HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-23-14 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) City Hall Council Chambers
Meeting Minutes of July 23, 2014
Call to Order
Chairman Dave Fonfara called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.
Roll Call
YPC Members Present: Chairman Dave Fonfara, Al Rose, Bill Cook, Patricia Byers,
YPC Members Absent: Vice -Chair Scott Clark (unexcused), Paul Stelzer (unexcused)
Staff Present: Valerie Smith, Senior Planner; Joan Davenport, Interim
Community Development Director/ Planning Manager
Others: Bill Hordan, Jason Galloway
Staff Announcements
Joan Davenport introduced herself again to the commission as the Interim Community
Development Director and Planning Manager.
Audience Participation
No audience participation noted.
Follow-up Discussion on 2014 Comprehensive Plan Map & Zoning Text Amendment
Valerie informed the commission that no new information came in for this
application. She did, however, mention that notices were sent out today and the
public hearing with the Planning Commission will be held on October 8, 2014.
Since the last Planning Commission meeting, a new aerial photo with
descriptions of the sight and surroundings was received into the record for this
Bill Hordan discussed what will happen if the rezone occurs and why the rezone
should be approved. Bill also talked about possible boundary line adjustments.
Bill along with many of the commissioners described this site as a neighborhood
in transition. Bill and the commission then discussed how the sewer situation can
be a limiting factor for developments in this area.
Commissioner Bill Cook brought up the issue of buffers in a situation where
there is an expansion of a commercial zone into a residential zone, for example,
and determining a project rezone.
Valerie gave more details about this request which was not able to be explained
at length in the last meeting. No new information came in for this application
since the last meeting.
Al Rose mentioned that he saw a newly built Laundromat in that neighborhood,
showing that the neighborhood is on the fringe of transition.
Bill Cook asked Valerie if a multi -family project be built in a general commercial
zoning district. Valerie referred to the zoning ordinance which said that multi-
family would be considered a Class 2 in the general commercial zoning district.
Chairman Dave Fonfara expressed his concern about spot zoning and
maintaining a certain amount of R-3 zone property within the city.
Al Rose questioned what future projects in that area would need this particular
Patricia mentioned that this area is still highly residential.
Bill Cook questioned whether this is an example of spot zoning.
The commission and staff talked about historic zoning districts.
Bill Hordan handed out recent pictures of the location to the commission and
staff and then talked more about the site and the application as well as
developments in this area in the past.
Valerie explained that there were few changes made to the draft ordinance and
that most changes were grammatical. Jeff Peters will add in more distinctions
about community gardens specifically. Valerie said that she contacted the Health
District about bathroom facilities to which the Health District said that there is no
requirements to have them for community gardens at this point.
Valerie mentioned that they are working with the applicant to come up with
some sort of mock application.
Prep Discussion - Upcoming Loint..WgCity Council Study Session on U` dates to
the Urban Area Comprehensive flan 20205
Chairman Dave Fonfara reminded everyone that the upcoming YPC/City Council
study session has been rescheduled to Tuesday September 9th at 10:00 a.m.
Valerie presented the PowerPoint that she prepared called the Yakima Urban Area
Comprehensive Plan 2017 Update Program, which will be presented again at the joint
meeting. She informed the commission on what will be discussed at the joint meeting
and answered questions from the commission.
Other Business
Bill Cook mentioned the opening of the MLK underpass that happened today.
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A motion to adjourn to August 13, 2014 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting
adjourned at 4:59 p.m.
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Chairman Dave Fonfara Date
This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Temporary D.A. II.