HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-09-16 YPC PacketFORT11111K
Planning Division
,, Joan Davenport, AICP, Director
YA"�" Y",� I<�010 4129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901
mg ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning
City of Yakima Planning Commission
City Hall Council Chambers
Wednesday November 9, 2016
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
YPC Members:
Chairman Scott Clark, Vice -Chair Patricia Byers,
Al Rose, Bill Cook, Peter Marinace, Gavin Keefe, Tom Trepanier
Council Liaison: Avina Gutierrez
City Planning Staff:
Joan Davenport (Community Development Director/Planning Manager); Jeff Peters
(Supervising Planner); Joseph Calhoun (Senior Planner); Eric Crowell (Assistant Planner);
Rosalinda Ibarra (Administrative Assistant); and Lisa Maxey (Department Assistant)
'REVISED Agenda*
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Staff Announcements
IV. Audience Participation
V. Approval of Meeting Minutes of October 12th, 2016 and October 26th, 2016
VI. Public Hearing - Preliminary Long Plat of "Englewood Place"
Applicant: Columbia Ridge Homes LLC
File Numbers: PLP#005-16 & SEPA#017-16
Site Address: 7408 Engelwood Ave
Request: Proposed long plat that will subdivide approximately 8.98 acres into 35
single-family residential lots in the R-1 zoning district.
VII. Continued Public Hearing - 2016 Text Amendments (TXT#001-16)
• Fee Schedule Changes
• Other Items as Previously Discussed
VIII. Discussion on Draft Sign Code Amendments
IX. Comprehensive Plan 2040 Update: Review of the Draft Parks & Recreation Element
X. Other Business
XI. Adjourn
Next Meeting: November 23, 2016
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City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) City Hall Council Chambers
Meeting Minutes of November 16, 2016
Call to Order
Chairman Scott Clark called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
Roll Call
YPC Members Present: Chairman Scott Clark, Vice -Chair Patricia Byers, Bill Cook,
Gavin Keefe, Tom Trepanier
YPC Members Absent: Al Rose, Peter Marinace (both excused)
Staff Present: Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner; Lisa Maxey, Department
Assistant; Sara Watkins, Senior Assistant City Attorney
Others: Sign -in sheet in file
Staff Announcements
None noted.
Audience Participation
None noted.
Approval of Meeting Minutes of October 12th and October 26th 2016
Commissioner Byers made a motion to approve the minutes of October 12th and October
26th, 2016. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
Public Hearing: Columbia Ridge - ""Eng,,Iewood Place" PLP#005-16 & SEPA#017-16
Supervising Planner Jeff Peters announced that notice of the rescheduling of this hearing
from November 9th to November 16th was provided on the City's website, on the City
Hall Council Chamber doors, in a legal ad in the Yakima Herald, and posted on the land
use action sign on the subject property. He then summarized the staff report. Discussion
ensued regarding access for lots in the proposed plat. Commissioner Byers pointed out a
spelling error on condition number 7 in the staff report to correct "uses" to "used."
Justin Hellem of Columbia Ridge Homes LLC, applicant of this project, briefly described
the purpose of his request. Discussion ensued regarding the estimated selling price of the
future homes to be located in that subdivision, filling and grading on the land, dedication
of right-of-way, and environmental impacts.
Audience member Robbie Byrne spoke about the marmots on the site and their condition.
She pleaded with the applicant to not begin excavating prior to April so as to give the
marmots a chance to come out of hibernation and move. Discussion took place
concerning environmental review conducted for this proposal as well as anticipated
traffic impacts. Commissioner Trepanier made a motion to accept the staff
recommendation. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
Continued Public HearinLn Citv PlanninL- 2016 Text Amendments (TXT#001-16)
Jeff Peters described the changes made to the staff report for the City Planning 2016 Text
Amendments, changes to Title 14 Subdivision ordinance, and revisions to YMC Chapter
1.43.080 regarding right-of-way vacations. Peters presented a supplemental staff report
on the proposed fee schedule amendments.
Audience member Tom Durant of Durant Development Services provided his input on
the fee schedule changes and expressed that he would like fees to be reduced for appeals
to the Hearing Examiner, interpretation with hearing, and text amendment applications.
Durant also mentioned that he would like the ability for shoreline permit fees to be
consolidated under Title 17. Peters responded that consolidation of fees will be made
Audience members Bill Hordan of Hordan Planning Services and Joe Walsh of the
Central Washington Home Builders Association echoed Durant's comments concerning
lowering the fee for appeals to the Hearing Examiner.
After discussion among staff and the Commission, Commissioner Byers made a motion
to establish a 50% recapture rate for all land use applications with the exception of: a)
The land use fee for appeals of land use decisions to the City of Yakima Hearing Examiner
should be retained at $580.00 so as not to appear to discourage appeals; b) All proposed
fees that are below $100.00 shall be increased to $100.00; and c) Any proposed fee which
would result in a decrease from the existing fee shall instead be retained at its current
rate. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
Jeff Peters described changes made to the remaining text amendment proposals.
Discussion took place regarding posting of land use action signs. Conversation also took
place on references throughout the code of the varying places where applications are to
be submitted, including the "Department of Community Development," "Community
Development office," "Planning Division," and the "City of Yakima Planning Division."
Commissioner Byers made a motion to recommend approval of the text amendments to
City Council with the changes as discussed at the meeting incorporated. The motion was
seconded and carried unanimously.
Discussion on Draft Siizn Code Amendments
Sara Watkins, Senior Assistant City Attorney, recommended that the Planning
Commission table this item. The Commission had consensus to table this item to the next
Planning Commission meeting.
Other Business
Commissioner Trepanier made a motion to cancel the Planning Commission meeting on
November 23rd, 2016, with the next meeting falling on December 14th. The motion was
seconded and carried unanimously. The Commission had consensus to wait until the
meeting on December 14th to decide whether or not to cancel the meeting on December
A motion to adjourn to December 14, 2016 was passed with unanimous vote. This
meeting c�journed at 5:02 p.m.
Scott Clark
This niectifig, was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Department Assistant II
Meeting,,dte: 1119/16
city of Yakima
Audience Participation Slip (PLEASE PRINT) to addressing the
plete this form for the record and submit it to the clerk of the board 269[
Please com commissiom
Subject / Agenda Item Number(s):
Mailing Address*:
3kPlease provide your mailing address on this forM When addressing the Commissions state your
I .
name and whether you live de or outside the City limits
m the public both durin ��'fiudience Participatil o.nX and during
p 0�
The Commission welcomes Input fro u m - ddress the
i n of regular agenda itemsSpeakers will be provided< 0 minu es to a
discussio itten communication is also encouragedAlso,
committee or as otherwise indicated by the chairman ' wri Y PAC, cable channel 194, Profanity,
please note that the Commission meetinq is being televised on - i r are not be permitted,
personal attacks, derogatory remarks or other inappropriate language or behavio
Thank you for your comments.
' 1
Al % IMN, fill
P, Un, !,i%ngk SI"" -I ` HEET o
City of Yakima Planning Commission
City Hall Council Chambers
Wednesday November 9, 2016
Beginning at 3:00 p.m.
Public Hearing
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Page 1 11/09/2016 YPC Meeting
Peters, Jeff
From: Juliane Naumann <janaumann@gmail.com>
ent. Tuesday, November 08, 2016 9:41 PM
To: Peters, Jeff
Subject: Englewood/74th Ave proposed development
I am a home owner on 74th Ave. I have concerns about the proposed housing
development on the corner of Englewood Avenue and 74th Ave. Let me begin
by saying that I am against a housing development going into this area. I'm
concerned that there will be an exit road that will be pointing directly at my
house and I will have extra traffic and light pollution at night shining into my
windows. I'm also concerned in general about the additional traffic that will be
outside of my house on 74th Ave. I, like many of my neighbors, have small
children. North 74th Ave. has become a thorough fare on which many people
abuse the speed limit. I fear what will happen with the added traffic coming
from a new housing development. Also, 74th Ave. is a very worn out road. Is it
suitable for all the extra traffic that these homes will bring? Finally, this
,acant land is a home to a community of marmots. Many people drive to our
subdivision, park their cars and get out and watch these animals. I would much
rather see that area be turned into a nature path to allow the people of our city
to continue to enjoy this wild life.
If the housing development does indeed go through, I would like to see some
greenspace such as a park be a part of this development. There so many
children that live in this area and there is no park within walking or biking
distance. As a homeowner and tax payer, I would really like to see greenspace
as a part of the development.
Thank you for taking the time to hear and consider my concerns.
Juliane Naumann
Peters, Jeff
From: Naumann, Peter <PeterNaumann@yvmh.org>
;ent: Tuesday, November 08, 2016 9:10 PM
To: Peters, Jeff
Subject: Considerations for upcoming housing development
Hello to all and whomever it concerns,
As a resident of the Englewood & 74th neighborhood I would like to bring attention a number of concerns.
The traffic on 74th is extremely heavy already and the heavy machine and truck traffic has been steadily
increasing with other developments in the area. Along with the traffic heading over the Englewood hill for
those commuting on Highway 12 this brings up multiple concerns. The first is that the roads are in need of
repair and are over traveled. The other is that the increase of traffic will continue to ruin the roads and make
the traffic more congested. I would like to see a traffic plan which takes into consideration the development's
neighbors and has considerations for new roads and drainage along the roads with walkways.
In addition to landscaping an additional green space, park or play area in the development would be very
beneficial to the neighborhood. This would help to transform the area and add a benefit to the surrounding
area. While on topic it would also be beneficial to the area to bury current and additional utility lines.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Pete Naumann
''hmdtig I)Msu oti
� Joan Davenport, AICP, Director
�tx OF r Y'An q 129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901
ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning
City of Yakima Planning Commission
City Hall Council Chambers
Wednesday November 9, 2016
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
YPC Members:
Chairman Scott Clark, Vice -Chair Patricia Byers,
Al Rose, Bill Cook, Peter Marinace, Gavin Keefe, Tom Trepanier
Council Liaison: Avina Gutierrez
City Planning Staff:
Joan Davenport (Community Development Director/Planning Manager); Jeff Peters
(Supervising Planner); Joseph Calhoun (Senior Planner); Eric Crowell (Assistant Planner);
Rosalinda Ibarra (Administrative Assistant); and
Lisa Maxey (Department Assistant)
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Staff Announcements
IV. Audience Participation
V. Approval of Meeting Minutes of October 12th, 2016 and October 26th, 2016
VI. Public Hearing - Preliminary Long Plat of "Englewood Place"
Applicant: Columbia Ridge Homes LLC
File Numbers: PLP#005-16 & SEPA#017-16
Site Address: 7408 Engelwood Ave
Request: Proposed long plat that will subdivide approximately 8.98 acres into 35
single-family residential lots in the R-1 zoning district.
VII. Continued Public Hearing - 2016 Text Amendments (TXT#001-16)
VIII. Discussion on Draft Sign Code Amendments
IX. Comprehensive Plan 2040 Update: Review of the Draft Parks & Recreation Element
X. Other Business
XI. Adjourn
Next Meeting: November 23, 2016
RAWJoan Davenport, AICP, Director
u:u: ° OF Y �KWA129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 anning
ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning
Application(s): PLP#005-16 & SEPA#017-16
Columbia Ridge Homes LLC
404 S. 51St Ave., Yakima, WA 98908
7408 Englewood Ave., Yakima WA
Englewood Place
September 6, 2016
November 9, 2016
Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner
On September 6, 2016, the City of Yakima Department of Community Development received an
application for a Preliminary Long Plat (PLP#005-16) and State Environmental Policy Act
Checklist (SEPA) (SEPA#017-16) requesting to subdivide 8.98 acres of Single -Family (R-1)
zoned property into 35 -Single -Family lots.
The Administrative Official recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat, subject to conditions.
A. Statement of Cause:
Pursuant to YMC Ch. 14.20, the applicant's statement in the Preliminary Long Plat
application dated September 6, 2016 — This proposed plat will subdivide approximately
8.98 acres into 35 Single -Family lots. Lot sizes will range from approximately 7,550 sq.
ft. to 13,079 sq. ft.
B. Processing.
1. The application for a Preliminary Long Plat was received on September 6, 2016.
2. As the proposed plat is larger than nine lots, this application is being processed under
the provisions of YMC § 14.20 and YMC § 6.88.
3. Pursuant to RCW Ch. 58.17, YMC § 1.42.030 and YMC § 14.20.100, the City of Yakima
Planning Commission (Planning Commission) is authorized to make a recommendation
for approval or disapproval, with written findings of fact and conclusions to support the
recommendation to the City Council on preliminary plats. Within ten working days of the
conclusion of a hearing, unless the applicant agrees to a longer period in writing, the
Planning Commission shall render a written recommendation, which shall include
findings and conclusions based on the record.
4. Public Notice: Public notice for this application and hearing was provided in
accordance with YMC Title 14, Subdivision Ordinance; YMC Title 15, Urban Area Zoning
Ordinance; and YMC Title 16, Development Permit Regulations, and include the
following actions and dates:
a. Date of Application: September 6, 2016
b. Date of Developer's Notice of Complete Application: September 19, 2016
c. Date of Notice of Application and Public Hearing: September 22, 2016
d. Date of Posting of Land Use Action Sign on the Property: September 23, 2016
e. Date of Mailing of Notice of DNS: October 13, 2016
5. Public Comment:
Three public comments were received during the open public comment period. Two of
the public comments from surrounding neighbors indicated concern over existing wildlife
on the subject property, as well as air quality concerns. The final comment from the
Washington State Department of Ecology indicated that the subject property may
contain the presents of residual concentrations of pesticides.
6. Development Services Team (DST) Review: This proposal was reviewed by the DST
team on September 27, 2016. Final comments of the DST members are summarized
a. Codes:
i. Preliminary addressing for the Plat can be found in Exhibit "A".
ii. Fire hydrants shall be installed at a maximum of 500 -foot intervals, and shall
provide adequate fire flow for the largest proposed structures.
iii. Fire hydrants shall be installed prior to building permit issuance.
b. Engineering:
i. This development is subject to Title 12 development standards which include,
but is not limited to the following sections of the Yakima Municipal Code
(YMC), (see the applicable code portion of this staff report for specific code
language or City of Yakima Website for the complete code):YMC §§ 8.67
8.64, 8.72, 12.01, 12.02, 12.03, 12.04, 12.05, and 12.06, 12.06.050, and
ii. All frontage improvements shall be completed prior to Certificate of Occupancy.
Civil engineering plans for public improvements shall be approved prior to
issuance of building permits.
c. Wastewater:
i. The existing sewer line on the west and south side of the property will need to
have access for maintenance or the existing mainline may be moved in order to
better serve this development.
ii. A minimum sixteen foot easement shall be maintained over all public utility lines
in accordance with YMC § 12.02.010 & 020.
iii. The easement is required to be accessible, and shall be maintained free and
clear of any fencing, structures, or obstructions.
b. Stormwater:
i. Due to the fact that this project involves clearing and grading of more than
an acre of property a SWPPP Permit shall be required.
ii. The submittals for the SWPPP are as follows:
A. Drainange plans and calculations;
B. Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control plan
C. Stormwater maintenance agreement and plan; and
D. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan.
iii. Grading and/or building permits shall not be issued without the project
site first passing an erosion control inspection.
iv. Complete stormwater design plans, specifications and runoff/storage
calculations supporting the stormwater design are required pursuant to
the Eastern Washington Stormwater Manual and City of Yakima
standards. These plans and control measures must be completed by a
licensed Professional Engineer and then be reviewed and approved by
the City of Yakima Surface Engineer prior to construction.
c. Yakima Tieton Irrigation District:
i. The West four (4) feet of Development property is subject to a permanent
easement for the benefit of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ("United
irrigation district organized under the laws of the State of Washington. This
easement is overlapped by an easement for a City sewer pipe. This
easement is 16 feet wide and centered over the sewer line;
ii. YTID and the City of Yakima operates and maintains water pipelines,
sewer pipelines and appurtenances thereto ("Facilities" herein) within the
iii. The construction, placement, or installation of buildings, structures, fences,
landscaping and any other improvements including additional fill material
on the Easement will interfere with the rights of the YTI D and City of Yakima
to reconstruct, operate and maintain the Facilities and shall not be allowed;
iv. YTID also operates and maintains a blow off and drain for the Irrigation
Facilities within the Easements, which has historically drained and flowed
from the Irrigation Facilities over, under and across the southerly portion
of the Development property. The Development Long Plat must show an
8 feet wide easement along the South property line of the development to
accommodate a pipeline to contain and direct the drain water. The
developer must be willing to accommodate and accept the drain water
resulting from the normal operations and maintenance of the Irrigation
facilities from the blow off and drain in to the current or any future
drainage system for Development property;
v. YTID shall maintain the easement along the West line of the development
free from weeds and vegetation constituting a fire hazard and shall also
erect and maintain a gate at the northerly end of the easement at
Englewood Avenue, consisting of posts and a chain between the posts, to
block access to the Easement to all but YTID, the City of Yakima and the
Developer and their successors and assigns, having a reason to enter
such easements.
vi. The easements shown on the face of the Plat shall run with Development
property and shall extend to and be binding upon the successors and
assigns of the Property, and shall benefit the successors and assigns of
the YTID and The City of Yakima.
C. Environmental Review.
This project underwent a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review and a
Determination of Non -Significance (DNS) was issued by the City of Yakima Planning
Division on October 13, 2016. The appeal period for this environmental review concluded
on October 27, 2016, with no appeals filed.
D. Transportation Capacity Management Ordinance. This application was reviewed and
approved for consistency with YMC 12.08 Transportation Capacity Management
Ordinance on October 27, 2016. The development will not exceed the PM peak hour
capacity of the City Arterial street system and reserve capacity exists on all impacted
streets. This review does not include any site development or safety issues, which may
be discussed at the project level or SEPA review. The review does not address
intersection level of service.
E. Comprehensive Plan.
The 2025 Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map III -3 designate the subject
property as suitable for Low Density Residential development. Low Density Residential
is defined as - Primarily free standing single-family residences. Residential density is
less than 7.0 dwelling units per acre. This is considered the lowest possible residential
density that can efficiently support public services.
The proposed preliminary plat is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's goals and
policies as follows:
Goal 3.1: Provide for a broad distribution of housing in Yakima that meets the
affordability and neighborhood design needs of the public.
Policy Development shall be located along Arterials or Collector streets and
should have good access to public transit.
Goal 3.2: Build sustainable new neighborhoods
Policy 3.3.2: Ensure that new development is compatible in scale, style, density and
aesthetic quality to an established neighborhood.
F. Urban Area Zoning Ordinance.
The main purpose of the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance Yakima Municipal Code
(YMC) Title 15 (UAZO) is to implement the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan
and promote the general health, safety and welfare of the present and future inhabitants
of the Yakima Urban Area. YMC § 15.01.030 describes the purpose and intent to
promote the purpose of the UAZO. Subsection 15.03.020(8) of the UAZO indicates that
the intent of the Single -Family Residential (R-1) zoning district is to:
1. Establish new residential neighborhoods for detached single-family dwellings free
from other uses except those which are compatible with, and serve the residents of
this district, which may include duplexes and zero lot lines if established during the
subdivision process;
2. Preserve existing residential neighborhoods for detached single-family dwellings free
from other uses to ensure the preservation of the existing residential character, and
serve the residents of this district; and
3. Locate moderate -density residential development, up to seven dwelling units per net
residential acre, in areas served by public water and sewer system.
Detached single-family dwellings are the primary use in this district. The district is
characterized by up to sixty percent lot coverage; access to individual lots by local
access streets; required front, rear and side yard setbacks; and one and two-story
structures. The density in the district is generally seven dwelling units per net
residential acre or less.
This zone is intended to afford single-family neighborhoods the highest level of
protection from encroachment by potentially incompatible nonresidential land uses or
impacts. Nonresidential uses within these zones are not allowed; except for public or
quasi -public uses, which will be required to undergo extensive public review and will
have all necessary performance or design standards assigned to them as necessary
to mitigate potential impacts to adjacent residences.
Development exceeding seven dwelling units per net residential acre may be allowed
in accordance with Table 4-1.
IV. APPLICABLE LAW: Applicable law for this application may be found in Exhibit "B" of this
1. The subject property was originally preliminarily approved by the Yakima City Council on
February 7, 2012, for a thirty one lot subdivision known as Englewood Ridge, which has
yet to expire.
2. The new proposed plat is virtually identical proposing four additional lots of record (35),
but eliminating a 55 ft. radius turn around at the end of Douglas Way, and does not have
a Tract "A" on the Southeast corner of the plat.
3. The subject property is currently unoccupied, is approximately 8.98 acres in size, has a
Future Land Use designation of Low Density Residential, and zoning of Single -Family
Residential (R-1).
A) Proposed Construction: This proposed preliminary plat is designed for single-
family residences with lot sizes and development standards to match.
B) Lot Size: The preliminary plat indicates that lot sizes will range from 7,550 to 13,079
square feet. Table 5-2 of Chapter 15.05 of the UAZO provides that the minimum lot size
for single-family construction is 6,000 square feet.
C) Lot Width: Table 5-2 of Chapter 15.05 of the UAZO prescribes that the minimum lot
width for the R-1 zoning district is 50 feet. All proposed lots meet or exceed the minimum
D) Lot Coverage: The maximum lot coverage permitted in the R-1 zoning district is
60% and all lots have sufficient area to comply with this development standard.
E) Setbacks: YMC Ch. 15.05 Table 5-1 identifies the required setbacks for
development within the R-1 zoning district. As all streets both abutting and internal to
the proposed plat are designated as Local Access streets, all lots within the proposed
should meet these standards as identified in note #9 shown on the face of the
preliminary plat.
F) Maximum Building Height: YMC Ch. 15.05 Table 5-1 identifies that the maximum
building height for development within the R-1 zoning district is 35 ft. As identified in the
applicant's State Environmental Policy Act Checklist, the tallest structure will be 30 ft. in
height thus complying with this standard.
G) Residential Accessory Structures: Residential Accessory Structures are allowed
to be constructed upon all lots of record provided they meet the provisions of YMC §
15.05.020 (E).
H) Fencing: Fencing upon and behind property lines is allowed in accordance with
YMC § 15.05.020 (G). However, due to the location of a Yakima Tieton Irrigation
pressurized irrigation main and City of Yakima sewer main along the subject property's
west property line Lots #11 — 17 will not be allowed to locate any structure or fencing
within the existing 16 ft. utility easement protecting the two utilities.
I) Access: In accordance with YMC §15.05.020 (H), all lots have 20 ft. of frontage upon
a public street, or are access by a 20 ft. access easement.
J) Sidewalk: In accordance with YMC §.15.05.020 (J), the subject plat identifies that
curb, gutter, and sidewalk is proposed to be constructed along all street frontages.
K) Density: With a density of 3.45 dwelling units per net residential acre (4.35 dw/nra
with streets calculated out), the proposed preliminary plat complies with YMC §
15.05.030(8) and Table 4-1 of Chapter 15.04 of the UAZO which prescribe a maximum
of seven (7) dwelling units per net residential acre in the R-1 zone.
The Preliminary Long Plat is occurring as a single action and thus the density
calculation is based upon a single action of dividing 7.12 acres in to 31 residential
2. The density calculations are listed below:
Density for the proposed development as a whole:
X = 31 dwelling units / 8.9815 acres
X = 3.45 dwelling units per net residential acre
Density with streets factored out calculation
Square footage for total lots = -310,195.12 square feet
4310,195.12 square feet / 43,560 square feet per acre
4= 7.12 acres
4= 31 dwelling units / 7.12 acres
4= 4.35 Dwelling Units Per Net Residential Acre
L) Streets/Dedication of Right-of-way: The subject property has street frontage upon
Englewood and 74th Avenues. Englewood and 74th Avenues, as well as all proposed
internal streets are classified as Neighborhood Collector (MC3) streets by the City of
Yakima's Transportation Plan, and as such requires a total street width of 50 ft. of right-
of-way dedication. The proposed preliminary plat complies with this standard indicating
widths of over 50 ft. for Englewood and 74th Avenues, and dedicating 50 ft. of right-of-
way for all proposed streets.
A. Street Improvements:
a. Englewood Ave. is approximately 70 ft. in width and lacks curb, gutter and
sidewalk, and streetlights on both sides of the street. N. 74th Ave. is
approximately 60 ft. in width and lacks curb, gutter, sidewalk, and
streetlights along the development's street frontage.
b. Therefore, in accordance with YMC § 8.67 and 12.05, new curb, gutter
and sidewalk will be required to be installed along N. 74th Ave, Englewood
Ave., and within all streets proposed within the plat. Street sections shall
conform to standard detail R3, and sidewalks shall conform to standard
detail R5.
c. In accordance with YMC § 12.06.080, street lighting shall be installed at
each street intersection and at mid -block if the block exceeds five
hundred feet in length...
d. All driveways are to be constructed per YMC § 8.64 and standard detail
R4, and dead-end streets shall provide for adequate turnarounds... per
YMC 8.72.
B. Waste Water:
a. The subject development is presently served by a 10 -inch City of Yakima
sewer main which enters the property at Englewood Ave. and the W.
property line of the proposed plat. The subject line then extends S. to the
southern property line and thence east to the middle of the plat where it
exits the plat to the south.
b. The subject development and lots may be served by an extension of the
existing 10 -inch sewer main, or the developer may choose to relocate the
line to a location, which better serves the development in accordance with
YMC 12.03.010, 020, 030 & 100.
c. A minimum sixteen foot easement shall be maintained over all public
utility lines in accordance with YMC § 12.02.010 & 020.
d. The 16 ft. easement located along the west property line is required to be
accessible, and shall be maintained free and clear of any fencing,
structures, or obstructions.
e. All lots with the subject plat shall be served by a separate side sewer line
from a public main in accordance with YMC § 12.03.070.
f. In the event that the developer maintains the existing 10- inch sewer line
in its present location, the 16 ft. easement shall be maintained, and be
maintained free and clear of any fencing, structures, or obstructions .
C. Potable Water:
a. The subject plat is located within the service area of Nob Hill Water
Company who has indicated that they have capacity to serve the subject
development. Therefore, the applicant shall extend potable water to the
subject plat in accordance with YMC § 12.04.10.
D. Irrigation:
a. The subject plat lies within the Yakima Tieton Irrigation District (YTID),
and therefore irrigation sign off on the face of the final plat will be required
in accordance with YMC § 14.20.210 (0) as shown in Exhibit "B".
b. Due to the fact that YTID maintains a pressurized irrigation main along
the subject property's west property line and drain line along the south
property line, the developer shall accommodate the irrigation lines as
i. West property line:
1. The plat shall maintain a 16 -ft. wide easement;
2. The construction, placement, or installation of buildings,
structures, fences, landscaping and any other
improvements including additional fill material on the
Easement shall not be allowed;
3. The developer shall grade the northerly end of the
easement at Englewood Avenue to the satisfaction of
YTID, and City of Yakima for vehicular access.
ii. South property line:
1. The plat shall maintain a minimum 8 -foot wide easement
along the South property line of the development to
accommodate the existing drain line.
2. The developer shall extend the existing drain line and
easement to proposed Lot #23 where appropriate
stormwater facilities shall be designed and constructed
capable of treating the development's stormwater, and the
drain water of the YTID.
c. The easements shown on the face of the Plat shall run with Development
property and shall extend to and be binding upon the successors and
assigns of the Property, and shall benefit the successors and assigns of
the YTID and The City of Yakima.
Although the site is hilly, no portion of the preliminary plat is designated as a Critical
Area due to over steepened slopes, which are defined as slopes in excess of a 20%
grade. The previous SEPA checklist indicates that portions of the site may have up to a
10% grade. Although this is not insignificant, it is not considered to be a slope which
cannot be accommodated through a combination of site grading, including terracing, and
possible use of retaining walls. In the City of Yakima all permits for grading and site
development are subject to the requirements of Appendix J of the 2015 International
Building Code and some retaining walls may need to be engineered, permitted and
Interior streets shall be utilized for access to the lots being created. Lots #2 & 3 shall be
allowed access to N. 74th Ave.
As proposed, and with the recommended conditions, this preliminary plat meets all the
design requirements of YMC Ch. 14.30 of the City's subdivision ordinance and the
development standards of YMC Title 12. The recommended conditions are intended to
ensure consistency with the provisions of the City's subdivision ordinance and that
appropriate provisions are provided for the following:
A) Public health, safety, welfare: The construction of new single-family dwellings will
complement adjacent uses will promote the public health, safety and general welfare
insofar as there is a need in this community for additional housing and insofar as this
proposed preliminary plat would be required to comply with all applicable City
development standards, and all conditions of approval specified by the City of Yakima
Planning Commission.
B) Open spaces: The proposed lots are larger than the minimum lot size required in the
R-1 zoning district. Lot coverage of 60% or less in the R-1 zoning district will provide
adequate light and air for future residents in accordance with the standards in the zoning
ordinance without additional open spaces.
C) Drainage systems: Drainage system facilities will be provided in accordance with
state and local regulations including the City of Yakima Municipal Code and the Eastern
Washington Storm Water Manual.
D) Streets, alleys, and other public ways: The subject property has frontage upon N
74th and Englewood Avenues, and proposes four new public streets to provide adequate
access to all internal lots.
E) Water supplies: Public water is required to be used for domestic and fire flow
purposes. An adequate water supply for this development is available from Nob Hill
Water Company.
F) Sanitary waste disposal: Public sewer is required to service all lots within the
subject development. A City of Yakima sewer main capable of serving the development
lies along the W. and S. property lines of this development.
G) Parks and playgrounds: The Gaileon Park is located approximately .70 miles to the
southeast of the proposed preliminary plat. The proposed preliminary plat is not located
in a planned parks and recreation area. Provisions for parks and recreation areas are
not necessary within the proposed preliminary plat due to the size, number and location
of the proposed lots and the existence of Galieon Park.
H) Sites for schools: Summitview Elementary and Apple Valley Elementary are both
located approximately within one mile to the southeast and southwest of the proposed
preliminary plat. No comments were received from the School District suggesting the
need for an additional school at this location.
1) Sidewalks: Sidewalks are required and will be provided along this developments
frontage, and internal streets.
J) Public Transit: This proposed subdivision is not served by Yakima Transit.
J) Serves the public interest and use: This proposed 35 -lot residential subdivision is
consistent with neighboring land uses and better serves the needs of the City of Yakima
than the undeveloped status of the property.
Upon preliminary plat approval, the applicant has five years from the date of preliminary
approval to submit the final plat. Thereafter, 30 days prior to the expiration of preliminary
approval the applicant must submit to the City Council a written request asking to extend
the approval period for a maximum period of one year (YMC § 14.20.160 YMC). Before
the final plat can be recorded all required infrastructure must be engineered, completed
and inspected or engineered and financially secured and receive final plat approval from
the City Council.
1. The Planning Commission has jurisdiction. (RCW Ch. 58.17, YMC § 1.42.030, and YMC
§ 14.20.100)
2. This recommendation is based upon a project narrative and site plan received
September 6, 2016.
3. This Preliminary Plat complies with the general requirements for subdivision approval as
specified by YMC Ch. 14.20 and Ch. 15.05.
4. During project review it has been found that this request is in compliance with YMC
§16.06.020 (B) for making a Determination of Consistency as follows:
a. The proposed use is permitted within the R-1 zoning district.
b. All necessary public facilities are available to serve this site.
c. This proposal is consistent with existing development regulations for this location.
5. This development will have no measureable impacts to the surrounding transportation
6. This proposed plat serves the public use and interest and provides for the possibility of
creating new additional housing within the City of Yakima.
7. A Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) was issued on October 13, 2016, for this
proposed development.
8. This preliminary subdivision complies with the goals and objectives of the Urban Area
Comprehensive Plan, the intent and purpose of the R-1 zoning district, the provisions of
the Urban Area Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, Title 12's Development
Standards and Chapter 12.08 the Traffic Concurrency Ordinance.
9. The proposed plat complies with the provisions of RCW 58.17.110 and YMC §
14.20.100, providing appropriately for: the public health, safety, and general welfare,
open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops,
potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and
school grounds, sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking
conditions for citizen of the neighborhood.
The Planning Division recommends that this 35 -lot subdivision known as "Englewood Place" be
approved subject to the following conditions:
1. Prior to approval of the final plat, all approved improvements shall be constructed or
financially secured according to the standards and requirements of the City Engineer
and YMC Title 12.
2. All lots shall be served with public water from the Nob Hill Water Company. No
individual domestic or irrigation wells shall be permitted for any of the lots. Prior to final
plat approval, written verification from Nob Hill Water must be submitted to the Planning
Division indicating that each lot with the plat has been served with domestic and fees
3. All lots shall be provided with public sewer service according to YMC Title 12 standards.
Prior to final plat approval written verification from the City of Yakima Engineering
Department must be provided to the Planning Division indicating that all sewer
extensions have been completed and inspected or financially secured.
4. The 16 -foot easement located along the subject property's west property line shall be
maintained upon the face of the plat regardless of relocation of the public sewer.
Additionally, a note shall be added to the face of the plat indicating that the easement
shall be accessible, and shall be maintained free and clear of any fencing, structures,
obstructions, or landscaping, and no fill shall be allowed over the easement.
5. The northerly edge of the 16 -foot easement located along the subject property's west
property line shall be graded to the satisfaction of the Yakima Tieton Irrigation District,
and the City of Yakima Engineer for access purposes.
6. The developer shall extend the existing Yakima Tieton Irrigation District drain line
located along the subject properties south property line to proposed Lot #23.
Appropriate stormwater facilities shall be designed and constructed upon Lot #23
capable of treating the development's stormwater, and the drain water of the YTID in
accordance with the Eastern Washington Stormwater Manual, and the requirements of
the City of Yakima Stormwater Engineer.
7. The existing Drainage Improvement line located along the south property line of Lots
#20 and 21 shall not be uses to treat or convey stormwater generated from this plat.
8. A minimum 8 -foot wide public utility easement shall be provided adjacent to all public
road rights-of-way.
9. Easements for new and/or future utilities shall be a minimum of 16 -feet in width,
provided that the width of easements for buried utilities will be twice the depth of the
planned excavation.
10. All public and private utilities shall be located underground, with the exception of
telephone boxes and such similar structures.
11. All public and private utilities to be located within public road rights-of-way must be
constructed prior to the start of road construction.
12. Fire hydrants shall be placed at the locations specified by the Building Codes, Planning
Division, and the Yakima Fire Department. All lots must be provided with adequate fire
13. All permits for the subject development are subject to the requirements of Appendix J of
the 2015 International Building Code.
14. All permits required by the Yakima Regional Clean Air Authority shall be obtained.
15. A final binding stormwater and drainange control plan for the entire property shall be
submitted and approved by the City's Stormwater Engineer which is capable of retaining
both the subject development's stormwater, and any irrigation drainage created by the
YTID prior to any construction.
16. All addresses shall be as specified in Exhibit "A" of this report. All addresses must be
clearly shown on the face of the final plat as required by RCW 58.17.280.
17. This plat shall be subject to the following notes, which must be placed on the face of the
a. The addresses shown on this plat are accurate as of the date of recording, but may
be subject to change. The City of Yakima Building Codes Division is responsible for the
confirmation or reassignment of addresses at the time of building permit issuance.
b. The owners shown hereon, their grantees and assignees in interest hereby covenant
and agree to retain all surface water generated within the plat on-site.
c. All lots with the exception of Lots #2 and 3 are restricted from accessing Englewood
and N. 74th Avenues.
18. Irrigation approval, is required, shall be shown on the face of the final plat as identified in
Exhibit "B"
19. All other requirements of the zoning and subdivision ordinance, although not specifically
set forth herein, shall be complied with in their entirety.
20. Upon preliminary plat approval, the applicant has five years to submit the final plat.
Thereafter, 30 days prior to the expiration of said approval the applicant must submit to
the City Council a written request asking to extend the approval period for a maximum
period of one year.
Exhibit "A"
Addressing is suggested as the following, but is subject to change:
7401 W VI EWCREST WY / 420 N 74TH AVE
500 N 74TH AVE
502 N 74TH AVE
504 N 74TH AVE
LOT 10
LOT 11
LOT 12
506 N 76TH AVE
LOT 13
504 N 76TH AVE
LOT 14
502 N 76TH AVE
LOT 15
500 N 76TH AVE
LOT 16
420 N 76TH AVE
LOT 17
LOT 18
LOT 19
LOT 20
LOT 21
LOT 22
LOT 23
7400 W VI EWCREST WY / 418 N 74TH AVE
LOT 24
7403 W VI EWCREST WY / 421 N 75TH AVE
LOT 25
501 N 75TH AVE
LOT 26
503 N 75TH AVE
LOT 27
505 N 75TH AVE
LOT 28
504 N 75TH AVE / 7502 W DOUGLAS DR
LOT 29
502 N 75TH AVE
LOT 30
500 N 75TH AVE
LOT 31
420 N 75TH AVE / 7501 W VIEWCREST WY
LOT 32
421 N 76TH AVE / 7503 W VIEWCREST WY
LOT 33
501 N 76TH AVE
LOT 34
503 N 76TH AVE
LOT 35
505 N 76TH AVE / 7504 W DOUGLAS DR
Exhibit "B"
A. YMC § 15.03.020 (B) Single -Family Residential (R-1) zoning district:
The Single -Family Residential district is intended to:
Establish new residential neighborhoods for detached single-family dwellings free
from other uses except those which are compatible with, and serve the residents of
this district, which may include duplexes and zero lot lines if established during the
subdivision process;
2. Preserve existing residential neighborhoods for detached single-family dwellings free
from other uses to ensure the preservation of the existing residential character, and
serve the residents of this district; and
3. Locate moderate -density residential development, up to seven dwelling units per net
residential acre, in areas served by public water and sewer system.
Detached single-family dwellings are the primary use in this district. The district is
characterized by up to sixty percent lot coverage; access to individual lots by local
access streets; required front, rear and side yard setbacks; and one and two story
structures. The density in the district is generally seven dwelling units per net residential
acre or less.
This zone is intended to afford single-family neighborhoods the highest level of
protection from encroachment by potentially incompatible nonresidential land uses or
impacts. Nonresidential uses within these zones are not allowed; except for public or
quasi -public uses, which will be required to undergo extensive public review and will
have all necessary performance or design standards assigned to them as necessary to
mitigate potential impacts to adjacent residences.
Development exceeding seven dwelling units per net residential acre may be allowed in
accordance with Table 4-1.
B. YMC § 15.05.020 (H): Site design requirements and standards: Access Required:
All new development shall have a minimum of twenty -feet of lot frontage upon a public
road or be served by an access easement at least twenty feet in width. The purpose of
this standards is to provide for vehicular access to all new development; provided, the
construction of single-family on existing legally established lots is exempt from the
requirements of this section.
C. YMC § 15.05.030 (A): Creation of new lots — Subdivision Requirements: Table of
Subdivision Requirements:
• Establishes basic development criteria for lot size and width that must be met
when reviewing an application for a new subdivision. For single family dwelling
construction in the R-1 zoning district, the required minimum lot size is 6000
square feet.
D. YMC § 15.05.055(1) New Development Improvement Standards
Fire apparatus access roads for multiple -family residential developments and one- or
two-family residential developments shall be subject to the provisions of Sections D106
and D107, respectively, of Appendix D of the International Fire Code (2009 Edition).
Additionally, such residential developments shall be subject to the requirements of
Section D105 of Appendix D, International Fire Code (2009 Edition), pertaining to aerial
fire apparatus roads, as applicable. All provisions of the International Fire Code
referenced above are hereby adopted and incorporated herein by this reference, as now
existing or as hereafter amended and adopted by the city. Minimum requirements for the
primary and secondary access will be at least twenty feet wide, unobstructed, paved
E. YMC § 12.02.010 Establishment of Easements:
Public utility easements shall be established for the location of new and proposed public
utility lines serving new land divisions and land development. Public utility easements
shall also be established across the front of new lots and redeveloped lots to provide for
future utility access as determined necessary by the city engineer. Public utility
easements shall be dedicated (granted) at the time that subdivision and/or land use
approval is granted.
F. YMC § 12.02.020 Easement location and width:
Eight -foot -wide utility easements shall be dedicated along the front of each lot in
subdivisions and short subdivisions. Easements for new and/or future utility lines shall
be a minimum of eight feet in width, or twice the buried depth of the utility, whichever is
G. YMC § 12.03.010 Sewer service required:
All new lots and development shall be served by a sanitary sewer line located adjacent
to the lot or development site.
H. YMC § 12.03.040 Minimum sewer line size:
The minimum size for public sewer lines is eight inches in diameter.
YMC § 12.03.070 Side sewer service:
Each building containing sanitary facilities shall be served by a separate private side
sewer line from a public main. Branched side sewers serving multiple buildings and
properties shall not be permitted. Single side sewers serving multi -unit buildings are
J. YMC § 12.04.010 Water service required:
All new lots and development shall be served by a public water supply line maintained
by the city of Yakima, Nob Hill Water Company, or other water purveyor, and located
adjacent to the lot or development site. The water line shall be capable of providing
sufficient flow and pressure to satisfy the fire flow and domestic service requirements of
the proposed lots and development as approved by the city Engineer in cooperation with
the code administration manager and water irrigation division manager.
K. YMC § 12.04.020 Water line extension required:
Water lines shall be extended to the point where the adjoining property owner's
responsibility for further extension begins. This typically requires extension across the
street or easement frontage of the developing property. In some cases it will require
dedication of on easement and a line extension across the property or extension along
two or more sides of the developing property. Extensions will be consistent with and
implement the City's adopted water comprehensive plan.
L. YMC § 12.04.040 Minimum size and material standards:
New water lines in the city of Yakima water system shall be constructed of Class 52
ductile iron and shall be a minimum of eight inches in diameter. Improvements and
additions to the Nob Hill Water Company system shall conform to the requirements of
Nob Hill Water Company.
M. 12.06.080 Street lighting.
A street light shall be installed at each street intersection and at mid block if the block
exceeds five hundred feet in length. Street lights shall meet the design and placement
standards of the city engineer. Lighting improvements shall become the property of the
city of Yakima upon installation and will thereafter be maintained by the city. (Ord. 2012-
30 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2012: Ord. 98-64 § 1 (part), 1998).
N. YMC § 12.05.010 Sidewalk installation required:
"Sidewalks shall be installed along both sides of all new, improved, and reconstructed
O. YMC § 12.06.020 Right-of-way and pavement width standards:
Right-of-way shall be dedicated and street surfacing provided in accordance with West
Valley Neighborhood plan and Table 5-1 of the Yakima urban Area Transportation Plan.
P. RCW 58.17.280 and YMC Ch 14.15.090 — Naming and numbering of short
subdivisions, subdivisions, streets, lots and blocks:
Any city, town or county shall, by ordinance, regulate the procedure whereby short
subdivisions, subdivisions, streets, lots and blocks are named and numbered. A lot
numbering system and a house address system, however, shall be provided by the
municipality for short subdivisions and subdivisions and must be clearly shown on the
short plat or final plat at the time of approval.
Q. RCW 58.17.110 and YMC 14.20.120:
The city, town, or county legislative body shall inquire into the public use and interest
proposed to be served by the establishment of the subdivision and dedication. It shall
determine: (a) If appropriate provisions are made for, but not limited to, the public health,
safety, and general welfare, for open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys,
other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and
recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds, and shall consider all other
relevant facts, including sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking
conditions for students who only walk to and from school; and (b) whether the public
interest will be served by the subdivision and dedication.
R. Yakima Irrigation District Certification and Approval:
Irrigation District Certification and Approval
The property described hereon is located wholly or in part within the boundaries of the
Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District. I hereby certify that the irrigation easements and rights-
of-way shown hereon are adequate to serve all lots located within this short plat which
are otherwise entitled to irrigation water under the operating rules and regulations of the
district. I also certify that the irrigation easements and rights-of-way are adequate to
transmit irrigation water through this plat to other adjacent land entitled to irrigation water
under the operation rules and regulations of the district. I further certify that:
-- This plat contains completed irrigation distribution facilities in accordance with this
district's standards.
-- Provisions acceptable to this district have been made by covenant & agreement for
completed irrigation distribution facilities to all lots:
Said agreement is filed supplemental to this plat, or
-- The existing shared irrigation distribution facility is adequate to meet this requirement.
-- Lots is/are, in whole or in part, not currently entitled to irrigation water rights
under the operating rules and regulations of the district.
Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District
I also certify that all chargeable regular and special assessments collectible by this office
that are due and owing on the property described hereon have been paid.
Treasurer. Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Date:
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File Number:PLP#005-16
Project Name: Columbia Ridge Homes LLC — "Englewood Place"
Site Address: 7408 Englewood Ave
N, d
Lf�,............ .
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Proposal: Proposed long plat that will subdivide approximately 8.98 acres into 35 single-family
residential lots in the R-1 zoning district.
Contact the City of Yakima Planning Division at (509) 575-6183
Maly I)i cUmcr: Information shown on GN map 4 for pinning and Whation Ipurpr sps mAy. I hp My of
Yakima assumes n IAWRy for my of i rxr, omissions, or Wacawacips in thio information prrxrridpd or for any
action taken, or arthro not taken by the user in rbancv upon any maps or information Iprrxrridpd hprVn.
I atc WAR: 9/8/203 6
AdIM"PlaiimJoan in Division
HAW Davenport, AICP, Director
CH v Or YAKWA129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901
anning ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning
Summary of Recommendation:
Staff recommends the City of Yakima Planning Commission review the proposed fees and text
amendments to Title 15, hold the required public hearing, amend the proposed text
amendments as necessary, and issue its recommendation to the Yakima City Council.
The City of Yakima has maintained a policy since 1998 that Land Use Application fees should
aim to recapture 50% of the actual processing costs. Additionally, previous City Councils also
felt that the cost of public participation to process the land use applications should be shared
between the applicant and the City.
In 2011, after finding that land use fees covered less than 25% of the actual processing costs,
the City adopted various measures to reduce mailing, printing and administrative costs which
included a new postcard public notice and revisions to the zoning ordinance for streamlining as
more fully described below.
Planning Division Changes to Control Costs:
1. The total number of employees was reduced by 5 full time positions resulting in a staff of 7;
2. The reviewing body for two of the City's major land use applications (Rezones and
Subdivisions/Long Plats) was changed from the City of Yakima Hearing Examiner to the
Yakima Planning Commission. This change resulted in a reduction of the total cost to
process these applications by approximately 34% which is an estimated $1,000.00 or
greater per application;
3. The mailing radius for land use applications was reduced from 500 to 300 feet resulting in a
decrease in the average mailing costs for land use applications by approximately 152%
which is an estimated $620.00 per application; and
4. The level of land use review for 47 land uses categories and zoning districts was changed
from a Type (3) Public Hearing to a Type (2) Administrative Review (requiring public notice),
and 17 land use categories and zoning districts from a Type (2) Review to Type (1)
Administrative Review (with no public notice requirement or fee). The resultant change was
that the overall cost to the applicant to process applications falling under the 47 land use
categories decreased from $700.00 to $365.00, and the percent of recapture for the division
increased from 21.4% to 42.4%. The costs to the applicant to process applications falling
under the other 17 land use categories decreased from $365.00 to zero as no fee is
presently charged for Type (1) Reviews.
In mid -2016 the City Manager and City Council requested that all departments evaluate their
budgets for potential costs savings and/or revenue sources. As the City of Yakima Planning
Department is not an enterprise fund, by state law the only action it could take was to identify
any unutilized grant opportunities, and evaluate its land use application fee impact on the
general fund.
As a result, city staff conducted a fee study that compared application fees to actual processing
costs for Land Use permits (subdivision, zoning, environmental review, shorelines and other
related items), The findings of which are as follows:
1. In comparison to other cities, the city of Yakima's major land use application fees
were found to be on average 229% below other cities of like size in the state.
2. Overall, the City of Yakima's application fees were found to recover about 36% of the
costs for the division to process the applications.
3. Applications that require a public hearing conducted by the Hearing Examiner only
recovered an average of 16.8% of the costs to process.
4. The average cost for the Hearing Examiner to conduct a public hearing and write the
decision for a land use application was found to be approximately $1,595.00;
5. Many of the land use applications that do not require a public hearing by the Hearing
Examiner are closer to actual costs to process, recovering an average of 56.5% of
the processing costs.
6. There were approximately 11 land use applications which did not have a land use
fee associated with them (Type (1) Reviews/site plan reviews, Zoning Verification
Letters, additional Development Service Team Meeting Requests, resubmittal fees,
and time extension for land use permits); and
7. Adding fees for the above applications would have the benefit of:
a. Recapturing a small amount of the total cost to the City to process the land
use applications and processes which presently do not have a fee;
b. Reduce the number of applications that are incomplete, or ones that are
submitted only to determine the conditions of approval for a particular site;
c. Provide more time for staff to focus on more extensive planning issues.
1. On September 27, 2016, during a Yakima City Council retreat, the Planning Division
introduced its fee schedule study, which identified options to recover 50, 80, and
100% of the costs to process land use applications in a two-step process. The first
step was to increased fees in 2017 to reach a 50% recapture rate, thus recovering
the costs of the Hearing Examiner and public notice process. Then in 2018, the
Council could re-evaluate its policy of a 50% recapture rate, and possibly increase
the rate of recapture to between 75 and 80%.
2. During its October 24, 2016, study secession, the City Council took no action but
requested that the Planning Division compare the city's fees to that of Union Gap
and report back to the City Council at its November 3, 2016 budget hearing.
3. On November 3, 2016, the Yakima City Council reviewed the report and held open
discussion on the item. The council, citing fiscal responsibility and the need to
provide balance to the City's land use application fees, voted 5 to 2 to establish a
50% recapture rate and forwarded the fee schedule to the City of Yakima Planning
Commission for review, public hearing, and recommendation to the City Council.
4. The City of Yakima Planning Commission is authorized to hear these amendments
to YMC Title 15 Urban Area Zoning Ordnance as provided for under YMC §
1.42.030, as land use development fees are codified within YMC Ch. 15.26 of the
City's zoning ordinance.
1. The City Council has provided direction that the city Planning Division increase its
fees to provide for a 50% recapture rate for the City's land use applications;
2. No adverse impacts have been identified by the approval of the fee amendments;
3. The proposed fee amendments are exempt from Environmental Review;
4. The proposed amendments will serve to rebalance the shared cost of development
within the City of Yakima; and
5. Will reduce the burden of the cost of development upon the city's general fund.
Planning Division Recommendation:
The City of Yakima Planning Division recommends the City of Yakima Planning Commission
review the proposed fees and text amendments to Title 15, hold the required public hearing,
take public input, amend the proposed text amendments as necessary, and issue its
recommendation to the Yakima City Council.
Planning Fee Study for 2017 Budget Estimates
Current Hearing
Union Ga Fees Yakima County
City of
Application Fee
Application Fee
Application Fee Examiner's Fees''
S Apps In
Yakima Fees
at 500/6 Cost
at 80% Cost
at 100•/6 of
Percent of Total
$560 1
!Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments
!Type (3)Review
PreliminaryLon Plat
$375.00 + $25 per
,A al to Hearing Examiner
$2.298 (
Right -0f -way Vacation
Planned Development
Overlay District
$5.195 [
$2.051 i
Lon Plat Alteration/Vacation
5870 s
$380 l
2n-C22formin Use/Structure
51.450 1
$1.637 I
lntre retation Hearing Examiner
$1.255 1
$435 i
$4.073 [
( 58%
Variance _
$ ,545 i
(Short Plat Exemption
-. $785
ISEPA Review
$265 [_
Administrative Adjustment
iT 12 ) -Review _
( N/A
Prellmina Short Plat
$1.060 (
Final Short Plat
$90 1
9 I
Final Long Plat _
$675 _
$157 i
Critical Area Review
[ None
$200 i
t N/A
Short Plat AlterationlEasement Release
Shoreline Development Permit
$355 i
Prellmina BindingSite Plan
$1,637 i
1 N/A
Ame l d eindina Sfte Pian
$270 1
$920 r
Comprehensive Plan Text Amendmentne
I .
Zoning Text Amendment
None (
( N/A
not tracked
Shoreline Exemption
i None
S38 i
not tract ed
Shoreline Conditional Use or Variance
i $325
not tracked ;
2Lveloprnent Agreements
enol tracked
Type tI I Review
None i
Zoning Verification Letter
None (
None i
not tracked
Extension of Zoning & Subdivisions A rovalsNone
not tracked
Resubmittal Fee
not tracked
Pr ticatics l Meeting
i N/A
not tracked
Total Revenue Generated for 2015 with Existing Application Fees
[Total Revenue Generated Estimating Fees Recover 50% of Costs
I °..— —
Proposed Land Use Application Fee Schedule
Land Use Permit Type
Existing Fee
Proposed Fee
Zoning Ordinance (YMC Title 15)
Administrative Adjustment
Class 1 Review
Class 2 Review
Class 3 Review
Critical Area Review
Interpretation with Hearing
Interpretation without Hearing
Modification of Approved Use
Non -Conforming Use/Structure
Overlay District
Planned Development
Shoreline Development Permit / Conditional Use or
Shoreline Exemption
Wireless Communication Facilities
See Table 29-2 in YMC 15.29.050(D)
Zoning Verification Letter
"Fees for zoning applications are consolidated using the highest fee only.
Subdivision Ordinance (YMC Title 14)
Amended Binding Site Plan
Final Binding Site Plan
Final Long Plat
Final Short Plat
Long Plat Alteration/Vacation or Easement Release
Preliminary Binding Site Plan
Preliminary Long Plat
Preliminary Short Plat
Right of Way Vacation
Short Plat Alteration or Easement Release
Short Plat Exemption
State Environmental Policy Act (YMC 6.88)
SEPA Review
Other Applications
Appeal to City Council
Appeal to Hearing Examiner
Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Map & Text
Development Agreement
Extension of Zoning and Subdivision Approvals
Follow -Up Pre -App Meeting
Parade and Special Event Permit
See YMC 9.70
Text Amendment
Traffic Concurrency
Chapter 15.08
15.08.010 Purpose.
15.08.020 Definitions.
15.08.030 Development permit required.
15.08.045 Fee•e(9;,,pt- 9ns e ptsgLj
15.08.050 Prohibited signs.
tiro Ot ; ib
15.08.060 Sign standards.
15.08.070 General provisions.
iLt�""prn dphu.�ur� ria°n.
15.08.080 Projection over right-of-way.
15.08.090 Roof signs.
15.08.100 Wall signs.
15.08.105 Fascia signs.
15.08.110 Temporary signs.
1 .08.,„„11 ,'Fir kers
15.08.120 Directional signs.
15.08125 Trailered siqr� ,
15.08.130 Off -premises signs and billboards.
15,0& 135 ......Duni
15.08.140 Multiple -building complexes and multiple -tenant buildings.
15.08.150 Freeway signs.
15,08155 Poila legis
15.08,160 t ettsl nNonconforming signs,_ Enforcement.
a c pt1 en
15.08.170 Administrative adjustment of sign standards allowed.
15.08.180 Variances.
15.08.190 Violations.
15.08.010 Purpose.
-ilia- Ghat acter, and
prepef- sign--mamtenano e,
_ktlr _Sat &pL!,L _prpL
LQ' w-. I qI grive, tltlF, i s t q1,
net)Lral_�a nondiscrirnina �,gt� J,;Lf� (A d 0 Rt
9L L qgj! I.qlt �L212_9_2 L
Lo i LQ�mtma.,
I ,Minimum standards in order to
. ...........
2 . . . . Ren ioin of s e ch.sigh Ls tN.LawLqtLng_sig
jLgritent inegh'at marm M,
3, 'rhe free flow.of.traffiC Mlid to s 15.; Am- amt_�? Lis _t�, . to _nL inj w f mi. C&I. Pam wl Y
. ................. . ..... . flow .....
fj@jmaqq pgggglj?.y� Iju teyg d distra ftiM V ffle
_Lq_L )IL
_0018 .—Ot(t.lig'm
'0 :)�afi , d �! a a �,!mnt&.14ar
4 Plrovidec nsistentandc)rnl WLa �w
enable the fair and coinsistent enforcenleint of this
a_S! �hlr i w.n _tjn_LP_nded Lq_,Lt,�_4tqjjRgtch ori h±, basis of Ks.conten g&
_Ztg 9 I_L q.Any
cassifjcafi o sk ns herein which,p r q�L s,tq L�DiL [:&A Pf .,qfljden6ty f Iq �jqn
. ..... Rj �L _12? y s� a
-Y 5 qtj�lt
user orto aHow cornri'mr6N oir non-qmm� a(.s _@ I'Lo s�i i. Noth
_p �ya!g�Ljjqti L
_r, YLO&t..consirued to favor comniercial IppoIIS LcIve -qomrnercW,§ gqq.Lj,,
15.08.020 Definitions.
For the purpose of this chapter, certain abbreviations, terms, phrases, words and derivatives shall be construed
as specified herein.
"Abandoned sign" means any sign located on property that is vacant and unoccupied for a period of six months
or more, or any sign which pertains to any occupant, business or event unrelated to the present occupant or
use. Abandonedw u I L4.� 5
Lor -Jude's I 1P
_.d r�&�pSj.,,p K.. , � e
. _qq is L rW S
"Banner" means any sign of lightweight fabric or similar material that is mounted to a pole or building at one or
more edges that is iniol a "Rk' herein.
"f lflboarr meam a i�.�t'�; e uutr_k) L �it' ntA wrra p w i ' �u°au uro con r r 1 W r dp aA W u �a lllw .
qg Folalg,,to the use orma tmuviv��ra the puty uuA!��.Lhjg s -a is located and�a � ����in jsqLgr iccfiy l'y �rtilu .
mrnme iat 4f IT. alum is the c.as imll� ;gELgf mm: �w�iru_Lrp .gar nj ma�u^9 ich is qu t ar a wnMeL u l
"BLA ru"r7ea ns Oho t ���b ,w a��ag uwu�� 6w� water d er l� l,a fie
"Canopy sign" means any sign that is part of or attached to an awning, canopy or other fabric, plastic or
structural protective cover over a door, entrance, window or outdoor service area.
"Changing message center sign" means an electron ically„god ay(iwn niwy, controlled sign where different automatic
changing messages are shown on the lamp bank. This definition includes time and temperature displays.
"Construction sign” means any sign used to identify the architects, engineers, contractors or other individuals or
firms involved with the construction of a building and to show the design of the building or the purpose for which
the building is intended.
1aga p o u w rr pr r s t luart pw t to r°f) y sl to n wut l .... nr c th a urn a,l fu for lmt__ ttrr, ,�. l rad Ncs or syru�t 114
of tnr a_nora timdu„Amin ted 2iKqr natf"am
"Directional s ign" rnedns as si ^t erected for them QVQOs of iw c lft Un9_os c ,r�,ftpiGac wtheweff dent n safe
aiiovem 1 e nt, 0f,t80 , o LI Uri sI11 r v l LL L Lttj r� � miAL -L 11,E m (e cl,IP rrl See- 6� ""off -premises directional
sign" and "on -premises directional sign."
"Electrical sign" means a sign or sign structure in which electrical wiring, connections, and/or fixtures are used
as part of the sign proper.
"Fascia board" means:
1. A board used on the outside vertical face of a cornice,
2. The board connecting the top of the siding with the bottom of a soffit.
3. A board nailed across the ends of the rafters at the eaves,
4. The edge beam of a bridge.
5. A flat member or band at the surface of a building.
Figure 8-1
"Fascia sign" means a sign which is attached to the fascia board of an existing building's roof structure where
the sign projects less than one foot from the fascia or parapet of the building, including the parapet to which it is
affixed, painted or attached, running parallel for its whole length to the face or wall of the building, and which
does not extend beyond the horizontal width of such building. The building's fascia board shall have a soffit and
end caps installed flush with the bottom and ends of the sign, integrating the subject sign into the building's
fascia and overall roof system.
1Y o "'I°'°a FASCIA SIGN (YMC 15.08.105)
Figure 8-2
"F lard tugg. .., :Lrr, F;g.iggllr alq«�r�o ��y�o a, I"�a)t rm�
nwwi 81m,n cL
"Flashing sign" means an electric sign or a portion thereof (except changing message centers) which changes
light intensity in a sudden transitory burst, or which switches on and off in a constant pattern in which more than
one-third of the nonconstant light source is off at any one time.
"Freestanding sign" means any sign supported by one or more uprights, poles or braces in or upon the ground.
"Freeway sign" means a freestanding sign designed and placed to attract the attention of freeway traffic.
"°�.�r�.a��,^r�per�a��ti..bg+r� �ae,.�A�s...mpa��-sugns� pos�rn.M@��r��es� •s�nrts oP Iq�ts;'c��,dte�s.of�^ttags. waggoou�s
a�=�d� sr�c'cgmlq�ft�ts�use�� -�-.a� ar �o�a nce tq r-ope�mri�. of - �'n���t�getgmr� ewe �,ant��rf�r�se �mm�q-�--o��er�ir�g-�mtw n�.er�t�r���gse
t order raew rrmarw9ameN,
"Marquee/display case sign" means a sign typically associated with, but not limited to, movie theaters,
performing arts theaters, and theatrical playhouses. The sign is attached flat against and parallel to the surface
of the structure, or attached to a structure approved by the building official. In addition, a changeable copy area
is included where characters, letters, or illustrations can be changed or rearranged without altering the face or
the surface of the sign. Marquee/display case signs shall be considered wall signs regulated under the
provisions of YMC 15.08.100, and all sign materials placed behind the clear/translucent material shall not be
considered a temporary sign subject to the provisions of YMC 15..08,;110.
"Multiple -building complex" is a group of structures housing two or more retail, office, or commercial uses
sharing the same lot, access and/or parking facilities, or a coordinated site plan. For purposes of this section,
each multiple -building complex shall be considered a single use.
"Multiple -tenant building" is a single structure housing two or more retail, office, or commercial uses sharing the
same lot, access and/or parking facilities, or a coordinated site plan. For purposes of this section, each
multiple -building complex shall be considered a single use. (See YMC 15.08.140.)
'Non ert,t ,rnit ng. i.l(t...t e nts rmy.. i0ci° t�yi ct i km one mmtiniemm. conformed d t X41 ap �r l ��� r aruru�� ��t
stdaindards of this tNtap!pw„ inc Iturt�t _1 gr ,,njR r Wa n��ont btwtt w ich utjLe u��u a1�y� � ��„��µ,a� conform �tun�W
1 waw 11811, ,, irk st cl ..tgMia mi nt maitd staii Mrd .
"Off -premises directional sign” means an off -premises sign with directions to a particular business.
"Off -premises sign" means a sign advertising or promoting merchandise, service, goods, or entertainment sold,
produced, manufactured or furnished at a place other than on the property where the sign is located.
"On -premises directional sign" means a sign directing pedestrian or vehicular traffic to parking, entrances, exits,
service areas, or other on-site locations of _PL�ttJ uier h mnna"ss.
"On -premises sign" means a sign incidental to a lawful use of the premises on which it is located, advertising
the business transacted, services rendered, goods sold or products produced on the premises or the name of
the business or name of the person, firm or corporation occupying the premises.
"Permanent � Cl ITt„t°�otmr�p�m �tetc� �q�utor�incr�n.�t�t.,:a«�� r�.
that does inot Wotherwise um eet the„definifl n of 'tern
t adttno t sagrt'” rneans a...sign-ad, vdatu ung a aandic is r° an ItrlaCe lc t .pttt ln� eleot� re a fic'” -or pefi:t 4al
Patty, or..nm n.°o (fang a-parfieutar:..vot en, a put Ntr costa de cle l•ley-baiBot,;
"Portable sign" means a sign made of wood, metal, plastic, or other durable material that is not attached to the
ground or a structure. This definition includes sandwich boards, and portable reader boards if placed on private
property. Signs placed on public or street right-of-way, including public sidewalks, require review under
YMC 8.20.055.
"Projecting sign" means a sign, other than a wall sign, that is attached to and projects from a structure or
building face.
nv1-h Us •
r4 iwi W a
V % "
"`` Of Yak°°nPROJECTING SIGN (YMC 15.08.080)
Figure 8-3
*Pwc�.e,tta s:s me' sgm peai"a'aarua'to...taa, I,,e..or rrrtap ofMia,nd om Nw���s:'
"Roof sign" means any sign erected or constructed as an integral part or is essentially part of a normal roof
structure of any building design, where any portion of the face of which is situated above the roof line to which it
is attached, and which is wholly or partially supported by said building. See YMC 15.08.090.
"Sign" means i j prsj gn r ym bol- c i t u li ca Lt!:k0 u4,Murni n tion oma: any medium, including its
structural component parts, used or intended to attract attention to the subject matter that identifies, advertises,
and/or promotes an aG " " aroduct,
p gsao ......service, Place,. ggsq rrTj._.rrn nLgL� , ip t 9Lg Lg )r
business as°ny- ,t ne it _ i nacln i rr i nen n�tacYncr� _ agrn n n qr a t, f tl w l res
i�' tr pwn � u a �quai l l m la ww�arsimilardevicesto �ew�wwto fract UeinUoir.,.
"Sign area" means that area contained within a single continuous perimeter enclosing the entire signand/or
„li,g!n cabinet, but excluding any support or framing structure that does not convey a message.
"Sign cabinet" means the module or background containing the advertising message but excluding sign
supports, architectural framing, or other decorative features which contain no written or advertising copy.
"Sign height" means the vertical distance measured from the grade below the sign or upper surface of the
nearest street curb, whichever permits the greatest height, to the highest point of the sign.
Figure 8-4
"Sign setback" means the horizontal distance from the property line to the nearest edge of the sign cabinet,.gr
' ,on w � mean �a � n;n r�nn jed q h id Icy, �rs to„m.
"Street frontage” means the length in feet of a property line(s) or lot line(s) bordering a public street. For corner
lots, each street -side property line shall be a separate street frontage. The frontage for a single use or
development on two or more lots shall be the sum of the individual lot frontages.
Figure 8-5
"Temporary sign" means any sign,,- a ste a acardr
-stake signa rl, r t q, c naw l',^ale rorwm w giim concrete
t o ld w r w� t t tri c wr <.ugr a� � c to IN aai � �ITy w � ti � bannera, pennant,, valance, or
advertising display constructed of cloth, paper, canvas, cardboard, or other light nondurable material ,_used.
Lqqlp_SaTnwaly_wnatWin �u a. ? .ir rna ua rno lwGws a a � w �w ii caffixed,to,.1,. r � a u rw4 structure orTwwbiwnMwwlydi4�.
T'errwp aly �L _!j w aril t awr aprt t wbw ww ttruw l tr Irrw teri . irut h.6, D, t)w,rk not flwrr5e t to f r w a m„nt a
t rrdr t �p rb�w r mh a to m. raow r pmrr m rr�p t _awa mFr r sarltwsmaAgLnted Mth water soln�wof pgi it or, chalks, rgLg mq�jp.
obi' at,t er^^Ilan t u4 t l� t q V 9 G 1 NV'1tlt q' Ge„roLttplE'4tt^C3_it W9GRgulgilL, w tl,8L).Lf n,a�i,i
s to r i t a "s^ dw tay wct utte l i tt°lug teg w r :^- r nd.,Qpew ingw p r4 rata „- leoiat't v�t,u. aPo wrt
�rawd-st stgn,,
"Trakr��d lr nw"" n l�oaLrj � ;_[ L rl r> d on or shied o trailer or vehic, ewn rrdwla�V p iiigd jr the state mm
r'r�li r cA.,Li ayPyr„ inthat has wee or is_Iloc ated' on res affixed to ��heels �.aable pE beyl r sed to th2
... r ��r�
§ill twoM...tpr � Lj tompocatk,)n Trpat ct
w wa c � ,lcnp� pwlty..sn r��p�tpm� res^mt�r!pip a�r�lq
'i0A ..f a t zwwr !pgpjg�M oir affixed to wheels.
°”��ae-lderwtgtV�rtl'�`N^•�ad4”d'�wr"N'wr�r�'�.,�"�-�n6�„�.Irl ik'�•^tM�^°d�"X41"&tlt,rUQ�d�r,.Cnti,F��rnit�'�"w"tw�rtN+Clrk�t�q�rtGl"6N�N�t���1�&�$�
a,truu �.Mtw.„,�esader�t.uat-�t���w��-topr"r�ea�t,r. r�w...r�• trg�rl• t�rrsir�estt�ar tl �an�.,.,� •ww,�r owr�pw k"�or�mnn..a^rst�tr�t nad-w'ttstw r�;,,
"Wall sign" means any on -premises sign attached to or painted directly on, or erected against and parallel to,
the wall of a building. See YMC 15.08.100.
~~~~~~~ WALL SIGN (yMC15.U8.10O)
Figure 8-6
"Window sign" means any sign, pictures, symbol cncombination thereof, designed bucommunicate information
about an-art,4vin�,gbosioes$,���g0� event, sale wrservice, placed inside awindow mrupon
the window panes urglass and visible from the exterior ofthe
15.08.030 Development permit required.
No sign governed by this title shall be erected, structurally altered or relocated after the adoption without first
receiving odevelopment permit from the building official.
ptrLaRtq�shall be reviewed for oth
of this cha ter and er gult(
jZtiMjIers of
1. For New Uses. All on -premises signs meeting the standards of this chapter are considered Class (1)
of YMC 15.08.170, and are otherwise not permitted. Off -premises signs and billboards are permitted as
identified inYNC15.08.23D
2. For Changes cvReplacement ofonExisting Sign. Structural changes to, orreplacement of, an
public,duty,or-in-giving anf legal notice":
N)",- FA(')WC'W-r'49n& or-
PkUm- ptkkaAswe-duf f)FGVW(M"hat
a days
pp "141 Will"appear 04'khe ballot yr
4,2-4, -, Ganopiesan6 awnirlIgr Sjq4,lS:r
44,2,- -Gonstruefian
(f.Exh,A) (pa rt),n201&40vd,
15.08.046 Fee exempt aignsExern
The following signs are exempt from the Ik-im-12p LIlLttj —requirements of
3 . . .... p !�t
.. !qL
1. On -premises signs not readable from the public right-of-way, i.e., menu boards,.j � e s gns
i.n I r io ii: . ....... �i. �. etc.;
2. On -premises directional signs;
3, Bab i PP sgq , 1- Q�L �2.
E 91 pg�@�,.gfpyestones or strt,ictures 4Aen,deA_for a se _rate u,§.e,._. s l, as g9L ljS, ggz!;
4, W din fification numbersas mred fl �irna
. . .... ...... . —PIA—Mlorlt tp ql—ey'— _Agqjj!.
K) d E, � rA[ aiiyj) tLi �Lr
feet4maign- afea"
4,-ChurGh, and carnmu,nity, center-narne andlor-rea&w- bowds-not exoeeding lhirty-two.square
5. Temporary signs an4--vp4o-,,si*ly4Gur
up kr -a-o4mmimurn, of 4oto-siqnson rbaLc
Pf0 Q8.Y.,1,2r-PAALY-C SMO aMN-nott mAl §LL(m J„ 540
(�t�:Dents of Section 15 0& 11 ;4 20 ;- -7 �4 (Exhr-x)
6, Gqverinnvntalu§L_aL inistaH P Q Qpg
!�tt� �ty, !2!�y gr...p fcderM or Stat ov nnlentw ag§�M
. ........ .. -- — . . MI-A—�� -- .
for [he
...U)LgLegfi5jn j) JC.,heall!). §gfp%jy.'l[ d g ncnral welfare, inck,jding_buL% nftpd to ie rolloMnk
q[ _ULL .... ..... -- g LA� qLIIL_ jL_
A, Erner, ency and warnina sLgLis nq
I'Sb I i C LLinLe f
B Traffic and,
C. S lla 113
1'. gjf lj� �wi igAbg )uLlbfij pi,llliitlj - and
----------- ADM -Lllu 14gMiqq!iq% qr »ai Har csjgLgLql Lirl
7� _ Flags,_ dd Vagp, vi j2L ramela dpm dkwwovisions of tWs ch tidal rl
8, -,Merflq[l si 1, q or taWet s _nme of �Vat U- RIr,,LlkR,mW-cLL@-r A99-m-maLe-d
into the buildina materW and facade
taw rthe
_qgtposq of atinachn IjLELLIQq lo sUchk3,L%tLty_jkqlj-,ss sLmh veNcle of rimbdekda�bt gip.
r the 0 a tin bl!ic aftenflon
to thea-
i Mng ra y in wLCL(LOW, Any P-LT�qqra ,
_I _�jq[tq�_ _ -.L _ _IX_s
vvnqQw..l.n.-sA,j,ch..a manner as �o be ea, ��yrea o .L)LQ�Lirt�Lcj.ffiat the totaij area of the Sk!L' NA.91.
. ..... v,ed
El --- ift
window does not exceed that as alliowed in thisI!qp e,[.fq�,,.Aindow SELqpADA,',Lq (yj�
C� L E)ji g��C. a_ a It!&
1 t orta peaL_Le gi"narnents of Sections 15 08 155 and
�ITf 1.�'..RatmmntaNxfliltmatpii pirv�set_�fwNmawwi�t ���..
15.08.050 Prohibited,sips._
The following signs are prohibited:
1. Signs on any vehicle or trailer parked on public or private property and visible from a public right-of-
way for the purpose of circumventing the provisions of this chapter. This provision shall not prohibit signs
painted on or magnetically attached to any vehicle operating in the normal course of business;®
2. Signs purporting to be, imitating, or resembling an official traffic sign or signal by itsdolor,,desi n,,
qL@ ,i a re r r"l➢N� n° ��°q1n; could cause confusion with any official sign, or which obstruct the visibility of any
traffic/street sign or signal or esti k -huqL
. Signs attached to utility, streetlight and traffic-control-stan afd poles,L)r tgit iqfies.r ,per � �u�� �N�t1 yt,�v,
fence owned t the Cjt , ou spa ira fm LL gored on trees„..:,,
4. Swinging projecting signs;.
5. Signs in a dilapidated (i.e., having peeling paint, major cracks or holes, and/or loose or dangling
materials) or hazardous condition-,,,
6. Abandoned signs-,
7. Signs on doors, windows or fire escapes that restrict free ingress or egress,, -And,
8. Any other sign not meeting the provisions of this chapter. (Ord, =45 §- °t• (t ."-A( jN wr"t)�d1ff.
,,.._._ .ar�er�"l f�ga4�lrn'��s���ent�y •-�Ngr�s �sf��at'B,•t�e �r�ain'�ta�nd-irr- gaud.. o� der ��n:f ru f'��N�':..�'f" tN-tN���rr so..tt�t"tl�e�y fas• not,
rr'"+'�id'��al�rt�4�t��i^�r�.. �"la�R"� �f�^_q,.N^pm�� �'d-.:i�-�9�11N&"r-u�•l�'�:.d �&nit -v�l'e••fp"".. f,,.�el� tl 8'... �fl'rtn '�'�'�r��4"�Yr $�"w�,�Ni �'r P'."�" N+C��� �"r,� rR �d
dar'�c1N�r�g..•���,��terh��l.s S�gns..:tt�t re•+not �r�M��m�t��nn”"ped-�n ttt��".rr��n�n�"..sNoiN-t-o��'wsird=ot�t�rte�t.,s�r�s•..
S ......".o�"�uo��fom�n�ia°af� ��,�;��-fdla���'lerr��noe,,.a�nd N�"�pa�.•l"�ti�tt�ii�� KI;N=ems titt��.shNt �°��Nl�ave-tq'�e_owrby=-aa-ossa>-of nr�tes�N
now ,or ft r' nen rrNf n, or ti e o nrrr:.0 f ll primp rt:ym.ra wt mct "hl a-' � coy f err ng. ign as...pocafed, ffon14he
��N"4l�tikd� �-�I�d�li'g�il. r&-�`4.�4N��i�^et�„"�""V`�rc��ISN`We�@�4"��"� - �'�a'il��� G�•r-r�{�1�1 � "6P'"N�r. �.--�"��.& 1��`I-
15.08.060 Sian standards.
The provisions of this chapter and the requirements in Table 8-1, "Type and Number of Signs Permitted," Table
8-2, "Maximum Sign Area," and Table 8-3, "Sign Height and Setbacks," are established for all signs in the
zoning districts indicated. All permitted signs are subject to the review procedures of this title and the standards
of this section. Signs for Class (1), (2) and (3) uses shall be subject to the same procedural and review
requirements as the principal use.
On- Nameplate
Signs Identification/Project
Table 8-1. Type and Number of Signs Permitted
Permitted as an Accessory Use to an Approved or Existing Use
Roof/Portable Signs Not Permitted Class (1) Use
Freestanding, Subdivision/Proj. I.D. Only On -premises signs meeting the standards of this chapter are con
Projecting Not Permitted (1) uses requiring Type (1) review. On -premises signs not meetir
of this chapter shall follow the procedures of YMC 15.08.170, an(
not permitted.
Ad n
&4bGa1 ..
See YMC 15.08.150
Not Class (2) Use
Not Class (2) Use
Table 8-1. Type and Number of Signs Permitted
SIGN TYPE SR I R-1 R-2 �I R-3 B-1 HBI B-2 SCCF1111-11---l—T-1
bbl l.boan ds ....................... ................ ..._.....�.
On- Nameplate
Signs Identification/Use
Off- N= ureefianr, l
AdP tnkngI
1 Per Dwelling
1 Per Street Frontage
Not Permitted
1 Per Street Frontage
1. Wall: YMC 15.08.100/Roof: YMC 15.08.090
2. Portable: YII' C.....1i..5.08....155.
a.•t�tor�-Regawl~ata�l: •No•a�none Rq-�e-tv����sag����-a:�u.-�fr�:��'c,
ex eed ammbinedl..tot l .r4f..,3.1, s ua; to et ail s6gm a- e^
b....f•Pt�t.� ups totsNawa rn�wowe ttaa�aa.,�" w�alrw�wa,e�
84 -sq, w-e4eet of or ..mor than t
ungwws Pew lwarw�et a to a naaaxtrwaum-of 10uw-'.8ta aas'
Freeway: See YMC 15.08.150
Directional: See YMC 15.08.120(6)
Not Permitted 11 Sign Per Parcel (Also See YMC 15.08.130)
1. YMC 15.08.140 has freestanding sign provisions for multiple -building complexes and multiple -tenant buildings.
2. Nameplates and subdivision identification signs permitted in the residential districts may be placed on a wall—
See Table 8-2,.
Table 8-2. Maximum Sign Area
Freestanding and Projecting Signs
Sign is set back 15 ft. or Sign is set back 15 ft. or WALL
less from required right -of- more from required right -of- SIGNS
way way
SR, R-1, R-2, and R-3
Nameplates up to 2 sq. ft. and subdivision/project identification up to 32 sq.
HB and B-1
24 sq. ft. 40 sq. ft.
40 sq. ft. 60 sq. ft.
SCC Frontage
1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per
is less
ft. of frontage up to 100 sq. ft. lineal ft. of frontage up to 150
than 400
sq. ft.
ft. long
1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal
1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per
is more
ft. of frontage up to 150 sq. ft.
lineal ft. of frontage up to 200
than 400
sq. ft.
ft. long
UP TO 300
.. ................. ............................
LCC Frontage
1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal
1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per
is less
ft. of frontage up to 150 sq. ft.
lineal ft. of frontage up to 200
than 400
sq. ft.
ft. long
1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per
is more
ft. of frontage up to 200 sq. ft. lineal ft. of frontage up to 250
than 400
sq. ft.
ft. long
1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal ft. of frontage up to 150 sq. ft.
Table 8-2. Maximum Sign Area
and Projecting Signs
Sign is set back 15 ft. or
Sign is set back 15 ft. or
less from required right -of-
more from required right -of-
1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal
1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per
is less
ft. of frontage up to 150 sq. ft.
lineal ft. of frontage up to 200
than 400
sq. ft.
ft. long
1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal
1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per
is more
ft. of frontage up to 200 sq. ft.
lineal ft. of frontage up to 250
than 400
sq. ft.
ft. long
1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal
1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per
is less
ft. of frontage up to 150 sq. ft.
lineal ft. of frontage up to 200
than 400
sq. ft.
ft. long
1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal
1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per
is more
ft. of frontage up to 200 sq. ft.
lineal ft. of frontage up to 250
than 400
sq. ft.
ft. long
1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal
1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per
is less
ft. of frontage up to 150 sq. ft.
lineal ft. of frontage up to 200
than 400
sq. ft.
ft. long
1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal
1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per
is more
ft. of frontage up to 200 sq. ft.
lineal ft. of frontage up to 250
than 400
sq. ft.
ft. long
Table 8-2. Maximum Sign Area
Freestanding and Projecting Signs
ZONING DISTRICT Sign is set back 15 ft. or Sign is set back 15 ft. or WALL FREEWAY
less from required right -of- more from required right -of- SIGNS SIGNS
way way
M-2 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per
1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal
lineal ft. of frontage up to 150
ft. of frontage up to 100 sq. ft.
sq. ft.
Table 8-3. Sign Height and Setbacks
M- M -
Freestanding' Sign is set 5 ft. 10 ft. 15 30 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft.
back 15 feet ft.
or less from
Sign is set 10 ft. 15 ft. 20 35 ft. 40 ft. 30 ft. 40 ft.
back more ft.
than 15 feet
from required
Projecting Not permitted2 See YMC 15.08,080
1 „ Wall 1, Top of wall to which attached (YMC 1 .0 'LQQ)
Table 8-3. Sign Height and Setbacks
. . ... . ...... . .......... -11 .......................... . .................... ................
.. . ....... .......... ....... M_ '- M_
.�l 2
2. ....... fascia 2. Horizontal and vertical limits of fascia board to which
attached (YMC 1LO8.105)
..., .......................
Freeway Where permitted: 70 ft.
.................................................. . ........ . ........ . .....
Minimum front yard Edge of right-of-way
....... . . .................
Minimum side yard Required setback standards for each zoning district (Table 5-1)
I YMC 15.08.140 has special freestanding sign provisions for multiple -building complexes and multiple -tenant buildings.
2 Nameplates and subdivision identification signs permitted in the residential districts may be placed on a wall. (See
Table 8-2.)
,36n449',,04-34,04t......1.g8gf', ford .Opwt;.g..§-3b;, 4W- QffJ-2,,94.7,§.1 -(part,,A
16.08.070 General provisions.
All signsjl I dfl gjLx#?
shall comply with the following provisions:
A. Construction shall satisfy the requirements of the building codeand,.pp
[rTj gljt
manufactured of durable materials that withstand the effect',1_1of waten, kiwi� d,.as well as ineetthe fall ,
.................................. —
1 . . . . . . . . . . ............... P, er-laced si rstii c 6n yyjy q g,pjj� f@r p]d gg[)11NLed Wg.l , ,-Ak, i'li
p;11fLWgg_ prjyp pr w.rfft.yf wftn s must be dUrabl%,,@Mj,
�ges made of canyas fal)Oc vinyl Or similar p ,)Ici rLp eCL,, is that are attaiched to
B. Except for andtemporary signs, all signs shall bepermanently attached toobuilding
ovthe ground;
C. Signs attached to a building shall not exceed the height of the building, except under the provisions of
D. All signs shall comply with the setback requirements inTable 8'3.except when the side cxrear yard is
street frontage, then the front setback shall apply;
E. ngdirected onor���no hn
any sign shall bashaded, screened, ordirected enthat the light's intensity orbrightness shall not adversely
affect neighboring property ormotor vehicle safety;
F. All signs together with their supports, braces, and guys shall bemaintained inosafe and secure manner;
G. The ratio of the area of the sign support, framing structure, and/or other decorative featureswhichcontain
no written or advertising copy to the sign cabinet shall not be greater than 1:1;
14-_ -. -A-,0,earVjew4rOnqIe, PuFposes
H.I. No shall be placed hnthe triangle of road�E as,
established inYMC25^05.040;and
J. ki addWon lothe si Mum�nation re, uirernerits of Sect, k.)n '15,08 0 Any exterior lighting must be
shielded and directed away from adjoining streets mresidential uses,
t 2( 6 awn r w5, N1V b c„N dtt fun s busi� s �� : �..at tr'n wwrw��aWic Olor ������ �Cwr�� �c�,µ��fE p° a��ua 1''m t����
!=—, .. jigLM@y ILLn.Pjac ! w00 the a a vv .t�a�ste b�_��t�tl�a- �h—fis ��.W�a;� y��, �u t gat@g n i r�� ,�N, LIt w_:
15.08 07LSIgn liilllkirnuiiufliiui,
A. icn it ll„ No tpgfgfysir irf 11 lire itgy lbe fllluryflinated. No signsalocated on
res rde ntlr l zone niy be,_jIquu unat v cgq.,, �u�a rj fug[ q# facr in size r�Y�#R�� atm
;u aflo _Lljrt lm I e� p ” r "pAluW fniinated u�6rur�ninated by.internal
l#'qumrriated or have external Indirect rlqu.urrnunatnu�tt unless otherwiseu r°�
.............. Exter poll a#Il, Vii_ pi nae ,,v n .
lgdu urf�rf f urrw r G u r ,, u a ugmq � r q 4.Li jit so �r nr t w�q rl r e,
Without fuar��,p ru? ul aMr�llg± source, is, not u u q
4haHmensure that the iagIjLgLlig, it sou �s rr tn q q o ild the
fr rnuu . nrur...shO further ensure th.at...th q� !..u::.. contained �rurq 9*, the qr p� u�,
:........ _A Uijj,uu�u�OUnte above the rf q � y be rit !! L l rLwµ
The lbottorn?[nM, f fln lq ht fixtuur is flat. o�
1 11
u2pgLMosportion of the fl tur a� �ruirnl is ""Ilc� t mirn hi li uw than
LL fopf fn f` q,,_Lkgfit f urs aimed n lint !! qrr this fashion Ifs ll b considered
mm....._...........If ru qV uggjjrnrn��f ill., fp], L
1 1 ntern a Ly,LH Ibe constn..mted with an rip UI 'm,ind and
translucent test yn,d. 'nbols, ff NL, i (I.o,wner des�res to have the.enfire si n face visible at
L. 5��R -11,�—..----,-,--�----""-,---�����-��q����_��_�___,_,,,,__
i2!ILMa-Lrng Sli 1
,ILJ,qhtS0UTqern,a beUsedtoMuminatethe :9 ki to Ch 31nt%
Z iin ino case imp Muminated si in ..a dig.Ltal sig Si.
11��.Iy ..................... . . .................. 9-1 .........
i i e n
exceed a ligbi: oqtj) Qgf50 is in a ii--esidentW zone ii or 100 nits in a noin
3 Neoia_ai �n!i hfin," � is aHowed hn non resideii'-ifial zones o aild shaH inot exceed
._q._._..gJs aRowem . . . . ....... I�y
100 nits p
n.... -fac--e.
D, Time iimitations, All Hiluminatedea H urn
arh a , . s-leted
gLff by 11, pL ,u he U -'ie btisiness ctoses whichever is Wer.
o —ta in nI-s-, and -!L-natic shut-off finlers,
E BiHboards. This Section does inot a s which are I.r
. .. . . .......................... N to bHUboaii"'d�i..wL_:h ar(, eQUated Under Section
Projection j
15.08.00 Po_ .gf-w'ay.
---------------- I ----- ...... ..... ......... ............ ... ----- I'll .... . ...... --------------
Projecting and freestanding signs shall comply with the following provisions:
1. No more than one-third of the height of any projecting sign shall exceed the height of the building to
which it is attached.
2. All signs projecting over the public right-of-way shall conform to the following standards icad obi
r EJ _t u n -te
L _LYMC82D.:
Above Grade Maximum Projection
Less than 8 feet Not permitted
8 feet to 9 feet 1 foot
9 feet to 10 feet 2 feet
Over 10 feet 2/3 the distance from building to
curb line or a maximum of 10
„,_No sign shall project within two feet of the curb line.
4srhaH 2u—IL o ( fd,.�"i��5...
t�:� �'k �:���� )..(p•a�t�„• 2i�.,i-. ���t:-2gt�g.4�"1..(�'N��f��tit ���'��'d•�31 g-��i-'9g3/'.���t.-x�g�%w-� -(faa�urt)� 1'gt:)W
15.08.090 Roof signs,.
All roof signs shall comply with the following provisions:
1. Roof signs shall be constructed upon the roof of a building.
2. Roof signs shall be integrated into the roof system of an existing building, or be erected so as to
appear from all sides as a wall sign applied to an existing penthouse which appears to be a part of the
building itself.
3. Roof signs must not exceed the maximum allowable height of the building within the district in which
it is located.
4. All roof signs shall be installed or erected in such a manner that there is no visible support structure.
0III ..Q41.2 t 4t
15.08.100 Wall signs.
All wall signs shall conform to the following provisions:
1. Wall signs may be painted upon, attached flat to, or pinned away from the wall, but shall not project
more than twelve inches from the wall.
2. The number of wall signs is not regulated; provided, the total area of the wall sign(s) may not
exceed the area of the wall to which attached.
3. Wall signs shall not extend above the height of the wall to which attached.
4. Marquee/Display Case Signs.
a. Marquee/display case signs shall have:
i. A changeable copy area where characters, letters, or illustrations can be changed or
rearranged without altering the face or the surface of the sign;
ii. The sign face shall be made of a translucent durable material;
iii. The sign cabinet/display case shall be lockable and capable of preserving the sign
material inside from the elements. (Ord. 2015-007 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2015: Ord. 2008-46 § 1
(part), 2008: Ord. 93-81 § 38, 1993: Ord. 2947 § 1 (part), 1986).
ascia suns
A fascia sign is a sign which is attached to the fascia board of an existing building's roof structure.
1. Fascia signs may be painted upon, attached flat to, or pinned/projecting from the fascia board, but
shall not project more than twelve inches from the fascia board.
2. The number of fascia signs is not regulated; provided, the total area of the sign(s) may not exceed
the area of the fascia board to which it is attached.
3. Fascia signs shall not extend beyond the horizontal and vertical limits of the fascia board to which it
is attached (0rd,--201 -Ott),-
10 Temporary signs.
No reviewyuM@_q����t�t�w�a r� t@f:0 t r i�°��u All temporary signs shall conform to the following.
A.I. No temporary sign shall be placed in a required parking space, driveway, or clearview triangle.
2>. No temporary sign maybe placed gra kre.awtala rrtttott ws;yruu e�erwrrut..wrq,tr-�'
ta.eu.rra tt d, by ttaw Mtty/c ur ty l ..a w sur puwgp a Gce k umir� �u 9q ui' . u.1.�1 ( y)w,i laic s Ate
.,DjIuii taro n av th n_q pr �rgti sL rraU w u]ut 'u t`r�uat, ort dquym.uusc p *mmmFiut r c *sm l ur ui ion from the',
--.—L �twtWt�m�wutbou � y.igt�wp��,�miV.t.gb'ra�at�d i�'� iV�e roadway,
� .... , p prur fyµ gkSt !r the �py.pn l�loal�,_ gay �9�1� eti L),g §Jde th r���1w 4y haH coni r)G wrbraj,h� )ate t+�U w uuirl
wLgggurern unt �
a_rac iirar� PwII�c of gtmVy Uto� e i t�o�..gu�a gtt Uuu� Ott t�� bgpV� otttug, u�om�i a st curbs. T w�ohe,[@.
D -o f uori oxi 1 ,mm rf. as t �,jr m ro fly �rnIc @oI ttIp ner�r�o- t cam.; g1e ,1w oau11 11t (Ina !ut4y-uynot be
pa ed on sidewalks rJVeWaV§ g td]t r gved areas des gfIgq,,f ,ge flu a 10� bra w ���wV uaNp� gds Baur
ampduturrg�i urw ��u.#I.gM�ft o�„wgw�,�u�,,t�u�,r�u��,.
Apmom-12DILig @kutOg-I �n�',mqLjua�PA.
n stakes that q ej7- u i ,p is hammered intg lLig rgL ctgj lowed, AH
M 1� Y' _Lj)gg! g. _g j�L _TAL_
other ,,§ 'LL rLs are p b t -,,.d -wqy sep.
qbLt_qf_ u uamrri1,_
4 _ ................. �5
ig, jilnited to four� (4) �qggCt feet total and thEq, �)_fpet in hei lh fromj e g!' und to
the Rau_pL±@
5_ Aa y It , qE ry sig i -L- -,WIy hpIJ mla..,I��ga-te.—d-g.r. a MhSE'lince shaH be removed
-I—) � p _ jjj,L, the pgt tg(L_
un, g tlr tut;KjILY au mwf
tWti-1.2Lmay IaLlt-o-oc
V. _X�ith a
E._wuf! L) Y_kL�' p t aAqqgfAa ot,
ALt,LtILe ggge and the foflowi
LqgIL _nL -
I -L —.,(,)ne,ten ) unit not lo exceedqLIA)If
qgAre feet is a, oweld
2, Freestanding sig &,jncW )o -yigg!ijqg it allowed as foflows,
L In unIl f-, rine -,.,I��ndin,�si(ns, afl not exceed four
Lq.ga.re._.rqetjn_.ssze ma nn feet, nn if ned
Ie tand not to exce
g_q. L
three feet in hlt.l_fl-L
qLt�jigLjus stakejnounted, or orfaMe,
zones teMp eq�:�,!qp s shall not exceed six
5guafe feet in size and flye ftgz"t in hqjgj!jj['ft Ai� Qn!t!g
three feet 41'L . n is sl' ke-n o pn! Mg.,
jLt , It —,.IQ, - "y
F. Non residenfiaN zones. T a
loq gq nC iresidenfi4l zones in accordance
L_ jt�L_jL_ .. . .......
with the reggireiplents of this section avid thefollowln
I Window s s are Himitedto fift pg
WR - - .... --- _rqerjL,gLLIje window.area.,
Frea arms an
qLfi L%qm )
a_d_. cLr-Ia LLtf�gL1_LeIjtyLL�!Qf�j
in h L ht if JIIL� -%tru]20 -Ky Lm q-n-'-0ALWtLA inAl"LE.""'arm.,nd
A -In q --L t� - --a -L _pkjcLL1oLLq_ed
11-ireejeetjnheighLif LlIft �Pnj� )rig' a D is stake-amunted or P-r—tatkITL
-- --, 11 ...... ......... 2" -- I -
'I. e,rnpunteC,sj e limited I t, thid .jq�p
o,g_jq2_t.And must b�e fNg�Gy.p
L�q- aqg,ftr It ar
�Lgj J'jejr f, in L(I inward to thes jtecsite.
two -
IG Tem a)amMMIkt resWenfiall or non -resaver fiM zone_ --d
shaH not exceed uk��d:..ctnrm?cmmet#ITtaamf to dew<taa
gnthin -sLk3a # rt u ig �nafl LI Lie arp Ln —is �L, -rLL-%L 1 —of ait 14.. § t 1: ? Q 0 Qt tae ct' is p a y d t I i
L e wi orj,fiELJa
eta NG :A temporary sign shall removed after the event
for which it is intended. (par't -,-2011
15,08,j16 SiR!:LA@,.Lke
aakers are aHowed s
A.��rui. if irramertrmirar Www
walkerbut the iLqLNMg!Lg[.shpR
go-mp!y—wlt LaH —theqp-Rk—abLQ-rpgu Chapf�E..
B. Niun-flber. No firrk
Are The.
ht 81,sq�ggq, f (-Lt jrj wLea i
Lli:ot exceed eigL _ _ t _ _E_
shiall noLe ned,ei LA_C e-,I:JnL�p h�L Ljpjje,0.. lqggL
Q)_Lg .— jg_ W A e, 0..
Zone, SgLi , _0 aaN 'a -,, esidentiM zones.
............. . ........ _�(IL q,
not be ilkiminated._ be
filrnpted to the hours frorn dawn untHdUsk. A sL(,jLj watt M Naggot inClUde
qUy.,efement of a )�ohibit. ds n as despirflbed in Section 15.08.050,
F Location,
'ker's, are restricted to f[2LrLg
stu tor(Jrive,miay-ir,iterse(,'f'�)n measured from the ed e of the Mirbabutfioqjtjp�
road wgy,qLtqqpref Uimerne
1 nt if curb rb e "sts arild sham{ riot, lie! located in
any...gf.ki-elo-LI —oWng.�a-La rte
On any_p.ug gj=,)i e
L,) ir� w
walikers are allowed oma p0.ljc sidewalk
2 in pgtlng aislles or stalls
,....WWWWW � driving 1��.
4�MLw .._Qg ryjrs,.gLtL ri ..._. u�o. " ��o_ u�ww
Ina soca Mori or irnsnneiir that results yin � c ialk _physic erµn
15.08.120 Directional signs.
--------- --- - ----- --------
----- A. On -Premises Directional Signs. On -premises directional signs readable from the public right-of-way may
be permitted in accordance with Table 8-1. On -premises directional signs may contain both directions and the
business name or logo, provided the business name or logo shall not exceed fifty percent of the sign area. All
on -premises directional signs shall meet the general provisions of this section, and shall not exceed ten square
feet per sign face.
B. Off -Premises Directional Signs. Off -premises directional signs are permitted where indicated in
YMC 15.08.130(6); provided, that:
1. Each use located in a district where off -premises directional signs are allowed is permitted one off -
premises directional sign;
2. The off -premises sign contains only directional information and does not exceed thirty-two square
feet in area nor twenty-five feet in height;
3. The off -premises signs are permanently installed on private property;
4. Only one off -premises sign is permitted on a parcel. , 4 t rot,,
200g-'1 .� ., ,. (p )„..a08- GT4T
15 08 1 5 'Tiiraliillle�red slii ins.
TraHeir s,igi s deftned in secOwl 15.08 0 .k r ale ���flAa .
16.08.130 4' ff-premises signs and billboards.
A. Billboards are:
1. Class (1) uses in the M-1 and M-2 districts; and
2. Class (2) uses in the CBD, GC, and RD districts.
B. Billboards may be permitted in these districts after the required level of review, provided they meet the
provisions of this chapter and all of the following criteria:
1. The maximum sign area does not exceed three hundred square feet per sign face;
2. There is no more than one product displayed per sign face;
3. There are no side-by-side panelsjq,0� tLl w A u au l fqy w sir
4. Required front yard setbacks are met;
5. Billboards between a one -hundred -fifty- and three -hundred -foot radius of a residential district shall
be restricted to one hundred sixty square feet per sign face and may not be lighted;
6. No billboard shall be located within one hundred fifty feet of a residential district;
7. The billboard is not within five hundred lineal feet of another billboard having the same street
8. Billboard height standards shall not exceed that permitted for freestanding signs as provided in
Table 8-3;
9. The total number of combined freestanding signs, off -premises signs and billboards does not
exceed the number of freestanding signs allowed for the property.
C. Off -premises signs are:
1. Class (1) uses in the M-1 and M-2 districts;
2. Class (2) uses in the B-2, CBD, GC, and RD districts.
Off -premises signs may be permitted in these districts after the required level of review, provided they
meet the provisions of this chapter and the specific standards for the district in which they are located.
(•Ot,...2.t,,,,�7.�,.1 ��.,,.xt�,n.�-(art���....t�rd 2'9'98_�fi9... t..4pa� 5tt•mrd'rn..9��1.....t'i99-��d:
15,08.136 I`dµ(.
_te feet.
B._.If f uu ll .... I u w o ll2 aiie i-1 U11 .uI esu„u hu���de 10 ,���pot est sI
,... .... _�°I!rl�uu.. lMWu,, l' r ,� Howe Ely M pnon-residenflal zones,
:........__-IMaxi murn Iluo*na c to
F._ �IC:; u u inns inay iavI t mofioin tliiell',.,than the hi gfL2f j°w imes,s
Cw µ The a m�ui fpi mu�il�aIT hd Il ,teem rn es .u.�..�a l°7it... � u7G�l, �.
G To einSUre that, µdi ftal su b„u � r u � p u u�r�wc o°~Ifqu°�u V ,�a �^� l ww � uW u�7g o Q II
stand rd 4 igjlal ned for wbcaNon-site conftol,,aridpa l n!,,, fl �L
15.08.140 Multiple -building complexes and multiple -tenant buildings.
A. Purpose. The following provisions shall apply to multiple -building complexes and multiple -tenant buildings
in the SCC, LCC, GC, and RD districts.
B. Number of Freestanding SigEach multiple -building complex shall be allowed one
freestanding„Lotti;& sign on each street frontage in accordance with Table 8-2. When the street frontage is
longer than four hundred feet:
1. One additional freestanding [Sgf.1L I ;sign shall be permitted for each additional four hundred feet
of street frontage or part thereof; or
2. A single, larger freestanding a° p tajgq sign can be erected in accordance with Table 8-2,
If option 1, as set forth in subsection (B)(1) of this section, is selected, no freestanding.att_poLtaUe sign shall be
placed closer than two hundred feet to any other freestanding, ,gLCprr aiml sign or exceed the standards in Table
8-2. These provisions shall also apply to each multiple -tenant building, unless it is a part of a multiple -building
The allowable freestanding oir oirtablle sign(s) may be used to advertise one or more of the uses in the
multiple -building complex or multiple -tenant building. (gym � 2t t r"� ,-�t ( xt�:• A -)-(part),, 2-016444-20N-46
�.:� (��a�1),..2t�t�t"f. 0�,•� �1.�.w(,pa�.t)-1ft8�',).,,
15.08.150 Freeway suns,
A. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to permit trials�n�atals„s�taas�a�t��s�roel�iirr arad-tori-R
stands-comrner•, Tire eE�taMshnvrits near the freeway a larger on -premises sign to inform freeway travelers of
their services.
B. Location. A freeway sign may be used to substitute an allowable freestanding sign where there is more
than one street frontage, when the use:
Has frontage on Nob Hill Blvd., Yakima Avenue, Terrace Heights Drive, North 1 st Street, North 16th
Avenue, or North 40th Avenue and all or a portion of the lot is within one thousand feet of a freeway
interchange; or
2. Is within two hundred fifty feet of the freeway right-of-way.
C. Number of Freeway Signs. Only one freeway sign is permitted on each parcel, multiple -building complex
or for each development, whichever is more restrictive.
D. Uses with Only One Frontage. Uses within the area described in subsection B of this section with only one
street frontage may install a freeway sign in addition to the permitted freestanding sign.
E. Sign Height. The maximum height for freeway signs is shown in Table 8-3 Grd....2W-d A§ tL,, h...A.)
�f�ert-„-2-1rd-,-2f�,� +m:l..,�,t�ert�;-20. t.�����tµ_g2-8fw �---tom..-f���1-2•°�_ �_�pa�t�;_.g��•
16,08A55 wall & is..
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the foilu tandards,
:.,. Zone.._.l u��lmmu �aPm mu u�m r� ..aHowe 1....onW,�u ru ur�µc�� qu r nd� ! u rug e � �,.. h t�r��u a r�ur
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8 a 4a crag o[jEL§ p is rnt be deLs� fled w ith urs: ble. — - 31ja s,
otherwise- they... MI be%qLlg t r [ r �aU LjLide F SC(1I r l . ,�� 10, 6' ,�W� �q qLj,,
rnu st be I, Lsjg�] tri if stand w� nd and in lu ide �u a iaNeg , r m 9 �11�a�, E � n§
ru m r a l tIT mr uag.... ort l l,
. ...g n riotb M � ted.
.._ww i .
C, &zeand_jLWtght, shall be a maxirnum of fourfeet in 11 nd riaximuni
of three feet in wdth,
D, NUrrib er. Not niore than two IqL19L LIE1 S i�CL� j.aj:, Y 1, .
_L d jMjj§� _
g 'D lk
Lace, I e totql sq�Lare fExet gf not exceed thi 1,wo,QRjjf.,�ej,j11 the
event two siglj�
I -----------
E Location. ...'Pa rtaWe §LiqLi§Lni
_11§.t be Nocated no, fuIlher than_Lp!j_(j_Q �feet �CqrLij
(0,�C�qof the bLlSines, e sit
_qge QLitt_e. LtiMa be,
ocated notfarther than te'12
the s,ite'sdrnIT,a q ancLp. Nog b e sign Ln iy 'og
_q!L_ _ _qq_qj_ _ g _L
located on the CjjK!jjjgf- rliy nail �q
k, LtLl )L -)Mgy L'sg�R@'lLljit
Al At")ichindudesthgsid�
�gE�jkbgrp unit.aHowirl SUCh Use iSSUeid [?y t e Ci ,
R Ds a jour in u0jag m2gjLai ja[La�L iaagy s q y g,�q
......... . .. _gLL _L�L I.L q._�iqL IL
ojwjfi g S
n _t�USj(T0,S M'O r tln hi 010
15.08.1601 Legal4iNonconforming signs ,MaintenanceS, f §A1 is e noyll.2f %1
_AU! and
Enforcement of th1s,Qbapter.
A; Noliconformin
lawfully existing under all codes and ordinances in effect at the
time this title is enacted or amended may continue to be maintained and operated as a legal nonconforming
sign so long as it remains otherwise lawful; provided, that:
1A. No sign shall be changed in any manner that increases its noncompliance with the provisions of
this title; and
2.[1. If the sign is structurally altered or moved, its legal nonconforming status shall be voided, and the
sign will be required to conform to the provisions of this title. Nothing in this section shall be construed to
restrict normal structural repair and maintenance; and
3(";. The sign is not a hazardous or abandoned sign',.a W,-,(Ord,--2G15-0G7-§ 1--(Exh�-A) (pwt),-201-51
-(1. -
Of,d-2008-46, 1-986,Y
4, r! is I_a p r1 1 6 si irl, tenn)q�"Kfyfj_gL� IC e aC a
MaintLena ice C 1e%so _jp
- _g --.-U- MU-nE Mf Me 'r --"E >j�ptjE
L of si ns, It �s unlawf Lfor.an
�avi vii I, g� gga�ession or gontroll overa U. nq,
ii _ tLLp
M _jg to fail to vnaQntain aniy j!it spon
the bauPoldingj lr.ucluLe or,baPo°a�el ukr�mp�aaPoiita�;JL ¢,Mth I.his � ��a r.. �ac�IT he °a�ni!Lq_xovBsigjs of Ibis cop o ,& Porb�"..
oN aceriaarawp� laRir aff :ff � a t rrt kq .Ga p 1 I r LIaH b�a�_.niai at mn Air jLie jgI2_z� :Pou a ...� tVaag� �q ��r ia�j iun �a
II CXMSWILIteµ rf, vNr @ kr r this 4 ��and shall be „V�b ecl toa farc��tl"Tlenp 44tlider'YAAG w1 x.25!
- Removal of sk ns, rpt and/U uwWHASed MsrytLg .t�p�Br.s or oth ed rern n„ants Of oW
i pfl wrvd gflro a m u air rrtl dIoi ilk arseL.or ..:r l c t..paopf a 9 fraf sr ui �q l� tp rale .f” .. q aBVb removed,......Ara addifi n to
the r mrnedies of YMC TW I �,�fa6 ..jiV � 0�b l �l I &wa ppf,d� �ka�i�aa ,rlf f ���..� .. a rt�.$tke r ��mm 69, „ q�m6a4te4 mt Cia P..
.rem .v.a of a. 4' n Stl' ctu which _�"�t�s_IbecoVne; Ll �9,t@ or re s,e nts a h,az ard,to the safe ..l eafth
or %rye Bare of tlr ,p ure a ABY r s f k ap nd ou.:,.fjr f a w u a .
.i. t:pa r qr dad rul uw this Chp I_ ._wViolabons of�Iltc apa V mu rii of hichapta�Rm iamr�BB a� ref fps r�IT cc r in o
....5 .. _... ,7 m
. dmistratrve ad ustment of sign standards allowed. . „�_.�....� ... ,....�._ . ...,...,.a�.
A. Comprehensive Design Plan. A comprehensive design plan is required whenever adjustment of one or
more of the sign design standards of this chapter is proposed or when required as part of a detailed sign plan.
The comprehensive design plan shall include a narrative and site plan, including but not limited to the following:
1. Site plan which includes the physical components of the sign including sign size, height, shape,
color, location and associated landscaping;
2. A description of how the sign relates to the immediate surroundings, including existing and proposed
structures, other signs, neighboring land uses and the character of the zoning district;
3. An explanation of why the existing sign standards are not adequate and require adjustment; and
4. For multiple -tenant buildings and multiple -building complexes, a description of how the available
sign area will be allocated between tenants or leasable spaces.
B Adrruirau Br afivo Adluf fapTp uabµ or 3Por Po 8 ocatio t drni nastrotuve rautpt�tspu ,u�l �r Itau apf� r ua�l tcf ��fa
cl.lta jraaqub _tcfr qrl ups c rti _nnzories and locations nO otherwise qu�uthar zp _afr1.y a�e....a love T'D"?Ip f�gla,�st f of ,u
mijimstr to df1(lc t111arUtn tI@. �� ufci! C
_.....mSiteSLg w h oa rn luf o ITc Ba at_ ., r n1p c eMs f the sJg tru 9u ilTq agp r c� .,gtpugEot Li gp
coor� kgc� fgon fund a< soc ated Wndisc pf?kr u�t.w
stI@LIkIn r6ates to the ��mimed�ate surroIdDjJLgI�!iIfl
al -t
ru S-
Ot r S
n ah )k bg ,lr d u ims and the character of the zcjn�n 6 b ja I
1q) -iqjlr— -AL -L m Jw—o- u 'ni
8,!2 qnV,@mgian.ofmyy tIIq garisbqu IgILI 4E!L( e 4�tp_@, Li L@�qq�.
gaili � �Lq k,U��g�ons are not ad gi d
_ F � �kq' k I
QR. Review Procedures. The administrative official shall review the Uest for
�tn2L,R in accordance with the provisions of YMC Chapter 15.10 and may either approve or
disapprove the plan. The administrative official shall approve the comprehensive design plan and/or
adjustments in the standards of this chapter when hejo.r-s-Ii,e finds that such approval would be consistent with
the character of the zoning district, compatible with neighboring land uses, and create visual harmony between
the sign, structure, and the site where it is located. The administrative official may also attach conditions to this
LLiapproval in order to accomplish the objectives of this sectio n.ctand YMC 15,10,030. Q? 0
MPLUL Ifi-007
2-011-12+5 � 204-1,
30:1-194-27-�A-N- -04-2947-§-1 apart).,. 1'986),;
15.08.180 Variances.
Except as allowed by YMC 15.08.170, no reduction of the standards in this chapter is allowed except pursuant
to YMC Chapterl 5.21. (()rd (Exh , §A (partj,- 20G&I Qi'd 2947-§ 1
15.08.190 Violations.
Failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter is a violation and punishable under YMC Chapter 15.25.
(OF0,201,5-007 §4, 98'0)-"
Exhibit 9=1. City of Yakima Parks
ftk Ma pa—S
DRA" 'Aima Comprehensive Plan - Parks and Recreation. 2
9.3 Challenges and Opportunities
Yakima's park system includes an extensive inventory of passive and active recreation facilities. Repair and
maintenance of these assets is a priority of the Parks and Recreation Division. While there has been
substantial investment in the system in the last 15 years of almost $20 million, there are still parks and
amenities that have aging infrastructure in need of repair or replacement.
Additional land is needed to increase the available park acreage and opportunities in Yakima. Based upon
National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) standards, Yakima is deficient in park land by
approximately 158 acres for the current population. Increased access to existing trail systems, such as the
Yakima Greenway and Powerhouse Canal Pathway, is also a priority.
9.4 Goals and Policies
GOAL 9.1. Maintain existing parks and recreation facilities at a level that meets the public's desire
for safe, clean, and enjoyable parks.
GOAL 9.2. Develop existing city parks and open space areas to meet the current and future
demands of both individual city neighborhoods and the com=munity at large.
GOAL 9.3. Establish and implement a long-range plan for the development of parks, open space,
green belts and pathways within the City of Yakima and the greater urban growth area.
9.3.1. Explore opportunities for leveraging local money for park development through both public and
private grant funding.
9.3.2. Establish an ongoing six-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Parks and Recreation facilities.
• Fund capital improvements through the City's general fund, parks cash balance and state, federal,
and other grants.
g Promote private, public and non-profit partnerships for capital improvements to parks.
DP -Yakima Comprehensive Plan - Parks and Recreation. 3
GOAL 9040 Expand the presence of art throughout the community, particularly in public spaces and
parks to enhance the community and its quality of life.
9.4.1. Foster relationships with local arts organizations to encourage the addition of art in public spaces
and parks.
GOAL 905. Establish a priority for future land acquisition and park development based on
neighborhood as well as the overall City's needs.
9.5.1. Draft a City standard for public open and green space.
9.5.2. Develop and maintain an up-to-date park land acquisition plan that targets and sets priorities for
future park acquisitions.
• Review the City and its neighborhoods and identify needs according to that standard.
• Meet with local neighborhood associations and residents to identify their needs and interests.
• Consider safe pedestrian and bicycle access in future land acquisition and park development.
GORE 9.6. Create a unique and positive image for the City through establishment and
development of green belts and pathways within the City of Yaki Baa
9.6.1. Continue to cooperate and share resources to develop and expand the Yakima Greenway.
9.6.2. Work with the city Bicycle and Pedestrian Pathway Committee to use existing irrigation canal
rights-of-way and Yakima Valley Transportation (YVT) corridors for pathways.
9.6.3. Ensure that bikeways and pedestrian pathways are made a consideration in surface transportation
planning for the City of Yakima.
DRA' '-ikima Comprehensive Plan - Parks and Recreation. 4
9.6.4. Establish landscaping standards for implementation along major city streets, arterials and city
pathways at urban gateways that are compatible with area uses and maintainable by existing city
9.6.5. Incorporate, whenever possible, greenbelts and pathways into all future residential, commercial,
and industrial developments and keep these trails, as much as possible, separate from streets and
9.6.6. Establish connectivity with the William O. Douglas Trail portion which goes through the City of
9.6.7. Explore possibilities for establishing pathway connections between existing and future parks.
GOAL 9.7. Develop innovative approaches to creating new park facilities.
9.7.1. Promote private, public and not profit partnerships for capital improvements to parks.
9.7.2. Encourage creation of a centrally located outdoor performing arts stage orfacility through a public,
private and/or business partnership.
9.7.3. Encourage development of non-traditional recreation venues including a water park, BMX track,
skate parks, disc golf, and other facilities for emerging sports and activities.
9.7.4. Use city cultural and historical landmarks as a cornerstone for park development whenever
9.7.5. Establish level of service standards for city park properties to provide guidelines for their
appropriate use by the public and for special events.
GOAL 9.8. Create and implement a long-range plan and program for the preservation of prime
open space areas in or adjacent to the City of Yakima.
9.8.1. Support continued expansion of the Yakima Greenway.
DF -T Yakima Comprehensive Plan -Parks and Recreation. 5
9.8.2. Support the fostering of a strong relationship between the Greenway and abutting city
9.8.3. Advocate incorporation of greenbelts into future residential, commercial, and industrial
development to minimize impacts of locating potentially incompatible land uses next to one
9.8.4. Preserve open space through means other than ownership, such as transfer of development rights,
tax obligation relief and land donations to non-profit open space preservation organizations.
9.5 Implementation
Yakima's Comprehensive Plan is implemented through the actions and investments made by the City with
the support of its residents and stakeholders. Some of these actions include regulatory changes,
partnerships, coordination, administrative acts, policy changes, and capital investments. The following
implementation items aid in this process.
$xit 9-2. Parks and Recreation Implementation
Capital Facilities Plan Functional plan and funding plan, updated • Capital investment in parks
Parks and Recreation
Comprehensive Plan
Bicycle Master Plan
Functional plan, updated periodically
Strategic plan for bicycle circulation
• Goals and policies to guide future
of parks
• Maintain grant eligibility
• Improved bicycle network
DRA' 'akima Comprehensive Plan - Parks and Recreation. 6