HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-24-16 YPC PacketFOR III U IE, RECORD / 111,111E W& a DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning 1Division AJoan Davenport, AICP, Director QTY 01 YAKanniIMA 129 North Second Street, 2" Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning City of Yakima Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING City Hall Council Chambers Wednesday August 24, 2016 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. YPC Members: Chairman Scott Clark, Vice -Chair Patricia Byers, Al Rose, Bill Cook, Peter Marinace, Gavin Keefe, Tom Trepanier Council Liaison: Avina Gutierrez City Planning Staff: Joan Davenport (Community Development Director/Planning Manager); Jeff Peters (Supervising Planner); Trevor Martin (Associate Planner); Eric Crowell (Assistant Planner); Rosalinda Ibarra (Administrative Assistant); and Lisa Maxey (Department Assistant) Age _nda I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Staff Announcements IV. Audience Participation V. Approval of Meeting Minutes of August 10, 2016 VI. Public Hearing - "Vista Ridge" Applicant: PLSA Engineering on behalf of Khushdip Hans File Number: PLP#002-16 Site Address: Vicinity of S. 72nd Ave & Easy St Request: Proposed long plat that will subdivide approximately 4.96 acres into 18 single-family lots in the R-1 zoning district. VII. Continued Discussion on Codifying Right -of -Way Vacation Standards VIII. Continued Discussion on Outdoor Displays of Merchandise IX. Other Business X. Adjourn Next Meeting: August 31, 2016 (Special Meeting) `dakh"a, 09 a.�uy 1994 City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) City Hall Council Chambers Meeting Minutes of August 24, 2016 Call to Order Chairman Scott Clark called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present: Chairman Scott Clark, Vice -Chair Patricia Byers, Al Rose, Bill Cook, Peter Marinace, Tom Trepanier YPC Members Absent: Gavin Keefe (excused) Staff Present: Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner; Sara Watkins, Senior Assistant City Attorney; Trevor Martin, Associate Planner; Lisa Maxey, Department Assistant; Avina Gutierrez, Council Liaison Others: Sign -in sheet in file Staff Announcements Supervising Planner Jeff Peters announced that Commissioner Trepanier is present for his first meeting with the Commission. Chairman Clark welcomed him to the Planning Commission and Commissioner Trepanier then briefly introduced himself. Audience Participation None noted. Approval of Meetin Minutes of Au tst loth, 2016 Commissioner Byers made a motion to approve the meeting minutes of August 10th, 2016. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. Public Hearin - "Vista Ridge"' PLP#002-16 Associate Planner Trevor Martin presented his staff report to the Commission. Commissioner Marinace made it known that he will refrain from voting on this issue as the applicant is a client at his firm. Commissioner Cook asked for clarification on the content of the comment letter received from Yakima County, to which Martin explained that it addressed right-of-way width standards in relation to Yakima Municipal Code Title 12 and the Transportation Plan. Peters clarified that staff is advocating that the right- of-way width of that portion of South 72nd Avenue shown on the preliminary plat be left to the discretion of the City Engineer. Chairman Clark asked if the Streets and Traffic Division commented on the width of the right-of-way, to which Martin responded that they did not. Commissioner Byers questioned if the dedication of right-of-way issue with the neighboring property owner, Vincent Lombardi, was resolved. Martin answered that he is not certain at this point in time if it has been resolved but clarified that the City is not a party to the agreement between the applicant and Lombardi in this matter. Chairman Clark offered an opportunity for the applicant to speak to the project; the applicant was not present. Bob Desgrosellier, Senior Engineer, submitted to the Commission a comment letter with photos which addressed concerns of his mother-in-law, Jane Hartinger, who is a neighboring property owner to proposed site. Degrosellier explained the letter which requested that the southwest corner of Vista Ridge be barricaded from any access -1- southerly to the undeveloped "72nd Avenue" driveway until such time that the 72nd Avenue is fully improved. The letter also requested that construction equipment for the development of Vista Ridge not be allowed to utilize the unimproved portion of 72nd Avenue between Occidental and Vista Ridge. Commissioner Rose commented that the Commission needs to know if the unimproved section is dedicated public right-of-way. Peters commented that the Commission has the ability to make a recommendation to the City Engineer to block off access to that section of the road but that staff will need to confirm if it is dedicated public right-of-way prior to making that recommendation. Roy Stensrud, a neighboring property owner, also spoke regarding future traffic issues on that private road. Commissioner Marinace asked about the developer's plan for primary access to which Trevor Martin responded that the main access will be from Easy Street and they will be required to put in a paved emergency fire lane to the north of 72nd Avenue to Coolidge Road. Jeff Peters reported that the Yakima County Assessor's information shows that portion of 72nd Avenue as public right-of-way. Commissioner Cook added that he would like to have the plat indicate that the portion of 72nd Avenue be blocked off it is found that it is a private road, or for the Commission to forward a recommendation to the City Engineer that the road be blocked off if it is dedicate public right-of-way. Discussion took place regarding the emergency access lane. Commissioner Marinace asked if the applicant has had any concerns about what has been stated in the staff report. Martin answered that no concerns have been reported. Further discussion and debate took place on the right-of- way width noted on the plat and about sewer connections. Commissioner Rose made a motion to approve the preliminary plat with the recommendation that the portion of 72nd Avenue south of the plat be blocked off if it is a private road or have the City Engineer consider the possibility of blocking the road if it is determined to be dedicated public right-of-way. The motion was seconded and was carried with 3 votes in favor,1 vote in opposition,1 member recused from voting, and the Chairman not voting on either side per standard procedures. Continued Discussion on Codifying Right -of -Way Vacation Standards This item was tabled until copies of the draft were provided to the Commission. Continued Discussion on Outdoor Dis la s of Merchandise Commissioner Byers talked about addressing outdoor displays of merchandise from a cultural aspect and about the possibility of hearing the perspective of business owners who are actively using outdoor displays of merchandise as a form of advertisement. Sara Watkins, Senior Assistant City Attorney, commented that there may be an opportunity for outreach by talking to the Chamber of Commerce and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Council Liaison Avina Gutierrez mentioned that it was Council's intention for the Planning Commission to take a look at how large or widespread this issue is and base their next steps off of that determination. This item was tabled until copies of the memo from Sara Watkins were provided to the Commission. Other Business Jeff Peters discussed the changes made to the draft land use action posting certificate. Commissioner Cook made a suggestion to remove the sentence fragment "that I may" in -2- the sentence "...I shall be responsible for all costs associated with the sign and its removal, and that I may be subject to code enforcement action..." Continued Discussion on Codifying Right -of -Way Vacation Standards Trevor Martin continued outlining the changes made to the right-of-way vacation standards draft. Chairman Clark requested that the term "DST" be included in the definitions section and have the acronym spelled out (Development Services Team). Commissioner Cook brought to light his concerns with the all of the submittal requirements listed in 14.21.030(B) being costly and time consuming for the applicant to obtain without the applicant knowing the likelihood of their request being granted. Chairman Clark added that it may be appropriate to include in 14.21.020 Initiation of Vacation section that the applicant should consult with a city planner prior to submitting an application. Commissioner Byers and Commissioner Rose made it known that it should be emphasized in preliminary discussions with applicants and be carried over to the Petition Procedures section (14.21.030) that the applicant will be responsible for the cost of providing the city with a record of survey prepared by a registered surveyor. Jeff Peters confirmed that the Commission will see this proposed code section again at the time of a public hearing for the text amendments. Continued Discussion on Outdoor D sola s of Merchandise Sara Watkins provided to the Commission her memo which answered questions asked at the last Planning Commission meeting in reference to outdoor displays of merchandise. Watkins made the recommendation to the Commission to consider defining "incidental use" and "principal use", and consider modifying or further defining "sign", and "temporary sign'. Avina Guti6rrez asked if the cities used as examples for their ordinances related to this topic were selected at random or based on demographics comparable to Yakima. Watkins responded that she did a search through the code publishing database and selected ordinances from cities that used that same database for publishing their municipal codes. Discussion took place regarding how this topic affects strip malls, the issue of using parking for outdoor displays, and unlicensed retailers. Commissioner Byers stated that she would like to move forward with regulating outdoor displays of merchandise. Watkins added that the Commission may want to consider regulating outside promotional sales in more zoning districts than just the B-2 zoning district, as the code currently stands. Commissioner Rose emphasized that his main concern at this point is being able to reduce the volume of merchandise displayed outdoors. Commissioner Marinace and Commissioner Trepanier did not feel the need to further regulate as long as public safety and access were adequately addressed. Chairman Clark requested that the Commission revisit the topics of zoning districts where outside promotional sales are regulated and the possibility of setbacks from the entrance of adjoining businesses. Peters and Watkins briefly addressed why in the past only the B-2 zoning district has had regulations for outside promotional sales. The Commission had consensus to move forward with regulating outside promotional sales in the B-1, B-2, GC, CBD, SCC, and LCC. The Commission agreed to revisit the topic of sign code amendments, which was discussed earlier in the year, and add those amendments to the list of other text amendments; then proceed with a public hearing on those text amendments before setting up additional study sessions on the subject of outdoor displays of merchandise. -3- Adjourn A motion to adjourn to August 31, 2016 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m. r Chairman Scott Clark Date This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Department Assistant II AA' rM PI COY' OF rig P NI 1�' 9 �� N P a"�I F`4 c r� or YA6,WA %, Slut -"N -IN SHEET City of Yakima Planning Commission City Hall Council Chambers Wednesday August 24, 2016 Beginning at 3:00 p.m. Public Meeting *PLEASE WRITE LEGIBLY' .ry . ......... .......... q, p "1 . �.� C��,� �C �C ,� '�'lr ) ............................_...__..__........................ ...... ............ ...... ......... .......... ....__.... Page 1 08/24/2016 YPC Meeting Date: August 24, 2016 To: City of Yakima Planning Commission From: Robert Desgrosellier, 1370 Dazet Rd., Yakima; Hartinger, 2205 S. 72"d Ave., Yakima; Scroggins, 2204 S. 72"d Avenue, Yakima Stensrund, 7205 Occidental, Yakima Slagg, 7107 Occidental, Yakima Re: Vista Ridge ( Preliminary Plat ) I was contacted recently by my Mother-in-law, Jane Hartinger, about the yellow action pending sign recently placed next to her 2 -acre parcel immediately south of the pending plat. The Hartingers and I watched a similar proposal several years ago for potential development of the parcel which is now the proposed Vista Ridge Plat but did not comment at that time. I have since discussed this pending plat with other neighboring property owners abutting the undeveloped gravel driveway signed "72"d Avenue, Pvt. Rd." The five families listed above are not necessarily opposed to the development of Vista Ridge Plat but are concerned about long term ingress and egress for the proposed development. The gravel driveway for this handful of parcels may be known as "72"d Avenue" but its' right- of-way is only partially dedicated and the driveway is not publicly maintained. The driveway extends from proposed Vista Ridge and exists as an unpaved gravel drive with very steep grades. As such, the neighbors listed on this letter request verbiage added to the Plat, and to the hearing minutes, that the southwest corner of Vista Ridge be barricaded from any access southerly to the undeveloped "72"d Avenue" driveway. We respectfully request that the south end of FUTURE 72"d Avenue be barricaded and remain barricaded from any and all access until such time that 72"d Avenue is fully improved. Lastly, we request that construction equipment for the development of Vista Ridge not be allowed to utilize the unimproved portion of 72"d Avenue between Occidental and Vista Ridge. Maintaining Plat access via Easy Street should be more than adequate for the development. Thank you for your consideration. Robert Desgrosellier and neighboring families (509) 575-6228 Submitted: ABOVE: Highlighted parcels bordering undeveloped 72nd Avenue: Hartinger, Scroggins, Stensrund, Slagg ABOVE: Looking north on unimproved 72nd from Occidental toward proposed Vista Ridge Site ABOVE: Contours in vicinity of proposed Vista Ridge Development Grades on gravel driveway (72nd Ave.) from proposed Vista Ridge south to Occidental Road Using elevation data provided on the City's GIS: The worse 30' drop occurs in 320' 30 foot drop in 320'= 9.4% grade The worse 10' drop occurs in 67' 10 foot drop in 67'= 14.9% grade 630' overall length Elevation at proposed development 1246 +/- Elevation at Occidental 1209 +/- 37 foot drop in 634'= 5.9% grade Khushdip Hans "Vista Ridge" PLP#002-16 Yakima Planning Commission Open Record Public Hearing August 24, 2016 EXHIBIT LIST Applicant: PLSA Engineering on behalf of Khushdip Hans File Numbers: PLP#002-16 Site Address: Vicinity of South 72nd Avenue & Easy Street Staff Contact: Trevor Martin, Associate Planner Table of Contents CHAPTER A Staff Report CHAPTER B Vicinity Map CHAPTER C Site Plan CHAPTER D DST Review & Agency Comments CHAPTER E SEPA CHAPTER F Applications CHAPTER G Public Comments CHAPTER H Public Notices CHAPTER I Supplemental Information & Correspondence HUSk-I:DIP H�ANS — "VISTA RIDGE" PLP#002-16 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER A Staff Report A-1 .... ----- . .... ..... ..._ ....... ___...... ... -_----- . ..... �.. Staff Report 08/24/2016 I DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning Division A= 111W Joan Davenport, AICIII, Director Plt' u Y is YAKIMA 129 North, Second Street, 2°d Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 �isk.planning@yakiniawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING DIVISION'S FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING COMMISSION for REQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY LONG PLAT APPLICANT: APPLICANT ADDRESS: PROJECT LOCATION: NAME OF PLAT: TAX PARCEL NUMBERS: DATE OF REQUEST: DATE OF RECOMMENDATION: STAFF CONTACT: w 110• .;�1 PLSA Engineering and Surveying 521 N 20th Ave Ste 3, Yakima, WA 98902 Vicinity of S 72"d Ave. and Easy St. Vista Ridge 181332-43002 April 6, 2016 August 24, 2016 Trevor Martin, Associate Planner I. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: On April 6, 2016, the City of Yakima Department of Community Development received an application for a Preliminary Long Plat (PLP#002-16). The applicants are requesting to subdivide 4.96 acres of Single -Family (R-1) zoned property into 18 -single-family lots. II. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATION: The Administrative Official recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat, subject to conditions. III. FACTS: A. Statement of Cause: Pursuant to YMC Ch. 14.20, the applicant's statement in the Preliminary Long Plat application dated April 6, 2016 — This proposed plat will subdivide approximately 4.96 acres into 18 Single -Family lots. Lot sizes will range from approximately 8,500 s.f. to 10,200 s.f. The lots will have a frontage on a public roadway which will be improved as part of this project. B. Comprehensive Plan. The 2025 Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map III -3 designate the subject property as suitable for Low Density Residential development. Low Density Residential is defined as - Primarily free standing single-family residences. Residential density is less than 7.0 dwelling units per acre. This is considered the lowest possible residential density that can efficiently support public services. DOC. YaUrna INDEX 2015 1994 Generally, the proposed preliminary plat is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's other provisions which encourage infill, recognize the need for public water and sewer, encourage disposal of surface drainage on-site, and encourage development consistent with the general land use pattern in the area. The Goals and Policies that apply to this designation and proposed land use are as follows: Goal 3.1: Provide for a broad distribution of housing in Yakima that meets the affordability and neighborhood design needs of the public. Policy Development shall be located along Arterials or Collector streets and should have good access to public transit. Goal 3.2: Build sustainable new neighborhoods Policy 3.3.2: Ensure that new development is compatible in scale, style, density and aesthetic quality to an established neighborhood. C. Urban Area Zoning Ordinance. The main purpose of the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance Yakima Municipal Code (YMC) Title 15 (UAZO) is to implement the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan and promote the general health, safety and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of the Yakima Urban Area. YMC § 15.01.030 describes the purpose and intent to promote the purpose of the UAZO. Subsection 15.03.020(B) of the UAZO indicates that the intent of the Single -Family Residential (R-1) zoning district is to: 1. Establish new residential neighborhoods for detached single-family dwellings free from other uses except those which are compatible with, and serve the residents of this district, which may include duplexes and zero lot lines if established during the subdivision process; 2. Preserve existing residential neighborhoods for detached single-family dwellings free from other uses to ensure the preservation of the existing residential character, and serve the residents of this district; and 3. Locate moderate -density residential development, up to seven dwelling units per net residential acre, in areas served by public water and sewer system. Detached single-family dwellings are the primary use in this district. The district is characterized by up to sixty percent lot coverage; access to individual lots by local access streets; required front, rear and side yard setbacks; and one and two-story structures. The density in the district is generally seven dwelling units per net residential acre or less. This zone is intended to afford single-family neighborhoods the highest level of protection from encroachment by potentially incompatible nonresidential land uses or INDU 2 A-1 impacts. Nonresidential uses within these zones are not allowed; except for public or quasi -public uses, which will be required to undergo extensive public review and will have all necessary performance or design standards assigned to them as necessary to mitigate potential impacts to adjacent residences. Development exceeding seven dwelling units per net residential acre may be allowed in accordance with Table 4-1. D. Environmental Review. This project underwent a State Environmental Policy Act review and a Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (MDNS) was issued on May 15, 2008, as established in Section 6.88.100 YMC. The applicant is proposing the same development action that was recommended approval by the Yakima Hearing Examiner on June 26, 2008. Per WAC 197-11-600, no significant changes have been proposed to the newly submitted Preliminary Long Plat, the City will apply the nine (9) Mitigation Measures from the MDNS issued on May 15, 2008 into the City's staff report recommendations. E. Processing. 1. The application for a Preliminary Long Plat was received on April 6, 2016. 2. A SEPA MDNS was issued for this plat on May 15, 2008 and will be incorporated into staff's recommendation. 3. The proposed plat is larger than nine lots, and is therefore being processed under the provisions of YMC §§ 14.20 & 6.88. 4. The applications were deemed complete for processing on April 29, 2016. 5. Pursuant to RCW Ch. 58.17, YMC § 1.42.030 and YMC § 14.20.100, the City of Yakima Planning Commission (Planning Commission) is authorized to make a recommendation for approval or disapproval, with written findings of fact and conclusions to support the recommendation to the City Council on preliminary plats. Within ten working days of the conclusion of a hearing, unless a longer period is agreed to in writing by the applicant, the Planning Commission shall render a written recommendation which shall include findings and conclusions based on the record. 6. Public Notice: Public notice for this application and hearing was provided in accordance with: YMC Title 14, Subdivision Ordinance; YMC Title 15, Urban Area Zoning Ordinance and YMC Title 16, Development Permit Regulations and include the following actions and dates: a. Date of Application: April 6, 2016 b. Date of Developer's Notice of Complete Application: April 29, 2016 c. Date of Notice of Application: May 13, 2016 d. Date of Posting of Land Use Action Sign on the Property: July 29, 2016 e. Date of Mailing of Notice of MDNS: May 15, 2008 f. Notice of Public Hearing July 1, 2016 3 7. Public Comment: Two (2) public comments were received during the open public comment period. One comment was received from Yakima County, and the other public comment was received from Vincent Lombardi, a neighbor adjacent to the proposal (6912 Easy St.). His comment was related to the dedication of Right -of -Way and the new property owner fulfilling the promise of the property owner made in 2008. When the plat for "Vista Ridge" was originally approved in 2008, the then property owner made an agreement to extend sewer and paved a driveway for Mr. Lombardi in exchange for the necessary dedication of right-of-way to continue Easy St. into the proposed plat. Mr. Lombardi is currently wondering if the new property is willing to fulfill the promise of the previous property owner. 7. Development Services Team (DST) Review: The proposal was reviewed by the DST team on May 31, 2016. Final comments of the DST members are summarized below. a. Codes: i. Preliminary addressing for the Plat can be found in Exhibit "A". ii. Per Appendix C of the IFC, if the fire apparatus access road will be continuous (not a dead end), fire hydrants shall have an average spacing of 500 feet along the fire apparatus access road. iii. Per section 503 of the IFC, approved fire apparatus access roads shall be proved up to and within 150 feet of the farthest part of buildings. iv. The final site plan must show approved fire hydrant locations and fire apparatus access roads prior to approval. v. Fire hydrants and fire apparatus access roads shall be installed prior to building permit issuance. b. Engineering: i. This development is subject to Title 12 development standards which include, but is not limited to the following sections of the Yakima Municipal Code (YMC), (see the applicable code portion of this staff report for specific code language or City of Yakima Website for the complete code):YMC § 8.64, 12.01, 12.02, 12.03, 12.04, 12.05, and 12.06. ii. Easy St., S. 70' Ave, and Vista Ridge Ave. are classified as Residential Access streets, requiring a total of 50 feet of right-of-way to be dedicated. iii. Curb, gutter, and sidewalk shall be installed in accordance with YMC § 8.67, 12.05, and 12.06.070. iv. All driveways will be required to be constructed in accordance with YMC Ch. 8.64. v. An excavation and street break permit shall be obtained for all work within the public right of way: YMC Ch. 8.72. vi. Per § 12.06.080 Street lighting - A street light shall be installed at each street intersection and at mid -block if the block exceeds five hundred feet in length. Street lights shall meet the design and placement standards of the City Engineer. Lighting improvements shall become the property of the City of Yakima upon installation and will thereafter be maintained by the City. c. Planning i. Per Map 5A of the West Valley Neighborhood Plan, South 7211 Ave is classified as a Minor Arterial Street. ii. Per table 5-1 of the Yakima Urban Area Transportation Plan — South 72nd Ave. will require a 30 foot half street improvement complete with curb, gutter, and sidewalk. iii. Per YMC § 15.06. 100 — Lighting: Lighting shall be provided to illuminate any off- street parking or loading space used at night. When provided, lighting shall be directed to reflect away from adjacent and abutting properties. Parking lots adjacent to residential districts or uses shall be designed with down -shielding and luminaries creating no lighting pollution upon those properties... d. Wastewater i. Sewer will need to be extended from the closest manhole in Easy Street to the east. IV. APPLICABLE LAW: A. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA): This project underwent a State Environmental Policy Act review and a Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (MDNS) was issued on May 15, 2008, as established in Section 6.88.100 YMC. The applicant is proposing the same development action that was recommended approval by the Yakima Hearing Examiner on June 26, 2008. Per WAC 197-11-600, no significant changes have been proposed to newly submitted Preliminary Long Plat. The City will apply the findings and decision from the MDNS issued on May 15, 2008. B. YMC § 15.03.020 (B) Single -Family Residential (R-1) zoning district: The Single -Family Residential district is intended to: 1. Establish new residential neighborhoods for detached single-family dwellings free from other uses except those which are compatible with, and serve the residents of this district, which may include duplexes and zero lot lines if established during the subdivision process; 2. Preserve existing residential neighborhoods for detached single-family dwellings free from other uses to ensure the preservation of the existing residential character, and serve the residents of this district; and 3. Locate moderate -density residential development, up to seven dwelling units per net residential acre, in areas served by public water and sewer system. Detached single-family dwellings are the primary use in this district. The district is characterized by up to sixty percent lot coverage; access to individual lots by local access streets; required front, rear and side yard setbacks; and one and two story structures. The density in the district is generally seven dwelling units per net residential acre or less. This zone is intended to afford single-family neighborhoods the highest level of protection from encroachment by potentially incompatible nonresidential land uses or impacts. Nonresidential uses within these zones are not allowed; except for public or quasi -public uses, which will be required to undergo extensive public review and will have all necessary performance or design standards assigned to them as necessary to DOC. INDEX 5 mitigate potential impacts to adjacent residences. Development exceeding seven dwelling units per net residential acre may be allowed in accordance with Table 4-1. C. YMC § 15.05.020 (H): Site design requirements and standards: Access Required: All new development shall have a minimum of twenty -feet of lot frontage upon a public road or be served by an access easement at least twenty feet in width. The purpose of this standards is to provide for vehicular access to all new development; provided, the construction of single-family on existing legally established lots is exempt from the requirements of this section. D. YMC § 15.05.030 (A): Creation of new lots — Subdivision Requirements: Table of Subdivision Requirements: • Establishes basic development criteria for lot size and width that must be met when reviewing an application for a new subdivision. For single family dwelling construction in the R-1 zoning district, the required minimum lot size is 6000 square feet. E. YMC § 15.05.055(1) New Development Improvement Standards Fire apparatus access roads for multiple -family residential developments and one- or two-family residential developments shall be subject to the provisions of Sections D106 and D107, respectively, of Appendix D of the International Fire Code (2009 Edition). Additionally, such residential developments shall be subject to the requirements of Section D105 of Appendix D, International Fire Code (2009 Edition), pertaining to aerial fire apparatus roads, as applicable. All provisions of the International Fire Code referenced above are hereby adopted and incorporated herein by this reference, as now existing or as hereafter amended and adopted by the city. Minimum requirements for the primary and secondary access will be at least twenty feet wide, unobstructed, paved lanes. F. YMC § 12.02.010 Establishment of Easements: Public utility easements shall be established for the location of new and proposed public utility lines serving new land divisions and land development. Public utility easements shall also be established across the front of new lots and redeveloped lots to provide for future utility access as determined necessary by the city engineer. Public utility easements shall be dedicated (granted) at the time that subdivision and/or land use approval is granted. G. YMC § 12.02.020 Easement location and width: Eight -foot -wide utility easements shall be dedicated along the front of each lot in subdivisions and short subdivisions. Easements for new and/or future utility lines shall be a minimum of eight feet in width, or twice the buried depth of the utility, whichever is greater. RKM H. YMC § 12.03.010 Sewer service required: All new lots and development shall be served by a sanitary sewer line located adjacent to the lot or development site. I. YMC § 12.03.040 Minimum sewer line size: The minimum size for public sewer lines is eight inches in diameter. J. YMC § 12.03.070 Side sewer service: Each building containing sanitary facilities shall be served by a separate private side sewer line from a public main. Branched side sewers serving multiple buildings and properties shall not be permitted. Single side sewers serving multi -unit buildings are permitted. K. YMC § 12.04.010 Water service required: All new lots and development shall be served by a public water supply line maintained by the city of Yakima, Nob Hill Water Company, or other water purveyor, and located adjacent to the lot or development site. The water line shall be capable of providing sufficient flow and pressure to satisfy the fire flow and domestic service requirements of the proposed lots and development as approved by the city Engineer in cooperation with the code administration manager and water irrigation division manager. L. YMC § 12.04.020 Water line extension required: Water lines shall be extended to the point where the adjoining property owner's responsibility for further extension begins. This typically requires extension across the street or easement frontage of the developing property. In some cases it will require dedication of on easement and a line extension across the property or extension along two or more sides of the developing property. Extensions will be consistent with and implement the City's adopted water comprehensive plan. M. YMC § 12.04.040 Minimum size and material standards: New water lines in the city of Yakima water system shall be constructed of Class 52 ductile iron and shall be a minimum of eight inches in diameter. Improvements and additions to the Nob Hill Water Company system shall conform to the requirements of Nob Hill Water Company. N. YMC § 12.05.010 Sidewalk installation required: "Sidewalks shall be installed along both sides of all new, improved, and reconstructed streets..." O. YMC § 12.06.020 Right-of-way and pavement width standards: Right-of-way shall be dedicated and street surfacing provided in accordance with West Valley Neighborhood plan and Table 5-1 of the Yakima urban Area Transportation Plan, P. RCW 58.17.280 and YMC Ch 14.15.090 - Naming and numbering of short subdivisions, subdivisions, streets, lots and blocks: Any city, town or county shall, by ordinance, regulate the procedure whereby short subdivisions, subdivisions, streets, lots and blocks are named and numbered. A lot numbering system and a house address system, however, shall be provided by the municipality for short subdivisions and subdivisions and must be clearly shown on the short plat or final plat at the time of approval. Q. RCW 58.17.110 and YMC 14.20.120: The city, town, or county legislative body shall inquire into the public use and interest proposed to be served by the establishment of the subdivision and dedication. It shall determine: (a) If appropriate provisions are made for, but not limited to, the public health, safety, and general welfare, for open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds, and shall consider all other relevant facts, including sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school; and (b) whether the public interest will be served by the subdivision and dedication. V. FINDINGS: 1. The subject property is currently unoccupied. 2. The proposed Preliminary Long Plat was initially reviewed by the Yakima Hearing Examiner on June 12, 2008 and recommended for approval on June 26, 2008. 3. The approved 2008 Preliminary Long Plat expired in July 2015. 4. The new applicant is proposing the same project that was originally approved in July of 2008. 5. This proposed preliminary plat is approximately 4.96 acres in size and designed for primarily single family residences 6. The Preliminary Long Plat is occurring as a single action and thus the density calculation is based upon a single action of dividing 4.96 acres in to 18 residential lots. 7. The density calculations are listed below: Density for the proposed development as a whole: X = 18 dwelling units / 4.96 acres 4X = 3.63 dwelling units per net residential acre Density with streets factored out calculation Square footage for total lots = -149,067 square feet 4 -149,067 square feet / 43,560 square feet per acre -->= 3.42 acres ->= 18 dwelling units / 3.42 acres ->= 5.26 Dwelling Units Per Net Residential Acre 8. Based upon the records of the City of Yakima, there are approximately 335 feet of frontage along the west side proposed subdivision. 9. According to City records, there is adequate dedication of right-of-way along Easy St. abutting parcel no. 181332-43005 (6912 Easy St.). The deed dedicating the right-of-way was recorded with the Yakima county Assessor on January 15, 2014. 10. The preliminarily platted right-of-way of Easy St., South 70th Ave, and Vista Ridge Ave. are classified as residential access streets, requiring a total of 50 feet of right-of-way. 11. Full street improvements will be required for the proposed extensions of Easy St., South 70th Ave., and Vista Ridge Ave. A complete 30 -foot half street improvement will be required for South 72nd Ave. 12. Environmental Review was completed for this development, and a MDNS was issued on May 15, 2008. 13. URBAN AREA ZONING ORDINANCE UAZO Zoning: The subject property is zoned R-1. A) Lot Coverage: The maximum lot coverage permitted in the R-1 zoning district is 60% and all lots will comply with that limitation. B) Lot Size: The preliminary plat indicates lot sizes that range from 8,500 to 10,277 square feet. Table 5-2 of Chapter 15.05 of the UAZO provides that the minimum lot size for single family construction is 6,000 square feet. C) Lot Width: Table 5-2 of Chapter 15.05 of the UAZO prescribes a minimum lot width of 50 feet for detached single family dwelling units. All proposed lots meet or exceed the minimum requirement. D) Density: With a density of about 3.63 dwelling units per net residential acre (5.26 dw/nra with streets calculated out), the proposed preliminary plat complies with YMC § 15.05.030(B) and Table 4-1 of Chapter 15.04 of the UAZO which prescribe a maximum of seven (7) dwelling units per net residential acre in the R-1 zone. 14. SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE: As proposed, and with the recommended conditions, this preliminary plat meets all the design requirements of YMC Ch. 14.30 of the City's subdivision ordinance and the development standards of YMC Title 12. The recommended conditions are intended to ensure consistency with the provisions of the City's subdivision ordinance and that appropriate provisions are provided for the following: A) Public health, safety, welfare: The construction of new single-family dwellings will complement adjacent uses will promote the public health, safety and general welfare insofar as there is a need in this community for additional housing and insofar as this proposed preliminary plat would be required to comply with all applicable City development standards, and all conditions of approval specified by the City of Yakima Planning Commission. B) Open spaces: The proposed lots are larger than minimum sizes required in the R-1 zoning district. Lot coverage of 60% or less in the R-1 zoning district will provide adequate light and air for future residents in accordance with the standards in the zoning ordinance without additional open spaces. C) Drainage systems: The SEPA MDNS, issued on May 15, 2008, requires that drainage system facilities will be provided in accordance with state and local regulations including the City of Yakima Municipal Code and the eastern Washington Storm Water Manual. D) Streets, alleys, and other public ways: The subject property has frontage upon South 72nd Ave., designated as a Minor Arterial street which requires 60 -feet of right-of- way. In accordance with YMC Title 12 development standards, the developer is to dedicate and construct the 30 -foot right-of-way portion of South 72nd Ave. abutting the subject property in accordance with the City's development standards. The subject property also has frontage upon Easy St., which is designated as a Residential Access street, requiring a total of 50 feet of right-of-way. E) Water supplies: Public water is required to be used for domestic and fire flow purposes. An adequate water supply for this development is available from Nob Hill Water Company. F) Sanitary waste disposal: Public sewer is required to service all lots. A City of Yakima sewer main lies within Easy St., east of the proposed development, and is capable of being extended to handle the demands of this development. G) Parks and playgrounds: The nearest park is located 1.45 miles to the northwest of the proposed preliminary plat. The proposed preliminary plat is not located in a planned parks and recreation area. Provisions for parks and recreation areas are not necessary within the proposed preliminary plat due to the size, number and location of the proposed lots and provisions for playgrounds exist at the schools which children within the proposed preliminary plat would be attending, and could also be individually provided on the lots themselves which are of a size which would allow for playground areas as needed or desired. H) Sites for schools: West Valley Middle and Jr. High Schools are located approximately within one mile to the north of the proposed preliminary plat. No comments were received from the School District suggesting the need for an additional school at this location. 1) Sidewalks: Sidewalks are required and will be provided along this developments frontage. J) Serves the public interest and use: This proposed 18 -lot residential subdivision is consistent with neighboring land uses and better serves the needs of the City of Yakima than the undeveloped status of the property. 15. TRANSPORTATION CONCURRENCY: This application was reviewed and approved for consistency with YMC 12.08 Transportation Capacity Management Ordinance on May 12, 2008. The newly proposed Preliminary Long Plat has no substantial changes since that time. The development will not exceed the PM peak hour capacity of the City Arterial street system and reserve capacity exists on all impacted streets. This review does not include any site development or safety issues which may be discussed at the project level or SEPA review. The review does not address intersection level of service. 16. TIME LIMITATION: Upon preliminary plat approval the applicant has five years from the date of preliminary approval to submit the final plat. Thereafter, 30 days prior to the expiration of preliminary approval the applicant must submit to the City Council a written request asking to extend the approval period for a maximum period of one year (YMC § 14.20.160 YMC). Before the final plat can be recorded all required infrastructure must be engineered, completed and inspected or engineered and financially secured and receive final plat approval from the City Council. VI. CONCLUSIONS: 1. This Preliminary Plat complies with the general requirements for subdivision approval as specified by YMC Ch. 14.20 and Ch. 15.05. 2. The proposed subdivision meets the density standards of the R-1 zoning district having 3.63 dwelling units per net residential acre (5.26 dw/nra with streets calculated out). 3. The subject Preliminary Long Plat was originally approved by the Yakima City Council on July 15, 2008 and expired in July of 2015. 4. No substantial changes have been proposed to the Preliminary Long Plat since it was approved in 2008. 5. Since not substantial changes have been made to the original Preliminary Long Plat, the SEPA MDNS issued on May 15, 2008 applies. 6. The proposed Preliminary Long Plat has primary access through Easy St. 7. This development will have no measureable impacts to the surrounding transportation system. 8. The right-of-way for the continuation of Easy St. was recorded with the Yakima County Assessor's office on January 1, 2014. 9. This proposed plat serves the public use and interest and provides for the possibility of creating new additional housing within the City of Yakima. 10. The Planning Commission has jurisdiction. (RCW Ch. 58.17, YMC § 1.42.030, and YMC § 14.20.100) 11. This recommendation is based upon a project narrative and site plan received April 6, 2016, and additional materials that have been secured from the applicant, their consultants, and other agencies. 12. A Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (MDNS) was issued on May 15, 2008. No significant changes have been proposed from the original MDNS. 13. This preliminary subdivision complies with the goals and objectives of the Urban Area Comprehensive Plan, the intent and purpose of the R-1 zoning district, the provisions of the Urban Area Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, Title 12's Development Standards and Chapter 12.08 the Traffic Concurrency Ordinance. 14. During project review it has been found that this request is in compliance with YMC §16.06.020 (B) for making a Determination of Consistency as follows: a. The proposed use is permitted within the R-1 zoning district. b. All necessary public facilities are available to serve this site. c. This proposal is consistent with existing development regulations for this location. 15. The proposed plat complies with the provisions of RCW 58.17.110 and YMC 14.20.100, providing appropriately for: the public health, safety, and general welfare, open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds, sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for citizen of the neighborhood. VII. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Division recommends that the 18 -lot subdivision known as "Vista Ridge" be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. 2008 SEPA Mitigation Measure #5: In accordance with YMC Ch. 12.01 and the applicant's preliminary plat, the applicant shall submit and gain approval of civil engineered plans which provide for design of all Title 12 development standards, including but not limited to curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lighting, stormwater, and street design. 2. South 72nd Ave. is designated as a Minor Arterial street, and shall require a half street improvement, for the entire length of the western portion of the subject property, with 30 - feet of right-of-way complete with Curb, gutter, and sidewalk. Construction shall be in accordance with YMC Title 8 and 12 development standards. 3. Prior to approval of the final plat all approved improvements shall be constructed or financially secured according to the standards and requirements of the City Engineer and YMC Title 12. 4. All lots shall be served with public water from the Nob Hill Water Company. No individual domestic or irrigation wells shall be permitted for any of the lots. Prior to final plat approval, written verification from Nob Hill Water must be submitted to the Planning DOC. MEX 12 Division indicating that all construction required to provide each lot with domestic water has been completed and the fees paid. 5. All lots shall be provided with public sewer service according to YMC Title 12 standards. Prior to final plat approval written verification from the City of Yakima Engineering Department must be provided to the Planning Division indicating that all sewer extensions have been completed and inspected or financially secured. 6. A minimum 8 -foot wide public utility easement must be provided adjacent to all public road rights-of-way. 7. Easements for new and/or future utilities shall be a minimum of 16 -feet in width, provided that the width of easements for buried utilities will be twice the depth of the planned excavation. 8. All public and private utilities shall be located underground, with the exception of telephone boxes and such similar structures. 9. All public and private utilities to be located within public road rights-of-way must be constructed prior to the start of road construction. 10. Fire hydrants shall be placed at the locations specified by the Building Codes and Planning Division and the Yakima Fire Department. All lots must be provided with adequate fire flow. 11. 2008 SEPA Mitigation Measure #7: A paved 20 -foot wide Fire Apparatus Access Road shall be constructed along the future 72nd Ave. right-of-way extending from Coolidge Ave. to the future extension of Easy St. at the Vista Ridge Plat. 12. 2008 SEPA Mitigation Measure #4: All permits required by the Yakima Regional Clean Air Authority shall be obtained and a copy provided to the City of Yakima Code Administration prior to commencement of site preparation. The developer shall designate during working hours a responsible party to serve as contact for suspected air quality violations. 13. 2008 SEPA Mitigation Measure #1: The developer shall contact the Washington State Department of Ecology, Water Resources Program to ensure legal right to water, and obtain a water rights permit if necessary. (RCW §§ 90.03.380 & 90.44. 10) A copy of any permit or approval shall be provided to the City of Yakima prior to the commencement of site preparation. 14. 2008 SEPA Mitigation Measure #2: A NPDES Construction Stormwater General Permit from the Washington State Department of Ecology is required. The permit requires that a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (Erosion Sediment Control Plan) is prepared and implemented for all permitted construction sites. Permit coverage and erosion control measures must be made at least 30 days prior to construction. These Plans and control measures must be reviewed and approved by the City of Yakima's engineering Division prior to construction. NDEX "� ". 13 15. 2008 SEPA Mitigation Measure #3: A final binding stormwater and drainage control plan for the entire property shall be submitted and approved by the City's Engineering Division prior to construction of improvements for any area of the development. 16. All addresses shall be as specified in Exhibit "A" of this report. All addresses must be clearly shown on the face of the final plat as required by RCW 58.17.280. 17. This plat shall be subject to the following notes, which must be placed on the face of the plat: a. The addresses shown on this plat are accurate as of the date of recording, but may be subject to change. The City of Yakima Building Codes Division is responsible for the confirmation or reassignment of addresses at the time of building permit issuance. b. The owners shown hereon, their grantees and assignees in interest hereby covenant and agree to retain all surface water generated within the plat on-site. 18. 2008 SEPA Mitigation Measure #9: Irrigation approval, if any is required, shall be shown on the face of the final plat. 19. 2008 SEPA Mitigation Measure #6: Lighting shall be provided to illuminate any off street parking or loading spaces used at night. When provided, lighting shall be directed to reflect away from adjacent properties. 20. 2008 SEPA Mitigation Measure #8: During project construction, all contractors shall adhere to the City of Yakima noise regulations regarding hours of construction. 21. All other requirements of the zoning and subdivision ordinance, although not specifically set forth herein, shall be complied with in their entirety. 22. Upon preliminary plat approval the applicant has five years to submit the final plat. Thereafter, 30 days prior to the expiration of said approval the applicant must submit to the City Council a written request asking to extend the approval period for a maximum period of one year. DOC. INDEX 14 Exhibit "A" Addressing is suggested as the following, but is subject to change: Lot 1: 2115 S. 70th Ave. Lot 2: 2113 S. 70th Ave. Lot 3: 2111 S. 70th Ave. Lot 4: 7001 Vista Ridge Ave. Lot 5: 7003 Vista Ridge Ave. Lot 6: 7101 Vista Ridge Ave. Lot 7: 7103 Vista Ridge Ave. Lot 8: 7105 Vista Ridge Ave. Lot 9: 7110 Vista Ridge Ave. Lot 10: 7104 Vista Ridge Ave. Lot 11: 7102 Vista Ridge Ave. Lot 12: 7002 Vista Ridge Ave. Lot 13: 7000 Vista Ridge Ave. Lot 14: 2114 S. 70th Ave. Lot 15: 7004 Vista Ridge Ave. Lot 16: 7100 Vista Ridge Ave. Lot 17: 7106 Vista Ridge Ave. Lot 18:7108 S. 72nd Ave. KH,USHDIP HANS — "VISTA RIDGE" PLP#002-16 EX:IBIT LIST CHAPTER B Maps B-1 Vicinity Map 04/06/2016 ........ ............ _._..............__...................................__................._.................................. ... _.................................... ...... _ ...................................... VICINITY MAP File Number: PLP#002-16 Project Name: KRUSH DIP RANS — "VISTA RIDGE" Site Address: Vic. of S 72nd Ave & Easy St Proposal: Proposed long plat that will subdivide approximately 4.96 acres into 18 single-family lots in the R-1 zoning district. ®®C. Contact the City of Yakima Planning Division at (509) 575-6183- INDEX Map Disclaimer: Information shown on this map is for planning and illustration purposes only. The City of Yakima assumes no liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided or for any i jU action taken, or action not taken by the user in reliance upon any maps or information provided herein. KHUSHDIP HANS — "VISTA RIDGE" PLP#002-16 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER C Site :Plan C-1 Of Site Plan 04/06/2016 _..... __..........A _.............._......._...._........ ._. _ _ ...... . ........ ........ ._........................................................................... ......... ............ ............... . .................... .......... __.................................... ......................... ................................................................................................................... ............................................................... ........................ ....................................._....... ......... ..................................................... _........... . .......... ._...... ._............................. ........... .. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF VISTA RIDGE IN THE SW 1/4, SE 1/4, SEC. 32, T-13 N, R-18 E,WM F� �. .I.Itvg sn / '"e'%+� .ao"oa» , \ �\ ��`',,`"e nc°xc uz +s�oz.. 12. A. A xxcxcExo. noses '� V �eao '""� �•- '` . al 8 6 5 4 3, a a rr � �, I�18 170 115 u� ., _,IT BE 12 z'l ee IT, R 9' 15,.� 4 e UL 9 -- -- "z,S o .✓ l'�$'K&Y-8'GREHT e/w VISTA RIDGE AVE. EASY ST. AND SO. 70TH AVE, flOADWAY SECTION n e� �. uro as ens couxs SO. 72ND AVE. ROADWAY SECTION RECEIVED APR 0 - 2096 CITY OF YAKIMA PI.A 143 DIV, LEGAL DESCRIPTION 11 EAETI wx aa�TIE RaF o°;w TR k 00 z3I< MWERI ME —EET II—El 11 D 1-1, ITIBLE omareo AL 1, ALL IT011 IATER xExe IT III xcw 11 sxovs sewE�Enas mu et _.W WASHINGTON AVE — SITH� € — AHTANUM RD VICINITY MAP (NO SCALE) 52f H 40Ti AVE, &AlE 5 P L S A ENGFffiElRiG-eURVEYW�-P" YANMA, WASHNGTI%i 9B9DE OWNER/DEVELOPERS SURVEYOR/ENGREER ,so m PLATIB AEB._ �PRxELIMINARY —crsesaxEo rae— z/zo/zs m. ffiot vx, soc s3r,sza iTauE s�vEnxc YARNA. wAv+xc KHUSHDIP KHUSII IP HC:ANS — "VISTA RIDGE" PLP#002-16 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER D DST Review & Agency Comments D-1 D-2 D-3 110 Comments from Carolyn Belles, Permit Project Coordinator Comments from Glenn Denman, Supervising Code Inspector -.................. ....... .._........... ... ............. ... Comments from Randy Meloy, Stormwater Engineer 04/12/2016 05/02/2016 ....�. 05/05/2016 D-4 Comments from Dana Kallevig, Utility Project Manager 05/18/2016 D-5 D-6 ............... D-7 ............ .__..._._... D-8 Comments from Sandra Hull, Yakima Tieton Irrigation District DST Request for Comments ...._ _...... Comments from Mike Shane, Water/Irrigation Engineer w......................................................................................................................................._._............ .................... ........... _................................. _ Comments from Thomas Carroll, Yakima County Planning 05/26/2016 05/31/2016 06/02/2016 w ........................................... .... _ 07/20/2016 Martin, Trevor From: Thomas Carroll <thomas.carroll@co.yakima.wa.us> Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 2:44 PM To: Martin, Trevor Subject: Comment PLP#002-16 - Vista Ridge JUL 2 0 2016 Trevor, T YAKIMA COMMUNITY OfvELOpMEW Thanks for the opportunity for us to comment on the Long Plat Vista Ridge, 1. It is important to note that the West Valley Neighborhood Plan (approved both by the city and county) shows the eventual expansion of S. 72nd extending southward to Occidental. 2. South 72nd is a minor arterial, under YMC 12.06.020 minor arterial's require a 80 -foot right-of-way and pavement width of 65 feet, which is less than current proposed by applicants. 3. A note on the site plan indicates the applicant is proposing a gate for emergency access only, this gate must not be permanent to allow for the eventual expansion of S. 72nd. Yakima County recommends that the City require the applicants to modify their proposed plat layout to accommodate the future expansion of S. 72nd as a minor arterial with 80' R/W and 65 feet paved surfaces. If you need this as an official letter just let me know. Thanks, To wt vlvt l Cn rr0 LL Planning Section Manager- Long Range/Environmental Yakima County Public Services 128 N 2nd Street, Fourth Floor Courthouse Yakima, WA. 98901 509-574-2300 Thomas.carroll@co.,ya.k.i. am.wamus t° � f I 1"I , ("�cI .,,,,w cw b ,.. . k e� it, 1 DATE: June 2, 2016 TO: Trevor Martin, Assistant Planner FROM: Mike Shane, Water / Irrigation Engineer RE: PLP #002-16, SEPA#010-16 — VIC. OF S 72ND AVE & EASY ST – KHUSHDIP HANS - "VISTA RIDGE" Project Description – Proposed long plat that will subdivide approximately 4.96 acres into 18 single-family lots in the R-1 zoning district. This project requires Title 12 improvements, including but not limited to the following: 8.67 and 12.05 – New curb, gutter and sidewalk required within new development. Street section shall conform to standard detail R3. New sidewalks shall be constructed per standard detail R5. S. 72°d Ave. is classified as a Minor Arterial requiring 7' sidewalks. Construction of sidewalks may be deferred by mutual agreement between developer and City. 8.64 – Driveways to be constructed per this chapter and standard detail R4. 8.72 – An excavation and street break permit shall be obtained for all work within the public right of way. Refer to chapter 8 for requirements. Roads less than five years old can be cut, but will cost one hundred fifty percent of restoration fee with no PCI discount. 12.02 –Easements will need to be established per this chapter. 12.06.050 - Phased developments or temporary dead-end streets shall provide for adequate temporary turnarounds between project phases or future street extension. The design shall provide for continuation of the full right-of-way width to the property boundary. 12.06 – Street and right of way widths shall conform to this section unless otherwise approved. 50' of right of way is required for the residential new streets. S. 72°d Ave. is classified as a Minor Arterial, requiring a total of 60' of right of way. 12.06.080 Street lighting - A street light shall be installed at each street intersection and at mid - block if the block exceeds five hundred feet in length. Street lights shall meet the design and placement standards of the city engineer. Lighting improvements shall become the property of the city of Yakima upon installation and will thereafter be maintained by the city All frontage improvements shall be completed prior to Certificate of Occupancy. Civil engineering plans for public improvements shall be approved prior to issuance of building permits. Mike Shane - Water/Irrigation Engineer (509)576-6480 Fax(509)575-6187 mike.shane@yakimawa.gov DOt°'+, INDEX ,.I AM���e�6��IIV p RILML VaV r,`aP YAK9Mutt, H, l n i n r City of Yakima Development Services Team Request For Comments May 26, 2016 To: City of Yakima Development Services Team From: Trevor Martin, Associate Planner Subject: Request for Comments A licant: Khushdip Hans File Number: PLP#002-16 Location: Vicini of 72nd and East St Parcel Numbers): 181332-43002 DST MEETING DATE: 5/31/2016 Proposal 18 lot long plat in the R-1 zoning district Please review the attached application and site plan and prepare any written comments you might have regarding this proposal. This project will come up for discussion at the weekly DST meeting to be held JM ay 11 gQ,Int ,,,,,,,,1,1, �pm:p��n As always, should you have comments, but find you are unable to attend, please submit your comments prior to the meeting. My email address is trevor.martin@yakimawa.gov and the Planning Department's fax number is (509) 575-6105. Should you have any questions, or require additional information, please call me at (509) 575-6162. Contact Person Department/Agency 05-26-16;02;28PM; PCITY Of YAKIMA lanning City of Yakima Development Services Team Request For Comments May 26, 2016 To: Ci of Yakima Development Services Team From: Trevor Martin, Associate Planner Sub ect: R uest for Comments A Ilcant: Khushdip Hans File Number. PLPS002-16 Location: Vicini of 72nd and East St Parcel Numbs s 161332.43002 LOST MEETING DATE: W3112016 ;509-678-5730 # 1/ 1 Please review the attached application and site plan and prepare any written comments you might have regarding this proposal. This project will come up for discussion at the weekly DST meeting to be held Mpy 31,10116 2:00 o.m. As always, should you have comments, but find you are unable to attend, please submit your comments prior to the meeting. My email address is trevor.martin@yakimawa.gov and the Planning Department's fax number is (509) 575-6105. Should you have any questions, or require additional information, please call me at (509) 575-6162. YAKIMA, WASHINGTON 98908 ... 509-678-4101 RECEIVED UAY 2 6 2016 INDEXCITY OF YAKIMA PLANKI!M DIV. File Number: PLP#002-16 Naft Type Nioto Code Text cireaw By Begin, Do% DST COMMENTS he is no exisfing sewer, whem plan sheet dara.kallevigQya WOWS shows It. Sewer will used to be extendW from kIr110Wa.q,Ov the clasest markhole in Easy Street to the oast. DOC. HADEX # File Number: PLP#002-16 Note, TVpe Note Codi Text Created By Begin DaW 'T COMMENTS All suilace water rviott shll be retained on site. rand ,m l ry ak (W05116 Mate specific coinments Wil be forthcoming kraww . ov wheri drainage r p art and dvil plans are submitted. File Number: PLP#002-16 Note Type Note Code Text Cmated By Begin DSTCOMMENTS S Minirnaft , fite hydirants are requited at 5001 Beat Glenn.0enmane 0:5102116 intervais along act mods, or as per the yaldmawa.gov required fire flow for any proposed structures per the 2012 International Fire Cods.. 16�,T*2 - /41 oddw, PRELIMINARY PLAT OF M -446116V VISTA RIDGE /� -1(,a IN THE SW 1/4, SE 1/4, SEC. 32, T-13 N, R-18 E,WM fi L -0— 'A t am ..... ...... VISTA R!X&AS6�Sy ------------------ 4k I RECEIVED APR 0 6 2016 OR OF YAMMA FLANNNG OIV- LEGAL DE9CFiPT10N NOTES I VICINITY M" (NO SCALE) P L S A =RI701EIS =ORIVIf — — . .1 1d R, 't, — xlaatnv KI-IUSI DIP HANS — "VISTA MIDGE" PLP#002-16 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER E SEPA Checklist /,, �, E-1 i i SEPA Checklist 02/22/2008 ............................. . ... ......................................... ......................................... _.. SEPA CHECKLIST FORM A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposal, if applicable: Vista Ridge Subdivision 2. Name of applicant: Vista Ridge Properties LLC Phone: 360-885-1237 Address of applicant: 3504 SE 173 Id Court Vancouver, WA 98683 3. Person completing Form: Chris McGibbon 4. Date checklist submitted: 02-22-08 RECEIVED FEB 2 2 2008 CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING DIV. 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Yakima, Community and Economic Development 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Begin construction 07-01-08 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? Similar subdivision may be developed on adjacent parcels. S. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment has been completed to satisfy bank's requirement 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. No 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. City of Yakima, Final Plat Approval City of Yakima approval of sewer, water, street and drainage infrastructure plans Yakima County clean air Authority Dust Control Plan Approval D.O.E. Storm Water Management Plan 1 DOC. INDEX E --I 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.) Project consists of constructing the infrastructure of an 18 -lot residential subdivision on a 4.89 acre site (previously orchard) 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. Northeast corner of Easy Street and S 72nd Ave (this section of S 72 is a Right of Way only) 13. Taxation Parcel Number. Parcel #181332-43002 B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS (Attach additional sheets if necessary) 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (circle one): Flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other. Gentle slope b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approx %): Maximum 5% c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. Hardwood Loam d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. No e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Minimal grading - required for roadbed. No fill. DOC. INDEX -1 f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing; construction, or use? If so, generally describe. No g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Approximately 40% h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: During site development and construction activities, regulatory erosion control measures will be implemented, such as silt fences and appropriate dust control. 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Dust during construction None when project is completed b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: Compliance with Regulatory Requirements and Clean Air Authority Regulations. 3. WATER a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. No DOC. INDEX 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. No 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. None 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100 -year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. No 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No b. Ground: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No ground water will be withdrawn. Irrigation of residential landscape and outside household use will be discharged. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals ... ; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. None c. Water runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. Storm water will be handled by on-site infiltration trenches Doc. 4 INDEX 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. No d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: No measures needed 4. PLANTS a. Types of vegetation found on the site: Minimal grasses are remaining after removal of orchard b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Grasses will be replaced by residential landscaping c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site, None d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: Various landscaping plants as determined by individual homeowners 5. ANIMALS a. Any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: birds: native songbirds, robins, quail, starlings, blackbirds mammals: mice, gophers fish: none b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. No DOC. 5 INDEX [- d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: Planting of residential landscaping 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Electric, natural gas, wood, and solar energy may be used for space heating, cooling, lighting and power. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. NO c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: Not applicable to construction of subdivision infrastructure. Houses will be built to meet or exceed Washington State Energy Code. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. No 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. None 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: None needed b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? None 6 DOC. INDEX # F_- I 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Short-term construction noise during standard working hours (approx 8 am — 5 pm) 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any; Adhear to City of Yakima Noise Ordinance 8. LAND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Site is recently removed orchard. Adjacent properties are orchard and housing (Easy Acres subdivision). b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. Yes. Apple orchard c. Describe any structures on the site. None d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? No e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? R-1 Single Family Residential f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Low density residential g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Not applicable h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify.. No i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? 45 j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: None necessary 1. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: Remain within the current zoning regulations 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. Infrastructure for 18 middle income houses b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: None needed 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? Maximum building height of 35 feet. Principal exterior building material will most likely be wood. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? None s DOC. INDEX I E -J c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: Compliance with City Zoning Code and City Building Code regulations regarding building heights, lot coverage, and set backs, etc. 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Standard street lights during non -daylight hours b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: None needed 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? West Valley Junior High fields and West Valley Parks b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: None needed 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. No DOC. INDEX 9 C_ —I b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None c., Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: None needed 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. Easy Street (accessed from S 69th Avenue). Proposed Vista Ridge Avenue is designed for future connectivity to S 72nd Ave. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? No. Yakima City's Nob Hill/Tieton Transit route is approximately 1 mile c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? Eighteen driveways will be provided. No parking spaces are eliminated. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). Two new public roads will be constructed within the subdivision with 5' wide sidewalks on both sides of street. The full width of Easy Street will be extended into the proposed subdivision. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. No f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. Approximately 90 trips, with peak times of 7am-9am and 4pm-6pm. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: None m DOC. INDEX #I- 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. Yes. Emergency Services, Schools, Garbage relative to 18 single-family residences. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. Subdivision is not planned for maximum allowed density 16. UTILITIES Utilities currently available at the site: Yakima-Tieton irrigation water b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. Sewer — City of Yakima Water — Nob Hill Water Assn Electricity — Pacific Power Telephone — Qwest Cable - Charter Communications C. SIGNATURE The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Vista Ridge Properties, LLC By- Proponent y Proponent or Person Completing Form DOC. INDEX l-�.. KHUSH IP . ANS — "VISTA RIDGE" PLP#002-16 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER F Applications sm F-1 _......................__._...............__.....................-.-........ 01 Land Use Application for Preliminary Long Plat ._..........._.................... _.. ..._ ..............................._.._._�._ 04/06/2016 2ECrul 0 LAND USE APPLICATION"leg lk � CITY OF YAKIMA, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEV1:LC PIVILN ° tTY t. f YAK iM 129 NORTH SECOND STREET, 2ND FLOOR, 'YA �CII"vI'A, W'x1 98901 � a n�i�9 VOICE: (509) 575-6183 FAX: (509) 575-6105 PQMA�Ii �i" INSTRUCTIONS – PLEASE READ FIRST Please a or print your answers clean . Answer all questions completely. If you have any questions about this form or the application process, please ask a Planner. Remember to bring all necessary attachments and the required filing fee when the application is submitted. The Planning Division cannot accept an application unless it is complete and the filing fee paid. Filing fees are not refundable. This application consists of four parts. PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION AND PART IV – CERTIFICATION are on this page. PART II and III contain additional informations ecific to our proEosaland MUST be attached to this p2ge to coin lete the !221ication. PART I – GENERAL INFORMATION Name Joe Baker 1. Applicant's _ Information: Mailm Address 521 N. 20th Ave . 3 City Yakimaa WA �" Nlr; 98902 l'6tone. (509 )575 6990 E -Mail: jbaker@plsaofyakima.com ❑ g ❑ Purchaser ............. I Applicant's Check One: Owner A ent er --Interest in Pro..erty u ❑ „Other Name: Khushdip Hans 3. Property Owner's Mailin Address 1601 W. Washington Information If other g ®n'a`ve than Applicant): City..._ __ ..._ _ Yakima _ �t ,_......WA?'1a4 8903 1( 5094 ) 834 1424 V 9 .__ l hu�a� E -Mail: khans@live.com ........------------------ --- 4. Subject Property's Assessor's Parcel Number(s): 18133243002 5. Legal Description of Property. (if lengthy, please attach it on a separate document) S 1/2, NW 1/4, SW 1/4, SE 1/4 Sec. 32, T-13 N, R-18 E,W.M.; Except right of way for road on the West. 6. Property Address: 2155 S. 72nd Ave 7. Pro ri e.. ------- ----- - ....... p y's Existing Zoning: ❑ SR N R-1 ❑ R-2 ❑ R-3 ❑ B-1 ❑ B-2 ❑ HB ❑ SCC ❑ LCC ❑ CBD ❑ GC ❑ AS ❑ RD ❑ M-1 ❑ M-2 ------------------------------ ----- ------ — ................ .. - ............................ ........ _ _ -.. --- _.... __................ .......... ..... . ........... . _... , ....... 8. Type Of Application: (Check All That Apply) ❑ Administrative Adjustment ❑ Environmental Checklist (SEPA Review) ❑ Easement Release ❑ Type (1) Review ❑ Right -of -Way Vacation ❑ Rezone ❑ Type (2) Review ❑ Transportation Concurrency ❑ Shoreline ❑ Type (3) Review ❑ Non -Conforming Use/Structure ❑ Critical Areas Review ❑ Preliminary Short Plat ❑ Appeal to HE / City Council ❑ Variance ❑ Final Short Plat ❑ Interpretation by Hearing Examiner ❑ Temporary Use Permit ❑ Short Plat Amendment ❑ Modification ❑ Overlay District 11 Preliminary Long Plat ❑ Home Occupation ❑ Binding Site Plan ❑ Final Long Plat ❑ Comprehensive Plan Text or Map Amendment ❑ Planned Development ❑ Plat Alteration –Long Plat ❑ Short Plat Exemption: _ _ ❑ Other: PART II – SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION & PART III – REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS 9. SEE ATTACHED SHEETS PART IV – CERTIFICATION N � J y � Y est of my knowledge. 10 AL" n this application and the required attachments ire true and correct to the bPro Owner's Signature ate Applicant's Signature --�............___...�.,_.. __.._......____� Date ILE/APPLIf:;A"I ION(S)p 77 0 177 C7 DAT 'F PAID: � I E Yi A IOIIN"I;PAIpwt RECEIPT NO:Qbbk 11 Ito Revised 08/2015 Pag: `' INDEX pp �.. V Supplemental Application For: 10 a PRELIMINARY LNG PLAT radl rww CITY OF YAKIMA, SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE, TITLE 14 h I PART II - APPLICATION INFORMATION 1. PROPERTY OWNERS (attach if long): List all parties and financial institutions having an interest in the property. Khushdip Hans Ramandeep Hans ..._. _._. .... ........_ ....._ 2. SURVEYOR AND/OR CONTACT PERSON WITH THEIR CONTACT INFORMATION: Joe Baker, PLSA Engineering & Surveying 521 N. 20th Ave., Suite 3 Yakima, WA 98902 jbaker@plsaofyakima.com _ _ ...... _..... .... _ 3. NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Plat of Vista Ridge 4. NUMBER OF LOTS AND THE RANGE OF LOT SIZES: 18 lots 8,500 10,277 sq. ft. 5. SITE FEATURES: A. General Description: ❑ Flat Il Gentle Slopes ❑ Steepened Slopes B. Describe any indication of hazards associated with unstable soils in the area, i.e. slides or slipping? C. Is the property in a 100-Year Floodplain or other critical area as mapped by any local, state, or national maps or as defined ka the Washington State Growth Management Act or the Yakima Municipal Code? ...... 6. UTILITY AND SERVICES: (Check all that are available) Nob Hill Yakima-Tieton Electricity Telephone ® Natural Gas 10 Sewer N Cable TV N Water Irrigation 7. OTHER INFORMATION: A. Distance to Closest Fire Hydrant: 675 feet B. Distance to Nearest School (and name of school): 4,000 feet - West Valley Jr. High School C. Distance to Nearest Park (and name of park): 6,000 feet - West Valley park D. Method of Handling Stormwater Drainage: On-site storm drainage system E. Type of Potential Uses: (check all that apply) Single -Family Dwellings ❑ Two-Family Dwellings ❑ Multi-Family Dwellings ❑ Commercial ❑ Industrial PART III - REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS 8. PRELIMINARY PLAT REQUIRED: (Please use the attached City of Yakima Preliminary Plat Checklist) _.. ..... _... ... .._....._..._ 9. TRAFFIC CONCURRENCY: (if required, see YMC Ch. 12.08, Traffic Capacity Test) 10. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST (required): I hereby authorize the submittal of the preliminary plat application to the City of Yakima for review. I understand that conditions of approval such as dedication of right-of-way, easements, restrictions on the type of buildings that may be constructed, and access restrictions from public roads may be imposed as a part of preliminary plat approval and that failure to meet these conditions may result in denial of the final plat. A IpV roperty Owner Signature (required) Date �..._... .............................. .�...._............ ...__....._..� _..__... Note: if you have any questions about this process, please contact us City of Yakima, Planning Division, 129 N. 2nd St., Yakima, WA or 509-575-6183 RECEIVED Revised 08/2015 Page 14 APR 0 J 2016 CITY OF YAKIMA INDEX PLANNING Dill. SITE PLAN INSTRUCTIONS In Order For Application To Be Determined Complete, A Site Plan Must Be Completed And Submitted. A Detailed Site Plan Is Required: On August 6, 1996, the City Council passed a resolution (No. R-96-91) adopting a requirement that all site plans submitted with any City of Yakima building permit application, land use application, and environmental application must contain the following information listed below and be acceptable by the appropriate division manager. All information that is applicable to your proposal shall be checked off and clearly displayed on the site plan. It is in the applicant's best interest to provide a carefully drawn and scaled site plan with all the required information. The decision on whether or not to grant approval of your development proposal is largely based on the information you provide. An application cannot be processed until an adequate site plan is submitted. Note: You may benefit from the aid of a professional in the preparation of a site plan. 1) Use Ink: Use blue or black permanent ink. It may be helpful to draft the site plan in pencil then trace over in ink. Ink is necessary for adequate duplication. Computer drafted site plans are acceptable. 2) Size of Paper: The site plan shall be legibly drawn in ink on paper of sufficient size to contain the required information, but not less than 8.5" X 11" for Type (1) Review and 11" X 17" for Type (2) and Type (3) Reviews. 3) Use A Straight Edge: All lines must be straight and done with the aid of a ruler or other straight edge. Use a compass when delineating circular drawings such as cul-de-sacs. 4) Drawn to Scale: All site plans shall be drawn to a standard engineering scale and indicated on the site plan. The scale selected shall best fit the paper. The recommended scale shall be: 1"=20'. For example, if the distance from a structure to a property line is 20 feet, then the distance on the site plan will be 1 inch. 5) Use Site Plan Checklist: Use the site plan checklist and provide all applicable information on the site plan. 6) Fill In Information On The Site Plan Template Available At The City Of Yakima Or Attach The Information Below To Your Site Plan: Complete all information requested on the bottom of the site plan template. If you use a different medium, provide the requested information on the alternative paper. DETAILED SITE PLAN CHECKLIST Please complete this checklist and include it with your site plan. The site plan must contain all pertinent information. Items not applicable to the proposed project shall be noted. Check" 1 all boxes as: Included or -Not , � �la+�:a t1 Note: Planning Division or Reviewing Official may require additional information to clarify the proposal, assess its impacts, or determine compliance with the Yakima Municipal Code and other laws and regulations RECEIVED Revised 08/2015 DOCO Page 115 APR 0INDEX CITY OF YAKIMA PLANIN11% DIV. address,hone number, and signature of the owner or responsible for the Site address, parcelnumber(s), and zonin desis tion _ Property boundaries and dimensions 1 Names and dimensions of all existing streets boundina or touching the site Dimensions, location and use of proposed and existing structures Structure setbacks X North Arrow X Lot coverage with calculations shown on site lan. (YMC § Ch. 15.05020(C)) ... _.. - _ _. _..�..�... ...__. Location and size of ani easements x ........__........._ .__........... ....... ........... ................_....................................... _........-_............ _. Location and type of existin and proposed landsca m includin landscaping within the public right-of-way — Location and size of existing and proposed side sewer and water service lines x Adjacent land uses and zoningdesignations Location and size of all parkinspaces with the parking calculations shown on the site plan Location and dimensions of proposed or existiny, driveway approaches. _ Vision clearance Irian esatstreet intersections and at drivewa s. Clearview Trian le — YMC § Ch. 15.05.040 _............................................................................................................................._...._..._ _........................................................................................................................................._.-........................�..._.......................................... ...._..... Curb cuts mtersectin with streets .._...._..-m..__. .... ......_ .._ .... ..... Location and size of new or existin loadin�T.aces and docks Location and size of proposed or existing signs YMC § Ch. 15.08) Location, type, and description of required sitescreenin (YMC Ch. 15.07) Location and size of required site drainage facilities including on-site retention. Location size and surfacing of refuse container area x fisting. o.. proposed public sidewalks that are within 200 -feet of the subject np. rte Location and size of ex ro e x Proposed im rovements located withinthe public right-of-waY. ___ .._ . ........ ...... ......_ Calculation of land use density Note: Planning Division or Reviewing Official may require additional information to clarify the proposal, assess its impacts, or determine compliance with the Yakima Municipal Code and other laws and regulations RECEIVED Revised 08/2015 DOCO Page 115 APR 0INDEX CITY OF YAKIMA PLANIN11% DIV. KHUSHDIP HANS — "VISTA RIDGE" PLP#002-16 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER G Public Comments , -a/ /f„ / % r, /. /l r , / i G-1 Comment Letter from Vincent Lombardi 06/01/2016 G-2 2"d Comment Letter from Vincent Lombardi (with referenced 08/12/2016 documents attached ........ ....... ...... ...... .._..................... ........ .................... .......m......... .......................... ............ __........................................ _ . _........ _... 8/3/2016 Vincent Lombardi 6912 Easy St Yakima WA, 98903 Yakh'na WA, 98901 As you know 1 will be unable to attend the public hearing on 8/24/2016 concerning Vista Ridge plot plan due to a family engagement. This letter is to address my interests and concerns I have discussed with you in a letter and over the phone. There was an agreement signed between me and Vista Ridge Properties LLC (previous owner of the property) which granted an easement on my property in exchange for upgrades to my property. Since the signing of that contract my property has been refinanced with Banner Bank while adding a second owner to the property. During the property title search there was no record of the agreement between me and Vista Ridge Properties. Since the signing of the new loan I have been contacted twice to sign a new agreement. It is my belief that this agreement is no longer valid, but in the case that it is, I would like to point out that the new owners are responsible to fulfill the other half of the agreement. I have contacted Joe Baker of PLSA Engineering and have provided him a copy of the agreement. He sent out an e-mail to the owner sharing this information. I have attached a copy of the original letter that I mailed out to the city in June along with a copy of the agreement between me and Vista Ridge Properties LLC and the e-mail from PLSA Engineering to the new owner. Please keep me informed as to how the hearing proceeds. 1 do appreciate your help in this matter. Vincent Lombardi Lombardi. Vince From: Vince <outofphase@msn.com> Sent: Monday, July 18, 2016 4:15 PM To: Lombardi, Vince Subject: Fwd: Right of Way on Easy Street [*EXTERNAL*] Attachments: Easy Street improvement Letter From Mr Lombardi.pdf gECEIV'ED AUG 12 2016 Sent on the new Sprint Network from my Samsung Galaxy S04 CITYANNi� D VA -------- Original message -------- From: Joe Baker <jbaker@plsaofyakima.com> Date: 07/18/2016 4:07 PM (GMT -08:00) To: outofphase@msn.com Subject: Fwd: Right of Way on Easy Street Thank You, Joseph W. Baker, PLS President PLSA Engineering & Surveying 521 N. 20th Ave., Suite 3 Yakima, WA 98902 (509) 575r6990 laaker lsaof akirna,coM ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Joe Baker <°baker lsaof akima.cont Date: Fri, Jul 1, 2016 at 10:50 AM Subject: Right of Way on Easy Street To: Khushdip Hans <k hans @live.com> Mr. Hans, Two weeks ago we were told by the City of Yakima that there is no Might of Way to build the proposed Easy Street. We have found the deed granting the City the right of way needed and have fought to get the City and the County to acknowledge the right of way. DOC. 1 INDEX Now that the jurisdictions have accepted the right of way dedication for the construction of Easy street to serve your Plat, the neighbor who gave the land for the right of way has provided the City with the attached letters from ELC Signature properties. The letters basically state that, in exchange for the right of way, Vista Ridge would pave a 24'x 85' driveway at 6912 Easy street and stub water and sewer mains to Parcel 181332-43005. This was an existing agreement and you will be held to it for approval of the Plat of Vista Ridge. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank You, Joseph W. Baker, PLS President PLSA Engineering & Surveying 521 N. 20th Ave., Suite 3 _ Yakima, WA 98902 __ (509) 575-6990 ibaker@p1saofyakima.com RECEIVED AUG 12 2016 CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING DIV. D z INDEX G ..._, May 29, 2008 Vincent Lombardi 6912 Easy Street Yakima, WA 98908 Dear Mr. Lombardi, Enclosed you will find the following documents: Chris McGibbon Chief Financial Officer 3504 SE 173rd Court Vancouver, WA 98683 Phone 360.885.1237 Cell 360.518.9292 Fax 360.253.3099 chrism®elcsignatureproperties.com RECEIVED AUG, 1 1 2016 CITY OF YAKIMA PI-Ald'!d'I,M DIV Signed letter of agreement RE; Parcel #181332-43005 dedication of land for Easy -Street -- improvement (2 originals) • Quit Claim Deed • Dedication of Rigbt-of-Way I provided two signed letters of agreement; one for your records and one to be given to the attorney to process the above documents. I have also enclosed a Quit Claim Deed and Dedication of Right -of -Way documents that were prepared by Jim Adams of Wagner, Luloff & Adams. These are the documents that will be required by the City of Yakima and Title Company. I have notified Jim Adams that either Friday or Saturday you could make these signed documents available. We will be in touch with you to see which day and time works best for you and whether it is convenient for you to meet as his office (110 North 5"' Ave, Suite #200) or elsewhere. If you have any questions regarding the documents, please do not hesitate to call Jim Adams, 248-5010; Josh McGibbon, 303-763-0251; or me, 360-885-1237. _ Thank you, 66�01ze'#ey� Chris McGibbon Enclosures May 29, 2008 Vincent Lombardi 6912 Easy Street Yakima WA 98908 Chris McGibbon Chief Financial Officer 3504 SE 173rd Court Vancouver, WA 98683 Phone 360.885.1237 Cell 360.518.9292 Fax 360.253.3099 chrism@elcsignatureproperties.com RECEIVED AUG 1 3. 2016 CITY OF YAKW^ RE: Parcel #181332-43005 dedication of land for Easy Street improvementPLANN!.43 DIV Dear Mr. Lombardi, Please accept the following as confirmation of Wednesday"s phone conversation between you and Josh. McGibbon regarding the planned improvement of Easy Street. Vista Ridge Properties LLC (subsidiary of ELC Signature properties LLC) is in the approval process with City of Yakima to build a small residential development north of the above identified parcel.. To achieve a preferred design of the Easy Street improvement we are requesting your signature below to indicate the agreement as discussed today. Vincent Lombardi, Owner of parcel #18133243005 will: Deed a strip of land approximately 25' x 150' along Easy Street to be dedicated to the City of Yakima for the Easy ,Street Right -of --Way (land has been identified by PLSA Engineering arid Surveying). Vista Ridge Properties, LLC will: • Pave the proposed improvement of Easy Street to the driveway of 6912 Easy Street. • Pave an approximate 24' x 85' driveway on the property of 6912 Easy St. to match the width of the existing shop pad. Stub water and sewer mains to property line of Parcel #18133243005 sufficiently sized for potential future development of said parcel. AGREED: r By Chris McGibbon, CFO Date ELC Signature Properties LLC For Vista Ridge Properties LLC 5/29/2016 Vincent Lombardi 6912 Easy St Yakima, WA 98903 Joan Davenport 129 N. Second St Yakima, WA 98901 Greetings, This letter is in response to the letter received May 14, 2016 concerning the development of the Vista Ridge community adjacent to my property (parcel 181332-43005). In a meeting February of this year with Chief Engineer Brett Sheffield and Associate Planner Trevor Martin, I also explored the requirements needed to sub -divide my property to add a second dwelling for myself. There were two requirements that were asked of me which I don't see addressed in this proposal. First, the city informed me there is no right away granted on my property, this included access to parcel number181332-43004. The city is requiring me to chip seal the entire length of the property regardless of the location for the new driveway to ensure a future right away. There has not been any access granted to Vista Ridge owners as of late. Second, to expand Easy Street with a 25' easement as mentioned above would compromise the drain field that is currently supporting my house and add additional cost to me personally. The 135' that is currently planned will affect half of the drain field. I request the planning department to reconsider the need to expand Easy Street and grant access to Vista Ridge from 72nd street exclusively or provided a plan that will not impact my dwelling. Vincent Lombardi (509)952-4937 RECEIVED JUN 0 701 DOC. (;J1'Y OF YA11JIVA INDEX KHUSH:BIP HANS — "VISTA RIDGE" PLP#002-16 EXHIBIT LIST CHAPTER H Notices Is16 H-1 Determination of Application Completeness 04/29/2016 ......................... H-2 .................................... Notice of Application 05/13/2016 H -2a: Parties and Agencies Notified H -2b: Affidavit of Mailing H-3 Request for Additional Information 06/14/2016 H-4 Notice of YPC Public Hearing 07/01/2016 H -4a: Legal Notice H -4b: Press Release and Distribution E- mail H -4c: Parties and Agencies Notified H -4d: Affidavit of Mallin H-5 Land Use Action Installation Certificate 07/29/2016 H-6 YPC Agenda and Packet Distribution List 08/17/2016 H-7 YPC Agenda 08/24/2016 AW N A DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT "I A a 1&%6% Planning Division Pl A Joan Davenport, AICP, Director CH Y ` f, Y�° K � M A 129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov - www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning City of Yakima Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING City Hall Council Chambers Wednesday August 24, 2016 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. YPC Members: Chairman Scott Clark, Vice -Chair Patricia Byers, Al Rose, Bill Cook, Peter Marinace, Gavin Keefe, Tom Trepanier Council Liaison: Avina Gutierrez City Plannin Staff: Joan Davenport (Community Development Director/Planning Manager); Jeff Peters (Supervising Planner); Trevor Martin (Associate Planner); Eric Crowell (Assistant Planner); Rosalinda Ibarra (Administrative Assistant); and Lisa Maxey (Department Assistant) Agenda I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Staff Announcements IV. Audience Participation V. Approval of Meeting Minutes of August 10, 2016 VI. Public Hearing - "Vista Ridge" Applicant: PLSA Engineering on behalf of Khushdip Hans File Number: PLP#002-16 Site Address: Vicinity of S. 72nd Ave & Easy St Request: Proposed long plat that will subdivide approximately 4.96 acres into 18 single-family lots in the R-1 zoning district. VII. Continued Discussion on Codifying Right -of -Way Vacation Standards VIII. Continued Discussion on Outdoor Displays of Merchandise IX. Other Business X. Adjourn Next Meeting: August 31, 2016 (Special Meeting) Yakima Lvftd nvft INDEX 2015 �M 1994 k YPC Packet Distribution List & Parties of Record Khushdip Hans — "Vista Ridge" (PLP#002-16) Scott Clark Peter Marinace 732 Summitview Ave, #608 1526S.67 1h Avenue Yakima WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98908 Alfred A. Rose Tom Trepanier 1006 Westbrook Place 4002 Englewood Ave Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98908 Patricia Byers Khushdip Singh & Ramandeep Hans 1530 Suncrest Way 1602 W Washington Ave Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, Wa 98903 khans live.co Attn: Sandra Hull Vincent Lombardi Yakima Tieton Irrigation District 6912 Easy St 470 Camp 4 Rd Yakima, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98908 Type of Notice: 1�`i- File Number: Date of Mailing: I Gavin Keefe 415 N. 44th Avenue Yakima, WA 98908 William Cook 7701 Graystone Court Yakima, WA 98908 Attn: Joe Baker PLSA Engineering & Surveying 521 N 20th Ave #3 Yakima, WA 98902 Thomas Carroll 128 N 2"d St, 4th FI Courthouse Yakima, WA 98901 T o aas.c rr ll@x , akim ), .qs CITY OF YAKIMA CERTIFICATE .... M�" 7. Ftle Number: �,1' -- AppJlicant/Project Name: r Site Address:9I� j �Z 'A Date of Posting: Location of Installation (Check One): Land Use Action Sign is installed per standards described in YMC § 15.11.090(C). Land Use Action Sign is installed in an alternate location on the site. Note: this alternate location (if not pre -approved by the Planning Manager) may not be acceptable by the Planning Division and is subject to relocation (at the owner's expense) to a more visible site on the property. The alternative location is: The required comment period will begin when the Planning Division has received the Land Use Action Installation Certification. The date of installation certificate receipt will begin the notice period. Failure to post a Land Use Action sign and return this form signed in a timely manner will cause a delay in the application review. I hereby testify that the sign installed fully complies with the Land Use Action sign layout specifications and installation standards, and that the sign will be maintained until a decision has been rend ted..,_ ru.__.w plrNlctrottt's Signature Date r . Applicant's Name (Please Print).._ Applicant's Telephone Number Please remit the above certification and deliver to the City of Yakima Planning Division via fax at (509) 575-6105; in person or by mail to: City of Yakima, Planning Division, 129 North 2"' Street, Yakima, WA 98901. RECEIVED CITY OF YAKIMA, PLANNINGDMV Revision 002 06/17/2014 INDEX,", MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR POSTING OF PIZ]VATE PROPERTY FOR LAND USE ACTION CITY OF YAKIMA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, PLANNING DIVISION 129 NORTH 2ND STREET, YAKIMA, WA 98901 Main Phone: (509) 575-6183 - Call for assistance or more information. The Land Use Action posted signage ',hall be a sign to provide the public notification that a land use application has been submitted to the City for a Proposed change to the Pro -em. The follow" Wbmntion 'lcacr`cs t' -c details F .7 — -r, ULLULMULLU11 U lu of the Land Use Action sign. Posting of at least one sign and in some cases more than one sion on the site or in a location inirnediately adjacent to the site that provides visibility to motorists using adjacent streets, lhe Planning Manager has established standards for size, color, layout, design, wording, placement, and liming ol"installatimi and removal Of [Ile sign(s) to provide clarification to YNIC § 15,11.0900.'). 1. GENERAL INFORMATION El The Land Use Action sign shall be known in this section as the "sign" and as stated in YMC § 15.11.090(C) as the official sign for application for the following land use matters: • Class 3 Public Hearings-, • Preliminary Long Subdivisions; • Rezones; • Right -of -Way Vacations; • Appeals; • Comprehensive Plan Amendments as indicated in YNIC Ch. 16.10; • 6mvironnientall Review, except for a categorically exerript application; and, • Annexation of property by the City. ® SIGN DESCRIPTION &C(LWENT -7 The City will have the appropriate information printed on a four (4) foot by four (4) foot board with the following specifications: • Letter Style: Helvetica or similar standard typeface, • Letter Size: ® 4 'A inch bold capital letters for the title: LAND USE ACTION PROPOSED FOR THIS SITE ® 4 '/4 inch bold capital letters for the footer: CONTACT TILE CITY OF YAKIMA (PHONE NUMBER) • Letter Color: ® Black letters for the titic block and the tooter; and, 0 City logo placed on each side of center of the sign, • Type of Land Use Action Designation: The type of Land Use Action shall be placed in the center of the sign. • Sign Background shall be a highly visible yellow color, PLANNING PROCEDURE 03-15.11 Revision 002 June 2014 I.SIGNAGE1 FALLXFJON _N�L_ 0 The applicant shall histall the Land Use Action signs. These signs shall be located: • At the midpoint on the street frontage from which the site is addressed or as otherwise directed by the Planning staff, • At a location ten (10) feet back from the property line; • Signs structurally attached to an existing building shall be exempt from the setback requirement, provided that no sign is located further than ten (10) feet from the property line without written approval from Planning staff-, • The top of the sign shall be positioned between five (5) to six (6) feet above grade; • The sign can be easily read from the adjacent street and/or sidewalk; and, • The sign is easily accessible, able to read, and can be seen from the property line. IV. INS'I'AL.LA'I'ION'CER,riFl('A'rE 0 To certify that the Land Use Action sign has been installed, the applicant shall complete the Land Use Action Installation Certification with the applicant's signature and return it to the Planning Division in person or general mail or tax. • The Land Use Action Installation Certification will be placed into the application file record; • This date of the Land Use Action sign installation will be at least twenty (20) days before the public meeting. V. PVIAINTDIANCT&1� �N� The Land Use Action sign shall be maintained in g . ood condition until the final decision on the application 0 The sign shall be removed after the final City decision is made on the application within fifteen (15) days of the decision or withdrawn or cancelled, PROJECT NAME: JUL 2 0 2016 CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNiNG DIV. Revision 002 06/17/2014 DOC. INDEX AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON 101V416)WKII.1410ji" RE: PLP#002-16 Khushdin Hans Vic. of S 72nd Ave & Easv St I, Lisa Maxey, as an employee of the Yakima City Planning Division, have dispatched through the United States Mails, a Notice of YPC Public Hearing. A true and correct copy of which is enclosed herewith; that said notice was addressed to the applicant and all property owners of record within a radius of 300 feet of subject property, that said property owners are individually listed on the mailing list retained by the Planning Division, and that said notices were mailed by me on the 1St day of July 2016. That I mailed said notices in the manner herein set forth and that all of the statements made herein are just and true. scy Lisa Maxey Department Assistant II INDEX #!L- H -L 18133243411 18133234022 18133243412 ORR FAMILY HOLDING TRUST CELESTE HOPE BRULOTTE FRANK WOODIN 6908 EASY ST 904 S 42ND AVE APT K 6906 EASY ST YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98908 YAKIMA, WA 989039645 .-.-................... ........ ___.._m ....................._ ......- .......................................................... ___._ ............ ............. .............. ._..... 18133243003 18133243409 18133243401 HOWARD W & JANE HARTINGER JONATHAN & KARIS HOOD JOSHUA C & KRISTI N KINCHEN 2205 S 72ND AVE 6905 EASY ST 2104 S 69TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 18133243403 18133234001 18133243002 KEITH & ABBIE MAYBEE KENNETH J & VALERIE SVEINSSON KHUSHDIP SINGH & RAMANDEEP 2108 S 69TH AVE 7202 COOLIDGE RD 7602 W WHITMAN ST YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKMA, WA 98903 _....--.........................._.......................................................... ..... _.... .. .................................. . ................................................................................................ .............. .__............ ._................................................................... 18133243405 18133243004 18133243404 LEE VAN DOREN LERAY E & MARY K STREAM PATRICK G HANNON 2110 S 69TH AVE 6914 EASY ST 2103 S 72ND AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 989039606 181_33243001 18133234002 1813 009 'PAT C'K� HANN�V II��-, ` ATRI G,�HANNON � PATRICK Git ANN .N 2103 S 72NN 2103 S 72ND 2103 S 72� YAK MA;AWA 98903906 ,,, YAKIM"�,W 989033�g6 µ„ YAKIP7� , WA 989039606 ,. 18133243402 18133243005 18133243410 ROY PLOCHOWIETZ VINCENT P & KRISTEN P LOMBARDI WALTER & CHERYL L KROES 2106 S 69TH AVE 6912 EASY ST 6907 EASY ST YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 18133234021 fir, //iifoFG r/ ✓%//; ,^�,�r�, � ra�:�/i / //ri��,�, ��� ,�%//./���(�, //i// I�/a///,/r r� /%////r%%/!�rrroo� r//r%a��/ WILLIAM L & ROSLI A SCROGGINS I � , / � I ; ;r ,::��,,,,i/iii�iii/// f,=�r r i ; , r, /i/ ✓; / ///;,i �//,iii �/������ 2204 S 72ND AVE YAKIMA WA98903 PLSA Engineering & Surveying O pC tt�, 1oj n (� c/o Joe Baker J 521 N 20th Ave Ste 3 'f �F 0 a - L Lo Yakima, WA 98902 -Den+ 1/t jj(-0 yllll I 1-1-, Ll C. In -House Distribution WE -mail WList Name Carolyn Belles ....................................................... Glenn Denman Division Code Administration d _ Code Administration,lclww E-mail Address Carolyn Belles &aki mawa.g er 3j n Dcnjnamr ���y� Vilna g c�a w ..... Joe Caruso Code Administration Joc arr�aWylia�w,tav mmmmITITmmWWWWWWWWWWWWW ..................................................................._.......... Suzanne DeBusschere ..... Code Administration uzannc.Debusschere cy kion: wa Dov Dan Riddle g g �. ...��......_��..._ Engineering Dais Riddle) aka.... ��y ma gov Mike Shane Engineering MikeNSli�lrie(,)m iiawa -yov ... ..... _.......................... Mark Soptich _................................ ___ ......... Fire Dept �. Mark.!$q IT y trrr rg, a Jeff Cutter Legal Dept Jcff.Cuttec)y_k_LTI wa. __________________________ Mark Kunkler Legal Dept _ Mar Kurt wiwct-Le)yg iinawa gory 'Archie Matthews ONDS .. ...—. ............................................................................................... . ..................................... Archie. Matthc � c y Lk-� 'l4. ya.gqy ......... Joan Davenport Planning Jo,an.Davenporlt kimgwa.y Chief Rizzi .................................. .uuuuu_uu Police Department q omminic.Rizzi ctygkulUt ra yµ _.. Scott Schafer Public Works Dept Scott. Scl a m° ?^akil awa.go�; Loretta Zammarchi Refuse Division 1 rr to ? l r � � cc r )y ainawa wr Randy Layman Refuse Division lalidl� marl akimaw,a. ,ov .................... Kevin Futrell Transit Division Kevin.Futrell " akiijiavwra v James Dean ................................................................................................................................................M Utilities ..... lames�DcanCyakimpgoy Dana Kallevig Wastewater Dana.Kallevi (itbakimawa, ov . .............. ..._ _..... _.... Randy Meloy _.... ________.-____.................................... Wastewater . Randy.. For the Record/File ........._......................................... _................... ......... . ................ _M................................................................................................ Binder Copy ......... _.... Revised 05/2016 Type of Notice: N)+L of VPC qa(, t) File Number(s): 'PL P # M,9— j Date of Mailing: Maxey, Lisa From: Maxey, Lisa Sent: Friday, July 01, 2016 9:17 AM To: Belles, Carolyn; Brown, David; Caruso, Joe; Cutter, Jeff; Davenport, Joan; Dean, James; DeBusschere, Suzanne; Denman, Glenn; Futrell, Kevin; Ibarra, Rosalinda; Kallevig, Dana; Kunkler, Mark; Layman, Randy; Matthews, Archie; Maxey, Lisa; Meloy, Randy; Riddle, Dan; Rizzi, Dominic; Schafer, Scott; Shane, Mike; Soptich, Mark; Zammarchi, Loretta; Brown, Michael; Crockett, Ken; Daily Sun News - Bob Story; KAPP TV News; KBBO-KRSE Radio - manager; KCJT TV News; KDNA Radio; KEPR TV News; KIMA TV News; KIMA TV News - Crystal Bui; KIT/KATS/DMVW/KFFM - Lance Tormey; KNDO TV News; KUNS-TV Univision; KVEW TV News; Lozano, Bonnie; NWCN News; NWPR - Anna King; Randy Luvaas - Yakima Business Times; Reed C. Pell; Tu Decides - Albert Torres; Yakima Herald Republic - Craig Troianello; Yakima Herald Republic - Mai Hoang; Yakima Herald Republic - Mark Morey; Yakima Herald Republic - Mike Faulk; Yakima Herald Republic Newspaper; Yakima Valley Business Times; Yakima Valley Business Times - George Finch; Beehler, Randy; Al Rose; Alfred A. Rose (silvrfx40@bmi.net); Gavin Keefe; Gutierrez, Avina; Patricia Byers; Peter Marinace; Peters, Jeff, Scott Clark; Tom Trepanier; Watkins, Sara; William Cook (cook.w@charter.net); Allyn, Kaarre; Beehler, Randy; Bill & Linda Beerman; City of Union Gap; City of Union Gap; Claar Tee, Sonya; CWHBA Joe Walsh (E- mail); Danielle Surkatty; David Gaudette; David Kearby - Associated General Contractors of WA; Davido, Sean; Dianna Woods; Doug Carey; Evodio Reyes; Farmworker Housing Marty Miller (E-mail); James Carmody; Ken Camarata - AIA; Crockett, Ken; Luz Bazan Gutierrez - RCDR; Mike & Cindy Noble; Mike Dooley - Wilbert Precast; Mike Shinn; Phil Hoge; Price, Cally; Ralph Call; Robert Lockhart; Ron Pelson (ron@traditionaldesignsinc.com); Sandy Lloyd; Shannon Bird; Smith, Valerie; Steve Erickson; Steve S; Terrence Danysh; Terry Keenhan; Thomas Carroll; Walt Ranta Cc: Martin, Trevor Subject: Notice of YPC Public Hearing - Khuship Hans - PLP#002-16 Attachments: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - Khushdip Hans - PLP.PDF Attached is a Notice of Public Hearing regarding the above -entitled project. If you have any questions about this proposal please contact assigned planner Trevor Martin at (509) 575-6162 or by e-mail at tr or p Martin al im my. Thankyou! .Lisa .Mt g -ti rrr��...I Mei Q1)J%jCA11 (509) 576-6669 — Lisa.Maxey@yakimawa.gov 129 N. 2nd St. Yakima, WA 989o1 DOC. INDEX N -1-I iiuuvir� o r �� "RALD,4 PUBLIC 'YAKIMA HE, �tj A daily part of your life Ib yakima-herald.com -Ad Proof - This is the proof of your ad scheduled to run on the dates indicated below. Please confirm placement prior to deadline, by contacting your account rep at (509) 577-7740. Date: Account #: 110358 Company Name: CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING Contact: ROSALINDA IBARRA,AP Address: 129 N 2ND STREET YAKIMA, WA 98901-2720 Telephone: (509) 575-6164 Fax: Ad ID: 658579 Start: 07/01/16 Stop: 07/01/16 Total Cost: $113.15 # of Inserts: 2 Lines: 65.0 Ad Class: 6021 Ad Class Name: Public Legal Notices Account Rep: Simon Sizer Phone # (509) 577-7740 Email: ssizergyakimaherald.com Yakima Herald -Republic 07/01/16 YakimaHerald.com 07/01/16 Ad Proof CITY OF YAKIMA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: July 1, 2016 TO: Applicant and Adjoining Prop- erty Owners FROM: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director & Plan- ning Manager SUBJECT: Notice of Public Hearing FILE NO: PLP#002-16 PROJECT LOCATION: Vicinity of S. 72nd Ave. and Easy St. OWNER: Ithuushdi,p Sinh and Raman - deep Hans AIPLICANT: PLA Engineerung and Surveyingg c/0 Joe Baker PARCEL NO: 181332-43002 DATE OF APPLICATION: April 6, 2016 DATE COMPLETE APPLICA- TION: April 29, 2016 NOTICE OF APPLICATION SENT: May 13, 2016 COMMENT PERIOD END DATE: June 2, 2016 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City of Yakima Department of Community Development has received a Preliminary Long Plat appIIcallon from Joe Laker of PL 'A Engineering & S1rveying (appkcant) on behalf of Khushdip Singh and Ramandeep Hans (owners) requesting, to subdivide 4.96 of Single -Family (R-1) Residential zoned parcel of land, located In the vicinity of S. 72nd Ave. and Easy St., Yakima, WA, Into 180lafamil lots known as `V'ima id e'% ODGE. QfPP"L NQThis request requires that the City of Yakima Planning Commis- sion hold an open record public hearing. The public hearing ed Is schuled to be held on Wednesday August 24, 2016, beginning a13:00 p.m.,, in the Council Chambers„ City Hall, 129 N 2nd Street, Yakima, WA. Any person desiring to express their views on this matter is invited to attend the public hearing orto submit written comments. Following the public hearing, the Planning Com- mission will issue their recom- mendation to City Council. If you have any question on this proposal, please call Trevor Martin, Associate Planner at (509) 575-6162 or e-mail at trevor.martin@yakimawa.gov. (658579) July 1, 2016 INDEX H _ o, CITY OF YAKIMA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: July 1, 2016 TO: Applicant and Adjoining Prop- erty Owners FROM: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director & P'lan- ning Manager' SUBJECT: Notice of Public Hearing FILE NO: PLP#002-16 PROJECT LOCATION: Vicinity of S. 72nd Ave. and Easy St. OWNER: Khushdip Slngh and Raman - deep Haas AN PLICANT: PLSA Engineering and Surveying, c/o Joe Faker PARCEL NO: 181332-43002 DATE OF APPLICATION: April 6, 2016 DATE COMPLETE APPLICA- TION: April 29, 2016 NOTICE OF APPLICATION SENT: May 13, 2016 COMMENT PERIOD END DATE: June 2, 2016 �PRQMODFa.R11Q The City of Yakima Department of Community Development has received a Preliminary Long Plat application from Joe Baker of PLSA En Ineering Surveying (appliicant) on behalf of Khushdip Singh and Ramandeep Haas (owners) requesting to subdivide 4,96 of Single -Family (13-1) Resldential zoned parcel of land, located in the vicinity of S. 72nd Ave. and Easy St., Yakima, WA, into 18 single family lots known as "Vista Ridge". NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING This request requires that the City of Yakima Planning Commis- sion hold an open record public hearing. The public hearing is scheduled to be held on Wednesday August 24, 2016, beginning at 3:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 129 N 2nd Street, Yakima; WA. Any person desiring to express their views on this matter is invited to attend the public hearing or to submit written comments. Following the public hearing, the Planning Com- mission will issue their recom- mendation to City Council. If you have any question on this proposal, please call Trevor Martin, Associate Planner at (509) 575-6162 or e-mail at trevor.martin@yakimawa.gov. (658579) July 1, 2016 DATE: TO: FROM: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 111anning Division ,Joan Davenport, AICP, Director 129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 a k.planning( yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning CITY OF YAKIMA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SUBJECT: FILE NO: PROJECT LOCATION: OWNER: APPLICANT: PARCEL NO: DATE OF APPLICATION: DATE COMPLETE APPLICATION: NOTICE OF APPLICATION SENT: COMMENT PERIOD END DATE: July 1, 2016 Applicant and Adjoining Property Owners Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director & Planning Manager Notice of Public Hearing. PLP#002-16 Vicinity of 72"d Ave. and Easy St. Khushdip Singh and Ramandeep Hans PLSA Engineering and Surveying c/o Joe Baker 181332-43002 April 6, 2016 April 29, 2016 May 13, 2016 June 2, 2016 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City of Yakima Department of Community Development has received a Preliminary Long Plat application from Joe Baker of PLSA Engineering & Surveying (applicant) on behalf of Khushdip Singh and Ramandeep Hans (owners) requesting to subdivide 4.96 acres of Single -Family (R-1) Residential zoned land, located in the vicinity of S. 72nd Ave. and Easy St., Yakima, WA, into 18 single family lots known as "Vista Ridge". NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING This request requires that the City of Yakima Planning Commission hold an open record public hearing. The public hearing is scheduled to be held on Wednesday August 24, 2016, beginning at 3:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 129 N 2nd Street, Yakima, WA. Any person desiring to express their views on this matter is invited to attend the public hearing or to submit written comments. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission will issue their recommendation to City Council. If you have any question on this proposal, please call Trevor Martin, Associate Planner at (509) 575-6162 or e-mail at trevor.martin@yakimawa.gov. Encl: Preliminary Plat, and Vicinity Map Yakima l lu 2015 INDEX 1994 June 14, 2016 PLSA Engineering 521 N. 2011 Ave. Ste. 3 Yakima, WA 98902 DF RTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVET _`PMENT Play-mig Division Joan Davenport, AICD, Director 129 'North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.plannirig@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/Planning Subject: Request for Additional Information File Number: PLP#002-16 Site Address: Vicinity of of S. 72nd and Easy St. Parcel: 181332-43002 Proposal: Proposed long plat that will subdivide approximately 4.96 acres into 18 single- family lots in the Single -Family (R-1) zoning district. REQUEST for ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The first review of the Development Services Team (DST) was held on May 31, 2016, for technical review of the project. As a result of the DST meeting: • Codes: o Minimally, fire hydrants are required at 500 foot intervals along access roads, or as per the required fire flow for any proposed structures per the 2012 International Fire Code. • Engineering o Per YMC § 8.67 and 12.05 — New curb, gutter and sidewalk required within new development. Street section shall conform to standard detail R3. New sidewalks shall be constructed per standard detail R5. S. 72nd Ave. is classified as a Minor Arterial requiring 7' sidewalks. Construction of sidewalks may be deferred by mutual agreement between developer and City. o Per YMC § 8.64 — Driveways to be constructed per this chapter and standard detail R4. 0 8.72 — An excavation and street break permit shall be obtained for all work within the public right of way. Refer to chapter 8 for requirements. Roads less than five years old can be cut, but will cost one hundred fifty percent of restoration fee with no PCI discount. o Per YMC § 12.02 —Easements will need to be established per this chapter. o Per YMC § 12.06.050 - Phased developments or temporary dead-end streets shall provide for adequate temporary turnarounds between project phases or future street extension. The design shall provide for continuation of the full right- of-way width to the property boundary. o Per YMC § 12.06 — Street and right of way widths shall conform to this section unless otherwise approved. 50' of right of way is required for the residential new streets. S. 72nd Ave. is classified as a Minor Arterial, requiring a total of 60' of right of way. Yakima o Per YMC § 12.06.080 Street lighting - A street light shall be installed at each street intersection and at mid -block if the block exceeds five hundred feet in length. Street lights shall meet the design and placement standards of the city engineer. Lighting improvements shall become the property of the city of Yakima upon installation and will thereafter be maintained by the city o All frontage improvements shall be completed prior to Certificate of Occupancy. Civil engineering plans for public improvements shall be approved prior to issuance of building permits. Wastewater o There is no existing sewer where plan sheet shows it. Sewer will need to be extended from the closest manhole in Easy Street to the east. Planning o The City right-of-way ends at parcel numbers 181332-43005 and 181332-43002. The Planning Division is questioning how Easy Street will be continued though parcel number 181332-43005 when the right-of-way does not appear to have been dedicated. (Intersection of 70' Ave. and East St.) See image below: Required Additional Information: • The City of Yakima Planning Division is requesting additional information supporting the continuation of East St. across parcel 181332-43005. • Your application will be placed on hold until information regarding the dedication of right- of-way for the continuation of East Street has been resolved. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION requested this 14th day of June, 2016.. For the City of Yakima: Trevor Martin Associate Planner Department of Community Development You may contact me at (509) 575-6162 or trevor.martin@yakimawa.gov if you have any questions regarding this matter. FT m �e1NGiNr L04Be�A44HO _ �181J32—i709Q ppLOWO 17,1FS� � FAWY „0198 H 1,7411 U �� � ,,,E n� Required Additional Information: • The City of Yakima Planning Division is requesting additional information supporting the continuation of East St. across parcel 181332-43005. • Your application will be placed on hold until information regarding the dedication of right- of-way for the continuation of East Street has been resolved. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION requested this 14th day of June, 2016.. For the City of Yakima: Trevor Martin Associate Planner Department of Community Development You may contact me at (509) 575-6162 or trevor.martin@yakimawa.gov if you have any questions regarding this matter. AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON CITY OF YAKIMA RE: PLP#002-16 Khushdip Hans - "Vista Ridge" IT ITITITITIT Vic. of S 72nd Ave & Easy St I, Lisa Maxey, as an employee of the City of Yakima Planning Division, have dispatched through the United States Mails, a Notice of Application. A true and correct copy of which is enclosed herewith; that said notice was addressed to the applicant and all property owners of record within a radius of 300 feet of subject property, that said property owners are individually listed on the mailing list retained by the Planning Division, and that said notices were mailed by me on this 13th day of May, 2016. That I mailed said notices in the manner herein set forth and that all of the statements made herein are just and true. Lisa Maxey Department Assistant II 18133243411 18133234022 ORR FAMILY HOLDING TRUST CELESTE HOPE BRULOTTE 6908 EASY ST 904 S 42ND AVE APT K YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98908 18133243412 FRANK WOODIN 6906 EASY ST YAKIMA, WA 989039645 ______________ .__.......... ._. . ......... ........ -- ........... 18133243003 18133243409 18133243401 HOWARD W & JANE HARTINGER JONATHAN & KARIS HOOD JOSHUA C & KRISTI N KINCHEN 2205 S 72ND AVE 6905 EASY ST 2104 S 69TH AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 .... -...... ... ... .................................... ----- ._......._......... ........ 18133243403 18133234001 18133243002 KEITH & ABBIE MAYBEE KENNETH J & VALERIE SVEINSSON KHUSHDIP SINGH & RAMANDEEP 2108 S 69TH AVE 7202 COOLIDGE RD 7602 W WHITMAN ST YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKMA, WA 98903 .......... _.... ................ .. _.......................... .................. 18133243405 18133243004 18133243404 LEE VAN DOREN LERAY E & MARY K STREAM PATRICK G HANNON 2110 S 69TH AVE 6914 EASY ST 2103 S 72ND AVE YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 989039606 ............. ............. ._ ..................... .._ ..... 18133243001 18133234002 18133243009 PAT"PATRICK PATRICK72 N D VEO N,,. GLEN HANN bN 2103 S 72 N 210HANNO N PA RIS �i .AV`E' '. �%E YAKI„” YAKIM , I,A,�W', 989039606 YAK,NI�4; "WA 989039606 * 2103 S 7�.N0 WA 8"039Q6 18133243402 18133243005 18133243410 ROY PLOCHOWIETZ VINCENT P & KRISTEN P LOMBARDI WALTER & CHERYL L KROES 2106 S 69TH AVE 6912 EASY ST 6907 EASY ST YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 YAKIMA, WA 98903 .................... 18133234021 WILLIAM L & ROSLI A SCROGGINS /i / r�i 2204 S 72ND AVE �,�"r� ���� r//%ii/ice ,%////jj� o,�,(i�, ; �,�/ ':":::""" YAKIMA, WA 98903 r r / r r/ ................_.___ .............. ,,,,, ,;ter,,, /i�,,�, .....,,.�.,.�.;,,..�;,,,,,, PLSA Engineering & Surveying Of c/o Joe Baker 521 N 20th Ave Ste 3 LP ,0, 00,,E Yakima, WA 98902 Ahtanum Irrigation District Cascade Natural Gas Chamber of Commerce Beth Ann Brulotte, Executive Assistant Jim Robinson, Field Facilitator 10 North 9th Street 10705-B Gilbert Road 701 South 1st Ave Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98903-9203 Yakima, WA 98902 chamber@yakima.org bethb@ahtanum.net Jim.robinson@cngc.com Department of Commerce Department of Ecology Department of Ecology Growth Management Services, Annie Szvetecz, SEPA Policy Lead Gwen Clear P.O. Box 42525 P.O. Box 47703 1250 West Alder Street Olympia, WA 98504-2525 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Union Gap, WA 98903 reviewteam@commerce.wa.gov separegister@ecy.wa.gov crosepacoordinator@ecy.wa.gov Department of Fish and Wildlife Department of Natural Resources Department of Social & Health Services Eric Bartrand SEPA Center Jeanne Rodriguez 1701 South 24th Ave PO Box 47015 P.O. Box 45848 Yakima, WA 98902 Olympia, WA 98504 Olympia, WA 98504 Eric.Bartrand@dfw.wa.gov sepacenter@dnr.wa.gov Jeanne.rodriguez@dshs.wa.gov Scott.Downes@dfw.wa.gov Dept of Archaeology & Historic Preservation Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council -EFSEC Engineering Division Greg Griffith or Gretchen Kaehler, Deputy Stephen Posner, SEPA Officer Dana Kallevig and Debbie Cook, City Engineer State Historic Preservation Officer PO Box 43172 129 N 2nd Street P.O. Box 48343 Olympia, WA 98504-3172 Yakima, WA 98901 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 sposner@utc.wa.gov dana.kallevig@yakimawa.gov dahp.separeview@dahp.wa.gov __._.... _ _._.._.._.____. ...................................................................... debbie.cook@yakimawa.gov _.._ Nob Hill Water Association Office of Rural and Farm Worker Housing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Nick Rogers, Engineering Technician Marty Miller Branch 6111 Tieton Drive 1400 Summitview Ave, Ste# 203 Deborah Knaub, Project Manager Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98902 P.O. Box 3755 nick@nobhillwater.org Martym2@orfh.org Seattle, WA 98124-3755 ----------------------------------------------------------------------_-_.... Deborah.J.Knaub@usace.army.mil Wastewater Division West Valley School District WSDOT Marc Cawley or Dana Kallevig Angela Watts, Asst. Supt. Of Business & Paul Gonseth, Planning Engineer 2220 East Viola Ave Operations 2809 Rudkin Road Yakima, WA 98901 8902 Zier Road Union Gap, WA 95903 marc c,aler7ya9rrv�a�t+4;tw f, Yakima, WA 98908-9299 gonsetp@wsdot.gov !?*1�?+�.Wley" @._h!� !� 9 wattsa@wvsd208.org WSDOT WSDOT, Aviation Division Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs Rick Holmstrom, Development Services Carter Timmerman Steve Wangemann, Deputy Superintendent 2809 Rudkin Road 7702 Terminal St SW for Trust Services Union Gap, WA 98903 Tumwater, WA 98501 P.O. Box 632 holmstr@wsdot.wa.gov timmerc@wsdot.wa.gov Toppenish, WA 98948 Steve.wangemann@bia.gov Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs Yakama-Klickitat Fisheries Project Yakima Air Terminal Rocco Clark, Environmental Coordinator John Marvin Robert Peterson, Airport Asst Manager P.O. Box 632 760 Pence Road 2400 West Washington Ave Toppenish, WA 98948 Yakima, WA 98909 Yakima, WA 98903 Rocco.clark@bia.gov jmarvin@yakama.com robert.peterson@yakimawa.gov Yakima County Commissioners Yakima County Health District Yakima County Public Services Commissioners.web@co.yakima.wa.us Ryan Ibach, Director of Environmental Health Lynn Deitrick, Planning Director 1210 Ahtanum Ridge Dr Ste#200 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor Union Gap, WA 98903 Yakima, WA 98901 yhd@co.yakima.wa.us Lynn.Deitrick@co.yakima.wa.us ryan.ibach@co.yakima.wa.us Yakima County Public Services Yakima Greenway Foundation Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency Vern Redifer, Public Services Director Al Brown, Executive Director Hasan Tahat, Engineering & Planning 128 North 2nd Street, 4th Floor 111 South 18th Street Supervisor Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98901 329 North 1st Street Vern.redifer@co.yakima.wa.us al@yakimagreenway.org Yakima, WA 98901 hasan@yrcaa.org Yakima Valley Conference of Governments Yakima Valley Museum Yakima Waste Systems C, ` Shawn Conrad and Joseph Calhoun, Planner 311 North 4th Street, Ste# 202 John A. Baule, Director 2105 Tieton Drive Keith Kovalenko, District Manager f�11 2812 1/2 Terrace Heights Dr. > Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98901 conrads@yvcog.org calhounj@yvcog.org john@yakimavalleymuseum.orgefitlk�tinsp¢rroruc�dzres,,,,rAp Century Link Manager 8 South 2nd Ave, Rm#304 Yakima, WA 98902 Department of Agriculture Kelly McLain P.O. Box 42560 Olympia, WA 98504 Charter Communications Kevin Chilcote 1005 North 16th Ave Yakima, WA 98902 Environmental Protection Agency NEPA Review Unit 1200 6th Ave. MS 623 Seattle, WA 98101 City of Union Gap David Spurlock, Development Director P.O. Box 3008 Union Gap, WA 98903 Federal Aviation Administration 2200 W. Washington Ave Yakima, WA 98903 Federal Aviation Administration, Seattle Governor's Office of Indian Affairs Pacific Power Airports District Office PO Box 40909 Mike Paulson Cayla Morgan, Airport Planner Olympia, WA 98504 500 North Keys Rd 1601 Lind Ave SW Yakima, WA 98901 Renton, WA 98055-4056 Soil Conservation District Trolleys United States Postal Service Ray Wondercheck Paul Edmondson Jeff McKee 1606 Perry Street, Ste. F 313 North 3rd Street 205 W Washington Ave Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98903 WA State Attorney General's Office WA State Dept of Health, Office of Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs 1433 Lakeside Court, Ste# 102 Drinking Water Superintendent Yakima, WA 98902 Christine Collins P.O. Box 632 16201 E Indiana Ave, Ste# 1500 Toppenish, WA 98948 Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Yakama Indian Nation Yakama Indian Nation Yakama Nation Environmental Management Johnson Meninick, Cultural Resources Ruth Jim, Yakima Tribal Council Program Kristina Proszek, Environmental Review Program P.O. Box 151 Coordinator P.O. Box 151 Toppenish, WA 98948 P.O. Box 151 Toppenish, WA 98948 .............. � � � � _.............................. ......�............................-....................................-.�...........�............. Toppenish, WA 98948 _...........__ �.. Yakima School District Yakima Valley Canal Co Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Dr. Jack Irion, Superintendent Robert Smoot Sandra Hull 104 North 4th Ave 1640 Garretson Lane 470 Camp 4 Rd Yakima, WA 98902 Yakima, WA 98908 Yakima, WA 98908 \\Apollo\Shared\Planning\Assignments-Planning\LABELS and FORMS\SEPA REVIEWING AGENCIES _updated 05.02.16 -Form List.docx Type of Notice:, File Number: Date of Mailing: .._..........w .............. In -House Distribution E-mail List Name Division E-mail Address Dana Kallevig Wastewater ITmmm . .. daiiakali evisal-6 akimawa.ggy Dan Riddle Engineering daqjAdjg@yakj*rMPRA mVvl ............ ........ Mark Kunkler Legal Dept . ......... . . .... . .... . ............................................. Mark. kUnkleakitnaVAgoy ...................................... ........... Jeff Cutter Legal Dept jeffxug ),yaljinawa.ggy Archie Matthews .............. ONDS ............ ................. ... archic,matthews, "yakiniawasay m_qr.k.,.sQptj!ji3O),yqki inawa.,ggy ....... Mark Soptich . .. . . ......... Fire Dept Chief Rizzi ........................................... Police Department . . .......... ............ . ..... . . .......... Domini c.rtzzt@)yqkimavv v ............................... Joe Caruso Code Administration ion cal akimawa.Yov ............ ................. Carolyn Belles ....... . . .......... . Code Administration gq!�ql n.laeEes@yqLimq).goy .......... .......... Glenn Denman Code Administration ....... ___ . ........... ",Iellll,deiiinatiLdyakii�nawa.gov . . . ....... Suzanne DeBusschere Code Administration Suzanne.debb sscolt Dave Brown .......... __ ..................... ater/Iffigation davebrown@ )yakimawa,&vqv ......... ................. Mike Shane Engineering mi ke.shg,!jq@)yjjk1Lm awa.gov Randy Meloy . ......... Wastewater ... . .......................... ..... . ............ mak, mawy,,_' gamy Scott Scott Schafer Public Works Dept --------------- scott..A�jiaferL ini )iyak qwwrLqgpv ............................. James Dean Utilities james.deaij(d , kiijig ,L.go �,yq_ _�� _y James Scott ................. Refuse Division . ... . .......... . ......... ............ .................. a7l a), j 'ne,;ott( Vakimawa ov ....... . ..................... Kevin Futrell Transit Division k e vi n. f7t i ( l @yAki in awa .,go v Joan Davenport ------------------- .... Planningjpg!Agyot)ol ------ t(i4,),vakiiiiawa.vov,I . . . . ......... . . . . . ....... . . ........ . For the Record/File .......... Binder Copy .... . ................................................ . Revised 03/2016 Type of Notice: .................................................. File Number(s): (_0__ Date of Mailing: DOC. INDEX �. , , Maxey, Lisa From: Maxey, Lisa Sent: Friday, May 13, 2016 9:12 AM To: Belles, Carolyn; Brown, David; Caruso, Joe; Cutter, Jeff; Davenport, Joan; Dean, James; DeBusschere, Suzanne; Denman, Glenn; Futrell, Kevin; Ibarra, Rosalinda; Kallevig, Dana; Kunkler, Mark; Matthews, Archie; Maxey, Lisa; Meloy, Randy; Riddle, Dan; Rizzi, Dominic; Schafer, Scott; Scott, James; Shane, Mike; Soptich, Mark; Ahtanum Irrigation District - Beth Ann Brulotte; Cascade Natural Gas - Jim Robinson; Cawley, Marc; Chamber of Commerce; Department of Commerce (CTED) - Review Team; Department of Ecology - SEPA Register; Department of Ecology -CRO Coordinator; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Eric Bartrand; Department of Fish and Wildlife - Scott Downes; Department of Natural Resources; Department of Socia! & Health Services - Jeanne Rodriguez; Dept Archaeology & Historic Preservation - SEPA Review; Desgrosellier, Bob; Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council - Stephen Posner; Nob Hill Water - Nick; Office of Rural & Farmworker Housing - Marty Miller; Peterson, Robert; US Army Corps of Engineers - Deborah J Knaub; West Valley School District - Angela Watts; WSDOT - Carter Timmerman; WSDOT - Pau! Gonseth; WSDOT - Rick Holmstrom; Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs - Rocco Clark; Yakama Bureau of Indian Affairs - Steve Wangemann; Yakama-Klickitat Fisheries - John Marvin; Yakima County Commissioners; Yakima County Health District; Yakima County Health District - Ryan Ibach; Yakima County Planning Director - Lynn Deitrick; Yakima County Public Services Director, Vern Redifer; Yakima Greenway Foundation - Al Brown; Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency - Hasan Tahat; Yakima Valley Conference of Governments - Joseph Calhoun; Yakima Valley Conference of Governments - Shawn Conrad; Yakima Valley Museum - John A. Baule; Yakima Waste Systems - Keith Kovalenko Cc: Martin, Trevor Subject: Notice of Application - Khushdip Hans - "Vista Ridge" - PLP#002-16 Attachments: NOTICE OF APPLICATION - Khushdip Hans - Vista Ridge - PLP.pdf Attached is a Notice of Application regarding the above -entitled project. If you have any questions about this proposal please contact assigned planner Trevor Martin at (509) 575-6162 or by email at trevor, artiTi„ yal�d v�_.gc�v. Thank you! Lisa Maxey Department Assistant. 1. (509) 576-6669 - Lisa.Maxey@yakimawa.gov 129 N. 2nd St. Yakima, WA 98901 INDEX a �, DATE: TO: FROM: L___'ARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEV _—OPMENT Planing Division. Joan Davenport, AICP, Director 129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning NOTICE OF APPLICATION SUBJECT: FILE NO: PROJECT LOCATION: OWNER: APPLICANT: PARCEL NO: DATE OF APPLICATION: DATE COMPLETE APPLICATION: May 13, 2016 Applicant and Adjoining Property Owners Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director & Planning Manager Notice of Application in the R-1 zoning district. PLP#002-16 Vicinity of 72nd Ave. and Easy St. Khushdip Singh and Ramandeep Hans PLSA Engineering and Surveying c/o Joe Baker 181332-43002 April 6, 2016 April 29, 2016 NOTICE OF APPLICATION The City of Yakima Department of Community Development has received a Preliminary Long Plat application from Joe Baker of PLSA Engineering & Surveying (applicant) on behalf of Khushdip Singh and Ramandeep Hans (owner) requesting to subdivide a Single - Family (R-1) Residential zoned parcel of land, located in the vicinity of S. 72nd Ave. and Easy St., Yakima, WA, into 18 single family lots known as "Vista Ridge". ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Environmental Review was previously completed for this application and a Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (MDNS) was issued on May, 15, 2008. No substantial changes have been made to the existing SEPA proposal. The existing SEPA may be viewed under file EC#7-08 on the second floor of City Hall. Request for Written Comments: Agencies, tribes, and the public are encouraged to review and comment on the proposed project and its probable environmental impacts. There is a 20 -day comment period for this review. This may be your only opportunity to comment. All written comments received by 5:00 p.m. June 2, 2016, will be considered prior to public hearing for the Preliminary Long Plat. Please send written comments to: Joan Davenport, AICP, Planning Manager City of Yakima, Department of Community Development 129 North Second Street, Yakima, WA 98901 Please reference the applicant's name or file number(s) in your correspondence. (PLP#002-16, Vista Ridge) Required Permits: None Yakima INDEX 1111,� 2015 1994 Required Studies: None Existing Environmental Documents: EC#7-08 Development Regulations For Project Mitigation and Consistency Include: the State Environmental Policy Act, the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance, YMC Title 12, Development Standards, and the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan. The file containing the complete application for this proposal is available for public review at the City of Yakima Planning Division, 2nd floor City Hall, 129 North 2"d Street, Yakima, Washington. If you have any questions on this proposal please call Trevor Martin, Associate Planner at (509) 575-6162 or email at: trevor.martin@yakimawa.gov. Enclosed: Narratives, Site Plan, and Vicinity Map INDEX -.9- 2 air a ws Da_.ARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEW—OPMENT Nanning Division loan Davenport, AlCP, Director � 1.29 North SecondStreet, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning DETERMINATION of COMPLETENESS Applicant: PLSA Engineering and Surveying c/o Joe Baker Applicant Address: 521 N. 20th Ave. Ste 3, Yakima, WA 98902 Re: Preliminary Long Plat Application— PLP#002-16 Proposal: Proposed long plat that will subdivide approximately 4.96 acres in 18 sing -family lots in the R-1 zoning district. Site Address: Vicinity of S. 72nd Ave. and Easy St.. Parcel: 181332-43002 Pursuant to Yakima Municipal Code Section 16.04.020, the above described application has been reviewed by the Yakima Department of Community Development to determine if all elements of a complete application have been submitted. Based on the submitted information, Applications PLP#002- 16 for a proposal to subdivide approximately 4.96 acres in 18 sing -family lots in the R-1 zoning district is hereby deemed complete. Continued processing of your application will include the following: 1. A Development Services Team meeting will be held May 10, 2016 with city departments to determine compliance of the project. 2. A copy of your application, written narrative, preliminary site plan, and other pertinent information will be mailed to you and all property owners within 300 feet of the subject property. This notice provides opportunity for the public to submit comments on the proposal during a 20 -day comment period. 3. Your application will continue to be processed. An open -record public hearing will be scheduled with The City of Yakima Planning Commission in the City of Yakima Council Chambers. DETERMINATION OF COMPLENESS made this 29th day of April, 2016.: For the City of Yakima: Trevor Martin Associate Planner Department of Community Development You may contact me at (509) 575-6162 or trevor.martin@yakimawa.gov if you have any questions regarding this matter. ®®C. Ir_ E'X Yakima u m 2015 Mod KH.USHDIP HANS — "VISTA RIDGE" PLP#002-16 EXHIBIT LIST C AFTER I Supplemental Information & Correspondence I-1 Recorded Dedication of Right of Way 06/22/2016 1-2 Letter from Joan Davenport, Planning Manager to Vincent 06/24/2016 Lombardi (response to his June 1St letter — see DOC INDEX#G-1) ................................... .._. ............................ .............................................................. ................................................. _ Ai M a k1k%, IW June 24, 2016 Vincent Lombardi 6912 Easy St. Yakima, WA 98903 L ARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEV_ JPMENT Planning Division Joan Davenport, Ali 1 1, Director 129 North Second S(reet, 2°d Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 asl planii xtg i,)yakimaw,a.gov • www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning Subject: Dedication of Right of Way Dear Mr. Lombardi, The City is sending you this letter in response to a letter received from you on June 1, 2016 requesting the City to reconsider the expansion of East Street to gain access to the proposed development of Vista Ridge. The City responded to this letter of reconsideration by requiring the Applicant of the proposed Vista Ridge development to provide additional information demonstrating there is adequate right-of-way to allow sufficient access into the proposed development. As a result, on June 22, 2016, the City of Yakima Planning Division was provided with additional information regarding the long plat referred to a "Vista Ridge" in the Vicinity of 72nd Avenue and Easy Street —Which included the following: A Dedication of Right of Way was signed by you on May 31, 2008, allocating the right-of-way necessary to continue Easy Street through the northeast corner of your property, located at 6912 East Street, and into the proposed development of Vista Ridge. Attached is a copy of the signed Dedication of Right of Way. If you have any immediate questions regarding this matter, please feel to contact Trevor Martin at (509) 575-6162 or email trevor.martin@yakimawa.gov. Sincerely, Jn Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: .lames K. Adams Wagner. Luloff & Adams, PLLC 110 North 5`s Avenue, Suite 200 Yakima, WA 98902 t ! Pn E TAX JAN 1 5 2ai4 DEDICATION OF RIGHT OF WAY FILE# 7828869 YAKIMA COUNTY, WA 01/15/2014 11:34:39AN €ASEKEHT PAGES: 2 WHO CUSTOMER Retarding Fee: 73.00 Grantor(s): Vincent Lombardi, as his sole and separate estate Grantee(s): To the Public Legal (abbr_): N 25'E 135'N 400'E 215' S W 1/4 SW 1/4 SE 1/4 S 32, T 13 N, R 18 EWM Parcel No(s): 181332-43005 The Grantor, Vincent Lombardi, as his Cole aTld separate estate, hereinafter referred to as Lombardi, does hereby dedicate to the public for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency thereof is acknowledged, a perpetual right of way for street, road and utility purposes on, over, across, under, along and within the following described real property in Yakima County, state of Washington: The North 25 feet of the East 135 Feet of the North 400 feet of the East 215 feet of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 32, Township 13 North, Range 18, E. W.M. Situated in Yakima County, State of Washington Parcel No: 18133243005 Area Code 584 Lombardi covenants that he is the owner in fee simple of the above described real property and that he has good and legal right to grant and dedicate the above described right of way. DATED this 5 ( day of May, 2008. By: �Vincen_� Lont and 1 - DEDICATION OF RIGHT OF WAY Yakima Countl+Auditor File # 7828869 Page 1 of 2 RECEIVED JU ?0 4pOF YAKINIA rotp4 DI AI ,.. DOC. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. County of Yakima ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this -5-f4 day of May, 2008, personally appeared before me Vincent Lombardi, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged that he signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes herein mentioned. NOTAR Y PUBLIC" in and for the state of Washington otssr Residing at. G My Comm „ expires 9 P4Uj4,q)e 0 A% Sm M 2 - DEDICATION OF RIGHT OF WAY RECEIVE) JUN 2016 CITE OF YAKIMA LANN d" p,. Yak ma over y Auditor Flle # 7828869 Page 2 of 2 " INDEX # ,.- WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: .Inures K. Adams Wagner, Luloff & Adams, PLLC 110 North 5' Avenue, Suite 200 Yakima, WA 98902 TAX jM 1 5 Z0k IIIUIIIUV8lllllllIl�8lll6llll9%IIVIIIIIIII�I DEDICATION OF RIGHT OF WAY FILE# 7828869 YAKIMA COUNTY, WA 01/15/2014 11:34:39AN EASEMENT PAGES: 2 VALUED CUSTOMER Recording Fee: 73.00 Grantor(s): Vincent Lombardi, as his sole and separate estate Grantee(s): To the Public Legal (abbr.): N 25'E 135'N 400'E 215' SW 1/4 SW 1/4 SE 1/4 S 32, T 13 N, R 18 EWM Parcel No(,,,): 181332-43005 The Grantor, Vincent Lombardi, as his sole and senarate estate; hereinafter referred to as Lombardi, does hereby dedicate to the public for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency thereof is acknowledged, a perpetual right of way for street, road and utilitypurposes on, over, across, under, along and within the following described real property in Yakima County, state of Washington: The North 25 feet of the East 135 Feet of the North 400 feet of the East 215 feet of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 32, Township 13 North, Range 18, E.W.M. Situated in Yakima County, State of Washington Parcel No: 181332-4.3005 Area Code 584 Lombardi covenants that he is the owner in fee simple of the above described real property and that he has good and legal right to grant and dedicate the above described right of way. DATED this 5( day of May, 2008. By. Vincent Lombardi 1 - DEDICATION OF RIGHT OF WAY Yakima County Auditor File # 7828869 RECEIVED JUN ` 2016 ay of YAKIMA Page 1 of 2 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. County of Yakima ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this.al-'� day of May, 2008, personally appeared before me Vincent Lombardi, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged that he signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes herein mentioned. E S k NOTAR PUBLIC in and for the state of Washington ts'�o Residing at: U My Comm ,o expires ■.?N4�rw� w gpy !'b RECEIVED 2 - DEDICATION OF RIGHT OF WAY JUN 2 2 ?016 CITY OF YAKIMA PIANNiNtG DIV, Yakima ounRy Auditor File # 7828869 mage 2 of 2 DOC. FOR RECORD / F III UII;".r .Purpose This chapter establishes the procedures, notice requirements and fees for the vacation of public streets and alleys within the City in conformance with the authority granted to the City by Chapter 35.79 RCW. 14.21.015 Definitions The following definitions apply to this chapter: A. Administrative Official means the Community Development Director, or his or her designee. B. Applicant means the person or persons who petition to vacate any public street or alley, or the person or persons who propose or are the proponents of a City Council initiated vacation procedure. C. City means the City of Yakima. D. Linear frontage means the length, in feet, of the property abutting the public street or alley, E. Owner means any person or entity with an ownership interest in any real property abutting a public street or alley. The owners of an interest in any real property abutting any public street or alley who may desire to vacate the street or alley, or any part thereof, may petition the City Council. In the alternative, the City Council may itself initiate a vacation by resolution. The petition or resolution shall be filed with the City Clerk. 14.21.030 Petition Procedures. A. The petition shall be in a form prescribed by the Administrative Official and shall be signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of linear frontage of the property abutting the portion of the street or alley sought to be vacated. B. Every petition shall be accompanied by the following: 1. A title report for all properties adjacent to the proposed vacated property; 2. A vicinity map showing the general area of the proposed vacation; 3. A legal description of the property to be vacated; 4. A copy of the record of survey, if available, for the subject street and alley proposed for vacation and abutting properties, streets and alleys within 100 feet on all sides of the proposed vacation; 5. Written evidence of any and all utility easements, or reservations, whether public or private, pertaining to the street or alley proposed for vacation, and, if the subject right-of-way encompasses any private utilities, a letter from all utility companies within the right-of-way consenting to the vacation shall be required and submitted to the City of Yakima; and Draft -Right of Way Vacation August 18, 2016 6. A written narrative describing the reasons for the proposed street vacation, the physical limits of the proposed street vacation and the public benefit of the proposed street vacation. C. Every petition for the vacation of any public street, alley or any part thereof shall be accompanied by a fee in an amount established by the master fee schedule of the City to defray the administrative costs incurred in processing the petition and publishing, posting and mailing notices. The set amount shall be stated in the City of Yakima Master Fee Schedule. 14.21.040 - Vacation Procedure A. Setting of Hearing. Upon receipt of the petition, the Administrative Official shall determine whether the petition has been signed by two-thirds of the property owners abutting the part of the street or alley to be vacated. The two-thirds shall be determined by the linear frontage of property abutting the area of the proposed vacation. If the petition has been signed by the requisite percentage of such owners, the Administrative Official shall bring the petition before the City Council, and the City Council shall by resolution fix the time when the petition will be heard by the Hearing Examiner, which time shall not be more than 60 days nor less than 20 days after the adoption of the resolution. Where the City Council initiates the vacation by resolution, that resolution shall fix the time when the proposed vacation will be heard by the Hearing Examiner. The Hearing Examiner will compose a recommendation and forward it to the City Council for final decision. B. Staff Report. The Administrative Official shall prepare a report concerning the proposed vacation for the hearing in front of the Hearing Examiner. The staff report shall evaluate the advisability of the proposed vacation based on a Development Services Team (DST) meeting and/or[wsli submitted application materials. The report shall address the criteria to be considered in determining whether to vacate the street or alley, and such other information as deemed appropriate by the Administrative Official. In preparing the report, the Administrative Official shall solicit comments from the police department and the fire department. The Administrative Official may solicit comments from other governmental agencies and utility companies having jurisdiction or utilities within the boundaries of the City. The report shall be submitted to the Hearing Examiner and to the petitioner and his or her representative not less than seven calendar days before the hearing. C. Notice of Hearing. Upon the passage of the resolution fixing the time for hearing the request for vacation, the City Clerk, or the Administrative Official, acting under direction and supervision of the City Clerk, shall give not less than 20 days' notice of the time, place and purpose of the hearing by: 1. Posting a written notice in three public places in the City, one of which shall be City Hall; 2. Publishing written notice once in the City's official newspaper; 3. Posting a minimum 24 -inch by 36 -inch notice sign in a conspicuous place at each end of the street or alley sought to be vacated describing the proposed vacation and the date, time and location of the public hearing; and 4. Mailing written notice to all petitioners at the addresses on the petition and all owners of property abutting the street or alley proposed to be vacated, as shown on the records of the Yakima County Assessor, not to exceed 90 calendar days prior to the date of the public hearing. The Administrative Official shall send the same written 2 Draft -Right of Way Vacation August 18, 2016 notice to the representative of the petitioners at the address on the petition and any interested parties listed in the title reports provided by petitioners, if applicable. D. Protest - If fifty percent (50%) of the abutting property owners file written objection to a City Council initiated vacation with the City Clerk prior to the time of hearing, the City shall be prohibited from proceeding with the resolution and vacation. The fifty percent (50%) ownership shall be measured in linear footage of property abutting the area of the proposed Right -of -Way vacation. 14.21.050 - Heari i t Review and Recommendation A. The hearing on the petition or proposal shall be held before the Hearing Examiner upon the day fixed by resolution or at the time to which a hearing may be adjourned. In its consideration of the proposed vacation of the street or alley, the Hearing Examiner shall render a recommendation based on the following criteria: 1. The public benefit, reason for, and limitations of the proposed right-of-way vacation; 2. Whether the vacation would deny sole access to a public street for any property; 3. Whether the proposal is consistent with existing plans of the City, such as the Six- year Transportation Improvement Plan, the Urban Area Comprehensive Plan and other official City plans and policies; 4. Whether the vacation is appropriate with existing and anticipated zoning and land use; and 5. Whether there are any public or franchised utilities in the right-of-way to be vacated and, if so, whether they be relocated, or whether an easement will need to be reserved. B. Following the hearing, the Administrative Official shall forward the Hearing Examiner's recommendation to the City Council for a closed record public hearing at a regularly City Council scheduled meeting. 14.21.060 City retain The City shall retain easements and/or the rights to exercise and grant easements in respect to any vacated property for the construction, repair, and maintenance of public or private utilities and services. 14.21.070 A. The Applicant shall compensate the City in an amount which does not exceed one-half the appraised value of the area so vacated. If the street or alley has been part of a dedicated public right-of-way for twenty-five years or more, or if the subject property or portions thereof were acquired at public expense, the city or town may require the owners of the property abutting the street or alley to compensate the city or town in an amount that does not exceed the full appraised value of the area vacated. 1. The value of the vacated property shall be determined by an independent appraisal of the vacated property, paid for by the Applicant, in the event the value of the vacated property exceeds Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00). The value of the vacated property may be determined by an independent appraisal of the vacated property, paid for by the Applicant, if the value of the property does not exceed Twenty Thousand Dollars. All appraisals shall take into consideration the public improvements within the right of way to be vacated, according to their original or depreciated value as may be appropriate in the judgment of the appraiser. 3 Draft -Right of Way Vacation August 18, 2016 2. If the Applicant does not choose to have an independent appraisal, and the value fo the vacated property does not exceed $20,000.00, the value shall be determined by the Planning Division's valuation. The Planning Division's valuation shall be one hundred ten percent (110%) of the Planning Division's valuation of said public street, alley or any portion thereof based on Yakima County Assessor's market land value of the properties directly surrounding the area of the proposed vacated property. 3. No compensation shall be required if a street or alley is vacated and the ownership reverts to the State of Washington, City of Yakima, Yakima County or any public school district. 4. No compensation shall be required if the City has not purchased, maintained, made any improvements to the street or alley, there is no planned or anticipated public purpose existing for maintaining the street or alley as determined by the Planning Commission and DST, and the street or alley has been a dedicated right-of-way in the City for at least five years. B. Every ordinance hereinafter enacted by the City Council to vacate any street or alley, or any portion thereof, shall provide that such ordinance shall not become effective until the Applicant or the owners of the property abutting upon the street or alley, or portion thereof, so vacated shall compensate the City in the amount specified herein. 14.21.080 ® City A. Following the hearing and receipt of the Hearing Examiner's recommendation, the City Council shall determine whether to vacate the street or alley. The determination shall consider, but not be limited to, the findings of the Hearing Examiner. B. If the City Council determines to grant the vacation, the action shall be made by ordinance with such conditions or limitations as the City Council deems necessary and proper to preserve any desired public use or benefit. The ordinance shall contain a provision retaining or requiring conveyance of easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services. C. The City Council, in approving a vacation request, shall specify that the vacated portion of the street or alley shall belong to the abutting property owners, one-half to each, unless factual circumstances otherwise dictate a different division and distribution of the street or alley to be vacated. The zoning district designation of the properties adjoining each side of the street or alley to be vacated shall be assigned based on the zoning district of the abutting property to which ownership of the vacated property will revert, and all areas included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the extended districts. The adopting ordinance shall specify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district designations. 14.21.100 - Recording of Ordinance A certified copy of the ordinance vacating a street or alley or part thereof shall be recorded in the office of the Yakima County Auditor by the City at Applicant's expense. A copy of the recorded ordinance shall be provided to Applicant. All conditions of the ordinance and this Chapter shall be fully satisfied prior to recording of the ordinance by the City 4 Draft -Right of Way Vacation August 18, 2016 14.2 1. 110 co rd Of S u rvey Req u i red Following the City Council's passage of the ordinance, and prior to recording the proposal to vacate the street or alley, a record of survey prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington, at the expense of the Applicant, shall be submitted by the Applicant to the Administrative Official. Such survey shall include an exact metes and bounds legal description and any and all easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services. It shall also contain the professional stamp and signature of the registered surveyor, and the proponent indicating acceptance of the vacated property. property All direct and indirect costs of the vacated street or alley from public to private ownership including, but not limited to, title company charges, copying fees, and recording fees are to be borne by the Applicant. The City assumes no financial responsibility for any direct or indirect costs for the transfer of the vacation. Additionally, the City shall retain control of all proposed vacated streets and/or alleys until payment is received. 5 Draft -Right of Way Vacation August 18, 2016 F O RT III: �I E DEPARTWNT 200 Sw iThird Strx,YAmia, Washington 969M (509W5-6030 Fax (509)575-6160 MEMORANDUM August 17, 2016 TO: Chairman Scott Clark and Planning Commissioners FROM: Sara Watkins, Senior Assistant City Attorney SUBJECT: Outdoor Merchandise Displays Dear Chairman Clark and Commissioners: This memorandum is in response to your request that I provide examples of ordinances and language that could be used with regards to outdoor merchandise or product displays. You asked that I look at five matters: regulating the volume/number of items displayed outdoors; setback requirements for outdoor displays; the definition of "incidental" and "accessory" use with regards to outdoor displays; the definition of "sign" to make sure outdoor displays are not themselves considered signs; and the current right-of-way use permit structure. I attach five ordinances from outside Washington State to reference in various portions of this memo. I also have highlighted language in those ordinances that is responsive to your requests. Attachment 1: San Carlos, California Attachment 2: Angola, Indiana Attachment 3: Milbrae, California Attachment 4: Poway, California Attachment 5: Springville, Utah 1. Regulating the volume/number of items displayed outdoors I found a number of ordinances that regulated the volume or amount of items that could be displayed outside of a retailer that regulated volume based on the linear footage of the front of the store. For example, the ordinance out of San Carlos, California, the display may not exceed 25% of the width of the storefront. Poway, California states that outdoor displays cannot exceed 10 feet or 25% of the linear frontage of the store, whichever is higher. Memorandum to Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council August 24, 2016 Page 2 The Angola, Indiana ordinance states that outdoor merchandise displays cannot exceed 5% of the footprint of the primary structure or tenant space of the retailer displaying the merchandise. In some of the ordinances previously provided, cities had regulated even further, indicating a store could have one mannequin, or one temporary merchandise display table. Therefore, I believe that it is possible to regulate the volume and/or number of items displayed outside of a business. 2. Setbacks and other similar requirements for outdoor displays Although I did not find any ordinances that specifically outlined setbacks from other businesses in a strip mall or other shared wall commercial setting, there are a number of examples of ordinances with setbacks from other property, height and width restrictions, and restrictions to allow for emergency access to properties. A. Height San Carlos, California states in its ordinance that the height of outdoor product displays may not exceed 6 feet, and must be at a minimum 2 feet high. Angola, Indiana also requires that product displays not exceed 6 feet in height, but has no minimum. Poway, California does not allow outdoor merchandise displays to exceed 5 feet in height. B. Setbacks from property lines Cities also have requirements that the outdoor displays are set back from property lines or public rights-of-way. For example, San Carlos requires a 15 foot setback from any public right-of-way. Setback requirements for Yakima should also take into account Table 5-1 which outlines setback requirements for each zoning district from roadways and easements to ensure it is consistent. C. Access and safety provisions Many ordinances have access and safety provisions allowing for proper emergency access, as well as provisions that protect the public. Spingville, Utah's ordinance specifically states that no outdoor product display can obstruct any pedestrian walkway. Further, the ordinance states that the display cannot encroach upon a fire lane or a parking spot necessary to fulfill minimum parking requirements for the building. Memorandum to Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council August 24, 2016 Page 3 Poway takes a slightly different approach, allowing businesses to use private walkways for merchandise display, but requiring that if private walkways are used that there is a minimum of 44 inches of space for pedestrians, or an amount necessary under other regulations (like the Americans with Disabilities act for example). Poway also requires that the products be projected no more than 4 feet from the "space frontage" which I believe would be the store front (although it is not defined in the ordinance). Milbrae, California specifically states that no pedestrian access can be impeded. It also states that emergency exits cannot be impeded by outdoor merchandise displays. San Carlos contains a provision that does not allow outdoor merchandise displays to "interfere with the normal function of the site." This language, or something similar, could be used by shared wall retail establishments for joint parking, signage, or other issues that may come up when the retailer does not occupy a stand-alone building. 3. Incidental and accessory uses Currently, the outdoor promotional display section is found in Title 5 of the Yakima Municipal Code. That Code section does not have any definitions, with regards to accessory or incidental uses, however, Title 15 does. "Accessory use" is defined as "a use that is subordinate and incidental to a principal use." YMC 15.02.020. "Incidental use" and "principal use" are not defined. The Planning Commission may want to evaluate whether to define "principal use" in the code. The attached ordinances contain language that requires that the merchandise displayed outdoors must be of the same type as is displayed indoors (San Carlos, Poway), that all sales transactions occur indoors (San Carlos), and outdoor displays shall not be in conjunction with any business other than the one approved at the location (Milbrae). Milbrae also does not allow outdoor displays to be for a separate business entity other than the one that is permanently located on the site. Further, San Carlos specifically states that merchandise displayed outdoors must be moved indoors at the close of business every day. 4. The definitions of "sign" and "temporary sign" As the commissioners know, the Planning Commission put on hold temporarily possible revisions to the sign code in light of Reed v. Gilbert. The current sign code has the following definitions: "Sign" means any medium, including its structural component parts, used or intended to attract attention to the subject matter that identifies, advertises, Memorandum to Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council August 24, 2016 Page 4 and/or promotes an activity, product, service, place, business, or thing. "Temporary sign" means any sign, banner, pennant, valance, or display constructed of cloth, paper, canvas, cardboard, or nondurable materials. Types of displays included in this category opening, special sales, special event, and garage sale signs. any other advertising other light are: grand The definition of temporary sign, in my opinion, does not include any product displays or outdoor merchandise displays, as the definition includes examples that do not include anything except traditional signs. The definition of sign is more broad, and includes "any medium" "intended to attract attention" that "identifies" a place of business or product being sold. I think a mannequin wearing clothing that is being sold in a store could constitute a sign under this definition. One way to possibly address this is to change the definition of "sign" to the following: "Sign" means letters, figures, symbols, trademarks, or logos, with or without illumination, intended to identify any place, subject, person, firm, business, product, article, merchandise or point of sale. A sign also includes balloons attached to sign structures, streamers, spinners, pennants, flags, inflatables or similar devices intended to attract attention to a site or business, as well as architectural or structural forms, illuminated panels, spandrels, awnings and other structural or architectural features not common to classic vernacular or non -corporate regional architecture and that are intended to convey a brand, message or otherwise advertise a location or product, whether or not such features include text or graphics and whether or not they serve other practical purposes such as lighting, covering or enclosure of persons or products. A sign includes any device which streams, televises or otherwise conveys electronic visual messages, pictures, videos or images, with or without sound or odors. A sign does not include an outdoor product display, unless that product display also contains a "sign" as defined herein. I think it also may be useful to define "outdoor product display" in any section on outdoor product displays. Some examples include: Use of property for the display and sales of products and services, primarily outside of a building or structure, including but not limited to manufactured homes; burial monuments; swimming pools, and portable storage sheds, including related repair activities and sale of parts. Material sold is usually Memorandum to Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council August 24, 2016 Page 5 stored outdoors and typically a building is on site in which sales may be consummated or products displayed. (Harnett County, NC) Any use of property which involves the sale, leasing, display or temporary storage of commodities, goods, materials or equipment in a location other than an enclosed building, excluding vehicle sales. (Clearwater, FL) Outdoor Display - means the display of sample inventory, merchandise, or other items for sale, rent or lease and outside a permanent, established structure which has received a certificate of occupancy and complies with all current applicable zoning, building codes, and site development requirements of the City. (Bryan, TX) Outdoor Sales and Displays means an exhibition meant to enhance an existing business, or as a standalone use, where merchandise, wares or other tangible items are displayed for show and/or sale out-of-doors. (Oak Island, NC) 5. The current right-of-way use permit structure Yakima Municipal Code section 8.20 covers right-of-way use permits and is attached in full as Attachment 6 to this memo for your review and convenience. Under this section, the use of a public right-of-way for any purpose is prohibited unless a permit is obtained. YMC 8.20.010. Therefore, any outdoor displays of merchandise or products is required under YMC 8.20 to obtain a right-of-way use permit from the City. Rather than address rights-of-way in any ordinance regarding outdoor merchandise displays, the Planning Commission could decide to specifically prohibit outdoor merchandise displays unless a permit is obtained pursuant to YMC 8.20.010. This would ensure that the procedure is the same for any person or business seeking to use the public right-of-way for personal or commercial purposes, and would not create a separate permit for merchandise displays. Attachment 1 San Carlos, CA: 18.23.150 Outdoor retail sales. Outdoor retail sales shall be located, developed, and operated in compliance with the standards of this section.... B. Downtown Outdoor Display and Sales. Outdoor display and sale of merchandise in downtown districts shall comply with this section and Title 12. Outdoor display and sale of merchandise is permitted on private property in the MU -DC, MU -D, MU -N and the MU - SB. Outdoor display and sale of merchandise is permitted on public property and in the right-of- way in the MU -DC, MU -D with frontage on Laurel Street and San Carlos Avenue, MU -N with frontage on Holly Street, MU -N south of Arroyo Avenue and the MU -SB with frontage on Laurel Street. The display area shall not encroach in a public right-of-way, street, alley, sidewalk or other public property without first obtaining an encroachment permit. 1. General Requirements. a. Application Information. Applicant shall submit a site plan and description of the proposed outdoor display and sales area. The plan shall be drawn to scale showing the location of buildings and structures. In cases where outdoorsales are proposed for location in the public right-of-way, the site plan shall include the location of street furnishings and trees adjacent to the proposed outdoor display and sales area. The plan shall show locations, number and the arrangement of portable appurtenances proposed. Colors and commercial grade materials shall be specified. In addition to any other application materials required, an application for an outdoor display and sales area shall state the anticipated periods of use during the year, and the proposed hours of daily use, including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. b. Hours of Operation. Hours of outdoor display and sales shall be limited to the hours of operation of the associated commercial establishment. c. Permits and Licenses. The applicant shall obtain a City of San Carlos zoning clearance/minor architectural review approval and an annual business registration. In the case of outdoor display and sales in the public right-of-way, an annual City of San Carlos encroachment permit is required. 2. Outdoor Retail Sales Standards. a. Design. i. The design of all improvements, sales racks and furniture shall be of a quality to sustain weather and wear, and shall be of commercial grade materials. Vinyl or plastic tablecloths are not permitted. ii. The merchandise in the outdoor display and sales area including but not limited to the display racks, tables and stands shall not exceed a height of six feet and in no case be loner than two feet. iii. Display and sales area fixtures and appurtenances shall be stable and secure in all wind and weather conditions. Umbrellas and awnings shall be solid color canvas. Sun screens shall be a fabric and retractable. No generic advertising or signage is permitted. iv. 'flie display and sales area shall not exceed twenty-five percent of the width of the frontage of the associated business storefront. b. Operation. i. Outdoor display and sales conducted by a business shall be located in front of the associated business storefront. ii. All merchandise or services displayed outdoors shall be of the same types ordinarily sold indoors at the business conducting the sale. All sale transactions shall be conducted indoors. iii. Outdoor display and sales areas are exempt from the parking requirements of Chapter 18.20, Parking and Loading. iv. All display and sale merchandise, furniture and fixtures and other portable appurtenances shall be removed from outdoors at the end of each business day. No outside storage shall be permitted. c. Maintenance. i. The permittee and the property owner shall maintain the outdoor display and sales area and the adjoining street, curb, gutter and sidewalk in a neat, clean and orderly condition at all times, regardless of the source of the refuse and litter. ii. Activities involving the outdoor display and sales area shall be conducted in a manner that does not interfere with pedestrians, parking or traffic. iii. If necessary, the permittee or the property owner shall clean the surface of the sidewalk by washing or buffing to remove any stains, marks, or discoloration and in accordance with prevailing stormwater and water quality regulations. iv. Furniture, fixtures and appurtenances shall be kept clean and in good condition. C. Ongoing Outdoor Display/Sales. The ongoing outdoor display of merchandise, except for automobile/vehicle sales and leasing, which is subject to Section 18.23.050, mmAutomobile/vehicle sales and services, requires approval of a conditional use permit in accordance with Chapter 18.30, Use Permits, and shall comply with the following minimum standards: 1. Location. Outdoor sales shall be located entirely on private property outside any required setback (or landscaped planter in zoning districts that do not have required setbacks), fire lane, or fire access way. A minimum setback of fifteen feet from any public right-of-way is required. 2. Screening. All outdoor sales and activity areas other than vehicle sales lots, produce stands, and nursery product sales shall be screened from adjacent public rights-of-way and residential districts by decorative solid walls, solid fences, or landscaped berms. 3. Location of Merchandise. Displayed merchandise shall occupy a fixed, specifically approved and defined location that does not disrupt the normal function of the site or its circulation and does not encroach upon parking spaces, driveways, pedestrian walkways, or required landscaped areas. These displays shall also not obstruct sight distances or otherwise create hazards for vehicle or pedestrian traffic. (Ord. 1480 (Exh. C (part)), 2015; Ord. 1438 § 4 (Exh. A (part)), 2011) Attachment 2 Angola, IN: 18.160.340 Permanent outdoor display standards. This permanent outdoor display standards section applies to the following zoning districts: AC, UV, NC, DC, C 1, C2, HC, I1. The intent of the permanent outdoor display standards is to permit the use of outdoor areas for display and sale of merchandise, but to ensure that such displays are sensitive to the character of the district and do not jeopardize the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the zoning jurisdiction of the city. The following standards apply: (A) Project Applicability. Outdoor areas that a business or institution wants to use on a regular basis for outdoor displays shall meet this section. (C) Location. (1) Accessibility. A permanent outdoor display shall not block any sidewalk, accessibility ramp, or driveway. (2) Setbacks. (a) Front Yard. A permanent outdoor display shall meet the front yard setback identified in the applicable zoning district in Division II of this title, Zoning Districts. (b) Side and Rear Yards. A permanent outdoor display shall meet the side yard and rear yard setbacks for accessory structures as identified in the applicable zoning district in Division Il of this title, Zoning Districts. (3) Proximity to Primary Structure. A permanent outdoor display shall meet at least one of the following proximity standards: (a) Every portion of a permanent outdoor display area shall be 10 feet or less from the front fagade of the primary structure. (b) Every portion of a permanent outdoor display shall be 20 feet or less from a side fagade of the primary structure. (c) A permanent outdoor display shall meet the screen requirements in subsection (E) of this section, Screening. (4) Canopies. All vending machines, ice machines, propane tank displays, and other permanent fixtures that are part of a permanent outdoor display area shall be located under a permanent canopy or awning that is attached to the primary structure. (D) Size. (1) Maximum Area. The cumulative area of all permanent outdoor display areas shall not exceed five percent of the footprint of the primary structure or tenant space to which the permanent outdoor display area is associated. (2) Maximum Height. (a) When products are displayed within an enclosed temporary structure, the enclosed temporary structure shall not exceed 15 feet in height. (b) Products displayed outside shall not exceed six feet in height. (E) Screening. When a permanent outdoor display area is more than 10 feet from the front fagade of the primary structure or more than 20 feet from a side fagade of the primary structure, at least one of the following screening mechanisms shall be installed. (1) Wall. A wall that is 30 inches to 40 inches in height, is constructed of the same material as the primary structure, and is integrated into the design of the primary structure. (2) Landscaping. A five -foot -wide landscape buffer that consists of one tree and one shrub for every 10 feet of perimeter around the outdoor display area. The trees and shrubs shall be permanently planted and may be arranged creatively for aesthetic purposes, but shall reasonably screen the permanent outdoor display area. [Ord. 1268-2008. UDO § 5.62.] Attachment 3 Milbrae, CA: 10.05.1930 Outdoor display of merchandise. A. Requirements. 1. Outdoor displays of merchandise may occur only in conjunction with an approved indoor commercial business; 2. An outdoor display of merchandise must be located on the same parcel as the indoor commercial business it advertises; 3. All outdoor displays of merchandise located within any public right-of-way must be removed during all hours that the business is closed; 4. No outdoor display of merchandise shall block or in any way impede vehicular access to, from, or within the parcel upon which it is located; 5. No outdoor display of merchandise shall reduce the visibility of vehicles or pedestrians within any public right-of-way; 6. No outdoor display of merchandise shall block or in any way impede minimum required pedestrian access to, from, or within any public right-of-way; 7. No outdoor display of merchandise shall block or in any way impede minimum required emergency egress from the premises. B. Prohibited Activities. No outdoor display of merchandise shall function as a business activity separate from the business it advertises. C. Permits. A conditional use permit, approved by the city's planning commission, shall be required for all outdoor displays of merchandise. An encroachment permit, approved by the city's engineering division, shall be required for all outdoor displays of merchandise located either partially or wholly within a public right-of-way; provided, that a conditional use permit has first been approved. If approved, all encroachment permits for outdoor displays of merchandise shall be subject to review for renewal on an annual basis. D. Applications. 1. Conditional use permit applications shall be submitted on the appropriate city form to the planning division in accordance with the provisions of Article XXV of this chapter. Where the applicant is not the owner of the lot upon which the outdoor display of merchandise is proposed, the application shall be signed by the property owner or designated representative; 2. Encroachment permit applications shall be submitted on the appropriate city form to the engineering division by the person wishing to conduct the outdoor display of merchandise. Where the applicant is not the owner of the lot upon which the outdoor display of merchandise is proposed, the application shall be signed by the property owner or designated representative. E. Not Transferable. Conditional use permits and encroachment permits for outdoor displays of merchandise shall not be transferred or assigned to any other person, premises, or business activity. (Ord. 726, § 2 (Att. A)). Attachment 4 Poway, CA 17.10.190: 2. Location. The outdoor display area shall: a. Be located on the same portion of the site as the occupant of an existing commercial development and limited to the area adjacent to the front building elevation of the space occupied by the applicant and shall not interfere with automobile or pedestrian circulation. Outdoor displays are not permitted in front of a closed business or on vacant property; b. Not impede vehicular sight distance as determined by the City Traffic Engineer; c. Be located on private property only (not within the public right-of-way). Display of goods or merchandise on public property is prohibited except as otherwise authorized by the Poway Municipal Code, State law, or constitutional law; d. Not obstruct any landscape areas or parking spaces; e. Not be displayed from cars, trucks, or any other vehicle; and f. Not obscure or interfere with any official notice or public safety sign or device. 3. Maximum Depth. a. Outdoor display shall project no more than four feet from the front of the applicant's space frontage; and b. Private sidewalks, courtyards or entry areas may be utilized for display providing a minimum 44 -inch pedestrian access remains clear and unobstructed at all times, subject to full compliance with the Uniform Fire Code, the Uniform Building Code and Title 24 access requirements. 4. Maximum Length. The display area shall not exceed 10 feet or 25 percent of the linear frontage of the frontage of the applicant's space, whichever is greater. 5. Maximum Height. The display area shall not exceed five feet in height above adjacent finished grade. The approval authority shall retain the ability to further limit display height on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the standards of this chapter. 6. Use of Outdoor Display Area. a. The outdoor display shall be temporary and removed at the end of each business day; b. The outdoor display must be self-supporting, stable and weighted or constructed to withstand overturning by wind or contact. The display shall not be permanently affixed to any object, structure, or anything on the ground, including utility poles, light poles, trees, or any merchandise or products displayed outside permanent buildings; c. The outdoor display shall be continuously maintained in a state of order, security, safety and repair. The display surface shall be kept clean, neatly painted, and free of rust, corrosion, protruding tacks, nails and/or wires. Any cracked, broken surfaces, or other unmaintained or damaged portion of a display shall be repaired or replaced or removed within 30 days of notification by the City; d. Display merchandise and products shall be limited to those normally associated with the primary retail user making application and shall not be in disrepair or visually unattractive. The display of junk is prohibited; e. All outdoor displays shall be tasteful and assist in creating a top quality shopping environment. No display shall contain obscene, indecent or immoral matter; f. Display areas shall not be subleased or otherwise afforded use by other persons; g. Electricity shall not be utilized nor shall any noise be generated by an outdoor display; and h. Display areas shall be kept clean and orderly and shall maintain an attractive appearance. No item shall be displayed in a manner that is unsightly or creates any other condition that is detrimental to the appearance of the premises or any surrounding property; or in any other manner that is detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or causes a public nuisance. 7. Signage. No additional signage is permitted with an outdoor display permit. All signage shall comply with the City's sign regulations contained in Chapter 17.40 PMC. Attachment 5 Springville, UT: (c) In all districts where outside display of goods is permitted, such display shall conform to all of the following requirements. (i) All outdoor display shall conform to the use -specific requirements of that particular use; (ii) No outdoor display area shall be located in a required landscaped area. (iii) Outdoor display areas shall meet all landscaping requirements. (iv) No portion of the right-of-way shall be used for any type of display without a valid revocable permit; (v) No outdoor display area shall be permitted to obstruct a pedestrian walkway. (vi) In no instance shall outside display of merchandise be located within, nor encroach upon, a fire lane, maneuvering aisle, or a parking space necessary to meet the minimum parking requirements of the other use(s) of the lot or parcel. (vii) Outside display shall be situated so as not to create a visibility obstruction within a parking area or adjacent public street. (viii) All portions of outside display areas shall have adequate grading and drainage and shall be continuously maintained. Attachment 6 Chapter 8.20 RIGHT-OF-WAY USE PERMITS Sections: 8.µ200,10 Use of public right-of-way without permit prohibited. 8.20.020 Definitions. 8.20.030 Application for permit—Fee. 8.20.040 Processing of application. 8.20 m05,0 Grant or denial of permit. 8.20.052 Criteria for residential right-of-way use permit consideration. 8.20.055 Sidewalk sign right-of-way use permit. 8.20.060 Liability insurance required. 8.20070 Term of permit—Renewal. 8,,20,080 Revocation of permits. 8.20.090 Discontinuance of use on termination or revocation of permit. 8.20.100 Permit not transferable. 8.20.110 Safety and building code compliance. 8.20.120 Penalty for violation—Each day a separate offense. 8.20.130 Violations as nuisances. 8.20.010 Use of public right-of-way without permit prohibited. It is unlawful for any person to use, for a private purpose, any public right-of-way utilized for a public purpose without first obtaining a permit therefor pursuant to this chapter and without otherwise complying with provisions of this chapter applicable to such occupancy or use; provided, the provisions of this chapter shall not apply to work in public right-of-way performed by the city, its agents or contractors, or to occupancy and use of public right-of-way under the authority of any franchise granted by the city, or to persons using or occupying public right-of-way pursuant to some other permission or authority granted by the city. This chapter shall not apply to political signs placed in public rights-of-way. Such areas may include but are not limited to the area between the sidewalk and the curb of a roadway. (Ord. 2009-15 § 1, 2009: Ord. 93-83 § 2, 1993: Ord. 2938 § 1, 1986: Ord. 1672 § 1 (part), 1974). 8.20.020 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context, the following words, phrases, and terms shall have the following meanings ascribed to them: 1. "Person" means a natural person, partnership, corporation or any other legal entity. 2. "Public right-of-way" means streets, alleys, sidewalks, planting strips, and other public squares, places and rights-of-way open to the use of the public including the space above and beneath the surface of such public rights-of-way. 3. "Use" means to construct, erect or maintain in, upon, over or under any public right-of-way any structure for the private use of the adjoining property owner or occupant. (Ord. 2009-15 § 2, 2009: Ord. 1672 § 1 (part), 1974). N N��� r • r rr w A. Applications for permits to be issued pursuant to this chapter shall be filed with the community and economic development director upon an approved form, and shall be accompanied by a detailed scale drawing depicting the public right-of-way in the vicinity of the area for which the permit is sought, including existing utilities, street lights and traffic signal poles, street furniture and similar features of the area. Such application shall contain an accurate description of the public right-of-way or portion thereof desired to be used under the authority of the permit sought, the use desired to be made of the public right-of-way by the applicant pursuant to the permit, the plans and specifications for any utility or structure desired in or on a public right-of-way, evidence showing the applicant to be the owner of, or entitled to the possession and use of, the property adjacent to the right-of-way concerning which the permit is sought and such other information deemed necessary or desirable by the chief of code administration to enforce compliance with or to otherwise administer the provisions of this chapter. B. All applications shall be accompanied by an application fee. The application fee shall be fifty dollars as set forth in Ordinance 2938 § 2, 1986. (Ord. 2009-15 § 3, 2009: Ord. 2938 § 2, 1986; Ord. 1672 § 1 (part), 1974). 0 Processing of application. The code administration manager shall examine each application for compliance with requirements of this chapter and for compliance with any applicable provisions of the city's building code and shall endorse his/her findings on the application form and transmit it: (1) For business/commercial uses, to the city clerk for consideration by the city council, except that applications for permits to place signs in city -owned right-of-way, including sidewalk signs as described in YMC 0.055, shall be transmitted to and approved or denied by the community and economic development director or his/her designee, or (2) for residential uses (single-family and duplex, and/or located within a residential neighborhood), to the community review board (hereinafter "board"). (Ord. 2010-34 § 1, 2010: Ord. 2009-15 § 4, 2009: Ord. 2002-07 § 1, 2002: Ord. 1672 § 1 (part), 1974). 8.20.050 Grant or denial of ipermit. Upon consideration by the city council or the board of the application for a permit, the council or board shall, by motion, approve or deny the application, except that applications for permits to place signs in city -owned right- of-way, including sidewalk signs as described in YMC 8, 0,055, shall be considered and approved or denied by the community and economic development director, or his/her designee. Upon approval of an application by the council, board or, in the case of an application for a permit to place a sign in city -owned right-of-way, the community and economic development director, the code administration manager shall issue the permit upon applicant's compliance with requirements of YMC. 0 55, and 8.20.060. The applicant or other interested persons may appeal to the city council within thirty days of the issuance of the director's written decision or the board's decision concerning an application for a permit. (Ord. 2010-34 § 2, 2010: Ord. 2009-15 § 5, 2009: Ord. 2002-07 § 2, 2002: Ord. 1672, § 1 (part), 1974). Criteria for residential rl hit -of -War se permlt consideration. . ..., rite . ... A right-of-way use permit shall be granted by the community review board only when the applicant demonstrates that the permit will not be contrary to the public interest and that practical difficulty and unnecessary hardship will result if it is not granted. The applicant must clearly establish and substantiate that the request for permit conforms to all of the requirements and standards listed below: A. That granting the right-of-way use permit will be consistent with the general purpose and intent and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare; B. That granting the right-of-way use permit will not authorize the establishment of any use not permitted in a particular zoning district; C. That a unique circumstance, special circumstance or condition exists, fully described in the board's findings, specifically applicable to the land or structures for which the right-of-way use permit is sought. The special circumstance or condition must be peculiar to such land or structures and not generally applicable to land or structures in the neighborhood. The special circumstance or condition must also be such that the strict application of the right-of-way provisions would deprive the applicant of reasonable use of applicant's land or structure; D. That an unavoidable hardship exists. It is not sufficient proof of hardship to show that lesser cost would result if the right-of-way use permit were granted. Furthermore, the hardship complained of cannot be self- created; nor can it be established on this basis by one who purchases without knowledge of the restrictions. It must result from the application of the desired use to the land or structure. It must be suffered directly by the applicant for the property in question, and evidence of a permit granted under similar circumstance elsewhere shall not be considered. Neither nonconforming uses nor neighboring lands or structures, nor buildings in other zoning districts shall be considered as factors relevant to the issuance of a right-of-way use permit; and E. That the requested right-of-way use permit is the minimum remedy that will accomplish this purpose. (Ord. 2009-15 § 6, 2009). _.., r�ruraNl' start riga - to ptnmtt .... 8.20.055 lc „ ..,....... v ..... ............... A right-of-way use permit shall be granted by the community and economic development director or his/her designee for a sidewalk sign and shall endorse the application form if it meets the following conditions: 1. The business/commercial use has a current and valid business license from the city of Yakima, and is located in a commercial or industrial zoning district; 2. The sign has no movable parts and no electrification; 3. A site plan has been filed with the application, as required in YMC 8,20.030, which identifies the proposed location of the sidewalk sign and ensures that an area of the sidewalk at least four feet in width is maintained at all times for compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 standards which will not be impeded by the sidewalk sign; 4. The sign is removed daily from the sidewalk or right-of-way no later than ten p.m.; 5. The sidewalk sign will be placed along the sidewalk frontage of the business. One sign per business is allowed per street frontage of the actual location; 6. Sidewalk signs are prohibited from containing any image or picture displayed to the public in any manner that graphically depicts or portrays individuals in a state of dress or undress meeting the definitions of nudity or partial nudity as established in YMC15,09.2.00, or which depicts individuals participating in lewd conduct as described in YMC ,55,030, or which otherwise conveys an overtly sexual message (or obscenity as provided in YMC. O,,O Q); 7. Sidewalk signs must comply with all provisions of this chapter including but not limited to application requirements, fees and renewal, liability insurance, appeals and safety compliance. (Ord. 2010-34 § 3, 2010) 8.20.060 Liability insurance required. Prior to the issuance of any permit pursuant to this chapter, the applicant shall file with the community and economic development director or his/her designee evidence of comprehensive public liability insurance, with limits of not less than five hundred thousand dollars combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage for residential uses and one million dollars combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage for business uses, with the city of Yakima named as an insured party, insuring against liability from injury or damage resulting from applicant's occupancy of or activities on public right-of-way under the permit to be issued, which insurance shall be maintained in effect during the term of the permit. (Ord. 2009-15 § 7, 2009: Ord. 1672, § 1 (part), 1974). 8.20.070 Term of permit—Renewal.. Permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of issuance and shall be subject to renewal annually on application therefor, and on payment of renewal fee of twenty-five dollars as set forth in Ordinance 2938 § 3, 1986, provided permits granted under authority other than this chapter shall remain in full force and effect according to their terms without the necessity for application therefor or renewal thereof and without the payment of a permit fee, unless any such permit is terminated or revoked as provided by that permit. (Ord. 2009-15 § 8, 2009: Ord. 2938 § 3, 1986: Ord. 1672 § 1 (part), 1974). 8.20.080 Revocation of permits. No permit granted pursuant to this chapter shall vest any permanent right in the permit holder; and any such permit may be revoked by resolution or motion of the city council, followed by notice to the permit holder given by the code administration manager that such permit is revoked, which notice shall be given not less than thirty days prior to the effective date of revocation specified in such notice. The notice shall be in writing and personally delivered to the permit holder or mailed to the permit holder at its address specified in the application. In the event the community and economic development director, or his/her designee determines that the continued use of public right-of-way pursuant to a permit constitutes an immediate hazard to the public, such permit may be immediately suspended and further use thereof terminated pending city council's determination by resolution or motion to permanently revoke the permit. Permanent revocation shall be immediately effective upon written notice delivered to the permit holder in person or by mail as provided by this section. (Ord. 2009-15 § 9, 2009: Ord. 2002-07 § 3, 2002: Ord. 1672 § 1 (part), 1974). 8.20 090 ll iiscom�unu amce o..use rseriorma liiooi� re o atiomof permit. _._._.._ . Upon the (1) termination of a permit, unless renewed, (2) suspension of the permit by the community and economic development director, or his/her designee, or (3) revocation of any permit issued pursuant to this chapter, the person to whom that permit was originally issued shall forthwith discontinue the use of public right- of-way authorized by such permit, and shall forthwith remove all structures and right-of-way obstructions authorized by such permit. In the event the community and economic development director or his/her designee suspends the permitted use on the basis of an articulable hazard presented by said use, the permittee shall immediately remove the hazardous condition. If any such structure, obstruction or hazard is not so removed, the community and economic development director or his/her designee may cause the same to be removed and perform any repair work to public right-of-way necessitated by such removal in order to render the public right-of-way safe for public use, and the person to whom the permit was originally issued shall be liable to the city for all expenses of such removal and repair. (Ord. 2009-15 § 10, 2009: Ord. 1672 § 1 (part), 1974). 8.20.100 Permit not transferable. The privilege to use public right-of-way granted by any permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall be a personal privilege of the person to whom the permit is issued, and no such permit shall be transferable without the consent of the Yakima city council first being obtained. Any attempted transfer of any such permit without city council approval shall automatically render the permit null and void. (Ord. 2009-15 § 11, 2009: Ord. 1672 § 1 (part), 1974). d nbuil 8.20 .110 Safety a.r ._ dire code corn liance. All work performed by the authority of a permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall be accomplished in compliance with all applicable city building codes and other city ordinances, and with the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act, and shall be diligently pursued so as to cause the least possible inconvenience to the public. (Ord. 2009-15 § 12, 2009: Ord. 1672 § 1 (part), 1974). enr violation—Each ase state offense. ....I'll .. ------------ . ,... Any person convicted of violating any provision or failing to comply with any requirement of this chapter shall be subject to a fine in an amount not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars or by imprisonment in the city jail facility for a period not to exceed ninety days; and any such violation or failure to so comply constitutes a continuing offense with each day constituting a separate offense of this section. (Ord. 2009-15 § 13, 2009: Ord. 1672 § 1 (part), 1974). 8.20.130 Violations as nuisances. Any private use of public right-of-way contrary to the provisions of this chapter or other lawful authority is a public nuisance, subject to prevention or abatement by injunction or other appropriate remedy in an action brought by the city in the Superior Court of the state of Washington in and for Yakima County. (Ord. 2009-15 § 14, 2009: Ord. 2938 § 4, 1986). III i�l "��i III��� i' III III ins, AMR M1 ■ ', �MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR"1111 SIX ��� POSTING OF PRIVATE PROPERTY FOR LAND USE ACTION 1PWCITY OF YAKIMA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, PLANNING DIVISION 129 NORTH 2ND STREET, YAKIMA, WA 98901 Main Phone: (509) 575-6183 — Call for assistance or more information. ..................................... _...._.............. __...... File Number: .., __.............. -..uu_........................... ...... Applicant/Project Name: ... . ... . ............. . . ......... ............................... ..._.._. Site Address: Date of Posting: Location of Installation (Check One): Land Use Action Sign is installed per standards Land Use Action Sign is installed in an al Note: This alternate location (if not pre-apprir Planning Division and is subject to relocation (a The alternative location is: The required notice of application will be sett tit,�* a after the Planning Division has received this ,,nd Use Action sign and return thJ fQrirn signed trlo.pmely� I hereby testify that thetsta ed s4i, tt idly ce rrrp14 wl pg. 2), that the sign witf bp maintain :until a dce i" i0i within 30 days from the di, oe rt t ecision is N`st(tl return the I,rwtl ase Ac tiara silt tiea t+ aLlro Y; r I shaall olssociatl code ertf"+gar ement actionw tpa �ndrn ttk not hm ` MY propet`� , �..... Applicant / Property' w ner / 'Rcpr�,s itatives Signature Name (Please Print) § 15.11.080(C). 'location on the the Planning Manage ner's expense) to a more not be acceptable by the V site on the property. t property owners within a 300 -foot radius 1114 � n Certification. Failure to post a Land will ca, delay in the application review. ,`the LAhd,tJsp Action sign installation standards (see has been rendered, and that the sign will be returned I. I understand and acknowledge that if I do not , honing Division pursuant to this agreement that Ain n and its removal and that I may be subject to daily fines, and costs, which may become a lien on Date Applicant's Telephone Number Please remit the above certification and deliver to the City of Yakima Planning Division via fax at (509) 575-6105; in person or by mail to: City of Yakima, Planning Division, 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, WA 98901. Page — 2 Revised 03/16 �11AW MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR POSTING OF PRIVATE PROPERTY FOR LAND USE ACTION ,Ad Cg d , OF �„ A CITY OF YAKIMA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, PLANNING DIVISION ng 129 NORTH 2ND STREET, YAKIMA, WA 98901 Main Phone: (509) 575-6183 — Call for assistance or more information. GENERAL INFORMATION The Land Use Action posted signage shall serve as a method of providing notice to the public that a land use application has been submitted to the City for a proposed change to the property. The Land Use Action sign shall be known in this section as the "sign" referred to in YMC § 15.11.080(C) as the official signage for application for the following land use matters: o Class 3 Public Hearings; o Preliminary Long Subdivisions; o Rezones; o Right -of -Way Vacations; o Appeals; o Comprehensive Plan Amendments as inole tid in YMC Ch. 16. , o Environmental Review, except for a teggxr�jq lly exempt aapplicatwon� o Annexation of property by the City. ; For the above land use matters it is rc4tif 4�a post one sl xa' r(d m some cases morethan one sign on the site or in a location immediately adjaccnt tol'the site tfi ("provides visibility to motorists using adjacent streets. The Planning Manager h , .stabfi� stwidar ' r• size, color, layout, design, and wording of the signs whi h the lann,ing l Iv-` xc n wi11 p p N .to the aap icatat. SIGNAGE INSTAI.� A `I"ION The applicant shall ]nstal tf �Land 11 ; action sign in accordance with these provisions: o �g h t be la u d ti l I e naidpoit�i 6i str t frontage from which the site is addressed or , therwise dire t by the"P finning stalf; o Sages shall be loe at, en (10)'fa t back from the property line; o Sigfi Wtacturally attad to ar < cxisting building shall be exempt from the setback requiret 1, provided that no sign mss located further than ten (10) feet from the property line without wtitttq,approval r6 n Planning staff, o The top of the ins shall be'positioned between five (5) and six (6) feet above grade; o All signs together"a atll: `r supports, braces, and guys shall be maintained in a safe and secure manner (YMC § 15.0".070 (F)); o Signs must not be placed in the clearview triangle as outlined in YMC § 15.08.070(I) and YMC § 15.05.040; and, o Signs shall be posted on the subject property so as to be clearly seen from each right-of-way providing primary vehicular access to the subject property as stated in YMC §I5.11.080(C). Page — 2 Revised 03/16