HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-29-15 YPC PacketCOM1VIl. NFlY DEVELOP ENT DEPARTMENT loan Davenport, AIC.P, Director Planning 1:11'visio 129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor Yakima, Washington 911901 Phone (509),575-,6183 575= ,6183 -N .1" (,509) 575..6105 www. yakimafi,�a.goi)1,4eri;ice,,,Iplannii�g, City of Yakima Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING City Hall Council Chambers Thursday October 29, 2015 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. YPC Members: Chairman Dave Fonfara, Vice -Chair Scott Clark, Al Rose, Bill Cook, Patricia Byers, Ron Anderson, Carmen Mendez FOiC'iiiE R E4 0fli.rl, / FILE City Planniru '3t : Joan Davenport (Community Development Director/Planning Manager); Jeff Peters (Supervising Planner); Valerie Smith (Senior Planner); Robbie Aaron and Trevor Martin (Assistant Planners); Rosalinda Ibarra (Administrative Assistant); and Lisa Maxey (Department Assistant) REVISED A enda I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Staff Announcements IV. Audience Participation V. Public Hearings: 2015 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments A. LARRY HULL 304 Division St CPA#002-15, RZ#002-15, SEPA#008-15 *Motion to Consider CPA#002-15 & RZ#002-15 and direct Planning Staff to prepare appropriate Findings. B. COTTONWOOD PARTNERS LLC 2309 S 641h Ave CPA#007-15, RZ#007-15, SEPA#013-15 *Motion to Consider CPA#007-15 & RZ#007-15 and direct Planning Staff to prepare appropriate Findings. C. CHELMINAR ASSOCIATION INC 204 S 460h Ave CPA#008-15, RZ#008-15, SEPA#014-15 *Motion to Consider CPA#008-15 & RZ#008-15 and direct Planning Staff to prepare appropriate Findings. VI. Deliberation for CPA#004-15 & RZ#004-15 - What the Hay LLC VII. Other Business VIII. Adjourn Next Meetin¢ November 4, 2015 at 3:30 p.m. (special meeting date -public hearing for preliminary long plat of "Summit View" - PLP#003-15) Mims CITY OF YAKIMA YAKIMA PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC NEARING City Hall Council Chambers SIGN -IN SHEET Yakima Planning Commission Sign -In Sheet — 10/29/2015 / 0 % L� -4 HEARING DATE: Thursday October 29. 2015 A. LARRY HULL (CPA#002-15 & RZ#002-15) B. COTTONWOOD PARTNERS LLC (CPA#007-15 & RZ#007-15) 304 Division St 2309 S 6411, Ave C. CHELMINAR ASSOCIATION INC (CPA#008-15 & RZ#008-15) D. WHAT THE HAY LLC (CPA#004-15 & RZ#004-15) 204 S 46", Ave 8603 Wide Hollow Rd Mark X on item of interest NAME - ADDRESS - ZIP CODE E-MAIL ADDRESS A B C !D iAQ t Ile 31 t I z Lj-- — 7 i I ,# - /ALL-- R G Wig:' 3 u' td i k 1 FE /`ax 3 i t C!j!$� 11 }gay '} j D p. g Q, p, P Yakima Planning Commission Sign -In Sheet — 10/29/2015 / 0 % L� -4 A. LARRY HULL (CPA#002-15 & RZ#002-15) 304 Division St C. CHELMINAR ASSOCIATION INC (CPA#008-15 & RZ#008-15) inn C' A, -L11 A B. COTTONWOOD PARTNERS LLC (CPA#007-15 & RZ#007-15) 2309 S 6411, Ave D. WHAT THE HAY LLC (CPA#004-15 & RZ#004-15) I u -x 0 btv bt)uj vvide mottow iKa Mark X on item of interest NAME ADDRESS ZIP CODE E-MAIL ADDRESS A B C D V 41\ V C? 42 0 6 auvai,(, ? _10 _2 0 C/ "J 1 41 , A Q,-nN9 cc—, 0 '0- Yakima Planning Commission Sign -In Sheet – 10/29/2015 A. LARRY HULL (CPA#002-15 & RZ#002-15) 304 Division St B. COTTONWOOD PARTNERS LLC (CPA#007-15 & RZ#007-15) 2309 S 64th Ave C. CHELMINAR ASSOCIATION INC (CPA#008-15 & RZ#008-15) D. WHAT THE HAY LLC (CPA#004-15 & RZ#004-15) 204 S 4611, Ave 8603 Wide Hollow Rd Mark X on item of interest NAME A B C D ADDRESS ZIP CODE E-MAIL ADDRESS b? 11 J LA Se- 1 Yakima Planning Commission Sign -In Sheet — 10/29/2015 PO 3oF4 A. LARRY HULL (CPA#002-15 & RZ#002-15) iB. COTTONWOOD PARTNERS LLC (CPA#007-15 & R#00 15) 304 Division St 2309 S 6461 Ave C. CHELMINAR ASSOCIATION INC (CPA#008-15 & RZ#008-15) € D. WHAT THE HAY LLC (CPA#00415 & RZ#004-15) 204 S 46661 Ave ' 8603 Wide Hollow Rd Mark X on item of interest NAME ADDRESS ZIP CODE E-MAIL ADDRESS f A B C I D I Yakima Planning Commission Sign -In Sheet — 10/29/2015 A, 4 ON 7 City of Yakima Planning Commission ..... ........................ .. ...... -- . ...... ... . .... . .... . ............ . ............ 2015i Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments October 2,7 - 29, 2015, MUMMER= CHAff. ER A ELVES FAMILY INV ESTEMENTS CPA#001-'15, RZ4001-15, SEPA#006-15 1103'5 41s' Ave CHAPTER B LARRY HULL CPA#002-15, RZ#002-15, SEPAW008-15 304 Divi ion St CHAPTER C SUPER COLD STORAGE LLC CPA#003-15, RZ,#003-15, SEIIA#009-15 1403 &-'1405 River Rd CHAPTER D W'AT THE HAY LLC Cr'A#004-15, RZ#004-15, SETA401 0-15 8603 Wide I lollow Rd 14; KI 19 &IN1112"M CPA#00545, RZ#005-15, SEPA#011-15 Vicinity of South 38d, Ave and W Logan Ave CHAP`fER F WESTWOOD WESTCORP CPA#006-15, RZ#006-15, SEPA#012-15 Vicii-Lity of South 3801 Ave and "W Logan Ave CHAIvrER G COTTONWOOD PARTNERS LLC CPA#O07-15, 1 ;44007-15, SEPA#01 3-15 2309 S 6TI, Ave CHAPTER H CHELMINAR ASSOCIATION INC (,'PA#008-15, RZ#008--15, SEPA#01 4- 15 2015 461h Ave CHAMER I JOHNSON FAMILY CENTURY 21 LLC CF'A#009-15, RZ#00�9-15, SEPA#016-15 5109 Su minitview Ave 2015 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP AMENDMENTS Yakima Planning Commission Public Hearing CHAPTER, A ELVES FAMILY INVESTMENTS CPA#001-15 RZ#001-15, SEPA#006-15 A -I Land Use Application submitted for Comprehensive Plan Map 02/ 4/2015 Amendment and Rezone with Narratives A-2 Environmental Checklist 02/24/2015 A-3 Submitted Maps: No Flill /afar, Sewer, Water/Storm 02/24/20 15 Sewer/Sewer, Yakima County (JIS Parcel Map, Yakima County (JIS Parcel Map with Zoning Districts, City of Yakima GIS Aerial, City of Yakirna GIS with Zoning Districts, & SubJect Property Site Plan A-4 i y 'aps: Vicinity, FLIture [.,and L.1se, Zoning, Utilities, &aria 05/26/2015 A-5 Determination of Application Completeness 8181 /2 0 15 A-6 Notice of Application and Environmental Revie /04/2ll15 A -6a: Postcard Notice A -6b: Parties wid Agencies Notified A- cu Affidavit of Mailing A-7 Public/Agency Comments 06/02/2015 A -7a: E-mail conunents, Terry Wheeler (received 06/06/ 15) A-71 : Conunent letter,frorn Hasan M,'I'ahat, Yakima Regional clean Air Agency (received 06/19/15) A -7c: DT Comrnents from Mike Shane, Water/Irrigation Engineer (received 09/11/15) A-8 . .......... Notice of Decision of Final Determination of on Significance 06/30/2015 A - 8a: Parties and Agencies Notified A-81): Affidavit of M A-9 Photos of Subject Property 08/03/2015 A-10 Letter from Department of Commerce 09/30/201,5 A-] I ................ Notice of YPC Public Hearing 10/01/2015 A-1la: Pt"ess Release and DistributionE- mail A-Ilb: Parties and Agencies, Notified A -I I c: Legal Notice A -II& Affidavit of'Maili 1 A-1 Land Use Action Installation, Certificate 10/08/2015 A-13 —Yakima P__1a_n_n_ingC`om­m i's s_i_on_A­gc­nd­a& 6—istri"bution-l-list — --- ­­- - _10)_20/_2015 A- 14 Staff Report 101277/201 COA1,4111NITY phinning Dis"Won 129 North SecondStreei, 2nd r7oop, )'d'Ahnu, Kashireglon 98901 Phone ('5") 575-6183 o, 1,"ux (50�� 575-6,105 CITY OF YAKIMA FINDINGS of FACT, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION for REQUEST FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT REVIEW Application # CPA#001 -15 APPLICANT: Darryl Elves, Elves Family Investments APPLICANT ADDRESS: 17440 Nordic Cove Ln NW, Poulsbo, WA 98370 PROJECT LOCATION: 1103 S. 4181 Avenue; Parcel 181327-311400 DATE OF REQUEST: February 25, 2015 DATE OF RECOMMENDATION: October 27, 20,15 STAFF CONTACT: Valerie Smith, AICP, Senior Planner 1. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: On February 25, 2015, the City of Yakima Department of Community Development received an application for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA)i review for a request to change thd- Future Land Use designation from High Density Resideail to Neighborhood Commercial and the zoning from Multifamily Residentiaill (R-3) to Local Business (B-2), submitted by Darryl Elves, Elves Family Investments (property owiner), The subject property includes one parcel located in the vicinity of �i, 401h Avenue & Niob Hill Boulevard, Mailing of Notice of Application June 4, 2015 Public Hearing: Notice Malled and Published October 1, 2015 Posting of Property October 1, 2015 Ill. CURRENT ZONING AND LAND USE: There is a vacant single-famiily residence on the subject property, which is apipoximately .24 acres in size, and zoned Multifamily Residential (R-3). Adjacent properties to this site have the following zoning and, land use characteristics: Direction Zoning, North (across Nob Hill Blvd) B-1 South R-3 East B-2 West R-1 Land Use Office/Clinic INDEX # -H ............ Code "Iel"Wiffisiradon (.509) 5,73-6126 , 111tintring (50) 575-6183 , 091fice q Neighborhood & Develojynienf Services (509� 575-6101 Yakkria IV. FACT&', A. Environmental Review. This is a non -project applicafion without a specific use or site plan to be considered�, Environmental Review (SEPA) was completed, for this application, and a Determination of Nonsignificance ed on June 30, 2015. No appeals were filed, B. Comments Received Yakima Proviertv Owner Terry Wheeler Emaill letter was received June 6, 2015, and includes the following comments: "Since, we own property next to this project we have a few concerns andquestons, How high, is the property being raised'? Will water runoff from rain & $now drain onto our property? Will people using the parking lot be able to look into our house and backyard? I don't think a few bushes are going to give us any privacy or security. I would like to see a picture of the proposed! site before the ng" Since the commenter asked specific questions, staff has prepared this response.- The proposal is a non -project rezone to allow for the future expansion to be reviewed Linder the regulations of YMC Titre 15, and the Local' Business District (B-2), zoning, which includes development regulations such as, bul not firnited to, onsite water retention, sitescreening, and submittal of a site plan for compliance, review At the time of an actual development proposal, these regulations will' be enforced, and any applicable miligation will be, required, Yakima Regional Clean Air Authorit YRCAA letter was received on June 17111, 2015, and includes the following comments: 1 Contractors doing deimoilition, excavation, clearing, construction, or landscaping work must f Ile a Dust Control Plan with YRCAA, prior to the start of work. 2. A Notification of Demolition and RenovatioODiR) application must be ffled with YRCAA and the appropriate, fee should be paid; 3. Prior to demolishing and renovating any structures, an asbestos survey must be done by a certified asbestos building inspector, 4Any asbestos found; must be removed by a licensed asbestos abatement contractor prior to demolition; and 5. This project is located within Yakiima's Urban Growth Area" therefore, burning is prohibited at all times, DST Meeting held, on September 8, 2g 15 Mike Shane, City Development & Water/Irrigation Engineer At time of development, the project would require Title 12 improvements, Including but not limited to the following: Per-T'ITIC Chapter 8.67 and 112.05 — New curb, gutter and sidewalk along frontage of S7 41" Avenue, Street section shall conform to standard detail R3. New sidewalks shall be I constructed per standard detail' R5 — 7 feet on W. Nob Hill Blvd. and 5 feet on S. 4111 Ave-tue. Per YMC Chapter 8,64 — Commercial driveways to be constructed per this chapter and standard detail R4. Any existing driveway that is abandoned or not used shall be replaced with standard curb and sidewalk. DOC. ................................ 4NtW.X 2015 Comprehensive Plan Amendment # A CPA 4001-15 ELVES FAMILY INVESTMENTS Vicinity of S, 401"' Avenue & Nob Hill! Boulevard 2 Per YMC Chapter 8.72 — An excavation and street break permit shall be obtained for all work withiin the public right of way. Refer to YMC, Chapter 8 for requirements— Roads less than five years old can be cut, but will cost one hundred fifty percent of restoration Fee wNi it PCI discount. Per YMC Section 1'2�.06.020 — Street and right of way widths, shall conform to this section unless otherwise approved. W. Nob Hill Blvd. is classified as a Principal Arterial, requiring a, total of 100 feet of right of way. S,. 41st Avenue is classified as Residential, requiring all total of 50 feet of right of way. C. Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) Approval Criteria,. The 2006 Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Map designates this area as High Density Residential. In accordance with the provisions of the Yakima Municipal Code, the following criteria must be considered in the review of any proposed amendment to the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Pilan. 16.110040 �11): To alter the Future Land Use Map or other plan policy map, or effect a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment, the proposed amendment must do one or miore of the following: (a) Address circumstances that have changed since the last time the relevant Comprehensive Plan map or text was, considered: The current use of the property is single-family resid6nce, Due to the site's proximity to W Nob Hill 81W, and other unknown factors, this residence has sa,t vacant for some time, and has slowly deteriorated. The house onsite will need to be demolished, andlor rebuilt1repaired to meet City standards. The property owner J I s requesting this Amendment to improve and increase the marketability of the site. The intent is to restore the site for commercial uses ' with proper frontage improvements, and lot improvements, i.e. landscaping, instead of leaving the site vacant Alsoi, further development of W Nob Hill Blvd. as a commercial corridor over the years has been supported by the community andthe adjacent business is doing well, (b)l Better implement applicable Comprehensive Plan policies than the current releva(O Comprehensive Plan map or texti, Staiff Resporl This proposal better implements the applicable plan policies because it meets the following goals and policies: Goal 3.3 Preserve Existing Neighborhoods Policy 3'. 3.2 Ensure that new development is compatible in scale, style, density, and aesthetic quality to an, established neighborhood, Goal 3, 10 Provide wide variety of commercial retail and services that are heavily dependent on convenient vehicle access and serve sections of the urban area along major travel routes. Policy 3. 10 I General Commercial uses and services that are heavily dependent on convenient vehicle access shall be located along major traveil routes, DOC, 2 15, Comprehensive Flan Amendment CPA #001-15 ELVES FAMILY INVESTMENTS Vicinity of S. 401" Avenue & Nob HW EIoulevard tNDEX #