HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-09-14 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) City Hall Council Chambers
Meeting Minutes of July 9, 2014
Call to Order
Chairman Dave Fonfara called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.
Roll Call
YPC Members Present: Chairman Dave Fonfara, Al Rose, Bill Cook, Patricia Byers,
Paul Stelzer
YPC Members Absent: Vice -Chair Scott Clark (excused)
Staff Present: Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner; Valerie Smith, Senior
Others: Bill Hordan, Jason Galloway, Sergio Badillo, Tom Hale,
Suzanne Hale
Staff Announcements
Jeff Peters mentioned that the City Council suggested that the staff put together a public
meeting or study session on the comprehensive plan update amendment process before
the joint session with council. Today the council moved the joint session to September 9,
2014. Jeff offered that this suggests that the commission can spend more time looking at
the comprehensive plan and decide what direction they want to go in the joint session.
He announced that he will be gone at the next meeting but Valerie Smith will attend the
meeting as well as Joan Davenport, the Interim Community Development Director/
Planning Manager.
Jeff suggested moving the Planning Commission study session to Wednesday, August
13, 2014, to give Jeff, Valerie, and Joan more time to prepare.
Audience Participation
No audience participation noted.
Jeff and Valerie reflected on their meeting with the Master Gardeners of Yakima County
and updated the brief sheet of all the different issues they sent to the Planning
Commission members and got feedback from them.
Staff put the amendment in draft ordinance form. They added that they need to include
provisions for how to deal with complaints into the ordinance.
Valerie explained how the Master Gardeners envisioned the use of the community
gardens. She provided background information on community gardens and examples
from other locations in the packet given to members of the Planning Commission.
Staff mentioned that they are not recommending bathrooms in the community garden
area as a requirement as this point. The commission and staff agreed that they need to
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look more into differentiating labor laws vs. volunteer work to decide if these facilities
are required or not by the health department.
The commission and staff compared mobile food vendors, which require a washroom,
to the community gardens situation, which is for private use. They also suggested the
idea of being able to make a deal with nearby places to use their facilities when needed.
Bill Cook discussed the wording, "should be considered." He questioned whether this
responsibility was aimed at the city or the applicant.
Valerie commented that her notes from the meeting with the Master Gardeners are not
part of the ordinance yet.
Dave commented that they should try to give the gardener a chance to learn as they go
by not requiring too much from the applicants. Paul added to this saying that keeping
up with regulations will fall on the applicant so that the city will not be too heavily
Tom Hale came up to the microphone and spoke about the bathroom issue. He
commented that he doesn't believe there are these kinds of health rules for this
situation. He also added that he's not sure "should" is the right word and that
gardeners will determine what they want.
Valerie suggested doing a mock MOU with the applicant for the public hearing.
Study Session to Review 2014 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments
Staff stated that the goal is to make sure the change in the future land use map fits with
the current land uses. Jeff Peters presented a color coded map depicting the locations of
the proposed map amendments.
Staff provided the council with a print off from the SEPA online handbook dealing with
non -project actions.
Valerie went through all three applications and explained them to the commission.
Address: Vicinily of HM 12 & N 16+" Ave
Request: Chane the Future Land. Use maI2 designation for three parcels from
Regional Commercial to Industrial and rezone three parcels from _arse
Convenience Center LLC to Light Industrial M-1 to allow for future ex ansion
of an adjacent industrial facility.
The commission had consensus to grant the request.
Address: 8011807 / 809 E Viola Ave
Request: Change the Future Land Use map designation .for three parcels.,from,
Medium Density Residential to General Commercial and rezone two parcels
from Two -Family Residential (LR -21 to General Commercial GC to expand an
adjacent support business that serves the needs of agricultural producers and
processors in the area.
It was decided to further look into this request and study the surrounding uses
and how they might be impacted. Jeff added that it's important to look at the size
of the parcel vs. what they're planning to do. Bill Cook asked if there was a sewer
in front of that street to which Bill Hordan, representing the applicant Jason
Galloway, answered that there is not. Bill Hordan continued explaining the
situation for this application and mentioned that he can put together a general
site plan for this application.
Staff recommended that the commission look at all of these sites.
Address: 402 N 5th Ave
Request: Chan e the Future Land Use map desigLiation for one parcel from High
Density Residential to General Commercial and rezone from Multi -Fa i.!
Residential R-3 to General Commercial GC to facilitate future substantial
improvements made in the neighborhood,
Bill Hordan, representing applicant Sergio Badillo, informed the commission of
the background for that area and described it as a mixed neighborhood. He
provided photos of the property and informed the commission that Sergio
Badillo is willing to clean up the area and rezone it.
Other Business
No other business noted.
A motion to adjourn to July 23, 2014 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting
adjourned at 5:12 p.m.
Chairman Dave Fonfara Date
This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Temporary D.A. II.