HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-12-2025_Draft_YPC Minutes City of Yakima Planning Commission (YPC) Meeting Minutes February 12, 2025 Call to Order Chair Place called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Roll Call YPC Members Present: Chair Mary Place, Vice-Chair Anne Knapp, Jeff Baker, Charles Hitchcock, Leanne Hughes-Mickel, Colleda Monick, Philip Ostriem, Kevin Rangel, Arthur Salido, Shelley White YPC Members Absent: Frieda Stephens (excused) Staff Present: Trevor Martin; Planning Manager, Irene Linos; Temp. Department Assistant IV City Council Liaison: Rick Glenn, Janice Deccio Selection of Chair and Vice Chair – Anne Knapp nominated Mary Place to remain as Chair of Yakima Planning Commission, and the nomination was seconded by commissioner White. The nomination was approved unanimously. Commissioner Baker nominated Ann Knapp to remain as Vice-Chair of Yakima Planning Commission and the nomination was seconded by commissioner Hitchcock. The nomination was approved unanimously. Staff Announcements – Planning Manager Martin announced the following: The Periodic Update is officially underway. The City has been working with the County and the County is currently developing a public outreach plan. The Comprehensive Plan Amendment is now open, and will be a consolidated process with the Periodic Update. Approval of Minutes from January 8, 2024 – Meeting minutes from January 8th were tabled until next Planning Commission meeting. Public Comment – None Discussion: Business Licenses – Planning Manager Martin initiated the discussion by referencing the business license ordinance handout, which outlined current business licenses practices within the planning division. Martin conveyed that City Council’s directive is to streamline the process of home occupations. The commissioners reviewed and discussed current practices and explored potential strategies to simplify the process, aiming to facilitate the approval of home occupations. Additionally, the relationship between land use and business licenses was clarified among the commissioners. Commissioners were made aware that the state is the initial point of connect for obtaining a business license. Commissioners also discussed how the ease of obtaining a business license may lead to an increase of code compliant issued if home business owners do not adhere to the necessary mitigation measures. hat with how easy it is to get a business. Commissioners agree to streamline the process to its simplest form of all home occupations being a type one level of review. Motion: To change all of Table 4-2. Table of Permitted Home Occupations to Type (1) land use review. Motioned by: Commissioner Baker Seconded by: Commissioner Salido Chair Place called for a roll call vote. The results were as follows: Commissioner White: Yes Commissioner Salido: Yes Commissioner Rangel: Yes Commissioner Ostriem: Yes Commissioner Monick: No Commissioner Hughes-Mickel: Yes Commissioner Hithcock: Yes Commissioner Baker: Yes Vice Chair Knapp: Yes Chair Place: Yes The motion passed with an 9-1 vote. Discussion: Housing Design Standards – Planning Manager Martin began the discussion by introducing housing design standards and providing the commission with a handout containing examples from other jurisdictions. Martin emphasized that the purpose of this discussion was not to make immediate decisions but rather to explore and understand design standards. The goal was to facilitate an open conversation, allowing commissioners to consider potential implementation of housing design standards within their own jurisdiction, considering that current practice is there are no housing design standards. Commissioners agreed that there is a lot to consider and will take the time to review suggestions and this discussion overall it will come back on the agenda for further discussion on 02/26/2025. Commission Meeting Recap Schedule for Comp. Plan update should be sent out by Trevor as soon as it is available. January 8th minutes will be provided as soon as possible. Minutes, motions, and findings will be clarified if they are on the Planning Commission site or not. Other business will appear on the Agenda for comments to take place. Update of how many dwelling units have been completed will be provided 02/26/20025 meeting. The commission allowed for Shelly White to give a comment as a citizen. Shelly White made a public comment. A motion to adjourn to February 26, 2025, was passed with a unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at approximately 4:26 p.m. Chair Place Date This meeting was filmed by YPAC. Minutes for this meeting submitted by: Irene Linos, Temp. Department Assistant.