HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-08-14 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) City Hall Council Chambers Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2014 Call to Order Chairman Dave Fonfara called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present: Chairman Dave Fonfara, Vice -Chair Scott Clark, Al Rose, Patricia Byers, Ron Anderson YPC Members Absent: Bill Cook, Paul Stelzer Staff Present: Valerie Smith, Senior Planner; Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner; Mark Kunkler Others: Bill Hordan, Tom Hale, Jason Galloway, Sergio Badillo Staff Announcements Jeff Peters informed the commission that Planning staff met with Codes staff to discuss matters relating to sign code amendments. Peters said the sign code amendments draft would be ready by Friday. No audience participation noted. Public Hearin -s: X114 Comprehensive Plan Map & Text Amendments, A. PLYMOUTH RANCH, LLC / BILL HORDAN CPA#001-14, RZ#001-14, SEPA#014-14 Valerie Smith gave a brief overview of the project proposal, the process it went through, and a summarization of the staff report. Bill Hordan informed the commission and staff that the property was decided to be used for warehousing and a large office for Washington Fruit. Al Rose made a motion to approve CPA#001-14. Patricia Byers seconded this motion; the motion carried unanimously. Vice -chair Scott Clark made a motion to approve RZ#001-14. Al Rose seconded the motion; the motion carried unanimously. B. JGDB, LLC - JASON GALLOWAY / BILL HORDAN Valerie Smith gave a brief overview of the project proposal, the process it went through and a summarization of the staff report Bill Hordan explained how he views this process in two steps with the first step being the comprehensive plan change and rezone and the second being the Class 3 Review. He explained how they cannot file a Class 3 Review right now since the current zoning would not be appropriate for the intended use. Jeff clarified for the commission that Class 3 Reviews go to the Hearing Examiner, as Bill had -1- stated. Al Rose questioned which reviews go to the Planning Commission Public Hearings to which Jeff replied by verbally listing out the applications. Bill provided aerial photographs of what the property looked like before and after Jason's ownership. Bill described the neighborhood as a "neighborhood in transition." Along with the aerial photographs, Bill submitted the cost of purchasing properties on Viola Avenue in the exhibit. Ron Anderson asked about the anticipated size and location of the warehouse and about the property lines in the back half of the lots which Bill said was used for storage. Bill and Scott Clark both mentioned that the current use is the most appropriate for that area. Scott reminded everyone that situations like these which dont have a clear solution are precisely why the Planning Commission exists. Patricia Byers asked what happens if the Class 3 Review is not successful, to which Bill answered that more owners like Jason will continue to move in, realize they need more room, and move out of the area. Al Rose proposed putting stipulations on approval of the rezone to do a boundary line adjustment and go through the Class 3 Review. Jeff and Mark had the same thought pattern as Rose, as Mark explained. Jeff explained that he has never conditioned a non -project rezone before but that Mark has dealt with them before. Ron Anderson brought up the fact that adding conditions could affect the future land use. Clark said that he was leaning towards approving the rezone as submitted considering that the neighborhood has benefited from Jason's business being located there and that the surrounding R-2 uses are not being used as R-2 currently. Jason Galloway came up to the podium and spoke as well. He concurred that surrounding uses are not being used as R-2 and that it would be good for the neighborhood if he stayed. Bill Hordan came back up to the podium and presented a letter from neighbors expressing how they feel about Jason's business being in their neighborhood. He added that there has been no opposition from neighbors. Byers concurred with Clark's earlier comments about Jason's positive impact. Rose questioned whether adding conditions could cause legal problems. Mark confirmed that adding conditions could cause more complications. Jeff told the commission that staff will need some sort of findings for the findings, facts, and conclusions document. Chairman Dave Fonfara provided ideas for findings such as economic development proponents of the comprehensive plan and proof of the neighborhood in transition. Jeff confirmed that these items could be used in the findings. Scott made a motion to approve CPA#002-14 and RZ#002-14 as submitted. The motion was seconded; the motion carried unanimously. -2- C. SERGIO BADILLO / BILL HORDAN Valerie Smith gave a brief overview of the project proposal, the process it went through and a summarization of the staff report. Jeff mentioned the change in recommendation. Bill Hordan thanked the staff for their support. Anderson added that he thinks this is another example of a neighborhood in transition that will continue to develop. Anderson made a motion to accept the recommendation to approve CPA#003-14 and RZ#003-14 as submitted. Patricia seconded the motion; the motion carried unanimously. D. RESTORATION CHURCH / KEVIN DEYETTE Valerie Smith gave a brief overview of the project proposal and the process it went through. Kevin Deyette thanked the staff and reminded everyone of the positive aspects of having a community garden. Valerie read the staff report for this project. Scott Clark made a motion to approve modified and as recommended by staff TXT#003-14. The motion was seconded; the motion carried unanimously. Other Business Jeff Peters said that staff needs more time to provide the commission with a revised sign ordinance for their review. He informed the commission that the sign ordinance needs to go through the Planning Commission and on to City Council for adoption by the end of the year by request of the City Manger. Jeff said that the draft needs to be done and reviewed by the end of October. He brought up the major issues of the amount (or percentage) of widow signage that should be permitted, removing temporary signs from the exempt section, number of temporary signs allowed, and definitions. A motion to adjourn to October 22, 2014 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting adjourned at 5:13 p.m. ..— L-_ Chairman Dave Fonfara Date This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Temporary D.A. II. -3-