HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-22-14 YPC Packeti�'o , i'i ii',;
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City of Yakima Planning Commission
City Hall Council Chambers
Wednesday October 22, 2014
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
YPC Members:
Chairman Dave Fonfara, Vice -Chair Scott Clark, Al Rose,
Paul Stelzer, Bill Cook, Patricia Byers, Ron Anderson
City g
: 1 lannxn Staff
Joan Davenport (Community Development Director/Planning Manager); Jeff Peters (Supervising
Planner); Valerie Smith (Senior Planner); Robbie Aaron (Assistant Planner); and Rosalinda Ibarra
(Administrative Assistant)
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Staff Announcements
IV. Audience Participation
V. Review and Approval of 2014 Comprehensive Plan Map & Text Amendments
VI. Continued Discussion on Sign Code Amendments
VII. Other Business
VIII. Adjourn
Next Meeting: November 12, 2014
MINIM glow
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Page 1
CA1411 TI` D III-' L0A`1 ANT 1)1,° 4 1 :,,, " ` FOR THE
Planning Division RE(I"ORD / FILE
129 4;a ,tii ,4i,(,c°aaaiel ,.0 i,ee l,,, ,2nd Floor Yakima. �,Vaahingt ray 98901
October 22, 2014
The City of Yakima adopted the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan in December
2006 and the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance in December 2013; and
The Washington Growth Management Act and local ordinances provide a process for
the annual review of amendments to the Plan as requested by citizens, property owners
and/or local government; and
For the 2014 amendment review process, the Department of Community Development
received three applications for consideration for amendments to the Comprehensive
Plan's Future Land Use Map, three concurrent rezones, and one amendment for the
addition of a proposed land use within the YMC Title 15 Yakima Urban Area Zoning
Ordinance; and
Under the provisions of YMC 1.42 the Yakima Planning Commission is responsible for
the review of these applications and for recommending the approval, modification or
denial of each request; and
The Yakima Planning Commission held study sessions to review the Comprehensive
Plan, Zoning map amendments and text amendment on June 11, 2014, July 9, 2014,
and September 23, 2014 and the open record public hearings were held on October 8,
All required public notice of these applications was provided in accordance with the
provisions of YMC 15.11.090, YMC 16.05.010 — 050 and YMC 16.10.070; and
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A DNS was issued for this proposal on August 15, 2014, and the 14 -day appeal period
ended on August 29, 2014. No appeals were received; and
The recommendations for these three Future Land Use Map amendments, and text
amendment are based upon the criteria specified in YMC 16.10.040; and
The recommendations for the three concurrent rezones are based upon the criteria
specified in YMC Subsection 15.23.030(E); and
The Yakima Planning Commission concluded its consideration of these four
applications on October 8, 2014.
Now therefore, the Yakima City Planning Commission presents the following
findings and recommendations to the Yakima City Council:
CPA # 001-14
APPLICANT: Plymouth Ranch, LLC/Bill Hordan, Hordan Planning
LOCATION: Vicinity of Hwy 12 & North 16th Avenue
PARCEL NOs: 181312-33001, -33002, and -22001
Based upon a view of the site, the information contained in the application, staff report,
exhibits, testimony and other evidence presented at an open record public hearing held
on October 8, 2014; and a review of the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan and
the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance; the Planning Commission makes the
The applicant requests a change the Future Land Use Map designation of three parcels
from Regional Commercial to Industrial and a concurrent rezone from Large
Convenience Center (LCC) to Light Industrial (M-1).
The subject property is located on the south side of State Highway 12, and west of N.
16th Avenue. The property is near the Washington Fruit and Produce Company's
existing industrial development off of River Rd. between N. 16th Avenue and N. 6th
Avenue. This is a growing industrial regions, which is evident in the adjacent area to
the southeast which has successfully transitioned from Regional Commercial to
Industrial, as approved during the 2012 annual Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment
2014 Yakima Planning Commission 2
Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Findings and Recommendations
The requested change in land use designation from Regional Commercial to Industrial
is consistent with the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan by meeting many of the
goals, objectives and policies of the Plan set forth in the General Development, Public
Services, Land Use, Transportation, and Utilities Elements of the Comprehensive Plan.
This proposal will bring the zoning designation into conformance with adjacent
properties east and south of the subject property.
All required public utilities (sewer, water, irrigation, street lighting and fire hydrants) are
presently available to the property.
This is a relatively minor request and does not appear to present any adverse
consequences for adjacent jurisdictions or service providers. Because of the small land
area involved, there are no regionally significant issues related to the request;
consequently, this request will not significantly contribute to the cumulative impacts of
other Comprehensive Plan amendments.
This proposal meets the County -wide Planning Policies and intent of the Growth
Management Act because it will allow for better compatibility and consistency with
adjacent properties, directs infill within the city limits, and it fulfills a public need for
additional large scale light industrial property required to support the furtherance of local
economic development efforts.
1. Notwithstanding its size, the amendment is minor in nature.
2. No adverse impacts have been identified by this amendment request.
3. No written comments or testimony were received in opposition to the proposed
4. The property is currently served by all necessary public utilities need for future
industrial development.
5. Approval of this request will not affect the cumulative impacts of other
Comprehensive Plan applications.
6. Fulfills the need for additional large scale industrially zoned property for the
furtherance of local economic development efforts.
Based upon the analysis, findings and conclusions outlined above, it was moved and
seconded that the Yakima Planning Commission recommend APPROVAL of the
amendment request from Regional Commercial to Industrial and the rezone request
from Large Convenience Center (LCC) to Light Industrial (M-1). The motion carried by
a 6/0 vote.
2014 Yakima Planning Commission 3
Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Findings and Recommendations
CPA # 002-14
APPLICANT: Jason Galloway/Bill Hordan, Hordan Planning
LOCATION: Vicinity of E. Viola Avenue
PARCEL NOs: 191330-41453, -41457, and -41458
The City of Yakima Planning Division staff provided a staff report to the Planning
Commission at the October 8, 2014 public hearing, with the recommendation of DENIAL
based on the staff's analysis of the subject proposal.
However, based upon a view of the site, the information contained in the application,
staff report, exhibits, testimony and other evidence presented at an open record public
hearing held on October 8, 2014; and a review of the Yakima Urban Area
Comprehensive Plan and the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance; the Planning
Commission makes the following:
The applicant requests a change the Future Land Use Map designation of three parcels
from Medium Density Residential to General Commercial and a concurrent rezone of
two parcels from Two -Family Residential (R-2) to General Commercial (GC).
The subject property is located in the vicinity of E. Viola Avenue. The property is near
the commercial corridor of S. 1St Street and a few blocks south of the Fairgrounds. The
adjacent property to the west has been used as a fabricated structural metals facility.
And to support the demands of the local agriculture industry, the owner is looking to
expand their facilities. In an effort to infill, and stay at their current location, the owner
has acquired the subject property for expansion of the facility. The neighborhood is in
transition, adjacent to an existing commercial business that supports the local
agricultural industry and located near the commercial corridor of S. 1St Street that
supports the local economy.
One of the three parcels is currently zoned General Commercial (GC), and therefore,
this proposal will bring the zoning designation into conformance with adjacent properties
west of the subject property.
All required public utilities (sewer, water, irrigation, street lighting and fire hydrants) are
presently available to the property.
The requested change in land use designation from Medium Density Residential to
General Commercial is consistent with the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan by
meeting many of the goals, objectives and policies of the Plan set forth in the General
Development, Public Services, Land Use, Transportation, and Utilities Elements of the
Comprehensive Plan.
2014 Yakima Planning Commission 4
Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Findings and Recommendations
This is a relatively minor request and does not appear to present any adverse
consequences for adjacent jurisdictions or service providers. Because of the small land
area involved, there are no regionally significant issues related to the request;
consequently, this request will not significantly contribute to the cumulative impacts of
other Comprehensive Plan amendments.
This proposal meets the County -wide Planning Policies and intent of the Growth
Management Act because it will allow for better compatibility and consistency with
adjacent properties, directs infill within the city limits, and it fulfills a public need for
additional commercial facilities to support the furtherance of local economic
development efforts.
1. The amendment is minor in nature.
2. No adverse impacts have been identified by this amendment request.
3. No written comments or testimony were received in opposition to the proposed
4. The property is currently served by all necessary public utilities need for future
industrial development.
5. Approval of this request will not affect the cumulative impacts of other
Comprehensive Plan applications.
6. Fulfills the need for infill development, and the continuation of the fabricated
structural metals facility and thus sustaining the local economy.
Based upon the analysis, findings and conclusions outlined above, it was moved and
seconded that the Yakima Planning Commission recommend APPROVAL of the
amendment request from Medium Density Residential to General Commercial and the
rezone request from Two -Family Residential (R-2) to General Commercial (GC). The
motion carried by a 6/0 vote.
CPA # 003-14
APPLICANT: Sergio Badillo/Bill Hordan, Hordan Planning Services
LOCATION: 402 North 5th Avenue
PARCEL NOs: 181324-12469
Based upon a view of the site, the information contained in the application, staff report,
exhibits, testimony and other evidence presented at an open record public hearing held
on October 8, 2014; and a review of the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan and
the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance; the Planning Commission makes the
2014 Yakima Planning Commission 5
Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Findings and Recommendations
The applicant requests a change to the Future Land Use Map designation of one parcel
from High Density Residential to General Commercial and a concurrent rezone from
Multi -Family Residential (R-3) to General Commercial (GC).
The subject property is located on the northwest corner of N. 5t" Avenue and W. "D"
Street. The property is near the commercial corridor of N. 5th Avenue. The adjacent
property to the west is zoned Historical Business District, and there are commercial
uses to the south and southeast. The subject property is in the transition area between
the Central Business District to the growing commercial area of East Fruitvale and North
5t" Avenue.
The requested change in land use designation from High Density Residential to General
Commercial is consistent with the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan by meeting
many of the goals, objectives and policies of the Plan set forth in the General
Development, Public Services, Land Use, Transportation, and Utilities Elements of the
Comprehensive Plan.
This proposal will bring the zoning designation into conformance with adjacent
properties south of the subject property.
All required public utilities (sewer, water, irrigation, street lighting and fire hydrants) are
presently available to the property.
This is a relatively minor request and does not appear to present any adverse
consequences for adjacent jurisdictions or service providers. Because of the small land
area involved, there are no regionally significant issues related to the request;
consequently, this request will not significantly contribute to the cumulative impacts of
other Comprehensive Plan amendments.
This proposal meets the County -wide Planning Policies and intent of the Growth
Management Act because it will allow for better compatibility and consistency with
adjacent properties, directs infill within the city limits, and it fulfills a public need for
transition areas to connect regional commercial districts without causing negative
impacts on the residential neighborhoods.
1. The amendment is minor in nature.
2. No adverse impacts have been identified by this amendment request.
3. No written comments or testimony were received in opposition to the proposed
4. The property is currently served by all necessary public utilities need for future
industrial development.
2014 Yakima Planning Commission 6
Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Findings and Recommendations
5. Approval of this request will not affect the cumulative impacts of other
Comprehensive Plan applications.
6. Fulfills the need for infill development, and the connectivity of regional
commercial districts.
Based upon the analysis, findings and conclusions outlined above, it was moved and
seconded that the Yakima Planning Commission recommend APPROVAL of the
amendment request from High Density Residential to General Commercial and the
rezone request from Multi -Family Residential (R-3) to General Commercial (GC). The
motion carried by a 6/0 vote.
TXT# 003-14
APPLICANT: Restoration Church/ Kevin Deyette
PROPOSAL: Proposed text amendment for the addition of
Community Gardens as a new use in the Yakima
Municipal Code (YMC) Title 15, Urban Area Zoning
Based upon a view of the site, the information contained in the application, staff report,
exhibits, testimony and other evidence presented at an open record public hearing held
on October 8, 2014; and a review of the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan and
the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance; the Planning Commission makes the
The applicant requests to add "Community Gardens" to the Yakima Municipal Code,
Title 15 Urban Area Zoning Ordinance. Specifically, adding provisions for Community
Gardens in YMC § 15.02 Definitions, YMC § 15.04 Permitted Land Uses—Table 4-1,
and located in the following zoning districts: SR, R-1, R-2, R-3, B-1, B-2, SCC, CBD,
GC, RD, and M-1.
The requested change is consistent with the Yakima Urban Area Comprehensive Plan
by meeting many of the goals, objectives and policies of the Plan set forth in the
General Development, Public Services, Land Use, Transportation, and Utilities
Elements of the Comprehensive Plan.
This is a relatively minor request and does not appear to present any adverse
consequences for adjacent jurisdictions or service providers. There are no regionally
significant issues known related to the request; consequently, this request will not
2014 Yakima Planning Commission 7
Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Findings and Recommendations
significantly contribute to the cumulative impacts of other Comprehensive Plan
amendments, and/or zoning amendments.
This proposal meets the County -wide Planning Policies and intent of the Growth
Management Act because it will be beneficial to the community, by providing green
space to office complexes, and high density residential areas, and access to healthy
food options within walking distance.
a) The text amendment is minor in nature.
b) No adverse impacts have been identified by the approval of the amendment
c) The requested text amendment to the City of Yakima's Urban Area Zoning
Ordinance is supported by the City of Yakima's Urban Area Comprehensive
Plan 2025.
d) The amendment to Table 4-1, Permitted Land Uses will add Community
Gardens, and sub types as land use categories.
e) The amendment to Table 4-1 is envisioned to provide the following:
o An important community resource throughout the City of Yakima,
which will improve access to healthy food, enhance food literacy, build
social connections, and offer recreation, education and economic
development opportunities.
o Community Gardens are intended for personal, community, and
noncommercial use. Commercial activities potentially add layers of
oversight, liability, and regulations that are outside of the scope of the
intended use.
o Community Gardens can be beneficial to high density urban
neighborhoods where there is a lack of green space, or personal
garden space, and provides access to healthy food options within
walking distance.
Based upon the analysis, findings and conclusions outlined above, it was moved and
seconded that the Yakima Planning Commission recommend APPROVAL of the text
amendment request for the addition of Community Gardens as a new use in the Yakima
Municipal Code (YMC) Title 15, Urban Area Zoning Ordinance. The motion carried by a
6/0 vote.
Having made the above Findings of Fact and Conclusions, the Planning Commission
hereby renders its
The Planning Commission of the City of Yakima, having received and considered all
evidence and testimony presented at public hearing, and having received and reviewed
2014 Yakima Planning Commission 8
Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Findings and Recommendations
the record herein, hereby recommends that the City Council of the City of Yakima
APPROVE the three Comprehensive Plan Amendments and concurrent rezones and
the one text amendment application.
RECOMMENDED this 22nd day of October, 2014.
Dave Fonfara, Chairman
Yakima Planning Commission
2014 Yakima Planning Commission 9
Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Findings and Recommendations
Yakima Municipal Code
Chapter 15.08 SIGNS
Chapter 15.08
15.08.010 Propose.
15.08.020 Definitions.
15.08.030 Development permit required.
15.08.040 Exempt signs.
15.08.050 Prohibited signs.
15.08.055 Sign maintenance.
15.08.060 Sign standards.
15.08.070 General provisions.
15.08.080 Projection over right-of-way.
15.08.090 Roof signs.
15.08.100 Wall signs.
15.08.1 10 Temporary signs.
15.08.120 Directional signs.
15.08.130 Off -premises signs and billboards.
15.08.140 Multiple -building complexes and multiple -tenant buildings.
15.08.150 Freeway signs.
15.08.160 Legal nonconforming signs.
15.08.170 Administrative adjustment of sign standards allowed.
15.08.180 Variances.
15.08.190 Violations.
Page 1115
15.08.010 Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to accommodate and promote sign placement consistent with the character and intent
of the zoning district; proper sign maintenance; elimination of visual clutter; and creative and innovative sign
design. To accomplish this purpose, the posting, displaying, erecting, use, and maintenance of signs within the urban
area shall occur in accordance with this chapter. (Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008: Ord. 2947 § 1 (part), 1986).
15.08.020 Definitions.
For the purpose of this chapter, certain abbreviations, terms, phrases, words and derivatives shall be construed as
specified herein.
"Abandoned sign" means any sign located on property that is vacant and unoccupied for a period of six months or
more, or any sign which pertains to any occupant, business or event unrelated to the present occupant or use.
"Banner" means any sign of lightweight fabric or similar material that is mounted to a pole or building at one or
more edges. National flags, state and local flags or any official flag at an institution or business will not be
considered banners.
"Canopy sign" means any sign that is part of or attached to an awning, canopy or other fabric, plastic or structural
protective cover over a door, entrance, window or outdoor service area.
"Changing message center sign" means an electronically controlled sign where different automatic changing
messages are shown on the lamp bank. This definition includes time and temperature displays.
"Construction sign" means any sign used to identify the architects, engineers, contractors or other individuals or
firms involved with the construction of a building and to show the design of the building or the purpose for which
the building is intended.
Directional Sign See "off -premises directional sign' and "on -premises directional sign "
The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordnance 2014-017, passed August 19, 2014.
Yakima Municipal Code Page 2/15
Chapter 15.08 SIGNS
"Electrical sign" means a sign or sign structure in which electrical wiring, connections, and/or fixtures are used as
part of the sign proper.
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"Flashing sign" means an electric sign or a portion thereof (except changing message centers) which changes light
intensity in a sudden transitory burst, or which switches on and offin a constant pattern in which more than one-
third of the non constant light source is off at any one time.
"Freestanding sign" means any sign supported by one or more uprights, poles or braces in or upon the ground
"Freeway sign" means a freestanding sign designed and placed to attract the attention of freeway traffic
"Grand opening sign" means temporary signs, posters, banners, strings of lights, clusters of flags, balloons and
searchlights used to announce the opening of a completely new enterprise or the opening of an enterprise under new
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"Multiple -building complex” is a group of structures housing two or more retail, offices, or commercial uses sharing
the same lot, access and/or parking facilities, ora coordinated site plan. For purposes of this section, each multiple -
building complex shall be considered a single use.
"Multiple -tenant building” is a single structure housing two or more retail, office, or commercial uses sharing the
same lot, access and/or parking facilities, or a coordinated site plan. For purposes ofthis section, each multiple -
building complex shall be considered a single use. (See YMC 15.08.140.)
"Off -premises directional sign" means an off -premises sign with directions to a particular business.
"Off -premises sign” means a sign advertising or promoting merchandise, service, goods, or entertainment sold,
produced, manufactured or famished at a place other than on the property where the sign is located.
"On -premises directional sign" means a sign directing pedestrian or vehicular traffic to parking, entrances, exits,
service areas, or other on-site locations.
"On -premises sign" means a sign incidental to a lawful use of the premises on which it is located, advertising the
business transacted, services rendered, goods sold or products produced on the premises or the name of the business
or name of the person, firm or corporation occupying the premises.
"Political sign" means a sign advertising a candidate or candidates for public elective offices, or a political party, or
a sign urging a particular vote on a public issue decided by ballot.
"Portable sign" means a temporary sign made of wood, metal, plastic, or other durable material that is not attached
to the ground or a structure. This definition includes sandwich boards, and portable readerboards (also see
"temporary sign") if placed on private property. Signs placed on public or street right-of-way, including public
sidewalks, require review under YMC 8.20.055.
The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2014-017, passed August 19, 2014.
"Projecting sign" means a sign, other than a wall sign, that is attached to and projects from a structure or building
"Real estate sign" means any sign pertaining to the sale, lease or rental of land or buildings
"Roof sign" means any sign erected or constructed as an integral or essentially mtegffllpart of normal roof
structure ofany design, VJk-W AWJIN 004 01 lkvja:L, of v"hi[dk j" ,mmh,d hw, ale w�,u hm, ho e% hevh �I
on "Ouch t,, Mwn,:,i3O Wildiny. SecYMC 15.08.090.
"Sign" means any medium, including its structural component parts, used or intended to attract attention to the
subject matter that identifies, advertises, and/or promotes an activity, product, service, place, business, or any other
"Sign area" means that area contained within a single continuous perimeter enclosing the entire sign cabinet, but
excluding any support or framing structure that does not convey a message.
"Sign cabinet" means the module or background containing the advertising message but excluding sign supports,
architectural framing, or other decorative features which contain no written or advertising copy.
"Sign height" means the vertical distance measured from the grade below the sign or upper surface of the nearest
street curb, whichever permits the greatest height, to the highest point of the sign.
"Sign setback" means the horizontal distance from the property line to the nearest edge of the sign cabinet,
"Street frontage" means the length in feet of a property line(s) or lot fine(s) bordering a public street, For comer lots,
each street -side property line shall be a separate street frontage. The frontage for a single use or development on two
or more lots shall be the sum of the individual lot frontages.
The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2014-017, passed August 19, 2014.
Yakima Municipal Code
Chapter 15.08 SIGNS
i s"PNi i�.
Figure 8-2
Page 4/15
"Temporary sign" means any sign, banner, pennant, valance, or advertising display constructed of cloth, paper,
canvas, cardboard, or other light nondurable materials and portable signs as defined in this section. Types of
displays included in this category are: grand opening, special sales, special event, and garage sale signs.
"Use identification sign" means a sign used to identify and/or contain information pertaining to a school, church,
residential development, or a legal business other than a home occupation in a residential district.
"Wall sign" means any on -premises sign attached to or painted directly on, or erected against and parallel to, the
wall of a building. See YMC 15.08.100.
"Window sign" means any sign, pictures, symbol or combination thereof, designed to communicate information
about an activity, business, commodity, event, sale or service placed inside a window or upon the window panes or
glass and visible from the exterior ofthe window. ll, uia9waia I,„wuv, ,NIH n,;i q_sr wrpd Ikuonla�gd,pnu ahr tti qurl�alitur, o ,9 Nv,, 40[11,
uwwatGl w ar.d k,c
t iwwrN �1mH n,4 r
�wu e nwuuuwyl, ,•, v , H or ka;ut9�pwtww,rewy_ a11a wawa .aw. g' , (,
U q7 flu r�,rwiiwu6p vd ew atlU«rro m N wz.`-VItgLa.,.
d ,sal, # ti¢4 ,k,, 1 W, ",V klgt <<< „ta,wu;ge�a o h0l } sp r ri- "0 �kru „� war aai 01ai �w olwiN� a;,gwww w irn° gt,ag h�.rAe:udN� Gl Formatted: Highlight
(Ord. 2010-34 § 4, 2010: Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008: Ord. 93-81 § 32, 1993: Ord. 3106 § 16, 1988: Ord. 2947 § 1
(part), 1986).
15.08.030 Development permit required.
No sign governed by this title shall be erected, structurally altered or relocated after the adoption without first
receiving a development permit from the building official.
1. For New Uses. All on -premises signs meeting the standards of this chapter are considered Class (1) uses
requiring Type (1) review. On -premises signs not meeting the standards shall follow the procedures of YMC
15.08.170, and are otherwise not permitted. Off -premises signs and billboards are permitted as identified in
YMC 15.08.130.
2. For Changes or Replacement of an Existing Sign. Structural changes to, or replacement of, an existing sign
requires Type (1) review and approval by the building official. (Ord. 2011-12 § 3, 2011: Ord. 2008-46 § 1
(part), 2008: Ord. 3019 § 33, 1987: Ord. 2947 § l (pail), 1986).
15.08.040 V,vuwwutat "wwwwr•wIvdsigns.
N, ,i duT,dflu- k Poo, nilvphgfmc l„ s wb.,u�ng°u gl4t 8uu°iatik�,wli l"ia+r re, �cror, a Veli til..: Ii w9 gP/uP.,wwtrr kgi,sceptwhen otherwise
prohibited, r.b,r G slur v_llp irwi�.�we�'rc9, w r re+dwofi uua i4 rl�,; riv,Yu �Kt a't k,C�u e4 wlww, tAe following signs are
I wm t&I PhH and ivv It'I'i Ik i, 4,00 rA kv+u -0w r4*14kOw oI dV [i 0110 rdw,w mt°,wrolI,10 rc awll ucw�]
, to lkva y rj"snnir+r,.phlwlrrwr /V,Md �G�� wwitt e vguude�, G�w,llltto
ikFormatted: Numbered + Level: 1 +Numbering Style: 1,
Window signs uww G iuyy,quris wianu + It
au'.quir s lis uwuwsgsd of ww .ail rn Ow u�,, Awa �wrtw lai , aua i ua 4
wmv of ]III,, iotAl r, wu dol m,—i )1 itido vP we k iH aww s hc miJoAd Iry rks ,i ,g�w , prptdstl, iirrwouiw w cul 2, 3, ... +Start at: 1 +Alignment: Left +Aligned at:
ww, wr , lry^I,wsiti. tii air Ilkro r 1 or q 01RI ° II 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5'
Point of purchase displays, such as product dispenser s; Formatted. Highlight
The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2014-017, passed August 19, 2014.
Yakima Municipal Code Page 5115
Chapter 15.08 SiGNS
¢„,,,,,,,,,,1 gravestones;
dam.. Barber poles;
I istorical site plaques;
6, _Structures intended for a separate use such as phone booths, Goodwill containers, etc.;
Official and legal notices issued by any court, public body, person or officer in performance of a public
duty or in giving any legal notice;
, Directional, warning or information signs or structures required or authorized by law;
1,a, . Official flags of the United States of America, states of the United States, counties, municipalities, official
flags of foreign nations, and flags of internationally and nationally recognized organizations;
4uPolitical signs advertising a candidate or candidates For public elective office, apolitical party, or
promoting a position on a public issue during a campaign; provided, that:
m All political signs shall be removed within fifteen days following the election, except that in cases Formatted: Numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering Style: a,
where a general election follows a primary election, those signs for candidates whose names will b, c, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at:
appear on the ballot in the general election may be displayed during the interim period and up to 0.75” + Indent at: 1.07"
fifteen days after the general election; and
No political sign shall be erected upon any private property without the permission of the resident
or owner thereof, and, in cases where there is no occupied structure on the property, no political
signs shall be placed thereon without the written consent of the owner of the property;
G R, N,Guugp t.u.ar� sivull Al'Il"u.e 1P q0 III 4�a,uK°„ tXG'u tl +u �y�_pquuaki uuigk,lr,y V Mu uara +t. ih a l 10'0 k ngp ,Irltq , A T!,Val
pu,orvk a, i i i•a^ li v 11 C `�,IP,° 1 R0.hy ,'r �'r,}1W I" �u,q rlgh�' � p; pu„
U. Canopies and awning signs;
Official public or court notices issued by a government agency or body or required or provided for under
adopted statute. (Ord. 2008-46 § 1 (pari), 2008: Ord. 2001-25 § 1, 2001: Ord. 93-81 § 33, 1993: Ord. 3019
§ 34, 1987: Ord. 2947 § 1 (part), 1986).
M5 6p"ti 0 & I've V% n111.,x,
Ilk, (¢A6,%6nv fio m Blra it r 1 h48� 1 q (11 t1kaD -u O I Ith; R >., bIH a qutd¢r^ ;i�lrii�odtl,r8
��.B.�irirqudp li rt,r ,4LIru y rrpli4 r;itrk`tluuc uYi�ti¢ t o �iP,u,.,uC,�xrtluyiq+.owoago6 ,+ t'k' it"_,, 0 di°v 1t1t1 ,Rnd 01C_,41a,,yra s al'nk, .b y1rrN,tra[k_
KV t h & 7 081,
011 lnkMI a°, ItVa° 041�di, uua oh',1,ohl k aa?jbB.,M r a.� u�wkpuru l uwce�q , w^r,. ;
® ari9•pier,iul.a,. rlluatabnl•Qol ren^
d.•^ar9.gr""a tw[ it mul wk it k, l alf2 „➢I°,w, IuO v, xk,('h ,, 81Y)I,11 1auaa igrldhNa lY'4'V m ro11'11
d, (,Vvoilr {I, ,glir„V 4¢afil °c,�rvlilrpuunuual _uF°uwgaa ur,rtoc amI14I 9yw 1,N4�) a+.yr, ,ernKrk_w yn,c°Iytlrer ugH«f64a w�aar .11«ull� kcl m
"ive,u'u :rira:ro:
'1. 1�'PYtif1"Y YYm1._„oPl, tqs �0 m1 a1 ��9a Ft” Ilu Pflv Jt AB
M4u_}6 uVli t4r b�_G ^,C[ 11.. tVt"F ik�t 64tl If. wX 4a i r4Y lit IfgakrXti Elk fBu $4M1: �1 llp t1Dd i6 tiM 1'
z kr.l*u a tu;tle,k,i a>u kt.11p fl Y;r W1iI ,rrd no Rigg n: flu,in 161111_
15.08.050 Prohibited signs.
The following signs are prohibited:
The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2014-017, passed August 19, 2014.
Formatted: Numbered
art:: 1 + Alignmenit:lLeft + Aligned a+ Numbering t: 1,
f 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"
Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1,
2, 3, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at:
0.25” + Indent at: 0.5"
Yakima Municipal Code
Chapter 15.08 SIGNS
1. Signs on any vehicle or trailer parked on public or private property and visible from a public right-of•way
for the purpose of circumventing; the provisions of this chapter. This provision shall not prohibit signs painted
on or magnetically attached to any vehicle operating in the normal course of business;
2. Signs purporting to be, imitating, or resembling an official traffic signor signal; could cause confusion
with any official sign, or which obstruct the visibility of any traffic/street sign or signal;
3. Signs attached to utility, streetlight and traffic -control standard poles;
4. Swinging projecting signs;
5. Signs in a dilapidated (i.e., having peeling paint, major cracks or holes, and/or loose or dangling materials)
or hazardous condition;
6. Abandoned signs;
7. Signs on doors, windows Or lire escapes that restrict free ingress or egress; and
8. Any other sign not meeting the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 2008-46 § I (part), 2008: Ord. 93-81 § 34,
1993: Ord. 2947 § I (part), 1986).
l5A8.055 Slgn maintenance.
A. General Requirements, Signs shall be maintained in good order and repair at all times so that they do not
constitute any danger or hazard to public safety, and are free of peeling paint, major cracks, and loose and dangling
materials. Signs that are not maintained in this manner shall be considered prohibited signs.
B. Nonconfirrining Sign Maintenance and Repair, Nothing in this title shall relieve the owner or user of's legal
nonconforming sign, or the owner off the property on which the nonconfornring sign is located, fi-oni the provisions
of this section regarding safety, maintenance, repair, and/or removal of signs. (See YMC 15.08.160.) (Ord. 2008-46
§ I (pail), 2008: Ord. 93-81 § 35, 1993),
M08.060 Sign standards.
The provisions ofthis chapter and the requirements in Table 8-1, "Type and Number of Signs Permitted," Table 8-2,
"Maximum Sign Area," and Table 8-3, "Sign Haight and Setbacks," are established for all signs in the zoning
districts indicated, All pennitted signs are subject to the review procedures ofthis title and the standards of this
section. Signs for Class (1), (2) and (3) uses shall be subject to the same procedural and review requirements as the
principal use.
The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2014-017, passed August 19, 2014.
Yakima Municipal Code
Chapter 15.09 SIGNS
Table 8-1. Type and Number of Signs Permitted
The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2014-017, passed August 19. 201&.
Nameplate Fe— [led as an Aecessory
Use an Avu-oed or Ewting Use
Rooffonable S. "s No[ Permiaoi
iF,eastavding' SLbdi, 'tar fl Pr
i premise, sigm meet ng the standards o€ "tis chapter ar—, considered Class U'. ores rectmring Te (h
� e els, On-preni�ses sk�;rs not meeting the standar s o"this dham— led' f:, lots' the procedures ofY.11,c
er� -t
-8 1 0, ane arsp 00 �se, not Derm ted
Net permittecz
See YMC .5-08-' 911
Oftlrenis-s S`ans
Not Perm -'ed Class rlass 1"2" Use las, (I" Use
Q Usepermitted
0 --rem zse, Signs
Nameplate Per D-,velhn,
Per S reef Rootage
Per S tree. ftomage
�Pra]e<.tagot Permitted
-h Rooffotab:e
"N211: —MC 15 08 -e;R—,fY,,1C s 08 090 YMC 15 OR IS
Free, ay
a): See YMC :5 08 R,
01—F P-enises sigos
D. .,-cdonal: See V':1.,fC i 08 20'B)
The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2014-017, passed August 19. 201&.
Yakima Munt. Da: Code
Chapter .5M SA C -NS
SIGN TYPE SR I R-11 � -2 1 -3 E SCC Lcc i CBD GC AS RD M-1 M-2
erm -tEen I Sign Per Pa ncel (Also See YMC I __08
l, YNC l5o8 - 40 as ftes—ding sign pmisions for mah.Ic-building comp exec
Na.,c-lates and suber, isi,_ identification signs perrnftedin Elie rQsidemial districts may be.vbtced on a vafl—See Table 8-2 .
Table 8-2. Maximum Sign Area
0 .4 Augus -4�
ie Yaki-37na Nfo.icipat Cone ' c=ent ffisou od-mance 20 & -0 possed t 19 , 2 0
Freestanding and Projecting Signs
and 3
SR. R- R—
.nr up -4
Nam. -plates €.p to 2 so. ft, and suisclMsiowp- eject ideraifi�alo 'sqft-
HB and BA
rt of sign alea p--
40 sq, ft
i 5cc
Frontage is sq- ft, of sig, area Fc -.u-
less tan 400
1 Man- 't, offtonta. up, to
a lineal f of irentagc up
.00 sq. ft
10 act. ft
FTontage is
sq ft, 01'sign a�z ea pc�.
'-112sq-ft ofsigan atea per
more than
4,10 - 1 on g
hacal ft. offfnmage UP to
�O sa 11
'ineal ft offrontae up to
S _0
0- WA.
200 sq, ft-
. area per
-sq ft ofs'�..
-0 SQ`- OT
e030 -AR 0
F-onta'e;s sqft ofsian area Der
ass than 400
ft. ont;
1' n e a: "'T offrontage -in to
110 sq f-
l p
Caft, of uto
20c ac ft,
age f
t sq- ft of sign area per
sq ft Of5i g, are, per 1
mole 'haft
'Jineed fi. ofontauc
200 sq ft-
weal `t- offi-ontage up to
25C sq, ft
ft olitoma.-_--0 sq,
q fit of sign area p� idea
0 .4 Augus -4�
ie Yaki-37na Nfo.icipat Cone ' c=ent ffisou od-mance 20 & -0 possed t 19 , 2 0
Yakii-ma Murtic I ipa'C
chante.- [108 slcj S
Pages 1;
Table 8-3. Sign Height and Setbacks
Frees,wxi.Pu Sct 3 f"
"T tLss 1-m
The Yakima Mutnicipal Code is ct ent throaglr Ordinance ;014-0i7; passed Au_ust 19. 2014.
Freestanding and Projecting Signs
ofs. per
ZQ. fl, -aver
fess than 4,
_,szzt at frontage .0
linea- offro-rape e '3
50 ft
1_00 sq- ft
1 1 Sq ft ofsign are Pe-
2 SQ sig., aTea per
'mor ffiav
finea. ft- offterage up to ti
400 11, Ion.-
200 sq
mo -_k" is
I sq ft ofs"M, area per
.-I ofti9 a,eapo-
m o an
i Ii iez I R, of i,owag e Lp
'meal ft- of Frorlage LP Co
IL iong
�O �S ft
200 sq, It
F-onia-ae is
1 sq, ft of sign area per
1-11) so ft ofsigr area Der
,,cre flan
i lineal ft of ftoorage uP to
]z R. of ft t a a e . Is
4000 ft. to.
200 sq- ft -
A sq, ft of Sign area peT
_q I ofsign area per
oss ..i r AOO
lineal ftofft-tage up W
hneal ft offrortau op m
ft na
20.0. sq, ft
Froruage is
sq- ft of P- aro ea per
ft o f si-. area per
more man
fiPea. 11L oftont av� up to
ft offron mov to
AOO ft to ng
200 sq-
1-50 sq, Y.
sq ft ofS_9v area PX
2 sq ft ofsign area per
l ioul q of Fomage p,
-C o-on'a,e to
50 so, ft
A ;
Table 8-3. Sign Height and Setbacks
Frees,wxi.Pu Sct 3 f"
"T tLss 1-m
The Yakima Mutnicipal Code is ct ent throaglr Ordinance ;014-0i7; passed Au_ust 19. 2014.
Yakima Flat. .pal Cade
Chapter 15,08 SIGHTS
Ease tGIY
S=GN' S; ANDARDS = SR ---� R -I R-2 R-3 _ B -I B-2 SCC _LCC CBD GC S _ M-1 M-2
se 0 a `5 . 2:s =. 95 11. 140 f' 30 d. �40 _.
,.- ,_v,efie... - j-
et I
-W; g ----. ]ti^ rL ?tted` See Ymc 08 080 ---_
=nl a o: B=ali tobicb aucbed
Minimum 'ra t yard seftcra Edge of :ngbt-ef wa4
Mhnl ; em side yarn setbad:-s Required setbackwizar?,` for each Zoning direct "'able 5-1)
Y�7v1C 1�.�$.:4�has sgec�at fr�,saedis< sicr; �ro;siars far uuiti>le�building caug;lexes aad ualt;Ni�tcu��rl b�itdi�:ga"
2 Namepluet and subdi.;sion identificatiaa s gea, ve= :tiaed is the residential districts uaw ice. _.lacca on a wall. (See ."able 8-1) �
9s-81 § 36. 1"99 t Com. s. s 6 _ _948. - vu 9 § 3Y. 198-- ,ar,-. �F4' § -A (ar.). i98di.
.he Yakima Municipal Codle is c=em drrouggh Ordinance 2014-01 "7, passed August 19. 2014.
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Chapter 15,08 SIGNS
15,081,070 General provisions.
All signs shall comply with the following provisions:
A. Construction shall satisfy the requirements of the building code;
B. Except for exempt signs, all signs shall be permanently attached to a building or the ground;
C. Signs attached to a building shall not exceed the height of the building, except under the provisions of YMC
15.08.080(1) and 15.08.090;
U. All signs shall comply with the setback requirements in Table 8-3, except when the side or scar yard is a street
frontage, then the front setback shall apply;
E Lighting directed on or internal to any sign shall be shaded, screened, or directed so that the light's intensity or
brightness shall not adversely affect neighboring property or motor vehicle safety;
F. All signs together with their supports, braces, and guys shall be maintained in a safe and secure manner;
G. The ratio of the area of the sign support, fi nt ing stricture, and/or other decorative features which contain no
written or advertising copy to the sign cabinet shall not be greater than I :1;
H. A clearview triangle shall be maintained at all driveways and curb cuts for vision safety purposes. (See YMC:
1. No freestanding signs shall be placed in the clear view triangle established in YMC 15.05.040; and
J. Any exterior lighting must be shielded and directed away from adjoining streets or residential uses. (Ord. 2011-
12 § 4 (part), 2011: Ord. 2008-46 § I (part), 2008: Ord. 93-81 § 37, 1993: Ord. 3106 § 18, 1988: Ord. 2947 § 1
(part), 1986).
15A8.080 Projection over right -of -away.
Projecting and freestanding signs shall comply with the following provisions:
1. No more than one-third of the height of any projecting sign shall exceed the height of the building to which
it is attached.
2. All signs projecting over the public right-of-way shall conform to the following standards:
Clearance Above Grade Maximum Protection
Less than 8 feet Not pernflued
8 feet to 9 feel I foot
9 feet to 10 feet 2 feet
Over 10 feet 2/3 the distance from
building to curb line or a
maxiinum or 10 fent
No sign shall project within two feet of the curb line. (Ord. 2008-46 § I (part), 2008: Ord. 3019 § 36, 1987: Ord.
2947 § I (part), 1986).
15,08,090 hoof signs,
All roof signs shall comply with the following provisions:
� ,Ytr,iul. ,j};drw. �.kt rlN lroa w'arup� arta tarn%,pe�r� ws 010° at;lh�l ,rg of 9raughljrrt,�,,
The Yakima Municipal Code is current fhrough Ordinance 2014-017, passed August 19, 2014.
Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1,
2, 3, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at:
0.25' + Indent at: 0.5"
Yakima Municipal Code
Chapter 15,08 SIGNS
Page 12/15
Roof signs shall be ee.�yrn:t, d LeLk' a6" mot ra�iri =o lugs q r rsur,L lsiiihfint„ m Inv erected so as to appear
from all sides as a wall sign applied to an existing penthouse which appeals to be a part of the building
Roof signs must not exceed the maximum allowable height of the building within the district in which it is
All roof signs shall be installed or erected in such a manner that there is no visible support structure. (Ord.
2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008: Ord. 2947 § 1 (part), 1986).
15.08.100 Wall signs.
All wall signs shall conform to the following provisions:
Wall signs may be painted upon, attached flat to, or pinned away from the wall, but shall not project more
than twelve inches from the wall.
The number of wall signs is not regulated; provided, the total area of the wall sign(s) may not exceed the
area of the wall to which attached.
Wall signs shall not extend above the height of the wall to which attached.
N ,i tr�ruu wuruu„¢ a,a�!_�rsrr+ hrueYi
rR stj k"4 Go slr, Ia! x.i 4hiiaud a0 ,qa vm,unv b urtakw w or d Owcttirc
01 t't, Cm r I'lgr 4"m4 a ]ninl� of oliv fry vdiuw h it k , sa N d ti ulll I: na �u s
,pdrY :urrB rsorl,.. htr in'w4cd ihvjsth 04 luoG f'm 5Ilhd.,i urd, of [hc G, ru (wuuuti ,r u�rms e,r)aet uulsga rb
ut{rr srBtrrdu ,brat&(&soil rrruit 0Pol
"p9,rwygouar•�l'e{ lui,s_o- tl a±a ,r^oro"ice
tr�u;g<<q,,yUpuia Ou,�ro,p,.ta°r,, dawpus, �9A:flil,q,9iwsiuirri,q;ysirhra rJN,mL'cdvg_
�glsrrri9 .,�i,lta vu. IGr11n tatir°k-"n'Lkvcr�Bftvr°
¢a°,ru;u nrs a �l ro ..� ., rid,f"+
flu,.-,o,ti64cv'4o'Miv resod Irr;t3t,Frau'Alr:Ial�irttiiutl�lylaw.uruiiofryu�riil;;
aqu i19,,c u,uu ro ulrnaurr/s-04 ttV:u'g_s.ai-+ losxlt?ar• I+nat �EaBg°,,spi.4 r �rf>tirv1rU; +r2 �yiu4�xw a uuu.� ttsac ^�y s'p
ero',Ip60 usacafM;�(Ord.2008-46§ 1 (pari), 2008: Ord. 93-81 §38,
1993: Ord. 2947 § 1 (pail), 1986).
15.08.110 Temporary signs.
All temporary signs shall conform to the following:
1. No temporary sign shall be displayed for more than thirty days at any one time nor more than ninety days
during a calendar year.
2. Only one temporary sign on each street fi*ontage per parcel or lot is permittei.l,,
3. No temporary sign shall be placed in a required parking space, driveway, or clearview triangle.
4. No temporary sign may be placed in the public right-of-way or an easement unless specifically permitted
by the city/county.
5. Temporary signs placed on the ground shall be separated from parking and driveway areas by a curb or
other barrier.
6. No temporary sign shall be displayed more than fifteen days after the event for which it is intended. (Ord.
2008-46 § 1 (part), 2008: Ord. 2001-25 § 2, 2001: Ord. 93-81 § 39, 1993: Ord. 2947 § 1 (part), 1986).
The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2014-017, passed August 19, 2014.
Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1
2, 3, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at:
0.25' + Indent at: 0.5”
Formatted: Numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering Style: a,
b, c, ... + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at:
0.75" + Indent at: 1"
PFormatted: Font: Not Bold
I Formatted: Font color: Auto 1
Yakima Municipal Code
Chapter 15.08 SIGNS
15.08.120 Directional signs,
A. On -Premises Directional Signs. On-prernises directional signs readable from the public right-of-way may be
permitted in accordance with Table 8-l. On-piemises directional signs may contain boll) directions and the business
name or logo, provided the business name or logo shall not exceed fifty percent of the sign area. All on -premises
directional signs shall meet the general provisions of this section, and shall not exceed ten square feet per sign face.
B. Off Premises D recimnal Signs. Off -premises directional signs are permitted where indicated in YMC
15.08.130(B); provided, that:
1. Each use located in a district where off -premises directional signs are allowed is permitted one off -
premises directional sign;
2. The off -premises sign contains only directional information and does not exceed thirty-two square feet in
area nor lwenty-five feet in height;
3. The off premises signs are permanently installed on private property;
4. Only one off -premises sign is permitted on a parcel. (Ord. 2008-46 § I (parl), 2008: Ord. 2947 § 1 (part),
15.08,130 Off -premises signs and billboards.
A. Billboards are:
1. Class (1) uses in the M-1 and M-2 districts; and
2. Class (2) uses in the CBD, GC, and RD districts.
B. Billboards may be permitted in these districts after the required level of review, provided they meet the
provisions of this chapter and all of the following criteria:
I . The maximum sign area does not exceed three hunched square feel per sign face;
2. There is no more than one product displayed per sign face;
3. There are no side-by-side panels;
4. Required front yard setbacks are met;
5. Billboards between a one -hundred -fifty and three -hundred -foot radius of a residential district shall be
restricted to one hundred sixty square feet per sign face and may not be lighted;
6. No billboard shall be located within one hundred fifty feet of a residential district;
7. 'The billboard is not within five hundred lineal feet of another billboard having the same street frontage;
8. Billboard height standards shall not exceed that permitted for freestanding signs as provided in Table 8-3;
9. The total number of combined freestanding signs, off -premises signs and billboards does not exceed the
number of freestanding signs allowed for the property.
C. Off -premises signs are:
1. Class (1) uses in the M-1 and M-2 districts;
2. Class (2) uses in the B-2, CBD, GC, and RD districts.
Off -premises signs may be permitted in these districts after the required level of review, provided they meet the
provisions of this chapter and the specific standards for the district in which they are located. (Ord. 2008-46 § 1
(part), 2008: Ord. 93-81 § 40, 1993: Ord. 2947 § I (part), 1986).
The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2014-017, passed August 19, 2014.
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Chapter 15.08 SIGNS
15.08.140 Multiple -building complexes and multiple -tenant buildings.
A. Purpose. The following provisions shall apply to multiple -building complexes and multiple -tenant buildings in
the SCC, LCC, GC, and RD districts.
B. Number ofFreestanding Signs. Each multiple -building complex shall be allowed one freestanding sign on each
street frontage in accordance with Table 8-2. When the street frontage is longer than four hundred feet:
1. One additional freestanding sign shall be permitted for each additional four hundred feet of street frontage
or' pail thereof-, or
2. A single, larger freestanding sign can be erected in accordance with Table 8-2.
If option 1, as set forth in subsection (B)(1) of this section, is selected, no fteestanding sign shall be placed closer
than two hundred feet to any other freestanding sign or exceed the standards in Table 8-2. "['hese provisions shall
also apply to each multiple -tenant building, unless it is a pail of multiple -building complex.
The allowable fteestanding sign(s) may be used to advertise one or more of the uses in the multiple -building
complex or multiple -tenant building. (Ord. 2008-46 § I (part), 2008: Ord. 2947 § I (pail), 1986).
15.08.150 Freeway signs.
A. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to permit hotels/motels, restaurants, service stations and fruit stands near
the freeway a larger on -premises sign to inform fi-ceway travelers oftheirservice.
B. Location. A freeway sign may be used to substitute an allowable fi-eeslanding sign where there is more than one
street frontage, when the use:
1, Has frontage on Nob Hill Blvd., Yakima Avenue, Terrace Heights Drive, North Ist Street, North 16th
Avenue, or North 40th Avenue and all or a portion of the lot is within one thousand feet of freeway
interchange; or
2. Is within two hundred fifty feet of the freeway right-of-way.
C. Number ofFreeway Signs. Only one freeway sign is permitted on each parcel, multiple -building complex or for
each development, whichever is more restrictive.
D. Uses with Only One Frontage. Uses within the area described in subsection B of this section with only one
street frontage may install a freeway sign in addition to the permitted freestanding sign.
E. Sign Height. The maximum height for fi-eeway signs is shown in Table 8-3. (Ord. 2008-46 § I (part), 2008:
Ord. 93-81 § 41, 1993: Ord. 2947 § I (pail), 1986).
15,08,160 Legal nonconforming signs.
Any sign lawfully existing under all codes and ordinances in effect at the time this title is enacted or amended may
continue to be maintained and operated as a legal nonconforming sign so long as it remains otherwise lawful;
provided, that:
A No sign shall be changed in any manner that increases its noncompliance with the provisions of this title; and
B. If the sign is structurally altered or moved, its legal nonconforming status shall be voided, and the sign will be
required to conform to the provisions of this title. Nothing in this section shall be construed to restrict not -mat
structural repair and maintenance; and
C. The sign is not a hazardous or abandoned sign. (Ord, 2008-46 § I (pail), 2008: Ord. 2947 § I (pail), 1986).
15.08.170 Administrative adjustment ol'sign standards allowed.
A. Comprehensive Design Plan. A comprehensive design plan is required whenever adjustment of one or more of
the sign design standards of this chapter is proposed or when required as part of detailed sign plan. The
comprehensive design plan shall include a narrative and site plan, including but not limited to the following:
The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2014-017, passed August 19, 2014,
Yakima Municipal Code
Chapter 15,08 SIGNS
1. Site plan which includes the physical components of the sign including sign size, height, shape, color,
location and associated landscaping;
2. A description ofhow the sign relates to the immediate surroundings, including existing and proposed
structures, other signs, neighboring land uses and the character ofthe zoning district;
3, An explanation of why the existing sign standards are not adequate and require adjustment; and
4, For multiple -tenant buildings and multiple building complexes, a description of how the available sign area
will be allocated between tenants or leasable spaces.
B. Review Procedures, The administrative official shall review the comprehensive design plan in accordance with
the provisions of YMC Chapter 15.10 and may either approve or disapprove the plan. The administrative official
shall approve the comprehensive design plan andA)r adjustments in the standards of this chapter when he finds that
such approval would be consistent with the character ofthe zoning district, compatible with neighboring land uses,
and create visual harmony between the sign, structure, and the site where it is located. The administrative official
may also attach conditions to this approval in order to accomplish the objectives of this section and YMC M 1 U30,
(Ord. 2011-12 § 5, 2011: Ord. 2008-46 § I (pail), 2008: Ord. 93-81 § 42, 1993; Ont 3019 § 27, 1987; Ord. 2947 § I
(pail), 1986).
M08J80 Variance&
Except as allowed by YMC 15.08.170, no reduction ofthe standards in this chapter is allowed except pursuant to
YMC Chapter 15.21. (Ord. 2008-46 § I (part), 2008: Ord. 2947 § I (part), 1986).
M08.190 ViWadons.
Failure to cornply with the provisions of this chapter is a violation and punishable under YMC Chapter 15,25, (Ord,
2008-46 § I (part), 2009: Ord. 2947 § I (part), 1986).
The Yakima Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 2014-017, passed August 19, 2014,
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Community Development
Temporary Signs
Page I of 4
of temporary signs allowed in the City of Lacey are: real estate (for sale or for rent), open house, construction, grand opening,
political, garage sale, banners, seasonal sales, sandwich board signs and special events. They can be a helpful and cost effiective
method to publicize special or short-term needs. They are regulated to minimize the visual clutter which could result front a
proliferation of signs.
*ownload Temporary Sign Permit Application 'MW
Temporary Signs Requiring a Permit
• May not be used for permanent signage
• Must be made of durable materials and shall be well maintained
• Limited to two 30 -day placements per calendar year
• May only be placed on building walls, tacked down on all four comers, and limited
• 10% of w:z I I area I
Sandwich Board Signs
• For businesses that cater to pedestrians
• Shall be pedestrian oriented in nature
• Businesses are only permitted one sign
• Maximum sign area of 6 square feet, no wider than 2 feet
• Must be made of durable materials and shall be well maintained
• Signs may only be displayed during business hours, provisions shall be made to keep a sign in a well [it area after dark
• Signs may be located no further than 12 feet from the entrance to the business
• Signs must maintain 5 feet clearance on the sidewalk, not obstruct entrances, stairs, handicap ramps or be located within
the vision triangle
• Businesses must comply with Section 16.75.11 0.A.8.a of the Lacey Municipal Code
Construction Signs
• Maybe displayed only after receipt of a building permit and during construction
• One sign permitted per site per public street where the project fronts
Residential Zones
• Maximum size: 32 square feet
• Maximum height: 10 feet
• At least 10 feet from the property line and 10 feet from adjacent property line
L 04WARM-Nom
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t At least 10 feet from the properly line and 30 feet from adjacent property line
Grand Opening Signs / Displays
* Permitted for a maximum of seven days
* Only for the openin , of a completely new enterprise or a business under new mana ement
* All materials shall be rernoved immediately after the grand opening
* Grand opening temporary signs include: posters, banners, strings of pennants. balloons, searchlights, etc.
College Street Banner
Pave 2 of 4
An application must be made with the Lacey City Manager's Office, (360) 491-3214. Space is sul�lect to scheduling.
There is a $25.00 fee for hanging the banner.
The banner is hung by Ciq� staff on Cit% -owned poles located on C � I XhiW%1TWMqQ Ew"ZOMNMi
Square Loop.
This is only available for non-profit organizations or for governmental use.
Special Events Signs
• A special event is defined as a circus, carnival, festival or other similar event
• Placed only on private property
• Maximum size: 4 square feet
• May be displayed 30 days prior to the event and must be removed within 7 days of the conclusion of the event
Temporary Signs—No Permit Required
• Developed Residential Properties
• For sale signs must be located on the property being sold (no off-site directional signs)
• One "For Sale" sign is allowed per parcel
• Maximum size: 5 square feet
• Maximum height: 7 feet
• One "Open House" sign allowed on property for sale
• Up to 3 open house signs directing toward the house. If more than one house within a subdivision, a maximum of 4 signs
per subdivision is allowed.
• Open house signs must be placed within one mile of the open house
• Open house signs may only be displayed during daylight hours, while an agent is on the site and must state "open house"
on the sign
Undeveloped Residential Properties
• There may be one sign used along the street frontage of the development to advertise buildable lots
• Maximum size: 32 square feet
• Maximum height: 7 feet
• Sign must be located at least 30 feet from property line
• The sign must be removed once all lots are developed
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• Subdivisions may have one cluster of flagpoles (up to 5 poles) in front of the sales office
• Flagpoles must be removed after all houses have sold
Developed Commercial / Industrial
• May be one sign used along the street frontage
• Maximum size: 32 square feet
• Maximum height: 7 feet
• if the sign is free standing, it must be located more than 15 feet from the property line or public right-of-way
• If one wall of the building is less than 10 feet from the building line, then the sign must be placed on the building or in a
Undeveloped Commercial / Industrial
• There may be one sign used along the street frontage
• Maximum size: 32 square feet
• Maximurn height; 7 feet
Temporary / Seasonal Sales
• Vendors who receive temporary business licenses are permitted one sign
• Maximum size: 20 square feet
• The sign shall be mounted to the booth or trailer used for the temporary sl
• Maximum size. 10 square feet
• Located only on private property
• For candidates who are successful in the primary, signs may remain until 7 days after the final election
• Special election signs may be displayed for 60 days prior to the election and the signs must be removed within 7 days
after the election
• Sign is limited to one sign on the premises of the sale and 3 directional signs
• Maximum size: 4 square feet
• The signs may only be displayed during the sale and must be removed the day of the sale
Prohibited Signs
• Roof signs
• Animated signs
• Flashing signs
• Portable signs
• Signs that imitate an official traffic sign
• Signs projecting over or located on a sidewalk or public right-of-way (except awnings or marquees in commercial zones)
• Signs attached to public owned poles like traffic sigmal/sign poles, and power or telephone poles
• Strings of banners, pennants, and other graffiti -like material
• Free-standing pole/pylon signs
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To Apply for a`re mporary Sign Permit
Fill out an application indicating the type of sign you are requesting and provide an acknowledgment of the regulations
pertaining to that type of sign. There are no fees for temporary sign applications (except for the College Street banner, which
requires an application and fee of S25.00).
Download Temporary Sign Permit Application '.
ht(p://www.ei.lacey.wa.uslcity-(,,overnmenilcity-departmentslcommunity-developmentlsig... 10/9/2014
I Vl IWLV 1'f
mrxuano Muruapal 1..006
6. Search lights, banners, dusters of flags, posters, pennants, and streamers.
7. Billboards.
8. Directional signs nonofficial in nature.
9. Signs for which a permit is required and which are erected, altered, or relocated without, or in
violation of, the terms and conditions of a current and valid permit issued by the city of Richland.
10. Window signs containing material unrelated to the merchandise for sale or service performed by
the person or business on whose premises or property the sign is located.
11. Off -premises signs.
12. Portable signs.
Prohibited signs and displays are subject to removal and abatement by the city at the expense of the
persons owning or maintaining such sign or display as provided in Chapter 2Z-12 RMC.
D. Signs Projecting Over Public Right -of -Way.
1. Projecting signs extending over public right-of-way shall be erected with clearance and projection
limitations as set forth in Chapter ;; RMC (Measurements); provided, that in no case shall any
sign be permitted to extend beyond the curb line.
2. If a public need arises, any sign permitted to extend over public right-of-way shall be removed or
altered within 10 days of receiving written notice from the sign code administrator.
E. Signs Near Intersections. All signs located at street or driveway/street intersections shall be placed so
as not to constitute a safety hazard and shall be constructed to comply with the requirements of Chapter
"1111211 i RMC (Intersection Sight Distance)_ Freestanding signs located at street intersections may be
placed at the property line or building line subject to the limitations above.
F. Temporary Signs Permitted. Permissible temporary signs and their applicable limitations are as follows:
1. Construction Signs. These may be erected after a building permit has been obtained and may
remain displayed on the construction site for the duration of construction. Only one such sign (which
may be double-faced) is permitted per construction project for each public street upon which the
project fronts. Measurement limitations shall be in accordance with Table 27.10.020(D). General
construction signs shall be removed upon completion of construction. Construction signs in single-
family residential zones shall be removed by the date of first occupancy.
2. Grand Opening and Special Event Displays. Signs, posters, banners, strings of lights or flags,
balloons and search lights are permitted for a period of 30 days only to announce the opening of a
completely new enterprise or the opening of an enterprise under new management. In addition,
every business is permitted to utilize these displays for one other special event each year. Such
displays are not exempt from permit requirements and are permitted only in districts where the
enterprise so advertised is allowed under district zoning regulations.
3. Real Estate Signs. All exterior real estate signs shall be of durable material. The permitted signs
and their limits are:
Richland Municipal Code
a. Residential For Sale and Sold Signs. Limited to one sign per street frontage and in
conformance with measurements required by Table 27.10.020(D).
b. Residential Directional Open House Signs. The number of open house signs permitted, both
on -premises and off -premises, shall be a prerogative of the sign code administrator. Open
house signs are permitted only during open house hours.
c. Commercial and Industrial Property for Sale or Rent Signs. One sign per street frontage shall
be permitted while the building or part thereof is actually for sale or rent. Dimensioning shall
conform to Table 27.10.020(D).
d. Residential Land Subdivision Sale Signs. Limited to one double-faced sign placed at right
angle to the street or two signs parallel to the street dimensioned per Table 27.10.020(D). Such
signs shall be removed after 12 months or when 90 percent of the houses in the subdivision are
sold or occupied, whichever is shorter.
e. Subdivision Directional Signs. Limited to four signs and placed only by the developer or
residents of the subdivision at locations designated by the sign code administrator. The signs
shall bear only the name of the subdivision and a directional arrow. Signs shall be maintained
by the developer and removed at the end of one year or when 90 percent of the subdivision is
occupied, whichever first occurs.
f. Undeveloped Residential Property or Acreage for Sale Signs. For sale signs for undeveloped
multiple -family zoned property or for undeveloped, unsubdivided single-family acreage, which
may be legally divided into four or more single lots, shall meet the same limitations as those for
undeveloped commercial and industrial property for sale signs as set forth in subsection (F)(3)
(c) of this section.
4. Political am ai n Signs. Refer to RMC ,.... 7..k.........
a. Off -Premises Signs. Off -premises signs shall be placed only after securing the consent of the
owner or tenant of the property upon which the sign is placed. Placement locations of off -
premises signs shall be approved by the sign code administrator. Off -premises signs, when
located off the public right-of-way, shall observe setback requirements and shall be located to
conform with sight obstruction requirements of Chapter J2,d RMC. Signs identifying a group of
businesses in a defined area, such as a shopping center or mall, may be located in the public
right-of-way. Such signs shall include space for at least four businesses and the name of the
business area. No business name shall be listed more than once on a business area sign. [Ord.
27.08.020 Standards specific to zones.
A. Floodplain, Agricultural, Public Reserve, Single -Family, and Duplex Residential Zones. This subsection
shall apply to all areas zoned floodplain (FP), agricultural (AG), public reserve (PR), suburban agriculture
(SAG), and all areas zoned suburban residential (R-1) through high-density residential (R-2).
1. Residential Uses. Residential uses are permitted identification signs, indicating only the name of
the occupant and/or street address of the unit.
I U! 1ulGU 14
subject to these standards.
L. References to residential zoning districts mean the following districts: Residential 4-8, Mixed
Residential 10-18, Residential 6-12, Residential Multifamily -18, Residential -4, Mixed Residential 7-13,
Residential Multifamily -24.
(Ord. 6317 §7, 2004; Ord. 6093 §9, 2001; Ord. 5714 §27, 1997; Ord. 5517 §1, 1995).
48.42.160 General Standards for Temporary Signs
A. Permits are required for all temporary signs, except for political and real estate signs (OMC
i ,J-2300, including inflatable signs and banners, unless otherwise indicated (See Section
B. Maximum Length of time a permit may be issued for - sixty (60) days, except for motor vehide
sales uses within the Auto Services District, the maximum display time is thirty (30) days.
C. Frequency of issuance of temporary sign permits - no more than four (4) such permits shall be
issued to any one (1) use during any twelve (12) month period; except for motor vehicle sales uses
within the Auto Services District, temporary sign permits shall be limited only by a requirement for a
fourteen (14) days separation between temporary sign events.
D. Number of temporary signs - no more than one (1) such sign shall be allowed at any one time
for a use, except for motor vehicle sales uses within the Auto Services District, no limit is imposed.
E. Lighting is not permitted for temporary signs.
F. Banners
1. Shall be mounted flush on buildings only.
G. Window Signs
I. Permits - not required
2. Aggregate shall not exceed 40% of window space.
H. Temporary Non-commercial Signs.
1. Number of signs - limited to one (1) sign per street frontage
2. Height - not to exceed eight (8) feet.
3. Maximum Size.
a. Commercial and Industrial zones:
i. Fifty square feet, not to exceed twenty-five (25) square feet in sign area per side.
ii. No limitation for motor vehicle sales uses within the Auto Services District.
b. Residential zones (defined in sections :i. 2 ,(H) and
i. Ten square feet, not to exceed five (5) square feet in sign area per side.
4. If a temporary non-commercial sign is less than six (6) square feet in sign surface area and
less than 4 feet in height, then a permit is not required.
(Ord. 6317 §8, 2004; Ord. 6093 §10, 2001).
City of Olympia
118'.42.180 General Standards for Sandwich Board Sidewalk SISns
` Ltp A. These standards do not apply to real estate signs. (See Section .M�..�...� .axa.�:�.pF, Real Estate Sign
L� Standards).
B. Permitted districts - Downtown Business, Neighborhood Retail, Community Retail, Neighborhood
Village, Urban Village, Neighborhood Center, Community Oriented Shopping Center, PO/RM, General
Commercial, Urban Waterfront, Urban Waterfront - Housing, Commercial Services-Hlgh Density, High
Density Corridor -1, High Density Corridor -2, High Density Corridor -3, and High Density Corridor -4
C. Height - 4 foot maximum.
D. Width - 24 inch maximum.
E. Number of signs - 1 per use.
F. Placement, except real estate signs (See Section;,.L.,.,�..�,.,..,..,1, Real Estate Sign Standards):
1. Signs must be located directly in front of the sponsoring business and on the walkway
which is directly in front of the business entrance. In no case shall signs be more than 20
(twenty) feet from the front wall of the business.
2. Signs are to be displayed during business hours only.
3. Signs shall not create a traffic safety hazard by interfering with the vision of drivers entering
or leaving the premises.
4. Signs shall be located next to the curb edge of a sidewalk in such a manner so as not to
interfere with the opening of car doors, use of bicycle parking facilities, bus stops, loading zones,
or pedestrian traffic.
5. Signs shall be located such that an unobstructed passageway of forty-eight (48) inches shall
be maintained for wheelchair travel on all public and private rights -of -ways.
G. Lighting attached to sign is not permitted.
H. Liability - owners of such signs shall assume liability for damage resulting from their use and
shall provide the City with a notarized signed agreement (as provided by the City) holding the City
harmless from such resulting loss.
(Ord. 6826 §3, 2012; Ord. 6517 §46, 2007; Ord. 6461 §2, 2007; Ord. 6456 §2, 2007; Ord. 6195 §31,
2002; Ord. 6093 §11, 2001).
18.42.200 General Standards for Identification Signs for Individual Uses
Identification signs for individual uses are those which serve as the primary identifier of the name of
an individual use.
A. Sign Structure Type and Building Type
1. Building mounted signs are permitted on both single and multiple occupancy buildings.
2. Freestanding signs are permitted for single occupancy buildings only.
B. Number of identification signs:
1. All uses in Neighborhood Retail, Neighborhood Village, Neighborhood Center, Medical
Services, Professional Office/Residenbal Multifamily, Commercial Services -High Density,
Tacoma Municipal Code
J. Canopy and awning signs. Special regulations governing canopy and awning signs are as follows:
1. Signs are permitted along the faces and edges of canopies and awnings; provided, they are printed, marked, stamped, or
otherwise impressed upon the awning in a professional manner.
2. Signs designed as an integral part of a canopy or awning and located along the face or edge may be illuminated. Sign area
calculation shall include all illuminated areas, except that area providing illumination to the sidewalk below.
3. Signs located on canopies and awnings shall designate only the name of the business and/or the place and kind of business.
A decorative design and/or the emblem or initials of the business occupying the premises may be placed flat on the main
portions of the canopy or awning.
4. Awnings and canopies may extend over public property, but no portion of any awning or canopy shall extend nearer than
two feet to the face of the nearest curb line, measured horizontally. Awnings shall project a minimum of three feet and not
more than seven feet, when over public property, from the face of the supporting building. Canopies shall not extend more
than 11 feet, when over public property, from the face of the supporting building.
5. Awnings and canopies shall maintain a minimum clearance of eight feet and shall not extend above 15 feet in overall height
from grade to top of awning or canopy. Awnings and canopies shall not rise above the wall, roofline, or parapet to which it is
6. Awnings and canopies which have support systems attached to public property, right-of-way or sidewalk will require a
Street Occupancy Permit,
K. Temporary signs. Special regulations governing temporary signs are as follows:
1. The duration of display of a temporary sign shall not exceed six months in any 12 -month period, unless otherwise noted
2. No flashing temporary signs of any type shall be permitted.
3. All temporary signs must be authorized by the public or private property owner.
4. All temporary signs shall be securely fastened and positioned in place so as not to constitute a hazard to pedestrians or
5. No temporary sign shall project over or into a public right-of-way or property except properly authorized banners over
streets (see Title 9).
6. All temporary signs shall meet vehicular sight distance requirements established by the Traffic Engineer.
7. The regulations governing the size, number, and type of temporary signs are located in Section 13.06.522.
L. Off -premises directional signs. Special regulations governing off -premises directional signs are as follows:
1. Off -premises directional signs shall be limited to a maximum of 15 square feet in area and 6 feet in height.
2. Off -premises directional signs shall contain only the name of the principal use and directions to the use in permanent
3. Off -premises directional signs shall be placed on or over private property, except that business district identification signs
may be located and comply with the applicable requirements of Title 9.
4. Off -premises directional signs are permitted when on -premises signs are inadequate to identify the location of a business. If
applicable, only one such sign shall be allowed.
M. Billboards. Special regulations governing billboards are as follows:
1. a. New billboard faces. Any new billboard must be installed in compliance with this chapter. In no case shall the number of
billboard faces, associated structures, and total square footage of billboards as defined by this code exceed that in existence on
August 1, 2011. This number shall include billboard faces for which relocation permits are held. Further, this number shall be
reduced on March 1, 2012, by the number and square footage of nonconforming billboard faces in existence upon passage of
this code.
b. Expiration of relocation permits. Relocation permits issued pursuant to TMC 13.06.521.M prior to its amendment on
September 1, 2011, related to the removal of nonconforming billboards, shall expire on September 1, 2012 or within 6 months
of issuance, whichever is later.
c. Demolition. Removal of all faces from a billboard structure shall also require the issuance of a demolition permit for the
structure itself and removal of billboard faces (and their associated structures, if necessary) shall be completed prior to the
construction of new or relocated billboard faces. Structures removed shall be removed to grade and the grade restored at the
(Revised 812019) 113-202 City Clerks ice
Auburn Municipal Code
take into account the number of existing s+iii,gmms in any proposed location, and shall limit or prohibit new
ones so as to prevent a traffic safety hazard or a detrimental effect on neighboring property. (Ord. 5993
§ 1, 2006.)
A. Community gliigiims. The planning, bmm"iilllIdlinq and community director irmiivay approve and permit to be
erected entrance slii
gime, at or near the city limits, on city public irigllfA-of,,way or on privately owned
parcels with the owner's permission, on which i°may be listed institutional names, service clubs or
organizations or points of interest or similar public information. Il iiglit•of-m raw use permits umay be
required for signs located in the public ii°°lgh ol"-sI'm°ay, except as permitted by subsection (B)(1), (13)(2), 1
or J of this section.
Special1. event . .. the *• -• r
M-2 and EP and the nonresidentialproperties
g as applicable:
p. ..-
a. The area of any single sigin shall not exceed 30 square feet;
b. Special event signs as authorized herein shall not have the following:
i. Illumination of any kind;
iii. Electrical animation;
iv. Changeable reader copy, electronic or manual;
c. Special event signage st'iall not exceed the maximum height limitations of the underlying
zoning district;
d. Special event sigmms may have spinning elements attached to them including but not limited
to flags or pennants or balloons or windsocks attached to them; provided, that they do not at
any time constitute a traffic safety or pedestrian safety hazard;
a. Balloons and windsock special event signage shi@ill not be authorized to be placed in the
Fwublic rights-of-way or on-site landscape areas or off site on another private parcel of land that
loes .t contain the business or service being ad
f. Flag and pennant special event signage iriinay be authorized to be placed in the public rights-
of-way; provided, that placement in the public rights-of-way does not constitute a traffic safety
or pedestrian safety hazard and does not create nonconformance to the Americans with
Disabilities Act;
2reas and off s��Ite on another private parcel of land that does not contain the business or
z,ervice being ,.landscape
areas does not impede
htip://www.codepublishing.comtwa/auburn/ 10131
Auburn Municipal Code
3 mseri - - III a -
2. Banners iinay be allowed in the RO, RO-H, CN, C-1, C-2, C-3, DUC, BP, LF, M-1, M-2 and E
and the nonresidential Lusield properties in the Terrace View District and the PUD -Lakeland Hills
with the following:
a. The area of any single banner used by a single business on a site shall not exceed 32
square feet; provided, that banners crossing roadways as approved by the city 31,411 not
exceed 120 square feet.
b. For multitenant btjildh�'igs and/or multibusiness complexes, each business shall be
authorized to have a banner; provided, that the size of each banner sliall be limited to
maximum of 32 s-e.uare fee, -
not exceed 120 square feet.
ii. Strobing or blinking or flashing lights;
iii. Electrical animation;
iv. Changeable reader copy, electronic or manual.
d. Banner signage shall not exceed the maximum height limitations of the underlying zoning
e. Banners ini[ay have spinning elements attached to them including but not limited to flags or
pennants or balloons or windsocks attached to them; provided, that they do not at any time
constitute a traffic safety or pedestrian safety hazard.
f. Banners iuinaV be authorized to be placed in the public rights-of-way; provided, that placement
in the public rights-of-way does not constitute a traffic safety or pedestrian safety hazard or
does not create nonconformance to the Americans with Disabilities Act.
g. Banners may be authorized to be placed in on-site landscape areas and off sitip on another
a1vadisal; A-nivUel,
that placement in on-site landscape areas does not impede sight distance and that off-site
placement on another property has received prior property owner authorization.
C. Civic Events. Street banners iinmay be permitted subject to approval and installation in accordance with
rules and procedures established by the city of Auburn public works department.
1. All lighting shall be arranged to reflect away from any residential zoirie. No plairsoin shall
construct, establish, create or maintain any stationary exterior lighting or illumination system or any
interior system which is intended to be viewed from a street, highway or other public thoroughfare
http:llwww.codepublishing.comANalauburnI 11131
Kent City Code
above the eave of the roof or the top of the parapet of the �gjj�!j and shall be unlighted.
3. Unimproved acreage. One (1) real estate sign shall be permitted for each lJo t'. The,Ii.gn shall not
.... .............
exceed an area of one-fourth (1/4) square foot for each foot of IkA frontage and shall not in any event
exceed fifty (50) square feet. The;iq �i shall not exceed a height of ten (10) feet above the surface of
the nearestsb�'%.-I,, and shall be unlighted.
I ............. ......... ...
ir. IIII
M-WIM may be authorized by the planning department for a time period
specified for each type of jqrnponarLsign.
R. 1
1. Temporary subdivision or2ggLVEgat signs. A temporary real estate g�kn declaring a group of,N.2t§.,
dwellings, or occupancies within a subdivision complex for sale or rent shall be
permitted subject to the following conditions:
a. One (1) such sk.n shall be permitted for each street frontage of the premises being sold or
I .......... sl .................................. I
leased. The,aign shall be located on the premises being sold or leased.
.... .. ... ........
b. The area of such !:,fl!L,,LrL shall not exceed an area of twenty-five (25) square feet each.
I ..........
c. The.s i giD.:�. shall not exceed a height of ten (110) feet above the level of the street.
d. The gfli �ns shall be unlighted.
e. The........... ...
shall not interfere with the sight distance of pedestrians and motorists proceeding
.......... I
on or approaching adjacent �.Airpejls.
f. The 511 It remain as long as the project remains unsold or unleased, or for one (1) year,
.: g.E...§ may
whichever period shall be lesser; provided, however, that theshall have the
... ........... . ..................................... I
authority to extend the time period one (1) year.
2. Nonpolitical campaign Temporary nonpolitical s'l' Rs
...... ......... g announcing a campaign, drive, or
event of a civic, philanthropic, educational, or religious organization may be allowed upon any lot.
Such LMgn,,c� may be posted thirty (30) days prior to the event, drive, campaign, etc. All such,s'
shall be collectively subject to the fifty dollar ($50) deposit. Such wig, ns shall be removed within
seven (7) days after the event, drive, campaign, etc.
3. Constn,cth:)n sLql One (1) , 1i,90,- identifying a project under construction shall be permitted for
each street frontage of the build"
............... ..... gjng or structure under construction. The s�g may contain the name
of theb. u [I d i ng contractor and his subcontractors, the architect, and the engineer. The sib shall be
.... .... . . .... ....
permitted during the period of construction, and shall not exceed a total of fifty (50) square feet for
all faces.
4. Grand openings and special events sk.Zag. Special permits may be issued by the planning
.............. ..... I .
department for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days for banners, streamers, and temporary or
pgrtcaWe signs for special events such as carnivals, outdoor affairs and sales, grand openings, and
events of a similar nature.
1. Authorized. The total number of,iref;,, :Mftmgj.rs sirslu structures allowed within the city of Kent shall
ht[pJ/www.codepublishing.comlwaikenY 4118
Permit requirements.
21 IU30
Exempt signs.
21 -20.04.0.,
Prohibited signs.
Sign Sign area calculation.
21 ..20.061D
General sign requirements.
21..20. 0
Community bulletin board signs.
21.20 080
. . . .. . ...... —
Sign types permitted by zone.
Bulk standard by zone.
Changing general message electronic reader boards.
Window signs.
Master signage plan.
21.. 20� "130
Signs or displays of limited duration.
21. 0,140
Nonconforming signs.
21.20.010 Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to enhance the visual environment and safety of the City by:
(1) Establishing standards that regulate the type, number, location, size, and lighting of signs;
Page I of 19
(2) Encouraging attractive, effective signage throughout the community, and providing clearly
identifiable desian obiectives for public and private si V-iape in the downtPwn-kQ-d=AaL-I"�
2010; § 23, 2008;.�.!:'d 21,C.').5 § 5. 2001;
.. ......... ...... . .. ......
Exce-0 as otherwise cermitted bI this cha#1er--m*i&-fgrxAr--'iT
without a sign permit issued by the City.
as it is regulated under WMC 21.20.1::2.0, and 21,210.'$40. § 2 (Att. A). 2010;
................................2 . - . .. . ................................... 008 fir.(.1, '295 § 5. 2001; �,.' rid. 174, § 3, 1998)
21.20.030 Exempt signs.
62vaiadyk- Ila
I I I! III I 1111111IN"I R!IIII! lt� 1!1!��111 0 9 0 !11!
Chapter 21.20 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS — SIGNS* Page 2 of 19
(b) Traffic directional or warning signs-,
(3) Plaques, tablets or inscriptions indicating the name of a building, date of erection, or other
commemorative information, which are an integral part of the building structure or are attached flat to
the face of the building, which are nonilluminated, and which do not exceed four square feet in
surface area;
limitation shall not apply to signs providing directions, warnings or inforn.atioT yiWeT establi-aWed 9-ird
(7) The flag of a commercial institution, provided no more than one on-site flag is permitted per
business premises; or one per tenant in a multitenant building; and further provided, the flag is on
"cjg 2,1 bW'Au_1VW9
surface area and does not advertise a product. This does not include pennant -style or feather-styl
sins, which are prohiited; I
(8) Signs or displays not intended to be visible from streets or public ways, signs in the interior of a
advertising displays, such as vending machines;
21.20.0 40 Prohibited signs.
. .........
Except as indicated by this chapter, the following signs or displays are prohibited:
(1) Portable signs; except as provided for in WMC 21.....20,130, Signs or displays of limited duration;
.............. —
(2) Signs on utility poles, except signs of the utility or government;
(3) Signs which, by reason of their size, location, movement, content, coloring or manner of
illumination, may be confused with traffic control signs or signals-,
(4) Signs located in the public right-of-way, except where permitted in this chapter;,
(5) Posters, pennants, strings of lights, blinking lights, balloons, searchlights and other displays of a
carnival nature; except as provided for in WMC.2 1 2.9,;,1;3.2, �Signs or displays of limited duration;
. ... .. . .... .
(6) Billboards, poster boards and other advertising for products or business not located on the site of
the business or place of sale, except as permitted by WMC.2 1and (7);
I ... .... . ..... ....
(7) Signs that are located so as to interfere with visibility for the safe movement of pedestrians,
bicycles, and vehicles',
(8) Animated signs;
(9) Highly reflective frame materials such as mirrored glass or chrome metal-,
(10) Signs for businesses that are no longer operating and open for business;
(11) Off -premises signs, except where permitted in this chapter;
(12) Signs located on or above a roof; and
................. 2004;
2001; Pjd, '174 § 3. 1998)
21.20.050 Sign area calculation.
Page 3 of 19
Sign area shall be calculated by measuring the smallest single rectangle, which will enclose the
combined letters and s�mbols and for freestandingwAX&-"-r_ffi6L
surface area of the sign as viewed from any single vantage point. Qrfj
�490 § 2 (Att. A), 2010; Ord.
2008; Qrj;?�,)5 § 5. 2001; QEL
_jZj § 3. 1998)
P1.20.060 General sign requirements.
(1) Because fuel price signs are required by Federal statute, such signs shall not be included in
determining sign area square footage or number limitations as referenced in WMC 2'1.20,.090. Fuel
price signs shall be part of or attached to a permanent monument sign and shall not exceed 20
square feet per street frontage. The price display may be electronic as long as it meets the
re --i uirements for n m ns in WIVIC 21 20.10() does not creJIMITIMi-RIMM*61,o�
- _mgssa�-' ............. A ........................................
by glare or by including blinking or flashing lights,
(2) On -premises direction signs shall not be included in the sign area or number limitation of WMC
21.20.080 throulh 2'12.0,,120,
limited to one for each entrance or exit to surface parking areas, parking structures, drive-through
lanes, or as determined by the Development Services Director for safe circulation.
(a) Internally illuminated signs shall be designed to emphasize the lighting of the sign text,
message and/or symbols, while minimizing the lighting of the background of the sign face. T
colors of the sign, letters and background shall remain fixed. I
RISM1. A41 IN ma
such artificial source into residences or any street right-of-way.
r'7IT ................................ .........................
46B WI
Page 4 of 19
(e) Signs should not exhibit undue brightness. "Undue brightness" means illumination in excess
of that which is necessary to make the sign reasonably visible to the average person on the
abutting street, as determined by the Development Services Director.
(4) One off -premises freestanding sign for each business is permitted on private property as
regulated in this section and WMC 21.20,090, To uall" for an off- remises freestanding -nn two or
(5) If more than one freestanding sign is permitted on a site, these signs must be spaced a minimum
of 140 feet apart.
as permirtea
be constructed of durable, maintainable materials, and must be properly maintained. Signs that are
n2le if m,?teri?I-, tX2t leteritr-2te �Yicklyspr tX.2t fe2tyre4m�,ermameAt c*;,.strYctfiP,?; are Alt xe&niftk�
For example, plywood or plastic sheets without a sign face overlay or without a frame to protect
exposed edges are not permitted.
Cscouraged except for backlit lettering,
(110) Reader boards are permitted. If the reader board features dark letters on a light or white I
r3 inAtrywler� iiia a-Tfaiiar-sifu
area allowance for freestanding signs will apply. I
- 0 0 - 4 M M,
(13) Allowances for Larger Signs. The following allowances for freestanding and building signs may
be permitted, subject to the below requirements and the approval of the Development Services
I Type of Sign I Maximum Allowance I Requirement
aximum Allowance
Sign Face: 12% of facade area
Freestanding Sign Face: Smaller of 1% of gross floor area
tenant/building space or 1 sq. ft. per 4 feet of street
frontage, maximum 100 sq. ft. Height: 15 feet
1. Must use recommended
and required frame colors.
2. Wust Wave io bag -tf
the sign, except logos and
i. Must use recommended
and required frame colors.
the sign, except logos and
,N mTkkwfn
elements must be provided:
1. Vecoun-e-tcled naterials are
—TaP--j. m%GXPAkLr--.-Le.0
architectural features of the
building or site.
3. Minimum 2 sq. ft. of
IwIO-• L -
face is provided and includes
stron-• vertical elements such a
tall shrubs and/or trees.
4. A fountain or other similar
into the design of the sign and
(14) Any sign that projects over pedestrian walkways or sidewalks shall maintain a minimum
clearance of eight feet above finished grade and shall not project more than six feet from the
supporting building unless a greater projection is approved by the Development Services Director
through the Design Guidelines and Standards review process.
(15) Each tenant may also display a single shingle sign that has a face perpendicular to the building
y,rovided the no lar,6Fer than three &kua�-A-q�* -i r. r
. g� vwaar: j lw.@!, 2ITt
does not extend more than three feet from the building or beyond an existing architectural canopy.
§ 2 (Att. A), 2010; g�rd465 §§ 23, 27, 2008; f)rd. 3618 § 4. 2004; Qd, L95 § 5, 2001; Oat
I ne tc' -u-11 1 Ual ff tare Teet ana are oniy
permitted at public schools, police stations, fire stations or other public facilities;
ma;r noi ex
A), 2010; Q.[r .25 § 23, 2008;,g!!: -K4.;: 7:H., § 5, 2001; gd . .... . . . . . .. § 3,1998. Form -
1 •.
1; !:1 Sign types permitted by zone.
Signs are permitted in the zones indicated according to the following chart. The Development
Services Director shall determine which sign type category applies to a proposed sign.
63 [c] "q a Irda
R Zones
p1l, P
91111321T . 111
21.20.090 Bulk standard by zone.
RI —8
TB, 0
Building Signs
Number of signs
1 per tenant per
1 per tenant per
maximum 2 per
maximum 2 per
tenant, plus I per
tenant, plus 1 per
R1 —8
Pll, P
Maximum height
No portion of the
No portion of the
No portion of the
No portion of the
No portion of &
sign may
sign may
sign may
sign may
sign may
protrude above
protrude above
protrude above
protrude above
protrude above
the highest point
the highest point
the highest point
the highest point
the highest poir
of the roof, or
of the roof, or
of the roof, or
of the roof, or
of the roof, or
break the plane
break the plane
break the plane
break the plane
break the plane
of the roof.
of the roof.
of the roof.
of the roof.
of the roof.
Maximum size
8% of building
8% of building
8% of building
8% of building
8% of building
per face
facade area,
facade area,
facade area
facade area
facade area
maximum 10
maximum 20
square feet
square feet
Required to use
Required to use
Required to uss
City background
City background
City backgroun
No illumination
No illumination
Plastic not
Plastic not
Sign face
Sign face
Sign face
encouraged to
encouraged to
encouraged to
be constructed of
be constructed of
be constructed
anodized or
anodized or
of anodized or
treated metal,
treated metal,
treated metal,
wood, masonry,
wood, masonry,
wood, masonry
tile or neon.
tile or neon.
tile or neon.
Plastic is
Plastic is
Plastic is
protrusion from
protrusion from
protrusion from
protrusion from
protrusion from
facade is 1 foot
facade is 1 foot
facade is 1 foot
facade is 1 foot
facade is 1 fool
Sign frames
Frame must be
Frame must be
Frame must be
Frame must be
Frame must be
concealed or
concealed or
concealed or
concealed or
concealed or
integrated with
integrated with
integrated with
integrated with
integrated with
the building
the building
the building
the building
the building
using similar
using similar
using similar
using similar
using similar
materials and
materials and
materials and
materials and
materials and
Freestanding Signs
R1 —8
P11, P
Number of signs
1 per entrance
1 per entrance
1 per street
1 per street
1 per entrance
frontage, plus 1
frontage, plus 1
for each 250 feet
for each 250 feet
street frontage
street frontage
Maximum height
6 feet
6 feet
10 feet
10 feet
6 feet
Maximum size
20 square feet
20 square feet
Smaller of 1 % of
Smaller of 1 % of
20 square feet
per face
gross floor area
gross floor area
space or 1 sq. ft.
space or 1 sq. ft.
per 4 lineal feet
per 4 lineal feet
of street
of street
minimum 25 sq.
minimum 25 sq.
ft., maximum 75
ft., maximum 75
sq. ft.
sq. ft.
number of faces
Required to use
Required to use
Required to usi
City background
City background
City backgroun
1 sq. ft. per 1 sq.
1 sq. ft. per 1 sq.
1 sq. ft. per 1 sq.
1 sq. ft. per 1 sq.
1 sq. ft. per 1 s
ft. of sign face
ft. of sign face
ft. of sign face
ft. of sign face
ft. of sign face
must include
must include
must include
must include
must include
trees, shrubs,
trees, shrubs,
trees, shrubs,
trees, shrubs,
trees, shrubs,
and/or floral
and/or floral
and/or floral
andlor floral
and/or floral
Not permitted
Not permitted
Not permitted
Sign frame and
Base must be
Base must be
Base must be
Base must be
Base must be
solid, and use
solid, and use
solid, or use
solid, or use
solid, and use
City materials
City materials
double post; and
double post; and
City materials
and frame colors
and frame colors
use City frame
use City frame
and frame colo
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
R1 -8
P11, P
TB, 0
lettering height 6
lettering height 6
lettering height 6
lettering height 6
lettering height
Q rLL .1 . rd. 4%'� § 2 (Aft. A), 2010)
§ 2 (Att. A), 2011; Q_
WII %a�
, @VWMEN's
except for those Publiclinstitutional zones that abut the Central Business District zone, Where they
are permitted- a single-changaing f -Ir *.-;a
of the Nermitted si,- ns not to exc
sign installed. The following additional requirements apply to changing general message electronic
reader board signs in these zones:
(a) The electronic message may not change more frequently than every four seconds;
'W sw--v2w - I I ^:• -0VA"'Mr- ".1.
into a building or freestanding sign, shall not exceed the size or height permitted for a building or
freestanding sign, and shall be permitted only in the CBD, GB, 0. 1, and P11 zones, except in the
Tourist District. § 2 (Att. A), 2010;
21.20.110 Window signs.
Window signs are allowed without a permit. The maximum allowable sign area is 20 percent of the
window area.
§ 2 (Att. A). 2010; 2rd. 46 ) §§2008;.1129517,4-
......... ............
21.20.120 Master signage plan.
I - - . e prepareTrUT aii ne:: UUMMUFMMr, Uffi-ce or Inaustriai proje s or a
multitenant buildings or group of buildings having four or more tenant or occupant spaces on a lot o
combination of lots subject to a common development permit or plan. Existing developments desirin;!
to achieve conformance with this code shall be -,termifted to amlo -for a rI I .-y-
A "common development permit or plan" means any grading, building, sign or other permit issued b�
the city which is for the complex, building(s) as a whole or four or more tenants. A fee will be char lee
based on processing costs as provided for by the city's most current fee resolution. I
the associated development. Master signage plans approved under this section shall be evaluated
based upon the following criteria:
11 111 k Tdl-ar'0161—dT I : 1; C I C It -F F 1311 It F
function. Factors to be considered shall include the purpose of the sign, its location relative to
traffic movement and access points, site features, structures and sign orientation relative to
viewing distances and viewing angles.
(b) Size, In a master signage plan, signs shall be no larger than necessary for visibility and
readability. Factors to be considered in determining appropriate size shall include topography,
volume and speed of traffic, visibility range, proximity to adjacent uses, amount of sign copy,
placement of display (location and height), lettering style, and sign proportions and dimensions.
The Planning Commission may approve height and area deviations that achieve these
(c) Number of Signs. The master signage plan shall not exceed the total number of building or
freestanding signs permitted in WMC 21,20,.080 and 21 .20.090, except as noted herein. Each
additional monument siII must be sewara)ed
on the property, The size requirements in WMC 21,20,09(), or as approved through this section,
may not be exceeded. Additional monument signs may be approved upon meeting any of the
following criteria:
MIN 1073 1 707-T-11111
(ii) There must be at least three separate access points with a minimum distance of 300 feet
from all other access points on that property; or
(iii) The applicant must demonstrate that vehicular traffic movement visibility is not impaired,
and location is such that the business, property or complex access could not be identified
without the additional signage.
the use of complementary colors, similarity of architectural style, or the use of a consistent
lettering style or copy.
(e) Illumination, Proposed illumination shall be such that any and all project light is either
impacts upon adjacent properties. Refer to WMC 21 20J,3610 3).
.......................... (
(f)l Design. All tenant building signs on the building are required to be similar in location,
configuration, materials and construction; must be architecturally integrated into the building;
colors must be used.
(a) The applicant's name and address;
(b) A legal description of the property;
(c) Existing zoning of the property„
(d) A site plan depicting the proposed plan of development;
(e) Standards for size, qualities, materials, and illumination; and
(f) A narrative description of the common theme for signage within the development, how it
relates to architectural and/or landscaping elements of the development, and how the master
signage plan relates to each of the six criteria set forth in subsection (2) of this section.
(4) In conducting its review of the master signage plan, the reviewing body shall seek architectural
compatibility between the subject building(s) and proposed future signage on the basis of location,
dimensions, area, illumination and possible limitation on materials and colors. The reviewing body
may approve and/or impose additional limitations on signage as deemed necessary as part of a
specific review of the proposed signage plan.
(5) Master signage plans which do not deviate from the requirements of this chapter and do not
include legally nonconforming signs shall be reviewed (approved, approved with conditions, or
denied) by the Development Services Director or his/her designee. Master signage plans which seek
deviations from the requirements of this chapter shall be reviewed for approval by the Planning
Commission at a public hearing. Any sign permitted under a master signage plan shall be considered
a legally approved sign.
(6) All such signage plans should not propose to exceed the overall allowed square footage of
signage for a given lot(s) but may include, for example, an increase in the amount of wall signage
with a decrease in the amount of freestanding signs.
(7) After approval of a master signage plan, no sign shall be erected except in conformance with the
approved plan, and such plan may be enforced in the same way as any provision of this chapter. The
approved master signage plan may be amended by filing a new application that conforms with the
requirements of the ordinance then in effect. New applications will be reviewed under the same
permit process as the original application.
(8) Appeals of the reviewing body shall be made in accordance with the procedures contained in
WMC Title 17. Drd.AQ § 2 (Att. A), 2010)
21.20.130 Signs or displays of limited duration.
Unless otherwise regulated by this chapter, temporary signs regulated under this chapter not
removed by the applicable post -event deadline will be subject to removal by the City of Woodinville
and any and all costs associated with such removal may be assessed against the person(s)
responsible for having the temporary signs put on display, the owner of the temporary sign and/or the
sponsor(s) of the event or sale for which the temporary signs were put on display. The following
temporary signs or displays are allowed, and except as required by the International Building Code,
or as otherwise required in this chapter, do not require building permits. The signs allowed in this
r •w-�ir��� - ��� 1Y 1 1= ,
Page 12 of f
section are in addition to any other signs allowed in this chapter. Each type of sign or display of
limited duration is allowed on a premises, subject to the regulation listed for the type of sign.
(1) Special Event Signs.
(a) One special event sign per premises is allowed by permit, to announce grand openings or
other special events or promotions, for not more than 30 days for any one event. Property
owners may apply for one annual permit for all special event signs within a 12 -month period, or
permits may be granted for each special event. Special event signs are allowed on or inside a
building, on or adjacent to the premises; none are to be allowed on public right-of-way, or on
trees or utility poles.
(b) Temporary signs or banners for organized mall -wide promotions may be allowed by permit
for up to five days, with up to two permits per mall per year.
(c) Seasonal lights and decorations of a noncarnival nature for the current season or holiday are
allowed without a permit.
(d) No sign shall exceed 32 square feet in surface area and may be no taller than the building
eave or cornice if on a building, and not taller than 10 feet if freestanding.
(2) Construction Signs.
(a) Construction signs that identify architects, engineers, planners, contractors or other
individuals or firms involved with the construction or funding of a project and signs announcing
the character of the project or the purpose for which the project is intended may be displayed.
(b) One nonilluminated, double-faced sign is permitted for each public street upon which the
project fronts.
(c) No sign shall exceed 32 square feet in surface area and may be no taller than 10 feet in
height, or be located closer than 30 feet from the property line of the adjoining property.
(d) Construction signs must be removed by the date of issuance of the first occupancy permit for
the premises or one year after placement of the signs, whichever occurs first. If the signs are not
removed within this time period, they may be removed by the City at the expense of the owner of
the property and/or the person(s) responsible for having the signs put on display.
(3) Political Signs.
(a) On -premises political signs, posters or bills located at the headquarters of a political party,,,
candidate or public service office, or a public issue decided by ballot are permitted. All on -
premises political signs, posters or bills shall comply with the dimensional and locational
requirements of the zoning district in which they are located, or of the applicable sign type.
(b) Off -premises political signs that do not exceed four square feet in area (i.e., four feet by one
foot, two feet by two feet, etc.) may be displayed in the public right-of-way as allowed in
subsection (3)(e) of this section. Off -premises political signs that do not exceed 32 square feet in
area and six feet in height may be displayed on private property. Freestanding political signs
Page 13 of 1
with a height greater than four feet and signs made of wood or metal which are attached to
buildings must submit a sign application for safety and structural review.
(c) Dividing a sign into several smaller pieces as a means to circumvent the political sign
dimensional requirements of subsections (3)(a) and (b) of this section is not permitted.
(d) Political signs, posters or bills may be displayed from the closing date for filing for an election
until seven days after the general election. It shall be the responsibility of the candidate to have
his/her campaign/political signs removed within this time period or the City may remove such
signs at the candidate's expense.
(e) No person, firm or corporation shall post, paint, nail, fasten or affix a political sign, poster, bill,
or other advertising device of any kind on any streetlight, crosswalk, curb, curbstone, lamppost,
street sign, utility pole, hydrant, tree, shrub, or public building or structure. Political signs are
permissible on parking strips, the periphery of the public right-of-way and other portions of the
right-of-way not used for vehicular or pedestrian travel preceding a primary or general election.
Political signs must be installed in such a manner as not to constitute a traffic hazard or impair or
impede pedestrian thoroughfares. No political sign placed within the public right-of-way shall be
installed within the median of the roadway, or create a safety hazard for pedestrians or motorists
as determined by the Police Administrator Chief or Public Works Director.
(f) Permits for political signs, posters or bills are not required unless the height of the
freestanding sign is greater than four feet or the sign is made of wood or metal and is attached
to a building.
(g) Political signs shall include only a message for a political party, candidate for public service
office or a public issue decided by ballot. Political signs shall not include any message pertaining
to a business, product or service.
(4) Real Estate Signs. All temporary real estate signs can be single or double-faced signs:
(a) Single -Family Residential for Sale or Rent. Signs advertising an individual residential unit for
sale or rent shall be limited to one sign per street frontage on-site. The sign may not exceed
eight square feet in area, and shall not exceed six feet in height. The sign shall be removed
within 30 days after closing of the sale, lease or rental of the property.
(b) Commercial or Industrial for Sale or Rent. On-site commercial or industrial property for sale
or rent signs shall be limited to one sign per street frontage on-site, and shall not exceed 32
square feet in area. The sign shall not exceed 12 feet in height. The sign shall be removed
within 30 days after closing of the sale, lease or rental of the property. A building permit is
required and shall be issued for a one-year period. The permit is renewable for one-year
increments up to a maximum of three years.
(c) Multifamily or Neighborhood Residential for Sale or Rent. On-site residential neighborhood or
multifamily complex for sale or rent sign shall be limited to one sign per development. The sign
shall not exceed 32 square feet in area, and shall not exceed 12 feet in height. A building permit
http://www.codepublishing.comlwalwoodinvillelht l/Woodinville2l/Woodinville2l20.h... 10/10/2014
a maximum of three years.
(5) Community Event Signs.
(a) Community event signs shall be limited to announcing or promoting a nonprofit sponsored
community fair, festival or a special event.
(b) Community event signs may be displayed no more than 30 days before the event.
(c) Community event signs shall be removed by the event sponsor within 72 hours following the
end of the community fair, festival or a special event.
(d) On -premises and off -premises signs for recurring community events may be allowed
annually by permit.
(6) Street Banners Announcing Community Fairs, Festivals, and Special Events.
(a) Street banners shall be limited to announcing or promoting a nonprofit sponsored community
fair, festival, or a special event, and are allowed by permit.
(b) Street banners shall be permitted only within the Central Business District and Tourist
Business zone at approved locations.
(c) Street banners may be displayed for no more than 30 days and shall be removed within five
days following the end of the community fair, festival, or a special event. It shall be the
responsibility of the event sponsor to remove the street banner or the City will remove such
banner and retain the application deposit.
(d) The event sponsor shall provide a certificate of insurance evidencing commercial general
liability insurance as described in the street banner application form provided.
(e) The event sponsor shall submit site placement and street banner mounting plans and
specifications with the application.
(f) The minimum street clearance of the banner is 18 feet above the street.
(7) Portable Signs in Residential zones. Portable signs that display information regarding directions to
real estate, garage sale, or other events are permitted in all residential zones subject to the following
requirements. Portable signs in the Tourist District Overlay shall also be subject to WMC. 21.38.065
and Chapter 2,,1.;2., WMC for special event requirements.
(a) Permit Not Required. A permit is not required for portable signs.
(b) Number of Signs Permitted. Up to six portable signs per destination may be permitted.
(c) Location. Portable signs may be located on property owned or controlled by the sign owner
or in the public right-of-way, subject to the following requirements:
Chapter 21.20 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS — SIGNS* age 15 of 19
(i) Portable signs may not be located in a street, on a sidewalk, or where they would
obstruct vehicular, bicycle or pedestrian traffic.
(ii) Portable signs may not be placed on public property other than public rights-of-way.
(iii) Portable signs may only be placed in residential zones.
(iv) Portable signs shall not block the sight distance triangle pursuant to WMC 21,12.200.
(v) Portable signs placed in public rights-of-way shall:
(A) Not create a traffic safety or maintenance problem; the City may remove and
dispose of any signs that do create a safety or maintenance problem.
(B) Be freestanding.
(C) Not be attached to any structure or vegetation.
(D) Not be attached to utility poles, traffic signs, or street signs.
(d) Size. All portable signs are limited to a maximum six square feet of sign area. Signs may
have no more than two sign faces. Two-sided signs may each display up to six square feet on
each face.
(e) Height. All portable signs are limited to a maximum height of three feet.
(f) Duration of Display. Portable signs may be displayed only during the hours of the event plus
an additional half an hour before and after the event to place and remove the signs. It is the
responsibility of the sign owner to remove the sign outside the hours of the event. The City may
remove any portable sign that is displayed outside the hours of the event.
(g) Limitations.
(i) Portable signs shall be nonilluminated.
(ii) Portable signs in residential zones are intended only to provide directions to events
within residential zones.
(iii) No landscaping may be damaged or modified to accommodate portable signs. The City
may require replacement of any damaged landscaping.
(h) Appearance and Maintenance. Signs shall be constructed of durable materials by a person
skilled in the art of graphic design and shall be well maintained.
(i) Failure to Comply with Requirements of This Chapter. Portable signs that do not comply with
the provisions of this section may be confiscated by the City. Signs that are confiscated are
subject to immediate disposal. Sign owners that do not comply with the requirements of this
chapter may be subject to the code enforcement procedures pursuant to Chapter 1.06 WMC.
(8) Portable Signs in the Central Business District, Neighbor -hood Business,
General Business or Office Zo
http://www.codepublishing.corn/wa/woodinville/btml/Woodinville2l /Woodinville2120.h... 10/10/2014
Business, Tourist Business, General Business or Office zones are perrnitted subject to the following
requirements. Portable signs in the Tourist District Overlay shall also be subject to WMC 1.2 1 �.3 8 065
..... .. . . .... .... . .... -
1 1!1111 111 11111�111111 I'll I �vlpiil
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F-ITY- - L•e it: a
conformance with the following requirements:
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property where the business is located.
(iii) Signs placed within public right-of-way shall not block pedestrian, bicycle or vehiciz
(d) Size. All portable signs are limited to a maximum six square feet of sign area. Signs may
have no more than two sign faces. Two-sided signs may each display up to six square feet or.
aach face.
-stablishment. It is the responsibility of the sign owner to remove the sign when the
-.stablishment is not open to the public. The City may remove any portable sign that is displayed
sutside the operation hours of the establishment.
(g) Limitations.
landscaping may be damaged or modified to accommodate portable signs. The City
may require replacement of any damaged landscaping.
so -Z . - 14W**%M:-17k "_JT-W_qI MCI
skilled in the art of graphic design and shall be well maintained.
subject to immediate disposal. Sign owners that do not comply with the requirements of this
chapter may be subject to the code enforcement procedures pursuant to Chapter 1 M WMC
and may result in revocation of the sign permit.
http://www.codepublishing.com/wa/woodinville/htmi/Woodinville2 I/Woodinville2120.h... 10/10/2014
Page 17 of 19
IIWI, rec A De avanaffFe—fo—F mose properties
that can meet the following requirements:
(i) The variance criteria in WMC 21.,44,1040 shall be used to determine if the variance is
AX 117MORN103. a - - - - - - M01-- ' -
regulations may be modified by the Director: number, location, and/or height of signs.
(9) Portable Signs in Industrial Zones. Portable signs in Industrial zones that display information
regarding commercial businesses or services are permitted in Industrial zones subject to the following
requirements. Portable signs in the Tourist District Overlay shall also be subject to WMC 21 3.8....06 5.
and Chapter .2 1 �:.3 2, WIVIC for special event requirements,
..... ... . . ... ....
11111ir 1111111111111 111111111
following requirements:
vehicle traffic,
(d) Size. All portable signs are limited to a maximum six square feet of sign area. Signs may
have no more than two sign faces. Two-sided signs may each display up to six square feet on
each face.
r ti H3
signs may De aispiayea oniy auring the hours of opera on of t
�stablishment. It is the responsibility of the sign owner to remove the sign when the
-stablishment is not open to the public. The City may remove any portable sign that is displayed
-tutside the operation hours of the establishment.
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iigqi�1111�p qj�i 111�11q� 1 ITF.
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skilled in the art of graphic design and shall be well maintained.
provisions of this section may be confiscated by the City. Signs that are confiscated are subjec
to immediate disposal. Sign owners that do not comply with the requirements of this chapter
may be subject to the code enforcement procedures pursuant to Chapter'1.106 WIVIC and may
result in revocation of the sign permit. Qr�� . ?
1998) 1
411111101112 111117117111:1111=��
(2) Legal nonconforming signs may be removed for cleaning and routine maintenance, i.e., changing
of lighting and wiring. Legal nonconforming signs may continue to exist, except as noted in
subsections g
sign more nonconforming.
"6J-7U7FgUMonconTU1M1ng sign natis re•catea or replaced shall be brought into contormance
, A
:mmediately, or removed within 90 days.
(6) If a business ceases to operate, all existing nonconforming signs associated with the business
shall �,-e remawel �-y t�e Arv�e?ty mvi-ier v*Ahin 91-fays. If the �Fysinass hat signale in a mall sigr�_.#,r
building or related structure, the surface or facade or structure at the previous location of the
nonconforming sign(s) shall be repaired at the time of nonconforming sign removal.
111 1 �� I �i I I p � I � � I I 1� �l�:
11 1 ,1 11111F 1112111"111 1, 1
as three-dimensional, moving or lighted display, or location. Such alteration shall result ir
an illegal nonconforming -s -01m
shall be completed within •1. of permit issuance.
rcoj-durt-t reuet�cfi ]-rup-mrs- -TrRiTme siz"We, orientation, RN-gff,
advertising method or function such as three-dimensional, moving or lighted display, or
location of billboards shall not require a permit. Billboard copy replacement may occur at
any time and does not require issuance of a permit.
WTrATT-iT6=@,- e origmai railie oT ine sign
shall be removed within 90 days.
The Woodinville Municipal Code is current through
Ordinance 593, and legislation passed through July 15, 2014.
Disclaimer: The City Clerk's Office has the official version of the
Woodinville Municipal Code. Users should contact the City Clerk's
Office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited
Seattle Municipal Code
Seattle Municipal Code
Information retrieved October 7, 2014 11:13 AM
Title 23 - LAND USE CODE
Subtitle III - Land Use Regulations
Division 2 - Authorized Uses and Development Standards
Chapter 23.55 - SIGNS
Part 1 General Standards for All Zones
23.55.012 Temporary signs permitted in all zones.
A. Real estate "for sale," "for rent" and "open house" temporary signs, temporary
signs identifying the architect, engineer or contractor for work currently under
construction, and temporary noncommercial messages displayed on fabric
signs, flags or rigid signs shall be permitted in all zones at all times, provided
they are not painted with light -reflecting paint or illuminated. The total area for
these types of temporary signs in the aggregate shall not exceed eight (8)
square feet per building lot in single-family zones, and twenty-four (24) square
feet per building lot in all other zones, except as follows: the total area allowed
for noncommercial messages may increase to a maximum of eight (8) square
feet per dwelling unit for use by the occupant of that dwelling unit; and in
buildings where there are eight (8) dwelling units or more, a real estate banner
not exceeding thirty-six (36) square feet may be permitted for one (1) nine (9)
month period starting from the date of the issuance of the certificate of
B. In addition to the signs described in subsection A of this section above,
commercial or noncommercial messages may be displayed for a total of four (4)
fourteen (14) consecutive day periods a calendar year; these additional four (4)
periods are the maximum, whether the message is the same message or a
different message. These messages may be displayed on banners, streamers,
strings of pennants, fabric signs, festoons of lights, flags, wind -animated
objects, rigid signs, balloons, searchlights, portable signs attached to vehicles,
or devices of a carnival nature, and shall be allowed as temporary signs in all
zones. The total area for all temporary signs per fourteen (14) day period, when
combined with those signs authorized under subsection A of this section, in the
aggregate shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet per building lot for signs
made of rigid material, with no dimension greater than eight (8) feet, and one
hundred (100) square feet per building lot for temporary signs not made of rigid
material; provided that the total area allowed for noncommercial messages may
increase to a maximum of thirty-two (32) square feet per dwelling unit, with no
dimension greater than eight (8) feet, for signs made of rigid material, and one
hundred (100) square feet per dwelling unit for temporary signs not made of
rigid material, all for use by the occupant of that dwelling unit. No individual
sign made of nonrigid material may exceed thirty-six (36) square feet.
C. All signs authorized by this section are subject to the following regulations:
1. No sign may be placed on public property or on the planting strips that abut
public property, including planting strips forming a median in a public street,
except as provided in subsection C3 below and except for portable signs
attached to vehicles that are using the public streets.
Seattle Municipal Code
2. All signs must be erected with the consent of the occupant of the property on
which the sign is located, except as provided in subsection C3 below.
3. Temporary Signs on Public Property or in Planting Strips.
a. Temporary signs with commercial or noncommercial messages may be
located on public rights-of-way or in planting strips in business districts,
subject to the requirements of City of Seattle Public Works Rules Chapter
4.60 or its successor Rule.
b. Temporary signs with noncommercial messages, other than in subsection
C3a above, may be located in the planting strip in front of private property
with the consent of the occupant of that property and may not exceed eight
(8) square feet or be supported by stakes that are more than one (1) foot
into the ground. Signs in the planting strip shall be no more than twenty-
four (24) inches in height as measured from street or driveway grade when
located within thirty (30) feet from the curbline of intersections. Signs shall
be no more than thirty-six inches (36") in height as measured from street
or driveway grade when located thirty feet (30') or more from the curbline
of intersections.
c. In addition to commercial signs in business districts allowed in subsection
C3a above, only temporary commercial "open house" signs may be placed
in planting strips. One (1) "open house" temporary sign per street frontage
of a lot may be located with the consent of the occupant and provided the
occupant or seller is on the premises. The "open house" signs may not
exceed eight (8) square feet per lot or be supported by stakes that are
more than one foot (1') into the ground. The "open house" signs shall be no
more than twenty-four inches (24") in height as measured from street or
driveway grade when located within thirty feet (30') from the curbline of
intersections, and shall be no more than thirty-six inches (36") in height as
measured from street or driveway grade when located thirty feet (30) or
more from the curbline of intersections.
d. No sign placed in a planting strip may be displayed on banners, streamers,
strings of pennants, festoons of lights, flags, wind -animated objects or
e. The requirements of this subsection C3 shall be enforced by the Director of
Seattle Department of Transportation pursuant to the enforcement
provisions of that Department.
4. No sign shall obstruct or impair access to a public sidewalk, public or private
street or driveway, traffic control sign, bus stop, fire hydrant, or any other type
of street furniture, or otherwise create a hazard, including a tripping hazard.
5. Signs shall be designed to be stable under all weather conditions, including
high winds.
6. A temporary sign shall conform to the standards for roof signs, flashing,
changing image or message board signs, for moving signs, and for lighting
and height regulations for the zone or special review district in which the
temporary sign is located, provided that balloons may exceed height
7. The entire visible surface of the sign, exclusive of support devices, shall be
included in area calculations.
Ord. ¶...;2m,; 47 35, 2004;; Ord. ....::u...! .:+b.if:;p § 203, 1996: Ord. 117555 § 2, 1995: Ord. 112830 § 10
Seattle Municipal Code
(part), 1985.
New legislation may amend this section!
The above represents the most recent SMC update, which includes ordinances
codified through Ordinance 124495 with effective dates prior to 13 June,
2014 except 124105 and 124490 which is awaiting certification by King
Recently approved legislation may not yet be reflected in Seattle Municipal Code.
See the legislative history at the bottom of each section to determine if new
legislation has been incorporated.
"search I ire to.t'V �� iro�r:�� le, o�ILatjioin relfeue�n�,:lio�r Ill°u lis si(,� li�.�ir�. (Searches for legislation
_...................................................................................................1.....142............................_..................................................................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,.................... ( g
approved within the past six months, which may not yet be incorporated into the
SMC. See the legislative history for each section to confirm whether an ordinance is
ke. g:;r,lh Ifloryroriosed Ileouslletioirrl dhat relFeirs t t.Ihilj,i*,,,,,,,;,�',;�»,�,ti.on. (Searches for Council Bills
introduced since 01 /2013 and not yet passed.)
Note: The above searches are provided to assist in research, but they are not
guaranteed to capture all relevant legislation. Search directly on the ��u.��.:u�:��.�)......ff::....ari
Cr rrr �
Indexfor the most comprehensive results.
For research assistance, contact the Seattle City Clerk's Office at (205) 584-8344,
or by e-mail,
For interpretation or explanation of a particular SMC section, please contact the relevant City
Page 3 of 3
I r Ali il l�
Seattle Municipal Code
U ,'%; I � l�llll�lllllllpu^ I
Seattle Municipal Code
Information retrieved October 7, 2014 11:18 AM
Title 23 - LAND USE CODE
Subtitle IV - Administration
Division 2 - General Terms
Chapter 23.84A - DEFINITIONS
23.84A.036 "S"
"Sale and rental of large boats." See "Sales and services, marine."
"Sale and rental of motorized vehicles." See "Sales and services, automotive."
"Sale and rental of small boats, boat parts and accessories." See "Sales and
services, marine."
"Sale of heating fuel." See "Commercial sales, heavy" under "Sales and services,
"Sales and rental of commercial equipment and construction materials." See
"Commercial sales, heavy" under "Sales and services, heavy."
"Sales and services, automotive" means a commercial use in which motorized
vehicles or vehicle parts are rented, sold, serviced or repaired. Automotive sales
and services uses exclude sales and services primarily relating to electric scooters
or electric assisted bicycles. Automotive sales and services uses include but are not
limited to the following:
1. "Retail sales and services, automotive" means an automotive sales and service
use in which goods are rented or sold primarily for use in motor vehicles or
minor services are provided to motor vehicles. Uses in this category may
include gas stations, car washes, minor repair of vehicles not falling under the
definition of major automotive vehicle repair, battery stations for electric
vehicles, and towing of vehicles when no more than two trucks are used or
kept on site for towing purposes.
2. "Sales and rental of motorized vehicles" means an automotive sales and
service use in which operable motorized vehicles, such as cars, trucks, buses,
recreational vehicles or motorcycles, or related non -motorized vehicles, such
as trailers, are rented or sold.
3. "Vehicle repair, major automotive" means an automotive sales and service use
in which one or more of the following activities are carried out:
a. Reconditioning of any type of motorized vehicle, including any repairs
made to vehicles over 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight;
b. Collision services, including body, frame or fender straightening or repair;
c. Overall painting of vehicles or painting of vehicles in a paint shop;
d. Dismantling of motorized vehicles in an enclosed structure.
"Sales and services, general" means one of the uses listed below, in which goods
are rented or sold or services are provided primarily for household and personal
use rather than for business establishments, institutions, or government
agencies, but excluding medical services and uses in which goods are sold that
primarily need to be delivered by truck, such as building materials, major
durables and/or heating fuel.
1. "Retail sales and services, general" means a general sales and service use that
is not a multi-purpose retail sales use. General retail sales and services include
general retail sales uses, general services uses, and customer service office
uses. Examples of general retail sales include but are not limited to
bookstores, florists, and clothing stores. Examples of general services include
but are not limited to shoe repair, hair cutting salons, pet grooming, pet
daycare centers and dry cleaning. Customer service offices are uses in which
services are provided to individuals and households in an office setting in a
manner that encourages walk-in clientele and in which generally an
appointment is not needed to conduct business, including but not limited to
uses such as branch banks, travel agencies, brokerage firms, real estate
offices, and government agencies that provide direct services to clients.
2. "Retail sales, multipurpose" means a general sales and service use in which a
wide range of items frequently purchased for household use are rented or
sold. Examples of multipurpose retail sales include but are not limited to
grocery, hardware, drug, and variety stores, and farmers' markets.
"Sales and services, heavy" means one of the following uses:
1. "Commercial sales, heavy" means a heavy sales and services use in which
goods that primarily require delivery or pickup by truck are sold. Examples
include but are not limited to the sale of construction materials, heating fuel,
or industrial supplies. Sales are retail and/or wholesale, and are made
primarily to businesses rather than to individual households, or primarily
delivered directly to households without customers visiting the business.
2. "Commercial services, heavy" means a heavy sales and service use that
provides services that require significant truck traffic or the use, storage and
disposal of chemicals as a significant part of the functioning of the business.
Heavy commercial services include but are not limited to the following:
a. "Commercial laundry" means a heavy commercial service use in which items
such as clothing and linens are cleaned. This definition includes uses such
as laundering for hospitals, restaurants, hotels and diaper cleaning
services, as well as rug and dry cleaning plants where on -premises retail
services to individual households are incidental to the operation of the
b. "Construction services" means a heavy commercial service use in which
construction contracting services, including the final processing of building
materials such as but not limited to the mixing of concrete or the heating
of asphalt, are provided; or in which construction equipment is stored,
either in conjunction with an office or as a separate use, but not including a
construction site.
c. "Building maintenance services" means a heavy commercial service use that
provides maintenance and cleaning services to other business
3. "Retail sales, major durables" means a heavy sales and service use in which
large household items, such as but not limited to furniture or appliances, are
rented or sold.
4. "Retail sales and services, Non -household" means a heavy sales and service
use in which goods and services are provided primarily for businesses,
institutions and/or government agencies, rather than for households.
Seattle Municipal Lode Page 3 of l 1
Examples include but are not limited to business support services, and the
sale of office or restaurant supplies. Non -household retail sales and services
include, but are not limited to:
"Business support services" means a non -household retail sales and service use
in which services are provided primarily for businesses, institutions and/or
government agencies, rather than for households. Examples include but are not
limited to blueprint companies, medical laboratories, merchant banks, assaying
services and microfilming and copying services.
5. "Wholesale showroom" means a heavy sales and service use in which
merchandise is displayed and sold at wholesale to business representatives for
resale, rather than to the general public for direct consumption, and that
includes storage of goods for sale.
"Sales and services, marine." means one or more of the following uses:
1. "Marine service station" means a marine retail sales and service use in which
fuel for boats is sold, and For which accessory uses including, but not limited
to, towing or minor vessel repair may also be provided.
2. "Sale or rental of large boats" means a marine retail sales and service use in
which boats sixteen 0 6) feet or more in length are rented or sold.
3. "Sale and rental of small boats, boat parts and accessories" means a marine
retail sales and service use in which goods are rented or sold primarily for use
on boats and ships, but excluding uses in which fuel for boats and ships is the
primary item sold. Examples of goods sold include navigational instruments,
marine hardware and paints, nautical publications, nautical clothing such as
foul weather gear, marine engines, and boats less than sixteen (16) feet in
4. "Vessel repair, minor" means a marine retail sales and service use, other than
major vessel repair, in which one (1) or more of the following activities take
a. General boat engine and equipment repair;
b. The replacement of new or reconditioned parts;
c. Repair of boat hulls;
d. Painting and detailing; and
e. Rigging and outfitting.
S. "Vessel repair, major" means a marine retail sales and service use in which
ferrous hulls are repaired; or in which boats and ships sixty-five (65) feet or
more in length are converted, rebuilt, painted, repaired, or dismantled.
Associated activities may include welding and sandblasting, as part of this use.
"Sales, service and rental of office equipment." See "Retail sales and services,
non -household" under "Sales and services, heavy."
"Sales, service and rental of commercial equipment and construction materials."
See "Commercial sales, heavy" under "Sales and services, general."
"Salvage and recycling." See "Utility."
"Sanitarium" means "Hospital."
"Satellite dish antenna." See "Communication devices and utilities"
"Scale" means the spatial relationship among structures along a street or block
front, including height, bulk and yard relationships.
1111 1111111P�Jgll �Jllp Jill
Seattle Municipal Code
"Scenic route" means any of those streets designated by the Land Use Code as
scenic routes.
"Scenic view section" means a section of the traveled way of a freeway,
expressway, parkway, or scenic route that has been so designated by this Code.
"School, elementary or secondary." See "Institution."
"Screen" means a continuous wall or fence that effectively obscures view of the
property that it covers and that is broken only for access drives and walks. See
"Parking screen."
"Screening" means a screen, hedge or landscaped berm that effectively obscures
a view between a use or activity and another use or activity.
"SEPA" means the State Environmental Policy Act.
"Setback" means the minimum required distance between a structure or portion
thereof and a lot line of the lot on which it is located, or another line described
in a particular section of this title.
"Sewage treatment plant." See "Utility."
"Shared -use facility." See "Communication devices and utilities."
"Shed roof' means a roof having only one (1) sloping plane.
"Shopping atrium" means a feature consisting of a large enclosed space that is
accessible to the public, and that provides a combination of retail stores and
passive recreational space in a weather -protected, convenient, and attractive
atmosphere for shoppers that also contributes to the activity and visual interest
at street level.
"Shopping corridor" means a feature consisting of a passage that goes through a
block and connects two avenues, and that is lined with retail uses, in order to
make pedestrian circulation more convenient, provide more frontage for shops,
give protection to pedestrians from inclement weather, and shorten walking
"Short plat" means a map or representation of a short subdivision.
"Short plat approval, fully complete application." See "Application."
"Short subdivision" means the division or redivision of land into nine (9) or fewer
lots, tracts, parcels, sites or divisions for the purpose of sale, lease,
development or financing.
"Shoulder" means the graded area between the roadway edge and the sidewalk,
or slope line where there is no sidewalk, on the portion of a street where there
are no curbs.
"Shrub" means a plant defined as a shrub in the Sunset Western Garden Book,
7th Edition, 2001.
"Shrub, large" means a shrub normally expected to be equal to or taller than 2
feet at maturity.
"Sidewalk" means a hard -surfaced pedestrian walkway, usually of Portland
cement concrete, separated from the roadway by a curb, planting strip or
roadway shoulder.
"Sidewalk widening" means an extension of the surface of a sidewalk, generally
onto private property, which is free of all permanent obstructions.
"Sight triangle" means the area on both sides of a driveway that must be clear of
any obstruction to permit optimal visibility from the driveway to the sidewalk
and street.
"Sign" means any medium, including structural and component parts, that is
used or intended to be used to attract attention to the subject matter for
advertising, identification or informative purposes.
"Sign, advertising" means a sign directing attention to a business, profession,
commodity, service or entertainment conducted, sold or offered elsewhere than
upon the lot where the sign is located.
"Sign, awning" means graphics on a fixed awning used or intended to be used to
attract attention to the subject matter for advertising, identification, or
informative purposes. An awning sign shall not be considered a fabric sign.
"Sign, business" means an on -premises sign directing attention to a business,
profession, commodity, service or entertainment conducted, sold or offered on
the lot where the sign is located. This definition shall not include signs located
within a structure except those signs oriented so as to be visible through a
"Sign, canopy" means graphics on a canopy used or intended to be used to
attract attention to the subject matter for advertising, identification, or
information purposes. A canopy sign shall not be considered a fabric sign.
"Sign, changing -image" means a sign, including a sign using a video display
method, which changes its message or background by means of electrical,
kinetic, solar or mechanical energy, not including message board signs. A video
display method is a method of display characterized by real-time, full -motion
imagery of at least television quality.
"Sign, chasing" means a sign that includes one or more rows of lights that light
up in sequence.
"Sign, combination" means any sign incorporating any combination of the
features of freestanding, projecting, and roof signs. The individual requirements
of roof, projecting and pole signs shall be applied for combination signs
incorporating any or all of the requirements specified in this Code.
"Sign, double-faced" means a sign that has two display surfaces in approximately
parallel planes backed against each other or against the same background, one
face of which is designed to be seen from one direction and the other from the
opposite direction.
"Sign, electric" means any sign containing electrical wiring, but not including
signs illuminated by an exterior light source.
"Sign, externally illuminated" means a sign illuminated by an exterior light
"Sign, fabric" means a sign made of canvas, cloth or similar nonrigid material,
but not including a canopy sign.
"Sign, flashing" means an electrical sign or portion of an electrical sign that
changes light intensity in sudden transitory bursts. Flashing signs do not include
changing image or chasing signs.
"Sign, freestanding" means a pole or ground sign.
"Sign, ground" means a sign that is six (6) feet or less in height above ground
level and is supported by one (1) or more poles, columns or supports anchored
in the ground.
Seattle Municipal Code Page 6 of 11
"Sign, identification" means any ground, wall or roof sign which displays only (1)
the name, address and/or use of the premises; and/or (2) noncommercial
"Sign kiosk" means a small freestanding sign structure visible to the public used
for posting small signs.
"Sign, land use" means a sign with dimensions of at least eighteen (18) inches by
twenty-four (24) inches but smaller than an environmental review sign,
constructed of a durable material, required for public notice of proposed land
use actions according to Chapter 23.76, Procedures for Master Use Permits and
Council Land Use Decisions.
"Sign, large" means a sign four (4) by eight (8) feet, constructed of a durable
"Sign, large notice" means a sign with dimensions of four feet by eight feet
constructed of a durable material, required for public notice of proposed land
use actions according to Chapter 23.76, Procedures for Master Use Permits and
Council Land Use Decisions.
"Sign, marquee" means a sign placed on, constructed in or attached to a
"Sign, message board" means an electric sign that has a reader board for the
display of information, such as time, temperature, of public service or
commercial messages, that can be changed through the turning on and off of
different combinations of light bulbs within the display area.
"Sign, multiple business center" means an on -premises sign directing attention
to a grouping of two or more business establishments that either share common
parking on the lot where the sign is located or occupy a single structure or
separate structures that are physically attached or both. A multiple business
center sign may be used to identify a multiple business center and may identify
individual business establishments within a multiple business center but not the
products or services offered by the business establishments. (See also "multiple
business center" and "sign, business.")
"Sign, off -premises" means a sign relating, through its message and content, to
a business activity, use, product or service not available on the premises upon
which the sign is erected.
"Sign, off -premises directional" means an off -premises sign used to direct
pedestrian or vehicular traffic to a facility, service, or business located on other
premises within one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet of the sign, which sign
does not include any reference to brand names of products or services whether
or not available on such other premises, except the name of the facility, service
or business.
"Sign, on -premises" means a sign or sign device used solely by a business
establishment on the lot where the sign is located that displays either: (1)
commercial messages that are strictly applicable only to a use of the premises
on which it is located, including signs or sign devices indicating the business
transacted, principal services rendered, goods sold or produced on the
premises, name of the business, and name of the person, firm or corporation
occupying the premises; or (2) noncommercial messages. For the purposes of
this definition, "business transacted, principal services rendered, goods sold or
produced on the premises" does not include: (a) the sale or donation of a gift
card, gift certificate, coupon or other document that can be exchanged in part or
whole for an item or good that is not directly sold or produced or a service
Seattle Municipal Code
rendered where the gift card, gift certificate, coupon or other document is sold
or donated; or (b) access by phone, computer or any other device to allow a
person to obtain an item or good that is not directly sold or produced or a
service rendered where the access by phone, computer or other device is
offered. This definition does not include signs located within a structure except
those signs oriented so as to be visible through a window.
"Sign, on -premises directional" means an on -premises incidental sign designed
to direct pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
"Sign, pole" means a sign wholly supported by a structure in the ground.
"Sign, portable" means a sign that is not permanently affixed and is designed for
or capable of being moved, except those signs explicitly designed for people to
carry on their persons or that are permanently affixed to motor vehicles.
"Sign, projecting" means a sign other than a wall sign, that projects from and is
supported by a wall of a structure.
"Sign, public" means a sign in the right-of-way that is at least partially funded by
public funds and is intended to carry messages of interest to the public.
"Sign, roof` means a sign erected upon or above a roof or parapet of a building
or structure.
"Sign, rotating" means a sign that revolves on a fixed axis.
"Sign, side-by-side" means advertising signs that are adjacent to each other on
the same plane and facing in the same direction, either on the same structure or
within twenty-five (25) feet of one another.
"Sign, temporary" means any sign that is to be displayed for a limited period of
time only, including but not limited to, banners, pennants, streamers, fabric
signs, wind -animated objects, clusters of flags, festoons of lights and
searchlights. A temporary sign may be of rigid or non -rigid construction.
"Sign, under -marquee" means a lighted or unlighted sign attached to the
underside of a marquee.
"Sign, visually blocked" means an advertising sign that is located against or
attached to a building, thereby visible from only one (1) direction. To be
considered visually blocked, the advertising sign must be within eight (8) feet of
any building wall or walls that are used to block the back side of the advertising
sign and the advertising sign cannot project above or beyond the blocking wall
or walls.
"Sign, wall" means any sign attached to and supported by a wall of a structure,
or projected on or onto a wall of a building or structure, or suspended from the
roof of a building or structure, with the exposed face of the sign on a plane
approximately parallel to the plane of the wall, or any sign painted directly on a
building facade.
"Single-family dwelling unit." See "Residential use."
"Single -occupant facility." See "Telecommunication facility, single -occupant"
under "Communication devices and utilities."
"Skylight" means an opening in a roof that is covered with translucent or
transparent material, designed to admit light, and incidental to the roof itself.
"Soil, structural" means a soil mix or equivalent structure approved by the
Director that is engineered to support pavement while allowing healthy root
Seattle Municipal Code
"Solar access" means the amount of unrestricted sunlight that reaches a
structure, or portion thereof.
"Solar collector" means any device used to collect direct sunlight for use in the
heating or cooling of a structure, domestic hot water, or swimming pool, or the
generation of electricity.
"Solar greenhouse" means a solar collector that is a structure or portion of a
structure utilizing glass or similar glazing material to collect direct sunlight for
space heating purposes.
"Solarium" means a room, porch, or other area, that is designed to admit
sunlight, is part of a larger structure, is enclosed substantially entirely by glass
or another transparent material, and is not primarily used for the cultivation or
protection of plants.
"Solid waste incineration facilities." See "Solid waste management" under
"Solid waste landfills." See "Solid waste management" under "Utility"
"Solid waste management." See "Utility."
"Solid waste transfer station." See "Solid waste management" under "Utility."
"South Downtown" means the area that is identified as such on Map 1 A for
Chapter 23.49.
"Spectator sports facility." See "Theaters and spectator sports facilities" under
"Sports and recreation, indoor." See "Entertainment."
"Sports and recreation, outdoor." See "Entertainment."
"Stoop" See "porch"
"Storage" means a use in which goods or products are stored more than (72)
hours. Storage uses include but are not limited to the following uses:
1. "Mini -warehouse" means a storage use in which enclosed storage space
divided into separate compartments no larger than five hundred (500) square
feet in area is provided for use by individuals to store personal items or by
businesses to store material for operation of a business establishment at
another location.
2. "Storage, outdoor' means a storage use in which an outdoor area is used for
retention of materials, containers and/or equipment. Outdoor storage does
not include sale, repair, incineration, recycling or discarding of materials or
equipment. Outdoor storage areas are not accessible to the public unless an
agent of the business is present. Outdoor parking areas for two (2) or more
fleet vehicles of more than ten thousand (10,000) pounds gross vehicle weight
shall also be considered outdoor storage. Temporary outdoor storage of
construction equipment and materials associated with an active permit to
demolish or erect a structure and vehicle sales areas where motorized vehicles
are stored for the purpose of direct sale to the ultimate consumer shall not be
considered outdoor storage.
3. "Warehouse" means a storage use in which space is provided in an enclosed
structure for the storage of goods produced off-site, for distribution or
transfer to another location.
"Story" means that portion of a structure included between the surface of any
floor and the surface of the floor next above, except that the highest story is
that portion of the structure included between the highest floor surface and the
ceiling or roof above.
"Street" means a right-of-way that is intended to provide or that provides a
roadway for general vehicular circulation, is the principal means of vehicular
access to abutting properties and includes space for utilities, pedestrian
walkways, sidewalks and drainage. Any such right-of-way shall be included
within this definition, regardless of whether it has been developed or not.
"Street, arterial" means every street, or portion thereof, designated as an arterial
on the Arterial street map, Section ,p;i,1,,,,(.)11.o.
1. "Minor arterial" means a street or portion thereof designated as such on Map
1 B for Chapter 23.49
2. "Principal arterial" or "major arterial" means a street or portion thereof
designated as such on Map 1 B for Chapter 23.49
"Street, existing" means any street that is not a new street.
"Street -facing facade." See "Facade, street -facing".
"Street level" or "street -level" means the same grade as an abutting street or
streets, or at that grade, as the context may require.
"Street -level facade" see "Facade, street -level".
"Street, new" means a street proposed to be created through the platting
process, or by dedication to the City as part of a development proposal.
"Street, private" means a named, private permanent access easement exceeding
thirty-two (32) feet in width not dedicated to public use but that provides a
roadway at least twenty-four (24) feet wide for internal use within a subdivision
or development, and that includes sidewalks and space for utilities and
drainage. A private street shall be treated as a street for purposes of application
of development standards to abutting properties.
"Streetscape" means the visual character of a street as determined by various
elements such as structures, landscaping, open space, natural vegetation and
"Structural building overhang" means all encroachments into and over public
property, such as: bay windows, other projections enclosing occupied interior
space, balconies, cornices, eaves, sills, belt courses, facade treatments, and
other minor architectural features.
"Structural soil." See "Soil, structural."
"Structural alterations" means any change in the supporting members of a
building, such as foundations, bearing walls or bearing partitions, columns,
beams or girders, or any structural change in the roof.
"Structure" means anything constructed or erected on the ground or any
improvement built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite
manner and affixed to the ground, including fences, walls and signs, but not
including poles, flowerbed Frames and such minor incidental improvements.
"Structure depth" means that dimension of a structure extending between the
front and rear lot lines.
"Structure width" means that dimension of a structure extending between side
lot lines.
"Structure, accessory." See "Accessory structure."
Seattle Municipal Code
Page 10 of 11
"Structure, detached" means a structure having no common or party wall with
another structure.
"Structure, enclosed" means a roofed structure or portion of a structure having
no openings other than fixed windows and such exits as are required by law,
and which is equipped with self-closing doors.
"Structure, multifamily residential." See "Multifamily residential structure."
"Structure, nonconforming." See "Nonconforming structure."
"Structure, nonresidential." See "Nonresidential structure."
"Structure, principal." See "Principal structure."
"Structure, residential." See "Residential structure."
"Structure, single-family." See "Single-family dwelling unit."
"Subdivision" means the division or redivision of land into ten (10) or more lots,
tracts, parcels, sites, or divisions for the purpose of sale, lease, or transfer of
"Submerged land" means all lands waterward of the ordinary high water mark or
mean higher high water, whichever is higher.
"Substandard size lot" means a lot that contains less land than the minimum size
required for the zone in which it is located.
Ord. 1244.15 7 , § 5, 2014; Ord. ;;1,, .41..:8 , § 93, 2013; Ord. 1..2.3, j..,3. , § 49, 2012; Ord. j..1,, ,�1,,,9 , § 61,
201 1; Ord..p....:...�..;�.:r 9. , § 102, 201 1; Ord. ml,,, ,.„: 495 , § 89, 201 1; Ord. ;;12,„;� �..:: , § 26, 2010; Ord.
„, , . , § 62, 2009; Ord..:IL..2(5)3.:5 , 1121. 2009; Ord. :1................. :3..:9...:IL.. , § 100, 2006
New legislation may amend this section!
The above represents the most recent SMC update, which includes ordinances
codified through Ordinance 124495 with effective dates prior to 13 June,
2014 except 124105 and 124490 which is awaiting certification by King
Recently approved legislation may not yet be reflected in Seattle Municipal Code.
See the legislative history at the bottom of each section to determine if new
legislation has been incorporated.
:���^a;u°�II�.........(�;;m...._Ir;eceintll.�":......�:.p.I�.u;,0 Il �il���,bbin r"efeir°erocJ.ric mGIos ���aa��. Searches for legislation
r................................................................................................................................................ ( g
approved within the past six months, which may not yet be incorporated into the
SMC. See the legislative history for each section to confirm whether an ordinance is
.S.::gi:;r...::1............[12.r.....,,..j,!.,,,,�,��Og.......II:.,;li�i;lion thiat refers to ,,,,�J,vi, ,,,,,,............ �;�mli .... (Searches for Council Bills
introduced since 01/2013 and not yet passed.)
Note: The above searches are provided to assist in research, but they are not
guaranteed to capture all relevant legislation. Search directly on the ;lo,sn.cil, Rills and
,m i iaPic;. s 121 d g. x,, for the most comprehensive results.
For research assistance, contact the Seattle City Clerk's Office at (206) 684-8344,
or by e-mail, cji(,:M.rnl� D, ie �ro.11i::.jWv
http://clerk.ci.seattle.wa.us/---scripts/nph-brs.eae?d=CODE&s 1=23.84A.036.snum. &Sects=... 10/7/2014
For interpretation or explanation of a partIcuiar SMC section, please contact the relevant City
31 14 *, iiliii� M
"MA", %, --- L
:' ' OW77,"� . 1 4- j —
K103 a]
22BIOXY10 General provisions.
.......... —
22B.IIU20 Definitions.
............................ —
22B.I.0.025 Design review.
2 B 1 0.....0 3 Q Business, commercial, manufacturing and medical institution district signs - Zones
.... ..... ..... . . . ..... . ..... .... .....
OLB, OLB-OS, CB, Downtown -0-1, Downtown -0-2, Downtown -MU, Downtown -R,
Downtown -OB, Downtown-OLB, GC, Ll, MI, and Bel -Red land districts, except BR -
22B -1(I04('.) Office, research and development, and multifamily residential district signs - Zones
........... I ..............................................
PO, 0, BR -ORT, EH -D, R-10, R-15, R-20, and R-30,
'.:'2B,10.05C) Repealed.
22B,10......055.. Factoria area -Freestanding and freeway -oriented signs -Multiple tenants -
... . ............ -
Additional signs.
22B. I Q.0('.!Q Neighborhood retail business district signs - Zone NB.
�22B [().()80 Repealed.
.1 .................... ..... I.." .............................
.2 2..'.B 0....Q...!99. Single-family residential district signs - Zones R-7.5, R-5, R-4, R-3.5, R-2.5, R-1.8,
.... ..... ...... .. .... ..... .. .... . .... .....
and R-1.
I . ........... .....................
2,'e?BA 0.105
Vendor carts and produce stands.
.................................................................. .
LED (light emitting diode) readerboard signs.
22B. 10110
I., ..... . ....................................... -
Hospital and ambulatory health care center signs.
,.2 2 Q Q.....1 1 5.
Directional signs for major institutions.
Temporary signs.
Permanent signs within street rights-of-way.
Exempt signs or displays.
Requirements applicable to all signs.
Prohibited signs.
2 2 5 1 69,
Permits and fees.
2,'e.!B. 10. 1710,
Administration, enforcement and sign removal.
.2 2 B Q.....1 8.0.
Variance from sign code.
0.,J 9"0'
I ..... ...... .. .. ..... .. .... ..... .....
Nonconforming signs.
Conflicting provisions.
.......................... . .....................................
of the citizens of the city of Bellevue (hereafter "city"), by establishing standards for the design,
placement, size and maintenance of all exterior signs and sign structures in the city. Furthermore, it is
noff 013 1
the purpose of the regulations, standards and criteria of this code to permit and encourage the design
of signs which are responsive to the needs of the public in locating a business establishment by
identification, address and product and/or services information.
The rapid economic development of the city has resulted in a great increase in the number of
businesses located in the city, with marked increase in the number and size of signs related to those
businesses. This proliferation of signs has resulted in a reduced effectiveness of individual signs. As
the number, size and intensity of signs increase without regard to quality and placement, the impact
of the individual sign is diminished.
Lack of control of signs may cause potentially dangerous conflicts between advertising signs and
traffic control signs, thus destroying the effectiveness of both. The great increase in automotive traffic
experienced within the city has greatly aggravated this danger.
Furthermore, the uncontrolled use of signs and their shapes, motion, colors, illumination and their
insistent and distracting demand for attention can be injurious to property values of both business and
residential areas of the city, and may seriously detract from the enjoyment and pleasure of the natural
beauty of the city.
It is recognized that the right of a business to identify itself contributes to the economic well-being of
the community. This right can be exercised in such a way as to bring great benefit to the public
without affecting the welfare of the business. The responsible regulation of signs may, in fact, improve
business opportunity and the effectiveness of individual signs as a result of the increased
attractiveness of the city's environment. (Ord. „.5. § 1, 1995; 1961 code § 17.01.010.)
2213.10.020 Definitions.
"Ambulatory health care center" means a medical institution building which is designated for delivery
of a range of health care and high acuity specialty care services and is not licensed as a hospital.
"Area" or "surface area" means the greatest area of a sign, visible from any one viewpoint, enclosed
within not more than three circles, rectangles or squares, or any combination of these forms which
produces the smallest area, excluding sign support structure which does not form part of the sign
proper or of the display. "Surface area" includes only one face of a multiple -faced sign.
"Architectural blade" means a roof sign or projecting sign with no exposed legs or braces, designed to
look as though it could have been part of the building structure rather than something suspended
from or standing on the building.
"Banner" means a sign intended to be temporary, made of flexible, sturdy material and affixed to a
building or other structure (excludes flags).
"Barricade sign" means a sign affixed to construction barricades during the construction period.
unrelated"Billboard" means an outdoor advertising sign containing a message, commercial or otherwise,
- . activity - propertyon which the sign is located,
directional sia ....... 11r-
Chapter 22B. 10 SIGN CODE Page 3 of 43
• to this chapter.
Building Line — Boulevards for Urban Design Treatment. The building line for signs for any property
outside the limits of the downtown and abutting a street designated by the urban design element of
centerline of the right-of-way, However, the director may administratively approve a modification of
urban design element of the comprehensive plan.
Building Line — Downtown. The building line for signs for any property within the limits of the
downtown and -.
Relationships, shall be 25 feet from the property line. However, the director may administratively
approve a modification of the required building line if the result of such modification would be
.2 0 25A. LUC.
_711TS—Mri T@=r
the setback required for the property by LUC 210.20,01.10, Dimensional Requirements Chart, LUC
............. . I ................... .............. .......
Dimensional Requirements in Downtown Districts, LUC 20,2511_...1030, Dimensional
. ... ......... .......................
Requirements for OLB-OS, or any other special or overlay district dimensional requirements
applicable to the specific property or use. In any area of the city, except the downtown, where the
applicable line is located more than 65 feet from the centerline of the citU street on whL7Wf.ykw*N'Ya-
building line shall, for purposes of limiting size or placement of signs under this code, be deemed to
begin 65 feet from the centerline of the street and run parallel thereto.
'Building -mounted sign" means a single or multiple -faced sign attached to the face of a building oi
property thereunder.
"Construction period" means the time between issuance of a building permit and issuance of
certificate of occupancy,
"Construction sign" means an information sign which identifies the architect, engineers, contractors
and other individuals, or firms involved with the construction of a building, and/or announces the
'Corporate headquarters" means the place from which the trade or business is principally managed
aid directed.
'Directional sign" means a single- or double-faced sign not exceeding six square feet in surface
except as provided in BCC 22BA 0. 115 for major institutions. maior office buildin
centers located in medical institution districts and in BCC 22[3,.10.103() for the downtown, which is
designed to guide or direct pedestrian or vehicular traffic to an area, place or convenience.
"Director' means the director of the development services department or his or her designated
"Enterprise" means the owner, tenant, user, or other occupant of a structure seeking signs under this
sign code.
n e ainm pu c assembly use" means those uses permufted in any downtown land use district
classified as indoor public assembly, motion picture or theater by the recreation use chart in LUC
20. 1 (1,4410
I ........................................ —
1�-aca e —means Me area ot nat continuous tront, side or back surface, including doors and windows,
but excluding any roof area and structures or elevators or air conditioning equipment thereon;
provided, that in the case of a roof sign, the surface area or facade shall be the area of that
continuous front, side • back surface immediately beneath the roof, including doors and windows,
but excluding the roof area and structures for elevators or air conditioning thereon.
"Freestanding sign" means a single- or multiple -faced sign, supported from the ground by one
more columns, uprights or braces.
"Freeway corridor means a corridor paralleling each side of the freeway with a width of 375 feet on
each side of the freeway right-of-way. The freeway corridor does not include land within the
boundaries of the downtown, as defined in the Land Use Code.
'Grade" means the elevation or level of the street closest to the sign to which reference is made, as
�f tIII I . I . .. . 1 - V
'Halo lighting" means a method of sign illumination that consists of a light source external to the sign
tr sign elements and mounted behind the sign or sign elements. The sign elements of a sign
illuminated throujhJ1aJQJL@ btinLs shall be o�cMue so that the !iL-.'ht does no,. w.tVKj#� # imc7mu-lwnw-1 "'T
tr through the sign elements.
'Height' means the vertical distance from the grade to the highest point of a sign or any vertical
projection thereof, including its supporting columns, or the vertical distance from the relative groun.it
level in the immediate vicinity of the sign.
"High-rise building" means a building with a roofline that is equal to, or exceeds, 75 feet above the
average finish grade.
"Hospital" means a building requiring a license pursuant to Chapter 71.D11. RCW and designed and
used for the medical nosis treatment and housin
and nurses and including ancillary uses such as cafeterias, florists and patient- and visitor -related
services. Rest homes, nursing homes, convalescent homes and clinics are not included.
"Illegal sign" means any sign which does not comply with the requirements of this code within the city
limits as they now or hereafter exist, and which does not have a nonconforming sign permit under
BCC ,x!12B.,,,................., , ,(B)(2).
"Incidental sign" means small signs, two square feet or less in surface area, of a noncommercial
nature, intended primarily for the convenience of the public. Included are signs designating
restrooms, address numbers, hours of operation, entrances to buildings, directions, help wanted,
public telephone, etc. Also included in this group of signs are those designed to identify an area or
place on the premises of a business building or development by means of a directory designating
names and addresses only.
"Institution, major" means a use such as a hospital, convention center, performing arts center,
college, or sports arena, or a major office building or mixed-use complex containing 300,000 gross
square feet or more, located in the downtown.
"Lease-up/sales period" means the time between issuance of certificate of occupancy (CO) or
temporary certificate of occupancy (TCO) and when the building becomes substantially leased up or
until substantially all the units in the building are sold. For purposes of this definition, the period shall
be the longer of six months from CO/TCO or 95 percent occupancy or sale. The director may approve
an extension if deemed necessary.
"Major institution" means a use such as a hospital, convention center, performing arts center, college,
or sports arena, or a major office building or mixed use complex containing 300,000 gross square feet
or more, located in the downtown or in Bel -Red.
"Marquee" means a covering structure projecting horizontally from and attached to a building,
affording protection from the elements to persons or property thereunder.
"Multiple building complex" means a group of structures housing more than one type of retail
business, office or commercial venture and generally under one ownership and control.
"Multiple occupancy building" means a single structure housing more than one type of retail business
office or commercial venture.
"Noncommercial public service sign" means noncommercial signs devoted to religious, charitable,
cultural, governmental or educational messages, including, but not limited to, the advertising of
events sponsored by a governmental agency, a school, church, civic or fraternal organization or other
organizations engaged in activities for profit.
"Office building" means an office building in the PO, O, and BR -ORT land use districts as defined by
the Bellevue Land Use Code.
"Parapet" means that portion of a building wall which extends above the roof of the building.
"Penthouse" means a structure on top of a building roof such as houses an elevator shaft or similar
"Permanent signage" means signage affixed to a building or property and intended for the life of the
Chapter 22B. 10 SIGN CODE Page 6 of 43
'Political sign" means signs advertising a candidate or candidates for public elective office, or o
,#,olitical party, or signs urging a particular vote on a public issue decided by ballot.
III Pill iiiiii 11111111111111111111111 iiiiiiii� iiiiiii iiiiiiii��iij I I ��111 I iiiiii l��!111
"Primary sign or signs" means all signs of a user which are not exempt (see BCC 2Z21FBI A 0 13JO, or
which do not come within the category "incidental signs" (see definition in this section), or which do
not come within the category "directional signs" (see definition in this section). The term "primary sigli
is intended to include virtually all signs of a commercial nature.
"Readerboard" means a sign or part of a sign on which the letters are readily replaceable such tNa
the copy can be changed from time to time at will.
"NZUT-MUM-Mans any sign erected upon, against or directly above a roof or on top of or above thz
parapet of a building, including a sign affixed to any structure erected upon a roof, including a
structure housing building equipment.
"Sign" means any letters, figures, design, symbol, trademark or device intended to attract attention ,
any activity, service, place, subject, person, firm, corporation, public performance. article. nracWira
MORE= 11V16;9W We a sign, or a 131111 or groun
surrounding the building shall not be considered signs themselves; provided, however, that sources
of light used primarily to attract attention to the light itself or as a decorative feature of the display �1
shall be considered as Part of tho 2n 1f"-2W2'1PWP1�9JnZ- *A -I
sheriffs notices, court notices or official public notices, the flags of a government or noncommercial
institution, signs not visible from the street or sidewalk or way opeii to the public (see BCC
2Z1::::L 10 130 for more detailed treatment of exempt signs), and religious symbols.
Means a pian tor trie design and placement of all signs intended for a project si
for the life of a project. i
'Single occupancy building" means a commercial building or structure with one major enterprise,
generally under one ownership. A building is classified as "single occupancy" only if: (A) it has only
!Hke 1)CCU�Mt; (R) iI M W211 iA c,*mm*A with a&-ither tyilfiing; an� (C) it has ii�iAart Iff its r*#f -h-,
common with another building.
'Street' means any automobile thoroughfare so designated by city ordinance. 'Street' includ
portions thereof used for parking. i
'Subdivision signs" means signs used to identify a land development, which is to be or w-"
accomplished at essentially one time. I
Surface area. See "Area" or "surface area.""'
Chapter 2213. 10 SIGN CODE Page 7 of 43
"Temporary event" means the advertising of a grand opening, change in ownership/ma nag ement,
substantial remodel, or going out of business sale.
"Temporary sign" means a nonpermanent sign intended for use for a limited period of time. Types of
temporary signs are construction signs, grand opening displays, real estate signs, and political signs.
(See BCC 22&11115n.
.................................................. �
"Upper-level high-rise sign" means a sign located on a high-rise building more than 75 feet above
average grade, except as provided in this chapter.
"Way open to public" means any paved or unpaved exterior areas on private property open to the
general public for pedestrian or vehicular ingress and egress into a site or between sites that are
open to and provide services to the public,
"Window sign" means all signs located inside and affixed to or within three feet of windows of a
building, whether temporary or permanent, lighted or unlighted, which may be viewed from the
exterior of the building. The term does not include merchandise located within three feet of a window.
(See BCC 22B.10.030(l)). (Ord. �6116 § 1, 2013; Ord. 5,E�.77 § 1, 2009; Ord. 5821. 9 2008; Ord.
............................................................ ! — . ........ .............. . ...................... . §i ,
5743 § 1. 2007; Ord. 5679 § 1, 2006; Ord. 5:542 §§ 1, 2, 2004; Ord. &,192 §§ 1 – 4, 2003; Ord. 5357 §
............................. ....... .......
1, 2002; Ord. 4818 § 2. 1995; Ord, 4.63 § 1, 1994; Ord.
2, 3, 1994; Ord, 3k";;„ § 2, 1987;
Ord. 2953 § 2. 1981; Ord. 2045 § 1, 1974; 1961 code § 17.01.020.)
2213.10.025 Design review.
A. Purpose. Design review is a discretionary administrative decision used to ensure that signs comply
with the policies set forth below.
B. Applicability,
1. Where Design Review Applies.
a. Affected Land Use or Overlay Districts, The provisions of this section are applicable in
the following land use or overlay districts:
i. DNTN (All Downtown districts);
ii. CB (Community Business);
iii. NB (Neighborhood Business);
iv. OLB-OS (Office Limited Business – Open Space);
v. Development in transition areas as defined in the Land Use Code; and
vi. Bel -Red Land Use Districts, except BR -GC unless design review is available per
LUC 210_2.5D:.103.10(C)(2).
. ....................... .................. .............. .......
Signs within the land use and overlay districts set forth above shall also comply with all
other provisions of this chapter and provisions applicable to signs that are contained in the
Land Use Code (BCC Title 210,),
Chapter 22B. 10 SIGN CODE
r' MrMM.21070 M,
which they are located:
ii. Planned unit developments;
iii. Conditional uses; and
iv. Freeway corridor signs.
Signs requiring the permits/approvals or signs of the type set forth above shall also comply
with all other provisions of this chapter and provisions applicable to signs that are contained
in the Land Use Code (BCC Title 20).
2. When Design Review Applies.
a. Upon adoption of this code, no sign governed by this code shall be erected, altered or
relocated in any new building(s) or project(s), or on existing building(s) or project(s) located
in a design district or originally approved through PUD or conditional use processes
pursuant to the Land Use Code, without design review approval as described in this section.
b. Signs erected, altered or relocated within an existing building(s) or project(s) outside of
any design district and originally approved through any permitting process under the Land
Use Code other than through a PUD or conditional use process shall not be subject to the
design review requirements of this section, but shall comply with all other applicable
provisions of this sign code.
c. A property owner or his or her authorized agent may choose at any time to submit an
application for design review for an existing building or project where a design review
application has not previously been approved.
C. Applicable Procedure. A design review application is reviewed and approved by the development
services department through the design review process described in Chapter 2(,9 ,;, "OI ' LUC. Requests
to amend a previously approved sign master plan, as well as proposals for new signage which are
regulated by an existing sign master plan, require approval of a land use exemption (LUX).
D. Design Review Application Submittal Requirements. Applications for design review shall include
the following elements:
1., Location;
3. Letter size, type and style;
4. Type (i.e., blade, neon, individual letter);
�� ��J I
1110 it- �#
VAI&TO 1=0 ��M M W
specific application.
1 General Requirements.
and site.
materials to the architectural style and size of the building or tenant facade.
hotel/motel uses when the design is compatible with building architecture, and for
enterprises occupying at least 180,000 net square feet, or corporate headquarters
occupying at least 120,000 net square feet, of building area as permitted by BCC
.................. 1 0.1.0 3 OI(E).
. ...... ..............
e. Placement of signage shall not obscure or overlap architectural elements,
f. Signs in commercial development with multiple businesses shall be compatible.
g. Signs shall provide information and be consistent with the character of the community.
h. Signs shall be incorporated into commercial and public centers that make them appear
and function cohesively.
i. Perimeter 2re2sm-sf m2j-#rTt;rAmerci21 ?X1 XYMc ceAters shall Yse aX�r*Ariate signs ta
blend with surrounding development and to be compatible with surrounding residential
j. Any awning which projects less than three feet from the face of a building is classified as a
sign. The entire awning face will be calculated as sign area.
11� IIIIIII III IF IIIIII 11�111 I III NO 11�111�!
r IS riek M1 rrangeu so ag MM
result in a scattered appearance.
Chapter 2213. 10 SIGN CODE Page 10 of 43
m. Illuminated signs shall be oriented away from adjoining residential development.
n. Signage shall be in accord with the comprehensive plan.
o. Individual letter signage is preferred. Other types of signage may be approved if the
design of the sign, including the quality and durability of materials used, is determined to
achieve an equivalent result.
In addition to the above, signs located within the land use districts below must also comply with
the criteria set forth for such district.
2. Community Retail Districts (CB, NB).
a. Signs shall be of a type face that can be made as individual letters or a letter type shall
be chosen to accommodate the individual letter format. Exceptions may be made for
registered trademarks or logos that cannot be manufactured as individual elements.
b. Auto -oriented signage shall have a maximum letter size of 36 inches.
c. When auto -oriented signage is proposed, it shall be accompanied by pedestrian -oriented
d. Signage shall be oriented to face the major direction of pedestrian movement in the area
of the sign.
3. Downtown and Bel -Red Districts (All DNTN and BR).
a. The primary signage for any building or business shall comply with the appropriate
design guidelines for the Downtown and Bel -Red Districts, now or as hereafter amended
pursuant to the procedures set forth therein.
b. Pedestrian -oriented signage shall use lettering and graphics no larger than 24 inches and
shall be located within the first two floor levels of the building. Twenty-four inches may be an
average size when upper and lower case lettering is used. Logos and first -letter capitals
may be up to 30 inches if consistent with applicable design review criteria.
c. Illumination shall be coordinated in mufti -sign or multi -tenant buildings.
d. High-rise signs (other than hotel/motel or a hospital). Signs permitted at the upper levels
oih-rise buildings pursuant to BCC
g g p 22B."'tl0.(20, shall comply with the following
i. Signs shall not project above the top of the surface to which they are affixed, nor
beyond the edge of any surface to which they are affixed;
ii. Signs shall use logos and lettering no larger than eight feet in height;
iii. Cabinet and box signs are prohibited;
L .2, - -111N.h
& - - - W
.leyond the edges of the sign elements;
form; and
TI?—_Vrg7M F TMIEU i1grit solarce; prougsc�_
A,2t4ISXS,0,2�14 f
is made of glass or other highly reflective material that would interfere with the
aMearance of t r
sign elements that will appear white when Ift. Any illumination shall be designed to
ensure no exposed lighting source or raceway. The light source shall be no brighter
than the equivalent of 30 milliamp neon tubing behind a diffuser panel. The applicant
shall provide a signed certification from the sign manufacturer declaring that the
illumination meets the limits of this subsection.
4. Downtown — Old Bellevue (DNTN-OB). The downtown requirements above apply to the
DNTN-OB except as modified herein, provided thaUhegjpft��. .r. ■�Isn
for an entertainment/public assembly use within the DNTN-OB district:
a. Sign letters shall not exceed 18 inches; provided, that logos and first -letter capitals may
be up to 24 inches if consistent with applicable design review criteria.
b. Awnings shall be opaque or a deep, rich color, and shall be scaled to the development.
c. Signs shall generally not be placed above the first floor level.
d. Auto -oriented signs are not permitted except as directional signage to vehicular entries,
e. Cabinet, box and freestanding signs are prohibited,
within freeway corridors are subject to the following design criteria:
a. Letter height shall generally not exceed 42 inches; provided, that logos and first -letter
capitals may exceed this limit if consistent with applicable design review criteria.
M. 11 1 11011 - 9MI Pe signs are
'le placed on a building face this ratio will include all signs.
this section. (Ord.,61.'If § 2, 2013; Ord. 5877 § 2. 2009; Ord. 5821 § 20, 2008; Ord. 5743 § 2,
.............. ..
2007, Ord. 5679 § 2, 2006; Ord. 554�2 §§ 3. 4, 5. 2004; Ord. 54910 § 5, 2003; Ord.5357 2.
... . .............. ............................ . . ................... ... . . .........
22B.10.030 Business, commercial, manufacturing and medical institution district
signs - Zones OLB, OLB-OS, CB, Downtown -0-11, Downtown -0-2, Downtown -MU,
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Downtown -R, Downtown -013, Downtown-OLB, GC, LI, Ml, and Bel -Red land districts,
except BR -ORT.
A. General. The following provisions govern signs in the OLB, OLB-OS, CB, all Downtown,
MI, and all Bel -Red Land Use Districts, except BR -ORT, and may be modified through design review
as described in BCC 2 B I 5.
2. Sign Allocation — Single Occupancy Buildings. Any single occupancy building in the above
districts shall be permitted the number of primary signs described in subsection C of this secti
No more than one of the allowed primary signs may be a freestanding sign unless the single
occupancy building faces on more than one street. If the single occupancy building faces on
more than one street, see subsection D of this section to determine the number of allowed
freestanding signs. I
lescribed in subsection C of this section. No more than one freestanding sign is permitted per
multiple occupancy building facing on only one street. If the multiple occupancy building faces
vn more than one street, see subsection D of this section to determine the number of allowed
,�,. Address Number. Each enterprise shall display and maintain on -premises street address
number identification. Such identification shall not be included in the number of primary signs.
5. Multiple Buildings on 15 Acres or More. A multiple building complex encompassing at least 15
2cres may display one complex identification sign along each right-of-way which provides direct
access to the complex. Each sign shall not exceed 75 square feet in area and 15 feet in height.
with the setback, area, and height limitations set forth in this section.
.RZ i 7 P v froamt
0 - I
Maximum Area
Between property line and
building line
25 sq. ft.
On building line or behind it
75 sq. ft.
Setback Maximum Height
Chapter Z. 10 SIGN CODE
Between property line and
building line
5 ft.
On building line or behind it
15 ft.
3. Sign Area Limitations — Building -Mounted, Upper -Level High -Rise, Roof or Canopy -Mounted
Signs. Unless otherwise provided in this section, the surface area of any building -mounted,
upper-level high-rise, roof or canopy -mounted signage shall not exceed the figures derived from
the following schedule.
Relevant Surface
Area or Facade Area
as Determined
Pursuant to BCC
Maximum Sign Surface
Area for That Facade
Below 100 sq. ft.
26 sq. ft.
100 —199 sq. ft.
26 sq. ft. + 11% of facade
area over 100 sq. ft.
200 — 499 sq, ft.
38 sq. ft. + 12% of facade
area over 200 sq. ft.
500 — 999 sq, ft.
75 sq. ft. + 11% of facade
area over 500 sq. ft.
1,000 —1,499 sq. ft.
131 sq. ft. + 7.5% of
facade area over 1,000
sq. ft.
1,500 — 2,999 sq, ft.
169 sq. ft. + 2.5% of
facade area over 1,500
sq. ft.
Over 3,000 sq. ft.
206 sq. ft. + 1.5% of
facade area over 3,000
sq, ft. to a maximum of
300 sq. ft.
a. For other than upper-level high-rise signs and signs for an entertainment/public assembly
use, in multiple occupancy buildings the facade area for each enterprise is derived by
measuring only the surface area of the exterior facade of the premises actually used by the
enterprise, and the sign displayed by the enterprise shall be located on the facade used to
determine the size of the sign, except as provided in this section.
b. For upper-level high-rise signs, sign size may be up to 300 square feet, regardless of
facade size. For entertainment/public assembly use signs, the director may approve through
design review sign area not to exceed a maximum of 400 square feet per sign; provided,
that the total sign area of building -mounted signs on entertainment/public assembly uses
r ! !
shall not exceed 35 percent of the surface area of the enterprise's facade on which the
signs are located.
c. Unused sign surface area for a facade may be used by any enterprise within the same
multiple occupancy building, or by any enterprise within the same multiple building complex
located within a downtown land use district and Bel -Red land use districts BR -OR -1, BR -
OR -2, BR -RC -1, BR -RC -2, and BR -MO -1, if:
i. The applicant files with the city a written statement signed by the enterprise that
earned the sign area under this code permitting the applicant to utilize the unused sign
surface area.
ii. The display of a sign on that facade by the applicant will not create a significant
adverse impact on other users of that facade.
iii. The display of the applicant's sign is necessary to reasonably identify the enterprise,
and the provisions of this code do not provide the enterprise with adequate sign display
iv. In no event may sign surface area transferred under this provision be used for an
upper-level high-rise sign. Unused upper-level high-rise sign or entertainment/public
assembly use sign surface area may not be transferred for use for any other sign,
regardless of enterprise or location.
4. Sign Height — Building -Mounted Signs. No building -mounted sign shall be placed on the upper
levels of a high-rise building, installed on the rooftop or extend above the height of the building
to which it is attached; provided, that hotels and motels may have signs at upper levels of a
high-rise building, rooftop mounted signs, and signs extending above the height of the building;
and further provided, that signs complying with subsection E of this section may be placed at the
upper levels of high-rise buildings.
C. Number of Primary Signs.
1. General. The permissible number of signs for each single occupancy building is dependent
upon the surface area of the largest single facade of the building. The permissible number of
signs for each enterprise in a multiple occupancy building is dependent upon the surface area of
the largest single facade of the portion of the building occupied by the enterprise applying for the
sign permit. An enterprise in a multiple occupancy building shall have an exterior entrance to be
allowed primary signage pursuant to this subsection C, except as provided in subsections (C)(2)
and (3) of this section. The permitted number of signs is as follows:
Surface Area of Largest
Maximum Number of
Less than 999 sq. ft.
1,000 — 2,999 sq. ft.
3,000 sq. ft. and over
tt :/h w.co epu lishing.co /wa/ ellev e/h 11 ellevue22 ellevue22 I O.html 10/9/2014
Chapter 2213. 10 SIGN CODE
Buildings or enterprises with more than 3,000 square feet on any face, with several clearly
differentiated departments, each se arate exterior entrances, are "ermj
2.Upper-Level High -Rise Signs. One enterprise occupying at least 180.00Onet square feet, or
one corporate headquarters occupying mdleast 12O.0DOnet square feet, in single high-rise
building within the downtown may earn two upper-level high-rise signs for placement on the
building in which such enterprise is located, regardless of whether such enterprise has an
exterior entrance. Such signs must comply with subsection (E)(2) of this section. Such signs are
inaddition toother signs allowed under this section. Both signs must beused bythe same
located within any downtown land use district or within Bel -Red land use districts BR -OR -1, B
OR -2, BR -RC -1, BR -RC -2 and BR -MO -1, unused primary sign allotment for one enterprise rn
be used by any enterprise within the same multiple occupancy building, or by any enterprise
Red land use districts listed above, if:
a. The applicant files with the city ewritten statement signed by the enterprise that earned
the primary sign under this code permitting the applicant to utilize the unused primary sign
primary signs of other enterprises in the building.
d. In no event may unused primary sign allotment transferred under this provision be used
for an upper-level high-rise sign. Unused upper-level high-rise or entertainment1public
assembly use sign allotment ma4 not be transferred for use for ano other sitn-Te,-ard less of
enterprise or location.
e. Unused
Red land use districts.
D.Buildings onMore Than One Street, Buildings facing mnmore than one street are entitled hoe
bonus hnthe number ufprimary signs, amfollows:
i. Buildings on Intersecting 8hemta. When building is located on intersecting Streets, two
freestanding signs are permitted if they are located on two different streets and are separated
more than 100 feet measured in a straight line between signs. Otherwise, only one freestanding
sign is permitted. The second freestanding sign is in addition to the primary signs allowed under
subsection CoYthis section.
2. Buildings Facing on Two Parallel Streets. Single occupancy buildings facing on two parallel
Chapter 22 B.1 S1 GN C ODE Page 16 of 3
block to face on two parallel streets with customer entrances on each street, are permitted the
number of primary signs under subsection C of this section for each end of the building or
premises facing on a street.
E. Types of Placement of Primary Signs. The permissible types of primary signs, their placement and
other limitations are as follows:
1. Freestanding Signs.
a. Freestanding signs shall be wholly located within the center two-thirds of the frontage of
the property on the street or 15 feet from the adjacent property line, whichever provides the
longer distance from the closest part of the sign to the adjacent property line; provided,
however, that a freestanding sign may be located within five feet of the property line with the
written consent of the title holder of the adjacent property. If such consent is obtained, the
consenting party or his or her successors or assigns may not place a freestanding sign on
his or her property within 20 feet of the first freestanding sign.
b. A freestanding sign located at the property line shall be wholly behind the property line,
and a freestanding sign located at the building line shall be wholly behind the building line.
c. Any freestanding sign shall be integrated. That is, all supports or sign elements shall be
an integral part of the design. Auxiliary projections or attachments not a part of a single
design are prohibited, unless approved through design review.
d. Landscaping shall be provided at the base of all freestanding signs, as required by BGC
,;..11 �IO..;J,,, , (F)•
a. Signs shall not project more than five feet from the face of the building to which the sign
is attached. However, an exception may be made for the main building sign or tenant sign if
it meets the following criteria:
I. The sign shall be of a scale and orientation designed to address pedestrian or
vehicular traffic; and
ii. The sign shall not pose a traffic safety hazard; and
iii. The bottom of the sign shall measure at least eight and one-half feet from finish
grade; and
iv. For all signs, structural supports shall be compatible with the design or concealed
from view.
b. Building -mounted signs shall only identify the building and the name of the firm, or the
major enterprise, and principal product and/or service information.
Chapter 22B.10 SIGN CODE Page 17 of 43
c. For other than upper-level high-rise signs, building -mounted signs displayed by an
enterprise shall be located on a facade attached to a portion of the building occupied by the
enterprise, except as provided in subsections B and C of this section.
d. No portion of a sign for an entertainment/public assembly use shall be located more than
85 feet above average finished grade. Signs for an entertainment/public assembly use
located more than 75 feet above average finished grade shall not be considered upper-level
high-rise signs.
e. Upper -Level High -Rise Signs. Building -mounted signs may be located at the upper levels
of high-rise buildings if they meet the following criteria, in addition to other applicable
provisions of this code:
i. The sign is for a hotel/motel use and otherwise complies with all applicable provisions
of this code; or
ii. Two upper-level high-rise signs may be placed on any high-rise building within the
downtown, provided:
(a) Only a single enterprise that occupies at least 180,000 net square feet, or a
single corporate headquarters that occupies at least 120,000 net square feet, of
building floor area within the building on which the signs are mounted may place
an upper-level high-rise sign;
(b) Signs shall be limited to the name and/or logo of the enterprise placing the
(c) In no event may the sign area of each sign exceed 300 square feet;
(d) The signs shall be located on the two facades of the building most oriented to
1-405, with no more than one upper-level sign on any facade; and
(e) The sign shall comply with the requirements of BCC 226,10M5.
Upper-level high-rise signs shall be removed within 90 days after the enterprise ceases to
occupy at least 180,000 net square feet, or within 90 days after the corporate headquarters
ceases to occupy at least 120,000 net square feet, in the high-rise building on which the
sign is located.
a. All such signs shall be manufactured in such a way that they appear as an architectural
blade or penthouse and are finished in such a manner that the visual appearance from all
sides is such that they appear to be a part of the building itself.
b. All roof and canopy signs shall be installed or erected in such a manner that there shall
be no visible angle iron support structure.
Chapter 2213. 10 SIGN CODE Page 18 of 43
included in the number of primary signs.
G. Directional Signs. Directional signs shall not exceed six square feet in sign surface area and may
be located only on the premises to which the sign is intended to guide or direct pedestrian or
vehicular traffic, except that off -premises directional signs may be approved by the director subject t
the same standards required for granting of a variance as set forth in BCC 2==2=E=:�. 1 (1180
where the
wi-e�— )ns snaii
not be included in determining the number of primary signs. I
=2fflS7M--A. 76rrV
si.!M nor in determ'ab,,_rAhe vermissibi
Jw- g-&�W
not exceed an area total to 15 square feet, or 10 percent of the window area.
1. Signs for Legally Nonconforming Buildings. All provisions of this section apply to signs on
may project over the building or property line, but shall not extend closer than five feet to the back of
the curb. Such signs shall extend no more than five feet from the face of the building to which they
are attached and shall have a maximum clearance over the sidewalk below of eight feet, six inches.
square feet. (Ord. 6.111.15 §§ 3, 4, 2013; Ord. 5877 § 3. 2009; Ord. 5743 § 3, 2007; Ord. 51(379 § 3.
. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ........
2006; Ord. 5542 §§ 6 — 9, 2004; Ord.,54,90 §§ 6 — 14, 2003; Ord. 54�92 § 16, 2002; Ord. 5357 §§ 3 —
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .........
6. 2002; Ord. 3, 1995; Ord. 4683 § 2. 1994: Ord. 41(j21(3) § 4. 1994; Ord. 3683 § 1, 1986; Ord.
.................. I.,.,.,.,.,.,., .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .
2970 § 1, 1981; Ord. 2953 § 3. 1981; Ord. 2045 § 2. 1974; 1961 code § 17.01.030.)
22B.10.040 Office, research and development, and multifamily residential district
signs — Zones PO, 0, BR -ORT, EH -D, R-1 0, R-1 5, R-20, and
A. General. The following provisions govern signs in the PO, 0, BR -ORT, EH -D, R -AO, R-1 5, R-20,
1. Setback Limitations — Freestanding Signs. The size of any freestanding sign shall not exceed
the following limits, based on the sign setback of the sign:
Setback Maximum Area
building line 25 sq. ft.
On building line, or behind it 35 sq. ft.
following limits, based on the setback of the sign:
Chapter 22B.10 SIGN CODE
Setback Maximum Height
Between property line and
building line 5 ft.
On building line, or behind it 10 ft.
Page 19 of 43
3. Sign Area Limitations — Building -Mounted, Roof and Canopy -Mounted Signs. The surface
area of any building -mounted, roof or canopy -mounted sign shall not exceed the figures derived
from the following schedule:
Relevant Surface
Area or Facade Area
as Determined
Pursuant to BCC
Maximum Sign Surface
Area for That Facade
Below 100 sq, ft.
21 sq. ft.
100 —199 sq. ft.
21 sq. ft. + 9% of facade
area over 100 sq. ft.
200 — 499 sq. ft.
30 sq. ft. + 10% of facade
area over 200 sq. Ft.
500 — 999 sq. ft.
60 sq. ft. + 9% of facade
area over 500 sq. ft.
Over 1,000 sq. ft.
105 sq. ft. — maximum
square footage
In multiple occupancy buildings the facade area for each enterprise is derived by measuring only
the surface area of the exterior facade of the premises actually used by the enterprise, except as
provided in this section. The sign displayed by that enterprise (including unused sign surface
area used by another enterprise) must be located on the facade used to determine the size of
the sign.
occupancy office b
a. The applicant files with the city a written statement signed by the enterprise that earned
the sign area under this code permitting the applicant to utilize the unused sign surface
other:mpact on ..
-._ Aj.. --
- . facade -
building be exceeded.
http://www.codepublishing.com/wa/bellevue/html/Bellevue22/Bellevue22B I O.html 10/9/2014
exceel tke XeigXt 0 24 feet ?**v"r2.ie, ir tXe height *f the ,ivilI t* which it is att-McKtl,
whichever is less. However, the height may be modified subject to design review approval.
the firm or enterprise, and the principal service or product of that firm or enterprise.
1. Buildings or building complexes facing on one street may have two primary signs, only one of
which may be freestanding.
2. Buildings or building complexes on street corner locations are permitted a maximum of four
signs, Two of the four signs may be freestanding only if they are located on two different streets
and are separated more than 100 feet, measured in a straight line between the signs.
are nermitted two ,:,rima fv*z2k
five acres may display one complex identification sign along each right-of-way, which provides
direct access to the complex. Each sign shall not exceed 75 square feet in area and 15 feet in
height. Such complex identification signs may be freestanding, and shall not be included in
determining the number of primary signs allowed for each building or building complex set forth
in subsections (C)(1) through (C)(3) of this section.
D. Types and Placement. The permissible types of primary signs, their placement and other
limitations are as follows:
!I 111 0 . I 1111111��111 111:111111!!1111111111111111 IIIIIIIII�111 1�1111 11111!11
3. Signs or portions of signs indicating premises for rent (e.g., 'apartment for rent," 'apartment
--vailable," 'vacancy," "now renting," "free rent,' etc.) shall not exceed a surface area of 16
?qua re feet.
4. The illumination of any sign may be internal or external. If externally illuminated, the source 'I
illumination shall be so located, shaded, shielded, or directed that it is not visible from a public
street or adjoining residential property; provided, that halo lighting of solid letters shall be
I n -y, rem ises street add ress nu mbII fto;-nVRw--ko jx;�.W* �w � - � i I �V
the number of primary signs. (Ord. 5877 § 4, 2009 Ord.,5490 § 15, 2003; Ord. 53,1.57 §§ 7. 8,
..., ................ - ............................. . ........... : .............
2 002; 0 rd. 4818 § 4. 1995; 0 rd. 32 J.B § 1. 1983; Ord. 29 53 § 4. 198 1 ; 0 rd. 2 045 § 3, 1974;
..................... ......
Chapter 22B . 10 SIGN CODE Page 21 of 43
tenants - Additional signs.
A. This section applies only within the Factoria annexation area, as legally described in Section 1 of
Ordinance NoA 62 0, and to Factoria Land Use Districts F1, F2, and F3 as defined in the Land Use
..... ..... ..... .....
1. For the purpose of accommodating multiple tenants, any existing freestanding sign may be
enlarged or altered, but may not exceed the size limits contained in the Sign Code; provided,
that if the sign is a freeway -oriented sign the enlargement and/or altering of the sign pursuant
I g
this section will be allowed only in exchange for an agreement to amortize the resulting enlar
or altered sign over a reasonable period of time as determined by the director. Within Athe
2AVIr 2W2MF-X,4T 2 Sig-,4M?y We -A -.2f
Y !M
the reguirements of this section without establ'shomy a new amortization
or alteration is allowed which would cause the sian to violate BCC 0 1 .��Qerobibr 979
which rotate or have a part or parts which move or revolve. I
rdL A Ing signage cannot oe anerea to reasonawy
tccommodate the needs of tenants in multiple tenant complexes, the director may, though
sign per multiple tenant property. The freestanding sign must be designed such that signage
-mof-2ac ?re2 �zz--exAcf4cl
signage needs of the property.
reeilay-orientea sign- is a sign WMICh meets the definition of sign
inder RCW 47.42.102()(B) and for which just compensation would be required to be paid upon
7emoval under RCW 47A21 02.
Except as otherwise set forth in this section, signs in the F1, F2 and F3 land use districts shall be
,roverned bv BCC 22B, 1 1110310 Busing��%JrkWkLft&%,h�L&pAA.
tDolicable to business district sians. and i.
71.71-FreftPIMUFF5 WATrLP:T,5ffP[
following shall govern the size, type, placement, location and number of signs in the F3 land use
liIJIMPIM5. - 111 1 - F=- A0T7XV_WtrT
sign at the primary entrance to the building. This sign may be located at or above the entrance
and shall contain the name of the building or the building's primary user or tenant. The size of
the entrance sign shall be proportionate to the building entry facade area.
2. Building -Mounted Tenant Signs - Location. In addition the entrance sign permitted in this
subsection. each buildina is r)erm'Ye
IsT&I Sign area sn1Vd?rR5TTX=7F117PUFEUfffMW
building facade area upon which the sign is mounted; and provided further, that signs shall not
extend above or be0ond the buildin:o: facad
with a sign location plan designed to ensure a coordinated signage image for the building and
approved by the city. For each building within the F3 land use district north of the F3 land use
district separation line, only the east, north and west facades of the building may be used for
building mounted tenant signage; and for each building south of the F3 land use district
separation line only the north, west and south facades of the building may be used for building -
mounted tenant signage.
3. Building -Mounted Tenant Signs — Sign Design. Building -mounted tenant signs shall be
comprised of individual letters, insignia, symbols or logos or a combination thereof; shall be
illuminated from the interior only; shall not extend more than two feet perpendicular from the
face of the building; shall not be a box sign; shall not contain painted elements on the building
face; shall not be a moving, flashing or audible sign; shall not contain any product advertising
*Hn's;gi*"-,rd�-FrcA *r_—WcsGa1 1fru-P:
building roof; and shall not be illuminated from exterior sources. Individual letters, insignia,
symbols and logos may be mounted on a raceway instead of mounted individually on the
building-, provided, that the raceway color matches the building color.
4. Retail Signs, The number, size, location and type of signs for retail users and retail tenants
of this subsection.
5. For Sale, Rent, or Lease Signs. For sale, rent or lease signs displayed on the building or
property for sale, rent or lease, while the building or property is for sale rent or lease, may not
exceed 32 s-vuare feet in surface area.,,,'Ord, 587Z -,I 2M- Ord.53 11 - Ord.48162
_2002 ............................
1, 1996; Ord. 4771 § 1, 1995.)
identical to those in the business districts (BCC �22 0. with the following exceptions.
............... ................ ....... ...... )
A. Any building -mounted sign shall be located on the face of the building containing the main
entrance to the business premises and the_�i
located more than 50 feet from the abutting residential owner's property line.
B. Signs in this district may be internally or externally illuminated. If externally illuminated, the
street or adjoining residential property. All sign illumination shall be turned off between the hours of
10:00 p.m. and 600 a.m., except that, if the premises are open for business after 1000 p.m., the
illumination shall be turned off at the close of business. (Ord. 48.,"1..8 § 6, 1995; Ord, 2953 § 6. 1981;
............. ..... ......
1961 code § 17,01.060.)
r2B.10.080 Multi -family residential district signs —Zones R-10, R-15, R-20, R-30 aTn,-
1111111111irrill; lI IIIIIIIIp 1, 111111 �� 11111111liiiilii�qipr� 1 1, '' 11 , 11 1 i
Cba,lier 225LILO-RICULT-C-At
Repealed by Ord. 481��3. (Ord. 32.1.8 § 2,1983; Ord. 2953 § 8. 1981; Ord. 2014 § 2, 1974; 1961 code
. ......... . ............... . ........ ...... ......
and R-1.
A. General. The following provisions govern signs in the R-7,5, R-5, R-4,and
districts. Two categories of sign uses are covered by this section:
1 . Existing, Legal Nonconforming Commercial Uses. The provisions herein for signs for
c0r&MW*A�'R�,PIV MWI M4
applicable zoning ordinances prior to the enactment of this code, i
use in this category so long as the building remains legally nonconforming under provisions of the
Bellevue Land Use Code, as follows:
FF eg-dM
to placement and BCC �22B� 1 1(1.040(B) in regard to size and height.
........................ ..............
. ............
provided, however, that no sign shall exceed 20 square feet in surface area.
1. Signs for Churches, Schools, Golf Courses, Fire Stations, Police Stations, Noncommercial
Use or Public Service, or Other Similar Noncommercial Uses. Unless o�,h
provisions set forth in BCC 221-3..j.10.,.j.,30(N), signs for the above noncommercial uses shall
................... ... I .. ....... ..... ..............
comply with the following:
building -mounted sign along each street frontage.
ii. Buildixg=xLQwTjP_d_q9xs_0n
surface area.
MMM010=1 11 1 1 Lit -'111 .. - --- g Ane and tne property line shall not
exceed five feet in height or 25 square feet in surface area.
height or 35 . feet in area. in nau not 717ceea 15 lee,
�'ittp://www.codepubiishing.com/wa/bellevue/htmI/Bellevue22/BeIIevue22B■ I O.html 10/9/2014
54 111
lw M
b. Off -premises signs for these noncommercial uses may be approved by the director
subject to the following conditions:
i. The sign is to identify current events or activities.
ii. The sign or message is for a temporary period of time sufficient to inform the public
of the event or activity with a maximum of two weeks.
iii. The sign is not located on street or freeway right-of-way except when a part of a
permanent subdivision or neighborhood designation sign (see paragraph (C)(4) of this
iv. The sign does not exceed 15 square feet in area nor five feet in height.
v. Not more than two such signs shall be permitted.
2. Illumination. Signs in single-family residential districts may be internally or externally
illuminated. If externally illuminated, the illumination source shall be located, shaded, shielded,
or directed so that it is not visible from a public street or adjoining residential property.
3. House Numbers. All houses in single-family residential districts shall display house numbers
visible from the street.
4. Permanent Subdivision or Neighborhood Designation Signs. Permanent subdivision or
neighborhood designation signs shall conform with the following requirements:
a. Signs shall not exceed five feet in height and 25 square feet in surface area.
b. Signs shall be located between the building line and the property line unless a location on
excess city right-of-way is approved by the director of transportation. (Ord. '53!" 7' § 9, 2002;
Ord. „1.51. § 1, 1999; Ord. 48."x..8 § 8, 1995; Ord. 2953 § 9, 1981; Ord. 2828 § 1, 1980; Ord.
2133 §§ 4, 5, 1974; Ord. 2014 § 3, 1974; 1961 code § 17.01.080.)
Repealed by Ord. ,45B'18. (Ord. 2953 § 10, 1981; Ord. 2133 § 6,1974; 1961 code § 17.01.081.)
22.10.105 Vendor carts and produce stands.
A. Vendor Cart Signs. Instead of the sign allowances and requirements set forth for the land use
district in which a vendor cart is located, a vendor cart is permitted a maximum of two primary signs
having a combined sign area not exceeding 20 square feet. The signage may be attached to the cart
and to any awning, umbrella or tent providing weather protection for the cart. The design of the
signage shall be integrated with the design of the cart and have a maximum letter size of 18 inches.
Freestanding signs are not permitted.
B. Temporary Produce Stands. Instead of the sign allowances and requirements set forth for the land
TM - . _ - . .. - - ..
M., M4 F a M M r -B M.,
letter size of 24 inches.
FF �1:3 0111t -nit - 1 0 a 8 •I ,
LED readerboards are allowed in any land use district when used only as a noncommercial public
service sign. In addition to the criteria applicable in the underixing land use district. LED readetanaLd
ill W -Mt- R 9-tv. T " W1 I"
limited to text only; no animation of any kind is permitted;
which it is associated;
AnrN0=- 2n- 1JFZ4-KT �'�J"tj Me
hours identified above, the illumination shall be turned off at the cessation of the event. (Ord.
22B.10.110 Hospital and ambulatory health care signs.
A. General. The provisions of BCC "2 " 2 8.110,030 apply to signs displayed at a hospital located in any
land use district, or an ambulatory health care center located in a medical institution district, exceDt as
2. Location. A freestanding sign identifying emergency access may be located adjacent to that
access; provided, however, that the sight distance requirements of the transportation
development code (Chapter 14.1..x_ 0. BCC) shall be met.
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Chapter 22B. 10 SIGN CODE Page 26 of 43
3. Size. Each freestanding sign at a hospital access may be up to 75 square feet in sign area
and up to 15 feet high.
C. Directional Signs. Directional signs for hospitals located in any land use district and for ambulatory
health care centers located in a medical institution district may be up to 25 square feet in sign area
and freestanding directional signs may be up to 10 feet in height. Such signs shall be located at least
50 feet from a primary sign or from another freestanding directional sign; provided, that a variance
can be granted from this requirement if the criteria of BCC 2=211:,:1.10.1'i-ti(G) 1are met. (Ord. 5743 §4,
2007; Ord. 5490 § 18, 2003; Ord. 38,22 § 1. 1987.)
.............. ........ -
A major institution may display no more than one freestanding directional sign for every 200 feet of
street frontage, in conformance with the following requirements:
A. Number Allowed. Only the minimum number of signs determined by the director to be necessary to
direct vehicular and pedestrian traffic may be displayed.
B. Sign Content. Only the name or symbol of the institution or office building shall be displayed;
provided, that directional signs may change to state whether a parking garage is full.
C. Location - General. Directional signs must be placed at primary vehicular or pedestrian access
pursuant to BCC ..1 4 �.3 0....O.§ 0, or on other perimeter sidewalks adjacent to and owned by the major
institution, with the prior approval of the director, provided, that directional signs must be located so
as to not inhibit pedestrian movement.
E. Maximum Area. Directional signs shall be no greater than 25 square feet in area.
F Maximum Height. Directional signs shall be no greater than five feet in height. (Ord. 15490 § 19,
2003; Ord. 4818 § 10, 1995; Ord. 46�26 § 1. 1994.)
Z!- • gnage Mini sec t■ o is section, trie aggregate area ot all temporal
signs regulated by this section placed or maintained on any parcel of private real property in one
ownership shall not exceed 64 square feet maximum, and the area of any single sign shall not
xJland use district within which the temyoraQ�LaLvn is located the tem',toraQ; siIns below must co, rm'1,111
with the following limitations:
1 9 1 0 E39=
1. Downtown. These signs shall be of durable material, and may only identify the architects,
engineers, contractors or other individuals or firms involved with the construction of a building.
■ns ma also announce the character of the buildin(l or the •)111 91 M '10
the design review criteria of BCC 22B.10.1025, may be displayed only after issuance of a
construction Ify 2
be permitted through a land use exemption (LUX) permit. The aggregate and individual sign size
limits set forth above may be modified through the design review process set forth in BCC
2.21:3,..'110 025 to allow additional construction period sign area, with an aggregate limit not to
M I .................................. I
exceed 128 square feet, which may be allocated to one sign or several signs.
square feet in surface area or 10 feet in height, nor be located closer than 10 feet from the
property line or closer than 30 feet from the property line of the abutting owner so as not to
constitute a h . I I I I I I I tiqf ha rp ........ .... If fir
3. Single -Family Zones. No construction sign shall exceed eight square feet in surface area, o
be located closer than 10 feet from the property line of the abutting owner. Such signs shall be
removed by the date of first occupancy of the premises. Only one such sign (which may be
project •
B. Lease-UplSales Period Signage. Any portion of a building's permanent signage allocation as set
forth in the applicable sections of this code may be utilized to display marketing signage during the
initial lease-up/sales period of a new or substantially remodeled building. These signs shall be of
durable material, graphically compatible with the permanent signage, and may include words and/or
graphic images to communicate availability within the building, These signs are subject to a
previously approved sign package or design review approval pursuant to Chapter,2..10 3 0.1�..'LUC, may
nce of certificate of �ry
be of wood, plastic or otheLLLyid and durable_ma_t4dmTftAon��-,rw��� ' �t�,J
BCC 1.2 2..�B. 1 Q..: 1 .1 6.1.Q(D), are permitted individually or through a sign package. In addition, all such signs
.... ..... . .... .. ..... . . ..... . ....
are subject to the following limitations:
r Lease/Rent' and 'Sold" Signs. Signs shall be limited
to one single- or double-faced sign oriented to each street upon which the advertised property
fronts. The sign must be placed wholly on the property for sale/leaselrent and may remain up
until the property is sold/rentedtleased.
•r may not exceed 16 square feet in surface area. If freestanding, the
ir rent and more than 15 feet from any abutting interior property line.
b. Single -Family. The sign may not exceed six square feet in surface area,
2. 0* -Premises Residential Directional "For Sale/Rent/Lease/Open House" Signs. Signs I
advertising "open house" and the direction to a residence for sale, lease or rent shall be limite—us
Chapter 22B. 10 SIGN CODE
to three single- or double-faced off -premises signs. However, if a realtor has more than one
house o�oen for insi,,ection
to four for the entire development or subdivision. Such signs are permitted only during daylight
hours and when the realtororsel[i lowl"
premises 'For Sale/Rent/Lease/ Open House" sign shall exceed six square feet in surface area.
The sign may be placed along the periphery of a public right-of-way.
3. %ndeveloped Commercial or Industrial Property "For Sale or Rent' Signs. Signs advertising
undeveloped commercial or industrial property "For Sale or Rent' shall be limited to one single -
or double-faced sign per street frontage, Signs may be displayed while the property is actually
for sale or rent. The sign may not exceed 16 s,,ruarefeet in surface area. If freestandinpomMimATo
may not exceed five feet in height and shall be located more than 15 feet from any abutting
interior property line and wholly on the property for sale or rent.
4. Developed Commercial or Industrial Property "For Sale or Rent" Signs. Signs advertising
developed commercial or industrial property "For Sale or Rent" shall be limited to one single- o
double-faced sign per street frontage, Signs may be displayed while the building is actually for
rent or sale. The sign may not exceed 16 square feet in surface area. If freestanding, the sign
may. not exceed five feet in hei :3 nLi:1 5 � la � � l��!
or rear property line, and wholly on the property for sale or rent.
5. Residential Land Subdivision Signs, Signs advertising residential subdivisions are permitted,
subject to the following:
signs must be placed at least 200 feet apart;
_. •- _.. ffl
street frontage.
In no case shall more than a total of two such signs be allowed;
c. No sign shall project beyond the building line;
d. Each sign must be placed at least 30 feet from the abutting owners property line;
e. Such signs shall not exceed a height of 12 feet;
f. Such signs shall be removed by the end of one year or when 75 percent of the houses in
the subdivision are sold or occupied, whichever first occurs; and
g. Permanent subdivision or neighborhood designation signs shall be as approved by the
director, as set forth in BCC 22 B 1 ('.) (). 9.� (C).
..... ..... ...... .. ... . . ... . .....
http://www.codepublishing.com/wa/bellevue/html/Bellevue22/Bellevue22B I O.htm] 10/9/201 �
to a subdivision shall be furnished and placed only by the developer or residents of the
subdivision, but at locations designated by the city. Signs shall be of the dimensions 12 inches
by 36 inches, shall bear only the name of the subdivision and a directional arrow (no name of
realtor permitted), and be limited in number to four, The city will designate placement of the
si,�ns at street intersections a maximum of one mile from the nearest subdivisi5RK4TrfTT47-M_W_
signs shall be maintained by the developer and removed when 75 percent of the subdivision is
7. Undeveloped Multifamily Property 'For Sale" Signs. "For sale" signs for undeveloped
................ ----
8. Undeveloped Single -Family Acreage 'For Sale" Signs. Signs for undeveloped, unsubdivid
single-family property which may be legally divided into four or more single lots shall be
regulated pursuant to the provisions of BCC i
.. .... ... . ...
D. Temporary Event Signage. Signs, posters, banners, strings of lights, clusters of flags, blinking
1 9 511) 2 rf*jr1 rf Ulu rim,"PRKURX A KM .
a completely new enterprise, and anytime thereafter for two weeks each occurrence (searchlights
excepted) to announce the opening of an enterprise under new ownership, a substantial remodel, or
respective time limit. Use of the above-described devices within the limits specified shall be an
exception to the general prohibition on these devices in BCG Such displays are not
exempt from permit requirements and are permitted only in districts where the enterprise so
11 9 lie isp-1039-9jilstme
headouarters located in the Business Commercial Manufacturin2, and Institutional districts
(BCC .2,,:B -11D -1D3(3), and on office buildings in the office and apartment districts (BCC
so long as the signs meet the requirements of those districts.
2. Headquarters for Candidate or Ballot Issue. On -premises political signs are permitted on th
premises of the headquarters of a candidate for public elective office (whether partisan or
nonpartisan) or on the headquarters of persons supporting or opposing a public issue decided
by ballot, when such headquarters are located in the Business, Commercial, Manufacturing, a
Institutional districts (BCC 22...B ........ .. I 1D..-.1D..3..Q), and in office buildings in the office and apartment
...... ..... ..... .... ..... . ..... ..... ....
districts so long as the signs meet the requirements of those districts.
; ........... :: .. ..... ............................... I
0 W400 RINS
p jgq�iiijq
I , 1 1 1 � � � � i, 11 1 � � 11� � ii ii � � , �11 �Nnff 1RM
Such signs shall be removed within seven days following the election; provided, that signs
promoting successful candidates in a primary election may remain displayed on private property
until seven days following the immediately subsequent general election.
2. Political Signs Not Allowed on Public Utility Poles or Public Buildings or Structures. It is
unlawful for any person to paste, paint, affix or fasten a political sign on any utility pole or on any
public building or structure.
3. Political Signs Within Public Right -of -Way. Political signs may be posted within public right-of-
way only if the sign does not create a traffic obstruction or hazard. Political signs in the right-of-
way are limited to a maximum surface area of four square feet and a maximum height of five
feet. A political sign promoting or publicizing candidates for public office or issues that are to be
voted upon in a general or special election must be removed within seven days following an
election; provided, that political signs promoting successful candidates in a primary election may
remain displayed until seven days following the immediately subsequent general election.
4. Responsibility for Removal of Signs Following Election. It shall be the responsibility of the
above campaign officer or responsible official to have the signs removed.
5. Pubiic Notices Unaffected. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the placement
of public notices required by law.
6. The display of any political sign in violation of subsection E of this section, or any portion or
part thereof, shall be presumed to have been done at the direction and request of the campaign
officer or responsible official.
G. Commercial Estate Sale Signage. All exterior commercial estate signs must be of wood, plastic or
other rigid and durable material and must comply with the criteria of this subsection.
1. On -Premises "Estate Sale" Signs. Signs shall be limited to one single- or double-faced sign
oriented to each street frontage adjacent to the property on which the estate sale is being held.
The sign must be placed wholly on the property on which the estate sale is being held.
a. Multifamily, Commercial or Industrial. Signs may not exceed 16 square feet in surface
area. If freestanding, the sign may not exceed five feet in height and shall be located wholly
on the property on which the estate sale is being held and more than 15 feet from any
abutting interior property line.
b. Single -Family. The sign may not exceed six square feet in surface area.
2. Off -Premises Directional "Estate Sale" Signs. Signs advertising "estate sale" and the direction
to the property on which the estate sale is being held shall be limited to three single- or double-
faced off -premises signs. However, if an estate sale operator has more than one estate sale
within a single development or subdivision, off -premises signs are limited to four for the entire
development or subdivision. Such signs are permitted only during daylight hours and when the
estate sale operator is in attendance at the location of the advertised estate sale. Off -premises
"estate sale" signs shall not exceed six square feet in surface area. The sign may be placed
along the periphery of a public right-of-way.
H. Temporary Joint Sales Signage. Signs, posters, banners, strings of lights, clusters of flags, blinking
lights, balloons and searchlights are permitted for a period of two weeks to announce a special sales
event sponsored by more than one commercial enterprise. Such special sales event must be held on
the premises of one or more of the sponsoring enterprises, and all participating enterprises must be
located on the same site or abutting sites. The signage allowed under this section may be permitted
no more than four times per year for any participating enterprise. All such materials shall be removed
immediately upon expiration of the respective time limit. Use of the above-described devices within
the limits specified shall be an exception to the general prohibition on these devices in BCC
2.21B,;;,;110,,,1,,;" 10(E). Such displays are not exempt from permit requirements and are permitted only in the
Downtown, Factoria, CB, GC, LI and OLB land use districts where the advertised enterprise is
allowed under land use district regulations or operating pursuant to a valid permit or approval. (Ord.
K § 20, 2003; Ord. 5357 § 10, 2002; Ord.5,1'„ .1 § 2, 1999; Ord. �I-EH B § 11, 1995; Ord. ,:b:.C:D!B § 1,
1982; Ord. a 1,_571 § 1, 1962; Ord. 2342 § 1, 1976; Ord. 2301 § 1, 1976; Ord. 2133 §§ 7, 8, 1974; 1961
code § 17.01.090.)
22B.10.125 Permanent signs within street rights-of-way.
A. General. Signs for the purpose of identification only, which contain no advertising, and signs that
are otherwise allowed in the right-of-way under this sign code, may be permanently located upon the
street right-of-way only where view -obstructing acoustical protective devices such as acoustical walls,
berms or solid fences have been legally installed with city approval at the property line thereby
making building -mounted or conforming freestanding signs ineffective.
B. Design and Materials. The proposed design and materials to be utilized in the construction of signs
permitted by this section shall be approved in advance of the issuance of any sign permit by the
C. Types of Signs Permitted. Only signs identifying the use being maintained or operated upon the
immediately abutting property and incidental signs indicating the appropriate entrance to and exit
therefrom are permitted upon the public right-of-way under this section; provided, that "vacancy" signs
no larger than three square feet in surface area may be installed as an addition to the identification
sign; and provided, that other signs may be authorized on the public right-of-way pursuant to the
variance process under BCC 22B.°10.180.
D. Sign Location. Permanent signs permitted upon the street right-of-way shall not be installed or
placed on the top of acoustical protective devices, nor shall such signs be installed upon or attached
to acoustical protective devices constructed by the city.
E. Sign Dimensions. Permanent signs permitted within the street right-of-way shall have a maximum
height of five feet above the existing grade located directly below the sign, and a maximum surface
area of 15 square feet.
F. Sign Illumination. Permanent signs permitted within the street right-of-way shall be from a source
property M .. , the sign is located.
MITI `i ii
G. Permit Requirements. Permanent signs permitted within the street right-of-way are subject to all
general requirements of this code; provided, that no such sign may be erected without a permit
regardless of the size of the sign; and provided further, that any application for a permit to place a
sign within the street right-of-way is subject to the approval of the director of transportation.
H. Political Signs. Permanent political signs are not permitted within the street right-of-way. For
requirements governing temporary political signs, see BCC,I ,;Y,q,,ma. (Ord. 590 §§ 21, 22, 2003;
Ord. 5.1.5;"x„ § 3, 1999; Ord. �,j,,,"n,,.8 § 12, 1995; Ord. 2568 § 5, 1978.)
22.10.130 Exempt signs or displays.
The following signs or displays are exempted from coverage under this code:
A. Traffic or pedestrian control signs or signals, or signs indicating scenic or historic points of interest,
which are erected by or on the order of a public officer in the performance of his public duty;
B. Signs required by law;
C. Official public notices, official court notices or official sheriffs notices;
D. The flag of a government or noncommercial institutions such as schools;
E. Exterior signs or displays not visible from streets or ways open to the public;
F. Signs in the interior of a building more than three feet from the closest window or not facing a
G. Plaques, tablets or inscriptions indicating the name of a building, its date of erection, or other
commemorative information, which are an integral part of the building structure or are attached flat to
the face of the building, which are nonilluminated, and which do not exceed three square feet in
surface area;
H. "No trespassing," "no dumping," "no parking," "private," and other informational warning signs,
which shall not exceed three square feet in surface area;
I. Reasonable seasonal decorations within the appropriate public holiday season. However, such
displays shall be removed within five days following the end of the public holiday season;
J. The flag of a commercial institution. No more than one flag is permitted per business premises, the
flag shall not exceed 20 square feet in surface area, and shall be left loose to fly in the breeze;
K. Sculptures, fountains, mosaics and design features which do not incorporate advertising or
L. Sandwich -board signs worn by a person while walking the public ways of the city;
M. Existing theater marquees (freestanding and/or building -mounted);
N. Reasonable temporary decorations and signs for the purpose of announcing or promoting a
nonprofit sponsored, school sponsored, or child daycare center sponsored community fair, festival or
Chapter 2213. 10 SIGN CODE Page 33 of 43
event, including announcement of enrollment periods. Such decorations and signs may be displayed
no more than 14 calendar days prior to and during the fair, festival or event.
If approved by the Department of Transportation, such decorations or signs may be located on or
over the public right-of-way. Ail decorations and signs must be removed within five calendar days
following the end of the fair, festival or event. (Ord. 54, 99, § 23, 2003; Ord. 53:57 § 11, 2002; Ord. 48118
I ........ ........ .. ..................
§ 13 1995; Ord. ,.3.5..2 § 1, 1985; 1961 code § 17.01.100,)
A. Structural Requirements. The structure and erection of signs within the city shall be governed by
ChaQters 2 and 4 of the Uniform w
city), and the International Building Code, 2006 Edition (or any superseding edition adopted by the
city), Volume I (including appendices), as promulgated by the International Conference of Building
codes are on file in the office of the city clerk. Compliance with the Uniform Sign Code and
International Building Code shall be a prerequisite to issuance of a sign permit under BCC
B. Electrical Requirements. Electrical requirements for signs within the city shall be governed by t
National Electrical Code, 2008 Edition (or any superseding edition adopted by the city), promulgat
by the National Fire Protection Association, which is adopted and made a part hereof by this
reference. Compliance with the National Electrical Code shall be required by every sign utilizing
electrical energy as a prerequisite to issuance of a sign permit under BCC .22 B 1 0 1 6..1D,
..... ..... ...... ... . -
reduced so as to avoid undue brivhtnesspo:lareAx-u��&-ij6.�- J.
fmaa�-TJW4-a VA * vzo
surrounding area, and so as to avoid unreasonably distracting pedestrians or motorists. "Undue
brightness" is illumination in excess of that which is reasonably necessary to make the sign
reasonably visible to the average person on an adjacent street.
a state of security, safety and repair. If any sign is found not to be so maintained or is insecurely
fastened or otherwise dangeLQu-s, it shall be the duqLnLt%P•t&w-9 ••—Q•
-� *: _
which the sign is located to repair or remove the sign within five days after receiving notice from the]
director. The premises surrounding a freestanding sign shall be free and clear of rubbish and
landscaping area free of weeds.
ArtWN&7-JM1P "WIS-WitrariT37, ... I
window or exit from a building. No sign shall be located so as to be hazardous to a motorist's or
pedestrian's ingress and egress from parking areas or any way open to the public. All signs shall
comply with the sight distance requirements of the Land Use Code (LUC2. 0.2. 0..:: 8 3 01).
F, Landscaping for Freestanding Signs. All primary freestanding signs shall include landscaping at
I is
If the landscaping is not installed concurrently with the sign, the applicant for a sign permit shall
provide a performance assurance device in accordance with
must be installed within 60 days of completion of the sign installation, unless the director grants an
extension in writing for reasons of weather, good planting practices, or unforeseeable construction
G. Sign Inspection. All sign users shall permit the periodic inspection of their signs by the city upon
city request.
H. Conflicting Provisions. Whenever two provisions of this code overlap or conflict with regard to the
size or placement of a sign, the more restrictive provision shall apply.
1. Painted Signs - Mounting. Painted signs may be painted on plywood or other backing material or
&ectly on the building wall itself. (Ord. 5877 § 6, 2009; Ord. 54$-)1Q § 24, 2003; Ord. 54,Q.A,
................. — ............ § 17, 2002;
#rd.4.818 § 14, 1995; Ord. 41683 § 4, 1994; Ord. 21
. ....... ...... ....... ............................. 683 §§ 2. 3, 4, 1986; Ord. 2133 § 9. 1974; 1961
code § 17.01.110.)
The following signs or displays are prohibited, except as indicated. Prohibfted signs are subject to
removal by the city at the owner's • user's expense (see
A. Window • containing material unrelated to the merchandise • sale • service performed •
the person or business on whose premises or property the sign is located (except real estate 'open
house," subdivision directional, and commercial 'estate sale" signs as governed by BCC ZZI:3. 1 Q. 1210
...................................................... —
public holidays • • events, the time and temperature;
which bear the words "Stop.' 'caution," 'danger," "warning," or similar words-,
C. Signs which, • reason • their size, location, movement, • coloring • manner •
signal device;
h and -sntaxkr-k—nLftL-tjzY 7
to Att ?�vetise 2 s�recific ctrx�?,xytr cirmm+1ity, -ir whather a �arkiiig Sarage is fyll are -
E. Displays, banners, clusters of flags, posters, pennants, ribbons, streamers, strings of lights,
so,inners twirl
balloons, bubble machines and similar devices of a carnival nature, or containing elements creating
sound or smell. Exception: Certain of these devices are permitted on a limited basis as seasonal
l'ittp://www.codepublishing.com/wa/bellevue/html/Bellevue22/Bellevue22B I O.html 10/9/2014
decorations under BCC 2 2 [1., 1.0 1 1 0.(l), for temporary event signage under BCC' 2B.10,12, Lo D), and
for joint sales signage under BCC 2213..;. 11.0 1M210 H);
F. Signs identifying or window signs advertising, activities, products, businesses or services which
Wave beew disrn-Ftiv) i ii ir i ir
G. Private signs on utility poles or public property, except as provided in BCC 2M�Ji
;- 120 F) and
.... ......... .......
H. Searchlights, except as permitted for temporary event signage under BCC 22B, 10. 1 210(D), and for
oil -1
J. Portabie signs, except for sandwich board signs as permitted under BCC 22B.'10,130(L), political
signs meeting the requirements of BCC.2 2 , .1 and (F), and temporary signs meeting the
.... ..... ... ..
requirements of BCC 229.101210-
K. Signs for which a permit has been granted under conditions with which the permittee does not
L. Signs for which a permit has been granted and subsequently revoked for cause by the director;
M. Directional signs, except where specifically authorized under provisions of this code;
N. Signs erected, altered or relocated without a permit issued by the city or any other governmental
agency which requires a permit by law; and
O. LED readerboard signs, except as follows:
1. LED readerboard signs meeting the design review requirements of BCC 2ZF,3.10.025 are
.................................................... . ...........
allowed within the downtown at locations of public assembly pursuant to LUC 2JO 1 �.0 44.1Q. The
... .................. .....................................
use district when used only as a noncommercial public service sign. The frequency of message
changes shall be limited to one message change every eight hours.
LED readerboard signs permitted under the terms of these exceptions must comply with the
requirements of all other provisions of the sign code applicable to the land use district within which
the sign is located. (Ord. 54910 §§ 25 — 29, 2003; Ord. ;5357 § 12, 2002; Ord, 481�..,�
§ 5. 1994; Ord. 36,83 5. 1986; Ord. 32(. 6 § 2. 1982; Ord. 2301 § 2, 1976; Ord. 2133 §§ 10, 11
1974; Ord. 2045 § 4,1974 1961 code § 17.01,120.)
22B.1 0.160 Permits and fees.
A. Permit Requirements. Except as provided in subsection D of this section, no sign governed by this
code shall 57#-r. 2.-1 ?"kab*vz- i?,te V'
permit issued by the city,
B. Permit Applications. In addition to application requirements detailed in BCC .2 2 J ' B 1 1 ' 0 1 ' 0 ' ' 2 5 ',
. .. ..... . .... .. . .... . .... . .... .....
applications for permits shall contain the name and address of the owner and user of the sign, the
name and address of the owner of the property on which the sign is to be located, the location of the
sion structure.
its proposed placement, and such other pertinent information as the director may require to insure
compliance with this code and other applicable ordinances. Permit applications shall be available for
inspection by the public upon request.
C. Expiration of Permits. A sign permit shall become null and void if the work for which the permit was
issued has not been completed within one year of its issuance. Permits for temporary signs (BCC
20:3,.110 1;210) shall expire a maximum of 12 months from the date of the sign installation. Such permits
.... . . .. ....... ...... ..............
are not subject to renewal.
D. Permit Exceptions. The following signs and sign alterations do not require a permit, but shall
comply with all other applicable requirements of this code:
its adoption unless and until the sign is altered or relocated;
option OT IS ce, v Its 5 not conTorm wiffffil—s
code's requirements and are determined by the director to be nonconforming signs and for
which a nonconforming sign permft is issued pursuant to
..... ..... ...... . .. .... .. .... ..... . ....
T.-AMPMMM, Meaning or oiner normai maintenance or repair oT a sign Ir sign strucEul oi
which a permit has previously been issued, so long as the sign structure or content is not
modified in any way;
T'C'Manging OT aU 5MrA55M=,A. FMUr ooa
theater marquee, or sign for an entertainment/public assembly use. When the sign is a
1,101=4• = UWE M,
8. On-site signs erected by utility providers to indicate the utility's intended use of the site for
Q-1-ZI 2fi&-_AO�A�t
eight feet in height; and
E. Notice of Permit Denial — Reasons. When a sign permit is denied by the director, he or she shall
for the denial. (Ord.567.9 § 4. 2006; Ord.!5�490 § 30, 2003; Ord. 5357§ 13, 2002; Ord. 5151 § 4,
1 ............... ... - .................... I ........ ..........
pi liliiillipi ipp� 11=11;1�11111� 1 1`11 MIT, I �IMMENOWIM
1999; Ord. 4 8 1 .8 § 16, 1995: Ord. 13 683 §§ 6. 7, 1986; Ord. 364�2 § 1, 1986; Ord. 2953 § 11, 1981;
. ... ..... .. ..... .... ..
gird. 2568 § 4, 1978; Ord. 2133 § 12, 1974; 1961 code § 17,01.130.)
A. Administration. The director shall be responsible for administration of this code. The director may
adont rules for theimplementation of his codep *Pk�L ' A 'S.M?
The director shall publish notice of intent to adopt any rule, and the date. time and Qlace of fte oublic
date. Any person may submit written comment to the director in response to such notice, and any
oerson mav sneak at the nublic hearonn. Follo X't,21*At
with modifications, or reject the proposed rule,
B. Inspection of Director. The director is empowered to enter or inspect any building, structure or
premises in the city, upon which, or in connection with which a sign, as defined by this code, is
located, for the purpose of ins �qection of the si 13, its structural and electrical connections and to
insure compliance with the provisions of this code. Such inspections shall be carried out during
*usiness hours, unless an emergency exists.
violation of or failure to comply with any provision of this chapter is declared to bc
0". Any violation of any provision of this chapter is a civil violation as provided for in Chapter ' I I B
BCC, for which a monetary penalty may be assessed and abatement may be required as
provided therein.
MY 7- -1 fla .. is cnapier or D;4aW-.BTW-
person who violates any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Ord. 48.1.8 S
I .............. ...... ......
17, 1995; Ord. 42 1 E § 1, 1991; Ord, .3...6..13, § 8, 1986; Ord. .35.8.9 § 1. 1986; Ord.,3;501-1 § 1, 1985;
Ord. 2953 § 12. 1981; Ord. 2055 § 2, 1974; 1961 code
A. Scope. This section establishes the procedure and criteria that the city will use in making a
decision upon an application for a variance from the provisions of the sign code.
ZRZM�- �=
C. Purpose. A variance is a mechanism by which the city may grant relief from the provisions of the
sign code where practical difficulty renders compliance with the provisions of that code an
unnecessary hardship, where the hardship is a result of the physical characteristics of the subject
property and where the purpose of that code can be fulfilled.
D. Who May Apply. The property owner or his or her authorized agent may apply for a variance from
the provisions of the sign code.
E. Applicable Procedure. The city will process an _.• for a variance from the provisions of the
sign code through Process 11, LUG 2�Q.35.200 et seq.
F Submittal Requirements.
- I -
2. The director may waive specific submittal requirements determined to be unnecessary for
review of an application.
G. Decision Criteria. The director may approve or approve with modifications an application for a
variance from the provisions of the sign code if:
1. The variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon
signage and uses of other properties in the same vicinity and zone; and
T',IM7T=fue-yb-rrerL.-L-bwd-iy-veca,ts-e-oy--speciai circumstances, which are not the resmu"O
voluntary actions of the applicant, relating to the size, shape, topography, location or
surroundings of the subject property, to provide it with signage use rights and privileges
permitted to other properties in the same vicinity and zone; and
11,11 3 , 111 12111
•- -Be
4. The variance is the minimum necessary to meet the need of the applicant.
H. Limitation on Authority. The director may not grant a variance to:
1 . Any dimensional requirement of the Sign Code to the extent of greater than 15 percent of that
dimension. However, additional variation beyond 15 percent on sign location and height may be
considered by the director pursuant to the decision criteria of this section;
3. Any provision of the Sign Code which, by the terms of that code, is not subject to a variance.
I. Time Limitation. A variance automatically expires and is void if the applicant fails to file for a sign
permit or other necessary development permit within three years of the effective date of the variance.
The director may extend a sign variance, not to exceed two years, if:
1. Unforeseen circumstances or conditions necessitate the extension of the variance; and
2pplicant is not responsible for the delay; and
3. The extension of the variance will not cause substantial detriment to existing uses in the
immediate vicinity of the subject property; and
4. The applicant has demonstrated reasonable diligence in attempting to meet the time limit
imposed: and
6. Q
- ArMwiw--�
z-,ince the variance was first granted.
J. Assurance Device. The direc
0 E 10 M STF. 42M
The decision of the director approving, approving with modifications or denying a sign permit or
WG@� nw S *IG- ---MW14 C,-� I WY � e% XA! UM-1-araffV6 ft-alf VOW JAUMMS-CWT fl. -L& -b S
11, LUC 2101 35,2100 et seq. (Ord. 48,118 § 19, 1995; Ord. 3683 § 12. 1986.)
A. General. To ease the economic impact of this code on businesses with substantial investment in
signs in existence on the date of adoption of this code, this section provides for up to nine years of
continued use of a nonconforrnin?_aj�n in its existin-,7 state. Durin,,;- this T,
sign may be amortized on federal income taxes; however, whether it may be so amortized shall not
affect the application of this section. Similar treatment is accorded signs in areas annexed to the city
after the code's enactment.
1 . Aotification of Nonconformity or Illegality. The director shall, as soon as practicable, survey
the cit, for si,�ns which do not conform to the re�tuirements of this–,qi�,*�-- — �,. �a�
a sign is nonconforming or illegal, the director shall use reasonable efforts to so notify, either
personally or in writing, the sign user or owner of the sign, and where practicable the owner of
the nrogertv on which the sign is located of the
the business with which the sign is associated shall be presumed to be the sign user under this
sign 1 -ser, oll ner or tne sign, or owner ot the property on which the sign is located
cannot be determined after reasonable inquiry, the notice may be affixed in a conspicuous place on
the sign or on the business premises with which the sign is associated.
2. Signs Eligible for Nonconforming Sign Permit. Any sign which does not conform with the
provisions of this code is el
following requirements:
a. The sign is either located within the city limits on the date of adoption of this code, or
located in areas annexed to the city thereafter;
b. The sign must be an on -premises sign;
c. The sign must be a primary sign;
d. The sign must not be a temporary sign;
e. The sign must not be a sign prohibited by BCCI, giC;J,;,,;j„,i;
f. The sign must not be an incidental sign; and
g. Either:
i. The sign was covered by a sign permit on the date of adoption of this code, if one
was required under applicable law; or
ii. If no sign permit was required under applicable law for the sign in question, the sign
was in all respects in compliance with applicable law on the date of adoption of this
3. Number of Nonconforming Signs Permitted. Each sign user having nonconforming signs
meeting the requirements of subsection (13)(2) of this section shall be permitted to retain one
(only) such sign along each street upon which the business premises fronts. A nonconforming
sign permit must be obtained for each sign to be retained.
4. Permit for Nonconforming Signs. A nonconforming sign permit is required for each
nonconforming sign designated under subsection (13)(3) of this section. The permit shall be
obtained by the sign user or the sign owner, or the owner of the property upon which the sign is
located, within 60 days of notification by the city (under subsection (13)(1) of this section) that the
sign is nonconforming. The permit shall be issued for a fee and shall expire at the end of the
applicable amortization period prescribed in subsection (D)(2) of this section. Applications for a
nonconforming sign permit shall contain the name and address of the sign user, the sign owner,
and the owner of the property upon which the sign is located, and such other pertinent
information as the director may require to ensure compliance with the code, including proof of
the date of installation of the sign. A nonconforming sign For which no permit has been issued
within the 60 -day period shall within six months be brought into compliance with the code or be
removed. Failure to comply shall subject the sign user, sign owner or owner of the property on
which the sign is located to the remedies and penalties of subsection C of this section.
5. Loss of Nonconforming Status. A nonconforming sign shall immediately lose its
nonconforming designation if.
a. The sign is altered in any way in structure or copy (except for changeable copy and
normal maintenance described in subsection E of this section), which tends to or makes the
sign less in compliance with the requirements of this code than it was before the alteration;
b. The sign is relocated to a position making it less in compliance with the requirements of
this code; or
c. The sign is replaced; or
d. Any new primary sign is erected or placed in connection with the enterprise using the
nonconforming sign; or
e. No application for a nonconforming sign permit is filed by the sign user, sign owner, or
owner of the property upon which the sign is located within 60 days following notification by
the city (under subsection (A)(1) of this section) that the sign is nonconforming and that a
permit must be obtained. If a sign loses its nonconforming status pursuant to
subparagraphs a, b, c, d, or e, any permit or designation for what had been designated as a
nonconforming sign shall become void, the director shall notify the sign user, sign owner or
owner of the property upon which the sign is located of cancellation of the permit or
designation, and the sign shall immediately be brought into compliance with this code and a
new permit secured therefor, or shall be removed.
C. Illegal Signs. Any illegal sign is any sign which does not comply with the requirements of this code
within the city limits as they now or hereafter exist, and which is not eligible for a nonconforming sign
. B..'I :, 010(B)(2) may be immediately removed by the city if the sign is located on
permit under BCC .....................................
city property or right-of-way. The city may remove an illegal sign located on private property no less
than 10 days Following the mailing of notice to the property owner or person in charge of the premises
that the sign is illegal and must be removed.
D. Amortization Period for Nonconforming Signs. Nonconforming signs for which a nonconforming
sign permit has been issued may remain in a nonconforming state for nine years after the date of
installation of the sign, or six years after notification by the city of the sign's nonconformity, whichever
is longer. Thereafter, subject to subsection F of this section, the sign shall be brought into conformity
with this code with a permit obtained therefor, or be removed; provided, however, that the
amortization period established by this section may be used only so long as the sign retains its
nonconforming status (see BCC 22B. 10. 13)(5)); and, provided further, that upon any change in
land use or occupancy, or change in business name, such nonconforming signs shall, within six
months, be brought into conformity with this code with a permit obtained therefor, or be removed. The
authorization provision of this code shall not apply to signs the advertising or informative content of
which are oriented toward and visible from the main traveled portion of the interstate system or other
state highway.
E. Nonconforming Sign Maintenance and Repair. Nothing in this section shall relieve the owner or
user of a nonconforming sign or owner of the property on which the nonconforming sign is located
from the provisions of this code regarding safety, maintenance and repair of signs, contained in BCC
2,2,11;;1;;1„ ,;,;)„ 4. 2, and from the provisions on prohibited signs, contained in BCC 22 ,q;$,;,,�li,„0,._1,,,50; provided,
however, that any repainting, cleaning, and other normal maintenance or repair of the sign or sign
structure shall not modify the sign structure or copy in any way which makes it less in compliance with
the requirements of this code, or the sign will lose its nonconforming status. (See subsection (13)(5) of
this section.)
F, Sign Amortization Exemption Process.
rwrl�� i� r"IMM I MA"■. 11i
1. Applicability. This subsection F applies to each sign which is required to be removed pursua
to subsection D of this section following the amortization period. i
3. Who May Apply. The property owner or the person displaying the sign which is required to be
removed pursuant to subsection D of this section may apply for a siqn amortization exemDtion.
4. Special Filing Requirement. The applicant must submit a completed application for a siJgn
amortization exemption within 60 days of notification by the city (under subsection (B)(1) of thii
section) that the sinn is nonconforminQ or is thereafter barre-d-ft-.-%y-m,-kVg
completed application is not filed, the sign is illegal and in violation of this code.
6. Submittal Requirements.
a. The director shall specify the submittal requirements, including type, detail and number of
* M., a -F awo-67atioT eyeUDtiOT andicatio-F to h"PA-,-FP-d-raTr-o-k-Jt--?Td QrrP,-tJP--O
b. The director may waive specific submittal requirements determined to be unnecessary for
review of an application.
7. Decision Criteria. The director may approve or approve with modifications an application for a
sign amortization exemption
a. The sign is compatible with the architectural design of structures on the subject property;
a -id
b. The sign substantially complies with the requirements of the sign code for the land u
district in which it is located; and i
c. The sign complies with Bellevue City Code (Land Use Code) Section 210,210,8310 (Street
intersection sight obstruction): and
exemption, that sign may remain until removal is required pursuant to subsections (B)(5) or (C)
of this section.
9. Assurance Device. The director may require a reasonable performance or maintenance
Chapter 22B.10 SIGN CODE
Page 43 of 43
10. Fee. The applicant shall pay a fee upon application which is equal to that land use review
and processing fee required for a variance to the sign code. (Ord. 5x,,5;;1„ § 5, 1999; Ord. 48188 §
20, 1995; Ord. "3763 § 1, 1987; Ord. 8683 § 9, 1986; Ord. 2953 § 13, 1981; Ord. 2568 § 2, 1978;
Ord. 2045 § 5, 1974; 1961 code § 17.01.150.)
22B.10.210 Conflicting provisions.
If any provision of this code is found to be in conflict with any provision of any zoning, building, fire,
safety or health ordinance or code of the city, the provision which establishes the higher standard
shall prevail. (1961 code § 17.01.170(A).)
22B.10.220 Severability.
If any provision of this chapter or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the
remainder of the chapter or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not
affected, and to this end the provisions of this chapter are declared to be severable. (Ord. 35819 § 2
The Bellevue City Code is current through Ordinance 6176,
passed August 4, 2014.
Disclaimer: The City Clerk's Office has the official version of the
Bellevue City Code. Users should contact the City Clerk's Office
for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above.
11 1 116 111 1%
Chapter 20.960
Prohibited Signs.
Lower Density Residential Districts.
Higher Density Residential Districts.
Commercial District Signs.
Industrial District Signs.
Open Space District Signs.
Portable Signs in the Public Right of Way.
Special Sign Districts.
Permits Required.
Permit Application.
Permission to Install.
Issuance - Denial.
Effect of Issuance.
Commercial Sign Erector's License.
License Non -transferable.
Planning Official.
Inspection by Planning Official.
Violation and Penalties.
Assurance of Discontinuance.
Legal Nonconforming Sign.
Structural and Material Requirements.
Construction or Suitability of Materials.
Vision Clearance.
Structural and Material Requirements.
Section 20.960.010 Purpose.
1 .#. i0" IOV4,V 10JART610).I I OJIM&Y IN U V4, •� f i� .
places; 1 to. by r its natural d' beauty. This chapter
businessintended to balance the need for a well-maintained and attractive community and the need for adequate
identification, advertising4"...
(M-3868, Amended, 02/25/2008, See 3; M-3643, Added, 01 /2612004)
Section 20.960.020 Scope.
IN isiNilliftiettm4nii
Rpm F; Mt.
B. It is not intended for this chapter to regulate public sector signing, political campaign signs, private
noncommercial signs less than 6 square feet per face, doorway identification nameplates up to 4 square
feet, and holiday decorations, as such terms are used and/or defined herein.
C. In addition to subsection B above, the following on-site non -illuminated signs are pen-nitted 4.,... a
sign pen -nit and in addition to the maximum allowable number and maximum allowable area of signs, as
-3 ff r. M KATRI IMI
2. One maximum 48 square feet per face sign, per frontage, on a lot in any non-residential district.
I' I - 0 ' . I . . 4
NOW MIUMM111111 M, 0
4. Exception: This section shall not allow any sign otherwise prohibited by this title.
W. Vehicles Signs (including trailers). Vehicles used as part of the normal function of a business or
, i f-titted to have siv_ns relatin
1. Not Permitted. Any sign attached to or placed on a parked vehicle or trailer used principally for
,�dvertising purposes, rather than transportation. A vehicle or trailer shall be considered principally used
for advertising purposes based on the following criteria: a) a sign is attached or placed on the vehicle or
trailer that is larger than 20 square feet in area; b) the sign is attached or placed on the vehicle or trailer
for inore than 12 hours in any 48-hour period; c) the vehicle or trailer is parked in the same location or
within 300 feet Aari i i t9024md 4^Xmj
or trailer is parked in a public rigbt-of-way or within 50 feet of a public right-of-way; and e) the sign
attached to the vehicle or trailer can be read by a person with normal vision from inside the arterial
to the rental business only; or when such vehicle is parked at or near the site of the business or
Section 20.960.030 Prohibited Signs.
The following types of signs are prohibited, except as otherwise provided by this chapter and in Section
A. Off - remises signs. Off -premises signs are prohibited except as authorized in this chapter. For
exception see Section 20.960.090 Portable Signs in the Public Right -of -Way.
B. Flashina sians. Except where permitted by section regulation for a special district or
time/temperature or similar public service infonnation signs. For the purpose of this title, EMC's
consistent with the standards of VMC 20.960,040 1, -.050 1, -.060 1 or -.070 1 shall not be considered
flashing signs.
C. Free-standine siL-ns. Individual free-standing signs are prohibited in any business complex where a
business complex sign exists.
D. Billboards. Billboards are prohibited in all zones.
E. Siggs that obstruct. Any sign that substantially obstructs free and clear vision of exit, traffic
intersection entrance, traffic sign or signal, or constitutes a traffic hazard by reasons thereof.
F. SiMs_containing unwarranted content. Any sign which contains statements, words, and pictures of
an obscene character.
G. Signs which
No not conform in structure or material to uniform codes. Any sign which does not
structurally or materially conform to the requirements of the City Adopted Building Code as to structure
or material except for signs permitted under Section 20.960.090 Temporary Right -of -Way Signs.
H. Projecting signs. No projecting sign may extend into a 2 -foot setback from a curb line.
1. SilMs with angle iron cages. Any sign whose main structural support is comprised of a visible angle
iron cage.
J. Siggs in Public Areas. No sign shall be placed or permitted to be placed on public property or public
right-of-way except as permitted under Section 20.960.090 Portable Signs in the Public Right -of -Way, or
signs on public buildings detennined to be in the public interest by the Planning Official.
K. Miscellaneous signs and posters. The tacking, pasting, or otherwise affixing of any sign or signs of
a miscellaneous character, visible from a public right-of-way, located on exterior walls of any building,
barn, shed, tree, pole, post, fence or other structure is prohibited unless otherwise permitted.
L. Lighting of signs. Any sign which is found by the Planning Official to utilize an inordinate light
source such as beacons, strobe lights, or reflectors.
M. Signs emitting pollutants. Any sign that emits audible sound, odor, or visible matter.
N. Garage sale siggs. Any sign or signs advertising a garage sale to be held at a given premises which
is posted for more than 7 calendar days in any one calendar year.
0. Commercial sigLis advertising card room gambling or other games of chance prohibited by state law
or citv ordinance.
Q. Siggs associated with single family uses. Signs for uses allowed within single family homes are
R. Rotating Signs. Rotating signs are prohibited in all zoning districts.
S. Rooftop Si s. Rooftop signs are prohibited in all zoning districts.
T. Any other sign. Any other sign that does not conform to all provisions of this code.
(Ord. M-3266 § 2, 1996)
(M-4034, Amended, 12/03/2012, See 33-EfTective, 01/03/2013-, M-3868, Amended, 02/25/2008, See 5; M-3643, Added,
Section 20.960.040 Lower Density Residential Districts.
In the lower density residential districts, pennitted signs include signs exempted by Section 20.960.020
Scope for uses within Central Park for which design guidelines apply, and for nonconforming uses with
existing legal signs. Nonconfonning sig -ns advertising existing businesses may remain or be replaced in
kind, as long as the business remains in operation, but may not be increased in size. In all Lower Density
Residential Districts, the regulations of this section shall apply:
A. Billboards. Billboards are prohibited.
B. Off -premises signs. Not allowed except as provided in 20.960.090.
C. Free-standing signs
1. Allowable Area: 32 square feet per face.
9. Height of Sign: Maximum 8 feet to be measured from grade.
4, Encroachment: No part of the freestanding sign shall project into any public right-of-way.
5. No freestanding sign shall project or extend into any vision clearance area unless approved by th�
Planning Official.
6. Any freestanding sign must be integrated. That is, all supports or sign elements shall bean
integral part of the design. Auxiliary projections or attachments not a part of a single design are
1. Allowable Area: 5 percent of buildings' elevation with a maximum of 32 square feet.
is on mi!SMI sign I I 1 6 - I � 0 1
3. Encroachment: For sale/lease/rent signs may not encroach on the property line of the subject
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REMEMBER l�i ill Iiiiiiiii 11
4, Maximum size: 16 square feet (50% of allowed area of fascia or monument sign); such sign
shall not be in addition to allowable area of fascia or monument sign
5. Maximum height: 8 feet measured from grade if monument sign; fascia signs shall not extend
above the parapet or eave line
7. Hours of operation: The EMC sign shall be completely turned off between the hours of 9:00
Mm and 7:00 am, seven days a week
8. Additional performance standards of VMC 20.960.060,1, 2-9 shall apply to EMC signs in
resideTtiafAistvil -ts
9. Signs with an electronic message center which meet all of the above standards may also
provide internal illumination to the remainder of the sign.
J. Directional signs. Are regulated as specified in Section 20.960.090.
K. Business complex signs (free-standing signs only). Free standing business complex signs are
prohibited. .
L. Allowable combinations of'sign types. No combination of sign types is allowed. .
M. Lighting of signs. Only indirect lighting is allowed, except as otherwise allowed by VMC
20.960.040, subsection
(M-3868, Amended, 02/25/2008, See 6, M-3730, Amended, 12/1912005, See 33: M-3643,AddL(LO 1126/2004)
Section 20.960.050 Higher Density Residential Districts.
In all Higher Density Residential Districts, the regulations of this Section shall apply:
A. Billboards. Not allowed.
Off- premises _M=. Not allowed except as provided in 20.960.090.
C. Free-standine signs
1. Allowable Area: 32 square feet per face.
2. Number of Signs: I per frontage.
3. Height of Sign: Maximum 8 feet to be measured from grade.
4. Encroachment: No part of the freestanding sign shall project into any public right-of-way.
5. No freestanding sign shall project or extend into any vision clearance area unless approved by the
Planning Official.
6. Any freestanding sign must be integrated. That is, all supports or sign elements shall be an
integral part of the design. Auxiliary projections or attachments not a part of a single design are
D. Fascia signs
1. Allowable Area: 5 percent of buildings' elevation with a maximum of 32 square feet.
2. Number ofSigns: I per business. (There shall be no more than one free-standing sign per
frontage, and no more than one fascia sign. If both are used, they must be on different frontages).
3. Height of Sign: Not to extend above parapet or eave line.
E. Proiecting signs. Not allowed.
F. Roofton siLms. Not allowed.
G. For sale/leasefrentligns. As specified in Section 20.960.090.
1. Allowable Area: Maximum 6 square feet per face and as specified in Section 20.960.020(C).
2. Number of Signs: lper frontage.
3. Encroachment: Nat allowed.
3MBEMEM=111"! I I I I I I I I I I I i I I !!! moml=
not be in addition to allowable area of fascia or monument sign
5. Maximum height: 8 feet measured from grade if monument sign; fascia signs shall not exte
above the parapet or eave line i
I �� iiiiji 11111 1 1111 11 1111 111111 11
OR C. -1 M.- 11 1111111 IN& P !III•
7. Hours of operation: The EMC sign shall be completely turned off between the hours of 900 p
and 7:00 am, seven days a week i
residential districts
I I OW4 I fr.] a I Its 1110 1 C-3 1 Sri I ILI LM so] M I I
immommo �411 , nor
1. Allowable Area: 2 square feet per business or professional tenant per face for tenant
identification, and 15 square feet per face for business complex identification,
2. Height of Sign: Maximum height of 10 feet to be measured from grade. (It is recommended
F �* M
I . There shall be no combinations of permanent sign types on a single street frontage.
2. Business Complex Signs are required for any business in a business complex desiring a
Free -Standing Sign. The use of a Business Complex Sign shall replace all other Free -Standing Signs on
the premises, except temporary or directional signs.
M Lighting of si s
1. No neon may be used as a light source,
2. For internally illuminated signs, the background must be opaque and the illuminated portion of
the sign face must not exceed 40 percent of the sign face area.
3. For Business Complex Signs, only that portion of the sign identifying the complex may be
(M-3868, Amended, 02125/2008, See 7, M-3730, Amended, 12119/2005; M-3643, Added, 01/2612004)
Section 20.960.060 Commercial District Signs.
In all commercial districts as defined in this Title, the following regulations and standards shall apply:
A. Billboards. Not allowed.
B. Off -premises signs. Not allowed except as provided in 20.960.090.
C. Free-standing Signs
1. Allowable Area: One (1) square foot per face per lineal foot of frontage up to a maximum of
250 square feet per face. Provided that premises with less than thirty-two (32) lineal feet of frontage
shall be allowed a maximum thirty-two (32) square foot sign per face.
2. Number of Signs: I per frontage.
3. Height of Sign: Maximum 25 feet to be measured from grade to top of sign,
4. Encroachment Above Public Right -of -Way: No part of the freestanding sign shall project into
any public right-of-way.
5. No freestanding sign shall project or extend into any vision clearance area unless approved by the
Planning Official.
6. Any freestanding sign inust be integrated. That is, all supports or sign elements shall be an
integral part of the design. Auxiliary projections or attachments not a part of a single design are
D. Fascia signs
1. Allowable Area: Maximum 12 percent of building's elevation on which the sign is erected with
a guaranteed minimum of 32 square feet. Total of all sign face areas shall not exceed 250 square feet.
2. Number ofSigns: No maximum number provided the total area of all signs complies with DI
3. Height of Sign: No sign shall extend above parapet or eave line.
4. Fascia Signs: Fascia Signs may not encroach into right-of-way if less than 8 feet above grade.
E. Projecting. signs
1. Allowable Area: Maximum 15 percent of a building elevation on which the sign is erected.
Total of all sign face areas shall not exceed 250 square feet.
2. Number of Signs: I per elevation per business.
3. Height of Sign: No sign shall extend above parapet or eave line.
4. Encroachment Above Public Right-of-Way. No encroachment allowed for signs less than 8 feet
above grade; 3 feet encroachment allowed for signs greater than 8 feet but less than or equal to 10 feet
above grade; 4 feet encroachment allowed for signs greater than 10 feet and less than or equal to 12 feet
above grade, and 6 feet for signs more than 12 feet above grade.
F. Rooftop signs. Rooftops signs are prohibited.
G. Temporary sigLis. Not allowed, except for portable signs in the right of way under Section
H. Rotating sigLis. Rotating signs are prohibited.
L Electronic Message Center siggs. (Not permitted in CN)
1. The area of the electronic message center shall not exceed 20 percent of the area of the sign;
provided the area limitation shall not apply if the sign is solely limited to time and temperature.
2. All messages displayed on an electronic message center shall be directly related to the business
for which the sign was constructed. No off -premises signage is pen-nitted.
3. All electronic message centers signs shall be constructed as an integral part of a permanent sign
constructed on-site. Integral shall be considered to be incorporated into the framework and architectural
design of the permanent sign.
4. The display shall be limited to text and static images only and shall not appear to flash, portray
blinking or chasing lights, or otherwise create continuously changing images. However, scrolling of text
(horizontal or vertical) is permitted. The rate of change for sign copy from one message to another shall
be no more frequent than every eight seconds and the actual copy change shall be accomplished in four
seconds or less. Once changed, the copy shall remain static until the next change.
5. All electronic message center signs shall have installed ambient light monitors and shall at all
times allow such monitors to automatically adjust the brightness level of the electronic message center
sign based on ambient light conditions.
6. Electronic message center signs shall not be associated with any dwelling or home occupation in
any residential zone.
7. Mectronic message center sign permit applications must include a copy of the manufacturer's
operatitiff marlual. which includes
traveling speed, and other display operations.
S. Electronic message center signs which create a source of glare shall be adjusted or removed as
firected by the Planning Official. No electronic message center sign maybe illuminated to a degree of
brightness that is greater than necessary for adequate visibility. In no case may the brightness exceed
63W thousand n . ( " 00 Or *r
equivalent candelas between dusk and dawn.
9. Electronic message center sign permit applications must also include a certification from the owner
or operator of the sign stating that the sign shall at all times be ... in accordance with City codes
and that the owner or operator shall provide proof of such conformance upon request of the City.
J. Directional siggs
2. Number of Signs. I per function per frontage.
1. Allowable Area: 1.5 square feet per face per lineal foot of frontage up to a maximum of 250
square feet per face. Provided that a premises with less than thirty-two (32) lineal feet of frontage shall
be allowed a maximum thirty-two (32) square foot sign per face.
3. Number of Signs: I per frontage. A secondary sign is allowable if any single frontage exceeds
300 feet. Total square footage of all signage must fall within above formula.
am'. Werin ImIMF=
a. Fascia and Free -Standing Signs.
3. Business Complex Signs are required for any business in a business complex desiring a
the premises, except temporary or directional signs.
1. A projecting sign suspended from the weather protection structure not exceeding 6 square feet in
area per face. Each business shall be allowed I such sign per public entry, The bottom of any sign of this
type shall be at least 8 feet above the sidewalk.
2. A fascia sign attached to the building but below the weather protection device. Each business
shall be allowed one such sign per public entry.
(M-3868, Amended, 02125/2008, See 7-, M-3868, Amended, 02/2512008, See 8; M-3643, Added, 01/26/2004)
1tecti1n 20.960.070 Industrial District Signs.
In the industrial districts, the rcZglations and standards of this Section shall a)212L-.
wlnmmswm��Irsm to
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2. Allowable Areas: Maximum 32 square feet per face per sign. Maximum of 64 square feet total
all sign faces.
3. Number of Signs: I per business and copy must be related to the resident manufacturers or
industries, and for directional purposes only (not allowed in the Industrial Districts along Lincoln
Avenue, south of fourth Plain Boulevard and east of the railroad tracks).
4. Height of Sign: Maximum 15 feet.
1. Allowable Area: One (1) square foot per face per lineal foot of frontage up to a maximum of
250 square feet per face. Provided that premises with less than thirty-two (32) lineal feet of frontage
shall be allowed a maximum thirty-two (32) square foot sign per face.
3. Height of Sign: Maximum 15 feet.
5. No freestanding sign shall project or extend into any vision clearance area unless approved by I
Planning Official. I
6. Any freestanding sign must be integrated. That is, all supports or sign elements shall be
integral part of the design. Auxiliary projections or attachments not a part of a single design are
D. Fascia '
1. Allowable Area: Maximum 12 percent of the building's elevation on which the sign is erected
with a guaranteed minimum of 32 square feet. Total of all sign areas shall not exceed 250 square feet.
2. Number of Signs: No maximurn number, provided the total area of all signs complies with DI
3. HeightofSign-. No sign shall extend above parapet or eave line.
4. Fascia Signs: Fascia Signs may not encroach into right-of-way if less than 8 feet above grade.
E. Projecting sigLis
1. Allowable Area: Maximum 15 percent of a building elevation on which the sign is erected.
Total of all sign face areas shall not exceed 250 square feet.
2. Number of Signs: I per elevation per business.
3. Height of Sign: No sign shall extend above parapet or eave line.
4. Encroachment: Above Public Right -of -Way: No encroachment allowed for signs less than 8
feet above grade; 3 feet encroachment allowed for signs greater than 8 feet but less than or equal to 10
feet above grade; 4 feet encroachment allowed for signs greater than 10 feet and less than or equal to 12
feet above grade, and 6 feet for signs more than 12 feet above grade.
F. Rooftop sians. Not allowed.
G. TemporM sigLis. Not allowed except as provided in 20.960.090.
H. Rotatiniz signs. Not allowed.
1. Electronic message centers signs.
1. The area of the electronic message center shall not exceed 20 percent of the area of the sign;
provided the area limitation shall not apply if the sign is solely limited to time and temperature.
2. All messages displayed on an electronic message center shall be directly related to the business for
which the sign was constructed. No off -premises signage is permitted.
3. All electronic message centers signs shall be constructed as an integral part of a permanent sign
constructed on site. Integral shall be considered to be incorporated into the framework and architectural
design of the permanent sign.
4. The display shall be limited to text and static images only and shall not appear to flash, portray
blinking or chasing lights, or otherwise create continuously changing images. However, scrolling of text
(horizontal or vertical) is permitted. The rate of change for sign copy from one message to another shall
be no more frequent than every eight seconds and the actual copy change shall be accomplished in four
seconds or less. Once changed, the copy shall remain static until the next change.
5. All electronic message center signs shall have installed ambient light monitors and shall at all times
based on ambient light conditions.
6. Electronic message center signs shall not be associated with any dwelling or home occupation in
any residential zone.
7. Electronic message center sign permit applications must include a copy of the manufacturer's
*perating manual, which includes the manufacturer's recommended standards for brightness, scrolling or
traveling speed, and other display operations.
8. Electronic message center signs which create a source of glare shall be adjusted or removed as
directed by the Planning Official. No electronic message center sign may be illuminated to a degree of
brightness that is greater than necessary for adequate visibility. In no case may the brightness exceed
eight thousand nits (8,000) or equivalent candelas during daylight hours, or one thousand (1,000) nits or
equivalent candelas between dusk and dawn.
9. Electronic message center sign permit applications must also include a certification from The owner
or operator of the sign stating that the sign shall at all times be operated in accordance with City codes
and that the owner or operator shall provide proof of such conformance upon request of the City.
J. Directional siggs
c. No other combinations allowed.
IM -3868, Amended, 02/2512008, Sec 9: M-3643, Added, 01/26/2004)
Section 20.960.090 Portable Signs in the Public Right of Way.
A. Definitions
1. Permanent Portable Signs shall be defined as "onsite" signs placed in the right of way along the
business frontage and on the same side of the street of the building or establishment which it advertises.
Permanent portable signs shall be meant for continuous display during the hours the business is open and
shall have the primary purpose of identifying the business.
2. Temporary Portable Signs shall be defined as "off-site" signs placed in the right of way
advertising an approved business or use. Temporary portable signs shall be displayed during the hours the
business is open and shall have the sole purpose of identifying the business or providing directions.
B. General
1. Portable signs in the public right of way shall be allowed for approved uses in all zones except in
areas designated as parks, open space or greenway, and subject to the standards in Section 20.960.090. They
may include off-site signs that advertise and are associated with an approved business or use or direct
persons to premises different from where the sign is located.
2. Portable signs shall not be allowed asp of home occupations or uses located within residential
districts. Portable signs shall be pennitted as part of a home occupation in all non-residential district:
C. Design standards
1. Portable right of way sign structures shall be in the shape of an inverted V, with two sign boards
attached to each other at the top of the sign (also known as a sandwich board or A -frame sign),
2. Signs shall be constructed of weather -resistant materials, such as wood, plastic, or metal. Signs
constructed of impermanent materials, including but not limited to cardboard and paper are prohibited.
3. No materials such as paper, balloons, windsocks, etc., may be attached to the sign.
4. No sign shall contain foil, mirrors, bare metal, or other reflective materials which could create
hazardous conditions to motorists, bicyclists or pedestrians,
5. No sign may contain lights of any kind.
D. Size and number of signs allowed
1. Maximum size of sign shall be nine (9) square feet per sign face, with a maximum of two sign faces
per sign
2. Maximum of one(]) on-site sign per approved business or use on right of way abutting the business
or use including businesses having more than one street frontage.
3. Maximum of three (3) off-site signs per approved business or use.
4. Maximum height of sign shall be 36 inches above the sidewalk, walkway, or plaza upon which it is
placed. The height of such signs may not be artificially increased above the allowed maximum by the
placement of other materials.
E. Location of sios
1. One portable sign allowed per business to be placed in the right of way along the business frontage
(front or side street) and on the same side of the street of the building or establishment which it advertises.
2. Off-site temporary signs advertising an approved business or use shall be located within a one (1)
mile (driving) radius from where the business or use is being advertised.
3. No sign may be placed in such a way as to reduce the continuous unobstructed width of a sidewalk
or walkway to less than five (5) feet.
4. Sign placement may not obstruct an entrance to a building, steps or driveway access.
5. No sign maybe placed within a sight vision clearance triangle as (required by Section 20.985) or
within twenty (20) feet of a wheelchair ramp.
6. No sign shall be placed within the roadway, traffic island, median or circle.
F. Duration
1. Permanent portable signs maybe displayed in the right of way during the hours the business is
2. Temporary portable signs may be displayed in the right of way during the hours the business is
open on Friday 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
G. Additional Standards
1. Owners are responsible for the removal of their portable signs following business hours and during
periods of strong winds.
2. Off- site portable signs maybe placed in the right of way abutting private property only with the
written consent of the owner(s) of the property abutting the right of way and/or their authorized
3. A portable sign placed in the right of way shall bear the name and address of the
person/organization placing the sign.
H. Enforcement.
1. All new portable signs shall comply immediately with the above standards. All temporary signs
(conform.ing and non -conforming) in existence prior to January 26, 2004, shall comply with the above
standards within forty-five (45) calendar days after January 26, 2004.
I The enforcement of this section shall be governed by the provisions of Title 22 of the Vancouver
Municipal Code.
L Permit. Portable signs in the right-of-way shall be exempt from the permit and fee requirements of this
(M-3701, Amended, 05/02/2005, Sec 35; M-3663, Amended, 08/02/2004; M-3643, Added, 01/26/2004)
Persons occupying 70 percent or more of the linear street frontage of properties on both sides of the street
in any area, may petition the City Council for the formation of a Special Sign District. This might be done
for such reasons as to create or maintain an area with a particular ethnic atmosphere, to stimulate a
historic period, theater or entertainment area, or other similar purpose. A group of property owners or
persons in the right of possession will be chosen by such property owners to comprise an advisory body
of the Sign District. This body will draw up the criteria for signs in the District and submit such criteria to
the Planning Official for his/her review and recommendation, and for review and recommendation by the
Planning Commission prior to the submittal to Council for approval. Council will instruct the City Clerk
to notify all owners or persons in the right of possession within the District, after which the Council may
approve the Special Sign District by ordinance. If the criteria for the Special Sign District are approved
and become effective, the City shall adopt them by ordinance as regulations of the Sign District.
(M-3868, Amended, 02/25/2008, See 13; M-3643, Added, 01 /26/2004)
Section 20.960.130 Permits Required.
A. Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, it shall be unlawful for any person to erect, construct,
enlarge, move, or convert any sign in the City or cause the same to be done, without first obtaining a sign
permit for each such sign from the Planning Official. This shall not be construed to require any permit for a
change of copy of any reader board sign, nor for the repainting, cleaning, and other normal maintenance or
repair of a sign or sign structure for which a permit has been previously issued, so long as the sign or sign
structure is not modified in any way. No new permit is required for signs which have pen -nits and which
conform with the requirements of this Code on the date of its adoption, unless and until the sign cabinet or
profile is altered or the sign is relocated.
B. Every sign pen -nit issued by the Planning Official shall become null and void if work is not commenced
within 180 calendar days after the date of such permit. If work authorized by such permit is suspended or
abandoned for 180 calendar days any time after the work is commenced, a new permit shall be first obtained
to do so, and the fee will be one-half the amount required for a new permit for such work, provided that no
changes have been made in the original plans.
C. In emergency repair situations, work may be initiated and completed without first applying for a permit.
However, a permit shall be applied for within 48 hours after the first working day when work commenced
on the sign.
(M-3643, Added, 01/26/2004)
Section 20.960.140 Permit Application.
Application for a sign pen -nit shall be made in writing upon forms provided by the City, and shall state the
following information:
A. Name, address, and telephone number of the applicant.
B. Name, address, and telephone number of the sign owner.
C. Location by street number of the building, structure, or lot to which or upon which the sign is to be
installed or affixed.
D. A drawing to scale showing the design of the sign, including dimensions, sign size, method of
attachment, source of illumination, and showing the relationship to any building orstructure to which it is,
or is proposed to be, installed or affixed, or to which it relates.
E. A plot plan, approximately to scale, indicates the location of the sign relative to property lines,
rights-of-way, streets, sidewalks, and other buildings ors c s on the premises.
F. The maximum and minimum heights of the sign.
G. The number, size, and location of all existing signs on the same building, lot or premises.
(M-3643, Added, 01/26/200-4)
No person shall erect or hang a sign upon any property or building without the consent of the owner or
person entitled to possession of the property or building, if any, or their authorized representatives.
(M-3701, Amended, 05/02/2005. See 36; M-3643, Added, 01126/2004)
A. The Planning Official shall issue a permit for the erection, alteration or relocation of a sign within the
City when an application therefore has been properly made and the sign complies with all appropriate laws
and regulations of the City and all procedures required by City Ordinance have been complied with and
B. The Plannine Official may. in wi:ji-ii.g. sus-Fe7md ar revaVe 9 ve.-"it kag-d irfli-r -r."vic;,rve r%f f�fiiv
11111111 11 11
statement of the reasons for the denial.
(M-3643, Added, 01/26/2004)
Section 20.960.170 Effect of Issuance.
11J.1 Mal 11111 SJUM -LIJ PCIMAL I S MeJUAIP-Min r consutute a aciense in an action to Home an unlawful
(M-3643, Added, 01/26/2004)
Section 20.960.180 Fees.
A fee shall be paid to the City at the time of issuance in accordance with the provisions of the City fee
(M-3643, Added, 01/26/20(14)
Section 20.960.190 Commercial Sign Erector's License.
In order to obtain a permit for the erection of a sign in the City (except painted wall graphics), the applicant
sign upon his own property and is exempted from such requirement by such statute.
(M-UA3, Added, 01/26/2004)
Section 20.960.200 License Non -transferable.
�l�� 11111 11 1 1plililill
FOR lum-UT1119 UTIK U-4 I: LUIII111L H CF1111
penalty of forfeiting his license in addition to any fine levied, and the Planning Official is authorized to
refuse to issue permits to the holder of any license violating this provision.
(M-3643. Added, 01/26/2004)
Section 20.960.210 Planning Official.
The Planning Official is hereby authorized and directed to enforce and carry out all provisions of this
Chapter, both in letter and spirit, with vigilance and with all due speed. The Planning Official is authorized
to Ccromul&ate-regulations and roirocedurm c i ii1_wiiJiA1h
is further empowered to delegate the duties and powers granted to and imposed upon him/her within this
(M-3643, Added, 0 1 /26/2004)
Section 20.960.220 Jnspection by Planning Official.
The Planning Official is hereby empowered to enter or inspect any building, structure, or premises in the
City upon which, or in connection with which a sign, as defined by this Chapter, is located, for the purpose
of inspection of the sign, its structural and electrical connections, and to ensure compliance with the
exists. In the case of a residential use, the Superintendent shall secure assistance from the City Attorney,
who may apply to a court for any necessary process to allow such inspection.
A. Maintenance. Every sign in the City, including but not limited to those signs for which permit fees are
required, shall be maintained in good structural conditions at all times.
B. Signs declared unlawful. The Administrator shall declare any sign unlawful and order its removal if he
finds in writing that it endangers public safety by reasons of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation or
abandoninent. Any such declaration shall state the reasons of the Administrator for stating that the sign
constitutes a safel�-, hazard to th"eneral QCublic-, and must direct that it be cxrrecried immed
time to be set in such order.
C. Any sign owned, kept, displayed, or maintained by any person within the City, w1iich is unlawful under
the provisions of this Chapter, is hereby declared to be in violation of this Chapter. The Administrator may
A' clare any such sign to be unlawful, and such declaration shall state in writing the reason or reasons why
such sign and the keeping, owning, maintenance, construction, and display of this Chapter, and shall require
its removal or repair within a time to be stated in such order.
(M-36-43, Added, 01/26/2004)
Section 20.960.230 Violation and Penalties.
TO A af
person engaging in, or who has engaged in such act or practice. Any such assurance shall specify a time
limit during which such discontinuance is to be accomplished. Failure to perform any such assurance shall
constitute prima facie proof of a violation of this Chapter or any rule or regulation adopted pursuant hereto
order issued pursuant thereto.
(M -3 643, Added, 0 1 /26/2004)
Section 20.960.250 Legal Nonconforming Sign.
Any advertising structure or sign which prior to the effective date (12/19/79) of the sign code ordinano;
W-24,35) of1 i -.T t�,iq c�a-F4,ee-!f lawi-iliv erecte,;- mor for vAirA a -seir-Flit tv erect it �74 )Pee -F isquei
. 111 1 1 o1c.X610141J14 U-140vial ORWIN 11WIM 5.1 1 11 H - @I 111 0.1
W" li�xllellrwwmwlwww is k1a
section shall not apply to signs prohibited under subsection 20.960.030 of this chapter.
(M-3643, Added, 01/26/2004)
Section 20.960.260 Liability.
. I - r, MIT ff Zin,
workmen in the construction, maintenance, repair or removal of any sign erected in accordance with a
permit issued hereunder. Nor shall it be construed as imposing upon the City or its officers or employees
any responsibility or liability by reason of the approval or disapproval of any signs, materials, or devices
under the provisions of this Chapter.
(M-3643, Added, 01/26/2004)
tin 20.960.270 Structural and Material Requirements.
All existing legallN erected si�_ns which are rendered nonconfonninta bN the adovtion of this Ch term
comply with structural and material Code requirements of the Uniform Sign Code and the C ity Adoptedl
9milding Code at the time of any replacement, an alteration, or modification over and above routine
(M -4034, Added, 12/0312012, Stx 37 -Effective 0 1 /03/2013)
Section 20.960.280 Construction or Suitability of Materials.
JE1U . - OOMMW1101
or suitabty of materials shall be subject to appeal to the Building -Fire Codes Board of Appeals pursuant ti-
the provisions of VMC 17.08.040.
(M-3643, Added, 01/26/2004)
Section 20.960.290 Vision Clearance.
See Section 20.985 Vision Clearance.
(M-4034, Renumbered, 12/03/2012, See 39 -Effective 01/03/2013; M-3643, Added, 01/2612004)
Section 20.960.320 Structural and Material Requirements.
All existing legally erected signs which are rendered nonconforming by the adoption of this Chapter must
comply with structural and material Code requirements of the Uniform Sign Code and the City Adopted
Building Code at the time of any replacement, an alteration, or modification over and above routine
(M-3 6,43, Added, 01/26/2004)
Section 20.150.040E Meanings of Specific Words and Terms Q through T
�t.ualified Professional. A person with experience and training in the pertinent scientific discipline, ani
who is a qualified scientific expert with expertise appropriate for the relevant critical area subject in
?CCOTdance with WAC 365-195-905(4).
A. Urban Forestry. Qualified professionals in urban forestry must have academic and field
Lxperience that makes them competent in urban forestry. This may include arborists certified by the
International Society of Arboriculture or foresters certified by the Society of American Foresters.
'fualified professionals in urban forestry must possess the ability to evaluate the health and hazard
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of trees during land development.
B. Critical Areas. Qualified professionals in critical areas must have obtained a BS or BA or
equivalent degree in biology, engineering, environmental studies, fisheries, geomorphology or a related
field, and two years of related work experience. In addition:
1. A qualified professional for frequently flooded areas or a geologic hazard must be a registered
professional engineer, geologist, engineering geologist or hydrogeologist licensed in the State of
Washington with experience in the analyses required for the relevant hazard(s). For frequently flooded
areas, a quaed professional may also be an architect where provided by state or federal law.
2. A qualified professional for wetlands must have a minimum of five years experience in
wetland science including experience preparing wetland reports for review by regulatory agencies.
Reasonably Funded. A mitigation measure or other transportation system improvement scheduled for
completion and designated as funded upon adoption of the most recent version of the Six -Year Street
Recreational Vehicle. A vehicle which is built on a single chassis, 400 square feet or less when
measured at the largest horizontal projection, designed to be self-propelled or permanently towable by a
light-duty truck, and designed primarily not for use as a permanent dwelling, but as temporary living
quarters for recreational, camping, travel, or seasonal use.
Regional Industry. An industrial or commercial land use which provides significant community -wide
Regional Public Facility. A is use which is designed to serve the needs of the community or region
affected bv the imna of develonmenL-Et-egional Public
regional parks or community centers.
Regulatory Flood. The flood used to define the outer boundary lines of the Flood Fringe. The 100 -year
flood will be the regulatory flood for the purposes of regulations contained in this title, but a lesser or
Federal Insurance Administration
Remodel. An internal or external modification to an existing building or structure that does not increase
the site coverage.
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with concrete, asphalt or other impervious material within the drip -line or any other action deemed
harmful to the tree.
Residential Care Home. Any state or federally approved dwelling used as a residence for the care or
rehabilitation of dependent children, the elderly, and the physically and/or mentally handicapped,
Residential care homes shall provide care for six or fewer residents.
Residential Care Center. Any state or federally approved facility, other than a clinic, used as a
residence for the care or rehabilitation of dependent children, the elderly, and the physically and/or
mentally handicapped. Residential care centers shall provide care to seven or more residents.
Restoration. Measures taken to restore an altered or darnaged natural feature including:
A. Active steps taken to restore damaged critical areas or their buffers to the functioning condition
that existed prior to an unauthorized alteration; and
B. Actions performed to reestablish structural and functional characteristics of the critical area that
have been lost by alteration, past management activities, or catastrophic events. See also wetland creation,
re-establishment, and rehabilitation.
Right -of -Way, Public. The property held by the city or other governmental jurisdiction for existing
and/or future public access including land occupied or intended to be occupied by a street, crosswalk,
pedestrian and bike paths, railroad, road, electric transmission line, oil or gas pipeline, water maK
-, or storm sewer main, street trees or other special use. The usage of the term rig1t-4--way-tox1and
division purposes shall mean that every right-of-way hereafter established and it on a plat or map is
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dimensions or areas of such lots or parcels.
Riparian area. The area adjacent to aquatic systems with flowing water (e.g., rivers, perennial or
intermittent streams, seeps, springs) that contains elements of both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems
Vancouver Shoreline Management Master Program.
Riparian Management Area and Riparian Buffer. The regulated areas that include the land from the
ordinary high water mark to a specified distance as measured horizontally in each direction. The Riparian
Management Area is adjacent to the lake, stream or river, and the Riparian Buffer is adjacent to the
Riparian Management Area. See Figure 20.740-1 at VMC 20.740.11 O(A) or Figure 20.170.030-6 at VMC
Road. Means the same as street.
Roof. The exterior surface and its supporting structure on the top of a building.
Roof Line. The uppermost line of the roof of a building or, in the case of an extended facade, the
uppermost height of said facade.
Runway. A defined area at an airport designed and constructed to accommodate the landing and takeoff
of aircraft along its length.
Satellite Earth Station. The facilities used for reception and processing of prograinming services from
? satellite prior to transfer to terrestrial distribution systems or for processing of programming and
gervices from a terrestrial source before transmission via satellite.
School. An institution primarily engaged in academic instruction for all or part of the K through 12
cducational program, public, parochial or private, and recognized or approved as such by the state. A
1cho1l may also include the following uses: common accessory uses such as associated meeting rooms,
auditoriums, athletic facilities and support facilities related to school district operations (e.g., offices,
transportation, warehouse/storage, and maintenance facilities.
School, Pre. An institution primarily in child training and academic instruction prior to the mandatory
first grade,
School, Specialized Instructional. An institution providing instruction and training in a specific
service, aM dance, driving, and music. Includes vocation or trade such as business, real estate, travel,
auto machinery repair, welding, and skill center.
Search Ring. Regarding wireless communications facilities, a geographic area identified by the
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expand its service.
Secure Community Transition Facility. A residential facility for persons civilly committed and
conditionalli�, released from a total confine twjvei*QiO� +-yaF �o a
and Health Services or under contract with the secretary pursuant to RCW 71.09.020(10) as described in
RCW 71.09.250 or as amended.
Sensitive Areas. For the purposes of Chapter 20.770 VNIC Tree Conservation, this includes streams,
geologically hazardous areas, fish and wildlife habitat areas, wetlands, and their associated buffers.
Sensitive Resources. Any of the following types of sensitive areas and resources or cultural resources,
when properly identified, designated or recorded as such by the applicable local, state or federal
1. Known archaeological and historical sites (to be recorded with the state);
2. Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas (as identified in VMC 20.740.110);
3. Frequently Flooded Areas (as identified in VMC 20.740,120);
4. Geological Hazard Areas (as identified in VMC 20.740.130);
5. Wetlands (as identified in VMC 20.740.140); and
6. Tree tracts, set aside for the preservation of tree groves, as defined in VMC 20.770 and approved
by the city's Urban Forester; and
7. Riparian areas, as identified in the Vancouver Shoreline Management Master Program.
SA. State Environmental Policy Act, as amended.
Service Area. A geographic area described in the city capital facilities plan in which a defined set of
public facilities provides service to development within the area, provided, that the service area for
schools shall be the applicable school district. Service areas maybe separately described for each type of
public facility.
Serviceable. For the purposes of 20.775 VMC, Wetland and Water Bodies Protection, serviceable
means presently usable.
Setback. The minimum allowable horizontal distance from a given point or line of reference, such as a
property line, to the nearest vertical wall or other element of a buildi❑g or structure or edge of vehicle
parking area as defined herein. Where a sidewalk or private roadway is placed in an easement, the setback
shall be measured from the back of sidewalk or edge of easement if there is no sidewalk.
Sexually -Oriented Adult Arcade and Sexually Oriented Adult Arcade Premises. Any premises on
which any sexually -oriented adult arcade device is located and to which patrons, customers, and/or
members of the public are admitted,
Sexually -Oriented Adult Arcade Device. Also known as panorama, preview, picture arcade, or peep
show, any device which, for payment of a fee, membership fee or other charge, is used to exhibit or
display a picture, view, film, videotape or videodisc, live show or other graphic display of specified
anatomical areas. All such devices are denominated under this ordinance by the term sexually -oriented
adult arcade device.
Sexually -Oriented Adult Entertainment. Any entertainment conducted in a public place of
amusement where such entertainment involves a person appearing or performing in a state of nudity, as
defined herein.
Sexually -Oriented Adult Entertainment Premises. Any premises to which the public, patrons or
members are invited or admitted and wherein an entertainer provides sexually -oriented adult
entertainment on a regular basis and as a substantial part of the business operation.
Shorelines of the State. Shorelines as defined in the Shoreline Management Master Program,
Short Plat. A map or representation of a short subdivision.
Sidewalk. A facility made of concrete or other approved material for the conveyance of pedestrians
usually adjacent to a street or between streets.
Sign. Any structure, device, advertisement, advertising device or visual representation intended to
advertise, identify or communicate information to attract the attention of the public for any reason.
Sign Area. Means the entire area of a sign on which graphics, letters, figures, symbols, trademarks and/or
text is to be placed, excluding sign structure, architectural embellishments and framework. Sign area is
calculated by measuring the perimeter enclosing the extreme limits of the module or sign face containing
the graphics, letters, figures, symbols, trademarks, and/or text; provided, however, the area of any sign
using individual letters, numbers or symbols with a canopy, awning or wall as the background, without
added decoration or change in the canopy, awning or wall, shall be the area within the shortest line drawn
to include all letters, design and tubing which are a part of the sign or structure. For illuminated awnings
Sign, Free Standing. (Pole Signs and Monument Signs). A sign that is not attached to a building and is
erected on a frame connected to the ground. Pole signs and monument signs are specific types of
freestanding signs. A freestanding sign does not include a portable sign.
Sign Height. The vertical distance measured from grade at the point of support to the top of the sign or
the sign's structure.
Sign Maintenance. The repair or refurbishment of a sign, sign structure or any part of each.
Sign, Marquee. A sign attached to or incorporated into a marquee.
Sign, Messages Without a Cabinet, Area of. The area of any single geometric shape which
encompasses all lettering and/or graphic message.
Sign, Monument. Means a sign and supporting structure which is attached to the ground and has similar
top and bottom dimensions and is constructed as a solid structure or one which gives the appearance of a
continuous and unbroken mass, with no separations between the sign and the base.
Sign, Multi -faced. A sign with more than one face. These types of signs shall be considered one (1)
sign for the purpose of determining the number of signs allowed.
Sign, NIT. A measurement of brightness used to rate luminous displays. NIT is expressed in "candelas
per square meter".
Sign, Official. Means the same as Public -Sector Sign.
Sign, Off -Premises. A third -party sign that advertises goods, products, services or facilities or directs
persons to a location different from where the sign is installed,
Sign, On -Premises. A sign which carries only advertisement strictly incidental to a lawful use of the
premises on which it is located, including sips or sip devices indicating the business transacted,
services rendered, goods sold or produced on the premises, name of the business, and name of the person,
firm or corporation occupying the premises.
Sign, Pole. A sign that is supported permanently upon the ground by poles or braces and not attached to
any building.
Sign, Political Campaign. Any temporary sign which displays the name and/or picture of an individual
seeking election or appointment to a public office or which pertains to a forthcoming public election or
referendum or which advocates political views or policies.
Sign, Portable — Permanent. Permanent portable signs shall be defined as "onsite" signs placed in the
right of way along the business frontage and on the same side of the street of the building or
establishment which it advertises. Pen-nanent portable signs shall be meant for continuous display during
the hours the business is open and shall have the primary purpose of identifying the business.
Sign, Portable — Temporary. Temporary portable sips shall be defined as "off-site" signs placed in the
right of way advertising an approved business or use. Temporary portable sips shall be displayed during
the hours the business is open and shall have the sole purpose of identifying the business or providing
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Sign, Private Non-Commercial. Any sign under 6 square feet that does not advertise a product, service,
entertainment, or commodity sold or offered on the premises where it is located.
Sign, Projecting. Shall mean any sign other than a wall sign, which is attached to or projects 12 inches
or more from a structure or building face or wall.
Sign, Public-Sector. Any sign erected by any federal, state, county or city governmental agency or at
the direction of any such governmental agency or court.
Sign, Public Service Information. A sign that provides general public service information to the public
such as time, date, temperature, weather or directional information.
Sign, Reader Board. A sign constructed for the placing of advertising messages, which messages are
changeable by use of manually removable or electrically changeable letters.
Sign, Rooftop. A sign erected upon the roof of a building, the entire face of which is situated above the
roof line of the building to which it is attached, and which is wholly or partially supported by said
Sign, Rotating. A sign, any portion of which moves or is movable by any mechanical manner.
Sign, Secondary. A second free-standing sign on a given frontage in excess of 300 linear feet.
Sign, Sidewalk. A portable sign, typically in the shape of an inverted V, with two sign boards attached
to each other at the top of the si M' also known as a sandwich board or A-fira
considered a separate sign face for purposes of determining allowable area of sign.
Sign,Temporary. Any sign that is not permanently installed or affixed to any sign structure or building,
and not displayed for longer than 30 consecutive calendar days. In the case of construction project signs,
they may be maintained for the duration of construction.
Sign, Time and Temperature. Means the same as Public Service Infon-nation Sign.
Sign, Vehicle. Any sign attached to or placed on a parked vehicle or trailer used principally for
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the normal course of business.
Sign, Video. A sign providing information in both a horizontal and vertical format (as opposed to linear),
through use of pixel and sub-pixel technology having the capacity to create continuously changing sign
copy in a full spectrum of colors and light intensities.
Sign, Wall. Means the same as Painted Wall or Wall Graphic.
Sign, Window. Any sign affixed to (or painted on) the inside or outside of a window and intended to be
viewed from the exterior of the structure,
Single Impact. An individual incidence of noise, actually measured in decibels, which may be heard on
a property and which may be greater or lesser than the Ldn value, which is derived from the logarithmic
1f single impacts within a period 1f ti1e.
Significance. A quality of a property which helps one understand the history of the local area, state or
nation by illuminating the local, statewide or nationwide impact of the events or persons associated with
the property or its architectural type or style in information potential. The local area may be as large as
Clark County or Southwest Washington or as small as a neighborhood. Local significance inay apply to a
property that illustrates a theme that is important to one or more localities; state significance to a theme
important to the history of the state; and national significance to property of exceptional value in
representing or illustrating an important theme in the history of the nation,
Single Room Occupancy (SRO). Occupancy by a single individual of a unit that contains no sanitary
facilities or food preparation facilities or contains either but not both types of facilities.
Site. Any plot or parcel of land or combination of contiguous lots or parcels of land.
Six -Year Street Plan. That portion of the city's Capital Facilities Plan which inventories planned street
and road construction and improvement, and which designates such construction projects and
improvements as funded or non -funded.
Slope. The deviation of a surface from horizontal, usually expressed in percent or degrees.
SMA. The State Shoreline Management Act of 1971, as amended.
Soft Armoring Techniques. Techniques that apply the principles of the biological, ecological, and soils
sciences and structural engineering to build structures which, using live plant materials as a main
structural component, stabilize the soil against erosion, sedimentation, and flooding. Also referred to as
"bioengineering techniques."
Sound Transmission Reduction. Reduction of sound or noise from unit to unit utilizing the standards
of the City Adopted Building Code(s).
Special Provisions. Street construction requirements peculiar to a special project that are not otherwise
thoroughly or satisfactorily detailed and set forth in the standard specifications or standard plans.
Special Valuation Tax Incentive Program. The local option program that makes available to property
owners a special tax valuation for rehabilitation of historic register properties under which the assessed
value of an eligible historic property is determined at a rate that excludes, for up to ten years, the actual
cost of the rehabilitation.
Specified Anatomical Areas. Regarding Adult Businesses, less than completely and opaquely covered:
human genitals, pubic region, buttock and female breast below a point immediately above the top of the
areola; and human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state even if completely and opaquely covered.
Specified Sexual Activities. Regarding Adult Businesses, human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation
or arousal; acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse or sodomy; and fondling or other erotic
touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttock or female breast.
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). A classification pursuant to the Standard Industrial
Classification Manual issued by the United States Office of Management and Budget. This system was
replaced by the North American Industrial Classification System (NAILS).
Start of Construction. The start of permanent construction or substantial improvement activity on a site
within 180 days of the issuance of a building permit. Permanent construction activities include the
�i)ouring of slab or footings, the installation of pilings, construction of columns or any work beyond site
ro,reparation, excavation, setting of temporary forms or the placement of accessory buildings; or the
p0acement of a manufactured home on a foundation. For a substantial improvement, the actual start of
construction means the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor, or other structural part of the building,
whether or not that alteration affects the external dimensions of the building.
Stealth Design. A wireless communications facility's support structure, antennae or accessory
equipment structure that is designed to blend in with the existing physical environment, and reduce visual
impacts to the extent possible.
Storage, Open. Storage of property outside of a fully enclosed building.
Storage Space. Sufficient space, either in individual dwelling units or common storage rooms, to
provide adequate, secure, and convenient storage for items owned by building tenants.
Stormwater Conveyance. Parts of a storinwater facility (such as pipes, culverts, swales, etc.) that are
constructed specifically to transport water from one point to another. See Stormwater Facility.
Stormwater Facility. A constructed component of a stormwater drainage system, designed or
constructed to perform a particular function or multiple functions. Stormwater facties include, but are
riot limited to, jt.s:es, swales, ditches, culverts street tters . detention Loconds -. retentio%onds c
wetlands, infiltration devices, catch basins, owater separators, and bi0filtration swales.
Story. That porlion of a building between the surface of any floor and the surface of the next floor
zbove it; or, if there is no floor above it, the space between such floor and ceiling,
Stream. Water contained within a channel, either perennial or intermittent, and classed according to
WAC 222-16-030 or WAC 222-16-03 1. Streams also include natural watercourses modified by humans.
Streams do not include drainage ditches which are not modifications of natural watercourses.
Street. A private or public way designed primarily for vehicular traffic. It includes the terms road,
high way, avenue, boulevard, ihorougrhfiare, or other traffic way, and usually includes improvements,
including curbs, sidewalks, and street pavement within the right-of-way.
Street Frontage. The linear frontage of a parcel of property abutting a single public street.
Street Functional Classification System. The adopted hierarchy of street use as it relates to volume,
speed, regional, area -wide, and local characteristics.
Street, Private. A thoroughfare that is privately owned providing a means of access to a property or
Street, Public. A thoroughfare or right-of-way dedicated, deeded, condemned or other -wise acquired by
the public for use as such, other than an alley, which affords the principal means of access to abutting
ftrov,erty, including avenue, otlace. wa ane-.
Structure. Anything constructed or built, any edifice, building of any kind or any piece of work
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Subdivision. The division or re-di%ision of land into tenor more lots for the purpose of sale, lease or
transfer of ownership. The term subdivision also applies to an area or tract of land that has been
Subdivision, Short. The division, re -don or partition of land into nine or fewer lots, tracts, parcels,
sites or divisions for the purpose of sale, lease or transfer of ownership.
Substantial Damage. Damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of restoring the
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before the damage occurred.
Substantial Disturbance. Disturbance such that little or no useful archaeological data could be
Substantial Improvement. Any repair, reconstruction, or improvement of a structure, the cost of which
equals or exceeds 50% of the market value of the structure either:
the structure has been damaged and is being restored, before the damage occurred.
"Substantial improvement" is considered to occur at the start of construction. "Substantial improvement"
does not include either:
1. Any project for improvement of a structure to correct existing violations of state or local health,
sanitary or safety code specifications which have been identified by the local code enforcement official
and which are the minimum necessary to assure safe living conditions; or
2. Any alteration of a structure listed on the National Register of Historic Places or a State Inventory
of Historic Places.
Substantial Noise Impact. Exterior noise levels greater than Ldn 65, which impact necessitates special
sound insulation to produce noise levels of 45 Ldn or less within the interior of a residential structure.
Survey, Archaeological. Regarding archaeological resource protection, a procedure by which an
archaeolo st makes a determination o
area, a preliminary assessment of the site's potential significance, and a recommendation for further
evaluation, avoidance, mitigation or recovery of resources in compliance with the provisions of 20.7 10
System Development Charge (SDC). The connection fee charged so that the property upon which it is
imposed will pay its equitable share of the costs of water -sewer system facilities which are system -wide
in nature and are not site-specific needs, including such property's equitable share of the arnount required
to upgrade such system to meet the demands imposed by the development.
System Improvements. Public facilities that are included in the capital facilities plan and are designed
to provide service areas within the community at large, in contrast to project improvements.
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Temporary. A period not to exceed one year except as otherwise provided in this title.
Tenant Improvements. Construction improvements typically made to the interior of a non-residential
building to fit the building to a particular tenant's needs, or to create separate tenant spaces. Typically it
lighting; and providing plumbing, sprinklers, counters and walk-in coolers, often as part of a separate
lease space in a building.
Total Developable Land (TDL). That portion of the subject property remaining once sensitive areas are
subtracted from the total acreage of a property or collection of properties proposed for development,
Tract. A yiece of land set aside in a seylarate area for dedication to the 1u1lic a homeowner I mrww"*I
or other entity, (e.g., open space, recreational facilities, and tree preservation) wedand or other sensitive
Traffic Study. A study of traffic behavior by a licensed engineer,
Transit A multiple -occupant vehicle operated on a for -hire, shared -ride basis, including bus, ferry, rail,
shared -ride taxi, shuttle bus or vanpool.
Transit Facility. A development provided by a public transportation provider, which is designed to aid
or encourage community use or multi -modal public transportation system, such as bus and van/carpools.
Transitional Surfaces. Ali area extending outward at 90 degree angles to an airport's runway centerline
at a slope of seven feet horizontally for each foot vertically.
Transitional Zone. The areas beneath the transitional surfaces.
Transplant. The relocation of a tree from one place to another on the same property.
Tree. Any self-supporting perennial woody plant that matures at a height greater than 26 feet and is
generally referred to in the nursery and landscape industry as a tree.
Tree Farm, See Commercial Nursery.
Tree, Hazard. Any tree with a combination of structural defect and/or disease and a proximity to
persons or property which makes it subject to a high probability of failure, as recommended by a qualified
Tree, Mitigation. A tree planted and retained to achieve the required tree density for a parcel or to
replace a tree removed in violation of city ordinance.
Tree, Nuisance. A tree that is causing physical damage to property or has been damaged by past
maintenance practices, and for which horticultural practices cannot correct the problem.
Tree Plan. A plan that contains specific information pertaining to the protection, preservation, and
planting of trees pursuant to Chapter 20.770 VMC, Tree Conservation,
Tree Preservation. The retention of a tree or trees during and after construction.
Tree, Specimen. A tree that has been given greater than standard tree density value by the planning
official through the evaluation process.
Tree, Street. A tree located within a street right-of-way or street tree easement, adjacent to public or
private streets, including undeveloped areas.
Tree Tract. A separate deeded tract of land, specifically set aside for the preservation and/or planting of
trees. Stormwater retention/detention facilities, sensitive areas, and other common areas may be
considered tree tracts if they currently support the growth of trees.
Tree Unit. A unit of measurement based upon the size of the tree as set forth in Chapter 20.770 VMC,
Tree Conservation.
Tribe or Tribes. Regarding Archaeological Preservation, any federally -recognized or other local Native
American government organization which may consider the site to be of historic or cultural significance.
Truck, Heavy. Trucks, including truck tractors and similar vehicles, with two or more rear axles.
Truck, Light. Trucks and similar vehicles with single rear axles and single rear wheels.
Truck, Medium. Trucks and similar vehicles other than truck tractors with single rear axles and dual
rear wheels. Truck tractors are in the Heavy Truck category.
(M-4034, AddLd, 12/03/2012, Sw 2 -Effective 0 1 /03/2013)