HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-08-14 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) City Hall Council Chambers
Meeting Minutes of January 8, 2014
Call to Order
Chairman Ben Shoval called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.
Roll Call
YPC Members Present: Chairman Ben Shoval, Co -Chair Dave Fonfara, Al Rose,
Scott Clark, Paul Stelzer, Bill Cook
YPC Members Absent:
Staff Present: Jeff Peters, Supervising Planner; Steve Osguthorpe,
Community Development Director
Others: Mark Kunkler, George Colby, Bob Whitney, Holi
Williamson, Pablo Gonzales, Anna Marie Default, Brian
Platte, Michael Platte, Jeff McPhee, Paul Tabayoyon, Ken
Marble, Dave Ettl, Mitch Gordon
Bill Cook made a motion to switch item 6 and 7 on the agenda; Dave Fonfara seconded
this motion. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Staff Announcements
No staff announcements noted.
Election and Chairman and Vice -Chairman for the Yakima Planning Commission.
Bill Cook nominated Dave Fonfara for Chairman; Al Rose seconded his nomination.
Scott Clark nominated Ben Shoval for Chairman; Ben Shoval respectfully declined. The
commission took a vote. Motion carried unanimously for Dave Fonfara as the new
Chairman of the Yakima Planning Commission.
Al Rose made a motion to nominate Scott Clark as Vice -Chairman; Ben Shoval
seconded this motion. Scott Clark accepted the nomination. The commission took a
vote. Motion carried unanimously for Scott Clark as the new Vice -Chairman of the
Yakima Planning Commission.
Audience Partici ation.
No audience participation noted..
Public Hearing- Text Amendment to YMC 15 Related to Marijuana
Mark Kunkler introduced the topic of discussion for the public hearing and answered
staff questions.
George Colby from the Yakama Nation talked about needing to follow federal law on
Yakama land. He also mentioned that marijuana is not part of Yakima culture, religion,
Bob Whitney talked about how marijuana and more crime will spread to the youth if it
is allowed. He also touched on the risks of marijuana.
Holi Williamson asked what the consequences would be for violating the city ordinance
to which Mark answered a possible fine or misdemeanor, but no felony.
Pablo Gonzales voiced his opposition to this ordinance. He talked about how it could
reduce tax revenue, hurt business, and make it difficult for people who use marijuana
medically to obtain their treatment.
Anna Marie Default introduced Dr. Kevin Sabet, a national drug policy expert. She
mentioned that Safe Yakima Valley Coalition fully supports this municipal code. She
also distributed the document, "Top Ten Messages about Legalization'.
Dr. Kevin Sabet who supports the amendment talked about California's experience with
trying to ban marijuana in some cities. From a national perspective, he told the
commission that many people will support them.
Brian Platte said he believes that they should allow marijuana so that it can get
controlled and keep it out of the hands of children.
Michael Platte mentioned that people who have license to sell marijuana are more
responsible with who they sell it to than those who sell it illegally. He also talked about
the potential of CBD production in Yakima.
Jeff McPhee from MCS of Washington explained why he opposed the ban. He believes
legalizing marijuana will reduce the spread to the youth if we regulate it and not ban it.
Paul Tabayoyon expressed that he is against the ban. He explained the pros and cons
with banning marijuana.
Ken Marble urged the commission to ensure that the zoning codes comply with local,
state, and federal laws. He explained that those who sell marijuana target children and
the youth who will become addicted to it and buy their product. He reminded the
commission that marijuana users will buy marijuana where it is cheapest - the black
Dave Ettl explained that he approves of the ban and that the commission should listen
to the people of Yakima rather than the west side who is driving the legalization. He
also said that this ban would not change access to medical marijuana at all.
Mitch Gordon referenced the United States use patent for Cannabis. He expressed his
concern of medical marijuana being tied with recreational marijuana.
Bill Cook made a motion to close the public hearing; Scott Clark seconded this motion.
Motion carried unanimously.
The staff answered questions from the commission.
Al Rose made a motion that the commission passes the Findings of Fact in ordinance
number 2014. The motion died with the lack of a second.
Al Rose made the motion again that the commission passes the Findings of Fact in
ordinance number 2014. Chairman Dave Fonfara seconded the motion.
Ben, Scott, and Paul all indicated that they want more time for discussion before voting.
Al Rose made a motion to table this discussion; Scott Clark seconded this motion.
Motion carried by unanimous vote.
The commission reached consensus to move forward with the consideration of the
action on January 15, 2014 at 3:00 p.m.
Other Business
No other business noted.
A motion to adjourn to January 15, 2014 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting
adjourned at 5:13 p.m.
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Chairman Dave Fonfara Date
This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Temporary D.A. II..