HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-22-14 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) City Hall Council Chambers Meeting Minutes of October 22, 2014 Call to Order Chairman Dave Fonfara called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present: Chairman Dave Fonfara, Al Rose, Bill Cook, Patricia Byers, Ron Anderson YPC Members Absent: Scott Clark, Paul Stelzer Staff Present: Valerie Smith, Senior Planner; Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner Others: Bill Hordan Staff Announcements Staff Member Valerie Smith shared that the Comprehensive Plan Update is well underway and that they will be meeting with divisions involved in the update. Valerie and Jeff Peters confirmed that they should have more information for the Commission in December. Jeff made the announcement that he and Valerie were able to attend the APA Conference in Spokane. Jeff briefed the Commission on state level updates mandated for this comprehensive plan and development regulations. In addition to the other announcements, Jeff mentioned that the City Council asked the Planning Commission Chairman to provide an update at the Council meeting on November 18. Chairman Dave Fonfara told Staff he plans on attending and giving the update. Audience ParticiRation No audience participation noted. Review andApproval of 2014 Corn rehensive Plan Map & Text Amendments Al Rose made a motion for approval and to send the Findings and Recommendations to Council. Patricia Byers seconded the motion; the motion carried unanimously. Continued Discussion on Sign Code Amendments Peters provided an overview of the proposed changes to the sign code YMC 15.08. Jeff explained changes including the addition of definitions for "fascia sign" and "marquee/ display case sign" and the modification of the definition of "roof sign." Glenn Denman came into the meeting briefly to answer questions for the staff and Planning Commission. Jeff asked Glenn if there is a section in the Building Code that requires a certain amount of sunlight inside the building to which Glenn answered yes; habitable spaces do, but sunlight can be substituted for artificial light in some cases. Glenn also mentioned that there is no code that regulates covering windows. - 1 - Al Rose brought up the idea to ask someone from the Police Department about safety concerns when it comes to covering windows. Peters said he could get a statement from someone in the Police Department and then email it to the Commission. Bill Cook made a suggestion to modify the window sign definition to say "Window signage which exceeds 50 percent of any given window area is not permitted." Jeff then moved on to explain changes to the exempt signs section, including changing the name "exempt signs" to "non-regulated signs." Bill Cook questioned one of the items under non-regulated signs where it says on number eleven: "temporary signs totaling 32 sq. ft. or less per lot or parcel, and have no more than two temporary signs per parcel (see YMC 15.08.110) except portable signs;" Bill pointed out that this would allow for an unlimited amount of portable signs. He then pointed out that under the fee exempt signs section where it speaks to temporary signs, portable signs are not mentioned as they were in the section above. Jeff and the commission agreed that there needs to be clarification in the language. Chairman Dave Fonfara announced that he needed to excuse himself early from the Planning Commission meeting. Other Business Jeff mentioned that the City Council asked Planning Staff to go before the Council to clarify on matters relating to sign code amendments. He estimated that the process for the sign code amendments would be complete in either January or February. Peters told the commission that he could send out an email to the Commission of the sign code amendments draft with the changes discussed in this meeting incorporated into it. Adjourn A motion to adjourn to November 12, 2014 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting adjourned at 5:14 p.m. Chairman Dave Fonfara Date This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Temporary D.A. II. -2-