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HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-12-13 YPC MinutesFORTTIE 11I' III?CONIlf / MLE City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) City Hall Council Chambers Meeting Minutes of June 12, 2013 Call to Order Co -Chair Dave Fonfara called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm. Roll Call YPC Members Present: Co -Chair Dave Fonfara, Ron Anderson, Al Rose, Scott Clark YPC Members Absent: Chairman Ben Shoval (unexcused), Paul Stelzer (excused) Staff Present: Jeff Peters, Associate Planner; Steve Osguthorpe, Community Development Director Others: Joe Walsh, Al Brown Staff Announcements Steve Osguthorpe presented information to the planning commission about the retaining wall issue discussed at the last public hearing. There will be another meeting on June 26 about this problem in our community. Steve also talked about the council approving funding for a new project. He shared that Carol Morris, a land use attorney and the attorney for AWC, is in the process of making a model code with the cooperation of the city of Edmonds. For $15,000, the City of Yakima can also use this model. Steve created and handed out to the committee an analysis of code issues. 0 No audience participation noted. Shoreline .Master Program Review The staff provided the council with the planning commission draft dated May 31, 2013. They were also provided with a memo from Steve containing legal requirements and an additional memo from Jeff about inconsistencies between the draft and the city's comprehensive plan. Jeff called in consultant Amy Summe to give the Cumulative Impact Analysis & Restoration Plan Addendum. Continuation: Discuss Shoreline Master Program Materials from Previous Meetin The planning commission went back to sections that they reviewed in the last meeting. A definitions chapter was provided, as well to look back at the sections to see how they fit together. Also, Jeff brought up for discussion the memo he wrote that was mentioned earlier. Bill cook made a motion to prohibit outdoor manufacturing and processing and Al Rose seconded this motion. Motion carried with unanimous vote. - 1 - Al Rose made a motion to require a conditional use permit to build a mobile home park subdivision in high intensity areas; Bill seconded this motion. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Al Rose also made a motion that the park and ride lots as stated for the appropriate uses be approved as designated on the current master program table; Scott Clark seconded this motion. Motion passed with unanimous vote. Ben Shoval came into the meeting at 3:20. The commission discussed definitions being consistent with FEMA. Dave Fonfara made a motion to eliminate 17.030.030 section (c) (2). The motion was seconded. Motion carried with unanimous vote. Other Business Jeff brought up Chairman Ben Shoval's concern about the lack of the ability for the public's input or that the council was not providing enough outreach for the Shoreline Master Program process. Ben had the idea that at the end of the completion of the draft the planning commission could hold a public meeting/open house to allow the public to express their concerns on the final draft. Al made a motion to move the planning commission meetings back to its original time at 3:30 p.m. Bill Cook seconded this motion. Motion carried with unanimous vote. t A motion to adjourn to July 10, 2013 was passed by unanimous vote. This meeting adjourned at 3:46 p.m. This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Department Assistant 3. -2-