atu;n�tnrnt wl_tnr�l�d,nll,aa anncuillaaronaia,a tdn_lehlqurotnwtn a hanuyn�wk trr9aw limarati;et NG. pku.@ie a t a tru�knl..n"zawtlllr uu @tlgs.. trti�lar a �gl�rr and odtgea.9...g'rrtla difil adontl b which Mltribl,lt .l��l Cl-OSn(�bwn a�i'SOi➢aS. whaH be confined mtarm t[wmu,iiut,rltwtau,ulu ileo uearaar rrl a ral.u..9trdtal,c d qw ulutlq.ellteu wd work and ntrk�rud taael�°l au clI .,�rf,dgnn�ei,r Ia gaud: b.V]ad rnalnsal:ad watl a.11tpiaea .t_;va.f w.taulaolr, e xcavdljolw,,..rtlwah.l,tl_lSr.uu gq_u ail iart, sw 9;uq,l�islw a9 q2 raw tl sods w.� hell. anuli atnu dirk _ u,wust w;it_dne"rfthdea,tl cro lon,_cawtlna�rdrwt�wgn a nu�,lato en, wyrl,t trur„dvss "xnlut lblvdaiartu_ujlyt m a.sklres are. inn4�W', d,,A'."b„„lbrefi It e l85 tinetla.a.�, e hnYlrvlw� t~,�,;ww jtV, ttnd,l7etl.y4 �btrSxlrV,t�ltew weahw.alz eC.Y41'l,ln�',N,e,I1kY0tl &3µdmmlxl}rd ,Cgtl„:19;N,k,„4, nV4 rl'tX,Lwl, l�),l.„l M' rkwY4„�! db FVeV I'NYM1k(: Ilflkwal4klnnqs arol lklark,;�wilhwlr_k� Stw'owtt..ruetcep�ywi �gtareV��rolu� uu�u alrt..�tt�ti Iota,p.�tt wtlwal.d tenfia�:�h._.uannlroll nit.hlltgtrzaiaal.d,12mnl�lw��1 lluw�inau^1.� dn,swlt�.�lpware �e9,l,alwlu9waMl0 ttn.uracwtlu° kl .0 The dlis6aruwa...lwwtiurwt_Iapu,a rrldliwreglraim storlywater runoffs[ad] Rn ai6 ulrtl cC, rnsal gLttjstraaa,ter�,ecn,avoid a,rrctlSaaknw. sinal. �. _ �.....”�4�nstttl,una,u�gylnlpgli,t��wwi to v�alpt�rq allvl;l,; sltwadh,��t,used ,ltn...I w�rutltutl�...a`uau�uulttl..i?s,at,uq ¢wtll4wdnu,q w rr,^AtgttY�. l.araafl.._k.na.w ar n varwww tsskand�l d„ldudnsdna nd," a LLd'narurteat,ha astagaueauawhrilcarvn,llagiuluennt, earu.11i.uretuunuu:..uiun i,lvadnarw p_ndGvl„tnrlacN td rpnkaacenanwr, nceaw t wtilla;, aaluurea o mels h talkah sir thera�lalld d g is ratuw.nai nu�9cnawpdred a, aeuwnfihanarturcl ,wale VWae arra eai law latus � dl„r9;B, dau,e,atlw"awlaws. ....Fatuili6cs.. which lIwCIIfelih;K,zar,s,lbk�Ikjdes01_hrknl6llVS Nti.N:V.real._.�innu'gaugw,umtla�,Ellwwurr,klrtrnLALmc� uGl.11,r�vrwlrgau cgiw� aaG . aunu aatp tl.. sea Lucuia�te�lq1 niTurc the surface �uigasurfl¢_e transfer afbiio aamical_n In teriaalt....ivilltl..l�.le...�ll.t"u;.ini'l.c�uu';ri,do .... ltiu➢ rk, Gturls lrl_aatutuiral' nulq,tr 6lv<lldllwgv..n,Biannel Ino gla,11&,'Il .li.:l,e,tgn ktrawd urttll� trk sir tmuttuua luad.h.Umrupa qaw pl,runiwc,rwtdW aidten uiu" lda,ir°inct the an udrelrl_ anau,l u or flow ci suutata slie�f m_.heve” ,li1g rltl Allan luttr hs l�rt o ruses a�uiiain th tttam c lriuw;o shaald ow ail ;ro diven°� flood flows.cause ahl�aulaua d, wdluli.,..caosioo and increase or pcuu lcuaw flea dlaro4fiul,e a f upt!ue lulu wr.q.gkowlistue arii f,dlrrual du:lraaied at ca"', gtti °wtraa tatll slrokn w_nd nrt cduslmnlaikatpgrlrts to+ltp akrttu;a 9u ruR s naw9 a hi stat ipn ch nsptiuw� ,Md;nailP Irr �l c,ttl rl„tea uuaurw nilze [lie .,[uaurard f''l,aan,un •tre ani uuna,der aatt,au, and atroirn hank cro wieirastamigia,fl, dulrol �alt�wntuaad fulure sir upi nnnuG rWIqu„lu., dd.�...... UliC, a anhlaalnwt"and d rgaj ,ultl liilan a lrl uuinul7ptnlutCar ...shall he,notrfw,�t,8litio ker,nua:4 1.t Iutaiw6gn o teloc�rdon cvt' al � ateuco urse and i;rullej'uCe of suuch no iu"ucaition wtn�gll„naafi sull lluefA to th 1 cd a, LJ wuau tlgl uuuW� �dlrrull�llia i rk"t„l sl4 "a:w,. 1..2.. M ahtloianc nliafl bq_p,,uwllurWcd Gran dhua, p,llt�taud,waq uWelawe ntw a�..inaarNuauiq O,S H il,lte ni �,mrsu ""0 ldunrt ttho w. kur�r!,drata i allelk ark r , twtlt rdlltl.i ni'~,huer;ht d..?..___DCva 1clnw1lw!1td wq'adugl, uuust o — tuauuat,cut ofl” ,au_r isollate: str rui covr lor, 1, �trakres,. lid. ..d nalagtGrnp ulu tku,l ut,a uudmur...... i,,ll$ cwi,ar lkultc aWairat�uu7trta..ua4 anl�a.t grnt�aa,rn lea tui ga,a kai° iul, �rrl ra nWr tlruq iwa.rt urgaartl d�wwc_r¢,nad,ttmsa,B:drottl tltn r �.G.i..fnl I'5I'aauglw is Bc? xxr el iw u4q nra.flic,tl_ge,odw a nlr_u�sl me�uµd_the t,llwtIreurwMusgs,nah "� r l ftut �f .>lRl ,.atro k Vel. "n aei.q:'tdapuuen,l't�n�,lua ve�utiuw� hituq , ._.,. _ ..._.. t_vraiu�t�ivartn.atuaaled:.u�rlpwµi _ t� � .tw t 9urxnlnuronauruvla� wwgniriutln,�tu8,ltlt ld,u,^,tei_ulr�r as u� ltic�lugt ua.. l.tuemluurllauu,slug uararc,Jl,nuu a tdaatlw,twrnN to Ac allaza> sY7urd;d lac a aln iitmeed ual,l uc caruualaAx t luun crh will ululwluanrl U^ah tdr ,l ,r,liunumt,uagbavul, deulnuf;el air �uulls,a,aa,lnulae rd� aa� p_huu�m^ska,ilglrgl. WATER DlEIlhu�4w➢����[+N �P DEVELOPMENTS'Ir�„'�g �n� �l� �t7 roti tl i11,1''11 � ���� iI11�1,�wGl 1 b lse (Aasslhta ation Fox aad told, �cr ttsnnr dluu r rlauala�ark,rur�r raG a�rt� aqu;,v ularlalnllwatl �alll't"a-jw,7ua....iee rusa...rwlt.u.dN.u.r"i p. ch ®_ a , ., .k p . _..,lwl Steal q bca lruasut-led as; llrealudal hwche�lw., apnd to ldl.n;onl"(,aI'm 1,0 tht: dcy h2plilrritk u itfkefrq tnau�a wla arclu.0 ilwty uiR tlelghwaaau� ndot. ~alaatnuu4,ttwl angp rr throhn wto the fl,s utacaat"uaaue yarlut:aalk d, in Subsections 1thnrltiawfi� t t of rims wa Clow . or i t S_ e�liaaB all al l 01 tiurlf;_.:wnarwr- 4 ._.� nta r r'uuuasuta wd ti;,u a rdti t�rtaw arra the lkrd9kawvfai tdnrl a a,ttw auiuut, utf uu�w°'�_ u~ def -H1011 ___ lh,me, u,ul6 wITunkr r iw,llllaul wYnm eaaadrd...f wtltronniia,t ll,..i'.pc ar combination t?:t..."uuch uai^aQ..:w.:. 2 ® ?wutrlw aatr o lsrienleed uses slaw. quurqu a'n�uly uric tuuet auentatlf', rav�..An st � rn,r S . t ha.._t .� , tlo n, iia ew fturotr Ik D kid stela gel, e,...ry r tler.,Jlllu asci sit p @ u .....Gyfyh lgu4li,wro+l,ln .d�n rowkJon s shaft ML111lu 9ctw dstu ti ll iialy aul„trsl: d tructii es shalll be ell uu..le'red w I11ocatweoli.n..onj.hnw...valku r a velee, ho, %, a tdua. la.°atal. iilalaai, taro dine unrdaaa�,c ww✓dlxen and shore l -- -- d _-- m eine ndealld d"un�, dwrw acted and co nsilu ,ta�ewld to uwnhliaedze d.r a tluaas lniu�,st..alert-<awiwduo-wdasearlincudin ui lrriinm.deeall .... ren,ullrolugww lo ahc shoreunc Gu agncdwalra,a nlr t lllrwh Jinn 6 r lnr eu, ie d In subsection P of.:lh is section, 3, 11 Jse areia n radud, tt,l�acdtt k s ks,4plltn aa1p a6!nn t..�., lautlr a,uarliarotu 4141H.uii,uuilillizw any oh rtr up ion Or iada unr°u en't lel'” uualri i nd uwnglllul la iwua don n Abd l.�u_c Surfixe rvwen>_. The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 53/69 h arRt n q ed'aW-<l J�J s,, l lic Ibad iu ari�.� j2EPYki()il w"." kiM.I.-�ui�1nV� lg �w �a�w �eliI aa6 ts'�,; 1, tuuuMhy- s and use arca. shagl.b.�...loca e�l,as far is ndwv rrdq r�¢�r �Nw )rr�imar°�.9aigh yak.Rt r- m ar_k ,ar,%tia�kN;tu��,l �,n,�a+';.�i;,s 1 .inaro <,r¢ugt ellnnul kigq arra l,n we Ow_aW,ssenkn rl,g l lw, a , aaa y t 1,auRuaro�r;n" garla w r dr the sun fhee. water. 2, s s aem d vwit,hinr this vel gtlnlive b u4lu o .Spq! f'I d sur subsection P o khi �,. ,tn nta.a� uu �. aynmll",aasu areas a a 1ua91u,t lic In --- sumgw.knapna � �v laR wnF�ner w,iwl, 1pw0. agw aw lwlptra °rtt r,ur 1&tn, r'�a;p,uji- nu ent, nns4earw_aatwd troth th use make such an glow amlia,nnr uuuaavoid ablc;. N Wato.Fit. cirwmcauu",91st'°° I lir.."..�;arq�unawor�l,CU"r„c7�r� arrr ltau9.q.....:ultllq�__tna awxp9r sAutn�w,ro rat ,u�i t r tN at _r” aulww�auual._1rlwin tpi�_..�ri�inrtaan��"gtgl�l� � :nt�u �raru� srt �al�'6 ental urq��.. n�,i 1. ytualut,li,ra a nnpal use areas aliaal1, 0u. located as far lea ...w,.._° w. wm. ... J_.ltypti rSala ,rutty@ ylpwl 1puw, r c"tli u l rakmaw Or Plnmaessq auMkaullcyrs,lt�,l wrtnti tivc, r gdauw w ,an�w.r 2, Struc,,tarr s 'artu�.t,as _aurrp rrruty bl; gO arka.r'l.:ww ntlullm .ih ve _'r�lk C 4"gyuk; n s pc(J.jied hi subsn otwaw.n.l, 11 auq'tln wa a,0ow, lat°auwrdurl tGuit�lawwahttu uVruhal,r saltttuyNnutctn wu Mrdr91_kneutar�„lnnu ted to aarualrrta�u putll'. 'all ul the �.... waattra.l.ltw ,ltu,t,l.t. area m."."..,."� v kautrwruw.buffer, �a�... men meOrp�aul Uses, hdrp ,uawrctged tsgs I....__Structures mid use aareasfiaa�lltl.:...s ttbaaIln:."a9..7`b..ricaRuum�"N,rm"kwaatr.t�."l�witlttrrt9n�� wug�q..l9,lwa gnbx�Vu:a l7u ��gww�„lw;q, subsection P of this a ec1iona” 2: ".. 9..lrrt tn,yu tuuun trq'luutltnl lq:xw w nww llri�ww 1pauffe ntauqj_f,ted ast smlw,nwwmmtn, m P,tnIteal, w"n,uubuwqu all Ikt q a�,u srgaaartl atilul tw'nwulutlt"a to wnusrrla„,tluuat nyll rtctC Vt, 0eirtinare rul,alwwrut,yt0u t,vi ltt a aa� .➢.1' vutrwl_ltve buu&'r' . � s, I'.� ms.�..w.. ..._.or _kms _ .. t C w_...._ t c .w, e.s ._.:.._� l'. lw„ warv,�ctttswra. llaadl�ns lluc svCa2qurGa,9uriucnrq:in6`auwa �ulsyCuvu,_4>ul,�9a.n s,�lwsan au+taurcwstupy'"try ;rn,rttu;�;4 tllu ilaraa�ttuitnwarrul vaalays cr. 1trk,anwa It a uwt&uu as l _wt lwl a ntn ru-0 say n ._ t anut to ar pruoun a rvnQlnm" 1aa41a rw Vitus a pu urn, lalke"Sm lauuul"nnr"parw,;l l t w$;i u � Aul stn. '.:.11ulrol .,l.lt" t .1.1..See vu NICs 1709,0l0for uwetland mklanllun,r"qu,ulaa&uaurtbm lm• w"u ! r .�1 � ,r shall be n,"wasurmd hl u;nm Owrwrdifl Ey_lnt lu lvslkv markµk'otr w arms lAes aurnl�.ltullm�ls� 9�ta wvn ilh ark hi lw WI'vwsh M gwx,.alwkurrwgallmWd ac,,cor.l rlrne..tus u" wtla�a°arltvaaatN•b�wrN. t:..... q It lu"61,ultur1a' q Y wse Standard IN O'6 tar'l'wlt8lr,�,la"l'Okyncs the wNnuntw,luyu url,�p_ra gaakr_wyr,9e;� _ar taµ t treaaAdvC_wuta t,ti�t,bw a` �...1 1 ;taw it"urr9d, nl irua,nv rauru"t"rr,r"nt w tllntuy the lwtulle zone that i,.11ya lltr tl auulac tnautw..,t�ru truukc�l.0' w tale pilo .a: ll, tltu ya r,„'wt utwanarn...rs deur adre dflisnylc It t l!lmlarre nrndaMw 9aa a azaro ,ywG r uaq...wwptlr,wdttrymtdu tt t�rtwt,awt tcp the .�.b ufT r awkith. ' ` m. `.. ._ .� m .."..." M ,n rtaau tau nwvt s�lrwYuu4 lut,trwarwgltautut�_tltw, maut¢hwd width 1 lacrg.l4ru_�r u r lie rust"6,10 1t ulc �artllucl liunll,„ ..."..� _..._. "Fall:olle 09�0„t0J. tuaiunaluaurall Stine airm Buffers Stine auu __._..�_............................................. Buffer it Width ` XLt m shaaan�lin trearns m.,... __.................... M 1t httert ftv: 111W lt'alcuas atouu l undsu ° 4 P stn"c,aarmiae 7"i 1..,dalu`e-s: a0' E'r sc ndal 1°aul He Facilities: 100" 1'laucuulwwavli;k1�; l(ltd'R° Shorehraa° Residential: "Stars: 80' 1...akes: 20" 9hrhanii Co nservauwv: 100' a iia t°JdlNala uw ataa(� " _._ ................ _..........._. DLOWI ...................................... .. �h��„`, � �5tfi �'%N1�1�'.�„.,�d�tll #"a'�d"��a�il' ...... .... ....... 11E, Lans x..6.1"wtumu°°alw�Cre.wa �ltb,,��w„"��_lu �imu llraiuu(.11s The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Stir' M I T ................ 3 ......... g:....... 1112, Tail)iie 019.030-4. Standard Streairria Buffers Buffer WMI[i T, jv ! Afflt�s 7.0%.0140 Wetlands. Page 54/69 !�aalsase and Intenii. The aii, of, l a (iticaJ aireas, is CqLdyapqnt tci !jLvLpAur p(isq Igid hqenf6r VvH.. . .. .... 1.7 -0910A ji i m d_N -f g, - I .. t ... I k wit,114VA"43-2 7-43-5 V wvqtkinds shah lie delincated "usi,I " i , ptqc-,edure makned in %wCtland deNjimation Inanual wqta h able re o st plen'-wnts, up-, , 9, I Wedands are all areas nicepruts the defindflon firr Wetlands as deflnmi un),"Nff" 17M.090 Iind alre herela dej a,rated_N°rg:s qg: IT, preate an air-iH16al wellands- ancl b, Areaq where cha g, i i 4ri "Woap s have umsed --- -------............. K-ap"91XIJ1111, gJq0!ki,n and extentof'weii are shown onjIM �IPA ilit.cl tyqfygjflla., -- -------- ............ 11 .. ...... . — .- P.- � --g�L� nctide inti gnitifion from th, Natiowd �Vqtiands Invenjqry ip,, rLjjy ;,_!j.& Fish and pfYaldnm 'ee I c critical areas fbund �n YMC l TO . 301ffl� their functiolis.willbe.,12 , tmIah1jing lLipsuind�iirds fi-,)und ................................... . . ....................................... . .................... . ..... I nun tkaus seetlwrorr eared lar Y.M.t"... 11,09,031 D, Ws fland F"uncGons and Rafirj& WleltWmh ;m:p Am'klj fa qtkrqs that are Oic inteyffice aaluraatic and terfes(dal Well p qyj e j 1U1---1-11-1----.,J4L S - r A.-Oie a.......... j'jj0 q )Chigirnicaf 61 net i ons:, W1 kch impirme 1I0f!qAK in the retention --------------- . . ...... -NYL -- kuqy -a� ilad -se im I -Eg 1� d e it cnutaarau,w11, twjs,,4vjSl tr,w,usjetentkini and ----- -- - ------ . ....... .. flolis� which n1airitairl 1hie water rit% Pydrqlq9LC- �ffljr itne in a wwershed,sqch asflopd,flow fltcuu.arai&.roux aft rp, &g , nawnu1, arltl c. F`ood and haliiiiatinchIde habitat fix- fish fi gssh 11�kicnt , irds'and I nag rh I'll at's. . "1- 1—, J). 2. Wetlands shall be rated based 0II ealegodo'-p at reflect Iihe Im (ions and values gat wetland and shall - - - ---------- ..................... . . .................. . .......... ___ ............ . . ..... .. ............ be bascd on flic crherika..provided uuu the %lashingon Staw 'NedandRad neS FaJsiielrn ystern fin [gyjsqdNfaruh, 20(170clober,.20 Hd,'j C It _(Eco � ea � i o I! N i aii beir Cl,Q I ............ .... -------- ------- ------------- - - - ---------------- -- . ....... . .. ......... - --- — ---------- --- - ----------- yj . . . ....... -whi 11 rg surrunarized Ibe,low, a. ate jjk�)�,r t -g'? A galu AAJ,q1.ti-,Itj-o. s114 Ayy IJAIIII(,!.Sz.q mi d cmntain eco�g&LcLgf tfiia� AL f 1)11111?Q5��,i !j �,pqgyi a dl, oOunctions, Risk fany ........ ... ... IN, � -h1-isi leve — . , I - - — , _2o —, Oggrgifg1jon to these wetlands must be avoided bmause their function.s and valutes are too difficult to sg_wedjitds, are not cownion and make Id i n ------- - - ------- - - ------ -------- - ----- ion ----------- --------- ---- ------------ - .. glrw uu J 9 q :1 -ill it ---- --- ------ qnd-make,uj,L@� va�,yy t J., The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 55/69 .�.�.r�wa wl.A9*s� M' tht"°�. a a• .a r-- , .. ........ ... '.....: .,a., ,. �. .'.._. �.,... ,., win I .. _ wawva al fir....... -r s& arwH w � � p wwr Na r b uawu t u. w Ll "�"�'��wddfI'd-Rat,mwt ,u l ua &ept':E a la ....,w�l�u.••otlwaancbs. aaa :: d�rl..u:N V Gaa^1 ;uTM ~ak etlaira#„ „ww l u,� #y m; V drtr a Pro V 41 u�rr is M p kiru�s urw r 4 N. ���r�a�w��awlutra�k,n9la�wlta� lauwnt�aaa �aa.lya�lwal,~uaaaa'�� lr t:atgg2gs rcnN wuaµ,lNkarlds arc,dMic:.uuft,but nol..ntmnappw 5il,gmc t,o're lace pl ��l ��ul�� gawuaq� �a w��� cl�'S,tug g .,....o_ duautul�a'aras.: N+natl.11utnlldrc�aatvasre aavraalc wa aaacs„lstsinN uwct°sYatcv! 1, ::a allaaaal uulu�,,lau ,ul u14 auuz „wau a a llulaauq , b ruua ll lalr�„..lut a WRIS . wi a �.� 4 waartlal_au�1� ll,wa ulwtl. ntn;._.. N aaatal etl�aaucl. w_....t tater wap:l M.N,N mH y;nds,aam auw l_q<and syWi �amuuNaoderate Vuw~tiac:N..anbi” Nlwuncli ns and can often, be da,w�ul�;tuar�a:V teaaNaaaaMc wwkh aa,aweNl aa,[aaurnu eal r;aualaua;l wuua7,lao 1, t _l attu v iVMu a cuaci lVw g n,!y been di„,tuuabed r�t,wsouaa aww�s aannd are often nn le ,s diver auu,aa,ac,ana isolated..l,nLLaauat other n atim'. � resources uaa tpac.__Naarwcl�a �auw �la..tN.l � aatca�tau°a� qN ww„,�,tb�unua�� 04,10aa artIaatImLgg�� lgar g clawaa...tlaa�tau � catuaal �n��aaa gat#laa��a�ature .a.�..a �u�uua�� ,rll 42', C. wvtgcaanal��lraaado. Wetlands,��ll� at,unaamv�u,lt& laaw��re;� w�d,�a��a l�� lana p��aaa�lwn� lu twv �l�a �;9�u�V�..t�.w: a.l� vl-lfamth ao-mA�-�u«���analaataaw� ,a�aa�ua�a6 �rtnaal aC _t.:4sq.0 laauu V wetlands have tl!ue kmicsii C „r; is„u,al kaarnu ttcwan� .��aauaua ...� ,� tl��a� ,tlmwup , �aanaa�� aat flap 1 , a wur ! vww Cyan a4 „a a ,are oilw.Na..heaarrnl';w.wlrwlu,acka,�,1 wata,0, afeww„etl as@, tlas a,lnara��u� ��aa lal _ wn as as a u lacy w, ani wt,atluaayals glaaw ,N_ticrau d be able to b araglI c„c&,aulanal, nun sc nic a ra es �tntlauawaaa:..L llctan;aµ an avaaat inr Nuri Nuaae uamlgaru y lnlaa aa,rinrul, ann�uaaa, u.. ;nu alnmai+ n;N_ill"aa ::luuµ+�ulwceasr_ mm he.s, a,a kanaroul rna la,a aewd swnu�pww��.nuPl'naa l,�uql_d canantucatn an11a also flee nl_t'.o be p ... atmNiatauwlw N aPV lad u'Icd gas tgaa 'vertu t.aau� tNt� alaa rwl°l�a,aa�tnt syltlu�uw�atuunab. �alauaru� la�uu Nga9radatnw�6_n�wua �u a iITaNNlI the .9arnguuaa�_l cu�ut„cfatnaaMa_o ilt astgl�_aaaa modified w�redaands that cannot Il e disa�a�tned from a arcual ll otargYruhN can cal,her u,a haable i information sources shalll...�,sa tlaw #;l;a lna �t..aalalwl„caatnaatta..laaamual w �ku”, �Mthhl -------------------- the each missing data field o th WR'~ E n alis a,Ntea q baa c wwaaal lotu t1aa...agan ... E. Wetland Buuffers. B fw aal�ents�anrla11-lwull�ate have been establI-Jished in accordance with the best e „ ,.w aaVljlwable science. They my baset, on the nava.(g)ty ver( wwwaNl,;l„and and ath JraNy�t at s�aaaa as d unuNuuec� 4�y-aµ 1puaa8w n .a..G nawlaw .galpaaul„agsnp,wlatlta Pnnuwuaaan- arua,"snwuue PVl otu°ruata Re” Vl�r"_taxa_"w�aur au�u�hr � ar��a�raa ll`�rs�raau�aaml 20/4 The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December S, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 56/69 ..c?.. � NriIFicals_on PP H-06-(,30 3�1... �r a r,cvisgd,�, .1 [a c„i,N � wuC A, d,r, V qa c wxrl,n, �°xwgyr..z.�. � S 1'r w, „�p,..to e: ➢wfatdl.: For rwaelbuatlwt9aatt wcorc:J..1lginl s aal�moi, 'l daw h bit au,ftni Cwewnjiu 1)uiffl..ls dra Tab 2,F 6 I call be used d rw�. kacblln of Irdrail le)blowin 4„u' t rki are ,rnewt; b.., ,A,,, relatively clareNw �au,c�ar a�'...w� ��w�.gwa d, a�gjdaaw...al Ba am II_�a0 fw Ct_..:wi de rs_ 1raalected between thet�,vu�wa4�a ul lupadaglla,aatdlal; q"mwgardy l pa da,�bgtw a ale„I-me l �aY..,di than P�unriat�ra �t�wtw N;�elmornew aad Fisli and \ rrlrllllsa�, �da.11l�a�w�ad��w,.;;lwam ���a”'�fla�alaflaklm�,laraVlw,d�tmar:l�,: l heNcorridor raauamlblt pi-,rgggLje Blair hlrna,_entire distance between the w ed aarinid �and flic ,P'laramatlj,baalar;dlw1”; r»arra � 1f aa;d. l F �..Cq�0ta,a tion such a.".n..4 conservation ease u7ga.nt. Pre e,nue or absenoe,, ora rua _orb jI abit ut_MLI L bC a O nduraa ed b � cl�a a9�ilew� �rJaAa gist tld'no CraCr _flanll,. P!'9 geluarot _a;laar wad�ra ds aa�r .i a k'_ U We 27,6-1 _w�ace bC USed wid.i th rqawwu��j..maac<ajq ,q tua_.�.._a� da._26. "" rnlwara, '.. The aaw...d,able � p l� m� mare w,waafaleP�rawwra6g; [ lain°� nalladr _anPa�u u�+_raurrtrgaadaCw t9ae iarl�a cts,..of tdle aw acwaat l awael eawww l),....�..s t score e alaat�tC f"Va' lraiC.S, onI ulnugmaaarq�a !a s raw d �able a 7 mda 2 as a r�elesl�leed„lean the rang ol” JI tam wetlandsthat tia.a,r .e.;.ezm� 4 u "1'ablea :x,7.6...1 .................................................... a,.:... ll _IraaalrllN nal lwY7e ea a acct e1.41191ut..t,d1�Mt�illaaggLiaar� lruew�cesur in l �abla.::p7.._6-2,.o rw,waala,dai�_.v„ L)_gvi de a: y u ht taal a arraia aau where avaHablejtlen islbwle 27.6-3 slmH be used. a ><nad.,27.6-;1 aass unnne that the bufk"'r as waq gaal!r w a� ?t,tdamadvej?d�lml. ;.....� Iha� I,C�aadle<m widths d,�nl�1e, �"�.6 1 a, two laaaiw,f,awl +„a�fllaawalaamgle= char td�a;,a,corw�„,u.qn q.l_fl , a istn,fua�dlu f.a:l.,ws Luuave et e&.g �P +al��Caa,faal.,.�ns wt t, to Yl...wraal6?i wanvan ¢aaa a e a w.adnal afl,a'r rain tip . daaa The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 57/69 pannurfli e buMr should be widened to ensure that �_Y_w disc ­ � - I—- . ............... - ............ ­___ .. .. .. .. .. .. tai - ensu ..... ­ . . ...................... . 40_qLkyjte Vunctions oi'dw buffer are Table 27.6 1: Welland Buffer !1gfLiLyjeiq. i B i -Lid i!ggeqted an( corr aor Irovided _jWL _ . L_1 ------------- 75 90 M 150 60 90 20 150 40 T ninglumes to ininifnize in] able 27�6-2: Rewtiml s Distuirbaince L,4L,?qLiLK Measures to, Minimize I;n _jy ts gqL("' d tjL(1IeqhL) ' tat s " cq ' " r ' e Noise 5 6-7 8 ,9 ................. ex,isting buffer Mfli nafive ve eta Win ffir phq q (ij, a to noise abeanree 75 90120 150 seanrr ............ ----- ............ Fore'sl.e.d Rome a[I ur au�muntraged runorra 1y, yetiand w,yifflq ensmathi gy. gjlg s no yj: 75 90 120150 ---- . .................. Storrnwater Wei kunis 0 f VI i UJI, Runoff 190 Conservation Yalare L�Leyqnt clu"Innelized flow from lawn tI at ircol enters the buffier L�R Le� V, Q 1 Ch at S gggry 11 M! qnt()W 75 90 I t l 50 ------------- 75 90 M 150 60 90 20 150 40 T ninglumes to ininifnize in] able 27�6-2: Rewtiml s Distuirbaince L,4L,?qLiLK Measures to, Minimize I;n _jy ts gqL("' !t__.LNrcq, Jjtj'tj,j.LiAgyA mi woland Noise Locale activ d atyyw0buld ex,isting buffer Mfli nafive ve eta Win ffir phq q (ij, a to noise abeanree —1 Cbr ti sm t q at rchid ]y tif uo P ISe S'Uch _Y­i_�' _qpq1 as ecru"flin Ijqkty h _a,yjj -fee bra uwil ' Y q.!qj,!jq outer %yedand buffer, Toxic -Runoff Rome a[I ur au�muntraged runorra 1y, yetiand w,yifflq ensmathi gy. gjlg s no dewater-ed !E,s'jablishco 'nin i i in ec)f'fcgj k dads vvftlfln 15Q-fectqf'Vvqfland Storrnwater Relrofftslortn'uvatcr demition and treahnerq ror roads an d ting, j1,m11f Runoff _is de k ient L�Leyqnt clu"Innelized flow from lawn tI at ircol enters the buffier L)se Lown hi4ensity.2pyg Ch surfaces and new �awns,. Pets and hurnan C w f� 6 dlu luurrltl,ulurttd A.L." di sturb a n-ce dkeow tgg, !Jsftu�bgqt& iO t.'Ltg'QP h� L,Ll lleeco ((,',) .fQJ_ gjol Phace welkW ind and its fIb in s r ante u qMv j) ii g gLA Iij easement - --------------- Dust 9Jse best rp m a tlducuut gicestolcontroWust The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015, 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 58/69 Table 27.6-3: Wethind Buffer RepLkjLg!qentsif Table, 27 lamb is Nfffjq�j�leljtgjUI�,1,Li!,nd curridor N()Tjj Ruffer W d1hit rz!L!j�,!s qg habital score IIEL(", ate 0'ry 3 4 5 6-7 8 9 ... . ......... ...... . ..... Based on lotal 100 130 180 200 ................... cdarl (,',q,A,egpr.y Fove-sled - ------ - - 10 0 130 180 200. ............. .... J) d Wo bands of I � i Connse,ir,yat'i�onV,@,,,�,�,u,e egq �'atry 1� Alk ah Based on tolai L'A u a:Iry A (0 U 100 13111 100 no 80 q:3(), 2.50 200 200 E 1180 M 200 180 2010 e IncreasedWetiand Buflcr Area Width, BuSer widths shall be increased on a me�lb q g.jik1sis . . . . . ............................. . . ... . ............. . . &terniined,j)),, ffic aidministradve official wheiI.a !,,.I erbluff" 1 k Fie fungdons aind values.Tlink determination shali be stiplIggedby . i! 9L h nkt 1L is � --lip ,U �fiatedogynentaflogs ow4igjL The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 59/69 rd asaurianlrlw r,arlated i prgLLcctjori o1i dic_..Fun chins and v«aues cdthe wtl�uaUh��aaentatioshall r,u"Ilea;qubut not be Hinited,R�s�¢�a ?��,pla mifir aria iw 1. " uworrosaul„C�w�Fslfua„ La...0 Ulf rvu llannla`l,ls tise't bar astate .oil reale°K„«xglla fisted ul«rru�.1«m G«rairarluV �ur�a r�;,�9 a�u� �r�� l or rl sitesauach as.fnurdnui rookeries (.,rr lau, laai,liem-ink lr,wu �a.tnu ifa... lCn,d,,aut��gggC..1...�uuasl,isSuusctlau„r,�l�a lra�s, aramVicars-�-a,Quraa�.�,�r r,qj,-carrtaa�l.ranoGr�,ares%yijjnot effect i �,� lnra:va fat a%u9n a rad....�wc i,f alund� rlugCaaa< tst u�,li alfaw.....0 lsa. aigrfiaacoll kliriuf has nmir iliufl ~tic eltativc,...+..rr,ve,'.r or; sdl� aml..l�raal�a r ,a�uaaruM. ll q��ra:�.rr�,, r. I urrviavenn, tiff idj1yjya«wF:..uufaY�Pa,arr jyltrt�rPM „b .1ennCledWhen allcif.,d fifllalwing,uagaqArqtts rrrcu r,aaet. t _.__ rhe, n,�ellirnddha,w_sigpCL.f etvv,_ndifle.�rences oar charaacteristi i that aaMet its lrauh,itaf iuliiaatianlus,.,S uch a q. wrethirrd wilh a firie,stwrf_w .r tear r'rt arcflgS:Ivitltar,rp„do, =aancl�afnnna��,ii;l dwr�nilaa�aaa rnl,ru alar«u�lw rated ry vwctLprµlcl wvrlfa a d «n,tuw;uti y q «ur ii «adll,auu fat tam Ikcow^wc r rcitecC aar^e q, ru........, q lyd llrarlc r r trucnu aad"IY,nCllaa&p ^drt_laa ifl Nrilnf It ilr¢ra lwtip rral aun,uui drt f la bitaat dor Indra au uti ,lea a pq 4icnan ofthe ,ed_gnd arild decreased, _��r�au��,lu�9 tar tGl�n�a�awa r Maar toluuC�.gglI aai C��� awa,l��MauVr ll��ar9t Cl� as dk rnnu,rursln, utauf fug ,uri c r ltac an& ; re �a �t wwru ty iuwaurrl;a,.alae,Ml,llu a t l;l urul� aatlla dtruvauV, Ali ... C Muer total area of the ...buffer rata, aver �m�.uaa q..�alauaaq,�ta tCa ,�u�ul r,a ultaArtKK,al n��uatq ave �4a, It. nar The buffer_aat.rC raalaatbvwWw l-j:jkirurtwas inie! e id�ss,tlnaun a,p fndr "a c f`tlnv_ra dq arrddf wauilllr or l va_f alw Q natant anq.a d anr,i,dq C,l, 9 -.leaf Carry...( aata vru.:l' LIJ,_ 4-2 ree lama w~ atef. A: �vqn r_Naaa a a i t rw aataar,. 1 ..... f v uftirw t..tt alloliv +a'lrwultaashlat..tawaf (t ua,gnaanmci f_aauaaa..f am rayiuyrl _cl When all ofthe fn)f lunnirin are ineL,. ,a..lf., nu ad ra; raan,;feQusu,b,l,a, lta,u ,anlnn a to t, d sill afa Sabin 1,6r«at a anarld be Laic ullrnaulislie„d w,�il4nalsitf,la7if Tt,t ava�r`nnlart.7�. il, The u",«ulwlsuN r will not result in &g. igion a l” ffic wedmid's, Funefions, and values as dd�rq o ns4ral rl b a lurid aal mrcl;ua,rmel"lo tWfu_uaun anuluuauduf u,�i ivwtlanrarf lar ault�sla�ualaaul.. eau. The total buuwffld r a ren.. �. faaller �rr� rrn�„ ns ai�.lEaaaaq lad Lti nara.a�l� vitgtarn;l�L tri°part”", rte' it dal°tba bunfie, . u'v�.0 The buf'6rat.it ra,rnriirw,ast lauwural is p eve .leas tpnawrr,cm.ther r4 iad the re,illuurred +�? idth or 7' Caratmfior l...au.t.t.w aar «nrndl tll . ff:.acra.Vdaq. ail w a 9CLi,iad n ...f t dr i nl larra:n. v wvinal�ln vra r ninr+aaltinaw 2._ Cdo gaCHftatu_l�"Pj �auwn +tillnirlu�gin rn urr «l.laarn�l��inra ,anlnlninepru%!j Adrafiflstraaluwmmlwtlwq�tl �nl ren«a nrliwunGu7 unwj lar, gissrasa,wu etlialaluraE t itu the alaror��� ,atriaaa rogpuG.t �l rlr�ash auralnnanlariaw wetland buffer w with fibi_esu ch wetlands. l'lad,_A,daraunl.strative Official will .lrua lriaa rai ul��u�l wva k�tirnc9� WdaaaI wave bmma rri,laum n au � unit aum,l,laa uuuauuuua;u•. ................................. 3 bear;aaae,rruent a,.,ofr°Wetland Buffers, sAli :..b ulTers„slnalll„lnr :g1q,aaar,l. ,q c�.lrc uCnr rni�r ,ur,l i� �d,curer,llu ni�tlatur�q ljagiaonda«la'” ul, _ nurvaMl!r of llna Fici f...l led Vnirl Cdawr a w etla id c ,at�d restdrrad .or enhaariced as crnrurlaensaittion frau, illilraw,wi oaf wawa if nuual_nf to aido nsmmfi,ln«,afV lea, the s mai_ il« lR,w,u fnu Car_r,c iiir�dl, 6ruaa:lth � ilu awux cwk:l'.lri daua, ai; u l':u lauircfiavari„ur7firlruc ,.wwiitlainiqC wafkrs liu,ust be fqpl'.YA%a .gaiwtl order tan lids hinc,frided9l,ribulffier to ea e, aalcaml«an,tuaara,,,l ;;uavrr ,mwar, ltw r . ,.. orvo rwan «uidd4rat,�u r unrasvua al arsiµ.la«rwarrl nlITa aa,ITnui,N,q not be a onsiwd er dt bul%i�r°,s, gr hicl.uaded fart buffer area calculations., i ... Brrlld rs On wiiigncrnSisA,NvlNrnu nrittLtarilhave buffers o ssten_�_itthe buffer ,,u..—,v,h E lapnranicints duf'111raa ?,l,i,ualnNvr ..........„dial, lri....fnu�sedl aali..;the qalar.l� lsdN am tar C e,ylu�anp�uwn� ifra...laran,�an'f u tC urro.i unarli.i,4tion she.. 5 Byff .,r„,... llevise sleRet drnbaad iaccordance nce w�l�lhisch agral,ew�+drl.lrnrn l Iry,raif"a.usmshall'lea, retained an undisturbed or enhanced _+condi lon hr the..uaria*,Ind cgniil, �un (gy agfllu artuan ftd ..re nruoval of hivaaa,rwea,pnurru-iniantrwd wait„i,daa,rw lutuirrrudf„fear lr dtt;aa aiaiaan,,unf"tlud rnrtiif rallu anlrounwrart, r'_lwf '. l a 760 l l rl l .l n It The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 60/69 r.___gal"lared..ds_ffanlmHara r l a,wnraar�eliew_wds__lcrw tVlq_d„aandlVac�rsan aarorn firm rraadlauePrtcs, ,rnfVaas nle_duawt9.da.deal acro r ,dt: 15.2 / 605. , nrcmr,daaVnaaaad aen�tdaaal r"arc;a Buff�ri. H'buffbrsdur,n° �, �a» rau�u, rlrrlro, O,Irol�1 Ip ralmelllas overla_(_sad ,�,rog s ro r„g1 ro, na�utaa auaani,aaund awwe d~and , the wider a ffor .ap .. ..c'ti,dla)w ed BuMr d ys,a T„dde .,irldfrrnaai..n.1f” rdsaas rra a lld..alllo ead...°avithian a w f,a nadw�aaaffer in accordance with the r..q.aud ww,.nlr xedures i : Vra t.te.ta.lnrdrs,o,dV aV tilde aaV dant rd'cadriVarta„ed r nd:„ rtfa ,a .dp;dldulwapnVli,d, laa,wv <aaru _ hroca'. arc onncdu( tc d rrr_a manner -so -as c).ratrn k nize rtuilaw,Ig, ,C�aa djta��a r�Inp�iy It1 ik cw wrra 111 and a. Conservation and Restoration Acauvf fie s....Conservation „ur r,esto afiona,aefi ,rhlpes aimed at, gjrojgcfin (he aaraC. aarart ii ,y ci;_'I d,ad, !! )yw, rIU_rfe_. .... Passive rar..r..aaatuaana_w.Passive recreation �a�dVuaw uatI.........,....aia�ra,afn��,aaayw,d erid ca aa�c �a aadaaud�t rase@uruiurdLL q , r @cwwaaw,s,wdlrV..aq. r.n.V. 9trtr daN a that Ullosrers..flo_�!1yq a rca, dauaaa r ad to roanuunor crossrq"sJlavingdare adverse.drnanaaaet,sar,r �waalcr nuraaVna 9 pncW..sd.uadnndad bra m rro�� alb it uaa��l'� &tar tldr+°a,.i°aar wrroarl, 'ter sail theww�yatgaul�a�.a. pel;�rada aV apanV rad ddde aaauta a amwwcnnd „dawn wpac ra d rrt i aaf fl'nt _ � rl atatl Vera& ; ,a nrr ua..da,ndi to ailed to avoid aeuwnla+µPal drf srfl.dadfresarrt trcci _W1 ducna_sdam llcN,_bc H n'alk �d_taa�na amasdaaus sad;t�f ces no Innoric �a�akdn,fiv d�5 'reetAut w?wayr,tgnVfaa_na.dgstdrawaromd,d,a usadp ....d aansa,dd,boardwalks gfilararaarjncnad-trcatart..lp ...dnniMgy_ drr�r 1rudn�wr,, 21. Wildfifa..Vie wait ;Ararclag?;' c.. Educational and scientific research activities, d, Nor„anal a n d...rouutrane„aadnrarrotc anaarnCc au rr�,,,l,°c nralnd„d,dd,AM PA w�trrnawk dpaddrodre aua.mlad,wa+aalw, liar rlrtic s,,,w ithill an cssslln rnnllf.awf,ssaa j,aEqvjdcd that the mmaflrrterra�aa � ra ,d � as µlas dta�frCfar,@,dna dl,n rr<x,c, o r rcaawr µIl trad.a 9J.u.e,d cava lVnc iGdd rluf d)lna`.0tlrt wairif,., . l pile ny,anrw dntl ar a cGcd„eadd sate uawadnaa urcy tha4 ds knot an'adannwrous„to natu aal dcdnd°,cadadctanar,a w1µ1 suach erarps, ddjenlle,anl ap.1 icaatrons,aor alherationnofth ase hln div atlroaadd�r,ana a w7istnd;daa ildnllcaa a;.0 [rv.a_SwaataITrm adA;l lddnad.pa.s or water sources. d'.zW .f d.d,ni,finr , lcar rtresfnanrc`a under faacr_with entrance/ ,a''.' ,,” -.,�„P-__a._vpaadd,aVsW,lane,aafaad �arrrnnrolet�;dn. rrwuBiedc,daf tlat....wetland ,.baa,dicu arard,ud.KYa.Ywoacwudead,tly d_ffrr drillhwu ,afrxs rIq,!r,rrotrl„rcinfrl ff1g.,@arg urrcd vymer asaadaa,:airaraa t¢l aVroc sv td,aand, a d_)mg,d,aafaon ok d,numfaace wavate cdaawvan tdlwas ua a tdr�w sn,r;d,il ccal,add,u nn , nnvcVdr siadadua la.q„!u rSgjjgV�d5t eta r%gwa,r Vis, r5r,tc cdr ternfin �aarllac,r nV_uw l ruwal ad µal ,a,onnectio r aaa,the rvatira,da,el,aau lnedac daltiaaadi ofs;rrfrace %mate madarsnmandaa9sra 11 O w soil .mcobuwnaaaaisdislurble ., f .... _�..aul aaula nuad ua mud aaf;lunrdad bUffff n rA_ca a „11 17gs ua lvr ',d oftion-native irWal,n.arl aaq dndt sfwa.w dos, ll ,a dada N.l.d 2(nraararsawrc aa6,;aanrt saa;ec;,cs shaalV.,be iicsdrdc�a t� 4ar_haunwad ucr_dnIcruaR.....°�Xl aw uroITamarwaadwariaa,nd,t �rruafd da�i sha fl b ,taken rrw,ay.ftenrd,n,t,dr,c, satc,a,rrecd, m' )f 0d,ra,dtl ..a rslpwr rd_.cuf ..drB p,�dut tlwada .. of w aruLann;,u n „ w? sVu,ufua,trrrStaate lrx�aqus Weed Co ntrol,Board list of noxious weeds,niiusd be handled and ciwaraaosed o acconfrra,aadaa as dad;r wcaaaa.:*. a c ed c aardta,eddmarSaand... a'U'3a,aa w wau1 dawam 1„q,rodmu SRqq,ld Sti.. R v aw r uta� ra, dru dl„aa l r�'0p! aautt..l,uaat y s,daa crc s ig ratan al densdf es L`+...all g)wvrr dI ppt ccrrldunaal trs�d,d with r,u.wiaanw!argWo µddn,nrarsdwva ➢d,dmardma^�aaanants__ ii,._ R faarofpyand _ninintenaduac_anon-ewr,dfor uarorrrl,aa,s0yrwr_rduraddaaaws�sroiin�ar..q:��d_Ili..a.standan6ns�awa�.aaadthird_tlaa, lncac aaal,nracdardytVraaccd,ar uaau� raaw.na fdwvpr_ddaacr ,lad ¢dcgtr,nroaul;a,ulddu,rl.a. 9 S i.,a ..V a nro, ,ri g,gi Wieflands_sand Buff rs. auraa tacr c«arnr0 thniit^a..ide ntn,f ed b ancral,druarr dnroaar cqsucwauuted crarrrcicuar dncwwct�uac aar sr����. atl�ocd�„a,ca. da�arocd<antir fawi i nwgrd, Id to ad, dn.rd . acvdar.ttdm�nrd d,�lalf drab_nr,tuar�daf�nwasnra„nil rlatlnas,:d;nuun sVl.,irt aair, .d..fnc nnrsl.t.l�wurf. C".�AS1�11"r�pqd4'n nen fnalPtrcama k."a..:tddu ancdrl;ada�r fl„afdwa 0ffIckaLlK0and to the conan'nlellcc drona_irlmaaf inerdnasttcdd a ctivitics:...T.his, na°iddiroanuaarn_ vndrabd naris . ,dddd,q f a utuaauuafafdrnctf tddualaa lacnaut cdlulstruac,tion and shall. moat be removed oved� until aaa rurolau{a_rrl sin urs, ItC mqu irec aura r in,!aaca: da.,.. d"er`d'nm°nannaral sr a;uns, As a w,`urfldifion rail aauan pcuudnid arr,aaauldnarddaastdaadn dss,dtrcd,paur°snuunn_nC to ldr[s.cVaaanatea, tlae chnndnktradt,uv the.....tdwnaldcaaunt taa rent 6anl.N.dnr d:nnlanrda..n.l�.dv ails :ajrornI; tln :...hounadaalr rwr� ta, wedana.ad oir buffer. f ...... l�'alrndarmr ad,t srfi;au msfuaJl.dle taalcd,d, rn,d tiva,vnuaaaae coutedrcgioa ll,faacip and➢,anitancdded t,dl an ni lawl dtn,s ,darn other a..�.nora tre_aatccnnnad�arra.d ca9matanaasl,c�airraalnd,nrtsr. �.ugnpns ruuau�af.,..faq„0dn,stq d kit a...n iritervak,.dnd tur,rc $�.��k.va..er5 "d'�1 ds,c,t�dwu croadc.i,..dwd VrcaW,dddCrf ah'r� lddt.ws..acss,fV,r�uul `aV.�-.lcc,t,dcdac, awatd.?trrrs� Gra lauaarru,f,aard,nc aq lnn,kd,10. The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 61/69 ttu ml r lm f,amwuula.p.u.� ,l.t,ll t alai ....11 ..: u u�`. ,lw, lil Rta mm,ded as lwr,iltlw s or with alternative 4llalp ugp Official: Protected Wetland Area Dam Not Disturb Contact time Li.lx of laki. rm a. t 1 ab nll mtsr m�sturlelmoums t tlaLt tu�nj i� for mt �w 11 w �:wlml i w-_ i w. .....1 l y rl�-1 uwyu�t,ruy gal_ urCmr ulmtlq,r 1, lith ypm�iadulu l �w rm a- , u wr_lwa °m In i au rt�wrmm w6 ru ifiV , features or wildlife. -------------- ----. ?...'Grm ulllll. na atrlu, m,hi"all 1uu...l,tggired to il'st,11'B..�l. peuuiyjpi tj'g pe around the wetland or buffer when a;Vw,rmrm toa, l6 .. ..., l — .....�. "u ......... site. rsu sromm «trl,llm,la�l amu mLresgrut wrt nra lie untu�dn�ed nrt 1­­ irt-Al mltauu aaluu a 1,mu➢a1e. .umul l lore'.. mw:�tm m awlxuulmll�.m. lluu,VRml�mealc sllulmmlrl so as ltul to interfere with «,l?w,ck, sllmrtuu� u.�ucm�l rclt lmaduuad jl l lsg �umt�m �Nl,iltiN awl, ctiius4u uau led„lu_m a; llt�tuumr..l:m. ltdtt arrgru,r r�um�,rl ia�ll� tM llr ygjIKmM,rd and associated habitat... "���nt_u�l°s�u�@eau,d���Wuwlll�u�+�ur��tu-��lmulm��uma�1��1�1~uiPl�uu.w���uu��lf lm.:lmu-w�l�l���-su&��l�ellul�lrmulruak ts�l�atm~m��-rota-u�uu����ti�;�uu�cNlu�t.der.-t�uu��wu��6�m�uu�tw'l��"__&la,�,lrwlllruo�lu�tr�a ���u�dlu�,w�m���at��ud��l,�u���;u�la r l lmmr tm a ml"tlr t ma l ucl kma Go- ur9ll a rurue lra rrtu !,qla ua�uta�km -*l 4-@a�fflea u r "'Juu lal lra _._...._..,...,9�n....................,......,.....-.......ea_.,-.,.,..ms.-9m.1�..,.,.1 ..- ti .. .> lr t . lm is cul , .tri rtttu curru tulua �rt t to wt lwu tul wl , 1,1 Uru&q'se .:. l4 ml l_µlyat lg tlti t mtt mV t_ 11 m 1tV n _la re tl wlko lel tmstmu vs -in- l_d1l��utlmk ����1.:,u, tt� rvt tlmtlu e:.:. t9rrm�l�m�1>r�wt,utat�ru �m��.-muuF�,�tm� ���uim��l� r�l_�� l�uu�lpC�M�� iib ul��u"ll��R l"�tu...ruunl�i�mM~��m �w�lau�� �-�au�rt l�t��ai: w tll rt taml�m lmtaa lm_llw u��ztmmmm a lml l r woatmmu-imlluldum yll�laa buul'f r., lawmwltmcitll ul im,mltludt ilml utd9muffltlur R�lurrturl aplrr¢m1_tltrla�-ntrtj lv t tml mr ema�multtaluist wl lwat a rmmll t tmta m lmr l m mlmmmaak- e t qm g:tLL .-m( Lt.0 _mm� uml ru u L ruta u, ud�u- w�w zm ::ll l~lme.httwt�t�mtltml„l ms wlm�t�rem�mud, tl,lam r'u�u�;�mubuum„Duma-�ammamsmislr°nml nwrrtlu,:�mmu�mmli:lm�tmm�rmt:ll'1 t-lmdl�mr l°..���r�ltts:� llv.. °''hef-0 It as m atr wn mamt mi tl it un a i mml t o -t t ,l m r w r nl l w At- 4,14ain-limo „t�mmrmtiuttm m'lm�9td. °ttimk tlwtll tittmtmmtmmm Mtmuatul ttttm... �.......................... ............. .......... mi mtmrmmmol4 m�u er __ - mt tm mmm mmil wn _ .........._ ..... ....e r l mnmi mm mm � __. ....._ rmtmmith it'.trmetkin d etl and Widtlm mi Wetland wrmrmmew tied ..,1'rmmimiltrm,P.. ittHW,Jtmtwd SWIDI'r 1l_: - halnituumt m cur a - i lmtmi it mt ” tlttmt°¢l t.,.amtm t,t::B*ffef-Width L, lial em lm tlLmm�tl ;mtieywmm�Dk A4 -1 -Red rmmm tuotutN sm�mmtmu 7 ft m�d-..4.4....1 At4id- 51-- ;_ Add -47541 44 11 dd 7�m � „i-41 P_p ft lig-,/1, N "'amts mmmr:N 1 N tttutami-t�itt 49041 NW l -A NIA aatlttrmdt s =amtm mut- ila �t�a li litat mt: �. "ALRDLI it � . Add l _ ._:I It uimlml -44-41, r�dmi m rtm l l « artt 9m„ mmt t N._... NA N N Lqjtar a F , mt..1 i tl.....:1... t ikthl-,'d. --1't Add 5 :il: .....dd faD:ft .: NA The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 62/69 Q.`���wwr+�^�...�w��r���g�a�r•�a����iK�nw��irWre,��������N.���i�...`g��u�w���wa l�w�-��;la�ro�n�Vi,. i llt V Pt wwt t P�tl R re�+wv fk)I" �w_e06twacl ° ..e �. 4 awa�at�tawt� tCa¢wmxw,wt wwwww� taww,�s4rent eB,twmw atw w,w tltw . that - y"' qf_ hat—,w,qf Ivin ;eslAfliis mt itt'11-444i)l Kt tl'.� wit a A'44' M "'-'s�,� K . ___ ......... Pwt�tta w tttaa ' .KareaR14, rehw�R Kre�aw��c�to�� ��remt���,ttw�wl...�t�atwt �w��la��a�t� aww�t�� � ��,��rl�waw�wwlita 9 re� at�t���pww��W�wt G t �iw t w remm re fir u 6 as ,a w� �w wl'� Nviiji n -45 0 - kg1jk� ;M41 reat� ra itllcttapp� SW,ii twr� _r ur w f: �. Nn�twu�_ipwrttutu wtwa�blro tttwnutttttt�wa_,a _titiwiGwtWttK t6cwrw N�wia�ii, P±�ql'-04"H llpgfipti AcaNftw ill ktw, , i-,thaI-dife6� I t,1 r4o�nWns,, �wiw w lo')j� en�—I �ttwK� � iflt t-�[��'�.W.:�t���t�nw�tt�, tt�wrea K �4)rewelttvi-w�tww� LhIRrottwtarttWtw alrl t.tal4..rlatwxtV_re lt.m.lttlarettt�al„ wr retuttt'tl+wlwwaltlwtvw;wreat+W.twslMw uwww ................. -�mre��9���ttwtttttt � �l�m���twtw����a����1;ltmllw�,�t��wl�ro��tt-�wt��lgrwr�tw.��w�m��w�t-w�w�w�o-wit�w����a�wwt�W;AI� t twtg mt'P ttPt wt dim #)p tl&¢1� ��� t-tw��l �t-�ltKwwwtKtwl re4"wtc_t,!t K Wwa w w a�,tP wrw4 uttw w Pwuf Crete w re tw 4w aw t t of � wtt,4tit wwwt a w wt,wt wut w� nw wtt �......� �, ._,...__...... l._ �...._ ....... .ww� w... _......w_�_ Dwl;trwt wretttiwtwtK�r+t tta w «wtrea� Wa; -- l;lt° itr 1'wwwatwtt,n wwwatttwtreawo-wltwatP wwtt ttwwwwltlre wtu awtttPwtgtwt± wTMwww�tfltaPwwt.t „ow,m wt atw.wwa .wwat ret a t awr to wtwreww ta4,wwtuw,wtdw swt _t 4t�wW td t law w��N aret W �twat�ttmtt�w.. ........�....w i.,;,........ RyJTVAT a 412, lwrA,f � o w t9attleJ..i��uwt w u��t retttt Y, L) "'v tnwW4"! V W-1Iegw,wV1, I g� I 41110ijbihaw inx amnt#retwrewwts- te,nwt: tw ww wtPtw,ww Ita w. t lwl uw reo t a W l�awcw n w _rets w a twwtw t w w t,w :that ,affe4 t its hab kat lmwict��alr�x stre4i­, at-e��u& ut�w �w ��w�, a twP oa�ta�Iuwuww wtt wt�W wt�twt:-taw ww cW wwtaPttiw•nw,w�w�t waatwwt twwt �t taa w #wtw ;t��w� a ttwa� wtw eq, Kwtul'wt w wttaK..tawltt t tea tK4tNt4wwwt,o-twttwrwaWtw.ttt,wtwwtP4twttw4lttaw treaaalM tP w P tl tu;on as 4d ,tnongrulwtd-111 :. ,'.a sttaw t pw re ,a ltw tt wltwtw ,tfi t a tl&wmtwf' l�wt ww Ptttt� rewtwtttW.la � Pte tw tagnwwFe w Of t e-4mi- rer.( Pwwt�R ,_��ttltt K ����Ptat gtr t� tWwtlt c �wwt4twtwK,� �t4ttre waw tl ......:bPtw� l Wtwt wl t.t, :lwwwawt w a,twltwwrtut:i retest Awa fllw�,lw,wrtl�ta�re_.tPtw��,a�w-uwre.I_ff5Q t�luµ�re�wtlNwrere"w�t wwlPtw Witt twtl,w„wwwa�. wwtt�,M'' wwwt�aYmKatwr;.a,t Pwwt l-,twww'; WSW ,lKt twllawrml,l 6, • K he",h�mdtw w� tl lrewroltaw iw w...reltw m. wre wt ttl lww w w w 111 l w Krerettt tm wr @ t tK.pa%twwW lA ., t reddi 1.4 we' Paand lPwnww cww lvodi0r"n (!w� tiw�u.� ..tlwai � Pw two u�.t : t�wt+w�..Pw�a�iwttw�wtt_.�to� Wre.��&�r�l tP�t t K aP wa ,,. t wwa Ktwt w , PwtwtKP_PctK w wtlw t. wlt,y w w a,t a Pt r _tt wwtl.,. w Pww wwt tha lm�qieglov,wild4ad lw _t i!rewtw P wwt zrewt tlKaa 9r w,lPw r_w ret-. aw nia,with, wtnaller buffe , .;:;K,-aK;t;K..PwrewtPwwwP,tawmt'aPwww..:tflcwtta,Pwreb.w lttwt.wo-wwP Kaa4,ll7lt„arlre,w tPwttwdwtl,4r P4awrekm ...... awWwtl4t;IlsaPw.w.K.; wwWar ..reljgp 4 ggAA ir,,t itq ,.. I M itjaptutst,rewt,SS gl:regtwlarerew...retw�tltwAIi_u:t .1DY.14% A]is b f'fcm,.an a eattt shalt d KP:p.r"anstratc, thatg...dje eta fqwrtgtt�.A..:ggj, ,regrets kav Wawaen twP,s�i7:,._�wwa�Precans <tres�„l,usted hi tl�t~.wra�Are ir..tsd,pw,tdctw,iinea,,° v w fion wreu:,pq, tt q[M. ion. wPwutW GKtt rarer t,ret,t wWtww wa tWtw it t newt twtkout_ atww q[[ ,, �reres..w. The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 63/69 b , lwllnttwiuuzew lrnwl°r�lawts by lwrallting, tlai ijegp- a._ai.i..,iiyr atiwaatmin;n�r of the cacti i..,an I w.9wVwp�c atwlruawlvywitt.,.ta,ntliaatzdatta`.r.rr._aw taylwya atlpwarrlwataic_Ste to avoid mo reduuc alauma, l a tir9 tliu rrltaewaut l aF ielaeainwai rr°8'wwbrlr6,`riinaa awa, �c trwuwA,npw than � u � aD �t �� trim ur,t. (L Rt°it,uuea:..or Oiailauuatul'.,the ...nu,tllM,qya fwlgii Cayja�qswtyatrwalawaia1 wau�aeq���u wuall���..w� wballa�r�s�: . L (.w,ma�w�ro�.roa�at kbjr t.flwa, utw,ap w q! h wwmgwi«lcwr"Gg +,�;uu Iatie!TI&j) Jruar_�^��fluwIV, sut:nsdwt resources rtes wwr,e,nviiva��,unierits, t C lwrnwiawmmtkit rtµ WE i�.p. a' c0l.ii� wt at w, tii and tahe remedial oi_corrective ni usur s wGda�.w.l nocess air I..u....t e;wplr.iren;rieurot. fniu i aynantae rasxi.Caai N t,ion: g. .. i L gai„flwaatiru r...uwpw�Aa tw Rgr altepat,ioris, w wetlands shal fl' h used only 1�a.fl...d�wwla�i�4, t�a�art w,aigiptait,be. aayaiw,eiwekroa_nawuwiwraawzt%al_brief_y'lasail actaucyyaaaarrw,-wNewta,tl tji o.Il<i nw karai�g�uuAazs tai„ilala�wuwytrwi'}i waaligatarr with Iatanrwtveaaa in 11estihia°ato "at ._C)evh,?ajyt'_ t!�tjhn N,rtrrari 1a"lnannw_ .:.P a a sa,aa 1, tt w a1�ai.a `..9lu bIic anion ltlttn 06 0 l d�,,; a p �'ww ww Va d�tic .a i,at 1mi e d.fl. aaaal saµ/ta air N, d arnW ,Art ertroyr,.. meiµ U,wrntt Ga tt tnwar µEra a;t. ft) rnptrnr li.t.l cr,t;tt�ni .......... ra trir'nt Lt!g11rw�qtiona;Vt_litt9 ttaw. tai<znakyau,tttttr ... rr ul ito-wriP iattluaai, riaamy also be d tinitirated unSwa the creditAl bit uITaaaA.,ctescrib in ...t�a 'IeVa,a,a �wra,efray ataaa fJe r rw am C ti tr era ,rr a id _atlale t trcrry,arr l'a tea rar w eat 1 ca drtt_d� l erwlanrr „to twtarada µ ,tau car .:'l.t..w Cala '” Cn wtilu atnirii,t,� V 1. tltw 11 .µ,w aia;tn t t 1.1. d, wsrwra est rtt with subsection 8of Elia Cho ter, wvraatawrbs aluri?, tela Lost or twllayl r ,lf_auaaw_alawr7 (.'yrta��aw_ro e wlaaii njai cwt on shall address Ore functions t11'.. ytt ui� tRaa..S iwwg%ar tt� r..lat . ,1 wwlt�i t�..interitla rt to aichie �a IAm t7a�ua�� ytltury dl uu� t aau �,laa,laywi 1,���i�awlufl rwt uauaa taaala ....k tin aiwull ka al,l it t u;..11we aaiaayaayr wi tcii 6 lingua atui ni tai tiucwilmc swnrau➢qtr wan, iLind functions as tlios qnn w cl alit fah n ru0werlw q qtr lay wwtdi al talaw uaba uuanuawwiaiva� nlatrawrluawa. , wa d tflacp AaaaaMµisu..a aaitrw,ritraa wl„17dwtw ittawat�awr:t agtl_gaa rw w(Va... cl,la ul_u a_ u:a ata_s luu,l duypulytau will )auwwruty.. uncitwra,nts sitaaiyt trw it�mtlaa uuluuit,wwyathin a aw^Mata rshiied tlilrwuti fll„ u_t tuui �l ° aliuwasntti;un ua µaha, ushed assessitiae,ii0t«tat ajE ,tayatanu !-or :.......lwaat ni ltwiail um hl Pmpn i int �wwa,t,„fl acid e QE_ Vtnlit4i_on5_wywll taa,sA_rn1get ^wwaa_tt rshed gawill ...�rata�a awls, rda,ua9ltt rl h to tate ..lu lw l ,l nfl ut uaaw nwt....ut , tuastar� dinlrtu,l,.uwAi>weat,w,wicdan d .,,yp s,. .......tw,lal u,ePaa lie w,tlla ' tier tlaa,LLuu i_pdaary ntu�v�a ion uM� 'k,altion for lost or diminished e hand and buffer ffi ctions .1a�tl �wa9;a, earl ,t�a�eaalilamtrah��le.s taw,tanet ta�lat,":: as.... rcl6atuv iw,tlnni,uttntncaaa G aarata Credits from uycertHIcd wcelland sn, it iatiawn IriaraknquJuse d tt a, rittayrwwantw fait to a aaa t pan I� t�ai_aAr Alin 010 9ervio arwalwspecified wrantlrwru..iryalgt�atyion �i,wrrNw�,yaua�4tuaiuwlr,.lat., Use oy euw.uiks t"rornlu ar...we la nd-rw i6gidm°on bankcerd9uctimunder (1imggr...973 "�4�Yti,.NVACm s allowed W. i .,,,.n �a �waptl raayaPl aluuilwaiwm'ity_detei�n lne s that rt ,tiault� 1aio re�� a11,l�yaaaaa,u weuta:.adrttalra�ua�snitata r�f6 the laaei:la,anse.d...o,nai,aauets do P.n _11a,,µ wuirllIit isite iys.J .1 at wl iii, he Y„i ndeemarea of the bank. l,ttThe .yruailiin ail ua em aalw r r atw,ts.t gonsi kcm with the to rtus and conditions of the certified awirtiwil bank int~»1runia rtt, Jw ttweaA ayeeirnew r aWdtwy 66n..law,aiar,gts nisiaatr atiga i tqdits is consistent w?tuttt,mtnl accuient rmaflo sltei6tue in tlwa n,ertn,ti,a,at nj't�gjtiiwairybank 9ns'tr'auriielnt ,........ln l icu Fee "v1idt akion.. reditµ1O@raairu waau I mro ed in �.ucuu_1ee:.�taigrayraa...iladay,lra ra,�u els wwlu, is ru6l 2f the, tirllowwwuwut. � pp„ yu ._. l l,a�a..allaairenw�aa,„ autlu i°at yal tg..luta�una s q}lait.it aaaa a� rariPrtB ,tuirrra�auluanenutitl„@ ..utilia,el �rgral w anuuwllr�;tisdataaaua�..kaai 4tnaearerlie��aa�,uurau�w�letii� ii...,. lye, lintiliaiwealw!, rwfcredits, .rw,coi is 11L wt96t_the~ terms �am"I caaaitictra�iw^�,.o i W-„allarroyua1. run 1rew,raile,,e..ic;yg"Ii nstuaaa eat. is.p....are,ace,t,imeasray pni Nu au tN�eµ,rMaaactit� s�a,n�,llaa r� e9a gat�asritd ate,clµwerili t1aW..lrtstnciwa td �rulkaa l.w wall1allta ,jjy tlig, qli lr waiis.,ttln�ilr£tar»9..:watliwu,�t9aauwe��a,�,r,ewriazVmlitirtw,�,l1'.t",a,lut,<i�,,��wsrr°w ilt, wi}digd yllgya,ltyal in the a!jK0yqdouasa wit,aars,tl e ti�la ui , :.tiwi a�al.�tmma. mm iy...„ [I c irwiliacts are flawy,,�ited wwithhi_th s r�vnee jai ea..s.G:apeified ip t�uc, alaliuiryr wli tua�ai, Via instrument. . ,,,.....1'e ro,aaitte w uq^aaiM 1,u,silaga,u~twrtls tatr illµ.. pui tNul, ptuia,li ii . rnflugg.pe"ornis the hilt tkafter til�,,im tae,rurk is iswiie,d and uwr,.uhirnaate[ ugylroant:isrtalw t��i� lrroil�lau eait�atni�ud �wr�a�_yeacccss...ol'tmlae rnsiifilation, Saa,rmriarta ,w sgi was,a,lala, alamta 9ua_ui Kilery aiuleiar awb tla 5jtp_oflt�gi,ji tIniiwta,a9_ip,rlaat l�aai,c, at an off”' site toeatioan within the sarrne watershed. ._Perm ittee-,rmwM uraywi lq mitati,raaaa,�ga�all! 1wa� ut,�a9 aairlwn, alagapia Klgat s,alalalirl`ar a wwds,tlari,ifl..aniiwla srr,awlint_ala nuumstrates to lhew etl nauaywal. aeatByaan.i¢ c„daaiiwtaatl,uiil The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 64/69 t,Ctntl I.... � ag ro u �wu + ttl z .. a.a q tl�,� :Igan l r q l qa,r Ora;G,ky or...R �.... has q �7ir�.,.CM,aa�su.�ter�t, with the criteria in this section. ta. u.itl,lncI' last or din�trmrii,t,hed eilaraduand buffer .ufr�in tions shall rel immn ,a.ltlin ...tsted lia larw in snyc a.cr.1. gmacttacii.sr.. _, lar,"�ic;M_p,r.t tls l.crc q . ars uq,p,,,of initnt ration stu dl lac used A�, nmC il..th augmli_lul aunwni � wtaliti,ed g tlaaimgCwgirwa q:ssgwcatnam,l c, e nionstlrµsa6,c,a, io ttte lgjI.1() g1a�ia�wgrn,ugt raluw trlionro Nit uC1,.111 i��ir.t...r"allnlsed t liams,yl,q llnnruaaltnrrtt aa,g,Q not viable consistent with the criteria imn.:this section., r bta stcni altn,r;irri t dun irr<i�iu, .tq,q itia rq„a- tl-i..l�,�n�,� rl„ d gwui gfl cru l i.o ,rn i a l efiatu,q_aicl a isk-s iii ll„ site w ntgl tliamdgnitl rsl_g nirurr_4tpit_ipaul¢irmlq.,.twi ......... (nnilcGonns trn,sn, lair amn,cµl.,.oi dprrl.aralcd For Che llnyiu rads tref tit _uiul aiat,dt,iiis irm_wetli Ind a rest re loramdo n:.ti divided gim.ton L _' c esta blislnnnarmt , T lma, mani it lation.pi'lhe physicail n,licanl _troi...bigiapgmri chamramcteristres_ofashe wwuth tile c,,oan soll_retluiflaln „inarLgoll„ata lror��ragis,�nra� �wa�ris [�lnn 6rn�,ari�.r ectiamd Re-estalblishi ertresults inasruin inwtlinaacLimnr_, @ai_ aac^wcrtir,ues r°_a uld yinc.l!uude reinnam in fill tirrata,n � ml�.�q�n:n �oiin r@ltd l g q lncc n pn�„r�g_rouKn l�tli s l nti s . .."', n,n C ehaabifitattuair ��t 9�c u,nraait„i iaiPatsaia ci[ ,t ic��l .ly.:ra a 4tm umi a�� cil, lci p aicpl clig r tcr,ustics o� i sill,e.Hmwaith t,he "gciai at,l,.gc aahJn, urartiaral a!n_Cmawrt,o ie,fgmnctionssi�L ramdpjgjna4„,yntl.n(L ftal<+a ai, ltantramreresults ain,a ainp„n.iq wwret,q,rnld fiin Rion but does heal result ill a gatili, in wsg ll.:u.,nd acres ctiv�conlnolve_bncaelfn adike Ill reconnect ssstnds_to a,lla)dj,rPaii,lor _ ---------- return fiidal influence to a wwaetlaii da_N_a> aalmliis�ini ca t Qt.u_caitacnurt_ The aur_a�niirao➢dt&_�a�an_ca�"elic pnVa�tioawarr�...e�n�lnnpc�a�, Grp° Isi�i,4mm� r�,r,I a Cmairanctt.t°6stii_ai ar�w*a sntm,atuwt.c gam ai wwwrct rraiit anx rtai,Llvianwr�_car_rIrNpp_an 4pl si'td where l vv tl°l_anal slid,. uqt_ r5g y rr.g.i,s,�ml exist, 1. stavingish ngegil_uc,nnshs..in as twin GIu,.Sw tlamgmn a ct s Activities t Ili al,il involve excas^a,ut.gs n 01: ttt, Ca�tiid soils to eNva roma 41a1,.@..rM�llprcicla1a e� ;a wwaartl�t�rrnr�wycq�°rttpa°LdaWwct create, hycla,r,rr wrack 40"m l tlna c n q,4y wra L`Bn a prtl lira tic l'lruial laccics,,:. i.I f as site ,is not available foir w etLan d reswtonstkm to a�trgan�m�u�w,ntr & l,ir cs wqa� qd par�,tLkq,rl rriicl/air buffy ii naCatrnm authorize irvationftt„e1. fla danltsµ.n wel l tI s cyrl lutua,ah _%s_ctlatndlri andcasp_s_azral fl......l,ic,flm ,rus,l ad .,aiiiu� srmq r ondittons at the �auamg�anmsrlp ianuln, .aronanii sllnc are conducive for awlast<nau iuip the tuiMsand w%wet,ll,aind nd that creation iwetland. at site will .. 'up” in e&y qa ust" 1gy4Eaiml,an1wia,_g2ioble Tisaelsewhere. .,. m...... altwpat,tit land uses and sitr,gmlinlrflons�dci umait.,� inti uirl„aha ter wz a,�ngtit� .cm ...l9ua pa rq wd wwa.,t�lanmcl anac,l„}mai , n a, t ° a cS na to phos _lrq_s sellc+ of:, invaisi q trVmariit iiaasurauus;"wlr�w,mks,strip,rer�wirritcl,talir��ptl,aic�nti���a,Gp�.Tan�sraat�msa �rsurn�ran�sa�._,aii> n ...__ _ lnr_tmr rli ,m a �yw t� awnwV_a ru l_giwuG rt"a rvu.B� enatual bu sic 1jr-s r»tailrst,nlis wwrit_h little ,. r - tear lcnnn;,, �i ruui nimr,ciintc aiaapc am,,, c N”m;itha11 yu,qcc„i,Pcnnt:.:...N...a..nriaaantlmtsla urroai..p tlia �r,hy, ir,aM.ga�.?�gn urmiw ti,,.,o �miam�rn caul chard�rerisgics ora vwic tg old ssib tln 11r i), it iqroitrmlm s ais.n.r�rrini tsn Cranrms „a„t�,mrnrresm, tCi ,tau t.. 9'.: rntil aisilluairu iwl t1�9..wsa.t t atuarua�l~pt.:ascril ....1, slh ancenle nt„ts_lunncl�u,tl im„�,u n_s a a it,lt ¢p ,l tinYpnmam1g,5 ai, tls ans ssaaw q, alrlamRntw iii nnirl_ncrre nieunt„wlancit;q aulex...Letctmtaamlm,awr w1yiW ilc fiabn,al nt l„lm,haaiwn CIPCpit res' uwhs,ppl,.a 01 nntina, ill sol'pe Wethand_furictions and ciin lead tstl ai gCc�lmrnc ilg rnwtCar i wvawt,�atilind, &ulnr¢ tmmiia�ns,,Npmlt aaa s of ucsnm.lt iii m,µr wuui inr wwedaind a�ctuaas act.uuw ukics a,Y°.lircaill arnn aft ys9,grlairmtimlx w rrrt<gtnaniik crsiuti°a.illiinulr lbtwuu nn_piiw+c aan iai f2msiwc sham tasz ring_ralit nrmra site elev sCi_olms air tq�e lmlrugmuiixnaal!, ant ami aw,it r p irlltlgasgncn lnsci„cltmi,iiasrlsa..tt:i scaulu,„rwiuiili„ttn,artacrtr,cutCiwm,sa ...acltwnticsualnqMsnt wy tla�nicCws iii„ ssan ,natcd Craui� rs shall dernirm,imstlmlata_�riiwwlrt...tiinbltii µ nl elrlr fills c umrq, rnl %viih utra,at;q ase ,lmtue. s ctbaaand'sCtiu&p.'s lmaaunr,lommawnrs ..l!ubi tlic ac,ugncnsc gmsmumlkineiionm wn,aill„alclnclraa,g4grLy a.crm�yli,rursn,ti� ,1161 the Cllnmalcts,and how c smstlgn„d rhe lamnd limuncdonis aal..die iidt,i gu� ions she ws,nl,l,bc�drin,dwmcta; cpu. d.w ...Ai.wa�ta"c tnamina wFlannnmt ruariia c..11 aia sm q umtnauii l......l a znnaa ium„l iM tgdr,wsq tw,a wst°,_tuicwrlgt,sgnl�.tlra c a lidpq sp .w ctlainmc..r.rimrut,iaigms ,li} aa,lm act,iriun iiy;l awn i?mm;gn ,i xyt,tln,in _...1 kr�ga iiuc l,uirCr tlnw,maaaegiaisr,awl lauiimCn m,rrs innc urr 9 ami talwatii i n ..ms: iti a conttroi structures „or wfieng es 9 his ta rai also ..:includes , activities snniaair�s icassrpptcrwgt�ticniprsvton.Preservation does not In t hl c9efland ._ _a„ acres. IIeiarlmaia,umtninawwtwatiicnnimm9 a t alta, yrts.w.l car C_wwclCanrla_aiid,sssric�amt a an eii_. $.i sCc.of rl+vgradatCoii yaini Cnl,,lascrl,pgil,tr if, i,»_.;tlir,arlmlmn a mp_,aa,ut,Nncii n,� .,rC,a t ,n,rmmrrrg »,tgraut tlir...tnirmtas sq afl !vation is file .Cwcst arulq,od Ituon aapI.J.0n.'g. The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 65/69 ii,.—The greregpcn sai¢;Igtrw 5a wtiltiaui,m seta is nuiralrt gCAre„a I o Lin j oN tl -c uat c, l u .,U o ._Nr 6w �quAa�gro ..tlNwq � � �� Aa "Itt )e sa,�ta�iA�uti ht,Au aa$ uAAx :A s � 4ii'ug rMlations... f iue jna,c a Ir 31qu ab 1A a 1_ iA ltu a read NIa N7.a1AA uNI ._lMu s l�itical R thea eafth nlr llu ; watershed or balsi,n due to its location. Senium, wnl_' the Collown�rtiat.1u aatuuies,mary to ..trrufi,w.,.atti 'a alN taiu aluyiaha,4 sigm. ui...N.1...1,weila ailratAn.l . uusingwlthe "'ed"Ind a ttolu� ��.���qun dalu,weslez.n. auifiin ,qon!) 2- ltiarq, era 11'elr:liatgc'ah e 4wCetIau ic1,tyune (1:16r� exaireaaaley Ilagg innttayrq 4uirl„Wstgd 'dw etIaandS sttl lritte �j tk5p!gjic habitatthat at Iis rare _ora 1 ryfited resource rce lnll the Nialaatuiq ttlr,.ln;ricauity.o?r locaft, iiiilalal,taint swulu�lmtNe sla�ates, u)r ia�ato litwluAaasariLt,vi e b1olalrewt dnn tal wcra I'1 u:,�ivaEr u , l lrirellaITwtuVtya. 4. P,ralyid . fau[gSi tul...ran tla„lreVA,ulkgl�l�,wAl tiareusis°.usut s in a leq aaaut as aela..lNwlasiga. ice^.�wern'talrent-i'm mil,(ign_iii"elle vVeg9 ruuc;V and buffer wrull lbw ,Nagclarunlct� t!j, ngagta d %ala*ue.'rvalion ease rola nt;or tianc t;_h 9ml tl)LP i'tV_eu.,l...l'�R"M�il'tl�l�l e nat111ral la` ml 9 C.�i:�;S.'� rce maUlp.tkn"�:' , such as a larval truest. :t... The ,aargwu awasl ainitli Trott, rungalyywrllaari w _lal nare_fa t,wu�a9,dadnruraiisttrativc rnwchw nisinx;s can hett...nif aiconservafionA easement i it deterrer inns th �_Que anllu.11uaaaty tan larcuti i�lmlN Suet:;.. For " m n t weigh anttiei �cripias nj auV rCm"'tthira..aa uaa„tmat� uanA.i ' °w ltalln.an taiol aua�slvbutreaaiaAiarnnia4aiaa„Itailw_,. from l 1 taam2:t�„p „,res al,a��rgjineul,ort a„ansa.hy,,-carerla.a;i��a��g��ont�Gr„i�_aala,le tla�aaigallpt waa�,ltiHa wwe latr'u is 9w...'uannaa<na9 tieCIA,L9itsi,r(LwwSvaa~�tos falea _,a,t„ ltc'sgl41'j nas the sole anile lii awl ru�,itre ti„ltt,u„ iia iQully start at 2�0. t.,: t, ileaatlylratawtatgaltaeitsretarei _9liuttln„aitiai„q„1...' i„)a uil,Qugawu..lar,,itu.ntgrt;tr, tatuaiva skawllN_ltu iii u Tall ....a„t tiiirlii,ta awrtYGrkuu „tAra_saiiwae uiti rll,slt,Ni„gl a, 1?Qu-�ivaund on the sil rut d<ia; uilteraitplu�imcxcga 4 wwl'a ir„wVlu�..tlntrilNcanilt_c,ni,lt:... a iaizinm ti°n i ntpast ¢itl it .ti atua tt„iiiA._u, a arlui �daia�w9h lalaa Nga,warebl� N.��i Nat„aVwatw iH u, teriai ^is�tV q_q � �ni,Arq� a9 aqua„pawl tt_iiuiui„uana,r ww na t6reu tNaav firer. wl lsy gl . s a tt cal ia.atl,4 tela lu q,dt „9aµ j-wn, cos i tj ofl,N u ligMtri�aigiAai7 preference *aho ul4L b giaaa in 10 tlsfiMgA(ftqw!ai Ve rt"60 „ion stigh as as 1a1„itn rra iaPllq Siri� &itly..gnY NVL q� ��1' lyi"aa„t%�crraa9vgtaucu wnron,_, aaCirin"aww, au.. ...tlii,rlu<are wrip,tatt alurn9nta aaaalaailtlurinutia .on site or %vii aila,[h sau9r d ai ali�� l)asinn,l 1 arui-,iite cllata;ons wwwiiiipr% eiluuire ,9iirnilllaticaii <it 9uamu 9n Na altltllllqu .tutnNaiia _ ,1, l�nntaut` patnuriutics,.orw site t.,)r witiiiit the ,saub draiuwgp 9aashl a�cn incul„Nallva.,.a,4z,tltNu li�<a�ariana�a9,ofsuccess based on � determination and the araiarea(itt. ofw thetsite to acclunrllc rump ltc Nnndat[� LLiqunaraa is t caan iaia niat:inruus whi�nnad,include: amici led Eg[jIg;euuror„rpt rantluis R)r %yetNaiiaa „ni utal;drdggaruafatuff a giitul(giorls_nand lanoj2,I), al lab le waiter to iilwaiuutniin anflcipAa gd 1,ua.iliiiaaallo inraiigrua, a cl rise fir w tl ands a� mk restored, laraanaaa�c a� �9iacal�'. tetanawn a� ar�a w.lirt .. «aura„1Nactlgnfinu„6u.t �,irelnttiaaanti apgaam iiu fAzuNt aria niiuU,6nlaµnannaanui qs, gnu; Nn g ,_ trg iaa,viltlw+.0 y1,. ka..._.ttrn yrtC nnitp„ tiianru wwralLdd cwaaUiia eluurpinalfio,unarnl Nyriluan9ita( irl��aninc�9�xa��ilau�k llat9 llauniiB,lµuaptuan,nu.�na—sir! Quti1,„l.lilac,jlfiaottdarNoviatii"la,a,alaua.l..:lnuwan?? aryrea+vuMjNuuiad&uiq„r>gdonsthan: the akered wetland. ..,.._.......„ d._. Off-site ,locations shaull be in the sanalae sub-iltilr,ua.iaae,baasi n u n„les:s- a;.....E stab shecl...N sati.n_alMen W4j,s_lcarwwraatai ettuuiGud z.9lanina?mntaanaiatt..araa,aitiwa a�iu�a, 9�atiit�at auk other wetland:Funncnctions have been establisbna~�P b tdiq� its dlpaa�w�,t�cuga la�uunga„tj y !c rl'ion of nnali aantuanii at aulua>t9 yu seta, air H. Creditsfuor state-certgf,el. etlanic,tgaiuqu�iialr ntr� ..... .....„., ;air qusarl'..ris µ aNinlau ins nue Mnn,a iainai,.11ny puse aa:f credits is consistent with the tel,rarts o th cerd lined ba rtk inuslanrenrnent.,. tnl....... -fees Tfli.he r9,es are gagial'. o ullu wtpare�atlwwe,a9.hi qui un Na uta.Car� lailnn .taw all, l ignsate 9or the iiif aa�t,.� . sureain,u,au t;�ln i cnrnureisaitcq.q'`. �iyilxtattiangnnaijec 9..gtc i i9s Nci lrn::. aRalmrarpn taiga for its 1¢la aatiutin ( n.:., lnia ltgwrla.iAn the uuilsa alrei ..la?yl..c terra, l.:aarin sagenr ..din,i i yticat, should .nol ie,s u,ll in t�?....1 reatioll, rastaau,attcaia apu,twiilianibww uwpnlrept oaf gp altypicanl mieflagnd., w..;uan„u9reiat.aat t...ytiaginairosnat„uai N9iuuazt.i_tiuu_ N_kmm auilCysucau gEnapt:aallauatiresaitluu.a°..aanutitisutgaain lrlaialts lies yulnall%ts,t leiigar to, a�C,tisn,ties.t that q�1 disttuu.b saedaands , ayt l. e 1c,�isl.M.,aearennpniaplsantaau....uatitu aitnNaa� s9tra�k, tae, esipiufa,9�taa� tauninnat u:.itela �ur91'aiwvainQa disturbance a nab prior to ie cur oc Lilraurc crl ��ia,aa�tl nM� or rimes lire, arrint:m The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December S, 2015,. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 66/69 Construction of shah u���� dgl,b drTi °d to rodhaaal„a_aualtl4¢ t� to 1; -WitaBgn,dwaa,Eind tl ora. "" �. llr�u ,6tagrggqaa�alrt�rl rql :'tg�VrrwHaw �rrr uaglua� ,HrrV,larrrrr rkq,.q" ratu,a nbrvlro t,in constr.rllr_a,r ura.SuMadon ( tq,re:Call,llpgg xtto'y llflw mi Atr ?,l tt mtillay lV rlgi.'ptpyrt�a..t.l_a�grtrl„t� �,x all igi 4"cllrns ,t qual ifie l ll+t q rslaq l s r r, ioniil as 10 di,e w.�,gdorWc For the,t,�,u��� �,il d4grl�rirtgro�;a ttt x rq.�t,�tl9,aw would include i........................ ntifi flo of the environnient l a rtr diflons that toutttu�tal�l �m�� 81u���� parw�� t��reln�� w ffilrrVrrr°t�r_.lrr Sigili.'uayrrrt,.�l� ngruaatolnrr tVr�tla�,ar�ar� �.9� � �.q�@,�r���� t1� C���."Ja, �u ��n�k�t,l� fisrlra�rtt,�„lvlrtn�aa�'. otr_rar t agln,l�oare l .N. rut wPrrlr k] be (!10 rfo a1 ayaltA the rll,runraant sczmaui ttl,na algr,ra�t r�agt a_���rtrlrgwa��,o instoaHe da aq r,laa�m t 6., ts.rvl lar'... hall r,r It„o Goat rlt.aq tagj Ll,,4 rttqus ao.ndituon olr' ,.q w4wrnmna rttal tapgwrwuwp jyIgg,t rutaap11�1d the_dela steal n t gr ._ wljtlalwars to,t,I'q 1!q I�Iu...sal"Ny�Or~i rrerkfl wtl("are,rar th l tib, !i q h rqgtugstigr�ri tgre_trmrrjoraltlrrq,r.Ny rrr 'USI w,r;rpr q,trtiC,rI,.wvo.iq qr .ttl:gatuaaL'un tha i do rlrtua nts,th envirauratlt�enud con's;tr�alrvrtttia qIa a&_tn,ra', Vpq o 1 ,tnlm .0 tarts ra, ;l RIC ttlragl alta nnrr_,r antrarw�:.. 1 urrr wpm tr ,ua ttion rnwl be way rpqu,t��nd ���r�y,rlmmrrw�q i�)v r4%�....�.rqy ar t'etVaarroi NinluatW,rll'l_.,....tiym: i lte� fflo r re ori”' Creation or Wetland Re est�alali�whmenl Rehabilitation li�inm�u�marma,� �mmt t alimt°n 4' V Vrtutq Irmr Not t or°raa ido ra ai llcaw uloq,r arr...la (",ase au,,, o„ lad t.:.tl.w. ("p q'qky L l{aero teal 6q..1,. 11r;1 24:1. (:g1 r arr q ..lBased coal f ulle nrrw 3J. fat q_. .. 2:1 4;1 ;... C ata rlown _ q, q ,..5; N 3:1 6 h Ratios, P.m r,ebaabihtalio n and enhancement rM qaa. redUced laluheni, o')nibh'y.'xl with t 1, n� raV,ao,a;raao rat tlWnog,lli,t,gaNallatrnb or mo,, wtataVr VgVtro S o q able ,N1V 1/arrwlA, flvad"w, orr Jtars.tnt /("r,I'l..`�ea Purf i `.Agm���reiat��3"� B t,r;;s,rtrat... l o.al�,rlt"g.t tIyLjtirswgatro n d�,tl�-06 01 1,aay t�9�wipia,a, �,�u�' \, Jaarch ,100 or as revise 8� ...`deo ,ahso �"�rgtia�u kj!gw„Q ��lr....awacrr+�_rr�;laln nra ainrag�r arra au�,rdg l�r.or�o.rr� ataaoglm..«��,c�agraugr�crr�tl,a�u�. t10 .. ;u oVmu,t4 r lat_ �a 6,aarowl TO nam._V rt ga�o.6tnrrt a t 9 rrotsa ua ala aq rl c;:x ar,�od �3� l 7 t� n P nt�t tra.: gw l vutr a�wCi am�I ratios fcrmn d in (lie,a(Ant ithance"Wella nd lnti grr,p, lq rmtroarn �r�rtttt r tt_V r ll,_t)I .11ra : "It�ataa Vn�. �ttDtttll..tlaa attlaal;.graawtr torr nu aa..grpsotq ar.q:q the aha„dam drVwut",maara tlrta N rl¢ w�a,l r o rN bl ,tV,ar a aaurirraonn.l..r.r.�..�..l,angnrg a `.�...a:1!culaiingt ro,,dits aand �, bits ioou. :r;rt�aaVar,,r� �ktoaay,C til aV,lon in w tLlnds o.f. 1 aa',ter n " "ar�ltti�a groan :�'....zru uB l�glo,s��t 1�...g..tl�I�lt �.qua%rintµntlrsgl � hy6..41��.;., q..... as , u. 2092,otr im gwis d),... t1 d"aGi&Wion ...Plan, :...Wiraawl rltJggetaavesw lgt�tndor,budrairtgl��aatt�t u,�orur��o,�,�trar . rua�ln�aaturrgl�riarla,lsa,rt,trara�wr�...�o �a �tr,ui?VrotN��urtgq���urra�d a�Nrar�q_.Ik.:w4 us.wttudr;c,oV� uaro.��gngua,B�a...Voplgalw�i!.glo-� nrquuupgntirn�u staandamdls: a.. WtVracrutoa_o _tnrl¢rtraarularrpjjall(irbmrVtde gral� .t�,, in the cttor�..,,a11rr..tgrol.r trnzqt Arcawnumeta r, ogOqribed. in M rwnaarruwrr taarndxaua l tlrlu WedaraeFt,r l atr_tm _ at,i0n 4 60J3t Q tjfl ,_&m�tlo!erw.. kl . aonitilo ,rl mnttll° lrt`ltrr a,traaq,q t o q plat;:, q la ...a,rgtaoar t,rnl,ust hicllude a wHtIcr„r,mgljqut i, and..Yr arr,<,hecis that rnrgr d grlt<rrrl� at a mitlqmuarl3M._thejaa{grrwk gleaaa,nta,..�.q..rd% rout a rr , caarla. be round qNr, Wetland +lgt antuarnW rlry wxl, Vrh” tg"n tart. Paart 2 J-,tqKqDoag,rmrlg�... q.V,ggaatuoarr„�°6„aau�.l..�ayq;�grwra q t_(gmo�aa�or It l rgtlr rt rGnra 006-06-01 q q lt�,t rllrVr ay, a . a.� taarc.h 2006 or as uo vised1.. r......1 lr m a rVtr rl m lau r t aralrlt_a oonttarth_at a rninimurnu 1. '111le..gaatne and co ntalct intaligrnarfion lrq d �dpik!! rq jq., �)agme, o�rsaallp �glmrmtr�rrb w��lrc contact .inforr u„aation for the ta6ntaar ^ auaq;�,gwrnrlwt or�'tlaa,eohtala�li�mat,ru�t lragti ado nr � ltr n t.a..ua do o r glrtruni ca wthr..l a llaol 5, r6 _a uanrallr rr a o _A l rrataM1tl aarlaU V.tr tltlrl P o° rtt gra fayturanl Cmor uaila.tm..a,oVa.na[aq'g autrtrun..<ofaail tlaejcia.,sta,i, z andfor Wend d arwa"elh,wrrrVIelatrtd gac grgwt ro,tl,triu d <rr tVar...11lalrrt la V as ruo a lgt anaaara tela tl c groo�Veet,,. The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update Page 67/69 xu.r,uuaturlta...uufl°hom h jrouoj,ec w .5 j lu us jroggj tiy,) @uflw d to avoi,d.5.a,n�,u�o7uroro,u,�t..a cr, ra �luc y,dyerse rrinl, ils tra wriitl crud ,y .gym.. Fxa xi,urlr'rmi o tlue,gxmuSfin ,,),ye land and buffer are,.j..Eppgs.w luga 1urrl lac us"e.iParou paaaw, luurwt,rtii;i , xlaa� u umluluraa im et«uluilit suluBs,. r uui�xi,rll.fl'. l.Wo lGwalrp xrgur,laqura aulprGrurual ur,xa s,nat a�,,grune la,rns ,a1I,w�l,des iib i„rrmupawua.flsmin to rills" l u wr ,M �„ wu�,urw;dr��td�l,u4u uiilatr�W�,f ax,ua,t ew�u,xu�uupduuc,w,ialsstircafion,and iwetlau-rud r�atlrr� , iro a .atuu m ,�;tro ...i k,u l ,,,,yM( ..155 27,603 ..... 1"lav_cl°rl tna,uu iso t1roa, wwclraumerl uq,uua illy r kr r mru smiu , �ruiVuua9ruu Mata„mmalra,anr_ uu 1 u�ad fulie fear° selection. include an assessm olt o' r�xrsi,otl * w uuull➢�iu�roar�....rlu a lu��.�.�us, �w,lur��ru,W f�Yda�al�,ti��l..&bd_1��4t�argilsyalnai� m�ll�allnalx, Yws'cateV II_4ml�rrry�e,w wbfrllr�e"� wY�”w�"rdi"�,.r..a..4".,Yr,�ck�]wlPm� u pwml,u, x,ewlla lroam uta, roru, star°uruirrroae9lrm larouwl s-c.s„ arld 1,1111uel,a,ons 1, xtu,luawatr ,Future co.n.dlIlblo.p.s.in thi.s,11.2. a.ad ions rol,T mc,u larlup alr tip ula ions ark , � f Ild N; ak,u howmould oulal djssitej.gx�wr(, Glrourroluujq,.ttrmar uwu,sllu q, s�ion.1,: z,. Sufface and subsurra n �wta,u cul i uaulpix lw ult�alµuilline'l ul lit wall, mulra, us,o re x,aWng arad lluarollwrseaV..11lallraalcwawra u.. „srllays flrru cul%ro9rorvw. al area-qk° ,orr stg,re autuuu "'El, Lo ru ugrru aut,;urYul aau,e;us nulelluii_rgltastq°ratrrrort tl llo w dam 166 x:,o*mtuez ill ailgam tc a urualuluil�as,,ll,er used tea t$eter rurl„ne the u,wmlsn1atC alb. tlul4.ults..LM wlrw)Nc�t��uuN, conditions fro, i,IAuera rtuurul,aml t�ua :llAasll,auxwia4 auataxraax,.falr,agpu;llroeuu� A,gt,bra,of%ye lamld arld 111.ufangt mtu roall,tia,IPax tro,.fatgaael,auGa.�._alwPsull_�%�llx lleNud flwlu2lroars.t�mrurk@�lqueual, in Vauui n @,c s'cr,borr tl,lw"the t.yiet (�_fiaiwens h dr ualilu,llhic cla sifrcatuoremzuraLcrim e,rrc;u;,of.wefilja,u"udx.,,, .... , rw, � c_aultluartn_lakl�ai,llrrfxaro ai,raroYtltmlturrcroconstgugfion,,acli0flesand timiau aactiwritme,s. .r:. irluartmrwlglir'u standards naaialxaar�a�lVa iirrroaBruucBf..fuwu.. i,li ,llitxi inslailat,c„on') lira' uully� li�ai alnuu„� �w?u,Ciarual a�u;.ru'a>~a~iluMuroaires�_�uwt�uaawrrtaau,�.0ab scfrocdaroie aaanaN as rmroaafrata,ur�aul�i° sx_11e�d,rrlu..gnd actk"HIS laa<alxilx i las t w r. 'l w_alu mmu tas,xur rl mrl gauailrMunami; aalaan apivamaarw _llalo ra c s u m afl,, a albrtnectwmw eflaanck rafter. the aluuwrcVopfllent 1)ria gp! ),-Ls,Vauc �a ilallula uma ,ru1u rl rflch,i Mua aAarlaaasctll...rulaatur4cro,r,rul and ru;,r�urma�.�ruaaumc.a ltral,�l4r�u��ax d �azr�ir�url ���mrr wwefl an ds” �l:nd w.irrul.ylcwaxraiQKy riaautfatawronro wwFa,tldataaltl 1. A lhrondff estiniatelor the emir cormglcen., tiagwar_u7aatruuau4 uu larj,ut rruc1uli�,alu'her luaq_ aawxuatu ,iga fmrcrrol , le mar11lwjptujg,a�lxyu„fada„lwa"g uaxlalation .,. o are,rsigig,..un ahitenall"I4��_klx'i4...x..pgrt .x'. pf „ldlr..kYgro taro �1y 5 wtlu 5 lcem lr,r,ad�: Mord tlau alro 6uu ld wu alllc anti! lrlwu [rr as a8l ulx rl a al b aro taonsaffir a n ,nsurwm,aaful ati they_ t,�rtal...uweaiuwuired nurriberawl :. a m mw ru.rrolilslu p flu tiw I 1. proof of establishment of Notice on Title for the. wetlands and buffers on time W-----.....--......--------- H. --- r r uumutt wwatudluu aa��a�e, lnr�a�¢;iC �nqe� tirurs lat ru.,tW �e eaarou,„u aeumawamtcl. ���.....� uu,.�.�l h iu�� rli.c�,lllwl_uu samia i�i_farr l,ll :a aamam li,ul�, rtaaulw ualidgatuar:'fa r¢uruwb1,contwauua�.l t a, mmmtiu,nlumluum _%.._. .plrww�u�e�a�pus arl,lll,i cwa�^~Maup.xTMi.,glwaulal<urral„�amiu�lt.1."w.,.lauaro�rarsi��,aulwu.ro aft ~a��t,�watua� wandior buffer _rurrm!&lrwllu,.ru�aaa�e,x�utBwla„uma6,wuuad`uu,rm,llrTfffeuvluutiutaiu�x�.tµu�lul, actiaamuso 2. —f_ u t ua m rlulufu a all m 1. driluluuc' law rroisfaMlN.,..aml, tt�wriw bot a,onlarogur rnk,"r yfilx in thezone ilf"t c_�au rl a til du xlllla.aastiuluulluwraulualulx,r,6,wllsx: lir a¢N,ufl ";.l luwHAS lluwlulaa it ia.t creat the CdN11�p-tmi1ait1(j) kiY�a?� l..x��,wad.G�1rC61,!;kk.ck,+amss-s ct„rdrot"Ns,or b9�,!it wetland uud,lx__dluaal_aa�e.',.u'arauflcaxa,el tur,ll ..?rztu uu lu r4 wurael„liras xa uraaup.l$.l..C.i turlurilq onq-llacal arulu.f:vwt6ww.1, fapl lac troilalllroseel waw alw ami ww gilaand or lm,ruff u,lyaYntlxu_utsait,rrrrt, 3..._._C..a�rudltjarp, g"tlagi.tcl.l, Eurro,aru Glm larirlralx,a,i..wua truruus troam wuti,, uaaelu.au.irup. lirttu,u,° tlawcla_a�roeaauluaaulllrre t,�.l*"awx. au�luni<a�rcalwiclsmuaulurAl�l� llrl°ri,wfro, a�axlluwfluwuralw.`w,l�ai.swuix Qxxa�t�llai �ruul,_ar�mbamlael��wrour�a�..�unN.l.harr ~�+�u�'�u rerull.�'x� ,._ p u iffaru;Vee wyet;lagd llu��"�ers%rbr iwra llulln. wa tl,tu,uils �rorla1 ll;aulaauq,e_u,m,uJaruullauw;nsaqucla=p, rru lx.. -w lsruw iib'luatll ira�x, riaAuix wwala,aca .Raartlfaux.;mru, laralpar ql! p be redLaced auu rrlaara a iur xlalleexat' 1wn s auui9Q� ,ulw,ruk' ,ptrl,Vrme „upul,tbnuw auatcj, A- hi!iOn a 1lhmura flat t1,uu a aararolailas utrlrll,wmua au, fr a laruluul au18 luau cu la lauilau,q utmal luuwwr9 fa warud„ ateu , i ;lra c, sf e,,,rul,il„glue..4lb lbrtjj utjs.,t q raLts%._be. The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015„ 2017 Development Regulations Update Lyra �dl s„li�..euirudlrrlrit.r. ��'��� .4.hi...trydxuldlt ra4 ld,lunu���gadtmyuw�. Page 68/69 y .. l umrllrr... }�nl i&x nur Kiwr A huppp,tcts_sLgy_i; s shaflibe. lniiu qqd to n -6n ii ur p _1: t rax.oxx Coratp uls i . nnal;l e,u uraIi, aaubrpI navy n"eYilau thae buldl rflunctions ns losttrtad w _ __ . rt gtt wr t. 1_ yds.at...txdl ad tgr_wdtruat,glu„yr xt, _q qtr ti�r1,1rix°e .q,Wt xru��xuBxtarxuu_,urxuh au�,� uus i;rir1 l xuy,xy,t}.� be located in a cAticai area tract or a conservation easement consistent with �`iMC 15.27 Part six. ,q_ti_.”t,!��wrh,r,�cwu.xu�...�,xyaaxuaun,t, x�t�lrxrytux�xy�, �gl�alldITgmml� �awtludutrc� 6u�a ta,lgnn,atu�r� �yr�,a�n,��,mty 1a� um�atltµ��4x�lr ��uy�,t lna Ir �tw��lr �in��:; striuidbeen ixt.e.taM.�tuxRSnuat �';t'na...ad�lit flo �qws t�hanrt �4� terwly�. 61 au sa...u..lh�i s,hizlygr.atu frlui to ...w � cfltidtia�rdu aadn�garase,ls utaraauir,uidar t r .lnrru uu,seam, arnu,er dxtungypu;dt d ndn .tlil.wii,eirrud im ii,rc t:e ygax�i.lur Wblcndi:µ. q lie lwtll a «x..?lgre.g.0 q<u rcyaa9agan Shall rxicki'd rrucrnndtunrdda ” eq8 rlllentS that V Srxre eertaxggdta cdl yaiel e 5 h4ta tgde axon eu a'a xdantuaxauy IxCSourd 4 W'lgtak5 �.................. ...... �. , 1_....h ......,.,� .nwatgrk._.... .. _..� .v.....�.._.,�. and,lumcti0ii'm Irwtk,le ridfd y,lrtrasq.h. ltu gs «du�:.Jw cn1"lahi d within tgw hfitki] 6d eygn p rJod ..�l�e anl�:. ra trtanddu a..aa, rrdt llwt,pu e stgr'1txctxl of Ole n at"ral t�^snn"yc wahjes_a and taai��.��.k'in r , unsil the,rd.t'�,k d wttrcryma g reedto ill the pwrttu�ruturrll.tr��lr ua arckldc^��d�l:. q5. A wine 1~wlutl ation Miliea dturalr flor gareth�r°,�suw �ttuwlidu re.-tltll d..iniinggLl �u�_sur.t,garn¢;t,'y5�dr,�a� eaaq.,rmw;trlxe ted...in _. sr G.wrardatr sat tgnl_rrd,xi>auet5,UE-11 r� uaant, laion is rulrwliRa xa,piurkud a uu,,rmel9li „.t(n 6edc.r°lull u,rxmqu �lrtg gwuu,lde .ulu.l...smtis uQgq rrnu xl utsuuaiia_audrd Surewwwdlgrm tLq,„fl,r. ..nc, ud�nh,t%nlrel u,xhra'istetl., ,w n gig ,1,ui w rydhxtt t is s� l,� aim r,l, t �lnaar�e �1#lyddn cq' 'lyrallnrrr.e...�x"r s�aaars,a,,s�nia l�il,ulrnrx�wro-d �uw�t� b�t�blicayduntl d 12-106-0rl,:u,lLut,'° ".+ ., � ��t wlpgrw K m �i_1..� . qct.... gtedritakiwrl "l.td.l atruraxmq ryallw_ II knr ruclru�ulnu5,ttaatulu dlti_agr <wlnylasawr t�teirt ytawW1pelRx an � daxn l nrphw wa..lrl yla�j are qtr; rc� lu 9letl..ruwalr ailidl i gsx_ ,srulla-asttrwcralu,irres res )r r�sfiatea�gil srg ���tuiaanagaxii. umai� identified ,n qir lw q.p” I{ ,ulilaralu, ra uar,x �rg,p.w x,a yrna r llwp n ll x� ll,tcxa uul, w rlaa l gutx;ylllr out ary.wi?et�r d level lwrcltu �� ulrxw �r�'" Weti alild4Kivaetacll� _alrnuq vulpaau M,tti<ilwr,ndd iae irpwlanvlts l J1 nlgml aniµ axuwm6"tluw , _gla to . r Ije wsh aH consider than felloww�awrl roir...yrni ppy 1I,of..aetn a tat rsn�utx�ru...Initut„�tyttaa..l�uuc%llat .arginlnlstr,atnt c Official al..., q:lae..Lirlwrxsuyu uses a an utirshrel lilti ca le..l...yrerxu,d ietlit With tielee bra ftr x"t�,llu� l�tlaiettrrrul Sil� µ...a,th'eler,5I rup i�.�, .mt �liiux �9i0_06 Qtlrv��1_2 xi l�cVs �p6tiwd. yru_ fprw�u��wla,uiai„ihe lrcuue si!y+ ti runn o r arse individual hab4at.. areas. e.. rl.x .�irrauu_ y, qqj� i,h iei gt!Jo n k; is not'reasible dLw to site a ongrMxuts su h"I i l e a_ssl t,,laxrad (LLi ggryl it grrQLQWKWbirzgrd& (1 N;:[ re k (ll,sdu_l arta,aatdral lirr suncacSS any tgre...ftxenlIQtgd uradt�l rutxulda xh.b,.prr.,lwula nul � �c1 x�a l,,dx�utria;yi �alr.:. l qxa pBijjq...shall co ntaaxri,ngh'-,kir and, rdicasuurable staannndards I,ri�r aacl�ur�v;r,lll ula,lr¢�V,l��uu� ,w idl if wlaecif_c Lt�xunsrsyruy as cry tgti...irq,r�xw ,ruxaa wharr,x� li uah �p9x�sln�.7n yi �a rtxlrwyvmrrllxtirr,oritret,i,q,yaw.r?x atu rcuras usu s,a�aitro ion J. d ..... gtrtqulyl.sluuuq uirmmu is fru rrrih Arl gtl r d to rii4aaq riwrrnud�l luliluaawm9 amqu you ilaurtq,ug5; r„ ....... slu gw1Al ad a1 arvsia,y 66lrgw:..lJ d .inn a ala pllus t_luw sM_ila c�q ural rltroue nal_i?ceds or ftrnevi,epris adriu$,wiuilyllr i,,ljlaa, ur apuu itMuu uu1 ratios rn as yroi be reduced ora elxualilnate d uula,less the red uu fl Yi rIt1".in 11 lyr� ed Alraunmerutaq aaltern aatiwe. lr__Mduxdagiui,y,wl hxquau,rxrpxater �hurul'q meet xardn�xauxnrid re,a,inrxhcrii�yits,asrhuxtllarued ill Section Ith AUX u t, ixli xahrrcl, ytr ou r ,5deurruh.l.i.xi.0 au, lx a,u ,Vluu...eru xcay areas addressed tqua�..1'a t... w.N Yln t...xtai'.Gnxml eumyn,uali r y.t17 all Ilia aew With axlW�, ise alru4,t,,lwyxsa,r iefion over ft critical �irmvsw duasidi tlrl T.Cview to assist wwirtl aids uhy lsaurre eq ratuEul ltrarrr cn.i..,au.6i.9lneatlq.lna.4, pua alrrinsgpp rinea`_uud..es Lhat; uleieellnwitu Awa ..ro�r , rxtniu ,r rtwe and ar_ells, h�u°;lm�y�u�l�,l,�luat,lauirlytr�aTM�-�rxilt >�1u�aa�unui-�rr s��it�nluu9�aaad��ua �u� glrrl;G�?luar_�urluuxluru�ru� aiilq,,suu aw"t-tun strati trau�t� teih�*uuaq au,ru8tdeati,u: 4,xro,sinya ausl,yeta r,u�luifrilx a �iy t.)P�ak"a�r_tuauuaa iir.,swazNaauur�'�slulul� run uahe tua iiiauii�r_-loss un_t=w�u�tgauau�h fuutuctulaausyaale� a�xuai�, uarlgh,xrnaa tW c>eu r+itPuat _o- lw t i aun�ato aatualun:°gnlxulu x exiyuureauan uitsslt= n irflI-7-0f)_ �Ct :ii q ,p j -tiler tlllyausran ufrlrauuaixeulytwr we,i deve;;inllae „@rD, l w pr'nt n41plre qat 6. xua all ra xra l laawr4laua LL r r � aN, lir est ,r .: t i.tuilli ri5au9�ii l rawuur rutlexux la4ruli uauuaut, i e awrusus t aut s at a duuauBaila ex aqua, l runetm wtlty, sa tlaun oar a�ta.iState 1,10 t_14 kljdefine trna....fli riniumlilai is t9aaxeG ialu i@ arax.._1?lmGuuuw WariuV' ttammeularanx5 s erl aau m r wsrsauu,t tl'au gwxrw�ul!211 Stun lil°ual�ti�ila�au"d�ir� i ��p-r��ru�,a.l,y_.-cuuirr�.,ewsluarr� hwssp�ayalearaa�„<'�ua�ttGq„�tra�tuuent�,arlid h„1 as�ygly�uall.aytuak l"tiata�txaarg; air` t�ivaduuau-��biy� e,ixB<i�r mgaaa�igsarituii�n mq_ra�arnlipg�t� 1 Cfgr wt� lr �qt.;, ;,.T ituanrniaan lrtilo- ..u,uwitx lrtxcuan uwlrliglexatuu,uuiuivau ,xurtaawms inp rni to crtriaru l�t a n t,luuWunrgs h;¢ii lhnua„e,uwdr^nx,�enll i .rlh r lycuurah �"�'taasldruxtmmuw„yu�°�tuad. e�fiu>aP �? w,rlrufear�rsrw �aax 1�u'yl�i�c-Gmricurall-�"�`tiar�ayl;u "+Fulyraauw,n, dllnlis,*,sialwu,s•8 tt�...�_?; ��"_ur1 rad hiiurtdwar�x�aqur�ut,u,tuu tats--�auwa`lra�uut•taf'h'ie5laroa�-:,°l1tulxu:,,txiuru��crita�1 lf,�tbt��ltfi�_ The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. 2017 Development Regulations Update re "starre rrtsttsss�ssrsN.: Page 69/69 , a t¢ a.. N wfl-t m t� as R u 4 t a c N If �������106 41) ii.:ee fifiwd moulder .C..I'la e 4R,, %V w_(11 p .0 Nils tis ss*rissxssksts�i,sros,.ia�ustwaro,tNssst�asssNmlassa,&�Nsl.Fo�re -' % k a 9 ro01 tpd , ro10 C 7 �t wroP9 N xro 4 i d N i� *s s;4N� % i?roAl� 1"+i �C l N: $N6� ��M&1k rot rafi s -s 9 d i�O E 7 i . _.,N ......_,. .i,_,. ball,k s�.,c tstsias ati s ss ts_ ems d. sr sst s� rel -----------sus Nt , syss7 sartsi,�st�_ss 6nsts�sw-tdsNro...,� uroe tt,usms�_s, srosq s8ssss,ss�s,ssassry tlstt,sasttTMs,.,tsrssttnsst-a.aksiss..�N [sms'.s1.+ i_1 �Nat,;..4.rot�;. The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-047, passed December 8, 2015. With passage of the Growth Management Act (GMA), local jurisdictions throughout Washington State (State), including the City of Yakima (City), were required to develop policies and regulations to designate and protect critical areas. The GMA directs jurisdictions to periodically conduct a thorough review and update their Comprehensive Plan and regulations (Revised Code of Washington [RCW] 36.70A.130). The City originally developed its first critical areas regulations in 1998 as Chapter 15.27 of its Yakima Municipal Code (YMC), and adopted revisions in 2008 and 2009 based on the then - current best available science (BAS). The City is currently undergoing a comprehensive review and update of its Comprehensive Plan and development regulations. When updating critical areas policies and regulations, jurisdictions must revisit the standards to establish that they are based on the most recent BAS and "give special consideration to conservation or protection measures necessary to preserve or enhance anadromous fisheries" (RCW 36.70A.172). Critical areas, as defined by the GMA (RCW 36.70A.030(5)), include: 1) Frequently flooded areas (Part Four of YMC 15.27), 2) Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas (Part Five), 3) Wetlands (Part Six), 4) Geologically hazardous areas (Part Seven), and 5) Critical aquifer recharge areas (Part Eight). The following table provides recommendations for revisions to the 2009 critical areas regulations based on recent advances in BAS, as well as improvements to support clarity, ease of use, and general consistency with the RCW and the Washington Administrative Code (WAC), and to eliminate redundancy and conflict with Title 17 (Shoreline Master Program [SMP] Regulations) YMC. Key areas of recommended change are as follows: 1) In the Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas section, broaden the application to more than "hydrologically related critical areas" and update the stream typing and buffer system. 2) In the Wetlands section, implement updates for consistency with the recently modified wetlands regulations in the SMP and recently issued science -based wetland guidance. DRAFT, September 2016 XUIItI111 U U 11 11"118V II NV IINSIIUI1; II"II.,UIIN U11'111)All I!: CR111'�11CA11 U1Rii:::AS 118V UUI11AU "IIUIINS 3) In the Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas section, extensively revise to fill the risk gap left by deferring regulation of this resource primarily to state and federal law. The scientific information reviewed during development of these recommendations is included in the last column of the table and listed in the References section at the end of this document. AN II YS11S OF CRIMCAL AREAS REGU11„,, nON (YIN :15. ) u Part One. General Provisions Amend as follows: "The purpose of this chapter is to establish a single, uniform system of procedures and Clarifies that these standards for development within designated critical areas outside of shoreline iurisdiction within the regulations are not incorporated city of Yakima and 45 6141,R gFeWth RFPR.” applicable in shoreline jurisdiction; 15.27.120 Purpose shoreline critical of chapter areas regulations are separately addressed in Chapter 17.09 Yakima Municipal Code (YMC). Amend as follows: "The provisions of this chapter shall apply to any new development, construction, or use Change to avoid 15.27.140.A within the incorporated portion of the city of Yakima and HFbaR gFeWth RFPR outside of shoreline confusion with Applicability jurisdiction designated as a critical area..." shoreline regulations in Title 17. Update as needed,', Applicability Part Two. Definitions Amend as follows: "...The physical structure of a ghAFP bank stabilization structure shall not be considered Change to avoid Fill fill...." confusion with shoreline regulations in Title 17. DRAFT, September 2016 YAII(llll A 11 11"118V II NV IIq"SIIVIE;; II111.,AIIN U.UII'111 AIA I!: 118111110&11 A118V,AS 118V G U 11 A 1110 IN u Add this definition: Fish and wildlife habitat conservation means land management for maintaining Definition taken populations of species in suitable habitats within their natural geographic distribution so that the habitat from Washington Fish and wildlife available is sufficient to support viable populations over the long term and isolated subpopulations are not Administrative Code habitat created. This does not mean maintaining all individuals of all species at all times, but it does mean not (WAC) 365 -190 - conservation degrading or reducing populations or habitats so that they are no longer viable over the long term. Counties 130(1). and cities should engage in cooperative planning and coordination to help assure long term population viability. Add this definition: "Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas" are areas that serve a critical role in Definition taken sustaining needed habitats and species for the functional integrity of the ecosystem, and which, if altered, may from WAC 365 -190 - reduce the likelihood that the species will persist over the long term. These areas may include, but are not 030(6)(a and c). Fish and wildlife limited to, rare or vulnerable ecological systems, communities, and habitat or habitat elements including habitat seasonal ranges, breeding habitat, winter range, and movement corridors; and areas with high relative conservation areas population density or species richness. Counties and cities may also designate locally important habitats and species. Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas does not include such artificial features or constructs as irrigation delivery systems, irrigation infrastructure, irrigation canals, or drainage ditches that lie within the boundaries of, and are maintained by, a port district or an irrigation district or company. Habitats of local Add this definition: "Habitats of local importance" are designated as fish and wildlife habitat conservation Definition adapted importance areas based on a finding by the city that they are locally important. from WAC 365-190- 030(6)(b). Hydrologically Delete this definition as it's no longer in use. related critical area (HRCA) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Add the following definitions: These definitions "Priority habitat" means a habitat type with unique or significant value to one or more species. An area were taken from classified and mapped as priority habitat must have one or more of the following attributes: comparatively Washington high fish or wildlife density, comparatively high fish or wildlife species diversity, fish spawning habitat, Department of Fish Priority habitat and important wildlife habitat, important fish or wildlife seasonal range, important fish or wildlife movement and Wildlife's species corridor, rearing and foraging habitat, refuge, limited availability, high vulnerabilityto habitat alteration, (WDFW's) Priority unique or dependent species, or shellfish bed. A priority habitat may be described by a unique vegetation type Habitat and Species or by a dominant plant species that is of primary importance to fish and wildlife. A priority habitat may also be List (2008). WDFW's described by a successional stage. Alternatively, a priority habitat may consist of a specific habitat element system for DRAFT, September 2016 YA11<1111 A 11 11"118V II NV IINSIIVII; II111.,AIIN U.UII'"11 A11I!: 1R111'U1110&11 ARii::::AS 118V GU.U11.,A& 110 11N5 uME=@== (such as talus slopes, caves, or snags) of key value to fish and wildlife. A priority habitat may contain priority design17a and/or nonpriority fish and wildlife. HabitaPHS), "Priority species" means species requiring protective measures and/or management guidelines to ensure their recommendations persistence at genetically viable population levels. Priority species are those that meet any of the criteria for management of listed below: those habitats and A. Washington State (State) Listed or State Proposed Species. State -listed species are those native fish and species, is an wildlife species legally designated as endangered (WAC 232-12-014), threatened (WAC 232-12-011), or important element sensitive (WAC 232-12-011). State proposed species are those fish and wildlife species that will be of best available reviewed by WDFW (POL-M-6001) for possible listing as endangered, threatened, or sensitive according science that guides to the process and criteria defined in WAC 232-12-297. protection of the full B. Vulnerable Aggregations. Vulnerable aggregations include those species or groups of animals susceptible range of fish and to significant population declines, within a specific area or statewide, by virtue of their inclination to wildlife habitat congregate. conservation areas. C. Species of Recreational, Commercial, and/or Tribal Importance. Native and nonnative fish, shellfish, and The current wildlife species of recreational or commercial importance and recognized species used for tribal regulations ceremonial and subsistence purposes that are vulnerable to habitat loss or degradation. thoroughly address D. Species listed under the federal Endangered Species Act as either proposed, threatened, or endangered. aquatic species and habitats, but other habitats and species are not covered. Replace with the following (adapted from the definition used in YMC 17.01.090): "Restore," "restoration" or Consistency with "ecological restoration" means the reestablishment or upgrading of impaired functions, such as those listed in definition in Title 17. YMC 15.27.504, that have been lost or destroyed through natural events or human activity. This may be This definition accomplished through measures including, but not limited to, revegetation, removal of intrusive structures, includes the Restore and and removal or treatment of toxic materials. Restoration does not imply a requirement for returning the site appropriate Restoration to aboriginal or pre -European settlement conditions. acknowledgment that "restoration" is a continuum from any upgrade to full reestablishment. DRAFT, September 2016 YAKIIIMA UU11M11"118V II NV IINSIVI1;; II"II.,UIIN U11"11 A11I!: CR111'�11CA11 U1Rii:::AS 118V UUI11AU "I10IINS u Species of local Add this definition: "Species of local importance' are those species that are of local concern due to their Taken from WAC importance population status or their sensitivity to habitat alteration or that are game species. 365 190 030(19). Add this definition: "Waters of the state" are all lakes, rivers, ponds, streams, inland waters, underground Taken from Revised Waters of the state waters, salt waters, and all other surface waters and watercourses within the jurisdiction of the state of Code of Washington Washington. (RCW) 90.48.020. Part Three. Application and Review Procedures 15.27.305 Update section title to: Documented exemptions for fish and wildlife habitat conservation hydFe:egea;l Greater consistency Documented Fe a'" ""` ; areas and wetlands. with WAC exemptions for classification of hydrologically critical areas. related critical areas and wetlands Modify as follows: If an alteration to a critical area is unavoidable, all adverse impacts to that critical area and .......... Critical area -specific its buffers shall be mitigated for in accordance with an approved mitigation plan and mitigatieR feF;AOPtIRRa mitigation guidance 15.27.307.A Fnpaets shall be Fnitigated iR aGGeFGIRRGP kvith the k4ashiRgteR State DepaFtmeRt ef geelegy WeVand should be located Mitigation klliti .atieR iR `"'..,.w:... toR Stat. Parts 9 @Rd 2 ("^...GL. 2996 ...,...,..,` within that critical requirements area's regulations section for ease of staff and public use. 15.27.315 Modify as follows:,,,, Greater consistency Supplemental A. Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas&tpeam' e•�. When a critical areas report is required for a with RCW and WAC report fish and wildlife habitat conservation areastFeam eeFFideF eF hydFelegiea" y •elate'' eFitieal aFea, it shall include classification of requirements for the following: critical areas. specific critical Add a new 3. A discussion of any federal, state or local management recommendations which have been areas developed for the species or habitats in the area, and how they will be incorporated into the project. Part Four. Flood Hazard Areas Modify as follows: Part Four recognizes the right and need oft4& river and stream channels to periodically This sentence's 15.27.401 carry more than the normal flow of water.... reference to "the Principles river' implies that DRAFT, September 2016 YA11<1111 A 11 11"118V II NV IIq"SIIVIE;; II111.,AIIN U.UII'111 AIA I!: 1R111'U1110&11 ARii::::AS 118V CU.U11.,A& 11I0IINS • Consider curtailing certain permitted uses (particularly new development) in the floodway fringe and expanding the list of prohibited uses in the floodway fringe so that treatment is more similar to floodway regulations. • Consider prohibiting new dikes in the floodway. 15.27.409- 15.27.412 Floodway fringe and floodway permitted and prohibited uses DRAFT, September 2016 there is only one feature in the City of Yakima (City) that has designated flood hazard areas. Two rivers and a number of streams have mapped floodway and/or floodplain. RCW 36.70A.172 requires that the City "give special consideration to conservation or protection measures necessary to preserve or enhance anadromous fisheries." WDFW (Knight, 2009) and many other sources emphasize the importance of floodplains in providing physical habitat for salmonids, as well as supporting watershed -/basin - level processes that help form and maintain ohvsical YAKIIMA 0011011"118V II NV 11NS11011; II111.,011N U.UII'"11 A11I!: CR111'U1110011 01Rii:::AS 118V GU.U11.,A& 11101INS u habitat. New uses in floodplains can degrade aquatic habitat and have an adverse effect on salmonids and other aquatic or terrestrial species if they increase stormwater runoff/reduce infiltration, reduce sources of large woody debris, alter the size and volume of sediment inputs, or interfere with channel migration, among others. Part Five. Fish and Wildlife Habitat and the Stream Corridor System Replace use of "hydrologically related critical area" to the more encompassing "fish and wildlife habitat See comment below. General conservation area" in this section. Retitle this Part Five as "Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas." Revise the Purpose and Intent section as shown below: This Purpose and Intent section and Policies the regulations that and standards to help conserve and protect fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas are designed to follow target only 15.27.500 Purpose accomplish the following: hydrologically and intent A. Meet the requirements of the Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A.172) regarding best available science; related critical areas, which eliminates the j potential to provide r D....,ide a -.,..,..,,.. ,.,.,. ,.F Rat -11.-...,,.. aR F,,.,,..;,..,,..,.,d val 61es; appropriate levels of protection of upland DRAFT, September 2016 XAIltlIMA C011011:111:1 I!II NV II`JSIIVIE;; II111.,AIIN U.UII'111 Ai I!: 118111110&11 ARii::::AS 118V G U 11 A 1110 IN S u II 01111 lil III IIIIall I IImi i I 11 11-9. PFevide passible Require consideration of alternatives for necessary development, construction, and uses habitats and species within fish and wildlife habitat conservation area a desigRated ,.'.eapn PAFFi AF RR' A' e li;tpd Gp4ieal a upland habitats to C€. Prevent decline in the quantity and quality of surface and subsurface waters; support some part of D€. Conserve, restore, and protect fish and wildlife habitats, vegetation, and ecological relationships; their life cycle. — Accordingly, E6. Protect 9,..,,.,".. -..,.-.9 Af the ,.'.,.-.w. r.AFFidAf-fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas from the — language is potential negative effects of development through coordinated land use planning; and recommended to F#. Protect fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas-Tthrough voluntary agreements or government address the full incentives_., ..Fevi,,,. pFete6ti,.., ,.F .,R41F-...,, t RRd F,,.,,..;,..,,. RRd va , esj and range of potential fish and wildlife a s, habitats in the City, outside of shoreline jurisdiction, and to be consistent with updated definitions of this critical area type that were promulgated by WDFW and included in the WAC. Revise the Protection Approach section as shown below: Modified A for "A—To maintain fish and wildlife habitat, there must be adequate environmental conditions for reproduction, technical accuracy foraging, resting, eeVeF,and dispersal of animals. Factors affecting both habitat and its quality include and to provide the presence of essential resources such as food, water, and cover nest la •"a'Rrt fflatPFWs, and lack of greater clarity of 15.27.501 disturbance and diseases. The city of Yakima protects fish and wildlife habitat through: protection Protection mechanisms. 1. Designation of fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas approach and 2. Application of development standards based on best available science to proposed activity and development in or near fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas. °..,.,..."AR Of habitat feF speeies DRAFT, September 2016 XAIltlllMA 01117111"118V II NV I1y511V11; II111.,AIIN U.UII'"11 A11I!: 1R111'U1110&11 ARii::::AS 118V CU.U11.,A& 110 TINS DRAFT, September 2016 ' USiRg theIaFeteGtieR Gh SeGtieRS of this eha Replace/modify existing language in .502 and .503 with the following, and retitle section as 15.27.502 Derived from WAC Designation: 365-190-130(2). A. Designation: Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas are those habitat areas outside of shoreline Recommend jurisdiction that meet any of the criteria listed below. reorganization of 1. Areas with which state and federal endangered, threatened, and sensitive species have a primary these code sections association; to provide more 2. Habitats and species of local importance; consistency with the State's classification 3. Naturally occurring ponds under 20 acres and their submerged aquatic beds that provide fish or of critical areas, and wildlife habitat; better balance the 4. Waters of the state, including any required buffers and associated Federal Emergency Management emphasis on aquatic 15.27.502 and Agency -mapped floodplains and floodways; and terrestrial 15.27.503 5. Lakes, ponds, streams, and rivers planted with game fish by a governmental or tribal entity; and s P species. Hydrologically related critical area 6. State natural area preserves, natural resource conservation areas, and state wildlife areas. Although the City's features and B. Habitats and species of local importance. code currently Habitat andcontains 1. All species and habitats identified by WDFW's Priority Habitats and Species program that may be a process for designating habitats of local found in the city of Yakima are designated as fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas and species and habitats importance afforded protection under this chapter. of local importance, 2. [Retain existing 15.27.503.13 here] this section of code 3. [Modify existing 15.27.503.0 as shown] "Development Standards. Projects located within habitats of has not been used. local importance or within 200 feet of species of local importance, as designated in subsection A B_1 Instead, it is and B.2 of this section, shall meet the ,.t-..,,,RFEI. belew, •atheF tha4 comply with the applicable recommended, development standards in YMC 15.27.508 through 15.27.521, WW1's Feview is ,19A RPPdPd FA• a consistent with hydFelegiea" y •elate'' rpitiral ,•p,. In addition, gprojects shall be designated using management WDFW guidance, recommendations established for the species or habitat by federal and state agencies, or those that habitats and adopted for species and habitats of local importance by the city of Yakima. The department shall species of local consider the extent such recommendations are used in its decision on the proposal, and may importance be consider recommendations and advice from agencies with expertise." specifically named to DRAFT, September 2016 YA11<1111 A 11 11"118V II NV 11gS11V11; II111.,AIIN U.UII'"11 A11I!: 1R111'U1110&11 ARii::::AS 118V GU.U11.,A& 110 TINS DRAFT, September 2016 10 include PHS minimally, and then include the process for nominating additional species or habitats. The current water -typing system does not provide a clear, scientific basis to distinguish the different water RCW 36.70A.172 types. The City should consider switching to either WAC 222-16-030 (Water typing system) or WAC 222-16- requires that the City 031 (Interim water typing system). Either of these systems would support application of the buffer scale in a "give special way that more closely matches the actual functions and values of a given waterbody. consideration to conservation or protection measures necessary to preserve or enhance anadromous fisheries." Although the current typing Streams, Lake and system's linkage to a Ponds Typing suite of specific System functions (in the case 15.27.505 of Type 2) is science- based,the application of it is too subjective, and there could be situations where anadromous fish or other salmonids may be using a lower - functioning stream, and thus be assigned DRAFT, September 2016 10 YA11I 1111MA 0011011"118V II NV 11gS11011; II111.,011N U.UII'"11 A11I!: 1R111'U1110011 01Rii:::AS 118V 0U.U11.,A& 110 IN 5 u an inappropriately smaller buffer. Amend as follows: Type 1 waters sea ms are those waters, within their ordinary high water mark (OHWM), If the City elects to 15.27.5O5.A meeting the criteria as "shorelines of the state" and "shorelines of statewide significance" under RCW Chapter switch to the system Streams, lakes and 90.58. Other Wwaters-associated with Type 1 waters `t"pamq "" S..F.....d '^ RC;W !^hapteF QQ C4 aFP Rat in WAC 222-16-030, ponds typing .,,.,,,..+are not considered Type 1 waters. Type 1 waters are regulated exclusivelV under Title 17 of the Type 1 would be re - system Yakima Municipal Code. named Type S. The delineation of perennial streams into Type 2 (listed in current Appendix B) and Type 3 waters as currently WAC 222-16-030 or - defined seems particularly vague and subjective. If the City does not wish to switch water typing systems 031; W DFW, 2016 altogether, then it is recommended that Type 2 be defined as perennial, salmonid -bearing and Type 3 be defined as perennial, non -salmonid -bearing. Type 4 should then be limited to non -fish -bearing. Appendix B 15.27.505.6 could either be eliminated, or updated based on the best available information. In the latter case, Cowiche Streams, lakes and Creek (that portion which is not Type 1 or Type S) and Spring Creek, as well as any accessible tributaries, ponds typing should at the very least be added to Appendix B as a Type 2 water. system If Appendix B is retained, with further modifications to the list, amend as follows: "Type 2 streams are those surface water features listed in Appendix B of this title which require protection due to the nature of their contributions to the functional properties listed in YMC 15.27.504. RRa RFP PAR9WP.Pa ",.*.,.am lakes and eF PeRGI5-6f IeGa±impeOaRee,,, as listedAppeR&E 9 of this this tFtie.,, Delete this provision. Title 17 provides all of the necessary 15.27.5O5.F.3 detail regarding Streams, lakes and which waters may or ponds typing may not be system considered a shoreline (Type 1). Remove this section regarding the wetland rating system. Recommendation for clarity. This 15.27.506 Wetland important regulation rating system should be in the wetlands regulations section. DRAFT, September 2016 11 YAIIKllll A C01110111"118V II NV IICSIIVII,;; II"II.,AIlIC U.UII'"II)Ai I!: CIR1111111CA111 A118V,AS 118V CU.U11.,A111IDIINS Iffilillil I i immom Suggest relocating this section to a consolidated early section on critical areas maps in general, perhaps in Part 15.27.507 Maps One or Part Two, Article II. The text and list should be modified accordingly, considering the actual content of Buffer Width—standard minimum /( Buffer Width if Cit chooses to ( Y the updated map sets. Type Delete these provisions. The concept of use Support Shoreline classifications systems) surrounding water Type 1 9"�'PIRP orientation is only Type 1 / Type S. See Table 09.030-1 Updates (Anchor appropriate for 15.27.510-.513 s4eams, alkes, ,R4 shoreline (Type 1) Use classifications waterbodies, which etc. are solely regulated via Title 17. These provisions are not suitable or necessary for Types 2-5 waters. Amend as follows These buffer recommendations The establishment of a vegetative buffer system is necessary to protect the functions and values of ^moi,=, are based on review hydicelegieally.,.r.tpel rpitiral appag ct-.RdRFa RRd FAiRiFAIIFA la-,4p.q fAF streams, lakes, and ponds—, -+R4 of Final DraftSemi- PtlARdg -..,. "gt jTables 27.5-1 a ?.S "_'J. Buffers associated with wetlands are listed in YMC grid Riparian 15.27.XXX. Functions and Associated 15.27.514 Table 27.5-1 Repulatory vegetative buffers Stseafn Water Buffer Width—standard minimum /( Buffer Width if Cit chooses to ( Y Protections to Type ausY+faewidth)1 switch to one of the WAC rating Support Shoreline systems) Master Program Type 1 9"�'PIRP See Table 09.030-1 in YMC 17.09.030.P. Type 1 / Type S. See Table 09.030-1 Updates (Anchor in YMC 17.09.030.P. s4eams, alkes, ,R4 QEA, LLC, 2013) and aerial photographs. Note that as The buffer modifications suggested below are recommended if the City does not change its current rating system definitions. DRAFT, September 2016 12 YA11<1111 A 11 11"118V II NV 11gS11V11; II111.,AIIN U.UII'"11 A11I!: 1R111'U1110&11 ARii::::AS 118V CU.U11.,A& 110 TINS Type 2s4eaR,T 75'/(4556_25') Type 2 or 3 /Type F =_Z5 currently defined, the City's Type 4 Type 3 sa,s Type 3 or 4 / Type Np = 50' stream could be fish- , lanes; bearing. s Removed wetland - Type 4 sa,s 2450'/(34375) Type 5 /Type Ns = 25' specific language, 'r and relocated to the �f appropriate Type 5 sa,s No buffer standards. Type 5 streams are not Not Applicable wetlands section. (e a1) regulated as streams, but may be protected Added detailed under geologically hazardous area, regulations for floodplain, stormwater, construction, grading mechanisms to or other development regulations. modify stream A. Vegetative buffers shall be measured from the ordinary high water mark for streams, lakes, and ponds; buffers, consistent RRd fpgm the ,.,,ge of the wetla a5. The width of the buffer shall be determined according to the Sty with the updated �",R'' water type. Buffer width may be reduced through an adjustment permit process (YMC wetland regulation 15.27.317). u,...,,..,,., the -.GIMiRigtFi4i ,,. ,.4iGi-.I . @. ' ROt.................I1-1Gt;,..,,..,..h,. ,..-..,,Ii;FGI 19114,.. buffer modification tools. wildlife speeieq' ... Pdq ..,4W.. the 19114... GAR L........t ..,4l. Ag...-.II... a4f... B. Type 1 waters st.,.am ',Ike ,R'' PORds are protected by the shoreline master program Title 17 and are not part of this title. C. The minimum buffer widths listed in Tables 27.5-1 ,RGI P;!g '' are the lowest possible buffer widths allowed by means of the adjustment process. Adjustments below the minimum buffer width must meet additional approval criteria as provided in YMC 15.27.317(C)(4). D. The adequacy of these standard buffer widths presumes the existence of a relatively intact native vegetative community within the buffer zone that is deemed adequate to protect the identified critical area. 1. If the vegetation is degraded, then revegetation may be considered with any adjustment to the buffer width. DRAFT, September 2016 13 YAII(llll A 11 11"118V II NV IIqSIIVII,;; II"II.,AIlIq U.UII'111 AIA I!: 1R111'U1110&11 ARii::::AS 118V GU.U11.,A& 110 TINS 2. Where the use is being intensified, a degraded buffer may be revegetated to maintain the standard width. E. Where a legally established road or railway crosses a buffer, the administrative official may approve a modification of the minimum required buffer width to the waterward edge of the improved road or railway if a study submitted by the applicant and prepared by a qualified professional demonstrates that the part of the buffer on the upland side of the road or railway sought to be reduced: 1. Does not provide additional protection of the waterbodV; and 2. Provides insignificant biological, geological or hydrological buffer functions relating to the waterward portion of the buffer adjacent to the waterbodV. If the improved roadway corridor is wider than 20 feet, a study is not required. F. Buffer averaging to improve habitat protection may be permitted when all of the following conditions are met: 1. The water or its riparian corridor has significant differences in characteristics that affect its habitat functions. 2. The buffer is increased adiacent to the higher -functioning area of habitat or more sensitive portion of the habitat, and decreased adiacent to the lower -functioning or less sensitive portion as demonstrated by a critical areas report from a qualified professional. 3. The total area of the buffer after averaging is equal to the area required without averaging. 4. The buffer at its narrowest point is never less than three-quarters ofthe required width. G. Buffer averaging to allow reasonable use of a parcel may be permitted when all of the following conditions are met: 1. There are no feasible alternatives to the site desien that could be accomplished without buffer averaging. 2. The averaged buffer will not result in degradation of the waterbodV or riparian corridor's functions and values as demonstrated by a critical areas report from a qualified professional. 3. The total buffer area after averaging is equal to the area required without averaging. 4. The buffer at its narrowest point is never less than three-quarters ofthe required width. DRAFT, September 2016 14 YA11<1111 A C011011:111:1 I!II NV 11gS11V11; II"11.,A1114 U.UII'111)Ai I!: 118111110&11 ARii::::AS 118V GU.U11.,A1111011qS u II � 01111 � Ilil III �����IIIII Tablp Type 11 LAGS T...... 7 LVPV2RGIG Type 3 Wetl@RGIS Type A \ GIS (St@...1@F /FRiR7........1 (St@...1@F /FRiR7... R24 (St@...1@F /FRiR7........1 (St@...1@F /FRiR7........) 1C 1n Consider developing a Public Agency and Utility Exception (PAUE), regulations for which could be located Suggestions will within Article VI, Permit Review Criteria, and consolidating the applicable provisions from .515 and .516 into support flexibility for more general criteria that could apply to more critical area types. Alternatively, could consolidate these two modifications that 15.27.515 Roads, sections into one section governing linear and/or public facilities, or even more generally be part of a often have minimal railroads, and regulations section describing modifications allowed in non -shoreline waters and/or their buffers. feasible or parking AND appropriate 15.27.516 Utility alternatives. transmission lines Whitman County and facilities Code 9.05. 110 provides a good example of PAUE language. 15.27.517&hGF@ Most of the activities in .517- .519 are most likely to be proposed or undertaken in shoreline jurisdiction, and Change would Bank stabilization thus not subject to these regulations. Many of these provisions could be removed outright. As suggested eliminate AND immediately above, these sections could also fall underneath a more general set of regulations describing redundancy and 15.27.518 Dredging modifications allowed in non -shoreline waters and/or their buffers. minimize and excavation unnecessary AND language. 15.27.519 Filling This activity seems likely to be only pursued in shoreline jurisdiction. If that's the case, this section could be Change would deleted. eliminate 15.27.520 redundancy and Commercial mining of gravel minimize unnecessary language. DRAFT, September 2016 15 YAIIKllll A C011011:111:1 I!II NV II`JSIIVIE;; II111.,AIIN U.UII'111 Ai I!: 118111110&11 ARii::::AS 118V G U 11 A 1110 TINS u II � 01111 � Ilil III �����IIIII 15.27.521 Retitle this section to "Restoration," as Reclamation is a term more commonly associated with post -mining Consistency with Reclamation activities. current terminology. Part Six. Wetlands Replace 15.27.601-.605 with, with the following exceptions: 1. Substitute appropriate cross-references in 15.27.XX for the equivalent references in Title 17 (e.g., in As part of the recent, substitute 17.25.200 for the reference to 17.01.090). SMP update, the 2. Replace "shoreline administrator' with "administrative official." wetland regulations 3. Replace references to shoreline permits with the equivalent non -shoreline permit. section was 4. Replace "most current, accurate, and complete scientific and technical information available that is incorporated into applicable to the issues of concern" with "best available science." the SMP, but updated to reflect the most current General scientific information. Much of the SMP version of these regulations can then be used wholesale, except where there were shoreline -specific modifications. Revise as follows: "CpRg:gtp t "h `41 "' " ...W �� °��' : a: "�� shall Update Update to remove be delineated..." inapplicable shoreline reference. Revise 17.09.040.D.2 as follows: "Washington State Wetland Rating System for Eastern Washington, revised Ecology's most October 2014""^,,. �'^^'^^' (Ecology Publication Number 14-06-03OQ4-Q ''4, or as revised)..." recent wetland 17.09.040.D.2 rating system represents the best available science (H ruby, 2014). DRAFT, September 2016 16 XAKIIIMA CIIVII'"118V II NV 11g511V11; II111.,AIIN U.UII'"11 A11I!: 1R111'U1110&11 ARii::::AS 118V GU.U11.,A& 11I0IINS u Replace 17.09.040. D.2.a-d with the following: Descriptions of the a. Category I wetlands are those that 1) represent a unique or rare wetland type; or 2) are more sensitive to different wetland disturbance than most wetlands; or 3) are relatively undisturbed and contain ecological attributes that are categories are from impossible to replace within a human lifetime; or 4) provide a high level of functions. Risk of any Washington State degradation to these wetlands must be avoided because their functions and values are too difficult to Wetland Rating replace. Generally, these wetlands are not common and make up a small percentage of the wetlands in System For Eastern the region. Washington (Hruby, b. Category 11 wetlands are difficult, though not impossible, to replace, and provide high levels of some 2014). functions. These wetlands occur more commonly than Category I wetlands, but still need a relatively high 17.09.040.D.2.a-d level of protection. c. Category III wetlands are wetlands with a moderate level of functions and can often be adequately replaced with a well-planned mitigation project. These wetlands generally have been disturbed in some ways and are often less diverse or more isolated from other natural resources in the landscape than Category 11 wetlands. d. Category IV wetlands have the lowest level of functions and are often heavily disturbed. These are wetlands that should be able to be replaced and, in some cases, improved. However, experience has shown that replacement cannot be guaranteed in any specific case. These wetlands may provide some important functions and also need to be protected. Replace Sub -section E with XX.050 from Wetland Guidance forCAO Updates Eastern Washington Version Wetland Guidance (Bunten and others, 2016). for CAO Updates 17.09.040.E Eastern Washington Wetland Buffers Version (Bunten and others, 2016) Replace Sub -sections F and G with Section XX.070 from Wetland Guidance for CAO Updates Eastern Wetland Guidance Washington Version (Bunten and others, 2016). for CAO Updates Eastern Washington Version (Bunten and 17.09.040.F and G others, 2016). While lengthier than the current language, this more detailed section will provide DRAFT, September 2016 17 YA11<1111 A 11 11"118V II NV IIq"SIIVIE;; II111.,AIIN U.UII'111 AIA I!: 11811'U1110&11AIii::::AS118VCU.U11.,A& 11I0IINS u better consistency with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources; Final Rule (Corps, 2008). Part Seven. Geologically Hazardous Areas Modify A.2.d as shown: Channel migration zones and sbtream undercutting. Updated WAC 1 01 Mapping Modify C as shown: The approximate location and extent of geologically hazardous areas are shown on the language and and designation and d city's critical area map titled "Geologically Hazardous Areas of the City of Yakima." The following geologically references. hazardous areas have been mapped and classified using the criteria found in WAC 365-190-120 thFeUgh (h): Modify as shown: ...YMC Title 11 requirements can be met by the application of the Best Management Change clarifies Practices (BMPs) in the Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington 4A•m• •,*P• "^aR. a' manual title, and (WPOFEcology publication number 04-10-076, or most recent version);... ensures that the most current and 15.27.702.A scientifically based version would continue to be used in the future. Modify as shown: ... Protection measures for stream undercutting hazard areas will be accomplished by critical Update to remove 15.27.702.D areas review for flood hazards; and stream, @Ra ShgFeliR ,,..:S.r .*'RR. inapplicable shoreline reference. DRAFT, September 2016 18 YAKIIIMA 01117111"118V II NV IIy511U11;; II"II.,AIIP U11"11 A11 V,;;; CR111'�11CA11 U1Rii:::AS 118V UUI11AU "IICIINS Modify as shown: ...The administrative official is authorized to waive further geologic hazard review for Change for clarity oversteepened slopes on the basis that the hazards identified by the geologic hazard report will be adequately (the issuance of a mitigated through conditions applied to the�F�F grading or construction permit. permit doesn't 15.27.703.8.2 mitigate hazards, unless that permit contains appropriate conditions). Part Eight. Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas (CARA) The map referenced in this section does not clearly illustrate all of the features named in the regulations. The Critical Aquifer referenced critical aquifer recharge area guidance document has also been updated since 1997. The most Recharge Areas recent version (Morgan, 2005) stresses the importance of mapping public water supply wells, private wells, Guidance Document aquifer boundaries, and areas that have been rated for susceptibility. In the absence of good maps, the 2005 (Morgan, 2005) guidance document emphasizes more strongly the important of performance standards. At this time, the section should be edited to reflect what is available, and require use of the latest guidance for future mapping efforts. Suggest renaming this section to "Maps and Reference Documents' or something similar. At a minimum, the following maps and reference documents could be listed: • U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Survey 15.27.810 Mapping 12::.K..?..f..f..!v,,ky„?a,a.!..`i..Y.Y...V...:.`i....,7 cay.:.a,?a,rS,7..t:,cay.f..:?.K..?f... 7,k!„�jj.l:�..ry....:.s7.`i.?, • Washington Department of Health Group A and B Maps 1:.i7..::�.�f a.!::: !:::':. ..•. y ..:.I y?.v.../...cl, a.�:?. '.�:?.�. .i7. �."b in!.Sl.n'x.:.htrCd • Soil Survey of Yakima County Area, Washington (report only) Iitt;: www.nrc:s.uscl rav Ilntn:arnn:at IF.":iE IM Clli..J.":iG::IRIIIP .":i w y......��..........................................................................g........................................................................................................................................................s........i..n.....g.t....r..a....n......r.........l.<....i.........0........W..........11r215. .Y.a...I.<..i...u.2.W..A18....... .............................................. IL:..G7.SIa. • City of Yakima Wellhead Protection Plan htlp,/www,Y ...........l<i, pc0a ,n.:.,/ , ,,.,1<.112..a.....-...W..........e..l..l.l.i...a..a d...-. Protection -Plan ....................................................................... • Hydrogeologic Framework of Sedimentary Deposits in Six Structural Basins, Yakima River Basin, Washington ,f?.:t.i7...��.i7.1..:.!.I.v....!.!::),(jjL:?.:...G?.I:/...,r;)(:iUk.:>llll�.g;,cl;f;and Yakima Basin plate ,6 . rav/sir/).6'�o,k/ati� r).6'��116 DRAFT, September 2016 19 XAIltlIMA 11 11"118V II NV II SIIVIE;; II111.,AIIN U.UII'111)A& I!: 1R111'U1110&11 ARii::::AS 118V GU.U11.,A& 110 IN Existing .820.6 essentially relies on property owner/applicant compliance with a variety of existing local, state Critical Aquifer and federal laws. Given the lack of good maps at this time and the gaps in appropriate protection that can Recharge Areas result from reliance on state and federal regulations (see Morgan, 2005), complete revision of the regulations Guidance Document is recommended as shown below. (Morgan, 2005) These regulations were adapted from the City of Redmond's and City of Ellensburg's regulations, both of which were last updated in 2013, customized to the City of Yakima. After reviewing a number of examples of CARA regulations from other cities and counties, Redmond/Ellensburg was chosen based on their content and level of detail, which were a good fit considering the City of Yakima's available information. Ellensburg has a similar landscape position to Yakima. Where applicable, language from Yakima County's code was also integrated. During review of other CARA regulation examples, it was noted that there seemed to be three primary 15.27.820 approaches: Protection 1) High level of detail and specificity based on more extensive groundwater/aquifer mapping and analysis Approach (e.g., Cowlitz County). This specificity can significantly reduce the burden on staff and applicants. 2) Low level of detail and specificity, with the regulations deferring primarily to state and federal regulations. In several cases, additional reporting or other performance standards could be required by the Director when a development "has potential to impact an aquifer," but the regulations do not identify reliable, science -based indicators to help a Director make that determination (e.g., Benton County). 3) Moderate level of detail, with tiered submittal requirements and more specific standards, but limited supporting map analysis. (e.g., Redmond and Ellensburg). The following set of recommended regulations takes the moderate approach. With a budget commitment by the City (e.g., either now or as part of a future work program by the City or a joint effort of the County -City if appropriate), maps could be generated and these regulations could be refined to further minimize staff and applicant reporting and analysis. RECOMMENDED CARA REGULA"riams 15.27.820 Protection approach. DRAFT, September 2016 20 YA11<1111 A 11 11"118V II NV IIq"SIIVIE;; II111.,AIIN U.UII'111 AIA I!: 1R111'U1110&11 ARii::::AS 118V CU.U11.,A& 110 TINS A. Classification and Rating of Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas. To promote consistent application of the standards and requirements of this section, Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas within the City shall be rated or classified according to their characteristics, function and value, and/or their sensitivity to disturbance. 1. Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas Classification. Critical aquifer recharge areas are those areas with a critical recharging effect on aquifers used for potable water. Wellhead protection involves the management of activities that have a potential to degrade the quality of groundwater produced by a supply well. The City is classified into four wellhead protection zones that are based on proximity to and travel time of groundwater to Group A and Group B water source wells within the City limits, and are designated using guidance from the Washington Department of Health Wellhead Protection Program pursuant to Chapter 246-290 WAC. a. Wellhead Protection Zone 1 represents the land area overlying the six-month time -of -travel zone of any Group A water source well and/or land area overlying any Group B wellhead protection area. b. Wellhead Protection Zone 2 represents the land area that overlies the one-year time -of -travel zone of any Group A water source well, excluding the land area contained within Wellhead Protection Zone 1. c. Wellhead Protection Zone 3 represents the land area that overlies the five-year and ten-year time -of -travel zones of any Group A water source well, excluding the land area contained within Wellhead Protection Zones 1 or 2. d. Wellhead Protection Zone 4 represents all the remaining land area in the City not included in Wellhead Protection Zones 1, 2, or 3. 2. Classification of wellhead protection zones shall be determined in accordance with the City's Wellhead Protection Plan and the Washington State Department of Health, Office of Drinking Water, Source Water Assessment Program (SWAP) Mapping Application, which designates time of travel and wellhead protection zones that correspond to Zones 1 through 4, noted in subsection 1 above. B. Prohibited Activities in Wellhead Protection Zones. 1. Land uses or activities for new development or redevelopment that pose a significant hazard to the City's groundwater resources, resulting from storing, handling, treating, using, producing, recycling, or disposing of hazardous materials or other deleterious substances, shall be prohibited in Wellhead Protection Zones 1 and 2. These land uses and activities include, but are not limited to: a. Large on-site sewage systems, as defined in WAC Chapter 246-272A; b. Hazardous liquid pipelines as defined in RCW Chapter 81.88; c. Solid waste landfills or transfer stations, including hazardous or dangerous waste, municipal solid waste, special waste, wood waste, and inert and demolition waste; DRAFT, September 2016 21 XAKIIIMA 01117111"118V II NV 11N511V11; II111.,AIIN U.UII'"11 A11I!: 1R111'U1110&11 ARii::::AS 118V CU.U11.,A& 110 TINS d. Liquid petroleum refining, reprocessing, and storage; e. Bulk storage facilities; f. Hard rock and sand and gravel mining, unless located within the mineral resource designation; g. The storage or distribution of gasoline treated with the additive methyl tertiary butyl ether; h. Hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities except those defined under permit by rule for industrial wastewater treatment processes per WAC 173-303-802(5)(a); i. Chemical manufacturing, including but not limited to, organic and inorganic chemicals, plastics and resins, pharmaceuticals, cleaning compounds, paints and lacquers, and agricultural chemicals; j. Dry cleaning establishments using the solvent perch loroethylene or similarly toxic compounds; k. Primary and secondary metal industries that manufacture, produce, smelt, or refine ferrous and nonferrous metals from molten materials; I. Wood treatment facilities that allow any portion of the treatment process to occur over permeable surfaces (both natural and manmade); m. Mobile fleet fueling operations; n. Class I, Class III, Class IV, and the following types of Class V wells: 5A7, 5F01, 5D03, 5F04, 5W09, 5W10, 5W11, 5W31, 5X13, 5X14, 5X15, 5W20, 5X28, and 51\124 as regulated under RCW Chapter 90.48 and WAC Chapters 173-200 and 173-218, as amended; o. Permanent dewatering of the aquifer for new projects and redevelopment; p. Facilities that store, process, or dispose of radioactive substances; and q. Irrigation with graywater or reclaimed water. 2. Other land uses and activities that the City determines would pose a significant groundwater hazard to Group A and Group B groundwater supplies within the City limits, or would significantly reduce the recharge to aquifers currently or potentially used as a potable water source. C. Wellhead Protection Zone Performance Standards. 1. Activities may only be permitted in a critical aquifer recharge area if the applicant can show that the proposed activity will not cause contaminants to enter the aquifer and that the proposed activity will not adversely affect the recharging of the aquifer. DRAFT, September 2016 22 XUIItI111 U C011011:111:1 IH Ill II4SIIUIIll II"II.,UIIN U11"11 Aii I!: CR111111CU11 U1Rii:::AS R Ill UUI11A1110IINS 2. Any uses or activities which involve storing, handling, treating, using, producing, recycling, or disposing of hazardous materials or other deleterious substances shall comply with the following standards that apply to the wellhead protection zone in which they are located. Residential uses of hazardous materials or deleterious substances are exempt from the following standards. 3. If a property is located in more than one wellhead protection zone, the Director of [XXX] shall determine which standards shall apply based on an assessment evaluation of the risk posed by the facility or activity. The assessment evaluation shall include, but not be limited to: (a) the location, type, and quantity of the hazardous materials or deleterious substances on the property; (b) the geographic and geologic characteristics of the site; and (c) the type and location of infiltration on the site. 4. Development within Wellhead Protection Zones 1 or 2, and any facility or activity existing as of [XXX], within which hazardous materials or other deleterious substances are present, shall implement the following relevant performance standards: a. Secondary Containment. The owner or operator of any facility or activity shall provide secondary containment for hazardous materials or other deleterious substances in aggregate quantities equal to or greater than 20 gallons liquid or 200 pounds solid or in quantities specified in the Yakima Fire Code, YMC Chapter 10.05, whichever is smaller. ii. Hazardous materials stored in tanks that are subject to regulation by the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) under WAC Chapter 173-360, Underground Storage Tank Regulations, are exempt from the secondary containment requirements of this section, provided that documentation is provided to demonstrate compliance with those regulations. b. Vehicle Fueling, Maintenance, and Storage Areas. Fleet and automotive service station fueling, equipment maintenance, and vehicle washing areas shall have a containment system for collecting and treating all runoff from such areas and preventing release of fuels, oils, lubricants, and other automotive fluids into soil, surface water, or groundwater. Appropriate emergency response equipment and spill kits shall be kept on-site during transfer, handling, treatment, use, production, recycling, or disposal of hazardous materials or other deleterious substances. c. Loading and Unloading Areas. Secondary containment or equivalent Best Management Practices (BMPs), as approved by the Director of Public Works, shall be required at loading and unloading areas that store, handle, treat, use, produce, recycle, or dispose of hazardous materials or other deleterious substances in aggregate quantities equal to or greater than 20 gallons liquid or 200 pounds solid. Stormwater Infiltration Systems. Design and construction of new stormwater infiltration systems must address site-specific risks of releases posed by all hazardous materials on-site. These risks may be mitigated by physical design means or equivalent BMPs in accordance with an approved Hazardous Materials Management Plan. Design and construction of said stormwater infiltration systems shall also be in accordance with YMC Chapter 7.83 and the latest edition of the Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington, approved local equivalent, or another technical stormwater manual approved by Ecology, and shall be certified for compliance with the requirements of this section by a professional engineer or engineering geologist registered in the State of Washington. DRAFT, September 2016 23 YAI(lIIIAA C011011:111:1 I!II NV II`JSIIVIE;; II111.,AIIN U.UII'111 Ai I!: 118111110&11 ARii::::AS 118V G U 11 A 1110 TINS e. The record and construction details of any well regulated under Chapter 173-160 WAC, Construction and Maintenance of Wells, and any well excluded per WAC 173-160-010(2) that is constructed or decommissioned in Zones 1 and 2, shall be provided to the Department of [XXX] within 60 days of well completion or decommissioning. f. Protection Standards During Construction. The following standards shall apply to construction activities occurring where construction vehicles will be refueled on-site and/or the quantity of hazardous materials that will be stored, dispensed, used, or handled on the construction site is in aggregate quantities equal to or greater than 20 gallons liquid or 200 pounds solid, exclusive of the quantity of hazardous materials contained in fuel or fluid reservoirs of construction vehicles. As part of the City's project permitting process, the City may require any or all of the following items: i. A development agreement; ii. Detailed monitoring and construction standards; iii. Designation of a person on-site during operating hours who is responsible for supervising the use, storage, and handling of hazardous materials and who has appropriate knowledge and training to take mitigating actions necessary in the event of fire or spill; iv. Hazardous material storage, dispensing, refueling areas, and use and handling areas shall be provided with secondary containment adequate to contain the maximum release from the largest volume container of hazardous substances stored at the construction site; V. Practices and procedures to ensure that hazardous materials left on-site when the site is unsupervised are inaccessible to the public. Locked storage sheds, locked fencing, locked fuel tanks on construction vehicles, or other techniques may be used if they will preclude access; vi. Practices and procedures to ensure that construction vehicles and stationary equipment that are found to be leaking fuel, hydraulic fluid, and/or other hazardous materials will be removed immediately or repaired on-site immediately. The vehicle or equipment may be repaired in place, provided the leakage is completely contained; vii. Practices and procedures to ensure that storage and dispensing of flammable and combustible liquids from tanks, containers, and tank trucks into the fuel and fluid reservoirs of construction vehicles or stationary equipment on the construction site are in accordance with the Yakima Fire Code, YMC Chapter 10.05; and viii. Practices and procedures, and/or on-site materials adequate to ensure the immediate containment and cleanup of any release of hazardous substances stored at the construction site. On-site cleanup materials may suffice for smaller spills whereas cleanup of larger spills may require a subcontract with a qualified cleanup contractor. Releases shall immediately be contained, cleaned up, and reported if required under state or federal law. Contaminated soil, water, and other materials shall be disposed of according to state and local requirements. g. Fill Materials. Fill material shall comply with the standards in YMC Chapter 7.82 and the following: DRAFT, September 2016 24 YA11<1111 A 11 11"118V II NV IIq"SIIVIE;; II111.,AIIN U.UII'111 AIA I!: 1R111'U1110&11 ARii::::AS 118V CU.U11.,A& 110 TINS i. Fill material shall not contain concentrations of contaminants that exceed cleanup standards for soil specified in WAC 173-340-740, Model Toxics Control Act, regardless of whether all or part of the contamination is due to natural background levels at the fill source site. Where the detection limit (lower limit at which a chemical can be detected by a specified laboratory procedure) for a particular soil contaminant exceeds the cleanup standard for soil specified in WAC 173-340-740, the detection limit shall be the standard for fill material quality. ii. Fill materials in quantities greater than 10 cubic yards placed directly on or in the ground in excess of six months shall meet the following requirements: 1. A fill material source statement shall be provided to the Department of [XXX] and shall be reviewed and accepted by the Department prior to stockpiling or grading imported fill materials at the site. The source statement shall be issued by a professional engineer, geologist, engineering geologist or hydrogeologist licensed in the State of Washington demonstrating the source's compliance with standards of the Model Toxics Control Act. The source statement shall be required for each different source location from which fill will be obtained. 2. Analytical results demonstrating that fill materials do not exceed cleanup standards specified in WAC 173-340-740 may be used in lieu of a fill material source statement, provided the regulated facility submits a sampling plan to, and which is approved by, the Director of [XXX]. The regulated facility must then adhere to the approved sampling plan, and maintain analytical data on-site and available for inspection for a minimum of five years from the date that the fill was accepted. iii. The Department of [XXX] may accept a fill material source statement that does not include results of sampling and analysis of imported fill if it determines that adequate information is provided indicating that the source location is free of contamination. Such information may include, but is not limited to: 1. Results of field testing of earth materials to be imported to the site with instruments capable of detecting the presence of contaminants; or 2. Results of previous sampling and analysis of earth materials to be imported to the site. iv. A fill material source statement is not required if documents confirm that imported fill will be obtained from a Washington State Department of Transportation approved source. V. The Director of [XXX] shall have the authority to require corrective measures regarding noncompliant fill materials, including independent sampling and analysis, if the property owner or operator fails to accomplish such measures in a timely manner. The property owner or operator shall be responsible for any costs incurred by the City in the conduct of such activities. h. Cathodic Protection Wells. Cathodic protection wells shall be constructed such that the following do not occur. i. Vertical cross -connection of aquifers normally separated by confining units; DRAFT, September 2016 25 YAKIIIMA UU11M11"118V II NV 11N511UI1; II"II.,UIIN U11"11 A11I!: CR111'�11CA11 U1Rii:::AS 118V UUI11AU "IIUIINS ii. Migration of contaminated surface water along improperly sealed well borings or casings; iii. Introduction of electrolytes or related solutions into the subsurface; and iv. Any of the above conditions caused by improperly abandoned cathodic protection wells that are no longer in use. Underground Hydraulic Elevator Cylinders. All underground hydraulic elevator pressure cylinders shall be encased in an outer plastic casing constructed of Schedule 40 or thicker -wall polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride pipe, or equivalent. The plastic casing shall be capped at the bottom, and all joints shall be solvent- or heat -welded to ensure water tightness. The neck of the plastic casing shall provide a means of inspection to monitor the annulus between the pressurized hydraulic elevator cylinder and the protective plastic casing. j. Best Management Practices (BMPs). All development or redevelopment shall implement BMPs for water quality and quantity, as approved by the Director of [XXX], such as biofiltration swales and use of oil -water separators, BMPs appropriate to the particular use proposed, clustered development, and limited impervious surfaces. S. Development within Wellhead Protection Zone 3 shall implement appropriate BMPs and comply with the performance standards for vehicle fueling, maintenance, and storage areas; loading and unloading areas; well construction and operation; fill materials; cathodic protection wells; and underground hydraulic elevator cylinders in applicable subsections in C.4 of this section. 6. Development within Wellhead Protection Zone 4 shall implement BMPs for water quality and quantity. 7. An incremental environmental improvement to a system protective of groundwater shall not alter, expand, or intensify an existing legal nonconformance, but may proceed without having to meet the following City codes: a. Restrictions associated with critical areas and critical area buffers, if the footprint of the original system protective of groundwater is located within the same critical area buffer, and it can be demonstrated through BAS that there will be no significant adverse impacts to the critical area and its buffer; b. Any requirement to bring all or any portion of the facility or the development it serves up to current building, fire, or land use codes that is triggered by the value or design of the incremental environmental improvement to a system protective of groundwater; and c. The incremental improvement shall not qualify as a redevelopment that would otherwise be prohibited by Title 15 YMC. 15.27.315 Supplemental report requirements for specific critical areas. (Addition) E. Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas. The approach of the City critical area regulations is to require a level of study and analysis commensurate with potential risks to wellhead protection zones associated with particular sites and particular proposals. At a minimum, all applicants shall review the history of the site and conduct a surface reconnaissance. The purpose of a critical aquifer recharge area report is to evaluate the actual geologic conditions and determine DRAFT, September 2016 26 XAIltlllMA 01117111"118V II NV 11g511V11; II111.,AIIN U.UII'"11 A11I!: 1R111'U1110&11 ARii::::AS 118V CU.U11.,A& 110 TINS the site's proximity to or location within a wellhead protection zone; evaluate the safety and appropriateness of proposed activities; and recommend appropriate construction practices, monitoring programs, and other mitigation measures required to ensure achievement of the purpose and intent of these regulations. The information required by this report should be coordinated with the study and reporting requirements for any other critical areas located on the site. A critical aquifer recharge area report shall be prepared by a qualified professional who is a hydrogeologist, geologist, or engineer who is licensed in the State of Washington and who has experience in preparing hydrogeologic assessments. 1. Level One Hydrological Assessment: At sites located within Wellhead Protection Zones 1 through 3, defined in Section 15.27.820.A.1, a critical aquifer recharge areas report shall contain a level one hydrological assessment which includes the following site- and proposal -related information at a minimum: a. Information regarding geologic and hydrogeologic characteristics of the site, including the surface location of all critical aquifer recharge areas located on-site or immediately adjacent to the site, and permeability of the unsaturated zone based on existing data. b. Groundwater depth, flow direction, and gradient based on available information. c. Currently available data on wells and springs within 1,300 feet of the project area. d. Location of other critical areas, including surface waters, within 1,300 feet of the project site. e. Available historic water quality data for the area to be affected by the proposed activity. f. BMPs proposed to be utilized. 2. Level Two Hydrogeologic Assessment. a. A level two hydrogeologic assessment shall be required for any of the following proposed activities at sites located within Wellhead Protection Zones 1 through 3: i. Activities that result in 5,000 square feet or more impervious site area. ii. Activities that divert, alter, or reduce the flow of surface or groundwaters, including dewatering or otherwise reduce the recharging of the aquifer. iii. The storage, handling, treatment, use, production, recycling, or disposal of deleterious substances or hazardous materials, other than household chemicals used according to the directions specified on the packaging for domestic applications. iv. The use of injection wells, including on-site septic systems, except those domestic septic systems releasing less than 14,500 gallons of effluent per day and that are limited to a maximum density of one system per one acre. DRAFT, September 2016 27 YA11<1111 A C011011:111:1 I!II NV 11`JS11V11; II111.,AIIN U.UII'111 Ai I!: 118111110&11 ARii::::AS 118V CU.U11.,A111ICIINS v. Any other activity determined by the Director of [XXX] likely to have an adverse impact on groundwater quality or quantity, or on the recharge of the aquifer. b. A level two hydrogeologic assessment shall include the following site and proposal -related information at a minimum, in addition to the requirements for a level one hydrogeological assessment: i. Historic water quality and elevation data for the area to be affected by the proposed activity compiled for at least the previous five-year period. ii. Groundwater monitoring plan provisions. iii. Discussion of the effects of the proposed project on the groundwater quality and quantity, including: 1. Predictive evaluation of groundwater withdrawal effects on nearby wells and surface water features. 2. Predictive evaluation of contaminant transport based on potential releases to groundwater. iv. Identification of the type and quantities of any deleterious substances or hazardous materials that will be stored, handled, treated, used, produced, recycled, or disposed of on the site, including but not limited to materials, such as elevator lift/hydraulic fluid, hazardous materials used during construction, materials used by the building occupants, proposed storage and manufacturing uses, etc. V. Proposed methods of storing any of the above substances, including containment methods to be used during construction and/or use of the proposed facility. vi. Proposed plan for implementing YMC 15.27.820.C.3.f, Protection Standards During Construction. vii. A spill plan that identifies equipment and/or structures that could fail, resulting in an impact. Spill plans shall include provisions for regular inspection, repair, and replacement ofstructures and equipment that could fail. viii. A complete discussion of past environmental investigations, sampling, spills, or incidents that may have resulted in or contributed to contaminated soil or groundwater at the site. Attach copies of all historical and current reports, and sampling results. DRAFT, September 2016 28 vm</mmoz1IMpncocmsmcp11AmupomI!: cnmcA 11 Anii::: Aanesu11 Ar0ms REFERENCES/ SOURCES CONSULTED Anchor CEA, LLC, 2013, Final Draft Semi -arid Riparian Functions and Associated Regulatory Protections to Support Shoreline Master Program Updates. Prepared for Grant County, WA. Available: Bunten, o,mmz,n,Driscoll, L,and Yoxnke, A., 2016, Wetland Guidancefor CAO Updates Eastern Washington Version. Washington Department of Ecology, Olympia, Wash. Publication No. 16-06-002. Available: Ely, D.M., Bachmann, M.P., and Vaccaro, J.J., 2011, Numerical simulation of groundwater flow for the Yakima River basin aquifer system, Washington: o.S.Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report zo11-51ss'xun. wmi|ome: xmuxT,zo14,Washington State Wetland Rating System for Eastern Washington: zo14Update. (Publication w14-u6-uuo>. Olympia, WA: Washington Department ofEcology. Jones, m.A,Vaccaro, u,and Watkins, A.M., 2006a, Hydrogeologic framework of sedimentary deposits in six structural basins, Yakima River Basin, Washington: o.S.Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report zouo-5116,z4n. wmi|ome: Jones, m.A,Vaccaro, u,and Watkins, A.m,zouou'Maps and xvumneo|onicSections Showing Surficio|Geology, Extent and Thickness ofBasin-fill Deposits, Hydrogeologic Units, and Locations of Selected Wells in the Yakima Basin, Yakima River Basin, Washington. Available: 1p Knight, K., 2009, Land Use Planning for Salmon, Steelhead and Trout. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Olympia, Washington. wmi|ome: Lenfesty, C.D. and Reedy, T.E., 1985, Soil Survey of Yakima County Area, Washington. o.S.Department ofAgriculture, Soil Conservation Service. *xoi|ob|e: (report only) Morgan, L_zous Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas Guidance Document. (Publication #05-10-028). Olympia, WA: Washington Department ofEcology. *xoi|ob|e: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), 2008, Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources; Final Rule: 7zFIR 1xsx4-1x7os April 10. *xoi|ob|e: Washington Department mFish and Wildlife (mopw)zouo Priority Habitat and Species List. Updated April zuz4. Olympia, Washington. 177n. DRAFT, September 2016 29 YA11<1111MA C01IM111111 V II NV::: qS1V1:: 11111AIN U11111W I!: C R 11 U 11 CA 11 A R ii::: AS 118V::: G U 11 A 110 IN S Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), 2016, Priority Habitat and Species (PHS) on the Web. Available: .1.h. L.11 a p 1p j.g �L. gg. jp Washington Department of Health, no date, Surface Water Assessment Program (SWAP) Maps. Ih. P.��/ g ma s n f � ovL�dohph �, W�Ar)i ..... ........ ... .... �L.gjL_ Yakima County, no date, City of Yakima Wellhead Protection Plan. Ih. I .� /.�L.y Girt a -.0 U I 0 f- Yalklima- Well 111head- Pirolechon- Plan 21. ............... y ..................................................................................................................................... :............................................. DRAFT, September 2016 30 YA11<1111 A 11 11"118V II NV IIq"SIIVIE;; II111.,AIIN U.UII'111W I!: 1R111'U1110&11 ARii::::AS 118V GU.U11.,A& 110 IN AU MOR QUAL11HcA"naqs Amy Summe is a Senior Biologist/Permit Specialist with Shannon & Wilson, Inc. She has Bachelor of Science degrees from Washington State University in Zoology and Environmental Science. She has more than 19 years of experience in environmental consulting, much of it spent developing and updating critical areas regulations under the Growth Management Act and the Shoreline Management Act. In addition to leading the update of the City's SMP, she also was the project manager for Benton County and Adams County's SMP update. Chris Allen is a Senior Hydrogeologist for Shannon & Wilson, Inc. He is licensed in Washington State as a geologist and hydrogeologist and has a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology from Western Washington University. Over the last 18 years, he has focused on hydrogeologic and geotechnical projects. His experience includes drilling, design, construction, development, assessment and maintenance of wells, storm water infiltration studies, and critical aquifer recharge area (CARA) assessments, all of which require a knowledge of a variety of regulations from the city to the federal level. In the Yakima area, he's been involved in multiple projects requiring hydrogeologic assessments including for the City of Moxee and City of Selah, Costco Union Gap, and roadway/railway grade separation projects involving dewatering. Katie Walter is the Natural Resources Group Leader at Shannon & Wilson, Inc. and has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Washington in Botany. She has 26 years of experience conducting wetland delineations, developing mitigation plans, conducting natural resource inventories, and permitting large complex multi -jurisdictional projects. Jim Bailey is a Senior Hydrogeologist with Shannon & Wilson, Inc. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from the University of North Carolina, and a Master of Science in Hydrogeology from Washington State University. He is a licensed geologist and hydrogeologist with more than 26 years of experience. He specializes in water supply development and groundwater management experience, with a focus on municipal water supply including water rights, well design/construction, and evaluation of well performance issues. DRAFT, September 2016 31