HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-27-16 YPC PacketFOR " 11F DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RE :0��i4::: / FUuLE Joan Davenport, AICP, Director " H Y 4 F MOP 129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor, Yakima, WA 98901 I rinih ask.planning@yakimawa.gov - www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning City of Yakima Planning Commission PUBLIC MEETING City Hall Council Chambers Wednesday April 27, 2016 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. YPC Members: Chairman Scott Clark, Vice -Chair Patricia Byers, Al Rose, Bill Cook, Peter Marinace, Gavin Keefe Council Liaison: Mayor Avina Gutierrez City Planning Staff: Joan Davenport (Community Development Director/Planning Manager); Jeff Peters (Supervising Planner); Valerie Smith (Senior Planner); Trevor Martin (Associate Planner); Rosalinda Ibarra (Administrative Assistant); and Lisa Maxey (Department Assistant) REVISED A enda I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Staff Announcements IV. Audience Participation V. Approval of Meeting Minutes • January 27, 2016, February 10, 2016, March 9, 2016, and April 13, 2016 VI. Long Range Planning 0 Request for Consideration Form Deadline Extension VII. Review of Yakima Planning Commission Bylaws VIII. Continued Discussion on Changes to Title 15 & Title 16 of the Yakima Municipal Code IX. Continued Discussion on Land Use Sign Removal Amendments X. Introduction of Sign Code Amendments (YMC 15.08) XI. Other Business XII. Adjourn Next Meeting: May 11, 2016 AWN R IA UILt, 10 a ,rI 'G ,& ; ' � . p, ;,,� J a A Z A rP�ad hn h i n M%ffN-IN SHEET Apra n h i n City of Yakima Planning Commission City Hall Council Chambers Wednesday April 27, 2016 Beginning at 3:00 p.m. Public Meeting *PLEASE WRITE LEGIBLY' IMMENIONM I .... _.......................................................� ... .._....................... _................. __..... ...... _........... Page 1 04/27/2016 YPC Meeting Department of Commerce ON L O C A IIIP 1- A N N I G A Short Course on Local Planning Hosted by the Kittitas County Wednesday, June 15, 2016 1:00 p.m. — 4:15 p.m. Kittitas County Armory, 901 East 7th Avenue, Ellensburg WA 98926 Agenda: 1:00-1:15 WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS ........................., ......... ........ ,,,.,, ..............Commerce 1:15-2:00 THE LEGAL BASIS OF PLANNING IN WASHINGTON.................Ken Harper, Attorney at Law The constitutional basis for zoning, the statutory basis of planning in Washington State, and early planning statutes. Constitutional issues in land use planning. Washington's State Environmental Policy Act basics. 2:00 — 2:30 THE GMA AND COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING BASICS ......................................... Scott Kuhta Overview of the Growth Management Act requirements for local planning. Development regulations, capital facility spending, and other tools for implementing the comprehensive plan. Updating your plan; requirements and schedule. 2:30 — 2:40 BREAK 2:40 — 3:10 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES.............................................................................Ardele Steele Roles and responsibilities in the planning process. Legislative vs quasi-judicial decisions, tips for encouraging public involvement, best practices for effective meetings. 3:10 — 3:50 OPEN GOVERNMENT LAWS ................................................... Ken Harper, Attorney at Law Appearance of Fairness Doctrine, Open Public Meetings Act and Introduction to the Public Records Act.* 3:50 — 4:15 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS................................................................................All * This training meets the requirements of RCW 43.30.205 requiring every member of a governing body to take Open Public Meetings Act training within 90 days of taking an official role, and every four years thereafter, as long as they remain in that role. Attendees will receive a certificate of training. REGISTRATION: Please register by June 8, 2016 by sending an email with your name, organization and title (if -applicable) and the location of the short course you wish to attend to shortcourse@commerce.wa.gov or by javing the same information at 360 725-3064. Registration is not required, but helps for planning purposes; all will be welcome at the event. LOCATION: Kittitas County Fairgrounds Event Center 901 E. 7th Avenue, Ellensburg WA 98926 From 1-90: Take the University Way exit approximately 3 miles to Chestnut Street. Turn right one block to 7th Avenue and turn left one block to the Armory, the first Fairgrounds building on the left. Parking is available and signs will be posted directing everyone to the classroom. City elected officials will earn 3 CML credits in Community Planning and Development County elected officials will receive 2 core credits towards Certified Public Official Training h Ave E Dean Nicholson Nvd Z D CL Cn t r.btlw;�1 �"�msEmaa�apta�u�i� r. University E 11 ih Ave t}a Ave 1h Ave Starbucks °. f` o. h Ave °= s Rodeo Bowl & Entertainvaent Center E University Way Z Z Z Z Kittitas Valley :d C :3Cr CL Event enter ice `» » oily Morrow » Photography Z n 6 E 5th Ave Safeway E 41h Ave C:» E4th Ave Z cn a nsburg DowntownC Z FL E 3rd Ave » *ciatton v m E 2nd Ave Ellensburg High Se E 1st Ave WO U/ s+ Morgan Middle SchoolL- '. C CaaAM AVP as City elected officials will earn 3 CML credits in Community Planning and Development County elected officials will receive 2 core credits towards Certified Public Official Training LOCAL HOST: Robert "Doc" Hansen, Director, Kittitas County Community Development Services doc.hansen c co.kittitas.wa.us (509) 962-7046 MODERATOR: Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner, Growth Management Services Washington State Department of Commerce scott.kuhta@comi,nerce.wa.gov (509) 795-6884 PRESENTERS: Kenneth W. Harper, Attorney at Law Menke Jackson Beyer, kharper c?!Jmibe.corn (509)575-0313 Ardele Steele, AICP, CFM Planning and Community Development Director, City of Zillah ASteele@citvofzillah.us (509) 829-5151 THIS AGENDA WILL BE ON THE SHORT COURSE WEB PAGE FOR 6 MONTHS at httpbit.ly LSCLocaIPlanning (on the right under "Past Short Courses") and WILL INCLUDE LINKS TO THE PRESENTATIONS. ADDITIONAL TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES IN WASHINGTON Department of Commerce, Growth Management Services www.commerce.wo.gov rowth. See the short Course Manual and Videos under the "Short Course on Local Planning" tab. `,unicipal Research and Services Center of Washington at www.mrsc.org: See,A Planner's Pocket ire erence at. vvww,mrsc,orqlsubjectslt)lanningIPocketReLgspx which includes glossaries, web links for land use, environment, housing, census, economics, transportation, technical tools, model codes, and land use law. Washington State Office of the Attorney General Trainings on Open Government, Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records Act training at www.at .wa. ovO enCavernrnentTrairin .as ar, OUR SHORT COURSE PARTNERS Planning Association of Washington (PAW) is a statewide, grass-roots, non-profit incorporated in 1963, with the mission to "provide unbiased practical planning education to the citizens of Washington State". PAW created the Short Course on Local Planning and is a Founding Partner. www.ianninaw.arg Partner since 1980. The Washington Cities Insurance Authority (WCIA) is a liability insurance risk pool which supports member risk management through education. WCIA encourages their members to attend the Short Course on Local Planning because it is recognized as a tool for reducing land -use liability. www, wcia ool.orgZ Partner since 2009. Washington Chapter of the American Planning Association (WA -APA) www.washin ton -a a.or Partner since 2014. Association of Washington Cities (AWC) and the Risk Management Services Agency (RMSA) www.awcnet.org and ,,ww. awcnetorqZPropertyLiability.asx .See GMA Comp Plan Conversation Starter videos . Partner since 2015. CITY OF YAKIMA PLANNING COMMISSION BYLAWS (Adopted by the City of Yakima Planning Commission on March 9, 2011; Amended by City Council, February 19, 2013) SECTION 1: GENERAL RULES AND PROCEDURES These Bylaws establish the rules and procedures under which the City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC or Commission) executes those duties and functions set forth in Chapter 1.42 of the Yakima Municipal Code. COMPOSITION OF THE COMMISSION, TERMS, OFFICERS, AND STAFF A. The City of Yakima Planning Commission shall consist of seven members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The term of office for the initial members appointed to the Commission shall be designated from one to six years in such a manner as to provide that the fewest possible terms will expire in any one year. Thereafter the term of office for each appointive member shall be six years. B. The members of the Commission shall be selected without respect to political affiliation. C. No person shall serve more than two consecutive six-year terms, provided that a person who is appointed to fill an unexpired term of less than two years is eligible to serve two successive six-year terms; and provided further, a person who is ineligible to serve for having served two consecutive terms may again serve after two years have elapsed from the end of the second such term. D. The Commission will, by majority vote, elect a Chair and Vice Chair at the first meeting of each year who will serve throughout that year. The Chair: 1, Decides all points of order and procedural matters subject to rules and bylaws. 2. May appoint committees as necessary to investigate and report on matters before the Commission. In cases where the Chair is absent the Vice Chair will serve in their place and will have the same powers and duties. E. Commission Staff assistance shall be provided by the Department of Community and Economic Development with additional assistance and information to be provided by other City departments and consultants as may be necessary to aid the Commission in carrying out its duties and responsibilities under this chapter. F. The Commission members shall not receive any salary or other compensation for services rendered on the Commission, but necessary expenses actually incurred and within the budget as set by the annual budget ordinance shall be paid. G. Vacancies occurring, other than through the expiration of terms, shall be filled for the unexpired terms. Members may be removed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office. Other reasons for removal may include: Absence from three consecutive regular meetings or six regular meetings in a twelve-month period which shall be regarded as constituting resignation from the Commission. This information will be forwarded to the Mayor and City Council by Staff. Reinstatement may be sought through a hearing by the Commission. Excused absences (sickness, death in the family, business trips or emergencies) will not affect the member's status, except in cases of an extended illness or absence the member shall be replaced. When a member is approaching the maximum number of absences they will be notified by Staff. Verification of attendance will be based exclusively on the minutes of each meeting. 2. Participation in a legally demonstrable case involving a conflict of interest. H. No member of the Commission shall represent the Commission in its official actions except as specifically authorized by majority vote. Commission members shall refrain from discussing or expressing opinions on matters on the Commission's agenda outside of Commission meetings except as authorized in (H) above, or on direction from the Chair. J. To avoid any conflicts of interest, no Commission member shall vote on the determination of any application or determination in which they maintain an employer/employee relationship or where they or members of their immediate family have a financial interest. K. Commission members shall not vote on any issues before the Commission unless they have been in attendance at previous deliberations on the subject or shall have the approval of the Chair contingent on the Chair's determination that the member has familiarized themselves with the subject and the minutes of any meetings where the subject was discussed. 2 PROCEDURES FOR CONDUCTING REGULAR MEETINGS A. Pre -meeting If there are agenda items, regular meetings will be held at 3:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month in the City Council chambers. In case of scheduling conflicts the meeting place may be changed at the discretion of the Chair with ten days advance notice given to Commission members and the public. If the designated meeting date falls on a weekend or an official holiday the meeting may be changed to a time and place as determined by the Commission at the preceding month's meeting. If such a change occurs, the regular meeting place will be posted as to the new time and place. 2. If there are no agenda items, the Chair may cancel the regular meeting after giving all Commission members and the public 24 hours advance notice. However, if a majority of Commission members express the desire to hold the meeting, it shall convene as scheduled. If the meeting is canceled, a notice to that effect will be posted at the regular meeting place at the regular time. 3. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or by a majority of Commission members. Commission members will be given at least 48 hours advance notice of the time and place of such meetings. 4. All regular and special meetings will be open to the public and the date, place and agenda will be publicized in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act (Chapter 42.30 RCW). The agenda for regularly scheduled meetings shall be posted and advertised 48 hours prior to the regularly scheduled meetings. 5. The order of agenda items will be determined by their order of receipt or as Commission Staff deems appropriate. 6. Staff shall be responsible for notifying principles in each matter as specified under the rules for review procedures. B. Regular Order of Business for Meetings Business will be conducted under Robert's Rules of Order except where this contradicts with the Bylaws or other special rules adopted by the Commission, which then take precedence. All issues will be decided by simple majority vote except amendments to the Bylaws, which require a vote of two-thirds of the membership. 2. Four members or 51 percent of the non -vacant membership of the Commission constitutes a quorum. Meetings without a quorum will be recessed to the earliest possible date. & Minutes will be taken during all Commission proceedings. Additionally, the meetings may be videotaped to further clarify the minutes. 4. The regular order of business shall be as follows: a. Call to order b. Adoption of minutes C. Report of committees (if any) d. New business e. Old business f. Adjournment 5. The regular order of business for consideration of preliminary subdivisions, comprehensive plan amendments and rezones shall be as follows: a. The Commission Staff person shall offer a preliminary statement or Staff Report concerning the application. b. The applicant or the designated agent of the applicant presents statements in favor of the application including any relevant exhibits. C. Public comments. d. Rebuttal by all concerned parties. e. Deliberation by Commission. f. Motion for action. g. Vote. During the course of the meeting, the above procedure may be temporarily modified by the concurrence of all parties and the Commission. 6. The Commission shall act on each application at the meeting unless the Chair or a majority of the Commission decides to defer consideration to a later date. Requests for continuance may be granted if all parties agree. The continuance will be publicly announced by the Chair, and the matter is automatically set on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting. In such a case, no further notice is required for the principles in the case. 4 C. Post -meeting Staff will be responsible for notifying participants as called for under rules for specific review procedures. Z Staff will be responsible for forwarding materials to participants as called for under rules for specific review procedures. 3. Staff will be responsible for distributing the minutes of the meeting. Yakima Municipal Code Chapter 15 11 GENERAL APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Chapter 15.11 GENERAL APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Sections: 15,11.010 Purpose, 15.11 020 Application requirements, 45� 11 VM) 11klbk4TM4llagngYl&4'aaal4bn a�690.t� P0.HYn n0:4r 15 11040 0 i0 General site plan form and contents. 15 1 1.8154) -040 Detailed site plan form and contents. 15 It OiuGl ,5i1 f'reapplication conference. 1511s4 0 oi^0 Filing an application. ...._..... 15I1d00. 0 10 Processing applications, 151 Lia(* 080 Notice requirements, 15.11. HM PY ,r') ,Fee schedule and administrations 15 11 1 8(')- B � 0� Master applications. Page 124/286 15.11.010 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to specify the general procedures to be followed when processing applications.. Additional procedures for particular types of development review are contained in specific sections of this title, (Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008: Ord, 2947 § 1 (part), 1986) 15.11.020 Application requirements. All applications shall comply with the following requirements: A. Applications shall be in writing on forms provided by the department, aaa;-1wou-1 .lda� l d-)-fr,iwLn ; blr 1h9 ulnv 5isitin v e-0 rk)kd; B, by l��al)W I -i, 4.� `Aq II tl a a�tia rw 11r:)i)airnn� alp K�%p�(9 ilh aati. $ as uu :_011pl �ttSHkV_. Etilull tai.slaull a�l.aLp.Bl.alwri.)41 �y 1GB4k aorulaiu)u;k4�.a�.al1,t ,uu. ,. 9llrol�gcpw ,alb;a6w7.1r1119a. �'-ti,. 011 p&,ryn Mawgnnll}a,a,9.KnS@1&Bg1,w,�.aah4, Vpuaat pppm.IN&° ,w1u� Ipu.ilfriaky)ta .., For Type(]),or(2)saaa-(:1). reviews for developed sites for which there is limited proposed change, the application shall include a general site plan ywro,t^y,(Im8 iay tgrfaprll l.gm in conformance with YMC_15.11.01t9a0); provided, the administrative official at their discretion may require additional information to clarify the application or determine compliance with the provisions of this title. For Type (3) review, the application shall include a detailed site plan in conformance with YMC 15,11.050040; C, All applications, including a Type (1) review, shall be signed by the property owner or his agent authorized in writing to do so; D Applications shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee as established by ordinance; E, An application is not complete unless it includes all required information, attachments and fees. No application shall be considered officially filed until accepted as complete by the department; and F. Applications for Type (2) and (3) reviews shall include a minimum eleven -inch by seventeen -inch reproducible copy of the site planoo4ji6 . a.N.l,0 a il,agtul,.lt)rurry ff die oig inaal,s4e gatlutiw as-kt)rt er 4lIrwat oln en.uauYlkerwlT- uewuaolaaanno�a¢ra nus, aata�arinan�aroom rah4°4+.r1 2agw lwaanaxl ainugaa conal aarnel%wefi-iWm,pv�.se aaastaun-rotouh-engv �+d vlwt:.wata I)Qatst shall be ueq used In the event ofexpanded review, additional copies may be required at the applicant's expense, Site plans shall be developed in accordance with YMC 15,11,040-030 for 15, l 1.0 00110, as applicable. (Ord, 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008: Ord, 93-81 § 45, 1993: Ord. 3245 § 2, 1990: Ord. 2947 § 1 (part), 1986) I5• N 1,030-- Table of a li Ilallli aafifonn ire gadreua e nt & Formatted: Normal, Left, Space After: 10 pt, 91 hk, 1 4 4 -Bom% tW gmernl n14,f n nunion req onn al kre r p lwFywau-outl aaquynla aatroraon g ndivum8axal a:6aaalwtcaM, sot CNa1w-4100 may Widow/Orphan control, Don't adjust space between co ntaaan aadditloim ll un Rr rr�orou o v ua judra0 1'w a Il7,,vficulna uype of alill ficaation'n — Latin and Asian text, Don't adjust space between Asian text and numbers, Tab stops: 0.5", Left The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-031, passed November 3, 2015, Yakima Municipal Code Page 125/286 Chapter 15.11 GENERAL APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS ab e II 1- No = } � _� Formatted: Width: 11", Height: 8.5" i.�odce c. _ 3 No ice : _Vxam ner c- Notice of cit, Coy ab;1 _afi. -- ;Formatted: Font: Times New Roman - �-_i oniDecision f V t Formatted: Bulleted + Level: 1 +Aligned at: 0" + Cti"3" t � Indent at: O 1" Formatted: ed: Bulleted +Level 1 + Aligned at 0 + -= Not o: ' cat''- _ Indent at: 0.1" n s_ a� ,3_, .��:. v iii: s` �,,, _ _ . — Formatted Font Times New Roman E Ott oa `5 i 'R (LmI �Y RE Orldf Formatted: Bulleted + Level. 1 + Aligned at: 0" + _fbo - `= � , _ _a I Indent at O 1" -; Al _Fi�. 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Yakima Municipal Code Chapter 15,11 GENERAL APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS R VI iNpii'llreak eoaR ,'wLagx66�w uO'dnwuu VM Mfly IILu ht"W',a& IVa+rata er 11$ne n., L k"'.YF'-dNpA16 bob kaBG^iahYN,fb�iu-0' l rn iyl1.vin4'�-CM1^oY[84Yu1 3'n na[rawv mp8`.ala11AIAws:a4 V fnWarrw¢n ^�e�+eoug9 wn"kr9nrnr6pwsra,^rG niaafrorwru vaiund frngL,.�&= dQa4tPllf}I Ii43wd IlYavr eoysfr+rnA,rd jfx 1Vn�r4+t$-n'aa�do l,rn. nl 1,1 ^`,wfmjlv,l V r of el4°y' wV�-hn,'4�-a+k*avaa!'<In V I(nvMww^ft f+.+plrlu °a';,4;d ` 1,11 b41v8wo4- ,e ryry� V 9.uurdn4Vrideprduainq=y VrcWV �@ >�tG.LrVdAW LVefmll d rtdu , lcan Mkr L+94° -h "r 14 0,50,1... . M, Plr�rrnlloa a� V rot+v rnRvnr stn wai'ouglwl luoaxlra lbf' Vafvr+tl+fr Lm+rVlYaea slue ¢ � pr'0 Alfuawug;= wp s,"uR eewd,r¢farsnF,AnwnrwaaVraau¢r waaan¢$- n"o'n "ANI b R wloiHo of phe'rma'oo Oaeen {" rtl+kramakn7b q. 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All general site plans shall be drawn to scale and be legibly drawn, oii prepared, Rkir gnroao wal a,"l-rla g1ot injl, „praroahMr°tibl l,vin-cd+)-I dig,4�u(_!m rrn Unless otherwise requested or authorized by the administrative official, the paper size for Type (1) review shall be eight and one-half inches by eleven inches and, for Type (2) review, eleven inches by seventeen inches, The scale of the drawing shall be a standard engineering scale and shall reasonably utilize the paapwr lli fl,',a'lis size. B, General Site Plan Contents. The general site plan shall include the legal description ofthe land; north arrow and scale of drawing; name of applicant and project name; actual dimensions and shape ofthe lot to be built upon; the sizes and location of existing structures on the lot to the nearest foot; the location and dimensions of proposed structures and uses; the size and location of utilities, parking circulation plan, proposed landscaping and sitescreening; and the location of ingress and egress. The site plan shall also include any other information required by the department or administrative official to clarify the proposal, assess its impacts, or determine compliance with this title. (Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008: Ord. 2947 § i (part), 1986) 15.11.t'l'5001!40 Detailed site plan form and contents. nk A. Detailed Site Plan Form. All detailed site plans shall be dlawn W scalle uu O file legibly drawn Lo scflc, und the parch lrcd m aL ak;t.fakudt�tw sirYr° pnapppual p a8u }pglie iwLgpkaL afl>rwmLxl ryr pak OagLe�1 aawr p ulnri Unless otherwise requested or authorized by the department, the paper size shall be eleven inches by seventeen inches or larger. The scale ofthe drawing shall be a standard engineering scale and shall reasonably utilize the Ilw+ypnk ',-innn dl a size, Where necessary, the plan may be on several sheets accompanied by an index sheet showing the entire site. B, Detailed Site Plan Contents, The detailed site plan shall show the following where applicable: The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2015-031, passed November 3, 2015. To: City of Yakima Planning Commission & Council Liaison From: Joan Davenport, Planning Manager & Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner Date: 4/22/2016 Re: Land Use Action Sign Removal Report During this past year's annual Comprehensive Map Amendment land use process, the City of Yakima Planning Commission received complaints from the public that appropriate public notice of land use applications was not provided by the city. The City's Municipal Code provides that timely Installation of Land Use signs and a posting affidavit are the responsibility of the proponent prior to a public hearing. The same concerned public later clarified their complaint to the Planning Commission stating that there were too many land use action signs posted throughout the city making it difficult to know which properties had a current land use application under review. As a result, the City of Yakima Planning Commission held a discussion on the topic on February 10, 2016, and requested that staff incorporate a deadline for removal of land use action signs into its update of the city's public notice procedures. On March 9, 2016, the Planning Commission reviewed an ordinance draft with further discussion over how and who should be responsible for removal of land use April 22, 2016 anyways, and additional cost and time incurred, and lean process may not recoup costs. 3. Leave the property owner responsible for removing the sign, but charge the cost of the production of the sign and removal upfront, with the removal charge refundable upon return of the sign or proof that it was removed from the property. Initial cost incurred by applicant/property owner: $113.61 (sign production + removal costs) — $76.11 (refund of removal costs) = Total $37.50. Cost incurred by the City: None. Pros: Gives property owner the choice to remove sign or let the city remove, city recoups sign production costs, city cost to remove sign is covered, no code enforcement process necessary to remove sign. Cons: City Planning will have to verify if sign is still up prior to code enforcement removal, refund process may be limited to twice a month and needs additional analysis. 4. Have the City be responsible for removal of all land use action signs with no charge to the applicant/property owner. City incurred costs $113.61. Applicant/Property Owner: None. Pros: Sign comes down immediately upon direction from Planning Division, Cons: City incurs all costs associated. 5. Have the City be responsible for removal of the sign with the cost of the production and removal added to the application fee. Initial cost incurred by applicant/property owner: $113.61 (sign production + removal costs). Cost incurred by the City: None. Pros: City recoups sign production costs, city cost to remove sign is covered, no code enforcement process necessary to remove sign, sign removal is not dependent upon property to remove the sign, no refund process necessary, and no sign verification will be required prior to removal. Cons: Additional staff time will be required for removal, and applicant and property owners will not be provide any refund. Staff Recommendation: The City Planning Division recommends option 5. Have the City be responsible for removal of the sign with the costs of the production and removal added to the application fee. 3 AWN 9 %L% MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR POSTING OF PRIVATE PROPERTY FOR LAND USE ACTION CITY OF YAKIMA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, PLANNING DIVISION Planning 129 NORTH 2ND STREET, YAKIMA, WA 98901 Main Phone: (509) 575-6183 — Call for assistance or more information. Late of costing: Location of Installation (Check One): Land Use Action Sign is installed per standards Land Use Action Sign is installed in an a Note: This alternate location (if not pre -appy Planning Division and is subject to relocation (. The alternative location is: The required notice of application will be t to'th after the Planning Division has received thi `t,4fid U Use Action sign and et i i :signed in tirnu( I hereby testify that tle itl,led stgn u�,ly complte pg. 2), that the sign will l)e to', in acne 000,a decisir I give 111yIti"di above stttl'd'property Action stain.,. I the undersign'+ agents and ednpi subject property were attached. Applicant's Signature § 15.11.080(C). location on the ft the Planning Manager')' ner's expense) to a more not be acceptable by the 1p site on the property. icant aril property owners within a 300 -foot radius n lnstalla(t ,p,Certification. Failure to post a Land *r i,ll cau, delay in the application review,. the Land Use Action sign installation standards (see been rendered 'of Yaki,ttt nd any ,f its employees, agents or assigns, to enter upon the Vcal pet iod rr* land use application to remove any posted Land Use entnt fy :nd hold Armless the City of Yakima, its elected and appointed officials, any an,all damages caused by or resulting from the sign removal process to the damtitt any structures on the property on which the Land Use Action sign(s) Applicant's Name (Please Print) Date Applicant's Telephone Number Please remit the above certification and deliver to the City of Yakima Planning Division via fax at (509) 575-6105; in person or by mail to: City of Yakima, Planning Division, 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, WA 98901. Page — 2 Revised 03/16 AWN' M MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR POSTING OF PRIVATE PROPERTY FOR LAND USE ACTION tACITY OF YAKIMA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, PLANNING DIVISION ' 129 NORTH 2ND STREET, YAKIMA, WA 98901 w Main Phone: (509) 575-6183 — Call for assistance or more information. GENERAL INFORMATION The Land Use Action posted signage shall serve as a method of providing notice to the public that a land use application has been submitted to the City for a proposed change to the property. The Land Use Action sign shall be known in this section as the "sign" referred to in YMC § 15.11.080(C) as the official signage for application for the following land use matters: o Class 3 Public Hearings; o Preliminary Long Subdivisions; o Rezones; o Right -of -Way Vacations; o Appeals; o Comprehensive Plan Amendments as indict to YMC Ch l0�� o Environmental Review, except for a catc(ally exempt applmand, o Annexation of property by the City. For the above land use matters it is rewired to post one sa n:ih some cases mot' khan one sign on the site or in a location iiiii-nediately',0i,�ooeiit to the sits t iat provides visibility to motorists using adjacent streets. The Planning Manager aps"`etab1,gshed standafr for size, color, layout, design, and wording of the signs which the Planning ttswon`Wall supply to"'t ppliant. SIGNAGE E INSTALL f The applicant shall ins -f t o Land 1,1 Action si in accordancc with these provisions: o Sign„ sal; be located t tle rt+ttn the stre,e't frontage from which the site is addressed or as " e t cted b Planniri 4fr-,, oSt s shall be lai � , ten (1 ),,feet back 66i' 4he property line; o Signs structurally ' 'Attached �o �p� existing building shall be exempt from the setback requite�xt nt, provided ihal no sign f located further than ten (10) feet from the property line without w (lttlen approval &m Planning, staff, o The top ofth ins shall ,positioned) between five (5) and six (6) feet above grade; o All signs toget t with t(t tt : upports, braces, and guys shall be maintained in a safe and secure manner (YMC § l,{); o Signs must not be plat in the clearview triangle as outlined in YMC § 15.08.070(I) and YMC § 15.05.040; and, o Signs shall be posted on the subject property so as to be clearly seen from each right-of-way providing primary vehicular access to the subject property as stated in YMC §I5.11.080(C). Page — 2 Revised 03/16 AWff M ■' %L% MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR POSTING OF PRIVATE PROPERTY FOR LAND USE ACTION �TY .t��MA CITY OF YAKIMA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, PLANNING DIVISION Pl" �� 129 NORTH 2ND STREET, YAKIMA, WA 98901 Main Phone: (509) 575-6183 — Call for assistance or more information. of Posting: Location of Installation (Check One): Land Use Action Sign is installed per standards Land Use Action Sign is installed in an alt{ Note: This alternate location (if not pre-appri; Planning Division and is subject to relocation (at The alternative location is: The required notice of application will b after the Planning Division has received thi Use Action sign and return ou,; Orm signed I hereby testify that the,J pg. 2), that the sign will'' within 30 days from the a City of Yakn � tlelnplt deadline 1'retno the )' the sget, ,-thderstand ti paid, a 1164,ttk'tlie amount fi the legal rate I the undersigiled`fot li agents and employee subject property and/or were attached. Applicant's Signature § 15.11.080(C). ato'location on thestte by the Planning Manager) 4y not be acceptable by the ie y ner's expens,a) to a more vistble site on the property. „ applicant 4'4 property owners within a 300 -foot radius �eActiotl Certification. Failure to post a Land ly r *0 r will c;a40,0,,,,a delay in the application review. go lly cotnpll ryltitJfii Lih Jsp Action sign installation standards (see tarn l'pntil a deei 1po'fias been rendered, and that the sign will be returned fnal cisionisisstied. I further affirm and give my written consent for the 4$5ti,11 ter upotl tp above stated property following the 30 day return ktod iatci" l pt�on tgn, In the event that the City of Yakima removes be Cpct to a s� th�oval fine of $113.61 per sign, and if that fine is not I behtrp against the above -referenced property and may accrue interest at er indctnnify lyd hold harmless the City of Yakima, its elected and appointed officials, (ruin any a,41'All damages caused by or resulting from the sign removal process to the t4 ,r aq.14 io any structures on the property on which the Land Use Action sign(s) Date Applicant's Name (Please Print) Applicant's Telephone Number Please remit the above certification and deliver to the City of Yakima Planning Division via fax at (509) 575-6105; in person or by mail to: City of Yakima, Planning Division, 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, WA 98901. Page — 2 Revised 03/16 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR POSTING OF PRIVATE PROPERTY FOR LAND USE ACTION CITY YAKIMA OF CITY OF YAKIMA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, PLANNING DIVISION 1 ri in g 129 NORTH 2"D STREET, YAKIMA, WA 98901 Main Phone: (509) 575-6183 — Call for assistance or more information. GENERAL INFORMATION The Land Use Action posted signage shall serve as a method of providing notice to the public that a land use application has been submitted to the City for a proposed change to the property. The Land Use Action sign shall be known in this section as the "sign" referred to in YMC § 15.11.080(C) as the official signage for application for the following land use matters: o Class 3 Public Hearings; o Preliminary Long Subdivisions; o Rezones; o Right -of -Way Vacations; o Appeals; o Comprehensive Plan Amendments as o Environmental Review, except for a c o Annexation of property by the City. For the above land use matters it is ret the site or in a location immediately at adjacent streets. The Planning Manager wording of the signs wh The applicant shall o S , dot erwlse c oStgo,s shall be o Sian 'structu by idlcat d in YMC Ch. 16. ; t g i ally exempt applicatiof; pd post one i rta11d in some cases mo re'�l�an one sign on ;;ip the site that,;' l'ovidcs visibility to motorists using tablisbc.0 standad -tor size, color, layout, design, and ing Division will ppl "to th&''it plicattt. Action sigO in accordance with these provisions: frontage from which the site is addressed or cated t o (10) feet back from the property line; ly atfhed toh „ eisting building shall be exempt from the setback requim"thetit, provided th q no sign i `located further than ten (10) feet from the property line without written approval fttn Planning staff; o The top of the Ons shall b %p«sitioncd between five (5) and six (6) feet above grade; o All signs togethc"� .Wlith, heii` supports, braces, and guys shall be maintained in a safe and secure manner (YMC § 15.'68± .670 (F)); o Signs must not be placed in the clearview triangle as outlined in YMC § 15.08.070(I) and YMC § 15.05.040; and, o Signs shall be posted on the subject property so as to be clearly seen from each right-of-way providing primary vehicular access to the subject property as stated in YMC §I5.11.080(C). Page — 2 Revised 03/16 W-11 200 South Third Street Yakima, Washington 98901 (509W5.&M Fac (509)575-6160 April 22, 2016 TO: City of Yakima Planning Commission FROM: Sara Watkins SUBJECT: Status of the Yakima Sign Ordinances In July of 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court decided Reed v. Gilbert, a case that addressed the Town of Gilbert, Arizona's sign code. The Town regulated temporary signs based on content—specifically stating that directional signs for community organizational meetings were regulated differently than signs for other purposes. To determine how the sign was to be regulated, for enforcement purposes, the enforcement officer was required to read the sign, determine its contents, then enforce the proper code provisions. The Court stated that any content -based regulations for such signs failed to meet the strict scrutiny requirements for restricting speech. The court found there was no compelling governmental interest in regulating the directional signs differently than other like sized and located signs with different content. The Court struck down the regulations. The Court stated that the Town still had the ability to place restrictions on signs as valid time, place and manner conditions, but those restrictions could not be based on the content of the sign and must be narrowly tailored to the circumstances. Many cases have been decided since Reed which address the Reed decision and other types of signs. Significantly, a number of courts have pointed out that Reed did not evaluate commercial signs, and did not specifically overrule prior cases which held that commercial speech, and thus commercial signs, may be regulated with less scrutiny than non-commercial signs. In all events, sign codes across the state are being reviewed and revised in light of the landmark ruling from the Court in Reed. Nearly every sign code has provisions that are content -based, mostly to aid non -profits or other community organizations, to exempt signs that are difficult to regulate or that aid businesses, or to allow signs in different locations based on content. All of these types of restrictions and regulations must now be evaluated, and likely amended, to ensure compliance with Reed. Status of Yakima Sign Ordinances April 22, 2016 Page 2 Yakima's code is no different. There are a number of provisions in the Yakima code that address signs, specifically YMC 15.08: Signs; YMC 8.30: Street and Building Decorations; and YMC 13.16: Parks and Playgrounds (which has regulations regarding posting of signs in city parks). These provisions need to be evaluated and, if necessary, amended to reflect the Supreme Court's decision on content -based sign regulations. There are content -based regulations in the Yakima sign code sections that will need to be reviewed and possibly changed. Many municipalities are struggling to revise their sign codes in light of the Reed holding. There are not many post -Reed example code provisions to review for ideas on changing code language and ensuring compliance with the Reed decision. There are a number of approaches that the Council may consider in moving forward. First, the Council could work towards making some needed immediate changes to the sign codes and wait to see how other municipalities change their codes. It is recommended that changes be made to YMC 8.30 and some sections of YMC 15.08 immediately. Another option is to do a thorough review of the sign code provisions and a comprehensive re- write in light of the Reed decision. This could include review of the code with regards not only to the Reed decision, but with regards to other sign issues that may need to be addressed. In both events, the Planning Commission reviews, researches and recommends language changes. This is part of the procedure with regards to the sign code provisions found in YMC 15.08 because the Planning Commission is the body that is tasked with studying and reporting on all possible text changes to land use ordinances. However, the Council can take action if it wishes, without Planning Commission insight or recommendations, on YMC 8.30 as the ordinance is not a land use regulation. The Council has the discretion to refer YMC 8.30 to the Planning Commission if it chooses to do so for a comprehensive or limited review as well. It is staff's recommendation that the first step in this process would be to assign the sign code review to a Council committee, such as the Economic Development Committee. The Economic Development Committee could review the current code and determine a course of action for its review—either a limited or comprehensive review and rewrite of the sign code sections. Once that course of action is determined, the matter can be forwarded to the Planning Commission for further review and ultimately a recommendation for language change to the Council. Maxey, Lisa .tom: Scott Clark <sclark@stelzerclark.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 1:47 PM To: Smith, Valerie; PMarinace@bannerbank.com; Maxey, Lisa; Al Rose; Alfred A. Rose (silvrfx40@bmi.net); Ibarra, Rosalinda; Patricia Byers; William Cook (cook.w@charter.net); Davenport, Joan; Peters, Jeff; gavinkeefe@gmail.com; 'Ron Anderson' Subject: This afternoons Planning Commission meeting Good afternoon - I will be unable to attend this afternoons meeting due to a work commitment, I wanted to convey my thoughts regarding the deadline extension for the comp plan consideration form. I've spoken with multiple people who are interested in rezoning their property who hadn't heard about the consideration form, or the comp plan update process. While I think the planning staff have done a good job of getting the word out, there's obviously a number of interested individuals who are still unaware. When you take into consideration the public will not have a chance to apply for these actions until 2018, 1 think it's especially important to allow more time for people to respond. I would recommend an extension to June 15th, and would argue against anything shorter than May 31St. Don't hesitate to contact me before 3:00 with any questions. hank you , sorry I'm not available to make the meeting today. Have a great afternoon. Cell 206.484.9908 s qLk .s,tel, ercla �lc corn STELZER CLARK, LLC REAL ESTATE I CONSULTING DEVELOPMENT This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. It may contain information that is confidential and prohibited from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination or copying of this message or any attachment is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the original sender at the telephone number above or contact (509) 248-4530 and destroy this e-mail, along with any attachments. From: Smith, Valerie[mailto:Valerie.Smith@YAKIMAWA.GOV] Sent: Monday, April 18, 2016 2:58 PM To: PMarinace@bannerbank.com; Maxey, Lisa <Lisa.Maxey@YAKIMAWA.GOV>; Al Rose <aar704O@gmail.com>; Alfred A. Rose (silvrfx40@bmi.net) <silvrfx40@bmi.net>; Ibarra, Rosalinda<Rosalinda.lbarra@YAKIMAWA.GOV>; Patricia Byers <patbyers907@msn.com>; Scott Clark <sclark@stelzerclark.com>; William Cook (cook.w@charter.net) <cook.w@charter.net>; Davenport, Joan <Joan. Davenport@YAKI MAWA.GOV>; Peters, Jeff <Jeff.Peters@YAKIMAWA.GOV> Subject: FW: News Release Issued ,00d afternoon, The attached press release was sent out on Friday. We have already received one Request for Consideration form, and inquiries/interest `rom a few others. The deadline for submittal is Friday April 29tH Please be thinking about whether or not the YPC will extend that deadline, either for an additional month or to a date certain. Planning Staff will have an update at your meeting next Wednesday. Thanks for your time! -Valerie Valerie M. Smith, AICP Senior Planner City of Yakima 129 North 2nd Street Yakima, WA 98901 (509) 575-6042 ypl rierie s Ti th yaA %.rna v .:. a y This email is a public record of the City of Yakima and is subject to public disclosure unless exempt under the Washington Public Records Act. This email is subject to the State Retention Schedule. From: Crockett, Ken Sent: Friday, April 15, 2016 3:29 PM To: Smith, Valerie Subject: News Release Issued Hi Valerie, The News Release has been sent out. I attached a copy to this e-mail. Ken N