HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-28-16 YPC Packet�', F R' I Illqy: �. ,
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Phar itiing Division.
Aim Joan Davenport, AICP, Director
s �- "�"��, kl 129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901
ask.planning@yakimawa.gov - www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning
City of Yakima Planning Commission
City Hall Council Chambers
Wednesday September 28, 2016
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
YPC Members:
Chairman Scott Clark, Vice -Chair Patricia Byers,
Al Rose, Bill Cook, Peter Marinace, Gavin Keefe, Tom Trepanier
Council Liaison: Avina Gutierrez
Ci: PlanninStaff:
Joan Davenport (Community Development Director/Planning Manager); Jeff Peters
(Supervising Planner); Joseph Calhoun (Senior Planner); Trevor Martin (Associate Planner);
Eric Crowell (Assistant Planner); Rosalinda Ibarra (Administrative Assistant); and
Lisa Maxey (Department Assistant)
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Staff Announcements
IV. Audience Participation
V. Approval of Meeting Minutes of August 31, 2016
VI. Workshop on Future Land Use & Request for Consideration Proposals
VII. Other Business
VIII. Adjourn
Next Meeting: October 12, 2016
City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) City Hall Council Chambers
Meeting Minutes of September 28, 2016
Call to Order
Chairman Scott Clark called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
Roll Call
YPC Members Present: Chairman Scott Clark, Vice -Chair Patricia Byers, Al Rose,
Bill Cook, Tom Trepanier
YPC Members Absent: Gavin Keefe (excused), Peter Marinace (excused)
Staff Present: Joan Davenport, Planning Manager; Joseph Calhoun, Senior
Planner; Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner; Lisa Maxey,
Department Assistant
Others: Council Liaison Avina Gutierrez; Sign -in sheet in file
Staff Announcements
Supervising Planner Jeff Peters announced that the Planning Commission public hearing
for the 2016 Text Amendments is set for October 26th, 2016. He added that staff is
recommending that the Commission set a date for continued discussion on sign
amendments and outdoor product displays on October 26th as well; the Commission had
consensus to set this date as recommended by staff. Lastly, he informed the Commission
that they will have a public hearing on November 9th for the preliminary plat of
"Englewood Place" proposed by Columbia Ridge Homes LLC.
Lisa Maxey, Department Assistant, presented an audience participation slip layout for
the Commission's consideration to utilize at future meetings. She also drew attention to
the location of the audience participation item on the standard order of the agenda for
Planning Commission in comparison to other council committees. The Commission had
consensus to begin using audience participation slips and to leave the audience
participation item on the agenda where it is currently.
Audience Participation
None noted.
Approval of Meeting Minutes of Auggst 31s',.2016
Commissioner Rose made a motion to approve the meeting minutes of August 31St, 2016.
The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
Workshop on Future Land Use & Request for Consideration Proposals
Senior Planner Joseph Calhoun briefed the Commission on the next steps in the
Comprehensive Plan 2040 Update process and on the conclusions that were drawn from
the last Commission meeting on August 31St. He explained that the timeline will include
bringing forth elements for the Commission to review in October, a public workshop to
follow in October or November, environmental review and a joint meeting of the
Planning Commission and City Council in December, a Planning Commission public
hearing in February or March, and ultimately a presentation of the plan to City Council
in April or May. Discussion took place regarding implementing zones and the names
assigned to the new future land use categories. The Commission had consensus to have
the consulting group for the plan update review the "neighborhood mixed use"
designation and come back with suggestions as to how else it could be named.
The Commission had consensus to review only changes to the future land use
designation and not the zoning when considering the request for consideration proposals
from the public, and to require notification of the public hearing for the plan update to
surrounding property owners of the requests which the Commission wishes to
incorporate into the plan update. The Commission then went through the request for
consideration proposals in which they were undecided on whether to incorporate or
leave out of the plan update. The Commission had consensus to remove Request A from
consideration. The Commission had consensus to incorporate Request C, H, J, and O into
the plan update. Jerry Hand, applicant for Request L, spoke to the reason of the request;
the Commission had consensus to incorporate this request in the plan update. Chris Sentz
spoke in support of the Commissions decision on Request H. Bill Hordan shared some
of his notes on this request and on the plan update process in general as it pertains to the
request for consideration proposals. Hordan added that the applicants for Request J were
present at this meeting but exited after the Commission stated their determination to add
this request into the plan update. Leanne Liddicoat spoke to Request O, thanking the
Commission for their consideration. Mark Hoffman, applicant for Request Q, explained
his request and asked the Commission general questions about this plan update process.
Other Business
No other business noted.
A motion to adjourn to October 12, 2016 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting
adjourned at 4:50 p.m.
Ch,airm h Scott Clark Date
This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Department Assistant II
vise "Alva s
Add= l
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City of Yakima Planning Commission
City Hall Council Chambers
Wednesday September 28, 2016
Beginning at 3:00 p.m.
Public Meeting
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Page 1 09/28/2016 YPC Meeting
Meeting Date:
City of Yakima
Audience Participation Slip (PLEASE PRINT)
Please complete this form for the record and submit it to the Clerk of the board prior to addressing the
Subject/ Agenda Item Number(s)
Mailing Address*:
*Please provide your mailing address on this form. When addressing the Commission, state your
name and whether you live inside or outside the City limits.
The Commission welcomes input from the public both during "Audience Participation" and during
discussion of regular agenda items. Speakers will be provided up to three minutes to address the
Committee or as otherwise indicated by the chairman; written communication is also encouraged. Also,
please note that the Commission meeting is being televised on Y -PAC, cable channel 194. Profanity,
personal attacks, derogatory remarks or other inappropriate language or behavior are not be permitted.
Thank you for your comments
Meeting Date:
City of Yakima
Audience Participation Slip (PLEASE PRINT)
Please complete this form for the record and submit it to the Clerk of the board prior to addressing the
Subject/ Agenda Item Number(s):
Mailing Address*:
*Please provide your mailing address on this form. When addressing the Committee, state your
name and whether you live inside or outside the City limits.
The Committee welcomes input from the public both during "Audience Participation" and during
discussion of regular agenda items. Speakers will be provided up to three minutes to address the
Committee; written communication is also encouraged. Also, please note that the Committee meeting is
being televised on Y -PAC, cable channel 194. Profanity, personal attacks, derogatory remarks or other
inappropriate language or behavior are not be permitted.
Thank you for your comments.
Fecha de la Junta:
Ciudad de Yakima
Comision de Planificacion de la Ciudad de Yakima (YPC)
Participacion de Audiencia
Por favor complete este formulario y entregueselo a la Secretaria antes de presentar ante el Comite,.
Sujeto / Numero(s) del Agenda-
Correo Electronico:
Direccion de Correo*:
*Por favor escriba su direccion de correo en este formulario. Cuando se dirija al Comite, indique
su nombre y si vive dentro o fuera de la ciudad de Yakima.
EI Comite da la bienvenida a comentarios del publico durante la "Participacion de Audiencia" y durante la
discusion de temas programadas en la agenda regular. Se le proporcionara hasta tres minutos para
presentar; comunicacibn por escrito tambien es una opcion. Por favor tenga en cuenta que las juntas del
Comite son televisadas por Y -PAC, canal de cable numero 194. No se permiten insultos, ataques
personales, comentarios derogatorios, o lenguaje o conducta inapropiada.
Gracias por sus comentarios.
Fecha de la Junta:
Ciudad de Yakima
Comision de Pianificacion de la Ciudad de Yakima (YPC)
Participacion de Audiencia
Por favor complete este formulario y entregueselo a la Secretaria antes de presentar ante el Comite.
Sujeto / Numero(s) del Agenda:
Correo Electronico:
Direccion de Correo*:
*Por favor escriba su direccion de correo en este formulario. Cuando se dirija al Comite, indique
su nombre y si vive dentro o fuera de la ciudad de Yakima.
EI Comite da la bienvenida a comentarios del publico durante la "Participacion de Audiencia" y durante la
discusion de temas programadas en la agenda regular. Se le proporcionara hasta tres minutos para
presentar; comunicacibn por escrito tambien es una opcion. Por favor tenga en cuenta que las juntas del
Comite son televisadas por Y -PAC, canal de cable numero 194. No se permiten insultos, ataques
personales, comentarios derogatorios, o lenguaje o conducta inapropiada.
Gracias por sus comentarios.
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Proposed Generalized
" B •°-w. «, Future Land Use
L �Ir//�` ; <;, fC Legend
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Nei hborhood Mixed Use
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The Generalized Future Land Use Map illustrates the combination of current land use, current zoning, and future uses of each parcel of land within the City of Yakima. These categories have been consolidated to �I
now6" o.a u, ..,.,_.......,<..
better visualize mixed residential, neighborhood commercial and mixed commercial uses. The map category is necessary to provide certainty to the community members, residents, and property owners about v
what type of land use will be located around them. And, where to expect future services, and development based on the goals, policies and objectives of this Plan 2040. r'
September 27, 2016
Ms. Joan Davenport, Director
Department of Community Development
129North Second Street, 2"" Floor
Yakima, Washington 98901
RE: City of Yakima Comprehensive Plan Update
— Item H — Westpark Shopping Center
Dear Ms. Davenport:
Please find attached a revised site plan of the West Park Shopping Center. The revision
continues to include parcel number 181322-24445 which is the subject property of this
comprehensive plan update request. The revision was made after review of the most recent
Comprehensive Plan Packet Update, which was received last week.
The revision is intended to show that the required 20 -foot residential setback can be maintained
from the west property line of the most northerly building (1,400 sq. ft.) shown on the revised
site plan. A review of Table 5-1 of the zoning ordinance seems to indicate that the setback from
the north property line for the same building is 30 feet from the centerline of Snow Mountain
Road, which has 50 feet of right-of-way. If this interpretation is correct, then the building would Y
need to be placed 5 feet south (inside) the north property line to meet the structural setback
requirement. This setback would also meet the 20 foot residential setback from the residential
district from the north. If possible, could the Planning Department confum that this setback has
been properly determined, as we feel it is important to provide a site plan that meets current
setback requirements? The southerly building (3,850 sq. ft.) has been designed to meet all
residential setback requirements.
This exhibit is being submitted to show the continued effort of the property owners to
demonstrate our willingness to work with the City of Yakima and to be as flexible as possible
while attempting to broaden the size of the small convenience center at this location.
Sinc rely,
Chris Sentz
Westpark Shopping '.en r
LAN! 17 *5 DIVA
September 7, 2016
Mr. Scott Clark — Chairman
City of Yakima Planning Commission
Department of Community Development
129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor
Yakima, Washington 98901
RE: Request for Consideration of Future Land Use Change Requests — "Item Y
Dear Mr. Clark:
We are writing this letter to you after consulting with Mr. Bill Hordan of Hordan Planning Services
regarding the 2016 Request for Consideration of Future Land Use Change Requests — "Item J -Gail
Buchanan". After discussing the pending application of Gail Buchanan to change the Future Land Use
Map Designation from Low-density Residential/R-1 to High-density Residential/R-3 or possibly the new
designation of Mixed Use Residential, we would like to have our properties included in that request.
It is our understanding that the Yakima Planning Commission will consider this request based on their
comments of August 31, 2016 which encouraged us to enjoin this application. Please consider this letter
a formal request to include Assessor's Parcel Numbers 181319-34416 and 181319-34509 in the Buchanan
If you have any questions, please direct them through Bill Hordan at 509-249-1919. Thank you for the
opportunity to participate in this process.
Don Poston— Night Development, i
.g p LLC Linda '"'ilfert ...m.
181319-34509 181319-34416
Yakima Planning Commission
Study Session September 28, 2016:
Current Progress and next steps, Re -cap of
August 31, 2016 meeting
I. Current progress and next steps
Comprehensive Plan Elements:
• Consultants are drafting elements for staff review
• Anticipate bringing these to Planning Commission in October
• Public Workshop to follow at late October/early November Planning Commission meeting
• Joint Planning Commission/City Council Open House in December
• Transportation Plan:
o Progress is lagging behind schedule due to a lack of YVCOG Model data
Environmental Review:
• Scoping notice for environmental review to be issued in early October
• Draft EIS issue in early December
Final Plan:
• After EIS comment period and any changes from public process, updated draft will be presented
to Planning Commission for a Hearing in February/March with a recommendation to follow.
• Recommendation and revised plan (if necessary) ready for Council Consideration by April/May.
II. Future Land Use Categories and Implementing Zones
Future Land Use
Implementing Zones
Low Density Residential
Mixed Residential
R-2, R-3
Neighborhood Mixed Use
B-1, B-2, SCC, HB, R-3
Commercial Mixed Use
CBD Commercial Core
Regional Commercial
M-1, M-2, AS
North of Fairgrounds Area
Proposal: Change from GC to Neighborhood Mixed Use and Mixed -Residential.
Discussion: The zoning and future land use for this broader area changed several years ago from
residential to commercial, but in all that time has remained largely residential. The area around Kiwanis
Park has seen pockets of high density residential and very limited commercial development. The
proposal would change the area from Kiwanis Park south to Mixed Residential and the area north of the
park to Neighborhood Mixed Use. Additional discussion on Implementing Zones — inclined to add R-3 to
the Neighborhood Mixed Use.
The area across 1-82 was also discussed on the map — being adjacent to the Greenway, on the river
(floodplain) maybe there is a better long-term use than Industrial. It is currently zoned SR. A more
appropriate designation may be Neighborhood Mixed Use.
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Washington Fruit and Produce Packing Plant
Proposal: Change from Regional Commercial to Industrial to match current use.
Discussion: This request fits perfectly with the area. The commercial designation no longer fits well
with this area. There is also a strip of RD along 16" in the area —should that be changed to Industrial as
well — or be changed to a different commercial designation?
IN=+ w • r w «
explore other possibilities with RD strin w
Old Fruitvale Drive -In Site/Area
Proposal: Change from Industrial to Neighborhood Mixed Use
Discussion: This area includes the vacant site of the old Fruitvale drive-in and an older (non -conforming)
single-family residential neighborhood. There was mixed discussion regarding the potential future
development in the area. Do the legacy single-family homes still be there in 20 years or is high-density
residential a better fit?
Planning,Commission Recommendation: Re-examine potential changes in this area after looking
at the overall needs for residential industrial etc.
Staff Comment: Yakima has excess industrial and commercial in the arealcity. Neighborhood
Mixed Use would take care of the nonconforming status of.existinp homes and allow for viable
dev'elo menton the drive-in site.
Congdon Area
Proposal: A letter was submitted that identified a disconnect between the Zoning and Future Land Use
maps. FLU doesn't match the established zoning.
Discussion: Staff reviewed the old Rezone documents and concurs with the received letter. This is a
simple matter of aligning the current zoning with FLU.
IV. Reguests for Consideration of Future Land Use Change Reques,ts
A: Applicant:
Site Address:
802 Wilson Lane
19133041441; .56 acres
Request: Medium Density Residential/R-2 to Commercial for an Auto Body Shop
Planning Commission Recommendation* Being a small lot, PC consideration of this action would
likely require a la[ger region, Discussion of'reqnest T' below included a possible area -wide
change to include both requests, due to their close proximity to each other.
Staff Comment: The laEggLr area wouldn't fit well with commercial, There is already a
substantial amount of vacant commercial land in the city. In addition, this area has 31 single
family homes in it.
B. Applicant: ARTURO BAEZA
Site Address: 815 North 16th Ave; .55 acres
Parcel(s): 18131332554
Request: High Density Residential/R-3 to Commercial for an Auto Sales
Planning Commission Recommendation: PC not inclined to include this change.
,Next Steps: Do not include further.
Site Address: 115 N. 56th Ave
Parcel(s): 18132142537; .42 acres
Request: Low Density Residential/R-1 to Commercial for retail use
Planning Commission Recommendation: There was a significant amount of discussion on this
re nest. It is a busy corner lot on two arterials where it makes sense for commercial use, but
the size and grade difference will make development difficult with iust the one parcel.
Furthermore, it was noted that past applications for FLU amendment/Rezone have been denied.
When considering the highest and best use of this property over the next 20 years, a
commercial designation is the likely the most appropriate. PC would like to leave on for now
and possi,bly consider a larger area to the south.
1411C801*1949411 mml 411 LZA! W1 fnfff *M1
Staff Comment: Even with an additional lot, the development potential of the lot for
commercial use is problematic for parking and setbacks, and would liikely draw negative
comment from neighbors
Applicant: JAY LGLENN
Site Address: 2O3& 207 Oak Street
Parcel(s): 1O1813'11429,&'11427;.SSacres
Request: IndustrialIM-1 to Multi -family residential/Commercial for mini -storage
Planning Commission Recommendation: After d�iscussion, PC was more inclined to make the
changeto.Cornmercial Mixed Use and also include R-3 as an implementing zone. This would
rectify the, existing non -conforming residential use and allow additional development potential
for the vacant property.
E. Applicant:
Site Address:
Request: Split zoning Medium Density ResidentiolIR-2 and Neighborhood CommercialIB-2 request
to make the whole parcel Neighborhood CommercialIB-2
Planning Commission Recommendation: Discussion on this reguest ranggd from moving
forward to eliminate the split -zoning to cleaning up the situation with a short plat. Ul!j92Ajt!y
the PC was inclined to not move forward with this reguest since there are other ways toclea
up the split zone (short plat).
Next Steps-, Do not include further,
Applicant: LARRY8RADER
Site Address: Vicinity ofPowerhouse Rd/&Pecks Canyon
Parcel(s): 18131033009; 2.38 acres
Request: Neighborhood {lon/nnercialIS[Ctm/ndustriolIM-2
Pla,nning-Commission Recommendation, This reguest looks, like a spot change. It should be left
as -is and not moved forward in the process. Possibly exa.mine a Table 4-1 change to include
additional uses such as mini storape.
Next Steps: Do not include further.
G. Applicant: JEFF BAKER
Site Address Vicinity of18mStreet and Nob Hill Blvd (FaiOQnounds)
Parcel(s): Area Wide Request for approx. 68parcels; 12.43acres
Request: Regional CornnnenjolIRDtoGeneral [mnnnnerciallGC
majority of progerty owner support, PC inclined to endorse the reguest,
Next Steps. Continue as reguested.
Applicant: JAY SENTZ
Site Address: 4201 Summitview Ave
Parcel(s): 18132224445; .27 acres
Request: Low Density Residential/R-1 to Commercial use
Planning Commission Recommendation: Discussion included the potential to include additional
properties, along Summitview, properties to the north are in an established neighborhood and
consensus would be difficult. PC ultimately was inclined to not move forward.
During audience comment a representative of the applicant provided a conceptual site plan of
how the property would be used and incorporated into the Westpark shopping center.
Staff Comment: Inclusion of this parcel into the exist1ng_jshn!gppDii11ng center may be viable in the
future as a prosect -specific request to provide sufficient opportunity for neighborhood
Applicant: TM RENTALS
Site Address: 3804 West Logan Ave
Parcel(s): 181327-43492, -43493, -43494; 7.55 acres
Request: Low Density Residential/R-1 to Medium Density Residential
Planning Commission Recommendation: The proposed FLU of Mixed Residential fits this
property well and rectifies concerns from the previous application. PC inclined to endorse the
re. uest and move it forward in the process,
Next Steps: Continue as reouested.
Site Address: 408S88 th Ave
Parcel(s): 18131934010; 1.78 acres
Request: Low Density Residential/R-1 to High Density ResidentioV R-3
P'lan,ning Commission Recommendation: After discussion PC was inclined to look at ai, large,
area, to incluse parcels to the south.
During audience comment a representative for the applicant indicated that he would try to get
letters from the southern two property owners..
Staff Comment: Letter received from property owners south to Tieton. The larger area would
fit well with the Mixed Residential FLU.
Site Address: 1415 River Rd
Parcel(s): 18131322010; 1.96 acres
Request: Regional Commercial/LCC to Industrial/M-1
Plannin Commission Recommendation: Chane is valid and consistent with the broader area
chane to the east.
Next Steps: Continue as requested.
L. Applicant: JERRY HAND
Site Address: 1406 S Fair Ave & 909 La Follette
Parcel(s): 191330-41485, & -41486; .33 acres
Request: Medium Density Residential/R-2 to Commercial use
Planning Commission Recommendation: Beim a small lot PC consideration of this action would
likely require a l,ar er region. Discussion of re uest"A" above included a possible area -wide
change to include both reguests, due to their close proximity to each other.
Staff Comment: See "A" above.
Site Address: 419S.16 th Ave
Parcel(s): 18132433509; .14 acres
Request: Low Density Residential/R-1 to Neighborhood Commercial/8-2
Planning Commission Recommendation: PC discussion included the long term potential for
properties along 161x1 to transition to commercial. Inclined to include moving forwardas
Neighborhood Mixed Use and add with reguest "N."
Next Steps: Continue with Neighborhood Mixed Use ensure proper neighborhood
Site Address: 1513 Tieton Drive & 421 S 16th Ave
Parcel(s): 181324-33510, & -33511; .28 acres
Request: Low Density Residential/HB to Neighborhood Commercial/8-2
Planning Commission Recommendation: Change is valid and consistent.
Site Address: 2200 S 36th Ave, 4201 Sorenson Rd, 4501 Sorenson Rd, 4601 Sorenson Rd,
4701 Sorenson Rd, 4209 Sorenson Rd.
Parcel(s): Area Wide Request for 8 parcels; 77.57 acres
Request: Two parcels from Industrial/M-1 and five parcels from Low Density
Residential/SR to Commercial use and parks for the proposed SOZO sports complex
Additional request by Congdon Properties to include commercial designation to additional
properties (181334-44001 and 181334-42002)
Planning Commission Recommendation: PC is inclined to approve this request. Discussion
included the current allowed uses vs. the potential allowed uses if the change occurs, The park
uses are allowed in any zone but the long range potential for additional sports complex uses
will increase with a change to Commercial Mixed Use.
making small commercial N N potentially N A e^
P. Applicant: GARY DELANEY
Site Address: 1414 S. 2nd Ave.
Parcel(s): 191330-33022; .11 acres
Request: Medium Density Residential/R-2 to Commercial/SCC
Staff Comment: This one lot request of vacant land to Commercial Mixed Use would not be
consistent with the Criteria referenced above — as it would create more instability with adjacent
residential zoned lands.
Planning Commission Recommendation: PC discussion on this parcel noted its significant lack of
develo meat potential for residential use. It is a small landlocked parcel that that is essentially
art of the adjacent commercial development. PC inclined to include it into the commercial
area as it is essentially a map clean-uo
Next Steps: Continue as requested.
Next Steps: Continue as requested
Site Address: 3109 W. Washington Ave.
Parcel(s): 181335-22015; 2.14 acres
Request: Industrial/M-1 to Low Density Residential/R-1
Planning Commission Recommendation: PC discussion looked at both continuing as re uested
and dropping it entirely. Ultimately, PC was inclined to move the proposal fo�rwardl, Due to the
location within the Airport Safety Overlay no additional residential use will be permitted, evert
M839�muv M.
conforming situati�on.
Next Steps: Continue as requested.
City of Yakima Comprehensive Plan Update
Suggested Land Use Changes
Considerations - Continued
Planning Commission Meeting e September 28, 2016
YAKIMA go4i,
designation to
match the
current use
Summary—Medium Density
Requests A and L Residential to Commercial
PC guidance - Given the close
proximity to each other, look at
possibility of a larger area.
G i
• 31 Single Unit
• 1 Mobile Home Park
• 12-4 Unit
• 1 Other Residential
• 1 Undeveloped Land
� r
Summary—Medium Density
Requests A and L Residential to Commercial
PC guidance - Given the close
proximity to each other, look at
possibility of a larger area.
Area Statistics:
• 31 Single Unit
• 1 Mobile Home Park
• 12-4 Unit
• 1 Other Residential
• 1 Undeveloped Land
ro Revised Site
er h r NIE
appears to
jyyrt II.
]. 0
Request �iivl l/
�g, /
Summary — Low Density , "
Residential to Mixed Residential
PC guidance — Inclined to
consider if additional properties
added south i'� / ! /oiv; °
i aii%/
9 i it
.. .,.... o.
Considerations: C
• Letter obtained from '
southern property owners.
• 1 existing single family home
• 5.19 acres available does not �
include cell tower parcel)