HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-12-14 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) City Hall Council Chambers
Meeting Minutes of November 12, 2014
Call to Order
Chairman Dave Fonfara called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.
Roll Call
YPC Members Present: Chairman Dave Fonfara, Al Rose, Bill Cook, Patricia Byers, Ron
YPC Members Absent:Scott Clark, Paul Stelzer
Staff Present: Valerie Smith, Senior Planner; Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner;
Trevor Martin, Assistant Planner
Staff Announcements
Staff Member Valerie Smith introduced Trevor Martin, the new assistant planner, to the
Planning Commission. Trevor proceeded to tell the Commission a little bit about himself.
Audience Participation
No audience participation noted.
Continued Discussion on Amendments to the Sigp Code YMC 715.O8 - revisions as of 11tm4
Valerie discussed the memo she passed out before the meeting about the recent council meeting
when they discussed time limitations on temporary signs.
Al Rose brought up the possibility of the public thinking political signs are temporary signs,
which would be reflected in the Sign Survey results. The Commission and Staff went on to
discuss what defines a temporary sign if the time limitation is removed.
Bill Cook suggested removing portable signs from the definition of temporary signs.
Jeff informed the Commission that the City Council and City Manager would prefer for the time
limitations on temporary signs to be removed.
Jeff suggested revising item 11 under Non -Regulated Signs on page 6 of 16 to say, "... no more
than one temporary sign per parcel per street frontage" or even just "per parcel." Jeff expressed
that the City Manger believes the existing language with regards to temporary signage as far as
number of temporary signs allowed is adequate.
Al Rose brought up that temporary signs could include garage sale signs. Al mentioned that he
believes garage sale signs are not a big issue if they are on the property of the one who posted
the sign. However, he mentioned that if the sign or signs are not on the property of the person
posting them, they would need a time limitation or some way to regulate them.
Bill Cook added that the Commission should still review the final results of the survey after the
survey comes to a close. Dave Fonfara asked if citizens will have a chance to provide input at a
Planning Commission meeting to which Jeff confirmed that they will.
Bill Cook brought up the idea of notifying those who took the Sign Survey of the Public
Hearing. Jeff explained that survey respondents' emails may not be able to be retraced simply
from filling out the survey online.
Bill Cook expressed his concern about working on the Sign Code draft amendments with
council's direction. He added that he does not feel staff -driven. Al agreed with Bill but
expressed that he does feel council -driven.
Jeff informed the Commission that staff has concerns with the size and number of temporary
signs. Peters suggested reducing the size limit from 32 sq ft to 24 sq ft per lot or parcel and
reducing the number of signs per parcel from 2 to 1.
Al Rose went over changes he made to his copy of the draft Sign Ordinance.
Peters explained that he will send the Planning Commission an updated draft of the Sign
Ordinance by email.
Sio Survey Results
Jeff shared that they received 33 results from the Sign Survey. He added that the results indicate
that people have issues with the aesthetics of temporary signs. Also, he mentioned that it seems
most people either want more restrictive regulations on temporary signs or to keep the
regulations the same.
Discuss Options for 2015-2017 Annual Comprehensive flan Map Amendments & Update of
the City's 2025 Comprehensive flan
Valerie briefed the Commission on a Memorandum of Transmittal from Director of Community
Development Joan Davenport and Supervising Planner Jeff Peters. Valerie explained Planning
Staff s recommendation to allow citizens requests to amend the Comprehensive Plan in 2015 but
to docket any requests received for 2016 and 2017. Ron Anderson expressed his concerns about
the negative impact this schedule could have on property owners wanting to amend the
Comprehensive Plan. Peters explained three possible options for scheduling amendments to the
Comprehensive Plan in 2015, 2016 and 2017.
After an in depth discussion, the Commission agreed to leave 2015 as is with acceptance of
independent citizen requests and to incorporate approved amendments submitted in 2016 and
2017 to the Comprehensive Plan to the 2025 Comprehensive Plan which will go into effect the
summer of 2017.
Other Business
The Commission had consensus to cancel the next Planning Commission meeting scheduled for
November 26, 2014 as well as the meeting of December 24, 2014.
A motion to adjourn to December 10, 2014 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting
adjourned at 5:25 p.m.
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Chairman Dave Fonfara Date
This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Temporary D.A. II.