HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-12-14 YPC PacketPhurni :gh^hio ° ' I F1 askphin nin City of Yakima Planning Commission WORK SESSION City Hall Council Chambers Wednesday February 12, 2014 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. YPC Members: Chairman Dave Fonfara, Vice -Chair Scott Clark, Al Rose, Ben Shoval, Paul Stelzer, Bill Cook Ci Plannft Staff: Steve Osguthorpe, Community Development Director/Planning Manager; Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner; Chris Wilson, Assistant Planner; and Rosalinda Ibarra, Administrative Assistant Agenda I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Staff Announcements IV. Audience Participation V. Work Session - Finalize Discussion on YMC Title 15.08 Text Amendments o Draft Ordinance for Billboards & Digital Signs VI. Other Business VII. Adjourn Visitww r yak.Lixa? govrvice�.�nr� under Quick Links for additional information. hi"s�&r;ar�waw rlullllltIIIIII IIII�� 0,14 City of Yakima Planning Commission City Hall Council Chambers Wednesday February 12, 2014 Beginning at 3:30 p.m. Study Session Page 1 02/12/14 YPC Meeting FOR FHE, RECORD/ P� LE ORDINANCE NO. 2014 - AN ORDINANCE relating to text amendments to portions of Yakima Municipal Code (YMC) Section 15.08 Signs. WHEREAS, the City of Yakima's sign code currently _; and WHEREAS, the City of Yakima recognizes that „ and WHEREAS, the City of Yakima desires to ; ant ilk WHEREAS, the City finds as follows pertaining to sign WHEREAS, the proposed text amendments are ISte�y wit thegoals, objectives, and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the City's SEPA Responsible significance for the proposed text amendment on 350; and 10/1, WHEREAS, the City Community Develo Ordinance to the Washington State/11T pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106; and , WHEREAS, the Yakima CitYr,Plan Ordinance during its regular ,y Coto issi m ��Q�9jy WHEREAS, leg �;, of the c Herald on 'w, thee're read d a" ternfiation of Non- ours�irit to WAC 197 -11 - it Di" t b forwarded a copy of this of Co r�, nerce on Mon held a public hearing on this of : and hearing was published in the Yakima BE IT O A INEDVIY THE CITY OF YAKIMA, WASHINGTON: of the Yakima Municipal Code is hereby amended to For the p,, of this chapter, certain abbreviations, terms, phrases, words and derivatives shall be construed as specified herein. ,tieqns P;tv si#t face, the.,trimary Diumoseof s lease, rerit let Qf otherwise allow sin space for a fee or other form of compensation to the underlying property owner or tenant and/or to the si n face owner. Billboards primarily.adverfise identify or promote off remise businesses products, services organizations and/or entities. Billboards may occasionally provide ad space on a pro bono basis and may, on a corp ensato basis to the property, owner or tenant advertise rod'ucts or services that are minimally and/or coincidentall available on the site. "Changing message center sign" means an-eleateGniea n#sign rere- rpt aut r - t ..af&-showe t to ►ffer-a &pIa a sign that is capable of displaying words, symbols, figures or images that can be electronically or mechanically changed by remote or automatic means. and fadina text and similar actions. 11 b.. I.L—." I to one C 1 "Off -premises directional sign" means an off -premises sign with directions to a particular business located within the cid. "Off -premises sign" means a sign advertising or promoting merchandise, service, goods, or entertainment sold, produced, manufactured or furnished at a place other than on the property where the sign is located. Off -premise signs include but are not limited to billboards and exclude off -premises directional signs. "On -premises directional sign" means a sign directing pedestrian or vehicular traffic to parking, entrances, exits, service areas, or other on-site locations. "On -premises sign" means a sign incidental to a lawful use of the premises on which it is located, advertising the business transacted, services rendered, goods sold or products produced on the premises or the name of the business or name of the person, firm or corporation occupying the premises. "Static" means without motion. Section 2. Section 15.08.050 of the Yakima Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: .050 Prohibited signs, 15.08. ......... ................. . The following signs are prohibited:. Signs on any vehicle or trailer parked on public or private property and visible from a public right-of-way for the purpose of circumventing the provisions of this chapter. This provision shall not prohibit signs painted on or magn+lly attached to any vehicle operating in the normal course of business; � �o< lr conforming blllboards.l�u� y 10. Any other sign not rn the § 1 (part), 2008: Ord 93-81 §`*, 1 � oldi!,htti�k��'U UI��o, a l��r(fPl 1//y l� flf l U111 rr kNNI'koll ` f of this chapter. (Ord. 2008-46 1 (part), 1986).. Section 3. Table 8-1 of the Yakima Municipal Code is hereby repealed. A new Table 8-1 is hereby adopted, to read as follows: SIGN TYPE ZONING DISTRICTS SR R-1 R-2 R-3 B-1 I HB I B-2 SCC LC& CBD I GC AS I RD I M-1 M-2 PERMITTED SIGNS On -Premises Signs Nameplate Permitted as an Accessory Use to an Approved or Existing Use Subdivision Identification/ Project Identification On -Premises Changing Message Center Signs Permitted, subject to the provisions of Section Roof/Portable Signs Not Permitted Class (1) Use Freestanding' Subdivision/Prof. I.D. OnlyOn-premises signs rnee e standa f this ter are considered Class (1) uses requiring Type (1) review. On -premises sign t the stand ds i pter shall follow the procedures of YMC 15.08.170, and are otherwise not perma Projecting Freeway of Permitted See YMC 15.08.150 Off -Premises Signs Directional Not Permitted CL (2 of CL (2) Use Use Permitted CL (1) Use NOTES: 1. YMC 15.08.140 has freestanding sign provisions for multiple -building complexes and multiple -tenant buildings. 2. Nameplates and subdivision identification signs permitted in the residential districts may be placed on a wall—See Table 8-2. Advertising Not Permitted Billboards NUMBER OF SIGNS PERMITTED On -Premises Nameplate 1 Per Dwelling Signs Subdivision Identification/ 1 Per Street age Use Identification Freestanding' Changing Message Center Signs 1 Per P r One Acre No More than 1 Sign along (oriented toward) any street frontage of a parcel. Projecting ermi 1 Per Street Frontage Wall/Roof/Portable Signs Wall: YMC 15.08.100/ Roof: YMC 15.08.090/ Temporary: YMC 15.08.110 Freeway Freeway: See YMC 15.08.150 Off -Premises Directional t ited Directional: See YMC 15.08.120(B) Signs Advertising Not Permitted Billboards NOTES: 1. YMC 15.08.140 has freestanding sign provisions for multiple -building complexes and multiple -tenant buildings. 2. Nameplates and subdivision identification signs permitted in the residential districts may be placed on a wall—See Table 8-2. Section 4. Table 8-2 of the Yakima Municipal Code is hereby repealed. A new Table 8-2 is hereby adopted, to read as follows: Freestanding and Projecting Signs ZONING DISTRICT Sign is set back 15 ft. Sign is set back 15 ft. or WALL FREEWAY CHANGING or less from required more from required SIGNS SIGNS MESSAGE right-of-way right-of-way CENTER SIGNS SR, R-1, R-2, and R-3 Nameplates up to 2 sq. ft. and subdivision/project identification up NOT PERMITTED 33 Sq. Ft. per to 32 sq. ft. sign face HB and B-1 24 sq. ft. 40 sq. ft. 40 Sq. Ft. per sign face B-2 40 sq. ft. 60 sq. ft. SCC Frontage is less 1 sq. ft. of sign area per 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area than 400 ft. long lineal ft. of frontage up per lineal ft. of frontage up to 100 sq. ft. to 150 sq. ft. Frontage is more 1 sq. ft. of sign area per 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area than 400 ft. long lineal ft. of frontage up per lineal ft. of frontage up to 150 sq. ft. to 200 sq. ft. LCC Frontage is less 1 sq. ft. of sign area per 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area than 400 ft. long lineal ft. of frontage up per lineal ft. of frontag f a to 150 sq. ft. to 200 sq. ft.,i,,,t Frontage is more 1 sq. ft. of sign area per 1-1/2 sq. ft. of si . rea than 400 ft. long lineal ft. of frontage up per lineal ft. of fron e up to 200 sq. ft. to 250 S206, CBD 1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal ft. qfoN up t 150 sq. ft. Z OF WHERE GC Frontage is less 1 sq. ft. of sign area per /2 s of sig rea than 400 ft. long lineal ft. of frontage up lineal f fro LI- TO PERMITTED: UP to 150 sq. ft. to sq. ft. WHICH TO 300 SQUARE Frontage is more 1 sq, ft. 1-1/2 of n area ATTACHED FOOT than 400 ft. long lineal ft, per VAnea ontage up to 200 s^ to 250 sq. ft. AS Frontage is less 1 sq. ft. n ar per 2 sq. ft. of sign area than 400 ft. long lig al ft. o up p eal ft. of frontage up t sq. ft. to 200 sq. ft. Frontage is more 1 s t. ar er 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area than 400 ft. Dines of a per lineal ft. of frontage up 200 to 250 sq. ft. RD Front a is I t. 0 'c n area per 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area th nc ne ntage up per lineal ft. of frontage up 505 . ' , to 200 sq. ft. Fron is mo,1 s of sign area per 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area than 4 long meal ft. of frontage up per lineal ft. of frontage up a 200 sq. ft. to 250 sq. ft. M-1 1 sq. ft. of sign area per 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area lineal ft. of frontage up per lineal ft. of frontage up M-2 to 100 sq. ft. to 150 sq. ft. MAXIMUM AREA PER SIGN = 2 TIMES THE MAXIMUM AREA PER SIGN FACE Section 5. Section 15.08.130 of the Yakima Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 15 08 130 Off premises directional suns and4AHbo rds w a . fa-. 777. G A. Off -premises directional signs are: Class (1) uses in the M-1 and M-2 districts; 2. Class (2) uses in the B-2, CBD, GC, and RD districts. Off -premises directional signs may be permitted in these districts after the required A. Brightness. During daylight hour twee unrise sunset, luminance shall be no greater than two thousand e ndr (2,5 nits. At all other times, luminance shall be no great an two and fifty (250) nits. B. Auto -dimming. All changin ge c te, s s shall be equipped with auto - dimming technology to ens tha n gat ceed maximum luminance levels day and night. C. Manufacture certif' 1 for co All changing message center signs shall be certifie y the nufacture hat they are designed to no exceed maximum lom nce leve efined in this section. D. Static Ima e & ach N ge of a changing message sign shall be static except fo sag tinge, which shall occur instantaneously and then hold static for at se is between image changes. E. Si, ro All changing message center signs in protected areas as fin in tion 5.29.020 of the Yakima Municipal Code, except in n „ are subject to the following additional standards: ns limited to monochrome text on dark background. b. i shall be completely static except for message change occurring rough quick fade-in (1 second min/max). gns are limited to 33 square feet. F. Mal'f ction or Vacancy. Changing message center signs shall revert to an all black screen in the following instances: a. The sign malfunctions b. The premises on which the sign is located is vacated G. Applicability. The provisions of this section do not apply to signs legally installed on private property prior to the effective date of this ordinance. Section 7. Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Section S. Savings Clause. Chapter 15.08 of the Yakima Municipal Code shall remain in full force and effect until such date as this ordinance becomes effective. Jerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark Kunkler, Assistant Senior Attorney Micah Cawley, Mayor ORDINANCE NO. 2014 - AN ORDINANCE relating to text amendments to portions of Yakima Municipal Code (YMC) Section 15.08 Signs. WHEREAS, the City of Yakima's sign code currently „ and WHEREAS, the City of Yakima recognizes that ; and WHEREAS, the City of Yakima desires to ;an ,y WHEREAS, the City finds as follows pertaining to sign���� df WHEREAS, the proposed text amendments are sate wit ` he`'goals, objectives, and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the City's SEPA Responsible Official is d a termMation of Non- a 0; and proposed �� s t to WAC 197-11- Non- significance for the ro osed text amendment on �, � ur WHEREAS, the City Community Develo ent Di t "i�rwarded a copy of this Ordinance to the Washington StateMlnmie of C ecce on pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106; and WHEREAS, the Yakima Cit la s' n held a public hearing on this Ordinance during its regular ily Co issi ng of and WHEREAS, leg'01, of the c hearing was published in the Yakima Herald on w, the re BE IT O ,NNE THE C OF YAKIMA, WASHINGTON: of the Yakima Municipal Code is hereby amended to read 15.0 0 For thep of this chapter, certain abbreviations, terms, phrases, words and derivatives shall be construed as specified herein. "Billboard" means any sign face. the primary purpose of which is to lease, rent. et or Q IOU SMUT rgi!UMI� Ogg larIN+w 0 K • r •� - r rs "Changing message center sign" means aa -t end t aet ie bank-. ac-teeq l4 . a sign that is capable of displaying words, symbols, figures or images that can be electronically or mechanically changed by remote or automatic means. •r r, rrr.oarr �w �rr< + , 01 similar actions. 11 "Off -premises directional sign" means an off -premises sign with directions to a particular business located within the city. "Off -premises sign" means a sign advertising or promoting merchandise, service, goods, or entertainment sold, produced, manufactured or furnished at a place other than on the property where the sign is located. Off -premise signsinclude but are not limited to billboards and exclude off -premises dIrecti2npLs_icLns. "On -premises directional sign" means a sign directing pedestrian or vehicular traffic to parking, entrances, exits, service areas, or other on-site locations. "On -premises sign" means a sign incidental to a lawful use of the premises on which it is located, advertising the business transacted, services rendered, goods sold or products produced on the premises or the name of the business or name of the person, firm or a are M Section 2. Section 15.08.050 of the Yakima Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Prohibited signs...e 5.. ........... 50 ..................................... The following signs are prohibited: 1. Signs on any vehicle or trailer parked on public or private property and visible from a public right-of-way for the purpose of circumventing the provisions of this �n chapter. This provision shall not prohibit signs painted on or maga Ily attached to any vehicle operating in the normal course of business; 10 M r 11110= 61 i si! of this chapter. (Ord. 2008-46 4 1 (part), 1986). Section 3. Table 8-1 of the Yakima Municipal Code is hereby repealed. A new Table 8-1 is hereby adopted, to read as follows: ZONING DISTRICTS SIGN TYPE SR I R. R-2 R-3 B-1 I HB I B-2 I SCC I LC PERMITTED SIGNS On -Premises Nameplate Permitted as an Accessory Use to an Approved or Existing Use Signs - Subdivision Identification/ Project Identification Changing Message Center Signs ki Permitted, subject to the provisions of Secti Roof/Portable Signs Not Permitted Class (1) Use Freestanding' Subdivision/Proj. I.D. OnlyOn-premises signs rr Projecting Not Permitted On -premises sign therwise not permi Freeway See YMC 15.08.150 Off -Premises Directional Not Permitted Signs Advertising Billboards NUMBER OF SIGNS PERMITTED On -Premises Nameplate 1 Per Dwelling Signs _ – Subdivision Identification/ 1 Per Street 9e Use Identification N iwFreestanding' Aft– 4 NM CBD I GC I AS I RD I M-1 I M-2 are considered Class (1) uses requiring Type (1) review, iter shall follow the procedures of YMC 15.08.170, and are CL (2) Use Changing Message Center Signs 1 Per P er _ One Acre No More than 1 Sign along (oriented toward) any street frontage of a parcel. Projecting errni 1 Per Street Frontage Wall/Roof/Portable Signs Wall: YMC 15.08.100/ Roof: YMC 15.08.090/ Temporary: YMC 15.08.110 Freeway Freeway: See YMC 15.08.150 Off -Premises Directional qLt itted Directional: See YMC 15.08.120(B) Signs Advertising Billboards Not Permitted NOTES: 1. YMC 15.08.140 has freestanding sign provisions for multiple -building complexes and multiple -tenant buildings. 2. Nameplates and subdivision identification signs permitted in the residential districts may be placed on a wall—See Table 8-2. CL (1) Use Section 4. Table 8-2 of the Yakima Municipal Code is hereby repealed. A new Table 8-2 is hereby adopted, to read as follows: Freestanding and Projecting Signs ZONING DISTRICT Sign is set back 15 ft. Sign is set back 15 ft. or WALL FREEWAY CHANGING or less from required more from required SIGNS SIGNS MESSAGE right-of-way right-of-way CENTER SIGNS SR, R-1, R-2, and R-3 Nameplates up to 2 sq. ft. and subdivision/project identification up NOT PERMITTED 33 Sq. Ft. per to 32 sq. ft. sign face HB and B-1 24 sq. ft. 40 sq. ft. 40 Sq. Ft. per - sign face B-2 40 sq. ft. 60 sq. ft. SCC Frontage is less 1 sq. ft. of sign area per 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area than 400 ft. long lineal ft. of frontage up per lineal ft. of frontage up to 100 sq. ft. to 150 sq. ft. Frontage is more 1 sq. ft. of sign area per 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area than 400 ft, long lineal ft. of frontage up per lineal ft. of frontage up to 150 sq. ft. to 200 sq. ft. LCC Frontage is less 1 sq. ft. of sign area per 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area than 400 ft. long lineal ft. of frontage up per lineal ft. of frontag to 150 sq. ft. to 200 sq. ft. 1 sq. ft. of sign area per 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sl rea Frontage is more 01 than 400 ft. long lineal ft. of frontage up per lineal ft. of fron a up to 200 sq. ft. to 250 s CBD 1 sq. ft. of sign area per lineal ft. fron up t. 150 sq. ft. GC Frontage is less 1 sq. ft. of sign area per /2 s of sl re ? E OF WHERE than 400 ft. long lineal ft. of frontage up lineal f frac Li. TO PERMITTED: UP to 150 sq. ft. to sq, ft. WHICH TO 300 SQUARE Frontage is more n area 1 sq. ft. of sig per 1-1/Nneajntage ATTACHED FOOT than 400 ft. long lineal ft. of f g, per up to 200 $ to 250 sq. ft. AS Frontage is less 1 sq. ft, n ar per 2 sq. ft. of sign area than 400 ft. long li al ft. o up p eali ft. of frontage up t sq,. ft. to 200 sq. ft. Frontage is more 1 s t., ar er 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area than 400 ft. liauea of q per lineal ft. of frontage up 200 to 250 sq. ft. RD Front a is I '0 n area per 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area th n ne ntage up per lineal ft. of frontage up 150 s t. to 200 sq. ft. Fro is mo 1 s of sign area per 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area than 4 tonJo ineal ft. of frontage up per lineal ft. of frontage up 2.00 sq. ft, to 250 sq. ft. M-1 1 sq. ft. of sign area per 1-1/2 sq. ft. of sign area lineal ft. of frontage up per lineal ft. of frontage up to 100 sq. ft. to 150 sq. ft. M-2 MAXIMUM AREA PER SIGN = 2 TIMES THE MAXIMUM AREA PER SIGN FACE Section 5 Section 15.08.130 of the Yakima Municipal Code G herb amended to read asflows 15 0813 Off -premises , i c on s�g�s\ 1.1-1--- mbgf�� . : ;ff « »<_. : := d <:,. « < a P— ». # 4 2,wyv=a .MMITERSH G A. Off -premises directional signs are: Class (1) uses in the M-1 and M-2 districts; 2. Class (2) uses in the B-2, CBD, GC, and RD districts. A. Brightness. During daylight hour twee unnse sunset, luminance shall be no greater than two thousand e ndr (2,5 nits. At all other times, luminance shall be no great a two and fifty (250) nits. B. Auto -dimming. All changin ge c ter s s shall be equipped with auto - dimming technology to ens the n of ceed maximum luminance levels day and night. C. Manufac ure ce f' for co 11 ch ing message cente i s shalh.b� ifi of ure th aye eed maximum lum nce leve efined in this section. D. Static Ima e & ach i ge of a changing message sign shall be static except fo sag tinge, which shall occur instantaneously and then hold static for at se ds between image changes. E. Si ro . All changing message center signs in protected areas as fin in tion 5.29.020 of the Yakima Municipal Code, except in n are subject to the following additional standards: $ limited to monochrome text on dark background. b, i shall be completely static except for message change occurring rough quick fade-in (1 second min/max). igns are limited to 33 square feet. F. Malf ction or Vacancy. Changing message center signs shall revert to an all black screen in the following instances: a. The sign malfunctions b. The premises on which the sign is located is vacated G. Applicability. The provisions of this section do not apply to signs legally installed on private property prior to the effective date of this ordinance. Section 7 '. Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Section 8. Savings Clause. Chapter 15.08 of the Yakima Municipal Code shall remain in full force and effect until such date as this ordinance becomes effective. Section 9. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect on INTRODUCED the day of & 20 X" KNVK E APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark Kunkler, Assistant Senior Attorney Micah Cawley, Mayor