HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-24-15 YPC Packett 31i,
loan Davenport, AIC'P, Director
Pio r ln. Division
9 North Second Sireel� 2nd Floor Yakima, fa,shinr(,,ioo 98901
Phone (509) 575-6183 - 1'ax (509) 575-6105
www.yakima a. o7s it;l(wos lai,p.::1t:,,g
City of Yakima Planning Commission
City Hall Council Chambers
Wednesday June 24, 2015
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
YPC Members:
Chairman Dave Fonfara, Vice -Chair Scott Clark, Al Rose,
Bill Cook, Patricia Byers, Ron Anderson, Carmen Mendez
!City Planning Staff,
Joan Davenport (Community Development Director/Planning Manager); Jeff Peters (Supervising
Planner); Valerie Smith (Senior Planner); Robbie Aaron and Trevor Martin (Assistant Planners);
Rosalinda Ibarra (Administrative Assistant); and Lisa Maxey (Department Assistant)
Age da
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Staff Announcements
IV. Audience Participation
V. Approval of the Meeting Minutes for May 27, 2015
VI. PUBLIC HEARING: City Council's Remand of Mission Uses & Definition (TXT#001-15)
(Additional Information will be posted on-line at: 'tiawtvw,kattaa aarr%s�rriceslaaeia under Quick Links)
VII. Other Business
VIII. Adjourn
Next Meeting. July 8, 2015
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City of Yakima Planning Commission
City Hall Council Chambers
Wednesday June 24, 2015
Beginning at 3:30 p.m.
Public Hearing
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Page 1 06/24/2015 YPC Hearing
AN ORDINANCE relating to land use; amending Section 15.02.020 of the Yakima
Municipal Code to add definition of mission use, and amending
Table 4-1 of Section 15.04.030 of the Yakima Municipal Code
designating such use as a Class (2) use only within the GC
General Commercial, CBD Central Business District, and M-1
Light Industrial zoning districts of the City of Yakima.
WHEREAS, the City Council has previously adopted ordinances establishing
zoning districts within the City of Yakima, defining certain land uses, and designating
such uses within the zoning districts, all as codified in Title 15 of the Yakima Municipal
Code (YMC); and
WHEREAS, the City Council previously adopted Ordinance No. 2014-027
implementing a moratorium on the acceptance of applications for, processing and
issuance of, land use approvals and permits for "mission uses" within the SCC Small
Convenience Center zoning district pending adoption of a comprehensive regulation
governing such uses; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Yakima has conducted
meetings and a public hearing on March 25, 2015 pursuant to notice, and after
consideration of all comments, evidence and testimony presented has presented a
recommendation, supported by appropriate findings of fact and conclusions of law
adopted April 8, 2015, to the City Council; and
WHEREAS,,the Ci!y Council held a public hearing on May 19 2015 to receive
and consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission and after receiving
public comment and testimony, remanded the irecommendation to the Planning
Commission to consider whether new mission uses should be considered ClasLQ uses
in the GC General' Commercial, CBD Central Business District and M-1 LN ht Industrial
zoning, districts of the City of Yakima, and
+, ■ f Bill fill
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Conclusions_ r s and
WHEREAS, the City Council has received the recommendation of the Planning
Commission and has conducted a public hearin on June 2015 pursuant to notice
duly published to consider such recommendation: and
WHEREAS, the recommendation of the Planning Commission supports the
amendment of YMC 15.02.020 to add a definition of "mission" use, and to amend Table
4-1 of YMC 15.04.030 to allow such use as a Class (2) use only within the GC General
Commercial, CBD Central Business District, and M-1 Light Industrial zoning districts of
the City of Yakima but reguiiring that new mission uses within such zoning districts shall
be sub`ect to a Type 3 review with a development agreement inco[porating incorporatingapplicable
develo ment standiards and mitigations imposed by the hearing examiner: and further
that any modification of _anexistin mission use shall be subject to the modification
procedures and provisions of Chapter 15.17 YMC,° provided, that any proposed
modification that does not meet the criteria in YMC 15.17.040 for administrative review
and approval shall be subject to a Type 3 review with a development agreement
incorporating applicable development standards and mitigations imposed by the hearing
examiner; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that such recommendation is
supported by previous interpretations of record by the hearing examiner as set forth in In
re: Union Gospel Mission, City No. UAZO-Interp. No. 1-92, Examiner No. 192-5-2 (Lamb,
Feb. 27, 1992); and In re: Modification of Interpretation, Union Gospel Mission,
Interpretation No. 2-95, Examiner No. 195-5-27 (Lamb, June 9, 1995); and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that YMC 15.02.020 should
be amended to add a definition of "mission" use consistent with the definition previously
formulated by the hearing examiner, and that Table 4-1 of YMC 15.04.030 should be
amended to allow such use as a Class (2) use with a Type (3) review as described'.
above within the GC General Commercial, CBD Central Business District, and M-1 Light
Industrial zoning districts of the City of Yakima; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that the amendments
described above are in the best interest of residents of the City of Yakima and will
promote the general health, safety and welfare; now, therefore
Section 1. The recommendation of the City of Yakima Planning Commission
as described above is received, together with the Planning Commission's Findings of
Fact and Conclusions of Law in support thereof, which Findings of Fact and Conclusions
of Law are hereby adopted by the City Council.
Section 2. YMC 15.04.020 is hereby amended to add a definition of land use
for "mission" use to read as follows:
"Mission" means a facility typically owned or operated by a public agency or non-
profit corporation, providing a variety of services for the disadvantaged, typically
including but not limited to temporary housing for the homeless, dining facilities,
health and counseling activities, whether or not of a spiritual nature, with such
services being generally provided to the public at large. Mission uses shall be
Class 2 uses within the GC General Commercial! CBD Central Business
District and M-1 Light Industrial zoning districts as set forth in Table 4-1 YMC
15.04,030 and subject to a Type 3 review as set forth in Chapter 15,15 YMC
with a development agreement incorporating ap licable development standards
and mitigations, imposed by the hearing examiner. Effective as and from Elul
2015 any modification of an existing mission use shall be subject to the
• iii ^ i • • + • i�,.. i, - - - - - � � � •
by i examiner.
Section 3. Table 4-1 of YMC 15.04.030 ("Health and Social Service Facility"
component) is hereby amended to provide that mission uses are Class (2) uses only
within the GC General Commercial, CBD Central Business District, and M-1 Light
Industrial zoning districts within the City of Yakima, and not allowed within any other
zoning districts, and subject to T e 3 review with a development agreement, all as set
forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, and with
such changes shown in legislative format as set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and
incorporated herein by this reference.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect 30 days after its
passage, approval, and publication as provided by law and by the City Charter.
PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, signed and approved this 19th day of May, 2015,
City Clerk
Publication Date:
Effective Date:
Micah Cawley, Mayor
Table 4-1 Permitted Land Uses
("Health and Social Service Facility" Component)
Group Homes (six or fewer),
Adult Family Home
and Alcohol Rehabilitation
Group Homes (more than six), 3 2 2 2 3 3
Convalescent and Nursing
review, and development
agreement — see definition)
° Refers hodefinition inYK8C Chapter 15.02
1 = Type (1)Permitted Home Occupation
2 = Type (2)Review and Approval bythe Administrative Official Required
8 = Type (3) Review Public Hearing and Approval by the Hearing Examiner Required
(Table 4-1, YMC 15.04.030 - Changes shown in legislative format)
Table 4-1 Permitted Land Uses
("Health and Social Service Facility" Component)
Group Homes (six 1 1 1 ...—_ ____�.... .... .. � ......_. ............... --
x or fewer), 1 1 1 1 1
Adult Family Home (*)
_....... _.......... ............ w . _ � � � ...............
Treatment Centers For Drug 3...3 3 3 3 3 3 3
and Alcohol Rehabilitation
Boarding House (*) 3 _ 3 3 ....3...�....��.
Boarding .�_.............. ... .._.w
Halfway House (*) 2 3 3
Group Homes (more than six)„ 3 2 2 2 3 3
Convalescent and Nursing
Homes (*)
Mission(*) with Tyre (3) -- ^ ...� ......... — ® � ...... .,.�....... � ®... — ..�..�
2 2 2
review, and develo invent -
a reement - see definition
* Refers to definition in YMC Chapter 15.02
1 = Type (1) Permitted Home Occupation
2 = Type (2) Review and Approval by the Administrative Official Required
3 = Type (3) Review Public Hearing and Approval by the Hearing Examiner Required
[ ] = Not Permitted
TXT#001-15, SEPA#007-15
Yakima Planning Commission
REMAND Public Hearing
June 24, 2015
Applicant: City of Yakima Planning Division /
File Numbers: TXT#001-15, SEPA#007-15
Site Address: Citywide
Staff Contact: Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner
Table of Contents
CHAPTER A Mission Remand Staff Report
CHAPTER B Mission Remand Draft Findings of Fact &
CHAPTER C Draft Ordinance for Mission Remand
CHAPTER D Public Notices
CHAPTER E Public Comments
TXT#001-15, SEPA#007-15
Remand Hearing Staff Report
..... .. .
A-1 Remand Hearing Staff Report 06/24/2015
City of Yakima Planning Division "Mission" Use Remand
Staff Report
TO: City of Yakima Planning Commission
FROM: Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner
SUBJECT: Update Regarding Staff Recommendation for "Mission" Use
FOR MEETING OF: June 10, 2015
ISSUE: Yakima City Council remand of the City Planning Commission's
-recommendation regarding incorporation of the Hearing Examiner's 1992 and 95 Use
Interpretations defining the use and level of Review of a "Mission" into the text and
tables of the City of Yakima's Zoning Ordinance.
BACKGROUND: The City of Yakima Planning Commission conducted a study sessions
regarding the incorporation of the "Mission" use, definition, and level of review on
December, 10, 2014, January 14, 2015, February 11, 2015, and February 25, 2015. On
March 25, 2015, the Commission held its required public hearing on the matter and
found that the "Mission" use as defined by the City Hearing Examiner's 1992 and 95
decisions appropriately defined a "Mission", the proposal meet the zoning district intent
statements for the General Commercial, Central Business District, and Light Industrial
zoning districts, and that a Class (2) Review was an appropriate level of review for the
proposed use.
On May 19, 2015, the Yakima City Council held its required public hearing to consider
the Planning Commission's recommendation to incorporate the "Mission" definition and
use into the City's Municipal Code. At the public hearing, numerous members of the
public testified about the problems that have been created by the allowance of the Union
Gospel Mission at its present location on N. 1St Street, and requested that the Council
consider increasing the level of review for the "Mission" to a Type (3) Review. As a
result, the Yakima City Council unanimously voted to remand the proposed
recommendation and accompanying ordinance back to the Yakima Planning
Commission for the expressed purpose of soliciting increased public involvement from
property owners along N. 1St Street, and further consideration of increasing the level of
review to a Type (3) Review.
STAFF SUGGESTED AMENDMENTS: In light of the Council remand, City Planning and
Legal staff have reviewed the two proposed issues requested to be addressed by the
Council and are recommending the following amendments:
1. The class of use should remain a Class (2) Use as defined below to ensure that
issues related to the Federal Fair Housing Act are addressed by not deeming the
proposed use an incompatible land use;
2. The level of review should be elevated to that of a Type (3) Review which
requires a public hearing by the City of Yakima Hearing Examiner in accordance
with YMC § 15.15 without changing the underlying statement of compatibility;
3. The definition and process should also be revised to indicate that any expansion
of an approved Class (2) "Mission" shall be processed in accordance with the
Modification provisions of YMC § 15.17.
4. The addition of a "Good Neighbor /Development Agreement" as part of the use
definition and process is an appropriate means to ensure that all required
mitigation imposed by the Hearing Examiner is enforceable post construction and
a. A Class (2) Use is defined as: "those uses set forth and defined in the text
and tables of YMC Chapter 15.04 and are generally permitted throughout
the district. However, site plan review by the administrative official is
required in order to ensure compatibility with the intent and character of
the district and the objectives of the Yakima urban area comprehensive
b. A Class (3) Use is defined as: "those uses set forth and defined in the text
and tables of YMC Chapter m15. 4„ and are generally incompatible with
adjacent and abutting property because of their size, emissions, traffic
generation, and neighborhood character or for other reasons. However,
they may be compatible with other uses in the district if they are properly
sited and designed. Class (3) may be permitted by the hearing examiner
when he determines, after holding a public hearing, that the use complies
with provisions and standards; and that difficulties related to the
compatibility, the provisions of public services, and the Yakima urban
area comprehensive plan policies have been adequately resolved."
Proposed Draft Definition:
"Mission" means a facility typically owned or operated by a public agency or non-
profit corporation, providing a variety of services for the disadvantaged, typically
including but not limited to temporary housing for the homeless, dining facilities,
health and counseling activities, whether or not of a spiritual nature, with such
services being generally provided to the public at large. Mission uses shall be
considered Class (2) uses which are generally permitted throughout the
underlying district, but require Type (3) Review to provide for increased public
notice, comment and review in order to ensure compatibility with the intent and
character of the district and the objectives of the Yakima Urban Area
Comprehensive Plan. Mission uses within the GC General Commercial, CBD
Central Business District, and M-1 Light Industrial zoning districts as set forth in
Table 4-1, YMC 15.04.030, shall be subject to a Type (3) review as set forth in
Chapter 15.15 YMC effective as and from July 1, 2015. Any expansion of any
existing mission use within such zoning districts shall follow the modification
provisions of YMC 15.17 provided that any use which does not meet the
requirements of YMC 15.17.040 shall be processed as a Class (2) use requiring
a Type (3) Review. Additionally, prior to occupation and/or operation of all new
and/or expanded mission uses, the applicant shall enter into a "Good
Neighbor/Development Agreement codifying all required development standards,
and mitigation required by the City of Yakima Hearing Examiner.
TXT#001-15, SEPA#007-15
Remand Hearing Draft Findings of Fact
Planning Division
129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor Yakima, Washington 98901
Phone (509) 575-6183 • Fax (509) 575-6105
ask.planning@yakimawa.gov • http://Www.yakimawa.gov/services/planning/
June 24, 2015
The City of Yakima Hearing Examiner established a use and definition for a "Mission" in two
Use Interpretations in 1992 and 1995 (City of Yakima Interpretations INT#1-92, and INT#2-95).
Defining a "mission" as "...a facility typically owned or operated by a public agency or non-profit
corporation, providing a variety of services for the disadvantaged, typically including but not
limited to temporary housing for the homeless, dining facilities, health and counseling activities,
whether or not of a spiritual nature, with such services being generally provided to the
community at large."; and
The City of Yakima Hearing Examiner also provided via the previous interpretations, that a
"mission" should be allowed in the General Commercial (GC), Central Business District CBD),
and Light Industrial Zoning Districts (M-1) as Class (2) Uses requiring Type (2) Review; and
The City of Yakima recognized that it did not have adequate zoning controls in place to
appropriately site a mission or other homeless service, thereby adopting a six month
moratorium on October 21, 2014, (ORD No. 2014-027) regarding operation of mission,
community center, boarding house, comprehensive community health center, and multi-purpose
community center uses in the Small Convenience Center (SCC) zoning district; and
The City of Yakima City Council directed that the Yakima Planning Commission draft
development regulations which appropriately regulate uses such as missions, community
centers and mixed use building, boarding houses, comprehensive community health centers,
and multi-purpose community centers; and
On October 22, 2014, prior to the moratorium becoming effective Yakima Neighborhood Health
Services requested an interpretation for a proposal to operate a community center providing
public assistance services in the form of a food bank, health and social services, laundromat
facility, and temporary homeless warming shelter in the SCC zoning district; and
The Yakima Planning Commission held study sessions to review and discuss the City Council
moratorium, and issue of mission, community center, boarding house, comprehensive
community health center, and multi-purpose community center uses in the SCC and other
Code Administration (509) 575-6126 • Planning (509) 575-6183 •Office of Neighborhood & Development Services (509) 5 75- 6101
zoning districts of the City on: December 10, 2014, January 14, 2015, February 11, 2015, and
February 25, 2015; and
The Yakima Planning Commission gave direction at its February 25, 2015, meeting that it had
sufficient opportunity to review the Hearing Examiner's interpretations, mission definition,
permitted zoning designations, and district intent statements, and requested that City Planning
staff schedule the public hearing for consideration of the Hearing Examiner's use
interpretations; and
The City of Yakima last amended the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance in January 2015;
Proposals to amend the City of Yakima's Urban Area Zoning Ordinance (YUAZO) follow the
City's established process in YMC § 15.23.020(6) and YMC Title 16.
Pursuant to RCW 36.70A.130(1) the City is required to regularly take legislative action to review
and revise its development regulations in accordance with the Growth Management Act; and
Under the provisions of YMC 1.42 the Yakima Planning Commission is responsible for the
review of amendments to the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance and for recommending to
the City Council the approval, modification or denial of each amendment; and
The City of Yakima Planning Commission is charged with periodically reviewing all zoning and
use interpretations issued by the City of Yakima Hearing Examiner under YMC 1.42.030 to
consider their inclusion or exclusion from the Yakima Municipal Code; and
Public notice of these amendments was provided in accordance with the provisions of YMC §
15.11.090, and YMC § 16.05.010 — 050. All property owners within three hundred feet of an
SCC zoning district were mailed a Notice of Public Hearing on March 6, 2015, a legal ad in the
Yakima Herald was also published on March 6, 2015; and
The City of Yakima Planning Division initiated Environmental Review for this proposal on March
5, 2015, both preparing a State Environmental Policy Act Checklist (SEPA), and issuing the
Notice of Application and Environmental Review on March 9, 2015; and
Environmental Review of this proposal was concluded on April 13, 2015, with the issuance of a
Determination of Non -Significance Notice of Retention of which the SEPA appeal period ended
on April 27, 2015; and
2015 Yakima Planning Commission 2
Findings and Recommendations INDEX
The recommendation for these amendments are based upon the criteria specified in YMC §§
16.10.040 and 15.22.050; and
The Yakima Planning Commission reviewed the district intent statements and development
standards of the CBD, GC, M-1, SCC, and LCC zoning districts (listed below) to determine if the
use of a "Mission" and "Community Resource Service Center" are appropriate; and
The Yakima Planning Commission held its required open record public hearing on March 25,
2015, providing opportunity for the public to comment on the draft amendments; and
The Yakima Planning Commission heard from twelve members of the public regarding the
proposed amendments; and
After hearing from the public, the Yakima Planning Commission deliberated on the amendments
proposed for incorporation into YMC § 15.02 Definitions, and YMC § 15.04 Table 4-1 Permitted
Land Uses as identified below:
1. The Planning Commission found that the "Mission" use as defined by the City's Hearing
Examiner's 1992 and 1995 decisions appropriately defined a "Mission";
2. The definition of a "Mission" meets the zoning district intent statements of the General
Commercial (GC), Central Business District CBD), and Light Industrial Zoning Districts
(M-1); and
3. The Class (2) Review process is the appropriate level of review in the above mentioned
zoning districts; and
The Planning Commission by unanimous vote recommend:
1. Approval of the "Mission" Text Amendment request as set forth in the Hearing
Examiner's 1992 and 1995 decisions; and
2. That the proposed "Community Resource Service Center" Text Amendment should be
separated from consideration of the "Mission" use, and scheduled for a study session
on April 8, 2015, as the proposal did not contain sufficient information to be
appropriately reviewed; and
The Yakima Planning Commission concluded its consideration of the "Mission" Text
Amendment on March 25, 2015, forwarding its recommendation with findings of fact, and
conclusions to the Yakima City Council (attached); and
After appropriate public notice was provided in accordance with the procedures of the City of
Yakima, by the Yakima City Clerk, the City of Yakima City Council in an open record hearing on
2015 Yakima Planning Commission 3 O
Findings and Recommendations INDEX
May 19, 2015, took public testimony regarding the proposed "Mission" ordinance, and
considered the City of Yakima Planning Commission's recommendation to approve the
proposed ordinance; and
After considerable deliberation on the proposed ordinance, the Yakima City Council found that
more public input and involvement was desired from property owners along N. 1St Street, and
that the Planning Commission should consider increasing the level of review of a "Mission" use
from a Type (2) review to that of a Type (3) review, and by a vote of 5 to 0 remanded the
proposed ordinance back to the Planning Commission; and
The Yakima City Planning Commission was notified of the council's action and direction on the
proposed ordinance on May 27, 2015, to which the Planning Commission held an initial study
session to discussions their initial options to address the councils request; and
At the conclusion of the May 27, 2015, study session, and following discussion with city staff,
the City Planning Commission found that it may be possible to increase the level of review of a
land use without increasing the uses burden of compatibility or class of use, and directed City
staff to bring back a revised ordinance at their next meeting accomplishing this objective; and
On June 10, 2015, the Yakima City Planning Commission held a second study session
regarding the remand of the "Mission" use ordinance at which the City Planning and Legal
divisions submitted a two page staff report outlining the issues requested to be addressed,
background on the history of the proposed use, staff suggested amendments, and a revised
draft definition of the "Mission" use. The Yakima Planning Commission took significant public
testimony from members of the public including: the Union Gospel Mission, Gateway
Organization, and business and property owners along N. 11t Street. At the conclusion of the
study secession, the Planning Commission directed city staff to proof the draft definition, revise
the proposed ordinance, and schedule the public hearing for June 24, 2015; and
On June 11, 2015, the City of Yakima Planning Division in accordance with YMC Title 16
provided public notice for the proposed Planning Commission remand hearing which included:
1) written notice to parties of record, 2) email to divisions and media, and 3) Legal add in the
Yakima Herald; and
On June 24, 2015, the City of Yakima Planning Commission opened the required remand
hearing, received additional public input on the proposed ordinance changes, further deliberated
2015 Yakima Planning Commission 4 DOC.
Findings and Recommendations INDEX
on the City Council's request to increase the level of review for a "Mission" use to that of a Type
(3) Review, and made the following findings; and
Now therefore, the Yakima City Planning Commission presents the following findings
and recommendations to the Yakima City Council:
Based upon a review of the information contained in the City of Yakima Hearing Examiner's
1992 and 1995 Unclassified Use Interpretations, (City of Yakima Interpretations INT#1-92, and
INT#2-95), City of Yakima Comprehensive Plan 2025, Yakima Neighborhood Health's
supplemental information, exhibits, testimony and other evidence presented at an open record
public hearing held on March 25, 2015, and remand hearing of June 24, 2015; and a review of
the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance; the Planning Commission makes the following:
The amendment proposal to establish, further regulate or permit the use of "Mission" as defined
by the City of Yakima Interpretations INT#1-92, and INT#2-95, and considered by the City of
Yakima Planning Commission at its March 25, 2015, public hearing within the Yakima Municipal
Code, Title 15 Urban Area Zoning Ordinance.
The requested changes are consistent with the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan by
meeting the goals, objectives and policies of the Plan set forth in the General Development,
Public Services, Land Use, Transportation, and Utilities Elements of the Comprehensive Plan.
The City of Yakima Planning Commission has studied the proposed issues and finds that the
proposed ordinance amendment will not have an adverse consequence for adjacent
jurisdictions or service providers. There are no regionally significant issues known related to the
request; consequently, this request will not significantly contribute to the cumulative impacts of
other Comprehensive Plan amendments, and/or zoning amendments.
This proposal meets the County -wide Planning Policies and intent of the Growth Management
Act because it will provide appropriate land use controls which direct service providers of the
homeless populations of Yakima to appropriate zoning districts within the City of Yakima that
have the least impact on surrounding business, and residential neighborhoods.
a) The text amendment impacts the Central Business District, General Commercial,
and Light Industrial zoning districts of the City.
b) No significant adverse environmental impacts have been identified by the approval of
the amendment request.
c) The requested text amendment to the City of Yakima's Urban Area Zoning
Ordinance is supported by the City of Yakima's Urban Area Comprehensive Plan
d) The amendment to the Yakima Municipal Code, Title 15 Urban Area Zoning
Ordinance, which includes, but is not limited to, a new definition in YMC § 15.02, and
addition of a new land use category to YMC § 15.04 Table 4-1 Permitted Uses.
e) The City of Yakima Planning Commission considered the issues raised by the
Yakima City Council on remand at its June 24, 2015, meeting by: 1) considering
additional testimony from business and property owners along N. 1 st St. at two public
study sessions, and one open record hearing, and 2) elevating the level of review of
a "Mission" to that of a Type (3) Review.
2015 Yakima Planning Commission pe
Findings and Recommendations IND
f) The City of Yakima Planning Commission concludes that increasing the level of
review of a "Mission" use from a Type (2) to Type (3) Review process does not
hinder a mission from locating within the CBD, GC, and M-1 zoning districts, but
rather enhances the public's involvement in commenting on such applications.
g) The City of Yakima Planning Commission further concludes that due to the impacts
of a "Mission" on surrounding businesses, and residential neighborhoods that
"Mission" uses should be required to enter into a development agreement between
the City of Yakima and applicant/property owner.
Based upon the analysis, findings and conclusions outlined above, it was moved and seconded
that the Yakima Planning Commission recommend APPROVAL of the text amendment to the
Yakima Municipal Code (YMC) Title 15, Urban Area Zoning Ordinance. The motion carried by
unanimous vote.
Having made the above Findings of Fact and Conclusions, the Planning Commission hereby
renders its
The Planning Commission of the City of Yakima, having received and considered all evidence
and testimony presented at public hearings, and having received and reviewed the record
herein, hereby recommends that the City Council of the City of Yakima APPROVE the zoning
Text Amendment application (TXT #001-15 & SEPA #007-15), and accompanying ordinance.
RECOMMENDED this 24th day of June, 2015.
2015 Yakima Planning Commission
Findings and Recommendations'"'
Dave Fonfara, Chairman
Yakima Planning Commission
TXT#001-15, SEPA#007-15
Remand Hearing Draft Ordinance for Council
AN ORDINANCE relating to land use; amending Section 15.02.020 of the Yakima
Municipal Code to add definition of mission use, and amending
Table 4-1 of Section 15.04.030 of the Yakima Municipal Code
designating such use as a Class (2) use only within the GC
General Commercial, CBD Central Business District, and M-1
Light Industrial zoning districts of the City of Yakima.
WHEREAS, the City Council has previously adopted ordinances establishing
zoning districts within the City of Yakima, defining certain land uses, and designating
such uses within the zoning districts, all as codified in Title 15 of the Yakima Municipal
Code (YMC); and
WHEREAS, the City Council previously adopted Ordinance No. 2014-027
implementing a moratorium on the acceptance of applications for, processing and
issuance of, land use approvals and permits for "mission uses" within the SCC Small
Convenience Center zoning district pending adoption of a comprehensive regulation
governing such uses; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Yakima has conducted
meetings and a public hearing on March 25, 2015 pursuant to notice, and after
consideration of all comments, evidence and testimony presented has presented a
recommendation, supported by appropriate findings of fact and conclusions of law
adopted April 8, 2015, to the City Council; and
WHEREAS the City Council held a public hearing on May 19 2015 to receive
and consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission and after receiving
public comment and testimony, remanded the recommendation to the Planning
Commission to consider whether new mission uses should be considered Class 3 use
in the GC General Commercial CBD Central Business District and M-1 Light Industrial
zoninq districts of the City of Yakima', and
WHEREAS the Planning Commission has held a study session and conducted a
public hearing on June 201,5 concerning such issues and having considered all
evidence and testimon resented has adopted on June 2015 Findin sof Fact
Conclusions and Recommendation; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has received the recommendation of the Plannin
Commission and has conducted a public hearing on June 2015 pursuant to notice
duly published to consider such recommendation, and
WHEREAS, the recommendation of the Planning Commission supports the
amendment of YMC 15.02.020 to add a definition of "mission" use, and to amend Table
4-1 of YMC 15.04.030 to allow such use as a Class (2) use only within the GC General
Commercial, CBD Central Business District, and M-1 Light Industrial zoning districts of
the City of Yakima but reQUiring that new mission uses within such �onin�districts shall
L) !Lb tato "t. J _QLr e rvikl e relloperr � t r.gLn iL.4 cog) ��r� �(i V
_ �. . .w._r .__ y q i further
Bevel ment standards and miti ations irrpt sed b _the heann examiner and
that an e modifflcationL� ific t�o�
of an exitir°� mission use shall be s�.sb`�ct to ro.._...t
frro edure_ and revisions e t a tEeV Ill I C tarovidr cta that any, rr;p�o ed
modification that does not meet the criteria in YMC 15.17.040 for administrative review
an d a roval shall be sr,�b eot to a T �e 3 review with a develo !Lggg -� t
.. "��a agreement
arncor`poratin a pli i l deev to r ent standards and Nrrit�n§i wc� ose key �h h ri g
examiner; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that such recommendation is
supported by previous interpretations of record by the hearing examiner as set forth in In
re: Union Gospel Mission, City No. UAZO-Interp. No. 1-92, Examiner No. 192-5-2 (Lamb,
Feb. 27, 1992); and In re: Modification of Interpretation, Union Gospel Mission,
Interpretation No. 2-95, Examiner No. 195-5-27 (Lamb, June 9, 1995); and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that YMC 15.02.020 should
be amended to add a definition of "mission" use consistent with the definition previously
formulated by the hearing examiner, and that Table 4-1 of YMC 15.04.030 should be
amended to allow such use as a Class (2) use with a Type review as described
above within the GC General Commercial, CBD Central Business District, and M-1 Light
Industrial zoning districts of the City of Yakima; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that the amendments
described above are in the best interest of residents of the City of Yakima and will
promote the general health, safety and welfare; now, therefore
Section 1. The recommendation of the City of Yakima Planning Commission
as described above is received, together with the Planning Commission's Findings of
Fact and Conclusions of Law in support thereof, which Findings of Fact and Conclusions
of Law are hereby adopted by the City Council.
Section 2. YMC 15.04.020 is hereby amended to add a definition of land use
for "mission" use to read as follows:
"Mission" means a facility typically owned or operated by a public agency or non-
profit corporation, providing a variety of services for the disadvantaged, typically
including but not limited to temporary housing for the homeless, dining facilities,
health and counseling activities, whether or not of a spiritual nature, with such
services being generally provided to the public at large. Mission uses shall by
Class_,(2) uses within the GC General Commercial CBD Central Business
District and M-1 Light Industrial zoning districts as set forth in Table -1 "SMC
15.04.030 and subiect to a Type 3 review as set forth in Chapter 15.15 YMC
with a development agreement incorporating applicable develo meat standards
and miti ations imposed b the hearin examiner. Effective as and from Jul
2015 an modification of an existin mission use shall be subject to the
modification . rocedures and provisions of Chapter 1 1.7 _ m -,,pre id d, - t wt
an �r�s d modification that does not meet the criteria in YMCw1w5 17.040 for
administrative._ r� � � be suk t j g_ T 3 r,.eyie ��1 o�a
review and a roval shall
developnfrerrt an,rme r ent incorpp at n p )Igicak Lq lev to rnerjt standardsm and
nirNtaqgti+ ns itit o ed l he Lar rg.,c xaminer.
Section 3, Table 4-1 of YMC 15.,04.030 ("Health and Social Service Facility"
component) is hereby amended to provide that mission uses are Class (2) uses only
within the GC General Commercial, CBD Central Business District, and M-1 Light
Industrial zoning districts within the City of Yakima, and not allowed within any other
zoningdistricts, and subject to T e 3 review with a development a reement all as set
� y.p __...
forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, and with
such changes shown in legislative format as set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and
incorporated herein by this reference.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect 30 days after its
passage, approval, and publication as provided by law and by the City Charter.
PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, signed and approved this 19th day of May, 2015,
City Clerk
Publication Date:
Effective Date:
Micah Cawley, Mayor
(Table 4-1, YMC 15.04.030)
Table 4-1 Permitted Land Uses
("Health and Social Service Facility" Component)
....................... _..._....
R- R- R- B- B- M- M-
SR 1 2 3 1 2 HB SCC LCC AS GC CBD RD 1 2
Group Homes (six or fewer), 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Adult Family Home (*)
Treatment Centers For Drug 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 T3�
and Alcohol Rehabilitation
............... __..._ .. ................. ......... _........_ ...
Boarding House (*) 3 3 3 3 3 1 2
Halfway House (*) 2 3 3
Group Homes (more than six), ......� .�.........
3 2 2 2 3 3
Convalescent and Nursing
Homes (*)
Mission (*) (with Type (3) � � 2 2 2
revievw, and development
agreement -.. see definition)
* Refers to definition in YMC Chapter 15.02
1 = Type (1) Permitted Home Occupation
2 = Type (2) Review and Approval by the Administrative Official Required
3 = Type (3) Review Public Hearing and Approval by the Hearing Examiner Required
[ ] = Not Permitted
(Table 4-1, YMC 15.04.030 — Changes shown in legislative format)
Table 4-1 Permitted Land Uses
("Health and Social Service Facility" Component)
..R- R-,�.w
R- B- B- M- M-
�.._ L .... .... _ .... �...... 2
_ ._----
SR 1 v 2 3 1 2 HB SCC LCC AS GC CBD RD 1
* Refers to definition in YMC Chapter 15.02
1 = Type (1) Permitted Home Occupation
2 = Type (2) Review and Approval by the Administrative Official Required
3 = Type (3) Review Public Hearing and Approval by the Hearing Examiner Required
[ ] = Not Permitted
TXT#001-15, SEPA#007-15
Public Notices
D-1 Notice of Remand Hearing 06/11/2015
D -la: Legal Notice and Press Release E-mail
D -lb: Parties and Agencies Notified
D -lc: Affidavit of Mailing
RE: TXT#001-15
Cit.'....Planni.... ....Missio.n...Uses_..................._.._...._..... ................................... ........... ..............................
I, Lisa Maxey, as an employee of the Yakima City Planning Division, have
dispatched through the United States Mails, a Notice of Remand Hearing. A
true and correct copy of which is enclosed herewith; that said notice was
addressed to the applicants, Yakima Planning Commission members, and parties
of record; that said applicants and parties of record are individually listed on the
mailing list retained by the Planning Division, and that said notices were mailed
by me on the 11th day of June, 2015.
That I mailed said notices in the manner herein set forth and that all of the
statements made herein are just and true.
Lisa Maxey
Department Assistant II
# G
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
Maria Rosario Montes de Oca
Balbina Gomez
Ondina Garcia
104 S 7th Street
106 South 7th Street
107 South 7th Street
Yakima, WA 98901
Yakima, WA 98901
Yakima, WA 98901
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
Miguel Alvarez
Gloria Sanchez
Delia Solis
108 S 7th Street
108 South 7th Street
109 South 7th Street
Yakima, WA 98901
Yakima, WA 98901
Yakima, WA 98901
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
Bertha Ramirez
Juana Amezcua
Mauricio Aramburo
Ruby's Daycare
115 North 9th Street
113 South 6th Street #3
113 South 7th Street
Yakima, WA 98901
Yakima, WA 98901
Yakima, WA 98901
pAg rbtarpeZg1ia07 rriaH. oni
,e bha aoI,,com„
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
Bertin Martinez
Edward Torres
Maria Elena Garcia
1414 South 16th Street
20 South 10th Street
204 South 6th Street
Yakima, WA 98901
...� _..
Yakima, WA 98901
....�. ..___....... __...... _......__
Yakima, WA 98901
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
Maribel Martinez
Hilda Doble
Francisco Lopez
206 % South 6th Street
206 South 6th Street #1
211 % South 6th Street
Yakima, WA 98901
Yakima, WA 98901
Yakima, WA 98901
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
Jose Perez
Fred Fernandez
Salvador Nava
211 South 6th Street
211 South 6th Street
211 South 6th Street
Yakima, WA 98901
Yakima, WA 98901
Yakima, WA 98901
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
Severiano Barajas
Ismael Gonzalez
Jerry Winters
217 Union Street
219 Union Street
301 South 7th Street
Yakima, WA 98901
Yakima, WA 98901
Yakima, WA 98901
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
Benito & Francelia Suarez
Filemon Acevedo
Berenice Cortes
303 South 6th Street #A
305 South 7th Street
308 %: South 6th Street
Yakima, WA 98901
Yakima, WA 98901
Yakima, WA 98901
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
Joe Chin
Lidia & Daniel Mendoza
Lori Zamudio
ASAP Metal Fabricators
320 South 9th Street
413 South 6th Street
316 South 9th Street
Yakima, WA 98901
Yakima, WA 98901
Yakima, WA 98901
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
Gloria A. Rangel
Carl Howell
Josafath Cruz
517 Clark Street
603 South 12th Street
711 East Spruce Street
Moxee, WA 98936
Yakima, WA 98901
Yakima, WA 98901
D O"
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
01/14/15 YPC Meeting
Leonel Valencia
Daniel Fonseca
Albert Lantrip
809 East Spruce Street
712 East Spruce Street
808 Pioneer Lane
Yakima, WA 98901
Yakima, WA 98901
Union Gap, WA 98903
latsrargralara,,rr r80Yyr�roaa.ccr
03/09/15 E-mailed Comments
Comment Letter
03/16/15 E-mailed Comments
David T. Reich
Marshallll Clark
Wayne Ullman
3005 W Chestnut Ave
2320 N Atlantic Street, Ste# 100
2024 218th PL NE
Yakima, WA 98902
Spokane, WA 99205
Sammamish, WA 98074
d,reich acharter.net
pIImanw IclouJ,d.o m
.7/15 E-mailed Comments
ances Davies
03/17/15 E-mailed Comments
03/20/15 Comment Letter
Thomas Davies Family Partnership L.P.
Valerie Fisher
Terry Schweyen
1024 Egan Avenue
315 S. 3rd Avenue
ASAP Metal Fabricators
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Yakima, WA 98902
315 South 3rd Avenue
frames r uatarlst.com
._.m�... �.........._
vgl rieV c sa Jamet4_1fr k�&®r'2
Yakima, WA 98902
03/20/15 Comment Letter
03/20/15 Comment Letter
03/23/15 Comment Letter
Lloyd & Leah Higgens
Robert G. Koury
Isaac Baruch
3607 NE 119th Avenue
7327 Southwest Barnes Rd PMB 600
1416 3rd Avenue
Vancouver, WA 98682
Portland, OR 97225
Yakima, WA 98101
03/23/15 Comment Letter
03/23/15 Comment Letter
03/25/15 E-mail comments
John Van Epps
Kathy Mantey
Stephen Stokesberry
3413 Clinton Way
3703 W Nob Hill Blvd
Union Gospel Mission
Yakima, WA 98902
Yakima, WA 98902
solfloris�r 111 121
03/25/15 YPC Hearing
03/25/15 YPC Hearing
03/25/15 YPC Hearing
James Parks
Jim Hall
Terri Chacon
1119 Garfield Avenue
1413 S 8th Ave
2005 W Chestnut Ave
Yakima, WA 98902
Yakima, WA 98902
Yakima, WA 98902
'25/15 YPC Hearing
03/25/15 YPC Hearing
03/25/15 YPC Hearing
nan Poel
Don Breitenfeldt
Fred Kerley
214 S 17th Ave
KDF Investments
407 W Mead Ave
Yakima, WA 98902
3807 Meadow Lane
Yakima, WA 98902
Yakima, WA 98902
03/25/15 YPC Hearing
03/25/15 YPC Hearing
03/25/15 YPC Hearing
Pastor Donald Davis
Reed & Wendy Ball
Joanne Orme
515 S 6th Street
5808 Summitview Ave PMB#125
701 S 38th Ave #13
Yakima, WA 98901
Yakima, WA 98908
Yakima, WA 98902
03/25/15 YPC Hearing
03/25/15 YPC Hearing
03/25/15 YPC Hearing
Judy Salverda
Patty Orona
Gwen Seward
701 S 38th Ave #16
701 S 38th Ave #5
701 S 38th Ave #7
Yakima, WA 98902
Yakima, WA 98902
Yakima, WA 98902
03/25/15 YPC Hearing
03/25/15 YPC Hearing
03/25/15 YPC Hearing
Janice Bullek
Lynn Walters
Steve Hill
701 S 38th Ave #8
701 South 38th Ave #18
SshHI538a wuuautl.Cilo
Yakima, WA 98902
Yakima, WA 98902
03/25/15 YPC Hearing
03/25/15 YPC Hearing
03/25/15 YPC Hearing
Deanna Roy
Larry Fuller
Wanda Fuller
rcvsm Y �cak2ara0
rro�a a� it IJc trn mBm c�mcJ's
03/25/15 YPC Hearing
03/25/15 YPC Hearing
03/25/15 YPC Hearing
Bob McLaughlin
Janice Gonzalez
Bryon Underwood
�drbob ro _ccrwru
Jar ice Y.v c. ug
bhunder ra al ranasra.cprta
o��6/�ss-mai|Commems '
� �
o��7/zscvmme,��t�/ `
04/01/15 E-mailed Comments
Jack &Nancy Westford
Robert F. Lockbeam
Phone call request Property Owner 06/10/15 YPC Meeting
Al Bradley Sung Lee Rick Phillips
109 S 8th Street 702 N. 48th Avenue Yakima Neighborhood Health Services
Yakima, WA 98901 Yakima, WA 98908 PO Box 565
ALim—Idleyma MAn&MI Julianakbqs5 Oyatioo.com Yakima, WA 98907
'1��C of "I
3C iA-�- (V / . )11) J
In -House Distribution E-mail List
I E-mail Address
. ..........
Debbie Cook
_ .................................... ....................
Debbie . co@ycLj�t �qL,,i)K4,go v
Dana Kam
Dan Riddle
. .......... .......
danjiddle,(' iinawa.gov,
Mark Kunkler
Lel Dept
MaiRALmOc rCii) yqk finaw4.ggy
. . ...............
Jeff Cutter
Legal Dept
j(.LotimcsP' ak�rrwva. gy
Archie Matthews
Mark Soptich
Fire Dept
Chief Rizzi
Police Department
Dominic.rizzig wa-,g
--- mawa ov
Joe Caruso
Code Administration
Joe .ca!ILLa5c.ic,� YAkilliawa,�,Tov
Carolyn Belles
Code Administration
c_aj.l ,bcfles��z)y rkitjjqyq.,,gqv
Jerry Robertson
I--- --- - - J - - -------- - -- - ------------ - --------------
Code Administration
----- - - - — - - - . .... . . . .......... . ...... - ----- — ---------
Glenn Denman
Code Administration
Suzanne DeBusschere
Code Administration
Stizanne.debtissclier mkil iaw gpy
Dave Brown
......... . .................. .
daye.tqwp��i)y dLij�i igov
_g:L _W:, L
. ... . ............ . . . ....
Mike Shane
rnjl<c.slignr ygiqlawa"Ltqy
Randy Meloy
rand y , in e I mgny
Scott Schafer
Public Works Dept
Scott . scha fer(,(��,yak, i njawa.
James Dean
I npaw�l &�Y
James Scott
Refuse Division
jkirpes.scot�( ,,jkimawa,gpy
Kevin Futrell
Transit Division
kevin.1"uttv.] [(&,yaldniawa,
Joan Davenport
............... . ................ . ........
For the Record/File
Binder Copy
Revised 1ziz65
Type of Notice: N`�C- or ko,41)o
File Number(s): . . ....
Date of Mailing:
Maxey, Lisa
Maxey, Lisa
Thursday, June 11, 2015 9:30 AM
Belles, Carolyn; Brown, David; Caruso, Joe; Cook, Debbie; Cutter, Jeff; Davenport, Joan;
Dean, James; DeBusschere, Suzanne; Denman, Glenn; Futrell, Kevin; Ibarra, Rosalinda;
Kallevig, Dana; Kunkler, Mark; Matthews, Archie; Maxey, Lisa; Meloy, Randy; Riddle, Dan;
Rizzi, Dominic; Robertson, Jerry; Schafer, Scott; Scott, James; Shane, Mike; Soptich, Mark; Al
Rose; Alfred A. Rose (silvrfx40@bmi.net); 'Carmen Mendez'; Carmen Mendez (mdcmm303
@gmail.com); Dave Fonfara; Ensey, Rick; Patricia Byers; Ron Anderson; Scott Clark; William
Cook (cook.w@charter.net); Aaron, Robbie; Allyn, Kaarre; Beehler, Randy; Bill & Linda
Beerman; Brown, Michael; Business Times Randy Luvaas (E-mail); City of Union Gap; City of
Union Gap; Claar Tee, Sonya; CWHBA Joe Walsh (E-mail); Danielle Surkatty; David
Gaudette; David Kearby - Associated General Contractors of WA; Davido, Sean; Dianna
Woods; Doug Carey; Evodio Reyes; Farmworker Housing Marty Miller (E-mail); Gary Forrest;
Jamie Carmody; Ken Camarata - AIA; Crockett, Ken; Lozano, Bonnie; Luz Bazan Gutierrez -
RCDR; Mike & Cindy Noble; Mike Dooley - Wilbert Precast; Mike Shinn; Peters, Jeff; Phil
Hoge; Price, Cally; Ralph Call; Robert Lockhart; Ron Pelson(ron@traditionaldesignsinc.com);
Sandy Lloyd; Smith, Valerie; Steve Erickson; Steve S; Terrence Danysh; Terry Keenhan;
Thomas Carroll; Walt Ranta; Crockett, Ken; Daily Sun News - Bob Story; KAPP TV News;
KBBO-KRSE Radio - manager; KCJT TV News; KDNA Radio; KEPR TV News; KIMA TV
News; KIMA TV News - Crystal Bui; KIT/KATS/DMVW/KFFM - Lance Tormey; KNDO TV
News; KUNS-TV Univision; KVEW TV News; NWCN News; NWPR - Anna King; Randy
Luvaas - Yakima Business Times; Reed C. Pell; Tu Decides - Albert Torres; Yakima Herald
Republic - Craig Troianello; Yakima Herald Republic - Erin Snelgrove; Yakima Herald
Republic - Mai Hoang; Yakima Herald Republic - Mark Morey; Yakima Herald Republic
Newspaper; Yakima Valley Business Times - George Finch; Beehler, Randy
Peters, Jeff
NOTICE OF REMAND HEARING - Mission Uses - TXT#001-15
NOTICE OF REMAND HEARING - City Planning - Mission Uses-TXT_001-15.pdf
Attached is a Notice of Remand Hearing regarding the above -entitled project. If you have any questions about this
proposal please contact assigned planner Jeff Peters at (509) 575-6163 or by e-mail at 'eff petersya imaw oovv.
Lisa Maxey
Department Assistant II
(509) 576-6669
1 isa 1'�^laxgy.(g�.PkitT1 aw di. K v
City of Yakima Planning Division
129 N. 2nd St. Yakima, WA 98901
AW .
A tlail art of our Ilfe aklma-herald.com
yP y y Y
-Ad Proof -
This is the proof of your ad scheduled to run on the
dates indicated below.
Please confirm placement prior to deadline,
by contacting your
account rep at (509) 577-7740.
Account #: 110358
YAKIMA, WA 98901-2720
Telephone: (509) 575-6164
Ad 1D:
Total Cost:
Agate Lines:
# of Inserts:
Ad Class:
Account Rep:
Simon Sizer
Phone #
(509) 577-7740
Yakima Herald -Republic 06/11/15
YakimaHerald.com 06/11/15
Ad Proof
DATE: June 11, 2015 TO:
Members of the Public and
Parties of Record FROM:
Joan Davenport, AICP, Com-
munity Development Director
SUBJECT: Notice of Remand
Hearing regarding the City of
Yakima Planning Commis-
sion's Recommendation to the
Yakima City Council incorpo-
rating a new definition of "Mis-
sion" into the City of Yakima's
Municipal Code. CITY FILE
NUMBER(S): TXT#001-15
May 19, 2015, the Yakima City
Council considered a recom-
mendation and accompany-
png r„wrddnance by the City of
Yakima Planning Commission
to incorporate a new definition
and land use categ ry for a
"Mission" into the City's Munici-
pal Code. Following testimony
from the public during an open
record Ihea6ng and dediheration
on the matter, the City Council
voted unanimously to remand
the issue and ordinance back
to the Planning Commission for
further public input and work.
The file containing the com-
plete application is available
Cor ywublic rdvleww at the City of
Yakima Planning Division, 2nd
floor City Hall, 129 North 2nd
Street, Yakima, Washington
Additional information may be
found on the City of Yakima
Planning website under Quick
Links beneath the "Yakima
Planning Commission" head-
ing:hniaWwwwyaklmawa, ori
serviceslqalannln INOTIC
request regOres thaal the City
of Yakima Planning Cornmis-
sion hold an open record public
hearing. The public hearing
is scheduled to be held on
Wednesday June 24, 2015,
beginning at 3:30 p.m., in the
Council Chambers, City Hall,
129 N 2nd Street, Yakima, WA.
Any person desiring to express
tlad'rir views on this matter is
invited to attend the public
hearing or to submit written
comments to: City of Yakima,
Planning Division, 129 N 2nd
St., Yakima, WA 96901. If you
have any question on this pro-
posal, please call Jeff Peters,
Supervising Planner at (509)
• Itw
on the matter, -the, City Council
voted unanirn a siy 1n reim'and
the i�cta art�rd��dna.
tot '(anrtdng 5 -wr�isa,back io-n fair"
f6fthOr Oufaiia 16 �f and work,,
`C t(ia 664 )'h gi thicorn.
p 04' 0,006 n is'a' 4abid "
f rr-blf&r6v at the pity of
ra 1' N idnrwihg ividion, 2nd
fiaity aii,1 firth 2nd'
treaty akirna, WWashington
dditio l int a rrnation`may be
foy"n, oplfta ity of,yakirria-
f'oar� ip +e site nyder Qdic
knkd bendath fia "Yakima
annn6mm"asipn"; u d
ink httg rl� + v ,yakirn ur!a"Ov/
(552 }53) Mane 11„ 2015,,'DOCmIT
Joan Davenport, AICP, Director
Planning Division
129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor Yakima, Washington 98901
Phone (509) 575-6183 • Fax (509) 575-6105
www. yakimawa.gov/services/planning
DATE: June 11, 2015
TO: Members of the Public and Parties of Record
FROM: Joan Davenport, AICP, Community Development Director
SUBJECT: Notice of Remand Hearing regarding the City of Yakima Planning
Commission's Recommendation to the Yakima City Council incorporating
a new definition of "Mission" into the City of Yakima's Municipal Code.
On May 19, 2015, the Yakima City Council considered a recommendation and
accompanying ordinance by the City of Yakima Planning Commission to incorporate a
new definition and land use category for a "Mission" into the City's Municipal Code.
Following testimony from the public during an open record hearing and deliberation on
the matter, the City Council voted unanimously to remand the issue and ordinance back
to the Planning Commission for further public input and work. The file containing the
complete application is available for public review at the City of Yakima Planning
Division, 2nd floor City Hall, 129 North 2nd Street, Yakima, Washington. Additional
information may be found on the City of Yakima Planning website under Quick Links
beneath the "Yakima Planning Commission" heading:
httr)://www.vakii,na yg.p d ery c l nr ira
This request requires that the City of Yakima Planning Commission hold an open record
public hearing. The public hearing is scheduled to be held on Wednesday June 24,
2015, beginning at 3:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 129 N 2nd Street,
Yakima, WA. Any person desiring to express their views on this matter is invited to
attend the public hearing or to submit written comments to: City of Yakima, Planning
Division, 129 N 2nd St., Yakima, WA 98901.
If you have any question on this proposal, please call Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner
at (509) 575-6163.
DOC* Yokirne
TXT#001-15, SEPA#007-15
Public Comments
YAKIMA, WA 98902
rc sin otmail.com
June 10, 2015
To: City of Yakima Planning Commission
From: Reed C. Pell
SERVICE CENTER" USES — Proposed text amendments to the Zoning Ordinance:
TXT#00I - ] 5 and TXT#002- 15
It is my understanding that you are having a Study Session this afternoon at 3:30
pm regarding the above matter. Mr. Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner, has advised
me that if I forward this letter to him by 3:00 pm today he will provide copies to
This matter has been remanded to you by the City Council for further review and
consideration. I have reviewed the City Council Meeting at which this issue was
considered and it appears that both the citizens that testified and the Council
Members were concerned that the proposal being made included a recommendation
of just a Class 2 review. The purpose of this letter is to urge you to adopt a Class 3
review on Mission and Resource Service Center Uses.
The Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance includes several uses that are permitted
onl with a Class 3 review, to -wit:
Social Card Rooms (See YMC 15
Horse Racing Tracks, Speedways
Cemetery/Crematorium with Funeral Home
Hospital (*) Outside Institutional Overlay
Correctional Facilities
Senior High School
Wastewater Sprayfield (')
Zoo (*)
Treatment Centers For Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation
( F,
Rendering Plants, Slaughter Houses
Mining Including Sand and Gravel Pits ( )
Off -Site Hazardous Waste Treatment and Storage Facilities (')
Golf Courses, Clubhouses, Golf Driving Ranges
Concentrated Feeding Operation
The City has determined that the above uses can be so detrimental to
surrounding property owners that the only way they should be permitted, if
at all, is with a Class 3 Review. Note that one of the uses that requires a
Class 3 Review is Treatment Centers for Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation; a
problem that is epidemic to people who find their way to a Mission.
In summary, it is my recommendation that a Mission and/or Resource
Service Center Use be permitted only with a Class 3 Review. Do we really
want anot orth First Street disaster in some other area of the City?
Reed C. Pell
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