HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-12-2026 YPC Agenda PacketThe meeting will also be recorded and posted on the Y-PAC website.
Visit the Yakima Planning Commission webpage for more information, including agenda packets and minutes.
Bill Preston, P.E., Director
Trevor Martin, AICP, Manager
Planning Division
129 North Second Street, 2nd Floor Yakima, Washington 98901
Phone (509) 575-6183 • Fax (509) 575-6105 • Email: ask.planning@yakimawa.gov
Yakima City Hall Council Chambers
129 N 2nd Street, Yakima, WA 98901
March 12, 2025
3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Chair Mary Place, Vice-Chair Anne Knapp, Jeff Baker,
Charles Hitchcock, Leanne Hughes-Mickel, Colleda Monick, Philip Ostriem,
Kevin Rangel, Arthur Salido, Frieda Stephens, and Shelley White
City Council Liaison: Rick Glenn, Janice Deccio
Bill Preston (Community Development Director), Lisa Maxey (Admin. Assistant), Trevor
Martin (Planning Manager), Eric Crowell (Senior Planner), Connor Kennedy (Associate
Planner), Eva Rivera (Planning Technician), Irene Linos (Department Assistant)
I.Call to Order
II.Roll Call
III.Staff Announcements
IV.Approval of Minutes – February 12 and February 26, 2025 Meetings
V.Public Comment
VI.Continued Discussion: Housing Design Standards
VII. Certificate of Occupancy Reports
VIII.Commission Meeting Recap
IX.Other Business
Next Meeting: March 26, 2025
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02-12-2025 YPC Minutes
City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes
February 12, 2025
Call to Order
Chair Place called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
Roll Call
YPC Members Present: Chair Mary Place, Vice-Chair Anne Knapp, Jeff Baker, Charles
Hitchcock, Leanne Hughes-Mickel, Colleda Monick, Philip
Ostriem, Kevin Rangel, Arthur Salido, Shelley White
YPC Members Absent: Frieda Stephens (excused)
Staff Present: Trevor Martin; Planning Manager, Irene Linos; Temp. Department
Assistant IV
City Council Liaison: Rick Glenn, Janice Deccio
Selection of Chair and Vice Chair – Anne Knapp nominated Mary Place to remain as Chair of
Yakima Planning Commission, and the nomination was seconded by commissioner White. The
nomination was approved unanimously. Commissioner Baker nominated Ann Knapp to remain
as Vice-Chair of Yakima Planning Commission and the nomination was seconded by
commissioner Hitchcock. The nomination was approved unanimously.
Staff Announcements – Planning Manager Martin announced the following:
•The Periodic Update is officially underway. The City has been working with the County and
the County is currently developing a public outreach plan.
•The Comprehensive Plan Amendment is now open, and will be a consolidated process with
the Periodic Update.
Approval of Minutes from January 8, 2024 – Meeting minutes from January 8th were tabled
until next Planning Commission meeting.
Public Comment – None
Discussion: Business Licenses – Planning Manager Martin initiated the discussion by referencing
the business license ordinance handout, which outlined current business licenses practices within
the planning division. Martin conveyed that City Council’s directive is to streamline the process
of home occupations. The commissioners reviewed and discussed current practices and explored
potential strategies to simplify the process, aiming to facilitate the approval of home occupations.
Additionally, the relationship between land use and business licenses was clarified among the
commissioners. Commissioners were made aware that the state is the initial point of connect for
obtaining a business license. Commissioners also discussed how the ease of obtaining a business
license may lead to an increase of code compliant issued if home business owners do not adhere
to the necessary mitigation measures. hat with how easy it is to get a business. Commissioners
agree to streamline the process to its simplest form of all home occupations being a type one level
of review.
Motion: To change all of Table 4-2. Table of Permitted Home Occupations to Type (1) land use
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02-12-2025 YPC Minutes
Motioned by: Commissioner Baker
Seconded by: Commissioner Salido
Chair Place called for a roll call vote. The results were as follows:
Commissioner White: Yes
Commissioner Salido: Yes
Commissioner Rangel: Yes
Commissioner Ostriem: Yes
Commissioner Monick: No
Commissioner Hughes-Mickel: Yes
Commissioner Hithcock: Yes
Commissioner Baker: Yes
Vice Chair Knapp: Yes
Chair Place: Yes
The motion passed with an 9-1 vote.
Discussion: Housing Design Standards – Planning Manager Martin began the discussion by
introducing housing design standards and providing the commission with a handout containing
examples from other jurisdictions. Martin emphasized that the purpose of this discussion was not
to make immediate decisions but rather to explore and understand design standards. The goal
was to facilitate an open conversation, allowing commissioners to consider potential
implementation of housing design standards within their own jurisdiction, considering that
current practice is there are no housing design standards. Commissioners agreed that there is a lot
to consider and will take the time to review suggestions and this discussion overall it will come
back on the agenda for further discussion on 02/26/2025.
Commission Meeting Recap
•Schedule for Comp. Plan update should be sent out by Trevor as soon as it is available.
•January 8th minutes will be provided as soon as possible.
•Minutes, motions, and findings will be clarified if they are on the Planning Commission
site or not.
•Other business will appear on the Agenda for comments to take place.
•Update of how many dwelling units have been completed will be provided 02/26/20025
The commission allowed for Shelly White to give a comment as a citizen. Shelly White made a
public comment.
A motion to adjourn to February 26, 2025, was passed with a unanimous vote. The meeting
adjourned at approximately 4:26 p.m.
Chair Place Date
This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Irene Linos, Temp. Department Assistant.
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02-26-2025 YPC Minutes
City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes
February 26, 2025
Call to Order
Chair Place called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m.
Roll Call
YPC Members Present: Chair Mary Place, Vice-Chair Anne Knapp, Jeff Baker, Charles
Hitchcock, Colleda Monick, Kevin Rangel, Arthur Salido, Frieda
Stephens, Shelley White
YPC Members Absent: Leanne Hughes-Mickel, Philip Ostriem (both excused)
Staff Present: Trevor Martin; Planning Manager, Eva Rivera; Planning
City Council Liaison:
Staff Announcements – Planning Manager Martin announced the following:
•The interview for the Senior Planner position was conducted and went well.
•The Comprehensive Plan update is progressing, details will be provided later in the meeting.
Action Items:
Item Assigned Status
Update YPC Bylaws Trevor Martin In Progress
Approval of Minutes from January 8, 2025 - It was motioned by Commissioner Monick and
seconded by Commissioner Stephens to approve the meeting minutes of January 8, 2025. The
motion carried unanimously.
Public Comment – None
Public Hearing TXT#001-25, SEPA#001-25 – City Planning YMC Title 14 & 15 –
Staff presented proposed text amendments to Titles 14 and 15 of the municipal code, focusing
on streamlining processes. Notable changes include removing outdated definitions, such as ‘bed
and breakfast’ and ‘desktop publishing,’ to align with current land use practices. Discussion
followed regarding how existing bed and breakfast establishments would be classified moving
forward, with clarification that they would be reclassified as either short-term rentals or
hotels/motels and allowed to continue operations under their new designation. Discussion
continued to the definition of storage facilities and mini storage outdoor, the commission agreed
change the screening language to require a minimum six-foot, view-obscuring fence or wall. The
Commission discussed the proposed changes to subdivision procedures, specifically the public
notice requirement for short plats. After a discussion on the importance of community awareness
and public input, the Commission decided to retain the public notice requirement for short plats.
Community Centers, Synagogues, Temples, and Fraternal Organizations: The use type in RD
zones was changed from Type 1 to Type 2 to align with churches and synagogues. A Type 2 use
was added in M1 zones to match the revised requirements. Daycare Facilities: Discussion
focused on potential state law changes allowing up to 16 children in residential daycare facilities.
The commission decided that daycare facilities in R1 and R2 zones should require Type 2 review
to allow for public notice and comment. The R3 zone will remain a Type 1 review due to its higher
activity level. Family Dwelling Duplexes: Approved removal of confusing language regarding
family dwelling duplexes. Maintenance and Repair Businesses: Agreed to allow maintenance and
repair businesses, including auto repair and towing, in RD zones under Type 3 review. Tiny House
Communities: Confirmed the review process for tiny house communities in R2 zones as Type 2.
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02-26-2025 YPC Minutes
General Retail Sales: The commission agreed to remove the size restriction for general retail
sales (greater than or less than 12,000 square feet) and categorize convenience stores under
general retail. Discussion continued for the removal of 15.04.085. Bill Hordan provided public
comment regarding storage facilities. The commission reviewed updates to clarify site plan
content requirements. It was agreed that revised versions would include a date of revision and be
made accessible both in the department and online.
Motion: Based on the testimony and evidence presented during today's public hearing, I move
that the city of Yakima planning staff, modify the draft language to include the changes noted in
the minutes of today's public hearing, and with these changes move that the planning commission
draft findings effect and forward recommendation of approval to the Yakima city council.
Motioned by: Commissioner Monick
Seconded by: Commissioner Baker
The commission entered into discussion.
Chair Place called for a roll call vote. The results were as follows:
Commissioner Baker: Yes
Commissioner Salido: Yes
Commissioner Rangel: Yes
Commissioner Hitchcock: Yes
Commissioner Monick: Yes
Commissioner White: Yes
Commissioner Stevens: Yes
Commissioner Knapp: No
Chair Place: Yes
The motion passed with an 8-1 vote.
Building Permit Reports – Martin went over the report summary and answered questions from
the commissioners.
Comp Plan Schedule – Martin reviewed the schedule.
Commission Meeting Recap-
•TXT#001-25 was approved.
•The building report was reviewed; a report on issued certificates of occupancy will be
•Discussion on design standards will continue at the next meeting.
Other Business - Commissioner White informed the commission she will continue to attend
City Council meetings to update members on housing legislation changes.
A motion to adjourn to March 12, 2025, was passed with a unanimous vote. The meeting
adjourned at approximately 4:37 p.m.
Chair Place Date
This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Eva Rivera, Planning Technician.
Certificate of Occupancy Issued - New Residential Units
01/01/2024 through 12/31/2024
Number Permit Type Description Project Description Site Address Permit Issued C of O Issued Number of Units
B230967 Residential-Single Family Master
Plan NEW SFR 9104 HAWTHORNE DR 09/01/2023 03/08/2024 1
B231050 Residential-Single Family Master
Plan New single family residence 219 RAINIER DR 09/20/2023 04/04/2024 1
B231311 Residential-Single-Family-New Construct a new 2046 sq ft SFR Lot #18 2308 S 57TH AVE 11/28/2023 03/15/2024 1
B240115 Residential-Single Family Master
New SFR - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, with an attached
patio and attached triple garage 9103 HAWTHORNE DRIVE 03/05/2024 10/25/2024 1
B210609 Residential-Duplex New Duplex (2-bedroom units)5101 POWERHOUSE RD #5-6 04/15/2022 07/23/2024 2
B220483 Residential-Multi-Family-New New 3-unit townhome building 6710 W WASHINGTON AVE #1-3 07/08/2022 12/10/2024 3
B230497 Residential-Single-Family-New
New 1240 sq ft single story SFR with 440 sq ft
garage and 234 sq porches 2016 S 62ND AVE 06/23/2023 01/03/2024 1
B231038 Residential-Single-Family-New Construct a new 1574 sq ft SFR 2307 S 57TH AVE 10/03/2023 01/08/2024 1
B230258 Residential-Duplex
New 802 sq ft addition onto south side of an existing
SFR to create a duplex, and new 24 sq ft covered
porch on south side of new addition
1114 CHERRY AVE #2 05/15/2023 01/10/2024 1
B210087 Residential-Single Family Master
Plan New Commonwall SFR 4503 TAYHILL WY 03/13/2023 01/11/2024 1
B230911 Residential-Single-Family-New Construct a new SFR 1235 sqft 2015 S 61ST AVE 10/30/2023 01/11/2024 1
B230209 Residential-Duplex New duplex 7423 SADDLEBROOK LP #1-2 03/27/2023 01/12/2024 2
B230298 Residential-Duplex Master Plan New duplex 7425 SADDLEBROOK LP 04/14/2023 01/12/2024 2
B221043 Residential-Single Family Master
Plan New SFR 210 RAINIER DR 10/18/2022 01/16/2024 1
B230221 Residential-Multi-family Master Plan New 4-unit townhome (2 bedroom units)5101 Powerhouse Rd #44-47 03/16/2023 01/18/2024 4
B230228 Residential-Multi-family Master Plan New 3-unit townhome (3-bedroom units)5101 Powerhouse Rd #41-43 03/16/2023 01/18/2024 3
B230263 Residential-Single-Family-New New SFR with solar panels 7713 VISTA PKWY 04/25/2023 01/18/2024 1
B231034 Residential-Single Family Master
Plan Construct a new 2968 sq ft SFR 2312 S 58TH AVE 09/26/2023 01/18/2024 1
B221282 Residential-Single-Family-New New SFR 2202 S 96TH AVE 01/30/2023 01/22/2024 1
B220492 Residential-Duplex New duplex 1900 W MEAD AVE #1-2 06/29/2022 01/24/2024 2
B231123 Residential-Single-Family-New Construction a new 1800 sqft SFR 2313 S 57TH AVE 10/13/2023 01/24/2024 1
B230957 Residential-Single Family Master
Plan Construction of a new 1800 sqft SFR 2310 S 57TH AVE 08/31/2023 02/01/2024 1
B220115 Residential-Duplex New 2,400 sq ft duplex 406 E R ST #1-2 04/20/2022 02/02/2024 2
B220941 Residential-Multi-family Master Plan New 3-unit townhome building 6702 W WASHINGTON AVE #1-3 11/08/2022 02/02/2024 3
B210027 Residential-Duplex New duplex 7403 SADDLEBROOK LP #1-2 06/04/2021 02/06/2024 2
B230858 Residential-Single Family Master
Plan New SFR 217 RAINIER DR 08/03/2023 02/06/2024 1
B220925 Residential-Duplex New duplex 805 S 16TH AVE #1-2 12/16/2022 02/08/2024 2
B231122 Residential-Single-Family-New Construct a new 1235 sqft SFR 2012 S 62ND AVE 11/08/2023 02/12/2024 1
B230977 Residential-Single-Family-New Construct a new 2211 sq ft SFR 2314 S 57th Ave 09/28/2023 02/13/2024 1
B231066 Residential-Single-Family-New Construct a new 1408 sq ft SFR 6114 WHATCOM AVE 11/08/2023 02/15/2024 1
B230167 Residential-Multi-family Master Plan New 4-unit townhome (2-bedroom units)5101 POWERHOUSE RD #56-59 03/06/2023 02/16/2024 4
Certificate of Occupancy Issued - New Residential Units
01/01/2024 through 12/31/2024
Number Permit Type Description Project Description Site Address Permit Issued C of O Issued Number of Units
B230217 Residential-Multi-family Master Plan New 4-unit townhome (2-bedroom units)5101 POWERHOUSE RD #52-55 03/16/2023 02/16/2024 4
B210118 Residential-Multi-Family-New New 18-unit MFR
4401 POWERHOUSE RD #133-
138, #233-238, #333-338
11/18/2021 11/14/2024 18
B231010 Residential-Single Family Master
Plan New SFR 302 RAINIER DR 09/01/2023 03/01/2024 1
B220775 Residential-Single-Family-New New SFR 400 RAINIER DR 08/31/2022 03/08/2024 1
B230504 Residential-Multi-Family-New New three-unit townhome (3 bedroom units) 411 S 97TH AVE #1-3 07/20/2023 04/05/2024 3
B231255 Residential-Single-Family-New NEW SFR 6113 WHITMAN AVE 11/28/2023 03/14/2024 1
B230737 Residential-Single-Family-New New SFR 2108 S 72ND AVE 07/25/2023 03/15/2024 1
B230568 Residential-Single-Family-New New SFR; removing uncompacted fill from lot 5825 SCENIC RIDGE LP 06/26/2023 03/19/2024 1
B231302 Residential-Single-Family-New Construct new SFR 2046 sq ft.6116 COOLIDGE RD 11/28/2023 03/19/2024 1
B220942 Residential-Multi-family Master Plan New 3-unit townhome 6706 W WASHINGTON AVE #1-3 11/08/2022 03/20/2024 3
B231300 Residential-Single-Family-New New SFR 1148 sq ft (Lot 3)6114 COOLIDGE RD 12/01/2023 03/20/2024 1
B231310 Residential-Single-Family-New New SFR 6112 COOLIDGE RD 11/28/2023 03/20/2024 1
B231313 Residential-Single-Family-New Construct new SFR 1148 sq ft Lot #19 (2)6113 COOLIDGE RD 11/27/2023 03/20/2024 1
B231318 Residential-Single-Family-New New SFR 6114 WHITMAN AVE 12/04/2023 03/20/2024 1
B230155 Residential-Multi-family Master Plan New 4-unit townhome (3-bedroom units)5101 POWERHOUSE RD #22-25 03/06/2023 03/22/2024 4
B230403 Residential-Duplex Master Plan New Duplex (2-bedroom units)5101 Powerhouse Rd #39 - 40 06/06/2023 03/22/2024 2
B230518 Residential - Accessory Dwelling
Unit New ADU 1203 1/2 BROWNE AVE 06/27/2023 04/04/2024 1
B231315 Residential-Single-Family-New Construct new 1574 sq ft SFR, Lot #1 6118 COOLIDGE RD 11/29/2023 04/04/2024 1
B230955 Residential-Single Family Master
Plan Construct a new 1574 sqft SFR 2310 S 58TH AVE 08/31/2023 04/11/2024 1
B230958 Residential-Single Family Master
Plan Construct a new 1408 sqft SFR 2308 S 58TH AVE 08/31/2023 04/11/2024 1
B231046 Residential-Single-Family-New New single family residence 215 RAINIER DR 09/20/2023 04/12/2024 1
B230959 Residential-Single-Family-New Construct a new 2046 sqft SFR 2306 S 58TH AVE 09/11/2023 04/16/2024 1
B231170 Residential-Single-Family-New New 1408 sq. ft. SFR 2304 S 58TH AVE 10/30/2023 04/16/2024 1
B230046 Residential-Single-Family-New New 2-bedroom SFR 1814 N 4TH ST 03/21/2023 04/23/2024 1
B231019 Residential-Single-Family-New New 4-bed SFR 2003 S 61ST AVE 09/14/2023 04/30/2024 1
B231076 Residential-Single-Family-New New SFR 2005 S 61ST AVE 09/22/2023 04/30/2024 1
B230406 Residential-Multi-family Master Plan New 3-unit townhome (3-bedroom units)5101 Powerhouse Rd # 36 - 38 05/22/2023 05/02/2024 3
B230707 Residential-Single-Family-New New SFR 1510 CONRAD AVE 07/07/2023 05/02/2024 1
B230952 Residential-Single Family Master
Plan NEW SFR 2302 S 58TH AVE 09/26/2023 05/02/2024 1
B231002 Residential-Single-Family-New Construct a new 1408 sq ft SFR 2312 S 57TH AVE 09/28/2023 05/02/2024 1
B231232 Residential-Single Family Master
Plan New single family residence 212 RAINIER DR 11/07/2023 05/03/2024 1
B230960 Residential-Single-Family-New Construct a new 1800 sqft SFR 2300 S 58TH AVE 09/11/2023 05/10/2024 1
B230904 Residential-Single-Family-New New SFR 9405 APPLE TREE PKWY 08/17/2023 05/22/2024 1
Certificate of Occupancy Issued - New Residential Units
01/01/2024 through 12/31/2024
Number Permit Type Description Project Description Site Address Permit Issued C of O Issued Number of Units
B231121 Residential-Single-Family-New
New residential dwelling of 1496 sqft 3 bedrooms
2.5 bathrooms 8302 Viewcrest Way 12/14/2023 05/23/2024 1
B240031 Residential-Single-Family-New New construction build 1235 sq ft SFR 2019 S 61ST AVE 02/09/2024 05/30/2024 1
B231176 Residential-Single Family Master
Plan New 4 bed SFH 2013 S 61ST AVE 10/18/2023 05/31/2024 1
B231233 Residential-Duplex New duplex 1112 S 8TH ST #1-2 11/20/2023 05/31/2024 2
B240053 Residential-Single-Family-New
New 4 bedroom, 2.5 bathrooms SFR, with garage
and carport.2305 S 58TH AVE 02/16/2024 06/13/2024 1
B231178 Residential-Single Family Master
Plan New 4 bed SFH 2011 S 61ST AVE 10/25/2023 06/24/2024 1
B230746 Residential-Duplex Master Plan Construction of a new Duplex 1002 S 7TH ST 08/01/2023 06/25/2024 2
B230747 Residential-Duplex Master Plan Construction of a new Duplex 1006 S 7TH ST 07/14/2023 06/25/2024 2
B230751 Residential-Duplex Master Plan New duplex 1004 S 7TH ST 07/14/2023 06/25/2024 2
B240080 Residential-Single-Family-New
New one-story SFR to include 3 bedrooms, 2 baths,
garage and carport.2101 S 61ST AVE 03/27/2024 06/25/2024 1
B210091 Residential-Single Family Master
Plan New Commonwall SFR 4308 TAYHILL WY 09/25/2023 06/26/2024 1
B210106 Residential-Single Family Master
Plan New Commonwall SFR 4400 TAYHILL WY 09/25/2023 06/26/2024 1
B231139 Residential-Single-Family-New New 1725sq ft SFR 115 N 8TH ST 10/13/2023 06/26/2024 1
B230944 Residential-Single-Family-New
Small amount of grading to site. Bring in water,
sewer, power off of 46th Ave, Construct a new SFR
that is 4 bedrooms 2 bathroom 3 car garage
721 N 46TH AVE 09/08/2023 06/28/2024 1
B231160 Residential-Single-Family-New
Construction of a new single family residence with 4
bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths and an attached garage 9001 WIDE HOLLOW RD 11/20/2023 07/08/2024 1
B230486 Residential-Multi-Family-New New three-unit townhome (2 bedroom units) 6001 BARGE ST #104, 105, 106 09/08/2023 07/17/2024 3
B230017 Residential-Multi-family Master Plan New 4-unit townhome (3-bedroom units)5101 POWERHOUSE RD #14-17 01/23/2023 07/23/2024 4
B240168 Residential-Single-Family-New New SFR 2309 S 58TH AVE 04/18/2024 07/25/2024 1
B240173 Residential-Single-Family-New New SFR 2307 S 58TH AVE 04/18/2024 07/25/2024 1
B240099 Residential-Duplex
New one-story duplex with 6 bedrooms and 4
bathrooms 817 S 13TH ST #1-2 03/08/2024 07/26/2024 2
B220519 Residential-Multi-Family-New
New (4)-story mixed-use building with 54 residential
units and 3,436 sq of office space on ground level 1116 FRUITVALE BLVD 11/29/2022 07/29/2024 54
B240118 Residential-Single Family Master
Plan New construction of 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom SFR 221 RAINIER DRIVE 03/05/2024 07/31/2024 1
B230483 Residential-Multi-Family-New
New four-unit residential structure (1 bedroom
units), two upper units and two lower units
constructed as two attached two-family residences
with 13D sprinkler system
6001 Barge St #100, 101, 200, 201 09/08/2023 08/05/2024 4
B230485 Residential-Multi-family Master Plan
New four-unit residential structure (1 bedroom
units), two upper units and two lower units
constructed as two attached two-family residences
with 13D sprinkler system
6001 BARGE ST #102, 103, 202,
203 09/08/2023 08/05/2024 4
Certificate of Occupancy Issued - New Residential Units
01/01/2024 through 12/31/2024
Number Permit Type Description Project Description Site Address Permit Issued C of O Issued Number of Units
B240106 Residential-Single Family Master
New two story SFR - 2 bed, 2.5 bath, attached patio
and attached garage 9106 HAWTHORNE DR 03/05/2024 08/12/2024 1
B240165 Residential-Single-Family-New New SFR 1910 S 62ND AVE 05/24/2024 09/04/2024 1
B231234 Residential - Accessory Dwelling
New ADU with interior building area of 993 square
feet (2 bed, 1 bath, with attached porch)812 S 7TH ST #2 02/06/2024 09/09/2024 1
B231242 Residential-Single-Family-New New SFR 8809 APPLE TREE PKWY 12/06/2023 09/11/2024 1
B230414 Residential-Single-Family-New New zero lot line SFR 8408 WESTBROOK AVE 06/07/2023 09/27/2024 1
B210160 Residential-Single-Family-New New 2469 sf SFR 8 N 96TH AVE 03/26/2021 09/16/2024 1
B230010 Residential-Single-Family-New New SFR 2910 W ARLINGTON ST 01/27/2023 09/18/2024 1
B240102 Residential-Single Family Master
Plan New SFR 9105 HAWTHORNE DR 03/05/2024 09/18/2024 1
B231226 Residential-Duplex Build new duplex 801 N 24TH AVE 11/29/2023 09/25/2024 2
B210108 Residential-Multi-Family-New New 12-unit MFR
4401 POWERHOUSE RD #101-
104, #201-204, #301-304
11/18/2021 10/03/2024 12
B231292 Residential-Single-Family-New
New SFR - 3 bedrooms, 2 car garage, 2 bath &
bonus rec. room 7306 VISTA RIDGE AVE 11/17/2023 10/11/2024 1
B240094 Residential-Single Family Master
Plan New four bedroom SFR 2009 S 61ST AVE 03/04/2024 10/14/2024 1
B230980 Residential-Single-Family-New New SFR 1,500 Sq. Ft.612 S 7TH ST 09/21/2023 10/17/2024 1
B240130 Residential-Duplex New SFR with an attached ADU 2018 S 62ND AVE 03/22/2024 10/17/2024 2
B210109 Residential-Multi-Family-New New 18-unit MFR
4401 POWERHOUSE RD #105-
110, #205-210, #305-310
11/18/2021 10/18/2024 18
B210111 Residential-Multi-Family-New New 18-unit MFR
4401 POWERHOUSE RD #111-
116, #211-216, #311-316
11/18/2021 10/18/2024 18
B210120 Residential-Multi-Family-New New 30-unit MFR
4401 POWERHOUSE RD #149-
158, #249-258, #349-358
11/18/2021 10/18/2024 30
B230679 Residential-Single-Family-New New Single Family Residence 7107 AVALANCHE AVE 02/12/2024 10/18/2024 1
B220799 Residential-Single-Family-New New SFR 2908 W ARLINGTON ST 01/27/2023 10/24/2024 1
B231013 Residential-Single-Family-New New single family home 9511 APPLE TREE PARKWAY 09/19/2023 10/25/2024 1
B240235 Residential-Duplex New duplex 1407 S 17TH ST #1-2 05/30/2024 10/28/2024 2
B240113 Residential-Single-Family-New New 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom SFR 4508 CATALYSS WAY 03/15/2024 10/29/2024 1
B210115 Residential-Multi-Family-New New 30-unit MFR
4401 POWERHOUSE RD #117-
126, #217-226, #317-326
11/18/2021 11/05/2024 30
B210117 Residential-Multi-Family-New New 18-unit MFR
4401 POWERHOUSE RD #127-
132, #227-232, #327-332
11/18/2021 11/05/2024 18
B210119 Residential-Multi-Family-New New 30-unit MFR
4401 POWERHOUSE RD #139-
148, #239-248, #339-348
11/18/2021 11/14/2024 30
Certificate of Occupancy Issued - New Residential Units
01/01/2024 through 12/31/2024
Number Permit Type Description Project Description Site Address Permit Issued C of O Issued Number of Units
B230533 Residential-Single-Family-New New Single Family Residence 4609 HILLTOP WAY 05/23/2023 11/14/2024 1
B240159 Residential-Duplex Master Plan Construction of a new duplex 7427 SADDLEBROOK LP #1-2 03/28/2024 11/19/2024 2
B240489 Residential - Accessory Dwelling
Unit Convert existing detached garage into a ADU 108 N 25TH AVE #2 06/27/2024 11/19/2024 1
B230832 Residential-Duplex
Cut NW corner of bldg diagonally by 1.5' to eliminate
relocating the gas main for a new duplex 1411 ROCK AVE #1-2 10/25/2023 12/02/2024 2
B231035 Residential - Accessory Dwelling
Detached garage with half bath 784 sq ft plus 420
sq ft accessory dwelling unit in habitable attic.215 N 9TH ST #2 05/23/2024 12/02/2024 1
B240182 Residential-Single-Family-New New SFR 6104 COOLIDGE RD 05/17/2024 12/03/2024 1
B240186 Residential-Single-Family-New New common wall SFR 4411 TAYHILL WY 04/02/2024 12/04/2024 1
B230273 Residential-Multi-Family-New New 4-unit Townhouse 6716 W WASHINGTON AVE #1-4 04/25/2023 12/10/2024 4
B210976 Residential-Duplex New duplex 505 N 80TH AVE 10/12/2021 10/15/2024 2
B230534 Residential-Multi-family Master Plan New 4-unit Townhouse 6716 W WASHINGTON AVE #5-8 06/06/2023 12/10/2024 4
B230026 Residential-Single-Family-New New 1,240 sq ft SFR 2906 W ARLINGTON ST 02/17/2023 12/12/2024 1
B220516 Residential-Single-Family-New New common wall SFR 8001 WESTBROOK AVE 09/02/2022 12/19/2024 1
B220517 Residential-Single-Family-New New common wall SFR 8003 WESTBROOK AVE 09/02/2022 12/19/2024 1
B240276 Residential-Single-Family-New New SFR 9311 HARVEST LN 04/30/2024 12/26/2024 1
B230438 Residential-Duplex New duplex 9001 PALESTINE WAY #1-2 08/01/2023 09/26/2024 1
Certificate of Occupancy Issued - New Residential Units
01/01/2025 through 01/31/2025
Number Permit Type Description Project Description Site Address Permit Issued C of O Issued Number of Units
B231039 Residential-Duplex Construction of a new duplex 607 S PLEASANT AVE #1-2 10/02/2023 01/29/2025 2