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02-22-17 YPC Packet
FOR 41101, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OR ':'::F�� X t �� Joan)ivi sd��r��w �. �� d Davenport, AICP, Director ,y °' r 0 � Y AK i � � 129 North Second Street, 2"d Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning City of Yakima Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING City Hall Council Chambers Wednesday February 22, 2017 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. YPC Members: Chairman Scott Clark, Vice -Chair Patricia Byers, Al Rose, Bill Cook, Peter Marinace, Gavin Keefe, Tom Trepanier Council Liaison: Avina Gutierrez City Planning Staff: Joan Davenport (Community Development Director/Planning Manager); Jeff Peters (Senior Planner); Joseph Calhoun (Senior Planner); Eric Crowell (Assistant Planner); Rosalinda Ibarra (Administrative Assistant); and Lisa Maxey (Planning Specialist) Agenda I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Staff Announcements IV. Audience Participation V. Approval of Meeting Minutes of January 11, 2017 VI. Public Hearing - Sign Code Amendments Applicant: City of Yakima Planning Division File Numbers: TXT#001-17 & SEPA#002-17 Site Address: Citywide Request: Amendments to the City of Yakima s Urban Area Zoning Ordinance Sign Code YMC 15.08 to comply with recent changes to state law for on -premise and temporary signs. VII. Consideration of Amendment to the Definition of "Dwelling, Multiple -Family" and the Addition of Other New Definitions to Accommodate Tiny Homes/Efficiency Units VIII. Other Business IX. Adjourn Next Meeting: March 8, 2017 Rm�m�uum�� IIIVpIu°Ar a a S A%, "S A M I L%, Ilk% R'L%% CITY OF YAKIMA IP( CYC V a1CIM�4 Planning � I �►H [�T" � � City of Yakima Planning Commission City Hall Council Chambers Wednesday February 22, 2017 Beginning at 3:00 p.m. Public Hearing *PLEASE WRITE LEGIBLY' Ufu._ ........................... ......... ........... _................. .............................. ........... ........... .......... ............. ......_.... ............ ........ _......... ........... ............................ ............................................................................................. . - . mm� ..................................... ... ........ _ ....... Page 1 02/22/2017 YPC Meeting On Being an Effective—and Satisfied —Planning Commission "WHY DO WE EVEN bother?" If you have served on a planning commis- sion, chances are you've heard this statement—or maybe even made it yourself—on more than one occasion. Typically, this lament is triggered by a city council decision that fails to follow the planning commission's recommendation. Stung by the rejection of their advice, planning commission- ers uttering these words wonder if their contributions are even necessary (or appreciated). As a current city council member who served on a planning commission for nine years (and has advised city councils and planning commissions as a city attorney for over 20 years), I can tell you that your contributions are, in fact, necessary. But the value of those contributions should not be measured by whether your recom- mendations are adopted by your city council. Instead of focusing on whether the city council adopts your recommen- dations, expend your energy making sure those recommendations are supported by evidence, based on relevant policy argu- ments, and produced by an objective and fair process that earns credibility with all stakeholders. As you strive to be an indispensable part of your city's planning infrastructure, here are three things that might help you be more effective and less frustrated: EMBRACE IHE FREEDOM OF NOT BEING THE CITY COUNCIL. Some planning com- mission members arrive at their "why do we even bother" moments in part because they are trying to play the same role as the city council. As a planning commis- sioner, you'll want to avoid this for at least a couple of reasons. First, council members are elected; planning commissioners are not. As elected officials, council members are directly accountable to the residents of the community. Describing the unique position council members occupy, L.P. Cookingham (one of the deans of the lo- cal government management profession) once wrote: Council members spend a great deal of time and energy monitoring the mood of your city. It's harder than it looks; dont be in a hurry to try to do it for them. responsibleSecond, council members are required sioners study, the council is / . . 1 lic safet)� and many other issues. They must both understand and i....nce the compet- without being elperts in any one area. As planning commission members, / Am A i. 1 FG914MIMATO Kill.] (Q d "119114 . possible. Recognizing that your role is that of an expert advisor to the council—and not a "mini -council member"—will help you be more effective and less frustrated as a planning commission member. GET ON THE S' L VIE PAGE; l-Vl i H YOUR CITY COUNCIL Ifyoufindthat your city council frequently disregards your recommendations, it may be a sign that the planning commission and the council have different ideas about the commu- nity's goals, Rather than focusing on the individual decisions, take a step back and examine your community's long-range goals. Are the recommendations you are making consistent with those goals? If they are—and the council is rejecting them—the real issue may be that the council is not on board with those goals. Cour community's long-range goals should be articulated in a comprehensive plan. The planning commission and city council each bring critical ingredients for successfully crafting and amending that comprehensive plan. As planning com- missioners, you contribute expertise in land -use planning; the council contrib- utes expertise in what residents of the community will support and how land - use planning objectives fit with other city priorities, If you work with the council to craft (and continually refine) a document that incorporates all of this expertise, you will have fewer "why do we even bother" moments. BE OBJECTIVE AND CREDIBLE EXPERTS Focusing on being an expert advisor to the council is a necessary, but not suf- ficient, part of being an effective planning commission. It is critical, in addition to being an expert advisor, that the commis- sion earns a reputation with the council and community stakeholders as an objec- tive evaluator of land -use applications and honest broker of community discussion and research in crafting and. refining long- range land -use goals, Here are a few of the many tools to consider using to help reassure the Council and community stakeholders on this front: PROHIBIT,- EX PARTE COMM(JINICATIONS in evaluating site-specific applica- tions. Limiting input by applicants and interested residents (both in favor and opposed to any given application) to writ- ten submissions of testimony at a noticed public hearing reassures those observing the process that all of the information you consider When evaluating an application is in the record presented to you and available to the applicant and interested members of the public, KEEP AN OrEN MIND Resist the tempta- tion to make up your mind until you've had a chance to hear from all stakehold- ers and your colleagues on the planning commission. CQN'SLj),-!A NITS, AND S IF -f' experts to tefl YOUI the attSwer, not the quesiion to asL ENIGAGE STAKaIOLDERS in meaningful ways in policy-making processes. Many of your most valuable experts in charting long-range goals will be stakeholders in your community who know the commu- nity from firsthand experience. As a member of the planning commis- sion, you can be an effective and essential part of a city's land -use regulatory infra- structure if you understand your role, get on the same page with your city council, and earn a reputation as an honest broker of planning expertise for your community. -KeOn Staunton A40ne'Ota, PfOr M20)4, heafyve/ on liar r Y a l' kof, I ey il Ex( (, 6, i4)f sdncp I Y96, 46 1:1Wmilinq Decc!rnber 2016 A SAFE PASSAGE FOR WILDLIFE Chica,90's Burnham Wildlife Corridor cornprises about 100 acres running along Lake Michigan'- shorc"Une south of the city centra DEVELOPMENT IS OFTEN RESPONSIBLE for the fragmentation of wildlife habitat. One t001 that J)lanacrs have used (o initigate st�ijje, cif the negal ive irnpacts of disconnected habitats is a wildlife corridor.Theidea c0llaesout (ifthe, work o(f,"anU'd bioior "ist EX), Wilson, whostudied Ihe effoas on isolated populations, of various species in the 019)s. The b3sic thek)fy is that plants and animals can travet betwei,11 isAded patches of habitai by rising a "con -Mor" ofundevetolled or restored gt'eereqaace and thus rediwe flw loss, of genetic diversity. Critics of the strategy p0jut to lhe lack ot'scientific re" oarrlj sbt)jvijjg the effecilivenesq ofcorridors, Sonat studies haveshown that to besuccessha, cfmidors must be signifi candy wider than most curreritlyare, sjujCe tj,jaHjy,,Ujjjn.,ls jertd to avoid eJgVsand prefer more room to maneuver. —Ben Leitschuh Leitschuh isAPA's education associate. Aulonornous Yehicies wIfl take to the mads In the, coming years. is your mrnrnunity reicly? APA RESOURCES When Autonomous Cars Take to the Road Erick Guerra Planning, May 2015 plannlrici,org/f)d ,'onnirig/2015/may /auto rage nf11ASe, tris. htrn Planning for the Autonomous Vehicle Revolution Joseph DeAngelis APA Bing, June 2016 plan ning,org/blog/blogpost/9105024 WE RESOURCES Why Aren't Urban Planners Ready for Driverless Cars? Eric Jaffe CityLab, December 2015 tinYUrl.00rn/nl8t6fv Insagining the Driverless City Patrick J. (Kiger Urban Land, October 201E tinyurl cornAl hwrPF, To: City of Yakima Planning Commission & Council Liaison From: Joan Davenport, Planning Manager & Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner Date: 2/7/2017 Re: Consideration of Amendments to the Definition of Multi -Family Residential Over the past three to four years, there has been a growing movement throughout the State of Washington to allow alternate forms of housing such as tiny homes/efficiency units. As a result, some communities have permitted tiny homes/efficiency units in both their Single and Multi -Family zoning districts, both permitting them as single-family homes on individual lots of record, or as multi -family dwelling units that are clustered around a common open space or a community building. As the City of Yakima is presently in the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan, it has come to the Planning Division's attention that the City's current definition of Multi -Family Residential development ("Dwelling, multiple -family" means a structure or structures, or portion thereof, designed for occupancy by three or more families living independently of each other and containing three or more attached dwelling units on a lot.) has not kept pace with the changing trends in housing choices, and at present would not allow tiny homes/efficiency units as multi- family development. The main issue is that multi -family dwellings have to be attached units under the City's current definition. As the State of Washington has emphasized and required that cities allow for accessory dwelling units, increased density in residential zoning districts, and because the City's draft 2040 Comprehensive Plan supports these new forms of housing, the Planning Division requests that the City Planning Commission consider the following zoning amendments, which would allow this new form of housing. City of Yakima 2040 Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies, which Support Tiny Homes/Efficiency Units: Land Use Element: Goal 1.3 — Preserve and enhance the quality, character and function of Yakima's Residential Neighborhoods. Policy 1.3.1. — Provide for a wide variety of housing types within the city to meet the full range of housing needs for Yakima's evolving population. February 7, 2017 A. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU). Allow for attached and detached ADU's in all residential districts provided size, design, and other provisions are included to promote compatibility with surrounding uses. D. Cottage Housing. Allow the development of cottage housing (a cluster of small homes around a common open space) in residential zones, provided special design provisions are included to ensure a pedestrian -oriented design, inclusion of common open space, and strict cottage size limitations. F. Townhouses. Encourage the development of townhouses in the R-2 and R-3 zones and commercial/mixed-use zones as an efficient form of housing. Allow for attached and detached townhouses in all residential districts provided size, design, and other provisions are included to promote compatibility with surrounding uses. Additional considerations may include: Design standards should emphasize pedestrian -oriented design, fagade articulation, and usable open space. Policy 1.3.7. — Explore the development of zoning incentives to help meet the housing diversity and affordability goals. Examples could include residential density bonuses, variations in allowed housing type, or flexibility in regulations, if a proposal meets community goals for affordable, senior, size -limited or other types of innovative housing. If not permitted outright or through discretionary review processes, consider providing these incentives through pilot programs or other innovative measures. Housing Element: Goal 5.1 — Encourage diverse and affordable housing choices. Policy 5.1.4. — Facilitate small lot sizes, condominiums, clustering and other options that increase the supply of affordable homeownership options and the diversity of housing that meet the needs of aging, young professional, and small and large households. Policy 5.1.8. — Encourage and incentivize affordable housing development. Policy 5.4.8. — Promote safe, energy efficient, and healthy housing attainable to very low-, low-, and moderate -income households. Zoning Ordinance Amendment Options, which Support Tiny Homes/Efficiency Units: 1. Modify the definition of dwelling, multiple -family to eliminate the word "attached". February 7, 2017 This option is the least complex, but would open the Multi -Family zoning district to allow a mixture of single-family homes, duplexes, and other multi- family dwellings on a single lot of record, and as a result, may also require the definitions of dwelling, single-family detached and dwelling, two-family to be modified accordingly. 2. Modify the definition of dwelling, multiple -family as follows: "Dwelling, multiple -family" means a structure or structures, or portion thereof, designed for occupancy by three or more families living independently of each other and containing three or more attached dwelling units on a lot. Multiple -family and detached sinqle-familv dwellings that are clustering around a common amenity such as open sace recreation facilities or common community building,and have a common driveway access on a single lot of record is also considered multigle-family development. This option would allow tiny homes/efficiency units, but would require a more refined site plan with shared amenities and access. Staff Recommendation: The City Planning Division recommends option #2 as this amendment will: 1) Allow tiny homes/efficiency units as multi -family development in the Two Family Residential zoning district as a Type (2) or (3) Review dependent upon the density of the development; 2) Allow the use as a Type (1) Review in the Multi -Family zoning district; 3) Prohibit the use in the Suburban Residential and Single -Family zoning districts; 4) Ensure that multi -family developments composed of this alternative housing type contain the required amenities to ensure that they are operated similar to that of an apartment complex, and not as independent single-family homes; and 5) Minimize amendments to other definitions within the Urban Area Zoning Ordinance. RE(`0R� llf) r FT1111 FORTHE Peters, Jeff From: James Carpentier <James.Carpentier@signs.org> Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2017 9:00 AM To: Peters, Jeff Cc: Davenport, Joan; Patti King; David Hickey Subject: RE: Draft Sign Regulations Hello Jeff, I have not had a chance to take a closer look at the proposed code in regards to the % for EMC regulations. I will be a the hearing today. I will have a couple more suggestions for EMC's too that I wanted to note: Section E that requires no motion, needs to be reworded so as to require static images; Section G requires local control of the EMC, I recommend that this section be eliminated since very few end users have a centralized or regional location where the messages are developed. I am aware of Walgreens that develops messaging remotely and they typically operate within the requirements of each jurisdiction. Have you had specific issues with EMC signs that are programmed remotely? Thanks See you later. James B Carpentier AICP Director of State & Local Government Affairs From: Peters, Jeff [mailto:Jeff.Peters@yakimawa.gov] Sent: Friday, February 10, 2017 8:08 PM To: James Carpentier <James.Carpentier@signs.org> Cc: Davenport, Joan <Joan.Dave nport@yakimawa.gov> Subject: Draft Sign Regulations Dear Mr. Carpentier, The City of Yakima Planning Department would like to thank you for your thorough review and suggested changes to our draft sign ordinance. As I explained to you on the phone last week, the City Planning Commission is scheduled to hold its open record public hearing on the draft ordinance on February 22, 2017, to which we hope you can attend. At that time city staff intends to present your helpful comments and suggestions regarding digital signs to the commission for inclusion in the draft ordinance. In regard to the changes dealing with the court case Reed vs. the Town of Gilbert, the City's land use attorney has indicated that we must decline these suggestions at this time; however should you have further suggestions about limitations on size of digital signs based upon zoning district we would be happy to consider them. Sincerely, teff Peters oenior Planner City of Yakima 509-575-6163 City of Yakima Planning :Division Sign Code Amendments TXT#001-17 & SEPA#002-17 Yakima Planning Commission Open Record Public rearing February 22, 2017 EXHIBIT LIST Applicant: City Planning Division File Numbers: TXT#001-17 & SEPA#002-17 Site Address: Citywide Staff Contact: Jeff Peters, Senior Planner Table of Contents CHAPTER A Staff Report CHAPTER B SEPA Checklist CHAPTER C Applications CHAPTER D Draft Ordinance CHAPTER E Public Comments CHAPTER F Public Notices CITY PLANNING — SIGN CODE AMENDMENTS TXT#001-17 & SEPA#002-17 EX]NIIT LIST CHAPTER A Staff Report 7,777,77 oC A-1 Staff Report ..... . .............................................................................. 02/22/2017 . ................................................... DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Maiming Division. ��������� ����� Joan Davenport, AICP, Director �uiH'Y Or Y Yanning 129 North Second Street 2"d Floor Yakima WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning City of Yakima Planning Division's Recommendation Regarding Amendments to the City's Urban Area Zoning Ordinance Sign Standards TO: City of Yakima Planning Commission FROM: Jeff Peters, Senior Planner SUBJECT: City of Yakima Title 15 Sign Code Amendments FOR MEETING OF: February 22, 2017 ISSUE: Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) consideration and public hearing of amendments to the City of Yakima's Municipal Code Title 15 Urban Area Zoning Ordinance Ch. 15.08 Sings. Revisions to the City of Yakima's sign code include amendments to the regulations for on -premise, temporary, and exempt signage to conform to recent changes in federal law. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City of Yakima Planning Division recommends that the YPC hold the required public hearing, take public input, revise the draft amendments as necessary, and forward the Planning Commission's recommendation to the Yakima City Council for further consideration. HISTORY OF AMENDMENTS: During the month of March 2016, the City of Yakima Legal Department notified the City Planning Division that due to a Federal Supreme Court case (Reed vs. the Town of Gilbert) various changes to its sign code were necessary to comply with Federal law. On April 27, 2016, staff from the City's Planning and Legal Departments held its first study session with the Planning Commission on the effects of the court case on the City's sign code. The Planning Commission reviewed various parts of the code that needed to be revised to comply with the federal law and then requested additional study sessions. As a result, additional study sessions were held on October 26, November 9, November 16, and December 14, 2016. At the conclusion of the December 14th study session, the Planning Commission reviewed the draft amendments to the City sign code, suggested amendments, and directed staff to conduct environmental review and schedule the required public hearing for the text amendments. PURPOSE AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT: The purpose of the proposed sign code amendments are to revise the City of Yakima's UAZO Title 15 Ch. 15.08 Signs to be consistent with recent changes in federal law brought forth by the Federal Supreme Court case (Reed vs. the Town of Gilbert). More specifically, the text amendments modify the YMC §§ 15.08.110, 020, 030, 040, 045, Yakima DOC r7,1, 1 INDEX 2015 A—\ 1994 050, 055, 060, 070, 080, 110, 130, 150, 160, and 170 to ensure that the City's sign code will not restrict signage on the basis of content, view point, or message. YMC §§15.08.075 Sign illumination, 115 Carried signs, 135 Digital Signs, and 155 Portable Signs have been added to the City's zoning ordinance as additional development regulations to ensure that the all sign standards are consistently applied on a content neutral basis and that all impacts created by the change in development regulations are addressed. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS: 1. In particular, the amendments to YMC 15.08 Signs will: a. Amend YMC § 15.08.110 Purpose to be consistent with federal law by ensuring that signs within the City of Yakima are regulated on the basis of nondiscriminatory sign standards which do not restrict signage on the basis of content, view point, or message; b. Amend YMC § 15.08.020 Definitions to modify, add, and remove sign definitions to be consistent with the requirement to be content neutral, and new sign development standards for: sign illumination, carried signs, digital signs, and portable signs; c. Eliminate YMC § 15.08.040 Nonregulated signs as this section was inconsistent with the requirement to be content neutral; d. Amend YMC § 15.08.045 Fee exempt signs to remove construction, real estate, church, and school signs from the list of exempt signs; e. Amend YMC § 15.08.050 Prohibited signs to include trailered signs and signs attached to fences owned by the City, or signs placed on trees; f. Eliminate YMC § 15.08.055 Sign maintenance and incorporated its provisions into YMC § 15.08.160 Nonconforming signs, Removal of signs and Enforcement of this Chapter; g. Amend YMC § 15.08.070 to be consist with the requirement to be content neutral, and add regulations for illumination; h. Add YMC § 15.08.075 providing for uniform regulation of sign illumination which is content neutral; i. Amend YMC § 15.08.110 Temporary signs to allow temporary signs in commercial and residential zoning districts based upon size, height, and locational standards, and elimination of any content based standards; j. Add YMC § 15.08.115 Carried signs; k. Add YMC § 15.08.135 Digital signs providing regulation for the maximum size, density, zoning district, maximum luminance, motion, and hold times of digital signs; I. Add YMC § 15.08.155 Portable Signs providing content neutral regulation for the location, zone, design and materials, size, height, number and hours of display of portable signs; and m. Amend YMC § 15.08.170 to provide a for an Administrative Adjustment process to allow adjustment for siting signs in zones or locations not otherwise authorized; and n. Bring the City of Yakima's sign code into conformance with the content neutral provision of Federal law. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SEPA INDEX Page 12 This is a non -project application without a specific use or site plan to be considered. Environmental Review (SEPA) was completed for this application, and a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) was issued on February 2, 2017. (File No. SEPA #002-17) PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing Legal Ad Publication CONCLUSIONS Date Accomplished January 11, 2017 January 11, 2017 1. The amendments to YMC Title 15.08 Signs will correct the City's sign code to be compliant with Federal law so that it is content neutral. 2. No adverse impacts have been identified by the approval of these amendment requests as the changes result in no substantive changes to the environment. 3. The requested text amendments to the City of Yakima's Sign Code are supported by the City's Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan 2025. RECOMMENDATIONS The Department of Community Development recommends APPROVAL of these text amendment requests. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Approval: Based on the testimony and evidence presented during this afternoon's public hearing, I move that the Planning Commission adopt the findings of fact and order that the draft ordinances dated February 22, 2017, be forwarded to the Yakima City Council with a recommendation for approval. Approval with modifications: Based on the testimony and evidence presented during this afternoon's public hearing, I move that the City of Yakima Planning staff modify the findings of fact and draft ordinances dated February 22, 2017, to include the changes noted in the minutes of this evening's public hearing, and with these changes move that the Planning Commission approve the modified findings and ordinance, and order that the modified draft ordinance be forwarded to the Yakima City Council with a recommendation for approval. Denial: Based on the testimony and evidence presented during this afternoon's public hearing, I move that the Planning Commission reject the findings of fact and order that the findings be modified to include the following reasons for denial, and order that the draft ordinances dated February 22, 2017, be forwarded to the Yakima City Council with a recommendation for denial. DOCE INDEX Page 13 A-1 CITY PLANNING — SIGN CODE AMENDMENTS TXT#001-17 & SEPA#002-17 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER B SEPA Checklist ANN B-1 %„ SEPA Checklist 01/09/2017 ................. ........................... ........... _. ..... _....... _..._................................................................................................................. ...................... N'"A CHECKLIST NVQ.. 101,1 1 STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) C CTY Q F ,'rAK M,A (AS TAKEN FROM WAC 197-11-960) a n ni i g YAKIMA MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 6.88 PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST Governmental agencies use this checklist to help determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant. This information is also helpful to determine if available avoidance, minimization or compensatory mitigation measures will address the probable significant impacts or if an environmental impact statement will be prepared to further analyze the proposal. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Please answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. You may need to consult with an agency specialist or private consultant for some questions. You ,nmmt tl�pw"ricJt_�a a olicable" or "does not ply only when your can � p,�aen�� 1ly_mt Roes not gp l' _and not. -when the answ .r_,,5 unkno n. You may also attach or incorporate by reference additional studies reports. Complete and accurate answers to these questions often avoid delays with the SEPA process as well as later in the decision- making process. The checklist questions apply to a Lpgrts t, �� yotp: ?Lgpca%a), even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help you describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be sienificant adverse impact. CHECKLIST FOR NONPROJECT For non -project proposals (such as ordinances regulations, Plans and programs), complete the applicable parts of sections A and B plus the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). Please completely answer all questions that apply and note that the words "project", "applicant", and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proponent," and "affected geographic area," respectively. The lead agency may exclude (for non -projects) questions in Part B — Environmental Elements that do not contribute meaningfully to the analysis of the groRosal. A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION (To be completed by the applicant.) 1. Name Of Proposed Project (If Applicable): City of Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance Sign Code Amendments 2. Applicant's Name & Phone: City of Yakima Planning Division, (509) 575-6183 3. Applicant's Address: 129 North Second Street, Yakima, WA 98901 4. Contact Person & Phone: Jeff Peters at (509)575-6163 5. Agency Requesting Checklist: City of Yakima 6. Proposed Timing Or Schedule (Including Phasing, If Applicable): N/A—Non Project Action 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain: None at this time Revised 07/2015 Page 15 8. List any environmental infoi pion you know about that has been prepare, r will be prepared, directly related to this proposal: None J (To be completed by the applicant.) 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain: None Pending 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known: SEPA determination, City of Yakima Planning Commission Public Hearing, and City Council Approval. 11. Give a brief, but complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.): This proposal includes amendments to the City of Yakima's Urban Area Zoning Ordinance Sign Code YMC 15.08 — Amending the proposed chapter to comply with recent changes to state law for on premise and temporary signs. The sign code amendments draft can be found here: httWs://www.vakimawa.gpv/services/` nnin osed-siM: amendments/ 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist: City Limits Revised 07/2015 Page 16 B. lt-1 WltOI MEN SAL UTAMIM$ (To be completed by the applicant) 1. Earth a. General description of the site ( one): flat 0 rolling Z hilly 0 steep slopes El mountainous 0 other b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? N/A — Non Project Action c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any agricultural land of long-term commercial significance and whether the proposal results in removing any of these soils. N/A — Non Project Action d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. N/A — Non Project Action e. Describe the purpose, type, total area, and approximate quantities and total affected area of any filling, excavation, and grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. N/A — Non Project Action f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. N/A — Non Project Action g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? N/A — Non Project Action h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: N/A — Non Project Action 2. Air a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal during construction, operation, and maintenance when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. N/A — Non Project Action b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. N/A — Non Project Action c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: N/A — Non Project Action 3. Water a. Surface Water Revised 07/2015 Page 17 INDEX " 1 Q -1 B B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENT, fo be completed by the applicant) Space Reserved,for Agency Comments 1. Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. N/A — Non Project Action 2. Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. N/A — Non Project Action 3. Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. N/A — Non Project Action 4. Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. N/A — Non Project Action 5. Does the proposal lie within a 100 -year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. The proposal is a Non Project Action 6. Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. N/A — Non Project Action b. Ground Water 1. Will groundwater be withdrawn from a well for drinking water or other purposes? If so, give a general description of the well, proposed uses and approximate quantities withdrawn from the well. Will water be discharged to groundwater? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. N/A — Non Project Action 2. Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals...; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. N/A — Non Project Action c. Water Runoff (including stormwater) B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS (To be'completed by the applicant) " Space Reserved for Agency C©mments Revised 07/2015 Page 18 DOC. WDEX Revised 07/2015 Page 19 INDEX a �-1 c. Is the siteart of a�., p migration route? If so, explain. Migratory birds may use property within the City limits; however this proposal does not involve any change to the land or habitat, and is considered a Non Project Action. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: N/A — Non Project Action e. List any invasive animal species known to be on or near the site. N/A — Non Project Action 6. Energy and Natural Resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. N/A — Non Project Action b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. N/A — Non Project Action c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: N/A — Non Project Action 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. N/A — Non Project Action 1. Describe any known or possible contamination at the site from present or past uses. N/A—Non Project Action 2. Describe existing hazardous chemicals/conditions that might affect project development and design. This includes underground hazardous liquid and gas transmission pipelines located within the project area and in the vicinity. N/A — Non Project Action 3. Describe any toxic or hazardous chemicals that might be stored, used, or produced during the project's development or construction, or at any time during the operating life of the project. N/A — Non Project Action 4. Describe special emergency services that might be required. N/A — Non Project Action 5. Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: N/A — Non Project Action b. Noise 1. What types of noise exist in the area, which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? N/A — Non Project Action R. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS (To be 'cob4 eted by the applicant) "` ce rved for Agency comments Revised 07/2015 Page 10 2. What types and levels c _)ise would be created by or associated wit; a project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. N/A — Non Project Action 3.. Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: N/A — Non Project Action 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Will the proposal affect current land uses on nearby or adjacent properties? If so, describe. N/A — Non Project Action b. Has the project site been used as working farmlands or working forest lands? If so, describe. How much agricultural or forest land of long-term commercial significance will be converted to other uses as a result of the proposal, if any? If resource lands have not been designated, how many acres in farmland or forest land tax status will be converted to nonfarm or nonforest use? Many of the properties within the City of Yakima have been used for agriculture purposes in the past. 1. Will the proposal affect or be affected by surrounding working farm or forest land normal business operations, such as oversize equipment access, the application of pesticides, tilling, and harvesting? If so, how: N/A — Non Project Action c. Describe any structures on the site. N/A — Non Project Action d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? N/A — Non Project Action e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? N/A — Non Project Action f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? N/A — Non Pto'ect Action g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? N/A — Non Project Action h. Has any part of the site been classified as a critical area by the city or county? If so, specify. N/A — Non Project Action L Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? N/A — Non Project Action j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? N/A — Non Project Action B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENT (To he completed by the applicant) Spaco Reserved for ;aye �tie�ai� Revised 07/2015 Page 11 INDEX l k. Proposed measures to avoid reduce displacement impacts, if any. N/A — Non Project Action 1. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: N/A — Non Project Action m. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with nearby agricultural and forest lands of long-term commercial significance, if any: N/A — Non Project Action 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. N/A — Non Project Action b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. N/A — Non Project Action c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: N/A — Non Project Action 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? N/A — Non Project Action b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? N/A — Non Project Action c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: N/A — Non Project Action 11. Light and Glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? N/A — Non Project Action b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? N/A — Non Project Action c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? N/A — Non Project Action d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: N/A — Non Project Action 12. Recreation B. EN RONI ENTAL ELEMENTS (To be completed by the applicant) Space Reserved for i Agency Comments' Revised 07/2015 Page 112 a. What designated and infold ecreational opportunities are in the immel vicinity? N/A — Non Project Action b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. N/A — Non Project Action c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: N/A — Non Project Action 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any buildings, structures, or sites, located on or near the site that are over 45 years old listed in or eligible for listing in national, state, or local preservation registers located on or near the site? If so, specifically describe. N/A — Non Project Action b. Are there any landmarks, features, or other evidence of Indian or historic use or occupation? This may include human burials or old cemeteries. Are there any material evidence, artifacts, or areas of cultural importance on or near the site? Please list any professional studies conducted at the site to identify such resources. N/A — Non Project Action c. Proposed measures to avoid, minimize, or compensate for loss, changes to, and disturbance to resources. Please include plans for the above and any permits that may be required. N/A — Non Project Action 14. Transportation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site or affected geographic area and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. N/A — Non Project Action b. Is the site or affected geographic area currently served by public transit? If so, generally describe. If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? N/A — Non Project Action c. How many parking spaces would the completed project or non -project proposal have? How many would the project or proposal eliminate? N/A — Non Project Action d. Will the proposal require any new or improvements to existing roads, streets, pedestrian bicycle or state transportation facilities, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). N/A — Non Project Action e. Will the project or proposal use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. N/A — Non Project Action B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS (To be completed by the applicant) ; Space Reserved for Agency Comments Revised 07/2015 Page 13 INDEX v � �w f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project or proposal? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur and what percentage of the volume would be trucks (such as commercial and non -passenger vehicles). What data or transportation models were used to make these estimates? N/A — Non Project Action g. Will the proposal interfere with, affect or be affected by the movement of agricultural and forest products on roads or streets in the area? If so, generally describe: N/A — Non Project Action h. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: N/A — Non Project Action 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, public transit, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe: N/A — Non Project Action b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. N/A — Non Project Action 16. Utilities a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. N/A — Non Project Action C. "SIGNATURE (To be completed by the applicant.) The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. // Property QVner or Agent SignattYre v Date Submitted Name of Signee Position and Agency/Organization I PLEASE COMPLETE SECTION "D" ON THE NEXT PAGE IF THERE IS NO PROJECT RELATED TO THIS ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Revised 07/2015 Page 1 14 INDEX D. SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (To be completed by the Space Reserved For agplicant.1 (IT IS NOT NECESSARY to use this sheet for prqject actions) Agency Comments Because these questions are very general, it may be helpful to read them in conjunction with the list of the elements of the environment. When answering these questions, be aware of the extent the proposal, or the types of activities that would likely result from the proposal, would affect the item at a greater intensity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not implemented. Respond briefly and in general terms. 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; emissions to air; production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or production of noise? The proposed zoning/sign ordinance changes will not affect how land uses discharge to water, emissions to the air, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances, or the production of noise. ......... -- -. ------------------------ .-.-.- Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are. Proposed As the proposal will not increase any of the above environmental conditions, no measures to avoid or reduce these conditions have been proposed. .....--- - -_ --- -- - ................... ........ . --- - _ 2. How would the proposal be likely to affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life? The proposed zoning/sign changes will not affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life, as the proposed sign changes are regulatory in nature. ------- ------___ _ __._........................ Proposed measures to protect or conserve plants, animals, fish, or marine life are: As the proposal will not affect any of the above animal life, no measures to protect or conserve plant and animal life has been proposed. _ m .................... .... _.. .....................-.....------------.....----- ... 3. How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources? The proposed zoning/sign amendments do not involve regulations dealing with energy or natural resources. .......................- ----- _..... , . _ ,....... ----- - --.................... ............ ....._ Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are. None Proposed 4 proposal o How would the osal be likely to use r affect f ct y oenvironmental) sensitive aor areas P P nsitireas designated (or eligible or under study) for governmental protection; such as parks, wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, threatened or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites, wetlands, floodplains, or prime farmlands? The proposed sign amendments will not change or affect any environmental sensitive areas or regulations. Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are: None Proposed 5. How would the proposal be like) to affect land and shoreline use, including p p y ding whether it would allow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with existing plans? No change to land and shoreline uses are proposed. ... _-_------- Proposed measures to avoid or reduce s horeline and land use impacts are:. None Proposed 6.. How would the proposal be likely to increase demands on transportation or public services and utilities? None Proposed ....._.... - ----- Proposed measures to reduce or respond to such demand(s) are: None Proposed 7. Identify, if os ......... ... .......- possible, whether the proposal may conflict with local, state, or federal laws or requirements for the protection of the environment. The proposed sign amendments will not conflict with any local, state, or federal laws, or requirements for the protection of the environment. Revised 07/2015 Page 115 SITE PLAN INSTRUCTIONS In Order For Application To Be Determined Complete, A Site Plan Must Be Completed And Submitted. A Detailed Site Plan Is Required: On August 6, 1996, the City Council passed a resolution (No. R-96-91) adopting a requirement that all site plans submitted with any City of Yakima building permit application, land use application, and environmental application must contain the following information listed below and be acceptable by the appropriate division manager. All information that is applicable to your proposal shall be checked off and clearly displayed on the site plan. It is in the applicant's best interest to provide a carefully drawn and scaled site plan with all the required information. The decision on whether or not to grant approval of your development proposal is largely based on the information you provide. An application cannot be processed until an adequate site plan is submitted. Note: You may benefit from the aid of a professional in the preparation of a site plan. 1) Use Ink: Use blue or black permanent ink. It may be helpful to draft the site plan in pencil then trace over in ink. Ink is necessary for adequate duplication. Computer drafted site plans are acceptable. 2) Size of Paper: The site plan shall be legibly drawn in ink on paper of sufficient size to contain the required information, but not less than 8.5" X 11" for Type (1) Review and 11" X 17" for Type (2) and Type (3) Reviews. 3) Use A Straight Edge: All lines must be straight and done with the aid of a ruler or other straight edge. Use a compass when delineating circular drawings such as cul-de-sacs. 4) Drawn to Scale: All site plans shall be drawn to a standard engineering scale and indicated on the site plan. The scale selected shall best fit the paper. The recommended scale shall be: 1"=20'. For example, if the distance from a structure to a property line is 20 feet, then the distance on the site plan will be 1 inch. 5) Use Site Plan Checklist: Use the site plan checklist and provide all applicable information on the site plan. 6) Fill In Information On The Site Plan Template Available At The City Of Yakima Or Attach The Information Below To Your Site Plan: Complete all information requested on the bottom of the site plan template. If you use a different medium, provide the requested information on the alternative paper. DETAILED SITE PLAN CHECKLIST Please complete this checklist and include it with your site plan. The site plan must contain all pertinent information. Items not applicable to the proposed project shall be noted. Check all boxes as: � Included or - Not Annheahle Note: Planning Division or Reviewing Official may require additional information to clarify the proposal, assess its impacts, or determine compliance with the Yakima Municipal Code and other laws and regulations Revised 07/2015 Page 116 CITY PLANNING — SIGN CODE AMENDMENTS TXT#001-17 & SEPA#002-17 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER C Applications C-1 ,,,„.. , Land Use Application for Text Amendment .__..w.........__ . ................. ._.................................................................................. 01/09/2017 I ............................� ..................................� A,ffilpW a a th LANL JSE APPLICATION ill CITY OF YAKIMA, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT :_vr V �, K 1 � `� 129 NORTH SECOND STREET, 2ND FLOOR, YAKIMA, WA 98901 PHONE: (509) 575-6183 FAX: (509) 575-6105 INSTRUCTIONS — PLEASE READ FIRST AND ANSWER ALL Iril STIONS COMPLETELY. If you have any questions about this form or the application process, please ask to speak with a planner. All necessary attachments and the filing fee are required upon submittal. Filing fees are not refundable. This application consists of several parts. PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION, PART II — SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION, and PART III — CERTIFICATION are on this page. PART II, III, and IV contain additional information specific to your proEosal and MUST be attached to this )a° e to COR1 lctC thea lication. PART I — GENERAL INFORMATION Name: City of Yakima Planning Division 1. Applicant's ....u......... Mailing g Address:129 North Second Street ... — Information: ..__ __...... — ............... 6183 City Yakima St: WA Iap 989,01 Phone 509 575 E -Mail: sk.planning@yakimawa.gov 5. Legal Description of Property. (if lengthy, please attach it on a separate document) N/A — Non Project Action 6. Property Address: N/A — Non Project Action PART II — SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION — SEPA CHECKLIST 9. Environmental Checklist see attached forms PART III — CERTIFICATION 10.1 certify that the information on this application and the required attachments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge Property Owner's Signature Date Applicant's Signature Date FILE/APPLICATION(S)# DATE FEE PAID: RECEIVED BY: AMOU mmm-_. ..... W.......... _.... NT PAID: RECEIPT NO: Revised 07/2015 Page 14 �.. 7. Property's Existing Zoning: ZSR ®R-1 ®R-2 ®R-3 ®B-1 ®B-2 ®HB ®SCC ®LCC ®CBD ®GC ®AS ®RD NM -1 ®M-2 --- -----------...�........... 8. Type Of Application: (Check All That Apply) ......... ....�..... ...... ..__.. ...... --- ❑ Administrative Adjustment ® Environmental Checklist (SEPA Review) ❑ Easement Release ❑ Type (1) Review ❑ Right -of -Way Vacation ❑ Rezone ❑ Type (2) Review ❑ Transportation Concurrency ❑ Shoreline ❑ Type (3) Review ❑ Non -Conforming Use/Structure ❑ Critical Areas Review ❑ Preliminary Short Plat ❑ Appeal to HE / City Council ❑ Variance ❑ Final Short Plat ❑ Interpretation by Hearing Examiner ❑ Temporary Use Permit ❑ Short Plat Amendment ❑ Modification ❑ Overlay District ❑ Preliminary Long Plat ❑ Home Occupation ❑ Binding Site Plan ❑ Final Long Plat ❑ Comprehensive Plan Text or Map Amendment ❑ Planned Development ❑ Plat Alteration —Long Plat ❑ Short Plat Exemption: _mm ® Other: Zonine Text Amendment PART II — SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION — SEPA CHECKLIST 9. Environmental Checklist see attached forms PART III — CERTIFICATION 10.1 certify that the information on this application and the required attachments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge Property Owner's Signature Date Applicant's Signature Date FILE/APPLICATION(S)# DATE FEE PAID: RECEIVED BY: AMOU mmm-_. ..... W.......... _.... NT PAID: RECEIPT NO: Revised 07/2015 Page 14 �.. CITY PLANNING — SIGN CODE AMENDMENTS TXT#001-17 & SEPA#002-17 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER D Draft Ordinance �, err / / f r , / :^.. / / „ /ir /, /i ,r /// i, / / ..r //. /�...i�� � r G//r„ �n�, ���,a�,,,�//, „ ✓///1,,,,, ,11a0/�/�„ ,%„/,,,,, %�/%i//,,,,GC/%;, ��i�, r�ar�, �r/ r�%%„ ,�/ %%/�/�, //�6r,,,�%/,,,,/, D-1 Draft Ordinance 02/22/2017 .. . .................................. ..._.......................................................................................................... ...... ..................._ _ ..._�_ ....._ Chapter 15.08 SIGNS Sections: 15.08.010 Purpose. 15.08.020 Definitions. 15.08.030 Development permit required. 464&040...Nenregtflated-aiqnsr 15.08.045 Fee-exompt-signal; ,,gniS .p gL� 15.08.050 Prohibited signs. 15.08.060 Sign standards. 15.08.070 General provisions. 15018,,OX75 Sig!L.LL�grninafion. 15.08.080 Projection over right-of-way. 15.08.090 Roof signs. 15.08.100 Wall signs. 15.08.105 Fascia signs. 15.08.110 Temporary signs. 15, 08, Ll 15 Ii(g i wMkers 15.08.120 Directional signs. 15.08.130 Off -premises signs and billboards. 16-,Q&1 35-_ DvcluLa�W!M, 15.08.140 Multiple -building complexes and multiple -tenant buildings. 15.08.150 Freeway signs. 1.5,08.155 Po.ritable s!901, 15.08.160 Le4ja,knNonconforming signs,MaterWS, Removal and Enforceniegit. 15.08.170 Administrative adjustment of sign standards allowed. 15.08.180 Variances. 15.08.190 Violations. 15.08.010 Purpose. The-pufP06'e-Gf i%4CV o- har-a, (;ter -and intant-of-the "4vand innGvafive DOC. INDEX �'�NIsa �tc��Nnt�r,-�c� accoa�r�,p4aN"p tN��btl�-��p�ap'f�posep Rq�p�p-,.��p-�pnap���,�;BNsN~��,sgm �ptl�pN�paN�v-e,��pppt �p�tlrtltep"tlpp`pa:��� €...s�anp NrN �ttp tl tlp n a sphngN 00:7-§._N....(Ni-4Nr..A) (paiI)„ 20t9S Ord,, d tb ,. .. 9 N.aala) gft .trp .. t:t N maw.{ta apt; .. n t t) N B,p .Nrpprf°n cmmp tmmt�rn m tc tl � a Nra apr c �1 )s u»pbfic. t"[ @ t:L§?f2Ear gnp 0 1p" tN"prupa,r b 0 (af LM �,4)nabNp t'N' R �ll, w tltl 8 erNj, content- - n eutrat and iion,OscriniN,B, to. .. Postandards and L �jgjrerrent NN,has aiso been adgpt(,,,,d fgll,llpirn 1�..... N" irn ismb spru tandards...in, order tonOrmrps�� !n���q sed offiep". p p $'Y N"sp 1,t, Nay V p pqp 44w68C w tl4 _4tl"p tll p r GwUjt Glp"ub manner, .k.,._.... The f flow of trafff and lo:. 1Cp!�t d'dp° rofi;jN s and rlpotYpiis from w �wp ��NNYp��n rt�prraactpn e �a�,a �„n�t 1�ay, „nar �ptN�ak��u4��aE�Nc Eo r gtp4Erp�tN dp��� �p��_�pd�pt�rap' n#qac uk�1 �p���w Provude ronsisten ane ccrrp tc�ade, �dt[p a qq, g a !r,Ig Napu.ranar A<kta,.pinkLst rp pll N ..r r pIcibons which einable the fair aind coin sli stetnt eiiriforcemmpntmmomfmtNn i Dirs chap-LQr t �n a r �p r Nric� gp r p & crw 6,t a sn of dN-rpdp:nfr aoua t o� p e s .n ;l9�p�a�k�sgap�tpopn, ��� �pgrr� �rwc�wupa mc�4uiipMtp N°r�u�n�nor& �riaWa�p��N��t,�p�e+��p..,..:y rna r�tM����t�+�+ �r�„ap�� �pw�tuky„.�,4N�,a"�I am mar raEN�rMrrp ps ,1 a 11 l N nl aN r pe Mow c � rm, nercial! or peon a or ntl rp BA& s p Nr p� t$pp sig��.....A�gpa� arrvp� In is chgpio, Nt be construed tof favor �elnr��on- or�erdqa�pq] pa iis-1-1-1—.1-111--.1-1. „ 15.08.020 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, certain abbreviations, terms, phrases, words and derivatives shall be construed as specified herein. "Abandoned sign” means any sign located on property that is vacant and unoccupied for a period of six months or more, or any sign which pertains to any occupant, business or event unrelated to the present occupant or use , N tarlpNp r tw .."�ttaur ��Eso np��gp�ntp� „ Nas t6�wgi, p r ra n�cn r9p trc pt t o ri pnrµtpct fa l rtwrat tCaa d, tls taw a pd p) and , t rrlr tmn ty ked Mhn..30 di a t t e ( ity 1,1 oyjdes notice o)1,he condition, "Banner" means any sign of lightweight fabric or similar material that is mounted to a pole or building at one or more edges Ngn,ns ng 6La�gw. r)¢tpcpruggr>n. Nationa4 Ctpgs pkeN arad brae$s4 tdeds or rpyrftrr�asN.ttag �oN e,n inp�titaatNora•raa-N;apaaNimassv�N-BN r�p�t-tae oor�r�ider�~r�bap�rrpr�s,,. "i„ iNboard means maw b ra �wwt�t� dor w ' Elisin S�r raw c onlain�UC r71a ss ��tg c onw�r wrciiM or gN'N ar�N,�ntN � aammtn, a Y a,cgsnr N rtett o CiLLa Napi ,-1cinrrtty.tata the..t rtap ,rtynn n vwaMnpawNmt N ug n a ,q_gggir pl gan dor, Era w Nn y, t far a ir!ra Ey i n the INDEX D -1 l �_ga is the case with n MIUML� "Canopy sign" means any sign that is part of or attached to an awning, canopy or other fabric, plastic or structural protective cover over adoor, entrance, window oroutdoor service area. "Changing message center sign" means onelectron ico|��L,0Eg�1pjMycontrolled sign where different automatic changing messages are shown onthe lamp bank. This definition includes time and temperature displays. or show-thp for! I mi "Directional s9ign" �es�d$�����m�directional jSjqL sign" and "on-premisoadirectional sign.^ "Electrical sign" means a sign or sign structure in which electrical wiring, connections, and/or fixtures are used as part of the sign proper. "Fascia board" means: 1. A board used on the outside vertical face of a cornice. 2. The board connecting the top of the siding with the bottom of a soffit. 3. A board nailed across the ends of the rafters at the eaves. 4. The edge beam of a bridge, 5. A flat member or band at the surface of a building, MR �����0��r mm����a� Front View Figure 8-1 "Fascia sign" means a sign which is attached to the fascia board of an existing building's roof structure where the sign projects less than one foot from the fascia or parapet of the building, including the parapet to which it is affixed, painted or attached, running parallel for its whole length to the face or wall of the building, and which does not extend beyond the horizontal width of such building. The building's fascia board shall have a soffit and end caps installed flush with the bottom and ends of the sign, integrating the subject sign into the building's fascia and overall roof system. INDEX T)J SIGN CANNOT EXCEED THE SIZE OF THE FAS( IA BOARD OF WHICH IT IS ATTACHED, JOHN'S SUPER WIDGETS FASCIA BOARD AMUST EXTEND FULL 4YIDTH OF -- END CAPS BUILDING ROOF MAY I+ T�aR04PCl g� Ori - �»SY'�VOT REQUIRED STRUCTURE AND St)FFlf;y ii �a 8,END CAPS MUST BE ''(' 4ARtl 42" E"dT h INSTALLED 4. A +i.IP4 pRd1.dY�' rr r E✓ CIVeOfxaVima FASCIA SIGN (YMC 15.08.105) Figure 8-2 'T laVeaLia s &�TC,�; —of V" loth. aaftaM� �"1��d to a� W�"taff ° ith � isfi�"Vc iye ators b l<Da���:tl`s COY �Pfq�����ls 41:x% as��..IfVr��VC�n�, or state 11L , "Flashing sign" means an electric sign or a portion thereof (except changing message centers) which changes light intensity in a sudden transitory burst, or which switches on and off in a constant pattern in which more than one-third of the nonconstant light source is off at any one time. "Freestanding sign" means any sign supported by one or more uprights, poles or braces in rel°•tipur°-•the ground. "Freeway sign" means a freestanding sign designed and placed to attract the attention of freeway traffic. _°°Cr r t-at.rer ing sig"�" rrw r'fi t rn o�` ry ss`gr�s„-.pr te's ba'� u` strinf}s of ii ttwi p i mslras wf-ti g t to oh''s under-newa"artageo-ient, "Marquee/display case sign” means a sign typically associated with, but not limited to, movie theaters, performing arts theaters, and theatrical playhouses. The sign is attached flat against and parallel to the surface of the structure, or attached to a structure approved by the building official. In addition, a changeable copy area is included where characters, letters, or illustrations can be changed or rearranged without altering the face or the surface of the sign. Marquee/display case signs shall be considered wall signs regulated under the provisions of YMC 15.08.100, and all sign materials placed behind the clear/translucent material shall not be considered a temporary sign subject to the provisions of YMC 15.m08.110,. "Multiple -building complex" is a group of structures housing two or more retail, office, or commercial uses sharing the same lot, access and/or parking facilities, or a coordinated site plan. For purposes of this section, each multiple -building complex shall be considered a single use. "Multiple -tenant building" is a single structure housing two or more retail, office, or commercial uses sharing the same lot, access and/or parking facilities, or a coordinated site plan. For purposes of this section, each multiple -building complex shall be considered a single use. (See YMC 15.08.140.) " oncon ;r rrw iu g... g ar w u�v p mftuwu v o u h � time con 'formedk?Al u E at l ppup�r uut ,ntt wwpu7 d' standards gLf tuu h ,a i' r�mura l� n irw ell p u u_ oe Lc rng.qjwuio % rb, jc-, sem J� o a.,, !1f rm Jk4! 10 rfuau�gµps tum,„na,� Nu n t�rtgMn�uarrut�r�t;; end (p��atr,. "Off -premises directional sign” means an off -premises sign with directions to a particular business. "Off -premises sign" means a sign advertising or promoting merchandise, service, goods, or entertainment sold, produced, manufactured or furnished at a place other than on the property where the sign is located. "On -premises directional sign" means a sign directing pedestrian or vehicular traffic to parking, entrances, exits, service areas, or other on-site locations, of a 2ggi alar hu.. ,tl,�e g. "On -premises sign" means a sign incidental to a lawful use of the premises on which it is located, advertising the business transacted, services rendered, goods sold or products produced on the premises or the name of the business or name of the person, firm or corporation occupying the premises. "Pernimientw Ngrnm" fra rrof p_s'l rfrffstuu!, ed of weather resistaintwmateirJ ll and intended wfor fur�udvu u� ���wr��pwwarid that stow not otherwise meet the definauttg cit "!Lent�n�rafH,, y srgrn,' ,.'''°f�rNsfua��ti._su¢r� .n�ue��u"hs..a..,st�fr°t aatverttsur�g a•ar�dadc�utas or.��.�ta�Nid�:traas.f�;�r lattt�ait•eNe��ttve,..off�c�at�,-o� �a.,polNllcr9 faarly'o.or-mss sugrt- tinging -a -p r49or:rl tr v t'a; otr a kt talt -lr sr e deco t rf try -Fallot•. "Portable sign" means a sign made of wood, metal, plastic, or other durable material that is not attached to the ground or a structure. This definition includes sandwich boards, and portable reader boards if placed on private property. Signs placed on public or street right-of-way, including public sidewalks, require review under YMC 8.20.055,. "Projecting sign" means a sign, other than a wall sign, that is attached to and projects from a structure or building face. Grp "°a rs k°m� PROJECTING SIGN (YMC 15.08.080) Figure 8-3 _'�e��i',.°ett'-Mgn �"p"Reti'�N{4�'; �n�y�.+�W� pd^��t���6��,..�;B�b•�11w��-�� �i�'ro^k'�w�•-��9'k'�''n,�d� A -t l�"gfr�� 9f •N:�Nd��9A�g�`+ "Roof sign" means any sign erected or constructed as an integral part or is essentially part of a normal roof structure of any building design, where any portion of the face of which is situated above the roof line to which it is attached, and which is wholly or partially supported by said building. See YMC 15.08.090. "Sign" means I t. q wgitr�w �Iap�s_a r w a-- s i oawwt alG a awr ataor pyo, any medium, including its structural component parts, used or intended to attract attention to the subject matter that identifies, advertises, and/or promotes an a,&& ,g product, c1qo..,_service, place,.p��.q�m�a� business„ oaK any-oti4eef....tlNrig _ IT, tgs,j Mso fn��lu�des ar"tia�_ptgLjmijj�gn� h i ..: rnuc ktat td unci_ g qV r� Irc urrtutm Ott ati , nu@ , C t, .LkItI tabe Olr �tlTieir devices irtended to attract ttetc� wwiw. "Sign area" means that area contained within a single continuous perimeter enclosing the entire sign 9 9 P 9 9 tn't.t sittt cabinet, but excluding any support or framing structure that does not convey a message. "Sign cabinet" means the module or background containing the advertising message but excluding sign supports, architectural framing, or other decorative features which contain no written or advertising copy,. "Sign height" means the vertical distance measured from the grade below the sign or upper surface of the nearest street curb, whichever permits the greatest height, to the highest point of the sign. Sl'in Fit* PIMA PIUA sign p 1 t Figure 8-4 "Sign setback" means the horizontal distance from the property line to the nearest edge of the sign cabinetot ngn- "Street frontage" means the length in feet of a property line(s) or lot line(s) bordering a public street. For corner lots, each street -side property line shall be a separate street frontage. The frontage for a single use or development on two or more lots shall be the sum of the individual lot frontages. INDEX # �- Figure 8-5 "Temporary sign" means any sign p,!.a.edlin Me ground w4h congf�gLe o a tura ther 1! e, S to Pj.EnqOgmL, _aq ol WuMP_qsl' AtA0jt ,ygtLi.tcori banner,-, pennantj valance", or advertising display constructed of cloth, paper, canvas, cardboard, or other light nondurable mate ria Is.-usAd, !gMij[@6 I a is t o� M�T !!yjL tqq,�p pA a P apt structure or it n Y I _pjtjq�w� affixed,to, p gy 1twrrl r Lffyl�trd�M,Omysmly te made of noji-dural* materials lig! rip! pll"Iptjarl �gLkrzi, Ligffd,.[!exibItL)pa2�oLtiLcs_frjafilicorebc)ard.ariid/or!sioris nsrnade of other, materials shaH be consdered pqrn -_nd arc, _rCrj ta� i La sL 1,an—a L1, c - garage -sale -signs', 'Trakred�Lkjr. nxed to atrafler or vehicle nonnally kjgLnse(J ljw the stat.e, as a that wheet', aled on or, affixed to wheels . ....h...as . _LLt�Lrnove the §WfLtMtocafion lo tjqj, If@ L�e[qq_si i doe ,not y Ns but all _J�j tj@Ljsi %J at, :,�.gj4gtiindyieh qt§ M p sutra„ - that are located on or afixed fto wheets, s._ mo&P, pe4ainjN 4o a-seha,M, residan:[Lal, devol'opolarat„ "Or "Wall sign" means any on -premises sign attached to or painted directly on, or erected against and parallel to, the wall of a building. See YMC 15.08.100. 010C. I,NDEX moumNU�� �tv Of YaWma� � WALL SIGN (YyNC15.U8.10O) Figure 8-6 SIDE VIEW "Window sign" means any sign, pictures, symbol or combination thereof, designed to communicate information about amee�4iw4ydp business, 291§90, event, sale mvservice, placed inside awindow mrupon the window panes orglass and visible from the exterior ofthe windmw 15.08.030 Development permit required. No sign governed by this title shall be erected, structurally altered or relocated after the adoption withoutfirst receiving a development permit from the building official. AH ML)t�atio '. jol @ i.,jqvg,�o I t is 1. For New Uses. All on -premises signs meeting the standards of this chapter are considered Class (1) uses requiring Type (1)review. On -premises signs not meeting the standards shall follow the procedures ����m��� mm���=�~ of YMC 15.08.170, and are otherwise not permitted. Off -premises signs and billboards are permitted as identified in YMC 15.08.130. 2. For Changes or Replacement of an Existing Sign. Structural changes to, or replacement of, an existing sign requires Type (1) review and approval by the building official.,Chan es to the faice or f Spy ;f..ta pr t .taro ided such chan ,dines not c ha e NNno mater B.,. r'. �N? ,gin g gf !b g„�q Lias, rN�unMaNV W pfttf0ift d_Ib tfrpw Lty.LigtLgo:rrer vi�ew.(� 2'04t-,_.f0rr ,-2DOB-464...1-apart"") 2OOt '"4)r t: 049,— -33,-108 .""Ord.""2947-§ . ..(p A'), %g8*Y gna N rrrvrrNrad""ttr ba k: rr a t'sor'rr tt 0r a'r reat t c gear • rN,..ProvaskA'') -sf t kt 1 (tf 7 .y r d xc'a t rte r• �tder wase proq°ait'mted " r egrrN #erg rr.,a'r ' N a'w .. r,t'rr .,.of @4rr o wa'Nat w; tra�N v'N� ug'r''s •r i eg'rr'� 't d ,s..t,G their nur;i air=y ear'R'+ lbis-set'AiGn-de rsarat r�e0�rtu--e a"'��a�rr�-�w•t". 1._......��rad'ow-ssgr'as', mn�c�a'm'�)��r�ctru'or'�"r�N�,.a.,.p�rrr�7ittrd r�s'� fw�'rr¢�t?n..th�� s�g,r°maga does-rr�aN-er;wet fit's" �d'. J�ryr"N&r "d 2'. -mm -- Poi nt-ti;if"JUIGA"N'4@'Sed'4;PVay'sy.,.,stkc'N"�N'A,.�.i�'li'"�'�Yr'".N�A�1'V'R�..,�FWrt" " 04'1'FAM"; .V". �� k tNstr'ic�R sit�,.pq��qur�' 0:--- r�cfrrr.�"tntarr�t���twtiara-sef��rat�r'sr"sra�-aN�'-Y,°as•NDN'�r-�r��br�ot-�s•,•"�raodw�NN"•cc�r°�t�air•re�'e�st�•'„ �,....."Otfrr�taN�.an�f�tatgaN ru��k'o'r�•tssr'red''t�y.,arry•aa�r'rt� t��rt�N'�r�.N�rr+,1y...,�r"r�rar�z�r r:dtace'r ars-perforrr�ar�ce f'"ra pubNNc dirty -air rnllivii fj a y-Vegral-riotiic 4 0 ....t3��rt'No�w�g....�war rrr��"gym wrfra�wt.s'gr r om:strr us�tr�'r� roN�au'ort or'a'rtborb�a�rl law,, 9"---0' ttre..iUt'nited-States..of.," roe+ oa,,.. t tree.4af t"p� N o�rteCt �'t t���.... i�urntN ...rm��sc�acipatut sz. otfidaN 14aga of hweign na°afions, and flags sof internation aHy and nationally reoograr ert-erg t�atiair j'-ro) Vid e d 11w ��M'" Cases e1ecfiori,4ho,%c4-sjgns for -candidates -whose nwii,es-wflf, in the- ie[eefiGn-� and eilie(AW _upoii- any private, 13, a g or-provid*A: for und ef- @&)TAe4'-S'WfiA&" 15.08.045Fee� rslq,", �,'t � � g tfqPft0" The following signs are exempt from the fee-pAgnij L� 5, �tcjjeqLflrements of Y -MG -44 -.04,030 -and -Tide -4 1. On -premises signs not readable from the public right-of-way, i.e., menu boards, i i s�i m. etc.: ELL(IMM MW ...... 2. On -premises directional signs; � a 3.___Barber aifes_qaygvLt� ies or structures intended fo�r a gqq �as gpdMI cantaine IL ..... .. ........ 111111111111111"-H 6 L I d r[jgjLJoLrL Lff � qp Lt o n jay Uri V) (Lr s gj, r i i r (�L( �Ls n to t1je,ja iqia MLujigi de rat y 1her DOC. I -Con' 's1ruMiGn feet �n S�gn area�' 4�----- Ghtirch-, -&ohocfl,r and_tmmniun4y center Square feel4n-srgr+-are&„ 5. Temporary signs Iwo- temporar-y 644fla -,Pei -pa;Gei j-A4p-to-a jK@!P moo'dys�Pj-,kUK:.'Pc LiqygMptj chan 1508110. 6, Governmental S�!�jqs, W�I�Linstgf�edb j!je ity L pa'ggno . . . ...... ..... QL L -AL t for Olec6on im _k Emer ip ul.w_a�jLq 1_ Lr L _Lj9f (15mo_r_PkL cme �(A B 1"raffi Maindlor 'wa f;j–q _ns LLr—ecLf j,.Liqj tarened by ...... ns rq. iCe c:Lbe dLsp ay h q�L _A_L _ j j__� g4_A aw Q. C."its Showi ion of _gqbLm faulffies" and E.� ly e I ......... ��fjy jjqaLgjcj,1jqfigt.Qr sjrnHairj� �j2lgjg )y k� q LqL _ C �d.L _Q t �ty in ) ��otpqtj[jq acb .het'Ah s,afet ,andjj,,qgM M,, j A@ H provkion.s of this Lhapte�rfors' Is I - ------ ... . . ...... 8 d em ear t bl ,narne of!LuuR g_,S!g!ps o�f erectin w d Me j.ke wbich are in Mp[p 2 c jpg Mto J@.. gpL 9. Vehicle wiffi _,pLy r e aat aatc eYir p 1ko,lic attenhon to sch.aqtJLKy,,g[iless such: veNcle or rnobfle unit is ly v sjtLq calLo fL)r thcj)d n'ry,jjLj,rj,,) t�.i _gfgjn�nq1jt_ _L _jp_ _!2_ _g q.(j tur f:,„3abijc attention to the sign. 10"_1 erro aac a rev in windows. Ainside of a pgp[ (Lthevwise affixed to ft windaw,in such a rnann” er as thaw" be easily.re _...LL�QaLgd_p .jgvided! ffiat the totallarea of the pM, q1n.,@ ny_ppe window does not exceed that as aHowed in this C for Windo DOC. INDEX .1.1.,_.._Portabr) rm -3 %twrM Ak%31 P� ���w�rc� t�� �� air me nts of reboil° s 1" 0 '155 Trod U, r.h �1 r� P- 1i n 9. u y ila a. prL))fis�qns of this Ch,a ,� r igns. 15 ....,.050 rohi ited....... , .s.. ... �..... ..., ...�.., The following signs are prohibited: 1. Signs on any vehicle or trailer parked on public or private property and visible from a public right-of- way for the purpose of circumventing the provisions of this chapter. This provision shall not prohibit signs painted on or magnetically attached to any vehicle operating in the normal course of business,,,,, 2. Signs purporting to be, imitating, or resembling an official traffic sign or signal i4 calor, a)aamm, location or rlluunhahop; could cause confusion with any official sign, or which obstruct the visibility of any traffic/street sign or signal o± fraptnnan7.inrr onethrrl pt clldarrninattpn„„. Signs attached to utninty„ streetlight and traffic-control-vAandar4 poles d' lejd pgrns fences owned b the t,n(:y �Nw tgr� w �r1���f Q!2 4. Swinging projecting signs,. 5. Signs in a dilapidated (i.e., having peeling paint, major cracks or holes, and/or loose or dangling materials) or hazardous condition„ 6. Abandoned signs,,;,, 7. Signs on doors, windows or fire escapes that restrict free ingress or egress„ as f;,, Tra ui!pwre w%gym, . Any other sign not meeting the provisions of this chapter. (Or f,-201 007 `N (EA A) (part)„ 2015 1.•("f�,arl);�1-1�1�1}:- .ene�ai 1artnnemants Signs sb°�a11-tla m1,1arr��f i�garr orrlaror�d u°r1af fttPtin�r rnr: tlnsf tlaaytorot r�a'�nstntn:at asay-a-r°�a,�e� or-I�aa�n,r`d-Pim-p+��blaa�sfet�d.p ���rt apmr�-f�ee..ot faeaq�op 1���int„..nr���jor o��aarl�:...��n�r:Puloor�ar�d r ar rllnng,.�� af��r'i-a1-a . eg;Mr�,s°.t1 at.,.are not,ri-tairatmainwl n-t.hi;a.,.r annex-&hWi..fie-c*nair;i red-Woh,ibnted-sigmas.. raarfaaaag sigfia the -owner -Of the roperaOrl-hieh #,tenmmfom-il N,sqo us-loc;ate,6t from -the tareviafion fat-thissW.Jon-r(aqua'g4ig-gattat ,.4,ri aintonanw-a raja air: ,Wld,far- rw-11' ev at Df- Sign (S,ee'-til G 4 ,1m 4 .) ( f fWt'tta ¢ g.; ..a (t afl•+-,.. 1) (tart(, t t•5a"Q4,_-2-008-46-§4 apart),, -200B •Qrd-,938,1 1161.10,81.0610, Sign. standar s,... The provisions of this chapter and the requirements in Table 8-1, "Type and Number of Signs Permitted," Table 8-2, "Maximum Sign Area," and Table 8-3, "Sign Height and Setbacks," are established for all signs in the zoning districts indicated. All permitted signs are subject to the review procedures of this title and the standards of this section. Signs for Class (1), (2) and (3) uses shall be subject to the same procedural and review requirements as the principal use. Table 8-1. Type and Number of Signs Permitted ZONING DISTRICTS SIGN TYPE __ SR R 1 R 2 R 3 B 1 HB B 2 SCC LCC CBDJGC[;ASJRDI M-1 M-2 ..... .......e- ..----- „ PERMITTEDSIGNS On- Nameplate Permitted as an Accessory Use to an Approved or Existing Use Premises Subdivision Signs Identification/Project Identification, Roof*kPr1aWu-,&gns, Not Permitted Class (1) Use ff"E*ii. r1)a. _n._enj Subdivision/Prof. I D, Only On -premises signs meeting the standards of this chapter are considered Class (1) uses Freestanding, requiring Type (1) review. On -premises signs not meeting the standards of this chapter Projecting Not Permitted shall follow the procedures of YMC 15.08.170, and are otherwise not permitted. Freeway See YMC 1508.150 Off- ni D� renm ... ...., Not Class (2) Use 'Not Class (2) Use Class (1) Use Premises a➢wr xtur uanrg......... Permitted Permitted Signs .. afllboards Ikr fi 011 ICS �r rs ird e, INDEX ,.wwm I Table 8-1. Type and Number of Signs Permitted ZONING DISTRICTS TYPE R 1 B-1 B 2 SCC LCC CBD GC AS RD M-1 M-2 mm�SIGN _SR____ _ R-2 m R-3 ^^^ ^HB NUMBER OF SIGNS PERMITTED On- Nameplate 1 Per Dwelling Premises Subdivision 1 Per Street Frontage 1 Per Street Frontage Signs Identification/Use Identification= .................................................................... IFa'rrovuaruent Freestanding, Projecting Not Permitted Wall S qLi i 1" Wa Y IRcbr,VUPrlat'Atr s&Q11F0s -.-p.rL}rtA)W-m,Y 16::,,08-111B,Qb:;: cuur-t atpat e m gwra'Ahwl two, 'grrs pea..q r f, a'noR�-tet^ �ce�,a CxeG�l'.YtlEdn•�ne4ro'8i «vNfn�'rry�.�b.�u�F�N•'I'h,',t�'����UF¢�II'G..*w�F'a�i„ t rre- "^`�mCa" Yah B " Po'o,nr to 1 Bir l�' nx)oe,F reef of &gn' QV pRpAo a.,maxtlnRml n of four srgNns INDEX ,.wwm I Table 8-1. Type and Number of Signs Permitted NOTES: DOC., INDEX ........ .� I ZONING DISTRICTS SIGN TYPE^^^ SR :R��IR-3' B 1 HB [,,, B-2 SCC LCC CBD GC AS RD M 1 M 2 ._._._ Freeway Freeway: See YMC 15.08.150 Off- Doealr )qM Directional: See YMC 15.0& 120(6) -- Premises A+J'reAwmg Not Permitted -- — ._...... -- 1 Sign Per Parcel (Also See YMC 15.08.130) -.. .... Signs � --- - G34N4-t�r�„�s'k^t's 14 II E�iNE NIYV331EII� O ,sIICN II^II:::.q NTTII .II..b II II NAT AII�1::: ta4 S1l:::IQ ON OTHER CPV IElit9A I"eo.rnPQr vY 5.L(l n m, w:.S.1:.. �,II .:...).°",.,.C, .ff,.u.-�W �. b, u11f'IfOh,: r , ;.aIIC do » g:'rQ'zw-'.. W�..° 15„ 08 1 1 7, gitgll_4a ¢Y ee MMS" 15 08 13 u I 12ML) 1;r1'Q 011irn a 99 YMC 15 08 155 NOTES: DOC., INDEX ........ .� I 1. YMC 96.08.140 has freestanding sign provisions for multiple -building complexes and multiple -tenant buildings $irpra fawpsarrrg,x Peri P�a�e��rr�rdry Pra � P �rgflica,� ag#js u�(a adrfiresgiW ugl " M 1,5 08'110 P eran�lltr en1 freest t�rrret�tns° �,�1. � b1a'reN tlrr k�eadrorSrwdSu¢.rar g�NP'P. N �r�r�i�rafarr^...... 2. Nameplates and subdivision identification signs permitted in the residential districts maybe placed on a wall—See Table 8-2. Table B-2. Maximum Sign Area ZONING DISTRICT SR, R-1, R-2, and R-3 Freestanding and Projecting Signs Sign is set back 15 ft. or less Sign is set back 15 ft. or more WALL SIGNS from required right-of-way from required right-of-way Nameplates up to 2 sqftand subdivision/project identification up to 32 sq. ft. FREEWAY SIGNS NOT PERMITTED HB and B-1 GC 24 sq. ft. ............ ......... 40 sq. ft. .......... ......................... 1-1/2 sq, ft, of sign area per lineal B-2 of frontage up to 150 sq, ft I40 sq ft. 60 sq, ft. Frontage is more 1 sq, ft. of sign area per lineal ft. SCC Frontage is less 1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal ft. 1-1/2 sq, ft, of sign area per lineal ft. of frontage up to 250 sq. ft.. than 400 ft. long of frontage up to 100 sq. ft. ft. of frontage up to 150 sq. ft. Frontage is more 1 sqft. of sign area per lineal ft. 1-1/2 sqftof sign area per lineal than 400 ft. long of frontage up to 150 sq. ft. ft. of frontage up to 200 sq. ft. LCC Frontage is less 1 sq, ft, of sign area per lineal ft, 1-1/2 sq. ft, of sign area per lineal SIZE OF WALL TO WHERE PERMITTED: UP than 400 ft. long of frontage up to 150 sq, ft, ft. of frontage up to 200 sq. ft. .............................................�......................_,.... .......-....__........................................._..._........_________ WHICH ATTACHED TO 300 SQUARE FOOT Frontage is more 1 sqft, of sign area per lineal ft. 1-1/2 sq, ft, of sign area per lineal than 400 ft, long of frontage up to 200 sq, ft. ft, of frontage up to 250 sq„ ft. CBD 1 sq, ftof sign area per lineal ft„ of frontage up to 150 sq. ft, DOC. INDEX 0 w GC Frontage is less 1 sqft. of sign area per lineal ft, 1-1/2 sq, ft, of sign area per lineal than 400 ft, long of frontage up to 150 sq, ft ft. of frontage up to 200 sq. ft. Frontage is more 1 sq, ft. of sign area per lineal ft. 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal than 400 ft. long of frontage up to 200 sq, ft. ft. of frontage up to 250 sq. ft.. DOC. INDEX 0 w AS Frontage is less 1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal ft. 1-1/2 sq, ft. of sign area per lineal than 400 ft. long of frontage up to 150 sq. ft ft. of frontage up to 200 sq. ft. Frontage is more 1 sq, ftof sign area per lineal ft. 1-1/2 sq, ftof sign area per lineal than 400 ft. long of frontage up to 200 sq. ft. ft of frontage up to 250 sq. ft. RD Frontage is less 1 sqftof sign area per lineal ft. 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal than 400 ftlong of frontage up to 150 sq, ft. ft. of frontage up to 200 sq. ft. Frontage is more 1 sq, ft, of sign area per lineal ft. 1-1/2 sqft, of sign area per lineal than 400 ft, long of frontage up to 200 sq, ft ft, of frontage up to 250 sq. ft. M 1 - 1 sqft, of sign area per lineal ft. 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal M-2 of frontage up to 100 sq, ft. ft. of frontage up to 150 sq, ft, MAXIMUM AREA PER SIGN = 2 TIMES THE MAXIMUM AREA PER SIGN FACE MAXIMUM SIGN AREA OF o f R SgQN 1 YPF::S "THA 1I" ARE BASED CU CTII fl::::,P CIPV Y11::::IRJA alroti cf Sual p,dy,w:iee K@'�1C 115,08.11 115 DIIG111,@ ,..`nOp s See .YMC 95 ,00,135 FOIE ) ficpure> ;ar'�:aWO 1A......... n INDEX ,) . Table 8-3. Sign Height and Setbacks --------- -._ - ...------------ ZONING DISTRICTS SIGN STANDARDS SR R 1^„I R-2 R 3 13-1 HB B-2 SCC LCC CBD GC . AS M 1 M-2 MAXIMUM SIGN HEIGHT 1 Sign is .... 5 ft, ......................10 ft. �15 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft. �._.... 30 ft.,.. ,ee . e.,.... P...... ... erniaalu"..a¢.u7.. Freestanding, back 15 feet or less from required right-of-way Sign is set 10 ft. 15 ft. 20 ft. 35 ft. 40 ft 30 ft. 40 ft. back more than 15 feet from required right-of-way Projecting Not permitted See YMC 1508.080 1. Wall 1. Top of wall to which attached (YMC 15.08.100) 2 F. L, ontalandverticallimatsoffasc ^ is board to which attached (YMC.1 08 105) ascia 2 onz... — ...............� Freeway Where permitted: 70 ft. Table 8-3. Sign Height and Setbacks DOC, I N D, E. ZONING DISTRICTS SIGN STANDARDS SR R HB B-2 ............M-2 SCC LCC ......CBD GC AS RD M-1 mm -3B-1 ^ SETBACKS Minimum front yard Edge of right-of-way setbacks Minimum side yard Required setback standards for each zoning district (Table 5-1) setbacks SQQN II-B11:::'.VCII-I"f AIN 11) SII:::':"1�11mCKS FOR SIGNS �ryPES �Fil- P��>r ARE IF..ASElf..1 ON C"fV-lll:::'.R CR: II TER: 1A .... .._.. .. ...--.__, .......... drunll[22rp 5u io l ". e YMf 1 Cts ro.. Cad lied S..ma See_YMC 15,08 1,15 Notes: 1 YMC 15.08.140 has special freestanding sign provisions for multiple -building complexes and multiple -tenant buildings. 2 Nameplates and subdivision identification signs permitted in the residential districts may be placed on a wall. (See Table 8-2..) DOC, I N D, E. x,444• 204 . ss �., .,. € • ,o- rw �,. - �� ro � ,a• . a�Hr�, t ra •. — _u .� ?� � R r, .. � ,., � �r .� � � a; : �s a�,. a �-,a IN 1) ElEX General rovisl�ons. 15.08..070 Gen ............ .._,. , ..... .,......e.. ,,..,, . ....... .......... ��...., ..,.., ...F........... �.� .... �,....., ..............� All signs fnr @u iq�t,ek°rk n tr�ou yuru:_, shall comply with the following provisions: A. Construction shall satisfy the requirements of the building code �rurl pruknenu,:ldd runfl; .._..........:... c.......................°..:.....�........at � �ffed is of"wale n w�ruu�d as well a unreel the fallowin mairru.rfa.c.....uuod of du�....le d ruatr�uiiall..� that withstand Qlm� r. ...W.�... .., .._. .W.... . _ ...._. � ....._..� pt,quirrpm nt : `l 1 1 ct_�w-af f jc rm , i C'nwar%flt ff, inyG coate � ���tuur ��rf , ���f�u�o Mkt t�ljed't ilh adhe eve ore, not allowed. "aniv s o vigyl, si ns,_.mu t be dd�r���dt�l@Ig.go..�. ,.... �� 0 'aces made of n �c�wn 1" dautr vig1 _r�r ;�iA°q�a1��� f gapt, e mate6��� C�a��t �u�„ �t t ��ef� to jjt ii�anenn&w c _struiclures miustbe �MiQU IVIled behkid a.p,,,djn1eLer fr n"Gwayorwtri m Ca p._lkM(t���� mrict m �, lhr m w�kfkp' d c w r wtjot xppa d1 a uP- Ilat_�Vams�aua�f' wca , ����st�at td����u,,a r ¢n ��,trnnp�l from"r Rl��� ��rywgtutre!M� ,. B. Except for nonrfr-gul t c4-g4Aen Li, and temporary signs, all signs shall be permanently attached to a building or the ground; C. Signs attached to a building shall not exceed the height of the building, except under the provisions of YMC 15.08.080(1) and15.08.090; D. All signs shall comply with the setback requirements in Table 8-3, except when the side or rear yard is a street frontage, then the front setback shall apply; E. flmnbmaddition to the c u nmggcsp uwa umr.,tp fq a urea __ :@ � is m�,mV5,1 6 75 R fighting directed on or internal to any sign shall be shaded, screened, or directed so that the light's intensity or brightness shall not adversely affect neighboring property or motor vehicle safety; F. All signs together with their supports, braces, and guys shall be maintained in a safe and secure manner; G. The ratio of the area of the sign support, framing structure, and/or other decorative features which contain no written or advertising copy to the sign cabinet shall not be greater than 1:1; pap,.;—A-al awfew..4,4491.&slW..be-maid"rt;airle l rpt-alll drsvewoy nd rau b-certs,for4sv torr -F fet,y-p url)oses--(se WDEX Ili. Hlm No freestanding -signs shall be graced in the clear view triangle of ro�fdwoy x di_nvow �,W.S r garb ti! W �t established in YMC 15.05.040; and 1J. irkaddition topig- vtgut u6Aana uii C.O��a� retrernents cif.. Schon 15,08r,075, _IAny exterior lighting must be shielded and directed away from adjoining streets or residential uses. J'. The construction:..tafmmj� r r�da���wa5 � q,,kn� ited to the rnate rais described in the rola*tif7it n� j R mcoram l::y' §49LL L(fll' 4l it a ditiott wd 4 if`U ,r r fry„ q t a n LgH � „r aah� r'i"n1, t tNLa r �rpiternents of t, I C ba# :@P, ICa Wtlrr_q,..l q t. not pi,mited tryo_ edion 15 08A10 t tsar„ uctn iadnV Ik t v nt,zec tc c _,irtu._totu zd ijoct fi , or r Vit, a + u e attachedto aw inellura inq ktnA not Etu� Red tra.�.n.rh ity_p I ,f' rJjtant m �f� �� nc „air start nc n .. triclum�tct�s v n�V fc� rLr��a� qty j Lky' ..Rp!poved sL,!2s, MH be hel'dvforfive _bu!sines qy@� rtuj the Public Works is.trJpa,i,tnro1ggi a ter which the Affl be.. , c.p ar de �and/or destrove . t.rr�.... !o Sn i IILtLa�t �r�FY���IrY„t�10. tl �C� x��. n�4 p Cb't t� .:�k� .I Yd 1 W��t 1�s��d, �r W� �,., t�q�7G�d�8 d?,, �r�1�nt@ w t —,1ciy%9—qh—LL-w .rd: �,°�-�t�:.. ��t"N-��, ..���'�t�, ��@�� �r�,.�,.t��•-��-�'����rt„ ",�-1. Mrd,,-,�"-..t,..�r�tp,-�.-�wa�'�t., t d l,_ 47 Iq R�i 0, rd . R 6.0un nation. .A.......General. No wwte,�rar„ ° r r lt cob n LCIII_Iylgy. i�iLr ril ted,. i rtslocated ate residenfiWon�i . illkgjllatd,e)(Cptt1j�gw wI� � a rri LI B e ul mMa inated or fliuwrninat s nem��! or HowabIq ch stall 'w�m'i , i LiLa � t flfwjnated,or have externl indirect iflurnin Alias uiii :w tlierwi llr if, . B. t rn liw inii g iinaed u 'tr _.......m............:..�..........�� i a u i ed om i .. its i t t#i i N � 1¢J rte& � r r iirecte i l' ogt ii ( Li MIQLA immj ifl q. mIT :....i ��ii ri Nr r11 ii i r"b uar� in t �C�r� i �m��� ��' 1i�L source i not yisibl' �aw q""peUL�qiii and i"iiil tUrthr puc k fixture mounted 9 above the si n i' irm Ike insta e Wth itbottom pne ruii u, a I)Warr"Js thp'§i(— —,, ___(p) �.,,...... _ ... MO ttorn nj! i t fixture i °_ gg qr i u of the fixture " ij'iriq is iocated no Iii the too of ttie sian face. Liaht fixtures aimed and installed in this fashion shaH be consdered 1. int rri ii ���t ii ����pg b riSgLgyjnnd b'W"MIUcient text au gib6 . I ih e pig owrteLdes4'es to havethe entire nface visUe at iii ilk it �rii V qdu i iu i<� ar r Iglu r the, p.,su t°ry o this hap er _..������............ �.lig no case rn airiint rnq R�L coed a of 50, nits in a resWentu i � w� a Cuere li w� fiats iri a r~� un.- resi. en,1J i, Lbq_n,L�jjfuui°i hours. urs. is aElowed min inon resWeinti6l zoines mirfl. i�...lhulli rna exceed I:BRIboards, This cti in does not gi* to biHboards, which are r ° ulate ....u°un r Sectio.in 15.08.080 Projection over right-of-way. Projecting and freestanding signs shall comply with the following provisions: 1. No more than one-third of the height of any projecting sign shall exceed the height of the building to which it is attached. 2. All signs projecting over the public right-of-way shall conform to the following standards amen.( oW lawl a.. Clearance Above Grade Maximum Projection Less than 8 feet Not permitted Clearance Above Grade Maximum Projection 8 feet to 9 feet 1 foot 9 feet to 10 feet 2 feet Over 10 feet 2/3 the distance from building to curb line or a maximum of 10 feet ,, ...._No sign shall project within two feet of the curb line. 16.08.090 Roof signs. All roof signs shall comply with the following provisions; 1. Roof signs shall be constructed upon the roof of a building,. 2. Roof signs shall be integrated into the roof system of an existing building, or be erected so as to appear from all sides as a wall sign applied to an existing penthouse which appears to be a part of the building itself. 3. Roof signs must not exceed the maximum allowable height of the building within the district in which it is located. 4. All roof signs shall be installed or erected in such a manner that there is no visible support structure. -(':'wt. 20'��� fb0s"-, .N4 �xl�,-�-(pert), 0t;: sw��:t-�008,•�t0� �_f1��-), w�008m�:�rz-�t� •,t..._(awt;-198'80.,;. al signs. 00 Wl _. _.. All wall signs shall conform to the following provisions: 1. Wall signs may be painted upon, attached flat to, or pinned away from the wall, but shall not project more than twelve inches from the wall. 2. The number of wall signs is not regulated; provided, the total area of the wall sign(s) may not exceed the area of the wall to which attached. E D—p 3. Wall signs shall not extend above the height of the wall to which attached. 4. Marquee/Display Case Signs. a. Marquee/display case signs shall have: i. A changeable copy area where characters, letters, or illustrations can be changed or rearranged without altering the face or the surface of the sign; ii. The sign face shall be made of a translucent durable material; iii. The sign cabinet/display case shall be lockable and capable of preserving the sign material inside from the elements. (Ord. 2015-007 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2015: Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008: Ord. 93-81 § 38, 1993: Ord. 2947 § 1 (part), 1986). 15.08.105 Fascia signs. A fascia sign is a sign which is attached to the fascia board of an existing building's roof structure. 1. Fascia signs may be painted upon, attached flat to, or pinned/projecting from the fascia board, but shall not project more than twelve inches from the fascia board. 2. The number of fascia signs is not regulated; provided, the total area of the sign(s) may not exceed the area of the fascia board to which it is attached. 3. Fascia signs shall not extend beyond the horizontal and vertical limits of the fascia board to which it is attached. (t a6 2015 lit / r I (E', xhrA (I. tp...2015) 10 Temporary suns. No review a UL(r l for l ,nwipt.����wy ogp All temporary signs shall conform to the following: A.A. No temporary sign shall be placed in a required parking space, driveway, or clearview triangle. B.2. No temporary sign may be placed u+4en PpeK*wa4y pawwntlal ley @tne;.aily"cnwrwnl Jnr Iyavnd, tNufr..(n_Ilawpuwrkc,dou a..:.uy.i!abt�o— wPy ) t �IgII,jgfion with an appCa � � ti n iia( y�mmn�4��pr nul„ �ecl�p dam IT��u t�p����a� fan (l�pr pia %��d sno ,$bran t(la ' Nor tpwtww rsrar.� ngrt,*�twdlb bplaced nrw the roadway Ci. —'rex k w ;.*s i n td at ua �nm±� w�L ., d � µa, t* uu 1 r u¢�ilaR w t nlld rr„a k gwwauth the foil nor anmw"rira , 1.m_ Location, Allowed naan,P„ �tu�tw �a wa mtln _linpgqyjlne arid the back of the ineare ta aan x_�ar wwl ere IN rLLL 1 M d a n, ther @, Lt dIl)Lino �l'�a ,nt�t e.a nt �� fat kl�� �n ���n�� �%t nen n"n .. ni t g r,tLagr au„tnnn. rr9n r nlla , tnlww Awa n, w r a �tnt..l wr i r a n a a ... c r la trine airw� vehicular use,: iroryall of the albuwuGfuirn laindowineirwi reqreq.. ___,aLqns on stakes that can Ib airagg l rushgL riamnjre� lirw4a� LIMA r����, rad 18� ��. �allll wC„a;L Uw`ple s s - .................. a .. i err w Alin ed to foukirwJ� qirwwI@ �wwQo.t wpww n. _:tPb.etW� 3 le l ntb...l��.�, h__E�a�unLB�� mm ua g 5 ____ _ ub rntaarr r . su in in ttnjp u_i Q t Mq 4tnafl§A �a au 4r: u° irmu�u ru la ll w rnovedwllW �t�„��rn�wan rknn�n�:�ul��.�r�rn�8�tra�ru� ur�6 �kur�ardm ..�'rhe µti,? arna?Ilww QLtr snn in a Opy-Eit aAmwwn.wnln..tp�.t......_',npnnut Ems, Resid ntitq r zoo ren, q � VC�� aVnu� C` �.)�c�k;d* �NGh �I'�Y m� ��4 d�� Gk�9 G6�..��h9n�$l 1��, 7 "4�Fithttle:_r q.lUwf'rLnirnatsLthUs SeCtioilriavithe LhUdLg%FVN1 n 1 C) ne t r npq!Larwnua rr w t r�tm mq, ruuaut rac%L 4 t n r 4) salu re feet is allowed. 2, Rees �sa�gn� �%u .u...4pt'�duatAwn� m. ra � nn��rua��emr�,�t�al� ;r�tl c��� ��� iii rr ..re, qua en:fiu....un. ..t olru,pp r mmfui-t s tar lun . n .sIrn l of exceed fouAr, utua a Bunt nanN size and five telt tna h�r�„nu��wt wf Jlien L n Mtnuma t rnpunnted atingth �'rtt�gjq [jLJ rrrat t xceed. three fe naw h ltthit it tt r �gatrnmi t ai rr'MrO�.gnat au....or,ngaaul l :,M Il. lrn rrau Rli-f iraall r mist rnfi al gaairne t rn [ fr t abatlra l ray to ll resat. a s l .................................................................................................................................._............ .... .. ggqLqigjrpt � i si and fine feet in,� gunk%%�. at.�l n w i�n� a t u� a�ara�a c� e rn f ar p. wnartnd and not to mmexceed thq'a w feet in tilt if the ITii tmKi2 rrMnnnaini Leuar aaa�a lel, .. ... tbgr-ba i F Non-resICdenfial zones, i erjjpA:jCg IL(jtj�.prp alk3wed n non iresidential zoic es in accordance 2g, wit h ffie q� 4uirenn(,�,,nts of lhis section and the folio wl . ......... — . . .................... -------D � 1 tict?do si ns are Himited t n q wii dow airea. 2�. Freestafl!diflq§Ig!l§,,damn lLidindd.dpuajjn - ',A'It, pi I me limited to four zgc S — 4La[pfq@tand1 five feet i mo rit (1, nrn,4dua gEqqtjtd gjjLqp jLq exceed 1hreefeeLinflek�t.Lf n eLijj�j�jrar kj]Jsslake-nlountedj'o ortabte, - _ -M q:L@_L -_y �L -.1 Surface -mounted sigLisLarejirnited to thi�ly sq fq to • _.jA!g!LQ_,.tt_@nd miust be flat y gffixed to walls or Lhp su ig", icj ur ) , L,,iite. a_ ngjj 1q_Mg.— L -,— nqg-res�denfial zone of rnoire Uian not exceed si ly-jour �,!g!IgLp .�ggjgn_qp tabove g.[pjyj.djeveL Stich a sLgLi_gLloyted, hereinis �n 6eu of and sshaH not be di�sLayL(j wLtaLqr be to ?Ijy ilp �Ky 11,5 eW b o _9 _Jgg R(: , _g:!g_ qV 4. NoAjernporary sign shall removed after the event for which it is intended. (Part -)'i 1986Y Ord, 2.947 §-4 16,08.115 Carrieds IR Carreed g! A. rried sig !jd pq.[o!], 'is 3 �B. Numbeir. No limit. C. Area. 1 �he carried s�qp §L�a I n qppo_ - _Iq r "=11L --'11.-1----- p, ill C jg� and s�hahl inot exq�e(tejghj_Ct fp.;tj _h I it when held �lin � �� .11 2.21 ........................ . ................. ......... pLapg_ Q, Zone, I(ri( 3 e i.rL 7 1 es. ._.qr 0 11 �Lq �1�yjL gj:,�Eq� ml� -1 --1 Ems_®_ Design. A carr iled Sign a iV Ir cNmEa,rabrated.Carried sig2� aru ns I arl(Lim— ............ Mrsori� ga j,ry,j.nq si ns shall be Hrnitedto the hours from clawn untif dUsk. A carried si n ellItL 1g ga"scribed in Section DOC. INDEX grub un � rrl r 1n rut s unit r c , n, rr"reasure rr r s tutc cc 1 h ,cur.b a ukIjjM, lb roadw r e of th [L1 t,Q Char w exists, Carded o rr roust remain oro the sidewalks intersections, Irr no event rr� m �n�l��t �u )r� � th � t�c� mm �mu� mtu� �IY�� �d�t. tMilr��tr d r r interfev uth �..., ...mm. ..�.- , .A..�.... veNc l r traffic. q .. �tru �._.._...........-.-......................-............w....... µ .._ I_ ocatirawomw wwll t Il owed . Cam ue Lalli, haH not be located urs qy t!,Ie . l��)V 1. On anyulru_prrm mit uQtuaue vITtuLµ�u`hrtUr -_ 9r..rrr�Nwarr t�da 3. In drt1 4, r t rar � 9q t r gj4gi & r i r t�Limm ITu u u mw q I a gls u�u„tw ..........._.__....ln a location . r rr� r� r that r ��,�aV:��....in a r ra �sAth carried u t l scall o tet r u ith motorist ist p ( ��n ri;,s 3 � ars � 15.08.120 Directional signs. A. On -Premises Directional Signs. On -premises directional signs readable from the public right-of-way may be permitted in accordance with Table 8-1. On -premises directional signs may contain both directions and the business name or logo, provided the business name or logo shall not exceed fifty percent of the sign area. All on -premises directional signs shall meet the general provisions of this section, and shall not exceed ten square feet per sign face. B. Off -Premises Directional Signs. Off -premises directional signs are permitted where indicated in YMC 1..13(B); provided, that: 1. Each use located in a district where off -premises directional signs are allowed is permitted one off - premises directional sign; 2. The off -premises sign contains only directional information and does not exceed thirty-two square feet in area nor twenty-five feet in height; 3. The off -premises signs are permanently installed on private property; INDEX 4. Only one off -premises sign is permitted on a parcel. (Crd•- 01 -t107§4('L-xh ) (part)v,204&- 0- rd;� 2008-46+4- (lr a t), 20,q8!.. « 1 0Mr'and billboards. A. Billboards are: 1. Class (1) uses in the M-1 and M-2 districts; and 2. Class (2) uses in the CBD, GC, and RD districts. B. Billboards may be permitted in these districts after the required level of review, provided they meet the provisions of this chapter and all of the following criteria: 1. The maximum sign area does not exceed three hundred square feet per sign face; 2. There is no more than one product displayed per sign face; 3. There are no side-by-side panels a'ther I°aora o� lgd aN qr ar dm(y; 4. Required front yard setbacks are met; 5. Billboards between a one -hundred -fifty- and three -hundred -foot radius of a residential district shall be restricted to one hundred sixty square feet per sign face and may not be lighted; 6. No billboard shall be located within one hundred fifty feet of a residential district; 7. The billboard is not within five hundred lineal feet of another billboard having the same street frontage; 8. Billboard height standards shall not exceed that permitted for freestanding signs as provided in Table 8-3; 9. The total number of combined freestanding signs, off -premises signs and billboards does not exceed the number of freestanding signs allowed for the property. C. Off -premises signs are: 1. Class (1) uses in the M-1 and M-2 districts; 2. Class (2) uses in the B-2, CBD, GC, and RD districts. Off -premises signs may be permitted in these districts after the required level of review, provided they meet the provisions of this chapter and the specific standards for the district in which they are located. (0 ,4, 2,045-007- §,4 -81... .4 , fgg1.4"N' t. 2 -94741 --(part),; 1,96) Vit&X18.135 l ar i t wig ,. X IlMaAirnnuirrn size,, 1 he maxiiniurnsize na L .. uyr p l Ar .. nr uW f n t. K Density p nr rr my fs( a tr i l nnn 9n 8 feelf streLt f'rontag.e. na I t � n! mw u n mum Vp n �r r rul aini non tesidential zones Q� ._...... Maxinnvn G� rni na nce for...di t. , rt is one k�m� ndred, 0 n� E. C:: ii d9 V Ali, ii s_wtlLa.y.h.....nom, iotO i s oto iiei" thaii�m llim cIhaiL�� V,�� F. .t h inrnlirniiimuirn heldels een irnp .5,saqgs iii Ali hl 8 econ�, w,. _To enSUreha w i u��nl lgrj..r rr��s�rtw�r� �rn��l �u �ut�u� s,�� a r � t�nc�tii��m� standards, 0a �l a siggs�ln�r6p t ��o� lir Lock � r u°n gal nnn��ir R rn . �r r oPnj�rhwir�c 15.08.140 Multiple -building complexes an p p multiple -tenant buildings. A. Purpose. The following provisions shall apply to multiple -building complexes and multiple -tenant buildings in the SCC, LCC, GC, and RD districts. B. Number of Freestanding Signs, I ,qLt bLe r6„. 2q. Each multiple -building complex shall be allowed one freestanding..g: p2E'La.tjq sign on each street frontage in accordance with Table 8-2. When the street frontage is longer than four hundred feet: 1. One additional freestanding_2Lp t� tkq, sign shall be permitted for each additional four hundred feet of street frontage or part thereof; or 2. A single, larger freestanding 1" Lgijg,q,p, sign can be erected in accordance with Table 8-2. INDEX w' s If option 1, as set forth in subsection (B)(1) of this section, is selected, no freestanding..pl,.tjpr pmtiAq sign shall be placed closer than two hundred feet to any other freestanding „g,u;,p,2fjgPj !g sign or exceed the standards in Table 8-2. These provisions shall also apply to each multiple -tenant building, unless it is a part of a multiple -building complex. The allowable freestanding_;ppm,t p jl ,kg sign(s) may be used to advertise one or more of the uses in the multiple -building complex or multiple -tenant building. Qf4,X)08-46 150 Frsuvsw sins. A. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to permitItRi--�s��°�t sm°vie stt3eaw d�tmt sl its coana ierci O eslablishiments near the freeway a larger on -premises sign to inform freeway travelers of their services. B. Location. A freeway sign maybe used to substitute an allowable freestanding sign where there is more than one street frontage, when the use: 1. Has frontage on Nob Hill Blvd., Yakima Avenue, Terrace Heights Drive, North 1 st Street, North 16th Avenue, or North 40th Avenue and all or a portion of the lot is within one thousand feet of a freeway interchange; or 2. Is within two hundred fifty feet of the freeway right-of-way. C. Number of Freeway Signs. Only one freeway sign is permitted on each parcel, multiple -building complex or for each development, whichever is more restrictive. D. Uses with Only One Frontage. Uses within the area described in subsection B of this section with only one street frontage may install a freeway sign in addition to the permitted freestanding sign. E. Sign Height. The maximum height for freeway signs is shown in Table (+)art --20't a t 00 t- � t...(.poat , 0t . u: r f,, .,. 00 :mad g 7... ..(f)ari,; r1.08a),: 1:5.08.165 Portable M nsp ort q ig _ur-gIL,�rLi,Lig san i hrani ru as ft ' l e� nntt) pd s1r-01C®rn I h DOC. INDU ,_� A. Zone, Porta I 'wed 'i o,_1 in non-resklentia,11 zon., rare [jgEaEy j2q[t gLi a�_ q in residential zones su Lqyis�oins in Section 15.08.11 O� B. QesjgEtgEjij_M�, tedals, Portable si b,,, rnaterja . ........ ed with dura [e . . . . ............................................................. ............... oltherwise ttjgy,,wi4b�e, r �i qi s under Section 15,08. 110 . Portable s' imust be des�! ted ba e for s and a heaMy w �,j I-Lt..§R�sp the p latAe g _q_ _g!]ded 1,.)etween _pposkig faces of a saindwich board §jgin, Por L,ig!is cannot be PlUrniriated. C. Size, and ni 11t, ULis, �!i I L _LH11 a maxingirn of four fe(,�t inhelg12 lit _qmaxirigurn of three feet in width. . . . . .... .. ............ . .... . Q, Nurn ber, Not more than IWO12) !ijIg q, (!,P LhLtsines P 31 _pg.[tgLq_§jga py re feet of the e 4,J cij xqtgqJ . .................................... § the-evenUm . .. ....... E Location. Poda �e.si ris must be iocated no further- than ten ....... I ..... ............ � u �Ung..of o ne Ibusi ness o ir tenni int §jp tj,�jq te t.rn y. . ... ............ ..... �L ........ . ................ p _ ... _.�ii ...... _j- i a 1.)..e located not farther tha....fir n L 1Q.) feet frorn the site's diriveway entraince, N Ig I s n a be _2-L located on the Lid tL �gtAJQILVIPYLWAW_C L1tP1L_q _jq�skLe ivp tjjO t @ kj - f-_�ALay Sv� rMit L 1�,,A __kL _L �1 tjL -.9-5 tj2q-- orotherpg�rtitaNiowing ch wse issued by, Q t�L �s F, is Flours. Portable sig nc� I 'L --y— _ns cft L �,Rm rp , e siq n Lj be la ed q..It � _[U LL , n. q _��L.Ma P business or erati i 912–_ _na_ h00�M)ty-.. 15.08.160 Legal inlMonconforming s ig nsNja it n a nc e..qLpjrj!ja, Rn ova I of sic nqAild I .......... Enforcement of this A A. N lly Sig n5AIja lawfully existing under all codes and ordinances in effect at the time this title is enacted or amended may continue to be maintained and operated as a legal nonconforming sign so long as it remains otherwise lawful; provided, that: I.A.. No sign shall be changed in any manner that increases its noncompliance with the provisions of this title; and DOC. INDEX 0 IIS. If the sign is structurally altered or moved, its legal nonconforming status shall be voided, and the sign will be required to conform to the provisions of this title. Nothing in this section shall be construed to restrict normal structural repair and maintenance; and The sign is not a hazardous or abandoned sign t r. ( rd 205-O 7 - 8a -A, f artj•„ C Q4, -21M, 2t)tOt . 4- pafV)-, 18 ,. t i m u p < Wprrft Lb! dp11,pLn[ �LggY '!!aq gan rlt 4tgpt '!�.A a. . w M ajrReinance of ,r� rr tt r� gyral r „rh 4 4 2u r r r7 r r rp r' , 4 tlu �� .n z..n ar i�u eu r r tlr n r: m ._ _ ____ __ - l'mavinr N Oat„t ���;pess� in or c0fltr l OVef a buil' ing_�tr�r tLNn _oc..p r�r�,8 of t �rmud ire firatl to rniarritalmm army ,a u� wwpi 4N'ra dmrrtft ne trur 4urfr or m mrr l ire r om lr,�`rttr e Wh tVtw fah 4er and ttr ¢ rr4rr tovr r¢an�� raf'tltwrs r orfs ' rr ur .fes W �__ .... a .� ���. p. _.. ��q P w� .�.m�.. ro, m,., ..,,,.. t Na mr a r ptttpN ,ftr ptµ4y tar r tfpd7t @r wwtlrr Nmt tpter mshall ...beiim aint nrte�l �ktmp ngrr owner. Faikire Il 1"n aintain a ggn Care MLAtes a vaol_ florp of this, ch t2t�rww�ar��� l�rrilwtl� �pl��r�a rt_���_pau�faf�Wpp�wp�ut �rwr�r�p�, N `fib. �. „... _ ..0 , rr v t snr r s oaywwta�gi�I.), odd/c nn�.0 td� igrL,5 p�42( 4 tirar gtr ,,-.Rg e' r r other r rrnants of 6d pr1! ,wh,jqh irer�;i:L nitb to iu�a U5 rpm r twat l)rt�p rI pr i1gm% a'Lq r`tt�p�,wt�aH be rr. roved. In addition to ! rte" t t'V3r,die o'f”YMC Title 15 the Director shy" H have the authcrri" ...t re Li[ tp,t .m re &riLem liQN (Jr, rrn a,val:. f al�M xr r_1t�t=Wre MvcfV J)as ar c orfrq dJ]a9ud« Ltc_JALLepreseritsa hmtp prd 14rp gi4 �m�� 4th Orwetfarf of e tau a NNa awatwtf ie cost...o the pra d/ r „fj(p12qqy D, 4 rhfcr errar rnt of ttmrs h ter tot.uturans of tt as revusuor� , of this lm� tr r @�aNt t r enforred ccoudtf"nr tr:r ...,„„....W..„„... ...,„�.„�...�,..�».. ,. .,,. .,......w....H be e.. forc.,_.W..��'�.�jg adjustment of sign standards allowed. 5. 70 Administrative , a... A. Comprehensive Design Plan. A comprehensive design plan is required whenever adjustment of one or more of the sign design standards of this chapter is proposed or when required as part of a detailed sign plan. The comprehensive design plan shall include a narrative and site plan, including but not limited to the following: 1. Site plan which includes the physical components of the sign including sign size, height, shape, color, location and associated landscaping; 2. A description of how the sign relates to the immediate surroundings, including existing and proposed structures, other signs, neighboring land uses and the character of the zoning district; 3. An explanation of why the existing sign standards are not adequate and require adjustment; and 4. For multiple -tenant buildings and multi ple'buUdinQcomplexes, adescription ofhow the available sign area will baallocated between tenants cvleasable spaces. C.B.3, LEI�Yajiarl Review Procedures. The administrative official shall review the inaccordance wdhtheproxisionoofYMCChopter15.10ondmayedheroppnoveor disapprove the plan. The administrative official shall approve the comprehensive design plan and/or adjustments inthe standards ofthis chapter when he or she finds that such approval would beconsistent with the character of the zoning district, compatible with neighboring land uses, and create visual harmony between the sign, structure, and the site where it is located. The administrative official may also attach conditions to this !bp_,appnmwm|imorder &uaccomplish the o±jeoQuescfthiS and Yh8C��1��8��. 15.08.180 Variances. Except aoallowed byYMC 15.08.170, no reduction of the standards in this chapter is allowed except pursuant toYMCChoptarl rd -2008-46A -1 15.08.190 Violations. Failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter is a violation and punishable under YMC Chapter 15.25. CITY PLANNING — SIGN CODE AMENDMENTS TXT#001-17 & SEPA#002-17 EXiI1IT LIST CHAPTER E Public Comments E-1 Email Comments from James Carpentier, Northwest Sign 02/03/2017 Council/International Sign Association E -la: Staff Response E -lb: Email Attachment: Night-time Brightness Level Recommendation for On -Premise Electronic Message Centers E -lc: Email Attachment: Suggested Changes to SignCodem.. ............................... ..... .... .. - ...... ..... ..... Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in Wkethfo"h-yekw Additions are in undprfinge yellow Chapter 16.08 SIGNS Sections: 15.08.010 Purpose, 15.08.020 Definitions. 15.08.030 Development permit required 15.08,045 15.08.050 Prohibited signs, 15.08.060 Sign standards. 15.08.070 General provisions, Dirnylation, 15.08.080 Projection over right-of-way,. 15.08.090 Roof signs 15.08.100 Wall signs, 15.08.105 Fascia signs. 15.08.110 Temporary signs. !"'L' QP 15.08.120 Directional signs, 15.08.130 Off -premises signs and billboards 15.08.140 Multiple -building complexes and multiple -tenant buildings, 15.08.150 Freeway signs. il� 0- i Is ro EpacL' SgLm 115.06160 U)�Fil nNonconforming signs,_M.a1tgi' 15.08.170 Administrative adjustment of sign standards allowed 1_5L08.180 Variances. 15.8190 Violations, DOC. INDEX #JE Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in 6tFikethFOUgh YeIIGW Additions are in kunIderfine yellow sign -dark , @r*OIOA �,(hspfayh"]% "Whirl lt,�4&4;hafAes, (;0 POWOOr cY anleir u to 1. Minim rquELPIkUp M r12 j,� t,�,wik„par�neaadc� nrrrrtflur elf a. g.Lk3ft&.§,j a -Iftnt *OLdral rna The free flaqofWaff yrd,Wj ,44 4. uovPd ccxt t we iruwan I ThIS Cha ker 44s W InW'ged to reold INA 15.08.020 Definitions. ... ...................... ........ ...... ............ ..................... ...... .. ..... For the purpose of this chapter, certain abbreviations, terms, phrases, words and derivatives shall be construed as specified herein, "Abandoned sign” means any sign located on property that is vacant and unoccupied for a period of six months or more, or any sign which pertains to any occupant, business or event unrelated to the present occupant or use, Abandcmfad 9 g1jjALg wulr Ra des sp ris thW are b J@ _rW, !&d wls "Banner' means any sign of lightweight fabric or similar material that is mounted to a pole or building at one or more edges fldjqi' W riot he "se aw to la ny _Itorle, _Pr M 5 . nis DOC. INDEX Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in Additions are in underlineely levy ouafrroa�x9�s¢f� caa�,ama�a�aWlaaa�l;f.BVirµt,�!awl„u4tro_urwnc�lGV^�ra�lf�l�r"v�_wwr„vr�ma�rrl�_W"dl"g1�.P1¢�rwa�t��rlr�ti,icy,9+".~��t�,�cpferoratrvu��M�.1s�,�,. "Canopy sign" means any sign that is part of or attached to an awn ing, canopy or other fabric, plastic or structural protective cover over a door, entrance, window or outdoor service area, .�grivai,i ���1a1._.warrt aury r1. V,?..tpabl tgolcj.pf.*��9fast ""?."gV.rYsal«� sari:�ia,rna'd.Iv�"..41a�rr�iV,. "Changing message center sign" means an electronically or unvasuriaaHy controlled sign where different automatic changing messages are shown on the lamp bank. TWs,dehmfion iAoWdos r�C9• Ee p at ire t9' Ita . �:uruskvurtv�arq-�,agca ra�aas:w^asrffiy sua„iwa•rauarV tas�Ra?flxaarotrr�ttdawsrv'w p7ttwaixt.�r+a�pa�maewwi�;..�:rarrt:°�r�Gu�v�•a�b ot�la�r�mlr#�wrwtfr,is. ou aracmiasrsa+�olµ��d�r�tNa-theaao¢a�Va�aab��;vn�aV a-btdaVr'k6w�Va,��sw�tf•VrasVrwaMa,�•ttae-d���kP,mr1 t1B.�tq-rodaa�8dduag,�r hNa V��rf��an.�r. wf�ra�t'twwa� rrauVVrfbwlat Bw�cnkeamYad, St ilial,- VL( An0t�An rrro ,.,?w larc_i tii b> ..yV: +fav fr ;d_iarwVs°JL4, pniva a a.a:i. 8V aaa4VA a.-ar iVttil 2_.. rryaar :�..i?racy_ItlVuVn�pV�;^�I�,nc91�4�'I�Sdfhtrfi,, ''Directional ^,,:sign„u w,v�ni ..r.4Vrw is rac,ct cbw l,fi yaraupr : a��tV rti oidu ryw'gZt rrc-aragr;��dPunrrq_Gft g fNa ere andsafe ra rinrepuml tgrrc9 atosran ,ga;vewrafir „sa09uiam a„eiro9wu18a Gant l& new ltaraaaµrdq- eea�pg."'ofd-premisesdlr'ecianai sign" and on -premises directional sign.” "Electrical sign” means a sign or sign structure in which electrical wiring, connections, and/or fixtures are used as part of the sign proper. "Fascia board” means: 1 A board used on the outside vertical face of a cornice. 2. The board connecting the top of the siding with the bottom of a soffit, 3. Aboard nailed across the ends of the rafters at the eaves. 4. The edge beam of a bridge. 5, A flat member or band at the surface of a building, y g t Commented [con]eo defined b the content the message, This sign type should not be Commented [JC2]: We suggest that this sign be named as a driveway sign or something similar, As drafted the City would need to review the content of the g mwith-the sign to detennme.copliance ........... .. withe ce ---- - _,...._.... a INDa #_E- I c Northwest Sign Councillinternatiorral Sign Association Comments Deletions are in sWkethreuqkyeWw Additions are in underline Frwa VMw Figure 8-1 "Fascia sign" means a sign which is attached to the fascia board of an existing building's roof structure where the sign projects less than one foot from the fascia or parapet of the building, including the parapet to which it is affixed, painted or attached, running parallel for its whole length to the face or wall of the building, and which does not extend beyond the horizontal width of such building. The building's fascia board shall have a soffit and end caps installed flush with the bottom and ends of the sign, integrating the subject sign into the building's fascia and overall roof system. D f O t/O M au� 1 Figure 8-1 "Fascia sign" means a sign which is attached to the fascia board of an existing building's roof structure where the sign projects less than one foot from the fascia or parapet of the building, including the parapet to which it is affixed, painted or attached, running parallel for its whole length to the face or wall of the building, and which does not extend beyond the horizontal width of such building. The building's fascia board shall have a soffit and end caps installed flush with the bottom and ends of the sign, integrating the subject sign into the building's fascia and overall roof system. D Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in �+ak( Additions are in underlineer�„„Ilovv JOHN'S SUPER WII b)(TTS,✓, a J f W� ;d;pr 41. uq�wW lib �d"_N f i `"" L �. Inv „✓..,... .�.�.� ... ............. ....... .. .. ,,. ,.. N........... µ.... � IFA aCIIA l'N (YMI 15x08 14 �x r. Figure S-2 F q ac _rva au w prq[mc," twC a{r 9( tt a i,ra,eY �r u , WM; wlj(9k a�r�gI tFwL Lnlnml,mlo«u trf s�an SH § tgk:iyregANAa "Flashing sign" means an electric sign or a portion thereof (except changing message centers) which changes light intensity in a sudden transitory burst, or which switches on and off in a constant pattern in which more than one-third of the nonconstant light source is off at any one time. "Freestanding sign" means any sign supported by one or more uprights, poles or braces in r"paon the ground.. "Freeway sign" means a freestanding sign designed and placed to attract the attention of freeway traffic. 4.na�ana0'.a,�gaa�iaua�m,pee,.ware�mwrstaaa�ap,:,d�a'r�a�wutust;.,f�,�sgr+rr� tt�aarrawarcna, rt�ria,�.(gma�t irJta'tra �4��xts�q. au940a�q�.'d,�ra�Nlraa�o-a� andth s.rp Maretv.(otl-orao-angvr �r� sew Ont7nv.grue a gvusao- a(f,e raer'wt. "Marquee/display case sign" means a sign typically associated with, but not limited to, movie theaters, performing arts theaters, and theatrical playhouses. The sign is attached flat against and parallel to the surface Commented [JC3]: We recommend that a flag not be defined by the content. DOC. INDEX 6-1 Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in Additions are in urtdrl% of the structure, or attached to a structure approved by the building official. In addition, a changeable copy area is included where characters, letters, or illustrations can be changed or rearranged without altering the face or the surface of the sign. Marquee/display case signs shall be considered wall signs regulated under the provisions of YMC 15.08.100, and all sign materials placed behind the clear/translucent material shall not be considered a temporary sign subject to the provisions of YMC 15 08110, "Multiple -building complex" is a group of structures housing two or more retail, office, or commercial uses sharing the same lot, access and/or parking facilities, or a coordinated site plan For purposes of this section, each multiple -building complex shall be considered a single use. "Multiple -tenant building" is a single structure housing two or more retail, office, or commercial uses sharing the same lot, access and/or parking facilities, or a coordinated site plan. For purposes of this section, each multiple -building complex shall be considered a single use. (See YMC 15.08.140) n tcuaw� �rnvfaaunlpv to w&II-a�p�]ll I�P�agwr%�%vM>z:o-mv�irm�'�d...�iiuro_r�%r! sn�::..Op?� X10 �atro�%�in ,at._m. _- ...--.. ,a- . :landar ds a this ..,, ..; ,, .........5ubsettiirt rn ter, ert t:r zr c na[ arm rtua�s.. .. ....... ....r.... .j lrngtas air,a,atrm%gufasrtPaB pry jtrrrro 1%., "Off -premises directional sign" means an off -premises sign with directions to a articular busines . p 9 P 9 P "Off -premises sign" means a sign advertising or promoting merchandise, service, goods, or entertainment sold, produced, manufactured or furnished at a place other than on the property where the sign is located, "On -premises directional sign" means a sign directing pedestrian or vehicular traffic to parking, entrances, exits, service areas, or other on-site locations qt ]a r(ii ucVat_ �gjojr� "On -premises sign" means a sign incidental to a lawful use of the premises on which it is located, advertising the business transacted, services rendered, goods sold or products produced on the premises or the name of the business or name of the person, firm or corporation occupying the premises. T% rrrvYAp cuvt .,d%%1"_,, pit q q bymiv . 4ru.r_ti tar %% aj anPd a r g mw„v ,j %,vut tr ati ra Sl cdaoyW til,a,C: u4s% ✓1 d'r as franc:% ia, ,%aad. that ce iot ovrwise pet the d o_ ea glx y+ry �6 :krparrof r r tri kri�e¢; .- tam:trm�r.�at �aalar- �a:e,aa� ct sa fp�a a�tl+absdahy] ,� ut'rgrar'/%&�ura"u yaw• �sMc3dret� Jwurr�rr pawaB�tua�'�kw9aay�Pr�r�� o Nf�r, ox wa-ya+sind Vas2- yxaaty;• e:,a rfprm:argAra%;ofarta�xCar-netaa•oa: p-aab%Ia,issue dcv,6edijy4mflof- ................... ........ ..,................... Commented [JC4]: We suggest that directional sign term n utilized since review of the sign content is e uret. o e uti e term not Commented [JCS]: We suggest that directional sign q be utilized since review of the sign content is 11111111111111111111111 . �.......v� Doc. WDEX C- I c Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in Additions are in of dgerPitl,e allow "Portable sign" means a sign made of wood, metal, plastic, or other durable material that is not attached to the ground or a structure. This definition includes sandwich boards, and portable reader boards if placed on private property. Signs placed on public or street right-of-way, including public sidewalks, require review under YMC 8.20.055. "Projecting sign" means a sign, other than a wall sign, that is attached to and projects from a structure or building face. �r '�PROJECTlNG SIG14 (YMC 15M 080) Figure 8-3 P� � C rke qa�r� rea�o,.�w�n-,'�=e+� �awlcrfnea�,�ira�o-�pt I�,w1i 4p� �:�i.;.iau �r��r.�;r�r��t�m9 ,r�i ��m��e�'f�aa• h�u�l4a�tw�vgu�. "Roof sign" means any sign erected or constructed as an integral part or is essentially part of a normal roof structure of any building design, where any portion of the face of which is situated above the roof line to which it is attached, and which is wholly or partially supported by said building. See YMC 15.08.090. "Sign" means Iltprgu�� ry t�Er 1ta}paz v r�k ear, v�j�Go� ijiaaur r �tirtru d�iwany medium, including its structural component parts, used or intended to attract attention to the subject matter that identifies, advertises, andlor promotes wi-acgiwAy product, ttprxa,!�service, place, 2gr,.5s r ae a srtr�ir<6 u�cli t maR p 'A—, F Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in stfikethFough yeNew Additions are in underline yellow business-o�°-�wrv!y.oHl-�� tftirt4 �.�.?fit-�gk�rro,fcw+�4a„Yt4�.��k"v9.tt�u�_�t�<tc�hrra�p��;kr�_�Itt7! °a@i��ta,�tiaCi "��,�Yrr@t � �S�a@�ra�RnwM.,. C� ry ar ,,@ ro igT{ra nu Y ¢uroi& t kal_pu rm rroull"oir„devw ca n. hiteinde to a ftraact a�gtenflloin "Sign area” means that area contained within a single continuous perimeter enclosing the entire sign nndaqa',,, ,grm cabinet, but excluding any support or framing structure that does not convey a message. "Sign cabinet" means the module or background containing the advertising message but excluding sign supports, architectural framing, or other decorative features which contain no written or advertising copy, "Sign height" means the vertical distance measured from the grade below the sign or upper surface of the nearest street curb, whichever permits the greatest height, to the highest point of the sign. ilMigw"'"`• �' �r I t: I Figure 8-4 "Sign setback" means the horizontal distance from the property line to the nearest edge of the sign cabinet or. *,q01 "Street frontage" means the length in feet of a property line(s) or lot line(s) bordering a public street. For corner lots, each street -side property line shall be a separate street frontage.. The frontage for a single use or development on two or more lots shall be the sum of the individual lot frontages. Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in stitilkethF91:1gh YeIIGW Additions are in underline yeflow Figure 8-5 "Temporary sign" means any sign,LR2jLq_r tdmmo sty M'Miner,,!Si n a EV11 9E 5ALM 19 tV, qUqk.,Kqor banner.0 pennant,,., valance advertising display constructed of cloth, paper, canvas, cardboard, or other light nondurable materials gsedl W mnq lonwrory„%no, aw qf&.rrr )jqg[g,,,flg�i le IaMicsjoa ore: bo Ird an lo s q� tedwfth water solubte � so ch M i 9 1 M-- _,P P"',nt� u --- d ram --- 4-a? C nu KAMIMPIASAIAL --MU ---- n Mkl�w qtj,qpitqy jyp-,o14fiFkOaW; MdUd4ad k'04WS QA&W)ry adw, grand opouung, spw*O-eates-,6pa4W,aVO1M,,, zirW, Ra I RE �Aifx wmfncnAaurq1(LtO LRLISM MALMg daxmajLgi r, g v Naix I ngrimn jig,e r sa rJ kaywthe 5, klil a ,a flWl119!F.4!,di.,,,-;mctijjag!!Lli�t�mtqjnrA(Ai'Vanipcn olf Wnsiuj&t, d paftPM pgotim tq!RgMn& lrmkagg §iqm ftvk!grr_&q atarimcar XA( Sk LUrIq nwah*-a, Ofgr* urAW, JdwWy, aw#Oa arwtotn arutraywaa'at[ aa O'g-4o aqxA,"xj1,- "Wall sign” means any on -premises sign attached to or painted directly on, or erected against and parallel to, the wall of a building, See YMC ISDAJ.00, DOC. INDEX # F.- I C Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in Additions are in underlineyeRow H _/YJliu p'W LL SIU'b IN MMAW..x 15,0ft:Il. l00W Figure 6-6 V pF VE W "Window sign" means any sign, pictures, symbol or combination thereof, designed to communicate information ataout ;d cfavuky;ra, business, pcu, r wnrmn x iaty aqqC 4,event, sale or service, placed insgde a window or upon the window panes or glass and visible from the exterior of the window iunlows(lncddafranOV dnr�4•fam•ir'aa Gr iadiadw- raadwaua"vrviGuararp•assfPd%WuV•Otatiaitnu�ispamfirs•paeurnnwftn3enr POwrNa¢afpu..xr-rd-fnatlwot.becnn,onWawrfr+&aGRar.. t dwt kea n ntnfl ds eu adlaV f uA dfen„lflfi Yms,r74(_,nf i anal f efo(& d ,dafxxcw6+ 9"&ga.Wik4lwxomin fifty., a�af,�o-tanyf"fE rrrWlydo ar it (,C);,6402Ub- g7...tkFiuly f0)6f�r��; mfffm4S�, mef:�RdUth= �..�tr 20 -10:. -Ori 200&46 § i (p,9f p pM •Ord 93-81 § f"i, 1993 Ord_31W 16,1 98 0a w -M73 4 f (,faar#,4986), 1..5....0...8.. 0.3.0 Development_ permit required : ...... ........................... ........... ....... ......... .................... .... ....... No sign governed by this title shall be erected, structurally altered or relocated after the adoption without first receiving a development permit from the building official. ,A „agr2lla ations for a,cjpwgN&ggy'pgM pd rLtlill La 1n�+ frq r Sv�r,(�ro',sRi�ICm(a�� o+�vpaP�n�C(_(r�r c orn miptiaµ(rcy ?�((k��gCtiC,_�1(e4Rnfrpu�"f� r�d,4krip C P��f�tanr �afPk drtl�gr,�phu«µr �V(P�� pkrddfs9zf(.��rrl_ tfrrr fncekrmn� s,if4aarrl ifa nV t rqc@ 7cc radinpy Vr a ffro.(yr .e avrl oR4n P aG7i 9la::a(a&r ,c .(gurtl(fffPl.r;. 1. For New Uses. All on -premises signs meeting the standards of this chapter are considered Class (1) uses requiring Type (1) review. On -premises signs not meeting the standards shall follow the procedures DOC. INDEX n E.I C 4 .' H _/YJliu p'W LL SIU'b IN MMAW..x 15,0ft:Il. l00W Figure 6-6 V pF VE W "Window sign" means any sign, pictures, symbol or combination thereof, designed to communicate information ataout ;d cfavuky;ra, business, pcu, r wnrmn x iaty aqqC 4,event, sale or service, placed insgde a window or upon the window panes or glass and visible from the exterior of the window iunlows(lncddafranOV dnr�4•fam•ir'aa Gr iadiadw- raadwaua"vrviGuararp•assfPd%WuV•Otatiaitnu�ispamfirs•paeurnnwftn3enr POwrNa¢afpu..xr-rd-fnatlwot.becnn,onWawrfr+&aGRar.. t dwt kea n ntnfl ds eu adlaV f uA dfen„lflfi Yms,r74(_,nf i anal f efo(& d ,dafxxcw6+ 9"&ga.Wik4lwxomin fifty., a�af,�o-tanyf"fE rrrWlydo ar it (,C);,6402Ub- g7...tkFiuly f0)6f�r��; mfffm4S�, mef:�RdUth= �..�tr 20 -10:. -Ori 200&46 § i (p,9f p pM •Ord 93-81 § f"i, 1993 Ord_31W 16,1 98 0a w -M73 4 f (,faar#,4986), 1..5....0...8.. 0.3.0 Development_ permit required : ...... ........................... ........... ....... ......... .................... .... ....... No sign governed by this title shall be erected, structurally altered or relocated after the adoption without first receiving a development permit from the building official. ,A „agr2lla ations for a,cjpwgN&ggy'pgM pd rLtlill La 1n�+ frq r Sv�r,(�ro',sRi�ICm(a�� o+�vpaP�n�C(_(r�r c orn miptiaµ(rcy ?�((k��gCtiC,_�1(e4Rnfrpu�"f� r�d,4krip C P��f�tanr �afPk drtl�gr,�phu«µr �V(P�� pkrddfs9zf(.��rrl_ tfrrr fncekrmn� s,if4aarrl ifa nV t rqc@ 7cc radinpy Vr a ffro.(yr .e avrl oR4n P aG7i 9la::a(a&r ,c .(gurtl(fffPl.r;. 1. For New Uses. All on -premises signs meeting the standards of this chapter are considered Class (1) uses requiring Type (1) review. On -premises signs not meeting the standards shall follow the procedures DOC. INDEX n E.I C Northwest Sign Council/international Sign Association Comments Deletions are in st*ikethf,9u9b-yWlGw Additions are in underling yellow of YMC 15.08.170, and are otherwise not permitted Off -premises signs and billboards are permitted as identified in YMC 15 08,130. 2. For Changes or Replacement of an Existing Sign, Structural changes to, or replacement of, an existing sign requires Type (1) review and approval by the building official ,bg�Ajq y,:g9,, py, PACE' - 20 1, 1-04-24)08-46-1- §43, 1447. QW-2,947--§44pafl, IM) 3 148�0401#opfv otWwao,p",TNWWd,ADf reqWalod 4nohar, -the rafiuWQ14as' to, mA-aNtom a-pwmg 4_—Wndow4qnmn 2-� PNW 3--Gmyesk)nes� 4_444rhorpows' 7-0ffic4M,1f%1 legal Purkho bwy�-fyapson, or (,WWA�41' Qr--QffiCAW flags otlhe WAQ64stataa o9-AnrR6Ga,.slvAeb,of ft offi4al, flags 0 k1raKin 41tamatlorwyafw nawyvaUy .. ........... .. ......... ........ ..... .................. ... .. .............................................. ...... .... . Commented [JC61: We recommend that changes to the sign face not require a permit. ..... .......... DOC. INDEX Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in Additions are in uklrferd'in l[faw R �]� p�oNrvkia�at arpws �aaRorei Rua�rtiap..a r �arg4twds�tum aaa v�awaaktaletoa toa fmrwfaG¢w m��wrtrtim•��4f"ar;a]7rrlrqqca%,.f�t�wk�+,�wa� prurorru�Br ugJ.e ( r on: ra [mutbr rs sucee rbr i J c m p rN fru�� aat S that- a,�.._dy{I pokitwksdtfr s s�9 t��rear�red wwRfeKnfifsarrafeys fratle�wtlwmcg.Rha aResRta'�at•o ostitstak-tgwu�at-tam- r;.ases>ti peva a-geneaad-atrvoRwsan Robta tiss a pawz^naay alei" hw, Rfans»o ignb tr:(carrrfedr4 s whose- m%mos Ma apapawawon-the balkg, 4n tho gsrnofW— arlion.maMy taa 44tlsopdayer arra(r daeinterfmpa fa od� ew�atdmatmwGu ftRWe�eam ad aye-auttaa t�gae•gew�aarxaN-egerytGaamsrtt�rt �gWaw prtgab'iv,.kaR--sigu�>n"bhsa2t.&ae erect�Ag wsRx:rw a0"h';nAd tmrhvsMsr�afRmaaty �sudtur�4at�ta�yasarraowsarwaa+nf.tNme- rl��Vr,@r4q•orowR'aar mtl�'F9P"�ll'w-�^v�NYR�. If��'i,"gr�k'kY�'N&.v'+�'q7WF�ra'Ytltlklhf9�~�n�#�R4'g fi94i�:dt;�4'C�wJ tlntd N,;µNM191k"�4�G%la qr`pe^^tn`m"4a�"�dri'yi.-f�4W',� pWigiic,,W signs-sh aH tea placad Mwwm Wrhaut.,f ie wrMon cGnswRof the aawnrs of.the pr+opaarkyf, ]a---fow�awtaasrem�stga�as, m"Aaa asyraram &W"wa fswro-reawmprasaw"tra,��gram� g�s�psi�r8,-sbaat tra u�ssamaswrf aa+nrawgDo.roemf fsBsbrsf.. d�awr y-Rwr�a. vsra 9'eefmak swgwm assn Esse tlf 1 d�......16�J;. —��rmaaopa+ms snst.swaaur�; aemHs A — fgw�r mt paaR tlwcsar, duak r'me,tRrous wr�aaaamut tay, is goveaaun ni egea, y oam arty orwreqauvwl or provided,for asrmtRea-r�u°:ta'attRraaf.atsq eats; ��+f _.cssRruaa�oaa.ar>at.rest estrst sgtu:w.uap to »V.agrtyP.dawrc+ srgaua�e.tsetan•stit]tr. �aroa_•[.CgnrJ -2fu.f Tg�ggp'.n. Qdi 301 0 U.47, Od -2-947-J-4 (pwart), t99:ft)- 15.8.45 eeWexetmt',emrme The following signs are exempt from the fame pe,i(p:p)llttin,g_requirements of YNIC ��t a 030 and Nle 15, bW r�uakse sr bt rwittmtl eatlrR pfarrmwn4 0 kgat pa vwti•a ssagaral3 tik�tie gew aoaY uasgwraa°ewwnaawts art ta4g4 d a t k fad a and"Abe s wfdc st tRaa sof y�kvt k _ R.g�Rt&f �kIAp chat, :. 1. On -premises signs not readable from the public right-of-way, i.e,, menu boards uirata [Dery ,,alq[t f,„„etc.; 2. On -premises directional sign; 3 0faartx,r 2gtlpy,.fkrpeamu ._lra yams,rra stlrarw,iaxa 3 rweCr,raaf af,tlQrmg: tt?4a:gW m +anxucV7,.htoAwr wkll r;fwrk,piiya*aS 4 BiekVwRgrrfidentrlIva ufirp,rtsaeoibeyss,rt,ra,rtrrrir,ai,pal�ssnaprptt,r,&I;u��atiwa+iy�9rartti,3a..akfas�eRsw..;ma�zy_sa. i�r�y.ttrn*date rcygr�tlwm�Rworro., .............._.......... .... ......... ............... ...... Commented [JC7]: We recommend that this sign type be described by size such as minor or intended to be utilized and viewed for on-site purposes only DOC. INDEX E1C Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in sti:ikethizeugh yellow ditions are in underline y_qflg 3 4 ( 04) korka0vot #kgy-hvosq�m�a feet Vn sBgnairaa� 5- Temporary signs MO,$qUa4V4WO'wK1tip, 11M LAWO&O'PiPsWar LLQ. (CM, 241-5-007 §-HEA1 Ay (pw 1), 2015), _LL . .......... ........... _gOU i s ire k � d to lb -, di- gygd by. 0@M WIM S f Q SliiqasL-sllo—wu i�i,Atml2gqtuo.gtRo�L�(2,! nO ,'-L... Qr r,anyjm qw- s Emp U10ji& !Q;matt!cl tq jluohc hezlfil 7, Ftq 8gy tLaqn, jm� a, -M a t !qy C, qp of_h9 M P ir'sjtJTIS 9-9 : � � Pril—A! (,ij Rif qao d Ota' 1h2,bM11q1n(j DM�ftEiat andiao4g, 9. tlic0 with,s ins 6aV,sAl r; Y, 1,9 2 kqqj pqtM Uniess Such vflhiCW g'rMbfle Ung M fgg,.jj aa.Vy,farnrked 9pqpG M jor thqtup M atY1z1MRMt!tPmmPO1. FL A) An l 6117 _par ryM!��gaypng .......... . . ...... ..................... w1iridow does not exceed ilhat wll ai.bwed ..... . . ...... . . . . . . ............................................ .. . . . . . . ........... . . .............. DOC. INDEX JA Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in Additions are in underliyellow 41 m.m ,l�gtj rapalr narta o crGiccw..:9,intl•1 °ro ar„1 .. i. i) i N ti ra em , q q t Iw10m. 75,08.050 Prohibited signs ............ ...... The following signs are prohibited: 1. Signs on any vehicle or trailer parked on public or private property and visible from a public right-of- way for the purpose of circumventing the provisions of this chapter, This provision shall not prohibit signs painted on or magnetically attached to any vehicle operating in the normal course of business;,,,, 2. Signs purporting to be, imitating, or resembling an official traffic sign or signal )a7 02 c fL(&Stg Tr p,,,. 1 aatwoit qE Clllggr in,aWm; could cause confusion with any official sign, or which obstruct the visibility of any traffic/street sign or signal of gogAAd~p°ar ,k7d dlaar r?P�dau ki d ItdL una)u . 3, Signs attached to utility, streetlight and traffic -control Maaiaapwd poles oa iatgl9q wrltti , i iaa lwd ad lc,; fgrrya �,a�a�7�r�vr cq,)ay 19�� r rtp ppy�'ie�rn r�ia,�.g�n Iro4�"a��;; 4. Swinging projecting signs;, 5, Signs in a dilapidated (i.e., having peeling paint, major cracks or holes, and/or loose or dangling materials) or hazardous condition;,, 6, Abandoned signs,;,,,, 7. Signs on doors, windows or fire escapes that restrict free ingress or egress{; and., 6. TraaBtammrfrl kwl 6,9, Any other sign not meeting the provisions of this chapter (OKI-, 2016 t 077!,1 6•,qg ro-A�jgaaar) 2dwt•5r t ar d 2gtt•t� as M jaart, rods4C')a t &8..5 0 ,. 3 t, dt;8g3Ord fm l k 1 (fir+q ttbtBd jb 4...--anara6.dagurraa�aaaar- vMas�tPoa&Ytae.raaawnut�aaed.idkfpa°awadWrcter-ervatretaaa•utalMtNarasara9txiatl�tilaau7draraok hasGpSwany dna ngrar oar hazard'* piub4c s aff'My' aml ars -free caf faaaeRGaH,7 ras�wro0..nvin of am c4as and 8awwo and adaa%pYiwng-ru t riWSigns that tarai ureof-waa aecai,arrradn tundra mar nen 40iM * conwl z wJ prohflV' ed za gna� Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in 640keth%ugh-yeUow Additions are in pnd2rfine yellow � muce urrt� er�ia�7tfS �a rs ' �awEs�e a sand Repaa cDtt d r am'r t& aiG tGtG h IB a i a wtkvo tirem� r a�a� a mr c t d¢mq�st- rwa�������,fz��am��ntp-aattpo�, rrv�6�s7�uu�fti�i��r��;lt��ri v-oaf�r�Wu����s�to..¢�����wuteffi�aaaca��oy'��a��r�ai'�ae�r��rrrwr�w•��t�its�e�;�s�a^t�l �W„tG���Y�wr4�� � •-2c1 ..� il. � ,- ;�{p it). . wit -2008— .1 -(pan) v,20Q 4,)(d-03-84-§ 5,499a)w 15:08A6Q Sign standards, The provisions of this chapter and the requirements in Table 8-1, "Type and Number of Signs Permitted,” Table 8-2, "Maximum Sign Area," and Table 6-3, "Sign Height and Setbacks," are established for all signs in the zoning districts indicated. All permitted signs are subject to the review procedures of this title and the standards of this section. Signs for Class (1), (2) and (3) uses shall be subject to the same procedural and review requirements as the principal use. MEN # C �I "� „�. Northwest Sign CmncWInternataorIW Sign Association Comments Deletions are in s#9WWough•ya4Gw Additions are inderj'no M 11 maw DOC. INDEX o t_—1 C Table 8-1. Type and Number of Signs Permitted ZONING DISTRICTS SIGN TYPE ---------- ........... SR R-1 R-2 R-3 B-1 HB B-2 SCC LCC CBD GC-rASRDM 1 M--2 '(PERMITTED SIGNS On- Nameplate Permitted as an Accessory Use to an Approved or Existing Use 'Premises ,Subdivision Signs Identification/Project Identification° RootTRrawtafn'* Sw ngmv Not Permitted Class (1) Use Freestanding Subdivision/Proj. I.D. Only On -premises signs meeting the standards of this chapter are considered Class (1) uses requiring Type (1) review, On -premises signs not meeting the standards of this chapter (Projecting Not Permitted shall follow the procedures of YMC,; .0176, and are otherwise not permitted. Freeway See YMC5.08 9 0 Off- Wirw Moue ai ......................... Not Class (2) Use Not .Class (2) Use Class (1) Use Premises Permitted Permitted Ivo,oria5 Signs 'pa0dbsows'fk iiuu°,iisryiiiruuy 1?d't'ds. DOC. INDEX o t_—1 C Northwest Sign Councilllntemational Sign Association Comments Deletions are in e4riketk1"' w Additions are in and INDEX Table 8-1. Type and Number of Signs Permitted ZONING DISTRICTS SIGN TYPESR.....R:1......�R-2..-..._R.3...--ITITBITIIT HB SCC LCCC'SD GC AS RD M-1 M-2 NUMBER OF SIGNS PERMITTED On- Nameplate .................................................................................................................. 1 Per Dwelling Premises Subdivision 1Vdenlificatlow 1 Per Street Frontage 1 Per Street Frontage Signs IdentlflcationlUse Freestanding Projecting Not Permitted Wall a&M ''tl VAW pg,P1,YMC" inn , ;,'tl d&baa of -W'*J G 9 14Ftl Jki0Df6PW1,,WbW g Pofro ,,wn9d--Y0wtl , IGnt4db 4,kr a-A'1u�s�•&'t�gpup�dNru�l,.+ke'rr�da waw 86w!rcA fnkro ,WA f0lrm,+"W'd aMN V6Niup1+ Y;i'tAfrt�ubi nil X2 q%d,1'vo kwil WIG b aINa, FiVdalr %Yrlv-AWa"Iilwe^ N1YW�l �1N 46pt§tld.; .!tl}�'A g"��'8&'-�Y d'4"vYi11 µS,Y rowor-Wfl a^?g IWnfm,r,vdy f,49ygFWs oNWd'6,uebfp"pNls`PokiY � icetly4,wyuakkP69tiA,Fg g�Yk4bl WVglatrPk. k8wr i,yN c��,ggpyy� Fiiv ,Y Pi�'ts. i..,°�i:.C1+GY& INDEX Northwest Sign Councilllntemational Sign Association Comments Deletions are in s#t6k+epWouVa J Additions are in uraderlf nip alga 1. YMC,'J„5,09,j„4Q„has freestanding sign provisions for multiple -building complexes and mulliple-tenant buildings. 2. Nameplates and subdivision identification signs permitted in the residential districts maybe placed on a wall—See Table 8-2. IIrI) a. INDEX I Northwest Sign Council/Intemational Sign Association Comments Deletions are in Additions are in tlgldecBirke geGtlaue Table 8-2. Maximum Sign Area Freestanding and Projecting Signs ZONING DISTRICT frogmnregwred right of ways. from required right right-of-way WALL SIGIs NS GNS FREEWAY SIGNS SR, R-1, R-2, and R-3 Nameplates up to 2 sqkand subdivision/project identification up to 32 sq. it NOT PERMITTED HB and B-1 24 sq, k 40 sq. it B-2 40 sq, it 50 sq. it SCC Frontage is less 1 sqit of sign area per lineal it 1-1/2 sq. It of sign area per lineal than 400 it long of frontage up to 100 sqit it of frontage up to 150 sq. k. Frontage is more 1 sqit of sign area per lineal it 1-1/2 sqkof sign area per lineal than 400 it long of frontage up to 150 sq. It it of frontage up to 200 sq.. it LCC Frontage is less 1 sq. k. of sign area per lineal k. 1-1/2 sq.. it of sign area per lineal SIZE OF WALL TO WHERE PERMITTED: UP '. than 400 it long of frontage up to 150 sqit it of frontage up to 200 sq. k, .............................:..............................................................................................................-...,_---..__ WHICH ATTACHED TO 300 SQUARE FOOT Frontage is more 1 sqit of sign area per lineal It 1-1/2 sqit of sign area per lineal than 400 k.. long of frontage up l0 200 sq.. It it of frontage up to 250 sq. it .CBD 1 sq. it of sign area per lineal It of frontage up to 150 sq.. k. GC Frontage is less 1 sq.. It of sign area per lineal It 1-1/2 sqit of sign area per lineal than 400 klong of frontage up to 150 sqit kof frontage up to 200 sq. it, Frontage is more 1 sqit of sign area per lineal it 1-1/2 sqit of sign area per lineal than 400 it long of frontage up to 200 sq.. it kof frontage up to 250 sq, k. DOC. INDEX Northwest Sign Counciltintemational Sign Association Comments Deletions are in Additions are in yndedine Vellow AS Frontage is less g. Is 1 sq ft of sign area per lineal ft, 1-1/2 sq, ft, of sign area per lineal n. ,than 400 ft long of frontage up to 150 sq ft ft. of frontage up to 200 sq. ft. Frontage is more 1 sq ft of sign area per lineal ft, 1-1/2 sq. ft of sign area per lineal than 400 ft long of frontage up to 200 sq ft ft. of frontage up to 250 sq. ft. RID Frontage is less 1 sq, ft of sign area per lineal ft I - Ia. sq ft of sign area par linent than 400 ft long of frontage up to 150 sq ft, ft, of Partage up to 200 sq, ft IFrontage is more 1 sq ft of sign area per lineal ft 1-112 sq. ft, of sign area per lineal . ......... ''...than 400 ft long of frontage up to 200 sq ft ft. of frontage up to 250 sq. ft. 1 sq, ft. of sign area per lineal ft, I - V2 sq ft of sign area per lineal M-2 of kor4age up to 1 ft, of frontage up to 150 sq. ft. MAXIMUM AREA PER SIGN = 2 TIMES THE MAXIMUM AREA PER SIGN FACE I — ----------- ... ... ..... .......... — . . ....... — DOC. INDEX Northwest Sign CounciVlntemational Sign Association Comments Deletions are in strikethmugh yellow Additions are in underline yellow Table'8�3. Sign 110ght and SetWoks Z^ NG DISTRICTS ONISIGN J�� R- 1 SCC L,C,C........ CBDm RD M-1 STANDARDS HB .......B„Z....... ,GC ^Q ^AS -2 MAXIMUM SIGN HEIGHT Freestanding, Sign is set 5 ft 10 ft, 15 ft, 30 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft. 30 It back 15 feel or less from required .right-of-way Sign is set loft 15 ft. 20 ft, 35 It, 40 ft '30 ft.. 40 ft, back more than 15 feet from required right-of-way Projecting Not permitted See YMC 1, [Top 15 08.080 of wall to which attachedMC 15;0&i 100j 1, Wald _-�- � 2 Fascia ...................... --- 2 , Horizontal and vertical limits offascia board to which attached MC 1.r 00 10F Where permitted: 70 It Freeway Northwest Sign Counciltintemational Sign Association Comments Deletions are in Additions are inrade lir�ne eliowv Table 8-3. Sign Height and Setbacks ZONING DISTRICTS SIGN STANDARDS SR, „R 1 R-2 R3�B 1HB B 2 ,....SCCLCC CBD l „GC AS ,,,� RD ....M 1.... M.2...u.. SETBACKS Minimum front yard (Edge of right-of-way setbacks Minimum side yard Required setback standards for each zoning district (Table 5-1) setbacks Notes: 1 YMC 15.08.140 has special freestanding sign provisions for multiple -building complexes and multiple -tenant buildings, 2 Nameplates and subdivision identification signs permitted in the residential districts may be placed on a wall (See Table 8-2,) JQ?'J"20'16.40; j l"AighA, (d WAW "W16, 0id 20 8,Q.,§4 (pp,0)a lXk I d%t41200 40 b 9-40a4)' ?V14 Edo'ti1,1h aG x 36, 161,03 Ord 31041 Id 1003, Gid -30, ;4 IDOC. INDEX # E- I C Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in Additions are in underline vetlow 1,5;08.070 General.provisions.. All signsi�,BuGriip,g xa,ua d iad targw z: r as a i taa), ,shall comply with the following provisions A. Construction shall satisfy the requirements of the building code a=knrE prtxnvmputtant srrJpp;, Friar al tw o ri ain oaa'hne d of Pdaui aI o0r__nnate irV au _as'ica9 rnll i tpinad the :�Pf a�d..lao- �rwi, pd,id, �ii]r t �m ��tr@q �� amor l )6� ipdga��ir Vit. ecpArepnve nt°a,;;. i f aspa it rar tl rogrh.ulairacgarr wisyV_casuRprdva@awhr a st tt rp�n"i tautda;pcdltravrv,. are riot laRgesau w ;um trot lar oda y� sugn aaa R pnd eburl n at'o 1, I, S; grr facros made of c ai ru a t;tlbn .vi y.l am -1 onniilla EV alkali unu"ate d an " nt ui a attar the d des I & tb ......,,....., hid a s ad e tar to tate or sdr i. f warw,dlsp thn arlq ps;,,ol t rarwrwatr[¢riarC'ar rs-��rurhrarara unuu t taa' rnraacuaate~r9 taraNm_. fora aro not..c�u°".Gyp!'�!�,n4�sxa a��at �dw,�� rXl @"fly rrtgc�p_t�wr.:�,�Ca a'r- pµrrss�raN„yr� a�n r "rip, rrxpnGrvfil� �rtraara"ttitlxa irasi�iairi;r�r�rat„;.. B. Except for rwrve ga iaatod %�x%r rjLand temporary signs, all signs shall be permanently attached to a building or the ground; C. Signs attached to a building shall not exceed the height of the building, except under the provisions of YMC 15.08.080(1) and 15.08.090; D. All signs shall comply with the setback requirements in Table 8-3, except when the side or rear yard is a street frontage, then the front setback shall apply; E In ar cNlnic C 4a tt a ids, d){ruri rrrp4a rl_ra y v„asp;111 11- , t varj i a" ,r"Aj6ighting directed on or internal to any sign shall be shaded, screened, or directed so that the light's intensity or brightness shall not adversely affect neighboring property or motor vehicle safety; F. All signs together with their supports, braces, and guys shall be maintained in a safe and secure manner; G. The ratio of the area of the sign support, framing structure, and/or other decorative features which contain no written or advertising copy to the sign cabinet shall not be greater than 1:1; IIM, d'�mtUeaarw�.,4wsr°brapte•sht~rRBt,wn•ra�eaiwnBaairoat8at.;sqN-a�Wru�asrsnag-a�aourtaa;ArMretor�oae�rwruss'Geakygxrrrs5sa.�waaa� ------------------ - - Commented [JC8]: This requirement should allow for additional ratios to give designers leeway to create superior design. A ratio of at least 2:1 should be allowed.:...............................�.�"W�W....._�""......._.,......������..."..�"""..�"....�"..�"""..�"..�"..�""""""""..........� Northwest Sign Council/international Sign Association Comments Deletions are in StFikethreugh yelliaw Additions are in, underline yellow tj0, No freeAiarOnq, signs shall be placed in the clear Oew triangle q amlctiwyasy jfrgwa '#.)dOgbqqtSas established in YMC 15.05.040; and 1J. Ogdpt�'RnIah' Sljfa�i(�ty-Qt�tlqtic�n,Lgr�,l�,�Cfc�,Rlf,-L Q�I �Anry exterior lighting must be 5—t shielded and directed away from adjoining streets or residential uses, I 'Pia k�&flmoaUqmnrm mag a emk%g:ql ryml§l' Jigd. krd 4 or Wherw se aftiched do an, � I as —Wherwise' 0(vm4led. 93-84 294,1,-§ 1, pOf4)r44,M6)-, size orgnot gon p fllurniq,:,'ItqO ate r tr d' ExternMy illqrnnoted !1%,,, 1fl lilt ' 0 LK!u pt 41onV w stead ry,,iggy. e 11 gtq wedmd so i '1 11, si: n II .��ekl d i ag. 11Lli9 ht source ls nW vrsiWe -@'tqnq itmuxernises anct sliall rurtkier ensure that willtin the,,',,Lq , DOC. INDEX � C, Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in Additions are in underline 2. A Uu L4 Giix[ttre �1o,..I .ie'.....0 e Qln si irn fraace rttna be installed wifli Its bottom ...:.. �........:.........v.....:.....::........: � ..aw.,��... 9p r t itlled._t�')wrarrPi ,tho t..t...................... lrr poff ifliiirn.[�... D ttOa:o„Nua OoQ Vii [ tri; as #W� ' u�d . ......t .. — U Iron uu a , oPa t : riu a thr ffu ffiGura w ¢ruu i Uocat ft no Nrther than ttue;jgp qf ili iriff ; t Il?rdNdt 4curr m tati [t K[ttat coos _41[1er„N k1 f ammotr X11 b consWerod,.,. �oe,V,d,ed.::. C. lulu rraa& IINltroo-rrteaCir I .VnQ rnallVa GVp�urrruurua4ed soa�uro shall b onsilructed with art oy� r�a�a t� rIgIE2gRddandp tmnsiucent taxa and m tvnNAka aN If 4data sd4]tl,ires_ to have k4ves a rrhar w qtr rut ort.. ej ir$rt. ff.., ualrt t ra e to Nu tN lagi a gar i cog t �oµaa tg -wlbw r gyr �N Vta mr ¢w tttfj t 4Q bi C a e�t. �._.. : 2= s l at Y r -r,, d4a 6ff sten arr. iy_ tN fr a Yet. e,�o-��twj "a ig�rt�tnar�u�a�r[ wt�wff t rsu[s at��� u��s-kr4tslrto-�aY xrauaa� t1r�r�e�tsYIT4vt�mt�r Na„k c��4le anm_�"Nm�tn�w,„. uea„t4atr�,�a4iCr tdtrl�rj.�] ampa�UYt�ttre_d�h�ttp4��m; Tjrt�?�ptipr�;�o�;i"ap�wr?r:;t�,�ro�ad'�"+����I''Y W �:Lr�?�. rn asurements using the CMC Measurement rt] r't stnalN ruaat z ea , d ,. frar icat� YYe aRs�aatgNr� utdlBz ng I hg, recommended ISA oLnp!Lan. cam . wort gtn Ntttlmt4rf ,.ls"alN w+ eri ca tu¢ara�r a to as �d raruu�s raly ain shoes no[exceed a.II rm0 �d EMCs shall Pae catlo d vrt h� or ak ar dewlo ha at,t rwaalpa� PI t rm s h rrrokaienq illumination and orcoramal d automatically dim �(cti.0 ps mqL t NLr Ngo &_-MIOL S �?r. t ar ? �4t� i.� t m liy 4 tiv se CP.3 tqp candle!merasuremerttJ 1—. D, Definition of EMC: A sign that D. tdINlNtoar[Is This Section rices root w .l [osilltrctdtt �. w tcPr ora;, cul ted under Section 1 SafiA M 15;08 :080 Projection. over right-of-way.. Projecting and freestanding signs shall comply with the following provisions: 1 No more than one-third of the height of any projecting sign shall exceed the height of the building to which it is attached,. 2. All signs projecting over the public right-of-way shall conform to the following standards and m_obtaailin as r'i�{r1 rpt yr BY r�t�tw pa„rcraceP aut7utt�r l�tr” ,qty': Commented [JC9]: The limitation of 50 and 100 nits is far below (less than 113) of the recommended illumination levels for EMCs. We recommend that the .3 footcandle limitation be utilized, see the attached illumination recommendations for EMC's which contains model language, This standard has been adopted by well over 200 jurisdictions and states with no issues„ Comm entad [JC10): We have not seen this type of limitation for neon. We do not believe that this regulation is needed or necessary, Commented [JC31]: We strongly I recommend that - automatic dimming be required so to allow the EMC displays to automatically adjust illumination levels from changing conditions, such as day to night and cloudy ns DOC. N®u X Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in s4r*e1h*o""eRow Additions are in underline yellow Clearance Above Grade Maximum Projection Less than 8 feet Not permitted DOC. INDEX C Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in StFikethFOUgh yellow Addition s are in underline yLllow Clearance Above Grade Maximum Projection 8 feet to 9 feet 1 foot 9 feet to 10 feet 2 feet Over 10 feet 2/3 the distance from building to curb line or a maximum of 10 feet 1 ----No sign shall project within two feet of the curb line. h,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, iaiNy(17s arwyruroiiH) 'i, rw hw&N, roilowaawk rutr.d ui� q�n azf p �lrt¢s7g_(uzail(at4w—(Orf 20 � 15,08 :090 Roof siMns:.................................................................................................................... All roof signs shall comply with the following provisions: 1. Roof signs shall be constructed upon the roof of a building. 2, Roof signs shall be integrated into the roof system of an existing building, or be erected so as to appear from all sides as a wall sign applied to an existing penthouse which appears to be a part of the building itself. 3, Roof signs must not exceed the maximum allowable height of the building within the district in which it is located. 4, All roof signs shall be installed or erected in such a manner that there is no visible support structure. (rd-'Nf64W,W-J §4..( arh),d9),. 1.5:08.100 Wall signs ............................................ All wall signs shall conform to the following provisions: 1. Wall signs may be painted upon, attached flat to, or pinned away from the wall, but shall not project more than twelve inches from the wall. 2. The number of wall signs is not regulated; provided, the total area of the wall sign(s) may not exceed the area of the wall to which attached. Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in Additions are in underli�lo, 3, Wall signs shall not extend above the height of the wall to which attached. 4. Marquee/Display Case Signs. a. Marquee/display case signs shall have: i. A changeable copy area where characters, letters, or illustrations can be changed or rearranged without altering the face or the surface of the sign; ii. The sign face shall be made of a translucent durable material; iii. The sign cabinet/display case shall be lockable and capable of preserving the sign material inside from the elements. (Ord. 2015-007 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2015: Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008: Ord. 93-81 § 38, 1993: Ord. 2947 § 1 (part), 1986) 15.08.105 Fascia signs .......... , A fascia sign is a sign which is attached to the fascia board of an existing building's roof structure, 1 Fascia signs may be painted upon, attached flat to, or pinned/projecting from the fascia board, but shall not project more than twelve inches from the fascia board. 2. The number of fascia signs is not regulated; provided, the total area of the sign(s) may not exceed the area of the fascia board to which it is attached. 3. Fascia signs shall not extend beyond the horizontal and vertical limits of the fascia board to which it is attached. (frB ottra-q 1•(Fh ).(p�rtp. tfa1'- 1.5:08.110 Temporary. signs Nra roA ift temporary signs shall conform to the following: A-1. No temporary sign shall be placed in a required parking space, driveway, or clearview triangle. W. No temporary sign maybe placed dry tiU�ae paotlRiuw r gh6•�a6'_wa y os��ap`a easras���r� ��asdervas-sfara ftirc�a�tl&y frer�o¢t0.,aad„,by-19 r�o6ty400wiKaty a:1w l°. afP-gr&@.2qy-(Lr n¢acl rc1_ iy.rigtbt jvfau rymro-Ue r;rvaw,, gauGrlpAApf^ka�7ta,ww&Nh aan ot�grra+�� r,M *tt9rrrgU r un�N��rxumv�i(�_ganr�,i+�r,et_y_���°q ts�_rdu�sp oa_rakUi�p' 4»dnnb,.�)rara @r��n� 69�r. kms; C. No Vifpp hqgfcrdaj..dlr rmraar9,yswt;: INDEX �. . Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in ratFikethFough ye'!Gw additions are in underline yeltow, 2- ILmvmw tikh9.tw naz'91ft"flaW Y,.PIEC( req uirt --I- — Isma fKmL, -i". IJ9 %%Loa � ylqhkf&, �-11d J) ( Lang, dy I i a✓@,. -a n »L th QI ik!ak- g-tihk- mcL� iisa Lc �9.Lb-gf-wJ gqa tgLp,Xj,q betw w nIhqpg4r�Iq_rLe qgl�S kgs! pyI Thp j )qf 'V.4 ktlro by -."A, . .............. uL LIM1.0mazi UIL(I-mi—M -11--/ .�nyf 0- -UMPQEWYA.I 12-d511,1,111A MmLjyg a day Ymm""ma, apsumiliLle to —k, ..................... ip a Mce, 'dLft'Larw 96 � Y ! I . §iq�"I nn 1L, t, � jqta w 5,1! 1. Q= W=LfAry _,z .....amn d q and five fqq� fn he� �1�, §gj L W-11-11-11-1--1--ma jj,n,-OaLmgmaL a! L IM -1- I- thme feW in �ipbL� � s n �s stake-mountp,d rpq gig 1-1-1.1- 1 1 � t9 , 0- - I - -- - - -2- , akMU n W mogd NX mf��o� r, IN, sat, n Kq AfA, f) Y, r-Yo!A, wdl M bj, 't 0 Mrm.n per~ ,111qua, NO wall g Gmalmold " wLktaM tlg AKMO We.,8M.'EAMe, WfIi?rpsa!Wqk. 3 z,wb-or -othaF traf rk-if Northwest Sign Council/international Sign Association Comments Deletions are in GtFikethF9Uqh Y611GW Additions are in underline yellow zones TernRo fy p� n aire aflowed in non- i esddenfiall zones in acc irdaince Ed g-2 re I Window SiM M IUrrRed to 2, Freesia �gi M g�g Leapt m iqtqLiL[ �qfyj �gfLj S mlgw wed 41 th o r,'J� � q t'� �&ig'Lq' L _ -,----.— L _Aq'L lLutmf "t0l Kmg 0.1% 3, �,,jLjig,31 I)L� qgill �xed to wans or ko an Mantua fenesgqr. t; �E, . Qn impacr wry, asuns —on imumm Lims—efthq�� m��fential Of non-remderifial zoned, o� rnore Than May', riaAm "um",m2j il'ay-01 4. No-6-ternporary sign shmH daa rdiwproCrayr st vvvsarrr=kiv rry fifteen the event for which it is intended L �Qfd-, 2015-007 §-4 (15, xh, A), pwl),W)1& Ord: 20M46,§ 1, (para, -200& Of(V 20101- 26,§ 2—WO 1 1 .4,-93-81t$ 39 1 W1 -Ord-2047-§ - t006) A91115 9'AUiQAAiM A, Permit. i ertatt Mt Eqqqi erg stat carried iqLks, v, UL�pg- tt� jj�L L A aH the pppdicaL>Lg r re- qients all fts & Nurnber. No hirrift .11-11111-- . ...... . . ....... C Area, nie carded si ri shpW not exceed eiht sq ire feet in area, mid shall .f4K & 9 he when heW in Q Zone m urr t., ar wa are .iQ rMn-resWer6alzones. E. Design, A carried sign shall not Ew &Mifiipted Carried d,tataaws and w'sons CO.yy.j(qj I unW $i Lis I t&!Lryided tri hours frat davv�' �W .. A!'Lqj�_ - � __p tLst ra wij- qibedjn Section 15.08.050. DOC. INDEX Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in Additions are in undrlineyef'low F. 1 0o tmfrn Mowed, �wiried srr�n�.-p�rwuSt trr9w k t INw gµ t _w s r, r g af,L1ji2 p -,9j n of rLn cgLr r,t.j kt[w rtrnsmsr�ws t 4 n„lair),crrpiNl "nd��r4w��� ,�rlt�,��**at,� t u na�,Eiaa��f ar7t a���ri�sdvs,wIn �g.o ouir M Ov sion, oMppq 2'Wil'm t rcd ,a!team(r r vehicular "traffic. .. d or3Rron Not Allowed Carried sk nss,shall not bra_bcaled un t ul fqV�qg.... 2.1.12 .e.s... pLvX hruam 7t b ric MrLz'_rpN d . mmtq�t s Raw pa rra dd ,. ;'dewallNas. =au 2. ...................t!rr`wd.Elg..�.rt'Lleml On fence w r#� o ahanto-w .. thr g, m 4.yttl ies rrr_aadl�rrr frr"aa t�twr�� �r In a Irrcafion rjr nw nner ttrosqer on v0'.a r arrrt�d 3i't�u�m q!1Y,§rc1;ll rgrtc4ffe 0, w a llj ra swar srrr "ro ra�r�-� ochre ' ue d . 15,08:120 Directional,�signs� A. On -Premises Mrestienat Driveway Signs. On -premises 9iFestienat Driveway signs readable from the public right-of-way may be permitted in accordance with Table 8-1, OF1 tat a rJNFea#aN•sa�ryrtr3in ttaq)a-dirf�aFwatr8-t4w�•tzaas�nesta,.naatmge,°Prct"akdttt�Faea+s-eamaa•,at�.9ogoaba4#-note,ed���., pwcAM-of tgata-si 'a area- All on -premises direstienaleigns rdriwly sE ns shall meet the general provisions of this section, and shall not exceed ten square feet per sign face, B_ Off -Premises Directional Signs. Off -premises directional signs are permitted where indicated in YMC 15.08.130(B); provided, that: 1. Each use located in a district where off -premises directional signs are allowed is permitted one off - premises directional sign; 2. The off -premises sign contains only directional information and does not exceed thirty-two square feet in area nor twenty-five feet in height; 3, The off -premises signs are permanently installed on private property; .......... .......... ..... ................... _. ----- Commented [JC12]: We recommend that these signs be described so as to not require the city to review the content to determine compliance, such as minor or driveway sign. Same comments apply to off -premise directional signs. DOC. INDEX �- I l_ Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in fAr*ethroughye4tow Additions are in Qnderlingjellow �41tOnly �one t off -premises 2tA1r sign I9 is permitted yn1��t)cel (Qd:-X(M5-01V- 1 15.08.130 Off -prem....... gns.and,billboards,. A. Billboards are: 1. Class (1) uses in the M-1 and M-2 districts; and 2. Class (2) uses in the CBD, GC, and RD districts. B. Billboards may be permitted in these districts after the required level of review, provided they meet the provisions of this chapter and all of the following criteria: 1. The maximum sign area does not exceed three hundred square feet per sign face; 2.. There is no more than one product displayed per sign face, 3. There are no side-by-side panels g cftp Lpq(�? Ott mVily 4. Required front yard setbacks are met; 5, Billboards between a one -hundred -fifty- and three -hundred -foot radius of a residential district shall be restricted to one hundred sixty square feet per sign face and may not be lighted; 6. No billboard shall be located within one hundred fifty feet of a residential district; 7, The billboard is not within five hundred lineal feet of another billboard having the same street frontage; 8. Billboard height standards shall not exceed that permitted for freestanding signs as provided in Table 8-3; 9. The total number of combined freestanding signs, off -premises signs and billboards does not exceed the number of freestanding signs allowed for the property, C. Off -premises signs are: DOC. INDEX F,-1 C, Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in Additions are in underline yeItatia« 1, Class (1) uses in the M-1 and M-2 districts; 2. Class (2) uses in the B-2, CBD, GC, and RD districts - Off -premises signs may be permitted in these districts after the required level of review, provided they meet the provisions of this chapter and the specific standards for the district in which they are located. i�Or44,01,5407 f14 Ord, 2447 p fpan), 4886)- !A 5 J2 w ^ JASUM,. _..IMa iwinurnnwsiz t6a���ereWT and rre�a a�a��� da m[a4� !mre4IT.t1�i�#r. �t�mre���� r4 rti, 65 ............. C g.)w t I here 111m4 W h ..t):tp dldlgil xt�..sdSTtnA.T>>awar on hna.anr�ir d loot of �8trr.et ros�Ita ... ..,..... ornlua t'.DIr iitall sir ur .,..[ ,a lowednl u„ron-r udenhal,zrna les—. ,t r ig,t[ h ng qT ma4t iT i )4 MC Illumination Lirni The difference between the off and solid -me .sa g m8sanremen') min tete iEM M p unt Criteria shall not exceed 0, 3 footcandles at night. Iiia trd i si'i¢ unr rnna have n¢:n irrrrntuoi , r?tllt) iiT rz.l M 19 o ti ui4 r µT iT The nnhliirTIUM Ihoid beNv en mets§,§s,@OS, iis�ekjht d 0ubds. (3, ._ To ensu e that µTill haLl � L Trerrascl and a antlntr w to qjjqLikt t nT h rrt , ire)T l # ,w n shai ,b du sunnt�dfair k)c l'r ski control arT Taros r rtit�u gam;. 11 h. Dim m ing CaQahill " ° �!l orml i'ld :BtlI etai p ,d ry ft ITs rl r r ol1191 dev—ice that autom�i Gl dr terMine 01 ambient ilium wt i n a h r n rnrry ,d m e ally dlaiL49 rden o amBient ll nt ondalrorrs om tl oat can be t � M wd it ttre 3 filo wvdle qua sur J' ii Multiple.4gilding.complexes.and.multiple-tenant Buildings;..,..„ A. Purpose. The following provisions shall apply to multiple -building complexes and multiple -tenant buildings in the SCC, LCC, GC, and RD districts, B, Number of Freestanding Signs �° d�takslc ,twfivaf,, Each multiple -building complex shall be allowed one freestanding 4s�,,lizpir„t,�llallfsign on each street frontage in accordance with Table 8-2, When the street frontage is longer than four hundred feet: 1, One additional freestanding or.irrau;)sah!2.rsign shall be permitted for each additional four hundred feet of street frontage or part thereof; or Commented [JC131: We recommend that the size of the an EMC be allowed a s a % of allowable sign area.. We believe that only 30 sq, ft. may not allow for sufficient area to be able to effectively utilize this type of sign, For instance some districts may warrant additional area of around 75% of allowable area and other districts such as neighborhood type districts 50% of the allowable area. It appears that the requirements are for a static message with an instant change required. As stated previously we believe that the 100 nits level of illumination is not reasonable and may not function well, We recommend the footcandle approach as this is easier to enforce and is proven ineffective in over 200 jurisdictions. Not the attached illumination guidelines document with some sample language, DOC. INDEX C Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in stfiketgredgh yellew Additions are in underline vellcw 2, A single, larger freestanding or pgtable sign can be erected in accordance with Table 8-2, DOC. INDEX, Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in Additions are in underline ello f If option 1, as set forth in subsection (B)(1) of ih4s section„ is selected, no freestandingfir'. f 1� 1r6� sign shall be plaoad closer than two hundred feet to any other freestanding c r_p ru92N r s gn or exceed the standards in Table 8-2, These provisions shall also apply to each multiple -tenant building, unless it is a part of a multiple -building complex. The allowable freestanding sou portM311 sign(s) may be used to advertise one or more of the uses in the multiple -building complex or multiple -tenant building. (Oraf40 6.007- 1 (faxRa,-A) ( k), 20415 -C'4d -204'", G 1 1r °rf00rr.- or4e W1 § 1 ( ri);-.f 9W), Freeway.signs.............. ................................................................................................... A. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to permit taoXrrdsartelwoy-ireauwealts �r-,s4rof tans ,arnaf-fnrrR cnn rrrerdV estpabJhslvreMsanear the freeway a larger on -premises sign to inform freeway travelers of their service;>. B. Location, A freeway sign may be used to substitute an allowable freestanding sign where there is more than one street frontage, when the use: 1, Has frontage on Nob Hill Blvd„ Yakima Avenue, Terrace Heights Drive, North 1st Street, North 16th Avenue, or North 40th Avenue and all or a portion of the lot is within one thousand feet of a freeway interchange; or 2. Is within two hundred fifty feet of the freeway right-of-way, C. Number of Freeway Signs, Only one freeway sign is permitted on each parcel, multiple -building complex or for each development, whichever is more restrictive, D. Uses with Only One Frontage. Uses within the area described in subsection B of this section with only one street frontage may install a freeway sign in addition to the permitted freestanding sign, E. Sign Height, The maximum height for freeway signs is shown in Table 8-3. (Q#-20 -M7 (( 1-(Fxh A) ���t).mrsua trtr�08^1t 1(t,r1:�'�tafa(rr-- t1..�rt, tt•rrd- as1 tf6)- l�l1,dtt §kAMi Jnc r,irp P�1f wti l o r(�m�:�ra(1 � tart brlr Ajpj3,nao}?���l"gli ppnlip it lPte 6g1';(1ir�ttulrt 1rrm INDEX In' — I C Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in Additions are in underline yellow A, Zone- PorlaWe Intros are allowed orw moa non resider'Wal zones, ex n rte q! p. � r .m prrstica erns„mcg silad 4i mg aipt,aaltauu sagla actt{1 tfinrawfa�� �j µ1¢i. Vit_. tl u n and MateriMs. Porme_A” a"n mtqt, �le nedyvi i dUraMe „uteri j a tlYpc wat c l a i nll 8r uu,V a u C4 reir? rgjy-suit under Sec"tion1,' Portable, sag"end.. .W�... y t lie alm sagrled_ q withstand wind vitt hic lode a iteav � wtgi,otlated t���c lar,i�,gle rrumm�atllq�erlgstr � g ffO i�¢ir°m�s/ wmafttghut"susi�oa�dstl �a twr�gr�t�.tVaa rwt�g� iaact ��„� 5 a�L9 ) aa;q j,actaa :..cannot be illurnin acted,,. ......Size an r hIeicfht 2a tib stens,h all be, aniaxiniun"m of tour let t ir1 1f&4iic hta�rynd giaxia'a�tarit of three feet in wudtlh», dmmnaaciNot rupaec Rrawflam, tacalrtotrrt „tlu r 1,e atapa6,«tea r"tW,w taemuneLs, .ppr torua ... ur e..,Ci a totGai„stiamam ,” t o�„ik e ar rtra� l µ actg n fi st ltl a esett blt m y..!W— g; 1ke— nm;... ttl•me N�nt twwrg �sie�am� gtwg";t1! „�ala�rm�r�p:;. IE. ocatiioira. D'oirtatl��e sit rna umaust Ihae (located no fortfaer tlaaaa tetra fl tt tr t t trcaan t e rm°ixrfr a ...................................................................................................g „. ,w, TL �, �„"�� rl� fau�lrtinl of tlwg.latair mgrsca .,." ; or da ;ona� e:t..lrwnur�k dt ac a ,e ..Lh@ aXRt.n» t,atu.fy..? .m r rt it�aee os only trai .wci8 taITtm s 1Vt ismmp,.N fc;t t3 nra,iAant a1f%w r urt�,u C do ga�tahadt:."ualua cad"y lam leave ,st et on, the Cift ea ll[; of att agh: includes the side rslic wit put a, L[qN trvt,t wgy i a ,g fmai air"t�¢V"u��a taortr�tl•iwlc��rtr�g �amch o;aw,.rsm�ar?d.ka� the .?'1.. If . 117ua:allea II touaa. Ifpr�utall.)Ile �;i'i irr�p...iimgiut�iiu"Ir �,ummuro%��a�ir�a:!��Gf�u�i�wVe...sou"ti"s, C��.i�„u� �9!ts.igf°�,. cLtLHr'kg•. iaa auaa s, grrjfi t ha��.lt'.tms:.gnu m 15.08160 tt t tt ll ritionconformingntgras t t ” »• �, A. &a 4 a¢ f' rmiGwow e�tr�u� My, saga$ xr�, lawfully existing under all codes and ordinances in effect at the time this title is enacted or amended may continue to be maintained and operated as a legal nonconforming sign so long as it remains otherwise lawful; provided, that: t,,aaa, No sign shall be changed in any manner that increases its noncompliance with the provisions of this title; and INDEX F ;r-1 C Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in Additions are in underline vejlow 9 if the sign is structurally altered or moved, its legal nonconforming status shall be voided, and the sign will be required to conform to the provisions of this title, Nothing in this section shall be construed to restrict normal structural repair and maintenance; and 3c, The sign is not a hazardous or abandoned signar, ((Nd, 201 a-Otko" § t (Exh A) 2-0:15, ford gr�Nfl�dtw,:t..�Nynr�F�„gt,ti4fff f�id,..�d�-�-Q;pru�9��t�}� 4 1h–I `i4t�Y.�._p�f�rffgkpkaN�5���Y lip o��.�...la�rro,aAIIJ in... P —�1tt IMYMI6Mr1, 8 itM 19 ALL, ea avufrtl � � �,�� rs rrn�r �P �� � �mA��0. dr�x�ar�r.H,�ra. doe Rin wj��p��� Mrd ptfzgi fzars�tfN�. ky„lying Uup mm ,,n r cn nlrpi.q r 41041Mrlpt,. trrap,grura ur, m n¢ aal..p.nO t!,LW ih tnr iv, inRarr¢ro r_1V1$101,,prm_. ptq t gqr jrrit „_sr a +fabOurr pa„foal ftPo rpt faNlan FnkGo tlhu fw �flatrn rare„ 6�ra ra aP s f,pr+>vti_„ rtrt mf tAryo „�raf&p, , rf&!rq . ptirarapal_�rure yaaafrNlrtrf,pr<rta�.,rf�gwiif_�rsr�raf. hl�sf_r°hvupGt�r wN*t�6q_flaP�THrna�rri9�rrr�gcfl h�?_Yt?��algua 4!f���r:,.'��VNfltrp�C.�� N„rm�,tri..@NTp.. sl��ar,raragr�x4r9�rm,�,v�nMP�°rt�racu �f kEri�� na8n,�pwu�r druttl �C� ntld 4xa�y,�r�Wajuac�,ta� �lpt�aarr�vu7a�ukj...un�Nrar �kutR 1 d Via.,. C.. Rc-turua�raR nsf sr!"InalL,l �+ war arrrto-rar akrpusaw fl als— n,ljawrus_rarn kL g rlr ar cutN,er r nt glrota �� M flnca„yal ra hr are ren Wy no Ni VM, jai�rr� �g1 ta,rotrua�a �9 4a�r nn rrar a� �k�rr�,ryacPtt��ha b z,r �� wa r6 9r art iat carr 6�,. dgMt,ratroadraaa j; Pfi...j,atNr f Voir as ,P qhs„iha�o _tV rr1hraciij+Nora,trsiMa_9r¢bTraBP. rasurvpaL1prr!"q!_Q..1. rornr�we�ttw pfl �au7i+. lffl?n ov��wr_4i ut_iaarra+ayNrd�Pw Pau Ll�au a�l��ra cft_tl �"pinfle[srj,_dm tal�arr�.:orr'uL� a tt,a�:�6�f kfr,1$td,.�aair,„j�� iroprrjjP,:ry, ryt ir�+�9C�gm� „fu6 ptlunaCuk�91t„, da_d�waa a�`rr4� �' OPr�; �pfjrtiCq�r9�¢�a fsrpp,�N�+aa�rama^r:, nfoi a,m�u4R �t4uti, f Nrega�:ga ww us j9�an _k..�,__ Y,prsrNlasg^re �IrafV4s m rrf�ra da �rw&urJ�.t�m a afktlre arav,alvar?so __...�_._.. _. XIMC ad 25, 15.08;170 Administrative. adjustment of sign, standards allowed..., A. Comprehensive Design Plan. A comprehensive design plan is required whenever adjustment of one or more of the sign design standards of this chapter is proposed or when required as part of a detailed sign plan. The comprehensive design plan shall include a narrative and site plan, including but not limited to the following: D..: Site plan which includes the physical components of the sign including sign size, height, shape, color, location and associated landscaping; ,. A description of how the sign relates to the immediate surroundings, including existing and proposed structures, other signs, neighboring land uses and the character of the zoning district; 3:. An explanation of why the existing sign standards are not adequate and require adjustment; and ®EC m E-) C. Northwest Sign Council/International Sign Association Comments Deletions are in Additions are in underline yellow 4. For multiple -tenant buildings and multiple -building complexes, a description of how the available sign area will be allocated between tenants or leasable spaces. IiG ��1�rndnm#s�rstp�f a�rig4.a.h,u�y�inhg �a�i��9#.0 4 rar,„tr��uru, l��rre�ir#i,A�q��he���dEnCn�hoia,6..jr,�,lque ��a�#rwV..�����N�.i�a,rellc�n� rad voti's tr-iri,R_IQ1 #lad 2#»t"rY _iuw orm ,s mV Vrlc,sLnqs _vm �&gv srqftfigAg im'I lar. g&L 92Vur? iitmtku rtra sc,rrVrnr grajr, r2 aclr aagtr rrY sha l_Rm lr,twn the Pr�GNov�dpi,g,;, I Sran which inr ludesth pdry co v pr nwppuCs n1±tq, I,tlrn oar��,aa tkum9t..s9�tnm iw�e h �.r�t#.�tu.�Vr ats n CAU I oto— srncV emss6ifcucBaa mu . I A d sc,tion ,a tKL4 �Imca sTugn uu �sriam� 4o VPt i a r � r�ngYce scVr�oaara dvur0� „srr�cYutjr@.V+� �a�a'3 Ick div �� i�lprcgquat w,dV ur twau a ,._ Ci es sugtgt,, ¢a0artt b aruaag I W4 k1 0 art _C_i dh Af,r 9;ti;u tai tii e �;wautudmrt , Li me C, <wu rwd jm sno p B suttr?op 7Y mrpty Pn rv0.s,u,rsfl)r g.sklar ra 5drr11fi;rrrH ru mrorat sglu rVr aftaaad rr2cayirma mdpug;Vrii 4'.. Q8, Review Procedures, The administrative official shall review the r a rwfro kaeaa ry ams t}dm {a#gym V ;ctpmo t tf° e acd'nuvlVstraava.r ustrawgpnt in accordance with the provisions of YMC Chapter 15.10 and may either approve or disapprove the plan. The administrative official shall approve the comprehensive design plan and/or adjustments in the standards of this chapter when he o.!.r;s.11].a,-finds that such approval would be consistent with the character of the zoning district, compatible with neighboring land uses, and create visual harmony between the sign, structure, and the site where it is located, The administrative official may also attach conditions to flks 1]p_approval in order to accomplish the objectives of this sags #oi,n str21atlsVp:.and YMC 15.10.030 {C -Fd..; 0451-t7W 1 �E m..A) (pau't)v 20152 Ord 20 q1 1.2 § ;a, 2041 Mrd � 2000-46 t .(par# 2008Ord,•93-8 001�fi1��•2r #Ottr'��V_60nN 204x2:. V �frnrw,h..r000��., 15.08.180 Variances. Except as allowed by YMC 15.08.170, no reduction of the standards in this chapter is allowed except pursuant to YMC Chapter15 21 (Ord 12015-t1t1'7• 1jE x'#a•. y (part), -2d1 t a 2rmm,F 2008' r t G v1 , 2t2141- rad- 2947+1- 15.08.190 Violations. Failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter is a violation and punishable under YMC Chapter 1525, (04T;4116-007§,4- A, (iMA),204a � ..�2 -4a r.tru j,, s �r m Wa_ INDEX �.. -1c light—time maim uoouW dim Brightness mfm � �. Level Recommendations for I1 Message Updated August 2076 PRODUCED BY: L11. DOC.. INTERNATIONAL SIGN ASSOCIATION INTRODUCTION .... _,__...�...2 CASE STUDIES........................4-6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. ............ 7 RECOMMENDED, *` SIX STEPS: EMC BRIGHTNESS LEVELS WITH OPERATIONALCONTROL ..... 9 WITHOUT OPERATIONAL CONTROL........ ........ 11 1„,,, r-.-'AIIRN MORE ABOUT IE MCS The International Sign Association offers an Electronic Message Center (EMC) Resource Center, with resources on: EMCs and traffic safety A framework for developing EMC sign code language �' The differences between EMCs and digital billboards www.signs.org/local The International Sign Association has developed numerous tools to help communities develop better sign codes. All are housed at www.signs.org/local, including: • The Supreme Court ruling, Reed v. Town of Gilbert Model sign codes Best practices in regulating temporary and wayfinding signs The Economic Impact of On -Premise Signs ISA's advocacy team is available to provide complimentary assistance on sign codes and sign -related issues. Contact SignHelp@signs.org or 703.836.4012. ISA RESEARCH © International Sign Association 1 DOC. INDEX -1 b ISA RESEARCH iiEc rRO11411C I 111E II IIS: IIS ""III"' IIS: II S (IS; IIIA S Electronic message centers, or EMCs, continue to grow in popularity for business and community use. You may have heard EMCs being referred to as changeable message displays or digital signs. EMCs are not digital billboards, which advertise a good or service that is located away from the sign. Rather, EMCs are digital signs that are located on the premises, and that advertise goods and services that are available at the location. Electronic (Message Center (EMC)/on-premise sign advertising a bank that is located on the some premises as the sign Digital billboard/off-premise sign advertising an automobile business in another location There is often confusion regarding on- and off -premise digital signs. However, EMCs and digital billboards have very distinct capabilities and purposes, each targets a specific audience and each has traditionally been treated under separate legal and regulatory regimes, a zoning practice which was noted in the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Reed v. the Town of Gilbert. For the purposes of this publication, we are focusing solely and exclusively on EMCs. EMCs that are too bright at night can be offensive and ineffective. Night-time EMC brightness is an issue where sign users, the sign industry, and local offices have a common goal: ensuring that EMCs are appropriately legible. We know the messages that these signs convey can be rendered unattractive and perhaps even unreadable if they are programmed too bright. That's why many sign companies recommend to their customers that in order for these signs to be most effective, their brightness be set at such a level to be visible, readable and conspicuous. 2 © International Sign Association ion C®C• INDEX E—/ — ISA RESEARCH The International Sign Association (ISA) retained noted lighting expert Dr. Ian Lewin of Lighting Sciences to help the industry develop scientifically - researched, understandable recommendations for EMC brightness. Dr. Lewin was a past chair of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES), and was greatly respected within the lighting field. His work for ISA was conducted with the input of experts within the sign industry. As a result of his research, Dr. Lewin recommended two different brightness settings based on whether the EMC was located in an area of high or low ambient light. After field testing and utilizing Dr. Lewin's recommendations, it was determined that using the more conservative recommendation is appropriate in areas of both low and high ambient light. In order to simplify Dr. Lewin's recommendations, and to take a more reasonable approach to ensure that EMCs are sufficiently visible but not overly bright it is recommended that EMCs not exceed 0.3 footcandles over ambient lighting conditions when measured at the recommended distance, based on the EMC size. The research and the recommendations contained in this report pertain only to EMCs, not traditionally internally illuminated signs, such as these channel letter and neon signs below. EMCs use a different lighting technology than most of these types of signs, and as such the scientific approach differs. Community leaders should understand that, while it is recommended that brightness measurements be taken perpendicular to the sign, sign viewers rarely see the sign at that same perpendicular approach. At any viewing point away from or off the forward angle, the apparent brightness will be reduced. In other words, the measurements will capture the recommended brightness levels, but, unless viewers are looking at the sign directly perpendicular, they will not perceive the brightness at the full level. We have provided recommended statutory language and tips to measure brightness with and without control of the EMC. If you need further assistance, feel free to contact ISA, signhelp@signs.org or at (703) 836-4012 to answer any of your EMC questions. ISA RESEARCH CASE STUDY: Columbus, Ohio 11 i CFrY OF COLUMBUS COMMUNITY ............ Columbus, Ohio POPULATION.......... , . 836,000 LOCATION ............ . . As Ohio's largest city and state capitol, Columbus is the country's 15th largest city. SPECIFIC EMC ISSUE., ... Crafting a reasonable, enforceable code that addresses complaints while preserving the ability for businesses to use what it termed automatic changeable copy signs. As automatic changing copy signs—as Columbus refers to EMCs—grew in use, so did community complaints. By 2011, city planners began to edit the graphics codes to limit special effects. The goal was to continue to allow for a variety of commercial graphics, "but not at the expense of neighborhoods," said Lisa Russell, the city's Planner II who facilitated the code development project. The city had in place certain limits on automatic changing copy signs, aka EMCs, in the graphics code, limiting their use to commercial and manufacturing zoning districts and requiring that only half of the sign could be used for the changeable copy. But signs lacked brightness limits and a hold time. Russell led a team to draft the new code, which incorporated a brightness limit for both on -premise and off -premise signs. The testing method also is included in the code. It was the result of much scientific discussion. "I believe that the best answer is revealed if you have enough information," Russell said. The committee included a community group leader who was an architect specializing in lighting and representatives from the sign and graphics industry. "When we started exploring brightness, it appeared the footcandle method was the way to go," Russell said. "However, some group members wanted us to explore the luminance method. ISA believed so strongly that the luminance method was problematic that they brought a demonstration to us." The demonstration included a field trip to visit a sign to show the impact of the two measurement methods. "They wanted to make sure that we didn't go down the wrong path. They rented a lift and showed us that with the luminance method you'd have to get up in the lift, raise it and shine the nit gun at the sign. With the footcandle meter, you can stand on the ground." Russell helped the group to see that the "members of the professional sign and graphics industry are not the same as end-users of signs, such as an owner of a carryout who wants to draw attention to his shop over others. We all had an interest in developing reasonable regulations instead of just banning these signs. We also did not want to take away the rights that businesses had to display electronic signs." The new code has significantly lessened complaints about sign brightness. And when a complaint is received, the code enforcement officers have a verifiable process for determining whether the sign complies with the code. Aqli O International Sign Association CASE STUDY: Kitsap County,'Wash ington COMMUNITY ......... , . Kitsap County, Washington POPULATION............. 260,000 LOCATION Across the Puget Sound from Seattle and bordered by rural communities on the west. It is the third most densely populated county in the state. SPECIFIC EMC ISSUE..... Existing codes did not cover electronic signs. ISA RESEARCH As a "transition" county between rural Washington and the metropolitan city of Seattle, Kitsap County had the challenges of creating regulations for electronic signs that fit the county's dual personalities. "The first step was to identify where these signs would be allowed," said Darren Gurnee, a planner with the county. "We wanted to make sure these were restricted to areas of increased density and primarily non-residential use such as industrial zones and commercial zones within the urban growth area." Previously, the county had allowed electronic signs "as a matter of interpretation," Gurnee said. Crafting more defined electronic sign regulations would provide a measure of stability—and help business owners know what was allowed and where. An added bonus: Gurnee felt the signs would be more attractive than the block letters signs that had to be changed manually. While the county wanted to make it easier for businesses to convert existing static monument signs into electronic signs, it also wanted to ensure that the regulations were not written in a way that would allow billboards to convert. "We were able to craft our regulations in a way that required signs be brought into conformance before any change could be made," Gurnee said. "Billboards were non -conforming, so that would not be an issue. ISA provided Gurnee with industry standards—contained in this publication—and some background on the technology that today's electronic signs offer, such as automatic dimming. It also incorporated some of the recommended language on animation, hold times and transitions. "The regulation is written in a way that it would be easy to enforce," Gurnee said, and easy to understand, without the ambiguities contained in the previous method. The ending code created a perfect fit for both of the community's personalities. i © International Sign Association 5 Gig INDEX / !� ISA RESEARCH CASE STUDY: SPARKS, ,,SVA A COMMUNITY ... , . , . Sparks, Nevada POPULATION......... . 93,500 LOCATION ... A rapidly growing community, Sparks is located near Lake Tahoe, California, and Reno, Nevada, and is Nevada's fifth largest city. SPECIFIC EMC ISSUE..... Existing regulations were difficult to enforce and outdated. Sparks, Nevada had existing regulations of electronic message centers—or electronic variable signs as the community deemed them. But "it wasn't very explicit," said senior planner Karen Melby. "The brightness standards were in lumens, which we didn't even know how to measure." The regulations were outdated as well—having been drafted in 2002. Technology had changed dramatically and the costs of EMCs had dropped, putting them in the range of more businesses' budgets. "We felt we could see more coming and felt that we needed to get a handle on it." As a first step, planners required that those seeking an EMC permit meet their standards before approval was granted, but nothing was written into the code. That method can create problems. So Melby led the city through the code revision process. She sought out industry expertise from both the planning community and the sign and graphics industry. For industry insight, she turned to ISA. ISA provided feedback on how other communities were regulating electronic message centers, and rec- ommendations on what was working for these communities. One outside group felt strongly that the standards should be regulated in nits, not footcandles. They brought in an expert who opposed the proposed regulations. But Melby held strong on the issue of footcandles. "In my research, it seems like footcandle is what you can see with your eyes while a nit is pinpointing a spot on a sign. When you look at a sign, you're looking at the whole thing, not just one small spot." The city adopted the widely recognized standard of 0.3 footcandles above ambient light, using the distance measurements outlined in this publication. Melby took that table, determined the formula and wrote the formula into the code. The community allows smaller signs—those under 32 square feet—to include scrolling, while those larger do not. The result has been a city that has successfully navigated the balance between business interests and community aesthetics. "We've had very few complaints," Melby said. "When we do get a complaint about a sign being too bright, we go out and measure it. When they bring it down to standards, we don't get complaints." Being able to use a simple light meterto measure brightness is for easier than simply guessing whether the sign is in compliance, Melby said. "The other method (measuring nits) was really based on opinion. What may seem bright to me may not seem bright to you. Now, we can say, 'This is what the meter says."' By having clear standards that are easier to enforce, both community and business win. P ?/%%0 6 © International Sign Association �, ; ,,,,,. , , � VVU�IVVaO���I��II����VI���II�IVII�VIVIVIUIII�IVIVIUIII�I�UIIIUIII�I�V�VI�IVIVI�II�II�UII��II���.... , „ ISA RESEARCH EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISA E111,,,,,,ECI R NIC 1 E A iii,,,,,, CEivrOR N10,,,I 71ME BFZ10,,,,,IT SRl::.:,,, Eu ATS This summary has been developed with an understanding that EMCs that are unreasonably bright are not effective for the communities or end users. This intends to help communities and stakeholders develop brightness standards for on -premise EMCs. The summary comprises: 1) An overview of the importance of ensuring appropriate brightness, 2) Technology utilized to ensure appropriate brightness, and 3) Recommended brightness standards 1. Overview of the importance of ensuring appropriate night-time brightness. EMCs that are too bright at night can be offensive and ineffective. There are significant advantages to ensuring than an electronic display is not overly bright. These advantages include: !! Conservation of energy !! Increased life expectancy of the electronic display components !! Building goodwill with the community !! Ensuring the legibility of the display It is in the best interest of all stakeholders to ensure that EMCs are sufficiently bright to ensure clear legibility, while at the same time avoiding a display that is overly bright. 2. Technology utilized to ensure appropriate brightness. Most EMCs are designed to produce sufficient brightness to ensure clear legibility during daylight hours. However, daytime brightness settings are usually inappropriate for night-time viewing. The following general methods are used to dim an EMC for appropriate night-time viewing: 1. Manual Dimming. Using this method, the sign operator dims the display in response to changing ambient light conditions. 2. Scheduled Dimming. Sunset -sunrise tables allow an EMC to be programmed to dim at the same time that the sun sets and rises. This method is generally acceptable, but is more effective when used as a backup to automatic dimming controls capability, such as photocell technology. 3. Photocell Technology. An EMCthat utilizes photocell technology can automatically dim as light conditions change. A photocell sensor alerts the display to adjust brightness according to ambient light conditions. 3. Recommended night-time brightness standards. Dr. Lewin recommended the development of brightness criteria based on the Illuminating Engineering Society's (IES) well-established standards pertaining to light trespass, IES Publication TM -11-00. The theory of light trespass is based on the concept of determining the amount of light that can spill over (or "trespass") into an adjacent area without being offensive. In order to simplify Dr. Lewin's recommendations, and to take a more reasonable approach to ensure that EMCs are sufficiently visible but not overly bright, it is recommended that EMCs not exceed 0.3 footcandles over ambient lighting conditions when measured at the recommended distance, based on the EMC size. Email signhelp@signs.org to receive Dr. Lewin's original research„ it is recommended that EMCs not exceed 0.3 footcandles over ambient lighting conditions when measured at the recommended distance, based on the EMS' size, © International Sign Association 7 r' INDEX # E-112 i ISA RESEARCH RECOMMENDED LEGISLATIVE LANGUAGE Electronic Message Center (EMC) Criteria: The night-time illumination of an EMC shall conform with the criteria set forth in this section. A. EMC Illumination Measurement Criteria: The illuminance of an EMC shall be measured with an illuminance meter set to measure Footcandles accurate to at least two decimals. Illuminance shall be measured with the EMC off, and again with the EMC displaying a white image for a full color -capable EMC, or a solid message for a single -color EMC. All measurements shall be taken as close as practical to a perpendicular plane of the sign at the distance determined by the total square footage of the EMC as set forth in the accompanying Sign Area of a Sign versus Measurement Distance table. B. EMC Illumination Limits: The difference between the off and solid -message measurements using the EMC Measurement Criteria shall not exceed 0.3 footcandles at night. C. Dimming Capabilities: All permitted EMCs shall be equipped with a sensor or other device that automatically determines the ambient illumination and programmed to automatically dim according to ambient light conditions, or that can be adjusted to comply with the 0.3 footcandle measurements. iii 8 © International Sign Association SIGN AREA VERSUS MEASUREMENT DISTANCE 10 32 15 39 20 45 25 50 30 55 35 59 40 63 45 67 50 71 55 74 60 77 65 81 70 84 75 87 80 89 85 92 90 95 95 97 100 100 110 105 120 110 130 114 140 118 150 122 160 126 170 130 180 134 190 138 200 141 220 148 240 155 260 161 280 167 300 173 `For signs with an area in square feet other than those specifically listed in the table (i,e., 12 sq it, 400 sq ft etc), the measurement distance may be calculated with the following formula: Measurement Distance = VArev Of Sign Sq, Ft..x 100 ISA RESEARCH OW TO MEASURE THE NIGHT-TIME BRIGHTNESS OF AN EMC WITH OPERATIONAL CO TROL (Note: This method can be completed by one individual, but requires operational control to shutoff the EMC) OBTAIN AN ILLUMINANCE METER. DETERMINE THE MEASUREMENT DISTANCE. Purchase or otherwise procure an illuminance meter. Most city/county traffic departments have an illuminance meter, which are also referred to as lux or footcandle meters (lux is the metric measure of illuminance; footcandles is the English measure of illuminance). The illuminance meter must have the ability to provide a reading up to two decimal places and must be set to read footcandles. It is preferred to have an illuminance meter with a screw -mount that allows the sensor to be mounted on a tripod. A tripod ensures that the highly sensitive sensor is held perfectly still; otherwise it may be difficult to obtain an accurate reading. DETERMINE SQUARE FOOTAGE. Determine the square footage of the face of the electronic message sign (EMC) by multiplying the height and width of the EMC. This infor- mation may be available in a permit application, or can be determined by physically measuring the height and width of the EMC. Do not include the sign face square footage attributable to any additional static signs associated with the EMC (if applicable). Using the total square footage found in Step 2, look up the measurement distance in the table provided in the Recommended Legislative Language on page 8, to determine the distance to measure the brightness of the EMC. The distance should be measured perpendicular to the EMC sign face. The use of a measuring wheel, laser finder or a smartphone app are the most convenient ways to measure the distance. © International Sign Association 9 i%! ... ISA RESEARCH S1 li,,; II a 4 PREPARE THE DISPLAY FOR TESTING. Ensure that the EMC is programmed to alternate between a solid white (or in the case of a monochrome display - the solid color of the display) message and a blank message. The community may require that the sign owner cooperate with testing by programming the EMC for testing upon written notice. USE AN ILLUMINANCE METER TO MEASURE THE BRIGHTNESS OF THE EMC. Mount the sensor of your illuminance meter to a tripod and orient the sensor directly towards the face of the EMC at the measurement distance determined in Step 2. Ensure that the illuminance meter is set to measure footcandles up to two decimal places. As the display alternates between a solid white message and an "off" message, note the range of values on the illuminance meter. If the difference between the readings is less than 0.3 footcandles, then the brightness of the display is in compliance. If not, the display will need to be adjusted to a lower brightness level using the manufacturer's recommended procedures. 10 © International Sign Association ENSURE THAT THE DISPLAY CAN ADJUST TO DIFFERENT AMBIENT CONDITIONS. Inspect the sign to ensure that it incorporates a photocell or other technology to ensure that the display can adjust according to ambient lighting conditions. whiteAs the display akernat,es bet,m-.�en,-.i solid da �4.',�z;a`r�,���::a r��"�1' a:��"� .,.."a7esarage, not" atr" range °,:fie of vatCie s on the atturninance rneter, If the clifferea"kce between 1.11? readings is less i-han 0-5 fbot-candles, Men the bre . display is ircompliance, ISA RESEARCH HOW TO MEASURE THE NIGHT-TIME BRIGHTNESS OF AN EMC-WITHOUTCONTROL OF THE SIGN (Note: This method requires two individuals, but does not require operational control of the EMC.) There will be instances where the EMC illumination needs to be evaluated to ensure that it does not exceed the brightness levels established in the municipal sign ordinance. If the municipality is unable to obtain access to the sign controls or attempting to take the measurement after business hours, this method should be followed. Unlike the six -step process described previously, this process measures the difference in brightness between the sign in operation and when the sign is completely blocked from the illuminance meter. This proce- dure is extremely simple and requires only an illuminance meter and a piece of painted cardboard cut to the proper size. ST " U'�3' I OBTAIN AN ILLUMINANCE METER. (See previous Step 1) µE1111 a ;fr ;"r DETERMINE SQUARE FOOTAGE. (See previous Step 2) DETERMINE THE MEASUREMENT DISTANCE. (See previous Step 3 or use V(Area of Sagas in Sq.. Ft. x 100)) POSITION THE TESTERS. Based on the size of the digital display, the person conducting the test should position themselves as close to directly in front of the digital display as practical, at the appropriate distance (calculated in Step 3). A helper should position themselves about 7 ft. to 10 ft. in front of the light meter and hold up an opaque, black sheet of material that is roughly 12 in. high by 40 in. wide. (Regular cardboard painted matte black works well for this.) The sheet should be positioned so it blocks all light from the EMC, but still allows the remaining ambient light to register on the illuminance meter. �IiP ,im, 24 ft2 49 ft 32 ft 57 ft W m50 ftz 71 ft 100 ft 100 ft z This helper should use a cardboard sheet to block the EMC light from the footcandle meter. This will establish the baseline footcandle reading. fi 'IT .. ........ r°wur � ff After the cardboard block is held in place, a reading should be taken for the Hese cororoeroieiLights ambient light. Landscape Lights Lights Sheet Lights Traffic Lights • In this example, various light sources are impacting the photocell measuring 2.3 footcandles of ambient light. This is the baseline for the measurement. Write it down. © International YSign Association 11 l J DOC. INDEX # E-1 ISA RESEARCH USE AN ILLUMINANCE METER. The illuminance meter should be held at a height of about 5 ft. (which is approximately eye level) and aimed directly at the EMC. The illuminance meter will account for surrounding sources of light or the absence thereof. In this case our ambient light reading was 2.3 fc. The new light reading with the LED displaying a full white frame cannot read above 2.6 fc or 2.3 (ambient) +0.3 (threshold). If a full white frame cannot be arranged, watch the meter to see if any ad exceeds 2.6 fc. E^^d At this point, readings should be taken from the illuminance meter to establish a baseline illumination level. (ISA recommends that the illuminance meter is capable of levels to 2 decimal places 0.00). Once the baseline level is established, add 0.3 footcandles to the baseline level to calculate the max brightness limit. (For example: Baseline reading is 3.15 footcandles. The max brightness level is 3.45 footcandles.) 15,),EIm) 6 DETERMINE THE BRIGHTNESS LEVEL. Remove the opaque sheet from blocking the EMC. Watch the foot- candle meter for 3 to 5 minutes to see if the max brightness level is exceeded by any of the images on the sign. If the readings do not exceed the max brightness levels, then the EMC illumination is in compliance. If any of readings consistently exceed the max brightness level, the lighting level is not in compliance. In this scenario, the municipality will need to inform the sign owner of noncompliance and take appropriate steps to ensure that the EMC be adjusted to a lower brightness level using the manufacturer's recommended procedures. ��% 12 ©International Sign Association If arra of readings consistently exceed the max brightness level, the lighting level is not in compliance. INTERNATIONAL SIGN ASSOCIATION 1001 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 301 Alexandria, VA 22314 703.836.4012 Ph 703.836.8353 Fax www.sgns.org INDEX -I b Peters, Jeff From: James Carpentier <James.Carpentier@signs.org> Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2017 10:03 AM To: Peters, Jeff Cc: Davenport, Joan; David Hickey; Patti King Subject: RE: Draft Sign Regulations Hello Jeff, Thanks for your response and your support of our recommendations. I plan on attending the hearing on the 22"d. What is the time of the hearing? I will send you some suggestions for the size limitations for EMCs base on zoning districts. I understand and have no issue with the attorney's decision in regards to Reed, as we typically suggest that the code be a neutral as possible. Let me know if you have any questions or need any information, Thanks again, James From: Peters, Jeff[mailto:Jeff.Peters@yakimawa.gov] Sent: Friday, February 10, 2017 8:08 PM To: James Carpentier <James.Carpentier@signs.org> Cc: Davenport, Joan <Joan.Davenport@yakimawa.gov> Subject: Draft Sign Regulations Dear Mr. Carpentier, The City of Yakima Planning Department would like to thank you for your thorough review and suggested changes to our draft sign ordinance. As I explained to you on the phone last week, the City Planning Commission is scheduled to hold its open record public hearing on the draft ordinance on February 22, 2017, to which we hope you can attend. At that time city staff intends to present your helpful comments and suggestions regarding digital signs to the commission for inclusion in the draft ordinance. In regard to the changes dealing with the court case Reed vs. the Town of Gilbert, the City's land use attorney has indicated that we must decline these suggestions at this time; however should you have further suggestions about limitations on size of digital signs based upon zoning district we would be happy to consider them. Sincerely, Jeff Peters Senior Planner City of Yakima 509-575-6163 DOC. INDEX Maxe , Lisa From: Peters, Jeff Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2017 1:14 PM To: Maxey, Lisa Subject: FW: Draft Sign Regulations Attachments: NWSC ISA comments draft Sign Ordinance Yakima 2-3-17.pdf; EMC Resource - Recommended Night -Time Brightness Levels Revised 8-16.pdf From: Davenport, Joan Sent: Friday, February 03, 2017 12:57 PM To: Peters, Jeff <Jeff.Pete rs@yakimawa.gov> Cc: Watkins, Sara <Sara.Watkins@YAKIMAWA.GOV> Subject: FW: Draft Sign Regulations Fyi-. Jeff, will you please respond as appropriate? ThanksM Joan From: James Carpentier [mailto:Jar'nes.Car wrJu � s gn IT IT I Sent: Friday, February 03, 201712:38 PM To: Davenport, Joan <Joan,Davenport ,akimawa.ggv> Cc: Patti King < kin nwsigncoun ilI.M>; David Hickey <David.Hi'w Gc y@ migl s. tg Subject: Draft Sign Regulations Hello Ms. Davenport, I am contacting you on behalf of the Northwest Sign Council and the International Sign Association. Both associations work with jurisdictions to educate and assist in the creation of beneficial and enforceable sign regulations. I have attached the 1-11-17 draft of your sign regulations with a number of comments. In summary most of the comments deal with these issues: Content Neutrality A number of sections of the code require the city to review the content of the sign in order to determine compliance. These types of regulations may not comply with the Reed v. Town of Gilbert decision. Electronic Message Center Regulations (EMC) The proposed regulations utilize an illumination level of 100 nits. We believe that this may not function well since it is about 1/3 of our recommended illumination levels for EMCs. Our recommended standard has been adopted by over 200 jurisdictions and states with no issues. Also, the Footcandle approach is easier to enforce than the proposed nits methodology. This section also needs the requirement of automatic dimming. In addition, we recommend that additional square footages of EMC displays be allowed. DOC. INDEX We would be happy to set up a demonstration with a typical EMC so staff and City officials can see firsthand the proposed illumination recommendations and our illumination recommendations. We appreciate your consideration of our recommendations. Let me know if you have any questions. Best Regards, James B Carpentier AICP Director State & Local Government Affairs 1001 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 301 Alexandria, VA 22314 (480) 773-3756 Cell +wvr 'w.s�.o�r�g I !vww,sign x o�.org jannes.car entier@sir CITY PLANNING — SIGN CODE AMENDMENTS TXT#001-17 & SEPA#002-17 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER F Notices r /i /„ r. / r . .., Iii✓� I /i. / / _../ //.or / o,..../„�, � � ✓., r� �rr/.i F-1 Notice of Application, Environmental Review, & YPC Public 01/11/2017 Hearing F -la: Legal Notice F -lb: Press Release and Distribution E- mail F -lc: Parties and Agencies Notified F -1d: Affidavit of Mailing F-2 Notice of Determination of Non -Significance _ 02/02/2017 F -2a: Parties and Agencies Notified F -2b: Affidavit of Mailin F-3 YPC Agenda and Packet Distribution List 02/15/2017 F-4 YPC Agenda 02/22/2017 ....... ......... ----- . . _ _ ....._ _._ ...._ �. .awl 9 2 Ulklu DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Pi.an::ning Division Joan Davenport, AICP, Director `� Y OV YAK1MA129 North Second Street, 2°d Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning City of Yakima Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING City Hall Council Chambers Wednesday February 22, 2017 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. YPC Members: Chairman Scott Clark, Vice -Chair Patricia Byers, Al Rose, Bill Cook, Peter Marinace, Gavin Keefe, Tom Trepanier Council Liaison: Avina Gutierrez City Planning Staff: Joan Davenport (Community Development Director/Planning Manager); Jeff Peters (Senior Planner); Joseph Calhoun (Senior Planner); Eric Crowell (Assistant Planner); Rosalinda Ibarra (Administrative Assistant); and Lisa Maxey (Planning Specialist) Agenda I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Staff Announcements IV. Audience Participation V. Approval of Meeting Minutes of January 11, 2017 VI. Public Hearing - Sign Code Amendments Applicant: City of Yakima Planning Division File Numbers: TXT#001-17 & SEPA#002-17 Site Address: Citywide Request: Amendments to the City of Yakima's Urban Area Zoning Ordinance Sign Code YMC 15.08 to comply with recent changes to state law for on -premise and temporary signs. VII. Consideration of Amendment to the Definition of "Dwelling, Multiple -Family' and the Addition of Other New Definitions to Accommodate Tiny Homes/Efficiency Units VIII. Other Business IX. Adjourn Next Meeting: March 8, 2017 f 2 INDEX 2015 1994 YPC PACKET: Al Rose Silvrfx4O@bn-d.net aa r704QLr!j�H.cgjji Scott Clark sclark@stelzerclark.com Tom Trepanier qrmere.com AGENDA & STAFF REPORT ONLY: James Carpentier 1001 N Fairfax St, Ste 301 Alexandria, VA 22314 iames.car°p)entfierj@iigiis,org YPC Staff Report & Packet Distribution List — City Planning — Sign Code Amendments — TXT#001- 17 & SEPA#002-17 Patricia Byers Gavin Keefe Z'a vi -ab —0�! p-nilill ki Bill Cook Cook.w@charter.net Peter Marinace peter aijLqs�A. r rw iLcom Doc. INDEX AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON CITY OF YAKIMA RE: TXT#001-17 & SEPA#002-17 Citv Planning - Sign Code Amendments N/A I, Lisa Maxey, as an employee of the City of Yakima Planning Division, have dispatched through the United States Mails, a Notice of DNS. A true and correct copy of which is enclosed herewith; that said notice was addressed to the applicant and all parties of record, that are individually listed on the mailing list retained by the Planning Division, and that said notices were mailed by me on this 2nd day of February, 2017. That I mailed said notices in the manner herein set forth and that all of the statements made herein are just and true. Lisa Maxey Department Assistant II Ahtanum Irrigation District Cascade Natural Gas Chamber of Commerce Beth Ann Brulotte, Executive Assistant Jim Robinson, Field Facilitator 10 North 9th Street 10705-B Gilbert Road 701 South 1st Ave Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98903-9203 Yakima, WA 98902 chamber@yakima.org bethb@ahtanum.net Jim.robinson@cngc.com Department of Commerce Department of Ecology Department of Ecology Growth Management Services, Annie Szvetecz, SEPA Policy Lead Gwen Clear P.O. Box 42525 P.O. Box 47703 1250 West Alder Street Olympia, WA 98504-2525 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Union Gap, WA 98903 reviewteam@commerce.wa.gov separegister@ecy.wa.gov crosepacoordinator@ecy.wa.gov Department of Fish and Wildlife Department of Natural Resources Department of Social & Health Services Eric Bartrand SEPA Center Jeanne Rodriguez 1701 South 24th Ave PO Box 47015 P.O. Box 45848 Yakima, WA 98902 Olympia, WA 98504 Olympia, WA 98504 Eric.Bartrand@dfw.wa.gov sepacenter@dnr.wa.gov Jeanne.rodriguez@dshs.wa.gov Scott.Downes@dfw.wa.gov Dept of Archaeology & Historic Preservation Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council -EFSEC EngineeringDivision Greg Griffith or Gretchen Kaehler, Deputy State Stephen Posner, SEPA Officer Dana Kallevig and Debbie Cook, City Engineer Historic Preservation Officer PO Box 43172 129 N 2nd Street P.O. Box 48343 Olympia, WA 98504-3172 Yakima, WA 98901 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 sposner@utc.wa.gov dana.kallevig@yakimawa.gov dahp.separeview@dahp.wa.gov debbie.cook@yakimawa.gov Nob Hill Water Association Office of Rural and Farm Worker Housing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch Bob Irving, Engineering Technician Marty Miller Deborah Knaub, Project Manager 6111 Tieton Drive 1400 Summitview Ave, Ste# 203 P.O. Box 3755 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98902 Seattle, WA 98124-3755 bob@nobhillwater.org Martym2@orfh.org Deborah.J.Knaub@usace.army.mil Wastewater Division West Valley School District WSDOT Marc Cawley or Dana Kallevig Angela Watts, Asst. Supt. Of Business & Paul Gonseth, Planning Engineer 2220 East Viola Ave Operations 2809 Rudkin Road Yakima, WA 98901 8902 Zier Road Union Gap, WA 98903 rnarc caws �+ akJTi1Vg...gI Yakima, WA 98908-9299 gonsetp@wsdot.gov dana kalleyi&pam akirna v wattsa@wvsd208.org WSDOT WSDOT, Aviation Division Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs Rick Holmstrom, Development Services Carter Timmerman Rocco Clark, Environmental Coordinator 2809 Rudkin Road 7702 Terminal St SW P.O. Box 632 Union Gap, WA 98903 Tumwater, WA 98501 Toppenish, WA 98948 holmstr@wsdot.wa.gov timmerc@wsdot.wa.gov Rocco.clark@bia.gov Yakama-Klickitat Fisheries Project Yakima Air Terminal Yakima County Commissioners John Marvin Robert Peterson, Airport Asst Manager Commissioners.web@co.yakima.wa.us 760 Pence Road 2400 West Washington Ave Yakima, WA 98909 Yakima, WA 98903 jmarvin@yakama.com robert.peterson@yakimawa.gov Yakima County Health District Yakima County Public Services Yakima County Public Services Ryan Ibach, Director of Environmental Health Lynn Deitrick, Planning Director Vern Redifer, Public Services Director 1210 Ahtanum Ridge Dr Ste#200 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor Union Gap, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98901 yhd@co.yakima.wa.us Lynn.Deitrick@co.yakima.wa.us Vern.redifer@co.yakima.wa.us �1 ryan.ibach@co.yakima.wa.us Yakima Greenway Foundation Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency Yakima Valley Conference of Government AI Brown, Executive Director Hasan Tahat, Engineering & Planning Supervisor Shawn Conrad and Joseph Calhoun, Plann 111 South 18th Street 329 North 1st Street 311 North 4th Street, Ste# 202 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98901 al@yakimagreenway.org hasan@yrcaa.org conrads vco or calhounj@yvcog.org g• 8 1@yvcog.org ............. . ....... Yakima Valley Museum __ ........ Yakima Waste Systems ... _...w Yakama Nation Environmental Management John A. Baule, Director Keith Kovalenko, District Manager Program 2105 Tieton Drive 2812 1/2 Terrace Heights Dr. Cialita Keys, Environmental Review Coordinator Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98901 P.O. Box 151 Toppenish, WA 98948 john@yakimavalleymuseum.org kertlgJw uuctaaalie ctioaas.c¢aIII) ckevs@vakama.com Century Link Charter Communications City of Union Gap Manager Kevin Chilcote David Spurlock, Development Director 8 South 2nd Ave, Rm#304 1005 North 16th Ave P.O. Box 3008 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98902 Union Gap, WA 98903 Department of Agriculture Environmental Protection Agency Federal Aviation Administration Kelly McLain NEPA Review Unit 2200 W. Washington Ave P.O. Box 42560 1200 6th Ave. MS 623 Yakima, WA 98903 Olympia, WA 98504 Seattle, WA 98101 Federal Aviation Administration, Seattle Governor's Office of Indian Affairs Pacific Power Airports District office Cayla Morgan, Airport Planner PO Box 40909 Mike Paulson 1601 Lind Ave SW Olympia, WA 98504 500 North Keys Rd Renton, WA 98055-4056 Yakima, WA 98901 Soil Conservation District Trolleys United States hostel Service Ray Wondercheck Paul Edmondson Je gee- Abd�I0(01?0(( W �- 1606 Perry Street, Ste. F 313 North 3rd Street 205 W Washington Ave Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98903 WA State Attorney General's Office WA State Dept of Health, Office of Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs 1433 Lakeside Court, Ste# 102 Drinking Water Christine Collins Superintendent Yakima, WA 98902 16201 E Indiana Ave, Ste# 1500 P.O. Box 632 Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakama Indian Nation Johnson Meninick, Cultural Resources Yakama Indian Nation Yakima School District Program Ruth Jim, Yakima Tribal Council Dr. Jack Irion, Superintendent P.O. Box 151 P.O. Box 151 104 North 4th Ave Toppenish, WA 98948 Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima Valley Canal Co Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Cascade Natural Gas Robert Smoot Sandra Hull 8113 W Grandridge Blvd 1640 Garretson Lane 470 Camp 4 Rd Kennewick, WA 99336 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98908 Ahtanum Irrigation District Beth Ann Brulotte, Executive Assistant 10705-B Gilbert Road Yakima, WA 98903 I.z5 ►1 \\Apollo\Shared\Planning\Assignments-Planning\LABELS and FORMS\SEPA REVIEWING AGENCIES updated -.Y Y. Form List.docx Type of Notice: `11File Number: �(-A2/'AA ..I Date of Mailing: Parties of Record —City manning— Sign Code Amendments — Tx f#001-16 & SEPA#002-17 Sign Craft ................ AA Instant Sign Advanced Digital Imaging ..... ........ _............ .............. ... Solar Graphics Inc 1120 Tieton Dr 14252 Rutherford Rd 3402 W Washington Ave 2208 Oak Ave Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98903 Abbott's Printing Inc America's Window Tint & Graphics Boyle Brothers Wholesale Neon Cascade Sign Fabrication 500 S 2nd Ave 915 S I" St 915 W Yakima Ave 108 W Mead Ave Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98902 Eagle Signs National Barricade Co of Yakima _........... ......... _� Imprenta Graphics Sign Works 1511 S Keys Rd 401 S 3'd Ave 505 W Nob Hill Blvd 915 W Yakima Ave Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98902 Jake's Custom Window Tinting & Designs LTD Midstate Monuments Monster Graphics Graphics 501 W Yakima Ave 1612 S 16" Ave 720 N. 16th Ave. Suite 8 912 E. Terrace Heights Way Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98901 Ran ,rJy,La yctti,itrt�c4kl„1Jaaw3lw Naeem Kara _... Transit Division Pomeroy Signs Spanton Readerboard & Letter Supply Tube Art Signs & Sport Displays ..... Star Image 6202 Ivy Ave 209 N 93" Ave 2323 W Washington Ave 1020 W Nob Hill Blvd Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98902 UC Sign Co CNC Sign & Design International Sign Association .................................. ...."._........................................................... ......... .............. ............... Revised �1.�................... 2017 520 S 3" Ave 4813 Tieton Dr 1001 N. Fairfax St., STE. 301 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98908 Alexandria, VA 22314 ................................. _....................................................... _ .__.._____ In -House Distribution E-mail List Name Division IT E-mail Address ....................... Carolyn Belles Code Administration Cam 1 y10q1I. %'PyaKnayKazly Glenn Denman Code Administration Cal,enta,beenmatlP,i�,y ilma, wa., (Ry ........ ........ Joe Caruso Code Administration Jot C ,,rtes _ y k��p n±a oy IT Suzanne DeBusschereITITITITITITITITITITITITIT mm Code Administration—IT mm �t�rartne_ 1?elbus cit re ) akigi bra 0mm w� ITITITITITITIT"ITIT Dan Riddle Engineering laa li;l.aJ,1t lcytklnJyya gc,v Mike Shane Engineering Maianya��t y ...........— -— Mark Soptich Fire Dre".D......."".................................... ept .................................................... _Mark `olattcBt __ _ tnaw�a_ _ ,ca7y_°alci, ca Jeff Cutter Legal Dept Je11m t1Rle cr) klln ' gPy ................... Sara Watkins Legal Dept 1`,aramm tktttryairaavy.gcay ......................_. Archie Matthews . ...__."..__..._ .._ ONDS� ..... ........ ..... ..".... . ._m... .............. hae. Mattlts [ttprr�aaty, Joan Davenport Planning Joan l)averll l,aa„t„ �r y. It Chief Rizzi Police Department Donii i Rizzi yak tp awa,,gaa _. ........................ Scott Schafer "............................".."._......................................... .................................................... Public Works Dept ___._................... ....... ........... _..................................................................... Scott..Schaf r e y l it t_awa.gcry Loretta Zammarchi Refuse Division 1 orett , Zt-40-9cho(i' yak.naa. a ly Randy Layman Refuse Division Ran ,rJy,La yctti,itrt�c4kl„1Jaaw3lw Naeem Kara _... Transit Division - dakotroia+ �t gcty......___......................................... hi aet�tn Kari � yr , .................... ..........._ James Dean _.----........�..._........................................................................_.......................................................................................... Utilities ................................................................................. ............ ............ ..... .................. ............_ James.Deatt�� yakiinaw..— Dana Kallevig Wastewater DanammK..alleyi' c�� ak atzawa,gov Randy Meloy Wastewater land lea 1py:��ak�ttl,Jtywa�cly .........___...................................... ............ For the Record/File ........ ..."."............ .......... Binder Copy _........ .................................. ...."._........................................................... ......... .............. ............... Revised �1.�................... 2017 Type of Notice: —D File Number: �'���"� 7 -4— TXT 4()ol —� g. .,-�L,,2 a'°Date of Mallin,J7, Maxey, Lisa From: Maxey, Lisa Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2017 9:28 AM To: Belles, Carolyn; Brown, David; Caruso, Joe; Cutter, Jeff; Davenport, Joan; Dean, James; DeBusschere, Suzanne; Denman, Glenn; Desgrosellier, Bob; Ibarra, Rosalinda; Kallevig, Dana; Kara, Naeem; Layman, Randy; Matthews, Archie; Maxey, Lisa; Meloy, Randy; Riddle, Dan; Rizzi, Dominic; Schafer, Scott; Shane, Mike; Soptich, Mark; Watkins, Sara; Zammarchi, Loretta; Ahtanum Irrigation District - Beth Ann Brulotte; Cawley, Marc; Chamber of Commerce; Department of Commerce (CTED) - Review Team; Department of Ecology - SEPA Register; Department of Ecology -CRO Coordinator; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Eric Bartrand; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Scott Downes; Department of Natural Resources; Department of Social & Health Services - Jeanne Rodriguez; Dept Archaeology & Historic Preservation - SEPA Review; Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council - Stephen Posner; Nob Hill Water - Bob Irving; Office of Rural & Farmworker Housing - Marty Miller; Peterson, Robert; US Army Corps of Engineers - Deborah J Knaub; West Valley School District - Angela Watts; WSDOT - Carter Timmerman; WSDOT - Paul Gonseth; WSDOT - Rick Holmstrom; Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs - Rocco Clark; Yakama Nation Environmental Management Program - Cialita Keys; Yakama-Klickitat Fisheries - John Marvin; Yakima County Commissioners; Yakima County Health District; Yakima County Health District - Ryan Ibach; Yakima County Planning Director - Lynn Deitrick; Yakima County Public Services Director, Vern Redifer; Yakima Greenway Foundation - Al Brown; Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency - Hasan Tahat; Yakima Valley Conference of Governments - Joseph Calhoun; Yakima Valley Conference of Governments - Shawn Conrad; Yakima Valley Museum - John A. Baule; Yakima Waste Systems - Keith Kovalenko Cc: Peters, Jeff Subject: Notice of DNS - City Planning - Sign Code Amendments - TXT#001-17 & SEPA#002-17 Attachments: NOTICE OF DNS - City Planning_ Sign Code Amendments - SEPA TXT.PDF Attached is a Notice of Determination of Non -Significance (DNS) regarding the above -entitled project. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact assigned planner Jeff Peters at (509) 575-6163 or email to: 'eff, j t�,.!�" l i�x .. . Thank you! Department Assistant II I City of Yakima Planning Division Planning Divison - P: (509) 575-6183 ! F: (509) 575-6105 Direct Line: (509) 576-6669 - Lipa a py@y 129 N 20d Street, Yakima, WA 98901 INDEX t. CA— I E1- ARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT lIlanning Division; ision; Joan Davenport, AICP, Director r� � 129 'North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planniiig@yakiiiiawa.gov va.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning WASHINGTON STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE CITY OF YAKIMA, WASHINGTON February 2, 2017 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Environmental Review of text amendments to the City of Yakima's Urban Area Zoning Ordinance Title 15 Ch. 15.08 Signs to bring the City of Yakima's sign ordinance into conformance with recent changes in state law for on - premise signs. LOCATION: City Limits PARCEL NUMBERS: N/A PROPONENT: City of Yakima Planning Division PROPERTY OWNERS: N/A LEAD AGENCY: City of Yakima FILE NUMBERS: SEPA #002-17 & TXT #001-17 DETERMINATION: The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. ® This DNS is issued after using the optional DNS process in WAC 197-11-355. There is no further comment period on the DNS. Responsible Official: Joan Davenport Position/Title: SEPA Responsible Official Phone (509) 575-6183 Address: 12.9 N. 2nd Street Yakima WA 98901 Date February 2, 2017 Signature Cwt ® You may appeal this determination to: Joan Davenport, AICP, Director of Community Development, at 129 N. 2nd Street, Yakima, WA 98901. No later than: February 16, 2017. By method: Complete a eal application form and.logyment of 1580 appeal fee, You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Contact the City of Yakima Planning Division to read or ask about the procedures for SEPA appeals. Yakima DOC. INDEX 11V ✓''"p 2615 t 1994 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON CITY OF YAKIMA RE: TXT#001-17 & SEPA#002-17 -m City P.Ianning- Sign,Code,Amendments N/A I, Lisa Maxey, as an employee of the City of Yakima Planning Division, have dispatched through the United States Mails, a Notice of Application, Environmental Review, and YPC Public Hearing. A true and correct copy of which is enclosed herewith; that said notice was addressed SEPA reviewing agencies, that said are individually listed on the mailing list retained by the Planning Division, and that said notices were mailed by me on the 11th day of lanuam 2017. That I mailed said notices in the manner herein set forth and that all of the statements made herein are just and true. Lisa Maxey Department Assistant II ;' C.INDiEX i' Ahtanum Irrigation District Cascade Natural Gas Chamber of Commerce Beth Ann Brulotte, Executive Assistant Jim Robinson, Field Facilitator 10 North 9th Street 10705-B Gilbert Road 701 South 1st Ave Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98903-9203 Yakima, WA 98902 chamber@yakima.org bethb@ahtanum.net Jim.robinson@cngc.com Department of Commerce Department of Ecology Department of Ecology Growth Management Services, Annie Szvetecz, SEPA Policy Lead Gwen Clear P.O. Box 42525 P.O. Box 47703 1250 West Alder Street Olympia, WA 98504-2525 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Union Gap, WA 98903 reviewteam@commerce.wa.gov separegister@ecy.wa.gov crosepacoordinator@ecy.wa.gov Department of Fish and Wildlife Department of Natural Resources Department of Social & Health Services Eric Bartrand SEPA Center Jeanne Rodriguez 1701 South 24th Ave PO Box 47015 P.O. Box 45848 Yakima, WA 98902 Olympia, WA 98504 Olympia, WA 98504 Eric.Bartrand@dfw.wa.gov sepacenter@dnr.wa.gov Jeanne. rodriguez@dshs.wa.gov Scott.Downes@dfw.wa.gov Dept of Archaeology & Historic Preservation Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council -EFSEC Engineering Division Greg Griffith or Gretchen Kaehler, Deputy State Stephen Posner, SEPA Officer Dana Kallevig and Debbie Cook, City Engineer Historic Preservation Officer PO Box 43172 129 N 2nd Street P.O. Box 48343 Olympia, WA 98504-3172 Yakima, WA 98901 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 sposner@utc.wa.gov dana.kallevig@yakimawa.gov dahp.separeviewr@dtahp,wa.gov debbie.cook@yakimawa.gov Nob Hill Water Association Office of Rural and Farm Worker Housing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch Bob Irving, Engineering Technician Marty Miller Deborah Knaub, Project Manager 6111 Tieton Drive 1400 Summitview Ave, Ste# 203 P.O. Box 3755 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98902 Seattle, WA 98124-3755 bob@nobhillwater.org Martym2@orfh.org Deborah.J.Knaub@usace.army.mil Wastewater Division West Valley School District WSDOT Marc Cawley or Dana Kallevig Angela Watts, Asst. Supt. Of Business & Paul Gonseth, Planning Engineer 2220 East Viola Ave Operations 2809 Rudkin Road Yakima, WA 98901 8902 Zier Road Union Gap, WA 98903 vnarc•ca�+w''@X@yakomawaw Yakima, WA 98908-9299 gonsetp@wsdot.gov dana.kallevi vakimawa,attav wattsa@wvsd208.org WSDOT WSDOT, Aviation Division Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs Rick Holmstrom, Development Services Carter Timmerman Rocco Clark, Environmental Coordinator 2809 Rudkin Road 7702 Terminal St SW P.O. Box 632 Union Gap, WA 98903 Tumwater, WA 98501 Toppenish, WA 98948 holmstr@wsdot.wa.gov timmerc@wsdot.wa.gov Rocco.clark@bia.gov ..... _... ...... Yakama-Klickitat Fisheries Project --_ Yakima Air Terminal Yakima County Commissioners John Marvin Robert Peterson, Airport Asst Manager Commissioners.web@co.yakima.wa.us 760 Pence Road 2400 West Washington Ave Yakima, WA 98909 Yakima, WA 98903 jmarvin@yakama.com robert.peterson@yakimawa.gov _------_............._........------..... .. .-------.............. Yakima County Health District Yakima County Public Services Yakima County Public Services Ryan Ibach, Director of Environmental Health Lynn Deitrick, Planning Director Vern Redifer, Public Services Director 1210 Ahtanum Ridge Dr Ste#200 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor Union Gap, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98901 ( D yhd@co.yakima.wa.us Lyn n.Deitrick@co.yakima.wa.us Vern.redifer@co.yakima.wa.us l ryan.ibach@co.yakima.wa.us Yakima Greenway Foundation Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency Yakima Valley Conference of Gov ernmen , Al Brown, Executive Director Hasan Tahat, Engineering & Planning Supervisor Shawn Conrad and Joseph Calhoun, Planner 111 South 18th Street 329 North 1st Street 311 North 4th Street, Ste# 202 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98901 al@yakimagreenway.org hasan@yrcaa.org conrads@yvcog.org calhounj@yvcog.org Yakima Valley Museum Yakima Waste Systems Yakama Nation Environmental Management John A. Baule, Director Keith Kovalenko, District Manager Program 2105 Tieton Drive 2812 1/2 Terrace Heights Dr. Cialita Keys, Environmental Review Coordinator Yakima, WA 98902Yakima, WA 98901 P.O. Box 151 Toppenish, WA 98948 john@yakimavalleymuseum.org keithk a waste con vie ctions.com ckevsOvakama rorty Century Link Charter Communications City of Union Gap Manager Kevin Chilcote David Spurlock, Development Director 8 South 2nd Ave, Rm#304 1005 North 16th Ave P.O. Box 3008 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98902 Union Gap, WA 98903 Department of Agriculture Environmental Protection Agency Federal Aviation Administration Kelly McLain NEPA Review Unit 2200 W. Washington Ave P.O. Box 42560 1200 6th Ave. MS 623 Yakima, WA 98903 Olympia, WA 98504 Seattle, WA 98101 Federal Aviation Administration, Seattle Governor's Office of Indian Affairs Pacific Power Airports District Office Cayla Morgan, Airport Planner PO Box 40909 Mike Paulson 1601 Lind Ave SW Olympia, WA 98504 500 North Keys Rd Renton, WA 98055-4056 Yakima, WA 98901 Soil Conservation District Trolleys United States Postal Service Ray Wondercheck Paul Edmondson Jeff McKee 1606 Perry Street, Ste. F 313 North 3rd Street 205 W Washington Ave Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98903 WA State Attorney General's Office WA State Dept of Health, Office of Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs 1433 Lakeside Court, Ste# 102 Drinking Water Christine Collins Superintendent Yakima, WA 98902 16201 E Indiana Ave, Ste# 1500 P.O. Box 632 Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakama Indian Nation Johnson Meninick, Cultural Resources Yakama Indian Nation Yakima School District Program Ruth Jim, Yakima Tribal Council Dr. Jack Irion, Superintendent P.O. Box 151 P.O. Box 151 104 North 4th Ave Toppenish, WA 98948 Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima Valley Canal Co Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Cascade Natural Gas Robert Smoot Sandra Hull 8113 W Grandridge Blvd 1640 Garretson Lane 470 Camp 4 Rd Kennewick, WA 99336 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98908 Ahtanum Irrigation District Beth Ann Brulotte, Executive Assistant 10705-B Gilbert Road Yakima, WA 98903 \\Apollo\Shared\Planning\Assignments-Planning\LABELS and FORMS\SEPA REVIEWING AGENCIES _updated 06.20.16- Form Ust.docx Type of Notice: �c Of �— Q File Number: - 2 — 1 —% Date of Mailing: It � '7 Parties of Record — City Planning — Sign Code Amendments — TXT#001-16 & SEPA#002-17 Sign Craft AA Instant Sign Advanced Digital Imaging Solar Graphics Inc 1120 Tieton Dr 14252 Rutherford Rd 3402 W Washington Ave 2208 Oak Ave Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98903 Abbott's Printing Inc America's Window Tint & Graphics m Boyle Brothers Wholesale Neon __ ...._ Cascade Sign Fabrication 500 S 2"dAve 915 S V St 915 W Yakima Ave 108 W Mead Ave Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98902 Eagle Signs National Barricade Co of Yakima Imprenta Graphics Sign Works 1511 S Keys Rd 401 S 3`d Ave 505 W Nob Hill Blvd 915 W Yakima Ave Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98902 Jake's Custom Window Tinting & Designs LTD Midstate Monuments Monster Graphics Graphics 501 W Yakima Ave 1612 S 16' Ave 720 N. 16th Ave. Suite 8 912 E. Terrace Heights Way Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98901 f attdy,L�g njiatt ak ataawa al_v Naeem Kara Transit Division Pomero y Signs Spanton Readerboazd &Letter Supply Tube Art Signs &Sport Displays Star Image 6202 Ivy Ave 209 N 93rd Ave 2323 W Washington Ave 1020 W Nob Hill Blvd Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98902 UC Sign Co CNC Sign & ._m__._ ........... Design ...... International Sign Association __ .................... . 520 S 3`d Ave 4813 Tieton Dr 1001 N. Fairfax St., STE. 301 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98908 Alexandria, VA 22314 Type of Notice:! _G1 File Number: E114 58M -402 —11 Date of Mailing: ----11 . i.t 1..Z In -House Distribution E-mail List Name mIT m - .... mIT..___......mmITITmmmITITIT mmmm........... Division W E-mail Address Carolyn Belles Code Administration" as tyn-1iafilgkity kilnawaioy, Glenn Denman ITITITITIT� CodeAdministration— Gletara, t)�� � m u lc,ya Inn- "l -go Joe Caruso Code Administration loc,Canjso�' akimawaa.E!ov ............................ Suzanne DeBusschere Code Administrationtazlann C)ei)us c h r yakrlalki�v,a &qv Dan Riddle Engineering an_Riddla rr& l aataaM 90v' Mike Shane Engineering Mike. sal tl gc"'6 wa . ay, __..........— ................... Mark Soptich Fire Dept Mark. plati h@yakitata.w:a. adv Jeff Cutter ITITIT Legal Dept....._ .................................. Jeff. tuttem � cIas iita�awa.gL)y....._.m...................................... Sara Watkins Legal Dept Sara.Wkin ciY akaaa"igw�amgcay _.............. ......... � Archie Matthews ONDS achie.i"vlatlhewar�aakla�awa�.gav Joan Davenport Planning _ __ .. ' Mala av a a ri, � ahii al„° amr ITITITIT Chief Rizzi Police Department Domini- mC iZz y k- mm im-,civ Scott Schafer ITITITIT- WPublic WWorks Dept Grocott Schafer yaakiniawa, `�sM Loretta Zammarchi mITRefuse Division . Loretgi.7"aplammarchiLFi)y ktntmy-a lmcaymmmmmmmmmITITm ITITm� Randy Layman Refuse Division f attdy,L�g njiatt ak ataawa al_v Naeem Kara Transit Division Nacei Kraar'a c v:aktmno a,MY .......................... James Dean _..........,.__..................._..........................__.................____ Utilities __._....._............ ........ ....................................... lsnaes�.� eaat(ilyakimawa. ov Dana Kallevig Wastewater Dana.F Randy Meloy Wastewater l� almlywW Forthe Record/File ................................................................................................._ _ ____--�__ ...........��........_.������ Binder Copy ................��..........._._......._�.._._._._.............�......................—............�......�................................._........................•••m'Revised 01/2017 Type of Notice:! _G1 File Number: E114 58M -402 —11 Date of Mailing: ----11 . i.t 1..Z Maxe , Lisa From: Maxey, Lisa Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 11:36 AM To: Belles, Carolyn; Brown, David; Caruso, Joe; Cutter, Jeff, Davenport, Joan; Dean, lames; DeBusschere, Suzanne; Denman, Glenn; Desgrosellier, Bob; Ibarra, Rosalinda; Kallevig, Dana; Kara, Naeem; Layman, Randy; Matthews, Archie; Maxey, Lisa; Meloy, Randy; Riddle, Dan; Rizzi, Dominic; Schafer, Scott; Shane, Mike; Soptich, Mark; Watkins, Sara; Zammarchi, Loretta; Ahtanum Irrigation District - Beth Ann Brulotte; Cawley, Marc; Chamber of Commerce; Department of Commerce (CTED) - Review Team; Department of Ecology - SEPA Register; Department of Ecology -CRO Coordinator; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Eric Bartrand; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Scott Downes; Department of Natural Resources; Department of Social & Health Services - Jeanne Rodriguez; Dept Archaeology & Historic Preservation - SEPA Review; Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council - Stephen Posner, Nob Hill Water - Bob Irving; Office of Rural & Farmworker Housing - Marty Miller, Peterson, Robert; US Army Corps of Engineers - Deborah J Knaub; West Valley School District - Angela Watts; WSDOT - Carter Timmerman; WSDOT - Paul Gonseth; WSDOT - Rick Holmstrom; Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs - Rocco Clark; Yakama Nation Environmental Management Program - Cialita Keys; Yakama-Klickitat Fisheries - John Marvin; Yakima County Commissioners; Yakima County Health District; Yakima County Health District - Ryan Ibach; Yakima County Planning Director - Lynn Deitrick; Yakima County Public Services Director, Vern Redifer; Yakima Greenway Foundation - Al Brown; Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency - Hasan Tahat; Yakima Valley Conference of Governments - Joseph Calhoun; Yakima Valley Conference of Governments - Shawn Conrad; Yakima Valley Museum - John A. Baule; Yakima Waste Systems - Keith Kovalenko; Brown, Michael; Crockett, Ken; Daily Sun News - John Fannin; Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; KAPP TV News; KBBO-KRSE Radio - manager; KCJT TV News; KDNA Radio; KEPR TV News; KIMA TV News; KIT/KATS/DMVW/KFFM - Lance Tormey; KNDO TV News; KUNS-TV Univision; KVEW TV News; Lozano, Bonnie; NWCN News; NWPR - Anna King; Randy Luvaas - Yakima Business Times; Reed C. Pell; Tu Decides - Albert Torres; Yakima Herald Republic - Craig Troianello; Yakima Herald Republic - Mai Hoang; Yakima Herald Republic - Mark Morey; Yakima Herald Republic Newspaper; Yakima Valley Business Times; Yakima Valley Business Times - George Finch; Beehler, Randy Cc: Peters, Jeff, Al Rose; Alfred A. Rose (silvrfx40@bmi.net); Gavin Keefe; Gutierrez, Avina; Patricia Byers; Peter Marinace; Peters, Jeff; Scott Clark; Tom Trepanier; William Cook (cook.w@charter.net) Subject: Notice of Application, SEPA, & Public Hearing - City Planning - Sign Code Amendments - TXT#001-17 & SEPA#002-17 Attachments: NOTICE OF APPLICATION, SEPA & PUBLIC HEARING - City Planning - Sign Code .... pdf Attached is a Notice of Application, Environmental Review (SEPA), and Public Hearing regarding the above -entitled project. If you have any questions about this proposal please contact assigned planner Jeff Peters at (509) 575-6163 or by email at j I,p ti, -. qj irr� g y. Thank you! Lisa Maxey Department Assistant II ! City of Yakima Planning Division Planning Divison - P: (509) 575-6183 ! F: (509) 575-6105 Direct Line: (509) 576-6669 - Llsa.Maxey@yakirnawva,goy 129 N 2nd Street, Yakima, WA 98901 DOC. INDEX ;• b f P'UBLIC b�' Y..AKIMA HE� RAIj A daily part of your life ��'�� yakima-herald.com �' This is the proof of your ad scheduled to run on the dates indicated below. Please proof read notice carefully to check spelling and run dates, if you need to make changes Date: 01/09/17 Account #: 110358 Company Name: CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING Contact: ROSALINDA IBARRA,AP Address: 129 N 2ND STREET Stop: YAKIMA, WA 98901-2720 Telephone: (509) 575-6164 Fax: Account Rep: Simon Sizer Phone # (509) 577-7740 Email: ssizergyakimaherald.com Ad ID: 704800 Start: 01/11/17 Stop: 01/11/17 Total Cost: $233.60 Lines: 128.0 # of Inserts: 1 Ad Class: 6021 Run Dates: Yakima Herald -Republic 01/11/17 CITY OFYAKIMA NOTICE OF APPLICATION, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW, AND PUBLIC HEARING DATE: January 11, 2017: TO: SEPA Agencies: FROM: Joan Davenport, AICP Community Development Director & Planning Manager: SUBJECT.State Environmental Policy Act Review for Text Amendments to the City of Yakima's Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance Si% Ordinance Chapter 15.08.: FILE NO: SEPA #002-17and T T#001-17: PARCEL NO: N/A— Non Project Action: NOTICE OFAPPLICAILN, The City of Yakima Planning Q Commission has initiated a State Environmental Policy Act Check- list (SEPA) application for a Non Project Action to the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance. The subject application pertains to all of the properties located within the City o; Yakima. This proposal includes text amendments to the City of Yakima's Urban Area Zoning Ordinance Title 15 Ch. 15.08 Signs to bring the City of Yakima's sign ordinance into conformance with recent changes in state law for on -premise signs. See https.,//www.vakimava,aov`/" nnin in Cade REVIEW: I 'o Draft SW C is is to notify agencies with jurisdiction and environ- mental expertise and the public that the City of Yakima, Planning Division, has been established as the lead agency, pursuant to the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) under WAC § 197-11-926 for the review of this project. The City of Yakima has reviewed the proposed project for probable adverse environmen- tal impacts and expects to issue a Determination of Nonsignifi- cance (DNS) for this project. The Optional DNS process in WAC § 197-11-355 is being used. The proposal may include mitigation measures under applicable codes and the project review process may incorporate or require mitigation measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination may be obtained by request and may be appealed pursuant to YMC § 6.88.170.: REQUEST FOR WRITTEN CO,M MENTS: Agencies, tribes, and the public are encouraged to review and comment on the proposed project and its probable environmental impacts. There is a 20 -day comment period for this review. This may be your only opportunity to comment. All writ- ten comments received by 5:00 PM on January 31, 2017, will be consideredprior to issuing the final SEPA determination on thisapplication , Please send written comments to: Joan Davenport, AICP, Planning Manager, City of Yakima, Department of Com- munity Development, 129 North Second Street, Yakima, WA 98901. Please reference the applicant's name or file number(s) in your correspondence. (SEPA #00 1- 17, City of Yakima — Sign TextAmendments).: Required Permits: None: Required Studies: None: Existing Environmental Documents: None: Development Regulations For Project Mitigation and Consistency Include: the State Environmental Policy Act, the Yakima Urban Area Zon- ing Ordinance, YMC Title 12, Development Standards, and the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan.: IWC TL(;E OEEYBLI( HEARING:. This request requires that the City of Yakima Planning Commission hold an open record public hearing. The public hear- ing is scheduled to be held on February 22, 2017„ beginning at 3:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 129 N 2nd Street, Yakima, WA. Any person desiring to express their views on this matter is invited to attend the public hearing or to submit written comments. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commis- sion will issue their recommendation to the Yakima City Council. The file containing the complete application for this proposal is available for public review at the City of Yakima Planning Division, 2nd floor City Hall, 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, Washington. If you have any questions on this proposal please contact Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner at (509) 575-6163 or email to: igff. peters @vakimawa.ao . (704800) January 11, 2017 E.)Oc. INDEX Courtesy of Yakima Herald -Republic CITY OF YAKIMA NOTICE OF APPLICATION, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW,,AND PUBLIC HEARING DATE January 11, 2017. ,roO CEPA Agencies; FROM!: Joan Davenport, AICD Community Development Director & Planning Manager: SUBJECT;State 8nvironmental Policy Act Review for Text Amendments to the City of Yakirria's Yakima urban Area Zoning Ordinance Ei �n Ordinance Chapter r8"08,: FILE NO; EEPA df002.17 and T T#001-17: PARCEL NO: N/A— Non Project Action N_Q EAPT_W Ti t The City of Yakima Planning Commission has Initiated a State Environmental Polloy Act Check tbst (6EPA) a ptioation for a Nrara Project Action to flee Yakima Urban Area on"" Ordinance. re subject alp ticatlon Pertains to all of the properties locfated with fire CIt o Yakima. 'This proposal includes terut amendments to the dity of Yaklma"s Urban Area Z $1 in t rdinarape Title Ili Ch. 15.08 Signs to bring the City of Yainta's sign orcdlraaraoe into conforraarraco with recent charades Instate law: for on-rarerarie stains. Cee iattos:Ofwwwwww.vakfrrrawwa.aaovf REVIEW,;, This is to notify agencies :with jurisdiction and environ mental erspertise and the public that the City of Yakima, Plannin Division, has been estabtrshed as the farad agency, pursuant to i e Washington State Environmental Policy Act NEPA) under WAC 197-11-926 for the review of this project" The City of Yakima has reviewedthe proposed proect for probable adverse environmen. tal impacts and oacpec4s to ssu.re a Determination of Nonsignllf• Cance(I)N8cance(I)N8 for this project, The Optional ONE process do WAC 197.11 a Is being usect The proposal rnsy include mitigation measures under applicable codes and the project review process may incorporate or require mitigation measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination may be obtained by re uest and may be appealed puarsuant to YMC Ow88,170 : .g�'� .. TER � �R - Agencies, tribes, and the public are encouraged to review and comment on the proposed projectand its probable environmental impacts, There is a 20 -day comment period for this review, This may be your only oPPortunity to comment.All writ - len comments received by 5,:00 PSN on January 81, 2017, will be considered prior to issuing the final SEPA determination on this application, Please send (vritten cornments to; Joan Davenport, AICP, planning Manager, City of Yakima, Department of Coria- munity Development, 129 North Second Stroat, Yakima, WA, 99901. Please reforenc.e the a),'Jc ant name caw" file nutr'rdar( ) In yocarcrarraocarrrfarracr, (`f pop d 0d t t1 City of Yakiwrr a Slrri i0 1/1rrrerrrfrraOn S).. Reaguired Per°writs: Nonem Rewired Studios: Non Eristin Eravlronmentaak 1;3ocumdnts: dltorse; Development Regulations �or Pro Miti `ation and Consistency lracqude: the Mate Enviiorrmenta Palicy ct, the Yakima Urt�an Area Zon- ing Ordlnaracs, tack "ritke 12, C )ev e lopment Standards,, and the Yakltaaa Urbana Area Cocaapref rensive Plan,: NQTJE "l ISEM,_1_,,rhis request requires that the Olt yy of Yakimfa Ptanning Commission hold an open record public hearin t"he public hear - Ing is scheduled to beheld on �Eebruar�r , 251.7, beginnlr"rg at 8:00 p.m., iia the Coatncil Chambers, City I lata, 2 N grad $trept, Yakima, WA. Any person desiring to express their views can this matter is invited to attend the public hearing or°to submit written comments. Following the public hearing, the Ptannin Commis• slon will issue their recommendation to the Yakima City Council. The file containing the complete application for this proposal Is avaiiabde for public review at the City of Yakirna Planning Division, 2nd floor City Rall, 129 North 2nd Street, Yakirr�aa, Washdngton. If you have any questions on this proposal please contact jet f: Peters, Supervising Planner at (509) 578-6163 or enaail`to 1 jL. v t r .y kit m,g v; (704800) January 11, 2017 ,. INDEX 1 DATE: January 11, 2017 TO: SEPA Agencies FROM: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director & Planning Manager SUBJECT: State Environmental Policy Act Review for Text Amendments to the City of Yakima's Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance Sign Ordinance Chapter 15.08. FILE NO: SEPA #002-17 and TXT #001-17 PARCEL NO: N/A — Non Project Action NOTICE OF APPLICATION The City of Yakima Planning Commission has initiated a State Environmental Policy Act Checklist (SEPA) application for a Non Project Action to the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance. The subject application pertains to all of the properties located within the City of Yakima. This proposal includes text amendments to the City of Yakima's Urban Area Zoning Ordinance Title 15 Ch. 15.08 Signs to bring the City of Yakima's sign ordinance into conformance with recent changes in state law for on premise signs. See htt W akimawa. ov/service l p / ro Deed -sig n -amendments/ for a copy of the Draft Sign Code Amendments. NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This is to notify agencies with jurisdiction and environmental expertise and the public that the City of Yakima, Planning Division, has been established as the lead agency, pursuant to the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) under WAC § 197-11-926 for the review of this project. The City of Yakima has reviewed the proposed project for probable adverse environmental impacts and expects to issue a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) for this project. The Optional DNS process in WAC § 197-11-355 is being used. The proposal may include mitigation measures under applicable codes and the project review process may incorporate or require mitigation measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination may be obtained by request and may be appealed pursuant to YMC § 6.88.170. Request for Written Comments: Agencies, tribes, and the public are encouraged to review and comment on the proposed project and its probable environmental impacts. There is a 20 - day comment period for this review. This may be your only opportunity to comment. All written comments received by 5:00 p.m. on January 31, 2017, will be considered prior to issuing the final SEPA determination on this application. DOC. IND 1 Please send written comments to: Joan Davenport, AICP, Planning Manager City of Yakima, Department of Community Development 129 North Second Street, Yakima, WA 98901 Please reference the applicant's name or file number(s) in your correspondence. (SEPA#001-17, City of Yakima — Sign Text Amendments). Required Permits: None Required Studies: None Existing Environmental Documents: None Development Regulations For Project Mitigation and Consistency Include: the State Environmental Policy Act, the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance, YMC Title 12, Development Standards, and the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING This request requires that the City of Yakima Planning Commission hold an open record public hearing. The public hearing is scheduled to be held on February 22, 2017, beginning at 3:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 129 N 2nd Street, Yakima, WA. Any person desiring to express their views on this matter is invited to attend the public hearing or to submit written comments. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission will issue their recommendation to City Council. The file containing the complete application for this proposal is available for public review at the City of Yakima Planning Division, 2nd floor City Hall, 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, Washington. If you have any questions on this proposal please contact Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner at (509) 575-6163 or email to: jeff.peters@yakimawa.gov. Enclosed: SEPA Checklist Yakima INDEX 2015 �-LL 1994