HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-28-18 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) City Hall Council Chambers Meeting Minutes of March 28, 2018 Call to Order Chairwoman Patricia Byers called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present: Chairwoman Patricia Byers, Vice -Chair Al Rose, Bill Cook, Jacob Liddicoat, Peter Marinace, Rob McCormick, Leanne Hughes -Mickel YPC Members Absent: Staff Present: Joseph Calhoun, Planning Manager; Lisa Maxey, Planning Specialist; Sara Watkins, Senior Assistant City Attorney Others: Sign -in sheet in file Staff Announcements Planning Manager Joseph Calhoun introduced Leanne Hughes -Mickel as the new Planning Commission member. Commissioner Hughes -Mickel shared some information about herself with the Commission. Audience Participation None noted. Approval of Meeting Minutes of March 14 2018 It was motioned by Vice -Chair Rose and seconded by Commissioner Cook to approve the minutes of March 14, 2018. The motion carried unanimously. Public Hearin - Text Amendment to YMC Title 15 Related to Temporary Worker Houdin Calhoun presented the staff recommendation on proposed changes to the Yakima Urban Area Zoning Ordinance to establish regulations regarding temporary worker housing, which includes modifying the definition of boardinghouse and adding a definition of "motel/ hotel," modifying the Table of Permitted Land Uses, and modifying the Table of Off -Street Parking Standards. Audience member Charlie Hines advocated for temporary worker housing facilities to be of high standard if approved. Audience member Rob Valicoff spoke in favor of the proposal and commented on the "first-class" nature of these facilities. Audience member Sandi Belzer spoke in favor of the proposal with the caveat that they must be well-maintained and monitored. Audience member Ron Disch expressed his concern of property values potentially decreasing on account of these facilities locating here. He stated that neighbors should be notified when there is a proposal for temporary worker housing in their area. Furthermore, he suggested that the Commission consider letting voters decide if these facilities should be allowed in the city. Lastly, Disch commented on the lack of cities in eastern Washington which allow this land use, which could cause many temporary workers to use sites in Yakima due to lack of availability in their area. Audience member Ermelindo Escobedo spoke in favor of the proposal and reiterated the strict requirements imposed on this housing type by the state and federal government. Audience member Lourdes Martinez spoke highly of H -2A workers and commented on the benefits of having housing for them within the city as well as the benefit of having the workers contribute to the economy. The Commission discussed the expectation that these buildings would be in use year- round due to the staggering of the agricultural seasons. Discussion ensued regarding other uses which are categorized under the proposed definition of "congregate living facility," and the possibility of unintended consequences from designating levels of review in particular zoning districts for "congregate living facilities" with only H -2A housing in mind and not taking into consideration that other uses outside of H -2A housing will not be regulated as stringently and are not guaranteed to have on-site management. The reasoning behind the proposed parking standards were also brought up in discussion. It was motioned by Vice -Chair Rose and seconded by Commissioner McCormick that the Planning Commission draft findings of fact and forward a recommendation of approval to the Yakima City Council. The motion carried with 6 votes in favor and 1 vote against. Calhoun clarified that there is a set date on the April 3rd City Council agenda for a public hearing on May 1St. Study Session. Proposed Amendments to YMC 15.04.120 Home Occupations Relatin to Taxicab Businesses Calhoun shared with the Commission the proposed definition of "home occupation, taxicab operator," and the proposed addition to YMC 15.04.120 Table 4-2 (Table of Permitted Home Occupations) which includes a line item for "taxicab operator," and the proposed level of review for each zoning district. Senior Assistant City Attorney Sara Watkins reiterated that the criteria which home occupations must meet prohibits non family members from being employees. Calhoun explained that there are other potential text amendments that should be included in the public process for this proposed change to the Home Occupations code section, and will be scheduled for a study session before the Commission. Chairwoman Byers reminded the Commission that she will be absent for the next Commission meeting on April 11ffi. Other Business Commissioner Marinace brought up a comment he made initially during the update process for the Comprehensive Plan 2040 last year that there is a lack of sidewalks on Zier Rd. between 75th Ave. and West Valley High School, which in conjunction with the narrowness of the road creates dangerous walking conditions for kids walking to school. He spoke of a grant opportunity called Safe Routes to School which could help to fund putting sidewalks there. Calhoun spoke of the recent improvements that have been made in that area at Mead Ave. and 72nd Ave. He explained that the engineering division of the appropriate jurisdiction would need to be part of the discussion on infrastructure, and -2- the school district would need to be a main proponent for encouraging these improvements in the grant application process. Council liaison Jason White reported that safe routes to school is in the Council's top 5 priorities for the next few years and mentioned that some Yakima schools are going through this program currently, while furthering the point that the lack of sidewalks in areas of the city is a big issue. Commissioner Marinace confirmed that he will contact the school district to make them aware of this safety issue and apprise them of this grant opportunity. Adjourn A motion to adjourn to April 11, 2018 was passed with unanimous vote. This meeting adjourned at 4:21 p.m. 0 Ig C+raiV4OTnzTrtIyM,, Vice air �l Date This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Lisa Maxey, Planning Specialist. -3-