HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-05-14 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) City Hall Council Chambers Meeting Minutes of February 5, 2014 Call to Order Chairman Dave Fonfara called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present: Chairman Dave Fonfara, Vice -Chair Scott Clark, Al Rose YPC Members Absent: Ben Shoval (excused), Bill Cook (excused), Paul Stelzer (excused) Staff Present: Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner; Steve Osguthorpe, Community Development Director Others: Mark Kunkler, Jason Stiles, Scott Roberts, Tom Knaub, Ralph Call, Ron Pelson, V.K. Best, David Servine, Fred Mears Staff Announcements Steve announced that they got the notice out for the SEPA determination. Jeff announced that there is a development application for a long plat in the vicinity of Coolidge Road and 88d. This will have the same hearing date as the next public hearing. Audience Participation No audience participation noted. Work Session- Continue Discussion on YMC Title 15 Text Amendments Staff provided the draft ordinance and an overview of the ordinance. He discussed the definitions of changing message center signs, luminance, motion, nits, off premise directional sign, off premise sign, static, and structurally altered. Steve went over other changes made in the draft. Ralph Call mentioned that he still thinks digital signs are not appropriate for protected historic areas. He also wants how often the static message can change to be included in the ordinance. Ralph also mentioned that larger signs cause more clutter. Tom Knaub talked about how the digital sign concerns have impacted billboards. He suggested to the commission that they look into adopting something that would allow existing billboards in Yakima to be moved to another area. Larry Oliver talked about Yakima needing to be able to change with the times. He added that digital signs help improve the aesthetics. Jason Stiles expressed his concerns about being able to advertise adequately from the perspective of a small business owner. Scott Roberts said his concern that some of these rules being considered will limit the usability of the signs and that larger signs may be necessary. David Servine was also against digital signs being in residential areas and talked about the size of signs and the illumination. Fred Mears talked about bringing the brightness down on billboards. Ron Pelson said he doesri t like all of the additional regulation. He doesri t believe signs are very much of a distraction and limiting them can hurt business. Other Business The commission and staff talked about what form they would like to see the packet of information in for the upcoming long plat public hearing to which the commission requested a hard copy. A motion to adjourn to February 12, 2014 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting adjourned at 4:57 p.m. Chairman Dave Fonfara Date This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Temporary D.A. II.. -2-