HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-26-2025 YPC MinutesCity of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes
February 26, 2025
Call to Order
Chair Place called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m.
Roll Call
YPC Members Present: Chair Mary Place, Vice -Chair Anne Knapp, Jeff Baker, Charles
Hitchcock, Colleda Monick, Kevin Rangel, Arthur Salido, Frieda
Stephens, Shelley White
YPC Members Absent: Leanne Hughes -Mickel, Philip Ostriem (both excused)
Staff Present: Trevor Martin; Planning Manager, Eva Rivera; Planning
City Council Liaison:
Staff Announcements — Planning Manager Martin announced the following:
• The interview for the Senior Planner position was conducted and went well.
• The Comprehensive Plan update is progressing, details will be provided later in the meeting.
Action Items:
Update YPC Bylaws
Trevor Martin
In Progress
Approval of Minutes from January 8, 2025 - It was motioned by Commissioner Monick and
seconded by Commissioner Stephens to approve the meeting minutes of January 8, 2025. The
motion carried unanimously.
Public Comment — None
Public Hearing TXT#001-25, SEPA#001-25 — City Planning YMC Title 14 & 15 —
Staff presented proposed text amendments to Titles 14 and 15 of the municipal code, focusing
on streamlining processes. Notable changes include removing outdated definitions, such as 'bed
and breakfast' and `desktop publishing,' to align with current land use practices. Discussion
followed regarding how existing bed and breakfast establishments would be classified moving
forward, with clarification that they would be reclassified as either short-term rentals or
hotels/motels and allowed to continue operations under their new designation. Discussion
continued to the definition of storage facilities and mini storage outdoor, the commission agreed
change the screening language to require a minimum six-foot, view -obscuring fence or wall. The
Commission discussed the proposed changes to subdivision procedures, specifically the public
notice requirement for short plats. After a discussion on the importance of community awareness
and public input, the Commission decided to retain the public notice requirement for short plats.
Community Centers, Synagogues, Temples, and Fraternal Organizations: The use type in RD
zones was changed from Type 1 to Type 2 to align with churches and synagogues. A Type 2 use
was added in M1 zones to match the revised requirements. Daycare Facilities: Discussion
focused on potential state law changes allowing up to 16 children in residential daycare facilities.
The commission decided that daycare facilities in R1 and R2 zones should require Type 2 review
to allow for public notice and comment. The R3 zone will remain a Type 1 review due to its higher
activity level. Family Dwelling Duplexes: Approved removal of confusing language regarding
family dwelling duplexes. Maintenance and Repair Businesses: Agreed to allow maintenance and
repair businesses, including auto repair and towing, in RD zones under Type 3 review. Tiny House
Communities: Confirmed the review process for tiny house communities in R2 zones as Type 2.
02-26-2025 YPC Minutes
General Retail Sales: The commission agreed to remove the size restriction for general retail
sales (greater than or less than 12,000 square feet) and categorize convenience stores under
general retail. Discussion continued for the removal of 15.04.085. Bill Hordan provided public
comment regarding storage facilities. The commission reviewed updates to clarify site plan
content requirements. It was agreed that revised versions would include a date of revision and be
made accessible both in the department and online.
Motion: Based on the testimony and evidence presented during today's public hearing, I move
that the city of Yakima planning staff, modify the draft language to include the changes noted in
the minutes of today's public hearing, and with these changes move that the planning commission
draft findings effect and forward recommendation of approval to the Yakima city council.
Motioned by: Commissioner Monick
Seconded by: Commissioner Baker
The commission entered into discussion.
Chair Place called for a roll call vote. The results were as follows:
Commissioner Baker: Yes
Commissioner Salido: Yes
Commissioner Rangel: Yes
Commissioner Hitchcock: Yes
Commissioner Monick: Yes
Commissioner White: Yes
Commissioner Stephens: Yes
Commissioner Knapp: No
Chair Place: Yes
The motion passed with an 8-1 vote.
Building Permit Reports — Martin went over the report summary and answered questions from
the commissioners.
Comp Plan Schedule — Martin reviewed the schedule.
Commission Meeting Recap-
• TXT#001-25 was approved.
• The building report was reviewed; a report on issued certificates of occupancy will be
• Discussion on design standards will continue at the next meeting.
Other Business - Commissioner White informed the commission she will continue to attend
City Council meetings to update members on housing legislation changes.
A motion to adjourn to March 12, 2025, was passed with a unanimous vote. The meeting
adjou at approx t y 4:37 p.m.
Chair Places Date
This meetinas filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Eva Rivera, Planning Technician
02-26-2025 YPC Minutes