HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-26-14 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) City Hall Council Chambers Meeting Minutes of February 26, 2014 Call to Order Chairman Dave Fonfara called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present: Chairman Dave Fonfara, Vice -Chair Scott Clark, Al Rose, Paul Stelzer, Bill Cook YPC Members Absent: Ben Shoval (excused) Staff Present: Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner; Steve Osguthorpe, Community Development Director Others: Mark Kunkler, Glenn Denman, Rich Hochrein, Duane R, John Hull, Thomas Hull, Mike Heit, Patricia Byers, Ralph Call, Rob La Grone, Neal Schreibeis, Tom Knaub, Carmen Mendez, Luz Gutierrez Staff Announcements No staff announcements noted. Audience Participation No audience participation noted. Public Hearing- Preliminary Plat of Apple Tree Development Phase 3B Jeff Peters gave the staff report about the Apple Tree Development. Glenn Denman talked about the memo from him and the planning department and answered questions from the commission. Mike Heit, representing Apple Tree, answered some questions from the commission. Scott Clark made a motion that the commission recommends approval of the preliminary plat to include the most recent fire apparatus memo to be included in the recommendation. The motion was seconded. Motion carried by unanimous vote. The commission and staff took a 5 minute recess at about 6:34. Opening of the 2014 Com rehensive Plan Amendment Process Jeff gave a brief report. Al Rose made a motion to hold a meeting on May 14 at 3:30 p.m. The motion was seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Public Hearing- Text Amendments to YMC Ch 15.03 Signs- Billboards Steve Osguthorpe presented a slide show about the proposed billboards ordinance. Ralph Call announced that the BCNA is against digital signs in protected areas and that he is against billboards in general. Luz Gutierrez said that she is against billboards and pointed out that these large groups of billboards tend to be in the lower income areas. Rob La Grone, the real estate representative for CBS Outdoor, talked about how limiting signs affects the market. Neal Scheibeis presented a rebuttal to the director's memorandum. Tom Knaub suggested changing ads to have a more welcoming environment. Ralph Call said that the presentations given don't really address what the moratorium is about. The commission and staff continued their discussion on the billboards issue. Bill Cook made a motion to accept the recommendation drawn up in the discussion today to ban future billboards and forward it to city council. Paul Stelzer seconded this motion. Motion carried unanimously. Other Business Steve announced that two new code compliance officers were hired. A motion to adjourn to March 12, 2014 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting adjourned at 8:28 p.m. Chairman Dave Fonfar Date This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Temporary D.A. H. -2-