HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-09-15 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) 2nd Floor Conference Room Meeting Minutes of December 9, 2015 Call to Order Chairman Dave Fonfara called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present: Chairman Dave Fonfara, Bill Cook, Al Rose, Ron Anderson, Patricia Byers YPC Members Absent: Scott Clark (excused) Staff Present: Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner; Trevor Martin, Assistant Planner; Robbie Aaron, Assistant Planner; Valerie Smith, Senior Planner; Joan Davenport, Planning Manager Others: Sign -in sheet in file Staff Announcements Supervising Planner Jeff Peters announced that Robbie Aaron is resigning from his job in the Planning Division. Robbie Aaron described his new job and informed everyone that December 18th will be his last day. Audience Participation None noted. Planning Commission & Staff Year End Review Commissioner Cook commented on the positive remarks that City Council made about the Planning Commission and Planning staff's work related to the Comprehensive Plan Amendments (CPAs). Discussion ensued regarding the findings for the CPAs. Commissioner Rose made a comment about feeling rushed to go over the findings and for the CPAs. Discussion ensued regarding the timeline of providing the findings. Commissioner Rose also commented that the application form should emphasize that traffic needs to be taken into consideration. Chairman Fonfara shared that he would like the staff report to be sent to parties of record. Senior Planner Valerie Smith added that more emphasis can be put on the criteria of approval of CPAs. Commissioner Cook stressed the importance of land use signs as a means of notifying the public. Valerie Smith expanded on some of the difficulties that were faced when trying to put up the land use signs this year, such as coordinating with the applicant and needing to have more signs created. Planning Manager Joan Davenport remarked that Planning Staff can work with applicants to provide notice sooner. She asked the Commission for their opinion on when the signs should be put up. Commissioner Cook expressed that it should be prior to the first meeting regarding the proposal. Commissioner Byers pointed out that current requirement of posting the sign a minimum of 12 days prior to the hearing puts the applicant at an advantage because they can choose to wait all the way until that 12 day mark before posting the sign. Discussion ensued regarding the purpose of the CPA process. Davenport asserted that a work session may be needed to discuss the criteria for approval of CPAs. Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Byers, and Commissioner Rose all expressed that they would like a general discussion on long-range and comprehensive planning. Commissioner Cook asked about a former process in which the CPA proposal was reviewed separately - 1 - from the Rezone proposal. Discussion ensued regarding non -project rezones and changes in regulations. Chairman Fonfara voiced his concerns regarding the West Valley School District being opposed to future development. Valerie Smith and Joan Davenport explained that staff is being proactive in getting the school district involved in discussion. Chairman Fonfara added that it may be beneficial to have the new city manager meet with the school superintendents. Jeff Peters mentioned a situation which occurred in this year's CPA process in which a developer asked to change the proposal near the end of the reviewing process. Peters added that the Commission may or may not grant the request of the developer, but if they do then it can become confusing to the public. Joan Davenport reminded the Commission that Commissioner Carmen Mendez's chair is now vacant due to her recently becoming a City Council member. Discussion ensued regarding what the Planning Commission members would like to see in a future Commissioner. Peters informed the Commission that it may be a few months before a new commission member is appointed. Chairman Fonfara announced that he is ready to step down from the chair at the next election. Commissioner Rose stated that his term ends in June but he may want to continue serving. Joan Davenport reminded the Commission that they have the authority to change the date and time of their meetings if needed and said that staff will check the availability of moving the meetings to 3:00 p.m. for greater convenience. Davenport asked if the Commission is okay with holding public hearings for subdivision plats, as the Municipal Code allows for them to go to either the Planning Commission or to the Hearing Examiner. The Commission was agreeable to continue hearing those projects. Davenport also mentioned that she would like to schedule a joint study session with the Planning Commission and the new City Council sometime in the future. Other Business A motion was made to cancel the meeting of December 23, 2015. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. j. A motion to adjourn to January 13, 2016 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting adjourned at 5:04p.m. 3 A/P lell' Chairman Date Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Department Assistant II -2-