HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-27-13 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) City Hall Council Chambers Meeting Minutes of March 27, 2013 Call to Order Chairman Shoval called the meeting to order at 3:30 pm. Roll Call YPC Members Present: Chairman Ben Shoval, Ron Anderson, Al Rose, Bill Cook YPC Members Absent: Paul Stelzer (unexcused), Scott Clark (excused), Dave Fonfara (excused) Staff Present:Jeff Peters, Associate Planner; Rick Ensey, Councilmember, Steve Osguthorpe, Community Development Director Others:Joe Walsh, Dowd Luce, Dianna Woods Audience Participation No audience participation. Staff Distribution of Shoreline Materials Jeff distributed the SMP update and the email from Dave Fonfara in the packet. Shoreline Master Program SMP Review Steve Osguthorpe put together a memo including what the Shoreline plan states as intended uses. Steve stressed the importance of using this plan to set everything in place rather than introduce new uses in that have not been widely discussed at this point. Ben Shoval added that regardless of the SMP, underlying zoning or future land use rules are not being changed. Steve argued that the underlying zoning would be changed and that is why consistency in the SMP with those regulations is crucial. If the SMP is not consistent, it could cause future problems if they are challenged on it. Jeff pointed out the definitions provided in the packet from RCW. Jeff read the email from Dave Fonfara addressed to him to the rest of the committee. In the email he stated his regrets of not being able to attend this meeting. He explained his optimism for future use of the Shoreline and expressed how important he believes the Yakima River to be. The committee agreed unanimously that a health and social service facility as well as a mixed use building with a conditional use permit should be prohibited in the Shoreline residential. The committee unofficially voted on whether a mixed use building should be allowed; three members voted against. The staff recommendation for building a duplex in that area is that it should require a conditional use permit. The committee agreed that there should be no multi -family housing in that area. -1- The committee continued to vote unofficially on uses that should require a C or S permit or if it should be prohibited. The committee reviewed the Chapter 17.01 Purpose and General Provisions as well as Chapter 17.13 Administration and Enforcement. Other Business Jeff discussed the time conflict with another commission for their meeting scheduled on May S. The committee agreed to change the date and time of that meeting to May 16 at an early time. Ben suggested that the committee vote more often on these Shoreline issues rather than spending an excessive time discussing. Jeff responded with a compromise saying that the committee could use a show of hands on issues that didn't need to be officially voted on. The committee agreed to move the next meeting on April 10 to an early time of 2:00 pm. Ad'ourn A motion to adjourn to April 10, 2013 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting adjourned at 4:42p.m. This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Department Assistant 3. -2-