HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-28-15 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) City Hall Council Chambers Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2015 Call to Order Chairman Dave Fonfara called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Rn11 Call YPC Members Present: Chairman Dave Fonfara, Al Rose, Bill Cook, Patricia Byers, Ron Anderson YPC Members Absent: Vice -Chair Scott Clark, Paul Stelzer Staff Present: Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner; Rob Peterson, Airport Manager; Valerie Smith, Senior Planner; Robbie Aaron, Assistant Planner Other: Staff Announcements Supervising Planner Jeff Peters announced that the 2014 Planning Commission minutes need to be approved. He suggested having the Planning Commission receive the packets in two sections, approving the first set of minutes at the 1St Planning Commission meeting in February and then approving the second set of minutes at the 2nd Planning Commission meeting in February. Jeff also made the announcement that item 8 on the agenda, the status update on Moratorium Issues in the SCC Zones, will not be discussed at today's meeting. He added that staff is still working with Yakima Neighborhood Health on their application. Senior Planner Valerie Smith provided an update on the City's efforts to open the Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment process for 2015. Valerie explained to the Commission that the Planning Commission will open the Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment process during the regular meeting on February 11, 2015. She added that any applications received for this purpose will need to be received by the Planning Department by April 30, 2015 to be considered. She reminded the Commission that this is the last formal amendment process for the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan 2025. Amendment requests for the years 2016 and 2017 will be considered during the state mandated Comprehensive Plan Update which will take place in June of 2017. Staff has prepared legal notices, display ads, and a press release to be sent out directly before and after the Planning Commission's February 11, 2015 meeting. Jeff Peters made it known to the Commission that Paul Stelzer has requested to step down from the Planning Commission. The City Clerk has indicated that the City Council will be entertaining applications and selections of members to new committees. If the City Council appoints a new member to the Planning Commission, it is likely that their first meeting will be the 2nd meeting in February, according to Peters. -1_ Election of Chairman and Vice -Chairman for the Yakima Planning Commission Ron Anderson made a motion for Dave Fonfara to continue as Chairman of the Planning Commission. Patricia Byers seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Dave Fonfara accepted his nomination and added that this will be his last year accepting the role of Chairman of the City of Yakima Planning Commission. Al Rose made a motion to nominate Scott Clark as Vice -Chair of the Planning Commission. Ron Anderson seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Peters informed the Commission that Scott Clark indicated to him that he would be willing to accept his role as Vice -Chair if nominated, and that Jeff could accept the nominations on his behalf. Audience Participation No audience participation noted. Public Hearin Amendments to YMC 15..08 Sign Code - "l'XT#1005-14 SEPA `0 -1.4 Dave Fonfara asked staff to provide a brief report on amendments to the sign code. Jeff Peters went over the staff report and the proposed changes to the code. Staff made an additional suggested change to strike item 1 under 15.08.110 that says, "Only one temporary sign on each street frontage per parcel or lot is permitted". David Servine, a member of the audience, explained his affiliation with the International Sign Association and Heath Northwest Sign Company. David complimented staff and the Commission on their proposal. David proceeded to make number of suggested changes: • Marquee Display Case Sign.. Servine expressed his concern of the use of the word "glass" as using glass can be a potential safety hazard. He added that the material used needs to be shatter -resistant according to the building code. Section Letter Signs: David mentioned that section letter signs are not mentioned in the code when it comes to determining the area of a sign. • 15.08.040 Temporary Si ns. David mentioned that number 11 under Non- regulated Signs of 15.08.040 does not take into consideration parcels with two street frontages. Bill Cook clarified that the section under fee -exempt signs for temporary signs will allow someone to have more signs if the request goes through review. Peters brought up the fact that there are no longer time limits for temporary signs and that the "temporary" term refers only to the material of which these signs are composed of. Servine made the point that no time limit on temporary signs can be counterproductive as it can promote clutter. Robbie Aaron cited 15.08.110 from the municipal code which states that "no temporary sign shall be displayed more than fifteen days after the event for which it is intended". Fee Exempt Si ns. David pointed out that in 15.08.045 when the code speaks to on -premise signs not readable from the public right-of-way, it needs to be specified that these are exterior signs. Jeff and Robbie read aloud the definitions of on -premise signs and on -premise directional signs. -2- • 15.08.055 Sign Maintenance: David explained that he believes the term "prohibited" should be replaced by "public nuisance". Jeff explained that the Planning Staff and Commission can only modify what the City Council directed them to review as laid out in the memorandum of understanding passed down from the City Council to the Planning Staff and Commission. Al Rose asked if there is a definition of prohibited signs in the code. Robbie confirmed that there is no definition of prohibited signs. Jeff Peters and Bill Cook pointed out that there is a list of signs that are prohibited in section 15.08.050 of the code, however. David expressed his concern of the ambiguity of using the term "prohibited" Bill Cook explained that using the term "public nuisance" would not be as legally secure. • Table 8-1: David asked for clarification on what sign is the table referring to when it says "1 per street frontage". Valerie Smith explained that the "1 per street frontage" is referring to freestanding and projecting signs as demonstrated in the table. • Table 8-: David pointed out that there is information missing in this table. Jeff clarified that this table will not be changed from the way it is in the current municipal code and that the information in the table will be filled in on the draft for proposed amendments to the sign code. • 15.08.070 General Provisions:, David made the suggestion to change item A under this section to say "construction shall satisfy the requirements of the building and electrical codes" to ensure that electrical signs are taken into account. David also mentioned the vagueness of item F which reads, "all signs together with their supports, braces, and guys shall be maintained in a safe and secure manner". David asked for clarification on the meaning of item G that says, "the ratio of the area of the sign support, framing structure, and/or other decorative features which contain no written or advertising copy to the sign cabinet shall not be greater than 1:1". Jeff explained the thought process behind this provision. On item H which refers to the vision clearance section 15.05.040, David made the suggestion to state the requirements of the clearview or vision clearance triangle in that section for user convenience. Jeff justified the absence of this information by explaining that changes have been made to the vision clearance section so it would be easier to direct readers back to that section of the code in order to remain consistent. David pointed out that there are no regulations in that section for projecting signs over the sight triangle. Valerie clarified that there are regulations for this in the section for clearview triangles. • 15.08.090 .Roof Signs: David questioned the wording of this section. Jeff explained that the language used in this section allows for creativity in how to integrate a roof sign into the roof system. Al Rose asked for David to make a suggestion on what language should be put into the definition of "marquee/ display case sign" referring to David's concerns expressed earlier in the meeting of the use of the term "glass" in the definition. David suggested using "tempered glass", "shatter -proof glass", or to eliminate the use of the term glass. Jeff Peters suggested striking "glass/ or other". -3- Jeff Clemens, a member of the audience, expressed his concerns about the code as the manager of Yakima Theatres and the owner of the Beer Shoppe in Yakima. Clemens asked about the marquee signs at the Orion theatre. Peters responded saying that at this present time the marquee signs would be considered temporary signs but under the new code they would be considered wall signs. Dave Fonfara asked Jeff Peters if the new code would change the Orion's operations as they are now. Jeff responded that it would not affect their current operations and that the new code would make the use of their signs compliant with the code. Jeff Clemens asked for clarification on temporary signs and how that would affect his business at the Beer Shoppe. Jeff explained that if the amendments to the code are approved, any business can cover a maximum of 50% of their window area with temporary signs. Bill Cook asked how long temporary signs can be up. Peters explained that under the new code there are no time limitations on temporary signs. Valerie added that temporary signs for a specific event must be removed 15 days after the event. Al Rose asked if the electrical code is covered adequately in other areas in the code. Jeff stated that Labor and Industries regulates electrical code. Al Rose also asked about a creating a better way to address individual letter signs. Jeff and the rest of Planning staff determined that it would be best to leave room for architects and engineers to show Planning staff how they plan to integrate these signs. Patricia Byers pointed out that it would helpful to label the illustration for roof signs as only an example and not the only way that a roof sign can be integrated. Valerie Smith reminded the Commission and staff of the proposed changes to the ordinance made during this meeting including striking out "glass/ or other" in the fourth sentence of the definition of "Marquee/ Display Case sign" and also to strike item 1 under 15.08.110 Temporary Signs that says, "Only one temporary sign on each street frontage per parcel or lot is permitted". Chairman Dave Fonfara closed the public hearing at 5:09 p.m.. Jeff Peters made a request for the motion to recommend approval of the sign ordinance to City Council to empower the Chairman to review the draft findings and to sign them on behalf of the Planning Commission. Patricia made a motion to approve the changes to the sign ordinance and to empower the Chairman to review the changes before the amended ordinance is sent to the City Council. Al Rose seconded the motion. Bill Cook amended the motion to authorize the Chairman to review the amendments to the ordinance and to review the draft findings of fact to forward to City Council as the Planning Commissions recommendation. Al Rose seconded this amended motion. The motion carried unanimously. Continue Discussion - Airport Safe Overla Peters explained that the City is moving forward to adopt the Airport Master Plan which will happen sometime around March 3, 2015. Robbie Aaron provided the commission and staff with the new proposed Chapter 15.30 Airport Safety Overlay, the current Chapter 15.30 Airport Safety Overlay, a map that demonstrates the height overlays, and a map that shows land use overlays. Robbie went over the height overlay map first, explaining that height overlay 1 will not allow anything over 35 feet. He then proceeded to explain that in height overlay 2 nothing will be allowed over 150 feet. These numbers are based on the Airport's elevation. Next Robbie explained the land use zones map, mentioning that these land use zones are based off WSDOT's suggestions of what is compatible with the airport overlay. He told the commission that the orange zone means only airport uses are allowed, the blue zone means a Class 1 use with restrictions of large amounts of public assembly, and the purple zone means some Class 2 and some Class 3 uses. Dave Fonfara brought up that it would be helpful to see the land use overlay map on top of the current zoning map. Rob Peterson, Airport Manager, and Robbie explained that the GIS file is not necessarily accurate enough at this time to fulfill this request but Peterson is working to obtain an accurate GIS file. Rob Peterson said he hopes to have a completed rough draft of the new proposed Chapter 15.30 Airport Safety Overlay in the next 4 weeks. Jeff and Rob informed the commission that Carter Timmerman of WSDOT will be helping in this process. Other Business No other business noted. M A motion to adjourn to February 11, 2015 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting adjourned at 5:31 p.m. 4- � — Chairman Dave Fon ara Date This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Department Assistant II -5-