HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-12-16 YPC PacketCity of Yakima Planning Commission
City Hall Council Chambers
Wednesday October 12, 2016
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
YPC Members:
Chairman Scott Clark, Vice -Chair Patricia Byers,
Al Rose, Bill Cook, Peter Marinace, Gavin Keefe, Tom Trepanier
Council Liaison: Avina Gutierrez
Ci Planning Staff':
Joan Davenport (Community Development Director/Planning Manager); Jeff Peters
(Supervising Planner); Joseph Calhoun (Senior Planner); Trevor Martin (Associate Planner);
Eric Crowell (Assistant Planner); Rosalinda Ibarra (Administrative Assistant); and
Lisa Maxey (Department Assistant)
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Staff Announcements
IV. Audience Participation
V. Approval of Meeting Minutes of September 28, 2016
VI. Comprehensive Plan Update: Refresher on Required Elements and Adoption Timeline
VII. Other Business
VIII. Adjourn
Next Meeting: October 26, 2016
City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) City Hall Council Chambers
Meeting Minutes of October 12, 2016
Call to Order
Vice -Chair Patricia Byers called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
Roll Call
YPC Members Present: Vice -Chair Patricia Byers, Al Rose, Bill Cook, Tom Trepanier,
Gavin Keefe, Peter Marinace
YPC Members Absent: Chairman Scott Clark (excused)
Staff Present: Joan Davenport, Planning Manager; Joseph Calhoun, Senior
Planner; Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner; Lisa Maxey,
Department Assistant; Sara Watkins, Senior Assistant City
Others: Sign -in sheet in file
Staff Announcements
Supervising Planner Jeff Peters announced that flyers and letters have been distributed
to the Yakima Greater Chamber of Commerce, the Yakima Hispanic Chamber of
Commerce, and other interested parties, regarding the Planning Commission meeting on
October 26th pertaining to outdoor product displays and amendments to the sign
Sara Watkins, Senior Assistant City Attorney, announced that she has updated the draft
sign ordinance which was provided to the Commission earlier this year. She briefly went
over what changes were made. Commission and staff had discussion on trailer signs.
Audience Participation
Jerry Hand communicated that he would like trailer signs to be allowed in the ordinance.
Approval of Meeting Minutes of September 28 2016
Commissioner Rose made a motion to approve the meeting minutes of September 28th,
2016. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
Comprehensive Plan Update: Refresher on Re uired Elements & Adoption Timeline
Senior Planner Joseph Calhoun briefed the Commission on the Comprehensive Plan
foundation and vision and announced what elements the Commission will be reviewing
in the future. He explained the timeline for adoption of the comprehensive plan,
including the timing of environmental review, notice to Department of Commerce, future
workshops and public hearings, etc.
Other Business
Commissioner Rose announced that he will be missing a few Commission meetings in
the near future due to medical issues.
Ad'o urn
A motion to adjourn to October 26, 2016 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting
adjourned at 3:40 p.m.
Chairman Scott Clark Date
This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Department Assistant II
'Ad=R%WY VAKW �� y a F w" 'r g
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SIGN -IN ��. ..E E T r�
City of Yakima Planning Commission
City Hall Council Chambers
Wednesday October 12, 2016
Beginning at 3:00 p.m.
Public Meeting
..._......................__....._............................................. .......................... _................................... ............................. ..
Page 1 10/12/2016 YPC Meeting
[�ubl*c Participation/ Comments
The City of Yakima Planning
CommI*ss1*on invites the
public to join in discussion on whether or
not to pursue additional regulations for
(on private property and public right-of-way).
Due to recent court decisions, there will
also be discussion and review of
(YMC Chapter 15.08).
If you can't attend the meeting, feel free to send us comments!
Email to ask . tAannina-ia)_Uakimawa. qo-,-,
When: Wednesday October 26th, 2016
at 3:00 p.m.
Where: City Hall Council Chambers
(129 N 2nd St)
View the proposed sign amendments under the Quick Links
section of the City of Yakima Planning Division webpage:
_�ndme ni,
Questions? Contact Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner at
(509) 575-6163 or email to
111annin Division
Pr1%Nk, Joan Davenport, AICP, Director
i 129, North Second Street, 2"d Floor, Yakima, WA 98901
ask. platuiing@yakiiiiawa.gov yakiinawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning
DATE: October 10, 2016
TO: Greater Yakima Chamber of Commerce
FROM: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director & Planning Manager
SUBJECT: Notice of public meeting and request for public participation and comment
regarding potential regulatory changes to the display of outdoor product
displays and signs.
To whom it may concern:
The City of Yakima Planning Division Commission would like to invite you to its October 26,
2016 meeting at 3:00 p.m. in the Yakima City Council Chambers to hold a public
discussion/forum to determine whether the City should pursue additional regulations for outdoor
product displays, both on private property and public right-of-way (Examples include: displays or
tables with products for sale, mannequins, appliances such as barbeques and lawn and garden
equipment, and other apparatus used to display products outside of an existing business). This
code amendment request was requested by a member of the public and forwarded to the City of
Yakima Planning Commission by the Yakima City Council for consideration earlier this year.
In addition, due to recent court decisions regarding regulatory signs, City staff and the Planning
Commission will also be reviewing and discussing an initial draft of amendments to the City of
Yakima's Sign Ordinance (YMC Ch. 15.08). A draft of the proposed sign amendments may be
found on the City of Yakima's website at:tt /iri/sryuq��r�r:s /psd
. . ,
1 r� rrL ndrnents
In the event that you are unable to attend the public meeting but would like to provide comments
on either topic, written comment may be submitted to the address below, or emailed to
a kms Lgjog. imawa. v:
Joan Davenport, AICP, Planning Manager
City of Yakima, Department of Community Development
129 North Second Street
Yakima, WA 98901
(Please reference outdoor product displays and/or sign amendments in your correspondence)
If you have any questions on these proposals please contact Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner at
(509) 575-6163 or email to: "eff. rs ak�mawa. y.
Planning 1")k,isk�o
Joan Davenport, AICP, Director
129 North Second Street, 2°a Floor, Yakima, WA 98901
ask.plaiiiiitig@yakiiiiawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning
DATE: October 10, 2016
TO: To Whom It May Concern
FROM: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director & Planning Manager
SUBJECT: Notice of public meeting and request for public participation and comment
regarding potential regulatory changes to the display of outdoor product
displays and signs.
To whom it may concern:
The City of Yakima Planning Division Commission would like to invite you to its October 26,
2016 meeting at 3:00 p.m. in the City of Yakima Council Chambers, to hold a public
discussion/forum to determine whether the City should pursue additional regulations for outdoor
product displays, both on private property and public right-of-way (Examples include: displays or
tables with products for sale, mannequins, appliances such as barbeques and lawn and garden
equipment, and other apparatus used to display products outside of an existing business). This
code amendment request was requested by a member of the public and forwarded to the City of
Yakima Planning Commission by the Yakima City Council for consideration earlier this year.
In addition, due to recent court decisions regarding regulatory signs, City staff and the Planning
Commission will also be reviewing and discussing an initial draft of amendments to the City of
Yakima's Sign Ordinance (YMC Ch. 15.08). A draft of the proposed sign amendments may be
found on the City of Yakima's website at: ti a�ov/services/ r nnin i r sed-
si n -am n meat
In the event that you are unable to attend the public meeting but would like to provide comments
on either topic, written comment may be submitted to the address below, or emailed to
Ls—k.-PI—aa m a)yg -1sna� a. �v:
Joan Davenport, AICP, Planning Manager
City of Yakima, Department of Community Development
129 North Second Street
Yakima, WA 98901
(Please reference outdoor product displays and/or sign amendments in your correspondence)
If you have any questions on these proposals please contact Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner at
(509) 576-6163 or email to:pters@ lircavy.
Pkinning Y' ivis0a.'n
Joan Davenport, AJC'", Director
129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901
ask.plannitig@yakiiiiawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning
DATE: October 10, 2016
TO: Yakima Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
FROM: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director & Planning Manager
SUBJECT: Notice of public meeting and request for public participation and comment
regarding potential regulatory changes to the display of outdoor product
displays and signs.
To whom it may concern:
The City of Yakima Planning Division Commission would like to invite you to its October 26,
2016 meeting at 3:00 p.m. in the Yakima City Council Chambers, to hold a public
discussion/forum to determine whether the City should pursue additional regulations for outdoor
product displays, both on private property and public right-of-way (Examples include: displays or
tables with products for sale, mannequins, appliances such as barbeques and lawn and garden
equipment, and other apparatus used to display products outside of an existing business). This
code amendment request was requested by a member of the public and forwarded to the City of
Yakima Planning Commission by the Yakima City Council for consideration earlier this year.
In addition, due to recent court decisions regarding regulatory signs, City staff and the Planning
Commission will also be reviewing and discussing an initial draft of amendments to the City of
Yakima's Sign Ordinance (YMC Ch. 15.08). A draft of the proposed sign amendments may be
found on the City of Yakima's website at: htt� "c@srJ gvisearirniPW / res�dp
§Ignn- mencirnents
In the event that you are unable to attend the public meeting but would like to provide comments
on either topic, written comment may be submitted to the address below, or emailed to
g,sk,P—Jgo min A rnp±/� a q, v:
Joan Davenport, AICP, Planning Manager
City of Yakima, Department of Community Development
129 North Second Street
Yakima, WA 98901
(Please reference outdoor product displays and/or sign amendments in your correspondence)
If you have any questions on these proposals please contact Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner at
(509) 575-6163 or email to: jffu s�� pliwv ov.
Chapter 15.08
Development permit required.
NonreqOatod sigrvs-,
Prohibited signs.
Sign standards.
General provisions.
Projection over right-of-way.
Roof signs.
Wall signs.
Fascia signs.
Temporary signs.
Directional signs.
Off -premises signs and billboards.
15.08.140 Multiple -building complexes and multiple -tenant buildings.
15.08.150 Freeway signs.
15r0&155 PgJaWe s'
15,08,1160 Lagat-nNonconforming signs, Matedak&, Removal and Enforcement.
15.08.170 Administrative adjustment of sign standards allowed.
15.08.180 Variances.
15.08.190 Violations. 0. 11.0 Purpose.
',Pie p�,upose-ofthis,chaptor �640
the-posba ",,jsp1aYV1,g, eFeGfillg, -use, and nine ritenanfLe of signs
within-ttie urbamares -shaU occur fn (Ord -2-011500741-(Exh, -A) -(part),=-51-0rd.
2008-46§-1 1-986), 1hp
neutral and nondiscrjqi�natn �i ,, pqqirements, It has also been ado
3 The free flow of h'affic and to
qUEOutaWe to, ns
fair and consistent einfoircerneint of this
9 b A Qt@, —r,
r bLs —rhaL)WrJs riot i n tencleld to, restrict spje )g - basis of its content . V�e 6n or i mssao:
User or ot[ie(Wse should be
be consh
15.08.020 Definitions.
For the purpose of this chapter, certain abbreviations, terms, phrases, words and derivatives shall be construed
oospecified herein.
"Abandoned sign" means any sign located on property that is vacant and unoccupied for a period of six months
or more, or any sign which pertains to any occupant, business or event unrelated to the present occupant or
,j,',,L�yj)j,ovjdes nofice of the condition,
"Banner" means any sign of lightweight fabric or similar material that is mounted to a pole or building at one or
more edges. National flags, state and local flags orany official flag ednninstitution mrbusiness will not bm
considered banners.
"Canopy sign" means any sign that is part of or attached to an awning, canopy or other fabric, plastic or
structural protective cover over a door, entrance, window or outdoor service area.
"Changing message center sign" means an electronically or qi„prjg@ai„y controlled sign where different automatic
changing messages are shown on the lamp bank. This definition includes time and temperature displays.
"Construction sign” means any sign used to identify the architects, engineers, contractors or other individuals or
firms involved with the construction of a building and to show the design of the building or the purpose for which
the building is intended.
"Directional s ign". eans.a �qn erected the pg(pg§@ off Hitatm np rsillwng.jbe offa ,u nti and safe
inovernent Offrrall ,w pr v Iiicles w Irwin a w�"i UIt enanf deve n I r f: ee_pU o"off-premises directional
sign" and "on -premises directional sign."
"Electrical sign" means a sign or sign structure in which electrical wiring, connections, and/or fixtures are used
as part of the sign proper.
"Fascia board" means:
1. A board used on the outside vertical face of a cornice.
2. The board connecting the top of the siding with the bottom of a soffit.
3. A board nailed across the ends of the rafters at the eaves.
4. The edge beam of a bridge.
5. A flat member or band at the surface of a building.
Figure 8-1
"Fascia sign" means a sign which is attached to the fascia board of an existing building's roof structure where
the sign projects less than one foot from the fascia or parapet of the building, including the parapet to which it is
affixed, painted or attached, running parallel for its whole length to the face or wall of the building, and which
does not extend beyond the horizontal width of such building. The building's fascia board shall have a soffit and
end caps installed flush with the bottom and ends of the sign, integrating the subject sign into the building's
fascia and overall roof system.
PJ1AY AK) r,
PoTdU,l9,8""FGk'd&A .'$t'kFPd.A...REOUIRED
& END CAPS MUST BE ,. 'F 48'C A HO U .
Figure 8-2
q91 �aftache 1A th.d tit c(@wee r a t s �. kit r LLpa a+ a pw na ,bo al
rt,pj� p syr i .!p. ,
"Flashing sign" means an electric sign or a portion thereof (except changing message centers) which changes
light intensity in a sudden transitory burst, or which switches on and off in a constant pattern in which more than
one-third of the nonconstant light source is off at any one time.
"Freestanding sign" means any sign supported by one or more uprights, poles or braces in or upon the ground.
"Freeway sign" means a freestanding sign designed and placed to attract the attention of freeway traffic.
Gad-op'enoV..,sign""reeve "°n o ry.."sum s..". stm es<, t p e'r „..stu°i fs"of i, t .. q s& of fl,4-)a f8 ons
the--openivig of a"oo npiet aiy nam.. a tarps so "or" e" opeiing-ot an enterpr4'se
unda4r-new '➢'k9v"#Mweme 9t
"Marquee/display case sign" means a sign typically associated with, but not limited to, movie theaters,
performing arts theaters, and theatrical playhouses. The sign is attached flat against and parallel to the surface
of the structure, or attached to a structure approved by the building official. In addition, a changeable copy area
is included where characters, letters, or illustrations can be changed or rearranged without altering the face or
the surface of the sign. Marquee/display case signs shall be considered wall signs regulated under the
provisions of YMC 15.08.100, and all sign materials placed behind the clear/translucent material shall not be
considered a temporary sign subject to the provisions of YMC 15.08.110.
"Multiple -building complex" is a group of structures housing two or more retail, office, or commercial uses
sharing the same lot, access and/or parking facilities, or a coordinated site plan. For purposes of this section,
each multiple -building complex shall be considered a single use.
"Multiple -tenant building" is a single structure housing two or more retail, office, or commercial uses sharing the
same lot, access and/or parking facilities, or a coordinated site plan. For purposes of this section, each
multiple -building complex shall be considered a single use. (See YMC 15.08.140.)
P paagfr L(5 rni,np t rb" ua rt,s ptr.r rstrr dart,iic't a� ono tnr c ot'if runed to4 �Id �l11�rL�� ui ent� and
standards of this "q�u tit � iii�wt fudi pq .t�?"..tirv�w� ,t q��u�r�trs���� teat ��t� ch si,Ab eg ii � �N"�"..t`t" qua jo,somconform d,t�
to ar � art sw c ro tUr rernents and s�4ar4g rLiL
"Off -premises directional sign" means an off -premises sign with directions to a particular business,
"Off -premises sign" means a sign advertising or promoting merchandise, service, goods, or entertainment sold,
produced, manufactured or furnished at a place other than on the property where the sign is located.
"On -premises directional sign" means a sign directing pedestrian or vehicular traffic to parking, entrances, exits,
service areas, or other on-site locationss,artiulf hagshrr.
"On -premises sign" means a sign incidental to a lawful use of the premises on which it is located, advertising
the business transacted, services rendered, goods sold or products produced on the premises or the name of
the business or name of the person, firm or corporation occupying the premises.
i rata Gau n r .t .t rt rr .4.: A as n tr urted of weather, resist iiwt material and '..pr to ded ti pairr ,ate rr ,aarcj
that dors rcpt ottrr! ir)Mse rrneet ffie defiurition of "tem 'k
w o .icai sago' wd^"'tV81ng.a.,9rfidat oran�"tBdates-fr-ubhc...el'ctivoffm";.o9' °pGMi4rI
party,,, a aFtr(Rri rrAvote ons -a pubfic issuedecided- yubaPot
"Portable sign" means a. free 4&n sign made of wood, metal, plastic, or other durable material that is not
attached to the ground or a structure. This definition includes sandwich boards, and portable reader boards if
placed on private property. Signs placed on public or street right-of-way, including public sidewalks, require
review under YMC 8.20.055.
.'Projecting sign" means a sign, other than a wall sign, that is attached to and projects from a structure or
building face.
� 8 0
City "`"�"""' PROJECTING SIGN (YMC 15.08.080)
Figure 8-3
"PeaR estate si,grr" e s any -sign portair-iinc to. -the sale,4e*ase-ot ref t l-of-Hari-or--builcli�i s,
"Roof sign" means any sign erected or constructed as an integral part or is essentially part of a normal roof
structure of any building design, where any portion of the face of which is situated above the roof line to which it
is attached, and which is wholly or partially supported by said building. See YMC 15.08.090.
"Sign" means -le t of !n !:Pq4m! oG, %_ r loa g , with or Mthout.l,@I Urnination,w, n any medium, including its
structural component parts, used or intended to attract attention to the subject matter that identifies, advertises,
and/or promotes as a-Gtwftyyq product, port service, place tiir prof j t n,oG 1t ,_p pnht of sale or
business,.... GE-aspy-offiea..#iii° ._" inc ..iterri i aOed �O si r�„ rLa wtuch as IIS fVo
a r ro A ui rra r k,. 1. l.in lwaia les„ it strnfl r_devices intended to attract attention,,.
"Sign area" means that area contained within a single continuous perimeter enclosing the entire sign.airrd/or
a.�jia cabinet, but excluding any support or framing structure that does not convey a message.
"Sign cabinet" means the module or background containing the advertising message but excluding sign
supports, architectural framing, or other decorative features which contain no written or advertising copy.
"Sign height" means the vertical distance measured from the grade below the sign or upper surface of the
nearest street curb, whichever permits the greatest height, to the highest point of the sign.
Figure 8-4
"Sign setback" means the horizontal distance from the property line to the nearest edge of the sign cabinet.
"Street frontage" means the length in feet of a property line(s) or lot line(s) bordering a public street. For corner
lots, each street -side property line shall be a separate street frontage. The frontage for a single use or
development on two or more lots shall be the sum of the individual lot frontages.
Figure 8-5
Temporary sign" means any sign n C, a iLit talaced nn t .° LP ��s� w unC a oncre
tlGr atmrtr means to pennant,-; c rst.ret�, ,banner pennant; valance or
advertising display constructed of cloth, paper, canvas, cardboard, or other light nondurable materials
Lr al,rj r a U., u� a � 1 t r p � gy r _1 p r s ,n t Q mr a� M u ��ite r
,tl rw u y dtoap rau wbrrrtm k�LJet lm c mm i�dan . �"�o�u � Ar � _ n rw _rr� ��r�t wl�r� r�utifr�r�wwcf non-durable
m aerial , AlrwItr6rlg.but not finilted to,_ gprpr, p _t w r�twt& n i g �' A9 ttr,�..�c� sr��crc� tic �� �a¢� cr j ads
. ..�...w L . w., .,u.
ggclrted With wwgr soUbp.ew.p,ymde of them nik riis shall be qnudc rim fa �l �mir� � ut � reit
Grp twit rm ctMto tk a ,l r rru r llt opt V p. l gt lg �r n�a ,t thus
tp,,l.., '.ypes of displays include<,l an.this-c t at ory ere:
grand of ening„ spe+c4 &Mec; special .erra nt, afwJ
U,se uatenfiftatio10-a-school
cl"m�nd�c4mry.msideu�wtm;w.rl...deveuNanaentd.r�r a ng�,aB t���swr�c��, ol.her tlmam~m ..tmom°��mm"M o�,orpat�on rn..a,.mr�sientiaµ..t�str�Nc-r:
"Wall sign" means any on -premises sign attached to or painted directly on, or erected against and parallel to,
the wall of a building. See YMC 15.08.10,0.
RO A10RE Tih'J
City Of Yakima WALL SIGN (YMC 15,08.100)
Figure. 8-6
"Window sign" means any sign, pictures, symbol or combination thereof, designed to communicate information
about as aoti ity;g, business, commodity, event, sale or service, placed inside a window or upon the window
panes or glass and visible from the exterior of the window. Wjridow
site-$ total rlro nlber,sigri erea,; aridshaH not 1e- counted as, wall, orternpor r -y
signage gas regr~ Wted rim-Jef YM -;4- d 'l d and,..1-&Q&4 �dr'rrdo v slgr a. tyro sr o erds,.;dltty p ec �rrt ot..,r � y
gi en�r iirodow ahea is Trot penT*tted ((Drid- 01.5 007 §
2008-46_§_1- 3g„ t� 01. O1 d. 1"t)t & 1 988,, Ord, -,2,94-7-§--1 (pal1);"4986).
15.08.030 Development permit required.
No sign governed by this title shall be erected, structurally altered or relocated after the adoption without first
receiving a development permit from the building official. _AH,a ppt gkrrlps tit--vpgplg�) fmt „1„nlr t�,,,,
r r l (ter tpg V_be reviewed for conspstegya.ywyltd (t1g st el drrl "asp tpju l"n ppgr it p r tp 1....r11�1 Ctr a 6s 1 ..p(
Mrl,.Yakima uni ig ia Le' a�r"a` rt .rjyp.,p rr1 (cbtpl �.. 1apl�cr��1I uaLgpaltlfi n
1. For New Uses. All on -premises signs meeting the standards of this chapter are considered Class (1)
uses requiring Type (1) review. On -premises signs not meeting the standards shall follow the procedures
ofYMC15]Dl1ID and are otherwise not permitted. Off -premises signs and billboards are permitted as
identified inYMC15.{�8.13D
2. For Changes or Replacement of an Existing Sign. Structural changes to, or replacement of, an
existing sign requires Type (1) review and approval by the building official. Ch !Mf§I�jtk
-1 4243i
___ ______
Provkled. the- b9I'owmei,'*0r'I'9d signs"M'PAt, of, YMIG,I 15L.08 A70, Hnd exc;erA when
of *4& chajAer, the- fdlowmg signs -are notregWated-as,40
with, the exception -of Mndow �n4vs-secfion_do
not, rvqWre, a, perniW
offiraial flags of foreign 4,iternationvifly--and
10.. e4erfive,a,ffiue,,-,a poIiWaVp,,,.'irty,air
Pr(R710fing aPOGRron -on-a-Pubk, issue rftj.ring -,q,oarnpaqn; -pnwided that.
Oecftion-exc; eptlhat in
rases„.where a goneral,ele(Aa n4oflows. a signs for. (;andrdkyt esI,wh()se
names, wW-appeaf-on #ie_ba4ot- iri tha,�
ger)an:i[,eIeGfion, may -be dispiayed -dtidng'the -Oterwn joeviod,
and -up to,fifUieri- days,aftar
b, No pol,itir,,at,,srgn,,shat -be,-ererted,,upon any privatR-PropeKly wfthoutt.l°Ie permile'sion of 1he
resident -or ownf,,4r tk-)areof, endo 4n -oases where here- isno,-occupied,,stri°ktCtLmre-t)f,'I,tl,-IePFGpef4,,'y,III)
polftk;at signs shak-be- placed thereon w4hout
'11v Ternporary-sigirm!, no more than two ternporary signs -per. parc*l.,,.rrot to-ew,;eed-a-cornbined Iotai of
thirty4wo,square feet of sign area
I. .,.ftanW, ies,,andawninq-srqn&
41- -0011 al pk,ublk;, ibsi-jed, nt-agency or,i3odyorrequired- of. -provided, for
under adopted statut%
14 and reRi-eatato t 2015407,§ 1
2004-2,15§1, 2001 4 93-rg'l, § 33;4 991,
Ord, 301 9-§,34,k I 4871-"",,O,r(,J,,,.,,,2,94'7-,k 4 (PaFt'), 4,986),
The f0owing signs are exempt from the fee ppr!' '�L -rQ30 arwi-Ti, e b
_q, ti ��Lrequirements of YMCA 4,, 04, H 4'15�- ut
0 . . ............. _ .......
reqwre,subrnittW-and approval -of a.,,&gn_pennit rneebriq Uie-9 eneral requirernent& r.)f 08.07f), -andVile
rate spe6ficn, slandards of-YM(,,�,Gh,,1 & O&U, �' chaM' ter:
P.- "I', '
On -premises signs not readable from the public right-of-way, i.e., menu boards, int
e dqLs jLqps, etc.;
2. On -premises directional signs;
3,BartTgjZple ,,graves,tones or structures intended for, a g �:M coqtw'ne 15
4, nurnbers as reguired_f�!ElLj:g,u:!Ltp.tl,ie'Yakpma i gdsrrmc ip
�'g ILI _QPdq qr_,an other
5. Temporary signs
i _p ked or stationed near an act t
g1tention to such actjyjjy,�LnLp§s such vehiclie or rnobile unit is
wind �n such a rnanner as to be eaSH 'e
window does not exceed that as a�lbwed in fihis Ch@ptqcjgE.YqifIdqw &g!,:Lqsgjd_Tgtpp Cgfy
15.08.050 Prohibited signs.
The following signs are prohibited:
1. Signs on any vehicle or trailer parked on public or private property and visible from a public right-of-
way for the purpose of circumventing the provisions of this chapter. This provision shall not prohibit signs
painted on or magnetically attached to any vehicle operating in the normal course of business;
2. Signs purporting to be, imitating, or resembling an official traffic sign or signal_b , uip-ptt,�ttt°� t9t�p,L ,
itllgrt(to ,zant_nflitjtntp t,tiptl; could cause confusion with any official sign, or which obstruct the visibility of any
9 1. � y t.
traffic/street sign siig nal.c A" its rdairr � mlt nrnothio o iilumnnrnatior
3. Signs attached to utility, streetlight and traffic-control-staridar<l poles or ifpr ilmt el.;,, su n n mmatta hed t
fences wrw�ne'd (hami y. r�
4. Swinging projecting signs;
5. Signs in a dilapidated (i.e., having peeling paint, major cracks or holes, and/or loose or dangling
materials) or hazardous condition;
6. Abandoned signs;
7. Signs on doors, windows or fire escapes that restrict free ingress or egress; and
8. Any other sign not meeting the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 2015-007 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2015;
Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008: Ord. 93-81 § 34, 1993: Ord. 2947 § 1 (part), 1986).
`iSA& 066 Sion-naain r o
A,_,Senerai be n,'ia tanr din- c)d vAer and rspair at do,not
Corrs-tu vIe any-darn,ger peeHng paint major- oracles Arid loose and
dang inn niaterWs -Sigas that are -not rnaintamrred in oris wiar ner-sha l -be consW red-proNbitetiJ--si na
. -t owminforaiirig Sdgn- baintiefiarwe ar�ad Re,pa,tr, otl�4iq in thi&tWe shGall-re eve the,owrlial'-o�' ose;`-0alegW
m'woncorrfairmwrng-sign., orthe owner r)fthe�proi>er#y n whl ch -the looated,,_trorn-the
tra isurrrrs rpt tlsw ream°tmwurr ur twrwrlmrrtt safety,, rrmrrir kem am o ..rapaur... r rl6or.mr r oval rrf sittaas: (~See YMG_145,08 t 6G,)
)(part),,.pOOft;t�a�t...93-8t..�...„� 1tttttj
15.08.060 Sign standards.
The provisions of this chapter and the requirements in Table 8-1, "Type and Number of Signs Permitted," Table
8-2, "Maximum Sign Area," and Table 8-3, "Sign Height and Setbacks," are established for all signs in the
zoning districts indicated. All permitted signs are subject to the review procedures of this title and the standards
of this section. Signs for Class (1), (2) and (3) uses shall be subject to the same procedural and review
requirements as the principal use.
Table 8-1. Type and Number of Signs Permitted
bul�Iboards �
Nameplates 1 Per Dwelling
Permitted as an Accessory Use to an Approved or Existing Use
........ -...................... ............. ..........._ ...... _...._.............._.._.u_............................................ ................. _.....u_....
Roof/Portable Signs
Not Permitted Class (1) Use
I.D. Only On -premises signs meeting the standards of this chapter are
Not Permitted (1) uses requiring Type (1) review. On -premises signs not me
of this chapter shall follow the procedures of YMC 15.08.170,
not permitted.
See YMC ,15,.,08,.150
Not Class (2) Use Not Class (2) Us(
Adv( rIis
Permitted Permitted
Si lboard
bul�Iboards �
Nameplates 1 Per Dwelling
Table 8-1. Type and Number of Signs Permitted
Subdivision 1 Per Street Frontage 1 Per Street Frontage
Not Permitted
1. Wall: YMC 15.08.100/Roof: YMC 15.08.090
2. Portable: Y(rw, 15M155,
axr�eeu.�-« cr��nf�rr�ed 1a4�ul.,of xt sg�r���rr.t'eet rpt=sigr:�.,,r
Via: e sr� at,..Signs-M ling;..rnr r'e tlian.43'
8�t..s,guaa�e:,taot of,..s,ign �re,a tier arr�r�l,.,or..rr�or�� rl'�r�r
signs ger parcel „,u to -a r axirnurn-rrt #our s�rgns;
.. m..w.w..._..............................a.a.a.a....................................... _....
Freeway: See YMC 15.0 .150
Directional: See YMC 1.10(B)
Not Permitted
1 Sign Per Parcel (Also See YMC 15.08.130)
------------------------ ---------
r jg,udjrl
1. YMC 15.1 _1 0 has freestanding sign provisions for multiple -building complexes and multiple -tenant buildings.
2. Nameplates and subdivision identification signs permitted in the residential districts may be placed on a wall—
See Table 8-2.
Table 8-2. Maximum Sign Area
Freestanding and Projecting Signs
Sign is set back 15 ft. or Sign is set back 15 ft. or WALL
less from required right -of- more from required right -of- SIGNS
way way
SR, R-1, R-2, and R-3
Nameplates up to 2 sq. ft. and subdivision/project identification up to 32 sq.
HB and B-1
24 sq. ft. 40 sq. ft.
�............._ ...........................
40 sq. ft. 60 sq. ft.
_. ..-..-......._................................................................ � ..............
SCC Frontage
1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per
is less
ft. of frontage up to 100 sq. ft. lineal ft. of frontage up to 150
than 400
sq. ft.
ft. long
1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per
is more
ft. of frontage up to 150 sq. ft. lineal ft. of frontage up to 200
than 400
sq. ft.
ft. long
LCC Frontage
1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per WALL TO
UP TO 300
is less
ft. of frontage up to 150 sq. ft. lineal ft. of frontage up to 200 WHICH
than 400
sq. ft. ATTACHED
ft. long
1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per
is more
ft. of frontage up to 200 sq. ft. lineal ft. of frontage up to 250
than 400
sq. ft.
ft. long
1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal ft. of frontage up to 150 sq. ft.
............... ....... -- ...................... ... _...............
GC Frontage
1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per
is less
ft. of frontage up to 150 sq. ft. lineal ft. of frontage up to 200
sq. ft.
Table 8-2. Maximum Sign Area
Freestanding and Projecting Signs
Sign is set back 15 ft. or
Sign is set back 15 ft. or
less from required right -of-
more from required right -of-
than 400
ft. long
1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal
1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per
is more
ft. of frontage up to 200 sq. ft.
lineal ft. of frontage up to 250
than 400
sq. ft.
ft. long
1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal
1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per
is less
ft. of frontage up to 150 sq. ft.
lineal ft. of frontage up to 200
than 400
sq. ft.
ft. long
1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal
1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per
is more
ft. of frontage up to 200 sq. ft.
lineal ft. of frontage up to 250
than 400
sq. ft.
ft. long
1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal
1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per
is less
ft. of frontage up to 150 sq. ft.
lineal ft. of frontage up to 200
than 400
sq. ft.
ft. long
1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal
1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per
is more
ft. of frontage up to 200 sq. ft.
lineal ft. of frontage up to 250
than 400
sq. ft.
ft. long
1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal
1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area per
ft. of frontage up to 100 sq. ft.
lineal ft. of frontage up to 150
sq. ft.
Table 8-2. Maximum Sign Area
Freestanding and Projecting Signs
ZONING DISTRICT Sign is set back 15 ft. or Sign is set back 15 ft. or WALL FREEWAY
less from required right -of- more from required right -of- SIGNS SIGNS
way way
Table 8-3. Sign Height and Setbacks
M- M_
_............. �._._...
Freestanding Sign is set 5 ft. 10 ft. 15 30 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft.
back 15 feet ft.
or less from
Sign is set 10 ft. 15 ft. 20 35 ft. 40 ft. 30 ft. 40 ft.
back more ft.
than 15 feet
from required
Projecting Not permitted2 See YMC 15.08.080
1. Wall 1 Top of wall to which attached (YMC 1,_ 08 1.00)
2. Fascia 2. Horizontal and vertical limits of fascia board to which
attached (YMC 1,5 08w1�05)
Table 8-3. Sign Height and Setbacks
M- M_
Freeway Where permitted: 70 ft.
Minimum front yard Edge of right-of-way
Minimum side yard Required setback standards for each zoning district (Table 5-1)
1 YMC 15.08.140 has special freestanding sign provisions for multiple -building complexes and multiple -tenant buildings.
2 Nameplates and subdivision identification signs permitted in the residential districts may be placed on a wall. (See
Table 8-2.)
(Ord. 2015-007 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2015: Ord. 2011-12 § 4 (part), 2011; Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008: Ord. 93-81 §
36, 1993; Ord. 3106 § 17, 1988; Ord. 3019 § 35, 1987: Ord. 2947 § 1 (part), 1986).
15.08.070 General provisions.
All signs iw l lug p)m��w��rt_t p mpor r � n" , shall comply with the following provisions:
A. Construction shall satisfy the requirements of the building code an( 1-)pMa °l(� t Ngm s, must be
manufactured of duirabII�s...t���:�;t��,da� s that t with t�1ir�. '....tIV�eyel is ( water tpd ����id as efl wr�{g� t lid _� 011 ink
_. .
,,._... .." s r : > 1 spal0. a, gnw �I c nr 0 ysa yl res s i f �pppped with adh sives,,_,,ijf irw
alll �1 l v ywn J signs d"a� ust e durabp.
2,_1 .Sign t4 made of cany sf bric�liable rnatewWs ttiµ t are attached to,
1111,1st be mounted behind aj w!pt Mp r f"uagjg pc torn M %I pf tbo sian
face are maot epon d ex:m ul w lu a _td@],_IT�u ade �a�f..�C�0�% u� u�mrt m l u� �cr...�ai _ oh uat; fu�am�nw@�a � �gq.!.ua�w'��� rad in
B. Except for nonregulated, exouu�uttLand temporary signs, all signs shall be permanently attached to a building
or the ground;
C. Signs attached to a building shall not exceed the height of the building, except under the provisions of
D. All signs shall comply with the setback requirements in Table 8-3, except when the side or rear yard is a
street frontage, then the front setback shall apply;
E. Lighting directed on or internal to any sign shall be shaded, screened, or directed so that the light's
intensity or brightness shall not adversely affect neighboring property or motor vehicle safety;
F. All signs together with their supports, braces, and guys shall be maintained in a safe and secure manner;
G. The ratio of the area of the sign support, framing structure, and/or other decorative features which contain
no written or advertising copy to the sign cabinet shall not be greater than 1:1;
t+- -A geary ew r tm'i uu agle shmsl9 be r a mrrt ur e C au -all mfrly , am t -curet -outs aor 4ziori, safety.,.p rW.4u)s-(see
HI. No tre tandurig signs shall be placed in the clear view triangle of roraadwayt, rq,wr yaay `au r usr a r u�st �u
established in YMC 15.05.040; and
!J. Any exterior lighting must be shielded and directed away from adjoining streets or residential uses.
J,... laf construction f fr ru rrr gtya ra a limited o theniat r al descfte nn the definiflon of °`turn pouor
sir rr_l e_r In __Iln addifi,ior ma tore p umory.gIWIM11st„also conform to the uogUiroments of this ch -3 ter, includun .but
not IIlmited to, enutcon t 5, 0 J_10t Ctr;u'nwpou,Fuug,p ),,
ngrus shatn be affix cou auam ulou� to 4pn ufu ur tterR non rau stlror�usrrnm �attac h d tai dr f,G�ut pnon� rt
_,. �a �..,.�
uuwftuuutau o ..
but riotmtumite tpa untatluty pratr.?. ! mtuln y tr �s.. op os, u n rot, agut .....�uuM wla ,uign ww l� tao rfnowrad,. ,y`
pg,Wiu works.�Rernoved sir1ns MR be held for five businp_d” y at the Public ors,ttoo rtruient afterwyrlhridi
jljjgy.+ ull be discardedand/or des roypat,..
? d � ,r11e7 p poor ed wiftn the � �� w � �a��!li rw of the, it�.w�n ���_a � � s ��� � o�f�� �� 9�.��rn�utYtr�
(Ord. 2015-007 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2015: Ord. 2011-12 § 4 (part), 2011: Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008: Ord.
93-81 § 37, 1993: Ord. 3106 § 18, 1988: Ord. 2947 § 1 (part), 1986).
15.08.080 Projection over right-of-way.
Projecting and freestanding signs shall comply with the following provisions:
1. No more than one-third of the height of any projecting sign shall exceed the height of the building to
which it is attached.
2. All signs projecting over the public right-of-way shall conform to the following standards and obtaina
Ipi w y u p rrr � m
under M ,:
Above Grade Maximum Projection
Less than 8 feet Not permitted
8 feet to 9 feet 1 foot
9 feet to 10 feet 2 feet
Over 10 feet 2/3 the distance from building to
curb line or a maximum of 10
„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, No sign shall project within two feet of the curb line.
1.......w _... .1 r p a w^ pal s�� �..r w � w s oNl s o r i p .. pp r gar 0!1)f, t 19,f n tp.,_ (Ord. 2015-
007 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2015: Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008: Ord. 3019 § 36, 1987: Ord. 2947 § 1 (part), 1986).
15.08.090 Roof signs.
All roof signs shall comply with the following provisions;
1. Roof signs shall be constructed upon the roof of a building.
2. Roof signs shall be integrated into the roof system of an existing building, or be erected so as to
appear from all sides as a wall sign applied to an existing penthouse which appears to be a part of the
building itself.
3. Roof signs must not exceed the maximum allowable height of the building within the district in which
it is located.
4. All roof signs shall be installed or erected in such a manner that there is no visible support structure.
(01s t,�20,5-007 t- ( xh, A) -(part), 201&, -Or o-2003.46,§ 1-(part)a..2008;-Or d...2,947-§ 4, -(part) 19,86),�
15.08.100 Wall signs.
All wall signs shall conform to the following provisions:
1. Wall signs may be painted upon, attached flat to, or pinned away from the wall, but shall not project
more than twelve inches from the wall.
2. The number of wall signs is not regulated; provided, the total area of the wall sign(s) may not
exceed the area of the wall to which attached.
3. Wall signs shall not extend above the height of the wall to which attached..
4. Marquee/Display Case Signs.
a. Marquee/display case signs shall have:
i. A changeable copy area where characters, letters, or illustrations can be changed or
rearranged without altering the face or the surface of the sign;
ii. The sign face shall be made of a translucent durable material;
iii. The sign cabinet/display case shall be lockable and capable of preserving the sign
material inside from the elements. (Ord. 2015-007 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2015: Ord. 2008-46 § 1
(part), 2008: Ord. 93-81 § 38, 1993: Ord. 2947 § 1 (part), 1986).
15.08.105 Fascia signs.
A fascia sign is a sign which is attached to the fascia board of an existing building's roof structure.
1. Fascia signs may be painted upon, attached flat to, or pinned/projecting from the fascia board, but
shall not project more than twelve inches from the fascia board.
2. The number of fascia signs is not regulated; provided, the total area of the sign(s) may not exceed
the area of the fascia board to which it is attached.
3. Fascia signs shall not extend beyond the horizontal and vertical limits of the fascia board to which it
is attached. (Ord. 2015'007§1 (Exh./)(pmrt).2U15).
15_08_110 Ternporaq signs. _
All temporary signs shall conform huthe following:
A+ No temporary sign shall be placed in a required parking space, driveway, orclearview triangle.
B2. Notemporary sign maybe placed
C1 NO term 114-ry a
42L 1� gt ged in the roadway,
0 rern e n ts
no curb exi ts 'Mee he Mp
2 App
is regutred,
5 _-Ari e I t , mgNt. yllglis Didated or a inuisaince shallil bbe rt� ed b
U Mmr ."41A rnoy_ y
6, ___I ifte..C.ity alHo qd"ieirsi "ity ri witti a rjgl'jt,-pf-W ;�,.p -.Llnq�
_Dy4y - - _-- "I, W iggs i in a C y
E, ResidentW zo e -Te ppp jn accordance
mit ttig i: ukements of this Secfiori and the FoillovAng,
One t rip
9E_,p,[M M dow si L) rokAll
,,I, jLqLr�ggidenti ail un�it inot to exceed fok. L4).§cjgare feeit is alloweo,,
___q - — ----------
2, F::'reestandiri
g q gq cL.. ft� �be �are allowed as follows:
d, §j@K qL10 jIg ......
In '5JngLe:fipn0 residenflai gorles, tem 5,
not exceed four
,.iq�,LgIre femt in size anid five feet in�heiE��tLtLthe sign is pq �qj!pr, !!jp_qE qjj�L gnd,not to exceled
. . . ..........
filree t if f, ei I'it i'Lithe si n �s stake -mot nted o,r pp !!L
i i I __ ft� �
in rnWti farnfll
ELOI""Lzgm� I�qm s ogi-exceed six
gu( . ..... J
!ig,gge feet in, size and five feet in heig�j jf_1bg aiign � p
three feet in Vigil - LS MpKe—mag0ko-qu 10)'tq.
___I___ '..I_ "Off 1M §i —
or�,thia,ground -FAlaH-besepauale4, from
�F. Iii resideinfial zones, I Invor ry are ail�owed in non residential zones iin accordaince
with the,,f?,guirernents of fts section and the.figHOW1 11
1 Window i are Ir"nited to
,q _2t tl�g window airea.
2, Fireestanding §igLisin �ludin p
g, s� ins aire firniited to fouir
gq e i_-NO�kI[ILLf js rnOUnted in the grigggddriq !)pt to exceed
1g, feet And five feet n tem
three feetin tleg f ��q , -mounted or p lrtaj:�
L. _tq !gLy §j.qn is stake
I Surface mounted,,sigg ��ALP_ �A%Ltqj�irty §ggp,[q feet and must be flafly
. ...... .. —, _p.fffixed to w6lls or to
on-site fences eigier fagjng_qjq_@,bqIt' str 'et, or f c ing, linw rd to thie sub site�,
G, Temp . r �y gg p either res idential or non -reside iti 1, zo Pid of rnore than
Sya_yj� ing oq
, 9 -_ _ �L
two a s ma be pf,,pnyjyF ., L�d H not expeed s� ours J,arefe ta djj j eiiqNj@qt,gk�q�Le
y 2e _p __�!'ia
gmomamrl,ti,mlealel Surq"I._ .. wdl rwe l...heir wi n„ii��,ilin...�ur.y of and w.ml�maH not Ibe dis, l y ,�„ dtiu ��.� ��� in addiho t
aay )d'iuimcrosy...gmn,aYwaw7a Ilmil�w,. m�irt.
4, NoA temporary sign shall be,displayed a ore_than-tmtteen d ysLki tja U a s l_19m.py.'e'd after the event
for which it is intended. (Ord:-2,tt°1 1'-§ 1 -(l. xh,,.,A)( aat�)n 4 Ita,Pl-Ord,- O tt,-46�,,. t -(,pa rt), ? 08t Ord
2001-25 ((art)_' _1. 86)e
15.08.120 Directional signs.
A. On -Premises Directional Signs. On -premises directional signs readable from the public right-of-way may
be permitted in accordance with Table 8-1. On -premises directional signs may contain both directions and the
business name or logo, provided the business name or logo shall not exceed fifty percent of the sign area. All
on -premises directional signs shall meet the general provisions of this section, and shall not exceed ten square
feet per sign face.
B. Off -Premises Directional Signs. Off -premises directional signs are permitted where indicated in
YMC 15.08.130(B); provided, that:
1. Each use located in a district where off -premises directional signs are allowed is permitted one off -
premises directional sign;
2. The off -premises sign contains only directional information and does not exceed thirty-two square
feet in area nor twenty-five feet in height;
3. The off -premises signs are permanently installed on private property;
4. Only one off -premises sign is permitted on a parcel. (Ord. 2015-007 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2015: Ord.
2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008: Ord. 2947 § 1 (part), 1986).
15.08.130 Off -premises signs and billboards.
A. Billboards are:
1. Class (1) uses in the M-1 and M-2 districts; and
2. Class (2) uses in the CBD, GC, and RD districts.
B. Billboards may be permitted in these districts after the required level of review, provided they meet the
provisions of this chapter and all of the following criteria:
1. The maximum sign area does not exceed three hundred square feet per sign face;
2. There is no more than one product displayed per sign face;
3. There are no side-by-side panels„ either horizontW[y on vp�'Cra�vally;
4. Required front yard setbacks are met;
5. Billboards between a one -hundred -fifty- and three -hundred -foot radius of a residential district shall
be restricted to one hundred sixty square feet per sign face and may not be lighted;
6. No billboard shall be located within one hundred fifty feet of a residential district;
7. The billboard is not within five hundred lineal feet of another billboard having the same street
8. Billboard height standards shall not exceed that permitted for freestanding signs as provided in
Table 8-3;
9. The total number of combined freestanding signs, off -premises signs and billboards does not
exceed the number of freestanding signs allowed for the property.
C. Off -premises signs are:
1. Class (1) uses in the M-1 and M-2 districts;
2. Class (2) uses in the B-2, CBD, GC, and RD districts..
Off -premises signs may be permitted in these districts after the required level of review, provided they
meet the provisions of this chapter and the specific standards for the district in which they are located.
(Ord. 2015-007 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2015: Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008: Ord. 93-81 § 40, 1993: Ord.
2947 § 1 (part), 1986).
15.08.140 Multiple -building complexes and multiple -tenant buildings.
........ ...... ... _. ....... ................. ................
A. Purpose. The following provisions shall apply to multiple -building complexes and multiple -tenant buildings
in the SCC, LCC, GC, and RD districts.
B. Number of Freestanding Signs. Each multiple -building complex shall be allowed one freestanding sign on
each street frontage in accordance with Table 8-2. When the street frontage is longer than four hundred feet:
1. One additional freestanding sign shall be permitted for each additional four hundred feet of street
frontage or part thereof; or
2. A single, larger freestanding sign can be erected in accordance with Table 8-2.
If option 1, as set forth in subsection (13)(1) of this section, is selected, no freestanding sign shall be placed
closer than two hundred feet to any other freestanding sign or exceed the standards in Table 8-2. These
provisions shall also apply to each multiple -tenant building, unless it is a part of a multiple -building complex.
The allowable freestanding sign(s) may be used to advertise one or more of the uses in the multiple -building
complex or multiple -tenant building. (Ord. 2015-007 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2015: Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008:
Ord. 2947 § 1 (part), 1986).
15.08 150 Freeway signs.
A. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to permit servicp, stat%ons and feat
stands ,or,nrr er6alt „lishr ent near the freeway a larger on -premises sign to inform freeway travelers of
their services.
B. Location. A freeway sign may be used to substitute an allowable freestanding sign where there is more
than one street frontage, when the use:
1. Has frontage on Nob Hill Blvd., Yakima Avenue, Terrace Heights Drive, North 1 st Street, North 16th
Avenue, or North 40th Avenue and all or a portion of the lot is within one thousand feet of a freeway
interchange; or
2. Is within two hundred fifty feet of the freeway right-of-way.
C. Number of Freeway Signs. Only one freeway sign is permitted on each parcel, multiple -building complex
or for each development, whichever is more restrictive.
D. Uses with Only One Frontage. Uses within the area described in subsection B of this section with only one
street frontage may install a freeway sign in addition to the permitted freestanding sign.
E. Sign Height. The maximum height for freeway signs h*shown inTable 8'3. (]rd.2O15-DO7§1(Exh./)
15.08.15:5 Portable, Sims.
Poi table
Lq §q ch board anoj)
the following."21
t ie 9 ons 11111 Section 15.08. 110,
41 re.,z.;ideinflal zones :�J
�- �2 L-I(LQ feet froirr� theL If theire i,
signs, Mai ntenance,,RemoK nforcement.
_Any sign lawfully existing under all codes and ordinances in effect at the time
this title is enacted or amended may continue to be maintained and operated as a legal nonconforming sign so
long ooitremains otherwise lawful; provided, that:
this title; and
..B. If the sign is structurally altered or moved, its legal nonconforming status shall be voided, and the
sign will be required to conform to the provisions of this title. Nothing in this section shall be construed to
restrict normal structural repair and maintenance; and
3C. The sign is not a hazardous or abandoned sign d(Or 204,15 -IN
7,n 1 �1: , 86),
�4._t"tram irgp s not an liie roll �oc�,�r''L
B ..,.,,,,. Maiintenance, ,ft is uMaWfLO RX an wowner f retia, qe „ orJ@2,?��
h@y ..pi pssion �onr.corfton over a buuui[ gnw°ulr g � @fur ��u.�� a r��w� � 6 n��i. � jµr��V k u,�u���a��� nrm MY l(111^m n the
Jr r !nphteu nmc �q��a �u�q,��n�a�usior� .�w1` Ilse o�� �� d
llL�r gA qn t tr uiur, pu p9i[!)Lnu�r ti anit tofl,�i �u���� r, I1 IU._ maintained � y ���u nc�n"a owner.... �° i'lur ...to rnaim"it u�r.,. .
i iiwc cr�r �tuut m „e iiolation ofthisWWc f'La jjg and, ar it r i.rirre lltw.�q. cu��'�rpt..wt�r"r�eint u�ua�de mYMC 151,25
Rern uwr pw .Ain vacant r rr ru r r�uuwru gd urtn,w urppgrt trate r rq it pi, other niriar its of W_
w h~ ch are tura>tr rcm� iin us or a,ru tt rt.pgosed for u ; rne6ptq recuse shag q be ren"ov a w til -addition to the
urern p es of,` M TMe 15 thea.01jr,q to, stall have the authorr�V., rm�puwrµc� t r re pair rummw iruterarur e or rggrq �a� of
lratr i n tris iprr rtrr tnur�wwwhich has become q.Q� tart m�tttj wruu r ql mrds tamhazard to tnw.0 :_ aletyJ�ggltlr... a Mlja�rat
qr tt ,.pt.t4 tlit t the co t of t�rrr,pir rr ai difor°.prig i urpl ;,
Q..... ... n rcerrient,_ olaibons.of th rr q r �o , a t9uc .,rim tr c 1r 14...t be enforced accrat olup to i ..
15.08.170 Administrative adjustment of sign standards allowed.
A. Comprehensive Design Plan. A comprehensive design plan is required whenever adjustment of one or
more of the sign design standards of this chapter is proposed or when required as part of a detailed sign plan.
The comprehensive design plan shall include a narrative and site plan, including but not limited to the following:.
1. Site plan which includes the physical components of the sign including sign size, height, shape,
color, location and associated landscaping;
2. A description of how the sign relates to the immediate surroundings, including existing and proposed
structures, other signs, neighboring land uses and the character of the zoning district;
3. An explanation of why the existing sign standards are not adequate and require adjustment; and
4. For multiple -tenant buildings and multiple -building complexes, a description of how the available
sign area will be allocated between tenants or leasable spaces.
6, .._wdtMklisMr five, dil~g4 plu l g �r a�mm( tggj2!1 a'3ra'ayi�strab,tro ,u, trra a,a(w aytN aWpw t va tri V bw
t1 ,i u a a4 fo sting 5agjg§ un zones and locations not hel* eawu(h_o6ze .us.��r�a�gq "Q L@ �� j p � # �1
drn,Cr11a°^rtratkie a ustrnera...s.haIlll contakn the � mNl
includes the curem urvii la kilul ua�Nlii11�w
color location and associated Jand � r�rya trat;.
..... r r alit taa ra two a a ;grI ttm(ates to dire N.Nrnrrr rlii t su�iric�¢° uiii'i6�� .�nµ.i �MIVa�rluujgrftw ,i tucq.9. u""u�j a 19§
a t'Mps... llae rr si Liei hood g G I du.LsLa!; and the character teu of the zonNpg„gu i'ru± �i
........ ra ra.paa taoaN.. al )rt�.vtta P gL( Nin t ltuq r ra; ,_ aa- not r~adrMu tc para ....dt� aan�r�
QB. Review Procedures. The administrative official shall review the o anw r r°eNtea s v esu frn pi r a t r
adrninistuotiov µid hrrru r°�t in accordance with the provisions of YMC Chapter 15.10 and may either approve or
disapprove the plan. The administrative official shall approve the comprehensive design plan and/or
adjustments in the standards of this chapter when he or she finds that such approval would be consistent with
the character of the zoning district, compatible with neighboring land uses, and create visual harmony between
the sign, structure, and the site where it is located. The administrative official may also attach conditions to this
jLiq.Approval in carder to accomplish the objectives of this serAJ,ong1),,,,[,,and YMC ,1 10, 0130. (Ord. 2015-007
§ 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2015: Ord. 2011-12 § 5, 2011: Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008: Ord. 93-81 § 42, 1993; Ord.
3019 § 27, 1987; Ord. 2947 § 1 (part), 1986).
15.08.180 Variances.
Except as allowed by YMC 15.08.170, no reduction of the standards in this chapter is allowed except pursuant
to YMC Chapter1.1. (Ord. 2015-007 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2015: Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008: Ord. 2947 § 1
(part), 1986).
15.08.190 Violations.
Failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter is a violation and punishable under YMC Chapter 15.25.
(Ord. 2015-007 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2015: Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008: Ord. 2947 § 1 (part), 1986).
1.0 L-§ FOS I N - N 3 VISION §
• • - •W-1111-124111
This Comprehensive Plan guides Yakima's physical development over the 2017-2040 period. It describes
community values, directs municipal activities and services, and provides a statement of policy about
Yakima City's desires for growth and character.
This 2017 Comprehensive Plan fulfils the periodic review requirements of the Washington State Growth
Management Act (GMA; RCW 36.70A) and replaces the 2006 Comprehensive Plan and associated annual
1.2 Yakima's Planning Area — Past and Future
Yakima City was incorporated in 1883 with XX cr-s. About a year later, a dispute between land owners
and the Northern Pacific Railway Company led the railroad to establish a new town about 4 miles north of
the original site. More than 100 buildings were moved. The new town was called North Yakima and was
officially incorporated in 1886. The old town was then renamed Union Gap. The Washington State
Legislature officially renamed the city "Yakima" in 1918. ( (City of Yakima, 2016); (Becker, 20016))
DRAFT Yakima Comprehensive Plan - Plan Foundation and Vision 1-1
Today, Yakima's city limits encompass 27.16 square miles or about 17,385 acres. (Washington State Office
of Financial Management, 2016) See Exhibit 1-1.
Exhibit 1-1.Yakima Council Districts
Source: City of Yakima GIS uoz6
The City of Yakima has been assigned an Urban Growth Area (UGA) by Yakima County consisting of
unincorporated land suited for urban development due to present urban patterns or ability to serve urban
development in the future. The focus of the Comprehensive Plan and development regulations is the
DRAFTY~.moComprehensive Plan Plan Foundation and Vision 2
Yakima Town Site 1886
Historic Downtown Yakima 'yeor,
Yakima incorporated city limits. Yakima County is planning for the Yakima UGA in consultation with the
City of Yakima.
Exhibit 1=2. Yakima UGA and City Limits Map [Reserved]
DRAFT Yakima Comprehensive Plan - Plan Foundation and Vision 3
Growth Management Act Goa=s
State goals guide the City's
comprehensive plan and development
regulations. These goals address in
Guide growth in urban areas
Reduce sprawl
Protect rural character
Encourage an efficient
multimodal transportation system
Encourage a variety of housing
types including affordable
Promote economic development
Recognize property rights
Ensure timely and fair permit
Protect agricultural, forest, and
mineral lands
Retain and enhance open space
Support parks and recreation
Protect the environment
Ensure adequate public facilities
and services
Encourage historic preservation
Foster citizen participation
1.3 We are Yakima
Our People
This Comprehensive Plan serves the needs of the
Yakima community today and through 2040. The plan
is designed to build on community strengths and
assets, and guide growth and public investments that
advance Yakima as an inclusive and prosperous place.
Yakima's people are its strength. The City is ranked
11th in the state in total city population. Yakima is due
to take 25% of the future county growth. Yakima can
be a leader in the region. See population information
in the next section. Our Land Use, Element promotes
equitable and sustainable development that brings
housing and job opportunities. These opportunities are
supported by our Capital Facilities, Transportation, and
Parks Elements that promote investments in quality
parks, multimodal transportation, and infrastructure.
Percent Hispanic
(2010 Census Blocks)
u -44.p
Yakima is diverse. Yakima has become more diverse,
growing from 34 percent Hispanic in 2000 to 41
percent Hispanic in 2010. About 79 percent ofYakima's -
growth in population between 2010 and 2014 was
Hispanic, with overall Hispanic population making up 44 percent of the City in 2014. Based on 2010 Census
blocks the figure at right shows the percent of blocks with Hispanic population. While found in all parts of
Yakima, eastern Yakima has a concentration of Hispanic residents. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use and
Historic Elements include policies that promote the cultural needs of the whole community.
A majority of Yakima households have no children. Over half of the City's households have single or
coupled adults and no children as of 2014. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Housing Elements
encourage a variety of home sizes and styles to meet the needs of small households.
DRAFT N .__.ma Comprehensive Plan - Plan Foundation and Vision 4
Yakima is a community for the young and old. The City's population is getting older on average, with more
retirees than any other community in the County. Yet, the City is also seeing an increasing number ofAd
capital facilities and infrastructure and supporting partnerships in workforce training are other important
City activities. See the Land Use, Economic Development, Historic, and Capital Facilities Elements.
Our Future Growth
Yakima is the most populous city in the County, and the County Seat. In
2016, there were 93,410 residents in Yakima, which is a 30 percent increase
in population since 2000 at 71,845 people. (OFM, 2016) Some of the
growth has been due to annexations. The compound annual growth rate
between 2000 and 2010 was 2.4 percent, which slowed to 0.4 percent
between 2010 and 2015.
The Comprehensive Plan addresses a 20 -year planning period and must
demonstrate an ability to accommodate future growth targets adopted in
the Countywide Planning Policies. Based on collaborative planning with the
County, the City of Yakima is due to take 25% of the future growth. The City
growth targets would mean 17,167 new persons and 8,556 jobs between
now and 2040.
The City has more than adequate capacity to meet its growth targets at
almost double the allocated population and jobs. Exhibit 3-15 shows the
citywide capacity for additional housing units, population, and jobs under
2016 land use designations and zoning districts. Alternative land use plans
are studied in the integrated EIS and similarly show greater capacity above
growth targets. (Appendix )
35,000 31,560
20,000 17,167
1.4 Comprehensive Plan Inclusive Public Outreach and Engagement
In May 2015, the City Council adopted a Resolution endorsing the Comprehensive Plan 2040 Horizon—
Public Participation Plan, in which the City laid out a collaborative effort to engage the public,
businesses, governmental agencies, and other interested groups. The City website, public
postings, community events, public meetings, and workshops have been used to reach out to
interested parties and get them involved in the process.
DRAFT Y....ma Comprehensive Plan - Plan Foundation and Vision
In January 2016, the City began to implement the plan with a more specific set of strategies. Outreach
strategies were carried out in four phases. They include:
Phase 1 Building Awareness focused on creating a dedicated web page and developing outreach
materials and tools while also spreading the word on upcoming outreach activities and ways to
participate. The City's dedicted website is ht_ L/- -t; „{I wq gov, es/
_ "We are Yakima" became the theme of the
Phase 2 Visioning focused on public comment and feedback on Yakima's vision
statement. A City Council workshop, public workshop, and online survey were
conducted over February and March 2016, and results posted on the City's website. In
May 2016, a Planning Commission hosted public open house and workshop addressed
the Vision Statement and Land Use Plan. The key themes of visioning are identified in
Section 1.5 below.
We aw
Phase 3 Draft Plan has collected feedback and comments on the draft plan update. The Planning
Commission has held continuous study sessions on the Land Use Plan and various Preliminary Plan
Elements between May and November 2016. A full r 1ea.s-e o m e Draft Ma be e Denc e
70'6 w' -h a 6r!- av cornme— , _o .
Phase 4 Proposed Plan involves the Planning Commission and City Council public hearings and
deliberations to help wrap up the update process. This is scheduled for the first half of 2017. Plan
adoption is due by June 30, 2017.
DRAFT Yakima Comprehensive Plan - Plan Foundation and Vision
1.5 Yakima Comprehensive Plan Vision and Values
The process of developing a new vision for Yakima involved the engagement of residents and employees
throughout the City over a five month period in the winter -spring of 2016. Open houses, public
meetings, social media, and surveys, provided opportunities for the community to comment on assets
and challenges and define what they desire for Yakima in 2040.
At the February 23, 2016 Visioning Open House, vision themes included:
• A thriving and vibrant city.
• Yakima as a place where tourists and visitors want to stop to wine taste, shop, eat and enjoy
downtown and the City of Yakima as a gateway to the Yakima Valley.
• A place that is framed by natural beauty and agricultural vistas.
• A city that is family friendly with good public spaces and quality education for children.
• A place that provides many ways to be active and healthy as young or old residents, including
walking, biking, entertainment, greenways, fishing, access to healthy food, etc.
• A city with a more diverse economy with job opportunities in a variety of industries, including tech.
• A downtown with more retail shops, restaurants, and the Yakima Central Plaza.
• Streetscapes and public areas that are historic, revitalized, and attractive.
• A city that is inclusive to all types of residents with different cultures and backgrounds.
An online vision survey with 185 participants elicited the following key goals most important for inclusion
in the 20 -year vision statement: quality of life, a prosperous community, a healthy economy, and safe
The Planning Commission reviewed the outreach results and hosted a public workshop on May 25, 2016
and offered direction on the vision statement.
The City of Yakima is growing larger and more diverse. As Yakima progresses, the following vision will help
our community achieve the livability, prosperity, and inclusiveness that it desires.
DRAFT Y..__..na Comprehensive Plan - Plan Foundation and Vision 8
Vision for Yakima's Future
The City of Yakima is the "Heart of Central Washington," bounded by the Yakima River and the railroad,
serving as a center of the Yakima Valley's agricultural prosperity for over 125 years, and growing into a
dynamic cultural, recreational, and economic hub of the region.
We celebrate our community of diverse cultures and offer
opportunities for our public to participate in community life. We
have created an inclusive city where all feel welcomed and safe.
We work, live, and play side by side. Yakima has created a
flourishing and diverse economy attracting and retaining
businesses with living wage jobs for all our people. We preserve
the character of our historic Downtown, residential
neighborhoods, and commercial centers. We encourage well-
designed infill and new development, quality public services, and
infrastructure investments. Our residents have access to a high
quality education, affordable housing, and healthy living. We
enhance our natural and recreation spaces. We connect our
people and neighborhoods offering safe and reliable mobility
options including walking, biking, transit, and cars.
Today and in 2040 we see Yakima as a place that values
Yakima's people —We are inclusive to all people.
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❖ We promote quality design in new housing, businesses, and public buildings, and streets to be
accessible to all.
❖ We encourage public engagement and multicultural communication in our planning process.
❖ We invest in and deliver needed public services in a manner inclusive to all types of residents,
businesses, and cultures.
❖ Yakima residents have access to high-quality education, living -wage jobs, safe neighborhoods,
a healthy environment, quality parks and amenities, healthy food, and affordable housing.
DRAFT Yakima Comprehensive Plan - Plan Foundation and Vision 9
Youth and Family — Our plan is a roadmap to a high quality of life for our youth and families. We seek
to have:
❖ A strong partnership with our schools.
❖ Places that promote healthy and active lifestyles.
❖ Opportunities for entertainment and recreation for both young and old.
❖ Quality job and housing opportunities to ensure our children can be lifelong residents of Yakima.
Being A Unique Destination — Yakima is a unique destination. We strive for:
❖ A vibrant and revitalized historic downtown that retains long-standing businesses and attracts
new businesses and residents.
❖ Maximizing tourism and retail opportunities.
❖ Providing attractive spaces and public art.
Neighborhoods — Yakima's neighborhoods are attractive places to live, shop and play, offering:
❖ A hierarchy of commercial and mixed use centers.
❖ Attractive streetscapes and well-designed public and private recreation and open spaces.
❖ Historic character.
❖ Diverse housing choices for owners and renters.
❖ Preserved homes that have been rehabilitated and maintained.
❖ A spirit of friendliness where neighbors gather for celebrations, clean-up events, and block
❖ A development pattern that promotes public safety and deters crime through environmental
❖ Growth managed with transitions in density and building design, landscaping, and adequate
DRAFT Yb.,,ma Comprehensive Plan - Plan Foundation and Vision
Natural Beauty —The natural beauty of the river valleys and agricultural vistas frame Yakima. We
will be stewards of our natural resources by:
❖ Protecting the ecological resources of our region.
❖ Maintaining and expand the Yakima Greenway.
❖ Encouraging sustainable design of development.
A Prosperous Future — Yakima creates a thriving and vibrant community. We will encourage:
❖ A diverse economy that sustains and attracts a variety of business sectors including
agriculture, health care, manufacturing, tourism, new energy and others.
❖ Small local businesses.
❖ Targeted investments in capital facilities.
❖ Partnerships with higher education providers to support workforce training to attract new
Connectivity — We offer a range of transportation modes, and our community is connected. Our
transportation system will:
❖ Maintain and create a complete street network, including new multimodal connections.
❖ Ensure efficient and balanced movement of freight and goods through the community.
❖ Improve safety throughout the system.
DRAFT Yakima Comprehensive Plan - Plan Foundation and Vision 11
1.6 Using this Comprehensive Plan
The Comprehensive Plan Vision and Framework Goals are carried forward into each Plan Element with
topic -specific goals and policies. Since there are complex issues around land use, growth, public
infrastructure investments, and services, this Comprehensive Plan is divided into the following elements:
Plan Foundation and Vision
Land Use 1
Economic Development'
Housing 1
Transportation 1
Capital Facilities 1
La Utilities 1
Parks and Recreation z
Natural Environment 1
Shoreline 1
Energy 3
Historic Preservation a
Capital Facilities Plan
Supplemental Environmental Impact
Each Element summarizes key conditions and trends that are driving policy proposals. Each Element
includes goals — or broad aims — and policies — principle, protocol, or proposal for action — relevant to
addressing a condition or trend. Goals and policies in turn are implemented by specific regulations and
programs. The goals, policies, regulations, and programs are designed to encourage outcomes that meet
the City's Vision.
An Existing Conditions Report was prepared and is adopted by reference, providing a base of information
to support the preparation of the Yakima Comprehensive Plan and integrated State Environmental Policy
Act (SEPA) Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement.
1 Required by GMA or other state law.
2 Required when the state provides funding; though funding is not available these elements help Yakima seek grants.
3 Optional.
DRAFT Yi3mma Comprehensive Plan - Plan Foundation and Vision
Vision: A community's best desired
Value: A standard or judgment of what is
important for the community.
Goal: A broad, general statement of the
desired long-term future state or
outcome, toward which the Plan aims.
Goals indicate what ought to exist in a
community or what is desired to be
achieved in the future.
Policy: A principle, protocol, or proposal
for action that implements a related goal.
Decision -oriented statements that guide
the legislative or administrative body
while evaluating a new project or
proposed change in ordinance.
Regulation: A rule or directive found in
City ordinances or the municipal code.
Program: Ongoing delivery of municipal
services to the public, funded with the
municipal budget, or public investments
guided by a capital improvement strategy.
1.7 Amending the Comprehensive Plan
This Comprehensive Plan will evolve and be reviewed and revised over the next 20 years due to changes
desired by the community, trends, and information. The Growth Management Act limits Comprehensive
Plan amendments to no more than once per calendar year, except for certain exemptions and emergency
actions. Whenever the plan is amended it is important to verify that it is "internally consistent" and that
development regulations are consistent with and implement the comprehensive plan.
DRAFT Yakima Comprehensive Plan - Plan Foundation and Vision 13